Al Malaikah Shrine`s 110th Illustrious Potentate Harold L. Justice
Al Malaikah Shrine`s 110th Illustrious Potentate Harold L. Justice
The February / March ‘08 Al Malaikahan The Dromedary Award Winning Publication Dedicated To The Nobility Of Al Malaikah Shrine What’s Inside? Pote’s Notes Patients Painting 2008 Elections Recorder’s Roost Jr. Philharmonic Meet Me In St. Louis Temple Store Via Mail Al Malaikah Shrine’s 110th Illustrious Potentate Harold L. Justice and First Lady Irene Page 2 Al Malaikahan - February / March2004 ‘08 Al Malaikahan - December Pote’s Notes..... I am honored to serve as your Potentate for the Shrine year 2008. As with the Potentates before me the priority will be on membership. We have to reverse the yearly decline in membership. I plan to place a greater emphasis on the Shrine Clubs. We will be concentrating on making them grow. I hope that we will get a better attendance at the ceremonials. We are sending the wrong message to the new Nobles by not being there to welcome them as Shriners. Please do your best to be there and invite them to join you at your club or unit. The Divan is here to support you. Please do not hesitate to call on your liaison member. My lady Irene and I are doing our best to plan a fun and exciting year. March 6,7 and 8 we will be in Laughlin for our first Ceremonial. This is always a fun weekend. Try to join us for a fun time. March 15 is the Ladies Luncheon and the Review of the Troops by the Imperial Potentate. This is a call out for the Units and a plea for the rest of the Nobles to come and hear the Imperial Potentate speak. April 21 is the Stated Meeting. We will be serving an excellent dinner and will have a speaker on a topic of interest. Please bring your lady and join us. The Circus is three days this year, April 25, 26 and 27. As always we need workers. If you can work a day or two please join us, ladies are invited to help. May 4th we are bringing the Jr. Philharmonic Orchestra back to the temple. Don’t miss this. May 10 to 15 we will be traveling to Branson, MO. This is going to be an outstanding trip. Don’t forget the Santa Maria Parade on May 31. The second Ceremonial will be June 14 at the Shrine Hospital. The Imperial Session is in St. Louis, MO, June 29 to July 3. Saturday, July 12 we will be having a pancake breakfast with our stated meeting, family is invited. Watch the Al Malaikan and the Al Malaikah Web Site for more details and future events. Let’s put Al Malaikah where it belongs and that is the number 1 Temple in North America. Support your temple and let’s have a great ’08. Hal Justice, Potentate Al Malaikahan - February / March ‘08 Page 3 Shriners Hospitals for Children and the Art of Elysium Give Young Patients a Rare Treat in Painting a Rolling Canvas L os Angeles teamed up with The Art of Elysium (an organization that encourages actors, artists and musicians to dedicate their time and talent to children who are battling serious medical conditions) to provide a rare treat for the patients of the hospital. In honor of their 10 year anniversary, the Art of Elysium arranged for Ford Motor Company to donate a new Ford Escape Hybrid to the organization. The vehicle was then brought to the hospital where patients and celebrity volunteers transformed it into a rolling canvas by using brightly colored paints and markers. The newly painted Escape is scheduled to be auctioned at the upcoming Art of Elysium 10th anniversary event to be held on Saturday, January 12th Patients from Shriners Hospitals for Children and volunteers in Los Angeles. from the Art of Elysium surround the recently painted rolling Helping the Shriners Hospitals patients with the canvas in front of the hospital artwork were celebrities Jason Bateman, Alicia Witt, Amy Smart and Anthony Kiedis from the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Allison Beck, National Program Director for the Art of Elysium states, “The goal of our work with Shriners Hospitals is to inspire the children creatively and give them a break from the day-to-day reality of being in a hospital receiving medical treatment. This has been a fantastic experience not only for the children, but for everyone involved as well.” Anna Pereira, manager of the hospital’s Child Life and Recreation Therapy Department continues, “The kids loved exploring painting with their hands and arms. Since they are rarely encouraged to get their hands “dirty” while receiving treatment, this event was a big treat!” Shriners Hospitals for Children is proud of our association with the Art of Elysium and looks forward to working together throughout 2008 in providing medical and social support for the children that we serve. D Past Potentate Plays Golf For Kids uring the week of October 8th thru October 14th the Shrine Hospitals for Children was in most of the news reports covering golf tournaments. The Fry’s. Co open was played in Las Vegas Nevada at the TPC Summerlin and TPC Canyons Country Clubs. The Shrine Hospitals for Children was the named charity for the proceeds of the event. Because of my friendship with the chairman of the event, Gary Davis a member of Zelzah Shrine in Las Vegas, I offered to work the tournament as a volunteer. It was an amazing experience and thrilling to see the amount of publicity the hospitals received during the entire week ofthe tournament. The Shrine Hospital’s name was everywhere to be seen; television, newspapers, printed material that was handed out to spectators and so on. Several past Imperial Potentates were in attendance including our own Nick Thomas. Nick and I played for two days in the pro-am portion of the tournament with some wonderful golf professionals. We·did not play together and it was said that Nick may have ran out of golf balls. Nick may have spent so much time in the rough that he forgot that the green stuff is where you are suppose to play from, usually referred to as the fairway. Next year the Shrine Hospital for Children will be, not only, the host of the tournament but the title sponsor as well. This will elevate our name to a very high level of publicity and allow us to reach thousands of people who do not necessarily watch our famed East West Football game. It takes about 700 volunteers to make this happen and I hope you will join me being there to add our names to list of workers. Fraternally, Dennis Shaffer P.P. Page 4 Al Malaikahan - February / March2004 ‘08 Al Malaikahan - December 110th Top Leader Says “Let’s Make It Great In ‘08!” A l Malaikah Nobles assembled in annual session on January 5th at the World Famous Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles and chose Al Malaikah Shrine’s leaders “for the ensuing year.” Noble Hal Justice, was the Nobility’s unanimous choice for Potentate. Illustrious Sir Hal asks every Noble to...”Catch a candidate in 2008 and bring him to Justice” Al Malaikah Treasurer Merl Seastrom “Fezzes” his Shrine Son Hal Justice with the Potentate’s Fez The 2008 Divan and Trustees are sworn in to serve the Nobility of Al Malaikah Shrine Become a Volunteer Van Driver at Shriners Hospitals for Children in Los Angeles Today! • transport children and their families to and from the hospital • choose your own hours • enjoy complimentary meals at the hospital • be recognized at the annual volunteer appreciation luncheon • free secure underground parking • meet Shriners from different Shrine Temples Join Your Fellow Nobles! For more information on how to become a driver please contact Judith Lau, Volunteer Coordinator, at (213) 368-3316 or [email protected] Page 5 Al Malaikahan - February / March ‘08 ! s e l b o N l l a g Callin A dvance notice of the next quarterly Stated Meeting, to be held Monday, April 21 at the Shrine Auditorium. Dinner will begin at 6:00 p.m., with a special guest speaker and Stated Meeting to follow. We’re trying something new this year. Nobles and their ladies and non-Shriner guests are invited. The dinners will be good! The speakers will be interesting! There will be members from Shrine Clubs and Units to talk to. If you haven’t been to a stated meeting in a while, give it a try. If you have been to a stated meeting and were not impressed, give it another try. If you don’t have a good time, please let me know. There will be greeters to help you if you are not familiar with the meeting location and to introduce you to the Unit and Club men from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. Dinner will be served until 7:00 p.m. The program includes the presentation of the LAPD Officer of the Quarter Award and a guest speaker, who will discuss terrorism and its local implications. Ladies and non-Shriner guests will be entertained during the brief and efficient stated meeting. The menu for this meeting will be barbequed tri-tip or chicken, salad, baked potato, soup and dessert. For this special dinner, there will be a mere $5.00 charge. Reservations will be required so we know how much food to purchase. Please let us know how many will come with you to the meeting and their choice of chicken or beef. Al Malaikahan The Volume 46 Number 1 AL MALAIKAH SHRINERS CHARTERED JUNE 25th,1888 HAROLD L. JUSTICE 110th Illustrious Potentate RONALD BIANCHI.........................Chief Rabban JOSEPH STOUCH.................. Assistant Rabban SAM PITASSI...................High Priest & Prophet DAVID WEHMEYER......................Oriental Guide MERL SEASTROM, P.P. .......................Treasurer THOMAS REOCH..................................Recorder DAVE CHERNIK..............1st Ceremonial Master FRED BERNHARDT........2nd Ceremonial Master William Martin..........................Temple Director Bill Frankenstein................................... Marshal Vic Majarian..................................Chief of Staff Tim McBride.....................Captain of the Guard Jeff Winters....................Commandant of Units THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, AL MALAIKAH SHRINERS John Everson, President Glen Christensen, P.P., Vice President Aaron Blackman, P.P., Investments Richard Ullman, Investments Harold Justice, Potentate, ex officio Ronald Bianchi, Chief Rabban, ex officio Merl Seastrom, P.P., Treasurer, ex officio with Tom Reoch as Secretary William Froelich, P.P., Trustee Emeritus David Haldeman, P.P., Trustee Emeritus Aaron Grossman, P.P., Treasurer Emeritus AL MALAIKAH MEMBERS OF THE IMPERIAL COUNCIL, A.A.O.N.M.S. (Voting members of the “Iowa” [fraternal] Corporation and the “Colorado” [Shriners Hospital] Corporation) Walker S. Kisselburgh (Ad Vitam & Emeritus) Past Imperial Potentate Nicholas Thomas (At Large) Past Imperial Potentate Elected Representatives Harold Justice Ronald Bianchi Joseph Stouch Sam Pitassi Also representing Al Malaikah as voting members, Colorado [Shriners hospitals] Corporation only: Aaron Grossman, P.P., Stuart Wright, P.P. Nathan Grosher, Imperial Public Relations Liason MARK T. ELLIOTT Editor & Publisher Lori Ringeisen Associate Editor The AL MALAIKAHAN (USPS #010-920) is published bi-monthly by Al Malaikah Shriners, 665 W. Jefferson Blvd., Los Angeles, CA. 90007, telephone: 213-748-0173. Subscription rates: Membership in Al Malaikah includes a subscription to The Al Malaikahan. Annual membership dues of $45.00 includes $7.50 for a 1-year subscription to The Al Malaikahan. Periodicals Postage Paid at Los Angeles, California. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Al Malaikahan, Recorder, Al Malaikah Shriners, 665 W. Jefferson Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90007. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Nobles and other recipients of The Al Malaikahan are asked to notify The Al Malaikah Recorder, 665 W. Jefferson Blvd., Los Angeles, CA. 90007, as promptly as possible when decision to change address is made. NEWS AND PHOTOS ONLY: Submissions can be expedited by mailing directly to: Editor, The Al Malaikahan, P.O. Box 7339, Redlands, CA. 92375. (Telephone 909-794-9212.) The preferred method of receiving submissions is via E-mail. Articles may be submitted in Microsoft word format, or via .PDFs. Photos may be sent as .jpg files. E-mail all files to: [email protected] Deadline is the 5th of the month preceding dateline of issues for which intended. NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE Unless otherwise stated proceeds from any advertising and activities announced in this publication are for the benefit of Al Malaikah Shrine, its Units or Clubs. We’re on line at www. almalaikah. com Shrine Office 665 W. Jefferson Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90007 Phone: (213) 748-0173 Fax: (213) 746-7417 Page 6 The Recorder’s Roost L Al Malaikahan - February / March2004 ‘08 Al Malaikahan - December et me begin by saying Thank You, the Nobility, for the honor of electing me to serve another year as your Recorder. I promise to continue putting your interest in front of all others. Congratulations to Illustrious Potentate Hal Justice, his Lady Irene, as well as the Elected and Appointed Divan. With everyone working together as one we can only succeed. We have to get very serious with Membership; at the Stated Meeting I reported that we suspended 150 Nobles plus the Black Camel taking 261 more. Nobles we just cannot survive much longer losing this large a number of Nobles. Let’s start doing something about it! First when attending Lodge let it be known that you are a Shriner impress upon your Brothers what we do as Shriners, taking care of Children at no cost to patient or family, make arrangements for these brothers to visit Shriners Hospital in L.A. Once they see what we do for the Children they will want to join. Have them and their ladies visit one of our Units or Shrine Club monthly dinners as your guest. This applies to Nobles who have fell by the wayside, they can be Reinstated at a small cost of $85.00 lets get them back into the fold. The Potentate is working hard setting up programs at the Temple to bring you down, we are having the Junior Philharmonic back this year, there will be no charge for this program, a minimal charge for parking, so what a good time to bring a fellow mason and his family down here to see this beautiful building. Let’s not forget the non-mason you can invite them and introduce them to masonry at this event. In Memoriam Whatever I can do to help just ask! For more info on membership give our Chairman a call, Bill Stines (951) 780-0689 he will be more than happy to help you, or call me at the office. “God rested them in Peace” To the land of promised rest, Their work is done and the setting sun Has sealed their life’s request. They have left this earthly strand For the house beyond the sea, Though the past is gone, They will still live on To us all- Sweet is our memory. Eldon E. Brandt Robert Le Roy Estes Maurice Bud Glassman William Kee Go William Gideon Hample Arden Floyd Hill Charles Milburn Johnson Joseph A. Mitchell Peter Brett Poulter Frank Gene Somr Nobles we have to start doing something NOW! 1 new member per Noble would double our membership; just think about it, in 5 years we could be back to the 25,000 memberships. This can be done but we NEED YOU TO MAKE IT WORK. Fraternally, Tom Reoch Potentate Hal Justice and his Lady Irene cordially invite all Al Malaikah Shrine members, widows and friends to join them on on a fantastic trip: “The Best Of Branson Missouri” May 10 - 15, 2008 Al Malaikahan - February / March ‘08 Potentate Hal Justice and his Lady Irene cordially invite all Al Malaikah Shrine members, widows and friends to join them on: e’s e r e Th l Tim Stil o Get rd! T oa B n O Page 7 Page 8 Al Malaikahan - February / March2004 ‘08 Al Malaikahan - December A BIG THANK YOU TO OUR 2008 AL MALAIKAHAN SUPPORTERS Louis J. & Betsy B. Humble Chad Richey Gene & Ubelia Bowman Rosa & Fred Holmes (Lompoc) Rhett Reagan, In Loving Memory of Frank Allen Reagan James J. & Barbara Nix Bud & Jan Ringeisen Ned and Kaarin Driggers Jack D. Rowe Earl & Winnie Mortimer, In Memory of George (Ray) Wallen Charlie & Barbara Chastain Brian and Carol Strong Larry Brink 80 & 90’s Guard TJ, Benny and Madi Elliott Pat and Lew John E. Balmer Show your support for “YOUR” Al Malaikahan Magazine. For a minimum donation of $25.00 (Larger donations gratefully accepted) you can have your name appear in each remaining 2008 issue and benefit your publication! YES, I will be a Publication Supporter: Enclosed please find my check for $_____________. I would like my name(s) to read _____________________________ Proceeds from Publication Supporters will only be used to better the Al Malaikahan Magazine. Please mail your check to: Al Malaikahan Supporter c/o Al Malaikah Shrine 665 W. Jefferson Blvd., Los Angeles CA. 90007 For information and registration please visit the WSA “08 Website at: “BACK TO SAN DIEGO” April 16 to April 19, 2008 WSA2008_Index.htm WESTERN SHRINE ASSOCIATION 2008 Transportation Fund Donors *C. E. (Elmore) Heiser *Rose Hill *Marlin and Helen Foote *Arthur S. Beddoe *Steve & Jeani Reisbeck *In Memory of Tony Parisian donated by Mr. & Mrs. Evanich, Mr. & Mrs. Robinson, Helen Wack, Steve, Mary Ellen, Rachel and Gregory Fisher *In Memory of Nesta Hann donated by Norman Wates *Bernard & Rose Kramer *In Memory of Garnet Mae Carl donated by Charles Woodard *In Memory of Garnet Mae Carl donated by Bobbye McNamara *Norman Wintjen *Al Malaikah RV Shrine Club *In Memory of Loraine Mc Naught donated by Charles & Patricia Coutts *In Memory of David Self donated by Harold Pratt Page 9 Al Malaikahan - February / March ‘08 Have Fun! Get Involved! Join a Unit! Your Al Malaikah Units & Staff Units Unit Secretary Phone No. Meeting Days Location Oasis Patrol Shrine Band Stagecraft Guard Silver Mounted Patrol Robert Orgen 818-591-0130 1st and 3rd Mondays Patrol Club Room Merl Seastrom, P.P. 310-489-2295 Each Tuesday, Dark Aug. Band Club Room Richard Johnson 818-367-2642 3rd Sunday Stagecraft Club Room JR Lockwood 909-864-5791 x6721 3rd Wednesday, Dinner Guard Club Room William Berman 805-688-3388 3rd Wednesday S.M.P. Club Room Hosts Dennis Bruecker (contact) 818-367-2456 4th Thursday Host Club Room Koppers Clowns Kevin McGonagle 562-944-2890 3rd Thursday, Dinner Koppers Club Room Steve Miller 805-404-5141 2nd Sunday Shriners Hospitals For Children Los Angeles Masquers Medical Motor Patrol Robert Biggers 562-943-4169 Sidney Senter, MD 310-348-8450 Leo Anselm 661-253-1436 3rd Wednesday Purveyors Brian Strong 818-281-5020 1st Friday Staff Units (below) DEADLINE for next issue (April/May ‘08) see page #5 for submission instructions 4th Thursday Club Room Under Stage Various Locations Coco’s Restaurant, 10841 Sepulveda Blvd. Mission Hills Purveyors Club Room March 15th Page 10 Al Malaikahan - February / March2004 ‘08 Al Malaikahan - December Shrine Club Los Angeles County Secretary Phone No. Meeting Days Location Special Interest Clubs Acacia Al Malaikah R.V. Amateur Radio Awesome “A” Legion of Honor Corps Los Angeles-Trojan Past Masters Sons of the Desert Transportation-Downey Rio Santonil Omer Sewell Dennis McNaught Seb Badoyan Harold L. Palmer Donald Kuehne Joseph Bullock Simon J. Karkenny Mark Ansnes 310-561-2130 805-434-9974 626-966-1191 626-234-4378 818-783-7832 310-216-6888 562-947-7747 760-568-3919 562-425-9627 Every 2nd Friday, 7:00 pm Varies 3rd Saturday, 10:00am 2nd Tuesday 2nd Monday 4th Tuesday 2nd Thursday, 6:30pm 2nd Tuesday, 6:30pm 1st Tuesday Torrance Masonic Center Varies Radio Room at Shrine Temple Sierra Madre Masonic Temple Denny’s Restaurant, Van Nuys TAIX French Restaurant (Sunset & Alvarado) Steven’s Steak House Pasadena Masonic Temple Sizzlers in Downey Antelope Valley ‘Hamp’ Hampton 661-723-2446 Burbank Encino North Valley Old West Woodland Hills Norman Furman Harvey Tapper Joe Goldwine ‘Gyd’ Gydesen Marvin Short 818-843-1607 818-883-1983 818-905-7219 818-360-2884 818-363-2178 Board: 2nd Monday 6:30pm Dinner: 3rd Friday 6pm 1st Tuesday, 6:30pm 2nd Thursday, 7:00pm 4th Wednesday 7:30pm 2nd Wednesday, Social 6:30pm 2nd Tuesday, 7:00pm Lancaster Masonic Lodge Lancaster Moose Lodge Burbank Masonic Center 406 Irving Dr Canoga Park Bowl 4950 Louise Ave in Encino El Cariso Golf Course, Sylmar Boulevard Masonic Center, Tarzana Bay Cities Westwood Everett Maguire William Nemoy 310-454-0840 310 479-1587 2nd Tuesday Varies Beach Cities Paul Galyean 310-833-5985 2nd Thursday 6:30pm Ante’s Restaurant, San Pedro Mystic - San Gabriel Valley Pasadena Twenty-first Century Ramon Figueroa TBD Mike Mulcahy 626-442-3924 2nd Wednesday, 6:00pm 2nd & 4th Fridays, noon 2nd Wednesday Sir George’s Restaurant, Arcadia The Oaks in Pasadena Candlewood C.C. in Whittier Kern County Lake Isabella Lannis Cates Frederick Lorenz 661-588-3475 760-379-3491 Petroleum Charles Barfield 661-832-2193 1st Monday Board 1st Tuesday Dinner 2nd Wednesday 3rd Friday, 6:30pm Bakersfield Shrine Club Board: John Brunton’s home Dinner: Lake Isabella Moose Lodge Bit of Germany Restaurant, 1901 Flower Street, Bakersfield Los Nietos Valley Sam Huston 310-328-0457 4th Wednesday Gustav’s Jagerhaus, Anaheim, Corona-Riverside Desert Legion of Honor Corps Palm Desert Richard Emmons Roger Sherwin Robert Updyke 951-785-5430 760-366-2424 760-568-9889 Varies Varies Joslyn Cove Senior Center, Palm Desert Palm Springs Byron Pesin 760-323-1213 1 Monday, 7:00pm Quarterly Board: 2nd Wed, 6pm Dinner: 3rd Wed, 6:00pm Board: 1st Wed, 9:00am Dinner: 2nd Mon, 6:00pm Apple Valley Darrell Bunker 760-243-1530 Don’s Restaurant, Victorville Barstow James O. (Jim) Fourr 760-762-6383 Members: 2nd Tuesday, 6:30pm Dinner: 4th Tuesday, 6:30pm 1st Monday, 6pm Big Bear Lake High Desert Orange Belt Gene Longbrake Henry Kerce Lee Fogle 909-866-3012 760-367-1368 909-798-1615 San Bernardino Nicholas Romano Five Cities Paso Robles San Luis Obispo Northwestern Area Western Area Southern Area Northeastern Area Kern County Orange County Riverside County San Bernardino Co. 949-830-7790 st Board: Palm Springs Masonic Lodge Dinner: Palm Springs Hilton DARK JUL/AUG 909-307-8848 Varies 3rd Friday, noon Board: First Saturday 7:30am Dinner: 2nd Saturday Evening 1st Tuesday Quigley’s Restaurant, 2841 Lenwood Rd. Barstow CA Varies Yucca Valley Masonic Lodge Board: Denny’s @ I-10 and Alabama, Redlands Dinner: Various Locations in Inland Empire Arrowhead Country Club Sig Vogel Benjamin Winter Kristoffer Pfister 805-489-3914 805-237-8614 805-783-2812 1st Monday 2nd Tuesday 3rd Thursday Pismo Beach Lions Club Paso Robles Shrine Club Elks Club in San Luis Obispo Lompoc Santa Barbara Fred Holmes Alan Schweitzer 805-733-3685 805-967-5358 Bakers Square in Lompoc Santa Barbara Masonic Center Santa Maria Charles Floyd 805-937-5341 Santa Ynez Valley Robert Lindberg 805-688-5361 3rd Tuesday, 6:30pm 3rd Monday, Dinner 6pm Meeting 7pm 1st Wed, Dinner 6:30pm, Meeting 7:30pm Varies Fillmore-Santa Paula Oxnard Martin Schreffler 805-524-2841 Oxnard Masonic Center Tri-Counties Legion of Honor Corps Melvin Young 805-486-3444 4th Fri, Social 5:30pm, Dinner 6:30pm, Meeting 7:15pm San Luis Obispo Co. Santa Barbara County Ventura County Bakers Square Restaurant, Santa Maria Varies Shrine Club Contacts and Event Listings Page 11 Al Malaikahan - February / March ‘08 Early POVs and Gala pictures and reports, “Meet your Potentate”, “Get to know your new 2nd Ceremonial Master”, “First Lady’s Legacy Lives On Through Scholarship Program” Ron’s Ramblings MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Al Malaikah Units and Shrine Clubs “The Life of the Shrine” Every Noble has a cordial standing invitation to enjoy Al Malaikah more fully by attending Shrine Al Malaikah Potentate’s Club activities. Please call CLUB SECRETARIES for latest program information. Shrine Club Gala contact information is on page 10 and Unit information is on page 9. Super Bowl XLII Past Masters Shrine Club POV El Bekal Gala Jamil Court Breakfast Not-SoNewlywed Game Valentine’s Day Featuring Hal and Irene Justice NorthValley / LOH Clowns POV Shrine Club POV Divan Meeting LA Marathon Zelza Gala Santa Ana Scottish Rite POV Laughlin Spring Fling Weekend Laughlin Spring Fling Weekend Imperial Visitation & Ladies Luncheon Mystic/San Gabriel Shrine Club POV Laughlin Spring Fling Weekend St. Patrick’s Day First Day Of Spring Tehran Gala Los Nietos/ Transportation Downey/21st Century Shrine Club POV Laughlin Ceremonial Nile Installation MARCH T El Zaribah Gala Palm Dessert POV April Fools Day SDA Masonic Service Bureau Breakfast WSA San Diego SDA WSA San Diego WSA San Diego APRIL Al Malaikah Al Malaikah Shrine Circus Shrine Circus Shows 10am 2pm & 7pm 2pm & 7pm Stated Meeting See page #5 Al Malaikah Shrine Circus Shows 11am & 3pm El Bekal Jr. Philharmonic at Shrine see Page #13 Ladies Luncheon Potentate’s Branson Trip San Bernardino POV Potentate’s Potentate’s Potentate’s Potentate’s Potentate’s Branson Trip Branson Trip Branson Trip Branson Trip Branson Trip Circus Worker’s Thankyou Bar-B-Que Chief Rabban, Ron Bianchi SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Santa Maria POV Santa Maria Rodeo Parade FRIDAY SATURDAY MAY he Shrine year 2007 has completed, each year we try to improve our fun things with the Nobility and their ladies. Well the Nobles and their ladies along with kids and grandkids were treated to a fantastic “Family Holiday Concert” at the Shrine Auditorium. The show was headlined by “The Los Angeles Police Department Band”, with “The Singing Cop” and his wife Cristina, and special guest star Davis Gaines, star of “The Phantom of the Opera”. There was an enthusiastic audience of 300, that isn’t much of a crowd for an auditorium that seats 6300. Nobility has been asking for a family show well we finally put one on thanks to chairmen David Chernik. Don Holcomb band director said he would like to make it an annual “Family Show”, lets show are support for future endeavors and come out and enjoy next years show. I want to thank all that have helped in some way to put on different events in 2007, remember this is our Temple what ever we do is for the benefit and fun for the Nobility. Least we forget our philanthropy “Shriners Hospital for Children”. The Temple and the hospital is our responsibility to make them as best we can for the benefit of all. SUNDAY FEBRUARY What’s in the next issue? Page 12 Al Malaikahan - February / March2004 ‘08 Al Malaikahan - December 100 MILLION DOLLAR CLUB DONORS In Memory of Jack Lindner donated by Mr. & Mrs. Lindner Betty Lindner Ken Lindner Francis Lowe Sally Gonzales In Memory of Irene Alberts donated by Rose Young Randy & Kathy Holzer Page 13 Al Malaikahan - February / March ‘08 THE JR. PHILHARMONIC RETURNS TO THE SHRINE AL MALAIKAH SHRINE HOSTS 71st ANNIVERSARY CONCERT SPECTACULAR SUNDAY AFTERNOON MAY 4th RESERVE TICKETS TODAY A ll members of the Al Malaikah Shrine, family and friends are invited to attend the Jr. Philharmonic Orchestra’s 71st Anniversary Concert Spectacular on Sunday, May 4, 2008 at 3:30pm in our own Shrine Auditorium. Founder-conductor Dr. Ernst Katz’s 125 member young people’s symphony will return to our stage for a star-studded afternoon of music. Illustrious Harold Justice, Potentate, and the Al Malaikah Shrine are hosting the Concert Spectacular so that all guests may attend this marvelous event at no charge. Master of Ceremonies for the evening will be Wink Martindale. Highlighting the event is an array of stage, screen and television stars featured conducting the orchestra in the hilarious Annual Celebrity “Battle of Batons,” hosted by Hollywood’s Army Archerd. Gary S. Greene, Katz’s nephew and longtime concertmaster of the Jr. Phil, will conduct the orchestra in an afternoon of popular classics. Musical repertoire will include Tchaikovsky’s Fourth Symphony, RimskyKorsakov’s Scheherazade, Bernstein’s Westside Story and more. For info about the Jr. Phil, log onto This year’s Concert Spectacular is not to be missed. Reserve your tickets at NO CHARGE TODAY by returning the attached coupon with a Self-Addressed Stamped Reply Envelope to: Al Malaikah Shrine, 665 West Jefferson Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90007. Ticket Request Jr. Philharmonic Concert Spectacular at Shrine Auditorium Sunday May 4, 2008 3:30 pm Complete and return with Self-Addressed Stamped Reply Envelope to: Al Malaikah Shrine JPO Concert Spectacular 665 West Jeferson Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90007 NAME ADDRESS CITY PHONE WITH AREA CODE Number of Tickets STATE ZIP EMAIL Page 14 Al Malaikahan - February / March2004 ‘08 Al Malaikahan - December June 28 thru July 3 at the 134th Imperial Council Session Information and sign-up form on next page Follow the links on your Al Malaikah website at for all the activities taking place in St. Louis at the 134th Imperial Council Session! Page 15 Al Malaikahan - February / March ‘08 Al Malaikah Will Be Shown A Good Time In The Show Me State! A t Imperial Sessions in the past Al Malaikah has stayed in some of the finest accommodations that the hosting city had to offer. 2008 in St. Louis, will be no exception. Missouri is the “Show Me” state and Al Malaikah will surely be shown a grand old time as we stay at the remarkable Adam’s Mark Hotel. This is “THE” Hotel in St. Louis. The Adam’s Mark is located downtown, across from the Gateway Arch, in the heart of the city’s business district. Within walking distance of The Edward Jones Dome, Busch Stadium, Laclede’s Landing, and St. Louis Centre with easy access to America’s Center Convention Center. Air Travelers are only 20 minutes from Lambert–St. Louis International Airport. Come join with your fellow Al Malaikahans in all the FEZTIVITIES! Al Malaikahans will be nestled under the shadows of the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial. The “Gateway to the West”. Cardinals vs Mets Beachboys Shriner’s Day at Shriners Concert! Busch only Stadium! Al Malaikah will enjoy the rooms with Remote control TV, AM/FM radio, Dualline phones with dataport Busch Stadium is within walking distance and and voice mail, Large will be the site of the “Shriner’s Night at the work desk and oh yes, air Ballpark” as the Cardinals take on the Mets conditioning! Al Malaikah Hotel Reservations For 134th Imperial Session NOBLE’S NAME LADY’S NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE WITH AREA CODE UNIT OR CLUB NAME Rooms are $170.00 per room per night (includes taxes) Please check your first choice: Room with ONE BED □ Room with TWO BEDS □ Please check dates: June TOTAL of □ □ 28□ June 29□ June 30□ July 1□ July 2□ July 3□ nights @ $170.00 = $ (PAYABLE TO AL MALAIKAH SHRINE) VISA MASTERCARD CARD NUMBER NAME ON CARD EXPIRATION DATE DAYTIME PHONE NUMBER WITH AREA CODE TOTAL AMOUNT OF AUTHORIZED CHARGE $ CARD MEMBER SIGNATURE DATE / CREDIT CARDS CAN NOT BE ACCEPTED OVER THE PHONE! IF YOU WISH TO PAY WITH EITHER VISA OR MASTERCARD THIS SIGNED FORM MUST ACCOMPANY YOUR RESERVATION AND BE MAILED TO THE SHRINE OFFICE. THANK YOU PLEASE MAKE YOUR CHECK PAYABLE TO AL MALAIKAH SHRINE. PLEASE MAIL THIS COMPLETED FORM ALONG WITH FULL PAYMENT TO: AL MALAIKAH SHRINERS 665 W JEFFERSON BLVD., LOS ANGELES CA 90007 ATTN: TOM REOCH FOR ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL AL MALAIKAH SHRINE OFFICE AT 213-748-0173 NEW For 2008 From Your Al Malaikah Temple Store 2008 Badge Bolo Tie 2008 Grey Temple Golf Shirt......................._____ X $22.00 = $____.__ circle size S M L XL XXL XXXL Red Temple Golf Shirt................................._____ X $15.00 = $____.__ circle size M L Blue Temple Golf Shirt................................_____ X $15.00 = $____.__ circle size S M L XL XXL 2008 Temple Jacket......................................_____ X $45.00 = $____.__ circle size M L XL XXL 2008 “Scales of Justice” Tie........................_____ X $15.00 = $____.__ 2008 Badge Bolo Tie...................................._____ X $15.00 = $____.__ 2008 Studs & Cuff Links Set......................._____ X $25.00 = $____.__ 2008 Belt Buckle.........................................._____ X $25.00 = $____.__ 2008 Ladies Angel Pin................................._____ X $20.00 = $____.__ 2008 Ladies Shirt Set..................................._____ X $50.00 = $____.__ circle size S M L XL XXL XXXL Sub total $____.__ Shipping and handling...........................$ 6.00 Total $____.___ Make checks Payable to Al Malaikah Shrine and Mail to: 665 W. Jefferson Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90007. Attn: Temple Store Master Card / Visa #__________________________ Expires ___/___ Signature _________________________________ Name:____________________________Daytime Phone ___/___/____ Address:__________________________________________________ City:_____________________State:________________Zip_________ These items and others are available from the Al Malaikah Temple Office. PLEASE CALL TEMPLE AT 213-748-0173 BEFORE MAILING ORDER TO CHECK AVAILABILITY Address Correction Requested DATED MATERIAL Time Value MOVING? NOTE NEW ADDRESS AND EFFECTIVE DATE AND RETURN IT WITH THE CURRENT MAIL LABEL TO THE AL MALAIKAH RECORDER 665 W. JEFFERSON BLVD., LOS ANGELES, CA. 90007 Yes! I want to attend Al Malaikah First Lady’s Luncheon March 15, 2008 at The Wilshire-Gand Hotel Junior Past Imperial First Lady Elain Keza Will Be our Special Guest Social at 11:00am Luncheon at Noon Lady’s Name Please find check enclosed at $40 each ____ Please mail your completed form along with your check for the total amount to: Al Malaikah Shrine Attention Ladies Luncheon 665 West Jefferson Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90007 CALL OUT! Imperial Sir Bernard J. Lemieux, M.D. will have his Official Visitation to Al Malaikah Shrine on Saturday March 15 at Noon at the Shrine Auditorium
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