NEW FACES With Red Dot Café now galloping, the
NEW FACES With Red Dot Café now galloping, the
N u m b e r 12 - J u n e 2 0 0 4 N E W FA C E S With Red Dot Café now galloping, the strain on Kane saw us introduce Samuel Allen to the kitchen fray. Mild-mannered Sam has cheffed at such establishments as Urban Bistro and Enoteca Cucina where he played roles of chef de partie and sous chef respectively. After an extensive search with the aid of Jeremy Harris at Speakman’s, we appointed Dale Wyman, ex-Bremerton Wines of Langhorne Creek, to the lofty heights of General Manager. Dale is a cricketer of note with full accounting qualifications and a keen eye for business opportunities. His responsibilities will include all aspects of our operation. Sam Allen(left) negotiating terms with new boss, Dale Wyman. Z O R K TA L K The revolutionary new Adelaideevolved wine closure which is being used on the all-new Penny’s Hill RED DOT Shiraz has zapped all who see it. The Swedes were very interested, the English attracted and the Yankees absolutely gob smacked. Go Zork. ZORK PULL At the launch of Zork at Penny’s Hill on May 1, the world’s first public airing of the new popper stopper, comedian Damian Callinan brought the audience to a standstill at black tie nosh up with one Chris Hackett wishing he’d left his mobile phone at home. Guests included Zork chiefs Nigel Robinson, John Brooks and director Colin King and their wives. Philip White, Jane Ingoldby, David Paxton, Ang Tolley, Toby Bekkers, Drew Dowie and Lulu Lunn and a big team of Peter Darley supporters added to the fun. and our man in NY, David Forziatti and their excellent girlfriends, Susie and Cindy. As helmspersons, the novice visitors acquitted themselves satisfactorily, or so the tack-t-ful hosts implied. AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAZE Parky and Mr Riggs have just come back to earth after three weeks of circumglobalising, some 80 hours of which were spent aloft. Their odyssey, partly in the company of the irrepressible Zar Brooks and the genteel Geoff Hardy, included Stockholm for bulk wine business, London for the Wine and Spirits Fair and multi-stops across the US with villages such as Chicago, Seattle, Portland, Miami and Boston visited in the quest for market penetration. The renowned Hospice du Rhone at Paso Robles in California, in conjunction with Epicurean Wines, saw all our key wines offered en masse for public tasting. C AV I A R E M P T O R On the world jaunt, it fell to Brooks and Parky to assume responsibility for ensuring the quality of all caviar purchased. And beluga me if Stockholm wasn’t a clear winner. Besides avid caviar tasting, margaritas were sampled with alacrity, not to mention the odd sparkling rarity, such as a ‘96 Cuvee Belle Epoch which bounced into Zar’s carry-on bag at a British Airways flight lounge!! BEFORE THE MAST To obtain relief from lurgies and the aural drubbing of an all pervasive hiphop festival, Parky and Ben enjoyed a day’s sailing out of Miami harbour with Florida distributor, John O’Connor David “Fiveziatti” with Parky high on the seas off Miami. CIAO BELLA! Quite by accident, and after lunch at Nepenthe on Highway 1 near Big Sur, Parky, Zar and US importer, Ben Hammerschlag, while testing the grippings of a new BMW sedan, found a remote and unusual wine bar at Ben Lomond in the Santa Cruz mountains. Named Ciao Bella, it will definitely kick start a new Woop Woop designation, our equivalent of the Michelin 5star, for being “out there”. If you know of any wine bar, restaurant or pub that is remotely located and slightly mad, let us know. We plan to identify a series of Woop Woop Wonders across the globe. Juan Torres(left) of Binny’s in Chicago with our star rep, Magan Eng and Woop Woop. F O O D FA M E As the kitchen kapers of our man Kane Ellis catch on, so spreads the fame of our foodstuffs. Recent “Advertiser” Wednesday food pages saw Kane and Red Dot Café featured on front cover and several times thereafter. Long time local journo, Samela Harris was taken by the place and snap shots of our outbuildings also provided backdrop for her roadtest of new Mitsubishi sedan. If you’ve not yet sampled the morsel magic of Kane and Sam, get a crew together and pencil in the RDC for a tasty, fair priced feed. Kane also cooked along with colleagues from Salopian Inn and Star of Greece at recent 300 strong black-tie fundraiser at Festival Theatre. Served in conjunction with the catering staff of Adelaide’s Hyatt, event was a strong showcase for local foods and wines. F I R S T N O N - E S TAT E W I N E Using grapes from outside the borders of our own vineyards for the first time, Penny’s Hill now offers an all-new regional non-estate Shiraz under the name RED DOT. Funny, but it took many an elimination to get to what now seems a very obvious title. Nice wine too. Well balanced, fruity and flavoursome with fresh mouthfeel and happy palate, get some on board. See ORDER FORM included. LONGER SEA & VINES FA N C Y PA N T S The 2004 Sea & Vines Festival, extended to all three days of the recent June long weekend, braved bad weather to record reasonable visitor numbers. Music by our regular R&B star, Dwight Adams, singer-songscribbler, Stephen Foster and the local cover band, Jump Daddy’s provided continuous entertainment whilst Kane, Sam and crew did a great job of feeding the masses. And of course, bouquets to Jane Stewart and the entire cellars team for delivering yet another spectacular festival – all between torrential downpours and nasty westerly gusts. Fancy dress reached new extremes at Ben Riggs' recent 40th celebrations at Penny's Hill. Ben went from Mr to King Henry VIII, Norm Doole was perfectly cast as Adolf and Drew Dowie convinced us he was a ship's captain. One of McLaren Vale's most memorable parties, it certainly did go all night. Notable guests included our Foreign Minister’s wife, Nicky Downer, Dorinda Haffner, Wolf and Shirley Blass and our US importer, Ben Hammerschlag and his Marketing assistant, Lara Zahaba. Parky with Wolf Blass and Jane Stewart four Jimmy Watson’s between them! R O M A N T I C S P E C TA C L E FAREWELL GENTLEMEN The company’s optometrists, Ken and Sunset Chenery, celebrated their wedding anniversary at Red Dot Café recently. So moved was Kenny with the ambience, he framed the lovely Sunset, snapping the moment for posterity. Since our last bulletin, two of the giants of McLaren Vale's wine industry have passed away. Marvellous endearing characters both, Ken Maxwell and Doug Collett will be sadly missed but long remembered as visionaries in times when growing grapes and making wines in McLaren Vale were hardly fashionable. And besides memories of their many and varied eccentricities, both leave strong legacies with Mark Maxwell and Scott Collett assuming the mantles with aplomb. Our sympathies go to Margie Maxwell, Mary Collett and their families. Sunset at midday. S T O R K TA L K And no matter how hard we try to keep Louise out of the news, she’s managed it with bells on. She and Mr Bosworth of the Joch variety are to be pattered with tiny feet later this year. Big congratulations and welcome to the magic of motherhood, Louise. Mr King, Your Fuhrer and Captain Drew. FLEURIEU PENINSULA BIENNALE Set down for November, Penny’s Hill is proud to host the Heritage Exhibition of the Biennale from November 5-28th. Called “Open Borders”, and curated by John Neylon, it is an interesting approach to a diverse sampling of Fleurieu-generated artworks and creations. Add a diary note folks. Telephone: (08) 8556 4460 Fax: (08) 8556 4462 Mobile: (08) 0408 805518 Functions and Catering Telephone: (08) 8556 4000 Email: [email protected] Web: Mr. Riggs Joe Zuoro and ace retailer Jimmy Cefalo at Joe’s fantastic Anacapri Restaurant in Miami. CELLARS OPEN 10am-5pm - 7 DAYS.
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