February 17, 1988 - FAU Digital Collections


February 17, 1988 - FAU Digital Collections
SAMS balloon launch highlights
OPINION.••••••••.••••.•••••.Pase 6
see center spread pages 12 and 13
FEATURES•••••••••••••••••••• Page 8
They said it...
ENTERTAINMENT•••••••• Page 14
''The justification of majority rule in politics is not to be found
in it's ethical supel'"iority."
Walter lippmann, American Jounrnalist
SPORTS••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 18
~tlantic Su
VOL. 65 No.7
[he Weekly Publication of Florida Atlantic University
Popovich answers you
Tonight 2/17
!iNdent Government ProP" Bovd In conjunCiion
toIItl81Kic AW3tene2 Monlh
... be ~ln8 Saud, a live
jII:z -.t.;n the ~Ier.at
'p.m. Admlulon fOf' students
.. S2 .and . . . - $-I
Thursday 2/18
!he .nn.w open mlc
in the Ralhik",ll",r .
....-.:t by Studell Covem.
. . . f>ro8ram Boan:I n... fun
...... a 9 p.m. ;and I. fn-e to
friday 2/19
The Speci;ll e~ts ~~
. - . . - . by 5nJdetl1 Govem-_
Prosl"ilm 8o;ord. will be
lRfel'II,ng Sounds In
a daz'llins form of musial
~ tlle.1t1'e.
The pt"dor_
will begin al 8 p.m. In
die UC Auditorium. fAU
-.....s are free,
SlAG and
gene",,1 public
Monday 2/22
SUd.'II: eove.nn-.I Pro-
S.." Slqff Writ..,
I" response '0 her ab!lence a,
the Studen, FOl'Um and me Ro,,i"8 Reponer Center Spread in the
Feb. 3 issue of me $wi, Presidenl
f><>po"ich has offered SOme
answen to the ""I'i<)w queslions
asked of ""r.
n.e _ often IW<ed question
about Pnesidenl Popo>Ikh is in
regards 10 ......... she.aually doe:J.
On Thursday,
de"""",ralk presidenuill Candid<l1C
Mike Dukakis will speak al
Florida Atlanlic Uni"eBity. He
will b<:gin speakinl"l lO:4~ a.m.
til the ou,door s1.ll&0' This e"em
is b<:ina Co-~polU.Ired by the
Oukakis Campaian, the FAU
Progrea!live Fotum and ,he Law
and f><>litks Socie,y. h i. open '0
the public al no eha,.e. This will
page 5
film, ffO
--...:... _
d,rKhed by
. . . . . . . 8ttfaloo.os. h w+1l
Tuesday 2/23
This ""'ftb SludeN ~
_ProgrMn 80ilIrd movie ,s
0Irry Dandn&. rated PC·13.
J1w.1ftOIfIt! w,1l bfo ~ ill' 7
In the U.c. Auditorium.
~ .... mee. r"IOrMI1.J<Jent!o
lIlote: .
The _ _ m naif of the
. . 10'· and Ihe emlre
'liiIdhouse _ricin, 1m will be
doled from 6 Lm. until 1 p.m.
-.lhursday, htb. 25, due 10
~"'tC beOna~ al the OUI--"_ollheUC.
basis for evaluation i' not presenl.
With the rapid arowth of FAU
c"ery semester. students and lidminiStnllors ha"" len contael
wilh caeh other and can no< make
fair performance review•.
The .utidenl body is of uunosc
irnpolUnec In l'qJO'o'ietl and is her
main concem. She belie""" tha'
it is
responsibility to FAU 10
assist: and pI'O"ide!he kind of IImosptw:n:. ,..,..,.,n:es and pro-
gmms tha' will allow lIadenlS 10
<>bulln his or her individual aoals.
" We can build the kiOO of
uni"ersily that students would be
proud to a"cOO or gradua'e
from.·' Popo:wicb saki.
Popo"ich claim. uuu .....en
!bough &he nltUlthe Uni"ersity,
page 3
.s.." Slqff Writ..,
~. Thi,
. . . . . 1 p.m. in the U.C.
The majorily of I>cr weekly
schedule is de"OIed 10 mee,ings
and n:"iews with ChaiThellds and
professors. Other wec=l<Jy acli"il~ include awaros presentations. tn.erviews with lhe local
rrxd... and the aene:n.1 pl"OmOlion
of FAU a, "a<iou• •ocial
Popc",ich would lite to see the
.....erall acc:ouncabihty of F AU incn:ase, bu. pointed OUI thai the
to come
to FAD
. . . ~ pR!M'nt5 ~ In.,.. . . . . Film Sene, ~re
FEBRUARY 17, 1988
Meet your match ...
The ~ /Iotao1l:d.ine AsMJciation sponsond The Oat!na Ganx in the RalttIlkeIW, Ia'JIII Wednndaoy nlgbl_ S1udnolS from 1M audioenoe wc"' called on suee and asked queslJon5 from a poIcntlal
....Ieb. The DIlUng Game Is an annuaJ eYcn! s ~ by MIA.
F AU students launch SAMS
SUD Writer
On February ~. Sludenls
Against Multiple Sclero,i,
(SAMS) kicked off 'IS annual
monlh lonl crusade. FAU
SludenlS and S,udenl (;o>Iemmen'. In an effon '0 nuse money
for Mulltple ScI"I'O&II. sponoored
lheiT soo:ond outdoor .....em bdUnd
the UC '0 ""lpconlnbule in a IISlionwkle figl1l.
SAMS. a na,ional $Iuden'
m.",emen'. Is desilned 10 increase public awan::ness of mul,ipIe sclc..,.i,.nd to ""lIlhlish long,erm fund ... isina: and voluntceT
suppan for the Na'iontll Multiple
Sclerosis Socie'Y' Since 1985.
SAMS has grown from 12 collesea 10 o"er 200. I' raises money
through a vane'ly Ofacii"ilies In-
cludinSthe "Roct Altke" competition. "Skip-A-Meal for MS".
canning dri"es, sweauhlM Y1eoo;.
ballooo:1 b~. ~lbons.
and """'I<: ~n,es.
Mulllple sclerosi•• a chronic
di$eaSe of the oet1l...1 nctvOu$
Americans and its cause is
unknDwn. SymPloms '"""Be from
blu~ "islon. numbneu. and
slurTed speech 10 spasms. pooreoordinalion. and e"entually
pamlysls. Unfortuna'elv. there is
no cure fOT thi. unpredic,able
disease bu' there i,hope. I)oe,ors
are I"",ing drugs lite Cop I,
which helps allc"ilue aymploms
of the disea.oe.
The events of the finll weekend
at FAU included a Ii"" band. free
food and soda. a balloon launch.
" jellybean g ....... ina g.me and
many more. For S3 S1..sentll and
members of the communily
ampIed the culinary ddighu (hoi
dogs) and ~nl<:l~ted in the ae·
tiviu.... n.e proc:cedl from the
admission' wen, dlrecdy '0
Appro"ima'ely 70 people lum_
ed ou. for the e"enl including
FAU SlodenlS ... well ... S1uden,~
from the College of Boca Ra'on.
The highligh18 of ,"" e"enlng
were the Ii"e band. the food. ,be
prizes. and lhe balloon launch.
The band. The Los, Boy•• was a
I""'al las, minulc fill in ror ,he
cancelle:! Rcggae Band and
played rock music sporadically
throughoul the e"cnina. During
,heir breat<a. re<;prding Toct
mu.ic was played. Hot dogs.
luunburgers, pota'O ehips. and
sodtt were se.....ed '0 e"eryone.
n.e prius dl"CW ,real enthusiasm from all in anendanee..
The tickets a! lhe &ale "'erc the
means by """-'h lhnle prnes "'~
....-.nled. 'l1le rtQI priu wilUtCr
wa, a ....nle<! a windjammer
cnoise. second place WInner
reeei"ed free duU''''r. and third
place "'"IDner recei"ed FAU I_
shins. The biuesl hlghligh, of
the c"ening was the balloon
launeh when: se"e....l hundred
balloons blew away and painled
the .ty.
Louis Hannah and John Fernandes. who WeTe in eharge 01
Ihe e"en,. were somewlull disappointed in the lum oul. According
see SAMS
page 3
February 17 I
pag .. 2
News Shelf
Police Blotter
Craig Dorfman
The Lively and Lurid at fAU
Sun Staff Writer
RHA meeting
The Residence Hall Association (RHA) will hold a general
meeting Sunday, Feb. 21 from 7to 7,'4S p.m. in the Modoc Hall
(7llobby. Housing costs for the 1986-89 year and plans for the
SI. Pauick's Day activities will be dl5O.lssed. Alt the planning
oommillees should be prepared to present the information they
have obtained. For more information call 393-3903.
Student Association
The Baptist Student Association is sponsoring a bible study
that meelS every Wednesday from 12 noon to 12,30 p.m. in
the Meditation Room. All interested individuals are Invited to
attend. For more information call 393_3510.
Recovery group of FAU
/Got a problem with alcohol or drugs? Looking (or some
recovery? The recovery group of FAU invites you to join uS
every Tuesday and Wednesday at noor) in U. C. lIS
Private dorm rooms
The FAU Residence Halls Office if offering a limited number
of private roomS for men. If yoy are interested please Caillhe
Housing office al 393-3901.
Sweetheart party
Delta Chi Omega is throwing a "Sweethean Party" at the
Rathskeller on Feb. 19 from 8 p.m. 10 12,00 midnight! There
will be free Pizza af>d a D. Jl There will also be free dinner
giveaways, any donations will go to SAMS. There will also be
7S cent beerl This event is sponsored by Student Government.
Come join Ihe fun and meet a "Sweelhean"llllll
Powder Puff football game
Delta Chi Omega and Nu Sorority are genlng together for a
game of Powder Puff footballl Come see the two sororities play
on Sunday, Feb. 21 at 2 p.m. behind lhe university's gym·
nasium. see you Iherel-
AMA general meeting
The American Marketing Association has inviled Mr. Mark
Wright, President of BankAtlantic to speak at the nexl Gene.,,1
Meeting today at 4,30 p.m. in Fleming Hall 319. Mr. Wrighl
will be spe"kingon the effoMs that went into changing lhe name
of the bank flom Atlantic Federal Savings and Loan to
Inter-Club Council meets today
216/S8-Unknown person(s)
slashed the convertible lap of
11 1986 Rerlllult for unknown
reasons. TIle owner, a resident
student from Hall 20. left his
car in the P-8 toe and found the
canVas top damaged when he
estimaTed to be about $100.
2nl87-Carnpus police were
notified by the Boca Raton
Police Department that a frantic HaU21 resident had called
them to report that several
unesconed males were running
through Ihe residence hall
knock.ing on all the doors.
Officers sprang into action
10 find these mischievous
males and .earched every floor
of the building but found no
One matching the description.
Tlte complainant claims that
she called the Boca Ralon
Police because lhe FAU police:
weren't answering their
phone. As it turns out.
however, she was inadvenant~
Iy dialing the number of the
campus custodial crew.
workman who left il there the
night before. The carpet was
valued at $200 lind WaS
described as being raisoncolored.
2/8188-The tWO house phones
in Ihe lobby of Hall 21 were
vandalized when someone
removed the transmitter piece
from each of the phones.
Value oflhe damage was $20.
218/S8-While patrolling the
campus, an FAU officer
observed a black male standing
ne"t to his white truck dumping green grass clippings wesl
of the T-17 building. Since the
truck did not appear 10 belong
to the universily, the officer
appmaellod the suspect and his
garbage. The suspect claimed
Ihal he was tOld by an
employee of Ihe grounds
department lhal the campus
dllmp was OJlCn to the public.
But Ihe officer infonned him
that his garbage WaS not
welcome here and told him to
take it elsewhere.
He left Ihe premises SOOn
slolen from a lable in !hi
Library. TIle Owner was
the pen 10 wriTe a paper forhil
favorile class bul decided "
gel up and take a break. Whq
he retumed, Ihe $46 pen "'Il
nowhere in sight.
2110/S8-A two-car accidelil •
occurred in the P-ll 101 as!loll •
cars scrambled TO gel one 0/
Ihe Ill$T remaining Parki".
spaces within a mile of fleming Hall. There was on/t
minor damage to One of
vehicles ancl no injuries welt
2/11/88-A red 1985 ToyOQ
GTS was reported stolen from
Ihe P-7 101 east of the
Humanities building. Tho
owner didn't owe an)
payments on the vehicle and
didn'l give anyone pennissioo
to use il. TIle vehicle and iums
stolen along with il welt
valued al $10,000.
reponed stolen fron' the COmputer science building by the
Sun New" EdiJor
Student GovernmenT'S Sl:<:Ond
Broward meeling was held this
w""k. The senate met ..t the
off of Bloward
The S.G. spring el=ion d.. ,es
were changed dlle to the
avaih.bili,y of the voting booths.
The ne.... da,es ...... April Sand 6
with "'n-offs on April 12 and 13.
A ne.... acc<mn•. 71-SOOI-616.
Clllb Conference AC«>\Int, w...
&CCep'ed into the budget by the
senate. President Popovich needs
Cross pen
active. The purpose of the &C_
COlint is far club Ullvel expenses.
Pi Lambda Ftli. SE Section
Conclave. was approved by the
sena,e, The Pi Lambda Phi will
leeeive $400.00 from the new
71_5001-616 for their solltheast
A ne.... llSSOCiaTe coun jllstice.
Mathew Learner, was approved
by thesenateafier a roll <:all VOle.
President Palll Savage infonned the senate on a $3 increase of
the campus parking fees which
Jobn Ehrleh'
S.G. Execlll!>'e Assistanl
SfHeW to the Sun
SCEC meeting
The Sludent Council for Exceptional Children (SCEq will
meet on Tuesday, Feb. 23 al 11:30 a.m. in T.V. 1M. Plans (or
futute acTivities and fund raising even15 will be diSCUSsed. New
members are wekomel Fo. mole information conlact Jane
Mahan at 393·3280 Or 564-7167.
Democratic public forum
"II seven democratic presidemal COInidateswili have represenlatives at a Public Forum on Thursday, Feb. 25 at 7,30 p.m.
in Ihe UC, rOOm 202C. The program is being presented by Ihe
Democrats of Boca Raton and The Progressive Fo.... m of FAU.
The COIndidate representatives will presenllheir candidale'S posi_
tion On major issues and respond 10 quesTions submined boTh
In advance and at The lorum.
was approved by the univtrSll
He also asked lhe senat~ l
write a re&<>IUTlon to conti nile'"
observation of Manin Lutho
King Jr. holiday. The nat~u
Flonda is not planning 10 obs<t
vance of the holiday any lor>&<'
Ron SChamweber, DireetOTu
HOIIsing was pre$Cnt al the SIll
den. sena'e session. Dean IjIII
'ha' "'"
rcpresena,ive y6m SlUdenl!J
fairs be pre$CnT al lhe moctinp.
Scharnwcb<-r has boen the lin:
represefllltive to a"cnd.
Alpha Epsilon Phi
Alpha Xi bake sale
SG meets in Broward
2nl8ll--One roll of carpel was
Cabinet IDeIDber urges participation
in SAMS, FAU radio station
Alpha Xi Sorority 's having a bake sale Feb. 16 (rom 9 a.m. _
3 p.m. in the Breezeway.
2IlJ/gS-The Palm Beaeh
County Sherifrs Offic~
located the Toyota stolen from
FAU on 2111/88. It ....
recovered 01 a forgonen usa!
car lot in West Palm Beach.
FAU's Inter-Club Coundl meelS today, at 1,00 p.m. in the
University Center, Room 116. Sending a representative to this
meeting COIn benefit your dub or organizaTion. You'll share with
and receive information from other dubs al FAU.
"Ipha Epsilon Phi National sorority will be on FAU's cam·
pus On Feb. IS, 1988 for a presentation. for more informaTion
please call Dawn at 393-2818. 8e pan of a new SOIOrity and
get Involved in campus life.
1 w......ked. as a newly appoin'ed 51l1denl Government
cabinet member. to wn'e an ani_
ele to enlighten the Sllldent body
on l.he lOpi"" ofmllitiple sclerosis
and tl>eeffons to establish a ...dio
station on campus.
My firsl ThOlJght in preparing
this anicle was how w ... I gains
'0 present mllhiple sclerosi. and
SAMS11 decided to wn'e an ar·
tiele that WOlIld both explain ....hat
mliltiple sclerosi. and SAMS are
while llivins some insight ofwhal
goes into puning a proj= like
Students Against Mlihiple
Sclerosis Together.
The Mliitiple Sclerosi. Na,io""l Chapler defines Sclero.i.
..... a chronic disease of the eenT...l nervOlls SySTem in which the
.impl""t. everyday ""'ks can no
longer be taken for STanted. Its
symplOffi!lcan run the gamlll from
.lighl blurring of vi.ion to eom_
ple1e paralysis. An estimated
quaner of a million Americans
have M ...hiple SCleroSIS. with
nearly 200 new cases diagnosed
every sinile week. This disease
can affect anyone, panicularly
college students. who ..re most
commonly affeCTed by the
Multiple Sclerosis fllrthcr
poin,s 011' thai the "Markel
research hilS shown thaI while
college students are very willing
to donate their lime and money to
a ....onhy ea...se, it is mOst impor_
tanT that they have a knowledge
and understanding of what that
calise is all abollt. '"
That is the role of S"MS.
S'udents "gain51 MII!tiple
Sclerosis. SAMS is pan of a na_
tional campaign in which Feb.
has bun designated as Mliitiple
Sclerosis MOnlh. Pan of the national campaign is to ree",i, 001·
lege campuses To partieipaTe in
SAMS main (linction is
TO educate and increase public
a ....areness of Muhiple Sclerosis
while providing fund raising
even15'O help ....isc: money to off_
SCt OOSts of Multiple SClerosis
ft:Search and treatment.
Wh.en Lewis and I first dist.. ....._
ed SAMS OIIr major concem ..'
stlldent apathy 10 ptInieipate. Nl
apaThy is ollr major se'back fo:
this proj=. Fonunately, SAMi
is working in a posi,ive di~
due '0 the panieipa,ion and_
minmenT from several individllt
and clubs '0 organize and sp<l'
sor flUldnUsing events. &>1 effort
could be more effective and dedent if mote Sh.dcnlS commil1ll'
to panicipate in SAMS.
Puning together a project sud
... SAMS takes a 1m of time. of
fon and thought to pull off. II'
very difficult to organize Wilh
nuclellsofa few people .... hoall:"
have other responsibililies sudli
school and work.
BUT the work thaI goes ;,.;
SAMS is not the essence of dIl
proj=. The true essence ..
spiril of SAMS is that it is ....
compassedby SludenlS throush'"
the country who ate making"'n'itments TO help others less r.-.
ftb<u;>'Y 17, 1988
'>"11" J
from page I
academic an<! ~Ira-curricuill'
programs gro ..... OU' Gflh" r""olly
and Sluden, body ju., .... " hosp'~~l
1Idm,,"sua,or <Jcpmd.'l upon his or
her doctors "nd pollients '0 run a
Her OWn obj«liveli for I'AU
are 10 further the onlve",,,,.
Ihrough the developmcnt of "",,w
pn::>gr;uns with regard!. to the
raoun;:e" and mainWn the quallly
of <:$lablu.hcd pnJgram$. She is
also concerned wilh the re<:-",i.ment of
SludcnlS and the
ck:veloprncnl of SU'On& oommuni_
Iy r",laliom to enI>arIq; FAU.
··We ace constantly striving 10
i"'f'O'O"C' Ihc: <:Urriculum and to
build ;n the areas of upenise:'
PI:::>povich saKI. '·1 think w. Uly
Unjverslly has 10 ~ the
v~ of lIS SIUdenu. ,.
She also poimed OUI. however.
dDl: wch uputSion CUI no! be 0(.
f=cd to _
Ibe .... ividual needs
of $tlIdeDt&' special i..... resu.
- Popovich con"n~s '0 be
sati5;l"oed Wltlt the sa.. of enrollmen! ;n COUnc's. She clainu w.
FAU!wI been.tole 10 maintain ..
....e percen. of ........1. ........,..
courws than most Slate
un;vcl"$ilics. thus enabh,,& InO«"
anention i$ being pbced Lrpon the
Welcome to FAU.:,,:"e--,It.,.,..u:u.nON$
SIr L)'Ddm O. P\ndtiIl. PrIme
. . . . . 06the ComnMXl"alIth
.... 1laIutn.- (SK'Ond right).
• .'bi!.or 10 the "lori."
~ Uni ...,nily campu!f
lbe Boca
"-dopment "n», 1M
(left) bead
~id«l1 Addiokk
fAU \ b
...t the .1silon on
o.,.~ D1l'ft1or
• lour or 1M eampus. Ttw
aUlehter ... ~"& h'lroll_
111& a • •"""U 10 .,...,tln_ hft"
~udla In bw;l_ adminls..·,Uon, ...ld of" U~ Unl>"U"5II)'.
"This Is- • delilthtrul place:"
~ evenb
hca page
·'Ou• .,ffon.s at ~u­
_I"'emmenl nrl\ecI \he entin!
""body. Wrwan,e~eryonc
ralLZe 1No' our dc'lenn"1auon
a... good nu"".··
for 5.0.11015 ...,11 COfI-.-
"nU(' l ~ l the month oK
F",bn.uy. All students are
welcome 10 panJ(:'p"OC and G"e
,he .. l>lJppon. For more .nfOr....lion. c:ontK"l S~rM Government
at 393.)140,
" ··(Being the praodeN
has gi ...en me Ul apprcciallon for
Ib: cnnpIcxlly 0( OUr insutUlMXK.
the ""mbcl"$ or people> IIv.", ,no
volved ,ncluding the
or our
SIU<lents and .... «... Popovich
Aid. ··and the ~ble effect ..
un;'-ersily can have: on a com·
STRAIGIIT'< t~ plrt_
'" joo 11..-
News Shelf
U.C. stage crew
The U.CO s&>ge <.:rew has job po'il.ion'i open for c.ew persnoel.
The wori< 'nvolves oome man"al labor and a knowloogC of
sound and ligh.;nIJ sysmtems
helpful. If you a,e inte<ested
In working behind me s<.:efW!S during Auditorium or Rolt events,
please apPly in the U.c. oIfo<.:es. SQrling salary is 'U.75 per hour.
Atlantic Sun photo contest
Judges will pick lhe photo whi<.:h ""' IlIuwaleS FAU. There
are no <.:atesories, bul enlti~ muM be FAU related.
Rules and Regulalions:
1. Enltie must be <.:urrenl!taJcen within the J~ yea,.
2. 81ac:k and white prints only-no !;orser than 5°7 inc.:t>es,
l. Ent,ies must be in OUt oIft<e. UC 248, by 4 p.m. Marc:h 30,
1988. Win.-.s w,ll be '-itied. Winnins photoo; will be pub!i......
ed In OUr April 13. issue.
4. No ent~ will be ren>med, phocographers may pick up their
phocO$ after April 13_
s. f'hoIorlghts ,~ln with photographer
all limes. Alla"';<.:
Sun ..- nesponsible for loss Of damage..... ILan.>c Sun reserve
fighl 10 publish all con'esl winners.
6. There I~ '" U entry fee per phorogr;Ipt.. enler up to 3 pohoIos.
Affill name, address and phone number on separate art! 10 ead1
7. P,i.ces: hI, 2nd and Honorable Menl;on:Cmenlion
phoI..... phers ""'mel in Winning <.:enter ~
Student Legal Aid
Student Governmen. ~ ~ Legal Aid everyThul'$day bet_
ween 2 and 4 p_m. ,"I the Ur·~ityCenlE".This serv;<.:e 's freoc
to all students of FAU. TO make an appointment, pie,""" call
lhe Student GovtOmment office al 393-3749 between 9 and 5
Monday lhrough Friday.
Rovl.... ",",-,'" l"el>. J. 1_ _•
18 or OVER!!
LIVE with
8 - 12
$250 in cash & prizes when you
meet your match!
So C::omE' on out and pl.yA 8real way 10 meec and mak~
-'- @
their lime. Wenu and
effons 10 help othc:ts in need.
When this happens. C!$pccially
for • worthy cause ouch a.
SAMS. we -.II need lO <:<>n>e QU'
and S\Oppol'1 their endeavon.
SAMS st.NId be ~ for
their effOlU. A special a:><nmettdation shoukl SO 10 Chairman
Lewi."*""" who was put in
charlie of the demanding job of
organ;zlngSAMS on ou,carnpul.
S,lIdents for Ahcm.tlvlO Radio,
dulired by CI.lIde Rodrigue>: i.
SUOl'U", • nlOVcn>cOI 10 build •
Roood <:a>npus. "(be only....
search. This will consi" of
ding an open space on thc
Thi. lIeIIrch will anower w
or nQI il i. possible 10
.....ion II FAU. Inr.
reprdula: dlif;. hopefully '*il
received by mid-Mud>.
Tbe "-;.,.Iion bdlitad
a station on c:ampIU is 10
• more cohesive \'(lice IOn'lOIlI
.rudem body. II i. realiud
FAU is la.gely a ,,~=~I
school and ;1 would allow
~ 10 be kepi abn::M
10 sacrir"""
Wor Id
Seo pe
" - ,
from pale 2
AI Vargas
Sun St.ff Writer
Headlines Around the World
SowO!1.,..Soulh Af.ica, Sunday, F~. 7: A black yo".h who on
on Waher Cronki.e's TV doc"memary,
Children of Ap;mheid, was lilled sho.dy "ft.... lhe appearance.
In lhe doclJn"""1;>ry, lhe youth ... id thai he twd t>-n Iortured
by the "uthoriti<es. The boy
found shot 10 de"lh on J"n. 5.
near hi. rnod>er'. home. Hi. iu.........I, held on Salurday, w"s
resI~ by police 10 a I,mil 0I200mou.......-s: poIiliall speeches
We«! banned and lhe service w ... limited 10 four hou .....
Dec. 5 "ppeared
lunale than themselves. This il
why I red i. is imp<>nanl for all
of us 10 undenund ",hal this
_ _ is all about. We an:: bel....
ina in thc
to uy 10 live
others " better q ....ll!)' of lif".
Maybe our ..frons on PAU ....)'
be llnod with ob5Ia<:lcs. but !he crfon 10 p"n",ipa,e and why we are
plInicipa<inl makes il. SUCCC51.
Ev,"" Ib<JuI.h we.1l ...., and hear
about apIIlhy on c:arnpus. ltIc:n::
..., .I.....ys. few who..., willi...
.....00 s<Hi<:>n on FAU's Glades.
<:Vet)'Oloy r;oinlfo on. on
Poland, Mond..y, Feb. 8: Afl.... a Roman C"hoUc mas. in
Krakow on Sunday, ..boul 1000 prolesle<s began ch..minll
slogans supporling the OUIlawed labor- union SoIidMtty. In War.
SoJW. poIice;arresfe:l six 01 the leaders 01 the small bMlnEd Pol,sh
Social,st Party
prevenl !hem from ha",ng .. rneellng. according 10 the party chai
n who w;os one 01 the six.
Munich-Wesl GenT ny, Mond.>y, Feb. g: On Sunday,
Defense Sec«)fary Frank Carlucr:i lold a NATO defenS<l W;,llegy
conlerence Ihal NATO mu.t modernize its t.octical nuclear .. nn.
capacity in orck., 10 remain a delerrent 10 the Soviet Union.
Carlucci said 1....1 lhe US-SOV~ ..greement 10 ternOYe intermediate .... nge nude.u m;,;sIe$ will not affect pbm'o moder.
n;z," 0l:heI' European weapons sy$ler'm. ''The in~ part 01 the
""""ble response is!ha. the nuclear forces coon re.<:h lhe SOV....
Union, "he ... ,d. 'We will not allow lhe Sov~ 10 believe In
lhe illusion lh,>I lheir homeland Un remain unlOuched."
Moscow-USSR, Tues<!.lly. feb. 9: The Soyiet Unlon'S leader
Mikhail CotbactIev on Mond..y set May 15 as iI len.atiye d.ue
'0 begin lhe wnhd.... wl 01 Soviet lroops from Af~n'SUln. He
said they could "II be OUI by March 1989 II lhe accords to end
the eight yea.oId civ;1 Wal ..... signed on March I S. Marlin f~_
waler, \Nt"te HotJse SpoI.:;esman, said. "II sounds like a positive
"ep "nd we hope" i., but we need to see lhe fine prlnl. We've
got '0 koow whal il means."
1b""",IIah-lJe':ooeti occupied Wesl
Wednesd;oy. feb. 10:
Even l:f>oush a seniot Isr-aeli offocer w .. s .ble 10 show hand wri._
ten on:Ieo. tellins soId.e<s lO re4.... in flOm "beh;oying violently
roward lir>re;gn citizens," etght ""-ic:ans have filed oompblnlS
charging that they were .abused by lsr;oell lroops.. The U.S.
passports .. nd other """"ican identificootlon !hey pnwided, offered lhem 00 protection. One of lhe elsh!, a young man 01
Arab origin. wenllo the U.S. consulale wllh a bleeding scalp.
A fofeign Ministry omel"l said .hat eiOCh accusallon 0( "bose
was InY'l'SliplOO.
~, Thuncby, feb,. I I: Al least 76 people
kdled ~ ],500 injured Wednesd.y, during bombings
and _
battle berween S<IppOo'tetS 01 nVOlI andidates in frau6.
ridden 1oc..1 elec:lions. The el..ctJon bloodmed w .... the worst
in lhe COUntrys history.
call Domi...·s PIzza"' Now . _
Take Adva~ of 11Iese Great Oflers!
Leadership award
1328NE 2nd .......
TO: All Dc-. Directol'J, Depar'l""",,1 Heads, and Meombeo-s
of the Faeufty
You arc inyiled to nomln..le c ..nd,dales for the Kennelh R.
Wilhams leadership Aw"rd. This aw"rd w'"" established In 1972
to honor a griOdu,,1ing senior who has demonSolrated an outstan_
ding n!COrd for leadersh,p"bility at florido Allanlic UnlYNSIty,
wi.houl regard 10 ,,,,a..clal need
The .ecipierot; musl be lrom among anlJlO.Ioes wno h.Ive compIeIed their degree .equ,rements ,n Augus.t. 198701 December,
1987 or who will have completed lhei, degree requIrements
in April, 1988 T"'" S 1.000 "w..rd is.o be pre-;er>led "Ilhe AprIl,
1968 Comntencemeot EK.... cisoes.
Nrm,inallon fo.ms aff:' "yailable In the offices of each college
de"n and lhe office of S.udenl Aff.. i...
PIe..... tum In you. norn,nal1ons ..1 Room 2]1. Sludent SeryicC$ 8uikl,nglOffke 01 S10denl Aff",rsl, 00 lalet tharo fndoy,
March 4. 19&8_
",-US: l../lS V~;(;AS SAo... Dlli:CoO SAN ~1tANCIS(;O U£S£KTS
YOS....M1TE MI'--"Ioo LOS A."C~:L£S .\lOU·"TAI'S
. _ .. __ s
JUNE 10-24
only S6-tO $580
di.scount on airfare for SludentL]
IIAM- .... M Sun-.n.ur..
n"'M-2AM Fn. a SIll
·2 Medium
Cheese Pizzas
Two mtKI+um 12"
CI>eeH p,uas-
112(11"" boO"
. -,-_
. ---_.
----__,-----....... --------------_ ·. . IT.,.
....... ......
$2.00 OFF!
53.00 OFF!
..... '9.. 2 0.m.....
... ,••g. 3 '" mo,.
lOppIng pl.u
'6- ...
_ _ .ndgel
. _.- -- .............
... '---
16" ..... \J'O
(>OU.OI .... 11'
TH"•• ",,_
_..... . __.<...._.. - - . _._.
'Jellybeans anyone?' concludes
Boca. Bonnie Clark. gUC$sing
34S6. d,n....,r for ,wo II' "ll\e
Tl>t-.sc<:rel is 0\111 In the lobby
of fleming Hall on Feb. II the
of6cial Judge or the Jellybean
GoioM. Ely'" Hey"",n, WIth the
~ of Phi Beta l.ambda
~gl)'...,.,nu:dthe cnli",
_ pIloa pr ofjellybeanS. W,th
..... r.....l<)' pthe...... the
iool laIly was
(0\1 ....
'0 be 3459
Tho: proclamation of
. . IlUII>I>ef" tKou&hl one chocr
crowd. as Jill Aoorcm
bu gueu of l4SO was
~ .......at> 10 "',n the gIft eel. . , 10 Houlihan'••
1k od>er fi.-e Wlnners and
~• . - .
""''0 .,
ere: Laura
3462. WOOl
Thee Cork of
Elephant Walk. Gil Neuman,
&~;na 3456. dinner for two a,
Tel Friday·s. Aniwa. She....pul«li. guessing 34SO. dinntr (or
owo ., Bennjpn'$, and John
Oldfield, aucssina 3450. dinner
for two at Tequitia Willie's.
For lho5e ",aders who missed
the fiN: "'PO" on !his popular
even,. Ptli Bela ~-T.u
Oamma CNp<cr has been span_
-Ula a )Cllybean guess 10 benefit
the $noden. Governmcn,-boocl<ed
SludeR,", Agains, Multiple
Sci,....... (SAMS) camp.ign. By
the count, 79S ~ hod been
made. with $260.00 IuoYing been
noixd 10 fighl M"lup&c: Sclen.:is..
Whiie many of the ..-ses
close '0 the fmal
counl. many mon: wen: noo.
~~ "''!led all the
SOO 10 <me billion. Two unnam·
ed en&i.-ring prof<"MO'" acntlll1'1 spen' 15 minu'cs 'rying 10
ca.lcul,ue the u K t numi)c,r of
jellybeans. only '08"""" 700 too
high. Oneofll'te winne.... Aniwal
Shevrpukdi. an engineennl studenl himself. manased 10 best his
profcuol'$ when his calcuJalions
We..., more $UCCeSllful.
One studenl. Roben Springer.
having made IUs donalion and his
tlueM. C<lnllt>en'ed. "ThIs WU a
greal idea. We can contribule 10
a good caU$e, M.S.. and aet I
c:ltanee 10 WUl dinner oul a. Il'te
same rime. I hope _
dubs will
get involved and """"eventS hke
litis. "'s good for !he students.
and ,,'S J:O<>d for FAU.··
cohol awareness week at F AU
SjIfrial ... W
EWfY FAU SIlIdenc knows thai
• . . $pf1ng setneSl.cr Il'tere is
~ Break. II IS a time for
.-uydritlg ...... !he _ : wild
,..-. wikl people. and wikl
<"Ul'lilm&! The foUowint; . - .
... it is Ic>OOOP"lating time and
_SCU1 allover apinJ JlISl as
I(IIWI break ""isIS, SO does Il'te
Colkpte Akohol Awareness
whkh is Feb. 22·26.
AIldle major ulliversibelll'tave
,BACCHUS Chapcer. Whal is
MOCHUS? It Aands for BonA
.........." Conscience Concerning
.. H<aIlh of University Students.
11M dw simply """,no; is enjoy
,.... break bu, just be responsi.
bIe ..'!Iile doing II. for ex.=lmple:
""'~ drink and d.ive. don'l do
*'P. and by all means have SlIfe
Dunng Ibis fun filled woek
BACCHUS will eAl'tibil activities
10 abow OUt fellow ~ the
imponance of having 'safe fun.'
FIM' Kaners t:b<cre will be a blood
drive. "",Itt a free ebolesterol
chock: a volleyball game I>nwooen
a sober side and an ioIoJLk:alcd
.ide; and an inf..........ion table
with booklcu and pamphlets.
Abo a ..... ilablc will be the Ca....i.....
n\lOCI""". ",hich 5hows you
wha. " feds like 10 be in a colli·
sion al tive.mlles 1lC' '-'r.
Tbe dales and ,iones of the ac·
livllies are I~ below:
feb. 17: BACCHUS Blood
Drive-from 8 a.m. 10 4 p.m.
Volleyba.ll Game-al I p.m. there
will be a volleyball competilion
be,ween sober and impaired
plsyers '0 exhibil !he effects 01
aJa:>hol on mo&Ol' coordination.
(boer and soh drinks w>.ll be pr0vided by William n.eis and Sons,
I"".. the lneal Miller Bee.
Feb. 24: Tbe Convll.cer. AI 5
p.m. Southern Bell will provide
a demonstno.tion of t:b<cir Con·
vi"""'r ma<:hl"". whM:h" desIgn'
ed to show the effects of an aulO
collision at five miles per ,-,•.
Feb. 25: BACCHUS Bake Sale:
from 8 a.m. 10 I p.m. BAC·
CHUS personnel will sponwr a
bake sale In addition 10 provichna
ak:ohol and drut: infonna.ion.
Feb. 22 _ 26: Inf"'ma"on fair.
Dunna the wu:k BACCHUS po=rsonne! will be on hand 10 provide
sk:ohol and drug infolTTl&lIon.
Come ou' and suppon you.
f;Cbool and BACCHUS fo. 'his
special week of aet;vit;e5.
WHEREAS, marketing Is
key to business development in Florida, affecting
.- prospecl.'l of all Florida businesses; and
WHEREAS, hundreds of Florida Atlantic University studenl.'l have b«n
-.nber:!l of the American Marketing Association; and
WHEREAS. Florida Allantic University and the community benefit from the
actiYities of the American Marketing Association; and
WHEREAS, the GcJvernor of the Slate of Florida has proclaimed February
1"'20, 1988 as Marketing Week;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Heloen Popovich, by virtue of the aulbority v~tecl..
.. _ as Pn:sident of Florida Atlantic University, do hereby proclaim February
1"'28, 1988 as
DUKAKIS to speak at FAU
from puge J
be Dultakis' only public appearence ,n Palm Beach Coon'y
befo.e Super Tuesdt<y.'1t will be
I vea' opponuru'y flM' studenu 10
cnhance Il'teir poliliall aware",,"
and bc«>me familiar wilh tbe
iss"",,, in ,he upoomina p"",iden.
tial campaign.
Dultaki. is a Ihird'lenn gov.....•
I1Or" or MassachlaSetts. He attended S",a.,hmore College in
PtliladelptUa ",bere he ma.,lO«d in
politic.al science. Durine ..... summe. of 1954. Dultal<is n:a:IVed a
fellow5l'tip 10 o.tudy III the UIli"",,·
sllyoiSan Man:os in Lima. Peru.
He IndUl'ed Ptli Beta Kappa
from Swarthmore in 1955. He
served in the U.S. Anny fo.,wo
years and Ihen .elu.ned 10
~ lO .. tend Harvard
Law Se/'lo<H •
In 1962 he ...... eJected to .....
R.epresen!Miv,,",. Durin& his eight
yean as a SUlIe rtpr'tS<:nUluve
.Dukakis...-an advoca&e ...... OlIn,........,r rillus and a leader flM'
reform in public
houSIng. mental health. and me
environmenc. In 1967 his col·
Iea.,..es V<IUld him ..... yea.·s
OutsandinS Lc..slator.
DultalUs believ,,", lha, every
qualified studenl should be g.ven
..... opponunily 10 attend college.
He proposes lb...,., major Slcps; to
i ~ college opponunity and
aiJeviau:: the financial burdc:n for
studenlS. First. he wanlS to end
the curren. administration·s ell..
on Pell GnnIS and College Work
Loans. Second. he MyS he will
enoounge SUI'e govcnuncnu '0
c<u,e collcle opponullily fUnds
and lul,ion prepayment plans thai
wilt flllCillllole ..... financial burden
of college lU'UOn for f&mlhes.
Variation, of !hi. p""&,&,,, have
been ,mplern..,ued ,n more than a
.. 'ales.
Massachu..sc:ns. Third. Duk.aki,
proposes a complete review of the
ea"ung FedenJ GWltaR'eed S,u·
den, Loan Program. Under ,he
eUlTenl program. lhe sludcnts
begin payment "fler g.adua''''n.
The Siudent Lnltn Proaram cur·
.en,ly lui. defaul.s of mo.e ,han
$1 billion" year. In addilion.
'here are eXle",ive pape.work
admlnislralive cost •.
Dukaki,' program will allow
repay lheir college
loans Ittrough plyroll withh.oldi"ll
tha. is in propon;on '0 their fU,ure
Dukakis al.., h"" plans for improving !he quaJi.y of'eache... in
the public educalion 'ys'em. He
pr<>pOSc>S many way' 10 alttae.
more teaeh<:1'$ '0 !he fieW of
educalion. As J>n,sidenl. Dukaltis
would like 10 eslllbhlb III Nllional
Teaching Excellence Fund '0
reeru.i. oulSlanding I<:IChe... for
public schools. He wan.. S~
million invested in the Fund flM'
Il'te fil'Sl year. Duka!tis' proposal
is based on his belicflha, qualily
educalion i, IlOl posoible w ..hau,
1XNItpIrtenI. hiply motivalCd. and
"""U-.paid teaCben.
TI>e NalioDal Teact,,"Il Ex·
cellence Fund will implemenl
cenain prognms. II will offet'
eollege scholarships for students
who agree lO make a <;<wnnll,.""..
'0 ,eaching after !hey obIain I
<Ieg.n:e. Tbe proa:ram WIll work
clo..,ly with the Nallonal
Teaching Standards Board 10
e$Ub1i1b $lan<b..ds of aeachina
eompcocnce. DukaJtia bel",ves
thai the IlaOdards
should be as high as
rIM' doclon and othe• ...,lccrive
Tbe FA U Progressive Fonlm.
who is oo-sponsori"ll this evem.
...... fonn<:d last Fall. I. is the
neweso ai .......... ve to Collelll"Republicans and wei""""",,,
SIudents and facully from all
polilical preferences. TI>e ideals
and gOais of !his club are
pro.......e progressive philosopbles
and candidates. Lasl ",,~.
Palm Beach Counly Cooperllllve
leader Andre Fladell gave a
,peech; Delray Mayor Marie
Horcnberser has alW spokcn to
Il'te Prog........ive Forum. 11>is
ocmeslC. there will be many more
speeches by offieials and
representatives such as Rep. Dan
Mica. Anyone who is ,n'eresled
injoinintlll'te P,ogn:ssive Forum
or auending any events should
contael. Mimi al994-8831.
11>e Law and Pon,Ocs Society i,
also eo·sponso.ing Dukakil'
speech. Thi. non.partisan club
""""" I;very Olher week 10 discuss
current is.ues. Thc puf'J'05" of
'his socicly is '0 cxchangc
polit;cal ideas and creale a nel·
work of InforTTu..ion for Siuden,••
Any person woo Is inlereoled in
joining !his club or auending 'my
meeling should conISC' Cheryl a'
~~". """"'--
Itl YUIU Al'lO 01.0[11. AOMITTED
- - ClLlDRAn - -
• • • •N • • •I:AIt·. .
In ft. louderdole
10 A ..... _. ,.......
...7 ".M. _ •
P.M . • COU".E "AP,..,. "OUIe
- ...............
_.. _.. _-...
- n , _ ~ 0 < ' 0 ' l
__ ~"'._,~ .. o<<o<~....,.o",O<A
...... _ c Q...-G"D
<...-u. at Coo<mo" '00. .......
. . . . . . . . . .'E.uI. ...
u~ faculty, staff and students to join me
the c:ontrlbuOon of markding professionals.
• florida Atlantk: Ull.ivel"Sily and
• -*-Wd&iug
u .... I.\.~
U.G. I'QI,\C( \" ,e"~AA\.
Writing off sexism
"A . . - by any Qlher name would smell a$ _ _ ." ~
cwmod, ~k<:p..cal of lhe power of labels. "A rose " • rose .s a
rose, ,. agreed O<:rtrude Ste,n. We'v., been '-"ught that ""m",,, don',
maner, bu, in O"'",$is Ood gave AdIlm power over!he: animals
by letling him gi"" them """'eS. To Rameo:orncthing. or~.
is 10 lui".: power: and when you are stud, w,lh . . .bel Or l~
thaI demeans)'O". you have' IosI oc:>n<tOI ""er yGUl"SelflO ~
dsc. o..e black wn'tt IOOled thal. ,.,hen .. blxk penon OS aT&"''''
VIOlently wilh ...... hile~, tbc<bI.a<:l< _
01'" man " . a disadvaIU&C' the whll,. woman or man ....)' be ~ lO lIJi~ • ncilol
epithet.' lheocher. foreinll'he (Mher,o ",ither lose her Or his composure or walk away_whlch in the eyes of the while person is a
sign of dcfea•.
Docs !hal Knlence sound awkwud? n.e ide. i. oontallll' is OOrreel. bu'llhe _y It wu worded ""'y seem Slnngc, It was wrinen
,n • CCnder·frce. or 5C,1-fu•• or nonsexisl ayle. It'a an extreme
example of n<>nseX.iR wr,ung. of """,rse; but consider !he aller·
native: .."..." Q bUIck ""'" aJ'ld Q ..'hI", ""'" 0,.., ""Bod"8 wol<!rltly,
WId 'he while""", calls the OIh... .",.. by" rod"f 'Pi,h"" ,hI! bWclr:
"''''' ...m ..ithr. lose hi.. compos".e or .....Ik ""~I)'-6nd <:/Ih", ....y
'he ..."ile nltUl ,hl'lks he:r _ .
nUll is shoner. bul how do women fod ",hen lht:y read il? '1bey
have 10 "tnnI;late" the oenlt:nDe. repbci.... in their minds each
"man" with
each "he" WIth ··lhe.·· and 10 on. '1bey
have 10 do a mental re"'r,te before they foel the
apply to lhem.
The altemative is n(>nse~ist language. U.ually. il isn', ""arly
as obvious as In the earlier s"menee. btll Itte poinl is to .,ick wilh
it in all writing. TI>e Allnmic Slut belic:ves thaI'"" aw.....-an:l sentenoe
is belte. than a ...... ist one. New~pcrs use a lot of labels. so we
have a spec;al obliplion 10 use thai
iQ a ......y thai cloa.n·1
alICMle wo."e..
Some men won', like th,s idea. of course. bul they might COIl.
side. whal a newspaper \VOUld!lOUrtd like If it lool< noclce of only
the majorily of il$ reade... who happen to be women: ...hen ''''0
...,....,,, S'" ''''0 afisJu. Ihe bladt. .....,......, is a' a disml''''",age: he.
QppO>fntl C<In caJl her by a rodI>l ep"h"'. so ,10m s~ ..ill eilkrr
lase her cr>oI Or ....lk " ....y. Ei'~r ....y. "'" ..""'e .._
she's _ . Men might consider how thc). .......J<l fod if every 1aloeI,
every e.umpIe. eYaY ~ m their uniV«'Sily'. n.".~
were wnnen thaI ......y. And if lhey \VOUldn·. Ii"," il. they mi....1
wan, 10 think about lhetr own language TlCU.
tlantic Su
Lynn Samiec
W. 8. Hicks
Anlhony Lederman
Sporn Fd"",
s",ndi Levy
1I:0bc0rt Romanitch
_.... __. _,- --_......-,,_.. _,-~hA.Cordon
Michnoe F.ulk
... ".,
_..... -_.''''
' ... A _ _ n
............_ _
, ,.........
_ _ _ _ _ _.t.o:: _ _ ....w~----'---­
" ..... ,
._.. . _...
Students respond to Popovich
To the lOd'tor.
In I'eSf"O'U" to the odJlorial cnIIllod. "Who is that Pres.i<\=l1"
which appea.I'Ul 1ft lhe Feb. 3.
19lIlI Issue of 1Ju> AllanriC Slut.
...., agree w,th the author Kri$len
We do not wish 10 seem over·
ly entic.ll.l or President Popovic:h.
It is a _II-known r8CI she is doin. her best to ct'C.tIte a f"lIlIll1oCialIy suble and academically sound
illA1\UllOn here al F\orida At\anlic Universlty. I. LS .... thai we do
not suppon P.".idcnl Helen
Popovich, it is that we do not
know her. Many reel she luis ftOI
made a COIls","cnuou. effon to
mal<e ht:rxlf -..ible III the stu·
dent body.
TItoere;" widespread di$O:)nlenl
on eampu.s concern,n. lhe rela·
lionship bet""oen OUr $Iudenl
bodyar>(! Dr. Helen Popo",ch. It
is Impanam on lIlty si,uu,ion 10
k«p.he liTte$ "r oommunic.lllion
open tn order to nuwua,n a
healthy re1alion>.hip. A g....,.ler
oonocm and ~ tnvol>'entenl by
Dr. Popovich would be IIdvan·
10 everyone in lhe<
Unl"el"Sity OOntlnunity_
An arUde tN. ~ in the
Jan 29.1986i5sueof"ThcAlItullir Sun. st.aled that Presidenl
Popovich e~presst:d a dest", for
g.ealer contacl with student
organizalions. She eh.imcd thaI
despite a busy 5"bodule. "ohe
WC!1eomed ,nv'lalions 10 IttoI:leI
... ,th u";Venlty orpn,zalioclI."
II ~ obYiow that Presideot
Popovich has fatled 10 fulfill th,.
promise. S""".,O<:I. 26, 19860he
has auended only <.MIe Slud"n,
rorum. IlTt(\ ""gleclod many other
Student go"emment functions
Appa~tly Iter prIOrities a""
""""""'" _
10 developmenl and
phtlartmropy. But while aboul he.
Iorl& term &<>als 10 promoIe school
unity and """,,, Maybe lIIis is ROIl
one of her lop ptiorilics. Ms.
~e""", e'ted Presiden. Popovich
ror tht: btlHdtng of the Interna·
tional S<:ulplu"" Garden Docs
Ihis <:onlribtll... to the un,ty of the
majority of the .snodeau1 Whal ..
Librarians speak out
To the Bdik.>r·
No doubt some readers oflhe
Feb. 3 Rovin.g Repone.l\llOy have
puzzIcd over "'hy three librarians
..... the chic:f of police WOIl.Id
want 10 uk the presldenl $1",,,&<=
qt>eSttOm al a lttoI:leI'na ,ntended
for S.tudenlS. Well, ~Iy the
Rov,ng Reponer v'.lIed, "mong
~hcr pla,,~. tht: cafc'eri" and
I~bra.ry ,"",kHlg" s".all ~ ~_
lion or the campus populalJOn on
order 10 in'lllJre ,,·ltal one: ques·
uon ~Ie would as!< the presi.
dent ,r they saw he. on cam......
that ~.
T1tc day I wu .ppl'OKl'led was
.II Friday (and pay day at thaI), SO
I guess there was I'lOI much or a
1CCIion. ThIH, ...., roor non .
.ludenUl .Iick OUI like aDre
thumbs in lhe resutu"g featu",
which ~ questioos that
...........ve been asked ... the lIu.
dem fanlm held leveral day.
Speaking for mylelf as a
Ilbnorian I am IXM reqU'~ to at.
lend such evems. Ho"'-ne••
thanks to the RD"ina Reponer. I
wu able 10 a.k a question lhat
I\llOny rair'nundtd people on cam_
pus .h""": wHl Dr. Mich"ls.
befo.e he relires, ~ive offiel.lll
l"CIC:OgIlilion for his years ofdevolion and loyahy 10 Ihe unlv"rsi_
'Y. and ror his COI'lSidef'able conlribtllioltS tn IIUIkin& il Ihe
~lly -..d instirution il
i. today?
We all kl'lOW liull th... universi·
ty does not have much or a
history. II remains to be seen if
;1 has muelt or a COIUciencc.
Han)' R. Sbllerup
Wimberly I...ibruy
thi. a.....' TIle geTIC~
among obeSiudenlS i. tIw il
not. We au not just by
ot Florida Atlantic: u"'~
are the un'''''''''ly.
denl Pop"'idt W'OUId dil'CC'l
of her "n... ntion to...... rd In
""aliu that we should be
1><::. veatest priorities. Mia
ir PTcUdern I'op<:tvkh dots
pron.xe """""'f'rl ror the
body. "'00 wilt?
VICki Ahldt
Jdf O",ns,,1<1
Susan W.rra
Mike Wil
Peter Zalmio
the read
To lhe Edllor.
In rerercnoce 10 Donald
mt:nnan's lener of Feb
I .......J<lllke 10 Sd him
h,s "obser'vauons"
Finot. Florida Atl:utlK'
sily has filed ch.:l.raCS
Senator Chen. pc:ndingSlIIt
seeu.ion. .pc<:lIk.lly
4.002. Sec: B ..... 6C5 •
Scc;. '2 SubKalOn P A
and ""podic:nl mo~" as.
Un1vet'Sily'S pan.
Secondly. )'OUr . .,rkaI
I•. as you ask. not what
ed. F... rnando Chen hu
Sudertt Govcmrncnt SenakS'
Sept. 10. 1987. H ......
10 h.s om"" by the .sc......
caplunng 81 peR'Ctll of.
S<:.... IO~
dOlbcal<'d 10 the studentS
A. to lhe seriousness cl
threats. what.bout FJoriclo
I;"·S own apalhetie
See LE
ry 17. 1988
Wilh an lm~ive showing ,n
........ Pal Robcr'lson has become
• ....,., IOron,end with in the batIIr for the Republican ""minap. R<#rtson finished SCCQoo
.kfwa with fTk)Te votes lhun any
Oemocr'3'ic contenders. A
poll lIlken by NBC afler the
,..;us 5l>o",....t. Ih:II 80 pcr=nt of
.. people VQl:ing for Robertson
IIId ""ver vo,ed in a caucus.
A Yale Law SChool graduate.
Rcbtr'SO" is moslly known for
.. p>litical albalross that tlangs
~ his neck, he was a televi_ evangelist. He preferll lO <:all
-..elf a religious broadcasler
-.I compares the I""",uncnt he is
J<Ctiving in the media lO thaI
John Kennody roceivod for
. . Roman Catholic.
~ biJ stun'p speeches. Robert_
.. Jw vigorously Stn:ued tha,
...die nation needs is to return
...... moralliber of y"".eryear.
Toreadl <his end, he insisl$ tha,
G>lshould be brought back in.o
.. ochool. abonions should be il_
lopI o<>d "promote and reward
. . . families through Fodernl
lrolmd tax poll<;i"".'· A lirm
bdiever in education. Robertson
los promised 10 wipe oul fun<:IIlIIIl illiteracy in the Uniled
He insis," that his adminisln'ioa _Id implement what he
..os. "'oonservative policy". On
Illr boodgc:t iss.... this meanS that
II< MtIlS $100 billion off the
lialBCt in 1990 and a balanced
....... by 1991 (to be followed
Il' a "'lflSIitlltiottal ammendmen.
II tl101 offoct). All this is 10 be
.... withou•• tax inerease. inIi!ld it will be done by cuning
A ..."""h anti-<:omrnunist, noI
-'Ydoes he demand
q,lancntation of SOl. but he
topporU all rebels fighting eom-.dts regimes. Wilh his mov.....
from page 6
~ ~: ~:..:~..:.~:
...... one hour. wa. ealled in on
!lornmc Hall. the admninistration
lid on. even "vacua'e the
!Ioddi"i! You call these people
I """"". and (,,"ponsibl,,"1
• Stnatnr Chen has come to
..m.c the seriousness of hi. ac,. - . b,,, that docs noI. in any
..,.Ilfoct hi. underllUlnding of
"_kings of Studen, Govern-
o!he Edi"'r.
DA.kA thanks P. Teeling and
ltSlcin fOf their in.erest and in... <eglrding <he campus Rat
l\eu ",,",,"tions have bee~
_ and are being reviewed.
.... would like to invi,e them
1III1lJ PAU studenls staff and
II<Uy '" discuss thei~ opinion'
-ltlC:<tmmendalions with US in
Bopen meeting 10 be held at the
Feb. 24. Wednesday at 5
.... T1>ere will be free soda and
II" """""'.
men"O lhe fron. arm" pack has
<:(In'" the obligatory bad p<eSS. In
addi,k>n 10 the 11I11< of hi. child
born before wedlock. new vid""
has been .clea""" from his lelcvisinn show where he says only
Christ;an.o 'md Jews are fit to
serve in g"vcmmcn,. This is no!
taken QUI of C(>n''''''. for he was
1l$1<<::d ((he really n''''''nllhal and
his reply was affirmative.
Using .he term ""m one for
you". Kansas born Republican
Senator Bob Dole won a firlll
place victory in the Iowa
caucu.<;es. The current SeN"e
minority leader has worked in the
upper house si""", 1969. before
thaI be was a US Representative
for 8 years. Dole was President
Ford's running mate in 1976; that
campaign leli him tarnished as a
bad boy, an image he is trying 10
avoid Ihis ra.....
Dole profe", to refer.o himself
as a hands on per$On. He has been
work,ing in Congress. no' jUSl
standing behind a man as he
refers to Bush. Hc has been
wishy_washy on ratification of the
INF Treaty: be ....y. hc must not
sway votes this carly in the
mtification pr<>ceedings. He is
firm on defense; however. he
believes tha. SOl should be
On the oconomic front. Dole
believ,," in an across the. board
spending freeze. except for programs fOf" the needy. He""""" no<
suppon tax increases for the in_
dividual or oorpom.ion. He does
wanl increased catastrOphic
health care beneflla. but believes
both states and corpon..ions
shotJld pay for i•. His main Stand
on educa.ion States that fan,i1ies
.hould be able 10 set up tax free
IRA's to pay for children's college educa.ion.
Dole supporu the Con'''''' both
with hi. voiee and hi. own
money. He enoourtlges olhe", 10
mem; nor doe;;; i. aff"". his
dedication 10 the students of
Florida Allanlie Univerllity. As
you stated in yOU( let'er, you do
..... brief history reminder.
...... nnte that at the beginning
III .. fall semester I.) the Rat
decorated with huge
and neon signs. 2.) a
1 liI:.a.tds
use the laws that now ""m';t
donation. '0 the Comras.
The ScnaLor has h3d his pitfalls
also; there have been accuSBoons
agains' againSI members of his
campaign SllI.fr. about his wifc's
blind trust. and about his tal<
returns (!he Doles his.." " combin-
cd income of about $500,000
Which ",k« away from his
."gula, guy image).
percent in both nuclear and convention forces. Wllh these reductions .•• he elimina.ion of
agriculture subsid,,", and an impot Ulx on oil, Gcphardt hopes to
reduce .he deliei, by $80 billion
dollars in twO y.... rs. 'n addition.
furthe< .... vings would be had by
requ,ring cmployers to provide
heal.h insurance for wo(k.. rs and
.heir families. He would spend
money to wipe ou' illitemcy and
improve the U.S. educa.ion
Wi,h the .mage change, which
iocludcs .<:levision enhancement
lessons, came the talk of being an
outsider to Washington. The
Geph.ardt of old happened 10 be
one of <he smoothest opemlOl"5 in
1994. An oUlspoken enne of
Jl'l'<:S'Iure groups. SinlOn ha.~ often
vo,ed against legislation Ihat
groups like the AFL-CIO have
pushed for. In the area of
defense. Simon wanos ....'ifica'iott
of<he INF Trea,y and wan.. continued research on SDI. He does
noI wish deployment or t"",ingof
the sys.em. however. While he is
for ending aid to the COntnlS, he
does believe in enforcing a l"""'<'
,;enlemen, with Ni<:3.mgua.
On the Democratic side
On the DctllOCrtuie sidc. <he
new from runne( is a US
Gephard'. Although his win in
low.. Was only a .ho".... nd or SO
votes. it has been considered a
major victory. Being the "man to
beat". all the Dcmocnllie candidates have bocn ganging up on
Gephardt and his new Sll>nCe$.
Rep. Gephard, has changed his
stand on almosl evel)" issue si""",
the race staned. This has led '0
the Democmts aceuse of pander_
ing.o the. elOClomte (and spocula_
tion of Gephardt ehanging hi..
stand in each stale). Tbe
Rcp'"...,ntative relortS thaI there
is a ,ime for change as we grow
and ohis was hi. time. He stressed that he would IIOt change <he
stands he made in Iowa when be
wen, to New Hamps.l1ire.
Gephardt is best known fo, his
stands on ,rade. He i. adamen'
abou, imposing lr3de sanctions 011
na,ions that do ,"" open their
ma(kets '0 It>e US, especially
Japan anti Wes' Gennany. He
claim. ohis i. noI protoc.ionlsm.
merely a way "wbere we can
really break foreign markets
open". This view along with hi.
odter stances has cawed bis campaign
be labeled as a populist
Along .hose lines, Gcphard'
suppons the lNF ..ea,y. opposes
SDI, and wants reductions of SO
Paul Simon has noI changed his
image. the U.S. Sena,or from il_
linois still wears hi. bow tie. Pr0.moting himself like Hatry
Truman. Simon runs a whislle
stop tour. This old f....hioned
campaigning eamod Simon II se~
cond pia.... finish in Iowa. only
percent behind Gephard•. An
appeamn.... of being too libeml
mat hun his chances here in the
lilOUth; so Simon "resses that he
i. not libernl. but "socially progressive
He has been in the Senale .ince
1985. and in the House of
Representatives from 1975 until
In the ecollOmic comer, Simon
....ys he is a "pay as you go
man". To this end he believes in
cutting Pentagon spending by $20
billion. raising taxes as a last
resort and stimulating .he
economy wilh a job program. In
addi.ion, Simon wantsa ConsbbJtional amendment to balance the
budget. A slrong view on educa_
tion is high on Simon's list. this
iocludes I"'shing state.< 10 pay
teaehers more, lOugheni"g cer_
tification for teachers and expanding cduca.i01l for the poor.
Geptlardt elaims .hat all oflhis is
li.tle more lhan "Reaganomics
with a bow ,ie".
Simon has run an hones, campaign that has kept him OUt of the
Mit>mi Herald. In the upcoming
weeks. as <he race gelS tighter.
""cepl to see the.other Democrtll$
begin '0 look for flaws with the
Source.. for thi.J ""iele NIl'e
,hI' Sun Scnti..el. NPR .. e ..·s
(",d th.. three national networks.
Asks. ••
What changes, if any, should the
next u.s. president make?
.r;' ~r:f~;:"t;~~::'f=
your opinions from sources oll>er
than the man himself.
I 1"'1 it to you, Mr. Zimmerman. to come by your Student
Government Senate mce<ing and
not only meet the man. but watch
him in acti.,.,. I will be looking
for you.
Paul F. Dufresne
College of Busiocss
DAKA· reviews suggestions
2 "on
full menu was offered (again) and
dis.ribu'ed 10 faculty and staff offlces and student dorms. 3.) t.he
hours were ex.ended al both d,n~
ing facili.ies (the Rat.was o,,:",n
for luoch. the Cafete:~la fo( dlnncr). 4.) AMA wa~ h.red '0 promote the foodserv,ce at the Rat
throughout It>e campus. ~.) full
page ads were run ,n .•he
newspape~. In response 10 thIS the
Rat rema,ne<! empty.
Thank you for your Interes'.
Please giv.; us you; suppon.
Hope .0 see you on It>e 24th.
Sally Gabriel, Manager
Many Kela1>er. Manager
John Herring. Diroctor
........ ~ ... Btnl..- I\dmlnlotr;o.ion, freo/wn.on: •••..•')"
~nd "".... a """'.... ~
ding 01 ",,,",,., /lOInS on.'"
Putn;k, a u . l _ Admlnl",a-
'ion. '''''''"",n: "~I w;,h .Il<!
dcr«il. Ou' 1J""",,~'ion >hoo,ldn1 boburdtotd by tada)"". h,sh cost of I....
I"", "" >hoo,1d".... a hca"Y la< on m..
<!CO<I(>ffly. "
,he "me,lcan
y . - ( Habtc.l...... nc..I f ~
_lor. ••C;"" """'" flnane;al .id to
ed<>ea'ion ~OO cut .he d<oIen",
Roving Photographer/MIKE MATUTE
Courses take a fresh look at masculinity
O'Donovan studies psychology of the sexes
W. 8. meKS
Ffl'U"".. ~
EJi_'snotfl:: doUanick is lite
se<»ftd ill .. urio: _
~ witic#I ~ tup«Uof
mtUculilllry. tms is tJoe fin. pan
of"" im.....inv wilh Dr. DofU
O·Dotoo_. M'lrJdI ..ill ~ CI>fItI"u~ nUl
"You'.., not going 10 g .... any
brownie points fOt" laking the
'Psychology of Men', M ' malICr of fact you might get the 0p-
posite,'" Dr. Denio O'Donovan
wlirned pro5pecli~e .tudenlS
.bout his COUrse.•. Psycho1ogy of
Men" Is one or only tWO COUfKlil
offer«! .t FA U on the wp'c of
mue"lin;.)'. O"Donovan, a
psychololJ,)' profeasor. h.as ..."ght
'he eourse u
one of the
p$ychology depan.menC. offerinp. but he maker;;. clear 10 hi.
alUdenl:l thai ;, fulfills "no rcquiremem in any uca·'.
O'Donovan talked recently
about the COlIne and the kinds of
auderQ who tUe it. ··WeD. I can
oaY'-U'$I otflhM I wish ~ we<'e
""'"' men....oo were ~ m
!he psy<:boIoc)r of men. n.e ......
joriry of IMUdetlu in my 0l>UJ'5Cand
uue of counes in the
psycfto&os:y of men allover the
worId-are .............. TbaI'. not
INC of lOr. Fred Fejes' 0<Inl_
mu.. lCIl..... COU"", 'Mascu!in;·
ry and the Modia. 'J AJld in the
was Iau&,,' a. this univeni')' and
•• Olher universities. the vas! majority o((studr:nl$~] womc1I.
tb;u'a probably ~ peroenc
women. Ilnd aboul 65 pereen, in
,he 'PsychllllosY of Men· a~
ofllll.·· O'Donovan said
in c~plaining <hIs imbalance. "if
we're lalking aboul courses in
Irying.o un<lcrs'and people. they
arc more likely to be allended by
Wonten. If we'.., lalking aboul
""""COl in how 10 conuol people.
thcy're more likely In be altended by l1'>/m. So if we entitled the
course 'How 10 Get Laid'. we
could have had a lot more men
the..,. BUI I'm not $\I.., <he <:oJr-
rieulum oommilSCC would have
appn>Vcd. 'The'" is thal 10 have
a ~ imerest in onak-fcmale
rdations. beyond the crudes!; elemenl of thai. ia aomethina: ..itich
we ""pec1 more oul of women
!han OUt of mea...
"Second of all. ~ smdies
(and by gender $Indies I mean
plIyclK>log)' of men. psychology
of women. communication
counca haying 10 do wi<h men.
h.ay; ....o do wl!h women. and SO
on) il a kind of ......JcaJ happening. That is 10 laY. just 10 pay al·
lem;On to what's happening is a
revolulionary lOCI. TIlaI is bc<:ausc
mOln coul'lCS are dc>i&ned 1<) I<ec:p
you asleep. Not rIorlO!:SS&rily 10 pIlt
you 10 .leep. bul 10 keep you in
a semi-Ileepwalking stale tha,
you'Ye been ;n.··
"Thll I. the purpo.e of
lpllCiaI~tion. You $pClCiaIW:: in
accounWlC)'. you opcciaIW:: in
mcdJcine. )'OU lpllCi&Iiz.e in thi••
thai or <he other !hi1\8 10 make
....re tha. you ......er ehallenlle the
....y lit.i.... are nUl. 'The ....y
IItlnp are f\.Ul. of ClIlUQe. is ill the
miaaionary position. ADd one of
!he aspcctI of the • Psycbology of
M",,' COUrse is thai if we (men]
are (lI'I lOp. bow come we're not
happit:r'? And beallhier? Tbo5e
are InpieI; thai we add",".••
"I've had the irnpn::ssiorl thar..
in eyery""""" I've ey.... laUahI.
tl>cre arc a fo:w people thaI_ God
loYe them. fol.low me around.
Whaleyer I'm teaching. !he)'
don'l care; they'll lake it. I'm
haw>' 10 haye them. n.ey really
au: inspired by me, and I'm in·
spired by thcir presence. Ther> al
the other end are the people who
wandered inlO lite mom: il happened 10 be conyenienl for tl>cm
'0 <a.l<e a COUI'K at that pan.icular
hooJr. ""'y don'l care whether
it'a pOllery or clcctrical
clIgirteering-!hcy just come in.
And Ihcn there'a tl>c great ill_
betwccn. And I musl laY. some
men whoD I$ke thc course (of
whom there are yery few) haye
a yery serious interesl. Why clse?
I' doeton'l lead 10 any!hi,,&."
"1bere ......... a large ntIlTIbc.- of
women. I felt. who believed thaI
I _ I d aive them !he secret.
They _ I d lean> how 10 <rid:
ntCf\ who've been tricking them.
and how 10 make men do whal
!he)' wanted them 10 do. And
........ of them were very angry
when they dis<;oyered Iha<. fin!
of all. tl>c .'t...,ion is worse than
!he)' thoullhl it was."
"0Id wiyes' tales lay thai ntCf\
Iy. _
of !he old wi .....• IlIIes
have a lot ofYalJdil)'. and !hey're
baoclted up by researd>."
"And M) Ihcae women soon
discoY"rcd thai I didn'l havelbc:
....""'r. and there I ..... <eacllinB
away. So they
bil disappoin<ed; and I'm -.-y about thal.
because I <rind In make ;1 very
e1ur lhal I don'l haye Ihe
"Most courses are
designed to keep you
asleep • . • this is
the purpose of
"Now. thaI i. 110I10 say thaI I
don'l h.avc of.."" IU\Swen. TI>ere
are !hinS" that CUI be done 10 in_
ereuc tl>c happirtCM and !he communication [of men and women].
I thillk th.t we did lIOrne of them
ill the cl.ua."
"11>ere are """Iiy 1_ things
tha. l'yC '-:n talltlng about for
my ..nl;re ca"",r. which i. about
a hundred y"""" and I never ... ~
ticularly thought about these
thinp .. the plIycbology of men.
In the old daya tl>cre
'PSYc:holoaY of metI·-it
!he psyeholoaY of men. wi!h a
fo:w women thrown in. I would
al....)'11 My there are 1_ lhiDp
thIIl can...m (and I d>dn'1 make
dislincrion becweeD my
[)enb; O'Donovan
au: yery reI_I 10 IakeSlepS to
laye tl>cirliyes. that men are yery
reI_I 10 e ... press their emolions. that mat are yery relucuru
10 give women a chance. e<ceIeno
~ . Tbal'a whal the ok!
wiyes' <ales lay. But careful
'T1w is
is _ _
~ .
lay thai. unfortunate--
n.e AIUS Help Unit aI Po;rnpano
Beach ....wen questi<x>I aboul
ak:ohoIism and dru& dq>endency.
Questions should be addressed 10
John C.rplnelli. AIHS AIoohoI
and Drug H.. lp Unn. clo Hwnana
Hospilal Cypress, 600 S.W.
Third SlrecI. Pompano ~h.
FL 33060. All colT'CpOl>d<:nce
will be kepi conf"Klelltiai. All leltert w;lI be all.were<! and no
names will be used if lellers are
used ill AIHS' column. Questions
!hal II~ an bnmcdlate answer
CIIn be a~ked on the Helpline. 24
hwn a day. at (3M) 942-7600.
la it <rue that OOCIIine can c::ause
bean problCPlll?
My broUter hal recemJy '-:n in
treatn""nl for akoholi$<'L Doea
litis """'" I COJ,IId be an aJ.conoIic
O·Oooooy... l ~ ·'l'ltyehololl.Y rAM""." one <>I Iw..
courwsotr",red at "-AU on t"" sub~ or.......,..llnlty. O'Donovan
hi • dlnkal p$ych<Jaochl and ..... Int"'r"IIOwed ~Uy by
~?"lJl1IDD TodDy. H., is I ~ a.,.,..,.,... on . .ychod......py this
aum...,.,. for R. .du.l.... udc!nla.
"Tbat I found to be a
latllfaClory way of doing II.
thai we can do the ill
prepa....'lon. and the i
dJJj:estioon afler the fact. I·....
Vo'OI'bhopt; ....-here p e _
neyer allowed themselves (
10 preYioualYI h.aye ~ .
10 lake the role of tl>c
gender. and a 101 of peopk
me that it changed tbeir Ii-..
!hey never Ihift!t quite the
Alcoholism can strike in teens
e-..ptwOn) u..
"n.e Other. ill un. COlIC. ia
female f.... the male or the ...
fo...hefemak.Oneofthekey ,
pe.iencea around whleb
cou..... wu orpnizcd is the ~
lUy of bei1\8 the opposite
'The fntrnework of the _ _
supposed 10 lead up 10 it and
OUt from il."
It certainly U1•• ince one of 00c::aine·. dfccu is 10 nanow !he
blood vessell .....hich affD(:lS the
bean.nd <he eireulalOl')' syStem.
It increqes the hean raIe, can
c::ause hean palpilaUons. angi...
(aeveoe pam around the heart). ar_
rythmia (irrep<lar bean beaI).
and hean • ....,u.
st\IdenI$), and Ihoooe IWO
..... how lO Ber infonnatioo
the inside. and how 10 <ah iii
role of the Ooher-."
Heredity play. a pan in lhe
d i _ of alcoholism. The fact
tha. alcoholism ru"" in )'OUr fami_
ly incre&l'eS your ehances of hav_
ing it btll does not guaramee thaI.
The di~ of alcoholism affD(:lS
;lIdiv!dual. diffe.....ntly . . . . i1'8
hard 10 gene....1izc. You oced 10
l<M>k MI your drillking. Ask
yourself if il'. affecting your
WOt".• hon""Ufe. relationships Or
"""Yllies. Uave frielld, Or fam;-
Iy talked IO)'OU ....... )'OUr drink_
ing1 Do )'OU "'fI""I'I a lot of time
~ dnnkinc evena? Do)'OU
avoid &(:Iiyities .... here there is no
akobol? Ou )'OU have a few
drinks j.... 10 IoooKn up before
you go 10 a pany or evenl? Do
)'OU drift!t alone? Haye)'OU eyer
e"perienced a biaekoul while
drinking? Do you spend time
t1tinking about or planning your
drinlti"8 tx:JCUioIl? T11ese arc
a few thing~ you mighl look allo
help you anawer )'OUrquesr.ior>. If
you an~wer ANY of these queslioIl~ ..y..... , then)'OU,;bouJd imm"diately seek further informa_
lioIl or help from mcdic::al profes.101Ul1.. Con...,1 <he Sluden.
Heal!h Service a' PAU lOday.
Ooo't put il off.
A friend tdmitlCd 10 me IItM sb<smokes marijuana. hut A)'S that
it is hannletJo. I haye Jw;) faeu 10
prove he.- ......,.... hut isn', pol
"'.... Cig...."e Imolting is
buI mari.iuais
even more
co. NOt only can pot smoking
.......... luna: cancer. buI is harm_
ful 10 both female and male
reprodllCl'.... .)'IIIC:ms. Sntdies
haye also .....wn that marijuana
ClWIC$ the heart 10 beal fasu:r and
work harder. and that il may in_
Yite diseaae by SUpPreSSing the
user'J immune I)'SIem. I< is
defillitely a d.o.,,&e...,..~ druB.
What does fr....m.iIlS """""inc
Freeha.ing means changing lhe
powdered """ainc bought on .he
stl"1/el 10 a .mokeable form. by
oooltiftt; " wi!h li&hter flaioI
another tlammable su
'The precess ;s ~
many pcopIe. like Richard
ha........ ffered eu....rnely
and I*inful btlms when the
cess blew up in tl>c,r
Freebasina: CTeIIles an int",,""
brief high thaI lu... for less
1_ minutes and i. foltov.-N
f.,..,Jillg5 of restlessness ud
ri"'bilil)'. Froebasing is one It
most addiclillg and deadly
of cocaine usc (~ad: abwool
Doea alcohol affcct young
differently than il does
~.y-.i" percenl of all
high .,;:bool seniors drink
icatina: ..-nts of a.Ieobol
or more timet In ...:t< twO
period. Adolacenca are •
risk beeaIlse of <heir
their ........,...,., lO risIt.......
excilemeDl. their ~
rebel. !heir desire 10
mawre. and mosI of all
of tl>c .. deslre 10 be acceJ*II
their p<:enI. TItey arc a' e<I risk because lhey
Iacl<Jna matu.... cop.na .,
AJcoohoI U""" begilU as an
mc·nl. The pi.,.,....... whocb
ing produces •• elllSi1y
and bcoornes a .ll'QII& i
for conlillued use.
_I"""",nt. SIan u.ini:ok
~ wi!h lhe 1i1rc5Seli of
up. M .... y teen.1 don't even
that whpt ..... 'cd out &'
.. lutnrtJe,;s" .."penmenlln
ina: up hili become a
habil. A tcenag~.. wi
knowledge or c~peri.. ncc.
heal.. • rapid dc.~ent
alcoholism before she or II<
know. ;r
Dancers fuse sound and motion
17. 1988
So-" F'1J11"'~S &litor
jump<. oflen will,"nTlS lifted high
o~erhead, secm weiglllless. her
chantclcr 0"",, of great slreng\h inlersp"rscd wilh a youlhful
reli«:n"", .,
"Her hands and
feet often seem
weightless as they
inscribe patterns
in the air."
"lI's always nie<: 10 see evems
on campus lhal sludel"s a", inlerc:;ted in a"cnding," said commun,calion. major Craig Dorfn",ri. S"'mds In MOIIOII'S FAU
performance i. \hc lhird Cvenl in
\he 1987-88 Special E"entS Series
sponsote<l by the Sllld<:nl Govcrn_
menl Prog..nn Board. Tickets for
lhe performance are free 10 FAU
s'udenlS. $12 for IIIe public. and
$8 for facully. slafT and alunll".
TickelS are on sale al the Un;vcr·
sily Cenler Ticke' Office. For
more info",u"ion, call 393-3758.
$cwwh In Mo,IOII. one of
,yperica's nlOSl ionovaljvc dance
"",rcodrama en,illed "Their
El« Were Wau::hing God:' on
frdly, Febroary 19. In 8:00
p.m: in. the UniversilY Cen,er
",.,hwn um .
In MOI;(JIl presents an
form of musical dane<:
""",re ba>ed on lhe experiences
ri Blxk Amcrica. Founded in
quanered in New York
Cd)', Sounds In Mo'lOII consislS
ribolh dancers and musicians.
.... Ihe HarrjiJrtl Courwu noIed.
"d>oc<'n illusl""e vignelles of
black life with naShbacks and inlercul!ing. The characlcr who remains
is one of a
woman, danced by Dian"" Mcln_
lyre. This ""rsona is really the
[key",onel of the evcning. Meln-
Hartford Couront
lyre, bony and I;the, is a compell_
ing perforn,er. Her hands and
feel often seem weightles>; as \hey
inscribe pallems in lhe "ir. Her
~ FAll ....n be 1M ~lte of a dance pufurmanCi! by
In New York City. The group u"'"'" lradllionlol
A quality hair salon
you can no'w afford
pag" 9
from page 8
I guess tlull'S wI!;" eduallion is all
aboul. "
Dr. O'Donovan also lalked
aboul hiS career. "I don'l think
I'm al "II lypical of the
psychology department."
said. "I'm lhe only Clinkian in
the dt:panmenl. That is. I IuIve a
diploma in clinical psych<>logy
from the American Board of Professional Psych<>logislS, which is
a panicular gold star thal 0""' gclS
rollowing, ""me years aner, a
doclorllle in clink,,1 psychology.
Now il happens Ihal my colleagu,," arc all of other pans of
psych<>log)'. Clinkal psych<>logy
is \he job of llelping people and
lhal:sort of,h",g. A clinician can
also do research; in facl,
Psyr:iro108Y To,day interviewed
me r~.".,ntly aboul my research.
So i,'s nO\ lhal I don', do
research .• ,
"Also, all my p.....fessionallife.
I've dcalt wi!h psycholheropy.
I'", lcaching .. courSe on
ps)'chOlherapy lhis Summcr, !I's
only in "'" sun,mcr Ihal they Ie'
me play. I have 10 leach lhe
regular stuff in 'he w;ntertime.
Last summer I w,," allowed '0
play by Icaehing 'Psychology of
Men'; lhis summer I'm allowed
psyeholherapy. 1\'s the only
course OUr graduale Sludents will
ever lake in psychotherapy. h's
nol a course for laymen; il will
be a sn,all graduale seminar.
Sometimes I have faculty IsiS" up
for iI), somCli""", I have people
[~)'chotherapyl, BUI our Stuoknl$
always have firSl choke,"
O'Donovan deal' wim ge""",r
issucs as a Clinical psychologiSl.
"I Ihinlr. thaI before there was a
greal deal of inlercs' in gender
iSllucs, I and my colleagues in
clinical psychology had been
heavily involved in \hem, I could
lell you some slorics-I will 'ell
you some slories. A case. A perSOn. Thirty years ago a couple
came 10 me. and the)' were doing
okay; il was jUSllha, she wanled
10 become a_well, I guess you
can >lay thaI ultUnale1y $he wanled
'0 bc<:ome a promincnt politician .
And he wanted to stay I>ome.
'T1>cir friends told ""'''' they were
crazy. So lhey can", 10 me. for
me 10 give an official clinical opi-
nion, and I allo"'ed how I didn'l
think Ihey were crazy, Their
Slory, since then, has been one of
Success: I wO\lldn'1 wan' to idenlify i' further."
"8ul thal'S a for-inSl~ne<:, and
!here are $Ome "wful horro'
s,ori"", about poople who Wenl in
the other d""clion. il,e wifc of
a promincm polilician w"nled 10
be somcbody in her own dghl.
She ended up in c1eclroshock.
Her huM>antl was willing and able
lO; bjectherlOth"lkind<>flrealn'ent. I Can lhink of Other CaSCS,
I worked with OI)C couple lhal WlU
seriO\lsly thinking aboUl gelling
married for lhe fO\lrth lime-yes.
"There are two
things that I can
teach . . . how to
get information from
the inside. and how
to take the role
of the Other."
Denis O'Donovan
each olher. I worked Wilh
anolher couple lhrough 'heir seconti and lhird goc~ al i•. '.
"In whal sense is this a gender
issue? !I's a geruier i..~ue in lha'
he was" hunter. a man above
men. " ITUln's man; he loved 10
hUnI. Anti every time she would
gCl .......y from hin' he would hunl
her. and as SOOn os- he'd gel herbagged. St> 10 speak, and at horne--he'd immedimely 80 Out anti
hunl somebody else. So every
,ime he persuaded ller. against
hcr bener judgemenl,
him, he lapsed in,o typical lazy
behavior. So almo.t all my professionallife I've been involved
in gender issue$.··
Etfi'Qr's nm,,: 'he inun'ie'"
..1,h Dr, Dmis O'/)oJwwm "'"I
n~JI' "'U~':'''iir===:
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Ask 1<)< It 01 your boob to,...
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of slavery
Reggae springs from memOrIes
W. 8. lUCKS
Sun ~eQiulY' Edilo,
Editor's noftf:: rhls is fhe finr
p<>" oj ,m fnlervi"w .... /h Dr.
Rcbt!/mh M.. /I'WI~ ..."jc/l ...W tH!
""""inuftl nul -..k.
Many Americans know • little
about "'gae. but Dr. Rcbek. ,
Mulvaney ~ . boil more. Her
intela' in it led ber 10 do • doc
IOnIl dioscna-. on !he Jamakan
musk and '-!he ~y " rellects a
Jl'U1lCUl:or fOrm of <csi.....,. 10
!he kpcy orsla"C'f)'.·· Mulvaney
An anistpnt prufeuor in the
department of English. Mulva",,>,
received a doctorale in communication "udics from the
Uni""",iry of 1o",," in 1985. "My
'tcld of P\>dy in CQnVJlum''''_
lXK>l;." Mulvaney expIaillol:d. "is
mewric:aI SIUdy. Rhccoricians ,",,amine ~ymbobc proc:u5ef and
foems. i0oi<>. . foo- II>e1r ~
functions. "'hicll s.mphllia.lly
you can define ." scudy",. how
"If you go to
Jamaica as a tourist
to look for live
reggae . . . go
during Suns plash,
(or) catch a concert
in Kingston."
Rebekah Mulvaney
wruinl.....r music-tc ...... to innucnce people."
.. \ bc<:ame in'C"'$led in Caribbean !ludiu bocause , W1lJtlod to
do my doctoral dille-nation on
mu.ic. Mu.ic had been a fonn
that rftetoricians started to look ..
seriously aboul 20 years &&0.
When I was intn>duced 10 regpoc.
iI. wa$ • "ery r...,inaung
form, bocauM: il is cenairtly per_
wasive ''''''', is. rbc:toricaIl; and
in .............y5 is revoluoonary.
It·s di<eCU:d to..... rd cultural.
polilkal and me,aphysical
change. and i' haa a 101 to do with
• very .ignifican. subcullure in
J.ntaica-the Rastafarl.n move_nt. I' reflocuIM' ....bcuJ'ure in
iu Iyrial and 5OUnd.
··R.astafari reinterprets the Bible: i. focuses Oft Africans in the
Bible and the fllCl tn. Africa ......
........idercd to be a hiaJtly dvilaed place with alorio<u dvilizations. To Jamaica"" jusc coming
outofsla'-ery. this_a~­
ful opponunil)' to find • dignity
.nd a 5CfU<' of idenlily thaI in
,I.very i. CQmplelely IIripped
away from you."
"Jamaica was priolarily sugar
planUllions.·· Mulvaney SIOid of
the 'sland', history of sl.""ry.
"()nc ..,holar .... id Jamaica ......
completely an impc'na.lisuc produet, and """,', "\Ie. Tbac', all
llama""'] ........ for. It ...... an in_
1IerUlJ"« form <,>f slavay, ~
ntoO$I of the ~lauon owi>l'rs
....,re absen'''''' Owners who lived
In England. TI>cy Iud overseers.
who were often Iruh or Scotch.
And they didn', spc'nd a lot of
lime ,rying to 'cIVilize' the .lav",".
or in,roduce ChriM,an,'y .0
··So. 10< of bitS and pieces of
African cul'ure were mainta'ned
When ChnAianily dod stan lO ae<
Into the blade: popuw-o (. iQc of
black J.............. are Chri...,n
now). il --..cd to lake • •y ...
forrn-a COfJJbinal-. of
Afncan rehg.>on. and Cttrl>olian,·
Iy. So you I"t po:scss;on cults
where the idea behind them is
essenltally Afri""n' .piritS en,er
you 'hrous" religious drumm·
Mulvaney studied both ,he
words and musk of Repae for
ho;.- 00n0raI d....,.->on.•• Mop
of the anicl~ thai had been writ_
ten pnor to that would g.ive hp
oerv>oc 10 the idea, ·weIl. it's i....
pon&nl to mldy the inlitrume...
bu. th<:y roeaJly _Idn', do
1M'. The)' would end up JUS!:
anal)'>'inl the lyrics." you mis'"
do in .....y. litenory cri'icism.··
"So I ,ried .0 look at the in_
strumentals. Wha, I found was a
I", of similari.ies to fonns of
African musk. in 'ermS of
polyrftydunio:: music and ~yn<:opIl­
lion. can-~. wItidt is very
African. is an<IIIhc:r tltin&!hat carried over
"The function of IRdS'" abo
carries over; in Africa m~", is
very much invulved in sociali:r.alJOft. or learn'na how to gel by in
the culrure. Jamaican cuhure. like
a'''' of african cultures. was onol
;n na'ure. So a lot of reponing the
news. and cri,id:r:ing the """ial
and poIi,ical system. come, ou, in
,he lyrics of tongl.··
Mulvaney talked about the ~
and present of "'UK. "When
rock and roll "arne !into
"All this media
says that reggae is
dead, but any
Jamaican will teU
you that that's not
Rebekah Mulvaney
Jamaical.Jamaicans didn'tlike il.
II doesn', have the syncopalion.
lhe kind of my'hm [Jamaicans
liked]. Tha. is whal precipil&'ed
the dcveloJprn= of popular music
forms thai originalCd in JlImaIQ
It wu only thc:n thai thc: IOIol
ayatem men began 10 Pl'OInCIlo"
development of h""',can ~
11 "'a. very mud> ecx>norniclllt
motivatod; lhcy were havina; blc finding Americ.oln m ... ic:
th/;it people ....'Ilod 10 lislen .. ·
Sound sy"em men ..
J ..... icans who INd<: _
II1Iveling .croa the isIa.l
IOUnd 5 y _ ...".d.s: out of
t-:k of m..ir ",,",1<$ !hey
play .....,rican records,
JlUIUlicans, .... ho acneral1y IQ.
any pen;onal hi·'; oqllipno"
wOIJld pay to hear. Theil: "1
ol\en intense economic
page J
Jaznak:a,..., h • ..., a rich leper of' musk:alln
aUon and &oIbptation. M a n y ~ . II
",bit.. man pktu~ abo»
to .p-
pl'Oclaol.. Ibe IllSplnoUoaal aspiIdS oK J ..........
mud<:, and It:s frank 1CVIlIuaJ.1oo> oK Jamalca~
leper of' .... very.
S.G. Wants
FAU Student Government Elections
April 5 & 6
The following positions will be open for election:
Stucknt Body President
Student Body Vice Pr('Sident
Dutlca "",Iude "'Pre:s.enunglhe .rudcnt body. TI>c... positio,," are based on m:ljority votCl.
3 .ltl large University Senlltors - Full Term
Dulies include ....,..,""'" at meellngs. conSlden'ion of new degree P"'llr-.ns, dealina with deg_
requirements; and the Icner.al rules of the unive..."y.
10 Student Senators _ Full Tt'rm
2 Student Senalors - Short Tenn
..... e--;,- .F.JJ£MH MCl..,...,.1;t"
M_ Jamakan ..'.......n ioIbor under Ih.. lripllft"" oppn;ssioo of
mUSl usually cook <lSi ....
onl) ..... crudesl .nd dIn..... t_. J...... k:ao lir.. I:i linered "'lIh
lhe: CtiI-o" implcrnen"" ..r lhe nm world, "'MIner d ..mped on
I..... Mand or b<>II~h' lOt ""orbil'nl rices.
..-krn. se>Jsm ..nd Imperial...... Tho-]r
'll/YUt,adc.et:e',: "£:eac.e4 Salo-#t
.th Y_r I ...
Hair W ••vlng
L.I...... Curt.
H.lr CoIorI
Blow Stylll\9
A.I. . . . .
2 Associate Court .Iustte~ - Full Term
I Associate Court Justice - Shon Term
Duuu 'nclude pre""""", "' ""","ng'. COlIn SCSSIOlt$. hcIlring of 1'\111n& on pelilio,," brough' ber,,"
the caun. and bringinll proposed amendments befor.. the .ruden, SCn'. ....
Shun Term lea" run 'hrough "all s"tnCl,cr
"1IPI1c..""" for " " , . - . . _ sc:; "",",'_ tJoall "".".. Ioblc", oIr p"u _ _ .. "'" \.. ••
Dcp<• .,.....
... M_r.
7 ... ~ ..... -.I ""' .... "l'ltunday. M.rd. '0 .. 5:.lt p ....... _
.......... appI_ .......
_ _ no--y.)\_ "
1 ,,. ..._ ... UC . . . I l l l _ .... ..,.
" , ,._
Don't let apathy run our campus - GET INVOLVED!!
Du...... 'ndude presence .1 ........kly commmce n'l<:eI'np and SG rne<:lOngs that RIalI dctide UP""
Ic:" ..lat-. tba' ...orb for lbc bett..........,n, or the Rudenl body .. FAU as .... hoIe,
For furtht'r InfOrmlltion caD 393-3740
<hroua:to " ..
5 ,..,.
l.a'S,· I 1
rrom page 10
Iio'I t>et eorn 1OU<ld sy.stem "",n.
_ the
who boup,1 their
.-ds in >be U.S, ....,.,Id scrapc
.... ~IS off
the dilCl.
50 lhal
.,....J> couldn'l find ..... , whe~
...,. h8d boughl the records.
s,Dee World War Two.
. - - . . muoic has ~
&.- mcrtto. 10 U:a. 10 mck,.,.dy. 10 rqaaoe. "MenlO:'
loluI,uoey remar~. "is slmi!ar
II calyp50 ..... hich comes fron>
TriAidod. S"*
you gel ..,1iowI _tal cummen_
IU)' lin the lyrics). You gel........,
otlhat in calypso, but you also gel
a Joe of silly ~ sonp.··
"If y...... go 10 Jamooiel as a
,<>uris< to k>ol< for live reuae.
you e;!her need 10 go dunng
Sunsplash. or you need 10 try 10
ald> a cono<'n in Kinpton Bu,
all of the best reaaae a.usa have
reached oul 10 in.ernalional
markeu.; Bob Marley. Bunny
Waner. ThIn! World. l'IeIc:r TOIb,
Dennis Brown. Bum,ng Spear.
and Jimmy Cliff for u.amples."
rock-steady slowed down;
was mucb fasteT.
Mulvaney no<ed \ha' "'""'" is
widc:l) hked in "'merica. ""·05
t<UX 1<",d of to01< the middle
llmlIZing INI. ""hlle all lhcK
II', uwally dc:fincd as a
slow dance: mUlK:. II
...-" ",ml P""",kan mu.ic]
suned e~olvin& in\O ...-qae thai
while middle-c1us kid. In
...merica a~ sbnking 10 Bob
Marley, he's sing,,,& abou' the
oppres.-'on of blaelu by whiles.
Think aboul 'No W""",n No
Cry'; the lyrics a~ a ""r..lIve
abou. ghc:IlO life,"
"Bu, for .........rica... in my ag"
bn<:ka.. ~uae music 's ~ery
nostaIgicof ... 1uI1 was
on ,n
the si"lies. in lerm, ofpeace and
unily. and brOlh"rl'tood and
sisttrhood. You hear. Ioc abou1
INI in re8P" lyriC's .... n<:Jlh<,rItllng tN" I th,nk. is allract.l~e 10
...mericans ISIhal Marley's l"'lar
player ..... a black
Nn mc1< lead pIlar. rod bl.......
Iha. SOrt of Ihing
Americans find rettaao:: tepCli.....,.
but all popular mu.ic r~ arC'
repelltlve. Some: JlUNI..,.." thln1c
that many blacl< "'meria"" have
sold OU' and •...",.. 'heir lime Iry·
ing to he li1<e wIllie people. bul
a 10I of JamaK:lU\S do !he same
Poet's Corner
False Nest
I~ft In
,uu p/QCeJ
Al 3 .........
.. bag of sil.~r "., Q U>jtnru of SOlId•
1M SVov:U roIl,,,& ,h__8/1 ,he laIId
o-J juli,,& 'M ..g., 0/ (Jf<r MOIher·s Jou.
Sil•..,r ..
IrftJ." nlH " '
tlr~ niglrt's ....."r.,.,..1d NO")'''
Only tM tid.. 1U~If, as "
,,-' a.--nJ tIr" _W, to sil
Ull.. and
1. /tQ~fil m",r tire pil
tloat falls a
y fa do.. core,
mor" or leu cavered by appeo~ oj sJoore.
If yow pidcfil It. yow .._W finti
a halona hnd be~" t.,.."lred•
Y<'" ...ho s;, .... dull s"al~s "nti loa ..., 11r" minti
(Iif,.. ",,,, It> brush
""r "rimes off ,Ire ffl"m,,,e-mLJke it sum
liJr:.. )'O"'r" roc*i"R ill t"~ air jQr )',....,.
"u-th.. sr,."..
of Christ as,,~ruJi"8• ...1II,,1r all ...1It> 'hink
WOJJld /Ike to pull off. But ..'" si"k.
wid lik.. flit "'<JSII",J uff (I bulcher's seal"
.." fitll fro", Ih" sltrj(Ja of //1" world,
Your las' mis/(u,e, ,,1..nys-a.$)'O<t look 'JI sil,.",. 0" (l1r",ul.
John V. Loftus
-Reggae every Monday
. Live music 7 nights I
Marilyn Poem
Pi<'rUres of Mo.rii)...
An PIast..,...d
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On tloe """'is
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w~ .....lk _ _ Mr
On Ir~r
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40 S. Ocean Blvd
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bnJJwd _
UkLa ...."."jUlo
Wllh 'oo
In he_ _
Stacie M. Kiner
Enter the
Atlantic Sun Photo Contest
,,,II me ,I,,,, sll..""e
is lI""rer
"""CO! /h'''' f'Ol'ms
bu, ;ffo,. my gift
I brough, Y<'" sifrn("#'
(for J """'..' sile"ce)
yc.... .._Id SO)'.
··This is not sft.."u
IIo;s ;s anoth... ptWm.
and , .... ,,"ould hand il bod<
Judges will pick the photo which best illustrates
campus life at FAU. There are no specific
categories, but entries must be related to FAU
campus life.
Rules & Regulations:
1. Ent,i~ muse be: currer>lh"keo wilhin ,he lasl y"ar.
2. Bl.-:k & while pllnts only ~ no larger lhan Sa7 inches, un.-nounted
3. Entries mUSI be In our office, UC 2'16, by" p,m. M;lrch 30. 1988. Winnet'l will """fied.
Winnlns photos will be published In our Aplll 13 issue.
4. No enlries will be .-eIurned, photographers m .. y
pick up lheir photos after "'pril 13.
S, Photo rights remain with photographer al an limes. A,',mli<; Sun is 1'01 respon,lble fo' loss
Or damage. At/.10r/1; Sun reserves Ike right to publish ,111 conlesl winners.
6. There is a $2.00 enlry f.,., per photograph, enter up 10 3 photos.
name, address and
phone number on separale card 10 each phOl0.
7. P,I:tes: lsI _ US
81fl certificate
PhotogrophkJ, If\(.
2nd _ One year subscription 10 Amerle.. " Photographer
Honorable Menlion - samplinR of Kodak films
'0 ""'.
to help with
Applications/Job descriptions available in
Student Affairs Office, SSB 231.
Application Deadline: MARCH 9, 1988
uP... u
SAMS-Students Against Multiple
Sclerosis-kicked off the annual Bust MS
Month with a balloon launch held on Friday, Feb. 5.
A live band, free barbeque and drawings for great prizes highlighted the
event while raising money for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
The Seco
Alike Lip S
Tuesday, F
testants, th
huge succe
nual SAMS Rock
antest was held
With many conync was again a
Rover reminicent of Romeo and Juliet
Sun sr.. " Wrir..r
1<$ like Merculio and 8er>-voIioo In Romeo .. nd lulie(,
H<.11eoa and Will~e $lNlllhe
show. The "m,Lo,j"e ~
Shal<espe¥e's Romeo and /U/>et
and F.... U·s cu,,,,,"t production
of The RoVfN do n<X end lhere,
The play. by "'phra Behn, is
aboot two sla.-crossed lovers,
Florinda and Belville. and lhe
btoll>er who will nOl allow
Ihem 10 ma.ry.
Directo. Cilrol 8ellini_Sharp
chose 10 have he< production
open WIth the ;MJlhor lplayed by
Ma.ion MilUhl Int<oducing
herself and the plily. 11 wu ~n
in~,"8 way 10 stilr'l a performance. but II 'iln a lmle 100
Ions. By weaking In "Old
English". she kepr the lla"Of of
the lime, but paid for if wllh a
IOS5 of inleresl by lhe audieoce.
The aUlhor's speech lnol p;>t1
of ,he original play) became il
soap box 10(arry On about huw
women are no, to be owned.
While Ms. Belln is Impon.am for
pos'>ibly ""ning the Femlni~1
movemenl. ,his ho:.omago! wa5
out of pia«'. ~Ily wllM il
conllnued afle< rheflnish of the
All of this does n<X meiln lhe
author did no! have her piKe.
Duringlhe play, 5he sirs ;lmong
lhe audience; when something
happen~ during the play Ihal
she doesn't hke, she is able 10
change lhe play to sull her
needs-which wa5 a lun way to
tun !he pl~y.
Elena Ma.ia Garcia and Milt<
Kudish (~5 Hellena and
Willmore) ....al the play (rom
the maIn prooagonist5, borh
th.oush the lines lJiV'efl them in
One leave5 the ,heaterlhink,ng
that the penoonance5 or ,hese
Iwo acro,. a,,, rTi,rrOt5 01
The<e was an ease 10 lheir acling thaI gave it c~ibility.
Kudish ~~rs and smirks his
way thlOVsh as a <OlIue witt-Jt
any ca<e'J. Ponrayl"S a Ii... and
an innoceool!
is believable.
Garda ~&anck OUI j<$ as equal-Iy.....1... ~ n g m«Ilion i~
Tr;ocy t Young lwho plays
8luntl, who ....... a r,~ job a~
a COUntry bumpk,n_
11 i~ undersl"ndable why Ihis
play i~ nol con~ideA!d a classic.
The premisc is good: wOmen
rule n>en by u~ing thel. guile
and charm~, bul love Can 1)<108
each 10 lhei. """"'s.
ttkl' I m«IlIoned. lhere i~ a
feeling of deja vu~ is
,.,..,inde<:l of RO<nft) and lulief.
over and over, a~ ifll.......-..w
inspir"II0n for Ihis play.
How~. as the viewer is on
lhe edge 01100 seal wailing (or
tragedy to suike, It never cernes.
II i~ a lei down, for lhe con/tlcl
i~ .~Ived 100 ea~ily.
.... question that was .aised by
people I spoke wilh was abool
the Devil characle<. Pan oItne
lime he i~ an active cha.ac1er.
Ofhe. limes he maleYolently
...Iks in lhe background as if
temp"ns tt.>se peopko on lhe
stage. 11 is a confusi"S ad 10
e~ampl", the
SIOIn;lf 8:OO.~... matJ~.
w,11 be .un af 2:00. In the 1i.....1
Also, In me ~ "",n,
is almost a Ihree .ing ci.cus going aOOu' on stage, To
concenlfale on one pan is to
miss :molhe.. The audience
muS' pay close anention 10
catch all the subtlery, a dubious
Lils1c conslde<ingth.al lhe play is
spoken In Old Engli~h-fo. lhe
most pall. Very .,..,Iy in the
play, you WISh you ~ ....ad the
saipr a ~ of I,me SO you
WOUldn'f miss anyth,ng.
1 hope il is bee......... of the
reo:;elves, (n' ~me of the
coslumes were alrocious. Fo.
'Carrot (a)peels Rat I
See CartolTop Rip apan 'eaci>er5, drivers, and more Importantly-slupid people.
He will keep you laughinS from the first jol<e 10 lhe lil~t prop,
and, of cou,sc. lhe aiwilY5 POp<.ibe mu~ical """s finale.
Open Mic Nite
Tomorrow In the Rat!
Be there!
cha'a<:te. S<onc:ho
Is OJ; pimp, and his clothing is
....., of a s,,,lie$ beatnik. II could
wo,k " 11 we,e nOI SO
an"ch,on;stic. The use of
sunlll.. >Se$ by mMlY of the
O!t-' techOlcal problems, ,
pI...:..",ed, ~.e the acoustiCS
alld the b<>dcground music. Oc-
casionally the lalte. would
drown oul the voices on the
Slage. As for the former, I w3s
silting in the fifeh row. and had
SOme uouble heating the
ch;u;w:\e<$ when !heir lNocks
w~ tumed 10 .he aoudien<:e, I
Un only irnoo&"'1e how ~ ..
must h.we beoen In 1M b<>dc 01
TM d,...aor should
........ cholnged the loefting 10
avoid this~. The swotd
pI"V tud lIS ups and downs,the
ups being when !Cudl.h was in_
volved. the downs being when
two other aclo,", were fencing.
Fo. rhe price. you an'l beat
Ihis pl.. ~udenl!i gel in fme
when accompanied by their fee
bill The.e are ~ill lickets
,,"a,lable for tonlghn perfot_
mance ..1ong "",th!he show5 on
!he Ie, 19. and 20. aU of which
analysis. I would &0 ,..,.. !hIs
play ag.:tin and I)<In8 a dale.
..,...... Sob saY" check il OUI."
Pelton Place
Russell's rhapsody
Well, lrom scanning Ihe audIence, ,t Wil5 obwous that moSI
of you were n<X ~1 ,he UC on
f.iday night 10 witnes5 Marie
Rus5ell. In Iael, as M •. Russell
PUf It. ..... ~ Ihis is the 01des:1
$luOenl body I have ev....- seen
0. C....tu<y Village bu.ned
down tonight:· The Rotary Oub
of 8o<:a Raton b.-oughl M.",k
RU5SCil to FAU to .aise money
10 light polio and other
childhood afflictions.
Complele Wilh his Sleinway
wrapped in ~la<5., Ma.k Russell
Joked and sang his way through
an hour of polilkal safire lhal
toolc no pri5OnC!rS. He di5CUSSthe deak he $OC on ""IS from
Miami City Comm.ssioner, all
13 polilical cand,dales (Hilig
and Cuomo we... includedt
and FAU. He ........rked how
masf 5ChooI admini~lral0f5 and
(a<;lJlty take a c1a5S Or Two ea<;h
SC"""ler to Slay In louch wllh
the sludenls. D., Popovich, he
su.mised. mUSl be m"jo.ing in
The bulk of M.. Rus5eWs
material c.1Ime lrom what he
c;llk "the filth branch of lIP"""'-"
ment...m.. game plilyed. w ~
he poke'i run at lhem [pol,li_
tiMlsl, and rtKoy I.. ugh to show
lhallheyan lake a joke." So far
~ ~_.
th.s ha~ not gotten him in
enough !roubl" "10 CiluSf! slit·
ches. .. bul !hen:: is .. fine hne bel·
ween same ..nd (vic:ioul'neSSJ."
One example of this;'; a joke he
....-netlmes 'ells.abovl Al1arney
General Mee5e: "he is ,n SO
much I"gill difficuhy he
qualirfeS to be Presidenl Dllhe
Team5-1e<5. Union:'
All of Ihi5 is "stylized bil·
ching:' U's Marir. RU55ell'S way
of complaining aboul the state
of .......nt5 in Ihls natIon. II Is not
!u$l polilics Ihal he'lI poke (un
al either. Jim and Tammy Fae
Baker are favoriteS of his. Rather
lhan "c.1I.ry a pid<"" or w<i"" an
....-ional lener 10 my con~,'. he does his IOVlJne.
When lhe country ;,; doing ilS
WOf"SI, Mark Russell isdo'"ll his
best-lranCale. Walergone, and
CamP;>lgn '88 a<e prime ex_
amples. This is someIhing he
doesn'l mind admilllng to, no,
does he f~1 ilny guill about It.
"'~ he put It. "Watergate... bulh
ImyJ houoe and pul my kids
lh,ough college, ,. Mosr of lhe
lime. he hn'l hUrling 10.
mal....a1. illthough he does cx_
pea a ~Iowdown in malef;.,1
alter the elec:llQn.
Hi~ IOVI.ne was classic Mark
Russell. with lhe thru.. of lhe
""ening on the camp;>lgn. Of
course, I( you are noI up on lhe
oews, you coulcl be lIke the 1""_
500 f.om OuLo. When the 1""50<> mentIoned 10 Russell lhat
she knew h;m, he .-eploed, "01>.
you get my 5how." She
responded, "No, we ..... you.
show bul we don'l gel it."
There Is ~ thin line between
safi.e and lhe actual ""enl, and
Milrk Russell knew juS! when 10
.emind the audience of Ihe
event and when to sati.ize 11.
There was enough new .",uenal
in his show to enlhrall even the
most avid Mark Russell (an,
while his old materiill was a
spoollghl on some of his best
moments from 1987. Unfor·
runalely, he C3<ne OUI for iln en.core, This was not his funnies!:
momenL and I thlnlc he "'illiz_
ed I!. lor he QUlddyended It and
lefl. But, he... ·~ to hoping he
soon .e"',ns, and Ihal Ihi5 time
the 51Udcnt body will lake ad·
vanL1gtl 01 the moment and go
see him.
...ilnd as a firu.J nol... " I'd Ilk"
ID address the girl I mel Monday
on !he th,rd Iloor of Fleming
Hall. If my k""", ~ <:toesn'1
/00( you, how .>boul lunch 10
discuss alle<ru.1e ways 10 elicit
Rabbit Howls
SoorI SI.ff Wm.r
Whe'n fUbOil Howls is ;lin
ulonishlng aUloblog,aphy
aboUt a wonwn e.llecl Truck!i
It is the " .... Slory of a woman
with multiple pt:fSOn<lli"es, and
while thaI subject has already
bePn wrinen about i, has never
t-n wnnen likelh,s- This book
;,;""", juSC b>ul me many perlO"I'lllili" oITruddi C~. This
boo!< i. written by !hem.
Al lhe age of IV«) )'i'af5 unhl
he< early teens, T ruddi Cha$e
was repealedly molested,
bo!'aten, and .-nent:llly abused by
h...- stepfathe., Her molhe,
knew wlul was n...ppeninS bu1
did nothing 10 (end off the
/.od>IP<. Instead ~ 1001< her
¥lS'"'f out on Trudd,.
The case of Truddi Chase i.
oot the firS! (Me of mul!it>!c peI'~Illi<.~ to be<;ome the topiC
of .. novel. The Three Faces of
1lfl1. Syt"l, and TM Many LIVes
of 8J1t)' Mulligan are InOI'e
popular. but r>OI'>e are like In..
hlSlO<} of Truddi.
Written by "The Troops 10.
frudd, Ch.ase" the book b,inllS
you into he, world. her realily.
novel Upcoming events
mal pen:epliOfls which we all
ClC~rienc::e, The honor whkh
she endured as a <:hild at limes
soonds as if II c::ouldn'l be real
and seems 10 be the produe::t of
a honor SIOry wriuen by
Stephen King. But what happened 10 Truddi Chase is real, lerri·
fylnSly real.
The Troops for Trudell Chase
ha~ wrillen Ihls book (or two
reasons.. FitS\. il gave lhem a
vehicle wilh whic;h they c::ould
all recognIze eac::h ort>er "".
istence. secondly, il will bring
10 light lhe uniqueness of Mulli·
pie Person"lIly dioo<der.
In lhe last hundred y....ar.; lhere
ha~ been ~ lhallWO hundn.od
documenled C::aOCS
presooaliues. It is projec::ted thai
in lhe ne"t
¥<'ar.; lhat
number will doubk!, panial1y
due 10 people Ioke Truddi Cha50e
who h"ve allowed Iheir own
livt'o 10 be e"posed,
PCfhaps people like Truddl
will re..d this book and for Ihe
Ii'!ll lime In lhe" lives beli-evc
lhat lhey ;/o.e noI. alone In lhe
world; thaI help is ilVallable.
Besinning from the day she
walks Into the doctors oIf....., !he
As pan of her lH"ogr;orn. T ruddl begins to w,lte he,
biog.ap/'ly, but i, Isn't un,il a
sla<;k of completed page ,'ppear that she ac::tually bell~es
that she is a multiple, and trnol
he< <>!he< penonalities are dOln8
Ihe wriliog.
One of the uniQUe aspects of
Ihis case is the ninety d,ffefent
personalities, eac::h d,slina and
separate unto themselves.
Bt'sides TfUddi there is
Catherine, The Oulrider. Mean
Ioe, Rabblt. Ean. and Elvira to
I'Q~ jOSl: a few.
Each personality has its own
PO!"POS<". The Outrider, lOr In""nce, si", in front of all the
others and edits inpoI, Mean Joe
Is a Iwelv('--(oot 8lac::k man who
ptotCC::IS the tfoops (rom harm.
Ean is an Irish poet and
philosophe.-, while Rabbol is the
young <:h,1d who abso<bs lhe
anguish and howls aloud when
While thIS book is a true
SIOry. at timf'S II doesn'l.ecm to
1)(', The r(';llity o( Truddi's e,,·
ISlence Slands outside Ihe nor.
Rowor. Plily <lit FAU's the<lltre
Rabbit Howls
see page 16
This play is aboul lov.... or sex, .. nd love ..nd sex, in m.loy of
ils forms, ..bout OUf need fOf love, whether for a mom,:,,1 Of
.. li'elione. "Withoul I...• Ihe ptaywdghl c::laim'i, """,1'1 ,~ un·
finished and unhJIppy."
The Rover will be show" 1000lghl. 1O....0 ..OW evening. Ff'id.,;ay,
and Salurday al 8 p.m. The "~I showlog w,ll be Sun<by,
F..-bru..ry ::1:1 .. I 2 p_m,
Don'. miss ", Reserve y<.>ur
studenls ar'" f,ee.
now. Tic::keu for all FAU
Today. February 17: Ja:l:l
SCP8 ~IS Inz nlghl i" c::oojvnc::tion wllh blar::1c awareroess
monlh. OIl the Ratn.keller, 9 p.m.• in me UC Audltonum. FAU
stud<"n1S a,e 102 and gucsu are $4.
Thrusday. February 18: Open
Opcn Mic:: Nighl in Ihe Ralhskeller al 9 p.m. Corne io;n all of
FAU as the stJIr.; shille. Free 'or ..II.
Frid<lly. February t9:Concert
Sounds i" Motion, Oi.. nne Mcintyre'S eclec::tic:: music::..l cUneO!!
troupc, will perform a c::horeodr.oma, ''Tt>e;r Eyes W...-.e Will'
c::hlng God," OIl 8 p.m. al the FAU UC Audilorium.
TIckets are $ 12 for adults and $6 for c::hildren age 12 and urtder
rail n. vi'i' ,I\(- UC ,Irk.. t offic::e al 393·3758.
Monday. February 22: Movie
Rod<ers: Directed by Theodoros Oaf'doukos. Jamaican. At lhe
UC Auc!ilOrlum, OIl 7 p,m, FAU Slud""ts are free, oon-sludents
are $2.
Tuesday. February 23: Movie
Dirty Dancins- Playing at lhe UC Aud,tor'um, 7 p.m. FAU
studeots are free and n<>n-sn.Jdl."nts are 102,
UJena of California· "".'fe
not just s""lm""ear anymore.
Introducing Ut8na Ieathenl &
active ""ear for both men
and women. As advertised
In Cosmopolitan & Glamour
Magazines .•• Oh.,.those
HllY S""lmsultsU
Wednesday, February 17
9:00 p.m.
22OOW. Glades Ad, Glades Plaza
Ste, 914 Green Section
Boca Raton 394·9301
Only $2.00 cover for FAU students with paid fee slip
$4.00 for guests
Sponsored by A &. S
Bikini lope &
bolloms Staes
sold llGpaf81ely
Mon.' SM. lD-llp.....
SuI\. 12-6 p.m.
Klc;Io:In ....
Fmtu;try 17, 19811
from page 15
When R<Jbbif Howls Is ;t 1-*
which eve<yone should ~ad.
BUI, be warned, il;s not" boo&<
which is easliy read.
Multi personalities
Sp«i.1 10 lhe Sun
Even lhough you ...-e • Slu
~I, suff mem~. Of "'iSllo<,
you mlIy never know whorl is
going on lhe c.;ompus al FAU.
"'- \-V"U, ....... hor_ .. SUr in ou,
midS! and hIS name in HUME
Now In his 771h year, Ihis
award wloning acto' of SlagI'
"nd sc.eeo, as well as T. v .. Is
ou' ",i.illog En,lnenl Scholal
and holds Ih" DorOlhy F.
SChmidl Chair in Theaue fo,
1967--68. Following the past
chai, holden. such a. IMhua
Logan and Edw..rd AIllei-, Mr.
CronY" WIll take his place in
FAU theatre hi5lory.
~arances ""_
been In Foxfire, a."er_ " ...
No< Included and of COUtW
The ",ery exiSICflce of I~
"""ny personalities of Truddi
ClY~ challenges the wnity 01
ou, everyd"y ~"llty.
AI limes, T,uddi's slOry
becomes 500 i n _ m.t I h.1d ...
soe'I il ~ide for .. while unlil I
could bear 10 go on. BUI, go on
I dId because by ~adlng rh,S
boolo: 1 now h"",,," '<)me in.ighl
inlO how much pain people will
endu'e 10 survi",e.
If Truddi Chase could :§.Urvi,,*,
lhe hardships she "ncounlered,
lhen SO shall I ... rv",,, Ii>e
obsIacles in my hfe whIch pale
in comp.... soo 10 Truddl
Sounds in
White .peak,ng wllh him lasl
week. he had a 1m to Oily aboul
Ihe wC>f><lcrlul Ihings Mr. Joe
Conaway, chairman 01 the
Ih<>at~ depanmenl alld his staff
are doing wllh and lor lhe
5I\.Idef'lts. He flods II unique, MJd
Is jUSllhnl1ed 10 bea pan of lhe
pmgram ... FAU.
He .. Iso ..-.lioned m.t he
was sorry he couldn'l be here
Hx a longer period of lime as he
1()\fC'S lhe wort< and can only
Slay wllh lhe departmenl until
the end of february, al which
lime he muSI atTend a special
dinner where he i. being
honored and he did nOI SO ;nlO
,I in detail.
Mr. CronY" has no special
leaching form.." bul will aI,
tempe 10 wort< Wlrh the S!Udft>lS
doing sc:eone study and oillq....,
He will .-Ieo:tu~, but: help !he
S!uden6 ..n..rpen The" slulls.
Celting away from !he;otre lOr
a~" Mr. Crony" also_
joy's bo.ating. flshing. all w~I""
'POrTS and he has a special love
for ~ading. On Ihe lop of I~
liSI is the
of his wondet.
lui WI(e, ad'ess Jessica Tandy,
of 45 years. The mosl common
question M., Crony" and h,.
wife are asked is."How do two
prof~sional ilCto<s such ;os
Cmnyn & Tandy stay 1Og<tthft
for 45 yea",,!" MIke W .. llace, of
6OM,~~his Wlfe Joesse,
as he calls her. and she rep.lied,
"Mr. W .. Uace. ii's ;011 over,
we',., 8C11lng divorced.
Well. we know 1Iw1 is no!lfue
,'nd we al FAU wish continued
h"ppin<.'Ss 101 many years to
come, and hQpe (or Cocoon II.
" ..,Ihrobbed with raw aod
feart~s emOliooal convietioo,·'-N.Y.
Tickets available at the UC Ticket Office
FAU Students - FREE with ID & paid fee slip
FAU Faculty/Staff - $8.40
General Public - $ 12.60
A presentation of SGPB
Special Events Series 1987 - 88
For more information call 393-3758
Sun Enle,',.inment Edi,or
For lhow of you who ,pent
Ihi • .,..st Sunday Nalentln<.. .
Oayl alone, don't I"t II gel you
down, 10' you we,e not "uly
All oYef Ih,s gtealland of ours
there we~ mi II ions 01 people
s~nd,n8 V .. lenllnf>S
wllhoul someooe spec~l.
Ju~ Ih",1.. 01 all the ~
you saved on m<oes, candy,
cards, 0< t>;tth control products..
Keep lhe fairh.
.- -
0 0 _ ....... _
. - .... _
............... _......-. , _ _.. ""-", w ..... e,
~ry 17, 1988
lUg" 17~
iThe Little Theatre: Sing For Your Supper
The Lit1~ ThNtre of OMbnd
p.ork is nolding ..uditions for lhe
Rodge<!' 8< H .. r1 n,usic..1 Sing
fU Your Supper. Before Ihe
~ of HammelStein, H .. n wilS
his lyrics mao, ..nd the lWO
....,de ~.. lly good music In
!hoSe days. Si"S For Your Suppet wils .." oriS,,,,,,1 Broadw..y
Production called Rodgers &
,...rr. .. nd rhe<e are m .. ny songs
iom mat show !hat lived on for
!Nony ye..rs, includ,ng Ten
cencs .. D<lflCf.', This Can"! Be
/DOle, Mimi, (over, hl/ms In
~ With love, T#)ere's A
Sfn,III Hotel, The udy Is A
Tramp, My H&IIr1 Stood Still.
W.rh A Sons In My H&IIrr.
~itched, .. nd Where Or
When. Go and see this show, 1.";"8
says the show is
Hrunm,l and lilSty, sch...... /tty
.net vnart." The music is by
Rodgers, and the lyrics are by
Hart. Go down and become ..
pvt of It>is -onderful IVOUp.
~II 563-7167 fot-you.tkk~.
~ -.siaoI
~ !toe lid on ;any Ioo~, they
have some big happenings.
Willie Nelson will show up for
twO days, feb. 20 8< 21 and 8
p.m. S27.7S gels you in.
Ne><\. on feb. 24 through
MMch 9th, the ~sh music.al
On Second Avenue is p1.. ying
wim outstanding Sl.il<s of the
)ewish SUlge- Mary Sore.. nu,
8nK:e Adler and Seymour- Rex.
SilO! SI.il', .. long with the Second
.AvenUoe Klezmer Orchest....
~Il now 10 reserve seal$ at
741-7300. If you're }ewish, you
woll love il. if you'", noI, now
is the time f« an educ..t;on of
what the old Jewish Theatre is
all ..!iout. I gua...ntee you will
lap your feel.
Oh yes, after the show you
can Slop in at Cori<cy's on Commerclal Blvd eaSI for lhat late
night sn .. ck. Ask for the
saurkrilut ..nd pickles and be
sure you 1001< for Lyle, the
manage.-. He is a tetrinc guy.
Mention my name 10 gel sealed
right away.
Actors .~ory in West
p .. lm (t....... tre in lhe round, i"
the Off BroOOwily tradition) is
opening up lheir doors 10 the
I..SI of the Isr.oel Horovitz plilYS
lhat have graced the floridil
scages the paS! few months: A
Rasco By Any orne. Name is
pt.,.;ng now through March 27,
and you will see lhe work! of ..
13-ye..r-okl SI.ilnley Rosen who
is ~t 10 be e..r Mitzv<lhedwhich he is not 100 It>ril1ed
..boul. He .. Iso has to salisfy his
moct>er by ...... king .. SUllue out
of chopped liver for his reception guests. The highlights in the
~ of Stanley will surely lead
10 .. fun evening of laushs.
Support this t~f"K: group of
I.illented, dedIcated aclOfS. You
will iovt'l ~ place. There is free
pari<ing. Call 10 reserve Iick~
..t 65'>-2122. South County
272-6393. Tell them Burt from
Theal... Hilppenings sent you.
ft. laude.dale Child.ens
T......alre ;s holding musical
voice cbsses beginning feb. 27.
You can resist"" now and h ..ve
the nnf!Sl training by il\Slt'UClOl"
Bob Sea.s, .. gr..duale of
Ober1in College and .. pn>fes...
sionat !hal ..Iso "'ughl at the
Thealre H~ings
by Burt Richards
Crilic '" Reviewer
Pine Crest School for Ihree
years. His dineclOrial prodttetions have been F.. ntastic's,
Cigi, Ok/ill'tomil, Fiddlet' On
The Roof, and Hello, Dolly. To
JC8isrer, please call 763-6882
..nd ask fo< Cindy Green.
Ruth ~ Thieatre West
..t Sunrise COnlinues with !he
popular ml.lSic.a1 M ..'IO' about
New Yorio: City Mayor Ed Koch.
But, coming up on March 2nd,
will. be Precious Sons by
aulObOogtaphical drama abouI a
family trying 10 make il
economically in ~ I.. te l~Os,
The fathe.- has .. chance 10 get
better- emp!oymenl, bul has 10
move to ..nother city. The son,
Fred, is not su... if he wanl$ 10
continue wllh high school ..nd
college 0< become "n aclOt.
Then the...'s the wife ..nd
.....mer who has her own ide..s
of how the f..mily should be
run. It all leitds up 10 .. comic
d ... ma thai app<OaChes le.ro•.
Call 749·1700.
Boca 'Wton Sy......-,k Pops
opens with .. m"linee spedal al
2:30 p.m, .. I Ihe fAU
audiloriumon feb, 21. n...a0( The rop" will be presented
along with t.... P'opo; O'oor.ole
Voices and James Behr, !he
classical pianist. The music will
include eve<ything from Pops,
10 Jazz. 10 Opera., rt<:k~ range
from $9.00 10 S 15.00. Call
391-6777 .. nd mention Thei"'"
fo< my ...aden., and ilCI0<5: If
you would like 10 recei"" my Inlroduction Book~ Breathing.
Exen:i_ Fe. B..... fh Con!tOl .&
Voi«> Qu.. lily Improvemenl,
send S2,OO cash 10 covet the
cost of prinl;ng wilt> a se!faddressed stamped envelope 10:
B.....thing Booklet,. P.O. 80x
2892, Boc;;a Raton fl., 33-427.
The Tt-tnl! ~ in
P\ant.. tion closed Iasl week wilt>
lheir second ptOduction, The
Monic Man. Fortunately, the
musical numbers hokl!he play
logethet. The helping hand of
Metedllt> Wilson, who wrole it.
"s wen as the music.al director
D~rlene Cartton plus !he PlanI.ilIion Barbet- Shop Quar1et. .. nd
the huge casl of perlonners also
helped. A problem ame up
with the Company having 10
forgo their the..tre in Margate,
..nd had 10 pnesenl their foISt
show, The Odd CO<Jple, at the
Margate library. II'S now movIng 10 the Plantiltion Theatre,
and iI will I.ilke .. while for the
The..tre Company 10 gel lhe
credibility ..s professionals and
Going the exira mile, exceeding our customers' expectations,
Ihat's what Barnett Banks is all about. We've never losl SIght 01
our mission: to provide the most comprehensive financial services possible. Consequently, BarneU's,peoplE;l are ch.~sen not
just for their skills and lalent, but for Ihelr specIal qualitIes of
dedication, pride and enthusiasm as well.
If you'd be especially motivated by an agwessive, largely decen·
Iralized organization in which exira ellort IS recognized and
rewarded, consider a future with Barnett, As we.contlnu~ to
expand our portfolio of services throughout Flonda and 10
Georgia, we'll need your dnve for success.
So be sure to see our representalives, coming 10 your C8'!1pUS on
February 24, 1988, and diSCUSS our
Management Associates Program
with them, They will give you the
details that could get you started In
an exciting career with Barnett.
February 24, 1988
We loolc forward
Barnell Banks, Inc.
. .
We Set The Stand:ard.
to seeing you!
nOI .. s a community Iheatre,
because the Planlatlon location
does no! ilflord !he best lighting,.
s"'ging .........nd sound. You
reillly can'l call it a professional
production because what was
needed wasn't lhere. Those ex·
lras make !he difference, DIrector Genie Croft Kahn ~Id
know better.
The play w ..s presented on
raised boards and in the front
row ilr&ll seat;ng w"s ren>oved
10 make room for the sl.ilge,
which was "'" desigroed for full
prodttClions. Most of the actors
were seen only waist up from
lhe rest of the audience, ..nd
you couldn'l hear them. flis still
a tT"IOVie theatre and some of !he
changes must be made 10 be
worthy of !he I.illenl lhal worir..
ed so hard. They ...... y have problems for the next show, I wish
them luck.
Undelivered Refunds
--..,c,0 ~{'-.'\
e'- G$c, The complete car
~'S: e "'{
doctor for all of your
car's needs from
headlight to bumper.
.. Dll5Counta _ up to 15% al our service depanmenl
Free e.llmatea - on all repairs
Emergency TowIng - to our facility
Pkkup-Drop Off _ 10 FAU campus
90 day/4,OOO mile - exdusive Shell .1,.110 care warranty
Certified Technicians - atways on duly
r-------------------- ..
i Includes: Labor, 5 qts. Shell premium oil, olt doors and I
l O l L CHANGE $9.95
Iocke:. check oil, bellS and fluid Ievttls, lire pressu.e,
quality fille. and complele_lubrication
Ofler expires 2-29-88
$35.85.... _
• cYL.
• cY\..
• CVl.
"""'. - - -2!'~
. -explrea
- -~
.. We Honor - such ma;or credit cards as Maslerca.d and
~ of eaurse, you. Shell carel is always welcome,
Appointments Recommended
Huge crowd turns out for Jai Alai Sports Night
Wi,h II n<:w paint job and ,he
addhion ofblcache.... and flags of
mlln)' lilliion'!. the FAU raquetball
courts w~ transfotmed imo .1";
Alai fro<llOn for-the PAU hi Alai
... Club Sports Nigh" Feb. I L
Guesu; were introduced 10 the
came of Jai Alai throu~ ~jbi_
lion tnllte:hes ~ycd by members
or the FAU Jai Ab.i aub aDd
membe.... of the Nonh MWn.
....malalr Jai Ala, Club.
B.,r~ the uhibl<ion. the .....
dk""" wu put ;010 the $piri. of
the aame by hearing the tradi_
tional Spanioh n,usic played prior
to each match. 'The prnc ball was
,hrown in by Ed KimnlCn. pusidenl of Kimmen Real Estate.
Kimmen. oncofthe many <x>rpo"'e eJlccutiveII anending !he
eAhibition s:akI. "I dOdn', mini<
dli. ",veal _
had the wings '0
get off lhc K'QUnd. bu. now i1$
1bc fIrSt hiM of Il>e evcniIl&
.... devoccd 10 Group B CCIIDpelilion bclween three 1CaJm; Pusl 4
repraenUns FAU with Sun M'
nold playing from coun and John
Perez on back coun. PosI ,
representing PAU wi!.h Dave
Phillips play ins fron. and Luis
Sanlana on back and Post 6
reprcscnling Miami with Nick
Labella palyinS from and Mike
Fa1cMnl on back.
The 80ca A<:adnn,l' of Gymnastl<:s. II KWnd '"""" slate dlamplonship laom. prrfO""ed durlna lhe halnlm" sbow.
Ttw:: Ic:amS <:ompccod in rwo
fairly even 15 point lI\Il'cbQ.
however, FAU remained lhc vicw. . even more hc:aIed with Ihe
tinlli rcault!I bcio& PoA5 -15. PosI
_ iD both. Ttw:: <UI.lIuo¥d>c: f'1nt
pm<: were p.,.. 5 - IS, Pos< 4 8 and PmI 6 -5. Ttw:: IoO<:Ond pmc
"I am really happy for lhc:
players and sive aiol of crcdillO
.he r;"" group," <:QnlfT\Cn,ed
Ralph Secondo, .he cl"b's
foundc:r. "lbcy all played greal
undc:r well. preu"no. ,.
A $J>C<:lXUlar halftime $bOW
added 10 Ihe fun and C-J«:itc:mc:m.
Ncarly 20 giris from d>c: Boc::a
The I'ost 4 team b<e1tan the nlghl'" evena.. repreH",lnK FAU as
part of Group B W<J1p"'llllon.
the air. Ttw:: Boc::a A<:ademy of
5qUad is Ihe M!COI>d
pIac:c $late dIampOoo$hips \.ea.m.
"I didn't think this event had the
wings to get off the ground, but
now its Dying" Ed Klmmen
Klmmen Real Estate
Academy of Gymnasti"" ga"" a
demonstration of lhcir "Girls Just
Wan. to Ha...,Fun" rouli...,whi!c:
<Joins nips and "a"whc:cl. UItO
Cheryl Lentz and her "Be
So",e Dody" ,""rob"", lc:aln enlertained everyone with seve....l of
their high and low impac:t o.et"Obk
roo.ines. Forty women and ~
brave maIc performed lhcir dana:
workoues 10 such numbers ..
'Mooty, ~iony"and "Shake Your
l...ovc" and really .... d>c: ~
lDOVl"& and cbppina.
RefraluncDts includi,,& btw.
w,nc. wine coolers and $RI(:b
wen: available for Ihe l\'C-SU.
Kimmen, 10 exprcs< his s"ppor!
and enthusiasm for Ihe c:l"b.
dona.ed several pi1;us aner the
page 19
The Owls destroyed the Lions a second time 17-7
On witdJ><sday. Feb, 10. lhc:
baseball tt:am added 10 their
winning st ..'ak when th"y
defc:.a'ed me Liont of Florida
Memorial 17-7 a' ,he Lion'5
hotne field.
The game WaS played "nder
lcrrible conditions On a r",ld wid!
no bl"""her$ and with d"goulS un-
covered. The dls•• ""e from
homeplate 10 the rishl r",1d fenc:e
w.... only 260 10 280 fect. nwc:h
shoner lhc:n dlat Qf FAU. In 8<1dtlion. lhete was. ~_up in who
was 10 ..,.,..,. whoc:h ook>r uniform
10 that FAU ...... fornd 10 ""ear
lhc:.. blue s....,.b!tuu. In any
case. the Owls left Florida
Mc:moria.I .<U<:<:CSSfttlly winning
........ .....,
The Owl$ wen: Qff 10 a quiek
n scoring four run$ in the firsl
Florida Memorial Clln\C 10 bal
and hi,. homerun offct[I'AU pit.
cher, Joe P=lc, who
ed his <:onIpostlre: ......... ,rc:d lhe
resl of the Liont 10 . , . 5it1e.
Ne,ther oc:.am - . . .. the sec:ond inning. bu, the UlIlIo did get
another hC>merun In doe bcaom of
the third makina the: f!Ol"'e 4
10 2.
AI the lOp of the 1llI*tt. FAU
broke opal the: ~ IolXX'cd
fOllr _
runs. Aflhousb the
Owls did collect lvt!'hilS. the
primary damage w.. dIkoe: by the.
Lion's pilCher who IoIt hi!; COntml and pve "p fOllr walks.
Wiltl the SCOre: now 8 10 2, the
Lin"" .gain cranked .n<)Iher Joe
Pc:c:dc: p;Ieh Q...,r !c:ft. field for
anod>er bomc:run givi"8 them •
total Qf thr"O ruN .1 the end Qf
Ihe fOllIth.
Swung off the: sixth ........
Orn Ormrod atihed • double in10 eenler '-",kl. ,mme.h.tdy
IOIIowcd byT.... Snell ...1loAJl8.led and drove h,m lB. After <:<lIcher Eric: David nyed 0Il1. Jeff
8cnnet p<>Undcd <lUI a &f'OW'd rule
RBI double 10 drive in Snell. The
KQ.., wu now 10 10 3.
When the Lions "an", 'Q hal.
FAU changed pilchers. Bob
Boyle replac:ed Joe I'cede who
lefl the game .fter pitching five
full innings giving up 3 runs on
:5 hies. He g.ve up ooe walk and
had I ...... .<trike-oulS.
n.c Owls sc:on:d another run III
the seveoth intIing. when Eric:
David drove in Onnnld ..... lh •
RBI SlAp'" mtU the KlOf'e I I
10 J. In a surprui,,& rally. the
Lions hil t...... ..--e .ingles, a
double. and a homerun which
broushl in 4 runs and uppc:d the
seorc: 10 II 10 7.
In the eighth IJUUfl& CC>tet>
repltoc:emcnlS 10 &ive them Ml<ne
playi,,& ICllperic_. The: raull
wu a d~ f.,. the Lions.
The first PAU bauer came 10
bal and was walked, the """I was
hil by • pileh. Two hi•• and •
sinlll" aUQwed FAU \(> S<:Qrc: .wo
more runs. 1bc Lion'. pilcher
then loaded the ba.....
Robert Commadari c:amc: 10 bat
ne>;. and hil the ball lhroush the
lega Qfthc. Uoo,'s shortstop for a
four bale """'". Commadari and
all lhrc:e of die otJ>en; ~ able
10 score oocreasing Ihe
Icad 10 17 10 7. Bob Boyle then
11<:1 die Uons .......n III onIer 10 end
the inRlna.
A.!.his p<>int, wllh the sun ,,",v·
ina .Iready !let. lhe game was
<:tiled on ac:c:ounl of datkneas.
FAD swim team warms up for conference
S.... Spo_ &IiIDT
On February 13. the PAU ......im
'"'" met up ....ilh the Univ<:r$ity
Qf Miami. for their \uo: rnor:t
before the upcx>mina eonf.."""",
in Soulll CamLina.
Althoush then:: wen: no first
pIac:e winDCtS. d>c: swim team.'.
S<:Qr"" are: dn>ppina. "MO$'
everyooe is droppina a M!COI>d or
IWO off thei. limes." ..id U$is·
I.. nl swi", coach. Franeine
WllIker. n.c: .wimn",r'. pmgrc:s
will be l""ted no:~1 week a,
Miami was • lOlI"h 0J>p0nc:n1
for FAU. 1lIoey look .11 Qf!he
finl and m<>iSI Qf the Je<>Ond place
lX"hiC>ns. bul the Owls held OIll
and (;()nunued 10 improve.
Wendy Vincent
scored her all
time best in the
1,000 Freestyle
with a time of
Among those IOshow ......iti·
carll improvement _
Vinc:ent who Kll>rtd her all tUne
bcs' in the 1,000 Fl'C«1yle wi.h
• ,imc:Qf 11:4:5.14. Vinc:en. plac:ed Ihird in thi5 event.
In !he 200 Freeotyle. Carol
G~..... eame in wllh a lime Qf
2;(W,59 and Maria Patulin c:amc:
in bdt,nd her willi 2:06.69 80th
awtr'J'lll'tenl plac:a;I dun! and fou.rth
after Miami swimmers Qorc: and
In lhe 50 FrOC$lYlc:, FAU pulled fOllIth and fifth with Mary
R""kslllhi ata.ime of28,33 and
M.ria Lardiubal wilh 28.58.
Michelle Boggs perforrnc:d ex.
c:eplionally well pl..dnllllOCOnd in
the Qno: me:ter diving evem, She
plac:ed only one p<>inl less lhan
"'mer. Jon&ej.ns
who look f' .
Boggs was less s""",,"ful in
the 1tIrc:e me.crdivi"8 evenl, bu'
shll plac:ed third with a fine IICOrl>
of 178.n.
PAU .Iso :achieved a SC<'Ond
pl."" posllion in .he 200
Bac:ks.mke where 5Ophomore
TrtoCe)' H,,~ camoe in w,th •
lime of 2:29.17.
FAU tool: third in <>ther "ventS
as well. Wendy Vinc:ent tool:
lhird in the 500 Preeat)'1e and
Caml Gum..... lOOk third in the
200 Brc:tMroke.
Othe. evenlS includc:d lhe 400
Medley Relay. die 200 BUllerny.
the 100 Prees'yle and lhe 400
Fr<:eslyle Relay.
"Evcryont: is ba.-iically on
.d>c:dulc." said ......lkcr.
febnU''Y 17. 1908
Tourney set for FL
Sill' Skiff Wriur
Clea"",aler, Fl _ Somriues
f'o01 Florida. Georgia and
Alabouna un"'en,hes will f;Om.
po:<e on !he NUlional So....",)'
Volkyba!l Series ~ IOUm:I........ in C\earwaler, Fla, on AprIl
2 and 3.
Rqoresc:n"ns !he
......... Sill-penon "olle)b1111
...... from !he ele,"l"'""tcr <:OR\.
I"""lIoa will t .."d to Xuma
1l<adI. caJf w,th all n ~
pud to compr:te in the N.'IOI\llI
Fmals on Apnl 23 and 24
Tbe NalIOrUIl Fi,..1J <;OIIS'SI of
cornpeu_ bee......... !he Wlnn,"B
from <he Flonda. Aruoaa.
Taal. and caI,f"""" ",.oonal
...........,eat and .....ill be: .elc",....
cd utionall)'
"'lbe ..... i..." . and "'......,-..p
<he rcgionaIl(lllraamcnl
also n<ecive a "anct)' of
prUd ",eluding . . - scoocen,
l-shins. .spanswear. suagl.a.ssc5.
bea<:h ....."C1s and od>er ~
lI:2ffIJ III
T1>e n:gioaaI IOU.........,... ...111
ao:ornpa» an CI\l1'" ..... eekend of
1ICI,,,,,ies Oa and off Ih" bc:a<;h.
fe~"""c., incl ..de beach panICS.
prbe Sivcaw.)'~ and a closing
cc"'mon)', MTV w,lI be! on I'Illnd
and brOMlcastlall IIv" from Clcar_IeI' du.iag the lOIlrnamc:al
A eone"n 'Ie";",, featuring
"Usa U.,,:"·TIle Alann.····Red
HQ< Chill l'I::P'P<'n1," and "Hoo
Doo OU.OOI'· i$ lenlali"c:ly
.scheduk:d, TIle ............. ill be: hekl
April 2 al 7:30 p,m. either al the
Un;ve "y ofSoulh Flonda U' al
Tam ·s Sun Dome.
Voilcyboll Sr:riet IW ben> an ~
...... event for I I )'caJS and d ..,,"S
<We. one: milllOrl coIlcSC.<lUdcnu
10 '15 vari<M.as cOfllpelitiorls. Man:
thaa 3,000 SOI'OnUes and fntern,l;'" l:Ompc:le annually on whal
...... named "The Best !'any of
the Yea." by Pla)'boy magazi_
,n 1986.
lnae<"CSIed toronlles and fno.....•
n,11CS thai woukl like: 10 gel in·
.....lved ,n !he even. can oonlaCl
James Lelttal (213) 452_~. or
......It,, h,m a' Group Dyn&mlCS.
2601 O<:can Pari: Blvd .• SuilC
309. Sara Moni<:a. Calif.. 90405
for n..-c tnfonnalK>n and "'PPiic:a1>0n malerial.
Sailing Club offers membership
Tbc: Fau Salilng Club Is
e<tabllshed for aU studenU ID_
loeraled I n ~ and ..'In<bur·
fbIlt. both ..... n>mpc1:k1.-.: 5poo1
.......... ~llonal actlvil,)'.
This ~ _ U." dub'" ..rrfl'o
III(t 1.....0 saIJin« eou ...... at •
beainnlll(t and Inle........clI.I"
. ."ti. tJ>e c:ounat will be _
Monday and W ~ y nigh15
and .....1lI be S3S r.... _ben.
A ..-rieI or adivilles""'" abo
,"cbedul"d ror e""D Ihos"
w11t-st SIliUnc U"~. 1'lNdub '" plamdna 10 tat<e • sallIII(t and wlndsul'ft
pc: 10
lIotarr:o biand and "
...u ""-
pedlUon rrom M ..rco bland 10
K"y West. "I1te<"C ....., o(her ar:U"llies In m.lnd dependin.& on
your p.rtlr:lpllllon as a
l! inte..-ltCl. memlxnhlp
will be S& and you ean <»ntaet
lIobu:: M."ucc::. .1 391_9460 for
........,. Inronnatlon.
"Mom says the
house just isn't the
same without me,
even though its
a lot cleaner."
from page 18
After tbc: r:nergelir: hIIlfti....,.
tbc: <:rowd ....... in for _
Group A compctilion. TIle lwo
Oroup A IClImS CC>n5iRed Of
Post I .....ith Ralph Sceondo ptay.
ing from COW1 and O",g Gordon,
the: oo-captaia of the FAU club.
on back oou.n and Post 3 with
Bryan Del Sol. the: other co·
captain. p1ayiag fron. and Sle"e
Roben on b:lek.
The firs. gllrJlc: .....as a close 15
poin. mateh .....ith Po$. 1 ..... iani~
and Pas. 3 plaeina with nine
points. The oompc:lilioa becam"
e""a Riffe. entering .he second
game. a 21 point match. Po$. I
w,"" able 10 manage another "i,,_
lOry over POSI 3 who placltCl wUh
a clO5C' 17 nolalS.
An". lhe eompelition. "",,a<!aats Inten:slcd ia hi Alul l'wJ the
opponunlt)' 10 e~perietlc" th"
spon first hand b)' lossiag theb,,11
USt bcc-.IUSC your Mom
is ara"""..y. doe..n~ me-,lll
)'Ou can't be close. 'Ou C'. . n
still sh.'1re the love:md
l:wgilicr 01\ AT&T Loop.
Distance SclVicc
It CeN." less than )Q\.I
thinktohcardl:llShc likes
the pcxc and quiet. bul
she mts:.cs you So go
ahead, give )uur Mom a
all You can ck."an }Q\.Ir
roolll later Reach OUt;md
The right choice.
Approxima'ely 150 studen",
and commun'ty lnembo;o.s "llend·
ed the gala ,"'em. which ""cordiag to Ka",n !k>udrie. ean,j>U~
rot;rcalWn director. " 0"" of the:
largest lurnou'" th" eamj>UJ h.u
seen rOt an athlelic event.
T"", ancioaMlos of Sai AI.,
from u far a ......y lIS Nonh Palm
Bc:ach and Miami auc:ndcd the "".
hibition. Seo<>ndo. how"""r. wu
dioappointed with the laek or..,.
tcadana: b)' th<: faeul!)" of FAU.
"We .....ere hoplllg 10 bl'lng
school sp;ril back lnlo the AthIe.."
Depanmcnt." e><plaincd secon·
do. "and lid.. standard
pie on ho..... 10 plOTnOle all
After the: trr:....,ndous SUOCC$lI
of this Sporu Night. Secondo
fo.--sees f"llI.... eJ<hibilioru (Q
showcase th<: COIIlir-.d lfl'O"""th or
tbc F AU Jai Alai Cub. A Jai Alai
scholarship is under r:or>iSidcraoio
according 10 a recent prupoaal
made by Secondo.
Socondo _
"el)' ,..tlsrood
.....ith tbc: 0"cra111l1..-.1 and cuI·
0l)D>C or the Jai Alai Sporu NJaht
atId when -.ked for his initialrespoase 10 i, he: nopIied. "1 hllve
a coo<I fcelina inside.. "
• page 20
Stetson gets revenge from FAU.
Sun Sl<ifI Writ~r
Af'er a sueccss(ul match
against Florida Southern IllSl
week, the Lady Owls ICnnis
squad faced S1CtS<'>n Univc",i,y on
Friday afternoon at lhe varsily
tcnnis courtS here at FAU. Slet·
5On. a Division I school, came 10
Florida A,lan';" seeking revenge
after losing to the Lady Owls Ill!)t
-, Men's
Table tennis at FAU
The FAunA wekomes "l1studems al all playing levels in·
tere.ted In the .port of lable lenni •. T",ining and the fines.
fadlliles will be ;lVailable. Men'. and women's team. will be
organi~ed to compele wilh other colleges. Come join u. on
Saturdays 11;00 a.m. to 4,00 p.m. and Wednesdays 6'30 to 9
p.m. on the 2nd noar ollhe gymnasium. For additional infor_
malion, conlact Don al 366-3146.
FAU Sailing Club
... ~ _
was unable 10 ovcn:ome SlelSOn desplU Ihelr efTo......
Kim Griffilh. Florida Atlanlle
University's wOmens .ennis
was a totlgh mateh
for the girl., bul we'll do beller
ne~1 time."
coach said, . 'It
Wind conditions ",ally hun the
girls on the COUrt. but their spiriL~
a", high for
wc:ek when they
lake to the road 10 face 51.
11>omas University on Tuesday
and Florida International University on ThUrsday. 11>e ladies will
be In Fl. Lauderdale on Sur>day
10 play Nova University.
Suppon the Lady Owls by
coming out to their gan"" one.
wttk from lOday (February 24th)
when FAU meetS St. L<>o College
at the FAU va",ilY .ennis couns
at 2 p.m.
tennis team loses to FlU
SUit SlaU Writer
Florida A.lantic Univer.i'y
men's tennis team lost 10 8",h
rivals, Florida Internalional
University 9-0 which puIS ,he
Owls record at 4-2.
FlU is the first Divi.ion 1 team
FAU has played Ibis liCaSOn,
FAU has dominated over FlU in
<he pasl but WllS unable to over_
come them Sarnrday al Patch
Reef Park.
FAU's lennis coaeh. Bob
Moore said at the mateh, "FlU is
1<trongcr this year and they have
a really good coach."
Sport Shorts
11>e ladics wcn. in.o the ITUIteh
with confidence but Stctson was
juSt 100 strong. Playing in "rong
wiOO., the Lady Owls were
defeated 0·9.
Linda Canlrell, the tcam'.
rmm~r on<: player. splil her first
twO selS in singles against a very
Strong Stetson opp:;>n<:nI. Can,,,,n
could rtOf hold ou' in the third ""'-.
Debbie SiOOer al"" spli' in the
first two sctll and couldn't hold
out in the third.
De>pitc their singles losses,
most of the ladies came orf tile
courtS smiling h<>ping to win at
doubles. but again the Division I
S~ squad wasjUSl. too strong.
11>c l.ArIy Owls lost <heir double.
Fmruary 17, 1988
De>pitc FAU's 1055, the
played hard. There we", tWO e,,ccp'Oonaily good perfonne.. in
singles. C.A. Messana had lwo
close: SCI5 scoring 7-5, 7~ 8nd
Lars Nyberg who was the OIIly
FAU singles player to take his
malch to three se's, scored 3~,
In the otlter singles mat"hes,
Joe Palumboscored 6-2, 6-3. Jeff
Chanin 64, 6-4. Todd Roth 6-3,
6-3, and Tony Lavigne 7-6. 6·3.
Despite these 10$$<:$, <he team
maintained a positive mental attitude bul seemed somewha'
"lI"s hanl to keep a positive
n""nral anitu<!e when you're win_
ning and playing hard and then
stan losing," said FAU's tennis
player, Albeno Rival1.8,
In double"
Palumbo and
Messana had a close match with
SCI SCOres of6-4, 6-4. Chanin and
Roth slaned oul showing som<:
promisc but ended up 5·7, 6--1,
6-3, Nyberg and LaVigne al50
los. their match scoring 6--2, 6-4.
a..."n with thiS loss against
FlU. the men', tennis tea", i. still
holding an oulStanding rc<:ord and
a", optimi.tic for their upcoming
match again" BlaTt)' Universily
on February 19 at 3;00.
The FAU Sailing Club is established lor aU studen!!; imere5led
in sailing and windsurfing, both as a competi'ive sport and a.
a recrealional ac1ivilY. The club offers beginner and lntcmtediatl!
courses and is planning a number of sailing aClivities. For those
inleres.ed, contact Max Ma~ucca al 391-9460.
Sports Festival in Daytona
The NaliOllal College Spons Festival i. preparing to emer lis
third year In offering sluden!!; four consc<:utivc one-week lour""mCflIS In Oaytona Beach and Coorpus Christi. WinnefS will
rl!lum, all expenses paid, 10 compete in the laU finals On ESPN,
For brochures and lurther information conlact Gerry Nolan at
1-904-253-9525 or 1-800--343_3701 wai' for lone, dial "sPOrl$"
(In Fla,),
Classic Golf Tournament
The Second Annual Anniversary ClaSSiC SOlflournamen' will
lake place on Salurday, Feb. 27, at Boca Ralon Municipal Golf
Course, Many celebenies are schedules 10 allen<! which i.....
c1udes such people as Bernie Kosar, Tom Cousineau, John 0/.
ferdal. and many more. All participanls will receive a golf shin,
visox. and a bag bearing the Anniversary Classic logo. plus have
chances On " variety of other prizes. The fee for each player
will be $125. for additional inform31ion and restrictions conIaCI Dan fabian 0. Mike Hoffman at 4g3-6100.
Rapidly Expanding Brokerage Firm Looking to
Hire and Train Self-Motivated, Aggressive People to
Facilitate our Sales Force
• Highest Income Potential Available
• Managment Opportunities
• Training on an Individual Basis
You will grow with one of the most aggressive firms in the
Call Mr. Montondo at (305) 997-4081
for scheduled appointment.
hbruM'y 17. 1988
Intramural Softball Update Athlete of the SANDI
o.rid s. ()MMoo
.-. SItI/f W ....r
No.... lhat all of the 'eams are
"",n into their RaSOn. thinll' are
...uy hat.inll \til m the incraIttuntl
ooftbIll league.
.. Wed: l. three of the four
ptne:" played ....eR dt>cidcd by
~ runs or leu. As the _ _
JOCS on. the Iea&.... is bec:om1ng
""'"' and......., CIt>rnpetiti"". With
I\'o'CpmlS sl....ty ~ and
only three remaininll. each team
mu~ pul forth a little e.un effort
ill order 10 rnlke lhe playoff••
Tuesday's Action
n..litdebi'l of"".... e«on .....
difpblyed by !he 1ndependc:tU$
Thaday afienloon as they tool<
OIl uDdefealed JAFST.
The Indtpentlen... made the,r
Jl'IUCnce known early ..... they
~ Iwice in the lop oft"" first
inning on' two run homerun by
Ed Rossi.
Then JAFST, punned by their
~ quid. start. eamet.clr:
""1Ib four "'ftS ," the botlOm of
"'" ttuUnl. A towen"l lwo ru..
-.enm by Gary Meixner lied the
W,th JAFST le",.lIng 4-2 HI lhe
fifth and f,nal inninl. lhe In<lo:pendenLS mounted a two round
rslly. 111t:)' 00tt1d only mu"''''' one
"'" and they left the bases load·
ed. endirq: the pme.
Rob Pip>cOn hdpcd the atta<:t
for IAFST by aoins 2 foo" 2 and
1COnrq: once.
n." fi...... SOOre: JAFST <l. In-
Tbe second Ian"" on Tuesday
...as n<)l .... ciOllC .... the fi,.,.l. but
it was quite an offensive show. Pi
~ had it'. biggest win of
"'" season, defeatlng Academic
Coatf'ulln& 9·1
Tbe Pi lambs ...........t>lc three
bill innings in their vicco<'y by
scoring two ru.ns in the fim Inn_
Ing, four in the Kcond. and three
in the third.
In the bottom of the fwrUt inLee (lreeflb<':r, lot
Ae..xmic Computiq Paned
with a singk and 1Ma" SCOl'f!d. bu!;
Pi ~'. def...- immediately puc OUt the fire.
Leadi"l hltten for Pi Lambcb
we..., Kirk Hammond, who went
l for l with 2 ",n. scored. and
Brad Cleaver nod Franl< [)eWin.
who each WtlS 2 for) with 2 n.HlS
tICOred. Steve Weldon WQ 2 for
2 for Aeadem..; Computina.
Thursday's Action
Thurs<by·. pmes were the
best IWo gartlC$ played to dale.
T1lC 1i,.,.1 ga"", was JAFST
againsl ALOI. In Ihe second inn.
inti. JAFST conlinucd lheir long.
ball ~tyle as Rob Pigmeon hil a
solo home.<un.
JAFST then KOrcd 'wo more
runs In the third innIng and
anothc:r In the: fifth. Howev". ,n
the: bottom of lhe fifth, ALOI
decided to pl.ay calctl....p.
ALOI scored IWioce. bul then the
lla"", ended. Ihc final score:
Top hine.... for JAFST were
Rob Pigrneon (Homerun. l for 3,
2 runs). GJlry MeiJUlCf" (2 for 3.
2 rtlnI). aDd Tony Del...ucca (3 foo"
3). For ALOI. Andrea K..ute:r
was l for l ...hile Cf'O$SiQ& the
pl.ate onot:.
n.e Ia&e pmeon 'ThundIty ......
lhe m<>i!Il ~tinll pme by far ...
i. was the first e~l", mni ..g game.
Academic Compu.inll was
looting for its firs< viecory and
the Irtdependet\tS ~ i'i;htina to
llUy in pl.ayorr eontentioft.
Tbe llldepa>dcllts jumped out
to a 3-0 lead in the: fim innina:.
Aeodemic Computina: then came
bact and. going into the bottom
ofthefifUt. they led 6-5. n.e Indept:ndcnu were forced to score
one ru.. 10 Stay in the: p.me and
they got exaet..ly that one tun.
Two x:orelca e><ua tnninp
"'eR then played, wltlett includ.
ed ~ cat(;hes on both
In lhe top of the eijlhlh.
Aeodem'c Computing's Phil
Sulany eamc around to 1ICOf'e.
pulling his team ahead 7-6. Onee
lIpin lhe 1I:dep:..d","1.$ ........... forced to score at Ieut onoe run.
With ....., OUI Sooa IlDd o.vltl
Obhan S1fIgkld. Tben with lwo
0U1S. Perry U ...... lla. si"aled to
knock in the tying and winn,ng
runs. Soou. who WItS 3 for 3 WIth
l rtms scored and David Olshan.
who was 4 for 4 wilh I run
scored, led the Independenls
Carol Osborn (l for 5. I run).
WaY" BuUodr: (2 for 4, 2 ",ns).
and ""il Dulany (l for 4. I "'n)
hll well for the kosers.
n.e final Score: arter ela.lll in_
nings: Independenls 8. Aeadem",
Compulinll 7.
Standings After
Week 3
Pi Lambda
Acad. Computing
IINC!..UOES: up 10 5 quart1l ValvOl.... 2aW-60 or
ItOW-30 oil. prttmium olIlilt..... lu_. ct>ec:k and
: _ atIltulda up 10 1 pint. etteck belta and hOSeS.
ICheek and InltatB li,"
• ,m t<:an'l$.
In high school. ~ c:ontlnucd
swinvning and "'as honored Q
the moP .... Juable swimmer on
Cooper Cily High School'. swim
learn. In her senior year. she
I><>cume ca"",in uf lhe 'eam aod
from there receiVed a swimming
schola~ip to FAU.
majonna: in B ~ IlDd in the
future pIaos 10 bet:c:>tne a ptl.ysCal
theBpist: m the: field of sportS
medicinc. After eolle£e she ...ill
conl:inue to swim for her own
10 5
p.nt ..
In betw""n el .... $e$ aod swim·
mingo .he runs and lifts weishlJl
as pan of her Intininl.
In the midst of her schedule.
Carol rnaJUF'i 10 mailtlain a(lPA
of2.9 and holds down a' least 12
credit hout"s pe' semester.
Although beina: a team member
involves a Iotoftime. Carol feels
that ,here are many advantages.
"11 a'ves you something 10 do.
you ",eel "lot of people. aod yOll
have a good lime." ,;he ... id.
Carol thinks thai Coaeh aale
S.yles il a" really good coach"
and owes mud't of her improvement 10 her Intini....
With Confe,ence dnowlna
clo.ser, training tS beeom.lng .......,
ime..... , bu. Carol Chtsh.... is
ready for il!
4 CYL. $28.95
6 CYL. $32.95-.536.95
-----------_ -- ...
-'*'"<'O<'I'Ot ....
"' _ _
.o- :
and apin in lhe aflernoon from
1--------------------, --------------------,
A s...
aehedt.tle Is no<
euy. Carol starU ~i~tng ry
every mon"nl from 6'08 a.m.l
0 - " _ _ 01'5100",,, _
Mon. thru Frl. 8:00 - 6:00
Sat. 8:00 - 4:00
With strort& IeadersIup qualioea
and an improving swimtninll
record. Ca,ol (lushwa has
become a "",jor _110 the PAU
swim team.
Carol compelea mainly in lhe
200 breasttolce and her limes are
slowly dropping. In the: most recenl meeI. FAU v•. FSU. Carol
plaood third ... Ith an impre$$ive
Ii...... of 1:13.3. only sis seconds
benutd fi<$l plaee.
Carol f""ls .hat this season the
team is doi..g Wit:Il. "Compllred
10 last year. Its Iswimming] a liltie bil differenl." she nid.
"We've been Intining differenl!lO
we're sliIl adju.ttng."
Carol has been ....,mtnin& sinee
age eight and rrom there .......t on
un (:(In'Ip<:tluvely _ summer
In the . . . .
on Atlantic Ave.
Eastern Auto
Care Center
Sports Editor
.,wi", ,........
wi,,,,,.,, MOt,
A.r <;UpIo.l" <>f .Iu
CDrol Gtult .... Ittu sIto_ 're.-nd<H..J
/uMk,.,ltip qwJI,lit:t tltmug"-' "'" SIt:<U<Hl. At OOU"nIit:it:' at FAU. dl!Cf·
siCHLt mad" by It", "" bdttJIf ofdue , ....... _re l-..pirinlJ. H",. ,,,ammDI"S follO'Wit:d
due 1I!'tU' """ltD,I",,. 11Us
0. mU' ...'lvre
_ ~ dililJntCt! ,hit:
b«nusit: _
~ trt 30"
-- -
.--". .... .-< - - -
Au10lJtB StM'" :
I PlugS. ~ cap. <OlD<. wirM. "mong. Men.
I just idloa and cerbutalor _ . ttpPlieabial. ct>ec:k I
1_...,., _ . belle<y and a/Ie<NtlQr. ~ 1
I analysl. II necessary_
134 NW 20th
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-........-._Spring Break Center Spread
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17. 1988
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