

Changing trends in sleep comfort
For truly refreshing sleep...
Consumer benefits
My benefits
Pure relief
Sleeping on air
More Volume
AriaBased is a perfect combination of all the incontestable ben-
AriaBased is an extra-light ticking
whose specific composition gives it
more volume for the same weight.
efits of a three-dimensional knitted spacer layer, together with a
> Ökotex 100
knitted fabric. In addition to the option of a separate 3D knitted
AriaBased meets the Ökotex 100 standard. This means
that this product developed by DesleeClama satisfies the
latest requirements in terms of safety and hygiene.
one of our knits) we have added in plenty of choice. AriaBased
offers you an extra choice of colours, patterns, motifs and other
Most types of ticking from the
extensive DesleeClama range
can be used as a lamination
layer. This makes AriaBased a
highly versatile product.
aesthetic benefits...
In short, sleeping on AriaBased is as wonderful as sleeping on air, with all the
associated physical benefits, and the appearance of this mattress ticking is
as versatile as a chameleon.
AriaBased is a new generation mattress ticking with an active moisture- and
heat-regulating action. This makes it a comfort-enhancing product which
purifies the sleeping environment and noticeably improves sleeping comfort.
When you sleep on AriaBased you literally do ‘have a breather’… The air layer
in AriaBased ensures a ticking that can breathe all the time. The body never
comes into direct contact with the mattress, eliminating the feeling of clamminess caused by sweating.
Anti fungal
Anti dustmite
As a result of its specific properties, and
especially its optimal breathability and
its ventilation effect, AriaBased ticking
is resistant to both fungus and house
dust mites. Two advantages which help
prevent health problems.vermijden.
> Active while you sleep
AriaBased’s main benefit is its optimal, active moisture- and
heat-regulating action, which maximises sleeping comfort.
versatile finishing fabric of choice which is laminated onto the 3D
fabric, which we call Aria, with AriaBased (Aria laminated with
Added values
As is known, during sleep the body is sort of isolated from the air. A ‘cocoon’
is formed, and this considerably increases perspiration and disturbs the quality of sleep.
A damp, insulated sleeping environment is conducive to fungal growth and
promotes the development of bacteria and all kinds of allergens. More rapid
evaporation of body moisture reduces this fungal growth to a minimum or can
even prevent it completely. The continuous air circulation creates a pleasant
moisture- and heat-regulating environment, meaning true relief for allergy sufferers! AriaBased is the ideal solution here.
AriaBased can also be the dream solution for anyone contending with weight
problems. Those extra kilos often lead to poor-quality, disturbed sleep – a
problem to which little attention has been paid in the past. With its threedimensional structure, AriaBased can support more than 2,000 kg, while
continuous air circulation remains ensured at the same time. In this way,
AriaBased creates a better sleeping environment in which moisture and temperature levels are continuously fine-tuned. Nocturnal perspiration is reduced
and the body no longer comes into direct contact with other materials, preventing skin irritations.
Sweating is also considerably reduced in babies and children, and Aria’s
breathability means extra safety and hygiene.
> Safe and comfortable
AriaBased is perfectly safe for babies and children. Thanks to
optimal heat and moisture regulation in the sleeping environment, they perspire less, resulting in peaceful, safe, healthy
For overweight people too, AriaBased is an excellent solution.
Air circulation is maintained, even under heavier loads.
Sleeping on air and on memory foam
Sleeping on AriaBased means
Because the shape of the body is assumed, the result is a completely enclosed
sleeping on a layer of air. That
system in which body moisture is unable to escape. This is because there is no
layer of air is continually read-
‘breathing space’ between body and mattress, which is anything but ideal for mois-
justed to the load which is being
ture regulation!
supported, and this property is
If a memory foam mattress is covered with an AriaBased ticking, it still assumes the
maintained throughout the life of
shape of the body. The advantages are retained, but the big drawback disappears.
the mattress which has been fin-
Thanks to the AriaBased’s layer of air, you again create a dry, cool sleeping environ-
ished with this special ticking.
ment, because perspiration can easily evaporate. This also helps prevent bedsores in
Memory foam mattresses con-
hospitals and domestic care settings, which often arise due to poor moisture control,
stantly mould themselves to
resulting in the growth of bacteria which cause infections...
the shape of the body, ensur-
Sleeping on AriaBased is always comfortable, obviously, because you are always
ing optimal distribution of the
lying on a layer of air. A second important consequence of this air layer is the ventila-
body’s pressure on the mattress.
tion effect: you are always sleeping in an environment that is cool and dry. Thirdly,
This has physical benefits for the
house dust mites are kept away from the ticking. No heat or moisture means the
sleeper, but also has a significant
mites have no food available, and die out. Thus AriaBased combines three important
characteristics each of which is a significant sales argument.
g trends in sleep comfort
Changing trends in sleep comfort
Marketing tools
To support the sale and promotion
of this product DesleeClama has
For truly refreshing sleep...
developed a number of tools for your
benefit. Swing tags to attach to each
For truly refreshing sleep...
mattress as proof for the customer,
folders for the end consumer
indicating why he should opt for this
mattress cover.
Brochure 8p.
DesleeClama Head Office • Industriezone De Polderhoek • 8980 Zonnebeke • Belgium • T +32 57 460 460 •
Europe: [email protected] • Asian Pacific: [email protected]
South America: [email protected] • North America: [email protected]