generatıonsof leadership


generatıonsof leadership
generatıons of leadership
the posse foundation 2005 annual report
generations of leadership
Today there are 300 Posse Alumni. Within the next four
years there will be 1,000. By the year 2020 there will
be more than 7,000 Posse Alumni. The pages in this
annual report spotlight 12 individuals who represent the
extraordinary young people of Posse on campus and
already in the workforce. The Scholars on the cover are
featured throughout the annual report and are linked
by their fields of interest. However, Posse Scholars are
linked in many more ways, sometimes by their values,
sometimes by their backgrounds, sometimes by the ways
they want to contribute to the world—and always by their
Posse experience. They illustrate the concept of leadership
through the generations, and the power of Posse as a
model for success.
The concept of a Posse works for both students
and college campuses, and is rooted in the
belief that a small, diverse group of talented
students—a Posse—carefully selected and
trained, can serve as a catalyst for increased
individual and community development. As
the United States becomes an increasingly
multicultural society, Posse believes that the
leaders of this new century should reflect the
country’s rich demographic mix, and that the
key to a promising future for our nation rests
on the ability of strong leaders from diverse
backgrounds to develop consensus solutions
to complex social problems. One of the primary
aims of the Posse Program is to train these
leaders of tomorrow.
On the cover (from left): Jason Rea, Wisconsin Posse 2 Scholar (Los Angeles); Ibrahima Bah, Lafayette Posse 1 Scholar (New York); Debangshu Choudhury, Vanderbilt Posse 15
Scholar (New York); Natalee Graham, Brandeis Posse 1 Alumna (New York); Erica Spatz, Vanderbilt Posse 4 Alumna (New York); Kito Huggins, Vanderbilt Posse 3 Alumnus (New York);
Shirley Ramirez, Vanderbilt Posse 1 Alumna (New York); Frankie Cevallos, Rice Posse 2 Alumna (New York); Carlos Carela, Vanderbilt Posse 6 Alumnus (New York); Ebony Jacobs,
Grinnell Posse 1 Scholar (Washington, D.C.); Tiffany Tyler, Carleton Posse 1 Alumna (Chicago); Kabral Tesfamicael, Bowdoin Posse 2 Alumnus (Boston).
1) To expand the pool from which top colleges
and universities can recruit outstanding young
leaders from diverse backgrounds;
2) To help these institutions build more interactive
Posse started because of one student who said,
“I never would have dropped out of college if I
had my posse with me.” The Posse Foundation,
founded in 1989, identifies public high school
students with extraordinary academic and
leadership potential who may be overlooked
by traditional college selection processes.
The Foundation extends to these students the
opportunity to pursue personal and academic
excellence by placing them in supportive,
multicultural teams (“Posses”) of 10 students.
The Foundation’s partner universities award
Posse Scholars four-year, full-tuition leadership
campus environments so that they can become
more welcoming institutions for people from all
3) To ensure that Posse Scholars persist in their
academic studies and graduate so they can take
on leadership positions in the workforce.
posse has three
from posse’s chairman
Dear Friends,
The Posse Foundation has enjoyed incredible success over the
years. Since it began in 1989, Posse has helped to diversify college
campuses while transforming the lives of students across the
country. Moreover, the number of Posse Scholars graduating each
year has steadily increased as the program continues to grow, with
1,000 Scholars expected to have graduated by 2010. These Posse
graduates are making their presence felt in the workforce, bringing
their well-honed leadership skills to bear on the varied challenges
of our multicultural society.
With this success in mind, The Posse Foundation has sought to
make its promise permanent through our endowment campaign.
The earnings from the endowment will help provide the funds
needed to run Posse each year. Every dollar spent on the Program
results in many more scholarship dollars awarded by Posse
university partners. Consequently, endowment income ends up
having a remarkable multiplier effect, translating into at least six
times its value in scholarship awards.
In 2003, Posse received an unprecedented $5 million dollar
matching endowment grant from The Sallie Mae Fund. For each
dollar donated to the campaign, The Sallie Mae Fund agreed to
match the gift, thus putting $2 into Posse’s endowment. This
gave Posse the opportunity to turn $5 million in endowment
contributions into $10 million when combined with The Sallie
Mae Endowment Grant. Sallie Mae’s gift reflects the depth of
their commitment to education and the strength of their desire to
cultivate leaders who mirror the diversity of ideas and backgrounds
our society has to offer. Their continued support for Posse has been
I am happy to report that The Posse Foundation is making great
headway in its endowment campaign and will match The Sallie Mae
Grant by June of 2006. Posse has been able to meet this challenge
through the guidance of the Posse Board and the support of its
donors. The endowment funds will provide the necessary resources
to guarantee Posse’s future. More specifically, the endowment
funds will enable The Posse Foundation to diversify income; reduce
dependency on the annual fund; create an opportunity for current
funders to increase their support in a highly strategic way; promote
long term organizational, financial and program objectives; and
provide funds for Posse’s ongoing operations.
The Posse Foundation continues to make steady progress on its
mission to broaden access to education, make campuses more
welcoming to all groups, and see to it that our Scholars graduate
and take on leadership roles in the workforce. We now stand poised
to fulfill many of our long-term strategic plans as well. In the next
several years, Posse plans to open five new sites in major cities
across the country. Posse will support 4,000 Scholars on campus,
partner with 80 to 100 top-tier colleges, and recruit 1,000 Posse
Scholars each year.
I wish to recognize a few of the endowment campaign’s most
significant matching donors whose philanthropic leadership has
brought us closer to our long-term goals. They include Mr. and Mrs.
Timothy H. Ubben and the Ubben Foundation; Inavale Foundation,
Inc.; Mr. and Mrs. Anson M. Beard Jr.; Lauri and Jeff Ubben; Mr.
and Mrs. Wade Fetzer III; Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. de Nicola; Mr.
and Mrs. Garrett M. Moran, and many other wonderful Posse
Posse Scholars continue to surpass expectations. Over the past
16 years, they have earned a reputation for being catalysts of
change both on and off campus. The Posse Foundation’s success
is measured by the quality and breadth of support we provide
these bright stars. Through its generosity, The Sallie Mae Fund is
helping to create the bedrock upon which Posse’s future success
will be built. We wish to extend a special thanks to Sallie Mae and
to all of our extraordinary donors who are helping to make Posse a
permanent fixture on the landscape of educational opportunity.
Michael Ainslie
from posse’s president + founder
Dear Friends,
Words can’t quite capture the emotion I feel when a student wins
the scholarship, when a new university decides to sign on as a
partner, or when a donor enables the organization to grow. For
me, one of the most powerful moments of each year is the Posse
Awards Ceremony. In 2005, Posse’s 23 outstanding college and
university partners awarded a record $30 million to 305 brand
new Posse Scholars. Every one of these young people received the
leadership scholarship and was honored during a special evening
event in each of the Posse cities: Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles,
New York City and Washington, D.C.
For those of you who have attended a Posse Awards Ceremony
you know how powerful it is to see these young people stand on
the stage—truly representative of the incredible diversity of our
public schools and truly deserving of these leadership awards. It is
powerful to hear the fathers, mothers, grandparents, uncles, aunts,
and little siblings stand up—microphone in hand—to publicly state
how proud they are of their son, daughter, brother, sister, niece,
nephew, grandchild. It is moving to hear the students thank their
families and to see their excitement as they meet their fellow Posse
members for the first time. All of the college and university partners
are there with T-shirts and letters to welcome these extraordinary
young people into the next phase of their lives. Each of these young
people will be more than a college student. She will be a leader, a
role model, a Posse Scholar.
In fact, from the very moment a student becomes a Posse Scholar,
she becomes a role model for generations to come. She becomes a
symbol of success, of strength, of ambition, of hope—showing that
it is possible to achieve despite sometimes impossible situations.
As we watch the demographics of this country go through dramatic
shifts, we can be proud that a program like Posse is supporting
young stars from every background. Every single Posse Scholar
that graduates from one of our partner institutions is on track to
become a leader in both our local and global communities.
This annual report is about the generations of leadership The
Posse Foundation helps to identify and support. Our Scholars
are becoming the doctors, the lawyers, the guidance counselors,
the investment bankers, the teachers, and a new kind of network
representative of the great diversity of this country. We are
incredibly proud of them and enormously thankful to all of you who
give The Posse Foundation your support.
Deborah Bial
President + Founder
four program components
The Posse Program achieves its goals through four program components:
1) Recruitment, 2) Pre-Collegiate Training Program, 3) Campus Program, and 4) Career Program.
From September to December each year, Posse
conducts the Dynamic Assessment Process
(DAP), a unique evaluation method designed
to identify young leaders who might be missed
by traditional admissions criteria, but who can
excel at selective colleges and universities. Using
non-traditional forums to evaluate potential, DAP
offers students an opportunity to demonstrate
their intrinsic leadership abilities, their skill at
From January to August of their senior year in
high school, Posse Scholars meet weekly with
staff trainers and their Posse peers for two‑hour
workshops. The Training Program consists of
workshops that address four areas: 1) team
building and group support, 2) cross-cultural
communication, 3) leadership and becoming
an active agent of change on campus and
4) academic excellence. The goal of the training
program is to prepare Scholars for leadership
roles on campus and for the high-level academic
expectations of their colleges.
recruitment training
working in a team setting, and their motivation
and desire to succeed. DAP has proven to
be an extremely effective tool for identifying
outstanding young leaders. In a three-part
process, including large group and individual
interviews, Posse staff and university partner
administrators ultimately select a diverse group
of 10 students for each college or university, thus
forming a “Posse.”
The Campus Program works to ensure the
retention of Posse Scholars and to increase
the impact of the Scholars and the Program on
the college campus. Posse staff members visit
each university four times a year for meetings
with Posse Scholars, campus liaisons, and oncampus mentors. Each mentor meets weekly
with the Posse as a team and with individual
Scholars every two weeks during the first two
years in college. In addition, Posse facilitates
an annual weekend-long PossePlus Retreat
attended by members of the larger student body,
faculty, and administration, with the goal of
discussing an important campus issue identified
by Posse Scholars.
The Career Program supports Posse Scholars as
they transition from being leaders on campus to
becoming leaders in the workforce. Posse plays
an integral role in the professional development
of these young people by providing them
with the tools and opportunities necessary to
secure highly competitive and career-enhancing
internships and jobs. One of the ways Posse
achieves this is by partnering with exceptional
companies and organizations, both nationally
and abroad. The Career Program has three core
components: 1) The Internship Program,
2) Career Services and 3) The Alumni Network.
Babson College
Brandeis University
Bryn Mawr College
Bucknell University
Carleton College
Centre College
Claremont McKenna College
Colby College
Denison University
DePauw University
Dickinson College
Franklin & Marshall College
Grinnell College
Hamilton College
The Posse Foundation would like
to thank its 23 partner colleges
and universities for their continued
support of the Posse Program. This
year these institutions awarded
over $30 million in leadership
scholarships to Posse Scholars
across the country.
Lafayette College
Middlebury College
Pomona College
Trinity College
Union College
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Vanderbilt University
Wheaton College
A&E Television Network
American Museum of Natural History
American Repertory Theater
Babson College Business Edge
Bingham McCutchen
Bloomberg L.P.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
Boston Ballet
Boston Lawyers Group
Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Boston Neighborhood Network
Boston Redevelopment Authority
Breakthrough Collaborative
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Chicago Children’s Museum
Chicago Public Schools Summer Fellows Program
Christie’s Auction House
Citizen Schools
City of New York, Department of Parks and
City of New York, Office of the Mayor
Comedy Central
Con Edison
Envision Leadership, Inc.
Fiduciary Trust Company
Fiver Foundation
Fulbright Program
Goldman Sachs
Harlem RBI
Harvard Business School Summer Venture in
Management Program
Harvard Medical School, Genomics
Training Program
Hole in the Wall Gang Camps
Inavale Foundation
Institute for Leadership, Excellence and
Academic Development
Institute for Recruitment of Teachers
KLD Research & Analytics, Inc.
Lehman Brothers
Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia
May Department Stores
Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP
Montefiore Medical Center, Albert Einstein
College of Medicine
Morgan Stanley
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
MTV Networks
Museum of Fine Arts
National Conference for Community
and Justice
NBC News
Nestle Waters North America
New England Board of Education
Northeastern College of Business
O’Melveny & Meyers LLP
Penguin Publishing
Rosie’s Place
Russell Reynolds
Scholastic Publishing
Senator Dick Durbin
Shady Hill School Teacher Training
Shedd Aquarium
Simon and Schuster
The Ad Club
The Food Project
The Getty
The Walt Disney Company
Tufts Sackler School of Biomedical Science
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Wall Street Prep
program partners
The Posse Foundation would
like to thank its 2005 internship
partners. These outstanding
companies and organizations
contributed to the development of
many Posse Scholars’ careers.
leaders in business
Kabral Tesfamicael:
Bowdoin Posse 2 Alumnus (Boston)
Kabral Tesfamichael’s family is from Eritrea, East Africa,
although Kabral was born in Riad, Saudi Arabia during
the war between Eritrea and Ethiopia. At five, he moved to
Massachusetts and eventually attended B.C. High School
in Dorchester. At Bowdoin, Kabral majored in the classics
with a focus in Greek literature and was one of the very
first Posse Scholars to take advantage of the Lehman
Brothers internship opportunity. Kabral was offered his
first summer internship at Lehman when he was only a
freshman. Today, he is an investment banker there.
“I work crazy hours raising capital for large corporations.
But it doesn’t bother me. Just getting the offer to work
here was itself an amazing experience.”
Carlos Carela
Vanderbilt Posse 6 Alumnus (New York)
Carlos Carela grew up in Washington Heights and
attended John F. Kennedy High School with over 5,000
other students. In high school, he was a baseball all-star
and had every intention of playing in the major leagues.
But Carlos turned down baseball scholarships to become
a Posse Scholar at Vanderbilt. Today he is the regional
representative for Bloomberg’s Caribbean accounts and
completely devoted to helping younger Posse Scholars.
“It’s not about the prestige of working at Bloomberg or the
money, although that’s great,” he says. “It’s about what
I’m doing to leverage opportunity for others. I didn’t have
a Posse Wall Street person. I was the first one. I went
right to Michael Ainslie for advice. But not everyone has
access to a Michael Ainslie. Now there are plenty of folks
with access to Carlos Carela.”
leaders in medicine
Tiffany Tyler
Carleton Posse 1 Alumna (Chicago)
Tiffany Tyler’s extraordinary drive to become a leading bilingual obstetrician and gynecologist has many sources.
“I am the youngest of six girls,” she says, “and there are
no doctors in my family,” says Tiffany. “Both my parents
worked extremely hard for over 30 years in factories
and in other low-paying jobs to provide for us, which
really had an effect on me. Whenever I reflect on their
struggles, it makes me push myself harder.” On June
11, 2005, Tiffany edged closer to her goal by graduating
from Carleton College at the top of her class. In addition,
she was chosen from a pool of over 500 candidates to
give the commencement speech that day—an honor she
says she will not soon forget. Now a full-time medical
student at Northeastern University and a medical
Spanish interpreter at Winfield Moody Health Center in
Erica Spatz
Vanderbilt Posse 4 Alumna (New York)
“I’ve never taken the traditional path,” says Erica Spatz,
Montifore Hospital’s chief resident. “Posse taught me
to take a chance on things even when those avenues
were not the typical way to go. Consequently, I wound
up studying international medicine abroad at Ben
Gurion-Columbia University in Israel.” Erica grew up in
Staten Island, went to Curtis High School and won a
Posse Scholarship to Vanderbilt University, where she
combined pre-med with a major in human & organizational
development. Today, Erica practices medicine at one of the
busiest hospitals in New York City, serving a community in
the Bronx she describes as sorely underserved.
Chicago, Tiffany remains confident, optimistic, and, as
always, driven.
More than 6,300 students
were nominated for the
program in 2005. Of these,
305 incredible young leaders
won over $30 million in Posse
Scholarships from partner
colleges and universities.
The Posse endowment
campaign, matched dollar for
dollar by The Sallie Mae Fund,
reached $9.2 million in gifts and
pledges by the end of 2005.
The Cedar Foundation, a
Canadian charitable foundation
headed by Lynda and Robert
Bentall, pledged $2.5 million
over the next 10 years to
support 50 Posse Scholars per
year from New York City.
Thirty-one presidents from
the nation’s top colleges and
universities attended a conference
co-hosted by The Citigroup
Foundation, DePauw President Bob
Bottoms, and Vanderbilt Chancellor
Gordon Gee. The conference
examined the state of higher
education and featured Posse as an
ideal model for promoting change
on campuses nationwide.
Centre College in Danville,
Kentucky and Union College in
Schenectady, New York joined
The Posse Foundation as its
newest partners.
A&E Television, MTV and
Comedy Central joined the
Posse Career Program,
expanding Posse’s internship
opportunities in the
entertainment industry.
On December 27, 2005, The
Posse Foundation President
and Founder Deborah Bial rang
the NASDAQ Bell at the day’s
market closing ceremony.
Photo reprinted with permission. Copyright 2005 Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc.
Bryn Mawr College
centre college
Denison University
Hamilton College
Union College
Posse Boston’s overall growth in 2005 was tremendous. Boston added two new
university partners—Centre College in Danville, Kentucky and Union College in
Schenectady, New York. Boston dramatically increased its nominating network
as well, from 186 to 249 organizations, including 83 high schools and 166
community-based organizations. Over 1,000 students were nominated, a 23
percent increase from the previous year. In December, Boston’s university partners
awarded over $5 million in scholarships to 51 incredible young leaders—close
to twice as many scholarships as were awarded in 2004. In addition, Boston’s
PossePlus Retreats were a huge success with more than 400 participants
representing faculty, administrators, and students. These individuals took part in
City report
workshops designed to address issues ranging from sexism to global awareness.
Some of the titles included “Designing Women: How Bryn Mawr College Shapes
Women of Tomorrow” and “Finding your Rhythm: The Intersection of Global and
American Values at Hamilton College.” The Posse Boston Advisory Board achieved
new heights in fundraising, membership and strategic planning under the
leadership of Chair Trish Arnold. Boston’s Career Program grew significantly, with
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, May Department Stores, Wall Street
Prep and other outstanding organizations becoming new intern partners.
Carleton College
Denison University
DePauw University
Pomona College
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Posse Chicago proudly moved into its sixth year in 2005. Posse has become well
known in Chicago, a city with the third largest public school system in the United
States. Over 90 percent of Chicago public high schools and 49 community‑based
organizations nominated students as a result of an intense outreach effort.
Posse Chicago’s selection process was highly competitive. More than 1,300 high
school students applied for 61 scholarships. To date, Posse Chicago has placed
close to 300 students in six of the nation’s top colleges. The first class of Posse
Chicago Scholars graduated in the spring and over 80 percent demonstrated their
commitment to giving back to their local community by returning to Chicago to
begin their careers. The Chicago Alumni Network is being developed to support
these conscientious young leaders. Eric Macey of Novack & Macey LLP was
appointed the new advisory board chair and has begun strategizing ways to
ensure Posse Chicago’s continued growth and success. Advisory Board Members
City report
T. Kendall Hunt and Timothy Ubben each made generous donations to help lay the
foundation for a 2006 Posse Chicago growth campaign. The board also hosted its
first Golf Outing Fundraiser, which celebrated the first graduating class of Posse
Chicago and the many donors and supporters who helped the Scholars along the
way. In addition, Linda McLennan, former ABC news anchorwoman, facilitated a
live auction. Posse Chicago also celebrated the addition of several new internship
partners, including A&E Television and The Office of Senator Dick Durbin. In June,
Posse Chicago Scholars were featured in an article in The Chicago Sun-Times.
Claremont McKenna College, Dickinson College,
Grinnell College, University of Wisconsin-Madison
In its fourth year, Posse Los Angeles further established itself as one of the
most effective college access and youth development organizations on the
West Coast. The success of Posse Los Angeles’ community outreach efforts was
evident in the second largest public schools system in the nation. A total of 966
student nominations were received for 42 scholarship slots. The awardees will
join the 105 Los Angeles Posse Scholars already on campus. The PossePlus
Retreats once again drew diverse sectors of the campus community a bit
closer. One Retreat, entitled “Leaders in the Making: Exploring Leadership at
Claremont McKenna,” inspired Posse Scholars and other participants to found
The Community Connections Club, an organization whose mission is to connect
marginalized campus groups to the larger student body. In 2005, the Career
Program was launched in Los Angeles. In July, Los Angeles held its first Career
Program Kick-Off Reception, which provided Posse Scholars the opportunity to
discuss and explore career paths during an evening of conversation with the Los
Babson College, Brandeis University, Colby College,
DePauw University, Dickinson College, Franklin & Marshall College,
Lafayette College, Middlebury College, Trinity College,
Vanderbilt University, Wheaton College
Posse New York recruits students from the largest public school system in the
country. In 2005, New York hosted a series of open houses in the spring for
community-based organizations and high school college counselors that resulted
in over 2,200 student nominations for 119 full-tuition scholarships. More than
$11 million in scholarships were awarded by Posse New York’s 11 partner
colleges and universities. This summer, over 780 students, faculty and staff
took part in PossePlus retreats facilitated by the New York staff and Scholars.
With titles like “Apathy, Empathy and Activism” at Middlebury and “Matriculation
to Commencement: A Dialogue on Higher Education,” at Wheaton College, the
retreats inspired thought-provoking conversation among different members of the
campus community. In addition, 11 new organizations from both the corporate
and nonprofit sectors joined Posse New York’s Career Program this year, providing
los angeles new york
City report
Angeles Advisory Board and friends of Posse. Scholars had the opportunity to
speak with board members and friends of Posse who represented a number of
fields including finance, law and telecommunications. In October, Advisory Board
Co-Chair Eric Beckman helped to expand Posse Los Angeles’ donor base and
solidify its presence in the community by hosting Posse Los Angeles’ Second
Annual Friend Raiser at his home. Friends of Posse learned about Posse Los
Angeles’ growth and of the profound impact it is having on campuses and in the
lives of Posse Scholars.
City report
Scholars with incredible career-enhancing opportunities. Among these were
Nestle Waters North America, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Morgan Stanley,
Goldman Sachs, and City of New York Mayor’s Office. In May, Darlene Rodriguez of
NBC covered Posse as part of its “Today in New York” series. The Posse New York
Advisory Board, led by Susie Scher, continued to offer strong support by hosting
two successful events in downtown Manhattan. They not only raised awareness
of the program but also provided Posse Alumni with the opportunity to build
networks with other young professionals throughout the city.
Bucknell University
Grinnell College
Lafayette College
Posse D.C. continued to make its mark in the nation’s capital as it entered
its second year of operations. The very first Posse D.C. Scholars entered their
freshman year at Bucknell University and Grinnell College. These Scholars
excelled academically and became actively involved in theatre, athletics, music
performance, community service, social issues and campus politics. Lafayette
College, already in its fourth year as a Posse New York partner, also signed on
with Posse D.C. and began to recruit from both cities. Posse D.C.’s community
outreach efforts resulted in record numbers. D.C. staff introduced Posse to
juniors at 96 high schools—almost all of the high schools in the district—and
at 29 community-based organizations. A total of 709 students were nominated
for 32 Posse scholarship slots. These 32 Scholars represented a 50 percent
increase in the number of scholarships awarded in 2004. Posse D.C.’s dedicated
advisory board grew by 30 percent, and hosted their first annual fundraising event
washington, d.c.
City report
in June, spearheaded by Bryan Greene and Michael Maurer. Advisory Board
Members Bonnie Cohen and Caroline Little also hosted D.C.’s first “friend raiser”
in September. Both events yielded significant contributions and sparked interest
and support from local corporate and educational leaders. In September, National
Public Radio (NPR) aired a series of radio shows focused on the personal stories
of Bucknell Posse Scholars.
leaders in law
Natalee Graham
Brandeis Posse 1 Alumna (New York)
Jason Rea
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Posse 2 Scholar (Los Angeles)
Natalee Graham attended Franklin K. Lane High
School before going to Brandeis University on a Posse
Scholarship. She excelled at Brandeis, where she majored
Jason Rea grew up in Los Angeles and went to Belmont
in politics and advanced Spanish literature, and secured
High School, where he faced gang violence, overcrowded
incredible internships each summer. She worked for the
classrooms, and uninspired teachers. But Jason’s attitude
political department of Lavoz Del Interior, a newspaper
was always positive. “I was senior class president at a
in Cordoba, Argentina, spent a semester in Spain, and
notorious high school in downtown L.A.,” Jason says. “But
in 2001, jumped at the opportunity to interview for a
I didn’t focus on the problems.” Instead, he focused on
Lehman Brothers internship in their legal department.
his studies and on developing close relationships with
Natalee is now a specialist with the Regulatory Law
effective educators at his school—a lesson he has carried
Group at Lehman Brothers, and handles requests for
over to the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he is
information from The New York Stock Exchange, The
excelling at philosophy and legal studies. “I think that the
Securities Exchange Commission and other agencies that
guidance I’ve received from my mentors here on campus
oversee the financial industry. She is also a second year
and the support I get from my Posse peers has really
law student at New York Law School. “People are afraid
made the difference for me.”
to step outside of certain conventions and stereotypes,”
Natalie says. “You meet people who expect that you can’t
do this, that or the other. I say, ‘Why not?’”
leaders in the sciences
Ibrahima Bah
Lafayette Posse 1 Scholar (New York)
Frankie Cevallos
Rice Posse 2 Alumna (New York)
“It all boils down to numbers,” says Frankie Cevallos,
“The best scientists study the world, not to produce
a systems program analyst for the Federal Reserve.
technologies, but for the sheer love of it.” explains
“I help develop the financial software that is used by
Ibrahima Bah, an immigrant from Senegal, West Africa,
the Federal Reserve and a few external clients, like
and current Posse Scholar at Lafayette College, whose
the central banks of certain foreign governments,
boyhood dreams of becoming an astronaut have given
embassies—the Vatican.” Born in the Philippines and
way to a deeper curiosity about the mechanics of the
raised in the Bronx, Frankie attended Manhattan Center
universe. He plans to pursue a graduate degree in high
for Science and Math and then matriculated at Rice
energy physics and theoretical cosmology and says
University in Texas, where she majored in electrical and
that he is excited about the future. “In the near future,
computer engineering. In the male-dominated world
there will be great scientific progress, and the world is
of technology, Frankie has earned the respect of her
going to change,” Ibrahima observes. “The sciences are
colleagues who regard her as an effective translator of
becoming more exact, and people will have to work out
technical information and a gifted analyst.
the ethical and other dimensions of the advancements
that scientists make. To handle all of this, we’re going to
need extraordinary thinkers.” Ibrahima has decided to be
among them.
Architects ($500,000+)
Lumina Foundation for Education
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy H. Ubben and The Ubben Foundation
Agents of Change ($250,000–$499,999)
The Goldman Sachs Foundation
The Sallie Mae Fund
Innovators ($100,000–$249,999)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Ainslie and The Ainslie Foundation, Inc.
The Citigroup Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Gregory
Mr. T. Kendall Hunt
Inavale Foundation, Inc.
The James Irvine Foundation
Garrett and Mary Moran
Nellie Mae Education Foundation
Time Warner Inc.
Laurie and Jeff Ubben
Mr. T. Kendall Hunt in memory of Barbara “B. J.” Hunt
Leaders ($50,000–$99,999)
The Posse Foundation relies on the generosity of its donors.
With their support, Posse helps expand the way top universities
recruit students, build more interactive campus communities,
and ensure that more young people from diverse backgrounds
emerge as leaders in every field. Posse’s donors are the force
behind these accomplishments. On behalf of the more than
1,500 Scholars you have affected, and the countless individuals
they have affected, thank you for making Posse a reality.
The Brinson Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Russell L. Carson
Jack Kent Cooke Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. de Nicola
The Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation
Jane’s Trust
Lehman Brothers
Nestle Waters North America Inc.
The S. Mark Taper Foundation
Facilitators ($25,000–$49,999)
The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Anthony Collerton and Galen Sherer
The Crail-Johnson Foundation
The Crown Family
Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation
The Joseph Drown Foundation
Margaret and Rick Evans
The Lloyd A. Fry Foundation
The J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation
Barbara and Ted Janulis
Linde Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. McInerney
New York State
The Rose Hills Foundation
Ms. Susan J. Scher
Susan and Gene Shanks
The Starr Foundation
Tsunami Foundation
Mentors ($10,000–$24,999)
Ambac Assurance Corporation
William and Ann Bain
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Bent, Jr. and the John P. Bent, Jr. Charitable Lead Unitrust
Alastair and Jeanine Borthwick
Bonnie Cohen and the Rubenstein Charitable Foundation
The Carol and James Collins Foundation
D and R Fund
Jane and Paul Shang
Susan and Mac Dunwoody
The O. P. & W. E. Edwards Foundation, Inc.
Ernst & Young LLP
John and Dolores Eyler Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Fetzer III
The Ford Foundation
Frieda C. Fox Family Foundation
GE Capital Commercial Finance, Inc.
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Johnson Family Foundation
The Judy Family Foundation
Lynch Foundation
Eric and Denise Macey
Bruce and Connie Macleod
The May Department Stores Company
Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Miller
The Moody’s Foundation
The MRB Foundation
Mr. Paul L. Newman
Northrop Grumman Corporation
The Overbrook Foundation
Diane and Deval L. Patrick
Pretlow Charitable Trust
Robert O. Preyer Charitable Lead Unitrust
Diana M. and Bruce V. Rauner
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Rogoff
Russell Reynolds Associates
Speh Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tang and The Tang Fund
Tenzer Family Charity Fund
Toys “R” Us, Inc.
United States Tennis Association
Lisa and Mark Walsh
Wellington Management Company, LLP Charitable Fund
Mr. and Mrs. James S. White
Susan and Gene Shanks in memory of
Peter Ainslie
Motivators ($5,000–$9,999)
Lawson and Clint Allen
Ares Management, L.P.
Chris and Trish Arnold and the Arnold Family Foundation
Eric Beckman & Jaynee Strickstein Beckman Charitable Foundation
Bellevue Fund
Robbie Oxnard Bent and David Bent
The Berghorst Foundation Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Bosler
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan L. Buchman
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Carr
City National Bank
Arthur Dubow Foundation
Ms. Joni Evans
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Fisher
Richard & Mica Hadar Foundation
Roy A. Hunt Foundation
Ms. Susan Hunter
Mr. H. Anthony Ittleson
Mr. and Mrs. David Rammelt
Margaret Koster and Joseph Koerner
Mr. William E. Lighten
The Jeffrey Mandell and Abigail Jones Charitable Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Metzler
Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP
Morgan Stanley
Moriah Fund
New York Times Foundation
Pricewaterhouse Coopers
The Pritzker Foundation
The Rhodes Foundation Trust
Mr. David Riley
Mr. Frank Sesno
Pam Shriver Fund
Siemens Corporation
Robert K. Steel Family Foundation
Tebbe Family Foundation
The Trotter Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James L.L. Tullis
Mrs. Susan N. Wagner
Mr. Kim Wallace & Mrs. Robin Fink
Washington Mutual
Mr. Kendrick R. Wilson III
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wissinger
Robbie Oxnard Bent and David Bent in memory of
Peter Ainslie
Guides ($1,000–$4,999)
Dr. Neal Abraham
Mr. Richard Ackerman
Lucy and Jon Anda
Mr. Colin F. Anderson and Mrs. Melody J. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Brenton D. Anderson Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Ashkin
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Atkins
Dr. William J. and Lissa August
CEJ and Marijane Benner Browne
Mr. and Mrs. R. Andrew Bennett
The Berlind Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Bernau
Bingham McCutchen LLP
The John N. Blackman Sr. Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Blair
William Blair & Company
Mrs. Gail Bliss
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney A. Boren
Laura Breyer Charitable Trust
Ms. Marjorie Bride
Gretchen and Julian Brigden
Mr. and Mrs. H. Lee Browne
The Patricia and Albert C. Buehler Jr. Foundation
The Cambridge Group
Capital Guardian Trust Company
Mrs. Azucena Carlin
Mr. and Mrs. David Casper
Ms. Celeste Center
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Chaffin Jr.
Lori Chajet and Benjamin Wides
Mr. John S. Chalsty
Charina Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Clark
Mr. Eli Cohen and Dr. Virginia Grace Cohen and Bonnie & Louis Cohen H & I Rubenstein Family Charitable Foundation
Jonathan L. Cohen Foundation
The College Board
Credit Suisse First Boston
Mr. and Mrs. John Croghan
President and Mrs. Ronald A. Crutcher
Robert F. Cummings, Jr. Foundation
Dammann Fund, Inc.
Ron Daniel and Lise Scott
Robert J. Daverman Foundation
Charles A. and Marna Davis Foundation
Margot and Jonathan Davis
Barton Family Foundation
Ms. Tamara L. Dixon, D.D.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Donnelley
Dr. Nancy Dubois
Scott Dunham and Barbara Eliades
Ehrenkranz Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Farrell
Fiduciary Trust Company
Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Fitzgerald and the Brian and Helen Fitzgerald Fund
Lawrence Flinn, Jr. Charitable Trust
Dr. and Mrs. Henry J. Floyd
Una and Christopher Fogarty
Forsythe Family Fund
Ms. Colleen A. Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Freibaum
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Furie
Mr. Alan Gaynor and Dr. Sharon Silbiger
Georgescu Family Foundation
Mr. Dale A. Glick
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gonzalez
Mr. Jay S. Goodgold
Lorrie and Peter Grauer
Green River Foundation
Mr. Bryan Greene
Lois Perelson-Gross and Stewart Gross Fund
Molly and Lee Hamilton
Hansen-Furnas Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harles
Mr. and Mrs. Roger C. Harper
Harris, N.A.
Michelle and Alex Hernandez
Mr. Milton P. Higgins III
The Historical Society of Washington D.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Holt
Victoria Dauphinot and Kenneth W. Hubbard
Mr. Alan Hunken
Jefferies & Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson
Mr. Peter Kamin
Mr. and Mrs. David Kaplan
Robert S. Kaplan Foundation
Karp Family Foundation
Barbara Kates-Garnick, PhD and Marc Garnick, MD
Heidi Lipton and Richard Katz
Carol and Howard Kinsman
Kissick Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David Kleiman
Scott and Melissa Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kracum
Mr. H. M. Kurzman
Mr. Andrew Langan
Susan H. Lawrence
Leaps and Bounds
Leslie Family Foundation
Jessica and Ronald Liebowitz
Mr. and Mrs. James Light
Ms. Stephanie Lofgren
Louis R. Lurie Foundation
Mr. Mark M. Lyman
Mr. Alec Macmillan
Mary Ann and Robert Marston and the Robert and Mary Ann Marston Charitable Trust
The Mary Norris Preyer Fund
Mr. Michael S. Maurer
The McCance Foundation Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mercy, Jr.
Mr. Adam Metz
Christina and James Minnis
Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Susan Mistrett
Mr. and Mrs. Mead Montgomery
The Edmond N. & Virginia H. Moriarty Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Mount
The Donald R Mullen Family Foundation, Inc.
Arthur T. & Barbara S. Murphy Foundation, Inc.
Novack and Macey LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Paresky
Ms. Katherine Perls
Perls Foundation
Michael & Margaret Picotte Foundation
Mr. Jonathan Poorvu
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Pope
Jimmy L. Price III
Ms. Lora Price
Mr. and Mrs. Chip Raymond
Ms. Phyllis Reed
Mr. Robert Rene
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Resnick
The Ressler Family Foundation
The Genie and Donald Rice Charitable Trust
Candace and Ethan Riegelhaupt
Mr. and Mrs. Herald Ritch
Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts
Ms. Joyce D. Rodenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Rodgers
The Rogers Foundation
Mr. Mitt Romney and Mrs. Ann Romney
Ms. Deborah Ruosch
Connie and John Sargent
Ms. Judith Kelman and Dr. Peter Scardino
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Schutz
David Hodes and Jolie Schwab
The Sexton Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Shear
Stephen and Katherine Sherrill Foundation
Mr. William A. Shiner
Ms. Janet E. Singer
Mr. J. Albert Smith and Mrs. Sheila Murphy Smith
Summit Foundation of Cody Smith
The Spiritus Gladius Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison I. Steans
Ms. Robin M. Steans and Mr. Leonard A. Gail
Robert & Penelope Steiner Philanthropic Fund
Ms. Alison Sternberg
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Sterne
Ms. Alice Stowell
Beverly and Sabin Streeter
Elizabeth and Ray Strong
The Tasco Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Taylor
Taylor Family Charitable Gift Fund
Ms. Emily Telleen-Lawten
Union Bank of California
VASCO Data Security International
Dani and Ted Virtue Family Charitable Trust
Elizabeth Cecil and David Wagner
The Waterman Family Fund
The Weathertop Foundation
Kathy and Gordon Weil
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Weinstein
The Westport Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Wheeler
Jane and Jerry Williams Family Fund
Harris Winnetka
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wisinski
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wolff
Yearley Family Foundation
Lucy and Jon Anda in honor of Jane Shang’s birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Bernau in honor of Dominic B. Tafoya
Mrs. Azucena Carlin in honor of Mark Carlin’s 40th birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Donnelley in honor of
Michael Ainslie
Lois Perelson-Gross and Stewart Gross in honor of Michael Ainslie
Lois Perelson-Gross and Stewart Gross Fund in memory of Peter Ainslie
Michelle and Alex Hernandez in memory of Lorraine Mugan and Steven Moore
Mr. Peter Kamin in honor of Jeff Ubben
Ms. Judith Kelman and Dr. Peter Scardino in memory of Peter Ainslie
Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Wheeler in honor of Justin, Carter and Garrett Wheeler
Supporters ($500–$999)
36 Foundation Inc.
Mr. and Ms. John A. Allison
Dr. and Mrs. David W. Altchek
Michael and Eliza Anderson
Mr. Richard A. Anderson
Mr. Christopher Arnold and Mrs. Connie Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Barden
Mr. David Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bates, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Becker
Lucy A. Commoner and Richard S. Berry
Deborah Bial and Bob Herbert
Ms. Helen Blodgett
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Borthwick
The Breakers
Mr. Michael J. Brown
Bucknell University
Mr. William N. Buffett and Ms. Susan Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Butts
Craig and Gloria Callen Fund
Mr. Matthew Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Chabraja
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Weir
Mr. John M. Christian
Kathy and Harry Clark
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Cole
Concord Family Services
The Copses Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James Currie
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Darnall
Mr. and Mrs. Alec Dawson
Edward J. De La Rosa and Elaine Tumonis
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Denison
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Destino
The Flatley Family Charitable Fund
Ms. Helen R. Friedli
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Glassman
David and Kirsten Gould
Mr. and Mrs. William Graham
Michelle and Danny Greenberg
Ethan Grossman Family Charitable Gift Fund
Ms. Allison Grover
Mr. John and Mrs. Gail Harmon
Mr. and Mrs. W. Gibson Harris and the Harris Family Fund
F. B. Heron Foundation
Mr. James S. Hoyte and Ms. Norma Dinnall
Carole & James Hunt Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Jones
Cara and Andrew Kagan
Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Karno
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Kaufman and the Henry & Elaine Kaufman Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Robert E. Keiter and Mrs. Jane Keiter
Mr. and Mrs. George Kellner
Mr. and Mrs. John Kilgallon
Mr. and Mrs. Gary K. Kirshenbaum
Mr. J. Stuart Kruse
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Levey
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Lind
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan S. Linen
Marshall G. Lutz Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lyman
Mr. Navid Mahmoodzadegan
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Mason
Mr. and Mrs. T.J. McCausland, Jr.
Ms. Janet L. Melk
Mr. Albert W. Merck and Mrs. Katharine E. Merck
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Miller
Michael R. and Margaret H. Milversted
Mosaica Education
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan P. Nelson
Mr. Richard Olney
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Osborne
Mr. Richard D. Parsons
Gail and Howard Paster
Patricia and Jonathan Pedersen
Mario Pelaez and Einah Pelaez, Lehigh Posse 2 Alumna
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Pfaff
Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips
Ms. Debbie Pilalas
Mr. Michael Plummer
Mr. and Mrs. Graham A. Powis
Anthony & Jeanne Pritzker Family Foundation
Jane and Kevin Quinn
Daniel L. Rabinowitz and Ann F. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. John Reese
Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Renne
Mrs. and Mr. Sheli Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Russo
The Sachs Family Fund
Andy Sareyan and Nancy Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Schlesinger
Jeffrey and Peir Serota
Mr. Edwin Shen
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shepherd
Mr. David M. Solomon
Bruce and Debra Spector
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stephan
Stevenson Family Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Strickstein
Mr. Mark Stumpf
Tall Corn Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. H. Alvan Turner
Ms. Jay Veevers
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Vespoli
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vick
Viellieu Family Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. Andrew Walter
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Walton
Margie and Bruce Warwick
President and Mrs. Daniel H. Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Willian
Jason Wolff and Lucy Wild
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Matin Yadegar
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Zafirovski
Mr. David Gould in memory of Kathryn Preyer
Carole & James Hunt Family Fund in memory of
Peter Ainslie
Mr. and Mrs. George Kellner in honor of Garrett
and Mary Moran
Ms. Janet L. Melk in honor of Lawson Allen
Mr. Richard D. Parsons in memory of Peter Ainslie
Daniel L. Rabinowitz and Ann F. Thomas in memory of Peter Ainslie
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Schlesinger in memory of
Peter Ainslie
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. William in honor of
Eric N. Macey
Jason Wolff and Lucy Wild in honor of Tom Castro
Friends ($100–$999)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Adams
Ms. Jacqueline Albarran
Lee and Nile Albright and the Albright Foundation
Mr. John Amato
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Amster
The Aquidneck Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Roland J. Augustine
Mr. Robert S. Baizer
Mrs. Pamela Baker and Mr. Jesse Baker
Mr. Lenz C. Balan, Bowdoin Posse 1 Alumnus
Ms. Elizabeth Ballantine
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Barrow
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bellino
Mrs. Deborah and Dr. Anthony Benard
Mr. Bob Bengtson
Dr. and Mrs. John P. Bent III
Mr. Joel T. Berelson
Claudia and Bert Bial
Mr. Jerry Biederman
Ms. Marla Bleavins
Pamela Keating and Roger Blethen
Suzanne and Jeffrey Bloomberg Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boone
Mr. and Mrs. William N. Booth
Mr. and Mrs. David Borthwick
Mrs. Ann Boyd Brandow
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Briskman
Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Brown
Mr. Robert M. Browne
The Brufsky Family
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Bruner
Ms. Mai Lan Bui, Rice Posse 1 Alumna
Mr. Kennett Burnes
Mrs. Anne T. Buttrick
Mr. and Mrs. Don Cacciapaglia
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Casey
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Chandler
Mr. Robert A. Chapman
Mr. Roger Cheever and Mrs. Jane Cheever
Mr. Edward B. Chez and Ms. Camille De Frank
Mr. John P. Chiles
Ms. Laiying Y. Chong
Ms. Rachel Claflin
Mr. and Mrs. William Claggett
Jimmy Clark, DePauw Posse 1 Alumnus
Mrs. Jennifer Cohen
Susan and Bruce Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand and Susanna Colloredo-Mansfeld
Kristina Lindbergh and Bob Conte
Mr. Joel K. Wiginton and Mrs. Brenda B. Costello
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Cratz
Glenn Crotty and Heather Olson
Bala Cumaresan
Joan P. & Ronald C. Curhan Family Fund
Tom and Jillian Darling
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. David
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davidson
Ms. Alice DeLana
Anthony & Megan D’Elia, Big Designs
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Denison
Julie and Stephen DesJardins
Robert and Ellen Deutschman Family Trust
Mr. Salvatore Dirschberger
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ducommun
Mr. Patrick Durkin
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Edel
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Edelston
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edwards
Mr. Andrew L. Edwards, Lehigh Posse 2 Alumnus
Mrs. Jane H. Elliott and Mr. Robert L. Elliott
Ms. Anne Erni
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Esposito
Mr. Michael A. Esposito
John and Deborah Evangelokos
Robin Luce and Sean Fahey
Mrs. Barbara E. Fargo
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Ferguson
Mrs. Fredericka Fiechter and Mr. Jacques P. Fiechter
Mr. Eric Fischl
Janet and Jim Fitzgibbons
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fleischer
Roopa and Thomas Foley
Mr. Gerald Ford
The Ford Family Foundation
Mr. Leroy Foster, Vanderbilt Posse 7 Alumnus
Mr. and Mrs. Eric D. Frankel
Ms. Ramona T. Frazier
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Friedrichs
Mr. Richard Funke
Cheryl L. Galante
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gallagher
Ms. Pam Gannon
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gardner
Mr. Eric Gates
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Geffen
Mary and Alec Gerster
Hollis Brookover and Milt Gillespie
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Goldberg
Mr. Peter C. Goldmark
Jennifer and David Graf
Mr. Samuel P.M. Gray
Mrs. Tricia Dunn Grey and Mr. Richard E. Grey
Linda Dakin-Grimm and Gary Grimm
Mrs. Ann T. Hall and Mr. John L. Hall
Mr. Jamie Halper
The Handelsman Family Foundation
Cyndy and Gregory Harrington
Dr. William Harris and Ms. Johanna A. Harris
Mr. Steven Harris
Peter D. Hart Charitable Account
Mr. Thomas Hermes
Mrs. and Mr. Stephen Herseth
P & P Higgins Fund
Christoph and Susan Hoffman Charitable Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Horning Jr.
Ms. Kelly Hughes
Francis O. Hunnewell and Elizabeth M. Hunnewell Foundation
Durant and Sara Hunter
Mr. Scott Imbach
Innovative Marble and Tile, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Iobst
Nancy and Thomas Ireland
Ms. Nancy Isaacs
Ms. Pamela H. Jackson
Mr. Samuel L. Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Jacoby
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry J. Jaeger
Vance Johnson and Randee Johnson
Mrs. Penny D. Johnston
Mr. C. Bruce Johnstone and Mrs. Helen L. Johnstone
Mr. Jeffrey F. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Julian
Elissa and Joseph Kaczorowski
Mr. Daniel N. Kadjan
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kalb
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kalish
Mr. James Kaplan
Matt Karatz and Lindsey Edelman
Mr. Adam Karr
Ms. Esther Kartiganer
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Katz
Ms. Florence R. Keenan
Mr. Rusty Kellogg and Mrs. Elizabeth T. Kellogg
Dr. and Mrs. William D. Kerr, Jr.
Mr. Donald A. Keyser
Ms. Yu-Jin Kim
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kirschbaum
Ms. Joanie Fabry & Mr. Mike Klein
Mr. Julian Kleindorfer
Christopher and Kathleen Knight
Melissa and Eric Kogan
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Kolak
Ms. Katie Koster
Apryl and Mike Krakovsky
Mr. and Mrs. Larry B. Kugler
Mrs Sally Ellis & Mr. Stuart Taylor
Ms. Ann K. Lambert
Kelly Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lawson-Johnson
Mr. Henry Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon T. Levering
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Levey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Levin
Lextel Communications, Inc.
Zsuzsanna Karasz and John Lipsky
Ms. Caroline Little and Mr. Dan Burton
Ms. Jacqueline L. Lopardo, Esq., Vanderbilt Posse 6 Alumna
David and Kristine Losito
James and Patricia MacAllen Gift Fund
Ms. Cindy MacFarland
The Malkin Fund Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Malkoff
Ms. Mary P. Marsh
Ms. Karen Martin-Eliezer
Mr. James Matthews
Ms. Tiffany McLeod
Mr. John McShea
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Melcher
Mr. William J. Michaelcheck
Lorin and Edward Michaels
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Michalak
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Miller
Ms. Kim Mills, Vanderbilt Posse 5 Alumna
Ms. Susan W. Moon
Mrs. Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe
Mr. and Mrs. Art Muir
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Mullen
Mr. Ruthard Murphy
Charles Nathan and Alisa Levin
Mr. and Mrs. David Nazarian
Ms. Elizabeth M. Nichols
Mr. John R. Nixon
Mr. and Mrs. Ilene Novack
OAS Architecture & Planning
Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Oelerich, Jr.
Ms. Amy Okurowski
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Oullette
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Page
Mr. Douglas J. Parobeck
Mr. William Pekin
Raghu Pemmaraju
Virginia and William Perry
Mr. Gregory L. Petrini and Mrs. Mary Petrini
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Petsoulakis
Ms. Felabi E. Phillips, Vanderbilt Posse 3 Alumna
Ms. Janelle Plaza
Mr. D’Wayne Prieto, Vanderbilt Posse 8 Alumnus
Mrs. Robin H. Prince
Mr. Lawrence A. Sherman
Ms. Laura Pursley
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rammelt
Mr. Benjamin Randall
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rattner
Mr. Robert Rea
Ms. Michal Regunberg
Mr. James Reiss
Ms. Lisa Richard
Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Richey
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rigby
Jim and Sandy Righter
Mrs. Barbara C. Roberts and Mr. David B. Roberts
Ms. Lois Roewade
Ms. Jessica Roff
Ms. Nancy Rosen Blackwood
Helen Rosenthal and Carmen Marino
Mr. David J. Rudis
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Rumbough Jr.
Mr. G. Neal Ryland and Mrs. Didi Ryland
Ms. Benita Sakin
Mr. Malcolm Salter and Mrs. Barbara Salter
Ms. Katherine M. Scardino
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Schaenen Jr.
Gloria Schiff
Polly and Gordon Schnell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Schoenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Schwartzberg
Robert Shapiro and Amy Lederer
Mr. Ross Sherbrooke and Mrs. Kathleen B. Sherbrooke
Mr. Mark and Mrs. Anne Shields
Stephen Siegel and Robin Drayer
Mr. Norman N. and Mrs. Ellen W. Sinel
Mary Lou Hartman and Clifford Sloan
Honorable Lesly S. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Alden B. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Smith Jr.
Mr. W. Mason Smith III and Mrs. Jean M. Smith
Ms. Erika J. Smith, Lehigh Posse 2 Alumna
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Snook
Mr. Steven Hirsch and Mrs. Micki Sonnenblick Hirsch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Soudan
Donna and Eugene A. Spatz
Dr. Erica Spatz, Vanderbilt Posse 4 Alumna
Mrs. Walter T. St. Goar
Mr. Donald A. Statland
Mr. T.L. Stebbins and Mrs. Lucinda H. Stebbins
Ms. Carol Stein
Ms. Laura Stein
Sydney and Jonathan Stern
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Stiegel
Ms. Ashley Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Summers
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Swanson
Ms. Marilyn J. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Courtney D. Tedrowe
Mr. and Mrs. Cornell K. Teoman
Terrapin Properties, LLC
Mr. Peter S. Terris and Mrs. Barbara Terris
Kate Thompson and Daniel Calano
Mr. Jonathan A. Thompson
Ms. Louise Todd Ambler
Janice and Gregory Trojan
Mr. and Mrs. John Tyree
Mr. Martin and Dr. Julie Valencia
Jasmine R. Vallejo, Brandeis Posse 2 Alumna
Ms. Shana Van Valkenburg
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford van Voorhees
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Vender
Dani and Ted Virtue Family Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Wald
Mr. Ariel B. Waldman
Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace
Michael and Shari Weiner
Mr. Richard L. Weiss
David White and Susan Watanabe
Megan and Russell Wiese
Mr. and Mrs. James Wilcox
Williamson Giving Fund
Patrick R. Wilmerding and Elsie S. Wilmerding and The Otter Foundation
Mr. Joe W. Wimberly
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wisniewski
Mr. Jared Wolff
Mr. Michael Wong
World Trade Center Mental Health Monitoring and
Treatment Program*
Ms. Alice Zaff
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Zanarini
Mr. and Mrs. William Zimmerman
Anonymous in honor of Coby Pilpel
Anonymous in honor of Adam Greene and Sarah Pope
Mr. Joel T. Berelson in honor of the Posse D.C. Staff
Suzanne and Jeffrey Bloomberg in honor of Barbara Kates-Garnick
Mrs. Ann Boyd Brandow in memory of Peter Ainslie
Mr. John P. Chiles in memory of Peter Ainslie
Susan and Bruce Cohen in honor of Jane Shang
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Cratz in memory of
Peter Ainslie
Joan and Ronald Curhan in honor of Barbara
Anthony & Megan D’Elia, Big Designs in memory of Peter Ainslie
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edwards in honor of Robert M. Steiner
Ms. Barbara E. Fargo in honor of Trish Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Eric D. Frankel in memory of Peter Ainslie
Ms. Ramona T. Frazier in honor of Monique Butts
Ms. Pam Gannon in honor of Anthony Collerton
Elizabeth and Francis Hunnewell in honor of Susie Lawrence
Innovative Marble and Tile, Inc. in memory of George Ainsley
Innovative Marble and Tile, Inc. in memory of
Peter Ainslie
Helen and Bruce Johnstone in honor of Lawson Allen
Melissa and Eric Kogan in honor of Susie Scher
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Malkoff in memory of Peter Ainslie
Ms. Mary P. Marsh in memory of Peter Ainslie
Charles Nathan and Alisa Levin in memory of
Peter Ainslie
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Oullette in memory of Peter Ainslie
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Rumbough Jr. in memory of Peter Ainslie
Ms. Katherine M. Scardino in memory of Peter Ainslie
Mr. Donald A. Statland in memory of Dr. Marshall Barshay
Sydney and Jonathan Stern in honor of Dolores Eyler
Ms. Shana Van Valkenburg in memory of Peter Ainslie
Mr. Joe W. Wimberly in memory of Peter Ainslie
*World Trade Center Mental Health Monitoring and
Treatment Program in memory of Peter Ainslie.
Gift made on behalf of staff members of the World
Trade Center Mental Health Monitoring and Treatment
Program: Carlos Bravo, Grant Brenner, Iris Cohen,
Karen Eldred, Anastasia Holmes, Michele Leib, Marsha
Silverton, Rebecca Smith, Tricia Stephens, Dr. Willis,
and Anne Yarowsky.
Fans ($1–$99)
Dr. Percy Abram
Ms. Erin Ainslie
Mr. Michael Ainslie
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Alexander
Ms. Sharon Richards Allegro
Ms. Janice Deputy
Mr. Thomas R. August
Ms. Norma Jean Autry-Cook, Rice Posse 1 Alumna
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart D. Balch
Mr. Kwame Bandele
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Barack
Ms. Cecily E. Baskir
Ms. Allyson A. Bergman
Mr. Stephen & Mrs. Anne Black
Mr. Rico Blancaflor, Vanderbilt Posse 5 Alumnus
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Borzak
Mrs. Suzanne Boyd
Katherine Boylan, Wheaton Posse 1 Alumna,
and Paul Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Bronswick
Mr. Alan Burch and Ms. Andrea Levine
Ms. Carol Campione
Ms. Brooke K. Carlson
Mr. Matt Casner
Mr. Ramon Castillo, DePauw Posse 1 Alumnus
Ms. Rebecca Cetta, DePauw Posse 3 Alumna
Ms. Frankie Cevallos, Rice Posse 1 Alumna
Mr. Tony Claudino
Consortium for Youth Services
Creative Artists Agency, LLC
Mrs. Katharine B. Davis and Mr. David Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael De Vito
Mr. Issa Deas, Vanderbilt Posse 10 Alumnus
Ms. Caliz E. Diaz, Wheaton Posse 1 Alumna
Ms. Heidi Eakins
Mr. Charles Edel
Mr. Ed Eng
Kristine and Mike England
Ms. Jeanne Epstein
Ms. Athenia S. Fischer, Middlebury Posse 2 Alumna
Ms. Emily FitzGerald
Mr. Trip Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Fowler
Ms. Jenny Goldstein
Ms. Kristina Gould
Ms. Natalee Graham, Brandeis Posse 1 Alumna
Ms. Joan F. Halligan-Wang
Mr. Joseph Harrell
Margaret Lee Herbert and John C. Hendrickson
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Hess
Mrs. Joan Hirsch
Rabbi Sherre Hirsch and Dr. Jeffrey Hirsch
Mr. George W. Hoffmeister and Mrs. Christine Hoffmeister
Mr. David Hollander
Ms. Elisabeth W. Hopkins
Mr. Carlo J. Ignacio
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Jaffe
Ms. Janine James
Ms. Yolanda Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Knox
Mr. Guy M. Kulman
Aarti Kumar
Mr. Kurt LeVitus
Elizabeth Libby and Carey W. Parker
Ms. Robyn M. Lingo
Ms. Margaret Lum
Mr. Michael Lunn
Mr. Peter Lyle
Ms. Gayle Maffeo
Mr. Carl V. Manalo, Vanderbilt Posse 8 Alumnus
Ms. Elizabeth L. Manson
Ms. Natalie Marshall
Mr. Mark Maurer
Ms. Kaye McClaren
Ms. Molly McDonald
Ms. Mary McQuaid
Mr. Andrew Morley
Ms. Diana Noriega, Wheaton Posse 1 Alumna
Ms. Katherine W. Oxnard
Liza Oxnard Aratow and Jesse Aratow
Ms. Lollie Perez, Middlebury Posse 1 Alumna
Ms. Anna R. Pergolizzi, Middlebury Posse 2 Alumna
Mr. and Mrs. H. Craig Phifer
Ms. Christine M. Pina
Mr. Dustin Pizzo
Ms. Gabrielle Prisco, Vanderbilt Posse 4 Alumna
Mr. Brad Pritchard
Mr. M. W. Pully
Mr. Justin Purnell
Ms. Sandra Raitt
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice P. Raizes
Ms. Patricia L. Ranard
Mr. Shareef Rashid, Lehigh Posse 1 Alumnus
Mr. Mason Richards, Vanderbilt Posse 3 Alumnus
Mr. Yaser Robles, Brandeis Posse 2 Alumnus
Ms. Erika Blauch
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Sailor
Ms. Lynne J. Salkin
Ms. Nina Santilli
Mr. Joel Shapiro
Deborah and David Shiffman
Mr. Stephen O. Staudigl
Mrs. Alice Stewart
Mr. Jermaine Taylor, DePauw Posse 3 Alumnus
Mr. and Mrs. Elan Tenenbaum
Joan and Robert Thomas
Ms. Madeline J. Thomas, Vanderbilt Posse 1 Alumna
Bob and Mary Thompson
Mr. Kien Vuong, Lehigh Posse 1 Alumnus
Mr. and Mrs. Gary T. Walther
Mr. Michael Weinberg
Ms. Laurie Weiss
Ms. Natasha Wilson
Ms. Erin Ainslie in honor of Michael Ainslie
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Alexander in memory of
Peter Ainslie
Ms. Sharon Richards Allegro in memory of Peter Ainslie
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart D. Balch in memory of Peter Ainslie
Ms. Erika Blauch in honor of Jack Rusley
Ms. Carol Campione in memory of Peter Ainslie
Ms. Jeanne Epstein in memory of Peter Ainslie
Ms. Jenny Goldstein in honor of Krista Corley
Mr. Joseph Harrell in memory of Peter Ainslie
Mr. David Hollander in honor of Gabrielle Prisco
Ms. Margaret Lum in honor of Kwame David and Shapel Mallard
Ms. Mary McQuaid in memory of Peter Ainslie
Mr. and Mrs. H. Craig Phifer in memory of Peter Ainslie
Ms. Christine M. Pina in honor of Ms. Liza Josephson
Mr. M. W. Pully in memory of Peter Ainslie
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice P. Raizes in honor of Gary Kirshenbaum
Ms. Patricia L. Ranard in memory of Peter Ainslie
Bob and Mary Thompson in memory of Peter Ainslie
Bucknell University
Charlie Trotter’s
Chicago Blackhawk Hockey Team, Inc.
Bonnie Cohen
Ernst & Young
Fajitas & ‘Ritas
Ms. Anne Geraghty
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Grinnell University
Harris Bank
Hellers Bakery
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Jordan, Jr.
Mr. David Lambert
Leaps and Bounds
Lehman Brothers
McGraw-Hill Companies
Mintz Levin Cohn Ferris Glovsky and Popeo P.C.
National Trust for Historic Preservation
Jack O’Callahan
RedBones Barbecue
Region 7, New York City Department of Education
Shaws Supermarkets, Inc.
Simmons College
Suffolk University Law School
Trader Joe’s Company, Inc.
University of Miami - Hurricane Club
Mr. John Werner
Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
In Memory of Peter Ainslie
The Peter Ainslie Time Warner Nonprofit Achievement
Award is in memory of Peter Ainslie, an executive at Time
Warner, a long time advocate for Posse, and the brother of
Michael Ainslie, the chairman of The Posse Foundation’s
national board. This award is intended to support Posse
Scholars’ professional commitment to nonprofit work.
In-Kind Donations
Best Buy
Bingham McCutchen LLP
Peter Ainslie and Vanderbilt Posse 1 Alumna Veronica
Rivera Savage at the New York Posse Olympics.
Sixteen years ago, The Posse Foundation and Vanderbilt University began an
experimental partnership that today has resulted in more than 1,500 young
urban students attending top-tier colleges around the country. These young
people are persisting and graduating at a rate of 90 percent and are becoming
leaders in the workforce. Now, The Posse Foundation is embarking on a new era
of expansion.
The Posse Foundation’s support and resources have experienced unprecedented
growth in the last five years, and every year, Posse increases its assets. The
Posse Foundation is now a nationally recognized program with a solid financial
report card. Posse’s board of directors is comprised of some of this nation’s top
financial and educational leaders. Posse’s long-term strategic plan is to be in 10
major cities in the country, support 4,000 Scholars on campus, partner with 80
top-tier colleges, and recruit 1,000 Posse Scholars each year.
The Sallie Mae Fund has awarded The Posse Foundation a $5 million, dollar-fordollar, matching endowment grant, which is the foundation for the “Making the
Posse Promise Permanent” $10 million Endowment Campaign. With the guidance
of the Posse Board of Directors and the support of its donors, Posse will meet
this challenge.
The success of this campaign thus far is an impressive demonstration of the
dedication and commitment of Posse’s donors. The endowment funds will bring
the necessary resources for Posse’s guaranteed longevity, continued growth,
and further expansion. More than $4.65 million in gifts and pledges has been
received from the following contributors:
Endowment Campaign Contributors
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Ainslie and the Ainslie Foundation, Inc.
Chris and Trish Arnold and the Arnold Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Anson M. Beard Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Bent Jr. and the John P. Bent Jr. Charitable Lead Unitrust
Robbie Oxnard Bent and David Bent
Alastair and Jeanine Borthwick
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan L. Buchman
Mr. and Mrs. Russell L. Carson
Jimmy Clark, DePauw Posse 1 Alumnus
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. de Nicola
Susan and Mac Dunwoody
Ms. Joni Evans
Margaret and Rick Evans
Ms. Athenia S. Fischer, Middlebury Posse 2 Alumna
Ms. Dina Merrill Hartley
Victoria Dauphinot and Kenneth W. Hubbard
Inavale Foundation, Inc.
Mr. H. Anthony Ittleson
Jane’s Trust
Margaret Koster and Joseph Koerner
Bruce and Connie Macleod
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. McInerney
Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Garrett M. Moran
The MRB Foundation
Diane and Deval L. Patrick
Mario Pelaez and Einah Pelaez, Lehigh Posse 2 Alumna
Ms. Anna R. Pergolizzi, Middlebury Posse 2 Alumna
Michael & Margaret Picotte Foundation
Mr. Jonathan Poorvu
Mr. D’Wayne Prieto, Vanderbilt Posse 8 Alumnus
Mr. Shareef Rashid, Lehigh Posse 1 Alumnus
Mr. Yaser Robles, Brandeis Posse 2 Alumnus
The Sallie Mae Fund
Ms. Susan J. Scher
Susan and Gene Shanks
Toys “R” Us, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Tullis
Laurie and Jeff Ubben
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy H. Ubben and The Ubben Foundation
LEFT: Phylicia Rashad, Tony Award-winning actress and Posse Star Honoree.
Third Annual Posse Gala Contributors
Leadership Circle ($50,000)
Lehman Brothers
Facilitators ($25,000)
The annual Posse Gala was held on
May 25, 2005. Posse welcomed over
450 guests to join in the festivities
and celebrate Posse’s significant
achievements. The Posse Foundation
acknowledged four honorees at the
event. Posse honored: Luciano Batista,
Rice Posse 1 Alumnus and manager at
Shell Gas & Power International Global
LNG; Middlebury College President
Dr. Ronald Liebowitz; and Phylicia
Rashad, winner of the 2004 Tony
Award for Best Actress in Raisin in the
Sun. In addition, Posse awarded its
first corporate star to an outstanding
company committed to developing
young leaders of diverse backgrounds.
Posse awarded this star to Lehman
Brothers for its amazing dedication to
Posse and its students. The Posse Gala
raised more than $515,000 due to
the extraordinary generosity of many
individuals, organizations, foundations,
and corporations.
Anthony Collerton and Galen Sherer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Gregory
Barbara and Ted Janulis
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy H. Ubben and The Ubben Foundation
Mentors ($10,000)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Ainslie and The Ainslie
Foundation, Inc.
Alastair and Jeanine Borthwick
Jane and Paul Shang
Ernst & Young LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Fetzer III
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Nestle Waters North America Inc.
The Overbrook Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Reilly
Russell Reynolds Associates
Ms. Susan J. Scher
Toys “R” Us, Inc.
Laurie and Jeff Ubben
Lisa and Mark Walsh
Motivators ($7,500)
Bruce and Connie Macleod
The May Department Stores Company
Morgan Stanley
Siemens Corporation
Mr. Kendrick R. Wilson III
Alumni Supporters (5,000)
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Carr
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. de Nicola
Margaret and Rick Evans
Richard & Mica Hadar Foundation
Mr. William E. Lighten
Nellie Mae Education Foundation
Diane and Deval L. Patrick
Pricewaterhouse Coopers
Susan and Gene Shanks
Robert K. Steel Family Foundation
Washington Mutual
Guides ($1,000–$4,999)
Lawson and Clint Allen
Lucy and Jon Anda
Chris and Trish Arnold and the Arnold Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Atkins
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Bent, Jr. and the John P. Bent, Jr. Charitable Lead Unitrust
Robbie Oxnard Bent and David Bent
The Berlind Foundation
Bingham McCutchen LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Blair
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney A. Boren
Mr. and Mrs. H. Lee Browne
Charina Foundation, Inc.
President and Mrs. Ronald A. Crutcher
Robert F. Cummings, Jr. Foundation
Ehrenkranz Family Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Henry J. Floyd
Una and Christopher Fogarty
Ms. Colleen A. Foster
Mr. Alan Gaynor and Dr. Sharon Silbiger
GE Capital Commercial Finance, Inc.
Green River Foundation
Lois Perelson-Gross and Stewart Gross Fund
Molly and Lee Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Roger C. Harper
The College Board
Mr. Milton P. Higgins III
Robert S. Kaplan Foundation
Carol and Howard Kinsman
Ms. Stephanie Lofgren
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mercy, Jr.
Christina and James Minnis
Ms. Lora Price
Mr. and Mrs. Chip Raymond
The Genie and Donald Rice Charitable Trust
Candace and Ethan Riegelhaupt
Connie and John Sargent
Ms. Judith Kelman and Dr. Peter Scardino
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Shear
Summit Foundation of Cody Smith
Beverly and Sabin Streeter
Elizabeth and Ray Strong
Tsunami Foundation - Anson and Jean Beard and Family
Mr. and Mrs. James L.L. Tullis
Elizabeth Cecil and David Wagner
The Waterman Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Weinstein
Supporters ($500–$999)
Mr. and Ms. John A. Allison
Lucy A. Commoner and Richard S. Berry
Bucknell University
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Butts
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Clark
Concord Family Services
Georgescu Family Foundation
Cara and Andrew Kagan
Mosaica Education
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan P. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Renne
Stevenson Family Charitable Trust
Mr. Mark Stumpf
Fans ($1–$499)
Ms. Norma Jean Autry-Cook, Rice Posse 1 Alumna
Mr. Lenz C. Balan, Bowdoin Posse 1 Alumnus
Dr. and Mrs. John P. Bent III
Ms. Allyson A. Bergman
Ms. Helen Blodgett
The Breakers
Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Brown
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Chandler
Jimmy Clark, DePauw Posse 1 Alumnus
Ms. Caliz E. Diaz, Wheaton Posse 1 Alumna
Ms. Athenia S. Fischer, Middlebury Posse 2 Alumna
The Ford Family Foundation
Cheryl L. Galante
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Geffen
Mary and Alec Gerster
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Glassman
Jennifer and David Graf
Mrs. Tricia Dunn Grey and Mr. Richard E. Grey
Margaret Lee Herbert and John C. Hendrickson
Mrs. Penny D. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kalb
Lextel Communications, Inc.
Ms. Jacqueline L. Lopardo, Esq., Vanderbilt Posse 6 Alumna
Mr. Carl V. Manalo, Vanderbilt Posse 8 Alumnus
Ms. Karen Martin-Eliezer
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Miller
Ms. Diana Noriega, Wheaton Posse 1 Alumna
Ms. Katherine W. Oxnard
Mario Pelaez and Einah Pelaez, Lehigh Posse 2 Alumna
Ms. Lollie Perez, Middlebury Posse 1 Alumna
Ms. Anna R. Pergolizzi, Middlebury Posse 2 Alumna
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Petsoulakis
Ms. Felabi E. Phillips, Vanderbilt Posse 3 Alumna
Mr. and Mrs. Graham A. Powis
Mrs. Robin H. Prince
Ms. Gabrielle Prisco, Vanderbilt Posse 4 Alumna
Mr. Mason Richards, Vanderbilt Posse 3 Alumnus
Helen Rosenthal and Carmen Marino
Ms. Benita Sakin
Mr. and Mrs. Alden B. Smith
Ms. Erika J. Smith, Lehigh Posse 2 Alumna
Dr. Erica Spatz, Vanderbilt Posse 4 Alumna
Mrs. Walter T. St. Goar
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Sterne
Mr. Jermaine Taylor, DePauw Posse 3 Alumnus
Mr. and Mrs. Cornell K. Teoman
Mr. Jonathan A. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford van Voorhees
Megan and Russell Wiese
Mr. Joe W. Wimberly
Kito Huggins
Vanderbilt Posse 3 Alumnus
(New York)
Kito Huggins grew up in Brooklyn, became president of
his senior class at LaGuardia High School, and didn’t stop
leaders in law
there. He excelled academically and socially at Vanderbilt
University where he started a gospel choir and became
student government president. Kito then received his law
degree from Vanderbilt’s law school, became an attorney
at Sullivan and Cromwell, and is today counsel for MetLife
Insurance Co. “Being a top lawyer takes analytical skill,
an ability to both predict consequences and develop
creative solutions,” Kito says. “Posse helped me to really
sharpen these skills. It promoted independent thought,
which is critical. At MetLife they’re not looking for cookiecutter models. It’s difficult to solve problems if everyone
thinks alike.” Kito’s long-term goal is to become lead
counsel for a major organization and to pave the way for
other talented law professionals of broad vision.
Ebony Jacobs
Grinnell Posse 1 Scholar (Washington, D.C.)
Ebony Jacobs was born in Washington D.C. but spent
most of her life in Silver Springs, Maryland, where her
grandmother lived. Ebony attended Stone Ridge High
School and then became a member of the first D.C. Posse
to attend Grinnell College in Iowa. “I’ll be the first person in
my family to do something this big,” Ebony says. “I want to
show the younger members of my family that they can do it,
too.” From a broader perspective, she notes, “This country
is only getting more and more populated, and leaders,
myself included, have to be America, and not just American
in some narrow sense. We have to really value difference. I
want to see to it that our laws reflect that value.”
leaders in psychology
Debangshu Choudhury
Vanderbilt Posse 15 Scholar (New York)
Born in Calcutta, India, Debangshu immigrated to the
Shirley Ramirez
Vanderbilt Posse 1 Alumna (New York)
United States when he very young. He ended up in
“Be fearless,” advises Shirley Ramirez, the executive vice
Queens where he attended Bronx Science High School.
president of The Posse Foundation. Shirley received her
“People segregate according to neighborhoods and
Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Duke University and
boroughs at other schools,” Debanshu says. “But at
her B.A. from Vanderbilt, where she attended as part of
Bronx Science I felt like I was part of the city as a whole
the very first cohort of Posse Scholars. The daughter of
and not just from a neighborhood.” Although today he is
Dominican immigrants of modest means and the first
only a sophomore at Vanderbilt University, Debangshu’s
person in her family to attend college, Shirley exemplifies
outstanding undergraduate research on diversity in
leadership of the highest caliber. “I believe that we each
the workforce is already beginning to receive serious
have a responsibility to model something great,” Shirley
attention. Some of that work will appear in an upcoming
says. “And to be effective leaders we have to be able to
book on organizational diversity being written by Brian
address different audiences, to be multi-lingual in one
Griffith and Mark Cannon, professors at Vanderbilt.
sense or another. I think that Posse continues to give that
“We need to stop viewing Asian issues as relevant only
to the students it serves. No matter the Scholar, each
to Asians, African-American issues as relevant only to
one has learned to transcend barriers, to step outside
African Americans, women’s issues to women, gay issues
of their comfort zone, taking risks and getting to know
to gays,” he says. “We need to see these as distinctly
people of different experiences. How that carries over to
human issues, and we need to realize that any threat to
our professional lives is tremendous. These are skills that
diversity is a threat to us all.”
are forever.”
AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2005 AND 2004
$ 1,649,929
Net Assets (a)
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Total net assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Investments at market
University fees and other receivables
Pledges receivable, net
Prepaid expenses and other assets
Property and equipment, net
Cash and cash equivalents–permanently restricted
Total assets
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Deferred rent
Deferred income
Total liabilities
Total liabilities and net assets
The accompanying notes on Page 33 are an integral part of these financial statements.
STATEMENTS OF activities
Years ended DECEMBER 31, 2005 AND 2004
$ 6,901,299
Support and Revenue
Contribution and grants
University fees
Services fees
In-Kind contributions
Investment income
Fund-raising events, net of direct benefits to
Net assets released from restrictions (a)
Total Support and Revenue
Program Services:
Recruiting Services and training programs
Supporting Services:
Management and general
Total Supporting Services
Total expenses
Change in Net Assets
Net assets–beginning of year
Net Assets–End of Year
The accompanying notes on Page 33 are an integral part of these financial statements.
Change in net assets
Adjustment to reconcile change in net assists to net cash
(used) provided by operating activities:
Depreciation and amortization
Permanently restricted contributions
Contributed securities
Realized (gain) loss on securities
Unrealized gain on securities
Increase in liabilities:
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Deferred rent
Deferred income
Net Cash Used by Operating Activities
Cash Flows From Operating Activities:
Changes in operating assets and liabilities
(increase) decrease in assets:
University fees and other receivables
Pledges receivable
Prepaid expenses and other assets
Cash Flows From Investing Activities
Purchase of investments (b)
Proceeds from sale of investments
Purchase of property and equipment
Net Cash (Used) Provided by Financing Activities
Cash Flows From Financing Activities
Collections of permanently restricted contributions
Net Cash Provided by Financing Activities
Net (Decrease) Increase In Cash And Cash Equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents–beginning of year
Cash and cash equivalents-end of year
The accompanying notes on Page 33 are an integral part of these financial statements.
Notes to financial statements
(a) Net Assets
Temporarily restricted net assets are availible for the following purposes as of December 31,
2005 and 2004:
Time and purpose restricted
$ 1,591,163
$ 1,591,163
Temporarily restricted net assets of $1,911,238 and $ 1,989,917 for the years ended
December 31, 2005 and 2004, respectively, were released from donor restrictions by
incurring costs thereby satisfying the restricted purpose as specified by the donors.
Permanently restricted net assets of $7,954,353 and $4,511,897 as of December 31,
2005 and 2004, prespectively, were for the establishment of the endowment fund in
accordance with Posse’s agreement with the Sallie Mae Fund. As of December 31, 2005
and 2004, the permanently net assets consist of the following:
Pledges receivable
$ 7,954,353
(b) P urchase of Investments
Establishment of the endowment fund in accordance with Posse’s agreement with
the Sallie Mae Fund.
For a copy of the audited financial statements, contact:
The Posse Foundation, Inc.
14 Wall Street, Suite 8A-60
New York, NY 10005
national board of directors
boston advisory board
Michael Ainslie
Trustee, Vanderbilt University; Board Member, Lehman Brothers
President + Founder
Deborah Bial
Vice Chairman
Eugene B. Shanks, Jr.
Diane B. Patrick, Esq.
Robbie Oxnard Bent
The Posse Foundation
Trustee, Vanderbilt University; Corporate Director, Private Sector
Partner, Ropes & Gray LLP
Private Sector
Patricia ArnoldTrustee, Wheaton College; Chair, Posse Boston Advisory Board
Eric BeckmanAres Management, L.P.; Co-Chair, Posse Los Angeles Advisory
Robert G. BottomsPresident, DePauw University
Jonathan L. BuchmanPrincipal, The JB Real Estate Group, LLC
Anthony J. CollertonManaging Director, Lehman Brothers
Ronald CrutcherPresident, Wheaton College
Anthony J. de NicolaGeneral Partner, Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe
Hon. David N. DinkinsProfessor, School of International & Public Affairs, Columbia
University; 106th Mayor, City of New York
Martin Frederic EvansPresiding Partner, Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
Wade FetzerFormer Chairman, Goldman, Sachs, & Co.
James S. HoyteAssociate Vice President for Equal Opportunity Programs, Harvard
University; Lecturer on Environmental Science and Public Policy,
Harvard University; Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy, Kennedy
School of Government Barbara JanulisPrivate Sector
Caroline H. LittleCEO and Publisher, Washington Post, Newsweek Interactive Chair,
Posse D.C. Advisory Board
Susan LynePresident and CEO, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, Inc.
Bruce MacleodReal Estate Investor/Developer
Eric MaceyNovack and Macey; Chair, Posse Chicago Advisory Board
Garrett MoranSenior Managing Director, The Blackstone Group
Charles RaymondManaging Director, Strategic Wealth Advisory Global Wealth
Susie ScherManaging Director, Goldman, Sachs & Co.; Chair, Posse New York
Advisory Board
Pamela ShriverPrivate Sector; Co-Chair, Posse Los Angeles Advisory Board
Jeffrey UbbenManaging Partner, ValueAct Capital
Timothy H. UbbenRetired Founder and Chairman, Lincoln Capital Management;
Trustee, DePauw University
Jasmine VallejoLehman Brothers; Posse Alumni Representative
national board of advisors
(in formation)
Gaston Caperton
Joe Gregory
Vernon Jordon
Harry Smith
The College Board
President and Chief Operating Officer, Lehman Brothers
Partner, Lazard Frères
Anchor, The Early Show, CBS
Patricia Arnold
Trustee, Wheaton College
Lawson Prince AllenMSW, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified AAMFT Therapist;
Board member, Miss Porter’s School; Board member The Vincent Club,
a fundraising arm of Vincent Memorial Hospital, the Women’s Care
Division of Massachusetts General Hospital
Ann BainBain, Willard Companies
Bill BainBain, Willard Companies
Marjorie BrideVice President, Special Interests Groups, Odysseys Unlimited
Marijane Benner BrownePartner, Bingham McCutchen LLP; Trustee, Bowdoin College
David L. GouldGould College Planning; Former Dean of Admissions, Brandeis
James HalpinFounder, Riverbend, Inc.
James S. HoyteAssociate Vice President for Equal Opportunity Programs, Harvard
University; Lecturer on Environmental Science and Public Policy,
Harvard University; Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy, Kennedy School of
Barbara Kates-GarnickVice President, Corporate Affairs, Keyspan Energy Delivery
Susan H. LawrencePrivate Sector
Alec MacMillanSenior VP-Portfolio Manager, Welch & Forbes LLC
Joseph PareskyRetired, Crimson Travel Service
Robert O. PreyerEmeritus Professor, Brandeis University; Senior Board, NAACP/LDF;
Board, Richardson Properties (N.C.)
Erika J. SmithMasters Degree Student, Education Policy and Management, Harvard
Graduate School of Education; Posse Alumni Representative
chicago advisory board
Eric MaceyNovack and Macey
Rod AdamsNational Director of Diversity Recruiting, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Monique L. N. ButtsMotorola; Posse Alumni Representative
David CasperHarris Nesbitt
Celeste CenterSenior Vice President and Division Head, Wealth Management Group,
LaSalle Bank, N.A.
Gregory HanoVice President, Manager, Marketing Research & Database
Management, Banco Popular North America
Robert Harles
Principal, The Cambridge Group
T. Kendall HuntChairman and CEO, VASCO Data Security, Inc., (Nasdaq Symbol: VDSI),
President, Belgian Business Club of Chicago
Gary KirshenbaumVice President, Business Development, Puritan Finance Corp.
J. Stuart KruseFinancial Consultant, Bear Stearns
Jon A. LeveyPrincipal, Real Estate Advocates LLC; Board member, Jewish Council
for Youth Services; Board member, North Shore Center for Performing
Arts; Board Member, The Standard Club; Advisory Board member, The
Resurrection Project Commercial Development Committee
Alan MyersClient Advisor, Deutsche Bank
David RammeltKelley Drye & Warren
Ronald SchutzDirector, ABN-AMRO
Mark TaylorSenior Vice President, investment counselor, Capital Guardian Trust
Timothy H. UbbenRetired Founder and Chairman, Lincoln Capital Management; Trustee,
DePauw University
los angeles advisory board
posse staff
National Staff
Eric Beckman
Pamela Shriver
Ares Management, LLC
Private Sector
Sheldon Ausman
Founding Partner, Cambridge Capital Partners
Lolli Lucas Clark
Director of College Counseling, Brentwood School
Dina Merrill Hartley
Private Sector
Raymond JosephVice President, Investment Analyst, Capital Research Company
Jeffrey Mandell
Partner, Gang, Tyre, Ramer & Brown
Jimmy L. Price III
Assistant Vice President, Oaktree Capital Management, LLC
Mason Richards
Posse Alumni Representative
Deborah Ruosch
Millbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP
Lisa Smith
Principal, Gardner, Underwood & Bacon LLC
Salvador Torres
Investment Banker, Loop Capital Markets
David P. White
General Counsel, The Screen Actors Guild, Inc.
James WilcoxVice President, Private Wealth Management, Investment
Management, Goldman, Sachs & Co.
new york city advisory board
Susie Scher
Managing Director, Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Alastair BorthwickManaging Director and Head of Investment Grade Debt Capital
Markets, Bank Of America
Charles Edel
Private Sector
Michele GanelessExecutive Vice President and General Manager, Comedy Central
Bill HendersonPartner, Russell Reynolds
Ethan RiegelhauptExecutive Director, Corporate Communications, The New York
Times Company
Kevin ReillyPartner, Transaction Support, Ernst & Young LLP
Jane Dawson ShangPrivate Sector
d.c. advisory board
Caroline H. LittleCEO and Publisher, Washington Post.Newsweek Interactive
Bonnie CohenPrincipal, B.R. Cohen & Associates
Susan CorsiniManaging Director of Community Outreach, Sallie Mae;
Vice Chairman, The Sallie Mae Fund
Zina GarrisonProfessional Tennis Player
Bryan GreeneDirector, Office of Policy and Program Evaluation, Office of Fair
Housing and Equal Opportunity, U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development
Michael MaurerLawyer, Washington, D.C.
Camille Riggs MosleyVice President Business Development, Lee Hecht Harrison
David RileySenior Vice President, Capital Research Company
Frank SesnoProfessor, Public Policy and Communication, George Mason
Kim Wallace
Managing Director and Chief Political Analyst, Lehman Brothers
Deborah Bial, Ed.D., President and Founder
Rosanna Aybar, Director of Finance and Administration
Regina Bain, Senior Training Specialist
Rico Blancaflor, Director of Training and Site Development
Laura Brief, National Director of Career Program
Makeeba Browne, Development Officer
Allison Cheuk, Accountant
Yojhaira Dilone, Assistant to the Executive Vice President
Leroy Foster, Senior Training Specialist
Alix Genter, Receptionist
Melanie Gisin, Development Assistant
Hal Hilliard, Design and Publications Manager
Katherine Kinsman, Development Officer
Shirley M. Ramirez, Ph.D., Executive Vice President
Rassan Salandy, Director of University Recruitment and Public Relations
Damian Washington, Assistant to the President
Posse Boston
Susan E. Dalelio, Director
Jennifer Bell, Program Director
Ben Bradley, Trainer
Suzanne Lyons, Trainer
Reena Mathew, Trainer
Yinnette Sano, Trainer
Barrie Tysko, Development Officer
Susie Zavala, Career Program Manager
Posse Chicago
Chastity Lord, Director
Sheri Roney, Program Director
Jill Aguado, Senior Trainer
Shawn Brackat, Career Program Manager
Emilia Chico, Trainer
Nora Geary, Program Coordinator
Erin Lyons, Development Officer
Cherish Sokol, Trainer
Thomas Witherspoon, Trainer
Posse Los Angeles
Renée Smith-Maddox, Ph.D., Director
Maya Ramos, Program Director
Eric E. Arnold, Trainer
Jasmine Anderson, Trainer
Halbe Dougherty-Wood, Development Officer
Juvie Gonzalez, Trainer
Maidel Luevano, Trainer
Judith Rudge, Career Program Manager
Lauren Wagman, Program Coordinator
Posse New York
Russell Langsam, Director
Diana Hyde, Program Director, Site 1
Sandra X. Pradas, Program Director, Site 2
Priscilla Araya, Senior Trainer, Site 1
Liliana Blanco, Program Coordinator, Site 2
Josh Christianson, Career Program Manager
Lance Dronkers, Trainer, Site 2
Elisa Espiritu, Senior Trainer, Site 1
Misa Fujimura-Fanselow, Trainer, Site 2
Morisa Lobhai, Program Coordinator, Site 1
Sara Nolfo, Career Program Manager
Devon Pryor, Trainer, Site 2
Deneen Reynolds, Trainer, Site 2
Posse D.C.
Marcy Mistrett, Director
Victoria Hope Cunningham, Senior Trainer
Renée Faulkner, Senior Trainer
Joylyn R. Hopkins, Development Officer
Brent G. Madoo, Program Coordinator
boards + staff
national office
14 Wall Street, Suite 8A-60
New York, NY 10005
Phone: (212) 405-1691
Fax: (212) 405-1697
[email protected]
contact info
posse boston
posse chicago
posse los angeles
45 Bromfield Street, 6th Floor
Boston, MA 02108
Phone: (617) 523-4478
Fax: (617) 523-4468
[email protected]
330 South Wells Suite 610
Chicago, IL 60606
Phone: (312) 566-9790
Fax: (312) 566-9796
[email protected]
900 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 900
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Phone: (213) 239-9590
Fax: (213) 239-9440
[email protected]
posse new york
posse d.c.
14 Wall Street, Suite 8A-60
New York, NY 10005
Phone: (212) 405-1691
Fax: (212) 405-1698
[email protected]
1612 K Street N.W., Suite 1002
Washington, D.C. 20006
Phone: (202) 293-3800
Fax: (202) 293-4300
[email protected]
visit posse on the web at:
creative director: Rico Blancaflor
art director and graphic designer: Hal Hilliard
editor: Rassan Salandy
general support: Damian Washington
photo credits: Principal Photography by George Del Barrio; Page 27 photo by Rebecca Cetta
special thanks: Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia: Posse Annual Report photo shoot location and equipment;
Mercantile/Image Press, West Boylston, MA: Posse Annual Report 2005 printing