Summer 2014 - St. Rita School for the Deaf


Summer 2014 - St. Rita School for the Deaf
Dear Friends
Hollaender Manufacturing
gives back
Brothers overcoming
St. Rita Fest
St. Rita Seniors complete
graduation ceremony
Memorial Program
Did You Know?…
St. Rita offers both
educational and
socialization programs
to meet the needs of
Teaching a future teacher
each and every child
to prepare them for a
full life. We are one of
very few schools in the
country that has programs specifically designed for children with
Apraxia — a speech
challenge where an
individual can hear,
but has trouble saying
Did You Know? continued on page 5
When Kahri was born prematurely, she
“I’ve realized now that there is
spent two months in the NICU and failed
help and hope to overcome
the hearing test.
the obstacles we face.”
“I was in denial and shocked when I
got the initial call from the infant hearing program,” said Kahri’s mom, Tori. “It
Greg Ernst, St. Rita School’s Executive
took me a while to accept her hearing
Director, told her not to worry about
loss and make it a part of my life. I had
the cost. He explained to her that their
to realize that all hope wasn’t lost. After
mission is to ensure that all children
talking to doctors and finding out our
who have a need for special commuoptions, and the resources available, I’ve nication in their education can attend
realized now that there is help and hope
school here regardless of what she
to overcome the obstacles we face.”
could pay.
It wasn’t an easy process for Tori to
“When we visited St. Rita School,
enroll Kahri at St. Rita School. She beshe automatically fit in,” said Tori.
lieved it was the right place for Kahri and “The teachers used sign and voice and
didn’t stop at any obstacle, even after
that was important to me because I
she lost the court hearing with the public wanted her to have full communication.
Future teacher continued on page 5
school system. She was reassured when
Dear Friends,
Despite how long the winter and
rainy seasons may seem, graduation always sneaks up on me. It is
amazing how time flies by when you
realize you will be handing a stu-
dent their diploma. It seems like just
yesterday that these students were
coming through our doors for the
first time. Shy, timid, and frustrated
children, whose parents longed for
the day when their children could run
into their arms and have the ability to
tell them all about their day. These,
now young adults, once had little or
no communication. They had no way
to say “I love you” to their families
and no way to communicate desires,
fears, or joy. Trapped in their own
mind they watched the world go by
without them.
The dedication of our teachers,
alongside the parents who would
not give up, has brought out tremendously talented, energetic, and passionate young men and women who
will change their world. We will be
sending off future teachers, business
people, humanitarians, and so the
lists goes on. All of these students
are going to fulfill their dreams and it
is because of you.
The generosity and hope you
have shown these students year after
year has made an undeniable impact. You have been the backbone of
this school, allowing these precious
children to become men and women
who, take my word, will not let you
down. Please consider continuing to
invest in the lives of our students to
change the world one child at a time.
May God continue
to bless you and yours,
Gregory Ernst, Executive Director
Hollaender Manufacturing gives back
Rob Hollaender, owner of Hollaender
Manufacturing, partnered with us to
lead a Community Challenge. Hollaender Manufacturing gave the
opportunity to make your gift go
twice as far by matching every gift
made up to $35,000. Rob has known
Petey’s family for years. Petey, a St.
Rita School student is affected by
Apraxia and has been at St. Rita for
40% of our students live
below the poverty line
and every dollar donated
to St. Rita goes to tuition
the past three years. Petey began
to communicate with sign language,
but now has advanced even further.
Rob has observed the transformation. “Petey went from not saying
anything to becoming a chatterbox —
and it’s great.” He said. Rob wanted
to share Petey’s accomplishments
with the community and generate
awareness and funds so that we can
continue providing the resources to
help children and families like Petey’s
celebrate and create milestones. We
are so grateful to Rob and everyone
who contributed, because we met
our goal and that will help us continue to ensure that every child at
St. Rita receives the help and quality
education they deserve, regardless
of a family’s ability to pay. 40% of our
students live below the poverty line
and every dollar donated to St. Rita
goes to tuition assistance. Thanks
Hollaender continued on page 5
St. Rita School for the Deaf • The Silent Advocate • Summer 2014
Brothers overcoming challenges
When Jessica’s son, Nate, was 18
months old he didn’t have much verbal language so she started him in a
speech program. Soon after, he was
diagnosed with Apraxia and Jessica
learned about St. Rita School.
“After our first visit, I walked out
in the parking lot and cried,” said
Jessica. “It wasn’t what we expected
and I was overwhelmed. Once we
got there and saw how amazing the
school was, it was clear in the first
month it was where Nate needed
to be.”
Even though the school was a 40
minute drive, Jessica knew it would
be the best place for Nate. “The
biggest thing was that socially there
were a lot of challenges for him, but
he began to be so expressive and
now has a great demeanor.” said
Jessica. “St. Rita School truly welcomed him. He had a whole group of
friends that accepted him and looked
at him as a whole person. Everyone
welcomed our family and knew what
we were going through.”
Now, in the third grade, Nate is
getting straight A’s in his class at a
mainstream school. “He was ready to
be in a typical
and to be
challenged in
that way,” said
Jessica. “He
overcame a lot
and that has
to do with St.
Rita School
and how well
rounded the
program is.”
“Nate loves
to play soccer,
basketball and
baseball, but
he is also very
creative and
“It is such a wonderful, welcoming, and just amazing and
supportive atmosphere. From administration to cafeteria,
it’s the people that make the place so nurturing.”
enjoys cooking, pottery, and arts and
crafts. He is our family clown with a
great sense of humor.”
The success that Jessica found
in Nate’s experience at St. Rita
School gave her great comfort
when her youngest son, Sam,
started showing signs of Apraxia.
With no formal diagnosis, Jessica
enrolled Sam in the LOFT program
and has seen great improvement
in Sam as well.
“It is such a wonderful, welcoming, and just amazing and supportive
atmosphere,” said Jessica. “From
administration to cafeteria, it’s the
people that make the place so
nurturing. It’s because of that, the
outcome for my kids has been so
positive. It is scary in those early
stages and I didn’t know there could
be that much hope and positivity.
Without it we wouldn’t have had so
many opportunities for our kids.”
St. Rita School for the Deaf • The Silent Advocate • Summer 2014
Did You Know? continued from page 1
what he or she wants to say correctly and consistently. It
is difficult for families to recognize whether or not their
child has Apraxia and it causes much heartbreak as
they watch their child struggle to communicate, without
understanding what’s wrong. Our program has not only
helped children find their voice, but has given families
the absolute joy of hearing their child say precious words
that most of us take for granted. Words like, “I love you.”
St. Rita Seniors
completed their
graduation ceremony
Decked out in their green and gold caps and gowns,
without a dry eye in the building, they said a final
goodbye to their high school years and with the
encouragement of a stirring speech from
fellow graduate, Danielle Ventus, they
began the next steps in their unique and
individual life journeys.
We are very proud of our graduates
this year! Each one of them has a plan in
place for moving forward in either a career
or furthering their education.
This is an exciting time in their lives,
and they are embracing it wholeheartedly!
Congratulations to Shane Turner, Shane
Yancey, Danielle Ventus, Zachary
Swafford, Kameron Evans and
Tynessia Berry!
We wish you all the
very best and hope you
will come back and visit
your St Rita family.
We will miss your smiles,
your energy and your effervescent presence here at
St Rita School, but we know you will
go on to touch other lives as you
have touched ours,
and make this world
a better place for
all of us!
Hollaender continued from page 2
to our hero Rob and everyone else who gave, all our
children will have a voice, and know that the community
cares for them and is rooting for them to succeed.
If your company would like to do something similar
and make a difference in the lives of our children,
please contact Julie O’Meara 513-205-0918 or
[email protected] for more information.
Future teacher continued from page 1
When we left that first day, Kahri cried and didn’t want
to go home.”
Kahri was enrolled at 3 years of age and now, five
years later, she is speaking, outgoing, and loves school.
“Without St. Rita School she would have missed out on
a lot,” said Tori. “In mainstream schools, she could have
had interpreters, but I felt that would put her in seclusion
and she wouldn’t actually interact with other children,
and she wouldn’t be learning.”
“Unlike other schools, St. Rita School also teaches
everyday life skills. I know she is getting a great education and that she will be able to read and write, but she
can also take care of her daily needs. At St. Rita School
children can go after their dreams. There are plenty of
people to welcome them with open arms to help them
learn and succeed. I’m looking forward to her going to
college one day. She wants to be a teacher and wants to
work at St. Rita School.”
Memorial Program
Looking for a way to honor someone who has everything? Celebrate
a special occasion, say thank you or remember an important person
in your life by making a gift to St. Rita School for the Deaf in his or
her name. Weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, and holidays take
on a new meaning when your gift brings help and hope to families
who are struggling with their child’s special needs. Remembering
those who have touched your life in a special way can comfort
and console loved ones while also helping children to succeed in
their lives. People enrolled in the Memorial Program as well as the
donor, are remembered at a special Mass and daily in the prayers
of our students and staff. If you are interested in participating in the
Memorial Program, please call 513-771-7600.
At the time of this publishing deadline, only 3 months of memorials were available.
For a complete listing of our memorials visit
Anniversary of Death
Martha Gross
Ms. Helen Koch
Mary Eileen Gutman
Mr. James Gutman
David Hartman
Ms. Jean M. Hartman
Birthday Greetings
Luther Black
Loyal Christian
Benefit Association
James Kauffeld
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Liegel
90th Birthday —
William M. Nelson
Dain and Ginny Beemer
Birthday Remembrance
90th Birthday —
Juanita Cooper
Father Ronald C. Cooper
David Hartman
Ms. Jean M. Hartman
Irene Kuehnle
Bonnie Hehn
Geraldine A. Ullett
Marian J. Schroer
Mrs. Marian J. Schroer
St. Rita School for the Deaf
The Risley Family
65th Wedding Anniversary
Larry and Carol Schweer
Mrs. Clarita A. Gindele
Steven Dine
Mr. William J. Petrie
Gary V. Thornton
Mrs. Patricia Logan
In Memory of
Todd Allgyer
Mr. Donald L. Allgyer
Trinidad Avalos
Skip and Karen Threm
John Bahorski
Mrs. Jennie M. Buchalski
Ruth M. Baum
Mr. Richard Newsom
Mrs. Jo Zeilman
Carol Baumgardner
Mrs. Theresa E. Munafo
Henry and Dorothy Bender
Mr. and Mrs.
Robert J. Bender
Mary A. Besel
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Appelmann
Gabby Bowling
Mrs. Bette A. Vorbroker
Lillian Bufka
Bill and Donna Carraher
Get Well Wishes for
Jeanne Burdick
Mr. Larry A. Burdick
Patricia Cowhey
William J. Carraher
Earl Burger
Mr. Ronald Schutte
Joyce McQuesten
Mrs. Eckhardt
Jack Charles
A.O.H. County Board
St. Patrick Ancient
Order of Hibernians
In Honor of
St. Rita
Ms. Anne Berwanger
Mr. and Mrs.
Frazier Huddleston
Mr. and Mrs.
Michael T. Muehlenkamp
Jeff Conner
Mrs. Margaret M. Wais
Ms. Pat Wood
Mary Croweak
George and Janet Benhase
Earl E. Daniels
M. Gertrude Dutle
Skip and Karen Threm
Margaret A. Eichel
St. Rita School for the Deaf
Mr. and Mrs.
Kevin L. Bicking
Mrs. Joan M. Crable
and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eichel
Mrs. Christine B. Hall
George and Kathleen Hoyng
Ms. Ewa Jacewicz
Mr. Joshua Komives
Mrs. Kathleen W. Matt
Ms. Laura (Ens) Merlini
Mr. and Mrs.
Edward J. Morrisey
Mrs. Saundra L. Seger
Joan and Marvin Silverman
Sullivan Family
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor
Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph F. Wade
Ms. Julie A. Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Whalen
Dorothy Enderle
Mrs. Marie Schlewinsky
Reese Fair
Mr. and Mrs.
John E. Ruthven
Ann Gamel-Fitzpatric
Mr. and Mrs.
G Michael Cappel
Edith Heaton
Grainger Matching
Charitable Gifts Program
Mr. James L. Applegate
and Family
Mike and Karen Geygan
Mr. Barry Kerber
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn F. Knight
Irma and Charles Koller
Bill and Judy Kramer
Mrs. Grace L. Sanders
Ms. Lenora M. Schroth
Bert Seuberling
Ben Hemmelgarn
Mr. and Mrs.
Harold H. Heuker
Mary Huelskamp
Robert Hengehold
Mr. and Mrs.
Robert E. Norris
Virginia (Ginny) Heyob
Mrs. Rita Mahoney
Norm Hoyer
Ms. Mary Lou Ficker
Mary Ann Huss
Mr. and Ms. James E. Gase
and Family
Ruth B. Irwin
Dain and Ginny Beemer
Bob Kaelin
Mr. John T. Noonan
Ron Koch
Ms. Helen Koch
David L. Koons
Mr. and Ms. James E. Gase
and Family
Mrs. Mary M. Theobald
Conrad Neumann
Dennis and
Marguerite Connor
Sue Norton
Ms. Helen D. Pater
Eileen C. Paff
Ms. Mary Ann Vennemeyer
Ivan Paul
Ms. Rita M. Hauck
Bernard L. Rapien
Mr. William J. Petrie
Hugo D. Rasp
Mrs. Phyllis H. Timperman
Timothy C. Reinhard
Mr. and Ms. James E. Gase
and Family
Giovanni Rocchio
Ms. Anna Maria Rocchio
Alfred Schappacher
Jerome and Pat Schappacher
Lawerence A. Schuck
Mrs. Rosemary Schuck
Margaret Scott
Mrs. Jacquelyn A. Lachowicz
Allen Kuhn
Ms. Laverne Kuhn
Harold Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. John O. Hale
Estella M. Logsdon
Mr. and Ms. James E. Gase
and Family
Arlyn K. Sorce
Mrs. Zella M. Erb
Sharon and Leon French
Mr. and Mrs.
Stephen A. Kaufman
Dollie Lutterbei
Mrs. Deborah S. Theve
Daniel Mahoney
Mrs. Rita Mahoney
Beryl McGaw
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Baillely
Johnny Meyer
Dain and Ginny Beemer
Sally Monahan
Doug and Kathleen Tucker
Gilda Moore
Mrs. Marguerite Amatulli
Paul Spaccarelli
Dennis and
Marguerite Connor
Alice and Gene Hedges
Ronald Teeter
Sarah Teeter
Joseph Vennemeyer
Ms. Mary Ann Vennemeyer
Maurice Welsh
Mr. and Mrs. Harry B.
Roberts and Family
St. Rita School for the Deaf • The Silent Advocate • Summer 2014
Dean Wesley
Mrs. Joan Freeman
William D. Whalen
Lill and Helen Pater
Angela Wilhelm
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Deutsch
Dale Williams
Mr. and Ms. James E. Gase
and Family
In Thanksgiving of
Greg Cousino
Mrs. Sally M. Cousino
Wesley Wiser
Mrs. Sally M. Cousino
Anniversary of Death
Mildred (Mert) Adamson
Mrs. Rita Mahoney
Marie Alering
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burwinkel
Martha Gross
Mrs. Rita Mahoney
Roy Hater
Mrs. Jeanette M. Mather
Gemma M. Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Combs
Sister John Michael Geis
Ms. Rita Gullette
Dr. Kathleen Lamping-Arar
Mr. Matthew McClellan
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Nolan
Mr. John C. Schleck
Mrs. Regina Spears
Betty Simpson
Mrs. Jeanette M. Mather
John Wurzelbacher
Joseph and Mary Ann
Lesley A. Schmidt
St. Mary’s Aux. No 346
Daniel R. Vaske
St. Mary’s Aux. No 346
Mrs. Barb A. Bronner
In Honor of
St. Rita
Ms. Anne Berwanger
St. Anthony
Mrs. Jo Ann Ellert
In Memory of
JoAnn Arens
Administration Department
— City of Erlanger
Ashley Construction
Mr. Paul Bogenschutz
Ellen Balbach
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kohls
Ruth M. Baum
Ms. Dolores Daniel
Becky Bemmes
Dain and Ginny Beemer
Dolores Berling
Mr. and Mrs.
Donald A. Bellman
Tony and
Christine Boehmer
Mrs. Lucille Schoch
Betty Martin Bolon
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Boyd
Mary Ellen Bosse
Joe and Jean Burwinkel
Mrs. Evelyn C. Lenhoff
Earl E. Daniels
Dwight McMullen
Lynnea Motter
Virgil Luhn
Mr. Keith J. Lobring
Peter De Nuzio
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Appelmann
Daniel Mahoney
Mrs. Rita Mahoney
Janet Drescher
Ms. Marlene G. Brokaw
Mike McDonough
Mr. and Mrs.
Richard N. Hiernaux
Gene Driscoll
Mr. James E. Winter
Margaret A. Eichel
Ms. Rebecca McCauley
Mr. Robert V. Rotterman
Dorothy Enderle
Mr. Ed L. Enderle
Al Feltrup
Dennis and
Marguerite Connor
Bill Mertz
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Appelmann
Sally Monahan
Mrs. Helen Vocke
Mr. and Mrs.
Robert A. Westerkamp
Paul Mueller
Mrs. Helen R. Stall
John T. Neises
Mrs. Grace L. Sanders
Regina D. Garner
Mr. and Mrs.
Richard J. Winterman
Judy O’Bryan
Dan and Connie Vonderhaar
Carol Geron
Lucille Schoch
Eileen C. Paff
Mrs. Rita Mahoney
Robert A. Glassmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. James Smith
Terrence C. Glenn
Mrs. Jeanette M. Mather
Crescentia Rahn
Ms. Patricia M. Downie
Mr. and Mrs.
George Ostendorf
Edith Heaton
Mrs. Kay Schindler
John Rea
Miss Mary Elizabeth Rea
Thomas J. Heintzman
Ms. Ruth A. Weisbrod
Jack Rowbotham
Mr. and Mrs.
James J. Betscher
Shirley Hooker
Mr. James H. Koch
Mrs. Shirley M. Schmitz
Anniversary of Death
Ron Koch
Ms. Helen Koch
Herbert Weyer
Ken and Paula Parsons
Curtis Ruffin
Sister John Michael Geis
Birthday Greetings
90 Years —
William G. Gertz
Mr. and Mrs.
Norbert J. Weisbrod
Birthday Remembrance
Paul Groh
Mr. and Mrs.
Edward J. Heintzman
George Kuehnle
Ms. Geraldine A. Ullett and
Ms. Bonnie Hehn
Bud Paff
Ms. Helen Koch
Birthday Remembrance
Richard Robinson
Mrs. Mildred E. Robinson
Gretchen Voisard
Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Voisard
Get Well Wishes for
Barbara A. Bolender
St. Mary’s Aux. No 346
Ninfa Moritz
Mr. and Mrs.
Donald L. Osterkamp
Robert Nelson
Dain and Ginny Beemer
In Thanksgiving of
Joan M. Bellman
Prayers Answered For
Jean M. Hartman
Ms. Jean M. Hartman
Birthday Greetings
Elizabeth S. Flynn
Mr. and Mrs.
Ronald R. Ryerson
James Kauffeld
Jay and Linda Buchert
Easter Remembrance
David Hartman
Ms. Jean M. Hartman
Mr. and Mrs.
Otto H. Hermes
Lawrence Toole
Wm. Kramer & Son, Inc.
Mary Sue Velte
The Amatulli Family
Kevin Walsh
Mr. and Mrs.
Chris R. Schlachter
Leslie A. Walz
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Walz
Barbara Weinberg
Mr. James H. Koch
Robert Weingartner
Thomas and Peggy Horton
Bob Zeilman
Mrs. Jo Zeilman
In Honor of
St. Rita
Ms. Anne Berwanger
Mary Breitfelder
Mr. and Mrs. John Theis
Terry Brink
Dr. and Mrs.
Stanley A. Hastings
Mildred and Earl Burger
Mr. Mark Fluegeman
Robert (Bob) Casey
Sister John Michael Geis
Sister Jane Bernadette Leo
Charles F. Curro
Charles F. Curro
Scholarship Fund
Ruth B. Irwin
Mr. John H. Schmitz
George Jutze
Mr. and Mrs.
Richard E. Beerman
Dennis and
Marguerite Connor
Ms. Pat Wood
Gemma M. Kaufman
Mrs. Heather Kaufman
Jeff Lininger
Brad and Trisha Schlachter
Joseph Lorenz
Francis Satcher
Ms. Carol A. Jeannin
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kohls
Rosemary M. Schneider
Arlene and George Rohr
Roger Schoch
Mrs. Lucille Schoch
Daniel (Shultz) Shuman
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Boyd
Joseph H. Sizemore
Mrs. Janet Sizemore
Donald G. Smith
In Memory of
Alvin Bittner
Mr. and Mrs.
Russell W. Kuebel
Vincent J. Blessing
Mr. and Mrs.
Vincent G. Blessing
Virginia L. Borgman
Mrs. Mildred E. Robinson
James Breslin
Mrs. Jo Ann Ellert
Ms. Pat Wood
Penny Burnett
Mr. and Mrs.
Alexis J. Hannan
Non-Profit Org.
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Patricia Cain
Mr. and Mrs.
Edward J. Heintzman
Donald Dwire
Mr. and Mrs.
Richard E. Beerman
Christina R. Caudill
Ms. Ruth L. Singer
Margaret A. Eichel
Ohio State University —
Dept. Of Speech and
Hearing Science
Margaret Clark
Ms. Marcia O’Toole
John Conroy
St. Rita School for the Deaf
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Auel
Joan E. Brassfield
Kathleen K. Cianca
Carla and Al Eilers
Mr. and Mrs.
Robert E. Heidkamp
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome R. Klett
Ms. Joanna Lounsbury
Debb, Dana, Nina,
Robin, Janice, Judy,
and Michele Simpson
Mr. William L. Stein
Mrs. Pam Whalen
Bill Davisson
Sister John Michael Geis
John T. Farrell
Susan and Hap Castleberry
Robert E. Fast
Susan and Hap Castleberry
Jason Fischer
Skip and Karen Threm
James Flynn
Mrs. Pamela
(Hammer) Friedman
Virginia and Gary Olin
Paul E. Johantges
Herm and Ann Luken
Mary Kay Jurgens
Marge and Tom O’Meara
Sister Clement Marie Foy
Alice and Gene Hedges
Alan Freeman
Ms. Kathy Grott
Jean Karanicolas Kurtz
St. Rita School for the Deaf
— Staff and Students
Edith Heaton
Grainger Matching
Charitable Gifts Program
Thomas J. Heintzman
Frank and Lee Ramminger
Carl T. Dowdy
Mr. and Mrs.
Milton E. Keifer, Jr.
Pauline R. Henke
Jim and Janet Ferguson
Ms. Nancy L. Henke
Albert G. Drees
Mrs. Marguerite Gehringer
Martha C. Hesselbrock
Florence Smith Appelmann
George Appelmann
Bill and Margie Tenkman
Robert J. Hollstegge
Quality Mechanicals Inc.
St. Rita School for the Deaf
Mary Kaup
Dick and Pat Kohls
Mike and Linda
John and Margaret Rieger
The Roflow Family
Elmer F. Koch
Ms. Helen Koch
William Donato
St. Rita School for the Deaf
— Staff and Students
Verna Dunning
Jack and Sylvia Ruthven
David Hoffman
Dennis and
Marquerite Connor
Alice and Gene Hedges
Michelle (Heitz) Miller
St. Rita School for the Deaf
— Staff and Students
Mr. and Mrs.
G Michael Cappel
Sister John Michael Geis
Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy
Sally Monahan
Nancy Hiltibrand
Al Moore
Mrs. Virginia Roy
Elizabeth (Elsie) Overberg
Mr. and Mrs. Cesare Briccio
Mr. Howard M. Paff
Bob Peters
Mr. and Mrs.
Norbert J. Weisbrod
Albert Prost
Dan and Carole Paff
Mr. Howard M. Paff
Edward J. Rathman
Ms. Pat Wood
Ed Rolfert
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kohls
Robert Ruf
Mrs. Eileen C. Rebholz
Joan Ryba
Mark and Pat Ernst
Frank E. Sagendorph
Ms. Kia B. Vynorius
Marianne Schenck
Ms. Peggy A. Kenney
John Sheehan
Ms. Peggy Ann Sheehan
Jason G. Simpson
St. Rita School for the Deaf
Dain and Ginny Beemer
Mr. and Mrs.
James H. Bittner
Mrs. Mary A. Schmidt
Genevive Troupis
Dr. and Mrs.
Stanley A. Hastings
Pasqualina M. Turner
Marguerite Amatulli
and Family
Emeline Wine
Dr. and Mrs.
Stanley A. Hastings
Prayers for
Don J. Marx
John and Maryann Murphy
Vincent Schmutte
Ms. Shirley Thoney
Vera Wolff
Safe Trip To and
from Afghanistan —
Wendy Morrissey
Dain and Ginny Beemer
Cindy K. Schneider
Ms. Deborah M. Skala
Special Intention for
Albert Schutte
Mrs. Rita Engel
Mrs. Patricia C. Mechley
Michael Sharkey
Mr. and Mrs.
Eric A. Stieffenhofer
St. Anthony
Diane Bechtold