Newsletter May 2012 - Emsworth Cruising Association


Newsletter May 2012 - Emsworth Cruising Association
Commodore’s Comments
Cruise & Social Notes
Easter Rally
Bembridge Rally
How the ECA began
Year of Photos Chichester Harbour
Offshore Wind Turbines to benefit
British Industry – for or against?
This Month’s Recipe from
Dead line for next Edition
May 2012
Emsworth Cruising
Commodore’s Comments
The main season is well underway, with the
Easter & Littlehampton Cruises, reported
elsewhere in this edition. The Island Harbour,
Folly Inn Table Dancing Cruise also
occurredThe weather has been a bit dire
It’s a funny thing, 10 years or so ago,
Littlehampton was the first Cruise as an OoD I
did for the Club, and it blew and rained dogs
off leads in big seas on the way back then too.
Before that August Bank Holiday, the ECA
hadn’t been there for 13 years. I wonder if
someone is trying to tell us something…?
Commodore’s Comments, will be the really
important stuff- the links to the latest Cruise
and Social Notes.
Another plea on behalf of all our Officers of
the Day- please express your interest in
attending an event as early as possible, even
if the weather may force you to cancel on the
day- it’s easier to reduce numbers than to ask
for more space at short notice, which may
simply not be possible at some venues.
Yarmouth, IoW, for instance, seems to have
the ‘Harbour Full’ sign out most weekends
with decent weather.
Alice & I have been moved to Dock pontoon in
EYH this month. I must say it’s a lot easier
berthing at 02.00hrs or so in the dark and a bit
of wind and rain such as has been our lot lately.
Line up the pontoon light fine on the starboard
bow, slow ahead, and ‘clunk’ you’ve arrived.
Several Committee Members wish to stand
down at next October’s AGM.
Sometimes we wish to take a back seat for a
while after long service, often our personal
and family circumstances have changed, so
that we cannot easily continue to give so
freely of our time and energy to our Club’s
We have Tringa II signed up for the St
Wilfred’s Challenge in September again, so are
In my working life, a 2-max3 year tour in a
waving the sponsorship sheets around on
post/role, then a move, was normal. That
Rallies. Those of you who know the good work
gave you a year to learn the job, a year to
the Hospice movement do, particularly St Wilfs
improve it, and possibly, a year to hand it on
in the Chichester area, I hope will support us.
in one piece as a going concern!
We are currently looking for replacements to
The first electronic Newsletter has been well
stand for election at the AGM to ensure a
received, and thanks to everyone for their
smooth transition of our Club administration.
feedback. Apart from the inevitable technical
If we share the running of our Club around
production problems, which the team overcame
amongst us, we can all benefit from the fresh
before publication, there was one glaring
viewpoints, inputs and enthusiasm.
omission in the change from full on paper to a
Dick Tyrrell, Tringa II of Hamble
stream of electronsThe Cruise Notes!
Well, ‘no one bats a 1000, even at Cape
Canaveral’, so, in future, underneath these
Cruise Notes; here are your links to the next Cruises in our 2012 programme;
Queens Diamond Jubilee Circular IoW Sail
Beaulieu River BBQ Rally
Commodore’s Cruise to Normandie
Easter Cruise 2012
As arranged five boats arrived on Good
Friday afternoon tide and moored up in
wonderful sunshine at the pre booked berths
of Harold Hayles yard in Yarmouth. The
boats were:Dick and Alice on Tringa II
Tony Elwing II
John and Julie on Carina
Andy PB and Alison on Patricia – Anne
Bev and Sue on Gabriel (OOD)
sailing down the Solent provided a fine sight.
Fortunately (or not?) the forecast awful weather
arrived later in the day to vindicate the decision
to cancel the Mondays event
Altogether a most pleasant Easter Rally, with
most enjoyable company
Bev Dickens, Gabriel: (RC Cruising)
Photos [by Bev Dickens] below:
Tringa II and Dick (Gorilla in the mist?)
disappearing in a cloud of exhaust from an old
After the usual fiddling with boaty bits and
Swordsman Speed boat just starting up as we
time exploring Yarmouth a plan evolved for
the evening. Commencing with nibbles and
plenty of liquid refreshment on Gabriel, The
Commodore (Alice actually) then
played host to the whole rally for a
sumptuous on board pasta meal with
olives, bread, and more wine, the
evening being rounded off with a visit
to the Kings Head in Yarmouth.
Saturday was a late start for the short
windless crossing to Dan Bran
Pontoon, Yarmouth where again pre
booked berths awaited. The rally was
joined by Graham, Wendy and the
ECA glamourous cover page dog, Jack.
Although the previous booking for
Lymington Sailing Club had been
cancelled, Wendy and Bev successfully
persuaded the club to host us for dinner
and a most successful evening it was.
Unfortunately the weather forecast for
Easter Monday included gale warnings
and so a decision was made to cancel
the Easter Monday BBQ and to make
an early morning start, catching the
spring tide back to home ports. Twenty
two boats from Chichester Yacht Club
who had also been in Lymington made
the same decision and the total flotilla
Photo [by Bev] ECA dining in Lymington Town Sailing Club clockwise from bottom left Sue,
Wendy, Alice, John, Dick, Tony, Graham, Andy and Alison.
Littlehampton Rally
(or gusting 33 knots in the shadow of the Island!)
Despite a poor weather forecast we had four
boats - well done them. We also had a second
flotilla by land as the crews of Gabriel,
Ruahine, and Witch Hazel were determined
not to be left out.
The passage to Littlehampton was a pleasant
motor via the Looe Channel and all boats
(Golden Ibis; Carina; Tringa II & Badgie II)
joined up off Bognor for a grand entry into the
River Arun. Elwing II was "broken" so Tony
crewed with us on Golden Ibis and what a
treat it was to have an expert pair of hands as
crew, especially on the return when the "going
got tough". We arrived at Littlehampton at
11.00 in sunshine and moored up alongside
the harbour office on the (relatively) new
Town Quay visitor moorings.
For "drinks and nibbles" prior to our dinner at
the Silk Road, Golden Ibis was bursting at the
seams with twenty bodies on board (21 if you
count Jack the dog)! We then left for the Silk
Road restaurant and after the meal, were
entertained by Serita the Belly Dancer who
sails from Tipnor SC in Portsmouth and who
must be double jointed!
Some brave diners joined in but the star was
John Green who, as Alice notes, put a new
interpretation to the role of "Vice" in Vice
On Sunday the weather deteriorated with the
prospect of worse later in the week. So it was
"wind over tide", 30kts of wind, sideways
rain, and a lumpy sea, making for unpleasant
conditions - fortunately it didn't start raining
until the end of the trip.
Golden Ibis and Carina opted for the
Looe Channel again and then a
roiling, rolling entrance into
Chichester Harbour and a rain
soaked wait for the night tide.
Tringa II decided to go south of the
Owers with Badgie Two and
continued on to Portsmouth and
Royal Clarence with them for the
rain soaked night and a share of
Mandie Merlinís delayed curry
Sunday Lunch.†
Fortunately we all made it back safe
and sound, although a 11.5 metre
fishing trawler was not so lucky and
sank off Langstone Harbour.
The RNLI were there 4 minutes after
the initial Mayday and took off the
two fishermen - did you see the
dramatic pictures on the next
Monday's South Today?
†Thank you everyone for coming and
making it such a good Rally hopefully we will have better
weather the next time and more boats
will be able to enjoy the passage.
John & Anne† Baldwin,
Golden Ibis
Photo Golden Ibis
with Battle Flag at
Littlehampton on
front cover, left
top, Badgie II and
Carina, left
Golden Ibis and
Tringa II in the
sun at
Bottom: John
(Green) enjoying
the dancing led by
Continued from last month
How the ECA began back in 1965 &1966
Admiral offered to sell the premises
outright to Ken for the then price of £25,000.
However Ken and the others could not get a
loan to buy it.
They did however manage to buy Debentures
in respect of their berths during one or other
of the Admiral’s financial crises during the
building of EYH.
The Club nearly bought the whole EYH just
before the Admiral finally sold the place. Ken
and the other ECA Members had raised
£1.8million of the £2 million the Admiral said
he wanted, but he suddenly sold it for £2.2
Round Here’s (modern NIMBY’s?)’
Emsworth and the various local Councils.
There are many stories about him, but the EYH
one I like the best is how the lower or sill
entrance of EYH came about, despite local
One dark and stormy night, the Admiral fired
up the dragline dredger (or an early type of
JCB, there are two versions) still working in the
marina, and next morning, there was the new
lower entrance, ‘formed overnight in the
As told by Ken Flatt, the ECA First
Now the Admiral was a strong character, and Commodore to Dick Tyrrell 2011/12
what the legal professions know as a ECA Commodore in January 2012
‘vexatious litigant’. He liked to argue with
everyone, and did not like taking orders from Note this article will be on the Conservancy
Web site
anyone, as his Service career showed.
So his plan for a huge marina along the whole
shoreline of Emsworth was not well received
by those he called the ‘Do Nothings, and not
A Year of Photos of Chichester Harbour
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
From the 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013 we are aiming to collect a photo everyday of
Chichester Harbour Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). At the end of the twelve
months we will have a fine photographic record of the AONB, covering all aspects of the
landscape, wildlife, recreation and more.
To take part, simply take a photo of any aspect of the AONB. It can be on the land, on the
water, boats, farmland, habitats, buildings, wildlife, people or even life under the water,
anything that you think represents Chichester Harbour.
Submit your photos by email to [email protected]. Up to three photos for each day
will be displayed on Don’t worry if you can’t submit it the day it
was taken, just send it in anytime before the 30 April 2013 and we will add it into the
project. When submitting your photo, include your details, where and when it was taken and
a short caption of why the photo is special to you.
Keep checking back on to see how we are doing and enjoy seeing
the year of photos as it grows day by day.
Offshore wind turbines set to benefit British industries
A group representing the UK's offshore wind industry plans to ensure more than
half the supply chain is UK-sourced. Alice researches some other opinions.
British industries from boat-building to concrete, and electric cabling to gearbox manufacturing are
in the line-up to benefit from the construction of
harbour is being redeveloped as a hub for
thousands of offshore wind turbines, if new plans
offshore windfarm construction, at a cost of
go ahead.
about £50m. The work will create 150 jobs in
A group representing the UK's offshore wind construction, as well as requiring about 1m
industry on Monday 6th February adopted a target tonnes of stone from local quarries, which will
of ensuring that more than half of the supply create hundreds more jobs. "It is the first
chain for offshore windfarms is sourced from the dedicated harbour upgrade for offshore wind,"
UK. At present, less than a third of the value of Anderson said.
the goods and services needed to construct
offshore wind farms actually originates in the Under European Union laws, the government
would not be allowed to specify that a certain
amount of the supplies for offshore wind
The adoption of the new target came as the UK's should be homegrown. However, this initiative
wind industry faced its fiercest ever assault, from is technically one that has come from the
a group of more than 100 Tory MPs calling on industry itself, so it is permissible for the
the government to cut subsidies for onshore government to endorse it.
windfarms. Their campaign, in the form of a
letter to the prime minister, marked the first crisis
But critics pointed out that the target of
for the incoming energy and climate change
sourcing more than half of supplies from the
secretary, Ed Davey, after taking over from Chris
UK had no deadline attached, and represented
Huhne on Friday.
"more of a vague aspiration" than a concrete
"The UK has created the world's biggest offshore plan. "It's a nod in the right direction of a
wind market and that should be attracting strategy, but what is the strategy?" asked one
manufacturers and support companies," said person involved with the industry, who could
Keith Anderson, chief corporate officer at not be named.
Scottish Power and co-chair with the energy
minister, Charles Hendry, of the Offshore Wind Christchurch Sailing Club has written to
Developers' Forum. "This is a massive many of their local MP’s and also to Eneco
opportunity. There has been a lot of investment Wind (the company applying for permission
in offshore wind in the UK, but very little in UK for the Navico Site off the Isle of Wight).
They are objecting to it on four counts
The size of the potential market runs to many 1. The proposed site is very large and sits
billions – the government estimates that at least
on a very busy area used by pleasure
£200bn in investment will be needed in the
boating and commercial shipping.
whole energy sector by 2020, to overhaul the 2. The visual impact.
UK's creaking grid infrastructure, bring power 3. The possible disturbance of the micro
stations up to European standards and meet
renewable energy and emissions targets.
4. Hengistbury Head is an important
landfall for thousands of migratory birds.
Outlining the wider benefits of offshore wind,
Anderson pointed to Belfast, where the harbour Have your say go to
is being redeveloped as a hub for offshore
windfarm construction, at a cost of about £50m. or to e-Petitions on government web site
The work will create 150 jobs in construction, as
well as requiring about 1m tonnes of stone from
Cookí corner from Littlehampton
150 g Pollack
150 g mashed potato
(hot & seasoned)
5g chopped parsley
1 spring onion
4 slices wholemeal
bread (crumbed)
1 egg slightly beaten
10 g melted butter
1. mix fish parsley and
spring onion in bowl
2. divide mixture into
6; shape into patties
3. coat patties with egg
and breadcrumb,
brush with half the
4. bake at gas 6/ 200ºC
for 20 mins, turn
over after 10,brush
with remaining
butter for the
further 10.
5. Serve
Photo Dick:
See also “Sailing Today” June 2012 p86 for Smoked
Haddock Fish cakes for an alternative recipe.
The opinions expressed in the articles in this Newsletter are those of the individual only and not necessarily those
of the Emsworth Cruising Association. No responsibility can be accepted for any inaccuracies or omissions.
The Next Edition of the ECA newsletter will be AUGUST 2012.
This is the long standing tradition of the Emsworth Cruising Association, so the Editor
can go off cruising (him)herself, and not have to harass members for contributions
UNTIL the end of July.
Deadline for the August edition is Monday 30th JULY 2012.
Your E-mail Contributions are welcome anytime, but please send an e-mail first if lots of
photos/large files are involved, so we can get to a good WiFi link and not fill up our Inbox.