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abd STAR TREK abd
abd STAR TREK abd Player Notes INTRODUCTION Uniforms: This document is intended for the use of players in the Star Trek Role Playing Game campaign run by Owen E. Oulton. Starfleet Uniforms consist of a coloured tunic, black trousers and boots for a ll personn el. Men s tunics h ave a ribb ed high -necked collar, while wo men w ear a loose cowl-sty le collar. Com mand Branch w ears gold tunics, Sciences wears blue and Operations wears tan. A blue-grey wraparou nd jacke t is often wo rn on land ing party m issions. W hite webbing equipment belts are worn under this jacket to carry lasers and comm unicators. S ee the A ppend ix at the en d of this do cume nt. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Characters are officers aboard the Federation starship USS Excalibur NCC-1705 in the year 2260, approximately 5 years before the events of the origina l Star Trek television series. The Ship: The Starship Excalibur is a Constitution Class Heavy Cruiser identical in every respect to the USS Enterprise as it appeared in the second pilot for the Star Trek series , Where N o Man Has Gon e Before . Although not identical in external details to the pilot version of the ship, the Enterprise blueprints by Franz Joseph Designs will be considered definitive for purposes of this playtest campaign. Starfleet Officers with Laser Pistols Political Background: Constitution Class Heavy Cruiser Technology: Technology for the playtest campaign is consistent with WNMHGB; laser pistols are used, as phaser pistols not yet in service; phaser rifles have just entered service; personal communicators are slightly larger than the series version; tricorders are similar to the ones used in the series. Las ers do no t have a stun setting, altho ugh the phaser rifle does. The Star Fleet Technical Manual depicts the technology circa 2268 (current as of the end of Star Trek), but is a good general guide. The Starfleet of the 2260's is vastly different from that of the 2360's. Since sh ips are m uch slow er, distance s are effec tively mu ch greate r. Communication with Starfleet Command often entails delays of hours or even days. Thus, starship captains have a much wider latitude in dealing with em ergen cy situa tions. This is the era of Cowboy diplomacy. The Federation is in the the mids t of a de cades -long cold w ar with th e Kling on Em pire. In th is timeframe, the Klingons are very human in their appearance - it will be ten years before the ridged-fo rehead g enotype is seen. O pen wa rfare with the Klingons took place only a decade ago, in the Four years War. The Romulans have not been seen for a century, since the Treaty of Charon which ended the Earth/Romulan War just prior to the founding of the United Federation of Planets. Both th e Fed eration and th e Kling on Em pire act ively e ngag e in power projection and confrontations are common. The Organian Peace Treaty w ill not be im posed fo r several ye ars, so m any of the se enco unters progress to the shooting stage. Phaser R ifle Typical Klingon Officer The Prime Directive: Communicator, Laser Pistol and Tricorder Starfleet Ge neral Ord er N o. 1, colloqually known as the Prime Directive, is interpreted somewhat differently in the mid-23rd century than a1a in the Next Generation era. The P rime Direc tive was o riginally des igned to prevent pre-Warp cultures from being exploited and contaminated by technologically advanced cultures. It restricts the contact which can be made with such cultures, u p to and in cluding c omple te interdiction of a plane tary sys tem. Starfleet Command: Starfleet Co mma nd is the U nited Fed eration of P lanets primary military force. It is comprised of two main elements: Starfleet Space Force s and Starflee t Plane tary Fo rces. Starfleet draws its personnel from all member planets of the UFP, but mo st ships a nd plan etary units a re comp osed of m embe rs of a sing le race the USS In trepid is crewed by Vulcans, for instance, while the 18th Planetary Forces Division is made up of Andorians. Starbase 21 Starbase 21 is the main Starfleet installation in the Dobhran Sector near th e Kling on/UF P bord er. Phys ically, th e station is a larg e obla te sph eroid s urroun ded b y six small er sph eres w hich s erve a s dock ing ba ys. Th e cen tral sph eroid is divided into six sections, arranged radially about the main power core. Starba se 21 is com man ded b y Com mod ore Ro bin Lin coln, an d is the headquarters for Fleet Area 51 under Admiral Thelon. THE SETTING USS Excalibur: The United Space Ship Excalibur, registry number NCC-1705, is a Constitution Class Heavy Cruiser, Starfleet s largest starship class. The Excalibu r is 288 .6 me tres in le ngth a nd m asses 190,0 00 ton nes. It is armed with heavy phaser banks and photon torpedoes and is equipped with deflector shields. It features the latest model transporters, tractor beams and seven shuttlecraft. The ship has a crew complement of 430. The ship was commissioned in 2246, and served with distinction from 2254-2258 in the Four Years War against the Klingon Empire. The current commander of the Excalibur is Captain Robert Harris. Starbase 21 The Dobhran Sector The Dobhran Sector is a fairly ordinary sector of the Federation on the edge of Klingon Space. Its only real claim to fame is the Gamma 626 singu larity. USS Excalibur NCC-1705 Planets: Shuttlecraft The Excalibur carries seven of Starfleet s newest class of shuttlecraft, the Class F Shuttle. In keeping with the name of the ship, the shuttles are named after seven knights from the Arthurian romances. They are: NCC-1705/1 Lancelot NCC-1705/2 Parsifal NCC-1705/3 Tristam NCC-1705/4 Gawaine NCC-1705/5 Bedev ere NCC-1705/6 Galahad NCC-1705/7 Arthur These shuttles are small sublight transports with a capacity of seven, including two crew. Class F S huttlecraft Lancelot York A II Norpin V Angh arad IV Black's W orld Jorala II Kelva r Alpha III Qurath Rhys VI Sam ara IV Taran Military Facilities: Starbase 21 Comm Stn 425 DS K-12 Epsilo n XII FDR 39 Kelvar Be ta Stellar Phenomena: Gamma 626 a2a Federatio n mem ber world Federatio n colony world Federation mining colony Indepe ndant co lony wo rld Indepe ndant w orld Klingon colony w orld Klingon colony w orld Early industrial culture - interdicted under Prime Directive Late industrial culture - interdicted under Prime Directive Bronze age culture - interdicted under Prime Directive Federation Starbase Federation Communications Relay Station Federation Trading Outpost Federation Monitoring Station Federatio n Deep space R esearch Facility Klingon industrial base Black Ho le The United Federation of Planets The Orion Colonies The Federation is a coalition of planetary governments, based loosely on Earth s United Nations. The founding members of the Federation were Earth, Alpha Centauri, Vulcan, Tellar and Andor. First contact between Earth and Vulcan was made on April 5, 2063 by Zefram Cochran e, invento r of the Wa rp Drive. Alp ha Cen tauri was th e first postWarp colony settled from Earth, led by Cochrane. By 2161, when the Federation was formed, Alpha Centauri was a major player in interstellar affairs. Today, the Federation is composed of nearly one hundred member planets and a like number of associate members and colonies; and stretches over sev eral light yea rs. The Fe deration is b ounde d in the Be ta Quadrant by the Romulan Neutral Zone and the Klingon Empire. The Orion Colonies are a loose-knit group of colonial governments in the Rigel system. The colonies have a laissez-faire attitude toward law and trade regulations, and are a notorious haven for smugglers and pirates, colloquially and collectively known as Orion Traders or, less circumspectly, Orion Pirates. One particularly heinous commodity of the so-called Orion Traders is the traffic in slaves, specifically the females of a greenskinned humanoid race native to the Rigel system. Starfleet is engaged in a concerted effort to eliminate the slave trade. Green Orion Slave Woman APPENDICES Appendix 1: Starfleet Uniforms Andorian Human 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Tellarite Vulcan The p rimary unit of m oneta ry exch ange interna l to the F edera tion is the Cre dit, equ ivalen t in purc hasin g pow er to the US Do llar of the mid 20 th centu ry. The Credit is a virtua l curren cy, trans ferred b y elect ronic exchange, although physical chits may be issued for transactions where e lectronic ex change is inconve nient. The Klingon Empire The Klingon Empire is the primary threat force in the area. The Klingon s were first e ncoun tered by th e UFP in 2218. T his first conta ct was on e of the m ost disastro us in the h istory of the F ederation , leading to nearly half a century of hostility to date. Open war between the Federation and the Empire broke out in 2254 and lasted until 2258. The Four Years War ended with Fleet Captain Garth s victory in the Battle of Axanar. The last two years have seen relations between the Federation and the Klingon Empire stabilise into a tense Cold War similar to that which existed between the Western Alliance and the Soviet Union in the late 20th century on Earth. Klingon D7 Klolode Class Battlecruiser a3a 8 9 10 11 12 13 Top Row (left to right): 1.Casu al Uniform (Captain); 2 Duty Un iform (ma le); 3. Dress Uniform (male); 4. Duty Uniform (female); 5. Landing Party Jacket; 6. Landing Party Kit (w/o Jacket); 7. Surgical Scrubs Bottom Row (left to right): 8. Athletic Outfit (male); 9. Athletic Outfit (female); 10. Technicians Jump suit; 11 . Hazard Vest; 1 2. Isola tion Su it; 13. En vironm ental S uit Appendix 2: Klingons