3rd July - Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish
3rd July - Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish
Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish ONE PARISH three churches Sacred Heart 50 Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters St Vincent’s 40 Hamilton Avenue, Surfers Paradise Stella Maris 254 Hedges Avenue, Broadbeach PASTORAL Very Reverend Fr Tim Harris Parish Priest & Dean of South Coast Deanery Fr Nicholas Okafor Associate Pastor Fr Regimon Gervasis MCBS Associate Pastor Helen Goldsmith Pastoral Ministry Coordinator PARISH STAFF Sonya Slater Parish Manager Marylou Ayres Parish Secretary Pat Kelly Parish Assistant Angela Williams Atrium Coordinator SCHOOLS St Vincent’s School Clear Island Waters Phone: 5572 1746 P: Kerry Rowlands St Kevin’s School Benowa Phone: 5539 4522 P: Peter Anderson St Kevin’s Kindergarten Phone: 5564 5910 Director: Michelle Nelson St Michael’s College Merrimac Phone: 5530 2722 P: Michael Nayler FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR C 2nd / 3rd July 2016 Dear Parishioners and Visitors, WELCOME ARCHBISHOP MARK COLERIDGE ARCHBISHOP OF BRISBANE This weekend we are truly delighted to welcome our Archbishop. The Archbishop is no stranger to us given his regular visits to the Parish over the years. His last visit was to open the Door of Mercy at Sacred Heart Church. He has returned now to dedicate the Church and new Altar and Sanctuary. Sacred Heart Church, Clear Island Waters is 30 years old and we thank God for this beautiful sacred building that means a great deal to so many. The new Altar, Table of the Word, Presiders chair and Tabernacle have all been funded or paid for by parishioners and visitors. The actual Sanctuary floor and back wall has also been renewed with marble additions. A special dedication liturgy has been prepared and will be celebrated by the Archbishop and the gathered assembly. We thank God for Sacred Heart Church and for all the people who have felt at home there over the years. The Church has proved to be a popular one with people from all over the coast and beyond who simply drop in to worship the Lord and pray. May our refurbished Sanctuary help focus our prayer and more richly remind us of our Catholic heritage and faith. Make yourself known to the Archbishop and be sure to warmly welcome him in person. A cuppa and refreshment will be served after the 9.00 am Dedication mass. BUSY AND CHALLENGING WEEK The week has been a very busy one. Parish life and life in general has been at a fast pace. We received the news that Monsignor Anthony Randazzo was called by the Holy Father the Pope to be an Auxiliary Bishop in Sydney. We announced this last weekend with several people expressing their pride at having "a local" called in this way. Surfers Paradise Parish is Bishop-elect Randazzo's home parish. The new Bishop elect celebrated 25 years as a priest at a Jubilee mass and lunch in Brisbane on Wednesday. We continue to pray for him in the days and weeks ahead as he approaches his ordination in August. I am sure that Bishop-elect Randazzo will be praying in thanksgiving for his Dad and Mum, Colin and Cathy (parishioners) who passed on a solid and enduring faith to their son. We might pray also for Fr Rafal Rucinski and Fr Jan Bailasiewicz, at this time who joined Bishop-elect Randazzo at the Jubilee mass and lunch on Wednesday. They too celebrate 25 years as priests and presently serve as Parish Priest of Nerang and Southport respectively. The busyness of the week continued with the Sanctuary refurbishment of Sacred Heart progressing requiring the Church to be closed simultaneously as several funerals were taking place at Stella Maris Church at Broadbeach. We hold these family members in our prayers as they come to terms with the loss of loved ones. God's abundant blessings, Fr Tim 14TH SUNDAY IN ORD TIME YOU ARE INVITED TO SERVE OUR WORSHIPPING COMMUNITY READINGS: Is 66:10-14; Gal 6:14 as a Liturgical Minister or Volunteer at any of the Masses at -18; Lk 10:1-12, 17-20 STELLA MARIS, ST VINCENT’S and SACRED HEART. There are FEASTS: N/a many ways you can contribute – Sacristan, Extraordinary NEXT WEEK: 15th Sunday Ord Minister of Communion, Reader, Welcomer, Collector, Data Projector, Music Time; Deut 30: 10-14; Col 1: 1520; Lk 10: 25-37 Ministry, Altar Server, Hospitality, Children’s Liturgy. Full training will be REFLECTION: The themes of provided. Please contact Helen Goldsmith by phoning the Parish Office: 5572 hope-filled new beginnings and 5433, or email directly to: [email protected] people on the move run through our readings today. Isaiah is full of the promise of a “new thing” that will evoke unrestrained joy like the joy of birth and hope for the returning exiles. In the reading from Galatians Paul’s focus is on “an altogether new creation”, which goes beyond the personal to the universal. Luke speaks of the sending out by Jesus of “the seventy two others” which suggests the situation of the young church as it proclaimed peace, brought healing and announced that God’s kingdom is at hand. This second Lukan mission prepares the way for the universal mission of the church in Acts and repeats the motif from Isaiah that God’s goodness is inclusive of all peoples. Vatican II used this image of “the pilgrim Church”, a Church on the move. ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER SUNDAY 3RD JULY, 2016 The Jubilee Year of Mercy is an opportunity to experience and encounter God’s Grace on many levels. The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council believes that the act of ‘black and white’ people praying together for mercy, forgiveness and justice is a powerful symbol of all the Year of Mercy represents. We pray for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, deeply wounded by dispossession and loss of culture, family and identity, may they find healing and justice with the support of compassionate loving people. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen STELLA MARIS PARKING UPDATE: Dear Parishioners, due to the cooler weather the recently poured concrete will need an additional week to dry. You will be able to drive on it from next Saturday the 9th July. Parking in the vacant block will require a little more patience. We are introducing turf on both sides of the new driveway. From the 9th July it is suggested you park in a single file; the first car in, parks at the end of the drive way and the other vehicles follow suit. Once the turf is established we will resume parking on each side of the drive The missionaries’ first words when way asking that you make every effort to allow for the maximum number of entering a house are to be “Peace parks. Many thanks, Sonya Slater. to this household”. Peace is the biblical shalom, “wholeness”, the result of a right relationship with God and neighbour. In Isaiah, God promises the returning exiles: “I will spread peace over Jerusalem like a river.” We too are called to be messengers of peace. Paul speaks of the peace and mercy that come to all who become that transformed person in Jesus Christ. This peace is not dependent on outside circumstances. It can exist even when we are surrounded by storms. We need that peace and inner security within ourselves first of all. It is a peace that a close following of Jesus can bring. We are called today to become labourers with Jesus in the harvest that is the world in which we live. May our labour gradually transform the world into a place where the values of the Gospel will create shalom. CHILDREN’S SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION PROGRAM 2016-2017 There is 1 week left to register for the Sacramental Program 2016-2017. Information brochures and enrolment forms are available in all churches, Parish Office, St Vincent’s and St Kevin’s schools. The program will commence on Tuesday 12th July, 2016 with a compulsory Parent Information Session. To be eligible children must be 8 years of age or older. If you have any questions please phone Helen Goldsmith 5572 5433. SACRED HEART ANOINTING MASS First Tuesday of the Month: The next Anointing Mass will be held on Tuesday 5th July at 11am in Sacred Heart Church, 50 Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters. Everyone is welcome to attend. If you are usually picked up please let Doug and Lois know you are coming to this Mass by calling them on 5630 8293 or 0419 724 181. Stay on afterwards for light refreshments in the Parish Hospitality Centre hosted by the Surfers Paradise Catholic Ladies. All SPCL members are asked to bring a plate to share. The Surfers Paradise Catholic Ladies will hold their monthly meeting that afternoon in the Parish Hospitality Centre . All members very welcome. PRAYER: Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. (St Francis of Assisi) PARISH MINISTRY and GROUPS and OTHER NEWS ATRIUM – CATECHESIS OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD Would you like to play a meaningful role in the faith journey of your child or grandchild? Catechesis of the Good Shepherd provides an exciting and interactive way of handing on the faith using Montessori-inspired materials. Your child will be captivated. Located in the building between Sacred Heart Church and Casey Hall, 50 Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters, the Atrium is specifically designed for this engaging form of faith development. *90 minute sessions held once a week during term time.* *Baptism preparation for children aged 3 to 8 years.* Play a real role in your child’s faith journey! For further information, please email Angela Williams at [email protected] Or phone Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish Office on 5572 5433 https://www.facebook.com/Catechesis-of-the-Good-ShepherdTibor-and-Vera-Endrody-Atrium Venire will commence again at Surfers Paradise on Thursday the 7th of July from 6:30-8:30pm. LIBRARY NEWS: Ordinary Time this year brings us The Gospel of Luke. On display in the Library are books which can help you to appreciate the message and inspiration of this Evangelist. Guides to reading the text and also books which explore how Luke is relevant to our 21st Century lives. This humane Gospel is especially relevant in the Year of Mercy. Don’t forget we have many books and resources for this special year too. PHILIPPINE FESTIVAL GOLD COAST: The Philippine Festival Gold Coast has been rescheduled to Sunday 17 July 2016 at Broadwater Parklands, Marine Parade, Southport from 9:30am to 5pm. ENTRY IS FREE! Everyone Welcome. For further information please call Mary Ann Boehme 0416 331 233. PRAYING THE ROSARY: The MARIA FORDE CELTIC AND MUSIC TOUR OF statue of Our Lady will be at the IRELAND 2016 home of Rosina & Frank Smith of My name is Maria Forde. I am a teacher of Merrimac, commencing Monday 4th Catholic education, a chaplain, liturgist and July 2016. Please phone Maxine or Pat singer. For the past 12 years I have been Sela on 5539 9539 and invite Our Lady leading priests, religious and parishioners to your home for a week. All you have to do is to say the from across Australia on a Celtic tour of Ireland. I will be Rosary to Our Lady. It is not necessary to invite people to leading a tour from 13-27 September this year and invite you your home. to join us. Whilst this is not a pilgrimage we visit several If you are unable to collect the statue due to transport churches, attend a vespers service at Glenstal Abbey and visit problems we can deliver the statue to you. many sacred monastic sites. Please feel free to call me Thankyou, Pat & Maxine on 0411 158 593 for additional tour information. A Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat will be held from 22 – 24 July, at Ormiston, Brisbane. These weekends are for people who are struggling with the unresolved issues from an abortion experience. For information contact Gwen 0407 175 508. Come and help us celebrate Fatima day on Wednesday 13th July at Marian Valley. For bookings please call Viviane on 07 55359623. COFFEE CULTURE CAFÉ 8.30am to 12.30pm Mon to Fri DURING SCHOOL HOLIDAYS Catering Options are available for your function. 0435 721 258 Achieving Pregnancy Naturally The Billings Ovulation Method® can assist you in having the baby of your dreams. If you have been trying to have a baby without success, our teachers can provide essential information, which will give you the best chance to achieve your pregnancy naturally. For a free information leaflet, call Billings LIFE 1800 335 860. CARMELITE MONASTERY: Come and help us celebrate Mass with Archbishop Coleridge on Sunday 17th July 2016 at the Carmelite Monastery, Ormiston. A bus will leave Sacred Heart Church at 8am. Tickets are $25 each. Please phone to book with Imelda on 5539 0959 or with Milka on 5538 0398. MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 9.00am Sacred Heart 7.00am 9.00am 7AM ST7.00am VINCENT’S SACRED HEART 9.00am 7am 9.00am ST VINCENT’S Anointing Mass STELLA MARIS 9AM STELLA MARIS Anointing Mass 9.00am ST VINCENT’S STELLA MARIS STELLA STELLA MARIS ST VINCENT’S MARIS 11am on SACRED HEART 11.00am Year of Mercy Reconciliations Tuesday This Tuesday Reconciliation 10am—11.30am 5th July 5th July 5.00pm—6.30pm 10-11.30 & 5-6.30 SUNDAY NORMAL MASS TIMES SUNDAY MASS TIMES SATURDAY RECONCILIATION RECONCILIATIONS 4.15pm STELLA MARIS 4.15pm Stella Maris 5.00pm SACRED HEART 5.00pm Sacred Heart 5.15pm St 5.15pm STVincent’s VINCENT’S STELLA MARISSaturday CHURCH evening Saturday 5.00pm andSunday Sunday7.00am 7.00am&and 8.30am STELLA MARIS CHURCH 5.00pm AND 8.30am SACRED HEART CHURCH Saturday 6.00pm and Sunday 9.00am and 6.00pm SACRED HEART CHURCH Saturday evening 6.00pm AND Sunday 9.00am & 6.00pm ST VINCENT’S CHURCH Saturday 6.00pm and Sunday 8.00am and 10.00am ST VINCENT’S CHURCH Saturday evening 6.00pm AND Sunday 8.00am & 10.00am MIGRANT CHAPLAINS / COMMUNITIES: Polish: Sunday 11.30am Sacred Heart Church Fr Bernard Bednarz 5504 6297 Italian: Sunday 4.00pm Sacred Heart Church Fr Michele Cagna CS 0432110468—Pastoral Support Felicia 5571 0858 — General Info. Filipino: Next Mass in our Parish is on 2nd October at 12noon in Casey Hall. Fr Terence Nueva 3277 2252 Hispanic: 1st & 3rd Sundays 5—7pm St Vincent’s Church Fr Ignacio Gutierrez 0481 118 521 Email: [email protected] Maronite Rite: Saturday 7.15pm Sacred Heart Phone: 3394 4994 St Maroun’s Church, Brisbane. Art & Craft: Wed 9am-12.30pm Parish Hospitality Centre Book Club: 3rd Tues 12noon. Parish Hospitality Centre Bridge: Monday 12.30pm. Parish Hospitality Centre. SPCL: Meeting 1.00pm 1st Tue. Hospitality Centre Friendship Day 3rd Thurs 10am-1.30pm PH: 5562 1260 Parish Choir Practice: 8.30am 1st and last Saturdays SH Playgroup: Wednesdays 9.30am Casey Hall, Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters - Sarah 0410 701 515 Playgroup is Volunteer Based— Each parent needs to sign an attendee sheet at each session. Yoga: Tuesday 10.45am $10/Session. Zumba Gold: Friday 9.15am Casey Hall. Beginners and Intermediate Levels. Susana Pozzi 0421 607 397 Pilates: Monday, Tuesday sessions. Casey Hall. Phone Nicole 0420 301 379 or at [email protected] FOR MORE PARISH GROUPS, PLEASE REFER TO OUR WEBSITE Baptisms: Please contact the Parish Office 5572 5433 to register. Marriages: Contact Parish Office 5572 5433 (Min 6mths notice required) Benediction: 1st Friday 7.30am St Vincent’s Church, Surfers Paradise Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Weekly at 9am Mass Sacred Heart Church. Stella Maris Church 8.30am Mass 2nd Sunday of each month. Christian Meditation: Tuesday 10am (Youth Room) Pam Egberts 0428090703 and on Tuesday 6pm (Youth Room) Contact Parish Office CFC Australia: Phone Butch & Mini 0424 583 168/9 Exposition: Monday & Friday 6am St Vincent’s Church, Surfers Paradise Tuesday 9.30am Sacred Heart Church, Clear Island Waters Thursday 9.45am St Vincent’s Church, Surfers Paradise Friday 7pm Sacred Heart Church, (1st Friday 7pm to 7am) Carmelite Spirituality: 3rd Sunday of each month 10.30am PHC, CIW Contact: Norm Harding 0421 125 575. Rosary: Sunday 7.15am St Vincent’s Church Monday & Friday 6.25am St Vincent’s Church Tuesday & Friday 8.25am Sacred Heart Church, before Mass Wednesday 8.25am Stella Maris Church, before 9.00am Mass Youth Led Mass: Sunday 6pm Sacred Heart. Next Date 28th August RECENTLY DECEASED: Judith Taylor (Kelly), Brian Swaddling, Ljuban Pilic, Ines Favretto, Cyril Imeson (Casino NSW), Bruno Andreetta, Maurice Hann, Linda Arlington, James Fuller, Mary Buetel, Antonio Tanquintic. ANNIVERSARIES: Tootsie Ware, John Schreiber, Matthew Hoare, Fr Bernard O’Shea. THOSE WHO ARE SICK: Colleen O’Shannassy (Colac, Victoria), Fr John Milliken PP of Stanmore, Henriette Bennik, Fadoul Kazzi, Kathryn Geldard, Finlayson, Gus Reeves, Annette Sophia Wisniewska (Poland). Anning, Monica Bailey, Sage Amor (Canada), Brian Elsmore, Emile Van Have you Deurse, Ron Mooney, Denise Tracey, Ron Perry, Paul Kiely, Denise Darwin thought about (Syd), Rachel Raines, John Ashby, Leaving a David Weldon, Dorelle Muller, legacy? Michael Kearney, Mike and Barbara Farrell, Marian Komorowski (Poland), Brochures on how to Fr Dom Cremesco SVS, Mary Kerr, “Make a Bequest to the Surfers Conor Cosgrave, Anne Weston, Mary Paradise Parish” are in the brochure Hayes (Melb), Diep Armstrong, Dolly holders at the back of all churches. Roberts & Gerald Theron (Cape Pat Burton, Valda Martin, Andreas Town), Joan Wienand, Ron Cadd, For further information call the parish office 5572 5433. Lunandi, Kate Needham, Ian Bernadine Lewis (Capetown SA), CONTACT FORM: WHAT ARE YOU INTERESTED IN RIGHT NOW? Family Name: _____________________________________ ⃝ REGISTERING IN PARISH ⃝ SACRAMENT ENQUIRY Other Names: _____________________________________ ⃝ PRAYER REQUEST ⃝ ROSTER AVAILABILITY Address: _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Home Phone: ________________ Mobile: ______________ Email: _____________________________________ ⃝ YOUTH ⃝ OTHER: ________________________________________ ⃝ to commence Parish Planned Giving Program Please place this completed form on the collection plate, or contact the Parish Office on 5572 5433 for further information.
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