Werking van moderne kerncentrales - Jan Leen Kloosterman, TU
Werking van moderne kerncentrales - Jan Leen Kloosterman, TU
Werking van moderne kerncentrales www.JanLeenKloosterman.nl 1 Uranium U-238 Atoomkern met protonen (p) en neutronen (n) Electronen U-238 U-235 92 p en 146 n 92 p en 143 n Niet splijtbaar June 1, 2007 Goed splijtbaar Industriedag Borssele 99,3% voorkomen 2 0,7% voorkomen 1 Uraniumverrijking June 1, 2007 3 Industriedag Borssele neutron U-235 Moderator U-238 U-239 U-235 Moderator Np-239 Industriedag Borssele U-238 June 1, 2007 Pu-239 4 Pu-239 2 Energie dichtheid: equivalent van 1 gram 2500 liter June 1, 2007 3000 kg Industriedag Borssele 5 Componenten in reactorkern June 1, 2007 Industriedag Borssele 6 3 Werking van een drukwaterreactor (PWR) June 1, 2007 7 Industriedag Borssele Veiligheid van lichtwaterreactoren (LWR) U-235 Moderator Doppler feedback June 1, 2007 U-238 Moderator feedback U-235 1) stabiel U-239systeem (zelfregeling) 2) verlies vanIndustriedag koelcapaciteit schakelt de reactor af 8 Borssele 3) verlies van moderatie schakelt de reactor af Np-239 4 Nawarmte: verval splijtingsproducten Vervalenergie [MWd] Vervalvermogen [MW/MW] KCB: 50.000 straalkachels Tijd / dagen koeling blijft noodzakelijk na afschakeling June 1, 2007 Industriedag Borssele 9 Nawarmte: verval splijtingsproducten Geproduceerde warmte na 0.5 dag bedraagt: 0.0047 MWd ≈ 400 MWs = 400 fps Omschrijving Energie ( fps ) o Splijtstof van 100 C naar bedrijfstemp 9 o o Koelmiddel van 100 C naar 286 C 112 Reactorvat en constructiematerialen 43 June 1, 2007 Industriedag Borssele 10 5 Principe van meerdere barrieres Splijtstof (tablet en bekleding) Primair systeem (staal) Veiligheidsomhulling (2x beton + staal) June 1, 2007 Industriedag Borssele 11 Splijtstofelement van een PWR June 1, 2007 Industriedag Borssele 12 6 Belangrijke componenten in een PWR June 1, 2007 Industriedag Borssele 13 Reactorvat PWR 12 m 4m June 1, 2007 Industriedag Borssele 14 7 Drukhouder PWR June 1, 2007 15 Industriedag Borssele Stoomgenerator PWR 20 m June 1, 2007 Industriedag Borssele 16 8 Vervanging stoomgenerator June 1, 2007 Industriedag Borssele 17 In bedrijf zijnde commerciële vermogensreactoren in 2000 (bron: Nuclear Engineering International Handbook 2000) Totaal vermogen: 364 GWe 57,9% Drukwaterreactor (PWR) 21,4% Kokendwaterreactor (BWR) 7,8% Gasgekoelde grafietreactor (GCR) 7,6% Zwaarwaterreactor (PHWR) 3,2% Lichtwatergekoelde grafietreactor (LWGR) 0,9% Snelle kweekreactor (FNR) 1,2% Andere reactoren June 1, 2007 Industriedag Borssele 18 9 Werking van een BWR June 1, 2007 Industriedag Borssele 19 Splijtstofelement BWR June 1, 2007 Industriedag Borssele 20 10 Generaties kernreactoren Generation I Generation II Commercial Power Reactors Advanced LWRs Generation IV Evolutionary Designs Offering Improved Economics AP1000 SBWR PBMR HTRPM - ABWR - System 80+ - AP600 - EPR - LWR-PWR, BWR - CANDU - VVER/RBMK Gen I 1970 June 1, 2007 Economical - Enhanced 1980 - Minimal Waste - Proliferation Resistant Gen III Gen II 1960 - Highly Safety - Shippingport - Dresden, Fermi I - Magnox 1950 Generation III+ Generation III Early Prototype Reactors 1990 2000 2010 Gen IV 2020 2030 Industriedag Borssele 21 Defense in depth 1. Design to prevent the occurrence of events (transients) that can result in damage to the fuel or reactor system • Negative feedback coefficients • Large safety margins • Reliable components and well-known materials 2. Protective systems to halt transients • Reactor SCRAM systems • Pressure relief valves 3. Mitigation systems to limit the consequences of transients • Emergency core cooling • Emergency secondary feed water systems • Industriedag Borssele Emergency electrical systems • Multiple barriers to the biosphere June 1, 2007 22 11 Defense in depth generation II 1. Design to prevent the occurrence of events (transients) that can result in damage to the fuel or reactor system • Negative feedback coefficients • Large safety margins • Reliable components and well-known materials 2. Protective systems to halt transients • Reactor SCRAM systems • Pressure relief valves 3. Mitigation systems to limit the consequences of transients • Emergency core cooling • Emergency secondary feed water systems • Industriedag Borssele Emergency electrical systems • Multiple barriers to the biosphere June 1, 2007 23 Defense in depth generation III 1. Design to prevent the occurrence of events (transients) that can result in damage to the fuel or reactor system • Negative feedback coefficients • Large safety margins • Reliable components and well-known materials 2. Protective systems to halt transients • Reactor SCRAM systems • Pressure relief valves 3. Mitigation systems to limit the consequences of transients • Emergency core cooling • Emergency secondary feed water systems • Industriedag Borssele Emergency electrical systems • Multiple barriers to the biosphere June 1, 2007 24 12 Defense in depth generation III+ 1. Design to prevent the occurrence of events (transients) that can result in damage to the fuel or reactor system • Negative feedback coefficients • Large safety margins • Reliable components and well-known materials 2. Protective systems to halt transients • Reactor SCRAM systems • Pressure relief valves 3. Mitigation systems to limit the consequences of transients • Emergency core cooling • Emergency secondary feed water systems • Industriedag Borssele Emergency electrical systems • Multiple barriers to the biosphere June 1, 2007 25 European Pressurized-water Reactor reactorgebouw June 1, 2007 turbinegebouw Industriedag Borssele 4 veiligheidsgebouwen 26 4 x 100% 13 Dubbele veiligheidsomhulling – beton – – staal – – beton – bestand tegen de inslag van een groot verkeersvliegtuig June 1, 2007 Industriedag Borssele 27 Passief gekoelde ‘Core catcher’ koelwater June 1, 2007 Industriedag Borssele 28 14 Advanced Passive PWR 1117 MWe (Westinghouse – VS) June 1, 2007 Industriedag Borssele 29 Passieve veiligheidssystemen: minder componenten June 1, 2007 Industriedag Borssele 30 15 Passieve noodkoeling van veiligheidsomhulling June 1, 2007 31 Industriedag Borssele Generaties BWR gen II June 1, 2007 gen III gen III+ ABWR ESBWR Industriedag Borssele 32 16 High Temperature Reactor (HTR) June 1, 2007 Industriedag Borssele 33 TRISO splijtstof June 1, 2007 Industriedag Borssele 34 17 Pebble-Bed Modular Reactor June 1, 2007 35 Industriedag Borssele Overzicht van moderne kerncentrales Generatie III Type Generatie III+ ABWR EPR AP1000 ESBWR PBMR HTR-PM BWR PWR PWR BWR HTR HTR III+ III+ III+ Generatie III III III+ Vermogen 1350 1600 1150 1550 165 190 VS certificatie ja 2007 ja 2010 nee nee In gebruik 3 0 0 0 0 0 In aanbouw 3 1 0 0 0 0 Respijtperiode 72 uur 30 min. 72 uur 24 uur ∞ ∞ Kernsmeltfrequentie (1/jaar) 2⋅10-7 1.3⋅10-6 4⋅10-7 3⋅10-8 0 0 ‘core catcher’ nee ja <24 uur <24 uur onnodig onnodig Constructietijd (jr) 4 4 3 3 2 ? Technische levensduur (jr) 60 60 60 60 ? ? June 1, 2007 Industriedag Borssele 36 18
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