24th July - Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish
24th July - Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish
Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish ONE PARISH three churches Sacred Heart 50 Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters St Vincent’s 40 Hamilton Avenue, Surfers Paradise Stella Maris 254 Hedges Avenue, Broadbeach PASTORAL Very Reverend Fr Tim Harris Parish Priest & Dean of South Coast Deanery Fr Nicholas Okafor Associate Pastor Fr Regimon Gervasis MCBS Associate Pastor Helen Goldsmith Pastoral Ministry Coordinator PARISH STAFF Sonya Slater Parish Manager Marylou Ayres Parish Secretary Pat Kelly Parish Assistant Angela Williams Atrium Coordinator SCHOOLS St Vincent’s School Clear Island Waters Phone: 5572 1746 P: Kerry Rowlands St Kevin’s School Benowa Phone: 5539 4522 P: Peter Anderson St Kevin’s Kindergarten Phone: 5564 5910 Director: Michelle Nelson St Michael’s College Merrimac Phone: 5530 2722 P: Michael Nayler SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR C 23rd / 24th July 2016 Dear Parishioners and Visitors, OUR PARISH WELCOMES BRENDAN GORMLEY, SEMINARIAN My name is Brendan Gormley and I am a seminarian for the Archdiocese of Brisbane. I was born and raised in Townsville, one of five children. My working career was mainly in banking and finance as a lending officer and later as a self-employed mortgage broker. I also spent a number of years working in a Brisbane parish as a Pastoral Ministry Coordinator. I spent three years in the seminary a number of years ago and during that time attained a bachelor’s degree in theology from Notre Dame University. I left the archdiocesan seminary to discern a possible vocation to religious life, including with the Discalced Carmelites. During that time, and ever since, I was reasonably sure I had a vocation to the priesthood, but whether it was as a diocesan/parish priest or to a more contemplative life in a religious community was something I needed to work through with the guidance of others. Immediately prior to re-entering seminary formation I was working in a microfinance program with the St Vincent de Paul Society. For the past two years I have been a seminarian at the Pontifical Beda College in Rome. The college caters specifically for men over thirty years of age from English-speaking countries wishing to train for the priesthood. There are currently forty-eight students in residence from thirteen countries, of which eight students are from Australia. The Beda is like a mini-United Nations. It is a privilege to be living in Rome and immersed in a culture so steeped in faith and history. The college I reside at is directly across the road from the Basilica of St Paul’s, where the remains of Saint Paul himself are kept and continue to draw countless pilgrims and tourists alike. I am grateful for this opportunity I have been given to live and study in the heart of our Church. As anyone who has done it will know, living in an overseas country is not without its challenges. However I am trying to make the most of my time in the special place that Rome truly is. As far as I can tell, Italians have four major passions, all beginning with “F”: Faith, Food, Fashion, Football. I suspect that the order of priority among these four varies greatly from person to person! I am back home in Brisbane for a month-long parish placement here at Surfers Paradise followed by some time off before returning to Rome to continue studies. All going well I will be ordained to the Diaconate next year, in Rome. In my spare time I am (or at least used to be before leaving Australia) a sports junkie and will have a go at just about anything. Before moving to Italy I used to play golf, indoor cricket and tennis. Unfortunately I’m not much into soccer, which is not ideal for someone living in Rome because the three main sports played and televised in Italy are soccer, soccer and soccer. I would like to thank Father Tim and the entire parish for allowing me to be with you during this time. I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible and experiencing more of what it means to be involved in ministry. Please pray for me as I will for you all. Blessings, Brendan 17TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - YEAR C REFLECTION: The readings we proclaim today continue to teach us about the theory and practice of prayer. Abraham’s prayer of bargaining with God is typical of beginners – earnest but not yet enlightened. Abraham challenges God to consider an alternative to total destruction. God reveals himself as not a tyrannical God, meting out rewards and punishment, but God who cares for all and actively seeks a way out of death for us. Ordination of Bishop-Elect Anthony Randazzo The Archdiocese of Sydney will be streaming the Ordination of Bishop -Elect Anthony Randazzo live from St Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney on Wednesday 24th August from 7pm. As attendance to the Ordination will be by invitation only, the Parish is offering to stream this occasion live in the Parish Hospitality Centre. Phone the Parish Office. (5572 5433). 17TH SUNDAY IN ORD TIME READINGS: 17th Sunday Ord Time; Genesis 18: 20-32; Colossians 2: 12-14; Luke11: 1-13 FEASTS: Mon 25th St James, apostle; Tues 26th Sts Joachim and Anne, parents of Blessed Virgin Mary; 29th St Martha NEXT WEEK: 18th Sunday Ord Time; Eccl1:2, 2:21-23; Col 3:1-5, 9-11; Luke 12:13-21 PRAYER IN THE YEAR OF MERCY During this Year of Mercy we look for ways to show mercy and to enact, through physical, ordinary lives, God’s compassion for those who suffer and forgiveness for those who have caused harm. We do this from a foundation of prayer and a close relationship with Jesus who is the model of behaviour and attitudes we want to manifest in ourselves. Jesus taught his disciples, good Jewish men who prayed five times a day, the Our Father, which is the template of all Christian prayer. Jesus’ way of praying is more important than the words he taught us. We are personally familiar with God (“our Father”). We reverence him (“who art in heaven,” “hallowed be thy name”). We share God’s desires (“thy kingdom come,” “thy will be done”). We ask for what we need (“give us this day our daily bread”). We beg our Father’s protection (“deliver us from evil”). These elements of prayer cover the whole range of human conversation: sharing experience, saying thank you, asking for help, crying out in pain, begging forgiveness, expressing love, spending time together. It means engaging God in the interactions that take place all day, every day. Luke’s gospel draws our attention to Jesus as a man of prayer and through him we learn not just the prayer of asking for things but the prayer of union and communion with God; the kind of prayer that Jesus himself prayed. Jesus doesn’t suggest we leave the prayer of asking behind. The Lord’s Prayer keeps on asking for daily bread, forgiveness and deliverance from trial. It is the prayer of thanksgiving, of repentance for our sins and intercession for the needs of others that becomes Personal interaction is the opportunity to express mercy and experience the grace of God. It is to live the Lord’s Prayer in all your undertakings every day. In this Year of more prominent. mercy I invite you to ask God for the opportunity and wisdom to express mercy the When Jesus says ‘ask and you way that Jesus taught us. will receive’ he refers to asking YEAR OF MERCY – HOLY DOOR, SACRED HEART CHURCH for things of importance. Come and make a pilgrimage to the Holy Door. The Holy Door of Sacred Heart Church Likewise, ‘seek and you will find’ remains wide open from 8am to 5pm daily. and ‘knock’ on the door. He Special Reconciliation times for the Jubilee Year are wants us to understand it’s not Fridays 10 – 11.30am and 5 – 6.30pm the words and phrases we use in A Pilgrimage Prayer leaflet is available at the door. personal prayer or perfect Blessings, Helen grammar that makes the difference. Our heavenly Father knows infinitely better than we Prayer: Choose one line of the Lord’s Prayer that feels like your prayer for the do what is good for us and has day, speak it aloud and silently pray the line through the day. already given it. The image in Paul’s letter to the Colossians PLANNED GIVING ENVELOPES for the 2016 - 2017 Financial Year are now pictures God, in all his available in our three Churches. If you can’t locate yours they may have been generosity, mercifully reaching sent to one of the other Churches. Please give us a out to his children, cancelling a call and we will send them on to whichever Church debt owed to him and giving us you will be attending. If you contribute via direct what we cannot possibly grasp. debits there will be an envelope for you with your Though we have many needs, many prayers we address to God, God has only one prayer for us, Jesus Christ. We can ask for nothing greater or more satisfying. receipt and a Financial Statement from the Parish. If you are interested in joining in the Planned Giving Program please phone us at the Parish Office and we can arrange for you to receive Envelopes or give you Bank Forms to complete for your Direct Debits. PARISH MINISTRY and GROUPS and OTHER NEWS ATRIUM – CATECHESIS OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD Would you like to play a meaningful role in the faith journey of your child or grandchild? Catechesis of the Good Shepherd provides an exciting and interactive way of handing on the faith using Montessori-inspired materials. Your child will be captivated. Located in the building between Sacred Heart Church and Casey Hall, 50 Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters, the Atrium is specifically designed for this engaging form of faith development. *90 minute sessions held once a week during term time.* *Baptism preparation for children aged 3 to 8 years.* Play a real role in your child’s faith journey! For further information, please email Angela Williams at [email protected] Or phone Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish Office on 5572 5433 https://www.facebook.com/Catechesis-of-the-Good-ShepherdTibor-and-Vera-Endrody-Atrium Veniré is a ministry that provides an opportunity for young people across the Gold Coast to get connected with other young people who share the same faith, inviting them to find their identity in Christ; empowering them to know, to love, and to serve the Lord. 28th – Veniré at Surfers Paradise Parish If you would like any more information about these events or to come along to any of them, RSVP and message us via our Facebook page www.facebook.com/venireyouth LIBRARY NEWS: There is no excuse for elder abuse is the ST. VINCENT DE PAUL ANNUAL WINTER APPEAL will take place in our Parish over this weekend . The theme of this year’s appeal is “rethink homelessness”. Homelessness is impacting on all parts of our society but particularly affecting women. So more than ever, Vinnies needs your help as our dedicated volunteers continue their work. A Special Collection will be taken up before the end of Mass QUO VADIS WEEKEND Dates: 26th – 28th August 2016 at Holy Spirit Seminary Cost: $50 (or donation) Registration closes: 29th July 2016 Contact Adam Burns, [email protected] title of an awareness campaign, which was brought to our attention by a Library borrower. Check out our display about this important topic including; “How to Honour Your Aging Parents”, “Dementias”, “May I Walk You Home” and books about family relationships. We also have obtained a supply of little cards with information and help lines. Please feel free to take several to distribute to your clubs and friends. It is an important message which deserves to be given widely to our community. Workshops on Catholic Worship Book II for all parish/school musicians & liturgists. Catholic Worship Book II is much more than a hymn book. It includes all the music for Mass, other Sacraments, RCIA, Liturgy of the Hours and Adoration as well as a wide variety of hymnody. All music has been assessed as theologically, liturgically and musically appropriate. It has notes on music in the Mass, guitar chords for recently composed hymns, many Australian works and items for children. Monday 25th July 10am-12noon St Benedict’s, 2 Wallaby Drive, Mudgeeraba. ENQUIRIES: Elizabeth Harrington MULTICULTURAL MASS 2016 - SUN 28 AUGUST, 2.30PM [email protected]; 3224 3322 Cathedral of St Stephen, 249 Elizabeth St, Brisbane. Further information at the Centre for Multicultural Pastoral Care Children’s IRISH DANCING CLASS Monday 3324 3451 or you can email to [email protected] 3.30pm to 4.30pm in Casey Hall, CIW. Age 3+ Or check the website at www.multiculturalcare.org.au For information call Linda on 0407 370 047. FRANCISCAN GATHERING “THE LORD GAVE ME BROTHERS” Next Fraternity Meeting, Wednesday 27th July, 12.30 to 3.30pm, Infant Saviour Church, Park Road, Burleigh Heads. All welcome. Sr. Clara Condon. You are invited to attend the Solemnity of Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop celebrated by Archbishop Mark Coleridge on Monday, 8th August 2016 at 10am Cathedral of St Stephen. RSVP by 1 August 2016 by email to [email protected] or call 3324 3200. PRAYING THE ROSARY: The statue of Our Lady will be at the home of Deborah Chapman of Mudgeeraba for the week of Monday 25th July 2016. Please phone Maxine or Pat Sela on 5539 9539 and invite Our Lady to your home for a week. All you have to do is to say the Rosary to Our Lady. It is not necessary to invite people to your home. If you are unable to collect the statue due to lack of transport we can deliver the statue to you. Thankyou, Pat & Maxine Sela. COFFEE CULTURE CAFÉ The Bold and Beautiful Friendship Group will meet at 12 7.30am to 3.30pm Mon to Fri noon for lunch at Nobby's Surf Life Savings Club - 25A Catering Options are available for your function. 0435 721 258 Albatross Ave, on Thursday 28th July 2016. Lift and parking available. All Welcome. (Leona 55387070) MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 9.00am 9am 9.00am 9.00am SACRED HEART SACRED HEART STELLA MARIS STELLA MARIS ST VINCENT’S Anointing Next Anointing Mass Mass 11am 11am on on August 2nd2nd August 7am 7.00am ST VINCENT’S SUNDAY NORMAL MASS TIMES SUNDAY MASS TIMES THURSDAY FRIDAY 9.00am 9.00am STELLA MARIS 7AM ST7.00am VINCENT’S ST VINCENT’S 9AM SACRED 9.00amHEART STELLA MARIS SACRED HEART Year of Mercy Reconciliations Reconciliation 10am—11.30am 10-11.30 & 5-6.30 5.00pm—6.30pm SATURDAY RECONCILIATION RECONCILIATIONS 4.15pm STELLA MARIS 4.15pm Stella Maris 5.00pm SACRED HEART 5.00pm Sacred Heart 5.15pm St 5.15pm STVincent’s VINCENT’S STELLA MARISSaturday CHURCH evening Saturday 5.00pm andSunday Sunday7.00am 7.00am&and 8.30am STELLA MARIS CHURCH 5.00pm AND 8.30am SACRED HEART CHURCH Saturday 6.00pm and Sunday 9.00am and 6.00pm SACRED HEART CHURCH Saturday evening 6.00pm AND Sunday 9.00am & 6.00pm ST VINCENT’S Saturday 6.00pm and Sunday Sunday 8.00am 8.00am & and 10.00am ST VINCENT’S CHURCH CHURCH Saturday evening 6.00pm AND 10.00am MIGRANT CHAPLAINS / COMMUNITIES: Polish: Sunday 11.30am Sacred Heart Church Fr Bernard Bednarz 5504 6297 Italian: Sunday 4.00pm Sacred Heart Church Fr Michele Cagna CS 0432110468—Pastoral Support Felicia 5571 0858 — General Info. Filipino: Next Mass in our Parish is on 2nd October at 12noon in Casey Hall. Fr Terence Nueva 3277 2252 Hispanic: 1st & 3rd Sundays 5—7pm St Vincent’s Church Fr Ignacio Gutierrez 0481 118 521 Email: [email protected] Maronite Rite: Saturday 7.15pm Sacred Heart Phone: 3394 4994 St Maroun’s Church, Brisbane. Art & Craft: Wed 9am-12.30pm Parish Hospitality Centre Book Club: 3rd Tues 12noon. Parish Hospitality Centre Bridge: Monday 12.30pm. Parish Hospitality Centre. SPCL: Meeting 1.00pm 1st Tue. Hospitality Centre Friendship Day 3rd Thurs 10am-1.30pm PH: 5562 1260 Parish Choir Practice: 8.30am 1st and last Saturdays SH Playgroup: Wednesdays 9.30am Casey Hall, Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters - Sarah 0410 701 515 Playgroup is Volunteer Based— Each parent needs to sign an attendee sheet at each session. Yoga: Tuesday 10.45am $10/Session. Zumba Gold: Friday 9.15am Casey Hall. Beginners and Intermediate Levels. Susana Pozzi 0421 607 397 Pilates: Monday, Tuesday sessions. Casey Hall. Phone Nicole 0420 301 379 or at [email protected] RECENTLY DECEASED: William Sammut, Thomas Laidlaw, Brian Vincent Murphy (Bris), Tom Nicholson, George Mamo, Florys Nofonofo, Pauline Stackhouse, Ananias Torrecampo (Canada), May Tracey. ANNIVERSARIES: Bryan John Suter, Dr Roger Bullen, Wayne Rillstone, Edmund O’Brien, Edward Blackshaw, Terry Burke, Hugh, Roy & Clyde Saunders, Eftim Orloff, Fr Frank Shortis (O.Carm), Roma Foley O’Brien, Archbishop Frank Rush, Anthony & Granville Cardoza, Harry & Richard Letchiman. FOR MORE PARISH GROUPS, PLEASE REFER TO OUR WEBSITE Baptisms: Please contact the Parish Office 5572 5433 to register. Marriages: Contact Parish Office 5572 5433 (Min 6mths notice required) Benediction: 1st Friday 7.30am St Vincent’s Church, Surfers Paradise Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Weekly at 9am Mass Sacred Heart Church. Stella Maris Church 8.30am Mass 2nd Sunday of each month. Christian Meditation: Tuesday 10am (Youth Room) Pam Egberts 0428090703 and on Tuesday 6pm (Youth Room) Contact Parish Office CCA: Phone Butch & Mini 0424 583 168/9 Exposition: Monday & Friday 6am St Vincent’s Church, Surfers Paradise Tuesday 9.30am Sacred Heart Church, Clear Island Waters Thursday 9.45am St Vincent’s Church, Surfers Paradise Friday 7pm Sacred Heart Church, (1st Friday 7pm to 7am) Carmelite Spirituality: 3rd Sunday of each month 10.30am PHC, CIW Contact: Norm Harding 0421 125 575. Rosary: Sunday 7.15am St Vincent’s Church Monday & Friday 6.25am St Vincent’s Church Tuesday & Friday 8.25am Sacred Heart Church, before Mass Wednesday 8.25am Stella Maris Church, before 9.00am Mass Youth Led Mass: Sunday 6pm Sacred Heart. Next Date 28th August THOSE WHO ARE SICK: Daphne Lewis, Sharon Murphy (Syd), Michelle Coyle, Alvon Beutel, Colleen O’Shannassy (Colac, Victoria), Fr John Milliken PP of Stanmore, Henriette Bennik, Fadoul Kazzi, Kathryn Geldard, Pat Burton, Farrell, Marian Komorowski (Poland), Fr Dom Cremesco SVS, Mary Kerr, Conor Cosgrave, Anne Weston, Mary Hayes (Melb), Diep Armstrong, Dolly Roberts & Gerald Theron (Cape Town), Joan Wienand, Ron Cadd, Valda Martin, Andreas Lunandi, Kate Bernadine Lewis (Capetown SA), Needham, Ian Finlayson, Gus Reeves, Sophia Wisniewska (Poland). Annette Anning, Monica Bailey, Sage Amor (Canada), Brian Elsmore, Emile Have you thought about leaving a legacy? Van Deurse, Ron Mooney, Denise Brochures on how to “Make a Bequest to Tracey, Ron Perry, Paul Kiely, Denise the Surfers Paradise Parish” are in the brochure holders at the back of all Darwin (Syd), Rachel Raines, John churches. Ashby, David Weldon, Dorelle Muller, For further information call the parish Michael Kearney, Mike and Barbara office 5572 5433. CONTACT FORM: WHAT ARE YOU INTERESTED IN RIGHT NOW? Family Name: _____________________________________ ⃝ REGISTERING IN PARISH ⃝ SACRAMENT ENQUIRY Other Names: _____________________________________ ⃝ PRAYER REQUEST ⃝ ROSTER AVAILABILITY Address: _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Home Phone: ________________ Mobile: ______________ Email: _____________________________________ ⃝ YOUTH ⃝ OTHER: ________________________________________ ⃝ to commence Parish Planned Giving Program Please place this completed form on the collection plate, or contact the Parish Office on 5572 5433 for further information.
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