carondelet foundation fall 2008


carondelet foundation fall 2008
carondelet neurological institute
fundraising underway
jim click, jr. named honorary chair
carondelet foundation fall 2008
of institute fundraising
In this issue:
Carondelet Neurological Institute (CNI)
Neurological Patient Shares Positive Experience
NFL Player Bruschi Endorses Institute
Jim Click, Jr. Named Honorary Chair
Artist Donates Quilt to Hospice
Specialized Burn Care Ends,
Community Service Endures
St. Mary’s New Emergency Center Improves Care
Carondelet Hospitals Named
Accredited Chest Pain Centers
Gift Boosts St. Mary’s Cardiac Care
Ways to Give: Life Insurance
Ways to Give: IRA
Foundation Staff & Volunteer Announcements
Carondelet Foundation raises, manages and allocates charitable
funds to Carondelet Health Network and its communities to
support Carondelet’s charitable activities and the healthcare
mission of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. Carondelet
Health Network is an affiliate of Ascension Health, the largest
not-for-profit healthcare system in the country. As a not-forprofit organization, Carondelet relies on community support to
sustain and enhance our mission in Southern Arizona.
Quest is produced by Carondelet Foundation.
Pamela Doherty, MPH, CFRE,
Chief Executive Officer, Carondelet Foundation
520-873-5010 / [email protected]
Nancy McCluskey-Moore
Becky McKee Evans,
McEvans Communications
Design & Layout
Wendy Rager, Desert Graphics of Elgin, AZ
Donor Acknowledgements
Our Mission:
Carondelet Foundation’s mission is to
build supportive relationships through
philanthropy, stewardship and education,
which sustain and enhance the community’s
trust in Carondelet Health Network.
About the cover:
Dr. Eric Sipos, Medical Director, Carondelet
Neurological Institute, looks forward to using
operating rooms equipped with the Brain SUITE
iCT. The Institute will have the first intra-operative
CT scanning surgery theatre in North America.
Photo courtesy of Balfour Walker Photography
Copyright © November 2008
A Note from the CEO
Photo courtesy of Balfour Walker Photography
Dear Friends,
As our nation faces economic challenges, we feel the impact in the
healthcare industry and we know our patients do, too.
Across the country, hospitals are postponing capital improvements.
Some cannot bear additional expenses or access required funding,
while others are experiencing rapidly rising interest rates on their
existing debt. From a consumer standpoint, an increasing number
of individuals and families are unable to pay for medical treatment,
or afford preventive care or much-needed prescriptions.
Though Carondelet Health Network remains a strong, financially
viable organization, we also are facing challenges on several fronts
and are carefully re-evaluating plans for new construction and
program expansions. We want to ensure that our investments
meet the current and future needs of the communities we serve.
Fortunately, this assessment is part of a larger Network strategic
planning process that will enable Carondelet to define its direction
for the next 10 years.
Carondelet has served Southern Arizonans for close to 130 years.
We remain deeply committed to fulfilling our healing mission of
compassionate, spiritually based care well into the next century –
and beyond. In the coming months, Carondelet Foundation will
provide you with information regarding the size, scope, and timing
of our projects and the fundraising plans to support them.
Carondelet has served
Southern Arizonans for
close to 130 years. We
remain deeply committed
to fulfilling our healing
mission of compassionate,
spiritually based care well
into the next century –
and beyond.
There is plenty of good news. In this issue of Quest, we are pleased
to share details about our fundraising efforts for the Carondelet
Neurological Institute. The Institute will bring vital medical services
to Southern Arizona, eliminating the need for people to leave our
city to receive comprehensive neurological care. We are proud to be
supporting a project that will have such a significant influence on
the health and well being of our community. If you would like to
learn more about the Carondelet Neurological Institute, or tour the
facility, please call us. It would be my pleasure to personally share
our exciting plans with you.
Pamela Doherty, MPH, CFRE
Chief Executive Officer
Q u e s t M a g a z i n e / 1
Carondelet Neurological Institute
Fundraising Efforts Underway to Support Bold Vision
According to neurosurgeon Robert Goldfarb, MD, FACS,
“The Institute will enable Southern Arizonans to receive
vital neurological care right here in Tucson.”
Carondelet Foundation now is in the midst of a $14 million
campaign called “Fulfilling the Promise” to support the
Carondelet Neurological Institute.
On any given night, the need to quickly access lifesaving neurological care can arise for anyone in Southern
Arizona. A stroke or a serious head or spinal injury requires
immediate attention because delays in treatment can
potentially result in permanent damage, paralysis or even
death. Consider the following statistics: stroke is the third
leading cause of death in the United States and one of the
major causes of serious, long-term disability among adults.1
Every 15 seconds, a person in the United States sustains a
brain injury. In a city the size of Tucson, approximately
40 people per year injure their spinal cord. 2 Until now,
Tucson has lacked a coordinated, comprehensive approach
to providing neurological care to local residents. In fact,
over the past few years hundreds of patients have been
flown from Tucson to Phoenix, Flagstaff, San Diego or
Albuquerque because the neurological care they needed
was not immediately available.
The Carondelet Neurological Institute was designed
to close this gap in the region’s healthcare delivery
system. Carondelet, working with some of Arizona’s
top neurologists, neurosurgeons, and neuro-specialists,
has developed a bold vision for transforming
neurological care in our region with multi-disciplinary,
technologically-integrated care offered around the
clock. The Institute, headquartered on the campus
of St. Joseph’s Hospital, will offer patients a seamless
continuum of care, including diagnosis, surgery,
inpatient care, outpatient treatment and rehabilitation
services. This will provide patients and their family
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2007; American Heart Association, 2007
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, 2006
2 / Q u e s t M a g a z i n e
members with much needed comfort and
convenience, close to home.
Currently, the Institute has a dedicated
42-private-bed neurological inpatient center,
including a 12-bed critical care center. Coming
online this winter are operating rooms that
will feature state-of-the-art Brain Lab Intraoperative CT scanning technology. This will
permit on-the-spot imaging, allowing the
surgeon to instantaneously review the results
for fast, accurate decision making. The Institute
will be the first facility in North America to
implement this technology.
Through inpatient and outpatient centers and
programs, medical personnel will treat patients
suffering from a variety of neurological illnesses
and conditions, including:
• Brain injury
•Tumors of the brain and spinal cord
• Balance disorders, such as vertigo and
• Movement disorders, such as Parkinson’s
disease and multiple sclerosis
•Seizure disorders, such as epilepsy
•Spine disorders and injuries
• Memory disorders, such as Alzheimer’s
Carondelet’s capital investment in the Institute
is $27 million to date, and philanthropy is a
vital component of the plan. While visitors
to the campus of St. Joseph’s Hospital will
see that significant progress has been made
in the Institute’s development, there is still
considerable work to be done for programs and
services to continue to come online over the
next several months and years. Gifts made to
the capital campaign will enable the Carondelet
Neurological Institute to provide neurological
patients with high quality care, right here in
Robert Goldfarb, MD, FACS, and Christina Konetes, RN, Clinical Nurse
Leader, confer in the new Carondelet Neurological Institute inpatient unit.
Q u e s t M a g a z i n e / 3
Neurological Patient
Shares Positive Experience
Lee Schnebly is a multi-talented woman. A retired certified mental-health counselor, she is
the author of three books on personal happiness and successful marriages and a sought-after
speaker. A gifted piano player, Lee performs at McMahon’s Prime Steakhouse. She’s the mother
of four and grandmother of three and is the wife – for 55 years – of retired Tucson broadcast
personality Larry Schnebly.
Lee was also one of Carondelet Neurological Institute’s first patients. She spent five days in
the Inpatient Neurological Unit at St. Joseph’s Hospital in June, where she underwent delicate
spinal surgery. Now fully recovered, Lee bestows high praise upon the care and results she
“I adore my surgeon, Dr. Matthew Wilson, and all the nurses were absolutely wonderful,” says
Lee. “The staff was attentive and caring, and the spacious and private recovery room was so
Having heard many grim stories about back surgery, Lee was prepared for a grueling experience
when she entered the hospital. However, she was amazed to find that her pain was minimal and
her recovery was very fast. “It was a piece of cake,” she notes.
Lee Schnebly, counselor, author,
pianist and recovered Institute patient
At 76 years old, Lee’s healing has been remarkable and complete. She says she is pleased that
her doctor recommended the Carondelet Neurological Institute because the care she received
made all the difference in her outcome.
“I’ve bounced back fully,” she says. “I have total autonomy, which is a wonderful thing.”
NFL Player Bruschi
Endorses Institute
New England Patriots linebacker Tedy Bruschi, a former U of A Wildcat, believes
the Carondelet Neurological Institute will be of great benefit to the health and
well being of Southern Arizonans. He should know. Three years ago Bruschi
suffered a stroke.
Fortunately, in Boston he was able to quickly access the exceptional neurological
care that was essential to his full recovery. Bruschi’s experience taught him how
critical it is for neurological patients to have immediate access to the right care.
Receiving treatment during the “golden hour,” the first 60 minutes following the
injury, can prevent serious permanent injury or even death.
Tedy Bruschi, New England Patriot
linebacker and former U of A Wildcat
4 / Q u e s t M a g a z i n e
Bruschi recently filmed a television spot on behalf of Carondelet Foundation
endorsing the Neurological Institute. He encourages others to support the
Carondelet Neurological Institute’s efforts to provide the type and level of care
that enabled him to resume his NFL career.
Jim Click, Jr. Named Honor ary Chair of
“Fulfilling the Promise” Campaign
Carondelet Foundation is pleased to announce that Jim Click, Jr., President
and Chief Executive Officer of Jim Click Automotive Group, will serve
as Honorary Chair of the Foundation’s multi-million dollar fundraising
campaign for the Carondelet Neurological Institute.
Since 1971, Mr. Click has owned car dealerships in Tucson. Today he and
his cousin, Bob Tuttle, co-own Tucson dealerships for Ford, LincolnMercury, Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep, Mazda, Nissan, and Hyundai.
They also own dealerships in Orange County, California.
As a very visible Tucson philanthropist, Mr. Click has
lent his support to many organizations, including Junior
Achievement, Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson, Salpointe
Catholic High School, and the University of Arizona
Foundation, to name just a few. As Chairman of the Capital
Campaign for Primavera Builders, he raised the money to
build a new training center for the homeless.
According to Pamela Doherty, Chief Executive
Officer of Carondelet Foundation, “Carondelet
Neurological Institute is vital to this
community and philanthropy is critical to
achieving the Institute’s mission. As a not-forprofit healthcare provider, Carondelet Health
Network relies on community support to
fulfill our ever-expanding mission. We are
most excited about Mr. Click’s commitment
to help us meet our fundraising goals.”
Jim Click, Jr., President and CEO of
Jim Click Automotive Group
Q u e s t M a g a z i n e / 5
Artist Donates Quilt to Hospice
Drift, a quilt designed by Annie
Helmerick-Louder, is being
donated to the Carondelet
Hospice Inpatient Unit.
that this quilt should find its home there.” The
work will be presented to Carondelet Hospice
by Connie’s granddaughter, Faith Boice.
Carondelet Hospice is grateful for the gift of
this treasured work of art. “We are all looking
forward to the quilt’s addition to the calming
environment we are envisioning,” says Hospice
Director Bonnie Knobloch.
As the renovation for the Carondelet Hospice Inpatient Unit
progresses, the focus remains on creating a place of serenity, comfort
and beauty. The renovation, with an estimated completion of midJanuary 2009, will create 11 private patient rooms in a comfortable
home-like setting. A special work of art, a quilt entitled Drift, now
will be displayed in the unit thanks to the generosity of textile
artist Annie Helmericks-Louder.
The Hospice renovation is being made possible
through charitable giving and will help Carondelet fulfill
its mission of providing compassionate end-of-life care for
Tucson, Green Valley and Santa Cruz County residents.
The Carondelet Hospice and Palliative Care Inpatient Unit
is located west of St. Mary’s Hospital.
According to Helmericks-Louder, the quilt is the last in a series of
works entitled My Mother’s Madera. This series commemorates and
celebrates the life of the artist’s mother, writer Constance “Connie”
When Connie was diagnosed with terminal breast cancer more
than 20 years ago, Carondelet Hospice provided care and services
to Connie and her family. Helmerick-Louder says that it is
rewarding for her “. . . to donate Drift to the hospice that served
my mother so well in her last days of life. I have never forgotten
the kindnesses there when my family had such need. It is fitting
6 / Q u e s t M a g a z i n e
Architect’s conceptual rendering of a renovated Hospice patient room
Specialized Burn Care Progr am Ends,
Community Service Endures
A young burn survivor enjoys
rockclimbing at Camp Courage,
Arizona Children’s Burn Camp.
Carondelet Foundation offers heartfelt
gratitude to our donors for their 40
years of giving to the Carondelet
St. Mary’s Burn Program. On September 1, 2008, Carondelet discontinued
offering specialized burn care services at
the hospital, but will continue to provide
and support community-wide burn
prevention, outreach, and education
programs in Southern Arizona.
Over the last two years, St. Mary’s has
sustained a part-time burn care program
while working diligently to establish
a full-service local burn program for
the residents of Pima and Santa Cruz
counties. However, a low patient volume,
difficulty recruiting a full-time medical
director, and the operational and clinical
requirements to develop and sustain a
full-time program led to the decision to
discontinue this program.
A burn triage process and transfer
relationship already exists with the
A r i z on a
Bu r n
Center in Maricopa
County. As has
been the case for
the last few years,
burn patients will
be evaluated to
determine if their
cont i nued c a re
requires them to
be transferred to
the Arizona Burn
Center. However,
t he St. Ma r y ’s
program will
continue to care
for patients with
complex wounds.
Carondelet Foundation will provide
ongoing support for Carondelet Health
Network’s future burn prevention,
outreach and education efforts, including
bringing the National Fire Protection
prevention program
to local pre-school
age children.
The Foundation also
will continue to allocate funds to send
children from Tucson
to the week-long
Arizona Children’s
Burn Camp each
summer, as it has
for more than a
decade. Each year
approximately 15 to
20 local children are
sent by Carondelet
to join one hundred
other young burn survivors to attend
“Camp Courage,” located in the Prescott
National Forest. At Camp Courage,
children who have been hospitalized
for their burn injuries can relax and
play in a safe and healing setting.
Kathleen Jones, Certified Child Life
Specialist with Carondelet Health
Network, serves on the committee that
organizes the camp. “We have one of
the nation’s largest and most dynamic
camps for pediatric burn patients. It
offers them a week of horseback riding,
mountain biking, fishing, swimming,
performing skits, making crafts, and
pushing their personal skills during
the ropes course.” Jones continues,
“Since the children are in various stages
of recovery, volunteers are trained
to provide them with psychological,
physical, and medical support. The
experience provides them with a much
needed respite from the emotional and
physical trauma they have endured.”
Canoeing allows children who have survived
serious burns to relax in a safe, healing environment.
Q u e s t M a g a z i n e / 7
St. Mary’s New Emergency Center
Improves Patient Care
Three years ago, a new 30,000 square
foot, state-of-the-art Emergency Center
opened at St. Mary’s Hospital. The
direct result of the many generous
donations made to the Foundation’s
four-year Matter of Life campaign, the
Emergency Center is now the largest in
Tucson with 54 private beds. The Center
serves an average of 54,000 patients each
year, a 7% increase over the annual prerenovation caseload.
To accommodate a larger patient
volume, the Center has an expanded
Specially designed areas
area in which to triage cases, ensuring
facilitate prompt treatment
the most severe conditions are treated
of acute conditions
promptly. A “fast track” system is used
to expedite treatment and discharge of
simpler, non-emergency cases. To improve operational efficiency, a computerized
patient status tracking system manages patient flow from admission to discharge.
In addition to treating more patients, the quality of care provided at the Emergency
Center has been improved with rooms specially designed and equipped to treat shock
and trauma, cardiopulmonary arrest, and other acute conditions. Patient and staff
safety has been improved with areas designated for decontaminating patients exposed
An expanded nurse’s station in the
Emergency Center serves as “command
central” for patient tracking and care.
8 / Q u e s t M a g a z i n e
to toxic substances and for the isolation
of patients with infectious diseases or
behavioral health issues.
The Emergency Center’s medical staff
is working to further improve patient
satisfaction and the overall quality of
care by implementing “It’s Okay to
Ask,” a program that encourages patients
and their families to be actively involved
in their care. Uninsured patients also
receive assistance in finding a “medical
home” that can provide primary care
following discharge.
Day in and day out, emergency rooms
throughout the country are struggling
to keep up with the demand for their
services. Tucson is no exception,
especially during the winter months.
However, our local situation would be far
worse if it were not for our communityminded donors who made the new St.
Mary’s Emergency Center a reality.
Carondelet Hospitals Named
First Accredited Chest Pain Centers
Tucson Heart, St. Mary’s and St. Joseph’s
Hospitals are now Accredited Chest Pain
Centers, as certified by the Society of
Chest Pain Centers. These hospitals
are currently the only ones in Southern
Arizona to earn this distinction, which
acknowledges a hospital’s commitment
to improving care for patients with acute
coronary syndromes and acute heart failure.
Heart attacks are the leading cause of death with 600,000 Americans
dying annually of heart disease.1 More than five million Americans
visit hospitals each year with chest pain. Carondelet is working to
educate the public about heart attack symptoms so people know when
to call 911. This is important because when minutes count, a quick,
systematic response offers the best chance for a good outcome.
Hospitals accredited by the Society of Chest Pain Centers have been
shown to perform better in the heart attack core measures established
by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as compared to nonaccredited hospitals, according to a national study led by an Emory
University researcher. Findings were reported in the July 9, 2008 issue
of Science Daily.
Common Warning Signs
of a Heart Attack
• Pain – which may also be felt in the arms,
neck, tooth, jaw, or back – or tightness,
burning, squeezing, or heaviness in the chest
that lasts more than a few minutes OR goes
away and then returns. Sometimes called the
“elephant sitting on my chest” feeling.
• Chest discomfort with fainting,
lightheadedness, nausea, shortness of breath,
or sweating
O t h e r Wa r n i n g Si g n s
•Unusual pain in the chest, abdomen,
or stomach
• Fast or uneven heartbeat or pulse
•Sweating for no reason; pale, gray,
or clammy skin
• Any new or worsening chest pain (for example,
lasts longer or occurs more frequently)
Si g n s Mor e C o m m o n I n Wo m e n t h a n M e n
American Heart Association, 2007
• An uneasy feeling in the chest along with:
oUnexplained or extreme anxiety
oUnusual fatigue or weakness
oFluttering heartbeats
oSevere indigestion (an antacid doesn’t help)
Wh e n a Wa r n i n g Si g n O c c u r s . . .
Ta k e Ac t i o n !
• Quickly dial 911 to get emergency help –
don’t wait to see if the pain goes away
•Unlock your door so emergency help can
get inside if you are unconscious
A rapid response to a
potential heart attack can
save lives and reduce
damage to the heart.
• If you can’t call 911, have someone drive you
to a hospital immediately. Don’t drive yourself
unless you have NO other choice.
•Take an aspirin (IF you are NOT allergic to it
or have another medical condition that might
make this risky). Chew and swallow one adult
aspirin or four children’s chewable aspirin.
Q u e s t M a g a z i n e / 9
Gift from Dr. DeSando
Boosts St. Mary’s Cardiac Care
C. James DeSando, Jr., MD, recently retired
from practicing cardiology in Tucson for
more than 35 years. Because his interest
in the health and welfare of the Tucson
community continues, he recently
contributed funds to purchase a stateof-the-art echocardiography machine for
St. Mary’s Hospital. (Echocardiography
is a diagnostic test that uses ultrasound
waves to create an image of the heart.)
Gifts of Life Insurance
Making a gift of life insurance may be a convenient
and beneficial way to support the healing ministry
of Carondelet Health Network. There are two basic
ways to make this type of gift.
The first option is for the donor to retain ownership
of the policy and name Carondelet Foundation as
a beneficiary (primary, partial or contingent) by
updating the beneficiary form with the insurance
This type of gift does not involve a transfer of
ownership. The gift is not completed until the
1 0 / Q u e s t M a g a z i n e
In addition to the new echocardiography
machine, Dr. DeSando donated funds to
purchase other equipment and numerous
upgrades and software installations to
enhance cardiology services at St. Mary’s.
Eventually physicians working in their
practice offices will be able to quickly
and conveniently access electronic
patient data obtained in the lab.
Dr. DeSando’s gift was recently
recognized at a dedication ceremony at
the St. Mary’s Spalding Echocardiology
Lab, where he shared his excitement
that the new system will bring a greater
level of service to the cardiologists, staff
and patients at St. Mary’s Hospital. His
wife, Monica Pilar, added “We have
a philosophy about giving back to our
community and decided that we didn’t
want to wait. We wanted to make this
a ‘living gift’ that could be of service
during our lives.”
Dr. DeSando and Odette Bolano, CEO
of St. Mary’s, attended a ceremony to
acknowledge his generous donation.
Ways To Give This addition is the third machine for
St. Mary’s Echocardiology Lab and will
enable the hospital to serve more patients
and provide information to patients faster.
donor passes away, and the beneficiary designation
may be revoked at any time. The estate of the donor
would receive a charitable deduction for the amount
distributed to charity.
The second option for making a gift of life insurance is
for the donor to make Carondelet Foundation the owner
of the policy. In this situation, a transfer of ownership
must be made with the issuing insurance company.
Depending on the type and status of the policy, the
donor will receive an immediate tax deduction when
the ownership is assigned and the gift is made.
Ways To Give When President Bush signed the
$700 billion economic bailout bill
recently (H.R. 1424, The Financial
Rescue Package), it included a two-year
extension of the IRA Rollover provision.
The provision will be made retroactive
to January 1, 2008, and will apply to
gifts made from that date through
December 31, 2009.
Taxpayers age 70½ and older are required
to make annual distributions from their
IRAs. The distributions are included in
the taxpayers’ adjusted gross income, and
taxpayers pay taxes on them. The IRA
Charitable Rollover permits taxpayers to
make donations directly to Carondelet
Foundation (and other charitable
organizations) from their IRAs without
counting them as part of their Adjusted
IRA Charitable Rollover
Gross Income (AGI) and, consequently,
without paying taxes on them.
The following guidelines apply:
• Donation Limit: A donor’s total
combined charitable IRA rollover
contributions cannot exceed $100,000
in any one year.
• Eligible
Distributions can only be made from
traditional Individual Retirement
Accounts or Roth IRAs. Charitable
donations from 403(b) plans, 401(k)
plans, pension plans, and other
retirement plans are ineligible for the
tax-free treatment.
• Distributions must be made directly
from the IRA administrator payable
to Carondelet Foundation.
•The legislation pertains to lifetime
transfers only.
For more information on how to make
a gift of life insurance or through
your IRA, please contact Mary Louise
Luna, Manager of Planned Giving, at
Foundation Staff and Volunteer Announcements
Sa n di Mo om e y Joi n s a s
M a n ag er of O p er at ion s
Sr . M a rg a r e t A n n e Von der a h e , C SJ ,
to Su p p or t D onor O u t r e ac h
In her new role, Sandi Moomey will
be responsible for overseeing dayto-day operations at the Foundation
office, including finance, events, and
marketing. She brings to this position
more than 20 years of experience
as a nonprofit leader. Previously she
spent five years as the Tucson Director for the Arthritis
Foundation. Prior to moving to Tucson, Sandi served
more than 12 years with Old World Wisconsin, one of
the nation’s leading living history museums, where she
was Executive Director of the Old World Wisconsin
Foundation, near Milwaukee.
Sister Margaret Anne will assist Foundation
staff on various activities, including visiting
donors, making phone calls and writing notes
of appreciation for the many generous gifts we
receive in support of our healthcare mission. She
comes to this volunteer position with an extensive
background in teaching and administration in
some of the California educational facilities of the Sisters of St.
Joseph of Carondelet on elementary, secondary and college levels.
This year she celebrates fifteen years as a certified hospital chaplain
at Carondelet St. Mary’s and St. Joseph’s Hospitals. Since retiring in
December, Sister continues to volunteer as a chaplain at St. Mary’s
Hospital. Q u e s t M a g a z i n e / 11
Thank You to Our Donors
Carondelet Health Network’s mission to provide exceptional, compassionate service to our
community is furthered by the generous support of our donors. In this issue, the Foundation gratefully
acknowledges gifts received April 1, 2008 through September 30, 2008.
For information on how you can make a gift, please call the Carondelet Foundation office at
520-873-5000. You also can make gifts online by going to and
clicking on the “Donate Now” button.
Planned Gifts
Anne B. Klick
Dr. and Mrs. Wendell Whitacre
Leticia Coronado-Hansen
Howard Gerson
$100,000 +
The Centurions
$25,000 – $99,999
The Chamberlain Group, Inc.
Governor’s Office for
Children, Youth and Families
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Pettis
$10,000 – $24,999
Becton Dickinson and Company
Fred B. Fruchthendler
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice V. Lattari
$5,000 – $9,999
Arizona Health Facilities Authority
Harold Koessner
Stephen Quinlan and Randal Soderstrom
The Gordon Foundation
Kathy Ward
$2,000 – $4,999
Arizona Daily Star Sportsmen’s Fund
Arizona Endovascular
Rev. Kenneth and Ruth Brinkley
Theresa “Terri” M. Campbell
Russell W. Hall
Estate of Josephine Knight
Diana McBroom
Elizabeth Rodriguez Miller
Neovista Medical
Richard Polheber
Dr. and Mrs. C. Harold Willingham
$500 – $1,999
Elaine and Mike Adler
Michael L. Anderes
Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd S. Anderson
Linda J. Atkielski
1 2 / Q u e s t M a g a z i n e
Beach, Fleischman & Co. P.C.
Philanthropic Fund of the United
Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona
Amy Beiter, MD
Odette Bolano
Renade M. Braun
Cynthia J. Campbell
Neil Carolan
Wesley Colvin
Andy Cosentino
Jannie C. Cox
Pamela Doherty
Eleanor Donohue
Stefan and Brenda Eliel
Carrie Erickson
Robert Erickson, Jr.
Tony Fonze
Sharon A. Gilbert
Jean Glattke
Sue J. Gold
Katherina Harder
Vern and Julia Harms
John R. Harrell
Gloria Hewette and Roger Hewette
Kris Ingegneri
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Johnson
Derrick Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Suresh Katakkar
Sheldon King and Xenia King, PhD
Irv and Leah Mermelstein
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Murphy
William Neubauer, MD
Ellen Noble
Our 365 Share More
Mike and Barbara Papanikolas
Brenda Peart, MD
Tom Pepping
Maria Eugenia Pina-Zelinger, MD and
Steve Zelinger
Rosalina Quiroga
Letty Ramirez
Nancy Roth
Helen Ruskin
Grace E. Schmeiser
Robin R. Shepherd
Kary L. Spradling
Cynthia A. Storey
Tammy S. Summers
JoAnne F. Thomsen
Bill and Anne Tobey
Dr. Jane Underwood
University of Arizona
Marlene Wade
Mr. and Mrs. Totten K. Warfield, Sr.
Betty G. Wempe
Linda Werbylo
Ruth A. Whitaker
Elisabeth B. Woodrich
Vikky L. Zelenak
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Zlaket, Jr.
Estate of Arnold Zuckerman
$250 – $499
AEGON Transamerica Foundation
Mark and Gina Amey
Aspect Medical Systems
Intuit “Payroll Aces”
Eric Berens, MD
Boyd Burkhardt, MD
Chester W. Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Don Cheshire
Kimberly A. Cocio
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Colvin, Jr.
Donald Hansen and
Leticia Coronado-Hansen
Leonard W. Dewhirst
Regina Duncan
Dr. James C. and Mrs. Smithie E. Dunn
Virginia A. Fischer
Monica Fontes
Irene Foster
Fresh Direct, Inc.
Dawn R. Gall
Deborah L. Gibbons
Dr. and Mrs. Roger T. Grimes
Steven Gurgevich, PhD
Patricia A. Haack
Jean Hofmann
Maria H. Lane
Leann Larson
Barry A. MacBan and
Laura V. MacBan, Esq.
Peggy MacMacken
Cynthia C. Meyer
David Mork
Linda L. Morley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Munroe
T. Francis Ogilvie
Kathleen J. Powell
Taeko Purcell
David and Lori Rains
Donna Ramsay
Leon Riley, Jr., USN Ret.
Carl J. Rohrssen
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Saito
Diane M. Schwisow
Joan B. Snow-Banker
St. Joseph’s Critical Care Associates
Susan J. Thompson, MD and
Stephen Thompson, MD
Vertis Communications
Abby Wagner
$100 – $249
Elayne Achilles
AES Somerset, LLC
Mary Louise Ahmann
Carol Andrews
Mary Lou Andrews
Jeweldine N. “Judy” Ashton
Hasso and Geraldine Bacher
Capt. and Mrs. Allen H. Balch, USN Ret.
Isobel A. Barnhill
Charles C. Barringer
Virginia and Lawrence Becker
Ruth S. Bennett
Rebecca Arvizu Berrellez
Thomas D. Bickley
Barbara and Fred Bjornstad
Col. William H. Blankfield, USAF Ret.
Dr. and Mrs. James A. Boren
Dan Bradley
John R. Braswell
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Bruder
Penelope L. Campbell
Esther Capin
Jennifer L. Carter
Lloyd R. Carter
Carmela K. Castro
E.G. and Carol Chandler
Fred Chavez
Kathryn S. Claus
Mary E. Collins, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Compton
Jack Connelly
Steven H. Cornell
E. Ruth Criglar
Christen E. Davis
Vallie E. Davis
Gordon and Pearl Denison
Roger and Catherine Dewey
Remo Di Censo, MD
Arthur D. Dilley
Anna M. Domitrovic
Julie E. Downer
Myrtis B. Dufresne
Michael E. Duperret, MD
Col. Gordon L. Edgett, USAF Ret.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Edminster
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Edwards
Richard and Katherine Edwards
Mike and Jessie Eman
Phyllis Ethridge
Wayne D. Evans
Mary L. Fellows
Ida B. Franks
Fraternal Order of Eagles
(R.E.A.C Retired Eagles)
Dr. Tobias Freebourn
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Fry
Warren Fuesz
Frank R. Garcia
Hector F. Garcia, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Garcia
Jay D. Gerding
John K. Goodman
Barbara Goodwin
Peggy L. Gould
Green Valley Community Church
Helen P. Halloran
Edye Harrison
Hartmann Family Foundation
Harry and Ruth Hauck
Mr. and Mrs. Franz P. Helm
Mr. and Mrs. John Henden
Lt. Vernon J. Hiemenz, USAF Ret.
Rosa E. Hill
Diane Hoelter
James B. Hollingsworth
Charles J. Hornisher, MD
Linda R. Hornyan
Merwin and Sarah Howard
Mike Howell
Godwin Izuegbunam, MD
Carolyn H. Jackson
Dr. and Mrs. Rockwell E. Jackson
Thomas Jancic
Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Joffe
Anita G. Judd
Dr. and Mrs. George Kerrihard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Klauer
Kathy Kramer
Bruce and Judy Kronick
John J. Kronner
Cindy K. Lane
Janelle S. Larsen
Gene and Patsy Leonard
The Lopez Family
Lura E. Lowery
Milo and Rena Lude
Richard and JoAnn Luebke
George W. Lykens, Jr.
Dorothy E. Mallien
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Mann
Alan W. Martel
Sergio Martinez, PhD
Brenda K. McDonald
Phyllis L. McEnroe
Alice L. Meadows
Nan A. Morabia
Betsy Mullenix
David A. Mullon, MD
John and Donna Murillo
Jim and Eliz Murray
Ed Myers
William T. Nightingale
Numerex Corp.
Daniel and Dora Nunez
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Pacheco, Jr.
Eugene E. Pacioni
Adrienne M. Perry
Art Pesqueira
Lane Petri
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Pollard
Judith D. Prevo
Project A.M.O.R.
James Quigley
Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. Ramage
Bob and Kay Ratliff
Raytheon Systems Co.
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Reed
William R. Reinders
Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Reuling
Jobie Riharb
Patricia T. Ripley
Patricia Roediger
Jane and Art Rohrer
Nelson R. Rosario-Leon, MD
Neil Rotzler
Narciso P. Ruiz
Bruce, Julia, Mike, Scott and
Takako Russell
Malcolm D. Russell
Michael S. Ryan
Glennys D. Saba
Irene Sarver
Stanley J. Schaeffer Endowment Fund
at the Community Foundation
for Southern Arizona
Alan Schetterer
Duane and Dorothea Schiff
Reid and Linda Schindler
Antoinette Schlaefer
Marjorie R. Schmoldt
Arthur J.R. Schneider
Wayne E. Schroeder
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Seder, Jr.
Rob Shand
Cliff and Pat Shannon
Bonnie J. Sharp
Margaret Shearer
Nance Slattery
Armstead B. Smith
Marjorie and Edward Spuzello
Dr. Lisa Soltani
Douglas J. Spegman, MD
Norman F. Spindler, USN Ret.
Kay E. Stevens Beasock
Herb and Kerry Stratford
Ruth Stroud
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Swanger
Judy F. Tamsen
The Stylemakers – Marie Villanueva,
Sofiya Golod, Debbie Lundquist,
Sharon Bulgrin, Billie Manzanedo,
Add Klos
William H. Thelander
Marion S. Thomas
Kathleen Tilmann
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell E. Tompkins
Fr. Charles Towner
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Tretschok, Jr.
Baastian W. Vant Sant
Patricia V. Venech
E. Ann Walsh
Kathleen M. Weaver
Charles D. Weis
Theresa Wells and Sue Warg
Carolyn Tighe Wemliger
Doda S. Wessale
James Willhoite
Ann M. Wilson
Audrey J. Wilson
Mary C. Wilson
Jim and Linda Wood
Beth Yankee, MD
Sally J. Ziegler
$1 – $99
Active Network
Martha J. Adair
Michael G. Adkins
Clement Agamba
Mercedes Alderson
Dori Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. David Altman
Bennie Alvarez
A. Donald Amesbury
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Amlee
Geraldine D. Anderson
Gloria C. Andrade
Molly Romo Antonioli
Joan W. Archibald
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Carl W. Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Arnold
Lillian Arzate
Carroll A. Badeaux
Frank and Carolyn Badstuebner
Gilbert A. Baez
Dehlia Baffert
Charles M. Bailey
Judith T. Baker
Mary Baldwin
Ed Balmer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Balser
Mike Barker
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Barnard
Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Battey
Evelyn A. Beamish
Dolores P. Bechler
Christine M. Beck
Beverly A. Becker
Clifford E. Beecher and Luciana Girami
Deborah E. Behr and George Vtermohle
Sheila M. Bellantoni
Sheila Bennen
Julie Beougher
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Berrang
Alicia Berrellez
Andre Berthioume
Barbara Beverly
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bialkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Bidwell
Arthur M. Bieberstein
Charles Bilodeau
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bilrman
William H. Bissell
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Blakesley
Mr. and Mrs. Milton F. Blanchard
Ann M. Blanchat
Ollie V. Boehmer
Joy Bogart
Richard J. Boggs
Alice J. Bohlmann
Bettyann Bosse
Onita G. Bowers
Barbara Boyer
Mr. and Mrs. Warner D. Brandt
Tom and Mary Breitling
Rosemary E. Brice
Fe Carol Brittain
Britthaven Of Henderson
Chuck and Anne Brooks
Dorothy BJ Brown
Eleanor M. Brysacz
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Buchanan
Jim and Eiko Bulman
James E. Bunkers
Dorothy Burch
Frances Burda
Susan K. Burkholder
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Burman
Witcher A. Burnett
Jeanne Burnison
Jennifer Burrowes
James E. Byers
Mercedes S. Campos
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel R. Campuzano
Eleanor “Ellie” N. Caplan
Mina C. Cardenas
Ramona N. Carlos
Mr. and Mrs. Garwin Carlson
Raymond and Therese Carlton
Arsenio S. Carrillo
Bill and Vivian Carter
Irene Cassagne
Mr. and Mrs. Pete L. Castaneda
Frank M. Celestine
Rito and Maria Chacon
Sandra L. Champion
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond B. Chase
Mr. and Mrs. Victor M. Chavez
Marjorie Childress
James G. Christo
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Cisek
Betty Sue Clark
Jose R. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Clark
Martha W. Clausen
Nancy L. Clay
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Clayton
Jean Clore
Cornelia B. Collins
John and Marjorie Comer
Mariita C. Conley
Adele Conner
Harold and Eleanor Conrad
Morris W. Conway, Jr.
Donna L. Conwell
Ethel B. Coolidge
Henrietta Corley
David Cormier
Dorothy E. Cox
Kent and Arlene Crawford
Jay R. Crook
Charles L. Croxen
Joan Curtis and Don Smith
Helen H. D’Agostino
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Dailey
Patricia Dalrymple
Q u e s t M a g a z i n e / 13
Joan F. Daly
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie DaRos
A. Jean Davis
Juan De la Huerta
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Wally Decker
Warren D. Decker
Capt. and Mrs. Hubert D. Dejaynes,
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Delaney
Josefina O. Denogean
Berenice L. Densford
Dale Alan Diefenbach
Tom and Katie Doherty
Joseph W. Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Donaldson
Roger L. Dong
Beverly J. Dop
Harriet A. Downs
Eugene A. Dozmati
Bill and Peggy Drum
Bob L. Duennerman, Sr.
F. Timothy Dugan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis K. Dumas
Lloyd R. Dumm
David and Carol Duncan
Elizabeth A. Dunn
Lt. Col. and Mrs. William D. Dupee,
Donald Durrant
Mae C. Dytko
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Eagle
Lane S. Early
William Elser
Grace M. Encinas
Antonio and Carole Enea
Janice M. Engelhardt
Catherine Enzweiler and
Meme Enzweiler
Vernette Eppinga
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Erager
Marlene Erickson
Phyllis M. Erickson
Reuben E. Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Estes
Eleanor Malas, Emily Burnett,
Anna D. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Exline
Marilyn E. Falt
R. Kirk Faris
Jim and Jo Farlee
Terry Farquharson
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Farrell
Parris and Neva Farzar
Guillermo and Rosa Fass
Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Faulkner
Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Fee
Mrs. and Mr. Carol Feifer
Peg Fellows
Arden E. Fennig
Jack and Pat Ferderer
Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Ferguson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ferguson
Pauline T. Ferris
Dean and Raquel Finkbeiner
Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Fisher
Janet A. Fithian
Dick and Sally Fitzpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Flanigan
1 4 / Q u e s t M a g a z i n e
Alicia Flin
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Frad
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Frei
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fritts
Eleanore Fuller
Edna I. Funk
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Gagnon
Stephen and Yvonne Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Gamboa
Paul and Ruth Ganeles
Don and Sally Gant
Leona A. Gardner
Gilbert and Sherrill Garton
Elizabeth V. Gavlak
The Genter Family
Laura L. Gerhardt
Jane Gibbs
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Giel
Jim and Robin Gierhart
James R. Giesea
Marya Giesy
Kevin Gillooly
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck M. Gin
Maureen P. Ginty
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Gleason
Mary A. Glueck-Rambaldi
Helena L. Gluszek
Sister Marie Veronica Gogolin
Anna A. Goodman
Kenneth R. Gottlieb, PhD
Herminia R. Granados
Enrique Granillo
Bob and Leslie Grappendorf
Doris A. Grassini and
Patricia J. Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. N. Todd Graves
Steve M. Gray
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Grimm
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle E. Gripp
Albert F. Groff
John E. Gunnels
Ms. Valeda Haas
Lindsay P. Hamon
St. Mary’s Boys’ High School,
Lynn, Massachusetts, Class of 1942
Louise M. Hand
Mr. and Mrs. Clark J. Haney
Jean Hansen
Annie Harris
William H. Harrison
Betty M. Hart
James and Shirley Hart
Larry Hart
Robert Hart
Bill and Betty Hart
Ronald Haydon
Rita Q. Haynes
Vicki Hebert
Ann E. Heidt
Wally and Effie Helberg
Patricia Hemersbach
John W. Hemming
Bob and Joan Henley
Ricardo and Catalina Heredia
Randy D. Hickman
Frank and Rose Hicks
Evelyn H. Hill
Ruth J. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hillburg
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Hindman
Kevin and Linda Hissong
Mary R. Hockings
Sherrie L. Holbrook
Elisabeth J. Holden
Sharon S. Holliday-Norris
Joseph S. Hoxie
Virginia B. Hoyne
Grace E. Hruby
Marie G. Hudak
Jeanne M. Huddelston
Carmin L. Huisinga
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hull
Wayne B. Hultquist
Dorothy M. Hurd
Cosette F. Hutton
Kathy F. Hyatt
Patricia N. Iamonaco
Roy D. Iley
Grace C. Irey
David and Dorothy Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Jaycox
Robert N. Jaycox
Mr. and Mrs. Gene G. Jensen
Chuck and Nancy Jerdee
Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso R. Joffroy
Toni Joffroy
John Deere World Headquarters
Doug B. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil L. Johnson
Bradley Johnston
Katherine Ravenscroft Jones and
Norris Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Jones
Fran T. Julian
Rosemary Kaczorowski
Joseph G. Kadjan
Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Kaeser
Dorothy F. Kalil
Mildred Kantenwein
Barbara Katz
Ralph Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. C. Kaun
Earl Kearly
Ronald E. Keil and
Julie L. Swanholm-Keil
Emil H. Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Jon A. Keller
Robert C. Keller
Elizabeth Kendzora
Carol A. Kenyon
Evelyn R. Kiefert
Jacqueline W. Kimball
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis King
Charles Kittell
Marcia S. Klipsch
Helen Klumbus
Brenda J. Knapp
Harold W. Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Koenig
Ronald Koester
Arthur and Margaret Kohn
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kominak
Barbara B. Kraus
Maria Kristofl
Carmen Krouses
Mary Anne Kruszewski
Fatima S. Kruzel
Walter and Doris Kuzmak
Sandy Kwak
Albert Laezza
Carol M. Laing
Pamela Lambert
Clyde D. Langley, Jr.
Mert and Judy Lantaff
Sally Lanyon
Rosemarie Lapi
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Larkey
Patricia Latimore
Genavee Law
Francisco Lazaro
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert C. Le Clair
Carol W. Leach
Bob and Cynthia Lefko
Bruce Lefler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Leslie
Mr. and Mrs. George Lev
Dr. and Mrs. R.V. Lewis
Scott and Darlene Lewis
Keith and Sara Lewitzke
Joane G. Lindsay
Derek and Carolyn Lindsley
Don and Carol Lindsley
Jim and Renee Lindsley
Pat Lippiello
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Longoria
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Lopez
Frederick Lopez
Gloria D. Lorta
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lovelace
Patricia L. Lucas
George and Roberta Lutich
Elizabeth K. Lutz
Vo Ma
Jessie Majchrzak
Ken Mallak
Kathy Manderscheid
Maxine E. Manewal
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Manhood
Shirley M. Manos
Anne W. Marascalco
Michael Marks
Adela L. Marmion
Juanita Marquez
William and Michiko Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Q. Martinez
Reyes P. Martinez
Daniel G. Matlick
Barry Q. Maxted
Margaret F. Maxwell
Harry E. McClain
Evelyn H. McClenathan
Mr. and Mrs. William F.X. McConnell
Jack and Peg McCoy
Neel and Priscilla McCullough
Mary A. McDaniel
Lori A. McDonald
Patrick W. McLeod
Jack and Dottie McMahon
Jack and Helga McMeekin
Mr. and Mrs. William E. McNerney
Michael D. McVicker
Hedwig Meier
Mary J. Melnick
Manuel Mendoza
Frank J. Merklein
Mr. and Mrs. Clement P. Mesch
Bill Meyer
Augusta Midthassel
Margaret R. Miles
Mr. and Mrs. Karl J. Miller
Penelope G. Miller
Saralaine E. Millet
Marion W. Minear
Helen Mixon
Paul and Cindy Moll
Ruby Mondor
Wanda L. Montoya
Mr. and Mrs. G. Joseph Moody
Carolyn S. Moore
Rose D. Moore
Alfred and Ann Moormann
Rene A. Morales
Herb and Grace Moran
Fred A. Moreno
Elizabeth Morgan Stever
James E. “Jim” Morrison
Sarah A. Morrison
Grace D. Mowat
Margaret Mumford
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Murdaugh
Barbara Sue Murray
Edward P. Murray
Maxwell L. Musgrove
N.A.R.V.R.E, Inc.
Mary B. Nagle
Andrew Navarro and Family
Jack and Barb Navin
Eleanore Nawrocki
Mr. and Mrs. Albert O. Nelson
Marilou Nelson
Ray and Helen Nelson
Irene E. Neumer
Sander Nevin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Newbrough
Sau Chun Ngi
Nels and Lynda Nichols
Gloria H. Noon
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Nowicki
Evelyn M. Nugent
Betty Nye
Daniel E. O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. O’Brien
Eleanor G. Ockenfels
Daniel R. O’Hearn, Jr.
Anna O’Leary
Diane Olson
Mr. and Mrs. B.J. T. Osburn
J.B. Oshel
Marjorie A. Oshel
Nancy A. Ostlund
Alice O. Owens
David and Sharon Pace
Ardelle M. Page
Carol Pahoski
Hortensia Paz
Nicholas Pazzi, DO
Martin M. Pelland
Frank Perry
Rafael Pesquera
Liliane Petersen
Marjorie Petitmermet
Olga Petraitis
Darrell and Phyllis Pettitt
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Peuplie
Nona M. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Pierce
Connie Pizza
Kay Place
Seymour E. Platt
Mr. and Mrs. Israel T. Polanco
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Polowchak
Janice Portlock
Madalena Potter
Joshua Premack
Dr. and Mrs. Hermon T. Price, Jr.
Jacquelyn Proffitt
Walter W. Prue
Juan L. Puig
Shirley Pulham
Carol Putnam
Daniel and Dorothy Quinn
John W. Quinn, Jr.
Martha Raney
Harold Reed
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Reiser
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Remington
Elsa and Dan Reyes
Mercedes Reyes
Mr. and Mrs. Merton D. Reynolds
Eileen C. Rice
Florence I. Rice
Mark and Elizabeth Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Hyle Richmond
Albert Richter
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Riebow
Elisabeth Rieger
Silvia Riggs
Stephanie and Gary Riopelle
Barbara Risch
Jose L. Rivas
Andres U. Robles
Col. and Mrs. Jon R. Robson
Fred and Mary Roby
John and Mary Roche
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rockenfeller
Jean Rodgers
Frank O. Rodriguez
Manuel and Estela Rodriguez
Jane M. Rogers
Billie Rohrich
Elizabeth Rotegard
Kurt D. Rotzler
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Rudnick
Mary Ruiz
Joe and Barbara Rumburg
Peter C. Russo
Marilyn A. Ryan
Barbara M. Sack
Rabbi Richard B. Safran and
Lois S. Safran
Yolanda Saldate
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Salvo
Jessie H. Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Santiago
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Saragusa
Grace and Buz Sawyer
Susan M. Scalero
Stasia B. Schaffrick
Richard D. Scheuermann
Mr. and Mrs. Al Schill
Irene Schindler
Bee Schmidt
Alice T. Schnadt
Col. and Mrs. James Schnitzer
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton A. Schroeder
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Schroeder
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Schudel
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Schutta
Leonard and Mary Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Giles L. Scoggins
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron N. Seandel
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd W. Sedlmayr
Alice R. Selway
Amber and Erin Settle
Sigrid A. Settle
Tanya A. Settle
Charles W. Shafner
Jean F. Sharp
Ron Sharp
Jean A. Shaw
Helen J. Shea
Joseph M. Shea
Ralph Shelton
Leah Shilling
Arthur I. Shulkin
Sigma Phi Gamma Int’l Sorority
Carolyn and Les Simon
Gail J. Sinclair
Homer L. Skinner, Jr.
Kathryn M. Slagel
Kathleen Smith
Patricia C. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace B. Smith
Social Advocates For Youth
(SAY San Diego, Inc.)
Leona A. Sonderegger
Barbara Soto
Rachelle Spencer
Jennifer B. Sporleder
Dorothy C. Sprecher
Alice L. Spurlock
Mr. and Mrs. Willaim F. Staats
Frances E. Stach
Dee Staples
Donna M. Steele
Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel M. Steenbakker
James E. Stemm
Mr. and Mrs. Leo C. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Stiteler
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Stoeckig
Russell F. Stoll
Bonnie L. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. Stone
June Stormont
Donna M. Stout
Dolores A. Strand
Betty J. Strausburg
Roberta M. Stremski
Betty Jane Strong
Centa Suarez
George L. Sumner
Bernice C. Sweeney
Lt. Col. William J. Swendner, Ret.
Frances Swift
Willis A. Sykes, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Synovec
Margaret Szilagyi
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Lawrence V. Tagg, Ret.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tambakis
Genevieve G. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Taylor
Buck and Linda Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Angel R. Tellez
Mary C. Tellez
Dolly G. Teters
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Tetreault
Marie W. Thaxton
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon D. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Thomas
Betty J. Thompson
Lynn S. Thompson
Patricia A. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Len Thorstad
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Tobias
Mary J. Todesco
Tolin Mechanical Systems Company –
George Clores
Joseph D. Tomak
Eunice Toth
Kimberly A. Toto
Betty Treister
Robert Tremethick
Rachel N. Trout
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Trozzi
David W. Tull, Sr.
Fred and Connie Turschmann
Tyco Telecommunications
Richard and Georgia Tyler
Richard M. Ulrich
Gerardo M. Valenzuela
Adele Venezia
Leona S. Vian
Lillie Viator
Phyllis Viola
David L. Vutera
Ann T. Walker and Family
Gaylen Walker
Nannette Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Walton
Evelyn I. Warchol
Ken and Robin Warren
Edwin and Bernadette Wartalski
Terry K. Waters
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore N. Watson
Richard L. Watts
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald M. Weagle
Robert and Niza Webber
Jim Weinstein
Audrey C. Weller
Alice E. Wells
Madeline Wenck
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wendell
Jeanne Werling
Charlotte Werpy
Mildred N. West
Westwood Hills Homeowners
George and Greta Whitehead
Shirley Widseth
Belvin Willer
Arpy Williams
Gail V. Williams
Pam Williams
Jean Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Wise
Mary Margaret Witthoft
Charles P. Wolf
Betty A. Woolf
Elaine Wuerschmidt
John and Eleanor Wyatt
Grace and Sam Young
John J. Zolczynski
Ann Zuccala
Q u e s t M a g a z i n e / 15
In memory of…
Billie Rohrich
George L. Sumner
Cynthia C. Meyer
Eleanore Nawrocki
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bilrman
Valeda Haas
Ardelle M. Page
Diane Olson
Rosemary Kaczorowski
Penelope L. Campbell
Barbara Boyer
E. Ruth Criglar
Dale Alan Diefenbach
Jeweldine N. “Judy” Ashton
St. Mary’s Boys’ High School,
Lynn, Massachusetts, Class of 1942
Bob and Cynthia Lefko
Reid and Linda Schindler
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Lawrence V. Tagg, Ret.
Grace and Sam Young
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Murdaugh
Grace E. Hruby
Evelyn M. Nugent
Edye Harrison
Jobie Riharb
N.A.R.V.R.E, Inc.
Mary Lou Andrews
Raymond and Therese Carlton
Jack and Barb Navin
Mr. and Mrs. Merton D. Reynolds
Jean F. Sharp
Ron Sharp
Armstead B. Smith
Molly Romo Antonioli
Jane Gibbs
Isobel A. Barnhill
Charles C. Barringer
Jack and Peg McCoy
Mike Barker
Mary Anne Kruszewski
Pamela Lambert
Lori A. McDonald
Donna M. Stout
Kimberly A. Toto
Charlotte Werpy
Dolores P. Bechler
Mr. and Mrs. Garwin Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Hindman
Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Jaycox
Robert N. Jaycox
Genavee Law
Barry Q. Maxted
Jacquelyn Proffitt
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Synovec
Tolin Mechanical Systems Company
Paul and Cindy Moll
Barbara Sue Murray
Arthur M. Bieberstein
1 6 / Q u e s t M a g a z i n e
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Leslie
Intuit Payroll Aces
Vicki Hebert
Arthur and Margaret Kohn
Lynn S. Thompson
Lillie Viator
Gail V. Williams
Fred C. Carroll, Jr.
Rosella Carroll
Lena Delgado
Letitia Gonzales
Eileen F. Irwin
Antonette Marie Matthews
Kathleen Morgan
Helen H. D’Agostino
Tom and Katie Doherty
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Eagle
Marilyn E. Falt
Janet A. Fithian
Doris A. Grassini
Mr. and Mrs. N. Todd Graves
Patricia J. Harrington
Randy D. Hickman
Mike Howell
Carol W. Leach
Jack and Dottie McMahon
Jack and Helga McMeekin
Penelope G. Miller
Grace D. Mowat
Nels and Lynda Nichols
Cliff and Pat Shannon
David and Carol Duncan
Gail J. Sinclair
Col. Gordon L. Edgett, USAF Ret.
Marlene Erickson
Deborah E. Behr
Barbara and Fred Bjornstad
Roger and Catherine Dewey
Carrie Erickson
Reuben E. Erickson
Robert Erickson, Jr.
The Genter Family
Jane Gibbs
Elisabeth J. Holden
Chuck and Nancy Jerdee
Mr. and Mrs. C. Kaun
Janelle S. Larsen
Ellen Noble
Bob and Kay Ratliff
Nancy Roth
Glennys D. Saba
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron N. Seandel
William H. Thelander
George Vtermohle
Peg Fellows
Mary L. Fellows
Rob Shand
Mary J. Melnick
Dick and Sally Fitzpatrick
Scott and Darlene Lewis
Augusta Midthassel
John and Mary Roche
Esther Capin
Mr. and Mrs. Victor M. Chavez
John K. Goodman
Peggy L. Gould
Toni Joffroy
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd W. Sedlmayr
Social Advocates For Youth
(SAY San Diego, Inc.)
Ken and Robin Warren
Ida B. Franks
Susan K. Burkholder
Patricia T. Ripley
Phyllis Ethridge
Grace E. Hruby
Jay D. Gerding
Marjorie Childress
Phyllis M. Erickson
Sharon A. Gilbert
Sandra L. Champion
Sander Nevin
Catherine Enzweiler
Meme Enzweiler
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Buchanan
Joan W. Archibald
Jennifer Burrowes
A. Jean Davis
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Erager
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Exline
Don and Sally Gant
Doug B. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil L. Johnson
Walter and Doris Kuzmak
Numerex Corp.
J.B. Oshel
Marjorie A. Oshel
Marjorie Petitmermet
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton A. Schroeder
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Schutta
Carolyn and Les Simon
Betty J. Thompson
Shirley Widseth
Beach, Fleischman & Co. P.C.
Philanthropic Fund of the
United Way of Tucson and
Southern Arizona
Betty Sue Clark
Virginia and Lawrence Becker
Ronald Koester
Jane and Art Rohrer
Joan B. Snow-Banker
Marjorie and Edward Spuzello
James Willhoite
Steven Gurgevich, PhD
Dan Bradley
Britthaven Of Henderson
Barbara Goodwin
John R. Harrell
Cindy K. Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Mann
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Seder, Jr.
Joseph M. Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Willaim F. Staats
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Stiteler
Marion S. Thomas
Rachel N. Trout
David L. Vutera
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald M. Weagle
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert C. Le Clair
Mr. and Mrs. Len Thorstad
Patricia Hemersbach
Dorothy Burch
Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Ferguson, Jr.
Rosa E. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Saragusa
Bonnie J. Sharp
Robert and Niza Webber
Kevin and Linda Hissong
Buck and Linda Taylor
Phyllis Viola
Margaret Bauman
Lori and Scott Bauman
Terry Beach
Marvin J. Benhardy
Goldie Carlson
Michael Carlson and Family
Rayanne, Diane and Steve Carlson
Marilyn Cartee
David and Rena Duffy
Jeffery R. Hedrich
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hornyan
Alan Hornyan and Family
Albert Hornyan
Anthony Hornyan
Joseph Hornyan
Ken and Dale Hornyan
Linda R. Hornyan
Michael, Sandra, Brittany, Christina, and
Jaclyn Hornyan
Richard Hornyan
William Hornyan
Mort and Liz Kier
Helen A. Maguire
James and Carole Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Quist
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Revoir
Victor and Robin Sebastiano
Fran J. Welty
Mike and Chao
Jacob and Diane
Maureen P. Ginty
Ardelle M. Page
Joseph G. Kadjan
Nancy A. Ostlund
Mert and Judy Lantaff
Janice Portlock
Joane G. Lindsay
Barbara Katz
Marcia S. Klipsch
Harold Koessner
Kathy Ward
Susan K. Burkholder
Marjorie R. Schmoldt
Emily Burnett
Anna D. Evans
Eleanor Malas
Margaret Shearer
Dee Staples
Pam Williams
The Lopez Family
Andrew Navarro and Family
Elayne Achilles
Geraldine D. Anderson
Tom and Mary Breitling
James G. Christo
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Dailey
Mr. and Mrs. Louis K. Dumas
Godwin Izuegbunam, MD
Keith and Sara Lewitzke
Ken Mallak
Eugene E. Pacioni
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Reed
Eileen C. Rice
Stephanie and Gary Riopelle
Ann T. Walker and Family
Gaylen Walker
Nannette Walker
Gordon and Pearl Denison
Parris and Neva Farzar
Fresh Direct, Inc.
Alice L. Meadows
David W. Tull, Sr.
Julie Beougher
Jim and Eiko Bulman
Bill and Vivian Carter
Jean Clore
John and Marjorie Comer
Joan Curtis and Don Smith
Gilbert and Sherrill Garton
Bob and Leslie Grappendorf
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Klauer
Carol M. Laing
Dr. and Mrs. R.V. Lewis
Herb and Grace Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Peuplie
Judith D. Prevo
Daniel and Dorothy Quinn
Bonnie L. Stone
Mildred N. West
Harriet A. Downs
Jim and Robin Gierhart
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Grimm
Larry Hart
Robert Hart
Bill and Betty Hart
Edward P. Murray
David and Sharon Pace
Grace and Buz Sawyer
Ralph Shelton
Sigma Phi Gamma Int’l Sorority
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Stoeckig
Helen Ruskin
Taeko Purcell
Martha Raney
E.G. and Carol Chandler
Katherine Ravenscroft Jones
Norris Jones
Derek and Carolyn Lindsley
Don and Carol Lindsley
Jim and Renee Lindsley
Hedwig Meier
Barbara M. Sack
Jennifer B. Sporleder
Andre Berthioume
Amber and Erin Settle
Sigrid A. Settle
Tanya A. Settle
Westwood Hills Homeowners
Leon Riley, Jr., USN Ret.
Helen Mixon
Jeanne Werling
Fred A. Moreno
Frank O. Rodriguez
Elizabeth Morgan Stever
The Stylemakers
Sharon Bulgrin
Sofiya Golod
Add Klos
Debbie Lundquist
Billie Manzanedo
Marie Villanueva
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. O’Brien
Carol Pahoski
Mike and Jessie Eman
Mr. and Mrs. Al Schill
Lane Petri
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Amlee
Beverly A. Becker
Vertis Communications
AES Somerset, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Barnard
James and Shirley Hart
Merwin and Sarah Howard
Kurt D. Rotzler
Neil Rotzler
Q u e s t M a g a z i n e / 17
Bruce, Julia, Mike, Scott and
Takako Russell
Malcolm D. Russell
Madeline Wenck
George and Greta Whitehead
Dr. Jane Underwood
Mary R. Hockings
Carolyn H. Jackson
Norman F. Spindler, USN Ret.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Giel
Marilou Nelson
Carol Putnam
Alice T. Schnadt
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon D. Thomas
Tyco Telecommunications
Nance Slattery
Eunice Toth
Wally and Effie Helberg
Donald Durrant
Katherina Harder
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ferguson
Janice M. Engelhardt
Marie W. Thaxton
Arthur M. Bieberstein
Rosemarie Lapi
Maria Kristofl
Brenda J. Knapp
Bettyann Bosse
Sherrie L. Holbrook
Witcher A. Burnett
Sarah A. Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hillburg
Mr. and Mrs. Warner D. Brandt
Alfred and Ann Moormann
John and Donna Murillo
Daniel and Dora Nunez
Project A.M.O.R.
Jessie H. Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Albert O. Nelson
Frank and Carolyn Badstuebner
Judith T. Baker
Eleanor “Ellie” N. Caplan
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie DaRos
Hartmann Family Foundation
Patricia N. Iamonaco
Kathy Kramer
Jim and Eliz Murray
Antoinette Schlaefer
Fred and Connie Turschmann
Grace E. Schmeiser
Arthur J.R. Schneider
Jack and Pat Ferderer
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Gleason
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle E. Gripp
Frank and Rose Hicks
John Deere World Headquarters
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Klauer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lovelace
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Newbrough
Judith D. Prevo
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Riebow
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Rudnick
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Schroeder
Wayne E. Schroeder
Gene and Patsy Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. David Altman
Sally Lanyon
Ruth Stroud
Kenneth R. Gottlieb, PhD
Mr. and Mrs. Angel R. Tellez
In honor of…
Arsenio S. Carrillo
Katherina Harder
Bill and Anne Tobey
Kay Place
Harold Reed
Carolyn Tighe Wemliger
Mr. and Mrs. Franz P. Helm
Fr. Charles Towner
Dolly G. Teters
Baastian W. Vant Sant
Joane G. Lindsay
Phyllis Viola
Hasso and Geraldine Bacher
Katherina Harder
Donald Durrant
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ferguson
Donald Durrant
Barbara Soto
Kathryn M. Slagel
Kathy F. Hyatt
Donald Durrant
Duane A. Schiff
Stephen and Yvonne Gallagher
William and Michiko Marshall
Roger L. Dong
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ferguson
Ann M. Wilson
Bettyann Bosse
Clifford E. Beecher and Luciana Girami
Jim and Jo Farlee
Betsy Mullenix
Jean Rodgers
Jane M. Rogers
Belvin Willer
Bruce and Judy Kronick
Grace C. Irey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ferguson
Gifts In-Kind
Donald Durrant
1 8 / Q u e s t M a g a z i n e
Beverly J. Dop
Aquatic Neuro Rehab Center
Andy Cosentino
Dr. C. James DeSando, Jr.
Jeffrey M. Nelson, MD
Roger Wynkoop
Donor Clubs
Carondelet Foundation gratefully recognizes those generous donors who have made significant outright
gifts, completed pledges or irrevocable planned gifts. The following contributors have been designated
as belonging to our Sister’s Circle, Millennnium Club, Fleur De Lis Club, or Legacy Club.
Sister’s Circle
Millennium Club
Members have contributed, cumulatively,
$100,000+ in outright gifts or completed
pledges, or $250,000+ in irrevocable
planned gifts.
Members have contributed, cumulatively,
between $25,000 and $99,000 in outright
gifts or completed pledges, or between
$75,000 and $249,999 in irrevocable
planned gifts.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Arnell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Chestnut
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Click, Jr.
Richard B. Coover, MD
Rosemary F. Edmonston
Toni Findysz
Toby Hausman
Anne B. Klick
Fred R. Pace
Evie Pozez
Melvin and Enid Zuckerman
Armstrong McDonald Foundation
Country Fair White Elephant, Inc.
Del E. Webb Foundation
Diamond Foundation
Emergency Medicine Associates
Intergroup Healthcare Corp.
Morrison Healthcare Food Services
PacifiCare, Tucson, AZ
PacifiCare, Phoenix, AZ
Radiology, Ltd.
Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet
Southern Arizona Anesthesia Services
St. Joseph’s Hospital Auxiliary
St. Mary’s Hospital Auxiliary
The Centurions
The Marshall Foundation
The Stonewall Foundation
Tucson Electric Power Company
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Abrams
Stephen S. Algeo, MD
Bruce and Jane Ash
Bill and Molly Assenmacher
Mary F. Bartol
Dan Bates Bronze Sculptures
James R. Boyed, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Manny G. Bracamonte
Roberta Bracker
Ms. Susan J. Bring
Linda Campbell
The Capin Family
Dr. and Mrs. Yoginder K. Chitkara
William P. Corcoran
Dean P. and Donna M. Cotlow
Jannie C. Cox
Richard S. Darling
Anne Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Donahue, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Simon Escalada
Mary Anne Fay
Randall R. Fisher
William Fishkind, MD
Philip Fleishman, MD
Mrs. Anthony L. Forte
Fred B. Fruchthendler
Mary A. Goodman
Russell W. Hall
Dr. Elliot M. and Mrs. Sandra R. Heiman
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Hicks
Ruth S. Hileman
Sally and Alan Jeffcoat
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Johnson
Mildred Kaeser
Burt and Nancy Kinerk
Kord’s Ambulance Service
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Maciulla
Mrs. Joseph F. Mesenburg
Anne J. Miller, Ph.D
Bert and Teresa Monteverde
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Murphy
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Naumann
Elizabeth Parkman
Drs. Walter Patton and Karen Addis
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Pettis
Mr. Albert M. Phelps
Dr. and Mrs. Jacob B. Redekop
Gus, Meg, and Gia Rigoli
Mrs. Jane Robb
Fred and Gertrude Rosen
Jack and Fay Ryan
Drs. Adib H. Sabbagh, MD and
Entisar (Vivi) Sabbagh, PhD and family
Dr. and Mrs. Jose Santiago
Drs. John and Helen Schaefer
William F. Seifert
Dr. and Mrs. Jon B. Wang
Dr. and Mrs. T.K. Warfield
Dr. and Mrs. C. Harold Willingham
Mrs. Sam Witt
Pat and Peg Zumbusch
Arizona Odd Fellow – Rebekah
Arizona Polish Club, Inc.
Arizona State Radiology, P.C.
Balfour Walker Photography
Bank of America
BFL Construction Company, Inc.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona
Chase Bank
Citizen Utilities of Nogales
EDS Manufacturing, Inc.
Edward Stewart Foundation
Ernst & Young, LLP
Ernst Englander Memorial Philanthropic Fund
Evo-Ora Foundation
Flinn Foundation
Frances Chapin Foundation
Gammage & Burnham
Goering, Roberts, Rubin, Brogna & Enos
Q u e s t M a g a z i n e / 19
Greater Green Valley Community Foundation
Holy Cross Hospital Auxiliary
Nogales Debutante Cotillion
Nogales Lions Club
Northern Trust
Old Pueblo Urology
O’Rielly Family Foundation
Perimeter Bicycling Association of America, Inc.
PICOR Commercial Real Estate Services
Pima Pathologists, P.C.
Raytheon Systems Co.
Sodexho, Inc.
Southwest Energy, LLC
Stradling, Yocca, Carlson & Rauth
Sundt Foundation
The Gordon Foundation
The Hudson Foundation
Tohono O’odham Nation Gaming Distribution
Wells Fargo Bank Arizona, NA
YACHT Club of Tucson
Fleur De Lis Club
Members have contributed, cumulatively,
between $10,000 and $24,999 in outright
gifts or completed pledges, or between
$25,000 and $74,999 in irrevocable
planned gifts.
Greg and Nancy Angle
Bruce Beach, CPA
Carmen Bermudez and Tom Feeney
Susan G. Boswell, Esq. and Arthur L. Boswell
Dr. and Mrs. David G. Bowman
Gary Brasher
Charlie M. Cajero
Dr. and Mrs. Alan I. Cohn
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Colvin
David and Darlene Couch
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Dodson
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Domnitch
Jose I. Duran, MD
Madonna C. Forcier
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Gossert
Mr. and Mrs. Loring K. Green
Bruce and Alayne Greenberg
Gloria Hewette and Roger Hewette
William F. Holsey III
Dr. and Mrs. Suresh Katakkar
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kemmerly
Nancy S. Keller, PhD
Sheldon S. King and Xenia T. King, PhD
Ann and Lou Lancero
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice V. Lattari
2 0 / Q u e s t M a g a z i n e
Chris Linscott and Cynthia O’Neil, MD
Diana McBroom
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Newman
Mrs. Mary Piatkiewicz
Richard Polheber
Charles G. and Maria A. Preble
Gladys E. Sorensen, Ed.D.
Manette H. Speas
Michael and Jane Wattis
Linda Werbylo
Arizona Daily Star Sportsmen’s Fund
Bank of Tucson
Beach, Fleischman & Co.
Bourn Partners, LLC
C.R. Bard Foundation, Inc.
Desert Diamond Casino
DuPont Medical Products
Eliot T. Spalding Foundation
First United Realty, Inc.
J.W. Kieckhefer Foundation
Jeld-Wen Foundation
Merck & Co., Inc.
Parker-Hannifin Foundation
Pepsi Foundation
Pizza Hut of AZ, Inc.
Roche Diagnostics Corporation
Rural/Metro Corporation
Schaller Anderson
Southwest Gas Corporation
Stark Electric, Inc.
The EAR Foundation of Arizona
The Stocker Foundation
The Wings Like Eagles Foundation
Legacy Club
Members have made planned gifts
and included the Foundation in
their estate plans.
Ruby L. Abdallah
Mrs. Dorothy K. Arnold
Mary K. Baenziger
Olga Boich
Pat Brown
Leonard S. Buell
Charles W. Campbell
Jovita C. Campos
Mrs. Mae E. Caramella
George J. Chardukian
Henrietta Corley
Donald Hansen and Leticia Coronado-Hansen
Dean P. and Donna M. Cotlow
Drs. Marilyn Croghan and Terrance Valenzuela
Clay T. Cummings
Irene T. Dailey
Thomas J. Dixon
Helen F. Evashevski
Mary Anne Fay
Jane Ferguson
Madonna C. Forcier
Mrs. Anthony L. Forte
Fred B. Fruchthendler
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gerstenfeld
W. Craig Gibson, CLU
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Godwin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Loring K. Green
Bruce and Alayne Greenberg
Maria M. Guthe
Mark P. Haipek
Elizabeth J. Harris
Edye Harrison
Natasha “Tasha” Harrison
Gertrude Heifetz
Miss Celeste Hopkins
Florine M. Hughes
Dorothy Hurlburt
Ms. Beatrice James
Norbert Jankowicz
Bernard and Marjory Jauman
Ann Jorgensen
Dr. Samuel R. Joseph
Rose Marie Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice V. Lattari
Jane and Walter Locke
Gerard Marion
Ms. Linda McHenry
Thomas B. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Nieman
Reuben Nunez
Adrienne O’Hare
Laurel A. Olson
Fred R. Pace
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Possemato
Dennis J. Reidy, CPA
Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Ribotto
Leon Riley, Jr., USN Ret.
Rona S. Rosenberg
Gordon L. “Rex” Sayers
Richard D. Scheuermann
Nancy Schwarzwalder
George Searle, Jr.
Rosemarie Skokan
Ms. Sharon Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Strauch
Dr. and Mrs. Wendell Whitacre
Board of Trustees 2008
Dennis Reidy, CPA
Reidy Company, P.C.
vice chair
Bruce Greenberg, MAI
President/Principal Appraiser
Bruce D. Greenberg, Inc.
T.K. Warfield, DVM
Valley Animal Hospital P.C.
Theresa M. Campbell, CFP
Financial Advisor
Morgan Stanley
chief executive officer
Pamela Doherty, MPH, CFRE
Carondelet Foundation
president &
chief executive officer
Ruth W. Brinkley
Carondelet Health Network
board members
Mark Blew, MD
Southern Arizona Orthopedics
Rita Daniels
Auxiliary Board President
Carondelet St. Mary’s Hospital
Jo DeChatelet, CPA, CFP
Beach, Fleischman & Co., PC
Geoffrey Ferlan, Esq.
Attorney at Law
Fred Fruchthendler
Jacob C. Fruchthendler & Company
Russell Hall
PICOR Commercial Real Estate Services
Edye Harrison
Pinsa Group
William Hussey
Centurions’ Representative
Clear Channel Outdoor
Tony Kenon, CPA
Keegan, Linscott & Kenon, PC
Sheldon King
Creative Intellectual Commerce
Rosey Koberlein
Chief Executive Officer
Long Companies
Maurice Lattari
Capital Planning Mortgages, LLC
Christopher T. Maloney, Sr., MD
Cardiac Consultant
Nick Mansour, MD
Evelyn McLenna
Auxiliary Board President
Carondelet St. Joseph’s Hospital
Liz Rodriguez Miller
Nan Stockholm Walden
Vice-President and Counsel
Green Valley Pecan Company
Thomas A. Zlaket, Jr.
Director of Sales
Clear Channel Radio
120 N. Tucson Boulevard
Tucson, Az 85716
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