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- ~v A /SETA~/pRESS/ NOVO Environmental r-. 1\ P" L_h .r".i."t"gy and Chemi,'try, V"L 2\, N". 5,1'1'.980-983,2002 " 2002 SETAC I'rinted in the USA 11730-72"'\102 $9.1)4) .t .1111 '- I j) OXlDATlON CHEMISTRY OF ACID-YOLATlLE SULFIDE DURING ANALYSIS ADRIAN M. GONZALEZ* Amtcch Scrvi"cs In<:.,Dn lIannah Avcrmc, Knoxvillc, "Tcnncs.'<Cc :\7'>21,USA (R.xâved 21 M{~y 2001; Accel'ted 21 Oct<)ner 2001) Ab5tract.--The susccptibility of some componcnts of sediment add-volatile sul/ide (AVS) to chemical oxidation is a critical factor impacting accurate measurcment of AVS in se<!iment samples. This well-documeutcd susccptibility tooxidatiau 100to Ih<:n:quircment for oxygen-free cou(ütions in lhe analytical method devcloped for AVS. lu light ofthis aL'"Utcpott.'t1tial tooxidi7.e, lhe sercnilipitous finding that Rir can bc use<! in thc analysis of sOOiment AVS is countt.'Iintuitive and unexpccted. To dcmonstrate and investigate lhis interesting observation, extraction cxperiments were per{ormed using aqueous and solid-pbase sullide spcci<."S.Expcrimenls using Rir as lhe earrier gas showcd a mean percentage recovery of sul/ide matching that af traditional (nitrogen gíts) analysis (i.e., >91"1..) and a time to completion ofless lhan 30 mio for aqueous sulfidc and less than (,() mio for scilimcnt samples. These results are consistenl with those of sul/ide oxidation studles rcported in lhe líterature. Usi~ mr asthe anaIytical carrier gas can provido: an interesting alternative for devclopiog aR analytical method to determine AVS paramcters in lhe field. Keywords.--Acid-volalile sulfide Metal toxidty &-diment INTROD1JCTION Certain componenls of sediment acid-volatile sulfide (AVS; í.e., labile metal sulfides [primarily amorphous iron (11) and manganese (fI) sulfideJ, FeS, and/or MnS)arequíte susceptíble to chemical oxidalÍon [1-3). Detennining concentrations 01' simultaneously extmcled metaIs (SEM) and AVS is useful in screening sediments for potential toxicity doe to elevated metal concentrations. The accuracy of lhe SEM and AVS data, however, is limiled by lhe slability of AVS in lhe sediment sample. Changes in AVS concentration, primarily through oxidation during sampling, shipment, and manipulation, can lead to inaccurate SEM:AVS ratios and to inaccurate toxico}ogica} classification of sedimcnts [4,5]. The current, /aboratory-based melhod foI determining SEM and se.iiment AVS concentratíons [6J altempts to do this by using ínert gas (e.g., nitrogen) 10transfer hydrogen sulfide (B}S) released during sample acidífication fiom tJlC reaction vessel to a suUide-stabilizing mediurno The method BIso specífies using flasks, water, acid rcagent, and su/fide-stabilizíng solution purged of oxygen (i.e., deaerated). The goal of tbis papel" was to document lhe successful use of air as a carricr-gas matrí.1\ for AVS ana/ysis. AJthough inilially counterintuitive, this phenornenon is repcatable and reproducibJe and can be cxplained in light of sulfide oxidation Iheory as reflected in lhe current lileralure. Thís I)henomenon míght Jind some usefulncss ín lhe devclopmclll of analytical mclhods tor dctemlining AVS paranlelers in lhe field. MATERIALS Oxidation for sulfidc content. Surface-rinsed sodium sulfide crystals (Na1S'9H2O) were dissolved in deaerated, àistilled walcr to make stoek solutions lhat were then standarrli1',ed iorlomeuícal/y. Oue samp/e of a freshwater sediment was collected ftom a suburban pond (Rivcrdale, NY, USA) using a Petite-Ponar dredge (Wildlife Suprir, Buffalo, NY, USA) a1ld passed through a I.OO-mm sieve to remove Jarge gravei and debris. PolentiaJ oxidation caused by sieving this se.iiment sample was ilTelevant to this study, because the goal was to compare rclatíve AV3 concc1luations in spli\, hornogenized suhsamples by two methods (i.e., aír.and nitrogen). Thc LFS batches wcrc made by mixing equal volume\: 01' a natural \:ubmergcd clay (Oak Ridge, TN, USA; sieved to a particle size of < 1,000 I-Lm) anã sand (from a local vendar, KnoxviJIe, TN, USA; sieved to a particle si2'.c of <500 ILm). ~nthetic AVS for- " mu/ations [7J were made by comhiningstoichiometricam~ijJ1ISr of iron (ll) sulfate (FeSO..7Hp) and sodium sulfid€' (both , dissolved in deaemted, distilled walcr) directly within lhe LFS matrix to forro the iron (lI) sult,de precipitate. Su1f\de ana1)!s)s t \ in lhe ínitial Jnvestigations followed lhe mcthod described by Allen ct ai. [6}. wilh the following minor modifications. The nitrogen-bascd sulfide analytical method (Nz-AVS) used laboratory-grade nitrogen anã Ihrec 125-ml glass Erlenmeye~ flash (Belko Glass, Vineland, NJ, USA) for lhe reaction vessels (i.e., the reaction vessel, pU 4 buffer trap, and sulftde stabili",ation trap). A cartridge 01' oxygen-stripping resin ' " j " (OxiClear; Diamond Tool anã Die, CIe~'elalld, 011, USA) W3S( installed 'o lhe nitrogen supply line, replacing \he vanadium I ch/oride scrubbing solution described by Allen et aI. [6]. The ANO METIIOOS To demollstrale. lhe negligihle effe.ct ~~fair on sulfode recovery during AVS analysis, extraction cxpcrirnc1Its were pcrformcd on sulllde species ín severa I malríces. Prcpared solulions ofsodiurn sulfidc, sampled aliquots oinatural {resh~ater sedimenl, and prepared samples of a laboratory-iormulaled sedimellt (LrS) amcndcd wíth synthetic AVS were analyzed Analysis reaction vesscl in eacb analytical traio was charged wilh SO\ r i \\ ml 01' 1 M hydrochloric acid (instead of water) that was de- " 'oxygenated wítb nitrogen for more than 30 min before sample addition. '-oss of sulfidc by adding samples díreclly 10 lhe acid was negligible, because the rcaclion nask was sealed ímlllediately « 1 s) al\cr addi\ion 01' \he sample. Two sult.de rc- covery chccks iu this syslem (using lhe 1>1andardizedsodíurn sulfide solutioll) resultcd in 96.6% recovcry. The air-ha"oo ..ult;.u, analytical m..thod (air-AV~) u"..d uu- * Tu whom cmrc~pm\<km:c may bc a_"lres"," \accn 1117(l.1)hotmait.<:om.\ ')80 981 Ellvimlt. Tt,x;.:..,t. Ch<,m. 21, 2002 Oxidation chemistry 01' AYS during analysis .. Table I. Acid-volatilc sulfide conccntrations dctcnnined in lhe laboratory using nitrogen and air CarriL'T-gaS metbods Acid-volatile sulfide (,L111Ol/gdry sediment) Air mcthod Nitrogen mcthod 8a111l'le identilication' Mean SOl' n CY' Mcan SI> n CY NS-I LFS-I LFS-2 LFS-3 LFS-4 LFS-5 LFS-6 LFS-6b' LrS- 7 125.tr' <0.14/ 0.16 2.&&. 6.87/ 8.82/ \ 1.6/ 13.9/ 17.4/ NAd 0.00 0.16 0.10 0.58 0.21 0.84 0.28 0.11 I 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 NA NA 1.00 o.m 0.08 0.02 0.07 0.02 0.01 126.0 / <0.14, 0.16. 2.69 5.83/ 8.47/ 11.9/ 13.2/ NA 0.00 0.16 0.43 0.37 0.S9 0.08 0.84 0.32 I 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 NA NA 1.00 tU6 (1.(16 0.07 0.0\ 0.(16 0.02 17.1 / U,I" DiffL'Tene<." tU 0.0 0.0 6.6 . IS.I -4.0 2.6 -- 5.0 -- 1.7 SigniflCant at fi O.OS'! (p value) NA' NA No (0.9809) . No (tH'Io.120)/ No (J.OS84)/ No (0.3887) No (05:W.2) , No (0.2563) No (0.2007) / .NS = natural (tield-collected) sediment; LFS ~ laboratory-fonnulated sedimcnt containing synthetic acid-volatile sullidc. SD = standard dcviation. 'CV = coefficient 01' variation (standard dcviation .:. mean). d % Difference = IO{) X (air - nitrogen)/nitrogen. 'NA = not applicable. I LFS-6a and LFS-6b wcre repeated L"Xperinu..-nts using LFS-6 sedirncnt. h fillered air oblaincd from a laboratory air tine. an aquarium air pump. or a peristaltic pwnp for ana1yses in positive-pressure mode and from a portable vacuum pump for analyses in ncgative-prcssurc (i.c.. vacuum) mode. Side-by-side air-AVS and N,-AVS analyses (conducted in 125-ml glass Erlenmcycr flasks in triplicatc. exccpt for tbe analysis of Ibe natural sediment sample) were perfonned to compare suJfide recovery by tbe two melhods. A total ofnine scparate experiments were conducted witb scdiment samples (one natural sed imen I ~ple and seve" LFS samples; one LFS samplc was used twiee) conlaining mcan AVS eoneentTalions tbal ranged from <0.14 to 126.0 jLmol/g dry sediment. These eorresponded to inilial sulfide eoncentrations ranging fTom <0.005 to 8.8 mM (based on.81l..mLofJ.M.J:!Ç!). The AVS concenlrations in the seven LFS samples were < 18 !Lmol/ g dry sediment (i.e.. <0.9 mM). Single detcnninations of a natural sediment sample containing extrernely bigb AVS concentrations (previously measured aI 126.0 jLmol/g dry sediment) by tbe air-AVS and N,-AVS rnetbods were BIso perforrned. Samples in replícated experimenls were added to alternat1ng treatmenl tures (nitrogen, a1T.nittogcn. air, cte.) to mjnjmize introduction of syslernalic bias caused by sulfide oxidation in samples awaiti~g distribuliol1. Samples were aeidified. and lhe gas-pbase B,S transfer was contil1ued unlil lhe silver suICIde precipitale bad coalesced. The maximllm recovery attainab1e and the tota1 time required for maxímum sultide recovery in lhe small-scale airAVS cquipmenl were detennined in tWQtirne-course experimenls. Equal amollnts of sulfide stock solulion (42.4 p.mol sulfide) were added to a series of small-scaJe analytkal trains. and tbe aeid transfer/reaclion was iniliated. AI 5 to tO min ínlervals. lhe sulfidc-trap tllbe fcom ooe analylical traio was removed. and the contents were filtered and dTied to determine lhe mass 01' I.he predpitale. A secolld experimenl was needed to oblaín recovery data aI times of less tban 10 mino Recovery was calculaled tTom Ibe ralio of measured to total sulfide added. The precision and accuracy of 111eIwo rnelhods were evalualed hy comparing percenlage diftcrenccs in mcan AVS conccntralions among mctho\1$ and by comparing standani deviatíons and coenieienls of varialíon (standard deviation .;mean) of AYS eonccnlrations measured by botb melbods. Dít:. ferences in sulfide rccovery data florn the two rnetbods wcre ana1Y7..ed statistiea11y for signiflCance at lhe a = 0.05 leve1 using Lhegeneral linear model and Tukey's Studentized Range test inctudcd iR lhe SAS~ statistical IOOftware{Si. RESULTS Bomogeni7..ed sediment samplcs were analyzed side-bysitie using botb lhe N,-A VS and tlle air-A VS melhods to compare lhe recovery of sulfide (Table \). The absolute p<..-rccntage differences in sediment AVS coneenlTations belween lhe Iwo metbods were less than 6.6'%, witb one exception (LFS-4. -15.1%). Six oftbe seven LFS samples bad AVS eoneenlralions grealer tban the detection limit (-O. t 4 fLIDol/gdry sediment for 3-4-g samp1es). Analysis of 000 samp1e (LFS-6) was perfOlmed twiCd. Mean concentrations weriJ lower as determined by lhe air-i\VS mcthod retative tQ lhe N,-i\YS method (i.e.. pereentage differences were negative) in tive experíments. were bigbcr in two (lhe natural sedimenl, NS-l. and tbe first experiment using LFS-6), and were approxirnatcly cqual in two (LFS-I and LFS-2). The range of stanciard deviations ofthe AVS concentrations in LFS-3. -4, -5. -6a. -6b. aRQ -7 usjng bolh ana)yJieaJ metborls was O.JO 10 0.84 and 0.16 10 0.84 p.mol/g dry sedirnent for lhe N,-A VS and ai rAVS melhods. respeetivcly. Tbcse values were consistent across a range ofmean eoncentrations spanning two orders of magnitude (0.16-11.4 fLIDol/g dry sedimenl). Variabi1ity in AVS concentralíons exprcssed as coefficienls of variatíon showed the two methods to be similar: ,!te average cocffident of variation for lhe N[AVS rnctbod was 4.0 :t 2.9"/0, and tbal for lhe aÍf-AVS mcthod was 6.4 ..!.:4.9%. Based on Ibese resutis, tbe nittogen metbod appears 10 have becn more precise Ihan lhe air-A VS metllod in detennining sample AVS eoncentralÍons. The potential for systematic oxidalion 01'sedirnent samples during. experiment set-up was addressed by altemating tbe addition of sampte belwecn tlte two mclbod trealrnents. Tbe success 01'this procedure was evaluated by ptotting measured AVS e<mcentralions from eacb experirnent as a funelion of sample order. The resu/ts (oot shown) di<! nol suggest thal AVS conccntralions were "ystematkaUy Iowcr in sam\,lcs l\feparc<.-\lalcr (e.g.. samples numbercd 4, 5. and 6) relalive to samples prepared earlier (c.g.. samplcs nurnbcrcd I, 2. and 3). The only 982 Envimn. AM. GonzaIez Tox;co[. Ch.'m. 21.2002 sample to which Ihis mar have occurrcd was sarople LFS-4. tbe sample with lhe bigbest percentage difference (- 15. I %) and lhe Iowesl p value (0.0584) (Table I). Total preparalion time between tbe flrst and last sample was nev~ nmre than 15 mino Bascd on Ihese results, il was assumcd Ihal any 01>scrved differences in mcan AVS concentrations bctween the two analytical methods were due primarily 10 difference.<; in lhe efTccl of lhe carrier-gas composition. Differcnces in AVS collcelltrations bctwcen me two anaIytical melhods in seven oflhe nine experiments were analyzed for significance. StatisticaJ comparisons were not applicable to experiments NS-I (analy"..cd in singlet) or LFS-I (concentration Icss than lhe detection levei). Allhough sulfide concentrations in five of lhe analyses were )ower wbcn deterrnincd by lhe air-A VS melhod Ihan when determined by lhe N,-A VS method, no diff~ences in AVS concentrations among lhe saropie pairs were significantly differcnt at o: = 0.05 (Table I). The percentage recovery of aqucous sulfide in lhe smallscale apparatus using negative-pressure (i.e., vacuum) airflow was 92. I 1: 2.9%(n = 4) afier 10 mino This result isconsistent with sulfide rccovery (91.7 1: 7.0'Yo.n = 20) ill side-by-side experiments perforrned under positive-pressure mode in this study, wilh aqueous su)fide spike recoveries (>90%) reportcd by Allcn et aJo [6). ano with aqueous sulfide spike recoveries (93.81: 6.7%) reported for a diffusion method ofdeterrnining AVS (9). Completion of tbe H,S transfer, as indicated by coalescence of lhe silver sullide precipitale in lhe sullide traI', occuned within 20 min of acidification of &:\ucous sulflde spikes ano from 30 to 60 min for scdiment samples. Longer times to prccipitate coalescence likely indicate longer sulfide transfer times caused by inefficient or incomplete scdimelltl acid reagent mixing. Sulfide'recovery efficiellcy experiments wcre nol pcrforrncd wilh sedimcnt samples. DlSCUSSION The sulfide oxjdation literature was reviewcd for Ihree sullide oxidation processes: Gascous H1S. aqucous sulfide. ano solid-phasc FeS. The results of Ihis review show Ihat. allhough these Ihree processes are bigbly complex ano dependent on experimental condltions, lhe oxidation rale under lhe experimental condirions of AVS analysis (í.e.,low pH) is extremely slow. The difference be\ween II,S oxidation ra1es ano extraction and sequestration rales is wbat makes using air as the carrier gas successful in this particular case. The relative potential impact of each oxidation OIcchanism on deterroining accurate AVS conccntrations using air as lhe c3JTÍer gas is discusscd in light of Ihis literature review. The oxidation of gaseous 1-12Sin Rir is slow ano strongly dependent on tbe atmospberic' bydroxyl radical (011') concentration [10). This mar partiaJly explain ils 311llOying(and I'otenlially toxic) pcrsistencc in lhe atmo\:\,here when relea~d. The residence time ofH1S in lhe Rir spacc wilhin the analytical traiu (-60 ml) at the Rir flow rale uscd (200 ml/min) is approximately 60 ml + 200 rol/mia = 0.3 miR = 18 s. This is much shorter than lhe residence lime of H2S in a doscd system ( 102--IO' sI, wbcrc lhe only sulfide sink is almospheric oxidalion [ I IJ. Oxjd111ionby gas-pbase reaclion wiili almospheric oxygcn wilhin lhe AVS system should not oceur to any appreciable degrce within lhe analytieal systcm anã likely is not a sígnificant mcchanism for sulfidc loss. A number of investígators bave studicd lhe oxidatíon 01' sulfide ill marine or freshwaler aqueous matriccs {12 181-The bel<texample oflhcse I<ludicl<was one rerform,e,d by Chen 3nd Morris [12]. They investigatcd oxidation kinetics of aqucous sulftde (as Na2S.Q\l20) in (nonsaline) water under a wide range of 1'11conditions (6.00-- I 1.75), inilial sulfade .:oocentralions (0.5 X 10'4..2.0 X 10.4 M), and initial OKygC4lo ~cntrations (1.(, X \0-4 .8.0 x 10 . M). They consistenlly observcd an induction períod, ranging fiom 0.2 to 6.0 h, during which reactant concentrations remaincd uuchanged. In addition, lhe speciflC oxidation rale (k; observcd afier lhe induction period) was a cmnplex, nonlinear funclion of pH ano had maxrmum values aI pll 8.3 ano p/J J 1.2. Oelween pll .8.3 anel 6.0 (the lowest pH uscd), lhe spccifie rcachon rale dropped from approximately 23 M-O9 h-I to ncar ".cm. Because at pU < 6 any sulfide prescnt is predominantly in lhe f0l11l of H2S, Ihese autbors spcculated tbat the spccific rale of oxidalion of su)f.dc in this 1'11range would be extremely slow. In ali cases, it was ei~ shown, ar assumed through evideare from other studies, thal lhe primary reduced sulfur species being oxidizcd was lhe bisulfide ion (HS--), not dissolved 1-/2S.This has dircct implicatíons on lhe oxidation linetics of aqueous-phase ~ulfide wilhin lhe AVS anaJysis system. The convcrsion of sulfidc to H2S by I M HCI will be exuernely rapid, limitcd onJy by lhe samplelacid reagent mixing efficiency [12). Sulfide spcciation at lhe ,,1-1ofa I M HCI 8Olution (pH = O) l4) will strongly favor lhe 1-12Sfonu. Underextremely seidic pH conditions, lhe concentration ofthe HS- spccies is negligib'e; Iherefore, lhe sulflde oxidation rale is expeclcd to bc extremely slow. Even if lhe sborlest induclÍOII period is assumcd to apply under lheGe analytical condilions (0.2 b, or 12 ruiu), significant sulfide oxidation should not occur betwecn lhe time lhe sample is acidificd ano lhe time the relcascd H,S is stabilizcd. The oxidation of solid-pbase FeS within sel/eral difTcrenl lypcs of matrices ha.",been invcstigaled 1I,2,7}. Expcrrmenls wilh varying concentrations of synlhelic iron (11) sulfide in aeralcd waler [I) showed that sulfide concentrations'reacbcd . nondetectcd levels in approximalely I to 2 h, regardless of initial sulfide concentrations ranging bclween roughly 3 and 17 ruM. Similar results were ohtaincd by Di Toro et aI. [2j during oxidalion studies usíng natural scdiment samples (containing AVS) suspended in oxygen-saturated watcr and by Gonzalez {7) during oxidaliOll cxperimcnts usíng synlhetic FeS iu a LFS matrix suspended in oKygen-salurated water. However, sulfide samples in solid-phase forros (e.g.. FeS) would similarly be conl/ertcd to lhe 112Sforro at lhe experimental pl I, with its complete conversion bcing limitcd only hy lhe mixing ef11ciency of lhe scdimentlacid reagcnt matrix. Oftbe tbrce possible mechanisms for suiCIdeoxidation (i.e., gasoous, aqucous. and 8Olic:1phase), S<llid-phase sulfidc llXilUltion Iike1y would impacl AVS concentra\io"s in samplcd sediment most readily. None oflhethrcc mcchanisms ofsulfidc oxidalioll, however, is expccted to iml'3CI thc rcsults 01' Ihc AVS analysis ollce lhe 1'11ofthe saml'lc matri is 10werC4.!hy acidiflCalion. CONCUJSIONS h lIas been shown lhal scdiment AVS can bc eJ<tracted using air (as tlle carrier gas inlheacid extraction) willlout significanl impacts on its quantitative (CCOl/cryand measuremcnt otlce the samplc has becn acidiflCd. IR light of the acutc susceptihility ofreduccd sulfur sl'ccics (e.g.. scdiment AVS) to chclllical oxidation. this fmding is rdtbcr intercsting. Sullide rccovcry cxpcrimcllts using Rir werc Rol statisticall) difTcrcnt ti'oll1 I<ulfldecanccntratiolli: obtaincd usi,,!!. laboratory-gradc "i\(o- Oxidation ChL'l1listryof A VS during anaJysis Envirml. ToxicoJ. Ch<m. 21, 2002 %3 ;, gell. The fiean recovery efficiency for aqlleolls sodillffi slIlfide spikes, rallgíng from 10.2 to 42.4 v.mol, was 91.7 -'- 7J)% (n = 20), which ís colIsistelll wíth the resu/Cs of olher íllvesligations l4,9}. The successlul use 01' air as a carricr gas for AVS analysis works ill I1lis paI1icuJar applicalioll, howcver, bolh because the dominant form of sulfide present during analysis is not the rapidly oxidized HS- but lhe slowly oxidized H2S and because lhe rale of extraction/transfer of dissolved H2S is much grcaler than the oxidation rale at acidie pll. Thc release, transler, and stabilízation 01'sulfide occur betore SIIbstantialloss via oxÍllation is realized. This obscrvation might prove 10 he ali illtcresting alternative for developing an allllIytical method 01' detennining AVS pararnclers in the field. Acknow/nigement...This study was pcrformed in part under Suocontract 18X-ST297C with CKY at Oak Ridb~ National Laboratory, managed by Lockheed Martin Encrgy Rescarch for the U.S. DcpartrnL"'!1t af Energy undi..-rcontract DE-ACO5-960R22464. Tbe l'Upt'artofl.ynn Kszos and the assistance of Clint Rash are VL'TYmuch apprcciated. 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