Print layout - MSPCA


Print layout - MSPCA
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Protecting and caring for 250,000 animals per year — more than any
other humane society in the nation — the MSPCA-Angell owns and
operates seven MSPCA Animal Care and Adoption Centers and three
Angell Animal Medical Centers statewide. In addition to our renowned
adoption and veterinary services, we are a world leader in humane
education, community outreach, wildlife programs, humane law
enforcement and animal advocacy protection.
Founded in 1868 by George T. Angell with 1,200 members in the
Boston area, we have grown to more than 120,000 people from all
50 states and 27 countries who support our programs and use our
services. We are a private, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization and
receive no government funding at all. We rely on the generosity of
people who care deeply about helping animals.
350 South Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02130
617 522-7400
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During 2005 we saw many wonderful things happen and still many very
sad. No matter how many times we deal with sick, injured and neglected
animals we can never get used to it. You would hope that as society
advances we would not see the kind of things we saw again this past
year. Last October, 17 Pregnant Mare Urine (PMU) foals were seized by
our law enforcement officers and sent to our MSPCA Animal Care and
Adoption Center in Methuen for immediate care. Their skin was infested
with the scars and sores of ringworm and rain rot. Their bodies were
emaciated from severe malnutrition. Yet it was in their eyes that I saw
the most pain.
PMU foals are the controversial offspring of pregnant mares whose
urine is harvested on special farms to make hormone replacement
drugs for estrogen therapy (note, there are synthetic drug alternatives).
These young horses are taken from their mothers long before
they are properly weaned. Caring for these foals is difficult and risky.
Unfortunately, some people are unable or unwilling to provide for PMU
foals. By the time someone placed a call to the MSPCA, the four-monthold horses were in dire condition.
Thanks in large part to your donations, we were able to spring into
action. Critical care teams began immediate treatment. Volunteers
worked around the clock. And slowly, the foals began to respond. While
we feel great pride and satisfaction in being able to help these horses,
we also feel the tremendous strain that such an effort places on our
people, our facilities and the many other animals that depend on us for
their care.
I am happy to report that the foals are finally over the hump and we are
working hard to find appropriate homes for them. I am also happy to
report that we opened the new MSPCA Noble Family Animal Care and
Adoption Center in Methuen this past spring as well. It is a beautiful
building full of dedicated volunteers and staff members making a
difference for those animals who need us the most. Please take the time
to drive out and visit us sometime. You won’t be sorry. You will leave
with a smile from ear to ear and who knows, maybe even with a new
friend who needs a home.
You will also be happy to know we broke ground here in Boston for a
new clinical care center and animal care and adoption center which
should be completed during the summer months of 2006. The number
of animals being surrendered is growing as is the need for the very best
veterinary care that the residents of New England have come to expect
from our three Angell Animal Medical Centers. With your dedicated
compassion for animals and continued financial
support, we will continue to do what is right
for our animal friends.
I’ll leave you with something my dog Tucker
taught me who was an adoption center dog
himself who sadly passed away this January
after a fight with cancer. Always hold your head
high, smile at everyone you meet and wag your
tail vigorously to make sure they know how
happy you are to see them! Life is a lot more
fun that way!
Thank you for your continued support and
dedication to the MSPCA-Angell.
Larry Hawk, D.V.M.
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Far Left: In its first year
of operation, our state-ofthe-art Noble Family
Adoption Center has
greatly improved our
ability to care for the
6,500 animals that
arrive there each year.
Left: From dentistry
to cardiology, the
Angell Network is
considered a leader in
veterinary medicine.
MSPCA Animal Care and
Adoption Centers
The Massachusetts Society for the Prevention
of Cruelty to Animals’ (MSPCA’s) seven Animal
Care and Adoption Centers (ACACs) provide
direct hands-on care to thousands of homeless
and abused animals each year. From birds and
mice to sheep and horses and thousands of
dogs and cats, our open-door policy brings a
wide variety of animals to our facilities.
Our animal caregivers go above and beyond to
provide extra comforts for the animals such as
blankets, toys and music. Additionally, the
MSPCA ACACs serve as a valuable resource
for the community to create positive change
for people and animals. We provide information
on responsible pet care, training to resolve
behavioral issues and assistance for people in
search of the perfect addition to their family.
Angell Animal Medical Centers
The not-for-profit Angell Network, composed of three exceptional
animal hospitals, provides clients with unmatched expertise in veterinary
medicine and advanced technology for both diagnosis and treatment.
This technology includes a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) unit
designed specifically for animals and highly useful in the evaluation of
neurologic conditions, soft tissue masses, bone disorders, and ligament
and tendon injuries. Angell-Boston’s MRI is specifically designed for animals
and able to accommodate even the largest of our small animal patients.
Beyond Diagnostic Imaging, Angell has board-certified doctors in over
10 specialty areas. The entire Angell staff is committed to providing
compassionate, personalized care to each client. With a collaborative
approach to medicine, our specialty services work closely together to
diagnose and treat a wide range of problems in all types of pets.
In 2005:
74,980 pets were served by 49 veterinarians, 18 residents and
19 interns in the Angell Network of hospitals (Boston, Western
New England and Nantucket)
2,925 animals were spayed/neutered
In 2005:
11,522 animals were placed into
loving homes
335 foster homes cared for over 2,601
animals not quite ready for adoption
775 families received $301,448 in financial assistance for subsidized
veterinary care
20,655 animals received emergency/critical care
848 animals received lifesaving blood transfusions
600 volunteers helped with daily care of
animals, special events and office work
434 animals donated blood, some multiple times, helping to ensure
that a supply was on hand to help save other animals’ lives
26 special events were held by the
ACACs, raising $188,700
286 animals underwent an MRI
7,400 people attended over 300
educational programs
24 articles by Angell-Boston veterinarians were published in veterinary
trade journals and 88 seminars were conducted on the state, local and
national levels for the veterinary community
127 children participated in the
MSPCA Summer Camp at Nevins Farm
692 radiation treatments were administered
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Far Left: The MSPCA’s
Nevins Farm provides
comfort and care to all
types of farm animals.
Left: For 10 years
Phinney’s Friends have
been keeping pets like
Roscoe safe at home
while their owners deal
with the complexities of
living with HIV/AIDS.
The MSPCA at Nevins Farm
SNAP: Spay/Neuter Assistance Program
Nevins Farm in Methuen is the MSPCA’s haven
for unwanted or neglected horses and farm
animals of all types. The staff and volunteers
remain committed to keeping our doors open
to these animals who have nowhere else to go.
Through educational programs designed by our
Education Coordinator, we spread awareness
of how to properly care for farm animals and
how to provide financial support for those in
our care. In 2005, with the help of our farm
staff and volunteers, Nevins participated in over
25 fundraising and educational events.
The Spay/Neuter Assistance Program (SNAP), a collaboration with the
Massachusetts Veterinary Medical Association, is dedicated to reducing the
number of unwanted puppies and kittens by offering subsidized, reducedcost sterilization to low-income pet owners. Approved pet owners are
issued a certificate which can be redeemed at nearly 200 participating
veterinarian practices. The Shalit/Glazer program at Angell-Boston
provides certificates to qualifying pet owners for free spay/neuter services.
These programs continue to address pet overpopulation in Massachusetts
and directly impact the number of animals relinquished to MSPCA Animal
Care and Adoption Centers by preventing unwanted litters.
Our Equine Rescue and Training Program
remains active throughout the United States
and Canada. Locally, our staff is on-call 24
hours a day, seven days a week, responding to
emergency situations involving injured or sick
horses. Nationally and internationally, our
expanding Sport Horse Ambulance Program
travels to equine sporting events and provides
education and training on proper care of
equine animals.
In 2005:
285 horses and farm animals were placed
into new homes
Ambulance staff traveled to 12
equine sport horse events including
Rolex Kentucky
900 people attended 19 training
demonstrations on equine rescue
110 volunteers worked over 3,500 hours
for the animals at Nevins farm
12 new families have joined the foster care
35 tons of grain, 200 tons of hay and
170 tons of shavings were used for the
animals’ care
84,000 certificates issued since the Program’s start in 1986
5,615 applications received in 2005
192 veterinary practices participate in SNAP
462 Shalit/Glazer certificates issued in 2005
Pets in Housing
The Pets in Housing program is a national model for developing and
implementing pets-allowed policies in public and private multi-unit
housing. The program is based on the premise that responsible pet
owners make good tenants. We have secured the passage of housing
laws that permit pets in certain types of housing and we continue to work
on additional legislation. Our focus is on the passage of laws and policies
which will allow pets in many types of publicly-funded housing, particularly
housing for seniors and disabled tenants.
In 2005, we responded to hundreds of requests for information and
assistance that touched the lives of many more people and companion
animals. Thousands of our publications Pets In People Places and Best
Friends for Life were distributed throughout Massachusetts, nationwide
and in response to international requests.
Phinney’s Friends
Phinney’s Friends is proud to celebrate 10 years of preserving the
human-animal bond. This program is dedicated to helping Greater
Boston area clients living with HIV/AIDS preserve the important and
beneficial relationship they share with their companion animals.
Our volunteer-based program enhances our clients’ quality of life by
providing essential pet care services including: financial assistance for
veterinary care, education about pet-related health concerns, pet food
and supplies, foster homes, transportation and long-term pet placement
planning. These services are all provided at no cost to our clients as they
live at or below the state’s poverty level.
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Far Right: Alex,
a Katrina survivor
because of expert care
received at Angell
Animal Medical Center.
Right: Mrs. Lucille
Davison and MSPCA’s
Scott Taylor at the grand
opening of the Noble
Family Adoption Center
at Nevins Farm.
While trends in the age, gender and lifestyle of
people infected with the virus may shift, the
value of pet ownership and the human-animal
bond remains a constant.
In 2005:
364 individuals living with HIV/AIDS received
Phinney’s Friends services
595 companion animals received care
192 specially-trained Phinney’s Friends
volunteers provided support to the
program’s clients and their much-loved
companion animals
Legislative Affairs
The MSPCA’s legislative and public policy work
is essential in bringing about long-term change
for animals. We work locally and nationally to
improve animal protection laws and regulations.
This work is sustained through our volunteer
Armchair Lobbyists who write letters, make
phone calls, attend lobby days at the State
House and meet with legislators to help
improve the lives of animals.
In 2005:
118,000 signatures were collected to put the
Dog Protection Act on the 2006 ballot.
We played an imperative role in collecting
these in an effort to phase out Greyhound
racing, strengthen laws against dogfighting
and increase penalties for hurting law
enforcement and service dogs
Dozens of bills and public policy matters
involved our testimony and lobbying efforts
including issues relating to wildlife,
companion, farm and laboratory animals
The MSPCA-Angell is a resource to the community, adopters, donors,
hospital clients and many others including various animal welfare
organizations, legislative groups and referring veterinarians. Our message
and mission pervades all aspects of our communications, including our
Web site, publications, advertising, fundraising appeals and newsletters.
Central to these is our Web site,, which transcends its
function of simply spreading awareness by serving as an educational tool,
a news outlet, a donor gateway and an interactive information source for
our hospital clients. With frequently changing news and cover stories,
local adoption center pages and visitor online polls, it informs our
supporters in real time. In 2005, we added an interactive “Pet Portal” to
the site to enable our Angell clients to log on to check their pets’
vaccination status, view upcoming and recent appointments, order
prescriptions and update account information.
In 2005:
4,000 online donors and 400 referring veterinarians received our new
quarterly e-newsletters. These cost-effective communications keep
supporters informed of MSPCA-Angell news, medical services and
donor opportunities
65,000 supporters were mailed our bi-annual issues of the Companion
newsletter while many more accessed it online. This publication
provides updates on our news, events and happenings
48,000 supporters received our final printed editions of the Keystone
and Gatepost newsletters, updating progress on our capital campaigns
16 direct mail fundraising appeals, 12 All-Star updates and three
telemarketing campaigns communicated our mission to supporters
and generated $1,779,379
950 veterinarian members of the Massachusetts Veterinary Medical
Association received nine editions of Angell print ads in Mass Vet News
Thousands of households heard our new radio advertising and public
service announcements (PSAs) which began in May and promote our
hospital and adoption center services
3,500 Armchair Lobbyists were mobilized
to act on important issues. A monthly
e-newsletter was published and our Web
site’s Action Center launched, enabling
quick and easy action to help animals
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Far Left: An MSPCA
Law Enforcement Officer
demonstrates the dangers
of hot cars for pets.
Over 2,000 walkers
and 800 of their canine
companions joined the
Walk for Animals.
Humane Law Enforcement
Special Events
MSPCA Law Enforcement officers are highly-trained, commissioned special
state police officers that investigate alleged violations of the state’s anticruelty laws in all 351 cities and towns throughout Massachusetts. In addition
to investigating these alleged violations, MSPCA Law Enforcement officers
strive to educate pet owners on proper care of animals. By working closely
with the community, our officers act on behalf of the animals’ best interests
to improve their quality of life and to help build stronger bonds between
humans and animals.
The MSPCA-Angell’s message of kindness and
care to animals permeates every area of the
organization; our special events celebrate and
support this message. These events enable the
MSPCA-Angell to spread awareness of the
mission and actively engage the public. They
also raise vital funds needed to provide direct
care for over 250,000 animals every year.
Three of our signature events were crucial in
helping us to accomplish this goal in 2005: the
25th Annual MSPCA Walk for Animals, the
Animal Hall of Fame Dinner and the Holiday
Tree Lightings in Boston and Western New
England. These special events, in conjunction
with those hosted by the individual MSPCA
Animal Care and Adoption Centers, are key to
building awareness, involvement and funds to
support MSPCA-Angell’s animal welfare work.
Officers also conduct inspections of a variety of facilities to ensure
compliance with state rules and regulations and to prevent animals
from unnecessary harm.
In 2005:
49,072 animals were inspected by officers
2,988 complaints of alleged animal cruelty or neglect were
investigated by officers, 1,260 warnings were issued and officers
applied for criminal complaints against 25 defendants
774 cases were followed up by officers to ensure compliance
570 animals were removed from potential harm
98 court appearances were made by officers
51 charges were filed against persons suspected of cruelty
to an animal
630 inspections of pet shops, stables, science fairs and research facilities;
and monitoring of rodeos, horse-pulling and oxen-pulling events
In 2005:
Over 2,000 walkers and 800 dogs teamed
up on the Boston Common in September
for the MSPCA Walk for Animals which
raised over $193,000
$237,175 was raised by 400 guests at the
Animal Hall of Fame Dinner in May
$117,304 was raised by three trees, over
1,750 ornaments and countless participants
at the Boston and Western New England
Holiday Tree Lighting Events
300 guests attended the Spirit of Kindness
silent auction in June at the Top of the Hub
to help raise $27,000 for homeless and
abused animals of the MSPCA-Boston ACAC
200 guests attended the Furry Affair Auction
held by the MSPCA Cape Cod ACAC in
October which raised an impressive $30,000
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Far Left:
The LWW program
conducted more than
25 public education
on wildlife.
Left: A donkey rests
at the MSPCA’s Moroccan
affiliate, the American
Fondouk, after
treatment for parasites
and lacerations.
In order to continually impact the lives of
250,000 animals each year, the MSPCA-Angell
relies on the dedicated work of volunteers.
These kind-hearted individuals come from all
walks of life with the same mission; to help the
MSPCA-Angell help animals. From the daily
care of animals in our adoption centers to
fostering animals in their homes temporarily
until they can be adopted, our volunteers are
an invaluable asset to the organization.
In 2005:
986 volunteers donated time to our Animal
Care and Adoption Centers, veterinarian
hospitals and administrative offices
320 pet-visitation volunteers visited nursing
home facilities
Living With Wildlife
The goal of this progressive program is to
resolve conflicts people encounter with local
wildlife. Focusing on outreach and education,
the MSPCA-Angell’s Living With Wildlife
(LWW) program helps people coexist with
wildlife safely and peacefully, encouraging
tolerance and understanding of our wild
neighbors. The program also protects wildlife
by impacting public policy and laws, particularly
focusing on maintaining restrictions on the use
of cruel traps.
In 2005:
Over 500 wildlife calls and requests for
information were fielded
An educational video, Learning to Live
with Coyotes: A Misunderstood Animal was
produced and distributed. It provides
information about the natural behavior
of coyotes; testimonials from people who
have resolved conflicts with coyotes; and
information on how communities can
prevent and resolve coyote conflicts in a
long-term and humane manner
2,000 people received our new monthly e-newsletter with tips and
information about wildlife behavior and preventing conflicts
A solid rapport was maintained with legislators through ongoing
meetings and by participating in public hearings to ensure that laws
that protect wildlife remain intact
Reaching Animals Around the Globe
Hurricane Katrina: We all watched as Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast
region. In addition to many human victims, tens of thousands of animals
were left homeless and in dire need of help. Our supporters gave
generously to our Natural Disaster Relief Fund so that we could lend a
helping hand. Many families and their animals who had lost their homes
were temporarily relocated to Cape Cod and we were there to
welcome them into our care. Each pet received a medical exam,
vaccinations, a new collar and ID tag, bedding, a litter box, new toys and
all of the food they could eat. And while some were ready to go home,
other pets needed treatment at Angell Animal Medical Center.
Donations have also enabled us to financially assist in the rebuilding
process of the animal shelters in that region.
The American Fondouk: The American Fondouk in Fez, Morocco is a
full-service animal hospital providing free veterinary care and education
in animal nutrition and humane handling to Moroccan residents. The
MSPCA-Angell oversees the Fondouk’s endowment and operations
where over 20,000 animals, many with life-threatening illnesses or
wounds, were treated in 2005. Thanks to the support of donors like you,
donkeys, mules, sheep and goats can live and work in a healthier, more
humane environment.
WSPA: The World Society for the Protection of Animals: Every year,
hundreds of thousands of harp and hooded seals are slaughtered off the
eastern coast of Canada. The MSPCA is part of an international coalition
that is working to end this cruel hunt through public outreach and
lobbying efforts. The World Society for the Protection of Animals
(WSPA), an MSPCA affiliate, works internationally to aid and protect
animals. As America was dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina,
an earthquake struck Pakistan, leaving an immense number of animals
injured and displaced. WSPA worked diligently at helping animals receive
the care they needed.
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Far Left: Steffi the
Penguin after successful
surgery by our Avian and
Exotic team. Without
your support, we couldn’t
help these animals.
Left: This new MRI
machine was a lifesaving capital purchase.
Construction is well under way for the new
Animal Care and Adoption Center and Clinical
Center at our Boston facility. When finished in
mid-2006, these facilities will provide our
world-class staff with state-of-the-art facilities to
even better serve clients and animals in the
greater Boston area. Angell-Boston had its best
year ever in 2005, serving close to 75,000
animals with a 9% revenue growth over 2004.
Adoption Center donations and general
contributions for the Society also increased
over 2004. Bequests, however, at $4.8 million
were more typical than the $12 million record
amount received in 2004. Also, total return on
the Society’s investments was 4.0% for the
year, down from 2004’s 7.4% return.
Fiscal 2005 ended with both optimism and
challenges for the Society’s finances. New
fundraising strategies and Angell-Boston’s new
facility will provide great opportunities.
Increasing fuel costs and other building-related
costs as well as rising health care and pension
costs will be fiscally challenging.
Development & Membership: 4%
General & Administrative: 9%
General and
& Development
Bequests, Gifts, Contributions,
Income from Outside-Managed
Trusts: 32%
Sources of
Fees for Services:
As we continue to look for ways to seek
efficiencies in the course of our work we
remain committed to our mission of caring for
animals. With your continued support, animals
will continue to benefit.
Other Income: 5%
Investment Income: 4%
Capital Campaigns: 11%
Howard J. Levy
Independently-Managed Trusts: 3%
Vice President
Finance and Administration
Bequests: 28%
Gift & Capital
Restricted Annual
Contributions: 3%
Unrestricted Annual
Contributions: 55%
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Left: Executive Vice
President of Angell
Animal Medical
Centers, Dana Ramish,
MSPCA-Angell President,
Larry Hawk, D.V.M.,
Chairman of the Board,
Bob Cummings and
Executive Vice President,
MSPCA, Carter Luke at
the construction site of
the new Boston facility.
Statement of Operating Revenue, Expenses and Non-Operating Activities
$ 27,626,655
General administration and support
Total operating expenses
Change in net assets from operations
Balance of long-term investment income/(loss)
Net income/(loss) from outside managed trusts
Capital campaign contributions
Capital campaign expenses
Pension plan and post-retirement medical expenses
Total non-operating activities
Change in Net Assets
Operating Revenue
Gross revenue from health and hospital services
Less care subsidized by MSPCA
Net revenue from health and hospital services
Bequests received
Annual giving, hospital and adoption center donations
Net income/(loss) from outside managed trusts
Investment income appropriated for operations
Other income
Total operating revenue
Health and hospital services
Humane services, adoption centers and advocacy
Publications, communications and marketing
Total program expenditures
Development and fundraising
Non-Operating Activities
Other Financial Information
Endowment, at market value
Other assets
Plant, property and equipment, net
Depreciation expense (included in expenses above)
Capital outlays
Pet care assistance fund contributions
For more information, contact Susan Tibert, Director of Administration and Finance, 617 524-5616.
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Far Left: Carter Luke,
Executive Vice President,
MSPCA, greets 2005
Animal Hero “Pal” at
the Hall of Fame dinner
at the JFK Library
Left: MSPCA-Angell
President, Larry Hawk,
D.V.M. and Nicole
Ayasse who received the
Young Hero Award at the
2005 Animal Hall
of Fame Dinner.
Building Strong Foundations
During 2005, the MSPCA-Angell continued to
benefit from our donors’ generosity. While our
programs and services assist the public in many
ways, we receive no public aid of any kind, and
rely on corporate and private contributions to
help us advance our important mission.
The following are a few fundraising highlights of
the year:
The Society received $4,804,698 in bequests
in 2005. The largest was $1,033,266 from
the estate of Anne C. Twaddle.
In the area of Planned Giving, Mrs. Lucille
Davison arranged a charitable gift annuity
for the MSPCA-Angell in the amount of
$1 million.
Our Annual Giving Program, Hospitals and
Adoption Centers received $9,761,526
in donations.
The Boston Capital Campaign reached
$14.5 million in total funds raised with
$1.9 million in new gifts and pledges.
New commitments included a $250,000
pledge to name the lobby in the new Clinical
Care Center and $50,000 to name the small
animal adoption room in the new Animal
Care and Adoption Center.
The Society celebrated the opening of the
new Nevins Farm Animal Care and
Adoption Center in April 2005. The
Campaign for Nevins Farm has raised
$4.9 million to date. Major gifts in 2005
included $200,000 to name the outdoor
horse exercise ring and $250,000 to name
the Animal Care and Adoption Center
medical suite.
Our two signature fundraising events,
the Animal Hall of Fame Dinner and
the Boston Walk for Animals collectively
raised $430,175.
The Boston and Western New England
Holiday Trees, fundraisers for the Pet Care
Assistance Fund, raised a total of $117,304.
Growing support dictated that this year
we decorated two trees with pet portrait
ornaments at the Prudential Center in Boston.
Over $176,000 was contributed to our
Animal Disaster Relief Fund to help animals
impacted by Hurricane Katrina.
The following is a list of our donors who
contributed $250 or more during the year.
All contributions, no matter what amount,
help us to build strong foundations for this
very special organization.
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Left: Animal Hall of
Fame Honorary
Chairpersons, Chad
and Anne Gifford,
Bill Busch, and Jessica
Gifford-Busch, MSPCA
Overseer, holding Lucas.
$1,000,000 AND HIGHER
Anonymous (1)
Mrs. Robert C. Davison
Estate of Anne C. Twaddle
$500,000 — $999,999
Mr. Mark Paul
Estate of Leona Pellerin
Mr. Edgar A. Roca
Katherine Seeler Trust
$200,000 — $499,999
J. Robert and Diane
Coleman, Jr.
Copeland Family
Foundation, Inc.
Estate of Georgina Hamilton
Estate of Lillian Hirst Harvey
Estate of Dorothy C. LaBounty
Estate of Priscilla R. Murphy
George and Constance Noble
Estate of Anne L. O’Brien
Estate of William A. Wicks
$100,000 — $199,999
Eleanor and Harold
Brooks Trust
Estate of Paul C. Davidson
Estate of Stephanie Laudani
Kenneth and Lorraine Levine
Estate of Sandra
Sheppard Rodgers
Abbot and Dorothy H.
Stevens Foundation
Estate of Emily J. Stites
$75,000 — $99,999
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Estate of Leroy Glensey
Estate of Muriel Sylvia Halliwell
Mary W. Nordblom
$50,000 — $74,999
Mr. Robert L. Beal
The Boston Foundation
Estate of Edna Mary Burns
Estate of Lois Berger Duke
Holtz, Rubenstein, Reminick
Ms. Carol K. Lennon-Longley
Estate of Evelyn McElhiney
Martha Morse Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Pingree
Dr. Frank Stanton
Estate of Evelyn R. Warner
Shirley Shattuck Windsor
Charitable Trust
$25,000 — $49,999
Anonymous (1)
Elisha V. Ashton Trust
A. W. Baldwin Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Bank of America Foundation
Estate of Agnes Berkhan
Car Program, L.L.C.
Carlee Charitable Trust
Estate of Pauline C. Chinlund
Estate of Eva P. Davis
Charles Engelhard Foundation
Ms. Charlene Engelhard
John F. Fish, Suffolk Construction
Co. Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Gifford
Estate of Mary E. Greene
Hale and Dorr, LLP
Estate of Maxine Hoffer
Estate of Eleanor N. Johnston
Estate of Sayan Kasem
Ronald Kimball
Peter and Constance Lacaillade
Eileen McDonagh and
Robert Davoli
Jack and Kelly Ornell
Ms. Carol S. Parks
Charles and Cornelia Pfaff Fund
at the Boston Foundation
Pfizer, Inc.
The Rogers Family Foundation
Barbara and James Schaye
Elmina B. Sewall Foundation
F. Roscoe and Vila Webber
Charitable Trust
Richard and Marjorie West Trust
Estate of Frederick R. White
Gladys F. Wilde Trust
Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale
and Dorr, LLP
$10,000 — $24,999
Anonymous (2)
Joseph L. Amodeo Trust
Frank E. Anderson Fund at the
Boston Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. George Ballantyne
Estate of Jewel Dian Boone
William Clarence Briggs Trust
Bill Busch and Jessica
Gifford Busch
Paul C. and Virginia C. Cabot
Charitable Trust
The Capital Group
Companies, Inc.
Ferdinand and Susanna
Community Foundation of
Western Massachusetts
Estate of Thelma Connors
Mrs. Gladys Copeland
Estate of Eve T. Cuneo
Jonathan and Wendy Derby
Charles J. Draper Trust
Mr. and Mrs. James N.
Esdaile, Jr.
Estate of Florence B. Everill
Fidelity Cares Workplace
Giving Program
The Flately Foundation
Estate of Paul Fontaine
Foundation M
Karl and Joyce Gladstone
The Goldman Sachs
Philanthropy Fund
Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo
& Company
Mr. Richard Grudzinski
Hall, Morse, Anderson,
Miller and Spinella, PC
Gustave Hartman Trust
Bennett and Jo-Edith Heffron
Dorothy B. Hickey Trust
Ms. Amanda W. Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hostetter, Jr.
Mrs. Virginia Jahn
Katz Family Foundation
Mrs. Doris E. King
Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn A. Kudisch
Miss Wallace M. Leonard
Estate of Frances Leventritt
Local Independent Charities
of America
Estate of Cecelia Lussier
Estate of Marion S. Magid
MassBank Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ellice
McDonald, Jr., CBE
Mr. William Nemerever
Estate of Thomas Pond
Harold and Frances Pratt
Rhode Island Foundation
Ms. Vivian Rines
Mr. James P. Rooney
Ms. Marcia F. Sassoon
Sawyer Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert L.
Steward, Jr.
The Hadley and Marion
Stuart Foundation
Sun Life Assurance Company
of Canada
The Highland Street Foundation
Mr. David Thompson
Mr. Peter Thompson
Edna H. Tomkins TR U/Will
Susan and Alan Tuck Ph.D.
Estate of Alice Visco
Peggy Watkins and
John Carberry
Alice M. Wentworth Trust
Whole Foods Market
Estate of Valeria Wolanski
Jeffrey and Marla Wolk
$7,500 — $9,999
Graham T. and Elisabeth Allison
The Behrakis Foundation
Mary Ellen Bell Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Brandi
Estate of Mayra Carlo
Combined Jewish Philanthropies
Alice M. Davenport Foundation
E.L.I. Systems, Inc.
Clara Helen Firth Trust
Mr. William Landau
Estate of Malcolm Magnante
Ms. Martha Mugar
Nina Purdon Trust
Mrs. Evelyn C. Schwager
Emily Graham Storrow Trust
Frank B. Thayer Fund at the
Boston Foundation
Estate of Marion B. Wadsworth
$5,000 — $7,499
Anonymous (2)
Aids Project Worcester
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Altman
David G. Altshuler
Mr. Jeffrey T. Barnes
John and Jennifer Bemis
Dr. Joan Bentinck-Smith
Blackdog Builders
Ms. Rosalie Blum
Estate of Phyllis Browne
C. Kevin Landry Charitable
Estate of Maisie Cantini
Lindsay and Ellen Cook
Morton and Dinah Danseyar
Family Foundation
Estate of Viola Knappe
Dorchester Doggies
Eastern Dog Club, Inc.
Especially For Pets, Inc.
M. S. Fink Charitable Trust
Estate of Margaret E. Ford
Ms. Julie Freedman
Global Naps
Mr. Stephen Graham
Elizabeth Grant Fund at the
Boston Foundation
Harding Educational &
Charitable Foundation
Estate of Marjorie Harrington
Roy A. Hunt Foundation
The IAC Foundation, Inc.
Arthur M. Ingold Trust
Frederick and Jane Jamieson
Estate of Julie C. Lawless
John and Mary Littleford
Estate of Jennie Longley
Wayne and Maria Maggio
Ms. Laura Mateo
Catherine McCarthy
Merial, Ltd.
Middlemede Foundation
Peter and Sarah Monaco
Nantucket Children Charity
Mary A. Noble Trust
Nutter, McClennen & Fish, LLP
Emory R. Park Trust
Emily Paul and John Kleshinski
The Clinton H. and Wilma T.
Shattuck Charitable Trust
Matthew and Lori Sidman
Ms. Carol A. Sweeney
William and Sally Taylor
Dr. Gus W. Thornton
Tupancy-Harris Foundation
The Irving and Edyth S. Usen
Family Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Leo B. Walbert
Ms. Beth Webster
Estate of Dorothea H. Winter
Dr. Joan G. Wuterich
$2,500 — $4,999
Anonymous (4)
Alvord Family Foundation
Mrs. Harriet Aspden
Bank of America
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
W. Barbour
Joseph and Nancy Barnes
Be Our Guest, Inc.
Beryl Benacerraf, M.D.
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Mr. Whitford S. Bond
Seth and Elizabeth Brennan
Bruins Buddie’s
Cedardale Athletic Club
Miss Kathleen M. Cole
Jane B. Cook 1992
Charitable Trust
Lucy A. Cooledge Trust
Frances W. Cooper Trust
Mona Drew Corbin Trust
Rodney Kent and Nicol Corson
Ms. Julia Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
S. Cummings
Estate of F. Marino D’Amato
Michael P. Danziger
Stephen Darr and
Linda Fermery
Amanda and Richard Duffy
Fiduciary Trust Company
Steven and Lisa Finkel
FleetBoston Financial Foundation
Michael and Courtney Forrester
Mr. and Mrs. H.
Crowell Freeman
Dan Gallagher
William and Nadine Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gier III
Ms. Arlene Handschuch
George and Betsy Harris
Edna W. Heazlit Trust
Ted and Barbara Hebert
F. Warren Hellman
Hemenway & Barnes
Mark and Dorothy Henderson
High Output, Inc.
Mr. Crosby Hitchcock
Jewish Community
Endowment Fund
Keith and Mary Kauppila
Estate of Ruth F. Keating
Mr. Mike Kidder
Ms. Nancy F. Koehn
Mr. Geoff Kronik
Miss Elizabeth Kross
Mr. Richard Leblanc and
Charles Carroll
Carter Luke and Penny Schiller
Ann Marie Lynch
MassMutual Financial Group
Mellon Bank
Meriden Foundation –
F. Marino D’Amato Fund
Robert A. Moeser
Katharine A. Morey Trust
Lyman and Minnie
Morrison Trust
Myers Family Foundation
New York Community Trust
Nixon Peabody, LLP
Robert and Claire O’Connell
Estate of Ernestine K. Patch
Portsmouth Athletic Club
Mr. Michael Quercio
Isabel L. Ritter Trust
Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Roberts
Rock Run
Ms. Michelle Rosen
Schwab Fund for
Charitable Giving
Mr. Mark Schwarzmann
Peter Selverstone
Ms. Mary P. Seman
Estate of Marguerite Y. Smith
Ms. Valerie Smith
South Shore Heating & Cooling
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Stevenson
Elsa P. Stickney Trust
Ms. Jennifer Tisdale
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Traynor
Ms. Karen Watkins
Lewis and Maisie Weeks Trust
Wilmington Trust
Ms. Anne Sears Wilson
Mrs. Katherine Winter
$1,000 — $2,499
Anonymous (6)
Ms. Linda Abrams
Curtis Adams and Toni
Ms. Pauline S. Allyn
Mary Louise Almeida
Marla Andrews
Russell and Ellan Anspach
Lisa Aprea, The Happy Dog
Ms. Catherine A. Armstrong
Arthur D. Weekes, Jr.
Charitable Trust
Aspect, Inc.
Mr. Charles Atkins
Ms. Carol DeDe Austin
BAE Systems
Ms. Elizabeth J. Baldarelli
Neva S. Barber Trust
Ms. Ann E. Barker
Barker Family Charitable Fund
Beacon Hill Dog
Martin Berman and
Mary Ann Jasienowski
Joel Berman and
Sandy Rosenbaum
Ashley K. and Paul M. Bernon
Bertram D. Blaisdell Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Berube
Jeanne M. Berwind
Big Y Foods, Inc.
Pauline Bill Trust
Ms. Kara Bilotta
Mr. Paul Birch and Ms. Barbara
L. Chappell
Ms. Katherine Bird
Boston Brownie
John J. Bowen
Lyman B. Brainerd Family
Mr. Stephen P. Brewer
James and Joan Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brum
Mr. David Bundy
Ms. Barbara Burnim
Eugene C. Butler Trust
Ms. Eleanor S. Campbell
Julia Cancino
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Carroll
Ms. Eileen M. Casey
Cataumet Boat
Mr. Benjamin Chalich
Ms. France J. Chaput
Mrs. Joanne Chope Corsiglia
Cingular Wireless
Mr. John S. Cleary
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Cole
Colonnade Hotel
Mr. Richard F. Connolly, Jr.
Mr. Paul F. Connors
Albert Cookson
Ms. Alison R. Coolidge
Ms. Donna K. Cooper
Mr. David M. Cooperstein
William and Susan Copeland
Ms. Joan H. Corell
Ruth Covo Family Foundation
Lotta M. Crabtree Trust
Ms. Colleen Cullen
Estate of Marion W. Currier
Stephen and Rebecca Czubinski
Ms. Nancy Dagdigian
Ms. Kelly Daigneault
Ms. Laurie Defabritiis
Celeste Delpido
John Denardo and
Susan Schwab
Mr. James V. Diment
Ms. Anne N. Dodge
Doggie Day
Mr. Thomas F. Doyle
Ms. Dorothy L. Drennen
Dr. Reed Drews and
Dr. Lisa Iezzoni
Ellen Dugal
Ms. Martha Dula
William and Kathryn Duryea
Eastern Bank
Charitable Foundation
Eaton Vance Management, Inc.
L. Robin Eichler
Mrs. Thelma Emery
Marjory Emmons
Mr. Robert C. Estes, Jr.
Mr. Ronald Estrella
Estate of E. Joseph Evans
Thomas Evans and
James Gardner
Ms. Barbara Ewen
Madge C. Fairfax Trust
Ms. Dawn L. Falco
Estate of Diana A. Feffer
Ms. Maria Amelia Ferreira
Mr. Timothy E. Finn
Marilyn Fischer
Mary Fitzsimmons
Leo and Elsie Flaherty
Florence Savings Bank
Ms. Cheryl Forte
Ms. Evelyn Fowler
Mrs. Sally Frank
Mr. J. Pepper Frazier II
Ms. Sarah E. Freeman
Ms. Sue Freihofer
Mr. Roger French
Friends of Jay Bowen
Frontier Capital
Management Company
Estate of Joan Frost
Mrs. Mary K. Frothingham
Mrs. Ute Gannett
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ganson, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth Gell
Mrs. Pauline F. Gherson
The Gillette Company
Ms. Elizabeth Glaser
Leslie Gold
Jackson and Irene Golden 1989
Charitable Trust
Mr. Crawford Gordon
Shai Gozani
Greater Boston Bankers
Gregory E. Bulger Foundation
Ms. Mary E. Gresham
Alan and Janet Hale
Ms. Elizabeth Hammer
John Hancock Financial
Services, Inc.
Ms. Martha Stone Harley
Mr. Gordon Harris
Kenneth O. and Helena
Bentz Hartnett
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
Dr. and Mrs. Larry M. Hawk
Sarah W. Hawthorne and
Gregory Rotman
Mr. Neal Heffron
Henry Family Foundation
Mr. Sigmund E. Herzstein
Ms. Sarah Hewins
Mr. Timothy T. Hilton
Mr. John Hitchcock
Mr. William Hodgins
Ms. Andrea Hollis
Mrs. C. F. Hovey, Jr.
Mr. David Howard
Estate of Thelma V. Hubbard
Sean and Karen Hughes
Estate of Marjorie O. Hunt
Mr. Jeffrey M. Ikler
Income Research & Management
Isaac Ziegler Charitable Trust
Ms. Joyce M. Jablonski
Vincent and Pauline Jacintho
Ms. Judith F. Jackson
Jamaica Hill Real Estate
Janelon Associates
Jockey Hollow Foundation
Henrick and Dorothy
Johnson, Sr.
J. B. Jones and Rachel
Sachs Jones
Ms. Melinda Julbert
Doreen Kane
Rita J. and Stanley H. Kaplan
Family Foundation
Ms. Deborah M. Karff
Dr. Harriet A. Karkut
Drs. Irene and Thomas Kelley
Senator Edward M. Kennedy
Robin Kenny
Key Bank
Jerome O. and Linda Klein
R. J. Koning Electric, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Saul Kurlat
Ms. Helen Kwok
Ms. Elizabeth Lackey
Gary and Debra Lambert
Christopher and Ruth Lawler
Ms. Jean R. Leone
Mr. William Leveille, Jr.
Ms. Deirdre Levine
John and Kirsten Lewis
Ms. Catherine H. Lilly
Lowell Five Cent Savings Bank
Ms. Gloria Ludwig
Alicde Lunch
MacAdam Loughry Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Macleod
Rosemarie Maddi, M.D.
Will Makris and Doug Reed
Donald and Marilyn Malpass
Brad and Sharon Malt
Dr. Ann Marie Manning
Mr. Francis Manning
Ms. Patricia Marks
Amy V. Marsters
Massachusetts Quarterhorse
The John J. McArdle III and Joan
Creamer McArdle Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jay McConnell
Jim McCormick
Douglas and Deane McCraith
Ms. Marjorie McGraw
Estate of Ronald L. MCloud
Mr. Robert McNeil
Michael Meagher
Grace P. Meekins Fund
Merial, Ltd.
Mrs. Harue Midtmoen
Missouri Valley Partners
Mr. Taylor Mitchell
Erik and Hannah
Ms. Helen S. Mooradkanian
John and Emily Moran
Morgan Stanley
Ms. Pearl Mott
Kelly Mueller
Craig and Ann Muhlhauser
Dr. John B. Mulliken
Ms. Jean Marie Murphy
Samuel Muth
Robert and Jacqueline Nason
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Neely
Mr. John Nelson
Lawrence and Caterina Nelson
The Network Group
Roger and Louise Neuhoff
New England Dressage
Association, Inc.
The New England Equitation
Championships, Inc.
Miss Jane Newhall
Robert and Patricia
Newhouse, Jr.
James and Jenny Ng
Ms. Sue Nissman
Ms. Heidi Nitze
Ms. Juliana Norcross
Norfolk Animal Control
Ms. Linda L. Norris
Kenneth and Marianne Novack
Ms. Deborah Novick
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
W. O’Connor
O’Connor Custom Builders, LLC
Mr. William O’Malley
Mr. James H. Orr, Jr.
Mr. Paul Osborne
Estate of Margaret Osmond
Rod and Martha Owen
Ms. Barbara J. Page
Mrs. Diane S. Palmer
John and Mary Parker
Dr. John Parks
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Partners for Pets
Ms. Elinor Payeur
Willey D. and Marianne
M. Peckham
John and Wendy Penn
Markus Penzel and
Catherine Corman Foundation
Janell Phillips and Joshua
Dr. Patricia Pickett and
Dr. Stephen J. Telfer
Dr. Louis B. Pieper, Jr.
Ms. Susan F. Pioli
Marie C. Polcari
Polka Dog Bakery
Pooch Pals
Kevin Poole and
Michael Vacchione
Quonquont Farm
Dana W. Ramish
The Reamer Family Foundation
Alan and Denise Richardson
Mrs. Charles R. Richey, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth Riley
Fund for Gretel Spencer Robbins
Daniel Robert
Mr. Francis X. Roche
Mrs. Debra Rutter
Ms. Felicia Ryan
John Ryan and Claire Mansur
Janice T. Saal M.D., Ph.D.
Sabertech Systems
Salem Silver Spurs 4-H Club
Gil Salu
Richard and Nancy Sannizzaro
Marilyn Santoro
Margaret Schmidt and
Kenneth Danila
Ms. Nancy Q. Schon
Mr. Charles L. Schwager
Jordan E. Scott
Sears Family Charitable Lead
Annuity Trust
The Shane Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Russell F.
Shappy, Jr.
Julius and Miriam Shaw
Ms. Kathleen Sheehan
Sheehan Family Foundation
William and Ann Sheehy
Dennis and June Sheldon
David and Ann Simmons
Mr. Michael A. Simpson
Rita J. Simpson Trust
Ms. Linda Skole
Mr. Kenneth Z. Slater
Ms. Florence W. Slepian
Henry and Jeanne Smith
Mr. Jack Sommers
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Soros
Ms. Lisa Spampinato
Jack and Nancy Spanbauer
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Standish
Estate of Ruth E. Stanton
George and Charlotte Steeves
Jason Stone
Ms. Viola M. Storer
Chris and Erin Stulb
Paul W. Sullivan
Ms. Theresa Sullivan
Estate of Jane Sweinimer
Dr. and Mrs. William Sylvia, Jr.
Symantec Giving Program
Mr. Arnold H. Tack
John H. and Helen F. Tacy, Jr.
Mr. Thomas M. Taylor
Team I R & M
Team Mellon
The Home Depot Foundation
The Invisible Leash
The Trustees of the Reservations
Christopher and
Elizabeth Thompson
Peter and Diane Tilkemeier
Newell and Francine Tillman
Steve Bloom and Calli Towne
Tremblay Family Foundation
Ms. Corrine Trendle
Ms. Ethelanne Trent
Tresorelle Foundation
Mr. Steven Tromp
Ms. Carolyn Trott
Charles and Lorna Tseckares
Tucker’s Team
Lisa Tung
Dr. Margaret J. Uprichard
Mr. Richard D. Urell
Ms. Angela M. Ventola
Verizon Foundation
Amy Vickers-Smith
Alan Vlach and Ann Luther
Marilyn E. Wales
Ms. Elizabeth Warren
Estate of Helen van V. Warren
The Warrington Foundation
Watertown Dental
Ms. Amy V. Watt
Mr. Michael P. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wilson
The Wilson Fund
Mary E. Winter Trust
Janice Wojcik and Leland Carle
Ms. Brenda Wylie
Ms. Stephanie Yirikian
Ms. Lauren A. Youngquist
Ms. Bonnie R. Zeledon
The Zuni Rollers
$500 — $999
Anonymous (2)
360 Public Relations, LLC
6one7 Pet Lovers
Ms. Chava Abrams
Mr. Patrick Accardi
Robert and Ingrid Adam
Ms. Joan Adams
Kathleen Adams
Ms. Pamela D. Adams
Mrs. Jebb Allen Agnew
Ms. Virginia S. Aisner
Ms. Michele Alexanian
Mr. Harold M. Allonen
Ms. Elizabeth N. Allred
Animal Hospital of Greenwich
Animal Hospital Of
Old Saybrook, L.L.C.
Dr. Kenneth Arceneaux
Geoffrey and Meredith Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Arsenault
Evelyn Aspacher
Norman and Barbara Aubrey
Ms. Bobbi Baker
Ms. Helen U. Baker
Ms. Rebecca Ballou
Alan and Maureen Balter
Paul and Heidi Barclay
Kenneth and Jane Barna
Ms. Kristin Barthelman
Jean M. Basile
Marie R. Basile
Gordon and Joan Battye
Ms. Bonnie L. Baynes
Fredericka Baytos and
Joseph Huber
Dr. Kathy A. Beck
Ms. Patricia A. Beckerle
Ms. Carolyn Belanger
Charles and Gail Belanger, Jr.
John Belcher and Lori Breslow
Ms. Catherine Cluett Belden and
Mr. James D. Nail
Ms. Laura A. Bemben
Ms. April Bender
Ms. Christine S. Benoit
Reina and Leonard Benoit
Ms. Gina Berardino
Gloria J Bernier
Ms. Sharon Bernstein
Jonathan and Melissa Besse
Mrs. Thelma Bettencourt
Ben and Barbara
Beyea Foundation
John and Marjorie Beyersdorf
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Biach
Ms. Sandra M. Bimber
Ms. Andrea J. Binder
George and Barbara Blanchard
Richard and Jane Blau
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blendon
Molly and Emma Bloom
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bolling, Jr.
Janice K. Bolton
Ms. Lynne Bond
Bonnie’s Team
Ms. Linda E. Bornstein
Ms. Julieanne Bovat
Kiko Bracker and Kara
Annie L. Breckenridge Fund at
the Boston Foundation
Dr. Anthony Breglio
Mr. Gerry Brennan
Mr. Richard E. Brooks
Ms. Jane A. Brown
Ms. Shirley M. Budden
Mr. David D. Buell
Bungies Gang
Kerri Burns
Ms. Martha Byington
Mr. Paul Caldera
Ms. Rita J. Campion
Ms. Lisa A. Canale
The Canicula Foundation
John and Christine Carney
Mrs. Lucy G. Carter
Team CatDog
Derek Chace
Ms. Eileen Chafel
Mr. Sam Chahwan
Channing Fraternity
Mrs. Mary Chapman
Ms. Ann Charette
Charles River Mortgage Co.
Mr. C. David Chase
Richard Childs
Ruth Christopher and
Michael Vozzella
Mr. David A. Cimma
Thomas and Judith Clay
Mr. Nathan K. Cobb
Mr. Jerry Cohen
Martin and Marjorie Cohn
Gloria Collins
Ms. Maureen Collopy
B.J. Comerford
Community Gifts
Through Harvard
Community United Way of
Pioneer Valley, Inc.
Mr. Donald Bud Comstock
Comverse Company
Ms. Kathleen Connelly
Ms. Kelley Connolly
Mr. William Connolly
Mrs. John Conway
Michael Cookson
Mr. Geoffrey Cooper
Ms. Denise Cormier
Donald Correia and Sonya
Countryside Veterinary
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin S. Cowan
Ms. Kathleen Crawford
Estate of Edward B. Crichton
David and Donna Crockford
Ms. Cheryl Cronin
Ms. Judith P. Crossen
Margarette G. Crossman Trust
Crouton and Friends
Dr. Nancy V. Crowley
George and Mina Cunningham
Wilhelmina Cunningham
Oliver and Cynthia Curme
Dr. Carol J. Curry
Mr. William W. Cusack
Cushing Associates
James and Sharon Cutter, Jr.
Daisy’s Walk
The Dammann Fund, Inc.
Ms. Ilana D’Ancona
Charles and Lucille Dane
Ms. Caroline Daniels
Beverly Dantos
Ms. Roslyn G. Daum
George and Karen Davis
Ms. Suzanne E. Davis
Mr. Richard R. DeAngelis
Dellaria Salons
Ms. Diane DeMarco
Mr. Edmond J. Dennehy, Jr.
John and Jennifer DeSisto
Anthony and Carolyn DeThomas
Ms. Caroline S. Diamond
Dr. Julie Dinnage
Ms. Kathryn M. Dinovo
Ms. Peggy Dodd
Ms. Leona Doherty
Dr. J’s Tri-ing for Animals Team
Dudley-Charlton Regional
School District
Alexandra Dulchinos and
James Benninger
Margaret C. Dumas Trust
Mark Dunleavy
Ms. Gail A. Duso
Ms. Margaret Eagle
Daniel A. Eizenbeerg
William and Debra Elovitz
Keith Emond
Ms. Paula C. Evans
Ms. Beth Factor
David and Vinita Ferrera
Scott and Pamela Fershleiser
Terrance and Lorraine Fetters
Fidelity Investments
Mildred Findeisen
Mrs. Andrea Fiorentino
Cheryl Fitzgerald
Ms. Birgitte Flanders
Mr. Christopher J. Flynn
Ms. Lisa Fontana
Mr. James L Fox
Mr. Paul Frascella
Mr. Arthur Freedman
Mr. Joseph S. Freeman
Marc and Erin French
Barbara Fried
Paul and Janee Friedmann
Donna Gagnon
Mr. Joseph Gamberoni
Mr. Gerald Garlitz
Ms. Margaret Mary Gavenonis
Peter E. Gelhaar
Toni Gelotte
Mr. and Mrs. James
Francis Gerrity
Mr. Ace Gershfield
Mr. Eliot B. Gersten
James and Erin Geshwiler
Ms. Sarah Giguere
Mr. Frank S. Gilligan
Mr. Michael F. Gilson
Gold’s Gym Methuen
Annette Golia
Kathryn Goodman
Louis and Phebe Goodman
Mr. Charles Gordon
Mrs. H. Gail Gordon
Ms. Mary E. Grace
Mr. John E. Grady
Ms. Jennifer Graf
Ms. Deborah Graham
Mr. Frank Granara
Mr. John Grandin
Mr. Andrew K. Green
Mr. John K. Greene
Mr. Robert Greer
Irene Greif and Albert Meyer
Robert and Lynne Grettum, Jr.
Gerald and Elizabeth Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Jon D. Guarino
Gordon and Llura Gund
David and Jean Halberstam
Betty Jensen Hall
Ms. Caroline H. Hall
Ms. Helen G. Hamant
Ms. Susan Hancox
Lee Hannula
Hanson Riding Club
George and Carol Harmon
Dr. Neil K. Harpster
Ms. Anne R. Harris
Mr. Michael Hatfield
Ms. Sara Jane Haven
Mr. William Havice
Jennifer and Tom Hawkins
Miss Marie L. Hayden
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William and Lucile Hays
Nicholette Heacey
Ms. Helen A. Heitman
Dr. Janet Helms
David and Nedra Hendricks
Gilbert and Lynn Hennessey
Mrs. Suzana Herbert
Hewlett Packard Company
Ms. Joy K. Higgins
Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc.
Ms. Cynthia Hinckley
Jeffrey R. Hirshberg
Mr. Robert Hitchcock
Jacob Hittinger Trust
Miss Sue Ellen Holmes
Dr. Robin Holtsinger
Ms. Anna Holzhauer
The Home Depot Foundation
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Hooker
R.H. and S.W. Hopkins
Ms. Wendy MacDonald Horne
Eugene and Mary Hornsby
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Horton
Mrs. Ann Hruby
Mr. Hans Huber
Ms. Marie Huet
Dr. Helen McMasters Hunt
Ms. Shelley Hurwitz
Ms. Susan Hurwitz
Ms. Lisa Iagatta
Interstate Auto Action, Inc.
Ms. Doris N. Iodice
Barbara Jablonski
Ms. Susan Jackson
Ms. Lynn Jacobs
Mr. Andrew Jagenow
James Clark School PTO
Ms. Margriet Janssen
W. H. Jarvis
JBel Meows
Jeana’s Dirty Dog Salon
Ms. Anna Jeffrey
Cynthia Jones and John Kachele
Earl Jordan
K & M Electronics
Linda and Daniel Kaferle
Charles Kaman Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Thomas Kane
Lloyd and Susan Kannenberg
Charles and Sharon Karp
Ms. Jennifer Karp
Kawadler Advisory Services
Michele Kayden
Hon. George and Patricia Keady
Ms. Deanna R. Keating
Ms. Virginia F. Keith
Mr. Alan T. Kelley
Kelly’s Harley Davidson
Walter and Elizabeth Kenyon
Dr. Minta Lee Keyes
Stephen Kidder and
Judith Malone
James and Patricia Kielley
David and Betsey Kilmartin
Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Kilroy
The King Family
Ms. Mary Kinsell
Steve Knapp
Larry and Ruth Kolbe
Joanne Kossuth
Maria Koutny
Ms. Barbara R. Kovacs
Lisa Krinsky and Lesley Stone
Ms. Janet Krolman
Tyler Krpata
Ms. Ruth Kupfer
Mr. and Mrs. William Lane
Ms. Denise A. Larson
Kerri Lavertu
A. James and Jay Ann Lavoie
Susan Lavoie
Theresa M. Lawn
Lawrence Savings Bank
Ms. Michelle Lawson
Ms. Diana LeBlanc
Dr. Edward B. Leeds
Ms. Patricia Leighfield
Ms. Ellen V. Leon
Sherry and Alan Leventhal
Alex Levering
Mr. Jonathan Levine
Melvin and Barbara Levine
Mr. Howard Levy
Lesile B. and Nannette S. Lewis
Dr. Patricia Lindquist
Fred Lindquist and Lori Smith
Ms. Susan Lindsay
Ms. Karen Linsley
Ms. Sandra Lipchus
Kara Litchfield
Ms. Joan C. Locke
Mr. Joseph D. Lombardo
Ms. Janet T. Lord
Ms. Suzanne Lowell
Mrs. Eileen C. Lubas
Mr. George P. Luddy
Ms. Elisabeth Luick
Mr. Michael A. Lukasek
Ms. Pamela B. Lyons
Ms. Martha Maguire
Ms. Connie Mah
Mr. John D. Malcolm
Samuel P. Mandell Foundation
Ms. Yvonne Manton
Lisa Marry
Ms. Jean M. Marshall
Jose and Kimberly Martinez
Lawrence and Nancy Master
George and Nancy Mathey
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mawhinney
Cornelius and Alice McCarthy
Ms. Marjorie J. McCaul
Mr. Daniel P. McCavick
Leonarsd A. McCue
Stephen and Brenda McDonough
McDougal Littell
Ms. Kelly McEnaney
Mr. Edward McGehee
Ms. Mary M. McManama
Ms. Maria McMillan
Ms. Deborah Mehne
Mr. David P. Meleedy
Nicole Merriman
Ms. Brenda S. Messer
Ms. Lucy Metcalf
Ms. Barbara W. Meyer
Ms. Deborah Mikhitarian
Walter and Elizabeth Miller, Jr.
Millipore Foundation
Jeffrey and Molly Millman
Ms. Katrina Mills
Ms. Jennifer Minuk
Jean Mitchell
Ms. Amelia Moffie
Ms. Michele Mold
Mr. Anthony Molis
Ms. Gayle Montgomery
Peter and Pamela Moore
Dr. Ronda Moore
Keith and Elizabeth Morgan
Ms. Nancy Morrison
Mr. Matthew Morse
Ms. Maria C. Moynihan
Ms. Laura Mullery
Mr. Leo R. Mullin
Pieter Muntendam
Mr. Thomas K. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murri
Thomas and Kathleen Myatt
Ms. Jessica Myers
Ms. Ann Najarian
Nantucket Bank
Mr. Joseph Nawrocki
Mrs. Harriet Needham
Ms. Mary T. Newell
Ms. Chrystine B. Nicholas
Ms. Eugenia Nicholas
Ms. Tammy Nigro
Nordblom Company
Mr. Richard E. Norton
Mr. Joel Nulman
Dan and Margo O’Brien
Mr. David F. O’Brien
Joseph and Mary O’Day
Robert and Carol Oliver
On-Line Computer Products, Inc.
OppenheimerFunds Legacy
Ms. Valerie Osiecki
Ms. Uma Das O’Toole
Michael Padden
Miss Emily Paley
Keith and Ruth Parsons
Dr. Donald F. Patterson
Ms. Lois Paul
Paws in Motion
Louise Gaylord Pease Trust
Nathaniel and Jennifer Peirce
Kim Pelosi
Francine Penninno
Mr. Ron Peredna
Astrid O. Peterson, M.D.
Ms. Karen M. Peterson
Ms. Jean Philibert
Ms. Sara C. Pickett
Ms. Julie Pierog
Pioneer Investments
Pleasant Bay Animal Hospital
Evan Plotkin and William Low
Mr. Theodore M. Polansky
Mr. Stanley E. Polchinski, Jr.
Dr. William B. Pollock
Susanna Porte
Ms. Elizabeth Post
Miss Sandra Potito
Kaija Poysti
Ms. Maryann T. Pratt
Holly Prentice and Gary Videlock
Mrs. Malinda Pulicari
James and Jane Punderson
Albert and Karen Pytka
Ms. Linda M. Queen
Ms. Julia Rabkin
Mr. Stewart B. Randall
William and Dianne Randall
Estate of Raymond Randig
Ms. Harriet Rantoul-Hazard
Kendall and Christine
Raymond, Jr.
Mr. Todd J. Reed
David and Elizabeth Reichman
Elizabeth K. Reney
Mr. Gerald D. Reynolds
Ms. Cinda Rich
Mr. Kevin Richardson
Mr. Michael H. Riendeau
Ms. Maddy Rivera
Ms. Kathleen A. Roane
Ms. Susan Z. Robins
Kenneth and Carol Rock
Jason Rodela
Ms. Lorena Rodriguez
Holly L. Roers
Elaine and Gary Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. William
Mark and Suzanne Rondinelli
Burton and Gloria Rose
D.T. and M. Rosewarne
David and Ellen Ross
Mrs. Karan A. Ross
Louis and Geraldine Ross
Royco Mailing Service, Inc.
Mr. Mark A. Rudisill
Mr. Richard D. Rudman
Ms. Marieve Rugo
Stephen W. Russell, D.V.M.
Mr. Anthony J. Ryan
Ms. Mary Jane Ryan
Mr. John Rymsha
Ms. Gladys Sakowich
Mr. Kenneth E. Salsman
Ms. Sheila Santry
Mr. Ralph L. Sautter
Richard and Geraldine Savoy
Ms. Dyanne A. Scagliarini
Maria and Marc Schiller
Peter and Cynthia Schliemann
Barbara Schneider
Robert and Catherine Schneider
Ms. Cheryl A. Schreindorfer
Ms. Mary Margaret Schroeder
Annette Schuler
Scoot Squad
Mr. John Secor
Mr. Mark P. Sedran
Seth Emmer and Sheryl Segal
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Servison
Mr. F. Garrett Shanklin
Mr. Lee F. Shaw
Ms. Victoria Shaw
Shawsheen Village Liquors
Mr. Andrew Shulman
Steve Shulman and
Debra Yanofsky
Ms. Ruth Eleanor Shurrocks
Kumara Sidhartha
Mr. Norman A. Sieman
Mona Sigal and Julien Vaisman
James and Carolyn Silva
Mr. Charles Silver
Paul and Theresa Simeone
Scott and Aileen Simpson
Theodore Sims and Linda Bui
Ms. Rebecca A. Skubel
Barry and Susan Slosberg Fund
Larry and Jeannette Small
Mr. John Smith
Rebecca Smith
Lee and Joyce Snodgrass
Ms. Faith Snyder
Ms. Karan Sodhi
Susan Soergel
Elizabeth Sommer
Ms. Allison Sonfist
Ms. Valerie Sorenson
Mike Soule
Lisa Spampanito
Ms. Emma Spero
Ms. Marcia M. Sprague
Steven and Ginny Spregel
Karen St. Arnaud
The St. Baynes Family
St. Paul Travelers
Gary and Elizabeth Stacey
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R.
Stamps IV
Richard and Doris Stanley
Sharon Stark and William Jesson
Marion Starkey
Dr. Suzanne Starr
Ms. Heather Steede
Ms. Suzanne Stempien
Jon Stevens
Campbell and Grace Steward
Miss Margaret E. Stickell
Ms. Sara C. Stinson
Ms. Lucia Stone
Peter and Lisa Stone
Stow Shelties
Sudbury and Martha’s Vineyard
for Animals
Leah Sugarman and Leonard
Ms. Dorothy Sullivan
Ms. Graceann Sullivan
Steve and Michele Superba
Sheryl R. Swankin, D.V.M.
Karen Sydor
Peter and Donna Szaban
Ms. Patricia Tait
Eugene and Barbara Tallone
Maria Tammick
Estate of Mabel Tashjian
Estate of Marjorie Tassinari
Ms. Linda R. Taylor
Taylor, Duane, Barton &
Gilman, LLP
Team Chakabra
Team Rescue Pets are Best
Team Romeo
Team Rotherwood
Team Sasha
Team Voci Nicolo
The Dog on the Go
The E-Bones
The Golden’s
Mrs. Diega A. Therrien
Ms. Sarah R. Thomas
Mrs. John L. Thorndike
William and Geneva
Thorndike, Jr.
MSPCA040 AnnRprt r6
2:54 PM
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Mr. and Mrs. John A. Tisdale
Ms. Laura Tomasetti
Top Dawgz
Annette Torri
Mrs. Denis Tottenham
Transkaryotic Therapies, Inc.
Mr. David B. Trask
UBS Foundation USA
The Unitarian Universalist
Area Church
United Way of S. E.
New England
Douglas and Diane Unruh Trust
Ms. Virginia Ursin
Ms. Jeanne Valente
Mrs. Joan H. Reigeluth Van Nest
Neil and Sylvia Van Sloun
Mr. Peter Vengryn
Ms. Bridget Veratti
Ms. Chloe Veratti
Ms. Paula R. Verdonck
Verizon Employees
Mr. William Viner
Mr. Jason Voci
Mr. Don Vose
Wag This Way Corson
Mr. Michael Wallace
Gregory and Rose Washak
Anna Bell L. Washburn
Bill and Joanne Watson
Ms. Loretta A. Wawrzyniak
Ms. Charlene I. Wax
Mr. Henry G. Weaver, Jr.
Jean Weber
Andrew Weitzman
Ms. Tara Welby
David Welch
Ms. Margo H. Wereta
Ms. Heather J. Westcott
Ms. Susan Wheaton
Ross and Vera Whistler
The Whistler Trust
Katherin White
Joel and Nancy Whitcomb
Mr. Thomas Wideman
Mr. Royce Williams
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Willing
James and Sally Willing
Ms. Liz Wilsker
Sherre Wilson-Rae
Ms. Virginia Wing
Richard and Linda Winslow
Ms. Stephanie Wittman
WMVY Radio
Mr. William W. Wolbach
Dr. Alice M. Wolf
Ms. Lynn S. Wolf
Ms. Betty Wolfe
Richard and Natalie Woodbury
World Reach, Inc.
Mrs. Eleanora M. Worth
Ms. Paula S. Wright
Kenneth and Bebe Wunderlich
Ms. Judith J. Wurtman
Mr. Jon Wysocki
B. N. Yanow
Ms. Margaret R. Yopak
Ms. Kathleen M. Young
Simon and Paula Young
Ms. Jane Youngren
Suzanne Zabitchuck and
Martin Port
Mr. Eugene M. Zak
Marc and Victoria Zissman
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Zoroya
$250 — $499
Anonymous (1)
A Better Choice Pet Grooming
Mr. David W. Aalto
Jon and Deborah Abrams
Ms. Kyle A. Adamonis
Meredith Adams
Ms. Lucy T. Albano
Ms. Janet A. Albrecht
Miss Connie Alkins
Herbert and Catherine Allard
Ms. Nancy J. Allen
John and Anne Marie Allison
Mrs. Robert B. Almy, Jr.
Ms. Jo-Ann Altmark
American Express Foundation
Ms. Sarah Anderson
Ms. Pamela J. Anderson and
Mr. William Williams
Albert A. Andrew Trust
Mrs. Yolanda Andrews
Ms. Sandra I. Andrukonis
Ms. Kristen Angelone
Peter and Barbara Anti
Ms. Ariella Arbeter
Roger and Beverly Arbo
Mr. Allan Ardito
Ms. Beth Ardizzone
Ms. Marie Ariel
Arlington Dog & Cat
Hospital, LLC
George and Kathleen Armstrong
Mr. John Arneodo
David and Cheryl Arnold
Ms. Ellen Arnold
Paula Arnold
Dr. Robert Arrick
Ray and Arlene Arruda
Ms. Kristen Asklund
Ms. Marlene Asman
Mr. Kenneth P. Asquith II
Christian Atwood
Mr. Steve Auger
Ms. Susan R. Avery
The Ayco Charitable Foundation
Robert and C. Patricia Bach
Mrs. John J. Back
Ms. Eileen Backus
Mrs. A. E. Badgett
Ms. Lisa Baffi
Mr. David C. Bailey, Jr.
Mr. Benjamin Baker
John and Barbara Balser
Galina V. Bamford, D.M.D.
Frank and Norma Barmakian
Ms. Nancy Barnes
Joel and Phyllis Baron
Christopher Barrett and
Christen Puglia
Ms. Michele M. Barretto
Ms. Susan M. Barron
Ms. Janine Barry
Miss Marilyn E. Barry
Michael and Katherine Bassick
Ms. Anne-Marie Batchelder
Ms. Marna Bate
Elizabeth Baum and
William Berman
The Baupost Group LLC
Hudson and Elizabeth Baxter
Bay State Laboratory
Ms. Eugenie Beal
Ms. Deborah Bean
Ms. Julia Beard
John Beardsley and Mary
Etta Schneider
Ms. Cynthia A. Beaver
Ms. Marina Becker
Team BecSol
Ms. Bonnie M. Bednarz
Ms. Linda Beggs
Ms. Kristie Bellavance
Helen Bellows
Jeff and Nicole Bellows
Mr. Christopher Belmonte
Ms. Hannah Bend
David and Dorothy Benoit
Ms. Lucy Wilson Benson
Ms. Shirley Benson
Dana Berenson
Ms. Sarah Berger
Ms. Donna G. Bering
Carin C. Berletic
Joseph and Tricia Berry
John and Joanna Berube
John and Nancy Bethune
Ms. Phyllis D. Bettencourt
Barbara Beyea
Mr. James Bianco, Jr.
Mr. Lee Bierly and
Mr. Christopher Drake
Amy Billings
Daniel and Nancy Bills
Biogen Idec, Inc.
Dorothy Blain-Hamel
Ronald Blake and
Dorothy Moore
Bloggers for Animals
Ms. Priscilla E. Blomberg
Ms. Julie Boes
Ellen Curtis Boiselle
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boit
Donald and Ann Bolt
Ms. Rosemary M. Bonanni
John and Tanya Bos
Robert Bosch Corporation
Harold and Patricia Bosworth
Ms. Melanie Boudrow
Ms. Dorothy Bourassa
Bourne Manor Extended
Care Facility
Mr. Robert Boyd
Dean M. and Kathleen A.
Boylan, Sr.
Ms. Sally Bradley-Golding
James and Sylvia Brandt
Ms. Sharon Bratton
Estate of Lorraine S. Braund
Ms. Lyn Braz
John and Barbara Breck
Ms. Patricia S. Brent
Ms. Stacey Breuer
Mr. Lee A. Brewda
John and Olga Breznik
Doctors Briggin
Mrs. Elizabeth Briza
Ms. Mary A. Brook
Mark and Robin Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brown
Mr. David S. Brown
David and Jill Brown
Paul and Reta Brown
Rose C. Brown
Ms. Wendy M. Brown
Shelley Brown and Jim Puzinas
Dr. Douglas and Susan Brum
Robert and Andrea Brunelle
James and Nancy Buchanan
Mr. Sheldon Buckler
Ms. Laurie Buckley
Ms. Linda Buckley
Lance Bukoff
Ms. Mary Buonanno
Ms. Marie Buonopane
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J.
Burke, Jr.
Ms. Linda Burnett
John and Dawna Burns
Julia and Joanna Burns
Richard and Diane Burns
Kathleen Burns and
John Condon
Ms. Dawn N. Burton
Ms. Yvonne Burton
Ms. Danielle Bushley
Ms. Debra Butler
Donald N. and
Suzanne G. Butler
Ms. Lauren Butler
Ms. Maureen Butler
Ms. Holly L. Cable
Ms. Jennifer Caggiano
Ms. Amy B. Cain
Ms. Krista Calderone
Calderone Rescue Crusaders
Ms. Maryellen Callahan
Mr. David H. Cameron
Mr. Donald Cameron
Tandy and Daniel Camilli
Rich and Jen Campanini
Ms. Caroline Campbell
Donald and Jeannine Campbell
Ms. Gail Campbell
Ms. Sybil Campbell
Sebastian and Karen Campo
Robert and Margaret Canevazzi
F. William and Jacqueline
H. Capp
Jim Carey
Ms. Marilyn C. Carey, LSW
Nancy Carey
Caring Canines
Ms. Evelyn Carleton
Laura and Andrew Carnase
George and Susan Carneal
Mrs. Catherine Carpenter
Mr. Ralph S. Carpenter, Jr.
Stuart and Caren Carpenter
Gregory and Candace Carr
Ms. Janis E. Carreiro
Mr. David Carroll
Ms. Sandra A. Carter
Casual Male Retail Group
Ms. Lindsay H. Cavanagh
Mr. Phil Cavaretta
Ms. Catherine Cave
Ms. Sharon Cayley
Dr. Sarah Cazabon
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chafee
Mr. Everett E. Chapman
The Charles River School
Ms. Kara Chase
Chatham-Beech Charitable
Ms. Patricia Ann Chen
Edward and Karen Chernesky
Ms. Helen Chesworth
Ms. Priya Chhugani
Mr. James Louis Chiesa
Childrens Medical Associates
Chip’s Welding & Heavy
Equipment Repair
Ms. Ami C. Chitwood
Douglas and Josette Chrystall
Ms. Antonie R. Chute
Arthur and Grace Cintron
Ms. Rebecca Cintron
Ms. April F. Clark
Ms. Joan E. Clark
Richard and Patricia Clark
Gene Clark and Cathy Meyer
Nancy Cleary
Dr. James M. Clinton
Cathryn Close
Coachie’s Crew
Mrs. Barbara F. Coburn
Shawn and Lori Coghlan
Mr. Howard Cohen
Ms. Marisa Cohen
Cold Noses, Inc.
Judie L. Coleman
Ms. Ann Porter Colley
Alex and Carolyn Collier
Colonial Ford, Inc.
Andrew and Nicola Combes
Ms. Marlies Comjean
Committee to Elect Mike Ross
Donald and Sandra Conlan
Ms. Ann Conley
Ms. Cynthia A. Conlon
Ms. Patricia A. Connolly
Mr. Matthew Consigli
Consulting PowerHouse
Felix and Jane Conti, Jr.
Mr. Brad Cook
Mr. Tom Cook
Kenneth and Mary Lou Cooper
Ms. Susan Cooper Rauch
Cosgrove, Eisenberg &
Kiley, P.C.
Mr. Laurence Cote
Robert and Sylvia Cotter
Steven and Andrea Cotter
Allen Counsell
Eric and Leslie Couture
Dana Crecling
John and Susan Cromidas
Mr. Joe Cronin
Phillip and Heather Cronin II
Ms. Mary Crowe
Crown Coffee
Mr. Matt Cullen
Robert and Sandra Cummings
Colin and North Cunningham, Jr.
Ms. Amy B. Curran
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Curran
David and Susan Currie
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Cushman
Melvin S. Cutler Charitable
Ms. Karen Cwirka
Ms. Colleen Cybul
Cynthia Brox Interiors
Miss Susan E. Czemmel
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2:54 PM
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Ms. Davida D’Abate
Ms. Alexandra Dabreo
Ms. Catherine Dadasis
Richard and Jo Anna Dale
Ms. Christine D’Amato
Ms. Elsa Damon
Ms. Adeline D’Amonville
Dana’s Special Angels
Mrs. Sally Daniels
Dinah Daniels and Stephen Dick
Dartmouth Club of
Greater Boston
Mr. Bruce S. Davis
Christopher and Carol Davis
Ms. Jacquelyn Davis
Ms. Jessica Davis
Judy Davis
Ms. Susan E. Davis
Ralph and Audrey Dee
Mr. Charles Y. DeKnatel
Mr. Jim Delaney
William and Helena Delaney, Jr.
Ms. K. Ruth Delay
Jonathan Delgado and
Catherine Bird
Ms. Charisse Delorey
Ms. Erica L. DeMarco
Ms. Laurie Denno
Michael Denomy and
Katrina Anderson
Mr. Karl B. Densmore
Alfred and Barbara DePaoli
Ms. Erika dePapp
Miss Anita Devlin
Dr. Lynn Dgetluck
Mr. Arthur J. Dickey
Mr. Laurence Dickinson
Ms. Sarah J. Dickson
Ms. Rosie DiFrancesco
Mr. Paul DiMaura
Dennis and Diane Dion
Ms. Carol DiPietro
Ms. Elizabeth M. DiPietro
Richard and Joanne Dirienzo
David Ditullio
Ms. Sarah Dixon
Daniel and Karen Dodd
Margaret Dodd
Dogs Helping Dogs
Mrs. Muriel Doliber
Ms. Diane Domoradzki
Ita Donahue
John and Carolyn Donatini
Edward and Maguerite
Doran, Jr.
Double Main Management
Co., LLC
Ms. Clarissa M. Dougherty
Ms. Christine Douglass
Doug’s Precision Powerwashing
Ms. Alicia L. Downey
Ms. Sheila Downs
Mr. Richard Dragon
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Driscoll
Dr. John Dubrow
Michael Duca and
Jacqueline Blombach
Ms. May Duclos
Dr. Jean Duddy
Ms. Erin Duffy
Mr. William O. Duffy
Ms. Elizabeth Duggan
Ms. Dian Dulberger
Ms. Jennifer Dunmore
Mr. and Mrs. John Dunn
Jacques and Ellen Duranceau
Ms. Mary T. Durant
Miss Kate Dylewsky
Ms. Linda Dyndiuk
Paul and Christine Dziengelewski
Eaglemere Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Audrey Eaglen
Easton Center School
Thomas Eberhardt and
Dan Burns
Ms. Anne Eberle
Ms. Erica Edson
Jeff and Kate Ehrlich
Susan Ekman
Stephen and Elizabeth Ellen
Steve Elliott and Anne Withers
Ms. Vivien Elmslie
Ms. Kathleen Emrich
Ms. Lori Engelhardt
Ms. Jillian Engle
Ms. Suzanne Englert
Mr. Theo N. Epstein
Patricia Eramo
Steven and Jane Erekson
Mr. James Ernstmeyer
Essex Chapter MAIW
Nathan and Noel Estes III
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fan
Mr. Kirk Fansher
Ms. Pamela Farrance
Ms. Margaret M. Farrell
Paul and Sylvia Farrington
Mr. Quentin Faulkner
Mr. Robert Faulkner
Peter and Janet Feil
Andrew and Michelle Feinberg
Dr. Jeffrey Feinman
Laurie Feldman and
Stephen Koster
John and Christine Fennelly
Ms. Rachel Ferguson
Ms. Sandra Fiebelkorn
Paul and Diane Fiejdasz
Ms. Sheila A. Filippone
Peter and Myrna Finn
Ms. Jane Finnegan
Thomas and Patricia Finos
George and Tracy Fischer
Ms. Ruth Fisher
Mr. Bruce Fishman
Fitness Auto Body
Ms. Julie Fitzgerald
Mr. John Fitzpatrick
Five Star Quality Care, Inc.
Ms. Susan G. Fleming
Mr. Jeff Flemings
Ms. Janet Floyd
Ms. Nicole Flynn
Miss Shailyn Flynn
FM Global Foundation
Maret Fogelman
James and Betty Foley
Ms. Betty Forbis
Ms. Patricia Ford
Patrick and Chadine Ford
Fort Dodge Animal Health
Sam and Dorothy Forter
Mr. Christopher Fox
Ms. Cynthia Fox
Fox 25 WFXT
Ms. Jennifer France
Ms. Cindi L. Francis
Mr. Fred Frankel
Ms. Margaret L. Franklin
Mariann Fraughton
Ms. Norma Frechette
Ms. Denise L. Fredette
Ms. Paula Fredriksen
Miss Barbara A. Fresia
Ms. Gladys Frias
Friends of Bugsy Siegel
Frank and Marianne Frodyma
George and Dana Frye
Joseph and Ruthanne Fuller
Furry Friends
John and Susanne Furse
Mr. Michael J. Gaffney
Jack and Susan Gallagher
Ms. Terri Galschneider
Gerald and Susan Galvin
Peace Games
Gloria Gammons
Jennifer Garber and
Donald Brown
Ms. Wanda L. Garner
Rebecca L. Garnett
Garvey Transportation, Inc.
Ms. Catherine Gately
Dale E. Geary
Gemini Dog Training
Peter and Mary Gens
Geronimo’s, Ltd.
Claire Gervais
Ms. Felicia Farber Gervais
Angela Getchell
Ms. Angela W. Getchell
Mr. Anthony Giarrusso
Brian and Cheryl Gideon
Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Gifford
Harold and Jana Giguere
Terry and Sandra Gilda
Ms. Elizabeth Gillis
Mr. Thomas Fiore Gillis
Ms. Edith S. Gilmore
Ms. Elizabeth S. Ginsburg
Ms. Kathy R. Girard
Ms. Eileen Giroux
Ms. Linda Given
Cheryl Glaser and Doug Fong
Ms. Ella Glowacki
Ms. Astrid Glynn
Ms. Jayne Goldman
Ms. Karen M. Golz
Paul and Bee Gonnella
Mr. Carlos Gonzales
Good Dogs Wear Black
Ms. Annette Goodro
Ms. Jessica A. Graf
Ms. Susan D. Granger
Peter and Ellen Gray
Mrs. Constance R. Grayson
Dave and Cindy Greeley
Ms. Linda J. Green
Ms. Nancy Greenhouse
Ms. Tracey Greenwald
Mr. James Greenway
Charles and Joan Greffrath
Ms. Mary L. Griffin
Ms. Barbara J. Grimm
Mr. Kenneth C. Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Gross
Ms. Laurie Guarino
Ms. Jennifer L. Guckel
Mr. Ronald G. Guest
Ms. Melissa Guisto
Ms. Natalie Z. Haar
Amy Haley
John and Amy Haley
Hall Vasil and Dowd
Ms. Lisa Maria Hally
Mr. David H. Halpert
Mrs. Barbara W. Halpin
Albert and April Hamel
Ms. Lori Hamilton
Eugene B. Hamilton Trust
Mr. Robert Hamm
Mark and Maureen Hanrahan
Thomas and Thaisa Hanson
Ms. Meredith L. Harodecki
Ms. Christin Harrington
Mary Kate Harrington
Ms. Pauline E. Harrington
Mr. Bolton Harris
Ms. Lyndsay N. Harris
Ms. Lucy Paige Hartman
Ms. Pam Hartman
Paul and Lorraine Hartnett
Harvard Real Estate, Inc.
Harvard University
Zachary and Stephanie Harvey
Mr. Stanley Haskell
Todd and Juliana Hassett
Mr. Ronnie Haston
Ms. Petra Hausberger
Ms. Kim Hause
Haverhill Public Schools
Mr. Lawrence Hayden
Ms. A. K. Heffernon
Ms. Mary Heffernon
Kenneth and Sally Heffron
Roger and Marny Heinen, Jr.
Ms. Julie Heinrich
William Helman
Douglas and Barbara Henderson
Ms. Edith M. Henderson
Ms. Laurel Henderson
Mr. Robert Hendey
Ms. Janice L. Henry
Jeffrey and Marian Herrick
Ms. Susan G. Herrnstein
Robert and Jeanne Higgins
Michael and Nancy Hinds
Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. Hipp
Ree Hirsch
Richard and Gertrude Hirsch
Anthony and Diana Hixon
Mr. Edward P. Hobart
Ernest and Alice Hohengasser
Ms. Jenn Holden
Richard Holden and
Susan Marshall
John and Sharon Holdner
Ms. Bonita J. Holley
Jan Holmquist
Jeffrey Hood
Ms. Carol Hootstein
Ms. Paula Hopkins
Ms. Deborah A. Hopkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hornblas
Ms. Mary Horton
Brian Hotchkiss and
Peter Blaiwas
Howland Family Foundation
Carl and Linda Huber
Philip and Claire Huckins
Ms. Barbara Huggins
Thomas and Patricia Hughes
Ms. Mary Hull
Ms. Julia Defrees Humphreys
Ms. Marilyn Hunter
Ms. Stephanie Hurley
Tracy Thrasher Hybl
Ms. Anne Hyde
I Do Foundation
Ms. Jeanne A. Iascone
Ms. Margaret Ingalls
Innseason Management
Karen Ishihara
Ms. Mimi Jacobs
Kenneth and Karen Jacobsen
Ms. Cheryl Jacobson
Ms. Karen Jaeger
Ms. Debra Jaff
Kevin and Judy Jamieson
Miss Anna S. Jeffrey
Ms. Kathy J. Jenkins
Richard and Nancy Jenney
Ms. Dana Jewell
Ms. Janet G. John
E. Johnson
Ian and Maureen Johnson
Ms. Jeanmarie Johnson
Michael and Sally Johnson
Paul and Debra Johnson
Marsha and Bill Johnston
Mr. Dale B. Johonnett
Ms. Eileen Jones
Mrs. Margaret Jones
William and Mona Jones
The Journal of Bone and Joint
Surgery, Inc.
Ms. Elena Joyce
Ms. Danielle Julian
Ms. Jacqueline M. Jung
Faith Justice and Robert Moote
Richard and Paulette Kalagher
Ms. Michell Kantany
Jonathan and Heidi Kaplan
Ms. Shiva Karimi
Mr. Edward Karle
Ms. Estrellita Karsh
Gerald and Phyllis Kassels
Clarence Kaye
Ms. Susan Keelan
Mrs. Elaine F. Keleher
Ms. Deborah Kelley
Mrs. Eleanor M. Kelly
Krzysztof and Henryka Kempa
Richard and Michele Kenary, Jr.
Mr. Charles Kennedy
Ms. Victoria G. Kennedy
Ms. Jody Kenniston
James and Donna Keough
Steve and Margie Kern
Mr. and Mrs. Stan and
Nancy Keyser
Mr. Thomas P. King
Martha King and Evan Warner
Mrs. Barbara Kinsman
Gerald and Patricia Kirschner
Hon. S. Herman Klarsfeld
Mr. Ernest V. Klein
Paul and Rita Kleiner
Mr. Joseph Knight
MSPCA040 AnnRprt r6
2:54 PM
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Anthony and Dawn Knights
Stephen and Susan Knowles
Ms. Annie Knowlton
Ronald T. Knudsen and Adrienne
Hartzell Knudsen
Ms. Kim Kokkotos
Mr. Frederick L. Konopka
Ms. Shelley Kooris
Albert and Eleanor Korsak
Joseph and Edna Kotomski
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Kovar
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kruger
Ms. Jenny Kuhns
Margaret Kurth
Tomoko Kutsuwa
Rosemary Kveerek
Dr. Kathleen Kyle
Kathy Labombard
Ms. Kerry Lacey
Ms. Dorothy A. Lakoma
Mr. Douglas W. Lamay
Ms. Carol Lamica
Ms. Janet S. Landau
Ms. Kyle Landt
Ms. Lee L. Lanza
Ms. Danielle C. Lanzillo
Conan and Brooke Laughlin
James and Carol Lawlor
Mr. Robert A. Lawrence
Ms. Naomi Lazare
Ms. Jill Leavenworth
Mr. Michael Leavitt
Mr. David LeBlanc
Henry and Mary Lee
Ms. Pamela A. Lee
Peter and Linda Lee
Harvey and Eveline Leighton
Karen Leonard
Mr. Robert Lepper
Ms. Erica Lerch
Ms. Christine D. Leslie
Ms. Patricia A. Levesque
Miss Briana Levin
John and Christine Levis
Ms. Sara Levy
Dr. Robert M. and Sandra Lewis
Ms. Cynthia Litopoulos
Ms. Cathy L. Livingston
Mrs. Eleanor R. Livingston
Margaret Logan
Ms. Sylvia Long
Ms. Rita S. Looby
Ms. Sharon E. Lowe
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Lowell
Mr. Fred Lowell
Ms. Elizabeth B. Lowry and
Mr. William K. Lawson
Ms. Helen V. Lozoraitis
Ms. Maureen Lucey
Ms. Rebecca Lucy
Ms. Dorothy J. Luczak
Mrs. Merloyd Ludington
Ms. Linda Lufkin
Mr. George Luiz
D. Lukac
Ms. Helen Elizabeth Luke
Ms. Janice Lulu
Ms. Barbara A. Lynch
Ms. Jessica Lynch
M. V. Wood Company, Inc
Mr. Dennis MacDonald
Ms. Louise Mackisack
Mrs. Kathleen S. MacNeish
Robert Madden and
Margaret Butorac
Jonathan Magsino
Patricia Maguire and
Robert Kitchen
Ms. Barbara J. Mahoney
Mrs. Christine Mahoney
Dr. Rebecca Malakoff
Mrs. Mary Malcolm
Ms. Laura L. Maltby
Mr. Benjamin Mann, Jr.
Mr. James K. Mann
Mr. Nicholas Manzoli
Gerard and Jeanette Marchand
Kerry R. Marchant
Ms. Jacqueline Badger Mars
Mr. M. B. Martin
Jillian Maryonovich
Ms. Marie S. Mason
Ms. Susan Mason
Massachusetts Institute
of Technology
John and Diane Mastorakis
Matrixchem, Inc.
Kiiko Matsumoto
Ms. Caroline Matterson
Ms. Mary Matychak
Ms. Kelly May
Mazzilli’s Farm Stand
Ms. Jennifer McCabe
Mr. Edward McCall
Mrs. Donna M. McCarthy
Paul and Wladzia McCarthy
Taidgh H. McClory
Ms. Bethany McCloy
Andrew McDonald and
John O’Connell
Mr. Fred L. McDonough
John McGrath
Ms. Charlene McHale
Mr. Robert McKie
Ronald and Karen McKinstry
Ms. Heather McMann
Alexander and Virginia McNeil
Sarah McWhirter and
Russell Vance
Michael Mecley
Paul and Leslie Meinhart
Ms. Lisa Merriman
Ms. Kate Merritt
Mr. William Merwin
Ms. Nancy Messeck
Ms. Patricia Metcalf
Ms. Lori Michalski
Mid-State Insurance Agency, Inc
Peter Miele and
Christine Sampson
Paul and Betty Ann Migliaccio
Sue Miktuel
Ms. Tracy Militello
Ms. Gabriella Miller
Dr. Kirk Miller
Lavinia Miller
Ms. Melane R. Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Miller
Mr. Mark Milligan
Mike and Donna Milliken
Ms. Anne B. Milton
Mr. Anthony Mirenda
Ms. Elizabeth G. Mitchell
Chamber Mixer
Miss Marjorie D. Moerschner
Mr. Robert F. Monaco
Monitor Group
Ms. Lisa Monks
Mr. Ralph Montilio
Moody, Famiglietti &
Andronico, LLP
Helen Mooradkanian
Richard Mooradkanian
Ms. Ann E. Moorehouse
Mr. Harry J. Moraitis
Ms. Cynthia Moran
Joseph and Mary Moran
Ms. Mary Ruth Moran
Mrs. Carolyn J. Moreau
Ms. Janet E. Morehouse
Ms. Rebecca Morgan
J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation
Miss Michele T. Moriarty
Ms. Linda M. Morin
Tim and Michele Morin
Ms. Catherine Morlock
Ms. Carolyn S. Morrill
Ms. Kate Morris
Ms. Diana Morton
Ms. Jonna Moses
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Mounce
Robert and Winifred Mudge
Jeff and Michele Mulhern
Ms. Barbara Mullen
Mr. Joseph A. Mullen
Ms. Carol J. Murphy
Ms. Catherine D’Arcy Murphy
Ms. Jane E. Murphy
Mr. P. David Murphy
John Daniel and Terri Nash
Ms. Jodianne Natemeier
Tara and Keith Neal
Mrs. Julianne Neaverson
Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson
John Nelson
Ms. Mary E. Nessralla
Network for Good
Nick and Lisa Nevin
New England Business Service, Inc.
Ms. Jill Spates Newman
Michelle Ngan
John and Mary Susan Nickerson
Ms. Andria M. Nicolazzo
Steve and Nora Nikola
Dr. Robert A. Nizlek
Mr. Rodger Nordblom
David and Melissa Norton
P.M. and Lee Johnston Norton
Ms. Barbara Noury
John and Linda Noyes
Linda Noyes
Terri L. Noyes
Herman and Janet Nydam
Ms. Andrea M. Nye
John and Margaret Nystrom
Oak Ridge Golf Club
Ms. Cynthia Oatis
Ms. Diane S. O’Blenes
Ms. Kathleen O’Brien
Ms. Rita S. O’Brien
William and Marjorie
John and Donna O’Connell, Jr.
Joseph and Anne O’Connell
Ms. Carol M. O’Kane
Ms. Doris O’Kane
Ms. Paula O’Keeffe
Mrs. Robin Oliver
Theodore and Nancy Oliver
Ms. Rebecca S. Olson
Carol O’Neill M. D.
Ms. Ana Orihuela
Ms. Joan Keogh Orlando
Jeremiah and Karen O’Sullivan
Ms. Sara Ottenheimer
Ms. Pamela Page
Gordon and Ioana Pal
Janice and Tony Palermo
Ms. Helaine B. Palmer
Jean and Gerald Palmer
Ms. Tracey M. Palmer
Ms. Diane Palmisciano
Rev. Eleanor Panasevich
Ms. Mary H. Paolino
Ms. Nicole Papamechail
Hercules Pappachristos
Ms. Carol A. Parady
Carmelo J. Paratore
Ms. Kim Park
Jeff and Susan Parker
John and Charlene Parker
Stanley and Rhonda Parker
Eliot and Priscilla Parkhurst
John and Melissa Parrillo
Ralph and Sandra Parrow
Mrs. Colleen Parslow-Reed
Ms. Lynne Paschetag
Alan Pasnik and Cynthia O’Neil
Mr. John J. Passanisi
Robert and Bernice Pasternak
Dr. Lee Patel
Ms. Margaret Paternek
Patti Patnaude
Bobby and Gerda Patrick
Paws of Plainville, Inc.
Ms. Sharon Pechulis
Russell and Paula Peck
Dr. Sheldon Penman
Robert and Geraldine Perry
Ms. Michelle Pescatore
Ms. Marguerite M. Pettepit
Ms. Jennifer Phillips
Neil and Jean Della Piana
Ms. Joanne L. Pichaske
Ms. Kate Day E.
Robert Pietrillo
Ms. Barbara A. Pike
The Pink Panthers Club
Mrs. Judith N. Plotkin
Joseph Plunkett and Laura
Klein Plunkett
Maria and Kathy Polanchek
Ponies and Pugs
Ms. Felicity Pool
Martin Port
Ms. Susanna Porte
Ms. Virginia Povall
Ms. Mary Jane Powell
Ms. Joan Power
Rodney Pratt and
Elizabeth Lambert
Ms. Myra Jean Prelle
Allison Price
Mr. Daniel B. Price
Mr. Randy Price
Ms. Elaine Pridham
Ms. Maribeth Priore
Mr. William Prizer
Diane Procopio
Ms. Patricia Procopio
Mark and Stephanie A. Puccio
Ms. Constance O. Putnam
Regina and Thomas Pyle
William and Dianne Pyron
Ms. Carolyn J. Quincy
Mr. Michael J. Quinn
Pilar and Isabel Quintana
R.M. R. M. Sullivan
Philip and Patricia Ragnio
Mr. Nathan C. Rajangam
Mr. Bill Ramon
Philip and Tara Rand II
Ms. Ashley Randall
Ms. Joanne M. Randall
Todd and Melissa Randall
Mr. Louis G. Rasetta
Howard and Susan Rashba
Mr. William R. Ratcliff
Ms. Laurie Redmond
Mr. Michael Redstone
Reebok International Ltd.
Ms. Heather W. Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Reese III
Ms. Susan Reichter
Ms. Patricia A. Reilly
Ms. Lisa I. Reinhold
Dr. Wayne R. Renegar
Ms. Barbara J. Reynolds
Ms. Norma M. Ricci
Ms. Ruth Ann Rich
Ms. Charlene Richard
Ms. Gretchen S. Richards
Kevin Richards
Mr. Noel C. Richardson
Ms. Linda Richelson
James and Lynn Richmond
Mr. Joe Ritson
Deborah A. and Baxter Robbins
Karen Robbins
Miss Carol M. Robertson
Jamie Robredo
Edward and Mary Rodgers, Jr.
Ms. Ellen Roe
Ms. Susan M. Roe
Ms. Sarah W. Rollins
Mr. Paul D. Romary
Ms. Jae Roosevelt
Nicholas and Ruth Roschak
Dr. and Mrs. Don Ross
Emily Roth
Jason and Elizabeth Rowbotham
Joan G. Rubin
George and Anele Rucker
Leonard and Sondra Rudofsky
Ms. Carolyn Ruech
Miss Grayce A. Ruehlman
Ms. Debra Russo
Ms. Agalia A. Rutherford
Mr. Robert Rutkauskas
Richard and Michele Ryan
Mr. Gary Rzab and
Janine Parker
Ms. Catherine Rzepela
Ms. Marguerite Sacchetti
MSPCA040 AnnRprt r6
2:54 PM
Page 17
Mrs. Edith L. Sacco
Ms. Janet Sachs
Ms. Nancy Tuttle Sackson
Bijan Sadrnoori M.D., P.C.
Safety Insurance
Richard and Karen Sakakeeny
Dr. and Mrs. William Sammons
Neville and Claire Samson
Ms. Sylvia Sanchez
Ms. Anita Sanders
Sandwich Jr. Women’s Club
Ms. Nancy R. Sargeant
Ms. Heather Sargent
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sarni
Mr. and Mrs. Suri A. Sastri
Mr. David G. Satin
Mr. Richard Satterfield
Ms. Shirley R. Saunders
Ms. Mary Theresa Saurman
Blyth Saye
Ms. Julie Scalfati
Ms. Tara D. Schaller
Carl and Margaret Schattgen
Barbara Schaye
Ms. Jean M. Schiff
Ms. Heather Schirmer
Mr. Paul George Schmiro
Ms. Eva Schocken
Miss Kristine Schroeder
Ms. Audrey Schubach
Mr. Eric N. Schultz
Frederick and Kathleen Schultz
Margaret Schumann
Mrs. Victoria Scoggins
Scooby Doobies
Marc and Christine Scott
Ms. Ronnie Scott
Mrs. Barbara I. Sears
Cheryl L. Sedaker
David A. Seldin and
Cathryn Stein
Mark and June Seltzer
Ms. Georgene Seota
Ms. Paula Serabian-Lizotte
Benjamin and Adele Shambaugh
Henry and Kathryn Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. John
Alexander Shaw
Mr. Michael E. Shea
Patrick and Maureen Shea
Mr. William T. Sheely
Ms. Amy Siegel
Ms. Allison Silva
Scott J. Silva
Ms. Kimberly Silverman
Marty and Laurel Silvia
Ms. Lee-ann Simard and
Brian Lynch
Mr. Paul Simmons
The Simons Family Foundation
Mr. E. Philip Simpson, Jr.
Mr. William D. Singleton, Jr.
Stanislau and Cynthia
Skarzynski, Jr.
Ms. Helen Skehan
Carla Skinder and Jon Woodhull
Allan and Anita Skole
Ms. Lorraine Slepski
Janine Smeedy
Ms. Annie Smith
George and Louise Smith
Joseph and Barbara Smith
Ms. Kimberly Smith
Mr. Stephen Smith
Ms. Susan W. Smith
William and Marcia Smits
Mr. Daniel T. Smythe
Snuffy’s Angels
Ms. Alma Snyder
Ms. Sage Sohier
Ms. Karen R. Sollins
The Somerville Dog
Carolyn and Dorothy Sorel
Ms. Anna Soule
South County Chiropratic P.C.
Ms. Janet C. Spadora
Ms. Ann Spanel
Ms. Susan E. Spence
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Spoto
Ms. Karen Sprague
Vikram Srimurthy
Ms. Frances Srulowitz
Mr. Ian St. Germain
Ms. Elizabeth St. Hilaire
Mr. Charles Stahley
Ms. Anne Starr
Ronald and Helga Starr
Ms. Donna M. Stawasz
Ms. Diane P. Stengle
Ms. Patricia H. Stern
Mrs. Martha Stevens
Ms. Mary Ann Stevens
Raymond and Fay Stevens, Jr.
Sara Stinson
Robert and Ann Stock
James I. Stockwell
H. Ernest and Joan Stone
Stoneybrook 4H Saddle Club
Estate of Margaret Stookins
Stowe Woodward
Joseph and Rhonda Strassman
Gilbert and Anne-Marie Stubbs
Mr. Frederick Studley
Ms. Karen Sullivan
Robert and Gladys Sullivan
Lynn Sullivan and
Dan Cheatham
Sullivan Bros.
Ms. Eliska Suryckova
Mr. Bryan Swaim
Ms. Marcela Swiger
Timothy and Patricia Sylvia
William and Linda Sypek
Donat and Jan Szparaga
Lynne Tabor and Dorett Hope
Bette L. Task
Terry and Donna Tattar
Parviz and Susan Tayebati
Joshua Taylor
Team Coolidge
Team Dusty
Team Moxie Munch
Team Seymour
Team Smoky
Team Taz
Paula M. Temoczko
Temple Beth Elohim
Mr. Richard Tennant
Michael and Suzanne Theriault
Mrs. Roberta Thomae
Mr. John Thomas
Mr. Wendl Thomis
Mr. Edmund Thompson
Mr. Martin Thomson
Mr. Hayden B. Tibbetts, Jr.
Ms. Jodi Tippett
Sheila L.P. Tobin
Ms. Susan Toomey
Ms. Barbara E. Tornow
Maurice and Barbara Tourison
Ms. Stephanie F. Towle
Stokley and Jeanne Towles
Town Of Concord-CPW
Mr. James T. Towne III
Ms. Cynthia Townsend
Ms. April Tozzi
Mary Ellen Travassos
Mr. John Tremblay
Ms. Karen Trenholm
Albert and Elizabeth Trifone, Jr.
Mr. Matt Trinacty
Susan Tuck
Mary Turgeon Ph.D
Ms. Ivy A. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Turner
Ms. Frances L. Tuttle
Twenty Plus Foundation, Inc.
United Way Special
Distribution Account
Dr. Brent Upchurch
Ms. Melba Upton-Turnbo
Mrs. Clara Urbahn
Ms. Donna Utakis
Ms. Patricia Vacca
Ms. Paula A. Vaccaro
Karen Vaccaro and
Robert O’Keefe, Jr.
Ms. Julia A. Van
Ms. Veronica Van Loan
Ms. Kristin Vasso
Ms. Donna Veith
Angela Ventola
Verizon Foundation
Ms. Mary Verrengia
Veterinary Specialists
of Connecticut
Ms. Lisa M. Vince
Ching-Man Virbasius
Mr. Jay B. Virshbo
Robert and Dianne Vogler
Estate of Anna Belle Wade
Scott and Janet Wakefield
Edward and Therese Walata
Mrs. Sharon Walkey
Ms. Ann Marie Wallace
Barbara Wallraff and
Julian Fisher
Walnut Hill Foundation
Andrew and Jane Ward
Jay and Julie Wasserman
Ms. Brenda Waters
Ms. Lisa Watkins
Ms. Lisbeth Watt
William and Allison Watt
Dr. Jesse A. Webster
Peter and Emily Webster
Henry and Elisabeth Weil
Ms. Carolyn Weld
Wellington Management
Company, LLP
Ms. Christine Wennersten
Ms. Wendy L. Weppner
Ms. Jennifer Westfall
Ms. Michelle Pol Wetlaufer
Ms. Brooke Whicher
The Whitaker Foundation
Mr. Kenneth White
Ms. Kristin L. White
Ms. Sarah White
Richard White and Margaret
Ms. Jane Whitehead
Mr. and Mrs. S.H. Whitlock
Ms. Sylvia Dickey Whitman
Ms. Donna Wilker
Nancy J. Willets
William Gallagher Associates
Insurance Brokers, Inc.
Ms. Cindy Williams
Ms. Nancy Williams
Ms. Virginia Williams
Willie, Sammy and Sox
Ms. Barbara Willmott
Mr. David J. Wilson
Ms. Kathleen J. Wilson
Ms. Sarah Wilson
Winnie’s Walkers
Anthony and Courtney Winter
Ms. Sara G. Withington
Ms. Cheryl Witkowski
Ms. Jodi Wolfe
Ms. Kathiann Wood
William and Barbara Wortman
Wesley and Sharon Wratchford
Mr. Martin Wright
Michael J. and Janice M. Wright
Mr. John H. Wylde
Gary and Joyce Young
Ms. Jessie Young
Harrison B. Young and Simon
D. Young
James and Janice Zafarana
Ms. Linda M. Zermani
Ms. Michelle Zinner
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Zuromski
Jacqueline Zwicker
Ms. Irene T. Zyskowski
The following is a list of gifts
and commitments to the
capital campaign for the
MSPCA at Nevins Farm in
Methuen. For more
information, contact,
Kathleen Santry,
350 South Huntington
Avenue, Boston, MA 02130
617 541-5075
[email protected]
$1,000,000 AND HIGHER
George and Constance Noble
$500,000 — $999,999
The Bafflin Foundation
$250,000 — $499,999
Carlee Charitable Trust
Estate of Cynthia
Lampros Hastings
Ronald R. Kiimball and
Eleanor Kimball
Dianne T. and John R. Pingree
$100,000 — $249,999
Anonymous (1)
Wendy and Jonathan Derby
Martha Morse Foundation
The Stevens Foundations
Shirley Shattuck Windsor
Charitable Trust
$50,000 — $99,999
Susanna Colloredo-Mansfield
Mr. and Mrs. James N.
Esdaile, Jr.
Karl and Joyce Gladstone
Highland Street Connection
Mr. and Mrs. Ellice
McDonald, Jr., CBE
Donna and David McGrath
The Ornell Family
The Rogers Family Foundation
Susan and Alan Tuck
$10,000 — $49,999
Steven and Anne Dodge
Foundation M
Ruth and Christopher Lawler
Barbara W. and Robert
W. Macleod
Maria and Wayne Maggio
MassBank Charitable Foundation
Mr. Joseph A. Muller
Susanne C. and Charles
R. Richey
Mrs. Evelyn C. Schwager
Ms. Elizabeth Speert
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert L.
Steward, Jr.
Steve Bloom and Calli
The following is a list of gifts
and commitments to the
capital campaign for the
Clinical Center at Angell
Animal Medical Center and
the MSPCA Animal Care
and Adoption Center.
For more information,
contact: Carol Sweeney,
350 South Huntington
Avenue, Boston, MA 02130
617 541-5039
[email protected]
$3,000,000 AND HIGHER
Dr. Frank Stanton
$2,000,000 — $2,999,999
Copeland Family Foundation
$1,000,00 — $1,999,999
Anonymous (2)
Mrs. Brewster Sewall
Tyco International (US) Inc.
$500,000 — $999,999
Kenneth and Charley Levine
Mary W. Nordblom
$250,000 — $499,999
Anonymous (1)
Estate of George P. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Gross
Mr. John Hitchcock
James and Barbara Schaye
$150,000 — $249,999
Anonymous (2)
Mr. Robert L. Beal
Charles Engelhard Foundation
The New York Community Trust
MSPCA040 AnnRprt r6
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$100,000 — $149,999
FleetBoston Financial Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn A. Kudisch
Eileen McDonagh and
Robert Davoli
Ms. Carol S. Parks
John J. Fish, Suffolk Construction
Co., Inc.,
$50,000 — $99,999
Anonymous (2)
Estate of Maisie Cantini
Mr. Alphonse P. Chiappisi
Estate of Eleanore F. Eldredge
Farrington Charitable
Remainder Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Gifford
Ms. Martha Mugar
Robb Charitable Trust
Estate of Bernice M. Whitcomb
Estate of Hulbert I. Wit
Jeffrey and Marla Wolk
$10,000 — $49,999
Anonymous (2)
Graham T. and Elisabeth Allison
Mrs. Edward L. Bond
Mr. and Mrs. John Carberry
J. Robert and Diane Coleman, Jr.
Andrew and Nicola Combes
Frederick and Jane Jamieson
Kahn Charitable Foundation
Fank Katz
Mr. Stephen Kay
Peter and Constance Lacaillade
William and Rebecca Manley
Ms. Stacy McManus
McMullen Family Foundation
Harold and Frances Pratt
Mrs. Dwight Robinson, Jr.
Mrs. Edith L. Sacco
Donald Saunders and Liv Ullman
Sawyer Charitable Foundation
Singing Field Foundation, Inc.
The Taubman Company
Mary Lou Turgeon and
Richard Mordaunt
Estate of Bernice M. Whitcomb
The Irving and Edyth S. Usen
Family Charitable Foundation
Dr. Joan Zofnass
By considering the future
needs of animals in their
estate and resource
management plans,
members of the George T.
Angell Circle of Friends
help ensure that the MSPCA
can continue its work into
the new century.
Anonymous (6)
Frederick and Barbara Alden
Scott and Cathy Ames
Miss Helen D. Anders
Mr. and Mrs. Louise Arvin
Ms. Debra L. Ashton
Ms. Lillian P. Austin
Ms. Bobbi Baker
Mr. Charles J. Balkin III
Alan and Maureen Balter
Ms. Patricia A. Beckerle
Ms. Jane B. Beckwith
Ms. Harriet Begelfer
Helen Bellows
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bellwood
Edward and Geraldine Bennett
Mr. Alvah Bennett, Jr.
Daniel and Kathleen Berkowitz
Ms. Elaine L. Birkholz
Mrs. Aurolyn R. Boda
Ms. Hannah R. Bodkins
Dr. Carol F. Boerner
Ms. Anne Booth
John J. Bowen
Ms. Beverly Brewer
Mrs. A. C. Brodie
Ms. Abbey Brown
Shirlee Burd
Mr. Henry A. Burnham
Estate of Edna Burns
Ms. Martha Byington
Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Cabral
Ms. Emily B. Caronia
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Carroll
Ms. Christine Carter
Ms. Marjorie Chadwick
Edward and Kathleen
Chichester, Jr.
Ms. Barbara S. Clapp
Mrs. Gwenn Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Coleman
Mrs. Gladys Copeland
Ms. Jackie Courtney
Ms. Judy Courtney
Mr. Martin Couture
Mrs. Gladyce J. D’Agostino
Mrs. Harold T. Davis
Mrs. Robert C. Davison
Mr. Raymond J. Denis
Karl and Elenore Deubert
Ms. Ruth A. Dingee
Mr. Joseph E. DiStefano
John and Esther Dolan
Ms. Virginia Louise Doris
Miss Louise I. Doyle
Ms. Norine A. Dunlea
Ms. Anne Eberle
James and Sandra Eldridge
Ms. Cindy English
Mr. Robert C. Estes, Jr.
Mrs. Florence H. Fabrizio
Ann and Bernice Factor
Dr. and Mrs. William Fagan
Ms. Jean Fazio
Ms. Ethel H. Feri
Mrs. Sally L. Fickel
John and Wenda Field
Ms. Laurie Fisher
Mr. Robert Fitzgerald
Dana and Sue Fowle
Mr. Frederick Fox
W. Arthur and Lorraine
Gagne, Jr.
Ms. Mary Gardiner
Ms. Elizabeth Gell
Mrs. Pauline F. Gherson
Ms. Elgie Ginsburgh
Ms. Ruth A. Giusti
Ms. Denise Goldstein
Dr. Merrill H. Goldwyn
Ms. Catherine Gonsalves
Ms. Susan Goodwin
Peter and Ellen Gray
Ms. Gloria Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Gross
Mark and Heidi Gudaitis
Mrs. Bertram Hardy
Mrs. Gloria Hardy
Ms. Mary Hayes
William and Patricia Hayes, Jr.
Mrs. Mercedes C. Hersom
Mr. Crosby Hitchcock
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Hooker
Stewart and Harriet Hopkins
Ms. Amanda W. Hopkins
Ms. Joanne R. Huber
Joseph and Phyllis Hyman
Drs. Reed Drews and
Lisa Drews Iezzoni
Mr. Everett S. Jodrey
David Waryas and Pamela
J. B. Jones and Rachel
Sachs Jones
Mr. Frank W. Jones, Jr.
Mr. Owen P. Judge
Ms. Amy Bresky and Mr.
Barry Kaplan
Ms. Diane Kenney
Mr. James Kilbane
Ronald Kimball
Karen L. Kimler
Ms. Diane Kjeldsen
Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn A. Kudisch
Edmund J. and Lynne Kuhn
Ms. Laura Kurjan
Mrs. Barbara Lawson
Ms. Suzanne S. Leblanc
Scott and Tamara Leclerc
Ms. Carol R. Leduc
Ms. Sandra Ann Lee
Ms. Carol K. Lennon-Longley
Ms. Jean R. Leone
Ms. Candyce LePage
Mr. William Leveille, Jr.
Gail Gold and Larry Loew
Mr. Ed Lowry
Carter Luke and Penny Schiller
Miss Sylvia B. Lunt
Ms. Mary K. Lyons
Ms. Jennifer R.
Charles and Mary Magriel
Ms. Ruth Mandalian
Mr. Robert K. Massey, Jr.
Ms. Deborah Matthews
Richard and Debbie
Debbie McKown
Ms. Linda McLatchie
Mrs. Philip C. McLaughlin
Walter and Charlotte Messner
Erik and Hannah MolloChristensen
Ms. Kayren B. Morrill
Ms. Coral H. Morton
Mrs. Irene M. Murnane
Ms. Jane E. Murphy
Ms. Ann Najarian
Gilbert and Lynne Osborn
Mrs. Ronald Ostergard
Ms. Shelia Owen
Mr. Rodney Palmer
Patricia Parks
Mr. Ron Peredna
Stanely and Loretta Pessok
Sylvia R. Peterson, M.D.
Mrs. Margaret Petracone
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Pingree
Mrs. Laura Klein Plunkett
Ms. Lilla M. Pond
Ms. Brenda Mitchell Powell
Ms. Victoria S. Puglisi
Albert and Karen Pytka
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Renton
The Reverend and Mrs. Robert
A. Roberts
Leonard and Gail Rosenthal
Mr. and Mrs. Norman I.
Ms. Ethel F. Rubin
Mrs. Edith L. Sacco
Ms. Barbara Sack
Andy and Judy Sanderson
Ms. Janet C. Sargent
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sarni
Scott and Michelle Saunders
Mrs. Frances L. Scheckter
Mr. Fred Schulz
Mrs. Robert Schwab
Ms. Mary P. Seman
Dr. Richard M. Shiff
Sandi and Joel Shriberg
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J.
Smith, Jr.
Ms. Eugenie Sotiropoulos-Foss
Ms. Shirley Anne Spas
Miss Barbara Spencer
Jim and Terri Spevock
Miss Margaret E. Stickell
Ms. Rebecca B. Stickney
Ms. Louise Strong
Mr. Jonathan O. Swan
Carl Eschelbach and Theodora
Ms. Barbara Thomas
Miss Lenore Thornton
Ms. Rebecca Tornblom
Mrs. Denis Tottenham
Ms. Susan L. Tracy
Ms. Nan Tull-Wezniak
Ms. E. Paulyne Tunnell
Ms. Jacqui Turin
Ms. Cynthia B. Valentine
Ruth Christopher and
Michael Vozzella
Mrs. Jeanne Wadleigh
Ms. Mabel L. Waggett
Mr. Robert B. Webber
Mr. David Welch
Mrs. Richard Whitman
Mrs. Doris Willar
Ms. Anne Sears Wilson
Barry and Brenda Winston
Jack Wolper M. D.
Miss Nancy Wright
Kenneth and Bebe Wunderlich
Mr. Max P. Wurf
Dr. Joan G. Wuterich
Heidi Elizabeth Zastrow
The Reverend Dr. Francis
H. Rowley Society has been
founded to honor both the
esteemed Dr. Rowley and
those individuals who choose
to support the mission of
the MSPCA-Angell Western
New England in their estate
plans. Friends and supporters
who have stepped forward
as founding members to the
Society are:
Anonymous (8)
Mr. and Mrs. Hatim Abuselmi
Mrs. Mary Louise Almeida
Miss Helen Anders
Mrs. Harriet Aspden
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carroll
Ms. Patricia Connor
Ms. Brenda Forbes
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hebert
Ms. Virginia Keith
Ms. Helen Kowal
Mrs. Barbara Lawson
Ms. Candyce LePage
Ms. Nancy Lonczak
Ms. Lisa McCune-Leduc
Ms. Irene McGourty
Mr. Rodney Palmer
Ms. Judith Plotkin-Goldberg
Mrs. Frances Scheckter
Ms. Audrey Schubach
Ms. Linda Skole
Ms. Barbara Spencer
Mrs. Louise Strong
Begun in 1940, the
veterinary internship program
at Angell Animal Medical
Center was the
first of its kind in the nation.
It continues to be among
the best and most
prestigious post-graduate
clinical veterinary training
programs in the world.
An active alumni association
helps support the
internship program through
generous gifts from the
following members:
Dr. Kenneth Arceneaux
Dr. Robert Arrick
Dr. Florence B. Barton
Dr. Kathy A. Beck
Dr. Timothy J. Becker
Dr. Douglas Brum
Dr. Gary M. Bryan
Dr. Leslie P. Bullock
Drs. Richard A. DeVries and
Nina Caires
Dr. Jeffery Christison
Dr. James M. Clinton
Companion Veterinary Clinic
Drs. David and Jennifer
and Cook
Dr. Nancy V. Crowley
Dr. Carol J. Curry
Dr. Ray Delano
MSPCA040 AnnRprt r6
2:54 PM
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Dr. Lynn Dgetluck
Dr. David Dunn
Dr. Jeffrey Feinman
Dr. Susan Fisher
Drs. Jeffrey and Barbara French
Dr. Jack Gallagher
Dr. Paul Gambardella
Dr. Erin Geshwiler
Dr. Kenneth Goddard
Dr. Robert C. Griffiths
Dr. Jennifer Hanson
Dr. Neil K. Harpster
Dr. E. Charles Hendricks
Dr. Robin Holtsinger
Dr. Walter I. Horne
Dr. Ralph Henry Hunt
Dr. Paul Husted
Dr. Stephanie B. James
Dr. Peter C. Kennedy
Dr. Andrew S. Kestler
Dr. Minta Lee Keyes
Dr. Robert G. Kyrka
Dr. Edward B. Leeds
Dr. Robert L. Leighton
Dr. Fred Levy
Dr. Linda Lowenstine
Dr. William V. Lumb
Dr. Dana R. MacNamee
Dr. Rebecca Malakoff
Dr. Ann Marie Manning
Dr. Amy R. Marder
Dr. Linda Mellema
Dr. Kirk Miller
Dr. Ronda Moore
Dr. Lisa Moses
Dr. Mark Neer
Dr. Robert A. Nizlek
Dr. Lori Palley
Dr. John Parks
Dr. Lee Patel
Dr. Donald F. Patterson
Dr. Louis B. Pieper, Jr.
Dr. Catherine J. Reese
Dr. Joan Regan
Dr. Wayne R. Renegar
Dr. Richard M. Roberts
Dr. James N. Ross
Dr. Marvin Rothman
Dr. Roger A. Rowley
Dr. Stephen Russell
Dr. Herbert Schryver
Dr. Leslie Schwarz
Dr. Robert G. Sherding, Jr.
Dr. Sandra Silva-Arrieta
Dr. Linda Siperstein
Dr. Allen Sisson
Dr. Suzanne Starr
Dr. Irene Takata
Dr. Kathy Tater
Dr. Theresa G. Taylor
Dr. Peter Theran
Dr. Julie Thorndyke
Dr. Gus W. Thornton
Dr. Jesse A. Webster
Dr. Stuart E. Wiles
Dr. Alice M. Wolf
Dr. Morton Wolf
Dr. India C. Wood
Dr. Miles M. Yoshioka
Dr. Bernard C. Zook
Members of the Nantucket
Ark Society, Humane
Pioneers and Leader’s Circle
make an annual pledge to
support the MSPCA’s work.
Anonymous (4)
Ms. Chava Abrams
Ms. Linda Abrams
Ms. Virginia S. Aisner
Ms. Michele Alexanian
Ms. Catherine A. Armstrong
Geoffrey and Meredith Arnold
Norman and Barbara Aubrey
Helen U. Baker
Ms. Elizabeth J. Baldarelli
Ms. Patricia A. Beckerle
John Belcher and Lori Breslow
Beryl Benacerraf M.D.
Joel Berman and Sandy
Mrs. Thelma Bettencourt
John and Marjorie Beyersdorf
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Biach
Ms. Sandra M. Bimber
Richard and Jane Blau
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blendon
Dr. Anthony Breglio
Mr. Stephen P. Brewer
James and Joan Brooks
Ms. Jane A. Brown
Ms. Barbara Burnim
Ms. Eleanor S. Campbell
Ms. Rita J. Campion
John and Christine Carney
Mrs. Lucy G. Carter
Ms. France J. Chaput
Mrs. Joanne Chope Corsiglia
Ruth Christopher and Michael
Thomas and Judith Clay
Martin and Marjorie Cohn
Ferdinand and Susanna
Ms. Kathleen Connelly
Mrs. John Conway
William and Susan Copeland
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin S. Cowan
Ms. Julia Cox
Ms. Kathleen Crawford
David and Donna Crockford
Oliver and Cynthia Curme
Stephen and Rebecca Czubinski
Ms. Ilana D’Ancona
Ms. Caroline Daniels
Stephen Darr and Linda Fermery
Ms. Diane DeMarco
Ms. Kathryn M. Dinovo
Ms. Anne N. Dodge
Dr. Reed Drews and
Dr. Lisa Iezzoni
Ms. Martha Dula
Ms. Margaret Eagle
Mr. Robert C. Estes, Jr.
Steven and Lisa Finkel
Leo and Elsie Flaherty
Ms. Sue Freihofer
Mrs. Mary K. Frothingham
Mrs. Ute Gannett
Mr. Gerald Garlitz
Ms. Margaret Mary Gavenonis
Ms. Elizabeth Gell
Ms. Jennifer Graf
Ms. Deborah Graham
Mr. Frank Granara
Robert and Lynne Grettum, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jon D. Guarino
Ms. Caroline H. Hall
Ms. Helen G. Hamant
Ms. Arlene Handschuch
George and Carol Harmon
Dr. Neil K. Harpster
Ms. Anne R. Harris
Mr. Gordon Harris
Ms. Sara Jane Haven
Miss Marie L. Hayden
Mr. Neal Heffron
Gilbert and Lynn Hennessey
Mr. Timothy T. Hilton
Mr. Crosby Hitchcock
Mr. John Hitchcock
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Hooker
Ms. Amanda W. Hopkins
Ms. Wendy MacDonald Horne
Mrs. C. F. Hovey, Jr.
Mrs. Ann Hruby
Mr. Hans Huber
Ms. Lisa Iagatta
Ms. Joyce M. Jablonski
Vincent and Pauline Jacintho
Ms. Judith F. Jackson
Henrick and Dorothy
Johnson, Sr.
Cynthia Jones and John Kachele
J. B. Jones and Rachel
Sachs Jones
Linda and Daniel Kaferle
Lloyd and Susan Kannenberg
Rita J. and Stanley H. Kaplan
Family Foundation
Ms. Deborah M. Karff
Dr. Harriet A. Karkut
Charles and Sharon Karp
Mr. Alan T. Kelley
Drs. Irene and Thomas Kelley
Robin Kenny
Walter and Elizabeth Kenyon
Dr. Minta Lee Keyes
Stephen Kidder and
Judith Malone
Mrs. Doris E. King
The King Family
Ms. Nancy F. Koehn
Joanne Kossuth
Mr. Geoff Kronik
Peter and Constance Lacaillade
Ms. Elizabeth Lackey
A. James and Jay Ann Lavoie
Ms. Patricia Leighfield
Ms. Carol K. Lennon-Longley
Ms. Ellen V. Leon
Mr. William Leveille, Jr.
Sherry & Alan Leventhal
Mr. Jonathan Levine
Kenneth and Lorraine Levine
Dr. Patricia Lindquist
Jeff and Angela Lipson
Mr. George P. Luddy
Mr. Michael A. Lukasek
Carter Luke and Penny Schiller
Rosemarie Maddi, M.D.
Wayne and Maria Maggio
Ms. Martha Maguire
Brad and Sharon Malt
Ms. Jean M. Marshall
Lawrence and Nancy Master
Eileen McDonagh and
Robert Davoli
Ms. Deborah Mehne
Mrs. Harue Midtmoen
Walter and Elizabeth Miller, Jr.
Erik and Hannah
Ms. Helen S. Mooradkanian
Peter and Pamela Moore
Keith and Elizabeth Morgan
Ms. Pearl Mott
Craig and Ann Muhlhauser
Dr. John B. Mulliken
Ms. Ann Najarian
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Neely
Mr. William Nemerever
Roger and Louise Neuhoff
Ms. Eugenia Nicholas
Ms. Heidi Nitze
Kenneth and Marianne Novack
Mr. David F. O’Brien
Ms. Valerie Osiecki
Rod and Martha Owen
John and Mary Parker
Ms. Lois Paul
Emily Paul and John Kleshinski
Janell Phillips and Joshua
Ms. Susan F. Pioli
Mr. Theodore M. Polansky
Kevin Poole and
Michael Vacchione
Kaija Poysti
Harold and Frances Pratt
Albert and Karen Pytka
Mr. Michael Quercio
Mr. Stewart B. Randall
William and Dianne Randall
Ms. Harriet Rantoul-Hazard
Kendall and Christine
Raymond, Jr.
Mrs. Charles R. Richey, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth Riley
Ms. Kathleen A. Roane
Mr. Francis X. Roche
Elaine and Gary Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rogers
Burton and Gloria Rose
Ms. Marieve Rugo
Mrs. Debra Rutter
Richard and Nancy Sannizzaro
Ms. Dyanne A. Scagliarini
Mrs. Evelyn C. Schwager
Mr. John Secor
Seth Emmer and Sheryl Segal
Mr. F. Garrett Shanklin
Mr. and Mrs. Russell F.
Shappy, Jr.
Mona Sigal and Julien Vaisman
James and Carolyn Silva
Mr. Charles Silver
Paul and Theresa Simeone
David and Ann Simmons
Mr. Michael A. Simpson
Scott and Aileen Simpson
Larry and Jeannette Small
Susan Soergel
Steven and Ginny Spregel
Gary and Elizabeth Stacey
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R.
Stamps, IV
Richard and Doris Stanley
Sharon Stark and William Jesson
Ms. Heather Steede
Campbell and Grace Steward
Miss Margaret E. Stickell
Ms. Viola M. Storer
Sheryl R. Swankin, D.V.M.
Dr. and Mrs. William Sylvia, Jr.
Eugene and Barbara Tallone
John A. and Jane R. Tisdale
Ms. Laura Tomasetti
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Traynor
Ms. Corrine Trendle
Ms. Ethelanne Trent
Mr. Steven Tromp
Dr. Margaret J. Uprichard
Ms. Virginia Ursin
Ms. Angela M. Ventola
Mr. Don Vose
Marilyn E. Wales
Ms. Amy V. Watt
Ms. Loretta A. Wawrzyniak
Ms. Charlene I. Wax
Ms. Margo H. Wereta
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Willing
Ms. Anne Sears Wilson
Ms. Virginia Wing
Janice Wojcik and Leland Carle
Ms. Betty Wolfe
Kenneth and Bebe Wunderlich
Ms. Judith J. Wurtman
B. N. Yanow
Ms. Stephanie Yirikian
Simon and Paula Young
Mr. Allan Ardito
Mr. John Arneodo
Maureen Bardwell Ph.D.
Mark and Rita Barnard
Ms. Shirley Benson
David and Patricia Bloom
Mr. Joseph Boratea
James and Sylvia Brandt
John and Barbara Breck
Mr. and Mrs. Karl L. Briel
Jennifer and Donald Brown
Paul and Rebecca Budaj
Ms. Sandra A. Carter
Ms. Rebecca Cintron
Miss Kathleen M. Cole
Ms. Joan H. Corell
Mr. William W. Cusack
Ms. Suzanne E. Davis
Mrs. Robert C. Davison
Mrs. Patricia A. Dempsey
Dr. Lynn Dgetluck
Mr. John Donahue
Ms. Christine Douglass
Mrs. Thelma Emery
Earl and Elizabeth Erikson
Ms. Pamela Farrance
Ms. Cindi L. Francis
Daniel and Jeanette Friedenson
Paul and Janee Friedmann
Kristian and Linda Friedrich
Mr. Howard E. Frost
Donald and Theresa Gibson
MSPCA040 AnnRprt r6
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William and Susan Glover III
Jeffrey and Marian Herrick
Ms. Cynthia Hinckley
Eugene Hill and Heidi Holder
Michael and Diane Hornblas
Ms. Michell Kantany
Ms. Marie Huet
The Honorable George and
Patricia Keady
The Honorable S.
Herman Klarsfeld
Ms. Ellen Kosmer
Steven and Christine Kravitz
Ms. Carol Kuzdeba
Ann Marie Lynch
Mrs. Kathleen S. MacNeish
Mr. Daniel P. McCavick
Ms. Patricia Metcalf
John and Emily Moran
Mr. Matthew Morse
Thomas and Kathleen Myatt
Janis Porter and Stephen Naber
Ms. Tammy Nigro
Ms. Linda L. Norris
Mr. Joel Nulman
Ms. Andrea M. Nye
Stephen and Tamara Parseghian
Frederick and Janice Pugliano
James and Jane Punderson
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Reopel
Ms. Gretchen S. Richards
Mark and Suzanne Rondinelli
Mr. Kenneth E. Salsman
Ms. Audrey Schubach
Stanislau and Cynthia
Skarzynski, Jr.
Ms. Faith Snyder
Jack and Nancy Spanbauer
Lester and Nancy Steffens
Mr. Frank Stiebel
Joseph and Rhonda Strassman
Mrs. Peggy Sturtevant
William D. Fivel and Kate Swol
Peter and Donna Szaban
Terry and Donna Tattar
Ms. Lisa Teixeira
Ching-Man Virbasius
Bryan and Therese Walch
Ms. Donna Wallace
Mrs. Phebe Wallace
Ms. Nancy Williams
Ms. Patricia Wright
John and Catherine Yahres
Ms. Donna K. Cooper
Mr. J. Pepper Frazier II
Mr. and Mrs. H.
Crowell Freeman
William and Nadine Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Gifford
Jockey Hollow Foundatioon
Nantucket Children Charity
Robert and Patricia
Newhouse, Jr.
O’Connor Custom Builders LLC
The Trustees of the Reservation
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Soros
Mr. Thomas M. Taylor
Tupancy-Harris Foundation
Amy Vickers-Smith
The Warrington Foundation
Wilmington Trust
Anonymous (3)
American Express Foundation
Analog Devices
Anchor Capital Advisors Inc.
Aspect, Inc.
David L. Babson &
Company, Inc.
The Bank of Canton
The Baupost Group LLC
Becton Dickinson Foundation
Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
The Capital Group
Companies, Inc.
Charles Schwab
Deutsche Bank Americas
Eastern Bank Charitable
Eaton Vance Management Inc.
Fiduciary Trust Company
FleetBoston Financial Foundation
FM Global Foundation
The Gillette Company
Gorton’s, Inc.
Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo &
Hale and Dorr LLP
John Hancock Financial
Services Inc.
Hewlett Packard Company
Houghton Mifflin Company
IDC Research, Inc
Kemper Insurance Companies
Lumigent Technologies Inc.
Millipore Foundation
J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation
National Grid USA Service
Company, Inc.
New England Business
Service, Inc.
Nokia Corporate Communications
PepsiCo Foundation
Pioneer Investments
Polaroid Foundation, Inc.
Prudential Foundation
Reebok International, Ltd.
Saint-Gobain Corporation
Serono Inc.
Sun Life Assurance Company
of Canada
The Sun Microsystems
Foundation, Inc.
UBS Foundation USA
Unilever United States
Foundation, Inc.
Verizon Foundation
Waters Corporation
Wellington Management
Company, LLP
The Whitaker Foundation
Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale
and Dorr, LLP
World Reach, Inc.
The Twenty-First Century
Fund is a collection of
individual endowments
created to support the
programs and activities of
the MSPCA and to ensure its
future. Donors may name
their fund as a lasting tribute
to a special person or
animal, designate that
resources be used for a
specific purpose or link their
own name in perpetuity to
the work of the MSPCA.
A named-endowment fund
can be established with an
outright gift, planned gift
or bequest.
Established by the Trustees
of The Edward Hyde Cox
Trust 1985 to fund the
Edward Hyde Cox medal
which recognizes someone
whose work in literature,
journalism or the arts has
made a significant positive
difference for animals;
also for general support of
the MSPCA.
Established by Whitford S.
Bond and his late mother,
Virginia Q. Bond, for general
support to recognize the
commitment and service of
their family to the MSPCA,
which spans three
Mrs. Edward L. Bond
Ms. Laura Q. Bond
Mr. Whitford S. Bond
John J. Bowen
Martin Berman and
Mary Ann Jasienowski
Dr. Gus W. Thornton
Established by Frank
and Jean Botta to support
pet care assistance at
Angell Animal Medical
Center in Boston.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Botta
Established by Stacy
McManus for care of cancer
patients through the Pet
Care Assistance Fund.
Ms. Stacy McManus
Established by the late
Steven J. Cohen to support
the medical care of ill
animals that
are in the custody of the
MSPCA Law Enforcement
Mr. Steven J. Cohen
The Edwards Hyde Cox Trust
FUND (2002)
Established in 2002 by the
Eastern Dog Club to support
the Intern Program at Angell
Animal Medical Center.
Eastern Dog Club
Established by the daughter
of Robert and Loretta Gale
to support the Internship
Program at Angell Animal
Medical Center in Boston.
Dr. Joan Wuterich
Established by the late
Lillian Harvey to provide
support for feeding and
loving care of animals.
Lillian Hirst Harvey
FUND (2004)
Established by J. Robert
Coleman, Jr. as an
endowment component of
The Boston Project to
support the operating
expenses related to the work
of the Society.
J. Robert Coleman, Jr.
Established by MSPCA
overseer Marilyn R. Kudisch
to support the operating
expenses related to the
programs of the MSPCA
Animal Care and Adoption
Center in Boston.
John J. Bowen
Ms. Nancy S. Capone
Combined Jewish Philanthropies
Dr. Julie Dinnage
Ms. Patricia Dooley
Ms. Elizabeth Gardner
The Happy Dog Companies
Ms. Kathleen D. Kemper
Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn A. Kudisch
Mr. Peter G. Levine
Mariam Logna
and Mrs. Albert Savitsky
Hannah Sommerstein
Timothy D. Skelly
Marjorie A. West
FUND (1997)
Established by MSPCA
overseers Marilyn R. and
Selwyn Kudisch to support
pet care assistance at Angell
Animal Medical Center
in Boston.
Ms. Deborah Blackmore Abrams
John J. Bowen
Combined Jewish Philanthropies
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
S. Cummings
Ms. Lucinda DePatto
Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn A. Kudisch
Carter Luke and Penny Schiller
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Savitsky
Ms. Beth Shapiro
Mr. Timothy D. Skelly
Mr. James Stacey
Ms. Joan A. Stark
Dr. Gus W. Thornton
Established by William
and Rebecca Manley for
general support.
Mr. and Mrs. William Manley
Established by colleagues of
Sanford von H. Olson, on the
occasion of his retirement, to
support the Internship
Program at Angell Animal
Medical Center in Boston.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Boss
Mr. and Mrs. John Bursett
Mr. John Cass
Ms. Roanne Dunbar
Mr.and Mrs. John Fay
Ms. Catherine Hillerbrand
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jancke
Dr. and Mrs. Sanford
Von H. Olson
Seattle Veterinary Association
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Spooner
Colonel Marilyn J. Sylvester
Ms. Vicky Taylor
ANIMALS (2001)
Established by Catherine
Dews Potter to benefit the
international programs of
the MSPCA.
Ms. Catherine Dews Potter
MSPCA040 AnnRprt r6
2:54 PM
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Established by Maria Koutny
in honor of her mother Marie
Pappalardo, a victim of the
9/11/01 terrorist attacks,
to be used to benefit
animals at the Methuen
MSPCA facilities.
Maria Koutny
Dana Willeke
FUND (2001)
Established by Elizabeth
May Bell, for general support,
in honor of her family,
including her parents,
William A. and Eileen
Shorten, her brother, Robert
W. Shorten, her husband, Dr.
James A. Bell, and herself.
Ms. Elizabeth M. Bell
Established by Dr. Frank
Stanton to support pet care
assistance at Angell Animal
Medical Center.
Dr. Frank Stanton
Established by the Angell
Alumni Association in
memory of Marietta Flood
Thornton to support the
Intern Program at Angell
Animal Medical Center.
Dr. Duane T. Albrecht
Dr. Kenneth Arceneaux
Mr. and Mrs. George Ballantyne
Dr. Michael Bernstein
Dr. Dawn T. Brooks
Dr. James Carptenter
Dr. Maureen C. Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
S. Cummings
Joseph and Barbara Davin
Dr. Richard Devries
J. and Shirley Fennel
Dr. Christine Fiorello
Mrs. Catherine Flood
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey French
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Gambardella
Mr. Greg Gilmore
Dr. Robert C. Griffiths
Dr. Robin Holtsinger
Dr. Walter I. Horne
Dr. Ralph Henry Hunt
Dr. Paul Husted
Dr. James M. Johnson
Dr. Peter C. Kennedy
Mr. Charles Kenny
Dr. David W. Knapp
Mr. and Mrs. George
B. Langevin
Dr. Justine Lee
Dr. Edward B. Leeds
Mr. Stanley M. Lewis
Mrs. Josiah K. Lilly III
Dr. Barbara McGuire
Dr. Kirk P. Miller
Dr. Rhonda Moore
Dr. Lynn Morris and
Mr. Eric Smith
Mr. Bruce Nickerson
Dr. Kenneth Odrzywolski
Dr. Lee Pater
Dr. John Parks
Dr. Lee Patec
F. H. Perry, Builder, Inc.
Dr. Louis B. Pieper, Jr.
Drs. Anne Radice and Iris Love
Dr. Catherine J. Reese
Dr. Wayne Renegar
Dr. Richard M. Roberts
Dr. James Ross
Dr. Scott Schilling
Ms. Helen Sellow
Dr. Meredith A. Simon
Ms. Greta B. Street
Dr. Irene Takata
David E. Thompson and Paul D.
Dr. Gus W. Thornton
Dr. Stanley Truffini
Dr. Kenneth Abrams, Veterinary
Ophthalmology Services, Inc.
Dr. Jesse A. Webster
Corrections to the 2005
contributors list may be
forwarded to:
Elaine O’Connell,
Accounting Office,
350 South Huntington
Avenue, Boston, MA 02130
617 524-5623
[email protected]
Thank you.
Established by colleagues of
Dr. Michael Bernstein in his
honor to provide financial
support for the Internship
Program at Angell Animal
Medical Center in Boston.
Dr. Lisa Allen
Dr. Florence Barton
Dr. Douglas Brum
Drs. David and Jennifer Cook
Dr. David Dunn
Dr. Jack Gallagher
Dr. Paul Gambardella
Dr. Robin Holtzinger
Dr. Nancy Laste
Dr. Louis Pieper
Dr. Catherine Reese
Dr. Joan Regan
Dr. Wayne Renegar
Dr. Richard M. Roberts
Dr. Gus W. Thornton
Dr. Alice M. Wolf
Dr. Edward Zullo
Established by Eleanor E.
Tollow for general support.
Ms. Eleanor E. Tollow
Established by Joseph H.
Waters in memory of his
mother Kate I. Waters for
general support.
Mr. Joseph Waters
Established in memory of
Emily Zofnass to benefit the
Pet Care Assistance Fund.
Dr. Joan Zofnass
For more information about
The Twenty-First Century
Fund, please contact:
Kathleen Santry,
MSPCA-Angell, 350 South
Huntington Avenue, Boston,
MA 02130
617 541-5075
[email protected]
Corrections to the 2004
contributors list:
$2,500 — $4,999
Ms. Sierra Bright
MSPCA040 AnnRprt r6
2:55 PM
Page 22
Far Left: Azami, master
farrier, American
Fondouk, Fez, Morocco.
Left: Dr. Dgetluck, Chief
Medical Officer, Angell
Animal Medical Center –
Western New England
Board of Directors
Contact Information
Robert S. Cummings, Esq.
MSPCA-Angell Administrative Offices
350 South Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02130
617 522-7400
Executive Committee
Hillery Ballantyne
Whitford S. Bond
Gerard H. Brandi
John G. Carberry
Larry M. Hawk, D.V.M.
Robert W. Macleod
Elisabeth Allison
J. Robert Coleman
Robert S. Carroll
William Pepin
Dianne T. Pingree
Richard M. Roberts, D.V.M.
John G. Stevenson
Carolyn Thayer Ross
President Emeritus
Gus W. Thornton, D.V.M.
Larry M. Hawk, D.V.M., President
Carter Luke, Executive Vice President, MSPCA
Dana W. Ramish, Executive Vice President,
Angell Animal Medical Centers
Kathleen K. Collins, Vice President,
Human Resources
Howard J. Levy, Vice President, Finance and
Sam Schneider, Vice President,
Information Technology
Bonnie Zeledon, Vice President, Marketing
Angell Animal Medical Centers
Angell Animal Medical Center – Boston
Appointments and Information: 617 522-7282
Angell Animal Medical Center – Nantucket Island
Appointments and Information: 508 228-1491
Angell Animal Medical Center – Western New England
Appointments and Information: 413 785-1221
MSPCA Animal Care and Adoption Centers
Boston: 617 522-5055
Cape Cod: 508 775-0940
Martha’s Vineyard: 508 627-8662
Metro South (Brockton): 508 586-2053
Nantucket: 508 825-2287
Nevins Farm and Equine Center: 978 687-7453
Western New England: 413 736-2992
Legislative Issues: 617 541-5008
Living With Wildlife: 617 541-5104
Phinney’s Friends: 617 541-5105
Pets in Housing: 617 524-5607
Spay/Neuter Assistance Program (SNAP): 617 541-5007
Donations: 617 541-5075
Marketing and Communications:
Direct Marketing Fundraising: 617 524-5613
Public Relations: 617 541-5096
Web Site and Printed Publications: 617 541-5107
Hillside Acre Animal Cemetery, Methuen: 978 687-7453
The American Fondouk, U.S. Contact: 617 522-7400
24-Hour Animal Cruelty Law Enforcement Hotline: 800 628-5808
or 617 522-6008
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The mission of the Massachusetts Society for
the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is to
protect animals, relieve their suffering, advance
their health and welfare, prevent cruelty and
work for a just and compassionate society.