hrine church of saint gerard majella
hrine church of saint gerard majella
HRINE CHURCH OF SAINT GERARD MAJELLA 188-16 91st Avenue, Hollis, NY 11423 Phone: 718-468-6565 Fax: 718-468-3136 [email protected] Website: Shrine Church of St. Gerard Majella or #SGMHOLLIS on Facebook and see Youtube PASTORAL TEAM: REV. JOSEPHJUDE C. GANNON PASTOR – Ext. 25 REV. JOSEPH THARACKAL In Residence – Ext. 13 MR. GUILLERMO D. GOMEZ Permanent Deacon – Ext. 35 MR. LAURENCE O. MCMASTER Permanent Deacon – Ext. 15 MRS. CARMEN MACCHIO Director of Religious Education – Ext. 22 MRS. ANNE SMITH-THOMPSON Director of Music Ministry – Ext. 28 MR. GILBERT RODRIGUEZ Youth Ministry Coordinator—Ext 26 MRS. LUCY GUZMAN Administrative Assistant— Ext. 27 MRS. GRACE M.M. BRUNKEN Business Office — Ext. 10 BUSINESS OFFICE HOURS: Monday 9 am to 6 pm Tuesday 9 am to 6 pm Wednesday 9 am to 4 pm Thursday 9 am to 6 pm Friday 9 am to 2 pm & 4:30pm to 8pm Saturday 9 am to 12 pm No office hours on Sunday! Please call the office in advance to arrange appointments to speak with a priest or deacon or to make sure the office is open. November 22, 2015 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe MONTHLY FOOD PANTRY: for needy Parishioners. HOURS: Tuesday 1 to 4 pm only! To register: bring photo ID & proof you live in 11423 zip code if you are not a registered parishioner. MASSES: Monday thru Saturday: 9:00 am Saturday: 5:00 pm – Fulfills Sunday Obligation Sunday: 8:15 am & 11:30 am in English 9:45 am in Spanish Holy Day Masses: As Announced SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: Saturday: 4:00 to 4:45 pm And by Appointment at other times by calling ext 25 DEVOTIONS all are welcome: Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday 9:20 am St. Gerard Majella Novena: Wednesday 9:20 am Adoration: Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:30 to 11:30 am Wednesdays’ adoration sponsored by the Jesus & Mary Haitian Prayer Group First Fridays 9:30 am to 8 pm September to June Last Sunday of the month at 7 pm in Spanish Please pray for the sick of the parish Please remember our deceased family & friends. May the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. MINISTRY TO THE SICK: Urgent calls at any time of day or night. We ask that arrangements for the reception of Holy Communion for Shut-Ins be made by calling the office during business hours. HOSPITAL: Please inform us of any parishioner who has been admitted to a Hospital or Nursing Home. NEW MEMBERS: Please register by filling out the form found on the back inside cover of this bulletin or by calling the Office. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Classes for our children Sundays at 10:00 am, from the end of September to end of May. They must attend the 11:30 am Mass with their parents and family. To register your child, please contact Mrs. Macchio at Ext 22. R.C.I.A.: Rite of Christian Initiation – Adults interested in becoming Catholic or who need to receive the sacraments of First Communion and /or Confirmation please contact Deacon Laurence Mc Master at Ext. 15. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Arrangements can be made by calling the office during office hours and leaving a message for one of the deacons. In English: Instructions are given on the SECOND & THIRD Sunday of the month beginning with the 11:30 am Mass followed by instructions at 12:30 pm. Please register at least 8 weeks before the Baptism by setting up an interview appointment with Deacon Laurence McMaster E 15 by calling the office. Baptism is generally on the fourth Sunday of the month. En español: Cada dos meses el tercer domingo. Se requiere que los padres que desean bautizar a sus hijos vengan a la misa y asistan a clases previas de preparación. Para más información deben hablar con el Diácono Guillermo D. Gómez a Ext. 35. MARRIAGES: Church Wedding arrangements should be made before Reception plans are finalized so that the date will be available at the Church. Please make arrangements at least six months to a year before the proposed date. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — One like a Son of man received dominion, glory, and kingship (Daniel 7:13-14). Psalm — The Lord is king; he is robed in majesty (Psalm 93). Second Reading — Jesus Christ is the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead (Revelation 1:5-8). Gospel — For this I came into the world, to testify to the truth (John 18:33b-37). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, Inter- A Message from our Pastor Viva Christo Rey! Long live Christ the King. Today we celebrate the Feast of Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. It is also the last Sunday in the Church year and we are challenged to walk with Jesus, our King through Advent and welcome him into our lives in a new way in Christmas. For us, as we begin the Year of Mercy as a Jubilee, I invite all of us to pray and invite Jesus the source of Mercy who leads us to God our Merciful Father and in the grace of the Holy Spirit gives us the corporal and spiritual works of Mercy to bless us as a community. I encourage each of us to take these next few weeks to learn as much as we can about the year of mercy. You can Google Misericordiae Vultus the Bull of Indiction by Pope Francis. You can go to the official Website for the Year of Mercy You can read the Diary of St. Faustina, the Saint of Mercy, and you can pray special prayers asking for mercy, like the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Let us all open our lives, hearts, families, and soul to the gift of Mercy that we have been given by God. God bless, Fr Gannon THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26 THANKSGIVING DAY MASS IS AT 10 AM. PLEASE BE GENEROUS IN THE COLLECTION ON THIS DAY WHICH SUPPORTS OUR FOOD PANTRY. THANK YOU, FATHER GANNON INTERESTED IN BECOMING AN ALTAR SERVER? CONTACT VANESSA, SHAKANA, ARIEL OR FATHER GANNON! NOVEMBER Sanctuary Lamps, Altar Breads and Wine were donated by Marlyne Pereira Doyle family Intentions of Father Gannon and the Pereira Doyle Family Generations of Faith: Pledged $611,000 Payments made so far $106,000 Please continue to pay your pledges in a timely manner. Please make your checks or money orders out to: Catholic Foundation for Brooklyn and Queens and stamp and mail directly with the statement from the diocese in their return envelope. Do not send cash in the mail. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Mondays from 9:30 am until 11:30am Wednesdays from 9:30 am until 11:30 am sponsored by the Haitian Jesus and Mary Prayer Group. All are welcome! First Friday December 4 from 9:30 am until 7:30 pm with Night Prayers and Benediction Please sign up to spend an hour with the Lord — see sheet on the 188 St. side table. Last Sunday of the month at 7 pm in Spanish. All are welcome! Religious Education Classes at 10 am on Sundays. New registrations bring forms to 1st floor classrooms on a Sunday. No class on November 29th. Classes resume on December 6. Thank you, Father Gannon and Mrs Macchio All Souls Remembrance: During November we remember all of our deceased family and friends by placing their names before the altar. Please use the All Souls remembrance envelope from your box or use an envelope found on the tables in church. Thank you to those who made large donations of food for our THANKSGIVING GROCERY BAGS especially Teresa Reid & Sotheby’s International Realty’s staff, Dr. Beryl Pereira & Sandy Malhotra & the Global Physicians Network Foundation staff. Thank you to Tony & Denise Das, Maria R. Romany, George & Hilda Schwenzer who made Monetary donations which are greatly appreciated. Special thanks to those who volunteer & help keep the food pantry running through out the year, especially Iona Rambana, Jane James, Rich Jamison, Lucy Guzman, Grace and Ted Brunken & Phil Leto. Bless you & Thanks! Second Collection today is for the Campaign for Human Development. Please be generous! Please choose an ornament from our Christmas Giving Tree Please indicate which charity you want your item to go to by placing the ornament tag on the NEW UNWRAPPED item with the charities’ name or initials on it. And, return the items on or before December 13th. If you wish to make additional donations please choose from the lists on this page and the following page. Thank you in advance for your generosity! Knights of Columbus Hospital Toy Drive 2015 Toy distribution for children ages 1 month to 16 Infant to toddler: Board games Baby clothes Decks of cards Bibs Activities books Toys for infants Coloring books Rattles Crossword and puzzle books Soft toys in original packing Crayons Rag dolls Color pencils Card games like UNO Color pens or markers Decks of cards Art kits Sticker books Dolls: Disney Lalaloopsy Barbie Monster High Doll Clothes Baby Dolls Trucks: tonka or any brand Cars: any brand match box cars hot wheels cars radio or remote control cars other items: Dress up items for girls Craft kits Action figures teenage girls: make up sets nail polish sets hair items jewelry teen boys: Team sports t shirts PLEASE NO TOYS WITH GUNS OR KNIVES - NO OBJECTS THAT FLY AROUND THE ROOM Bridge to Life Christmas Wish List 2015 Infant and toddler clothes: 6 months 9 month toddlers 2T and 3T Infant and toddler snow suits 1 year. 2T and 3T baby: Diapers, baby wipes lotions soaps Baby bottles gently used and new: Infant Car seats Moms: Women’s jackets Women’s sweaters Maternity clothes Gift certificates: Babies are Us, Target, Toys are Us, Carter’s and Children’s Place Catholic Charities Christmas Wish List 2015 Toy distribution for children ages 1 to 17 Sports balls: Building sets: footballs Legos, basketballs Lincoln logs soccer balls baseballs and mitts Educational toys: Fisher Price Little Tikes V tech Melissa & Doug Leapfrog Toys Popular with Kids: Frozen Disney Disney princesses Minions Shopkins Spiderman other Super Heroes any toy Trucks any Dolls anything Dinosaur PLEASE NO TOYS WITH GUNS OR KNIVES Gift Cards: Target, Walmart, The Gap, Best Buy, Barnes and Nobel, Old Navy, Amazon Please choose an ornament from our Christmas Giving Tree Please indicate which charity you want your item to go to by placing the ornament tag on the NEW UNWRAPPED item with the charities’ name or initials on it. And, return the items on or before December 13th. If you wish to make additional donations please choose from the lists on this page or the preceding page. Thank you in advance for your generosity! Hour Children Christmas Giving Tree 2015 Moms Gift Cards Robes/Slippers (L & XL) Perfumes/lotions/Make-up Animal Watches Jewelry Wallets Handbags Gloves/Hats Young Children (Infant to 3 years) Clothing – Infant to 3 years Fisher Price Toys Toys – Farm & Zoo Bath Toys Melissa and Doug Toys Stuffed animals V- tech educational toys Musical Toys Houses Twin sheets, pillow cases Twin blankets Twin Comforter Sets Bath towels & cloths Pillows Teens - Boys & Girls Gift cards: to Movies, Target Gamestop, Visa. etc Watches Sports equipment Jewelry PJ’S Hats and gloves Favorite Games Othello Monopoly Clue Trouble Pictionary Scrabble Books Life Apple to Apples Risk Ticket to Ride Boys & Girls ages 4 - 12 jackets, sweaters Dolls and Doll strollers Barbie Toys Trucks, Trains, & Cars Building blocks Zubes Playstix Legos Ninja Turtles Hello Kitty Accessories Easy Bake Oven Musical Instruments Scooters Arts & Crafts - large pads, Drawing/painting materials Books and Puzzles Doctor Set Remote control cars Roller Skates PJ’S and robes and slippers Christmas Luncheon with Santa At 1pm in the Hall on December 13, 2015 Nativity pageant in church, followed by lunch, presentation of gifts to Santa for one of the 4 charities, dessert in the hall, caroling, & lighting the big tree outside the rectory. Cost: $10 per adult and 13 year olds and over 12 year olds and under bring an item from the lists on this or the previous page or from the ornaments on the Giving Tree in Church. Santa will bring the item (s) to one of the charities of the child’s choice. Capacity is limited to 100 seats. Tickets will be on sale after the masses on the weekends and from the office during office hours during the week. When purchasing tickets we need to know the age(s) and gender of the children 12 & under All tickets must be purchased prior to the event!!! Sorry no additions after December 6. TRUE STEWARDSHIP The gospel message proclaimed throughout the New Testament invites us to live in harmony with the world. This is a challenge to care for the world and be stewards of all that God has given us. Like generations before us, we are entrusted with the care of the earth so that generations to follow may enjoy the same gifts. Sometimes, however, we are absorbed into the ways of the world. When we are of the world, we rely heavily on the power of wealth, beauty, fame, and accumulation of material possessions. We want earthly possessions and carelessly turn our hearts from the responsibilities of stewardship and conservation. The readings today challenge us to walk away from the world so that we might inherit our share of God’s kingdom. How we live our lives directly reflects our love for God. COMUNIDAD HISPANA 22 de noviembre de 2015 Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Rey del Universo Lecturas para el 29 de noviembre de 2015 Primera lectura — Jeremías 33:14-16 Salmo — Salmo 25 [24] Segunda lectura — 1 Tesalonicenses 3:12 — 4:2 Evangelio — Lucas 21:25-28, 34-36 Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Mark your calendar. . . December 13 after the 11:30 am Mass we will have our Nativity Pageant, Christmas Santa Luncheon, Caroling and Tree Lighting Ceremony. Tickets on sale after Mass. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION For good reason, Americans have been ambivalent about “kings” for many years, even long before George III’s troops were sent packing in 1776. To say Christ is our King is to make a statement not about our politics, but about the dignity of our own identity. At our baptism, the crown of our head was once slathered (or at last dabbed) with oil while the Church prayed “as Christ was anointed priest, prophet and king, so may you live always as his body.” To celebrate Christ’s kingship, then, is to claim our own identity. Your head was anointed just as Samuel poured oil over David’s head. David had his gifts, but he was no prize, and perhaps that might comfort you as you think about your call, out of the messiness of your own life, to stretch into a lifestyle that is marked by worship, by prophetic speech and deeds, and the kingly ability to fashion a world (or at least a patch of it) where relationships are marked by justice, mercy, and cultivation of the good. It is precisely because of this kingly role that our faith community has something to say about the environment, about the dignity of human life, just wages, access to health care and education, the building of peace, and avoidance of war. In a few weeks’ time we will hymn the coming of the “newborn king,” but today we sketch out the meaning of his reign, and our own incorporation into his work for the life of the world. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co TRUE GRATITUDE Let us remember that, as much has been given us, much will be expected from us, and that true homage comes from the heart as well as from the lips, and shows itself in deeds. —Theodore Roosevelt LA VERDADERA CORRESPONSABILIDAD El mensaje del Evangelio que proclama el Nuevo Testamento nos invita a una vida de armonía con el mundo creado. Tenemos el reto de cuidar el mundo y sentirnos corresponsables de todo lo que Dios nos ha dado. Al igual que generaciones anteriores, se nos ha confiado el cuidado de la tierra para que las generaciones que nos sigan puedan disfrutar los mismos dones. Algunas veces, sin embargo, nos quedamos absortos en las cosas del mundo. Cuando somos del mundo, confiamos demasiado en el poder de la riqueza, la belleza, la fama y la acumulación de posesiones materiales. Deseamos las posesiones terrenas y con desdén alejamos nuestro corazón de las responsabilidades de nuestro deber de cuidar el planeta y preservarla. Las lecturas de hoy nos retan a alejarnos del mundo para que podamos heredar nuestra parte del Reino de Dios. Cómo vivimos nuestra vida refleja nuestro amor por Dios. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE A lo largo de los años, latinoamérica ha producido bellísimas imágenes de Cristo crucificado, una de ellas es el Señor de los Milagros (Perú). Normalmente estas imágenes llevan en la parte superior el acrónimo INRI. Estas iniciales son una abreviación de las palabras en latín: Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum que en español significan Jesús de Nazaret, rey de los judíos (Mateo 27:37; Marcos 15:26; Lucas 23:38 y Juan 19:19). Con estas palabras, y sin quererlo, Pilato da a conocer al mundo la identidad de Jesús, mientras que él piensa que sólo está haciendo referencia a la causa de su muerte. El delito político de Jesús fue hacerse pasar por un rey y ésto, al Imperio Romano no le convenía. En realidad, el hecho de que Jesús es rey, no le conviene a ningún gobierno humano. El rey es el líder absoluto, al cual se le debe entrega incondicional. Continuar . . . . Para los cristianos que habitamos en todas las naciones de la tierra, el hecho de que proclamemos que Jesús es nuestro rey, puede traernos serias dificultades. Los gobiernos humanos no siempre actúan conforme al Evangelio y por tal motivo, al cristiano que reconoce a Jesús como rey, le corresponde desafiar tales gobiernos. El reinado de Cristo no es de este mundo, pero juzga y cuestiona este mundo. Al cristiano le toca gritar, con su vida y con su palabra: ¡Viva Cristo Rey!—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. MENSAJE DE NUESTRO PÁRROCO ¡Viva Cristo Rey! ¡Que siempre viva Cristo el Rey! Hoy celebramos la fiesta de Cristo Rey del universo. Es también el último domingo del calendario litúrgico y somos desafiados a caminar con Cristo, nuestro Rey a través del Adviento y darle la bienvenida a nuestras vidas en una manera nueva en la Navidad. Al comenzar este Año de Fe como un jubileo, los invito a todos a orar y a invitar a Jesús como la fuente de Misericordia que nos guía hacia Dios nuestro Padre Misericordioso y con la gracia del Espíritu Santo nos de las obras de misericordia para bendecirnos como comunidad. Les animo a cada uno a que durante las semanas siguientes aprendan lo más que puedan sobre el año de la Misericordia. Pueden buscar en Google el documento (bula) del papa Francisco Misericordiae Vultus, pueden ir a la página oficial del Año de la Misericordia, puede leer el diario de Santa Faustina, la santa de la misericordia, y puede hacer oraciones especiales pidiendo misericordia, como la coronilla de la divina Misericordia. Abramos nuestras vidas, nuestros corazones, nuestras familias y nuestras almas al regalo de Misericordia que Dios nos ha dado. Que Dios les bendiga. Padre Gannon. LA VERDADERA GRATITUD Recordemos que así, como lo mucho que se nos ha dado, mucho se espera de nosotros y que el verdadero agradecimiento viene del corazón y se expresa con la boca, además se muestra con las obras. —Theodore Roosevelt Generaciones de Fe: Promesas Pagos recibidos $611,000 106,000 Por favor continúe haciendo sus pagos a tiempo. Por favor haga el cheques o Money Order a Catholic Foundation for Brooklyn and Queens y envíelo directamente a la diócesis, juntamente con el estado de cuenta, en el sobre que le llega y con la debida estampilla de correo. No envíe efectivo por correo. Las clases de Educación Religiosa Por favor inscriba cada niño que asista a la escuela pública. Los formularios están en las mesas, en la parte de atrás de la iglesia. Por favor llene el formulario y llévelo a la casa parroquial. Gracias. Padre Gannon y Señora Macchio No hay las clases el 29 de noviembre Gracias a los que donaron el alimento para nuestro COMIDA PARA EL DÍA DE ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS. También se aceptan donaciones en efectivo. Gracias y que Dios les bendiga. COLECTA LOS NECESITADOS -- 19 y 20 de diciembre NO OLVIDE NUESTRA DISPENSA “Hoy por ti, mañana por mí” Traiga su contribución de alimentos que no necesiten refrigeración y cuya fecha de expiración no esté vencida. Puede traer arroz, salsa de tomate, todo tipo de comida enlatada. Que el Señor le colme de bendiciones por su generosidad. SI DESEA BAUTIZAR UN NIÑO, Ud. debe hacer lo siguiente: traer el certificado de nacimiento del niño, y hablar con el diácono Guillermo Gómez para la entrevista inicial. Tenga en cuenta que los bautismos se celebran el domingo, día del Señor, ya sea en la misa de las 9:45 am o las 2 pm. Padres y padrinos deben asistir a tres reuniones. ADORACIÓN EUCARISTICA Pidámosle al Señor que nos ayude a acercarnos más a través de la oración frente a Jesús sacramentado. LUNES: 9:30 am a 11:30 y se termina con la bendición. MIÉRCOLES: 9:30 am a 11:30 auspiciada por el grupo haitiano Jesús y María Grupo de Oración. PRIMER VIERNES: 9:30 am a 8:30 de septiembre a junio. ÚLTIMO DOMINGO DE MES: 7:00 pm en español. Todos son bienvenidos. Parish Meetings at St. Gerard Majella Parish KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: 2nd & 4thTues. – 8pm ST. JOSEPH CONF. RM. RECTORY—December 8 after the Mass CHOIR REHEARSALS: CHURCH Saturdays—6 pm Spanish Wednesdays—7 pm English - SPEAK TO ANN TO JOIN CHOIR!!! FAMILY OF CHRIST PRAYER GROUP Fridays at 8 pm BVM CONF. RM. RECTORY All are Welcome! Contact Ofelia or Margie for schedule and to join. JESUS ESTA VIVO PRAYER GROUP Fridays at 8 pm in CHURCH JESUS & MARY PRAYER GROUP Wednesdays after 9 am Mass YOUTH NIGHT 8 to 12 grade - every Friday 7:30 pm in Rectory St. Joseph’s conference room, PLEASE JOIN US! SPANISH LEGION OF MARY — contact Hilda Cortes for details. FOOD PANTRY COLLECTION: please bring NON PERISHABLE FOOD to church or office during the week!!! The 9 am Mass on the First Saturday of the month is for those enrolled in the PURGATORIAL SOCIETY. To enroll a loved one for a year, fill out the form below & enclose $10 donation. Saint Gerard Majella Parish seeks to provide a festive gathering for all people, of every race and color. A Table at which the lonely find company, the hungry savor rich food and fine wine and strangers enjoy warm family ties. Our prayer is that we may draw our new neighbors from other lands into a loving community and that our Eucharistic table may prefigure our oneness with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. St. Gerard Majella is the patron saint of expectant mothers and couples trying to conceive, as well as the protector of mothers and children, born and unborn and the wrongly accused. Please complete the lower part of this form and drop it in the collection basket or return it to the office. PRINT CLEARLY! DATE:_____________ NAME:___________________________________________________ ADDRESS:___________________________________ Apt # ________ CITY & ZIP________________________________________________ PHONE(S): ( )__________________ ( )___________________ E-mail___________________________________________________ _____ New Registration _____ Change of address _____ Moving out of Parish _____ Want 2015 donation envelopes _____ Request St. Gerard Novena prayers for: ________________ _____ Enroll in Purgatorial Society: _________________________ _____ Enclosed please find $10 per person enrolled / send card to ___ me FOR:______________________________________ _____ I know some one in the parish that is physically, mentally, visually or hearing impaired. Please have the Disability Advocate Ms. Celestine contact me at the phone number listed above. SCHEDULE FOR THE WEEK: SATURDAY, November 21 - Presentation of the BVM: 9:00 AM – Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 5:00 PM – † Odette, Jean-Richelieu, & Theresa Damour SUNDAY, November 22: 8:15 AM – † Rock Solomon Gomes 9:45 AM – † Miguel Hidalgo Jr.; † Maria Acosta People of the Parish 11:30 AM – † Santiago Ricafrente MONDAY, November 23: 9:00 AM – † Joseph G. Rudmann TUESDAY, November 24: 9:00 AM – † Miguel Hidalgo Jr.; WEDNESDAY, November 25: 9:00 AM – In Thanksgiving to St. Gerard Majella THURSDAY, November 26 - THANKSGIVING DAY: 10:00 AM – PEOPLE OF THE PARISH FRIDAY, November 27: 9:00 AM – † Roger Thomas SATURDAY, November 28: 9:00 AM – † Marie Carmen Bernadette Samedy 5:00 PM – † Elsie Damour SUNDAY, November 29: 8:15 AM – Intentions of Dimitri Larsen 9:45 AM – People of the Parish 11:30 AM – † Yvonne Pinder-Sawyer PURGATORIAL SOCIETY ENROLLMENTS FOR 2015 SEE FORM ON BOTTOM OF PREVIOUS COLUMN, THANKS Please use the parking lot on 91 Ave. at all times on the weekends and especially on the Holidays. Thank you! In lieu of Youth Night at St. Gerard - Youth Lock In on Friday November 27 at Presentation BVM - contact Vanessa or Shakana if you wish to attend. INCOME & EXPENSES FOR THE WEEK ENDING November 15: First Collection $2,525 Second Collection $ _763 Total Collection 3,288 Average Cost per week (8,425) Income (Deficit) for the week (5,137) All Souls donations for memorials $600
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MINISTRY TO THE SICK: Urgent calls at any time of day or night. We ask that arrangements for the reception of Holy Communion
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