September Newsletter 2015
Baldy View ROP September 2015 Pathways to Prosperity “Our mission is consistently high-quality, rigorous, and relevant Career Technical Education that equips students for their future.” COMMISSION MEMBERS Sylvia Orozco President Joseph Lenz Vice-President Charles Uhalley Member Hilary LaConte Member ADMINISTRATION Shelley Adams Superintendent Forest DeRenzo, Ed.D. Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services Carla Roberts Director, Business Services Dora Edney Director, Development & Public Relations Roseanne Redfearn Coordinator Crystal Whitley Coordinator Lisa Fears Hackett, Ed.D. Coordinator Michael Moore Administrative Services Coordinator Administration Office 8265 Aspen Ave., Suite 100 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 T:909.980.6490 F:909.980.8931 Career Training Center 1501 S. Bon View Ave. Ontario, CA 91761 T:909.947.3400 F:909.947.4411 Stay Connected! at the Career Training Center S ummer school returned to Baldy View ROP this year from June 15 to July 23! Students had 10 Career Technical Education (CTE) courses to choose from that included Sports Medicine, Pharmacy Clerk, Medical Assistant, and Healthcare Occupations. For the first time, online CTE courses were available in the CTC computer lab through Baldy View ROP’s partnership with Odysseyware. Each course provided the hands-on education that BVROP courses provide during the regular school year and completing students earned 10 high school credits each. Alta Loma High School Sophomore, Yisrael Holt, enrolled in the Introduction to 3-D Animation course taught by Instructor Gerald Jo to help him develop his skills as an animator. Yisrael entered class with a goal of learning how to upload quality work on video based platforms. “It was a really nice experience taking this class. I made new friends right away and that really let me be comfortable and do my best with my animation,” he said. Sharing what he would tell another student about ROP, Yisrael added, “You’re going to learn a lot, you’re going to meet new people, and you’re going to have fun learning. It doesn’t have to be in animation, either. There are many ROP classes available.” Students were also provided free snacks during lunch time. Baldy View ROP partnered with Campfire of Southern California to provide free snacks and looks forward to a continued partnership for future collaborations. The Summer School session ended with a visit from California State Senator, Connie Leyva, who visited several classrooms as she toured the Career Training Center on Tuesday, July 21 (photos and story on page 3). Photo captions from top left: Ayala High School senior, Wesley Chan, works on a project in Introduction to 3D Animation; Senator Connie Leyva visits a classroom during summer school; Summer school students during their lunch break; Superintendent Shelley Adams, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services Forest DeRenzo Ed.D., and Senate District Director Manual Saucedo visit with summer school students; Summer school students receive free snacks from Campfire of Southern California, distributed Lisa Fears Hackett, Ed.D. Page 2 BALDY VIEW REGIONAL OCCUPATIONAL PROGRAM VISION STATEMENT We believe we must inspire lifelong learning, empower our students to make informed career decisions, offer viable opportunities, and prepare students for enduring and emerging careers. MISSION STATEMENT Our mission is consistently high-quality, rigorous, and relevant Career Technical Education that equips students for their future. CORE VALUES Our commitment to ourselves and our stakeholders is to: An educational environment of excellence Lead by example through a model of integrity Hold ourselves accountable Act with dignity, care, and respect through open communication, honesty, transparency, and civility Honor the privilege of serving, educating, and elevating our communities STRATEGIC GOALS 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18 Create opportunities through instruction, internships, pre-apprenticeships, sequenced and/or industry-recognized certificate programs to ensure students have professional behaviors, leadership, technical, problem-solving, and people skills to effectively meet the demands of relevant, enduring, and emerging careers. Analyze data, effectively communicate, and implement change that provides students with high-quality curriculum and instruction relevant to a transition-to-employment and post-secondary education; attract, support, and retain highly-qualified teachers; and provide personalized career exploration and guidance. Operate with financial integrity, accountability, and transparency to make data informed decisions that support quality education, attract and retain highly-qualified staff, and maintain long-term fiscal stability. Expand and promote a positive regional identity through effective communication strategies, development of empowering partnerships, and pro-active engagement with all stakeholders. Lead and facilitate K-12 and post-secondary regional collaborations and training that meet the employment expectations of local business and industry stakeholders in enduring and emerging high skill, high wage, and high demand occupations. Page 3 “For many years, I have known about the great work at Baldy View ROP Career Training Center, so I am excited to have the opportunity to tour the center and witness firsthand the wonderful learning opportunities happening every day under the leadership of Superintendent Shelley Adams and her team. From preparing our future pharmacy technicians to our next vocational nurses, Baldy View ROP offers limitless opportunities to help train our workforce of tomorrow. As the State Senator representing the 20th State Senate District, I look forward to working with Baldy View ROP in the years ahead to help continue opening doors and ensuring successful outcomes for Inland Empire students.” – Senator Connie M. Leyva (D - Chino) Coordinator Lisa Fears Hackett, Ed.D., Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services Forest DeRenzo, Coordinator Roseanne Redfearn, Superintendent Shelley Adams, Senator Connie Leyva, and Director of Development and Public Relations, Dora Edney Senator Connie Leyva visits with instructor Clark Stevens’ LVN course Students attending Baldy View ROP summer school received a special visit their final week of the summer term. California State Senator, Connie Leyva (D-20th Senate District), toured the Baldy View ROP Career Training Center in Ontario on Tuesday, July 21st. Senator Leyva is a significant proponent of Career Technical Education (CTE), of which Baldy View ROP offers over 70 courses. Along with State Senator Mike McGuire, Senator Leyva introduced Senate Bill 148 which allocates nearly $1 billion to CTE funding over the next three years. Superintendent Shelley Adams said of the Senator’s visit, “We appreciate Senator Leyva’s support of Baldy View ROP and her commitment to ensuring that students continue to receive the hands-on training CTE provides to prepare them for the 21st century workforce.” Special thanks to District Director Manuel Saucedo, and District Representative, Vanessa Wiarco, from Senator Leyva’s office for taking the time to tour the Career Training Center as well. Senator Connie Leyva visits looks over Alta Loma High School Sophomore Yisrael Holt’s project in Instructor Gerald Jo’s Introduction to 3D Animation course Senator Connie Leyva visits with Instructor Jessica Garcia’s Healthcare Occupations Course Senator Connie Leyva visits with Instructor Marie Sliney’s Medical Assistant Course Page 4 Baldy View ROP has been awarded a grant by the State of California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Healthcare Workforce Initiative for $5,000! The grant provides Baldy View ROP with funds for various marketing strategies in the promotion of the Pharmacy Technician program. An initiative of the California Community College’s Economic and Workforce Development program, the Health Workforce Initiative is dedicated to serving California’s Health Industry with innovative business solutions. Baldy View ROP is excited for this opportunity to broaden its abilities in communicating with the community about its Pharmacy Technician course! Contact us for more information and to enroll in the Pharmacy Technician course for spring 2016. Class starts January 2016! Merced Alvarez Tiffany Chavarin Alejandra Manzo Plancarte Roxanne Danielle Ronquillo Julliene Tabili Aragon Jessica Ruth Hermosillo Desiree Lynn Baumann I-Chin Hsieh Lauren Christine Munoz Jose Reveles Salcedo Paulite Layug Blaza Leslie Lourdes Jacinto Emily Youngshim Park Kyrstin Kane Shofner Janiece Buckley Rishabh Jaipuria Chelsey J. Radtke Clyde Scott Smith Pamela Rizz Castillo Diane Tung-Jung Lee Lisa Simone Natalie Ridgle Kassandra Dorothy Wilson The graduating LVN class of 2015 joined onstage by Commission member Joe Lenz, Commission President Sylvia Orozco, Superintendent Shelley Adams, and LVN instructor Katey Sixsmith Page 5 Ayala High School CTC Rita Jirjees Evelyn Moreno Buena Vista High School Elena Urrutia Chino Hills High School Lizette Gonzalez Britny Tellez Claremont High School Chaffey High School Ontario High School Alexandra Bustos Edelia Navarro Colony High School Rancho Cucamonga High School Gilberto Quintero Los Osos High School Sabrina Ponce Jessica Lara Monica Pineda Options for Youth Ashlee Fungher Jared Bautista Briana Hidalgo Christian Romero Photo caption: The graduating RDA class of 2015 joined by instructor Carolina Vasquez and Instructional Assistant Laura Villarreal Diana Pacheco Thank you, Dr. Kerstetter, for your support for our students! Chaffey High School Steven Alvarado Alan Atilano Los Osos High School Mouaffak Alami Paul Balogun Theresa Garcia-Alba Arelly Mejia Ali Gutierrez Ricardo Mendoza Daisy Lozornio Andres Sanchez Neftali Solorio-Bravo Angel Vazquez Abel Valdez Colony High School Alejandro Velasco Montclair High School Destani Jordan Don Lugo High School Eddie Ramos Claremont High School Chenna Hu Hillside High School Joseph Lavalle Ontario High School Upland High School Armando Alonso Dessiray Arreola Joseph Gagnon Victoria Morales Emily R. Perez Alexandra Robles Amy Sanchez Joshua Servin David Galindo John Duran Andrea Hernandez-Bonilla Manuel Haywood Zayda Policarpo Kevin Romandia Ayala High School Photo caption: The graduating LEO class of 2015 joined by Commission Vice President Joe Lenz, Assistant Superintendent Forest DeRenzo Ed.D., Ontario Police Department Sergeant Ron Watson, and Instructor Jose Ferreira Chino Hills High School Brian Terry Buena Vista High School Jose Munoz Chino High School Sandra Cisneros Page 6 Three Don Lugo High School Alumni, Gabriel Ramirez, Melissa Flores, and Jasmine Bonsel each took Instructor Sam Abdelmalek’s Baldy View ROP Culinary course (now Food Production and Catering) while in high school. The course involved a Community Classroom component at Fazoli’s in Chino Hills. All three students were hired at Fazoli’s to continue working as permanent employees. Jasmine Bonsel currently works as the Assistant Manager and said about her current position, “We’re like a family here at Fazloi’s. There are ups and downs as there are at any job, but it’s always worth it. It’s great when things run smoothly and the customers are happy.” Regarding Baldy View ROP, she added, “ROP is really something high school students should take advantage of while they can. When you graduate high school, everything costs money so to be able to take these courses for free is a great learning experience.” Photo captions from top left: Gabriel Ramirez works in the kitchen; Melissa Flores prepares a take-out dish for a customer; Above: Melissa Flores, Jasmine Bonsel, Instructor Sam Abdelmalek, and Gabriel Ramirez The Baldy View ROP Commercial Photography course at Etiwanda High covers topics including operation of camera systems, basic and advanced photographic principles, flash photography, and digital photo editing software such as Photoshop. “You can talk about taking pictures all day, but the only way to really learn how to do it, is just to do it,” Commercial Photography Instructor Charles Wolfe said. “If these students are going to be prepared for success, they have to get plenty of trigger time behind a camera.” In a typical week, students might spend one day in the classroom studying a presentation on photography techniques and principles, and the rest of the week outside with cameras, practicing what they’ve learned. The job market continues to grow for photographers, as many professional shooters move towards a mobile, independent operation. “It’s as easy as getting a camera, a car, and some basic equipment. That’s enough to make photos most consumers will love,” Wolfe said, “but, that’s only possible when students work to learn how to operate equipment properly and market themselves.” Three students who took the course during the Spring 2015 semester are currently working in the photography industry now. Christine Ogden, who graduated from Montclair High School last school year, and Tyler Fewer, who graduated from Etiwanda last school year, are both working as independent photographers. Etiwanda senior, Stevie Sherwood, has been hired as a model and lighting assistant for Natalie Ann Photography. Thank you to Instructor Charles Wolfe and Etiwanda Career Technician, Roberta Brazelton, for sharing this story! Do you have a story to share? Visit to tell us! Photo by independent commercial photographer and Montclair alumnus, Christina Ogden Photo of Stevie Sherwood, Etiwanda senior and model and lighting assistant for Natalie Ann Photography Photo by independent commercial photographer and Etiwanda alumnus, Tyler Fewer Page 7 Alumni Profile “ROP provides students an opportunity to explore what it’s like to work in a specific career field. We get to leave the bubble and experience real-life working conditions with people from various backgrounds. Secondly, ROP equips students with the skills necessary to apply for jobs. Having completed an ROP course further enhances the applicant’s profile and provides something interesting to talk about during interviews.” Thanakrit Bandasakdi with Instructor Pat Campbell - Thanakrit Bandasakdi Airside Operations Department, Suvarnabhumi Airport - Bangkok, Thailand Thanakrit Bandasakdi attended Claremont High School as a foreign exchange student from Thailand for the 2007-08 school year. He took the Airport Careers course with Instructor Pat Campbell to better explore the airport industry. Getting to class was not always easy. While his second host family was able to give him rides to and from the old Ontario Airport terminal where the course still takes place, at first Thanakrit relied on public transportation to and from class! However, Thanakrit shared that civil aviation has been his passion since he was young, and the ROP course he took exposed him to the industry in a variety of ways. “Mrs. Campbell taught from her own experience and gave us our own hands-on experience in the industry. We met airline professionals, toured the Ontario Airport and its facilities, heard from an American Airline pilot about his career, and even heard from the K-9 police unit. In the classroom, she is a very entertaining teacher who always kept us interested.” Thanakrit also learned how to properly write a resume in his course and how to prepare for an interview. He said that four years after he took the class, he was still using the resume he wrote in Airport Industries as a model for his subsequent resumes. “It led me to employment in the Airside Operations Department at Suvarnabhumi Airport in Thailand,” he shared. Today, Thanakrit’s work builds off of much of the work he did as a student in Airport Careers. He assigns check-in counters, allocates baggage reclaim carousels, and makes flight announcements. He earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Mahidol University International College in Thailand is working on his Master’s Degree in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Page 8 Residential and Commercial Construction The Residential and Commercial Construction course taught by instructor Steve Perez at Upland High School, gets students involved in a large-scale construction project from the ground up. Students begin by learning the basics of construction including safety and protective gear, how to properly hammer nails, how to saw wood and gradually learn more complex tasks such as putting together a structural frame, painting, minor plumbing, and minor electrical work. The semester long course culminates in the construction of a single apartment unit. Ayala High School senior, Ben Kao, who has previously completed multiple Baldy View ROP courses to explore various career paths, had a natural interest in construction and enrolled in this course to explore the industry. Instructor Perez instructs Rancho Cucamonga sophomore, Tyrone Pratt, how to properly hammer a nail into a board “This is a good opportunity to learn about what I want to do in the future. It’s kind of like a test run for a career, and a one-of-a-kind experience. This class gets you right into the trade, is really handson, and isn’t your usual classroom environment,” he said. Mr. Perez shares with his class the opportunities that are available to them in the construction industry so they are prepared and knowledgeable about the workforce. Instructor Steve Perez instructs his class how to properly and safely use power tools, such as a jig saw Special thanks to Utility Worker, Daniel Castillo, for his help in preparing the sign for display to the community! “Look at any bridge, freeway, or structure. These aren’t easy to build, but with a good attitude students can learn how. Construction is a trade where employers really want to keep you. They hire young workers wanting to keep them around for a long time.” Thank you to all who attended our Institutional Advisory meeting on Monday, August 10 hosted by Piping Industry Progress and Education (P.I.P.E.). Tom Bazemore, SAC Health Systems Peggy Hazlett, Ontario Chamber of Commerce Tom Morton, Piping Industry Progress and Education James Scheu, San Antonio Regional Hospital Ron Taets van Amerongen, California Steel Industries Page 9 Baldy View ROP held its summer Professional Development (PD) this July as it welcomed new and returning teachers to the 2015-2016 school year. Staff and Career Technicians also attended and participated in workshops over the course of the three days. The summer PD is an important time for all Baldy View ROP educators to plan for the upcoming school year and to review Baldy View ROP’s Mission, Vision, Values, and Strategic Goals. It is also a great time for everyone spend time together. Special thanks to Chaffey Credit Union who was an event sponsor, Susan Elliott of Elliott Strategies and Nancy Cartwright of the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools for leading workshops, and to Jeff Ellingsen of the BVROP District Representative Council (DRC) for his attendance. Everyone from Baldy View ROP is looking forward to an outstanding new school year! Coordinator Roseanne Redfearn addresses the BVROP staff at the summer PD RDA Instructor Carolina Vasquez and Instructional Assistant Laura Villarreal engage in an “icebreaker” activity where they work to piece to piece together the words of a mystery message (it was the new BVROP Mission Statement, see page 2) Los Osos Career Technician Sandra Lopez, Etiwanda Career Technician Roberta Brazelton, BVROP DRC member Jeff Ellingsen, speaker Suzanne Elliott, Valley View Career Technician Annette Devolld, Claremont Career Technician Suzanne Miller, and Colony Career Technician Shelia Gharfouri Page 10 Maher Tawfik, Instructor - 15 Years Christine Thomas, Program Specialist - 5 Years Marylou Rodriguez, Cougar Cubs - 5 Years Betty Wilson, Instructor - Retired after 18 Years! BVROP Commission Members thank Betty Wilson and Marylou Rodriguez for their service BVROP Commission Members thank Christine Thomas and Maher Tawfik for their service Baldy View ROP Commission Member Hilary LaConte, President Sylvia Orozco, Vice President Joe Lenz, and Commission Member Charles Uhalley acknowledge veteran staff members for their service. We would like to recognize our outgoing Instructional Team Leaders (ITL) who served as liaisons for the Baldy View ROP instructors: Airport Careers Instructor Pat Campbell, Healthcare Occupations Instructor Jessica Garcia, Medical Assistant Instructor Marie Sliney, and Food Service and Hospitality Instructor, Sam Abdelmalek. Thank you all for being the voice of the instructors! Lisa Fears Hackett, Ed.D., has been promoted to Coordinator! Lisa previously held the position of Program Specialist of Curriculum Development where she was instrumental in increasing college articulations. In her new role, Lisa will oversee teachers working within the Building Trades and Construction, Health Science and Medical Technology, Information and Communication Technology, and Transportation industry sectors. Lisa brings a strong professional background in education having served as a teacher and advisor in the Los Angeles Unified School District, an adjunct professor for two universities, and an assistant principal and WASC Self-Study Coordinator with Inglewood Community Adult school. Lisa received her Ed.D. from Pepperdine University. She said she looks most forward to visiting instructors during classroom visits and continuing to be a part of the Baldy View ROP family. Lisa is married and has one step-daughter. She is an avid stamp-collector and loves to travel. Joshua Behnke Keith Garwick Law Enforcement Occupations Fiscal Analyst Joshua joins the Business Services Department to help monitor, project, and track Baldy View ROP budgets. He will also be responsible for tracking payments, creating invoices, and assisting with payroll operations. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management from Cal State Fullerton and is currently working to earn his Masters Degree in Finance and International Business from the University of La Verne. His prior work experience includes working for a real estate and economic development company. Josh shared that he looks forward to helping to keep Baldy View ROP financially sustainable for the community and continuing to get to know the wonderful staff. He is an avid golfer, loves to travel, and will be marrying his fiancé, Rachel, this upcoming spring. Born into a military family, Keith grew up around the world on various U.S. Marine Corps bases. He attended college at the United States Military Academy at West Point. After graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering, he served as a U.S. Army Officer and later as an armored warfare instructor. After his service in the military, Keith worked as a manufacturer’s representative before attending the Police Academy and becoming a police officer for 13 years. His diverse background led him to develop a deep appreciation for Career Technical Education and now he wants to help students make informed decisions about their education and career choices. He shared that he is very excited to be working with an incredible variety of professionals in an organization where innovation is expected. Page 11 Mario Guerra Ishmill Lett Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) Criminal Justice Mario is currently retired from his job as an Assistant Director of Emergency Services after 30 years of service. In his career, he worked as a Certified Emergency Manager and Emergency Medical Technician. He will be teaching the Emergency Medical Responder course at Chino High School where he is looking forward to exposing students to a profession that is both challenging and rewarding. Mario brings teaching experience from his serving as an Adjunct Associate Professor at East Los Angeles College in their EMT program. Mario also enjoys reading, hiking, and backpacking and is the proud husband to his high school sweetheart, Maxine, father to his son, Ron, who is a Petty Officer First class in the Navy, and grandfather of two girls, Genevieve and Hanalei. For the last eleven years, Ishmill Lett has served as a Federal Law Enforcement Officer. He graduated from Azusa Pacific University (where he also played college football) with his Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and Master’s Degree in Leadership and Organizational Studies. He will be sharing his knowledge and experience with students this year at the Career Training Center where he will look to spark his students’ interest in careers in Criminal Justice. Ishmill also plays in the Public Safety Football League, which plays to raise money for local charities. The league is full-pad and full-contact and is comprised of Police and Fire workers. Ishmill’s team is called the Southern California Strike Force. Jesse Mendez Warehouse Operations Peggy Lynn Vocational Nursing Peggy has worked as a Registered Nurse for over 20 years at hospitals including Pomona Valley and City of Hope. She currently remains on staff in the Intensive Care Unit at Kindred Hospital. She received her Associate’s Degree in Nursing from Chaffey College and is currently working on earning her Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing from Grand Canyon University. She is enjoying the first few months of helping instruct the VN class with Baldy View ROP tremendously and looks forward to continuing to draw from her professional experience and expanded education to teach tomorrow’s nurses. In her free time she enjoys hiking, skiing, bicycling, travelling, and singing with the group, “The Vintage Cowboys.” Peggy has three children, two of whom are nurses, and four grandchildren. Scott Snedeker Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) Scott has worked in the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) since 1999. He received his Associate’s Degree in Public Fire Service from Mt. San Antonio College and his Bachelor’s degree in Business and Leadership from Azusa Pacific University. Scott has taught EMS to high school and adult students for the last ten years. He will use his education and professional experience to educate students and the Career Training Center about working in emergency situations. He looks forward to helping students move forward into the EMS and Fire Service industries. In his free time, Scott enjoys snowboarding, golfing, swimming, and working with electronics. Jesse brings varied professional experience in having worked as a project manager, operating an automotive business, and managing warehouses. He has experience teaching automotive technology and warehouse operations. He will be teaching students who take the course at Buena Vista about all aspects of distribution center shipping, receiving, inventory control, and transportation. He is looking forward to connecting students to gainful employment in the warehouse industry. Jesse also coaches softball and works on classic cars in his spare time. He has been married to his wife, Doli, for thirty years, is the father of two children, Melanie and Jessica, and the grandfather to his grandson, Cory. Reyes Vazquez Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning/ Refrigeration (HVAC/R) Reyes is a Baldy View ROP alumnus who started his career by taking the HVAC course in 2005. Reyes continued his training and graduated from the HVAC program at San Bernardino Valley College in 2007. Today, he brings a wealth of experience in industrial, commercial, and residential HVAC work specializing in the Pharmaceutical Industry. He is an active Board Member of the Refrigeration Engineers Society, an organization dedicated to keeping HVAC/R technicians current in their industry. He is excited to teach both adults and high school students about HVAC/R safe work practices and the fundamentals of electrical circuits and controls that allow HVAC/R systems to operate. Reyes likes to walk and work on his cars and spend time with his wife, Otilia, and four children. Dr. Jamie Walker Website Design and Video Production Marion Vories Educational Services Assistant Marion returns to Baldy View ROP after working as an office coordinator for an Alternative High School in the state of Washington. Marion got her start with BVROP in 2013 when she worked as the Student Services Specialist at the CTC. In her current position, Marion supports Coordinator, Crystal Whitley, and her assigned industry sector. Marion says she is very excited to be back at BVROP where everyone believes in what they do, there is great administrative leadership and support, and everyone works diligently to provide the best learning opportunities for the students. Marion has four sons, three daughters-in-law, and four grandchildren. She is currently enrolled at Azusa Pacific University where she is pursuing her Bachelor’s degree in Leadership. Jamie has a diverse background as a published writer, educator, filmmaker. She has won multiple awards in various disciplines, including the Sundance Film Festival Pitching Contest. She also has experience in acting, screen play writing, and doing voice-over work. She earned her Bachelor’s degree (magna cum laude) from San Francisco State University. She hosted a radio show in Washington D.C. while she was attending Howard University working to earn both her Masters degree and Ph.D. She is also the CEO of J.D. Publishing Group. Jamie will be teaching at San Antonio High School and continues to teach at the college level as well. As an educator, Jamie excels at identifying and evaluating student needs and matching students with both resources and programs aligned with their career goals. special THANK YOU to our sponsors Important Dates September 30 Chino Airport Institutional Advisory Meeting March 14 Professional October 10 Development Professional Development Community Sponsors Engrave ’N Embroider Things Joe’s Crab Shack March 16 October 20 BVROP Baldy View ROP would like to extend a special thank you to our generous sponsors. Thank you for your support in preparing students for career and college! Program Advisory Foundation Meeting Scholarships Due November 11 For Sponsorship Opportunities Contact: Dora Edney, Director of Development & Public Relations 909.980.6490 ext. 1249, [email protected] Veteran’s Day Observed March 25 Advisory Council CONNECT WITH US! Baldy View ROP is a California public school agency that provides Career Technical Education and services to high school students and adults who are interested in improving their employability and preparation for higher education. Baldy View ROP was established in 1972 and is fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and the Council on Occupational Education. Baldy View ROP is a regional joint venture of the Chaffey Joint Union High School District, Chino Valley Unified School District, Claremont Unified School District, and Upland Unified School District. Proud Member of:
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