Hatch, Tirey Win aJe County Elections


Hatch, Tirey Win aJe County Elections
. ·....UNGER'ME'
. .-
' TX 79072
,vE 2 - (6-04)
Friday, AprO 1" 2004 Vol. 78, No. 15
Hatch, Tirey Win
aJe County Elections
Senior News
ing to be a band director. In addition ,
to being a Student. he teaches march,
Senior citizens of Petersburg met ing bands at Clovis. N.M. and other
attheCornmunityCenterat lI;OOa.m. locations locally.
April 9. 2004 for a business' meeting
He played beautiful music on the
and catered luncheon.
marimba. He spoke of his ambitions
Thirty-seven members and 3 in Christian Ministries and of his comASSOCIA11ON
guests were present.
. ing trip to Indonesia fOr 2 months.
Les Overstreet led the group in
He will do resean:h t;i their muA reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the sic there to use the music in'Christian
Petersburg Post
flag d the United States of America. . ministries.
Minutes were read by Shirley
The c/psing prayer and food
Pablleadoll NoOverstreet, secretary-treasurer.
blessing was ' given by Ted Wilson.
. USPSf02-M
Clara Neis gave a report on the Methodist minister.
sick and Gerald Bright voiced the
The next meeting will be held at
Simon Rodriguez
prayer for those mentioned.
the Community Center April 23: 2004
TIle Felellbcq JoumaJ was
The J1O!I1inatin. committee gave
Game night will be Apnl )6.
Sworn in as Deputy
. esllblislled iD 1926. The PeteIWbwJ
the names of those to be voted on for 2004 at 6;00 p.m.
Poll was eslabli.bed iD)962. The
On February 17, 2004. Simon officers 2004-2005. They are;
fIIPCII COMOI~ in 1967.
Rodriguez and two others were sworn .
Bob Pegram - President
TIle offICe mdie ~ P'oIC
in as deputies with the Lubbock
Vivian Curtis - Vice President
illocaledat 1..12Ave. 0 iD,.....,..
County Sherifrs Office 'by Sheriff
Shirley Overstreet - SecretaryThe fIIPOI' is putJlillledl .....y widldle
David Gutierrez.
em:pdoaI m""y'" MIl New y.,.
April ., - Brendon Rogers.
weet. II is _ _ • periodiclIIs at FeSimon has been a peace officer
Beth Quisenberry - Reporter
PeYlon Rogers, Sue Boy~. Brooke ...... TX.~.
linee December 2002. He hu been
Commitlecl named w~
employed with the Lubbock County
ProJram Co-ordinaron - Pauline Bruington
S20.oo HALE co.
ApriI.7. Rickie Elie
Sherilrl Office sinceAuJUIt 20m and Sell and Vivilll Curds
S21.00 - 0tIf OF COlIJIrI'Y
ApriI.8 • Henry Kveton. ady
is currendy assi&ned to the Detention
Project Chairperson - Bennie
snoo· 0IJf Of SfATE . .
Juarez Martin Martintz. Jr. .
April f9 • Alfredo Ybarra. r..
Thole in attendance were: Lieu·
Kitchen Co-ordinator·- Juanita
CXII'NCIion to
Kyle Hegi, Mallf!ew Ramos
lenanl James Gordon, imon's shift Pool
April 20 - Jose Espinoza
• lieutenant· Lieulenanl James, Grosl.
un shine Chairperson • Clara
Direclorof'Operations~ Capcain Kelly
F'eIetsIIurr. TIC '19250
Rowe, Detention Divi ion; Major Jerry
Music - Cecil Taylor & Beth Dale Milntr. Don H ai
Martinrz. Publisla
April 22 • Paul Willis, r.
• dminilU'8tor. Detention Divi· Quinny
Sec....")' Champioa, &filar
lion: Chief DePUly Paul Scamorou h:
These were all accepted as
Di Rocfri uez. ;mon's wife; and named.
Janie l.edezmI. ;mon', Ii ler.
lmon is t
the I I ick onIinat
nd recenc;. Rodri,&lez. imon.
J h currently
idefn I..u
Tennis Center in Lubbock lasl Thurs- O'DOnnell 6-0. 6-3.
Mando Banuelos 2.
Consolation; ,
Sconng for Gray; Chris Maines
Cole Harper. defeated 1. Villegas,
Singles and Doubles results as
12; Danial Ruiz 6; Jose Perez 3; Sam follows;
, Lorenzo. 6-0, 6-] .
Alford 2; Kearby Garza l.
Girls .
April 12, 2004
Orange 18 Gray 35
Kyle Hegi/Anthony Cedillo deThird & Fourth Grade
. Scoring for Orange; Samual
Keelj' Willis defeated Debbie feated Zach Villegasllohn Schoeph.
Gold 12 Blue II
Arriaga )4; Leroy Luna 2; Miguel Trevino. O'donnell 6-). 6-4. Kendra Lorenzo (H). 6- J•
Scoring for " Gold: Vinny Vallin 2.
Quincy. Ralls defeated Kaly Horn. 6Championshi p;
Rodiiguez 6; Eddie Rodriguez 6.
Scoring for Gray; Chris M8ines 4.3-6, 6-2.
Kyle Hegi/Anthony Cedillo deScoring for Blue; Antonio Cam- 14; Jose Perez 9; Danial Ruiz 5; Kearby
feated AycocklBii'dwell. Lorenzo 6-1.
pos 6; Jayc Waller 4; lose ph Cedillo I. Garza 5; Sam Alford 2.
. Keeli Willis defeated Kendra 6-1.
Yel/ow 12 Pink 8
Quincy. Ralls. 6-0. '6-0.
They are coached by Coach Wes
Scoring for Yellow; Maira
Tennis from pg. I.
Torres. Congratulations!
Ramirez 6; Krystal Rodriguez 4; Swan. Paducah 64, 7·5.
Katy Horn defeated Debbie
Amanda Reyes 2.
Trevino. O'Donnell 6-1. 6-2.
Noel Silvas defeated Gorham.
Amanda Sanchez 2.
Paducah 6-1 . 6-3.
. Courtney Burt/lolene Salas deSEEDS~
Fifth & Slxtll G....
feated Briana GanalCynlhia Miranda.
Green 17 Lavender 10
Kyle HegilAnthonyCedillo de- O'Donnell 6-3. 6-3.
Scoring for Green: Taylor Nichols feated Will Hammons/Josh Burkin.
8; Raque! Sanchez 4' Britney Shedd 3; Crowell 6-0, 6-0.
nft'eny Moreno/Shannon SandAn.. Muniz 3.
er. defeated AManda Rodriguez/
Scorin, for the Lavender: Taylor
Kyle Hegi/Anthony Cedillo de. Amanda Cedill, Lorenzo 6-2. 6-3.
A Father came home arler an ex·
Adams 4: Linda Avalos 4; LisNrte feared Ay.coclcIBirdwell.1...omIzo 6-3.
HoI.y Campbell/EmilySellers, Iended.triP. and dropped ineo his faCedillo 2.
RaJ.s clefealed Coumrey8wt! Jolene vorite chair. Jmmecfiarely his -two
Red 20 Gray 24
The Petersbur. Tennis Teams Salas. ~2. 6-3
dauahtersl'lCeCl for his lap.
Scaring for Red: Lopn MuJanu won Jst place at the District 6-A (Welt
The eJdesI wen. and she Inged.
8; Blake Smith 6; Jaime Marin 4; ~)ToumammtatB.......Rusbing
1iffenyMorenoiShInnon Sand- ., JOt III d daddy••
ers defealed Campbell/Sellers, RaI.s,
The younaest cried. and the fa6-4.4-6. 6-2
ther stretched out his ann.. and she fill
imolhem. '
"You may "ve all d daddy•• aile
Cole Harper defeated Andrew cried• .".. daddy'a JOt II. of me. - "
411 - 16th
Mardnez. Lonmzo 64.6- J.
JI)'OU~ a Cllistian.)'OII hawaU
NoeJ Silvas defeated Bobby dCbrisc. But does Quist have aI' d
SIlas. RaI.s 64, 6-J.
The Bible 1)'1. -Don't let any
your bodia become I0OI d
(806) 298-2331
Harper64. 7·5.
wicbdneu.eobe .... forsinnin.; ...
II cW ted I. Vii.... liY youneIv 10 Qod.every f*l d
lCIenr.o, 6-2, 6-4,' _.
Little Dribbler
C'hImpionship: ~
oel nv.. d leated
rudenl Ii
outh ~'n
'P.O. !Box 542
'l(ar, Cente~ '.Te. as 7904
(t 0 ~
Rev. C.J. IdtldO
Donna Moore
Give up
don't ,;ve up
~ (ot
Page 4, Friday, Apdhlf, 2804,PeeenblllW Post ~ 1
Petel'lllbuq¥osf;' FrMay, Aprfl. 16, ZOO4 Page S
/1 · ,~~~~~~:~~J
I would like to thank the nice
lady who delivered a rose (anonymously) to my home during the Easter holidays. I enjoyed it very much.
of Pelersburg for your concern and supL.._ _ _ _ _ _ _.....;;;;...._ _ _ _ _ _- : - _ _ _ _ _ port during the illness and dealh ofmy _ -.....- - - - - - - - ,
We can get on with spring now; roses. Beware if Ihe weather lurns dry, brolher Loy Wylie. Your prayers, cards,
Class of 1994
we have had our Easter spell! For the plan Is will be lender and do nol need visilS, food, and your presence al both
past three weeks every time r have 10 become over dry. Mler a long wei !he cemelery and memorial service in
heard someone say, "It looks like we spell we tend 10 wail 100 long afler it Lubbock wiU be long remembered by
The Class of 1997 is planning tlX!ir
are going to have a fruit crop this year. " lurns dry 10 start walering our plants me and my family.
10 year reunion and are having
Thanks too. to the friends 'Who
Someone else chimes in "Beller nol aiJd lawns. When you gel ready 10 ferSlty that. We haven't had our Easler tilize your lawn, you may want 10 con- visited him faithfully during his illness. trouble locating some d lheir fellow
classmates. PJease take a look at the
spell yet." Depending on your age and sider the slow released nitrogen lhal is
JiSI below and see if you can help
origin, you can understand what those available. II will keep your lawn amn
Lonelle Davis & family
lhem out.
statements mean. If you haven't lived withoul. tIM; fast growth that regular
Andy Cantu Eve Diu
in this pari of !he country very'long or ferlilizer encourages.
Vicky Gan:ia ModeSlo Garcia
are a youn, whippersnapper, it pr0bWe need to visit a little about
Joel Garza
Chris Nelms
ably doesn't make much lienee 10 you. books read and books we wanl to read.
Belen Nunez Inez Ovalle
Call ilsuperslidon, watc:hina!he signs One d the most interesting little books
Brannon Seth
or jusl long time experience livin, in that I read this winter was one by James
April I' • Area Track Meel @
If you know how to act in touch
west Texu; thereisalocd'lrUth to the Michener. "The Lepey.· MOlt of !he Frenship Hiah School. FCCLA Slate
with any c:A these people please
saying. More often than not, whether books J have read by Mr. Michener Meeting....
c:ontact April Pierson Allred at:
Easter i. early or late. il will either act have been very lillie boob with small
April 20 • Catholic SelJior Banapril sc:arspec.com or
to, or below. freezina on or about, Eu- prinl. "Ibe-l.epcy· il8 short. but very quet @7 p.m....
ter. f read in lhe Plainview Herald re- readIbIe boofc. jusl about ript to lake
ApriJ ·21 • Band Concen and
Thank you so much for hefpina us
cently that the avera. date for !he last with you on a cross-country f1i,ht. If 'Siahl Radina Conte.t at Sudan. React everyone together for a time c:A
freeze i. April 6th. bulremembtr, thaI you are no« aettin, enouah politic. on gional Tennis in Levelland....
memories and fun.
is an avera,e. meanin, IOf11C earlier !he radio. lelevision and in !he newsAprfJ 22 - Regional Tennis in
dates and some 'ater. All that J know paper. Ann Coulter's book. "Treason" LeveJiand...
i. on April 13th it was 28 dea~. on will hold your attentiOn. This isa book
0lIl' thermometer al 8:30 a.m. And [
with conservative s1anl lo it. I read the
as (old that someone showed 26 de- other day that there is a seamenl of the
pees. There
t lUll one person
merian population thallicmlly dein town that &Of up I (our o'dock and spi"' an)'Or.e who is a Chri.tian. a
atered around acoupfe oflheir peach conservative and a Texan. I plead ,..lly
tMt. Ope • our prinklel'l to c:omc to bein, aU thm: wiih no apoIogi • I
on but we will Ita e I wHit and if must admit though thai. wu more than
il did any aoocL Don'ajusl wriluome a lild surprised. You
rhi lived
d these old
oR U malarkey, all my life Ihintin, thoR were three
rltere can be more IrUth than ficrion to thin about hich • could and Ihoold
SIIndIy ScIIooI1D:OO a.m.
them. ven lhou.,. w may not have fI I pride. It', JOIten to be a shanae
an)' home JI'OWII fruitthl.)'Dr. ulill world hasn't it? hadaa r prin,. Allihemoisture
helped he
10 be
uti- •
peltier dian !he crab ppIe
I I wish
Needs Your Help
Coming Events
could hi e
e hay Jed
hen red
and crab
aw:larelndDle.ltOXlmlry lO
for the same week surged to a market- year. exports were well on their way .
ing yew: high of 441.400 bales, sur- to reaching USDA's forec:ast for 'the
passing the former record of 395.900 season, and the loss of Step 2 payments
bales set the previous week and above for al least lhe nexl four weeks in not .
trade expectation's of 300.000 10 expected 10 materiallY,affect the level
Colton fUlures on lhe New York 400.000 bales.
of weeldy shipments.
COllon Exchange dropped from sesChina was the leading buyer and
'The export sales report was one
sion highs 10 close almosl unchanged, primary destination d ,U.S. cotton for of the beslones we've had. yet it meant
on Thursday afler a slrong export sales the week. The country purchased noIhing 10 the market. " said one trader.
repprt from USDA failed 10 suslain !he 110,400 bales and received shipments "J think the dilemma for cotlon lies in
of 172.700 bales. Total purchases by IhequaJitydcotton, and until the highUSDA rel~ a "friendly" ex- China in 2003-04 already have reached grade cotton around !he world is sold
port sales report on Thursday show- , 4.58 million bales versus J.68 million OUI or cotton futures drop to lower leving slrong sales and robuSl shipmenls. at the same time last year.
els to find buyers, there is no motivaThe department said nel U.S. export
Strong shipments show that the lion for cotlon futures on !he NYCE
sales in lhe week ended April lsi to- United StaleS is capable ofshipping an 10 move higher, .. he commenled.
taled 254.700 bales. sharply above "enormous" amounl of cotlon on a
On !he spot cotton scene. sales
bade estimates. Meanwhile, sales of weekly basis. according to one cotton improved but remained slow during
.2004-0S U.S. cotton totaled 176,800 markel observer.
the five tradin, days ended April 8Ih,
bales for lhe week.
Wiih ih~ and a hall month. re- as Texas. Oklahoma and Kansas pr0Additionally. COIlon shipments ~ning in Ihe 2003-04 markeling ducers sold 541 bales on-line, an in-
Cotton Market
Lighthouse Electric Cooperative, Inc.
You are cordially
invited to attend the
65th Annual
Meeting of
pril22 20q4
7001 MIIII
... ~ ....
.Track from pg. 6. '
Area Track
5.Michael Hildreth
300 m huroles - ) .Jordan W8Iler
Meet Schedule
200 m dash . - I.D.1. Lopez;
DistrictS 5 & 6
3.Patrick Arriaga: 6.Aaron Voight
1600 m run - l.Corey Alvarez: . , Frenship Field, Wolfforth
2.AaronReyes;5.Luis Perez: I.Eric
April 16, 2004
I Sanchez (7th Orade)
, Discus - 3.Raymond Ramirez;
4.Ernilio Sanchez. Schylor Torres
Oirl. 3200 m Run Area 2
Shot Put - 3.Raymond Ramirez:
4.0uadalupe Oniz
-- Oirl. 3200 m Run Area 3
Long lump- 2.D.J. Lopez: 7.Ed/0:10A.M.
ward Arriaga
Boyt3200 m Run Area 2
From the Halls of PISD•.••
UIL hrticJpuIl • SleJKfin, (I-r) Austin Eudy. Kyle Burnam, Tift'eny
A. . ~ • Standin, (J-r) MaRlOI Rendon. Gildln:lo Orozco, MalMoreno. Kyle Heai. Jose Espinoza. Sittin, (I-r) Andrew Eudy. Cole Harper. Ihew Champion, AnIhony CedlJJo. MMt Chlvez. Chri. Ovalle. Sittin, (I-r)
, -Nancy An:Jluo. Cynthia Milner.
Miranda Belli. Stephanie Sanden, callie
Kandi. Roberuon. Alltley
Garcia, Shelley Mlrlinez. (not picbnd Juan c.toe RamifeZ)
rhar will be held at FlCohip HI,h 5.Anchw Eudy
School on Friday. April , _
300 m hurdle. - J.Kyle Heai;
The ..wll.re u follow.:
3.11idro Avalol
I&nity Girls:
200 m dash - 2.Tyler Adam.;
The Cia. A Diltrict 6 Hi.h
. 3200 m nan - $.Evipil Cedillo 3Jo.e Espinoa
School Academic Meet wa held last
400 m lday - , . AthIey Garcia.
1600 m nm • 2.ArdIur Ybura;
week in Crotbyton.
Shelley Martinez. .l..-:ey 1'hompIon. 6.D.nie1 GaIza
The muI.. are .. follows:
StepbanJe Sanden
J600m_y- 2.NictRodri....
JOO m h.... - 2.CaJHe Donia: Andrew .Eudy. K~IfeJiAUldn Eudy.
• .AUldn a.dy
5.Shannon Mainn
I&rslty Boy,
2.Tdftny Mareno
800 mlday · 6.S...... Sand·
3200 m fUll - 3.1uan Ca,'o
en. tephanie .Roden, Callie Dorrie, Ramia
Petersburg UIL
District Results
Jr. High Track
The Peten.,.." Jr.
Te..... held their di.trict meel ;n
Ootbyeon.,. putTuaday. 'fheBoya
IeIm won III pillet.
The ...... Ift AI tollowa:
1AOOmRM1- I.AanlnRe)a(8Ih
Gride); I.Eric Sanchez (7dI
400m nefay - I.EdwardAniap.
hell.y MartInez
4OOm ....y - 3.aitdlrdo~ Adam Sal.. Patrick Arria... D.J.
J600 m.run - 6.Evipil Cedillo Anlllony CaIiJJo. MIahew ChImpion. Lopez (8th O,ade);3. aaymond
1600 m rel.y • 4. Shelley MIrto.
RamJftz. Aaron Vol,ht. Jame.
Accountina Tama:
I.Austin Eudy, 1iII'eny Moreno,
Kyle BIA'IIIIII, Ntncy Arellano
Cafeulator Applicaliona: '
MIrtinez, Stephanie ...... Mi. . .
J00 m hIlrcUea • J .Anthony PenIinJIan, Zadt ulkey (7dI 0 ...)
J.Auldn Eudy
.Betli. Ashley GIrd.
800 mrun - I.Ccny AI.arez; 4.
Calculator A,picadoM Tams:
DiICUl · 5.Roxy A.....
'OOmcfllh ChI
2.A tin Eudy, Andrew Eudy.
bot Put • 2.KIndi. Robeauon
400 m .... - 2.GJIdIrdo 0r0rA:0
~ J
LonaJump · 3A1h1ey
• AcIIm
1600 m run · Juan rio
Hi". Jump • 3.,~1Ianie
m ....y . 3.
en: 7.ShInnon
Tripft Jump . 4.AlhJey
200 m run - _ '.....111
Df'U~ ,lYIuJanu
m y-2udy.
Ie R
Th. wte for ••OtloD ••7
. . . . . . d....... &u&e.
-8)""" s.ttll
10:30 A.M.
BoY' 3200 m Run Area 3
10:00 A.M. ..
Area 2 Pole Vault
Area 2 Hip Jump
Area 3 Shoe Put
Area 2 Discus
Area 2 Triple lump
, Area 3 Long Jump
II :()() A.M.
Area 2 Shot Put
Area 3 Pole Vault
Area 3 High Jump •
Area 2 Lon, Jump
Area 3 Discus
Area 3 Triple Jump
12:()() Noon
Area 2 Triple Jump
Area 3 Discus
Area 3 Lon, Jump
Area 2 Pole Vault
Area 2 Hi". Jump
Area 3 Shot Put
Area 2 Long Jump
Area 2 Discus '
Area 3 Triple Jump
Area 2 Shot Put
Area 3 Pole Vault
Area 3 High Jump
Runnin. Finals (run on ti ne)
·Area 2 will run first in each event
400 m Relay - VG, VB
800 m run ,- VO. VB
, 100 m hurdles - VO
110 m hurdles - VB
100 m dash - VG. VB
800 mrelay - VG. VB
400 m dash - VO. VB
300 m hurdles - VO, VB
200 mdash - VO. VB
1600m Run - VG. VB
l600m Relay - VG VB
(PeJenburJ qualifying athletes
willbecompetlnaintheAR 3 time
schedul .)
THE ·. .t, ~
~~~ .
Looking for a house to rent!
2 bedroom wirh a garage or shop.
Middle-aged couple wirh no children
desparately wants out eX Lubbock.
Call Wesley or Renea Hildreth at
667-3506 after 6 p.m.
4 Bedroom 2 bathroom 3
car garage on ~l acres near
HOllie For Sale
4 bedroo~. 2 bath. good .
condition. 3 large lots. carport
1201 W. 4th
Free to Good Home
Border Collier. Blue Heeler and
KeJpie Mix puppies.
CaJJ292-9190 or 667-36(11
help prwnnt
Inlu..... while Inllne
W.t.r r.p.".nt•• top r.'';,
..... MOW.nd Ice fnNn ..........
log • wood .urfece .nd cau.'ng
C!!!CIcInp. apllttlnp and warping.
II \: \ ...... 1 \/1 "/1)1 ( I \ ...... /1" /) \/)\ I HIISI'\C; ,\1 1"010.,