PDF of this issue - Le Bonheur Children`s Hospital


PDF of this issue - Le Bonheur Children`s Hospital
spring 2015
Little fighter
After six months in NICU, Millie is thriving
Arkansas man rallies community to support Le Bonheur
2014 Donor Report
In this issue:
Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital in Memphis, Tenn., treats
more than 250,000 children each year in regional clinics
and a 255-bed hospital that features state-of-the-art
technology and family-friendly resources. Our medical
staff of more than 240 physicians provide care in 40
2 Little fighter One pound, 11 ounces Millie defies all odds
Le Bonheur Leadership
Meri Armour, MSN, MBA – President and CEO
Jon McCullers, MD – Pediatrician-in-Chief
Mark Williams, MD – Surgeon-in-Chief
Harris Cohen, MD – Radiologist-in-Chief
Bill May, MD, MBA – Chief Medical Officer
Nikki S. Polis, PhD, RN – Interim Chief
Nursing Officer
Kevin Todd, MBA – Chief Financial Officer
Janet Phillips, MAEL – Vice President of
Planning, Strategy and Business Development
Maureen O’Connor, MBA – Vice President
of Institutional Advancement
Brandon Edgerson, MS, PharmD –
Vice President of Professional Services
Rick Kanschat – Administrative Director
of Support Services
Shannon Tacker, CPA – Executive Director
of UT Le Bonheur Pediatric Specialists
12 GIVING BACK Best years of career motivate donation
14 Sowing Seeds Farm community rallies for Le Bonheur
19 Your gifts matter
Development directors
Kavanaugh Casey, Michelle Connors,
Roberta (Sue) Matthews, Kenneth Wurzburg
Securing the Promise is a publication of
Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital, produced by
Le Bonheur Institutional Advancement. If you
have any questions or wish to be removed from
the mailing list, please contact us at 901-287-6308
or [email protected].
Administrative Director, Marketing
and Communications
Jennilyn Utkov
Director, Communications
Nellann Mettee
Jennifer Parris
Iesha Harris, Amanda Mauck,
Sara Patterson, Andrew Sullivan,
Hillary Welton, Katherine Whitfield
Lisa Buser
Rachel Gabrielleschi
Support Le Bonheur
For more information about ways to support Le Bonheur Children’s by
volunteering, attending events, developing partnerships and giving
financially, please visit lebonheur.org/ways-to-help or call 901-287-6308.
Message from Meri
Dear Friends,
Last spring during one of my rounds visiting with families, I met tiny Millie Galphin in our Neonatal Intensive Care
Unit (NICU). Born at 25 weeks gestation, she weighed a little more than a pound and was fighting several serious
medical conditions. She had a very hard road ahead of her, but I knew she was in good hands with our NICU team.
A year later, I’m excited we can share Millie’s amazing story as she celebrates her first birthday. While she spent the
first six months of her life in the hospital, she has a bright future ahead thanks to our professionals.
In the field of pediatric medicine, neonatology is a relatively new specialty. The very first NICU in the United States
opened in 1960. Before then, babies who weighed less than 3 pounds and were born before 30 weeks gestation rarely
Today, thanks to advances and innovations in medical training and technology, babies much smaller than that have
a fighting chance. Routinely, babies in Le Bonheur’s NICU weigh just a pound. Many go on to live full and happy lives.
Investments in neonatology have made all the difference for these children and families. You can see it in the
stories of children like Millie. When you invest in Le Bonheur, you’re giving the tiniest babies and their families hope for
a bright future. Your gifts ensure that our neonatology team of nurses, doctors, therapists and other specialists has the
advanced training and resources necessary to care for the unique and diverse needs of premature babies.
We depend on your generosity, and we’re so grateful for the ways you continue to meet these needs. The future
for kids like Millie depends on you.
Meri Armour, MSN, MBA
President and CEO
Little fighter
At 1 pound, 14 ounces, Millie defies all odds
At many moments, you could have flipped a coin.
Would Millie live or die?
Born at just 25-weeks gestation, the 1 pound, 14 ounce
Memphis premature infant spent the first six months
of her life in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
at Le Bonheur.
Her 172-day journey, that at times included a team of 85
Le Bonheur caregivers, proved Millie is a little fighter.
arrie Galphin’s first pregnancy
Le Bonheur Germantown Hospital where a
seemed very normal until she went
friend met her.
into labor at 25 weeks.
The physicians there tried to
The school teacher and dance
stop labor, but they all knew the
instructor was home when the
Galphins’ daughter would be born
bleeding started. Her husband,
within a few days. Before Millie
Patrick, was 700 miles away in
was born, Carrie received one
South Carolina on a business trip.
dose of steroids administered to
Carrie drove herself to Methodist
help Millie’s lungs develop. Once
L E B O N H E U R C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L
Patrick was by Carrie’s side, Millie made her arrival just
(NEC), a condition
24 hours later on April 11.
that occurs when the
At just 1 pound, 14 ounces, Millie was rushed
from the delivery room to
the NICU at Methodist
Le Bonheur Germantown.
lining of the intestinal
wall dies. NEC is one
“I wasn’t sure she
was coming home
with us.”
At 13 inches, her body was
of the most serious
intestinal diseases for
Carrie Galphin
barely longer than a ruler. On day five, things became
premature babies.
“We had gotten comfortable at Methodist
more serious. At 10 p.m., Millie’s bowels ruptured.
Germantown. We started to establish a routine. It turned
The perforation was caused by necrotizing entercolitis
our world upside down yet again,” Carrie said.
Patrick and Carrie followed the Pedi-Flite ambulance
from Germantown to Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital.
They were taken to the NICU where they waited to see
their daughter.
“We were more scared than anything. We had no
idea what our future looked like at that point,” Carrie
said. “I wasn’t sure she was coming home with us.”
Because of Millie’s complex medical conditions, Carrie
had to wait 15 days to hold her daughter.
L E B O N H E U R C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L
At 3 a.m., Millie had her first of seven surgeries.
Surgeons emergently put a drain into her abdomen
didn’t close on its own as it should. The opening was also
making her premature lung disease worse, which meant
to remove fluid.
she needed a ventilator
Once she was stable
to breathe. Millie was
enough for another
too fragile to move to
surgery, part of her
the operating room, so
diseased intestines
her room in the NICU,
was removed from
once again, became a
her body. Surgeons
sterile environment
left a hole in her
for surgery, and
abdomen for 12
cardiovascular surgeons
weeks while she
recovered and healed.
In February, Millie’s parents prepare to walk her back to the operating room for her seventh surgery:
to remove a hemangioma (build up of blood vessels) from her chest.
The rollercoaster
That first night at Le Bonheur began a six-month
closed the hole in her
heart. Her parents held
her for the first time when she was 15 days old.
“The doctors told us when she was born, ‘It’s going
journey filled with highs and very low moments. Beyond
to be a roller coaster.’ It was the biggest roller coaster
her intestinal issues, Millie’s heart had a vessel that
of my life. She’d have a great day and then she’d have a
horrible day. Then she’d have a great day. It was up and
working. Dr. Ferguson worked for what seemed forever
down and up and down for months,” Carrie said.
and got her stable through the night,” Carrie said.
Neonatologist John Ferguson, MD, remembers those
Carrie called Patrick from the NICU. Come quickly,
difficult days. Not only was Millie a very small premature
she said. As he made his way to Millie’s room, he saw
baby, but she had bronchopulmonary dysplasia, a
one of the chaplains leaving.
chronic lung
“We’d been
disease, complicated
in the NICU long
by pulmonary
enough to know
what the chaplain
She suffered from
coming out of your
extreme changes in
room meant. We
her oxygen levels.
realized that day
how bad off we
“One weekend
she got a tracheal
infection and was
extremely critical. It
were,” he said.
For new parents of a sick child, the Galphins said there was a sharp learning curve on how to care for Millie. “I had
to take it one day at a time,” Carrie said. “If I didn’t take it one day at a time, it got to be really overwhelming.”
The Galphins
remember what
was touch-and-go for a bit,” Ferguson said. “I remember
Neonatologist Divya Rana, MD, said after one of those
having to frequently go back to her bed to check her
scary moments.
oxygen saturation and blood gases and make sure she
“She said, ‘This is the last thing we can do for
was sedated enough that she wasn’t agitated. She was
Millie. If she can make it through the next six hours,
on full support, and there was some concern whether
we feel this is successful, and she’s going to make it past
she’d survive the weekend. It was a difficult weekend for
this. But she may not.’ It was a real possibility that she
wouldn’t,” Carrie said.
For parents with no medical training, these were
scary moments. Carrie remembers one of the worst days.
“Our room – it was like a fire. There were nurses
Millie made it past those six hours and the night.
She kept fighting, and her parents held onto hope.
For a while, every time someone touched Millie, her
and doctors everywhere. We had no idea what was going
oxygen saturation levels would drop. The medical team
on. We learned this wasn’t good. Her lungs were not
would have to help her breathe again and again through
Watch Carrie and Patrick share Millie’s story
L E B O N H E U R C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L
these episodes.
“I had to take it one day at a time. If I didn’t take
it one day at a time, it got to be really overwhelming,”
Carrie said.
Millie’s army
Carrie kept a notebook while Millie was in the
NICU. She listed the key information from rounds each
morning – the day’s issues, treatment plans, medications
and the team members. During one of Millie’s hardest
weeks, Carrie listed 85 different people on Millie’s care
team. Beyond the neonatologists, there were nurses,
nurse practitioners, pharmacists, respiratory therapists,
physical therapists, speech language pathologists,
dietitians and more.
“By the time we left, we think every nurse in
the NICU cared for Millie. We owe everything to
Le Bonheur,” Patrick said.
It takes a large team of people to care for kids like
Millie, Rana says. As the only Level IV NICU in the
Carrie kept a notebook while Millie was in the NICU. She listed the key information
from rounds each morning – the day’s issues, treatment plans, medications and the
team members. In a page from the notebook (above), Carrie listed all the people who
cared for Millie. There were 85 different people on the list – including physicians,
nurses, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, respiratory therapists, physical therapists,
speech language pathologists, dietitians and more.
region, Le Bonheur cares for the most
premature and seriously ill babies from
West Tennessee, North Mississippi and East
Arkansas. Babies admitted to Le Bonheur’s
NICU are born at 31 birthing hospitals across
the region and then travel by ambulance
or helicopter with Le Bonheur’s Pedi-Flite
transport team. The 60-bed NICU is staffed
by board-certified neonatologists and nurse
Galphins say the medical team
encouraged them to be involved with
every possible aspect of Millie’s care.
“The team at Le Bonheur was
very patient with us. They taught us
a lot. They made sure we understood
everything that was going on with
our daughter. A lot of things were
happening very quickly,” Patrick said.
Parents are encouraged to be part
of the medical team’s rounds each
The NICU staff says it’s very satisfying to see their former patients. “We see the babies when they’re the most sick.
Many times we send them out still dealing with those sicknesses,” said Neonatologist Divya Rana, MD, at left. “When they
come back to us, they’re bigger and stronger. Many of their problems have either resolved or are not that acute anymore.
Many times we see them walking and interacting. That makes our job even more special. We did something good.”
morning when the team arrives at
each baby’s room.
“We want parents to be a part
of the care team,” Ferguson said.
practitioners 24 hours a day. Patients have access to
“It creates a bond between the staff,
physicians from more than 40 subspecialties including
parents and their baby. Everyone seems to benefit.
several surgical specialties, cardiology, neurology,
You’re making life and death decisions. Parents always
gastroenterology, nephrology, genetics, pulmonology,
appreciate when you put them in the picture. That’s one
endocrinology and infectious disease.
of the good things about Le Bonheur.”
“Le Bonheur is the place where the sickest of the
sick come,” Rana said. “We get the babies who can’t be
supported in other hospitals. They come to us needing
Going home
As Millie’s body began to grow and heal, the family
emergent surgeries or procedures or a higher level of
looked forward to taking their daughter home. Millie
care. To give that level of support it takes a team of
needed to gain weight and breathe with a minimal
people. It takes that level of care to achieve the
amount of oxygen. The last two and a half months were
outcomes that we want.”
focused on feeding issues. Because Millie had weak
At the helm of Millie’s team are her parents. The
L E B O N H E U R C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L
feeding skills, she received some of her food by feeding
After six months in the NICU, the staff prepared Carrie and Patrick to take home their daughter. “I thought I was going to be nervous and terrified. But when we got home, it was ‘OK,
we can do this.’ The doctors and nurses trained us really well on everything we were coming home with so that we felt good about bringing her home,” Carrie said.
tube. The dietitian worked to find the best formula for
Millie’s sensitive stomach and intestines.
Millie went home on Sept. 29, weighing 7 pounds,
7 ounces.
“It was so wonderful and so sad at the same time,”
Carrie said. “We felt like we were leaving friends, but we
were so glad to be bringing her home.”
Carrie says life at home has been wonderful. Millie
Millie celebrated her first birthday on April 11. The Galphins believe Millie is here today because of the care their daughter received at Le Bonheur.
“Everyone at Le Bonheur seemed to take a genuine interest in Millie. You don’t see that everywhere,” Patrick said.
now weighs 15 pounds, 12 ounces and enjoys tummy
Millie continues to see specialists in three clinics
time, playing in her jumper and giving her parents big
– Newborn Follow Up, G-tube Feeding Clinic and
smiles. She celebrated her first birthday on April 11.
Children’s Intestinal Rehab Clinic (CIRCLe). She also
While Millie’s NICU journey ended in September,
Le Bonheur will be part of her life for many more years.
sees a pulmonologist, audiologist and ophthalmologist.
“We have so many doctors following Millie. I feel
She had surgery in February to remove a hemangioma
like if we had an issue, they are going to catch it really
(a birthmark of extra blood vessels) from her chest.
quickly,” said Carrie. “That is comforting to me.”
L E B O N H E U R C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L
About Le Bonheur’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
• As the only Level IV NICU in the region, Le Bonheur provides the highest level
of care for neonates with complex medical and surgical needs.
• Our program is recognized as one of the best in the country by U.S. News and
World Report.
• Our NICU has experienced tremendous growth. We opened with six beds
in 2004 and now have 60 beds.
• The unit is staffed 24/7 with a team of 14 board-certified neonatologists and
13 neonatal nurse practitioners.
• It takes a large team to care for neonatal patients – our team includes
specialty trained NICU nurses, respiratory therapists, pharmacists,
dietitians, lactation consultants, social workers, case managers, surgical teams,
transport teams and more.
• Our unit is equipped with the latest specialized technology to care for
high-risk infants.
• Children get better when surrounded by loved ones. That’s why the NICU was designed as single family rooms with
sleeping accomodations for two parents as well as special rooms for multiple births.
cared for
in 2014
center for
31 birthing
45% of patients
are born at
36 weeks and
or less
When a mother is worried about her child, nothing else matters. Thanks to
donors like you nothing else has to. Le Bonheur is the only pediatric hospital
in the region equipped to serve critically ill newborns with complex medical
and surgical needs. Your gifts ensure that children and families find hope at
Le Bonheur.
Give at lebonheur.org/help or by calling 901-287-6308.
How many people does it take
to save Millie?
• Jennie
• Shari • Kia • Abbi
• Tammy • Christina
• Leisel • Brooke • Lauren
• Summer • Stacey • Alice
• InaJoe • Stephanie • Forrest
• Rhonda
• Dr. Kirti • Ruth • Hannah
• Beth • Amanda
• Lisa • Dr. Ferguson • Natalie • Victoria • Catie • Nancy
• Halie • Beth • Dr. Dereddy • Jennifer • Elaina • Wendy
• Jean • Tiffany • Karen • Carrie • Pamela • Laura • Audry
• Tracey • Sofia • Katie • Dr. Goodwin-Samson • Jessica
• Ashley • Denise • Bev • Gwen • Dr. Pourcyrous • Crystal
• Vicki • Christy • Angel • Raechyl • Amy • Dr. Talati
• Gina • Kathy • Sara • Sunny • Emily • Heather
• Christine • Becky • Rebecca • Dr. Lazar • Hannah
• Samantha • Ruth Ann • Dr. Sevilla • Natalia
• Heather • Tosha • Angela • Julie • Dr. Rana
• Elizabeth • Michelle • Anne • Lori • Erin
• Kelly • Judy • Valerie • Justin • Dr. Hoehn
• Julie • Sophia• Sarah • Melisha
• Calvin • Tracey • Jasmin
• Dr. Eubanks
One more … you.
Millie’s parents kept track of every person who cared for her during her nearly six-month
Le Bonheur stay, and the list topped 85 different nurses, doctors, dietitians, therapists and
others. We believe there’s one more person missing from that list – you.
L E B O N H E U R C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L
Invest in Le Bonheur and invest
in children’s lives
For sick, premature babies, Le Bonheur is the only place in the region equipped to care for such complex
medical and surgical needs. We provide the highest level of care in the region. From specialized technology
to advanced training, we’re ready to meet every need of each critically ill newborn.
• Technology changes daily. Your support ensures that we stay on the cutting-edge of the
latest technology and treatments for tiny newborns.
• Ongoing research moves the field of neonatology forward, giving more sick babies
a chance to live their lives to the fullest.
We need your help to continue helping the most vunerable newborns. Give today
and help kids like Millie. Visit lebonheur.org/help or call 901-287-6308.
Best years of career motivate doctor to donate
ll it took was one class to convince John Ferguson, MD, to
dedicate his life to caring for the smallest and most fragile
newborn babies. In medical school, Ferguson was intrigued by
neonatology, a new field of pediatric medicine.
Ferguson joined Le Bonheur in 2004, after working 20
years at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Methodist
University Hospital, which was relocated to Le Bonheur.
One of Millie’s neonatologists, John Ferguson, MD, donates to Le Bonheur to
continue the tradition of high-quality pediatric care.
“The 11 years I’ve been at Le Bonheur have been the
best of my career. It’s a great place to work,” he said.
Seeing former patients reminds Ferguson of the
importance of this field of medicine.
“We get caught in this intensive care environment.
We’re dealing with very sick babies. When they do come back
to visit, you
“I gladly pledge and give back
remember the
weekends you
to help continue this tradition of
thought you
high-quality pediatric care and
were going to
unique community service.”
lose them. You
John Ferguson, MD
did everything
you could to try to help them. You realize it was worth it all.”
Not only has Ferguson dedicated his career to serving
at Le Bonheur, he’s also a generous donor to the hospital.
“Working at Le Bonheur is such a positive experience,
and I gladly pledge and give back to help continue this
tradition of high-quality pediatric care and unique
community service,” he said.
Sowing Seeds
Farm Community Rallies for Le Bonheur
he first time Steve Roberts crossed paths with WREG
Jim the $40 when the cyclists rode by. If not for Steve’s
(Memphis) Meteorologist Jim Jaggers, he was driving
signature green boots, that might have been the end of
his pickup truck down a windy country road in rural
Arkansas and found himself stuck behind Jim and the rest
the story.
But a few days later, a friend of Steve’s caught an
of the Go Jim Go cycling team. At the time, Steve had two
interview with Jim Jaggers and heard him talking about the
$20 bills in his pocket.
bearded, truck-driving farmer in knee-high green waders
Steve had seen some television commercials about
who pulled off the road to give to Le Bonheur. And as
Go Jim Go and knew the riders were raising money for
pretty much anyone in East Arkansas might tell you, the
Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital. After trailing the team for
friend knew that farmer had to be Steve. Word got back to
a few miles, Steve passed the riders, pulled over and handed
Steve that his gesture had impressed and touched Jim and
L E B O N H E U R C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L
the other riders, and in that moment nearly seven years
more. The day Jim and the cyclists were scheduled to ride
ago, one of the hospital’s greatest champions was born.
through town, Steve had already collected an impressive
$14,500 – but he wasn’t satisfied.
“I thought to myself, if me
“I’d set a new goal of $15,000,
stopping was the highlight of his
ride … well, we can do a lot better
and I was still $500 short,” Steve
than that,” said Steve. “So, the
recalls. “The riders were making a
next year I just went to collecting
stop at the Ford dealership, so I got
money. I knew I could give Jim
there early, sat down at a desk inside
some help; I was in the right spot
and made five calls to five friends
and knew the right people.”
asking for $100 a piece. Each time
someone said ‘yes,’ I’d add their
And help he did. The next
year, Steve knocked on doors,
visited friends, made cold calls
It isn’t unusual for Steve Roberts to receive donations for
Le Bonheur from friends and clients while making his
usual rounds as a crop consultant.
money to our total. And they all
said ‘yes.’ Together, we raised the
to strangers and raised $15,000 for Le Bonheur in 2009.
last $500 over the phone while I waited for the bicycles to
He set out with a goal of $5,000 and quickly realized that,
come down the street.”
with the help of his community, they could raise much
Steve’s fundraising efforts have grown exponentially
each year. Last year, he presented Jim with more than
$94,000 in donations on behalf of his community,
and in 2015, he has his sights set on breaking the
$100,000 mark. In just a few years, farmers, families
and schools in East Arkansas have contributed more
than a quarter of a million dollars to fundraising
campaigns for Le Bonheur.
Jim, who is another of Le Bonheur’s greatest
champions, attributes Steve’s success in part to his
persistence and in part to the friendships Steve has
cultivated throughout his lifetime.
“Steve has dedicated a large portion of his life
to raising money for Le Bonheur. He’s constantly
thinking about it,” said Jim. “He’s deeply woven into
the farming community in all of East Arkansas. Steve
helps those people out and so they help him out, and
Le Bonheur is the beneficiary.”
A native of East Arkansas, Steve attended school
in Forrest City, resides in Wynne and hosts special
events on his farmland in Colt. When he isn’t
rounding up support for Le Bonheur, Steve works as
a crop consultant – locally known as a “field man” –
providing farmers with information, tips and resources
to help them get the greatest yield from their crops.
Steve has been advising members of some Arkansas
families for three generations.
There ought to be somebody in
every single town who can do this
for Le Bonheur – and they should.
— Steve Roberts
Take Vernon Thweatt, for example. Vernon met
Steve when he was only 14 years old. At the time, Steve
was working as a crop scout for Vernon’s father. When
Vernon assumed more responsibility for his family’s
soybean farm, he knew he needed help from one of the
best crop consultants around. He and Steve have been
friends ever since.
L E B O N H E U R C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L
“Steve is the top dog in our part of the country for
hustlin’ up support,” Vernon said. “A guy of Steve’s
caliber with relationships, trust and friendship? All he’s
got to do is just ask. When it’s a good friend asking for
a great cause,
helping out is not
an effort – it’s a
to Steve’s
grassroots efforts,
Le Bonheur
receives annual
Forrest City Mayor Larry S. Bryant is one of the
many Forrest City citizens who proudly supports
Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital.
Go Jim Go
Go Jim Go, a partnership between Le Bonheur and WREG
News Channel 3, has raised more than $1 million for the
from Thweatt
hospital since 2006. The annual 333-mile bicycle ride across
Farms. In fact, in
the Mid-South is led by Meteorologist Jim Jaggers and a
2014 alone, more than 360 people and organizations
gave to Le Bonheur because of a personal relationship
with Steve.
team of volunteer cyclists. The 2015 ride, set for Sept. 23-30,
will make stops at schools and businesses across the region.
For more information, visit www.wreg.com/weather/gojimgo.
Contact David Henson at 901-287-5689 or david.henson@
Some donors, like Phyllis Lindley, a clerk at The
lebonheur.org to get involved in this year’s event.
Country Store, and J.B. Hamilton, who pilots a crop
dusting plane, have personal reasons for getting involved
with Steve’s mission. Both Phyllis and J.B. have children
who required expert care at Le Bonheur, which is
about 50 miles outside of Cross County, where the two
reside. Other donors, like First National Bank Assistant
Vice President Becky Smith, are just glad to know that
Le Bonheur is close by
for kids who need it.
“I can’t imagine
village creek state park
Saturday, Sept. 19
Village Creek State Park
201 County Road 754
Wynne, AR 72396
Activities Include:
what I’d do if
• Golf Tournament
• Bass Tournament
• Poker Run
• Trail Ride
• Hot-Air Balloon Rides
• Silent Auction
• Live Music from Black Oak Arkansas
and local bands
• Food
something happened
to my son, Colton,”
said Becky. “I know
I’d be so grateful to
have Le Bonheur there
for him, so I want to
do anything I can do
to help.”
Le Bonheur Day at
Steve’s fundraising efforts are so significant to
Go Jim Go that the riders now wear special
“Thanks Steve Thanks” shirts on their route
through East Arkansas.
To purchase tickets or to learn more,
call Steve Roberts at 870-261-8107.
Pam Hess, a long-time school friend of Steve’s, and her husband, Bill, present Steve with a check for Le Bonheur during a visit to their family-owned equipment supply store.
As humble as he is influential, Steve has a knack for
Everything has to be different and just right for children.”
selling everyone he meets on Le Bonheur’s mission. He’s
Steve’s fundraising ideas are growing almost as
even convinced some unlikely candidates to give. During
rapidly as his network of donors. In September, he has
one of his first years raising
plans to host sporting events,
money for Le Bonheur, Steve was
golf tournaments, fishing
pulled over in town for driving
competitions, trail rides and
a few miles over the speed limit.
even an outdoor festival with live
When the officer realized that he
music at a local state park – all
was collecting donations for the
to raise money for Le Bonheur.
hospital, she gave him her lunch
Although he became a Le Bonheur
money instead of a ticket. Steve
champion in an unlikely way, for
Steve, his mission is crystal clear.
attributes people’s willingness to
give to Le Bonheur’s reputation
for providing compassionate,
Right beside the tools, farming implements and other equipment in Steve’s
garage, he keeps a pile of Le Bonheur canisters ready and waiting for the next
opportunity to partner and fundraise with a neighboring organization.
exceptional care.
“Anytime someone asks
me why I’m raising money for
Le Bonheur, I tell them, ‘That’s not the question. The
“The people working at Le Bonheur are the nicest
question is: Why don’t you help me do it?’” said Steve.
folks I’ve ever met,” said Steve. “And we need a children’s
“There ought to be somebody in every single town who
hospital. Kids are different – especially the littlest ones.
can do this for Le Bonheur – and they should.”
You can’t just lower the doses because you’re treating a kid.
Watch Steve’s story –
L E B O N H E U R C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L
Your gifts matter.
Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital sincerely thanks the following individuals, corporations, foundations and other
organizations that have given generously to Le Bonheur in the last year. In spite of our best efforts, errors and
omissions may occur. Please inform us of any inaccuracies by contacting Cherisa Lewis at [email protected]
or 901-287-6308. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of children and their families.
Balloon & Key
Cumulative gifts of $1
million and more
Balloon & Key Society
honors the day
Le Bonheur opened,
when keys to the
hospital were tied to a
balloon and released
into the sky. The act
symbolized that the
doors of Le Bonheur
will always be open for
every sick child.
Anonymous (2)
The Assisi Foundation of Memphis
Linda Beidelschies Barnes
William W. Bond III and
Madonna B. Bond
John D. Buckman Charitable Trust
R. King Burton*
The Children’s Foundation of
Children’s Miracle Network
Col. Tom and Kathleen Elam*
FedEx Corporation
First Tennessee Foundation
Susan and Alan Graf
Clara I. Hardin*
Jabie and Helen Hardin*
Hyde Family Foundations
Nathaniel I. and Leslie M. Landau
Al and Carol LaRocca
Le Bonheur Club, Inc.
Ernest and Linda Mannerino
Musette and Allen B. Morgan, Jr.
NIKE Corporation
Nucor Steel Arkansas
Plough Foundation
Bill and Amy Rhodes
Herbert* and Mary S. Shainberg
Frederick W. and Diane Smith
Smith & Nephew, Inc.
David D. and Deborah L. Stevens
TWIGS of Le Bonheur Children’s
The Urban Child Institute
Walmart and Sam’s Club
Le Bonheur Club members are noted in bold
* Deceased
1952 Society
Cumulative gifts of
$100,000 to $999,999
The 1952 Society
recognizes the year
Le Bonheur opened.
Larry and Kathy Accardi
Accredo Health, Inc.
The AIM Charity
American Snuff Company
Baker, Donelson, Bearman,
Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC
Nancy and Ed Barnett
Roger and Shelve Bell
Belz Family Foundation
The Family of Dorothy and
Sam Block
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Boop
Brinkley Foundation
The Bronczek Family
Susan M. and Larry H. Bryan
Raymond H. Bryant*
Dorothy Bryce Morton
Lindley and Charlie Buchas
Mertie W. Buckman*
Robert H. Buckman and
Joyce A. Mollerup
Judy and Charles Burkett
Lonnie Guy Byrd
Caesars Entertainment Mid-South
James C. Callis*
Mary Coleman Callis*
The Canale Foundation
Care Foundation
Gene and Karen Carlisle
Elizabeth and Staley Cates
Mrs. Viness C. Coburn*
Combined Federal Campaign
of the Mid-South
The Commercial Appeal
Brady and Nancy Cook
E. M. Copeland*
Costco Wholesale Corp.
Hilliard and Harriett Crews
Dairy Queen Corp.
Delta Dental of Tennessee
Lallah D. Dougherty*
William B. Dunavant, Jr. and
Dr. Tommie S. Dunavant
Dunavant Enterprises, Inc.
Pat Klinke Veglio:
Nov. 19, 1929 - Jan. 8, 2015
It’s difficult to remember former Le Bonheur Club President
Pat Klinke Veglio without remembering her famous rum cakes. They
were, in many ways, another testament to her love for Le Bonheur
Children’s Hospital.
During each annual Le Bonheur Gold Tag sale, Klinke Veglio
made face-to-face calls with anyone she thought might buy a tag –
a bumper sticker in support for Le Bonheur. She made her famous
cakes for every person she called upon.
“Her successful technique of fundraising could never be
matched,” said current Le Bonheur Club President Peggy Lovell.
“Pat was truly an icon and will be sorely missed.”
Her passion for raising money for Le Bonheur was matched
only by her love for the hospital’s families. Every Christmas
morning, she served fresh coffee to hospital families – another
example of the charitable spirit she carried.
“She had constant energy,” remembers her friend and fellow
club member, Clara Dean Hope.
So much energy that the club created the Patricia G. Klinke
Award in 1998 to honor Pat’s spirit – it is the highest honor a
Le Bonheur Club member can receive.
Klinke Veglio died Jan. 8, 2015,
at the age of 86. A member of the
volunteer organization since 1970
and the club’s 59th president,
Pat is remembered for her
enthusiasm, spirit of charity
and famous rum cakes.
Klinke Veglio presented Governor Lamar
Alexander with a Le Bonheur Gold Tag in 1983.
With Heartfelt Thanks
donor profile:
Josh Spotts
Josh Spotts knew little about
Le Bonheur Children’s when he was
asked to help host a fundraiser for the
hospital in 2008. New to Memphis,
Spotts had never had a Le Bonheur
experience, but was eager to help. Seven
years later, Le Bonheur remains close to
his heart, and his involvement with the
hospital continues to grow.
In 2014, Spotts helped Le Bonheur
form its first Associate Board, a group of
young emerging business and community
leaders who serve as ambassadors for
Le Bonheur, promoting the health and
well-being of children in Memphis.
Spotts serves as the board’s first chairman
and says he loves the friendships he’s
created through Le Bonheur.
“We all have like-minded goals.
I enjoy helping people who can’t help
themselves. For me, there’s no one better
who fits this than children,” said Spotts,
a Realtor® with Crye Leike.
Now, with two daughters, Sophia, 6,
and Hazel, 2, and newborn son, Miller,
Le Bonheur and its mission only mean
more to Spotts.
“I hope to continue to help the
hospital grow and be accessible for
all children,” Spotts said “For kids in
our region, Le Bonheur is the ultimate
Josh and his wife, Caley, have
committed their support to Le Boneur’s
future by including the hospital in their
estate plan.
L E B O N H E U R C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L
Horatio B. Ebert Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. G. Douglas Edwards
Dr. Frank M. Eggers and
Dr. Sandy J. Eggers
Ernst & Young
Mrs. Marguerite Estridge*
Frank L. Flautt, Jr.
Ms. Glenna B. Flautt
Marguerite Fooshee*
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard E. Foote*
Harold E. Ford, Sr.
The Formanek Family
fred’s Super Dollar
Arthur and Nancy* Fulmer
Dr. Phillip George
Gerber/Taylor Advisors, Inc.
Kathy and J.W. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. P. Trowbridge Gillespie
Goldsmith Family Foundation
The Goodlett Foundation
Florence Graham*
Mr. and Mrs. John Griesbeck
The Griesbeck Family
Nellie B. Hamilton*
Robert C. Harnden*
Clara Waskom Harris*
William Randolph Hearst
Denise and Bob Henning
William D. Hill*
Hillstrom Davidson –
Hillstrom Hunter Advised Fund
International Paper Company
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Debbie and Dennis* Jones
Joel and Melissa Kimbrough
Ms. Wanda J. Kimbrough
Kinder Morgan
Anne McCaughan Kitts*
The Klyce Family
The Kroger Company
Les Passees, Inc.
Joanie and Michael Lightman
Log A Load for Kids
Malco Theatres
Malone & Hyde, Inc.
Marriott International, Inc.
Marsh Advantage America
The Albert Jay Martin Family
R. Brad Martin Family Foundation
Stacy and Chris McCall
Memphis Children’s Clinic
Memphis Vending Company, LLC
Glenn Miller
Max Daniel Miller III* and
Phoebe T. Miller
Ruth McCaughan Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. D. Stephen Morrow
Morrie A. Moss*
Ms. Jean P. Murrell
National Pizza Company
National Safety Associates, Inc.
NewSouth Capital Management, Inc.
Mr. Jon E. Nix
J. G. Nohsey*
Robin, Billy, Benjamin, Megan and
Hannah Orgel
Larry and Dianne Papasan
Russell D. Paulk, Sr.*
Pediatric Anesthesiologists, P. A.
Pediatric Emergency Specialists, PC
Pemiscot County R-3 School District
Mabel S. Perkins*
Phi Mu Fraternity
Billy and Lauren Pickens
Ellen M. Powell
Wayne and Betty* Pyeatt
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Quinlan, Jr.
Mary Carolyn Rabb*
Raymond James Financial, Inc.
Maurice E. Riggins*
Trish and Carl Ring
Ring Container Technologies
Marie and Ed Roberson
Loren and Kimberly Roberts
Loren Roberts Foundation
Nancy and Richard Robinson
Olivia Cunningham Sauls*
The Schadt Foundation, Inc.
Juanita Seabrook*
Seabrook Wallcoverings, Inc.
Second Presbyterian Church
ServiceMaster by Stratos
The ServiceMaster Company
Gary and Glenda Shorb
Skanska USA Building, Inc.
Southern Security Federal Credit
The Sparks Foundation
Dathol Stafford
Dr. Laura Starnes and Mr. Mike Starnes
Anne and John W. Stokes, Jr. Family
David and Laura Stone
Strategic Financial Partners
Systems Contracting Corporation
Allen and Addie Taylor*
Mr. Asan G. Tejwani
Thomas & Betts
ThyssenKrupp Elevator Company
TPI Restaurants, Inc.
Clinton N. Trusty
Mr. and Mrs. Wilton W. Webster, Jr.
Mr. William L. Wiles
Barbara Allen Wilkinson
The Kemmons Wilson Family
Steve and Eileen Wishnia
Good Hour
Cumulative gifts of
$25,000 to $99,999
The Good Hour Society
is named for the
French translation of
Le Bonheur’s name
– “happiness” or the
“good hour.”
Caren and Barney Abis
Bob and Donna Abney
Ace Hardware Corp.
Adams and Reese, LLP
Ms. Caryline Adkins
Dr. Charles E. Adwell
Emerson A. and Emily P. Alburty*
Jane and Ben Amaba
Amoco Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. and Dr. K.J.S. Anand
Anonymous (3)
Aqua Yacht Harbor
Don and Meri Armour
Armstrong Relocation Company
Armstrong Rousseau VFW Post 684
Employees of Ashley Furniture
Ripley and Ecru, MS
Atlas Tube (USA), Inc.
Automotive Booster Club B-25
Consolacion V. Cancio-Babu, MD
Phyllis O. Bailey*
Rob and Vicki Baird
Eleanor Barnard
Luis A. Barranco, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Bastedo
Charles A. Bender*
Herman Bensdorf*
Mrs. Arthur C. Best*
Dr. Dennis Black and Dr. Gail
Drs. Martin and Johnetta Blakely
Thelma Kee Blankenship
Sam and Bess Block, Jr.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Bond
Mrs. Charles Brakefield*
James Newton Brown*
Paula and Don Brown
Pete H. Brown and Mildred F. Brown
George W. and Louise W. Brown
Memorial Trust
Brown Missionary Baptist Church
Buckeye Technologies, Inc.
Mr. H. B. Buckingham
Mr. Robert E. Cannon* and
Ms. Kitty Cannon
Cargill, Inc.
Carnival Memphis
Rob and Jenny Carter
Kavanaugh and Dennis Casey
Thomas M. and Jeannene
Cerner Corporation
Champion International
Russell W.* and P. Joan Chesney
Chismore Family Trust
The Family of Dr. and
Mrs. Robert P. Christopher
City Auto Sales
Coca-Cola Bottling Co.
Drs. Sandra and Harris Cohen
Mrs. Louise W. Collier
Wilbur O. Colom
Michelle Accardi Connors
Cook International, Inc.
Cooper/T. Smith Stevedoring Co. Inc.
Danny and Dinah Corley
Credit Unions for Kids
The Crippled Children Vitreoretinal
Research Foundation
John and Betty Crowe
F. C. and Annie P. Dailey Trust
Dancesmiths Fred Astaire Dance
Colas C. Deaton*
Delta Beverage Group, Inc.
Dive Shop, Inc.
Diversified Trust Co., Inc.
Lee and Joe Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. Bob E. Duncan
Duncan-Williams, Inc.
East Tennessee Children’s Hospital
Eastside Automotive, Inc.
Bruce and Carlisle Edenton
Mr. and Mrs. Ken W.
Elvis Presley Burning Love Fan Club
The Emmes Corporation
Dr. Thomas and Lee Ernst
Essix Resources, Inc.
FedEx Customer Service Operations
FedEx Employees Credit Association
FedEx Express Human Resources
FedEx Express Southern Region
FedEx Memphis Hub
FedEx Pilots’ Wives Association
FedEx TechConnect/OBKRC
Eddie and Gloria Felsenthal
Karen Fields Isaacman and
Ken Isaacman
Raymond C. Firestone
Flautt, Inc.
Mary Ann D. Ford*
Ms. Katherine French
Ms. Nora L. Friedmann*
Friends & Family of Po Boys Auction
Mr. Michael D. Fryt
Furman Selz Mager Dietz & Birney
Dr. Sherry A. Gates
GE Capital Aviation Services
Kelly and Brent Gerhart
Gift of Life MidSouth
Kathryn and Jim Gilliland
Lucia and Jim Gilliland
Dr. Barry and Elizabeth Gilmore
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Glass
Gleason High School
Mike and Donna Glenn
Go Lucy Go Foundation
Goldsmith’s Federated
Department Stores
The Gooch Family
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Graves
Tony and Ginger Graves
Greek Orthodox Church of the
Mr. J. R. Gross
Guardsmark, Inc.
Irene M. Haas*
Bessie B. Hall
Jane Hanafin
Dr. and Mrs. W. Ricks Hanna
Ronie E. Harris*
Dr. and Mrs. Wayland J. Hayes III
Heinz U. S. A.
Helena Chemical Company
Gary and Peggy Henley
The Hershey Company
F. Cecil Higgins*
Highland Capital Management, LLC
Ms. Agnes F. Hoehn*
Hamp and Nancy Holcomb
Bill and Clara Dean Hope
Thomas and Martha Horton
Sherry and Jim Hudson
Justin and Selena Hulbert
Ideal Chemical & Supply Co.
Independent Bank
InSouth Bank
Insulation & Refractories
Services, Inc.
Mrs. Roby Johnston*
Mr. Louise G. Jones*
Dr. and Mrs. Royce Joyner
Junior League of Memphis
Mohan and Shaila Karkera
Kevin Wright, Inc.
Romeo Khazen
Dr. and Mrs. Noah B. Kimball
Kimberly-Clark Corp.
Kimberly-Clark Credit Union
Mrs. William King
Nedra Berryman Kinningham*
Mrs. Anne G. Knapp*
Mimi and S L Kopald, Jr.
Sonya A. Krivcher
The Krystal Company
Lackie Trading, Inc.
Drs. Max and Sue Langham
Lauren, Linda and Rande Lazar
Chris and Adrienne LeBlanc
Lenny’s Franchisor, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Lenoir
Ralph M. Lewis*
Lexus of Memphis
Litco Petroleum, Inc.
Lucille E. Little*
James and Martha Lockard
Loeb Properties, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. LaVerne R. Lovell
William P. & Marie R. Lowenstein
Evelyn and Jerome Makowsky
Mapco Petroleum
Marianna Sales Company
Marsh & McLennan, Inc.
Louise L. Massey*
Ken and Marilyn Masterson
Dr. and Mrs. William N. May
Karen and Mark McGough
Mr. and Mrs. Chris J. McLean
Mr. and Mrs. Mickey McLellan
Memorial Park Funeral Home
Memphis Area Teachers’
Credit Union
Memphis City Employees
Credit Union
Memphis Grizzlies Charitable
Memphis Region Ford Dealers
Memphis Sonic Properties
John and Deborah Merino
Merit Distribution Services
Ms. Alma A. Meyers*
Mike Rose Soccer Complex
Dr. Steve and Wendy Miller
Mills Morris Business Interiors
Wilda Minton*
Mississippi University for Women
Nilwon Armon Mitchell*
Morrison Management Specialists
The Flora Belle Moss & Bessie
Abigail Moss Foundation
National Philoptochos Social
Newman’s Own
nexAir, LLC
Mr.* and Mrs. Frank M. Norfleet
Northwest Airlines
Kenneth and Daulene Norwood
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Nunn
Orgill, Inc.
Packaging Corporation of America
B. Rao and Indira Paidipalli
Partners Seeking a Cure (PSC)
Mary J. Patterson*
Payden & Rygel
The Family of Lucas J. Pedersen
The Pentair Foundation
Barbara and Michael Pera
Dr. Lily Pereiras
Pam and Ben Peternell
Pfizer Foundation, Inc.
Rick and Janet Phillips
Dominic and Kathy Pileggi
Kim and Johnny Pitts
Ms. Bertha A. Porter*
Power & Telephone Supply
Barbara and Allie Prescott
Procter & Gamble
Lana and Gary Prosterman
Mary Alice Quinn
Razorback Concrete Company
Mr. Clayton F. Rice
Nick and Judy Ringel
James V. Robertson*
Robinson Toyota/Mazda
Tresia L. Roddey
Mike and Debbi Fields Rose
The Rudner Memorial Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Russell
Dr. Joel and Esther Saltzman
Mr. Arthur R. Sansom
Sara Lee
Fred and Courtney Schaeffer
Schering-Plough Healthcare
Schilling Motors, Inc.
L.W. Scruggs*
Security Bank
Security’s Lending Hand Foundation
Sewell-Allen, Inc. (Piggly Wiggly)
Verna T. Sharpes*
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Shaw
Shelby Group International, Inc.
Karla and Bill Shopoff
Mr. Robert G. Shultz, Jr.*
Barbara and Stefan Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Smythe, Jr.
Mr. Denver Sneed*
Mark Thomas Sneed*
The Forrest Spence Fund
Spencer Gifts
Larry and Barbara Spratlin
St. Agnes Academy
St. Jude Medical
Stanley Steemer
Robby and Jennifer Staten
SunTrust Bank
The Bodine Company, Inc.
Thelma Thomason
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Thompson*
Dr. Gail Thurmond
Tony’s Pizza Service
Toshiba America Medical
Systems, Inc.
Ron and Peggy Troy
UCA Children’s Charities Foundation
United Way of Obion County
United Way of West Tennessee, Inc.
University of Mississippi RebelTHON
Victory Capital Management, LLC
Dr. and Mrs. Hershel P. Wall
Rush and Clara Gwen Waller
Marianne and Ron Walter
Mary W. Wardlow*
Dr. and Mrs. William C. Warner, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. E. Hunter Welles
Dorothy C. West*
Dr. James and Annette Wheless
Mr. and Mrs. C. Thomas Whitman
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Wiertelak
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Wilder
Cal and Linda Wilkins
Will Rogers Institute
Mrs. David G. Williams, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan F. Williams
James F. and Burnetta B.* Williams
Mrs. Jane W. Williams
Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Williams
The Darryl Worley Foundation, Inc.
Wright Medical Technology, Inc.
Mary and Charles Wurtzburger
Reginald Wurzburg Foundation
Red Wagon
Annual gifts of $1,000
to $24,999
The Red Wagon Society
is named for the iconic
red wagons patients and
their families use to
travel in the hospital.
138 Timber Creek LLC
1st Annual Grenada Lake
Grabbling Tournament
Caren and Barney Abis
Bob and Donna Abney
ABRA Auto Body & Glass
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Adams, Jr.
Mr. Christopher Adelman
Allenberg Cotton Co., Inc.
Ally Financial
Altruria Elementary School
Jane and Ben Amaba
American Car Center
Mrs. and Dr. K.J.S. Anand
Jed S. Anderson Rev. Trust
Ms. Roberta Anderson
Anonymous (8)
Appling Middle School
Argent Trust
Arkansas Concrete Company
Arkansas Greyhound Association
Arlington Elementary School
Arlington Middle School
Don and Meri Armour
Armstrong Relocation Company
Ashley Furniture, Inc.
AT&T United Way Employee Giving
With Heartfelt Thanks
Jacqueline Atkinson
Vanita Austin
AutoNation Ford Lincoln Wolfchase
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Aycock
Babalu Memphis #1, LLC
Mrs. Eleanor Baer
Mrs. Alice Faye Bailey
Diane Bailey
Rob and Vicki Baird
Dr. Michael L. Baker
Baker, Donelson, Bearman,
Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC
Bank of America Charitable
Gift Fund
Bank of America Merchant Services
The Bank of Fayette County
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Barber
Nancy and Ed Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Barnett
The Barnett Group
Barnhart Crane and Rigging Co.
Bartlett Elementary School
Mr. and Mrs. John Barton
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Bates
Batesville Jr. High School
Batesville Middle School
Bob and Susan Batson
Mr. Will E. Batts
Wanda Kathryn Beane*
Dr. and Mrs. James H. Beaty
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Bell
John Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Bell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Belz
Herman Bensdorf*
Sandra and David Benson
Ms. Marjory Bernard
Dorothy Berry
Ms. Mahendrakumar B. Bhakta
Big Earl Farms
Mr. Wiley Bill
Dr. Dennis Black and
Dr. Gail Beeman
Mr. Trey Block
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bloodworth, Jr.
Blue Bell Creameries, L.P.
Blue Canoe
BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee
Health Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip C. Blum
Bobby Lashley Corporation
Dr. Douglas Boertje
Bolton High School
Bon Lin Elementary School
Thomas F. Boulden
Boyle Investment Company
Ms. Mary Bradbury
Bradley Murchison Kelly & Shea LLC
Briarcrest Christian School
Brints Chapel Baptist Church
Mrs. Melinda Broughton
Mr. and Mrs. Monte Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown
Mr. Shannon A. Brown
George W. and Louise W. Brown
Memorial Trust
Pete H. Brown and Mildred F. Brown
Susan M. and Larry H. Bryan
Mr. and Mrs. John Bryce
Bryce Corporation
Judy and Charles Burkett
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Burnett
Buzy B’z
J Dixon Byrne
Cache Valley Electric Co.
Cadre Realty, LLC
CAE Inc.
Mr. Danny Campbell
Campbell Clinic Orthopaedics
Campus School Parent Network
Mr. Edmund Camuti
Cannon Wright Blount
CarbRite Company
Carlock of Tupelo Nissan
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Carpenter
Mr. Alex Carrington
Mr. Edward Carter
Rob and Jenny Carter
Kavanaugh and Dennis Casey
Mr. Paul E. Cassel
Center for Orthotics and Prosthetics
Mr. and Mrs. Walt Chambliss
Charitable Flex Fund
Chickasaw County Fox Hunters
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Childs
Mrs. Ashley Chism
Dr. Asim Choudhri
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Medical Center
City Auto Sales
Mr. Sonny Clanton
Mr. and Mrs. David Clark
Dave, Sophia, Taara and
Cameron Clarke
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Clemmer
Clinical Financial Services
Mr. Donald Cloud
CMC Cometals
Mr. Troy Cody
Mr. Jordan Coffey
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cofield
Drs. Sandra and Harris Cohen
Mr. Kent Collier
Collierville Elementary School
Collierville Middle School
Collierville Soccer Association
L E B O N H E U R C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L
Conditioned Air, Inc.
Consolidated Electrical
Distributors, Inc.
Conway Services
Robert L. Cooper*
Cooper/T. Smith Stevedoring Co. Inc.
Mark R. Corkins, MD
Corkys and Simply Delicious
Cotton Tails, Inc.
Countyline Irrigation And Fitting
Covance, Inc.
Mr. Charles C. Craig
Create Foundation
Crews Family Foundation
Mr. Dave Crockett
Crosswind Elementary School
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Crow
John and Betty Crowe
CTI Clinical Trial Services, Inc.
Ms. Jean P. Dando
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Dean
Epilepsy leads teen to become advocate
A seizure changed the course of Erin Aulfinger’s life.
During Christmas break of her 8th grade year, Erin’s brother
found her shaking on the floor. She had been playing a video
game, but suddenly she had no memory of the previous two days.
Her family rushed her to Le Bonheur, just three miles from their
Midtown home.
After tests, Neurologist Namrata Shah, MD, diagnosed Erin with
epilepsy, a disease that causes recurrent and unprovoked seizures.
“Dr. Shah was very clear. Erin will never grow out of this.
Epilepsy is part of her life now,” said mom Tracy.
That meant big changes for Erin, now 18. Daily medication
would prevent seizures, but she had to be compliant. She couldn’t go
to sleepovers. She couldn’t stay up late. She had to sit at the back of
movie theaters. She had to limit the advanced classes she took.
At first, Erin was hesitant to tell others about her hidden
disability. But the family decided they needed the support of her
community of family and friends. They held a summit meeting with
Erin’s friends and their parents. Erin eventually shared her story at
church. A reporter from The Commercial Appeal heard about Erin,
and her story ran in Memphis’ daily newspaper. People contacted her
through Facebook and by letters mailed to her school. They thanked
her for being brave and sharing how epilepsy had changed her life.
“At first, it was a need-to-know basis. But if I keep it a secret,
people won’t know how to help me,” Erin said.
Erin became an advocate for others and for the hospital that
gave her a quick diagnosis and treatment plan. Her family has raised
nearly $10,000 for Le Bonheur. Erin has created “I have a heart for
Le Bonheur” T-shirts and sells them online.
Erin will graduate high school in May and plans to attend
Christian Brothers University where she’ll major in English and
minor in art. She hopes to become an author and illustrator. Erin
will continue to see Shah through college.
Decadent Avenue
Delta Angels
Delta Dough, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Sanjay Desai
Mr. and Mrs. Ray A. Dilbeck
Mr. Lee Dillard
Diversified Trust Co., Inc.
DK Booksellers LLC
Dodge & Cox
Mr. Andrew Domina
Ms. Monique Dominguez
Donelson Elementary
Ms. Jeanie Doss
Lallah D. Dougherty*
Dover Dixon Horne
Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Drake
Mr. and Mrs. Robert DuFresne
Lee and Joe Duncan
Duncan-Williams, Inc.
Mr. Doug Dunworth
Mr. John Duren
Dr. James D. Eason
Mr. and Mrs. Ken W.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom G. Edwards
Eli Lilly and Company
Ellendale Elementary School
Ms. Willie B. Ellington
Mr. David Ellis
Elmore Park Middle School
Tara and Jeffrey Engelberg
England Enterprises, Inc.
Mr. Kelly English
Mr. Raymond P. Enright
Espey Gin Company
Essix Resources, Inc.
Dr. Trey and Angela Eubanks
Mr. Connie Evans
Fair Oaks Manufacturing Company
Faith Preschool Academy
Olive Branch
Farmington Elementary School
Mrs. Karen Faught
Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Feder
FedEx Corporation
FedEx Express
FedEx Memphis Hub
FedEx Pilots Charitable Funds
FedEx Pilots’ Wives Association
FedEx Retiree Club
FedEx SupplyChain
FedEx Tech Data Prod Adv/AOD
Aircraft Tech Pubs
FedEx Trade Networks Global
Transportation Services
Charitable Contributors
FedEx World Wide Sales
Healthcare Solutions
Eddie and Gloria Felsenthal
Dr. John M. Ferguson
Finish Line Youth Foundation
First Assembly Christian School
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Fisher
Fisher and Son Farms LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Fitzpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Grady Flack
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Floyd
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan E. Fly
Harold E. Ford, Sr.
Ms. Rosanne Forgione
Mr. Mickey Foster
Ms. Sarah J. Frazier
William French
Frito-Lay, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Fritts
Dr. and Mrs. Noel K. Frizzell
Mr. Michael D. Fryt
FT Rewards LLC
FTI BIll Thompson Transport Inc.
Mrs. Judy Furr
Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Garcia
Dr. Raymond J. Gardocki and
Dr. Eunice Huang
Mr. and Mrs. David U. Garson
GE Capital Aviation Services
GE Foundation
Genzyme Corporation
Kelly and Brent Gerhart
Donald Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Greg C. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gibson
Gibson Flying Service, Inc.
Dana W. Giel, MD, and
Thomas V. Giel III, MD
Gift of Life MidSouth
Kathryn and Jim Gilliland
Mr. William Gillingham
Dr. Barry and Elizabeth Gilmore
Mr. William Glaser
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Glass
Ms. Jessica Glasser
Glazer’s Wholesale Drug., Inc.
Mike and Donna Glenn
Ms. Cynthia G. Glover
Go Lucy Go Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Phil E. Godwin
Steve D. Golding
Goldsmith Family Foundation
The Gooch Family
The Goodlett Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goodman
Mr. Sam Graffeo
Mr. William Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grant
Tony and Ginger Graves
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Graves
Mr. Andy Gravitt
Greenbrook Elementary
Mr. Dustin Greenlee
Greenway Equipment
Company, Inc.
Greenway Home Services
Ms. Bonnie Greer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. John Griesbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Grimes
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Guarino
Guidingpoint Financial Group
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hale
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Hall
Halls Elementary School
Halls High School
Mr. J.B. Hamilton
Mr. Josh Hammond
Dr. Joan Han
Jane Hanafin
Hancock Fabrics
Mr. James Hankins II
Hanley-Wood Integrated
Marketing, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Hardin
Hardin County Bank
Ms. Carolyn M. Harding
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Harless
The Harold Ford Group
Mr. Michael Harris
Ronie E. Harris
Ms. Adriana Harrison
Harrison’s Memorial Chapel, Inc.
Harte Hanks
Ms. Lisa Hawkins
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Heezen
Mr. Charles Heifet
Helena Chemical Company
Denise and Bob Henning
Ms. Lori Henry
Heraeus Electro-Nite Co., LLC
Heritage Environmental Services
Dr. and Mrs. Martin I. Herman
Dr. Amy Hertz and Mr. Robert L.
Hertz Equipment Rental Corp.
Highland Capital Management, LLC
Mrs. Natalie E. Hill and
Mr. Alfredo R. Cerpa
Hill Services Industrial &
Hillstrom Davidson – Hillstrom
Hunter Advised Fund
Jacquelyn A. Hoelzle
Hamp and Nancy Holcomb
Ms. M. Earnestine Hollimon
Ms. Mary E. Hollis
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Holmes
Mr. Richard P. Holub
Bill and Clara Dean Hope
Mr. James R. Hope
Horn Lake Elementary School
Horn Lake High School
Thomas and Martha Horton
Mr. Johnny Houston
Houston High School
Nathan Howerton
Hughes Farm Partnership
Justin and Selena Hulbert
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Humphries
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton S. Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Hyde III
Ideal Chemical & Supply Co.
Idlewild Elementary School
Independent Bank
Insulation & Refractories
Services, Inc.
International Paper
inVentiv Health CCD
Inventory Locator Service
Itty Bitty Bella, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Decatur Jackson
Felix Jackson*
JaK’s Services & Vending LLC
Jamie McMahan Studio
Ms. Joan Jekels
Mr. Thomas Jenkins
Jewish Foundation of Memphis
Jim Keras Buick Co.
JMS Russel Metals Corp.
Ms. Ginger W. Joe
John P. Freeman School No. 089
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Max L. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Jones
Ms. Anna Jordan
Dr. and Mrs. Royce Joyner
Ms. Jim Juron
Ms. Charlene M. Kalb
Kate Bond Elementary
Keeling Farms Family Partnership
Dr. and Mrs. Derek M. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kenny
Mrs. Susan H. Kenny
Kerwin Keith Inc.
Romeo Khazen
Kimberly-Clark Foundation, Inc.
Kinder Morgan
Robert King
Kiwanis Club of Corinth
Kline Mechanical Systems, Inc.
The Klyce Family
Dr. Nagendra S. Kodali
Mimi and S L Kopald, Jr.
The Robert & Myra Kraft
Family Foundation, Inc.
Kathryn D. Krause
Mrs. Susan Krigbaum
KRONE North America
Mr. Henry Kurtz
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Labetti
Lafayette Lower Elementary School
Lake Bottom Saloon
Lake City Aero Limited, LLC
Landers Ford
Mr. Wendell Landry
Lane Music, Inc.
Drs. Max and Sue Langham
Anna Lannom
Ms. Carmon A. Lannom
Lauderdale Middle School
Susan Lawless-Glassman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lee
Dr. Kelley R. Lee and
Mr. Mark R. Lee
Lee Academy, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. David Leech
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lenarduzzi
Lenny’s Franchisor, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Lenoir
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lenz
Lewisburg Primary School
Lexus of Memphis
Life Way Christian Stores
Lighthouse Ministries
Joanie and Michael Lightman
Linkous Construction Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Livingston
LLC Disbursement Corporation
Mr. Larry Lofton
Log A Load for Kids
Looney Ricks Kiss Architects, Inc.
Ms. Myrrel Lee Low
Luminex Corporation
Lundbeck Pharmaceuticals
Services, LLC
M & T Paving and Construction
Co., Inc.
M B Starkville, LLC
Magna Bank
Magnolia Heights School Special
Magnolia Regional Health Center
Ms. Margaret A. Maiden
Mr. John Maki
Mall at Barnes Crossing
Mrs. Susan D. Malone
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Malone, Jr.
Mr. Gale Manning
The Manning Family Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. Rawleigh Martin
R. Brad Martin Family Foundation
Mr. Marcelo Martinez
Mr. Nathan J. Masters
Mr. Brian Maune
Dr. and Mrs. William N. May
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Mc Kee
Stacy and Chris McCall
Mr. and Mrs. Gary McCarter
Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCommon
Dr. Jonathan A. McCullers
Mr. and Mrs. John McGaugh
Mr. Brett McGee
Dr. and Mrs. J. Lucius McGehee
Karen and Mark McGough
Ms. Candice McKenzie
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLarty
William McLaughlin, PhD
With Heartfelt Thanks
Mr. and Mrs. Mickey McLellan
Meador Farming Co.
Mrs. Donna Meadows
Medford Metals LLC
Memphis Children’s Clinic
Memphis City Employees Credit
Memphis Radiological Professional
Memphis Sonic Properties
Memphis University School
The Merck Company Foundation
Mercy for Memphis
Meridian Bioscience, Inc.
John and Deborah Merino
Metals USA
Metropolitan Memphis
Association of Chiefs of Police
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Metz
Michael Lightman Company
Mid South Homebuyers, Inc.
Mr. James K. Midkiff
Mid-South Amateur Radio
MII Life
Mike Rose Soccer Complex
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Miller
Miss Winter Wonderland Pageant
Mississippi Annual Conference of
the UMC
Mississippi County Electric
Cooperative, Inc.
Mississippi Delta Sigma Colony
Mitchell Companies
Moms for Le Bonheur
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Monroe
Monsanto Fund
Montgomery Enterprises Inc.
Vann Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Moore
Ms. Jennifer Morrow
Ms. Doris J. Mosley
Muddy’s Bake Shop
Mr. Thayne Muller
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Mundt
Mr. Chris Najpaver
Nalco Company
Network For Good
NewSouth Capital
Management, Inc.
nexAir, LLC
NFC Investments, LLC
NFL Ventures LB
Mr. Jerry Nicar
Dr. Roger Nolte
Mrs. Jean M. Norfleet
North American Refractories
NRO Charitable Giving
Nucor Steel Arkansas
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Nunn
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Nunn
Maureen and Chris O’Connor
Dr. David Olds
Olive Branch Middle School
Mr. Frank Opolski
Orchi Baptist Church
Orgill, Inc.
Ms. Shirley Orman
Overton High School
Packaging Corporation of America
Mr. J. E. Page
Mr. and Mrs. James Parker
Mr. Mat Parker, Jr.
Ms. Pam Parker
The Peabody
Pediatric Anesthesiologists, P. A.
Pediatrics East, Inc.
Mr. John Peebles
Pemiscot County R-3 School District
Drs. Donna and Landon
Pepsi Beverages Company
Pepsi-Cola Company
Barbara and Michael Pera
Dr. Lily Pereiras
Stephen Perkins
Curtis L. Petty, Jr.
Pharmaceutical Research Associates
PharmaNet, LLC
Phillips 66
Phoenix Services, LLC
Ms. Ella K. Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pigors
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Plunk
Mr. Raymond J. Police
Dr. Nikki S. Polis
Pontocola Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pope, Jr.
Pope School
Power & Telephone Supply
Power Equipment Company
Ms. Lauran Powers
PPD Development, LP
PRA International, Inc.
Pratt & Whitney Canada Inc.
PRN Data Systems
Promise Academy
PSI Pharma Support America, Inc.
Mr. Robert Puddicombe
Mr. Nikhil Puri
Wayne and Betty* Pyeatt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Quinn
Mr. Timothy Quinn
Racer’s AG Service
Ms. Colleen Radish
Raven Agriculture, LLC
Raymond James & Associates
Raymond James Financial, Inc.
Raymond James Trust Company
Reedy & Company
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Richards
L E B O N H E U R C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L
Bob and Patsy Riikola
Ring Container Technologies
Nick and Judy Ringel
Ripley High School
Ripley Primary School
Rivercrest Elementary School
Riverdale Elementary School
Leslie Roane
Rochester Machine Corporation
Mr. Peter N. Rochussen
Rockwell Collins
Jeremy Rogers
Roll Form Group
Mr. K. S. Ross
Mr. William Rosson
Carol and Mike Ross-Spang
Dr. and Mrs. William E. Routt, Jr.
Royal Furniture Company
Runsick Flying Service Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Russell
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Russell
Mrs. Virginia I. Ryan
Saltillo Elementary School
Mr. Arthur R. Sansom
Mr. Steve Scales
Scales Consulting Group
Fred and Courtney Schaeffer
Jack Scharff
Schering-Plough Corporation
Schilling Farms Middle School
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Schuppe
Mr. Andrew B. Scoggin
Seaside Therapeutics, Inc.
Seattle Children’s Hospital
Seize the Clay
ServiceMaster by Stratos
SG Steel Services Company
Mrs. Glenda Sharp
Shelby Electric Co.
Michael Shivers
Dr. and Mrs. T. D. Shockley
Karla and Bill Shopoff
Gary and Glenda Shorb
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Sigman
Silverleafe Capital Partners
William J. Siroky
Ms. Abigail Slaven
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Sloan
Mr. and Mrs. David Slott
Mr. Andrew Smith
Mr. Charles F. Smith, Jr.
Ms. Delaine R. Smith
Felicia K. Smith
Mr. Orma Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Smith
Barbara and Stefan Smith
Mr. Ted Smith
Smith & Nephew, Inc.
Smith Pro Rodeos
Mrs. Katherine Smythe
Mr. and Mrs. W. Hamilton
Smythe III
Mr. Ronald T. Solberg
Southaven Elementary School
Southaven RV Center
Southern Metals Supply, LLC
Southern Security Federal Credit
Southland Park Community
Spencer Gifts
Sportsman Camo Covers
James F. Springfield, Sr.
Ms. Susan Springfield
St. Louis Home & School
Star Distributors
Joel and Joey Stark
The State of Mississippi
Robby and Jennifer Staten
Steel Dust Recycling, LLC
Mr. Jack Steele
Lee B. Steele
Steers & Steel
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stegall
Dr. Dennis C. and Mrs. Pamela A.
David and Laura Stone
Dr. Stephanie Storgion and Mr.
Theodore Poplos
Strategic Financial Partners
Strayhorn PTO
Stylecraft Home Collection, Inc.
Miss Bridget Sullivan
Ms. Anita Summerall
Mr. Michael Swain
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Sweat
Dr. Nadine Symons
Systems Contracting Corporation
Tara Oaks Elememtary
Mrs. Natalie A. Tebbetts
Temple Israel
Ms. Bonnie Thomas
Mr. Britt Thomas
Mr. J. L. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. William V. Thompson III
Thweatt Farms Partnership
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Todd
Mr. Thomas H. Todd III
Mrs. Jeanne Toohig
Toshiba America Medical Systems, Inc.
Travel Leaders
Mr. William Nugent Treadwell
Trigon Sports
Tri-State Armature & Electrical
Triumph Bank
Trust Company of The Ozarks
Clinton N. Trusty
Tupelo Hog Roasters, Inc.
Mrs. Robyn Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Tutor
U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
Dr. Michael O. Ugwueke
Mr. Charles Umsted
Ms. Anna Underwood
United Way of Tampa Bay
United Way of West Tennessee, Inc.
University of Mississippi RebelTHON
University of Tennessee
The Urban Child Institute
US Med-Equip, Inc.
USA Dance Chapter #2012
UT Le Bonheur Pediatric
Specialists, Inc.
Valve Teck, Inc.
Vanguard Charitable Endowment
Varsity Spirit
VBTN, Inc.
Verdolino & Lowery PC
Verilogue Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Vielhaber
Mrs. April Vinet
Vista Host, Inc.
Mr. Michael K. Waddell
Waddell & Associates, Inc.
Rush and Clara Gwen Waller
Dr. and Mrs. William C. Warner, Jr.
Dr. LaTonya Washington
Water Valley School District
Dr. and Mrs. Clarence B.
Wayne Wilkison Farm II
Carol Weidenhoffer
Mr. and Mrs. Bill T. West, Jr.
Dr. Margaret H. West
Ms. Mary A. White
White & Associates
White Station Middle School
Whitehaven High School
Mr. and Mrs. Byrne Whitehead, Jr.
Mr. Jeremy Whitten
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Wiertelak
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Wilburn
Mrs. Anna Wildmon
David Wilhite
Mrs. Terrie L. Wiliams
Mr. DeAngelo Williams
Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Williams
Adam Willis, MD, PhD
Willow Anesthesia Solutions
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Wilroy, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Q. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Evans Wooten
The Darryl Worley Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry F. Wright
Anne Wulff and Brian Bendersky
Wunderlich Securities, Inc.
Mary and Charles Wurtzburger
Wynne Intermediate School
Xerox Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Yarbro
Yarbrough Cable Service, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. David Yates
Dr. David B. and Susan D. Young
Mr. Gary D. Young
Individuals who have
made provisions for
future gifts through
bequests, charitable gift
annuities, charitable
remainder trusts,
charitable lead trusts,
designations and life
Ms. Caryline Adkins
Gloria Andereck
Anonymous (7)
Linda Beidelschies Barnes
Mr. Michael Bell
Ms. Donna Billings
William W. Bond III and
Madonna B. Bond
Mr. Jon J. Bradshaw
Dorothy Bryce Morton
Mr. Michael Clark
Michelle Accardi Connors
Danny and Dinah Corley
Ms. Jean P. Dando
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Dean
Dr. Frank M. and Dr. Sandy J. Eggers
Ms. Willie B. Ellington
Dr. Phillip George
Tony and Ginger Graves
Dr. M. Cecil Gray
Mr. Charles Heifet
Ms. Laura Henry
Mrs. Helen P. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Leo R. Jalenak, Jr.
Mrs. Gwen Johnson
Mr. Earl O. Jones
Nathaniel I. and Leslie M. Landau
Al and Carol LaRocca
Ernest and Linda Mannerino
Dr. Charles Marston
Annabelle Martin
Mr. James McGonigal
Phoebe T. Miller
Mr. Carl Newsom
Mr. and Mrs. William Pickens, Jr.
Kini Kedigh Plumlee
Mary Alice Quinn
Marie and Ed Roberson
Mr. Joshua Spotts and
Dr. Caley Spotts
Mr. Asan G. Tejwani
Clinton N. Trusty
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Q. Wilson
Ms. Sandy Wolf
We remember the individuals
whose planned gifts have been
received by Le Bonheur.
Ms. Marie Louise Albright
Emerson A. and Emily P. Alburty
Mrs. Pat Antici
Mr. John Aycock
Mr. Edward O. Bailey
Ms. Phyllis O. Bailey
Mrs. Eleanor Barnard
Wanda Kathryn Beane
Ms. Georgia C. Beasley
Mr. Charles A. Bender
Mr. Herman Bensdorf
Ms. Thelma Kee Blankenship
Mr. Winford D. Boston
Mrs. Elizabeth Brown
George W. and Louise W. Brown
Mr. James Newton Brown
Raymond H. Bryant
Mr. H. B. Buckingham
Mr. John Buckman
Ms. Mertie W. Buckman
Mr. Brown Burch
Mr. R. King Burton
Mr. Lonnie Guy Byrd
Mr. James C. Callis
Ms. Mary Coleman Callis
Jeannene and Thomas M.
Cathey II
Ms. Lucille S. Chichester
Chismore Family
Mr. William B. Clark
Ms. Matilda Estelle Clarke
Mrs. Viness C. Coburn
Mr. Robert L. Cooper
Mr. Ed M. Copeland
John B. Crangle, Jr.
Mr. William J. Crutcher
Ms. Laura Sofoss Currie
F.C. and Annie P. Dailey
Ms. Dorothy B. Dalrymple
Mrs. Kathryn Fowler Davis
Ms. Pattie Mae Hicks Davis
Ms. Lavenia DeBerry
Mrs. Mae Densmore
Mrs. Loyce Doclar
Ms. Luella Dodge
Mrs. Lallah D. Dougherty
Mr. Earl C. Dykema
Ms. Ella Mae Dykema
Mrs. Capitola D. Edmondson
Mrs. John S. Edmondson
Ms. Nanette Edwards
Col. Tom and Kathleen Elam
Elliss Estate
Ms. Mary H. Erwin
Mrs. Marguerite Estridge
Catherine Ferguson
Mr. Raymond C. Firestone
Mrs. Marguerite Fooshee
Delta Dental of Tennessee sponsors
dental surgical suite
Le Bonheur Children’s recently opened its specially equipped
dental surgical suite, thanks to a more than $500,000 donation
from Delta Dental of Tennessee.
“For children with health complications or compromised
immune systems, receiving safe oral care or surgery is especially
important,” said Phil Wenk, DDS, president and CEO of Delta
Dental of Tennessee. “We want to ensure that dentists always have a
safe place to provide oral health care.”
For the past few years, Delta Dental has focused on helping
to provide Tennessee children’s hospitals with specially equipped
surgical suites and clinics designed to care for children’s unique oral
health needs.
Le Bonheur’s dental operatory includes intraoral X-ray
technology, digital radiography and monitoring systems to allow for
safe anesthesia administration. Plans are also underway to develop a
fully integrated dental outpatient clinic at Le Bonheur.
“Children who experience dental trauma or other oral issues
requiring surgery at Le Bonheur now have access to state-ofthe-art equipment and technology,” said Trey Eubanks, MD,
medical director of Trauma Services at Le Bonheur. “We know the
importance of pediatric oral health and appreciate Delta Dental’s
continued support.”
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard E. Foote
Mr. Lewis Merrill Ford
Mrs. Mary Ann Ford
Ms. Odelia Fortune
Mr. Joseph Fracchia
Ms. Katherine French
Ms. Nora L. Friedmann
Mary Elizabeth Fuchs
Ms. Edna Gabehart
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Goggio
Ms. Florence Graham
Mrs. Joan Gray
Mr. J. Robert Gross
Irene M. Haas
Ms. Bessie B. Hall
Mrs. Nellie B. Hamilton
Ms. Clara I. Hardin
Mr. Robert C. Harnden
Ethel Harrell
Mr. B. T. Harrington
Ms. Clara Waskom Harris
Mr. Daniel C. Harris
Ms. Marguerite P. Harris
Mr. Ronie E. Harris
Margaret Smith Hawkins and
Hal Clark Hawkins
Ms. Alice M. Helmer
Mr. Jethro Peyton Henderson
Mr. Fred Cecil Higgins
Mr. William D. Hill
Ms. Lavada W. Hines
Ms. Agnes F. Hoehn
Lee Hoffman
Miss Helen E. Hon
Ms. Willa Horton
Ms. Elizabeth Hart Houston
Mr. George M. Houston
Mrs. Julie B. Isenberg
Felix Jackson
Ms. Nellie Mae Jarrett
Ms. Bessie C. Johnson
Mrs. Roby Johnston
Mrs. Louise G. Jones
Ms. Martha D. Jones
Ms. Blanche T. Kennedy
With Heartfelt Thanks
Volunteer uses organizational skills to
make FedExFamilyHouse a home
When the Segel family moved to Memphis with FedEx, Danna
wanted to find a way to get to know her new city. After she and her
husband, Bill, toured FedExFamilyHouse, Danna knew she’d found
the place to volunteer.
“After visiting at the house, I saw a need for things to be nice
for the families that stay there. There is so much stress in their lives.
The house should be a place of respite and pampering,” Danna said.
With a knack for organization, Danna started with the house’s
common pantry. She weeded out old things, restocked, organized
and installed a system with new baskets, containers, labels – all at
her own expense. Each week, Danna organizes the donated food,
snacks and beverages available at the house for families who travel
to Le Bonheur from out of town. She has also arranged the house’s
storage closets and helps however she can.
“Danna is truly a God-send and one of a kind,” said Sandra
Lewis, FedExFamilyHouse relationship manager. “She has truly
become one of the staff and an incredible supporter.”
For more information about volunteer opportunities at the
FedExFamilyHouse, visit www.fedexfamilyhouse.org/get-involved/
volunteer-opportunities/ or call 901-322-1971.
Mr. R. E. King
Ms. Nedra Berryman Kinningham
Ms. Anne G. Knapp
Mr. Elmer C. Ladd
Mrs. Bessie A. Landau
Mr. George Landres
Ms. Marie C. Leasure
Ms. Mamie B. Levis
Mrs. Ella E. Lipsey
Mrs. Suzanne Little
Mr. August A. Longinotti
Owen B. Loomis
Ms. Hattie M. Malone
Mr. Anthony Marchisio
Ms. Addie Marshall
Mrs. Louise L. Massey
June Shewmake McAnally
Ms. Verna McCastlain
Mr. John L. McDonald
Mr. Billie V. McDowell
Mrs. Jean B. McMillin
Ms. Estelle McWhirter
Ms. Alma A. Meyers
Ms. Clara M. Miller
Mr. Glenn R. Miller
Max Daniel Miller III
Ms. Betty Mills
Ms. Wilda G. Minton
Mr. Nilwon Armon Mitchell
Mr. Morrie A. Moss
L E B O N H E U R C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L
Ms. Jean P. Murrell
Mr. C. P. Myracle
Mr. Lawrence H. Myracle
Miss Margaret C. Neely
Mr. Thomas Edgar Nelson
Mr. J. G. Nohsey
Mr. George E. Oliver
Mr. Max B. Ostner, Sr.
Mr. James E. Paulfrey
Mr. Russell D. Paulk, Sr.
Ms. Mabel S. Perkins
Mrs. Bertha Ann Porter
Ms. Bertha Powell
Mrs. Ellen M. Powell
Mr. William L. Quinlen, Jr.
Ms. Rita Ann Quinn
Mrs. Mary Carolyn Rabb
Mr. Clayton F. Rice
Mr. Erskin Rice
Mrs. Virginia B. Rice
Mr. Maurice E. Riggins
Mr. James V. Robertson
Ms. Mary Settle Rose
Mr. Lester Rosen
Ms. Fanny Rosenfield
Olivia Cunningham Sauls
Ms. Susie P. Schevenell
Ms. Lucille Schmon
Ms. Ella F. Schoening
Ms. Pauline B. Scott
Ms. Ruth D. Seabolt
Ms. Juanita Seabrook
Mr. Eugene Sebulsky
Mr. P.K. Seidman
Ms. Verna T. Sharpes
Mrs. Forrest Shields
Mr. John Chester Shields
Mr. Robert G. Shultz, Jr.
Ms. Josephine Sipe
Ms. Claire D. Smith
Mr. Ray A. Smith
William V. Smith
Mr. Mark Thomas Sneed
Mrs. Dathol Stafford
Ms. Harriet W. Stern
Mr. William C. Stotz
Mr. James B. Stricklan
Ms. Anastasia Watson Strickland
Ms. Irene Kay Stroh
Allen and Addie Taylor
Mr. R. Ben Taylor
Ms. Frances E. Tharpe
Edith Brown Thomas
Mrs. Thelma Strandlund Thomason
Mr. James Thomas Thompson
Mrs. Erasmia Touliatos
Ms. Winona Bates Tripp
Mr. Brooks Varner
Mrs. Margaret L. Vaughn
Mrs. Mary W. Wardlow
Mr. Herbert L. Warren, Sr.
Ms. Ceola Weed
Ms. Dorothy C. West
Mr. William L. Wiles
Ms. Savannah S. Wilkes
Ms. Barbara Allen Wilkinson
Mr. Fletcher Earl Wilkinson
Mr. Robert L. Williams
Ms. Margie Woods
Ms. Donna Blair Wooldridge
Ms. Rose B. Young
Giving Donors
Individuals and
organizations who
have given consecutive
annual gifts
25+ years
Bob and Donna Abney
Ms. Etheleen J. Blanton
Children’s Miracle Network
Combined Federal Campaign of
the Mid-South
First Tennessee Bank
First Tennessee Foundation
Bill and Clara Dean Hope
Le Bonheur Club, Inc.
Memphis Obstetrics and
Gynecological Association, PC
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Mills
Barbara and Michael Pera
Second Baptist Church
20+ years
Ms. Velma L. Burks
Kavanaugh and Dennis Casey
Mr. Gerald M. Dowdy
Mr. John R. Gilkey
Mr. and Mrs. Roger P. Gloe
KRONE North America
Ms. Yolanta Matika
Ms. Shadye L. Parker
Rick and Janet Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Rhodes
United Way of the Mid-South
Mr. and Mrs. Darryail W.
15+ years
Ms. Caryline Adkins
Mrs. Kathryn Bendall
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Boop
Briarcrest Christian School
Brints Chapel Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Brown
Dorothy Bryce Morton
Judy and Charles Burkett
Ms. Gwendolyn B. Calleo
Russell W.* and P. Joan Chesney
Mrs. Paula M. Cima
Mr. Roosevelt Cobb, Jr.
Ms. Luvenia Y. Conner
Mr. and Mrs. Warren G. Cousin, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe K. Crocker
Mr. David J. Cummings
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Dobbs
Ms. Jeanie Doss
Dr. and Mrs. David M. Favara
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Foti
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Frederick
fred’s Super Dollar
AGCS Willis E. Gallaher, USN Ret.
Jane Hanafin
Mr. Mike Hardin
Denise and Bob Henning
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hudson
Ms. Denise K. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Derrick Jowers
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Kight
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Killough
Dr. Victor J. Kleinaitis
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Kohne
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Laurent
Janet (Block) and David Lefkowitz
Ms. Carol L. Leppert
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Manns
Mason Hall Community Club
Mrs. Connie J. Mauney
Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCommon
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Montgomery
Gary and Glenda Shorb
Ms. Betty J. Sims
David D. and Deborah L. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Ray W. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Streff
Mr. Kenneth W. Sumerford
Tipton County Board of Education
Clinton N. Trusty
Ms. Billie Turman
The Urban Child Institute
Dr. and Mrs. Neil J. Utkov
Ms. Louise Walters
Mr. and Mrs. James B. White
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Wilson
Mr. Calvin Woodard
Ms. Barbara Block Zwick
10+ years
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Ainsworth
Gloria Andereck
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson
Jill Arogyaswamy
Julie and Bryce Ashby
Employees of Ashley Furniture
Ripley and Ecru, MS
The Assisi Foundation of Memphis
Mr. and Mrs. David Attias
Mrs. Alice Faye Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Ben G. Baldwin
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Bates
Bob and Susan Batson
Mr. and Mrs. David Beachum
Golden and Stephen Bearman
Belz Family Foundation
Herman Bensdorf Residuary Trust
Mr. James O. Bierwirth
Jack and Dottie Blake
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Blanton
Mr. Trey Block
Kelly S. Bobo
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Boehm
Ms. Alethea Bragg
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Brower
Pete H. Brown and
Mildred F. Brown Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Brown
Mr. Robert N. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Brown
Susan M. and Larry H. Bryan
Ms. Edna Bryant
John D. Buckman Charitable Trust
Ms. Margaret C. Butler
Ms. Pat Campbell
CarbRite Company
Ms. Grace A. Carter
Ms. Barbara Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Cleek
Ms. Lynn B. Collier
Community Foundation of Greater
Conditioned Air, Inc.
The Peter J. Connelly Family
George Russell Conner, RN
Mr. Joseph G. Craven
Ms. A. J. Daneman
Ms. Evelyn Davis
Mr. and Mrs. George Dendrinos
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Duncanson
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Edwards
Mrs. Karen Faught
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Tim W. Flack
Ms. Jean E. Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Fowler
Mr. Bryan Franks
Mrs. Linda Fritz
Dr. and Mrs. Noel K. Frizzell
Mr. Michael D. Fryt
Mrs. Ruby M. Gean
Dr. Barry and Elizabeth Gilmore
Molly and Robert Gooch
Dr. L. J. Goodgame
Susan and Alan Graf
Gina Guasco
Gumtree Twigs
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Halvorson
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hare, Jr.
Mr. James E. Harris
Videlious Harwell
Ms. Glenda K. Hauhe
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hendrix
Heritage Plantation Foundation
Dr. Amy Hertz and
Mr. Robert L. Shankman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Hester
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hickerson
Highland Capital Management, LLC
Ms. Vickey Hobbs
Mr. Lawson Holladay
Hope Christian Community
Ms. Rene R. Horton
Richard Wyatt Howell
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Huff
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Imhauser
Mr. Alexander R. Innes
J. F. Oakes Sales & Marketing, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Bob A. Jaggers
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson
Mr. John A. Johnson, Jr.
C.V. and Gloria Jones
Ms. Cindy K. Kennedy
Dr. and Mrs. Noah B. Kimball
Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Kocman
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Koehn
Kraft Foods Matching Gifts Program
Kathryn D. Krause
Sonya A. Krivcher
Dr. and Mrs. Joel I. Kronenberg
Ms. Karen W. Lamport
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Lanier
Mr. John S. Lanza
Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Leach
Melvin and Margaret N. Lee
Lenny’s Franchisor, LLC
Mr. Jerry Little
Dr. and Mrs. LaVerne R. Lovell
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy E. Lowe
Mr. Tom Lundberg
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Lynch
Malco Theatres
Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Marett
Dr. and Mrs. Frank W. Markus
Mr. and Mrs. Jules Martin
Ms. Amanda S. Mauck
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Mauck
Dr. and Mrs. William N. May
Robin Mayhall, RN
Mrs. Gladys C. McChriston
Mr. and Mrs. John T. McClanahan
Mr. and Mrs. Ben R. McClung
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McCracken, Jr.
Mr. Jim McCullough
Mrs. Laverne McDaniel
Dr. and Mrs. Leslie McDowell
Mike Rose Soccer Complex
Mrs. Marion Frances Milam
Max Daniel Miller III* and
Phoebe T. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Minarich
Khadijat B. Momoh
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Moody
Mr. Nathaniel R. Morris
Mosaik Solutions LLC
Ms. Donna Newell
Mr. and Mrs. Max W. Nichols
Jerry and Penny Nowlin
Nucor Steel Arkansas
Ms. Sarah A. Odor
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall S. Oser
Mr. John K. Owens
Larry and Dianne Papasan
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Pate
Pediatric Adolescent Medicine, Inc.
Pediatrics East, Inc.
Pemiscot County R-3 School District
Mr. Eddie L. Pernell
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy D. Petrie
The Pfizer Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Thao Phuong Pham
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Phillips
Rick and Janet Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Pierce
Kini Kedigh Plumlee
Mr. James Pritchard
The Prudential Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
Kerry Regen
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Robertson
Mr. Jackie Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Ross
Carol and Mike Ross-Spang
Mrs. Virginia I. Ryan
Saddle Baptist Church
Liz Salton
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Sanders
Mr. Arthur R. Sansom
Mr. Samuel A. Seaton
Lauren and Eric Sefton
Semmes-Murphey Neurologic &
Spine Institute
Shadowlawn Middle School
Mr. Jack J. Sherman
Dr. and Mrs. T. D. Shockley
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Short
Signal Centers
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Simonton
Dr. and Mrs. Jon A. Simpson
Ms. Lori Sims
Mr. A. B. Smith, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett G. Smith
Smith & Nephew, Inc.
Ms. Betty Spencer
Sportsman Camo Covers
St. Agnes Academy
State of Tennessee
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steele
Sandra S. Strickland
Michelle Stubbs
Mrs. Miriam E. Styers
Ms. Recie S. Tate
Mrs. Clytee K. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Thomas
Thomas & Betts
Ms. Tracy Tidwell
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Tippitt
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Vance
Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Walker III
Mr. Ike S. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. James Webb
Carol Weidenhoffer
Mr. and Mrs. David Willcutt
Mrs. David G. Williams, Sr.
Ms. Sadie M. Williams
Mr. Thomas M. Williams
Mrs. Barbara H. Wilson
Sue Womack
5+ years
Caren and Barney Abis
Larry and Kathy Accardi
Mr. J. Herbert Adams
Ms. Marion E. Addison
Mrs. Pamela Adkins
Mr. James H. Agent
The Akle Family
Mr. Joseph W. Albright
Mr. Roger D. Alexander
Ms. Sharon B. Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Allen, Sr.
Alliance Application Equipment, LLC
Mr. Bryan Allison
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Allred
Altruria Elementary School
Mrs. and Dr. K.J.S. Anand
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Anderson
Ms. Kathleen Anderson
Anonymous (5)
Mr. Ford Apple
Appling Middle School
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Archer III
Don and Meri Armour
Ms. Ruby Armour
Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Ashburn
Mr. Charles Auerbach
Ms. Tina L. Ayers
Mr. Charles S. Baer
Mr. Robert L. Bailey
Rob and Vicki Baird
Ms. Jan G. Baker
Dr. Michael L. Baker
Baker, Donelson, Bearman,
Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin J. Ballin
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Bannon
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Barber
Ms. Elena Barham
Ms. Wilodyne Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barrett
Bartlett Elementary School
Mr. and Mrs. John Barton
Ms. Kay L. Barton
Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Barton
Mrs. E. Brady Bartusch
Ms. Sharon Bateman
Dr. Frank O. Batson
Mr. Will E. Batts
Mr. and Mrs. Cary Bawcum
Ms. Connie Bawcum
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Bawcum
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bawcum
Mr. Gary W. Beadles
Dr. and Mrs. James H. Beaty
Mr. Willie Bell
W. M. Bell Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Belz
With Heartfelt Thanks
Dr. Elisa I. Benaim and
Mr. Ely Benaim
Ms. Elizabeth J. Benson
Dr. Mary E. Benton
Bergin-Dye Properties, LLC
Ms. Betty A. Billingsley
Mr. and Mrs. Juston Billingsley
Mrs. Linda Bingham
Mr. David S. Biondolillo
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Bishop
Mr. James D. Bivens
Dr. Dennis Black and
Dr. Gail Beeman
Drs. Martin and Johnetta Blakely
Mr. Len Blanton
Blaylock Farms Partnership
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bloomingburg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Blumenthal
Bobby Myers Farm
Dr. Douglas Boertje
Mr. and Mrs. Wythe Boggs
Bon Lin Middle School
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Bond
William W. Bond III and
Madonna B. Bond
Mr. Charles Bouldin
Mr. Amos B. Bowie
Mr. Garrett Boyd
Mr. Richard A. Boyd
Boyle Investment Company
Mr. Curtis Bradfield
Ms. Virginia V. Bradford
Ms. Karen Bramlett
Mr. and Mrs. Clint Bratton
Mr. and Mrs. John Breeds
Brian McDaniel Farms Partnership
Mr. and Mrs. Granvel Bridges
Mr. Cleotris F. Brittenum
Mr. Tommy Brooks
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Brown
Mr. George E. Brown
George W. and Louise W. Brown
Memorial Trust
Bryan Concrete Construction
Ms. Alice Bryant
Raymond H. Bryant*
Mr. Chuck Bullard
Mr. and Mrs. Chris A. Bullington
Mr. Chris Burgett
George and Mary Elizabeth
Ms. Cordia Burkhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Burnett
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Burnett
Mrs. Peggy Burrough
Ms. Edna C. Burton
Mr. David M. Butler
Ms. Phillina Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Butterick
Mr. Robert E. Byars
Mr. James E. Byford
C & R Grocery
Cache Valley Electric Co.
Mr. James E. Cahill, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Callery
Senor Lorenzo Calsadilla
Gene and Karen Carlisle
Mr. and Mrs. Luther S. Carlock
Mrs. Gladys Carney
Mr. and Mrs. Rickey Carrington
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Carroll, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Carroll
Ms. Mary Carruth
Mr. Billy Carson II
Mr. David L. Carter
Rob and Jenny Carter
Mr. Terrell E. Carter
Ms. Julia K. Cason
Nancy and Danna Cave
Cave Springs Baptist Church
CBMM North America, Inc.
Ms. Sabrina Chambers
Mr. Sothearath Chhim
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Childers
The Children’s Foundation of
The Children’s Health Fund
Mr. Charles E. Childres
Ms. Tina Chism
Mr. Melvin Christian
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Chumney
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cimon
Mr. Sonny Clanton
Ms. Clara Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Darel E. Clark
Dave, Sophia, Taara and
Cameron Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin T. Clay, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony R. Clegg
Mr. Rickey Cleveland
The Clorox Foundation Employee
Giving Campaign
Mr. Tommy Cobb
Ms. Lucille G. Cohan
Mrs. Betty Cole
Mr. Darin R. Cole
Mr. Vincent Cole
Ms. Arhonda B. Coleman
Mrs. Dorothy O. Coleman
Collierville Soccer Association
Mildred E. Colotta
Mrs. Thera Comer
Comet Cleaners
Michelle Accardi Connors
Ms. Doris Cooper
Mr. John Cooper
Cooper/T. Smith Stevedoring Co. Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Cosby
Mr. and Mrs. Lionell Cothran
Mr. John H. Council, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh N. Cowan
Mr. Bob Cowell
Miss Sadie L. Cox
Ms. Janelle Craig
L E B O N H E U R C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L
Mr. Larry G. Craig
Ms. Lucy Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Crawford
Mrs. Helen A. Creasy
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Creasy
Ms. Sarah B. Criddle
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Crocker
Mr. John Cromwell
Ms. Gina Crovetto
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Crow
John and Betty Crowe
Mr. Bobby J. Crum
Ms. Jackie Culpepper
Mrs. Noel T. Cumbaa
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Czech
Mr. Timothy F. Dalton
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Daniel
Mr. Ellis L. Daniel
Daniel Billingsley Farm
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Darling
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Darling
Mr. Gregory Daugherty
Mr. Jerry G. Davis
Mrs. Joyce M. Davis
Mrs. Marie F. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Davis
Dr. Valerie A. Davis
Dawson Welding Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Burton Deaton
Mr. and Mrs. Carl DeBerry
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Deddo
Mr. Rick Degroff
Mr. Mark Delmastro
Delta Dough, Inc.
Delta Metals Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Demaio
Dr. and Mrs. Kin Dempsey
Department of CorrectionNashville, TN
Mr.* and Mrs. Dave F. Dermon, II
Mr. Charles A. DeSonia
Ms. Millicent Dewitt
Diversified Trust Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Dixon
Ms. Zelda Dobbs
Mr. Wayne S. Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Donovan
Mr. John A. Doran
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Doss
Ms. Aliene Driscoll
Ms. Bobbie J. Driver
Mike and Carol Duffy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Duffy
Mr. and Mrs. Derek H. Dulaney
Lee and Joe Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Duncan
Duncan-Williams, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Dunham
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny A. Durden
Ms. Cornelia Durham
Mr. and Mrs. Neil E. Durst
Ms. Paula Dycus
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Easley
East Arkansas Equipment Co., Inc.
East Arkansas Industrial Truck &
Tractor Supply, Inc.
East Arkansas Seeds, Inc.
Mr. Aaron R. Easton
Ms. Kay M. Eaton
Mr. and Mrs. Ken W. Edmundson
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott L. Edwards
Dr. Andrea Elberger
Ellendale Elementary School
Mrs. Laurie Ellingsworth
Mrs. Hala N. Elsohly
Ms. Vicky Emerson-Bevis
Dr. and Mrs. B. Keith English
Mrs. Mary L. Epps
Mrs. Nancy Essary
Essix Resources, Inc.
Mr. Dan W. Eubanks
Dr. Trey and Angela Eubanks
Mrs. LueDean Evans
Mr. Bradley Fair
Mr. Davis L. Fair III
Mr. Robert F. Farrelly
Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Feder
FedEx Employees Credit Association
FedEx Pilots’ Wives Association
Mr. Brant Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ferrara
Ms. Sara A. Fields
Mrs. Genet Fifer
Raymond W. Finke
First Assembly Christian School
First Horizon Matching Gift Program
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Flatt
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Fleming
Dr. Bess Flynn
FMC Technologies
Ms. Sandra Foley
Mr. Kent Ford, Jr.
Ms. Rowanna F. Ford
Mr. Charles Forsythe
Ms. Brenda S. Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. Garry Franklin
Mrs. Patricia A. Frederick
Ms. Ruby W. Freeman
Mr. Taylor N. French
Ms. Rachel S. Gabrielleschi
Ms. Helen R. Gaia
Mr. Robert Gardner, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Garner
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Garrett
Gasco Club c/o Columbia Gulf
Mrs. Amer Gatewood
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Gavrock
GE Capital Aviation Services
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie W. Gelston
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Gentry
Ms. Hazel C. Gentry
Kelly and Brent Gerhart
Ms. Evelyn Gibbs
Gibson Flying Service, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Gillespie
Mr. Robert C. Gilley
Kathryn and Jim Gilliland
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Gilmore
Mike and Donna Glenn
Mr. Billy Godwin
The Gooch Family
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Goolsby
Ms. Jaime Grammer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gratzer
Tony and Ginger Graves
Mr. James C. Graves
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Green
Greenway Equipment Company, Inc.
Mrs. Robert Grissom
Mr. Milton Guice
Mrs. Amanda J. Halbert
Mrs. Bessie M. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Halpin
Hamilton Mechanic Services
Ms. Bonnie T. Hammett
Sharon Hanks
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Harbin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Hardin
Ms. Joan Harrelson
Mr. and Mrs. Larry F. Harris
Mrs. Linnie Harris
Mr. and Mrs. McArthur Harrison
Mrs. Mary Harvey
Dr. and Mrs. Burt Hayes
Dr. and Mrs. Wayland J. Hayes III
Connie Haygood
Ms. Cinderella Haynes
Mrs. Nell Heavner
Mr. Charles Heifet
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Heitmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Sam D. Henderson
Mr. Wallace L. Henry
Mr. and Mrs. William Henry, Sr.
Mr. Jim Herbert
Heritage Farms Partnership
Mr. and Mrs. Jason D. Herring
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Herron
Ms. Mabel Hicks
Ms. Annie Higginbotham
N. Higgins
Higgins Auto and AG Center
Mr. Bobby D. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hill
Hillstrom Davidson –
Hillstrom Hunter Advised Fund
Mr. Walter Hime
Mr. and Mrs. Lucas A. Hines
Mrs. Martha Hines
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hinze
Mr. Robert L. Hirsberg
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy R. Hitt
Ms. Ruth C. Hobbs
Hobbs Family Farm Partnership
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. Hoffman
Mrs. Lucinda Hoffmaster
Hamp and Nancy Holcomb
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Holcomb
Ms. and Mrs. Allison R. Holden
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Holiman
Mr. Joseph Holley
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Holloway
Mrs. Carolyn J. Hollowell
Mrs. Brenda K. Holmes
Ms. Lana R. Horn
Mr. Gene Horton
Mr. Milton D. Hoskins
Houston High School
Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Howard
Mr. Joe B. Howell
Mr. and Mrs. Russell T. Hughes
Hughes Farm Partnership
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery S. Hunt
Mr. John H. Hurley
Mr. Patrick Hurley
Hutcherson Flying Service, Inc.
Mrs. Krystle M. Hutcheson
Ms. Ann Hyde
Ms. Cathryn M. Hyde
Mr. Bobby R. Hysmith
IBM Employee Service Center
Ideal Chemical & Supply Co.
Dr. and Mrs. Masanori Igarashi
Inventory Locator Service
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Iovinelli
Mr. and Mrs. Alvie Isaac, Jr.
J & R Contractor, Inc.
J.T. Jarrett & Sons
Mrs. Bernice Jackson
Mrs. Bernice T. Jackson
Mr. Michael E. Jackson
Ms. Rebecca Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Jameson
Mr. David Jefcoat
Mrs. Louis C. Jehl
Ms. Joan Jekels
Mrs. Louise P. Jenkins
Ms. Peggy Jennings
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Jerkins
Jerry Buse Sporting Goods
Jessland Farms
Jesus Is Lord Church
Mrs. Virginia Jeter
Jewish Foundation of Memphis
JMS Russel Metals Corp.
Ms. Ginger W. Joe
Johnny West Farms
Mrs. Barbara L. Johnson
Ms. Dorothy Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Johnson
Ms. Margaret Ann Johnson
Mrs. Mary A. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Johnson
Ms. Joyce E. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Johnston
Mr. Bud Jones
Ms. Ellen A. Jones
Mrs. Helen J. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip E. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Jones
Ms. Anna Jordan
Dr. and Mrs. Royce Joyner
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Justice
Ms. Charlene M. Kalb
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Karas
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Kautz
Ms. Judy Keene
Dr. and Mrs. Derek M. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Edward Kelly
Mr. Aubrey Kemp
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Kephart
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley S. Kesler
Ms. Mary J. Keywood
Ms. Hilda Kimbrell
Ms. Wanda J. Kimbrough
Ms. Elizabeth R. King
Kline Mechanical Systems, Inc.
The Klyce Family
Mrs. Retha R. Knight
Dr. Nagendra S. Kodali
Ms. M. K. Kolby
Sgt. John Paul Koonce
Ms. Irma G. Kramer
Mr. Dennis Krause
Mr. Robert W. Krutz, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Keith A. Kyker
Mr. and Mrs. Earnest E. Lacey
Mr. Allen Lane
L’Anguille River Farms
Ms. Edna L. Lanier
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lansdell
Mrs. Jean H. Larkin
Mr. Alex Latham
Ms. Carolyn Latham
Ms. Betty Laughlin
Mr. and Mrs. David Laundre
Ms. Helen Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip S. Lemoine
Lenny’s of Riverdale, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Lenoir
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny G. Letson
Mr. Arvel Lewis
Lewisburg Primary School
Lexus of Memphis
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Lichliter
Mr. Luther H. Lieblong
Mr. Soo-Tsong Lim
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Lincoln
Ms. Florence S. Lindgren
Mr. Merlin D. Lindsey
Mr. Michael Lindsey
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lindsey
Experience prepares volunteer
for med school
Memphis’ reputable health care scene originally drew 21-yearold Diana Bigler to the city. Now a senior at Rhodes College, the
Bowling Green, Ky., native will attend the University of Kentucky
College of Medicine in the fall. The 250 hours she’s volunteered at
Le Bonheur in the last four years helped confirm
her decision to serve families as a physician.
“I was drawn to the idea of a small liberal arts school, but I
loved that Rhodes was in the middle of the city of Memphis. As
a pre-med student, I was impressed by the number and closeproximity of so many accomplished hospitals,” said Bigler, who is
studying chemistry and religion at Rhodes.
Bigler has served in a variety of roles at Le Bonheur, from
teaching families how to enroll in online medical records to
bringing comfort to children and families in the Emergency
“I enjoy being part of creating a less stressful environment for a
sick child and family,” she said. “I have seen the impact I can make
through a simple act of kindness — sitting with a child so that the
family can eat, shower or just have a few moments of respite mean
so much to a stressed parent.”
Last spring she shadowed physicians in cardiology, neurology
and surgery twice a week to learn more about the field of medicine.
“Volunteering at this hospital has given me professional role
models, exposed me to the health care atmosphere and reinforced
my passion to pursue a career in medicine,” she said.
Tim Flack, former director of Patient and Family Centered Care
and Volunteer Services at Le Bonheur, says he has no doubt that
Diana will make a great doctor.
“Diana genuinely cares about the patients and families at
Le Bonheur, and we are grateful to have her here as a volunteer,”
he said.
With Heartfelt Thanks
Le Bonheur dad, IHOP manager
champions National Pancake Day
One day each year, IHOP Area Manager Bobby Abdi and
his team prepare and serve more than 30,000 pancakes in 15
hours at his 13 Memphis-area restaurants. Abdi knows IHOP’s
National Pancake Day means weeks of preparation and long
hours, but it’s all for Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital – a cause
that’s personal for Abdi and many of his employees.
IHOP restaurants across the country have been celebrating
National Pancake Day in early March since 2006, offering free
pancakes in exchange for a donation to Children’s Miracle
Network Hospitals. Locally, National Pancake Day has raised
more than $70,000 for Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital.
“It’s an exciting time. We start preparing two weeks in
advance, educating our employees on what Le Bonheur does
for our community, making sure we have enough batter,” said
Abdi, who is one of four area managers.
Abdi moved to Memphis in 2001 from Houston, Texas,
with his wife, Hanni, and their three children. Their middle
daughter, Nour, 12, has autism and has been a patient at
Le Bonheur for nearly eight years.
“For me and several of our employees, it’s personal,” Abdi
says of National Pancake Day. “So many I know have children
who go to Le Bonheur.”
National Pancake Day starts as early as 4 a.m. for Abdi.
He usually doesn’t finish until 2 or 3 a.m. the following
morning. It’s a long day, but full of energy and motivation to
give back to Le Bonheur, he says.
L E B O N H E U R C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L
Ms. Virginia Lindsey
Linn Farms
Lipscomb & Pitts Insurance
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Litano
Mr. Taft F. Little
Mr. Bobby Littlejohn
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Livingston
Mrs. Dianne Llanes
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Logue
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Long
Mrs. and Mrs. Christy Long
Mrs. Joann Long
Mr. Lawrence C. Long
Tina M. Loun
Mr. George Loveless
Mr. and Mrs. Donnie F. Lovell
Mrs. Ellen Lovick
Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Lowe
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lupsha
John and Sheon Lynch
Ms. Virginia Lynch
Mr. Richard Lynn
M & T Paving and
Construction Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Maddox
Mr. and Mrs. Leamon E. Malone
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Malone
Ms. Therese A. Mangold
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Mann
Mr. Gale Manning
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Manning
Mr. Gary Mansfield
Ms. Jeanette Mapp
Mr. Ronald L. Marme
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Marr
Mr. and Mrs. Otis T. Marshall, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George Martin
Mr. Jack S. Martin
Mr. Sam Mast
Matcor Metal Fabrication Inc.
Ms. Patricia Maten
Paul and Roberta Matthews
Mr. William May
Mr. James R. Mayo
Mrs. Ione M. McBride
Mr. and Mrs. Billy J. McCain
Stacy and Chris McCall
Ms. Josephine McCarley
Mr. and Mrs. Gary McCarter
Mr. and Mrs. Gary McCarter II
Mr. and Mrs. Steven McCarter
Ms. Evelyn A. McCartney
Mrs. Julian McCarver
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh R. McClatchy
Mr. and Mrs. Marx W. McClellan
Mr. Malachy McCool
Mrs. Brenda McCord
Mr. Randy L. McDaniel
Mr. and Mrs. Doug McDonald
Ms. Hilda McDougal
Mr. William McDowell
Mr. Louis McGaha
Dr. and Mrs. J. Lucius McGehee
Mr. and Mrs. Terry McGraw
Ms. Evelyn McGregor
Mr. Jo McGuire
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLarty
Mr. and Mrs. David McMillan
Mrs. Shelby B. McMinn
Ms. Patricia A. McNair
Ms. Maxine McNatt
Mr. and Mrs. Durward D. McNeer
Mike and Dennie McRee
Dr. Kathryn A. McVicar
Meador Farming Co.
Ms. Virginia M. Meadows
Ms. Carolyn Medlin
Memphis City Employees
Credit Union
John and Deborah Merino
MGM Resorts Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Middleton
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey E. Middleton
Mid-South Amateur Radio
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Rocky Miller
Ms. Faye W. Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Milstead
Ms. Betty Mims
Mocker & Associates, Inc.
Mr. Arthur B. Monroe
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Monroe
Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Moody
Mr. David B. Moore
Mrs. Elijah Moore
Mrs. Judy Moore
Ms. Mary C. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Moore
Ta’mara Janel Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Rickey R. Morehead
Mr. Alan K. Morgan
Mrs. Ella W. Morris
Ms. Marian M. Morrison
Mr. Ali Mostafavi
Ms. Dale M. Motley
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Mounce
Mount View Baptist Church Sunday
Mt. Nebo Baptist Church
Mrs. Marcie E. Mulhern
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Murphree
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Nance
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Nanney
Dr. Deborah D. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Neumann
New Hope Baptist Church
Ms. Gail Nichols
Mr. Kenneth Noe
Dr. Roger Nolte
Mr. Samuel C. Oakley
Mr. Mike W. Oatsvall
Maureen and Chris O’Connor
Ms. Linda Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Oliver
Mrs. S. Ondra
Orgill, Inc.
Cristina Oswalt
Mr. Lucius Othman
R.L. Overall
Ms. Barbara Owens
Mrs. Linda D. Owens
Ms. Cynthia L. Pace
Mr. Paul R. Paden
Mr. J. E. Page
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Palmer
Paris Henry County Healthcare
Judith and Bruce Parisey
Mrs. Jennifer Parris
Mrs. Joyce Passmore
Mr. Alexander E. Patterson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff A. Patty
Rose V. Payne
Pediatric Emergency Specialists, PC
Mr. John Peebles
Mr. Joe Pegram
Mr. and Mrs. William Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Perry
Peter Pan Children’s Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Peters
Curtis L. Petty, Jr.
Ms. Pamela Phedford
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pigors
Mr. Franklin D. Pilch
Dr. Christopher D. Pionke
Ms. Barbara T. Pittman
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Pittman
Connie N. Pittman
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Plunk
Mr. and Mrs. Jackie Plunkett
Mr. Perry P. Poche
Mr. Raymond J. Police
Mrs. Billie E. Pool
Ms. Catherine O. Potts
Power Equipment Company
Pratt Christian Church
Mrs. Betty M. Presley
Mr. Dennis Presley
Mr. Robert Price
Ms. Peggy Puckett
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert H. Pulley
Ms. Ann Purcell
Mr. David Putt
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Quinlan, Jr.
Mr. Joseph Quinlan III
R & S Bryan Farm Partnership
Racer’s AG Service
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ragon
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Ramey III
Senor Jesus Ramos
Mr. David Randle
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Rasch
Raymond James Financial, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Reamer
Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Reynolds
Ms. Gail S. Reynolds
Ms. Kajuanda Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Reynolds
Bill and Amy Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Wally Riffle
Mr. Webster Riggs, MD
Bob and Patsy Riikola
Ring Container Technologies
Nick and Judy Ringel
Senorita Maria G. Roa
Mr. Dexter C. Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Roberts
Dr. Kenneth R. Robertson
Ms. Maria Robertson
Ms. Tina M. Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry R. Robinson
Mr. Thomas E. Robinson
Ms. Mary Rogers
Roll Form Group
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Rousseau
Mrs. Margaret L. Routon
Mr. Harvey L. Rowlen
Mr. George Roza
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Ruden
Runsick Flying Service Inc.
Ms. Sandra L. Runyan
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Russell
Mr. William E. Russell
Ms. Frances L. Rutledge
Safe Kids Worldwide
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Saffold
Dr. Jasmine Sahni
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse J. Salter
Saltillo Elementary School
Dr. Joel and Esther Saltzman
Mr. and Mrs. Larry M. Sams
Ms. Bobbie Samuels
Ms. Betty J. Savage
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan P. Sawyer
Mr. Frank P. Schadrack
Fred and Courtney Schaeffer
Mr. Paul Schumacher
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schwab
Colin and Cailey Scifert
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar L. Scott
Mr. Rudy Seals
Ms. Nancy K. Sebren
ServiceMaster by Stratos
Ms. Lula Settlemire
SFU Methodist Men’s Club
SG Steel Services Company
Mrs. Dorothy Shawhan
Ms. Dorothy Shelby
Mr. and Mrs. E.P. Shepherd
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shirkey
Mr. Anthony W. Shirley
Ms. Lily Shu
Mrs. Mary F. Sidney
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Sigman
Senor Donato Silva
Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Simon
Ms. Jeanne B. Simpson
Mr. Bobby Sims
Mr. Charles W. Sims
Mrs. Martha A. Sitter
Mr. and Mrs. Andy L. Skelton
Mr. David L. Smart
Ms. Amanda Smith
Ms. Betty Smith
Mr. Bill Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Smith
Dr. Lacey Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith
Mr. Robert N. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Smith
Ms. Rosa L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Stefan Smith
Mr. Waymon A. Smith
Mrs. Billy Solomon
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy E. Sorrell
Southern Security Federal
Credit Union
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Spear
Ms. Sue Specht
The Forrest Spence Fund
Dr. Paula Spence-Evans
Mr. John B. Spencer III
Mrs. Kathleen A. Sprau
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Spreitzer
James F. Springfield, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ike Stacy
Mr. James E. Stanton
Joel and Joey Stark
Mr. Terry P. Starnes
Stevens Funeral Home Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Stickles, Sr.
Mr. Herman Stiedle
Dr. Dennis C. and
Mrs. Pamela A. Stokes
Stokes Flying Service
David and Laura Stone
Dr. Stephanie Storgion and Mr.
Theodore Poplos
Mrs. Jacquelyn Stover
Mr. Ray Strain
Strategic Financial Partners
Mr. Dietmar F. Strieder
Robert W. Stringfellow
Mr. Jerry W. Suggs
Mrs. Margaret M. Sulek
Ms. Irene M. Summerville
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton R. Sumner
SunTrust Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Sutphin
Mr. Charles Sutton
Mr. Blake Swaggart
Mr. Clinton Swindle
Mr. Brian L. Swords
System Scale Corporation
Systems Contracting Corporation
Ajay J. Talati
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Tallant, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dino Tashie
Mr. Dominic Tavoleti
Gerrell Taylor
Mrs. Joanie N. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. G. Paul Tedford
Mr. Asan G. Tejwani
Ms. Bonnie Thomas
Miss Madeline E. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thompson
Three Rivers Planning &
Development District
Thweatt Farms Partnership
Mr. Dennis Tidwell
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tidwell
Ms. Teressa Timbes
Mr. Joe B. Tobias
Mr. James R. Tomlin
Ms. Margaret L. Townsend
Trail Farms Partnership
Triple G. Excavating, Inc.
Tri-State Armature & Electrical
Trout Valley Farm
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Tullos, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Tyler
United Way of West Tennessee, Inc.
Mr. Freddie Ushrea
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vaccaro
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Valentine
Mr. and Mrs. John E. VanHorn, Jr.
Mr. Eugene Vaughn
Ms. Velma E. Vess
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Vielhaber
Mr. Alonso H. Vowell
Ms. Shirley B. Wade
Mr. Tom Wade
Mr. Wilburn R. Wade
Mr. Denny Waite
Mr. and Mrs. DeFord Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Walker
Ms. Jane P. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Walker
Ms. Ruth Wall
Ms. Mable W. Wallace
Rush and Clara Gwen Waller
Dr. Jewell C. Ward and
Mr. Jim A. Brooks
Dr. Julie L. Ware
Mr. Charles Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Warren
R. Watkins
Mrs. Jeanine L. Watts
Mrs. Silva B. Webster
Weeks Farm
Mrs. Bonnie Werbeck
Mr. James S. Werkhoven
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Wesson
Dr. Glenn T. Wetzel
Mrs. Alice Wheatley
Mrs. Charles Z. White
Ms. Carolyn M. Whitehurst
Katherine Whitfield
Ms. Doris Whitson
Mr. James K. Wicker
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Wiertelak
Dr. Rebecca S. Wilkie
Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Wilkins III
Ms. Debra E. Willhite
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Williams
Ethel Mae Williams
Mrs. Gwendolyn W. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Williams
Mrs. Jane W. Williams
Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Williams
Mr. Beauton Williamson
Bunny Willis
Mr. and Mrs. Judd C. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Q. Wilson
The Kemmons Wilson Family
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Windham
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Wingo
Mr. James T. Wood
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Wood
Woodruff Electric Cooperative
Mr. Earl Woods
Mrs. Ginger Woods
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley S. Woods
Mrs. Dot Worley
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Worley
The Darryl Worley Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry F. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph N. Wright
Anne Wulff and Brian Bendersky
Mrs. Joan H. Wunrow
Barrie and Kenneth Wurzburg
Ms. Sandra Wurzburg
Yarbrough Cable Service, LLC
Mr. Charles A. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Young
Dr. David B. and Susan D. Young
Mr. Lawrence W. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Younger
Ms. Xia Zhao
Mr. Todd Zoblotsky
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob C. Zweig
Recent Events
GenerosiTEA Party sells out
The sixth annual GenerosiTEA Party for
Le Bonheur sold out and raised $28,000 for the
hospital. The fun morning for 400 included a
fashion show, cookie decorating, art projects, a
silent auction, a photo booth and local vendors.
GenerosiTEA is organized by a group of Le Bonheur
moms and sponsored by City Auto, Cotton Tails and
Memorable Events and Caterers at Woodland Hills
Event Center. Radiothons raise
awareness, funds
Local DJs took to the airways to raise funds for
Le Bonheur. FM100’s “ 12 Hours for Kids” radiothon in
December raised more than $40,000 for Le Bonheur.
DJs Ron Olson and Michelle Lewis shared the stories
of patients and their families. Radio Ambiente’s twoday annual radiothon in November raised more than
$91,000 for Le Bonheur. In September, Jackson, Tenn.
WYN 106.9 DJs Shane and Phil raised more than
$60,000. Tupelo’s Wizard 106 morning team, Kelli
Karlson and “Road Kill Bill” Hughes, brought in more
than $40,000 for kids at Le Bonheur at the August
radiothon. Many thanks to our radio partners and their
listeners for supporting Le Bonheur.
L E B O N H E U R C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L
YALL: Young leaders step
up for Le Bonheur
YALL (Young Adult Le Bonheur Leaders) is
a networking group of young professionals
passionate about supporting the mission of
Le Bonheur through fundraising and volunteer
service. More than 70 people attended a January
mixer at the hospital. Attendees heard from
Pediatrician-in-Chief Jon McCullers, MD, met
Le Bonheur researchers and learned about ways
to support Le Bonheur. For more information,
visit www.lebonheur.org/YALL or contact the
Le Bonheur Foundation at 901-287-6308.
Upcoming Events
Big Wig Ball
Father Daughter Gumtree Ball
June 19, 7 p.m. at
Annesdale Mansion
June 27, 6 p.m. at BancorpSouth Arena
in downtown Tupelo, Miss.
Get ready for a night of hair-raising fun! You
can party for a purpose at the fifth annual
Big Wig Ball benefitting Le Bonheur. From
huge, colorful wigs to mullets and ‘fros,
you’ll see everything while enjoying food,
drinks, dancing, a silent auction and dueling
pianos. Hosted by the Le Bonheur Associate
Board and YALL, this is one party not to miss.
Tickets are $75 each or $130 per couple. VIP
tickets are $125 each or $230 per couple.
Visit events.lebonheur.org/bigwigball for
more information.
Mark your calendars for the
largest gathering of dancing
dads and their daughters at
the 14th annual Gumtree
TWIGS Father Daughter Ball.
The evening features dinner
provided by Bishops BBQ,
a silent auction, creative activities, dancing and special guests
including Disney princesses. Co-sponsored by BancorpSouth
and Magnolia Business Centre, this event sold out with more
than 1,000 guests attending last year. For more information or
to reserve your tickets, visit lebonheur.org/gumtreeball.
Save the date –
11th Annual Pumpkin Run
We’ve set the date, so mark your calendars for
Saturday, Oct. 17 for the 11th annual Le Bonheur
Pumpkin Run 5K and Family Walk. The 3.1 mile
course in East Memphis ends with the Boo Bash
Party for the whole family. Family activities, children’s
costume contest, music and refreshments are all part
of the fun.
Le Bonheur Children’s
Hospital Ball
June 20, 6:30 p.m., at The Peabody
The Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital Ball, hosted by
the Le Bonheur Club, is a black-tie event that includes
silent and live auctions, a seated dinner, a presentation
from a Le Bonheur family and a performance from
a children’s choir. The Soulsations will provide great
music for dancing, and guests can enjoy a photo
booth. Tickets are $250. For more information,
contact the Le Bonheur Club at 901-682-9905 or
visit lebonheurclub.org.
Non-Profit Org.
Memphis, TN
Permit No. 3093
848 Adams Avenue
Memphis, Tennessee 38103
Address Ser vice Requested
When a
mother is
worried about
her child,
nothing else
With your
nothing else
has to.
Your estate gift to Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital will help us help children. And we believe nothing
is more important. Through the generosity of our wonderful donors, children and their families can
receive the lifesaving and life-changing care they need.
We’ve been recognized by U.S. News & World Report as one of the nation’s best children’s hospitals for
the expert care we provide our patients. That’s possible only with the continued support of caring
people like you.
When it comes to caring for children, every gift matters. Your planned gift will make a difference
today, tomorrow and for generations to come.
When working with your financial adviser, please indicate that you’d like to make a bequest to
Le Bonheur. Call Sue Matthews, director of gift planning, at 901-287-6308 or roberta.matthews@
lebonheur.org to learn more.
Every Child