Aug. - IPMS
Aug. - IPMS August 2012 August Meeting The August meeting of the Tidewater Chapter of the International Plastic Modelers Society will be at the Air and Space Museum on Settlers Landing Road in Hampton on the first Friday of the month, August 3rd, at its regular time - 6:30 pm (or so). We are scheduled to meet in our regular space in the first floor media room. We will start with our usual business meeting, where we will discuss the progress in preparing our bid for the 2014 IPMS/USA National Conven- tion. We will also discuss support for any upcoming contests and other activities. There is no official demo planned for the meeting, but we may get a chance to see a full dress rehearsal of our presentation to the convention selection committee. The actual presentation is only a week away, so if there is anything else to be done to it, now is the time to discover it. Next, we turn to our show ‘n’ tell, where you get to show all the good work you have done in the last month. There may even be a preview of some national convention entries. Finally, Rafflemaster (and Prez) Scott Bregi, will move to the raffle table to raffle off the new bag of goodies. Then it’s on to Anna’s Pizza for the meeting after the meeting and where the real business of the club is conducted. Be there or be nominated for something. It’s Show Time…..! Next week, our crack team of national convention presenters will be making their way to Orlando, FL to present our bid for the 2014 IPMS/USA national convention at this year’s event, being held at the Disney Contemporary Hotel on the grounds of Walt Disney World. Led by convention chairman selectee John Lent, our bid will be given on Saturday morning to the IPMS E-board and a select committee of interested parties. The an- nouncement of who will host the 2014 convention will be made at the awards banquet on Saturday evening. Our team has put in a lot of work, and the outcome was a little different than what we expected when we agreed to make the effort. The outside parties who wanted us to do this encouraged us to “take it back to the beach”, not realizing that the Virginia Beach Convention Center was no longer a competitive venue. Regardless of the outcome, our team has done an outstanding job and has put together a bid that will be an exceptional value for IPMS/USA and its 50th anniversary celebration. Come to the meeting to get the very latest word and get a look at what we will present next week. THE TIDEWATER MODELER Page 2 Tidewater Wins Shootout Contest Report 2012 Virginia Shootout sponsored by Roanoke Valley IPMS By Chip Jean A sextuplet (it had to be a SEXtuplet, didn't it?) of IPMS Tidewater modelers garnered enough points to capture the Virginia Shootout trophy for the second straight year as the best IPMS chapter in attendance at the 2012 edition of The Roanoke Valley IPMS Virginia Shootout contest on July 14. Once again though, "capturing" the trophy was merely symbolic as last year the trophy turned up missing and again this year, it was not in attendance. Much like stolen, priceless artwork though, the trophy has miraculously turned up, this time in the Confederate Capitol. Our model geek brethren from Richmond have quietly kept the trophy for the past 2 years, no doubt buried and forgotten amongst a stash of unbuilt kits. They have promised to deliver the trophy to it's current rightful owners, IPMS Tidewater. There will be no Shootout next year as IPMS Roanoke will be hosting the Region 2 convention, so if/when we get the trophy, we will have it until at least 2014 and maybe longer is we can find a hidey-hole for it in John Kelly's attic. The contest is held at the Roanoke Civic Center, in a basement conference so humid, it's where model aircraft antenna wires go to droop. Despite the contest room having a dew point only half a degree below room temperature, attendees were brave enough to place 437 models on the tables. The contest theme was "The Titanic" and in a cutesy move keeping with the theme, the Roanoke guys renamed the awards "First Class", "Second Class", and "Steerage" instead of the old, ordinary, well-worn first, sec- ond, third. Your Tidewater troops scored points in the aircraft, armor, space/sci-fi, and automotive categories, with the bulk of our points coming in aircraft. The highlights of the show were Steve Simmons taking the Best Automotive award with his '41 Chevy Pickup and Chris Durden's Rumpler C3 taking the Best Aircraft and Best of Show awards. Here are our individual award winners: Rigged/Multi-Wing 1st Chris Durden Roland C3 1/72 SE Prop - Allied 2nd Bill Brickhouse Hurricane Mk. IIA 1/72 SE Prop - Axis 2nd Bill Brickhouse A5M4 Claude 1/48 SE Prop - Allied 1st Chip Jean F8F-1 Bearcat 1/48 SE Prop - Me-109 2nd Bill Brickhouse Bf-109E-4 1/48 SE Prop - Axis Other Than Me-109 1st Bill Brickhouse Ki61 3rd Chip Jean D4Y3 Judy 1/72 ME Prop 1st Chip "Zelco Itchyballs" Jean (ya' hadda be there) G4M Betty 2nd Bill Brickhouse Ki-45 Nick 3rd Scott Bregi F7F Tigercat Tidewater Sweep!!!!! 1/48 ME Prop 1st Bill Brickhouse Hs-129B-1 1/72 SE Jet 2nd Chip Jean Swift FR.5 3rd Bill Brickhouse Fw226 Flitzer THE TIDEWATER MODELER 1/72 ME Jet 1st Scott Bregi Blue Angels F/A-18 1/48 ME Jet 2nd Chip Jean F/A-18F Rotary Wing 1st Chip Jean MH-60G 1/32 Prop 1st Chris Durden Roland D5A 1/32 Jet 1st Chip Jean T-33A Out of the Box Aircraft - all scales 1st Bill Brickhouse Ki-61 2nd Scott Bregi P-47D 1/48 & Smaller Wheeled/Soft Skinned Vehicles 1st David Garcia Kubelwagen Page 3 1/20 & Smaller Showroom Stock 1st Scott Bregi Ferrari All Scales Custom 1st Steve Simmons '41 Chevy Pick-up Out of the Box Automotive - all scales 1st Steve Simmons '58 Chevy Impala Real Spacecraft & Vehicles - all scales 2nd Scott Bregi Mercury Liberty Bell BEST AUTOMOTIVE Steve Simmons '41 Chevy Pick-up BEST AIRCRAFT Chris Durden Roland C3 BEST OF SHOW Chris Durden Roland C3 More Amazing Footage Product Review DVD by Victory Films- Mission to Rabaul Reviewer: Floyd S. Werner, Jr. I’ve had the pleasure of reviewing the releases from Victory Films and it never ceases to amaze me the level of stuff that they have found. The latest DVD is titled “Mission to Rabaul”. Contained on this two hour and five minute DVD are the “Bismark Sea Victory”, “Mission to Rabaul”, “United States Pacific Ace”, “Fifth Air Force Gun Camera”, “Ace of Aces”, “The Headhunt- ers”, “Leapfrog” and “Pacific Gun Camera Film”. Bismark Sea Victory is a typical documentary from 1943. This is why we fight and here are our boys doing Tojo no good. For those who like their aircraft with an Australian flare this is a very good video. RAAF P-40s, A-20s and Beaufighters are the highlight of this documentary. For the modeler there is a plethora of diorama ideas here. Mission to Rabaul is a boon for those that love the art of low level flying. The weathering that is shown on the P-38s will create a terrible looking model. Building the airstrip are highlighted then P40s, which look like the 49th FG, landing and taking off. B-24s and B-25s show the combined effect of high and low altitude attacks. Somehow the photographer got really close to the exploding bombs on the airfield. I liked watching the B-25s flying so low that they blew up dirt while they are kicking butt. One B-25 is shown flying right down the airstrip strafing everything in sight. The B-25s also have lots of nose art on them, including a really cool looking Dragon. For those who only know about the parachute drops THE TIDEWATER MODELER Page 4 in Europe there is section on a large airborne operation. These are supported by A-20 smoke ships. The sarcasm is hilarious in this sequence. For those that are looking for Japanese aircraft, there are Zeros, Bettys, Sallys, Nicks, Hamp, Nell, and Oscars in various stages of destruction. There are shot up B-25s and P-38s undergoing maintenance that will prove useful to modelers. For those that have the Accurate Miniatures B-25 will recognize “Dirty Dora” and other ships like her. There are some really tight formation and a good closing sequence with flak and tracers arcing up at the camera. United States Pacific Ace highlights Colonel Neel Kirby and his aircraft. The P-47 is covered on all sides with a couple of great low level passes. I did notice a very strange looking drop tank and rack on Kirby’s machine. Fiery Ginger is just as much a reason for this sequence as meeting Kirby and his Medal of Honor. Fifth Air Force Gun Camera Film contains some great flying sequences. The one that really stands out shows a P-38 chasing a Zero who is intent on shooting down another P-38. There are really close encounters including inverted near passes. Ace of Aces highlights Richard Bong. The famous P-38 Marge is shown but well before there were any hints of the famous picture being plastered on the nose. The kill markings are shown to great detail, as well as, the aircraft data stencil. Like Kearby, Bong does his bit of low level flying. The Headhunters is dovetailed with the Bong sequence which shows off the P-38s of the 80th FS. There are the customary low level flybys. Some of the unit aces are highlighted. We also see the Headhunter emblem prior to it being added to the aircraft, blessed by real headhunters. We finally do see the famous picture of Marge on the aircraft. It is much further aft than I remember. Leapfrog shows how the campaign in the Pacific developed and how Rabaul was cut off and left to die. The final sequence is a full color sequence of gun camera footage. There are some really impressive sequences in here with a variety of Japanese aircraft smiling for the gun camera, including a Dinah. There are plenty of strafing ships and buildings with bullets and rockets. There is plenty of flak and small arms fire. Excellent video. As all the Victory Films, this DVD was a lot of fun to watch from beginning to end. The quality of the film and the information provided is a wealth of information for the modeler and historian. These films are an eye into what it was like back in World War II. Highly recommended Thanks to Wade Meyers and Victory Films for the review copy. You can obtain yours by contacting them at Let them know you heard about it here. THE TIDEWATER MODELER Page 5 July Meeting The July meeting was somewhat lightly attended, perhaps due to the proximity of the July 4th Holiday, but a good time was had by all. The main activity of the evening was the photography the models for the “Best of Britain” display being conducted by our sister chapter in Ipswich, England. There was no demo, but somehow we managed to make the time go quickly. John Kelly’s 1/144 Curtiss C-46 from the Miniwings resin kit and decals by Drawdecal. Ben Guenther’s latest masterpiece, a scratchbuilt 1/32 P-51H, soon to be on its way to the IPMS/USA national convention. John Kelly’s 1/72 Valom Bell YFM-1 Airacuda Hank Pugh’s 1/48 Heller F4U-4 Dave Garcia’s 1/72 Revell Tiger I THE TIDEWATER MODELER Page 8 Dave Garcia’s 1/72 Academy B-17 Steve Simmon’s Chevrolet pickup. This model won the Best Auto award at the 2012 Virginia Shootout in Roanoke Steve Simmon’s 1.25 Custom 1941 Chevrolet. Coming Events Chapter Meeting IPMS/USA National Convention Orlando, FL HRSM Meeting Chapter Meeting HRSM Meeting TAMS Contest LaFayette Scale Modelers Contest Fayetteville, NC Maraudercon 2012 Baltimore, MD Photos by Scott Bregi Club Officers President Aug 3 e-mail: Aug8-11 Aug 17 Sep 1 Sep 21 Oct 27 Nov 10 Nov 10 1st Vice President e-mail: 2nd Vice President e-mail: Secretary/Treasurer email: Chapter Contact email: Scott Bregi [email protected] John Lent [email protected] Bill Lee [email protected] John Kelly [email protected] Bill Brickhouse [email protected]
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