ducation is the surest ay out o -poverty


ducation is the surest ay out o -poverty
Alife changing experience
An overview of the 2000 Annual Report
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Top honours to our achievers
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April/May 2001 [email protected] Volume 3 no 4
Record-breaking attendance
Students give smallest woman new set of dentures
Or vice versa?
'ducation is the surest
ay out o -poverty,,
by Gert Schoeman
"A major effort is required from all sectors in the field of education and training if economic growth is to reach the levels
required to address the country's most important economic and social priorities," Dr XP Guma, Advisor to the Governor of the
th Mrican Reserve Bank, said. He was the keynote speaker at the function for industry on 20 April that preceded Technikon
· 's annual Open Day for prospective students.
In a well-motivated address, Dr Guma explored the relationship between investment in education
and training and economic growth. According to him, the South African economy was suffering from
structural unemployment. It had an abundance of low-skilled workers, but the supply of skilled and
highly skilled workers remained limited.
Referring to a wealth of research on the matter, Dr Guma stressed that the main reason human
capital, and not physical capital, was the key to persistent high growth in per capita income was that
people, unlike machines, could learn. Investments that increased people's skills and productivity
did not yield diminishing returns, but yielded constant or even increasing returns.
"If we are to address poverty in South Africa, seriously, our objective must be to ensure that every
child will grow up to become a productive member of society," he said. "The level of an individual's
productivity depends to a large degree on the investment in basic and higher education, and on
subsequent investments in human capital through continued learning and experience."
According to him, one extra year of education increased a person's future productivity by 10 to 30
per cent.
"Education is the surest way out of poverty, because it has a very high economic rate of return."
On the importance of the new information society, Dr Guma explained that human capital was a key
factor in the innovation process, and that a lack of skilled staff was a crucial barrier to innovation.
"In order to remain competitive and create new jobs, countries will have to address education, skills
upgrading and human resource management, effectively. Initial levels of education are no longer
sufficient in an economy that continuously demands change. Lifelong learning has become increasingly
Creativity, working in teams and cognitive skills were needed as economies became more and more
based on innovation and technological change, he said.
Dr Guma warned, however, that while innovation and technological change were important for
strengthening growth performance, it could have undesirable effects. The rapid spread of information
technology could lead to a "digital divide" between the haves and the have-nots. This could reinforce
the skills bias of technological change and increase the gap in the opportunities available for lowskilled and high-skilled workers.
"It is therefore crucial that policy makers provide means to ensure the necessary tools and skills
that enable workers to adjust to a changing environment, i.e. lifelong learning and well-functioning
labour markets. Universities and technikons are expected to play a leading role in the development
of an information society in South Africa. both in terms of skills development and research."
In terms of Government's new National Plan for Higher Education, the academic programme mix
at each institution would be determined on the basis of its current programme profile and demonstrated
capacity to add new programmes to the profile. he said.
How can one decline such an invitation? All-singing and all dancing four Musical Theatre-students surprised Prof CMnis
van Rensburg in his office recently when they personally delivered his invitation to the all girl production of Jerry's Girls.
Needless to say. Prof van Rensburg immediately diarised the event. Jerry's Girls is produced by VICki Karras of the
Dance Department and was performed in the Breytenbach Theatre from 24 April to May 5.
Photo: Gerrit Bester
"Research is to be funded through a separate formula based on research outputs." Ill
Reward systems are generally regarded as the connectors through which staff decide whether or not to make the
goals of the organisation they· work for their own.
Technikon Pretoria realises this and regularly invites people, through a wide range of
motivational reward systems, to walk the proverbial extra mile. The Laurel Awards
ceremony held on 25 April once.again proved that the Technikon staff members have
accepted and internalised this invitation in the sense that they make our core values of
professionalism, excellence and care part and parcel of whatever they undertake.
Read on pages 6 and 7 why all of the individuals and teams that have been recognised
for their efforts this year should inspire and motivate the rest of us to follow suit.
FaN also introduces a new column, Technikon Pretoria in the news, where we take a
closer look at news clippings in which the technikon featured.
By now you have probably noticed the changes that have been made to FaN's layout. Rest
assured that it was done with students and staff in mind. Please feel free to drop us a
line and tell us if the new look tickles your fancy - and to share all your news and views
with us. It's your publication, after all!
Gerrit Bester Cl
And still more about awards: The Department of Nature Conservation has scooped a
prestigious award from the acclaimed Safari Club International through a partnership
they have with that club (page 5). Furthermore, the Cine~a and Television School
clinched two awards at a M-NET competition (page 5). ·
Did you know that the Technikon showed growth in almost all aspects of its operations
last year? If not, make sure to read the article "21 and still growing" - a summary of the
2000 Annual Report- on page 2.
The FaN is edited and published by the Division for Internal Relations and
Communication at the Directorate of Corporate Relations.
Phone (012) 318-4306
Gerrit Bester
Gadner Tefu, newly elected president of the Federal Student Representative Council
(FSRC) shares with FaN his vision for the FSRC for 2001 on page 4.
Monique Strydom, one ofTechnikon Pretoria's alumni, who, with her husband, Callie,
had a life-changing experience on the island Jolo, visited the campus on 24 April. On ·
page 3 she tells readers about the lessons they learnt from that experience and why they
have decided to give a year of their lives to the South African community who stood by
them during the ordeal.
On a lighter note, a mother and son, as well as a father and son, who study together on
the Arcadia and Technikonrand campuses, respectively, share their experience of joint
studying with FaN (page 9).
(012) 318-53.43
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Editorial team
Gert Schoemon; Pieter M-vburgh; Willa de Ruyter; Amanda Beneke; Monyo
Vermaok; Cathrine Marumo; Celeste McKenzie
Celeste Hafele; Suzette Landman and lizette de Jager
Please visit our E-FaN on the Technikon Website for more stories.
by Gert Schoeman
Technikon Pretoria continued to show strong growth in almost all aspects of its operations over the past year. According to
the recently released 2000 Annual Report the number of qualifications conferred in 2000 increased by 32,5% to 5 637,
rom.pared to 4 253 the previous year. The number ofr~stered students increased by 8,5% to 37 817. This included 12 445
distance-education students.
In 2000 the Technikon celebrated its coming of age as a technikon (established
in 1979) and continued to strategically position itself as a future university
of technology. In line with this positioning, the Technikon is focuss~n&
increasingly on applied research and development. Its approach to maximise
areas of expertise in partnership with industry has resulted in a sustained
growth in research and development funding over the past years - R3,8
million in 1997; R7,7 million in 1998; R8,9 million in 1999; and R14,8
million in 2000.
In pursuit of the transfer of relevant cutting-edge knowledge and technology,
an existing programmes and qualifications were upgraded in 2000 and their
curricula redeveloped according the new outcomes-based fonnat of the
South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). In addition, a record number
of 78 new courses were developed and approved to address specific industry
needs. Some of the new courses were unique in South Africa, while others
were presented for the first time across faculty borders - enhancing crossfunctional cooperation in rendering excellence in education and research.
In pursuit of broader international cooperation with leading tertiary irJ.stitutlom,
nine new agreements were signed in 2000, bringing the number of international
cooperation agreements to a total of 58. This international network of
partnerships now includes institutions in 20 different countries. The value
of these agreements is enormous in terms of international standardisation,
joint curriculum development and research and the exchange of students
and lecturers.
Another major development that opened up new vistas of education and
research for the Technikon was the establishment of a Business School. The
Technikon's Centre for Excellence in Business Futuristics will, in future,
function as part of the School.
The Technikon also continued to actively seek out local partnerships in the
sharing of knowledge and skills, being aware of its critical interdependence
with industry and other stakeholders to provide in Southern African needs
according to international standards. By end-2000, 41 formal partnerships
with a wide range of public and private sector organisations existed on this
An extensively integrated technoklgy plan \m deteloped to keep the Technikon
at the cutting-edge of technolop:al innowtion and illplementation. The plan
is aimed at positioning the Technikon for the future and ensuring that
technology at the Technikon is implemented in an Integrated way. The plan
will be implemented in phases. II
Prof. Denis van Rensburg chats to Gershwin
Chuenyane. reporter of Sowetan. at the launch of the
2000 Technikon Pretoria Annual Report on 30 April.
Photo: Gert Schoeman
deur Gerrit Bester
q e e
a Jo o-nagme e
Baie van die lede van die gehoor - oorwegend vroue - tydens Monique Strydom se onlangse motiveringspraatjie op die hoofkampus
was 'n bietjie huiwerig en selfs agterdogtig toe sy bulle met die intrapslag vra om hul ringe, motorsleutels en selfone in 'n klein
rooi sakkie te sit wat sy vir elkeen saamgebring het.
Maar in die skynbaar sinnelose oefening was daar 'n belangrike boodskap opgesluit. Mgesien daarvan
dat die dinge eintlik onbelangrik is, kan dit 'n mens ook gevangene hou - hoewel dit hemelsbreed
verskil van die soort gevangenskap waaraan sy en haar man, Callie, vir vier maande saam met 19
ander mense op die eiland jolo blootgestel is.
Daar bet die platieksak ,-beker, -bord, "lakending" en een tandeborsel- hul enigste besittingsnuwe waarde gekry. Basiese goed soos toiletpapier en tandepasta was daar nie." 'n Mens leer maar
watter blare brand nie," betsy spottenderwys gese.
Kort na bulle terugkeer betsy en Callie besluit om 'n jaar van hullewens op te offer om die boodskap
van versoening en vergewensgesindheid wat bulle deur die nagmerrie-ondervinding ervaar bet, met
ander te deel.
Hulle bet onder meer die Callie en Monique Trust gestig om hulpbehoewende mense asook diere
in nood by te staan. Die meeste van die geld uit hul optredes word vir die doel aangewend.
"Mense se altyd vir my dat as dit bulle moes wees, sou bulle dit nie gemaak bet nie. Die mens se
wil om te oorleef is ongelooflik sterk. jy besef dit egter eers wanneer jy in 'n lewensgevaarlike situasie,
soos die een waarin ons was, verkeer," se sy.
Die Suid-Mrikaanse regering - vir wie Monique die hoogste lof bet - bet by hul tuiskoms vir bulle
gese dat daar verwag is dat die gevangenskap tussen een en drie jaar sou duur. "Ek sou dit nie
gemaak bet nie. Dank die Vader dit was nie jare nie."
Monique se dis 'n wonderwerk dat nie een van die gyselaars seergekry bet of dood is nie. Hulle is
byvoorbeeld vir 300- 400 km op die oop see in 'n klein houtbooljie en deur verskriklike stornis
na die eiland geneem, gereeld met geweerskote wakker gemaak en soms bet die koeels verby hul
koppe gesuis.
"As mense kla oor Gauteng, moet bulle 'n bietjie daarheen gaan. Kinders van so jonk as agt jaar
loop byvoorbeeld met masjiengewere oor hul skouers."
Monique bet die Suid-Afrikaanse regering geloof vir bulle bantering van die drama. "Ons kritiseer
die regering so maklik. Hulle was ongeloofiik goed vir ons en danksy bulle was ons seker van die
ingeligste gyselaars op die eiland. Sy bet verwys na 'n faksbrief wat sy van President Thabo Mbeki
gekry bet, wat byvoorbeeld twee-uur in die oggend gefaks is. "Hy moes dit persoonlik gedoen bet."
Aspecial bite for world's smallest woman
by Willa de Ruyter
Students from the Department of Dental Technology recently
attempted to set a new world record by producing a set of
dentures for the smallest woman in the world in only one day.
Madge Bester, who hails from Bethlehem in the Free State, is
only 65 em tall, but she has a remarkable stature. This quality
and the fact that she was edentate, caught the attention of Hano
Bester, chairperson of the Dental Technology Student Association
(DTSA) at Technikon Pretoria.
"Improving the quality of Madge's life was our primary concern
when DTSA decided to make her a set of new dentures, free
of cost," Hano said.
This project formed part of the Department's compulsory
community service. Community service is one of the major
focuses of Technikon Pretoria and is even incorporated into
its mission statement. This is, furthermore, in line with
Government's new Higher Education Plan, in which higher
education institutions are inter alia evaluated according to
Photo: Willa de Ruyter
the services they render to the community. In their study
years, students are continuously involved in community service, either through formal Technikon
projects, or through projects initiated by themselves.
Madge said that she was, initially, a little apprehensive about becoming involved in the project. "But
once I arrived at the Technikon, I actually became quite excited about the prospect of having teeth
after ten years of being toothless."
She suffers extreme discomfort during dental procedures, and, therefore, never had dentures fitted.
Hano said being toothless or edentate is not merely a cosmetic problem. Edentate people not only
suffer from social acceptance problems in the workplace, but, in the long run, they are also likely
to suffer a range of digestive aud intestinal problems, such as a deficient absorption of nutrients.
Toothlessness causes many social and psychological problems in South Africa. Close to 11% (1,5
million) South African adults between the ages of 20 and- 60 years are edentate (have no natural
teeth}. The prevalence of toothlessness per adult population group is: Blacks 10%, Indians 6%,
Whites 19% and Coloureds 37%.
Hano saw this service to Madge as a challenge to him and his fellow students to make the teeth in
only one day, in an attempt to set a world record. From start to finish, it normally takes about four
weeks to complete a set of teeth, he explained. This attempt at breaking the world record was
Monique, wie se eersteling in julie gebore
word, bet later die dag by die Godlontongedenklesing gese sy bet gemengde
gevoelens oor die media se bantering van
die gyselaarsdrama.
Aan die een kant kon bulle die joemaliste
wat toegelaat is om met bulle onderhoude
te voer, gebruik om boodskappe by hul
families te kry. Aan die ander kon dit wat
bulle vir joemaliste vertel bet, ook skade
berokken. Een joemalis bet tydens hul
eerste onderhoud vir haar gevra wie sy
vir die situasie blameer. 'n Verkeerde
antwoord op daardie vraag kon hul kanse
op vrylating belemmer.
Die hoe profiel wat die media aan die
gebeure gegee bet, was volgens Monique
ook nie goed vir die onderhandelingsproses nie.
Sy bet, sonder om daaroor uit te brei,
joernaliste by die gedenklesing uitgedaag
om die onbeantwoorde vrae oor die
gyselaarsdrama en wie daaragter sit te
Shooting the Moon, 'n hoek waarin
Monique en Callie hul storie vertel, is pas
bekendgestel. Cl
Meer inligting daaroor is te vinde op hul webblad by: www.callieandmonique.co.za
subsequently registered with the Guinness Book of World Records. All the dental technology students
at Technikon Pretoria participated in the project. At the time of going to press, they have not yet
had confirmation that they were the new holders of the world record.
This multipurpose project was an experiential learning experience for the students. "We need
exposure to the practical side of dental technology, such as making dentures. Rather than making
dentures just for the sake of gaining experience, we wanted to make the effort a useful one. It was
made possible when we obtained a sponsorship for the project."
When.. it came to the DTSA's attention tbat Madge was also having trouble with her eyesight, they
organised a free eye test and lenses with a major spectacle manufacturer in Pretoria.
Because of being so short, Madge is often approached for publicity stunts and special projects.
Among other things, she poses for photos. She has also signed biographies and sat in the smallest
house in the world (in Taiwan) for three years to break a world record. Cl
lucia ftnelich uerwerf haar doktorsgraad
deur Gerrit Bester
Lucia Anelich, hoof van die Departement Biotegnologie en Voedseltegnologie. bet onlangs baar
doktorsgraad aan die Vrystaa~ Universiteit verwerf.
.Kort na haar gradeplegtigheid bet 'n artikel, Danksy student se studie kan ou olie benut word.
oor haar studies in die Volksblad verskyn. Daarin vertel sy, onder meer, van die metode wat sy
ontwikkel bet om kookolie, wat skadelik word wanneer dit oor en oor gebruik word, in 'n middel
om te sit wat in skoonheidsprodukte gebruik kan word.
Tydens haar studie bet sy bevind dat oorgebruikte olie ernstige siektes soos kanker en diarree
tot gevolg kan he, dat plekke wat braaikosse verkoop, dikwels hul gebruikte olie aan arm mense
verkoop wat nie bewus is van die gesondheidsgevare wat dit inhou nie, en dat sowat 'n
honderdduisend ton gebruikte olie jaarliks as skadelike afval in Suid-Afrika gestort word.
'n Biotegnologiese proses wat sy ontwikkel bet, bet ten doel om die hoe polimeerinhoud van
gebruikte olie deur middel van fungi in 'n hoewaardesamestelling om te skep wat as vetsuur in
die vervaardiging van kosmetiekprodukte gebruik kan word.
Die studie, wat 1 653 plekke in Suid-Afrika betrek bet wat braaikos verkoop, bet grootliks bygedra
tot 'n aanpassing in die huidige wetgewing wat die bedryf reguleer.
Die resultate toon dat 11,7% van die braaiolies tydens die studie, by wet, oorgebruik is, dat 54%
van die betrokke plekke bulle gebruikte olie verkoop bet of aan personeel gegee bet en dat 20%
van die plekke die olies in die munisipale afvoerstelsel afgespoel bet. Gil
Fo ndation secures three
arge donations
by Gerrit Bester
Three Technikon Pretoria projects were given a major boost recently with donations in excess of
R300 000. The donations were secured by the Technikon Pretoria Foundation who annually has to
compete with 32 other tertiary institutions for donations.
The Upstream Training Trust donated R125 000 in support of the Tsebo Koloing (Technology in
Motion project) - a joint venture by the technik.on, University of Pretoria and Technikon Northern
Gauteng to promote an awareness of technology, engineering and natural sciences in communities
and among high school learners by means of a mobile unit.
The Trust was founded in May 1997 by Soekor (Pty) Limited and companies including Phillips
Petroleum (USA) and its partners, Pan Canadian, Energy Africa, Sasol, Pioneer Natural Resources
(USA) and Forest Exploration International (USA).
by Gerrit Bester
"The new approach to the development of student leaders at
the Technikonrand, Arts and Arcadia campuses will probably
change, for good, the view, widely held by students, of the SRC
being irrelevant to the needs of students," Gadner Tefu, newly
elected President of the Federal Student Representative Council
(FSRC) and Chairperson for the Technikonrand Campus, said.
The new leadership development approach
- focusing on participative leadership aims to improve student governance and
to empower students to make more
informed choices in future Student
Representative Council (SRC) elections.In future, this students' representative body
will have representation on decision-making
structures such as the Council and the
Senate - a move, on the part of the
Technikon, to acknowledge the fact that the
SRC could make a meaningful contribution
to important decisions and could keep
fellow students informed about
developments on campus. This includes
issues such as the appointment of a new
Rector/Vice-Chancellor and Technikon
Pretoria's efforts to become a university of
Gadner Tefu, Chairperson of the FSRC.
Photo: Celeste McKenzie
"Students accept that their activities and
approach should be more professional if
they want to be taken seriously," Gadner
said. He is studying for an MTech in Local
The newly elected FSRC has already received extensive training - in leadership, strategic planning,
financial management, budgeting, and the drawing up of year plans and action plans, as well as in
the principles of democracy.
Its action plans will be tabled at the next Student Council meetings at the various campuses, for
approval, after which the SRCs will be expected to function according to the set plans and goals.
Some of the plans for 2001 include leadership summit workshops; AIDS workshops, a diversity week
and cultural day celebrating all cultures on campus, and various community outreach programmes.
Another feature of this new approach is the continuous monitoring of the success of the SRCs. Apart
from reporting back to the student body by means of the official student newspaper, Taxi, to ensure
transparency, the SRCs will also submit written reports to the Student Council three times a year and
an annual report at the end of their term of office.
The Trust makes grants available for bursaries and provides funds to educational institutions for the
conduct of research, training and education projects.
Tsebo Koloing will also benefit from a donation of R1 00 000 by the Iscor Foundation.
In addition, the Metal Manganese Company (MMC) has donated R1 00 000 for the benefit of the
Nelspruit satellite campus. The funds will be used for the advancement of infrastructure and the
development of planned projects.
The Foundation wishes to thank all the donors for their major contribution towards higher education
in South Africa. [.il
by Suzette Landman
The Department of Economics and Logistics has established an educational link with the Ministry
of Prisons and Correctional Services in Namibia.
After a thorough needs analysis within the Ministry, lecturers of the Department. in a team effort,
developed a competency-based logistics programme.
The programme, which consists of six modules, kicked off in February this year and were
attended by 42 students, some of whom were members of the top management team of the
Ministry. Participants were fullly motivated and ready to cooperate in making the programme
a real success.
On completion, all agreed that they have been enabled, through the programme, to apply the
knowledge, which they have gained, in their work situation, and that the new approaches they
have learned were justifiable on academic grounds and were financially viable because economic
realities are taken into account.
While Technikon Pretoria lecturers were still lecturing and executing the programme, other
ministries came to hear about its value for both the organisation and the individual and showed
their interest.
Currently, the Department of Economics and Logistics is consulting with the Namibian Ministries
of Police, Works, TraBSport and Communication, Trade and Industry, Home Affairs, and rmance,
with a view to presenting similar courses to them. The Office of the Prime Minister of Namibia
also indicated that the office would support any further training activities presented by the
Department of Economics and Logistics. [i
The leadership development programme conforms with the Technikon's holistic approach towards
the development of students. The group is evaluated during regular group activities and the needs
of individuals for skills development are identified and integrated in their personal development
plans. SRC members may also attend other leadership training programmes, such as the Top Senior
Leadership Programme.
Students are furthermore trained to make use of the broad spectrum of more than one thousand
(1 000) student leaders on campus to assist them in their activities and to improve communication
between the SRC and other leadership structures. For this reason, representatives were coopted to
the SRC from the Sport Forum, Prim Council and each of the various faculty forums, respectively.
The programme must still be introduced at the four satellite campuses in Nelspruit, Witbank,
KwaMhlanga and Pietersburg.
"In times of momentous change, people look for strong leaders. I urge you to open your arms to
change, but never to let go of your values, since they form the foundation of the change process.
It is this bedrock from which new ideas, projects and leadership actions can be launched," Prof
Denis van Rensburg said during the FSRC's inauguration. [.il
Mr S. Keseni, Chief Superintendent of Logistics (Namibian Ministry of Prisons and C01rectional
Services) and Mr Oeon van Zyl, Head of the Department of Economics and Logistics at
Technikon Pretoria's Faculty of Economic Sciences.
byGer itE ary drama scoops two awards
Imagine escaping from jail in a co~n, buried {alive, well and
kicking) with a cold coffm companion who has kicked the
bucket. While time is ticking away, you are quietly waiting for
your rescuer, an employee of the prison you are escaping from,
to open the grave and let you out. You light a match to see what
is taking~him so long, only to realise that your scheme has failed
utterly. The dead person beneath you is the very same person
who was supposed to have rescued you.
Mauries (sound) and Neels Smit (editing) had a big
hand in our winning the awards. My wife, Sharon, was
thrown in at the deep end when she had to handle the
production management. }annie Coetzee and Riekert
Louw, students at the Arts Campus, assisted with the
Veteran actor Emgee retorius, and Lee-Anne Shephard
and Rodger Dwyer were in the cast. The drama was
filmed at the Fort in Hillbrow and at the Sammy Marx
Museum in Cullinan. It took three months to write, only
six days to shoot and another two months of editing.
Scary stuff, isn't it?
Buks (42), a dentist by profession, decided to turn his
hobby into a career and to learn more about the industry.
Before tackling the BTech, specialising in film production
and script writing, he completed the National Diploma
in Film and Video Technology and the National Higher
Diploma in Film Production.
This is the plot of a 15-minute drama film with which Buks Rossouw, a student at the Technikon's
Cinema and Television School. scooped the award of "Best Director" in M-Net's Emerging Dynamics
in Television (EDIT) competition, recently. The drama, aptly named The Confidant, is a period piece
which takes place in the thirties. The Cinema and Television School also took home the award of
"Best Overall Project". Buks received R7 500 in prize money and the Cinema and Television School
received R75 000.
EDIT is a competition in which students studying cinema and television at tertiary institutions all over
the country compete with one another.
"It was a team effort," Buks said. "Willie Bouwer (camera) , Grant Waterston (lighting) , Roland
\Ne show the
word the~ay 1n
by Pieter Myburgh
One of Technikon Pretoria's objectives is to create vibrant partnerships. The Department of Nature
Conservation is constantly aiming to realise this goal with partnerships like the one it has with Safari
Club International (SCI) through their African office. This partnership has resulted in the Department
recently receiving one of the Club's most prestigious international awards, the "Conservationists of
the Year" award.
The SCI is an international club for hunters, with approximately 40 000 members. Currently, its
partnership with Technikon Pretoria focuses on education, research and development.
Buks displays the trophies he and the Cinema and
Television School won at M -Net's EDIT competitfon.
What does this aspiring film producer think of the South
African film industry and locally produced films? "The
majority is trivial crap, often pathetic and poor attempts
at comedy with no co parison base."II
Photo: Gerrit Bester
There are also seven first-year students and one second-year student from as far afield as Kenya,
Tanzania, Botswana, Cameroon and Namibia. The aim is to train 20 students a year when the project
is in full swing.
Research and Development
Two projects, with a joint value of $10 000 US for this year, are currently under way. Dr Brian Reilley,
also of the Department of Nature Conservation heads both projects.
The first project aims to determine the age structure of ungulates in Southern Africa through trophy
monitoring. This will give conservation agencies an indication of when a particular species is being
threatened and assist them in decision-making on the regulation of hunting in Sub-Saharan Africa.
The other project aims to monitor the feline populations of leopard in Namibia and those of lion
and cheetah in all the other hunting areas, through teeth segmentation.
With partnerships like these, it seems that Technikon Pretoria will be leaving generations to come
a vecy worthwhile legacy. Ill
The conservation initiative on the education side is Project Noah. "This project aims to educate the
rural youth from traditional hunting areas in Africa in Nature Conservation, thus empowering local
communities to manage their own wildlife. This will result in an improved use of their resources
and wildlife, and will also enable them to start up their own safari businesses, which means more
money in the pockets of local communities", said At Botha, Head of the Department of Nature
Conservation at Technikon Pretoria, who is spearheading the project.
by Celeste Hafele
The project consists of three phases. First, two students from various hunting areas, identified by
commercial hunting organisations and members of the various communities, are sponsored by the
SCI to study at Technikon Pretoria. Current value of the SCI scholarship amounts to $48 000 US per
During the next phase, these graduates are then "planted" back in their respective communities to,
in tum, educate those communities about wildlife management and to initiate community development
programmes. The objective is to create a critical mass of expertise in selected regions within five
to eight years and then to use these graduates as tutors to support the third phase of the project,
namely, distance education for larger numbers of learners.
The first student, joel Nyika from Kenya, is currently doing his experiential learning at the l.ruger
National Park. "This scholarship has been an eye-opener to me. There is a lot to learn from the
South African conservation fraternity. The approach to wildlife and Protected Area Management in
Kenya differs from the South African approach, but we share the same savannah ecosystem, species
and cultures. Project Noah has brought us together to share and appreciate our rich and diverse
heritage in resources and knowledge", he said.
Technikons could unleash a wealth of new ideas and products to the economic environment - but
it requires the implementation of innovation and entrepreneurship training programmes at as many
levels as possible at South African technikons. ·
This was a key message in the inaugural address of Technikon Pretoria's most recent professor in
electrical engineering, Prof Lukas Snyman.
According to Prof Snyman the success of such a programme hinged on the promotion of a culture
of creativity, innovation and technology transfer.
"Creativity is the ability to think wider, t«;> be daring and to identify the gaps in the market. It is playing
with imagination and possibilities which could lead to new and meaningful connections and outcomes
in your interaction with ideas, people and the environment," said Prof Snyman.
He defined innovation as the integration of the sentiments and thoughts of people and the successful
application of a new idea to the benefit of the consumer.
Technology, he said, is the utilisation of available knowledge and skills residing in people, for the
development and implementation of useful products and processes and the rendering of services,
contributing to economic prosperity and an improved qu~ty of life.
An example of his entrepreneurial way of thinking was the development of an electronical1y controlled
swimming-pool manager. The control unit and sensors of the system monitor the temperature, pH
levels, fiow rates and the chlorine level of the water. The controller opens and closes valves - switthes
pumps on and off- and administers appropriate chemical dosages at the most economical rates.
The system is activated by one push button and manages the swimming pool for one month. Readings
such as the water temperature, sunshine levels, etc., are displayed on a user-friendly display unit.
He is the author of twelve articles in international scientific journals, and the main inventor of two
patents fully registered in the United States of America and three patents registered in South Africa.
Afurther six South African patents on innovative electronic products are currently pending.
John Monson, co-chairperson cA the Conservalion C0fl'11littee cA Safari Club International,
Dr Brian Reilly, senior lecturer at the Department of Nature Conservation and At Botha,
head cA the department
Prof Snyman is set to ·play a major part in transforming Technikon Pretoria into a university of
technology. Ill
edited by Gerrit Bester and Amanda Beneke
Not being satisfied with mediocrity in whatever you undertake, pays off- as most of the recipients of awards during
the annual Laurel Award Ceremony will testify. The wide range of exceptional achievements give true meaning to
the Technikon's core values of professionalism, excellence and care. Through these awards Technikon Pretoria
honours members of staff who have by their dedication and enthusiasm not only put the institution on the map,
but also greatly contributed to the development and prosperity of South African communities. The aimof the
awards is, however, not only to showcase the recipients and their achievements. It should also inspire all of us
to follow suit!
iridium, rhodium, ruthenium and osmium, to which the team has added gold, since it is found with
the other metals in nature.
Prof. Potgieter focuses his research on the analysis of cement-like compounds and uses an instrument
called the ICP-OES, which stands for "inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometer",
as an alternative to the X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (XRF), which is much more expensive. With
the ICP-OES, the concentration of the constituents of gypsum and cement blends can be determined
faster and simpler.
Dr Renate Roux-Van der MeiWe, senior lecturer at the Department of
Biotechnology and Food Technology, scooped up the "Lecturer of the
Year" Award for the second consecutive year. This comes as no surprise,
since she received a mark of 90% in a recent evaluation by stude~ts.
"A pleasure being in her class," "just excellent," "she's perfect," and
"a real blessing to us," are just a few of the flattering remarks students
made about their lecturer, who is known for the inordinate amount of
time she spends- if needs be, till late in the evening- in explaining
problematic matter to her students.
Dr Renate Raux-Van der Merwe
Ben Botha has developed a unique extraction method called "supercritical fluid extraction" (SFE),
which he tested by extracting oil from avocados. With SFE, pure oil is extracted, as opposed to
previously used methods where the oil extracted was not pure and contained much of the material
in the fruit, which led to a shorter shelf-life and limited use by industry, specifically the cosmetic
industry. Apilot plant has already been built to optimise the extraction method for various substances,
e.g. avocado, paprika and garlic.
Lily is studying for her doctorate on alternative introduction systems for the ICP-OES, and has
developed a method whereby she uses slurries to determine metals in PGMs and cement. In addition,
she has developed a method whereby the slurry is introduced into the plasma, and, by changing the
concentration of each slurry through the addition of a pure standard, she can mathematically
determine the concentration of the substances in the slurry.
'n Droom van Dr Elsabe Coetzee, hooflektor in die Departement
Onderwysersopleiding, om onderwysers beter op te lei en
onderwysersopleiding binne bereik van veral onderwysers in verafgelee
gebiede te bring, bet binne drie jaar gegroei tot een van Technikon
Pretoria se winsgewendste inisiatiewe. Elsabe, wat 'n toekenning ontvang
bet as "Entrepreneur van die jaar", bestuur die afstandonderrigprogram
Dr Elsabe coetzee
vir onderwysers wat ingevolge 'n samewerkingsooreenkoms tussen
Technikon Pretoria en Azaliah-kollege geloods is: Onder haar Ieiding
is studiemateriaal nou reeds in 70 vakke beskikbaar en word ander materiaal nou ook vir die
Internet voorberei. Altesame agt onderwyserskursusse word tans aan ongeveer 14 000 studente in
Suid-Afrika, Zimbabwe, Zambie en Namibie aangebied.
France Rossouw
Wanneer sportliggame, navorsers, sportlui en die media op soek is na
'n kenner oor kreatien, klop bulle gewoonlik aan by France Rossouw
van die Departement Sportwetenskappe en Technikon Pretoria se "junior
Navorser van die jaar". Die navorsing wat sy reeds die afgelope ses jaar
oor die soms kontroversiele wondermiddel doen, bet bewys dat dit
indeiWaarheid, teen alle veiWagtinge in, dit is wat dit beloof bet om te
wees. Die navorsing bet veral gefokus op die gebruik van kreatien deur
gewigoptellers en fietsryers, wat almal daarby gebaat bet. France se
navorsing bet egter laat blyk dat kreatien nie tot resultate lei nie tensy
dit met gebalanseerde maaltye, genoegsame rus en wetenskaplik
uitgewerkte oefenprogramme gepaardgaan.
Prof Rob McCrindle, Prof Herman Potgieter, Ben Botha and Lily Matjanovic
use spectroscopy in their field, which is analytical chemistry, at the
Department of Chemistry and Physics. Spectroscopy is the study of
electromagnetic waves - the determination of the concentration of
different subject matter. This team scooped up the "Research Team of
the Year" award.
Prof McCrindle, who also received the title of "Senior Researcher of the
Year", uses spectroscopy to determine the PGMs in ores up to the
r. .. I
production of refined metals from that ore. "PGMs, stands 10r
p atinum
group of metals", which consists of platinum, palladium,
Daar word gese dat elke agt toeriste wat die land besoek, minstens een
werksgeleentheid skep. Lienljie janse van Rensburg van die Departement
Voedel- en Gasvryheidsbestuur en wenner van die "Gemeenskapsdiensprojek van die jaar", bet besluit om nie vir die agt toeriste te wag
nie, maar om honderde werkloses van die Ale:xandra-dorp, noord van
johannesburg, reguit na die toeriste te neem. Onderhoude is gevoer
met 246 werkloses en 36 is W: opleiding gekies. Hulle .is oor vier maande
opgelei en aan die voedsel- en gasvryheidsbestuurindustrie blootgestel.
Lienfe Janse van Rensbu'g
Dertig van die 36 mense wat opgelei is, bet al vaste poste by verskillende
hotelle in die Sandton-omgewing Iosgeslaan. Die hotelle neem mi indiensopleidin verantwoordeJikheid
vir bulle verdere opleiding_ en ontwikkeling. Die Departement van Arbeid bet reeds die waarde van
die projek raakgesien en, met sy samewerking, word nog 72 werkloses reeds vanaf Februarie vanjaar
opgelei. Befondsing is ook reeds bekom vir die opleiding van nog 60 werkloses wie se opleiding
ook reeds in Maart begin bet.
Coming from a sport-mad family, it was inevitable that john Wright. a
sport official at the Bureau for Sport Development at Technikon Pretoria,
would follow a career that has something to do with sport. He was
exposed, from an early age, in East London, to hockey, but he would
never have predicted that, one day, much sooner than one would have
thought, he would be chosen to umpire hockey matches at the Olympic
Games. In fact, he was one of only sixteen umpires who had that privilege
at the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney. Olympic umpiring was not only
a first for john, but also for a Technikon Pretoria employee. john received
the accolade of Technikon Pretoria's "Newsmaker of the Year".
John Wright
Moeder van vele
Back: Prof Herman Potgieter and
Ben Botha. Front: Uly Marjanovic
and Prof Rob McCrindle
As daar nou een "rna" is wat besondere eienskappe bet, is dit Carin Cloete, k tor by die Nasionale
Dieretuin in Pretoria en "Alumnus van die jaar". Nog net 'n walviskalfie kom ort, dan bet Carin al
elke tipe diersoort help grootmaak. Carin bet haar Nasionale Diploma in Nat urbewaring in 1981
ontvang en werk al veertien jaar in die dieretuin.
Carin Cloete
Sy ploeg dikwels haar kennis en ervaring terug deur voorgraadse studente
van die Department Natuurbewaring toe te spreek oor en touwys te maak
in, onder andere, die versorging van pasgebore dierebabas, die
behandeling van slangbyt en natuurbewaring in die algemeen.
Danksy die geduld en deursettingsvermoe van Pierre Viljoen,
Pieter Ehlers en Gerrie Strydom, almal verbonde aan die
Witbank-satellietkampus, sal daar teen einde vanjaar 'n
splinternuwe kampus, Edupark, in die hartjie van Witbank
verrys. Pierre, Pieter en Gerrie, wat 'n merietetoekenning as
.. Entrepreneur van die jaar" ontvang het, bet onder meer die
skenking van 'n gesogte stuk grond, 19 hektaar groot en
R14 mlljoen werd, in die groeipunt van die stad bewerkstellig.
Technikon Pretoria is die eienaar en sal ook die fasiliteit
bestuur wat tans daar opgerig word. Die fasiliteit sal gedeel
word deur verskeie akademiese instellings op Witbank.
Pierre Viljoen, Pieter Ehlers
en Gerrie Strydom.
Following intensive research on the training needs of web
professionals, Etienne van Wyk, john jamieson and james
jordaan of the Department of Computer Technology
developed a telematic webmaster course. The course, which
received the title of "Telematic Education Project of the
Year", consists of 13 online modules. Different certification
modules enable a student to become a web author on
John Jamieson. James Jordaan and Etienne
van Wyk
completion of the first three modules, a website administrator
on completion of the next four modules and/or an Internet developer on completion of the web
project module, when they must develop a website from scratch. Learners can register from anywhere
and, after payment, gain access to the relevant study material via a password for each module. The
complete study guide and modul~ content are published on webpages and learners are also evaluated
via the Web. In addition, learners have access to online facilities such as a helpdesk, assignment
uploader, chatroom and a FAQ (frequently asked questions) facility. This initiative has already resulted
in a partnership agreement with national private colleges, all over the country, who will be responsible
for the marketing and financial administration of the course and provide the examination venues.
Die Laboratorium vir Sport en Biokinetika
van die Departement Sportwetenskappe
geniet reeds groot aansien in die sporten gesondheidsbedryf en word hoog
aangeskryf deur talle sportmanne en vroue. Die laboratorium se gedugte span,
wat bestaan uit prof jacques Rossouw,
France Rossouw, Stuart Semple, Nevel
Neveling, Kobus de Wet, jorika Roode, Lois
Harden en Kabous Marx, bet 'n merietetoekenning ontvang as "Navorsingspan van
Voor: Kabous Marx, Franc~ Rossouw en Stuart Senlple.
Agter: N~vel Neveling, Jorika Roode, prof Jacques Rossouw,
die jaar". Verlede jaar het drie
Lois Harden en Kobus de Wet.
maatskappye, Formula Naturelle, Biomox
Pharmaceuticals en MERCK SA, die
laboratorium genader om die doeltreffendheid van verskillende produkte te toets. Onderhandelings
met die maatskappye het al gelei tot drie volwaardige navorsingsprojekte, wat handel oor die effek
van CLA-aanvulling op massaverlies en cholesterolvlakke, die effek van kreatienaanvulling op
individuele prestasie en die veiligheid daarvan vir Comrades-atlete, asook die effek van L-metionienaanvulling op die immuniteitstelsel van Comrades-atlete. Danksy die navorsing kon atlete vir die
eerste keer akkurate fisiologiese inligting omtrent hulliggame bekom, die werklike waarde van
kreatien bepaal en vergelykings tref met bulle prestasies in vorige Comrades-maratonne. Verskeie
artikels is gepubliseer, waaronder vier in geakkrediteerde tydskrifte en tien in populere tydskrifte,
en referate oor navors~sresultate is op 41 nasionale en internasionale kongresse, simposia en
konferensies gelewer. Iii
Rektorsdas en Rektorsspeld vir
buitengewone prestasie:
Rector's Tie and Rector's Pin for
exceptional performance:
Thinus Bornman (F acuity of
Gerda Bester (Faculty of
Ntambi Ravele and Raxmax Mashigo, both from the Department of Sport
Development, gave a group of youngsters a new lease on life by introducing
them to sport, more specifically soccer. The group of youngsters, who
were either homeless or came from families who could not provide
for them, dwelt in the Pretoria West area and used to stroll around the
Technikonrand Campus. They were not only causing problems for the
Raxmax Mashigoand NranD
residents but for their parents too. In order to help the children,. Ntambi
and Raxrnax consulted with the Pretoria West Trauma Centre and the
Department of Welfare. The children were then introduced to games
and matches, ftoodlights, referees, sports gear, goals and the feeling of winning - everything they
had only dreamt of before. This was the beginning of the youth soccer club of Technikon Pretoria
for children between 7 and 15 years of age.
Tonie Drotsky (Faculty of
Economic Sciences)
Hattingh (Faculty of
Ntambi and Raxmax received a merit award for this community service project.
Dr Gawie Engelbrecht, direkteur van die KwaMhlanga-sateDietkampus,
wy hom reeds agt jaar lank aan gemeenskapsopheffing. SEIDEl. 'n niewinsgewende organisasie wat hy help vestig bet, bet ten doel om die
akademiese prestasie van leerlinge in graad 10, 11 en 12 in die omgewing
van die bmpus te verbeter. Hy doseer Whla.mde en Natuur- en Skeikunde;
Didaktiese Beginsels en Praktyke; en die Beginsels en Toepassing van
lorporatiewe Leer. Daarbenewens lewer by ook motiveringstoesprake,
inisieer hy kapasiteitsbouprogramme vir leerk.iagte, leerders en
Dr GaWie Engelbrecht
gemeenskapsleiers en werf by afgestudeerde studente vir verdere studie
aan Technikon Pretoria. Die algemene gesondheidstoestand en welsyn van studente en skoliere le
Gawie na aan die hart. Dit bet gelei tot die vestiging van 'njaarlikse gesondheidsweek wat op die
kampus aangebied word. Gawie was ook betrokke by die gemeenskapsontwikkelingsprogram,
Navorsing en Ontwikkeling vir Onderwys en Sosio-ekonomiese Bemagtigingsinisiatiewe, wat deur
AUSAID befonds is. Vir die besonderse bydrae is Gawie met 'n merietetoekenning beloon.
Elmarie van Heerden
(Student Development)
Dr Lucia Anellch (Faculy of
Natural Sciences)
Madelein Koel<emoer
John Wright (Department of
Sport Development)
Amour de Waard (Human
The do's and don'ts
of marketing the Kotler way
by Gerrit Bester
Marketing can be seen as the art of strategic differentiation, and, in order to triumph in that field,
institutions ne&rto make projections about what they could offer their clients {students, in our
case) after defining in what manner their offers differ from and are better than those of their
Make everything inside ---------------- -• Buy more outside
Improve by oneself --------------------- • Benchmark others
Go it alone ------------------------------ • Network
Operate with functions ------------------ • Operate with teams
Focus domestically --------------------- • Be global and local
Be product-centred --------------------- • Be market-centred
Find a sustainable advantage ---------- • Keep inventing new advantages
Use many suppliers -------------------- -• Use fewer suppliers
One could benchmark oneself against competitors and world-class performers by constantly asking
oneself who one's curr.ent m~jor competitor is and who one's major competitor will be in three
years' time.
This was the key message delivered at a conference entitled, Creating, winning and dominating
markets in the new economy, which was recently presented by marketing guru, Philip Kotler. Prof
Rene Uys, Chief Director of Corporate Relations, attended the conference. She shared some of
Kotler's views with FaN.
Kotler emphasised the need for institutions to realise that every staff member is a marketer, or, more
specifically, a marketer through his or her behaviour.
Skakeling met die
bedryf bevorder
deur Monya Vermaak
Vir Technikon Pretoria, as 'n Ieier op die gebied van boer onderrig in Suid-Afrika, is dit belangrik
om in pas te bly met die mannekragbehoeftes van die bedryf. Om hierdie rede en as deel van die
tema vir Maartmaand - mense as 'n hulpbron - bet Korporaatbetrekkinge 'n nuwe skakelprogram
geloods wat behels dat menslike hulpbronbestuurders genooi word om die Technikon vir 'n ete te
besoek. Tydens die besoek word hierdie lede van die bedryf enersyds ingelig oor wat die Technikon
hied, en andersyds word die behoeftes van die bedryf bepaal.
Die eerste ete is in Maartmaand gehou, met die Rektor en Visekanselier, Prof Denis van Rensburg,
as gasheer. In sy verwelkoming bet Prof van Rensburg klem gele op die noodsaaklikheid van
samewerking tussen die Technikon en die bedryf, ten einde tersiere instellings se primere doelwit
te bereik - om studente as 'n hulpbron te ontwikkel. Vir die Technikon is dit van die uiterste belang
dat die besluitnemers ingelig is oor die verskeidenheid en gehalte van kwalifikasies wat die Technikon
hied om die aansien van sy studente as werknemers nog verder by die bedryf te verhoog.
Die funksie is bygewoon deur
bestuurders van onder andere
IBM, Standard Bank, Global
Resorts, Nedbank, Makro, New
African Investment en Viamax
Logistics. Die gaste was dit eens
dat daar meer gereeld skakeling
tussen bulle en die Technikon
moet wees. Soos dr Audrey Gule
van Gauteng se Departement van
Gesondheid dit in die gasteboek
gestel bet: "The function was a
huge success and a total eyeopener." Die volgende funksie
word vir September beplan. Ill
"Old economies built brands through marketing communications, such as creative commercials,
logos, tag lines, etc., while the new economy builds brands through its people-engineers, receptionists,
truck drivers, who, collectively, deliver 'total customer value'."
Characteristics of a successful company
In the new way of marketing, there is a significant key shift to database marketing instead of mass
marketing. Marketing departments need, however, to influence everything that affects the customers'
perceived value. This implies communicating in an integrated, but personalised and customised
way, and ensuring that the customer feels appreciated in every communication one has with him
or her.
"Today the supplier must be able to demonstrate what its product and services are worth to the
customer and how its offering is superior to the next best alternative."
Kotler said that an Internet site forms but a small part of electronic communication.
"One must also have a system for building a customer database loaded from all customer contact
points, which stores valuable information on every client's needs, and which is capable of doing
data-mining, answering e-mail quickly, and showing customer care."
by Cathrine Marumo
Jackie followed the Technology Access Programme {TAP) before he started his engineering .studie~.
This youngster, who is the winner of Talent .2000, is an aspiring violinist. It came as no surprise to
the audience when he told them that Hugh Masekela - one of South Africa's most prominent and
well-respected jazz musician - is his uncle. There is no doubt that Jackie is following in his uncle's
Those who attended the opening of the Coffee Theatre in Building 4, an initiative of Student
Development, had the privfiege of watching Jackie from Diepkloof, Soweto play live. The audience
were left in awe and clapping with delight as he played his violin with the greatest confidence and
The performance led to an invitation to play at one ofTechhnikon Pretoria's most prestigious events
- the Laurel Award Ceremony.
Jackie started playing the violin when he was 11 years old. Two of the songs he performed at the
coffee theatre were "I will be strong.. and the other one was simply called, "An American Piece".
Both were great songs to listen to.
Lois du Plessis, a drama student
and the winner of Talent 1999, also
performed at the opening. Her
beautiful voice inspired Prof Reggie
Ngcobo to join her in a duet with
the song "When I fall in love".
What is my competitive advantage?
What is my customer advantage?
What is my next advantage?
What will my customer's greatest needs be three years from now?
Who is my major competitor?
Who will my major competitor be three years from now?
Hall is not in place, Kotler said, one must be secure in the knowledge that marketing is a learning
curve. Ill
It was a dream come true when Jackie Masekela (20) an
engineering student and his group, the Buskaid Soweto String
Project, were invited to play in America for a month. This was
arranged by Gillian Anderson from the X-files, who also wrote
an article about them.
One can determine whether one is on the right track by asking oneself •
Foto: Monya Vermaak
He added that new economies organise by segmenting customers, concentrating on customer lifetime
value, looking at their marketing scorecard, focusing on stakeholders, customer retention and
growth, measuring customer satisfaction and the customer retention rate, and underpromising, BUT
• The company selects target markets in which it enjoys superior advantages
and leaves or avoids markets where it is intrinsically weak.
• Virtually all the company's employees and departments are both customerminded and market-minded.
• There is a good working relationship between marketing, research and
development and manufacturing (in our case, lecturers).
• The company has installed incentives which are designed to give the right
• The company continuously builds and tracks customer satisfaction and
The company manages a value-delivery system in partnership with strong
suppliers and distributors.
• The company is skilled in building its brand name(s) and image.
• The company is flexible in meeting customers' varying requirements.
Pervasheni Naidoo van Makro en Prof Rene Uys, Hoofdirelcteur van
The Coffee Theatre, with its dusky
interior, will be used to promote
new student talent - almost like a
talent development classroom. Ill
Jadde Masekela in action.
Photo: Taxi
by Gerrit Bester
Close to 8 000 people from outside the Technikon - a record compared to previous years - visited Technikon Pretoria's Open
Day on the Technikonrand and Arts campuses on 21 April.
Learners from 141 different schools, from as far afield as Kuruman,
came to the campuses to ask questions and to see for themselves the
array of study fields on offer. Thirty application forms were completed
and received on the same day. Most of the visitors (39%) heard about
the Open Day at their respective schools.
Other information sources were staff
members, posters on lamp posts,
newspapers, career exhibitions, the radio,
libraries, students and the Internet.
Dr Ben Ngubane. Minister of Arts,
Culture Science and Technology.
in conversation.
Brian Rikhotso (front), DJ at
Mungane lonene FM and a
Technikon student. kept us on
the air.
Where am I now?
The photographer forgot to ask
these two their names.
This year, the Open Day was preceded
by a function for industry where
members of industry were introduced
to the seven faculties and told about the
high premium Technikon Pretoria
places on industry as its partner in the
compilation of course material to suit
its needs. High-profile guests, such as
Dr Ben Ngubane, Minister of Arts,
Culture, Science and Technology, and
Dr XGuma, advisor to Mr Tito Mboweni,
Governor of the Reserve Bank, attended
the function. Dr Guma acted as guest
speaker. [i
Lianne Heyl, better known as
Boeboe from Vetl<oekpaleis,
added some glamour to the
Some rnotheffy advice!
Photos: Susan lotz and Celeste McKenzie
Melien Rossouw, Director of
Recruitment, has reason to
smile. Open Day 2001 was a
huge success - once again! She
is already planning the next one.
And the first reason you should study
Biotechnology is ....
What is that?
A garment in the making.
Seems to be just the answer
to get your way through peakhour traffic. doesn't it?
Students hard at work on the
Arts Campus.
A four-legged visitor.
Ouers en kinders studeer saam-saam
deur Gerrit Bester
Om injou veertigerjarejo u lyfweer student te hou sit nie in elke vr(ou) se broek nie- veral nie asjy dit voltyds doen en boonop
vyfkinders bet wie se ouderdomme tussen 12 en 19 wissel nie.
Sonja Joubert (43), 'n
derdejaarstudent in BTech:
Musiek, is egter nie 'n groentjie
by die Musiekskool op die
Arcadia-kampus nie. Meer as
twintig jaar gelede het sy
klassieke musiek op die einste
kampus studeer. Maar daar is
'n belangrike verskil tussen toe
en nou.
Sonja en Stefan Joubert wat saam B Tech: Musiek studeer.
James en Edward Norman, 'n pa en seun, studeer saam
in BTech: Opmeting op die Technikonrandkampus.
Hulle ouderdomsverskil is 29 jaar.
James se toe hy 'n brosjureoor die kursus gekry bet,
het hy dit deurgelees en dit oorweeg om daarvoor in te
skryf. Toe Edward se hy gaan inskryf, het sy pa
saamgepiekel en op die ingewing van die oomblik ook
James, 'n opmeter-landmeter met sy eie ondememing,
se hy studeer hoofsaaklik om sy kennis te verryk en
hom te vergewis van nuwe tegnologie op die vakgebied.
Die keer doen sy dit saam met
haar seun, Stefan (18) . wat vir
dieselfde graad studeer en in
sy tweede studiejaar is. Sonja
se hoofinstrument is die klavier
en Stefan s'n die kitaar.
Volgens hom is daar wesenlike verskille tussen sy vroeere
studies en die wat hy nou doen. "Toe was daar
byvoorbeeld nie rekenaars nie en jy moes formules uit
jou kop ken. Nou is dinge meer praktykgerig en studente
word deurlopend geevalueer," se hy.
"Dit het toevallig gebeur dat ons saam studeer," se Sonja wat haar musiekvaardighede verder wou
ontwikkel. Voordat sy vir 'n oudisie gekom het, het sy dikwels gebel om oor die kursus navraag te
doen, maar was altyd net-net te laat om te registreer. Hoewel sy en Stefan net hier en daar klasse
saam het, is albei dit eens dat daar meer voordele as nadele aan verbonde is.
James en Edward stem egter saam dat die ouer garde
se teoretiese kennis baie beter is as die van die jonger
studente. [i
"Ek gebruik my rna se handboeke. Dis netjieser en alles is klaar ingeskryfl" se Stefan. Hulle vra
mekaar ook vrae wanneer dit toets- of eksamentyd is. "Stefan sit net meer tyd in as ek." se Sonj~
Dit is egter te verstane. Op die dag van ons geselsie en so tussendeur die studies, het Sonja byvoorbeeld
vyf ure rondgery om haar kinders op verskillende plekke op en af te laai. Sy is ook 'n musiekonderwyser.
Stefan beoog om na afloop van sy studies 'n jaar lank oorsee te gaan en hom as jazz-musikant te
vestig. Sonja se sy sal "speel" na gelang geleenthe bulle voordoen.
Sonja en Stefan is egter nie die enigste ouer-kind-kombinasie by die Techhnikon nie.
James en Edward Norman, 'n pa en seun
wat saam in B Tech: Opmeting studeer.
Foto's: Gerrit Bester
Technikon in the News - Leading by his example
By hook or by crook
edited by Gerrit Bester
One can never be sure how reporters interpret your
press releases, as some of these news clippings which
appear~d in the media recently, indicate. Some
journalists focus on the serious side of the story matter,
while others find their way to .humour columns. At least
it was not "File 13."
"Altesame 22 studente bet bulle pas vir B-Tech.-grade in ingenieurswese aan die
Technikon Pretoria ingeskryf nadat johnnie R3 miljoen vir die projek bewillig bet."
"Twenty-two students from across the country started their B-Tech-degrees in engineering,
thanks to a partnership that works to train more black engineers. The students'
participation in the degree programme is made possible through a partnership between
Johnnie and the French South African Technical Institute in Electronics ofTechnikon
"Volgens statistiek bet rektors aan technikons in 1999 die volgende pakette verdien:
Kaap Technikon- R601 334, Vrystaat Technikon- R594 412, M.L. Sultan Technikon
- R755 568, Technikon Noordwes- R734 366, Technikon Northern GautengR630 982, Port Elizabeth Technikon- R855 020, Technikon Pretoria- R 933 819 en
Technikon Suid-Afrika - R961 935."
"Dis daardie "sjoe" -element wat met 'n belewenis van wilde diere saamgaan wat die
terapie laat werk, meen prot Johannes Odendaal van die Instituut vir Navorsing van
Lewenswetenskappe aan die Technikon Pretoria. "Olifante kan net so goed soos mak
diere sosialiseer. Om aan 'n wilde dier te vat is 'n grootse ervaring. Die vreemdheid
en grootte van die dier dien as aansporing en beloning as 'n kind, sy of haar gedrag
moet verander," se hy. "Wanneer jy wilde diere gebruik. moet dit onder beheerde
omstandighede wees. Die dier moet deur die diere-hanteerder beheer word, en die
pasient moet in die hande van 'n opgeleide sielkundige wees," se hy.
"Terwyl rugby-akademies soos paddastoele by Gautengse skole -.errys, bet die Hoerskool
Randburg met 'n baie seldsame gholfakademie asook 'n krieketakademie begin. Die
gholfakademie is geskoei op die lees van die tweejaar-leerplan wat die Technikon
Pretoria opgestel bet."
"Technikon Pretoria's study indicates that the average age of a South Mricans' first
sexual encounter was 17,3 years and that most had intercourse 109 times a year."
"Some 16% of students at Technikon Pretoria said they had more than nine sexual
partners since they started being sexually active."
"Enjoying good food in the company of friends and good
companions fonns part of the celebration of life. This experience
should be enhanced by unobtrusive, but excellent service. People
in our business should at all times uphold our ethics and
professionalism," said Aloni lireta from the Crested Crane Hotel
and Tourism Training Institute in Uganda.
Aloni's recent visit to Technikon Pretoria's Department of Food
and Hospitality Management formed part of an initiative to create
opportunities for students to be exposed to international expertise
and skills.
With flair and obvious enjoyment, Aloni explained to FaN what
the difference was between good service and excellent service in
the food and hospitality industry. "Eye contact, friendliness and
a crisp appearance are probably the most important attributes
that set the mood for a customer or a guest. Agood reception
is the start of a good experience," he added.
Aloni has studied and worked in countries such as Germany, the Netherlands, France and the UK.
He is well known for his excellent training skills and his ability to motivate students.
"I love South Africa," he said. "It is a warm countiJ with friendly and compassionate people. I
enjoyed my stay immensely." II
A Pinotage that will
by Willa de Ruyter
Lovers of fine food can now delight in unique African food at The Pinotage Restaurant on the banks
of the Hennops River in Centurion. Following the conclusion of a partnership agreement between
Technikon Pretoria's Department of Food and Hospitality Management and Leriba Lodge, this
upmarket haute cuisine, fully licensed aIa carte restaurant is open to guests at the lodge and the
hotel, as well as to the broader public.
According to Hanrie Oelofse, manager of The Pinotage, Technikon Pretoria has invested just over
R500 000 in the venture. An article 21 company was registered, to enable the restaurant to provide
Leriba Lodge with customised catering services. In line with the Technikon's strong focus on
experiential learning, this venture also serves as a training facility for students in Food and Hospitality
and Beverage Management. The combination of experience and knowledge at their disposal will
contribute to their professional grooming and finishing. Students in the tourism and hospitality
management fields will also benefit from the exposure it gives them to the practical aspects and everchanging needs of this rapidly growing sector.
"Die bestuur aan die Technikon Pretoria is verbind tot die stryd teen MIV/Vigs. Benewens
vigsstrikkies wat bulle in die toekoms gaan dra, word 'n portuurgroepsentrum op die
kampus geopen om Ieiding aan studente te gee."
"Die Technikon Pretoria en die Hoerskool Waterkloof bet 'n ooreenkoms onderteken
wat tot die bevordering van wetenskap en tegnologie in Suid-Afrika sal hydra."
"A car guard's dream of earning enough tips to further his education has come true.
27-year old Headman Nyawose vowed to raise enough money over the festive season
to register with a tertiary institution. Nyawose, who has Call Centre and Computer
Literacy diplomas from Damelin College, is now a part-time student at the Pretoria
"The demand for personal counselling and therapy at Technikon Pretoria has increased
by 400% compelling management to establish a Peer Support Centre to help students
with their problems and to adapt to student life."
"Frankly, statistics suck. Take the report of an investigation into sexual activity at a
Pretoria Technikon. There, says a man called Leon de Wet Fourie- clearly a fictitious
name - 26% of the students have had "more than nine" ~dmates since becoming
"active" {like the Reverend Boesak's cellphone at twilight). Fourie was insouciant:
"there is nothing wrong with that as long as they wear a condom all the time. All the
time? Are they compelled by the dress code to go to classes wearing condoms? How
are their willies policed? Do the remaining 74% of students have no sexual adventures
at all, or "less than nine" partners, severally or single? Knottty issues." II
AJoni Kireta
Photo: Monya Vermaak
But Aloni did not merely talk about these skills; he led the students by example. Always immaculately
dressed, he facilitated good team work and instilled a sense of responsibility and professtonal pride
in the students.
The Pinotage is fitted with state of the art equipment.
Photo: Willa de Ruyter
Run by a professional management team, The Pinotage
caters for a wide range of functions and for groups
of up io 90 people. Chefs with extensive international
exposure focus on whipping up a delectable fusion
of Africa cuisine and continental food. In an
environment of timeless colonialism with African
undercurrents, the discerning guest's tastes are
satisfied and he has an unforgettable culinary
experience - an African food experience comparable
with the best in the world! Choice South African wines
that fits all tastes and expense accounts are Served
to complement the delectable selection of meat, fish,
venison and vegetarian dishes.
"In its mission statement, Technikon Pretoria commits itself to providing the job market with highlevel manpower. The uncompromising high standard and quality of our students' work was one of
the deciding factors when we concluded this deal," Prof Pieter Marais, Dean of the Faculty of Natural
Sciences, said.
The unbeatable partnership between state-of-the-art hoteliership and related fields, and the outstanding
infrastructure of the Leriba Lodge complex hold many promises for this sector in future. It will also
be a major economic injection for Centurion, as this complex is bound to become a prominent
landmark on tourist maps.
Adding to it distinction, Ms Allison Rutowitz, Bailie of the Chaine de Rotisseurs in Gauteng, presented
the internationally recognised Blazon, one of the highest awards in cuisine, to Ms Hanrie Oelofse
in March 2001. This award signifies The Pinotage's entry into the world of fine cuisine. International
members of the Chaine de Rotisseurs from Austria, Germany and France who attended the function
witnessed the launch of this new venture in fusion cuisine.
For more information and bookings, phone {012) 654-7040 or fax {012) '654-2971 Cl
by Lizette de Jager
Just Jinger, the popular South Mrican band, two members of whom are alumni of ]~h'ni
Pretoria, got the award for "Best Packaging" with their CD, Strange Wor , at the ~ ....~.~~.L&&·
African Music Awards presented in Sandton, recently. The CD was nomi a d alonpde
Watershed and Co Ieske for "Best Pop Album", and Co Ieske won.
Anthony Galatis, who plays the keyboard for the band, flew in, especially, from London, where the
band has been based for about a year, to attend the ceremony. He spoke to FaN before he returned.
"A lot of contacts we made last year are starting to show real interest and we feel that we are on
the verge of getting a major break. In the mean time, we've recorded new demos and shows have
been scheduled. Our next show will be at the Shepherds's Bush Empire in mid-May during the
Amabala Festival. Five South African acts will be flown in for the Festival," Anthony said.
Just Jinger will play for two nights and 2 000 people are expected at each performance.
The band has recorded six new songs at the Farm Studios at Midrand since its last album came out.
"As far as releasing a new album is concerned, we'd, ideally, like to release our first international
album in the not too distant future, so hold thumbs!" Anthony said.
"We will, however, not lose track of our South African fans. We had an amazing time touring South
Africa in December and we'd definitely like to keep up that tradition. All our families and friends
are here and the more chances we have of coming here, the better."
Anthony said that touring other countries depended a lot on the band securing a record deal.
"We need to have a song on international radio and television stations before we can perform in
foreign places. London has been a good base because a great number of South Africans live there
and their support has been incredible. Obviously, our ultimate goal is a world release and being
able to tour new countries all the time. One day .... " [J
The CO-cover which scooped the award for best packaging at the SAMA-awards
Homegrown landscape design
!2!J~elspruit Campus
by Monya Vermaak
In order to take up the challenges that the 21st century poses to institutions of higher learning,
Technikon Pretoria will need the enthusiastic support and commitment of all roleplayers. and
especially of the alumni.
The landscape design for the new Nelspruit Campus is a
homegrown one.
The combined desigm of two groups of students who completed their studies in Landscape Technology
last year came out tops in an internal competition on the landscaping of the campus grounds.
Desire Woudberg and Conrad Jonker worked together on one of the winning designs, and Rulani
Mabunda, Anene Vorster and Fiona Craig jointly worked on the other one. All of them are currently
employed by different groups of landscape designers.
Atotal of 22 students entered the competition and eight designs were received. Tenders were invited
for the winning design and the process of beautifying the campus had commenced. Linton johnson,
part-time lecturer at the Department of Horticulture and Leisure Management, was the driving force
behind the competition.
After visiting the site. the students who entered the competition had to incorporate specitic requirements
into their designs. These included the minimum use of beds of flowers; the maximum use of
perennials and indigenous trees; easy maintenance; and the use of hardy plants not susceptible to
disease, infestation and pests. The landscaping also had to be overall pleasing to the eye. in haonony
with the buildings. and economical. In addition, students had to incorporate a campus romanticism
similar to that at the Technikonrand Campus, while their designs had to make provision for future
"The Technikon saved a lot of money by making use of local talent," Gerrie Robbertze, Senior
Director of Planning Services of Technikon Pretoria, who is a keen gardener himself. said at a
function where the students who won were rewarded for their efforts. The winners received prize
money donated by the team of professionals who developed the campus.
The role of the alumni as Technikon ambassadors should not be underestimated, as our former
students make an invaluable contribution in marketing Technikon Pretoria locally and overseas.
Alumni need to be well-informed and proud members of the Technikon community in order
to fulfil this role.
At the end of january, the Alumni Office launched a monthly electronic newsletter, Double
Click, which is sent to all alumni who have e-mail addresses. This publication is also on the
Alumni Web page- http://local.techpta.ac.za/after/al~_news/.htm li
Horticulture-students from
the Department of
Agriculture, Honiculture and
Nature Conservation usecf
their talents to beautify the
rooftop-garden of Prof
Denis van Rensburg in
Building 21 recently. The
garden has one of the most
spectacular views over
Photo: Gerrit Bester
Gerrie encouraged the winners not to stop at BTech level, but to continue developing their talents.
Ms Ruttten Doreth, supervisor of two of the
exchange students at F'SATI£ as well as Director
of the Dauai Business School (DBS) in France.
visited F'SATI£ recently to see how her students
are doing. DBS offers young technicians and
scientists the possibility to acquire a dual-skill
degree by training them in commercial techniques.
They also do company placements abroad. On
the photo from left to right: Thibaut lutin and
Yousef Bazi, the two French-students. with Ms
Doreth, Gilbert Guerin, Operational Manager of
F'SATIE and Mr Joseph Ehrahrt, Director of
Photo: Gerrit Bester
Genie Robbertze, Senior Director of Planning Setvices; Desire Woudberg; Charles van den Berg. Head d the Department
of Horticulture and leisure Management; Rufani Mabunda; Conrad Jonker; Fiona Craig; and Prof Kobus Botha. Dean of
rhe Faculty of Agriculture. Horticulture and Nature Conservation. Absent: Anene Vorster.
Photo: Gerrit Bester
akes t e
Gerda Bester, a secretary at the Faculty of Engineering, has
recently been appointed chairperson of the Pretoria chapter of
the Professional Secretaries' Association. FaN spoke to her.
What is the aim of the association?
Although known, in short, as the "PSA", the Association's
full name is "Association for Secretaries and Office
Professionals". It aims at being a recognised role model
for the secretarial profession in South Africa.
When and why was it founded?
She was responsible for running a new master's degree
programme in cooperation with the University ofTwente.
In addition, she encouraged research in the Department,
provided support to lecturers and students regarding
postgraduate studies, wrote articles and presented papers
and special reports.
Prof lpel< Ural
Prof Piet Rossouw van die Fakulteit Landbou, Tuinbou
en Natuurbewaring se Departement Landbou:
Diereproduksie is op 6 April oorlede.
Hy bet bekendheid verwerf deur die varkras Robuster
te teel. Sy kollegas sal hom as 'n opregte. bardwerkende
en positiewe man onthou . Gil
Gerda Bester
Photo: Celeste McKenzie
What are the qualities of a good secretary?
For me, the most important qualities of a good secretary are efficiency, initiative, creativity, friendliness
and professionalism.
What is the biggest misconception about the role of a secretary?
First, that the job of secretary is not a profession, and, secondly, that secretaries can do only three
things, namely type, answer the telephone and make coffee.
When a secretary is employed effectively, she acts as an assistant to the manager, lightening his daily
burden, thus making it easier for him to fulfil his role in a greater context and use his time more
At Technikon Pretoria, or, more specifically, its Department of Secretarial Studies,
qualifications in the secretarial field may be obtained. Do you think secretarial
qualifications should be compulsory for secretaries?
Yes, one then develops the basic skills one needs to start one's career. More opportunities to obtain
a secretarial post would also present themselves.
Why would you encourage Technikon secretaries to become members of the PSA?
H a secretary joins the PSA, she will -
Professor lpek Ural (54) of the Department of Teacher
Training in the Faculty of Information Sciences passed
away in the Pretoria East Hospital on 26 March. She
joined Technikon Pretoria on 1 September last year.
Prof Piet Rossouw
As chairperson, what are your main responsibilities?
I must have a sound knowledge of the PSA's constitution and chapter rules. Being a member of the
PSA's national council, I must relay relevant information to chapter committee members, as well
as to other members. I must chair chapter committee meetings, and liaise with the regional president
and the national secretariat.
Prof Ipek Ural
Prof lpek. as she was known by her colleagues, was
born in Turkey and lived ~d studied in America before
she moved to South Africa in 1983. Before joining
Technikon Pretoria she was employed by· the Human
Sciences Research Council (HSRC).
The "Executive Secretaries' Club of South Mrica" was
founded in November 1982. Almost eleven years later,
in March 1993, the name was changed to "Professional
Secretaries' Association of South Mrica", or "PSA". The
name was changed again in February 2000, and it is now
known as the "Association for Secretaries and Office
Professionals", or "PSA".
The main purpose of the PSA has been, from the start,
to provide information and set a standard of excellence
that business communities would acknowledge and
appreciate. Furthermore, it aims at inspiring secretaries,
personal assistants and office professionals and equipping
them with the necessary expertise to reach that standard
of excellence in their professions.
have a chance to grow and develop at a personal level;
be able to network with secretaries from different companies and exchange views about
knowledge and skills; and
experience a sense of belonging and self-worth.
What are the PSA's plans for 2001?
Prof Piet Rossouw
en ~ank·e wat opslaan....
Inwoners van Gebou 21 is die afgelope paar maande tydig, maar meesal ontydig. gekonfronteer
deur 'n onwelriekende geurtjie wat.in die hysbakke, foyers en later tot in die gange begin
hang bet.
Mense op die boonste verdiepings was veral erg geraak. Om vir vier of vyf vloere jou asem
op te hou sander om 'n suurstoftekort tot gevolg te he, is nie maklik nie.
Daarby kan dit 'n erge verleentheid wees as jy man - of vrou - aileen in die hysbakke ry en
mense wat op ander vloere inklim, jou moontlik vir die dik atmosfeer kan blameer. Dit bet
ook gedreig om besoekers aan Gebou 21 se beeld van Technikon Pretoria te skaad.
Na maande se speurwerk is die oorsaak van die probleem uiteindelik opgespoor: 'n
koudbloedige, stertlo"se amfibie wat baie goed spring- beter bekend as 'n padda.
Die diertjies het blykbaar kortstondig baljaar in seepwater wat gebruik is om bevoorregtes
met parkering op die lae~grondvlak se motors t~ was en wat dan afgespoel bet tot naby die
hysbakke. Nodeloos om te se, die seepwater bet nie met die paddas geakkordeer nie en bulle
bet 'n voortydige dood gesterf en begin ontbind.
Die probleem is genadJglik intussen aangespreek en die stank is daarmee been, sowaar as
wat padda manel dra!
Geriit Bester Gil
To improve the PSA's visibility and encourage an awareness of the PSA. Gil
Welcome on Board
Coen Verhoop
Building Sciences
Gerda van der Bank
Senior Secretary
Corporate Relations
Gert Schoeman
Director: Internal
Corporate Relations
Administrative Assistant
Corporate Relations
Absent: Dennis Malanga
Student Development
Witbank campus
Fiona Plisic
leona SlipJlel1
Graphic Designer
Publication &
Mario Smith
Facdlty of Health Sciences
Pieter Myburgh
Director. External
Corporate Relations