Kejuruteraan Mekanikal
Kejuruteraan Mekanikal
BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 KATA-KATA ALUAN NAIB CANSELOR Saya dahului kata kata aluan dengan memanjatkan kesyukuran ke hadrat ilahi kerana dengan limpah rahmat dan izin-nya, maka penerbitan Buku Panduan Akademik Sarjana Muda Sesi Akademik 2012/2013 Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM) ini dapat direalisasikan. Saya ingin mengucapkan selamat datang dan setinggi-tinggi tahniah kepada semua pelajar yang terpilih mengikuti pengajian di UPNM. Sesungguhnya kehadiran saudara-saudari di UPNM merupakan langkah yang tepat bagi melengkapkan dan mempersiapkan diri sebagai seorang cendikiawan berketrampilan dan mempunyai sifat kepimpinan terpuji. Objektif utama buku panduan ini diterbitkan adalah sebagai bahan rujukan bagi para pelajar UPNM dalam memahami dan mengenali fakulti dan jabatan masing-masing serta program pengajian yang ditawarkan di universiti ini. Saudara-saudari akan melalui fasa pengenalan kepada dunia ilmu pengetahuan dan ketenteraan. Ianya bertujuan untuk membina minda dari aspek falsafah, konseptual dan operasi serta mengukuhkan kepercayaan dan komitmen jitu untuk berbakti sepenuhnya kepada negara dalam memastikan kelangsungan kepentingan strategiknya. Semua prinsip utama yang mendasari pelaksanaan dari aspek akademik, pembangunan pelajar dan perkhidmatan profesional universiti ini tidak lain bertujuan untuk merealisasikan misi dalam melahirkan pemimpin berintelektual serta menjana sumber tenaga profesional demi memastikan kesinambungan kedaulatan dan pembangunan negara. Saya berharap buku panduan akademik ini dapat dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya oleh pelajar sebagai panduan yang berguna sepanjang pengajian. Teruskan usaha, kuatkan iltizam untuk menjadi modal insan dan graduan UPNM yang cemerlang dengan berpegang teguh kepada falsafah “Kewajipan, Maruah, Integriti”. Sekian. Lt Jen Dato’ Seri Allatif Bin Mohd Noor Naib Canselor UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 1 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA VISI Menjadi universiti pertahanan premier untuk pendidikan, latihan dan penciptaan ilmu. FALSAFAH Sebagai sebuah institusi nasional premier berdedikasi dalam menghasilkan pemimpin berintelektual yang menyerlah serta bersifat terpuji dan komited untuk berbakti sepenuhnya kepada negara dalam menjayakan kelangsungan kepentingan strategik negara. MISI UPNM komited mencapai kecemerlangan perkhidmatan kepada negara sebagai sebuah universiti pertahanan premier dalam kepimpinan dan pembangunan profesional, penciptaan ilmu, penyebaran ilmu pengetahuan dan aplikasi sains pertahanan dan teknologi, dan juga penyelidikan polisi. OBJEKTIF Menyediakan asas pengetahuan yang kukuh dan seimbang dalam bidang kemanusiaan, pengurusan, sains dan teknologi, serta menerap daya usaha intelektual melalui pengajaran, pembelajaran, penyelidikan dan usaha kesarjanaan yang bertaraf antarabangsa. Menanam semangat kesetiaan dan patriotisme yang tinggi untuk berbakti kepada negara dengan berbekalkan ilmu, kemahiran serta kecekapan asas ketenteraan. Membangunkan warga yang mempunyai tanggungjawab sosial dengan berteraskan kepada unsur-unsur kerohanian, etika budaya dan moral yang terpuji. Membentuk pemimpin masa depan yang memahami, menghayati, dan mempunyai sikap toleransi terhadap kepelbagaian etnik, budaya dan agama. Membekalkan pemimpin masa depan dengan kebolehan berkomunikasi, Menjadi pusat kecemerlangan dalam bidang teknologi pertahanan, ekonomi dan diplomasi, hal ehwal ketenteraan serta pengajian keselamatan. MOTO KEWAJIPAN, MARUAH, INTEGRITI (Duty, Honour, Integrity) UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 2 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 LOGO UNIVERSITI Logo UPNM mempunyai dua lapisan berbentuk bulat menggambarkan kebulatan tekad dan kesatuan semangat graduan UPNM dalam menyempurnakan tanggungjawab mempertahankan negara selepas tamat pengajian di mana ini adalah satu komitmen yang tidak berbelah bahagi untuk mempertahankan tanah air dan semua kepentingan-kepentingan strategiknya. Warna biru yang mengelilingi lapisan luaran logo melambangkan keamanan juga mewakili komitmen negara untuk mempertahan, mengekal dan mempromosi keamanan, serta menekankan komitmen UPNM untuk menyokong keamanan melalui pendidikan. Komponen-komponen penting Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) diletakkan di tengah-tengah logo UPNM dengan latar belakang tiga warna perkhidmatan Tentera Darat Malaysia, Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia dan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia yang membawa makna bahawa kepentingan ATM adalah sangat dominan. Sementara lingkaran bunga padi berwarna kuning sebagai lambang asas budaya Malaysia yang subur serta memiliki raja yang berdaulat dan baginda ditaati sepanjang masa. NDUM – Singkatan nama universiti dalam Bahasa Inggeris (National Defence University of Malaysia) dipaparkan di bahagian atas di antara pertemuan dua bunga padi. Ini juga melambangkan bahawa universiti ini sebuah institusi pengajian tinggi dipersada antarabangsa. Angka 2006 merupakan tahun pembukaan universiti diletakkan bertentangan perkataan NDUM di bawah logo. Bunga raya yang juga bunga kebangsaan Malaysia melambangkan bunga rasmi universiti dan kerana Malaysialah universiti ini ditubuhkan. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 3 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 COKMAR UNIVERSITI Cokmar UPNM adalah berasaskan Pedang Zulfaqar yang pernah diberikan oleh Nabi Muhammad S.A.W kepada menantunya Sayyidina Ali bin Abi Talib Karramullah Wajha ketika Perang Uhud. Pedang Zulfaqar yang panjangnya 5 kaki adalah diperbuat daripada logam perak dengan campuran besi dan bersalut emas. Petikan ayat 60 surah Al-Anfal (Maksudnya;” Dan persiapkanlah dengan segala kemampuan untuk menghadapi musuh dengan kekuatan yang kamu miliki”) ditatahkan pada kedua belah mata pedang. Bahagian hujung sarung Zulfaqar dihiasi dengan batu manikam (topaz) berwarna kuning diraja khusus bagi melambangkan kedaulatan raja-raja Melayu. Ini diikuti dengan batu delima (ruby) yang memancarkan cahaya warna merah cili yang melambangkan Tentera Darat Malaysia. Manakala batu nilam (sapphire) berwarna biru tua melambangkan Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia dan batu nilam berwarna biru muda melambangkan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia. Logo universiti yang diperbuat daripada emas tulen dilekatkan pada bahagian tengah hulu pedang. Jalaran motif daun sireh dan bunga raya menyaluti sebahagian besar sarung pedang yang memancarkan maksud kehalusan budi yang menjadi teras yang dipertahankan di universiti ini. Sesungguhnya paduan bilah pedang, ayat daripada Al-Quran dan kilauan batubatu galian bernilai tinggi adalah manifestasi paduan falsafah ilmu yang tinggi dan kehadiran semangat juang yang tidak luntur di kalangan warga universiti. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 4 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 LATAR BELAKANG UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA Sejarah Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM) bermula dengan penubuhan Akademi Tentera Malaysia (ATMA) pada 1 Jun 1995 sebagai organisasi yang bertanggungjawab menjalankan program pengajian diperingkat sarjana muda dan latihan ketenteraan kepada Pegawai Kadet Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM). Peranan ATMA diperluaskan dengan menjadikannya sebagai UPNM yang diwartakan pada 10 November 2006. Walaupun UPNM memulakan pengambilan kumpulan pertama pelajarnya pada sesi 2007/2008, sebenarnya ia telah mempunyai pengalaman mengendalikan program pengajian di peringkat sarjana muda selama 11 tahun iaitu dari tahun 1995 hingga 2006 melalui program kerjasama antara Kementerian Pertahanan Malaysia dengan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. UPNM telah ditubuhkan oleh Kerajaan Malaysia pada 21 Jun 2006 bagi mengeluarkan graduan tentera dan awam untuk keperluan pertahanan negara. Pengambilan pelajar adalah terdiri daripada pelajar kadet tajaan Kementerian Pertahanan Malaysia dan pelajar awam. Perintah pemerbadanan UPNM telah berkuatkuasa pada 10 November 2006 untuk mewujudkan sebuah universiti. Pengajian akademik telah bermula pada sesi 2007/2008 dengan tiga fakulti iaitu Fakulti Kejuruteraan, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi Pertahanan, Fakulti Pengajian dan Pengurusan Pertahanan dan satu pusat iaitu Pusat Asasi Pertahanan. Satu lagi fakulti telah diluluskan penubuhannya oleh Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi pada 19 Mac 2009 iaitu Fakulti Perubatan dan Kesihatan Pertahanan. Seramai 417 graduan UPNM telah menerima ijazah pada majlis konvokesyen yang kedua yang telah berlangsung pada 2 dan 3 Oktober 2011 lepas. Di samping memperoleh kelayakan profesional dalam bidang kejuruteraan, perubatan, sains dan pengurusan, semua graduan yang merupakan pegawai kadet telah di tauliahkan sebagai Pegawai ATM dan mereka sedang berkhidmat di pelbagai unit dalam Tentera Darat, Tentera Laut dan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 5 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 LEMBAGA PENGARAH UNIVERSITI PENGERUSI TAN SRI LAKSAMANA DATO’ SRI MOHD ANWAR BIN HJ. MOHD. NOR (B) (1 Julai 2011 hingga 30 Jun 2013) Pengerusi Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera Tingkat 12, Bangunan LTAT Jalan Bukit Bintang Peti Surat 11542 50748 Kuala Lumpur AHLI LEMBAGA JENERAL TAN SRI DATO' SERI ZULKIFELI BIN MOHD ZIN (1 Ogos 2012 hingga 31 Julai 2014) Panglima Angkatan Tentera Markas Angkatan Tentera Malaysia Tingkat 5, Kementerian Pertahanan Jalan Padang Tembak 50634 Kuala Lumpur PROF. MADYA DR. JALALUDDIN BIN HARUN (15 Mac 2011 hingga 14 Mac 2014) Director General Malaysia Timber Industry Board Level 13-17, Menara PGRM No. 8, Jalan Pudu Ulu, Cheras 56100 Kuala Lumpur DATUK DR. HJ. ISMAIL BIN HAJI AHMAD (15 Ogos 2012 hingga 14 Ogos 2014) Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Pertahanan Malaysia Tingkat 5, Wisma Pertahanan Jalan Padang Tembak 50634 Kuala Lumpur TAN SRI DATO’ HASHIM BIN MEON (1 Ogos 2012 hingga 31 Julai 2014) No.6 Jalan JED 7/5 Seksyen 7 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 6 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 PUAN KHODIJAH BINTI ABDULLAH (1 Julai 2012 hingga 30 Jun 2014) Timbalan Setiausaha Bahagian Bahagian Analisa Cukai (Dasar) Perbendaharaan Malaysia Tingkat 6, 7, Blok Tengah, Presint 2 Kompleks Kementerian Kewangan 62510 Putrajaya PROF. ULUNG DATUK DR. SHAMSUL AMRI BIN BAHARUDDIN (1 Julai 2011 hingga 30 Jun 2014) Pengarah Institut Kajian Etnik (KITA) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 43600 UKM, Bangi, Selangor DATO’ SRI MOHD KHAMIL BIN JAMIL (1 Julai 2011 hingga 30 Jun 2014) No. 2929, Jalan 5 Kemansah Heights Ulu Klang 68000 Ampang, Selangor DATUK AB RAHIM BIN MD. NOOR (1 Jun 2011 hingga 31 Mei 2014) Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Aras 17, No.2, Menara 2, Jalan P5/6, Presint 5 Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan 62200 Putrajaya ENCIK SUBRAMANIAM A/L KRISHNASAMY (1 Mac 2012 hingga 28 Februari 2015) Ketua Penolong Pengarah Kanan Bahagian Pengurusan Pembangunan Akademik Jabatan Pengajian Tinggi Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi Aras 4, No. 2, Menara 2, Jalan P5/6, Presint 5, 62200 Putrajaya UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 7 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 PROF. DR. FAISAL BIN HJ. ALI (15 April 2012 hingga 14 April 2015) Pengarah Pusat Penyelidikan dan Inovasi Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia Kem Sungai Besi 57000 Kuala Lumpur EX-OFFICIO LT JEN DATO’ SERI ALLATIF BIN MOHD NOOR Naib Canselor Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia Kem Sungai Besi 57000 Kuala Lumpur SETIAUSAHA ENCIK MOHD BAKHARI BIN M. YASIN Pendaftar Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia Kem Sungai Besi 57000 Kuala Lumpur UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 8 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 SENAT UNIVERSITI Pengerusi : Naib Canselor Lt Jen Dato’ Seri Allatif bin Mohd Noor PJN DGPN PSAT DGMK DSDKDPMSDMPN DSPN PAT JMN SMT KAT KMN KSD AMT PJC mpat lmt MSc Trg & HRM (Leicester) MBA (Victoria) Timbalan Naib Canselor : (Akademik dan Antarabangsa) Prof. Dr. Rugayah binti Mohamed B.Econs (Hons) (Analytical Economics) (UM), M.Sc (Economics) LSE (University of London, UK), Ph.D (Development & Project Planning Centre) (University of Bradford, UK) : (Hal Ehwal Pelajar dan Alumni) Prof. Madya Dr. Mohamed Fadzil bin Che Din B.Ed (Guidance & Counselling) (UPM), Ph.D (Employee Counselling & Organisation Psychology) (University of Hull, UK) : (Jaringan Industri dan Perhubungan Korporat) Dato’ Jesbil Singh A/L Bahadur Singh DIMP, JMN, AMN, Chevalier De L’Ordre (Perancis) BA (Hons) (UM), LLB (Hons) (London), Cert (Legal Practice), LLM (Univ Malaya), MPA (Penn, State) : (Penyelidikan dan Inovasi) Prof. Dr. Faisal bin Hj. Ali B.Eng (Hons) (Civil Eng) (Sheffield, UK), PhD (Geotechnical Eng) (Sheffield, UK) : (Institut Pengajian Eksekutif) Prof. Kol Ir Norazman bin Mohd Nor KAT, ACM, P.Eng, MIEM, FMIBS, SMIACSIT B.Sc (Civil & Math) (Texas), M.Sc (USM), Ph.D (Millitary Sc & Tech) (Cranfield) Pendaftar : En. Mohd Bakhari bin M.Yasin B.Ec (UM) Bendahari : En. Ilham bin Ghazali ICMA (UK) Penolong Naib Canselor UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 9 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 Ketua Pustakawan : En.Mohammed Dzulkarnain bin Abdul Karim B.Sc. Information Studies (UiTM), MLIS (Malaya) Bahagian Governan dan Perundangan : Pn. Khairulbariah binti Husain LLB (IIUM) : Prof. Dr. Megat Mohamad Hamdan bin Megat Ahmad B.Eng (Hons) (UPM), M.Sc Production (Birmingham), Ph.D (Mech) (Wales) Sains dan Teknologi Pertahanan : (Dekan) (Leeds) Prof. Dr. Abdul Ghapor bin Hussin B.Sc (Hons) (UM), MSc (Statistic), PhD (Statistic) Pengajian dan Pengurusan Pertahanan (Dekan) : Prof. Dr. Khalifah bin Othman Dip. (Business Studies) (ITM), (N. Illinois), Ph.D (Stirling) Perubatan dan Kesihatan Pertahanan (Dekan) : Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mej Jen Mohd Zin bin Bidin DPMS PAT JSM DSM SMP KAT KMN MD MPH MScCTM FFOM FACTM FAOEMM FFTM AM DTM&H DISM DipSpMed DipAeroMed MMIM psc Pusat Asasi Pertahanan (Pengarah) : Prof. Madya Ahmad Zaidi bin Sulaiman Dip. Edu (UKM), B.Sc (Mathematics) (Loyola Univ. USA), Master Business Administration (UKM) Pusat Bahasa (Pengarah) : Prof. Madya Dr. Jowati binti Juhary B.Ed (TESL) (UKM), MA (Applied Linguistics) (UKM), Ph.D (Governance & Security) (Monash University Melbourne) Pusat Pengajian Siswazah (Dekan) : Prof. Dr. Kaharudin bin Dimyati B.Eng (Hons) (Electrical Eng), Ph.D (University of Wales Swansea, UK) Fakulti Kejuruteraan (Dekan) B.S., M.B.A Pengarah UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 10 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 Pusat Pembangunan Akademik (Pengarah) : Prof. Dr. Titik Khawa binti Abdul Rahman (SMIEE) B.Sc (Hons) (Elektronic & Electrical Eng) (University of Loughborough, UK), Ph.D (Power System Eng) (UM) Pusat Pengurusan Penyelidikan dan Inovasi (Pengarah) : Prof. Dr. Noorddin bin Ibrahim B.Sc (Hons) Physics (UM) , M.Sc (Nuclear & Elementry Particle Physics) (University of London), Ph.D (Nuclear Spectroscopy) (London University) Fakulti Pengajian dan Pengurusan Pertahanan : Prof. Dr. Mokhtar bin Abdullah B.Sc (Statistic) (UKM), M.Sc (Statistic) (University of Kent, UK), Ph.D (Statistic) (University of Dundee, Scotland, UK) Fakulti Kejuruteraan : Prof. Ir Dr. Wan Ali bin Wan Mat B.Eng (Mech) (Uni. Gadjah Mada) (Indonesia), M.Sc (Mech) (Strathclyde), Ph.D. (Mech) (Newcastle) P.Eng Pejabat Antarabangsa : Prof. Dr. Aidy bin Ali B.Eng (Hons) (Mechanical & System Engineer) (UPM), Master of Engineering (Manufacturing System) (UKM), Ph.D (Mechanical Engineering) (University of Sheffield, UK) Akademi Latihan Ketenteraan (Komandan) : Brig Jen Mustak Ahmad bin Miandad TUDM PAT SAP KAT KMN AAP KMN PJM PPS PPA mpat psc jt TUDM Jabatan Pembangunan dan Penyelenggaraan (Pengarah) : Lt. Kol Ir Baharul Razi bin Abu Hani (Bersara) B.Eng (UNSW) M.Sc PEng MIEM Pusat Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (Pengarah) : Prof. Dr. Hjh. Fatimah binti Dato Ahmad Dip. Comp. Sc (ITM), B.Sc. (Hartford), M.Sc (Renselaear), Ph.D (UKM) Wakil Profesor Ahli Ko-Opt UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 11 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 Pusat Pengajian Pertahanan dan Keselamatan Antarabangsa (Pengarah) : Prof. Ruhanas binti Harun IEP, Dip. Terjemahan (UM), Dip. Political Studies, BA (Hons) (UM), MA (Sorbonne, Paris) Pusat Penyelidikan dan Teknologi : Pertahanan (Pengarah) Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi Pertahanan Prof. Madya Ir. Kol Hj. Mohd Ghani bin Mohd Madersah (Bersara) B.Eng (UNSW), M.Sc. (Cranfield), P.Eng ACSC (Command & Staff College) : Prof. Dato’ Dr. Wan Md. Zin bin Wan Yunus B.Sc (UKM), MSc (Salford), Ph.D (Salford UK) D.P.S.K Urus Setia Senat Ketua Penolong Pendaftar : Pn. Sarina binti Abdul Rani B.Sc (Hons) (USM), Master of Public Administration (USM) Pegawai Bahagian Pengurusan Akademik Penolong Pendaftar Kanan (Peperiksaan dan Pengijazahan) : En. Zamsari bin Muhammad B.Sc Business Admin (MIS), (University of Tulsa, USA) Penolong Pendaftar (Pentadbiran) : Pn. Norzunairah binti Mohamed Nor Dip. in Finance (KUSZA), BBA (Hons) (UUM) Penolong Pendaftar (Kemasukan dan Promosi) : En. Mohamad Sabri bin Che Omar B.Ec (Hons) (Admin) (UM) Penolong Pendaftar (Rekod Pelajar) : Cik Zaishamsuria binti Samsudin B.Multimedia (Hons) (Media Management (MMU) Innovation UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA & 12 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 PENGURUSAN UNIVERSITI Naib Canselor Lt Jen Dato’ Seri Allatif bin Mohd Noor PJN DGPN PSAT DGMK DSDKDPMSDMPN DSPN PAT JMN SMT KAT KMN KSD AMT PJC mpat lmt MSc Trg & HRM (Leicester) MBA (Victoria) Timbalan Naib Canselor (Akademik dan Antarabangsa) Prof. Dr. Rugayah binti Mohamed B.Econs (Hons) (Analytical Economics) (UM), M.Sc (Economics) LSE (University of London, UK), Ph.D (Development & Project Planning Centre) (University of Bradford, UK) Timbalan Naib Canselor (Hal Ehwal Pelajar dan Alumni) Prof. Madya Dr. Mohamed Fadzil bin Che Din B.Ed (Guidance & Counselling) (UPM), Ph.D (Employee Counselling & Organisation Psychology) (University of Hull, UK) Timbalan Naib Canselor (Jaringan Industri dan Perhubungan Korporat) Dato’ Jesbil Singh A/L Bahadur Singh DIMP, JMN, AMN, Chevalier De L’Ordre (Perancis) BA (Hons) (UM), LLB (Hons) (London), Cert (Legal Practice), LLM (Univ Malaya), MPA (Penn, State) Penolong Naib Canselor (Penyelidikan dan Inovasi) Prof. Dr. Faisal bin Hj. Ali B.Eng (Hons) (Civil Eng) (Sheffield, UK), PhD (Geotechnical Eng) (Sheffield, UK) Penolong Naib Canselor (Institut Pengajian Eksekutif) Prof. Kol Ir Norazman bin Mohd Nor KAT, ACM, P.Eng, MIEM, FMIBS, SMIACSIT B.Sc (Civil & Math) (Texas), M.Sc (USM), Ph.D (Millitary Sc & Tech) (Cranfield) Komandan, Akademi Latihan Ketenteraan Brig Jen Mustak Ahmad bin Miandad TUDM PAT SAP KAT KMN AAP KMN PJM PPS PPA mpat psc jt TUDM Pendaftar En. Mohd Bakhari bin M.Yasin B.Ec (UM) Bendahari En. Ilham bin Ghazali ICMA (UK) UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 13 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 Pengarah, Jabatan Pembangunan dan Penyelenggaraan Lt. Kol Ir Baharul Razi bin Abu Hani (Bersara) B.Eng (UNSW) M.Sc PEng MIEM Ketua Pustakawan En.Mohammed Dzulkarnain bin Abdul Karim B.Sc. Information Studies (UiTM), MLIS (Malaya) Dekan, Fakulti Kejuruteraan Prof. Dr. Megat Mohamad Hamdan bin Megat Ahmad B.Eng (Hons) (UPM), M.Sc Production (Birmingham), Ph.D (Mech) (Wales) Dekan, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi Pertahanan Prof. Dr. Abdul Ghapor bin Hussin B.Sc (Hons) (UM), MSc (Statistic), PhD (Statistic) (Leeds) Dekan, Fakulti Pengajian dan Pengurusan Pertahanan Prof. Dr. Khalifah bin Othman Dip. (Business Studies) (ITM), B.S., M.B.A (N. Illinois), Ph.D (Stirling) Dekan, Fakulti Perubatan dan Kesihatan Pertahanan Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mej Jen Mohd Zin bin Bidin DPMS PAT JSM DSM SMP KAT KMN MD MPH MScCTM FFOM FACTM FAOEMM FFTM AM DTM&H DISM DipSpMed DipAeroMed MMIM psc Dekan, Pusat Pengajian Siswazah Prof. Dr. Kaharudin bin Dimyati B.Eng (Hons) (Electrical Eng), Ph.D (University of Wales Swansea, UK) Pengarah, Pusat Asasi Pertahanan Prof. Madya Ahmad Zaidi bin Sulaiman Dip. Edu (UKM), B.Sc (Mathematics) (Loyola Univ. USA), Master Business Administration (UKM) Pengarah, Pusat Bahasa Prof. Madya Dr. Jowati binti Juhary B.Ed (TESL) (UKM), MA (Applied Linguistics) (UKM), Ph.D (Governance & Security) (Monash University Melbourne) Pengarah, Pusat Pembangunan Akademik Prof. Dr. Titik Khawa binti Abdul Rahman (SMIEE) B.Sc (Hons) (Elektronic & Electrical Eng) (University of Loughborough, UK), Ph.D (Power System Eng) (UM) UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 14 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 Pengarah, Pusat Pengurusan Penyelidikan dan Inovasi Prof. Dr. Noorddin bin Ibrahim B.Sc (Hons) Physics (UM) , M.Sc (Nuclear & Elementry Particle Physics) (University of London), Ph.D (Nuclear Spectroscopy) (London University) Pengarah, Pusat Penerbitan Lt Kol Noor Akmar bin Mohd Noor (Bersara) Adv Dip In (Strategic & Security Studies) (UKM), MA (Analysis Policy & Security Studies) (UKM), MDWSC (Cranfield,UK) Pengarah, Pusat Pengajian Pertahanan dan Keselamatan Antarabangsa Prof. Ruhanas binti Harun IEP, Dip. Terjemahan (UM), Dip. Political Studies, BA (Hons) (UM), MA (Sorbonne, Paris) Pengarah, Pusat Sains Kejurulatihan Prof. Madya Dr. Mohar bin Kasim B.Ed (Phy. Ed) (UPM), M.Sc (Sport Science) (UPM), Ph.D (Coaching Science) (Loughborough Univ, UK) Pengarah, Bahagian Pembangunan Profesional, Institut Pengajian Eksekutif UPNM Prof. Madya Dr. Abdul Rahman Shaik bin Abdul Razak Shaik Dip. Agric. Sc., B.Sc (Fisheries & Marine), MSc. (Corporate Communication), Ph.D (Communication) (UPM) Pengarah, Bahagian Program Akademik, Institut Pengajian Eksekutif UPNM Lt Kol Ananthan A/L Subramaniam Dip. Mgmt Sc (INTAN), MSc (Mgmt) (UUM) Pengarah, Pusat Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi Prof. Dr. Hjh. Fatimah binti Dato Ahmad Dip. Comp. Sc (ITM), B.Sc. (Hartford), M.Sc (Renselaear), Ph.D (UKM) Pengarah, Pusat Sukan Lt Kdr Nik Ismail Rashed Bin Che Ali TLDM (Bersara) B.Sc (Sport Sc.) (UiTM), B.Sc (Sports Physiology) (UM) Pengarah, Pusat Jaminan Kualiti Prof. Madya Dr. Omar Bin Zakaria B. Comp Sc (Hons) (Malaya), MSc (London), Ph.D (London) Pengarah, Pusat Keusahawanan dan Inovasi Prof. Wan Mahzom binti Ahmad Shah B.A (Hons) (UM), M.A (Indiana) UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 15 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 Pengarah, Pusat Islam Mej (Ust) Hj Daud Bin Muhamed Salleh B. A (Hons) (Islamic Studies & Arab Civilization) (Universiti Al Azhar, Mesir) Pengarah, Bahagian Sumber Manusia, Jabatan Pendaftar Prof. Madya Dr. Bibi Zarjaan Binti Akhbar Khan B.Art (Mass Comm) (UiTM), M.Sc (HRD) (UPM), Ph.D (Pendidikan Pengembangan) (UPM) Pengarah, Pejabat Antarabangsa Prof. Dr. Aidy bin Ali B.Eng (Hons) (Mechanical & System Engineer) (UPM), Master of Engineering (Manufacturing System) (UKM), Ph.D (Mechanical Engineering) (University of Sheffield, UK) Ketua Penolong Pendaftar, Bahagian Pengurusan Akademik Pn. Sarina binti Abdul Rani B.Sc (Hons) (USM), Master of Public Administration (USM) Pegawai Perubatan Dr. Mohamed Fadzly bin Mohamed Mustafar MBBS (UIAM) Pegawai Keselamatan En. Mohd. Adzhar bin Mohamed Ali B.Sc (HD) (UPM) Urus Setia En. Rafizul Bin Rozlee Dip. Info. Mgt (UiTM), B.Sc Info Mgt (Hons) (Records Mgt) (UiTM) UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 16 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 KALENDAR AKADEMIK SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 SEMESTER I SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 02 September 2012 Pendaftaran Pelajar Baru Lepasan STPM/ Matrik/Diploma/Setaraf ke Program Sarjana Muda Sesi Akademik 2012/2013 03 September hingga 07 September 2012 Minggu Orientasi/Minggu Haluan Diri Siswa 1 hari 1 minggu 04 September 2012 1 hari Pendaftaran Pelajar Lepasan Asasi UPNM ke Tahun 1 10 September hingga 09 November 2012 Kuliah Semester I 9 minggu 10 November hingga 18 November 2012 Cuti Pertengahan Semester I 1 minggu 19 November hingga 21 Disember 2012 Kuliah Semester I 5 minggu 22 Disember 2012 hingga 01 Januari 2013 Cuti Ulangkaji / Cuti Khas Semester I 1 minggu 02 Januari hingga 20 Januari 2013 Peperiksaan Akhir Semester I 3 minggu 21 Januari hingga 17 Februari 2013 Cuti Semester I 4 minggu SEMESTER II SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 18 Februari hingga 12 April 2013 Kuliah Semester II 8 minggu 13 April hingga 21 April 2013 Cuti Pertengahan Semester II 1 minggu 22 April hingga 31 Mei 2013 Kuliah Semester II 6 minggu 01 Jun hingga 09 Jun 2013 Cuti Ulangkaji 1 minggu 10 Jun hingga 27 Jun 2013 Peperiksaan Akhir Semester II 3 minggu SEMESTER III/ PENDEK SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 03 Julai hingga 30 Ogos 2013 Kuliah Semester III / Pendek 9 minggu UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 17 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 TAKWIM TAHUN 2012 Hari Keputeraan Yang Di-Pertuan Agong 2 Jun 2012 Hari Raya Aidilfitri 19 Ogos 2012 Hari Kebangsaan 31 Ogos 2012 Hari Malaysia 16 September 2012 Hari Raya Aidiladha 26 Oktober 2012 Hari Deepavali 13 November 2012 Maal Hijrah 1433 15 November 2012 Hari Krismas 25 Disember 2012 Tahun Baru 01 Januari 2013 Maulidur Rasul 24 Januari 2013 Tahun Baru Cina 10 Februari 2013 Hari Pekerja 1 Mei 2013 Hari Wesak Mei 2013 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 18 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 19 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 KATA-KATA ALUAN DEKAN Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Assalamualaikum w.r.t. w.b.t dan Salam Sejahtera. Pertama sekali marilah kita memanjatkan kesyukuran kepada Allah SWT kerana dengan izinNya Fakulti Kejuruteraan, Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia berjaya menerbitkan Buku Panduan Akademik Fakulti Kejuruteraan Sesi Akademik 2012/2013. Objektif utama Buku Panduan ini diterbitkan adalah untuk dijadikan bahan rujukan pelajar dalam mengenali Fakulti dan Jabatan serta program pengajian yang ditawarkan kerana salah satu asas bagi mencapai kecemerlangan ialah kebijaksanaan pelajar dalam merancang pengajian melalui pemilihan kursus yang sesuai dan memaksimumkan segala kemudahan yang disediakan oleh Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. Melalui buku ini pelajar dapat memahami sistem akademik yang diamalkan seperti sistem semester, dan kurikulum pengajian. Buku ini juga dapat membantu pelajar merancang pengajian akademik masing-masing berpandukan rancangan dan skema pengajian yang terkandung dalam buku ini. Seiring dengan matlamat dan falsafah UPNM untuk menjadi Institusi Nasional Premier berdedikasi dalam menghasilkan pemimpin berintelektual dan komited untuk berbakti sepenuhnya kepada Negara, Fakulti Kejuruteraan berusaha memperkasakan graduan dengan pencapaian akademik dan kemahiran insaniah yang cemerlang dan berkeupayaan untuk memberi sumbangan secara berkesan kepada Negara. Buku Paduan Akademik Fakulti ini diharap dapat membantu dalam mencapai hasrat tersebut. Saya juga berharap semua pihak akan dapat memberi maklum balas kepada kandungan Buku Panduan Akademik Fakulti Kejuruteraan ini sekiranya terdapat perkara penting yang boleh menambah baik kualiti buku panduan tersebut. Akhir kata saya juga ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ucapan terima kasih kepada Ahli Jawatankuasa Buku Panduan Fakulti Kejuruteraan Sesi Akademik 2012/2013 dan semua pihak yang terlibat secara langsung atau tidak langsung dalam penyediaan Buku Panduan ini. Saya juga berharap Buku Panduan Fakulti ini dapat dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya oleh pelajar. Selamat berjuang dan maju jaya. Sekian. PROF DR MEGAT MOHAMAD HAMDAN BIN MEGAT AHMAD Dekan, Fakulti Kejuruteraan Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 20 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN VISI Menjadi Fakulti Kejuruteraan primier untuk pendidikan, latihan dan penjanaan ilmu kejuruteraan dan teknologi pertahanan. MISI Fakulti Kejuruteraan Komited mencapai kecemerlangan sebagai sebuah Fakulti Kejuruteraan Primier dalam aplikasi Pertahanan yang menjurus kepada aspek Pembangunan Profesional, penjanaan, Penyebaran Ilmu Pengetahuan, Aplikasi Kejuruteraan dan Teknologi Pertahanan. OBJEKTIF Untuk mewujudkan keperluan strategi terfokus yang direka untuk memacu organisasi dalam mengejar kecemerlangan. Membentangkan panduan berstruktur untuk melaksanakan penyelesaian yang inovatif dan idea-idea untuk pengajaran dan pembelajaran untuk memastikan UPNM kekal relevan dalam konteks negara. Untuk menggalakkan penerapan sistem pemikiran dan analisis yang sistematik untuk mendapatkan strategi praktikal kepada persekitaran. MOTO Jurutera, Pemimpin, Pejuang UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 21 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 LATAR BELAKANG FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN ATMA melalui Memorandum Perjanjian UTM-KEMENTAH telah ditubuhkan pada Julai 1995 dengan menjalankan program akademik Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) dan Jabatan Kejuruteraan telah diwujudkan bagi menyelaras semua Program Kejuruteraan. 7 program kejuruteraan telah diletakkan di bawah Jabatan Kejuruteraan iaitu : Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Awam Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Mekanikal Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Mekanikal – Marin Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Mekanikal – Automotif Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Elektrik Elektronik Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Komputer Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Mekanikal – Aeronautik Setelah Akademi Tentera Malaysia (ATMA) dinaiktaraf menjadi Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM) pada Disember 2006, Jabatan Kejuruteraan telah ditukarkan menjadi Fakulti Kejuruteraan selaras dengan kelulusan oleh Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi. Pengambilan pertama bagi Program Pengajian Kejuruteraan UPNM adalah seramai 659 pelajar. Ditadbir oleh Dekan pertama iaitu Prof Madya Ahmad Fakhri Bin Shaari, kini kakitangan Fakulti telah bertambah berdasarkan keperluan semasa. PROGRAM YANG DITAWARKAN Program-program yang ditawarkan di bawah Fakulti Kejuruteraan adalah seperti berikut: 1. 2. 3. 4. Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Awam (ZK 01) Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Mekanikal (ZK 08) Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Elektrik Elektronik (Komunikasi) (ZK 25) Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Elektrik Elektronik (Kuasa) (ZK 50) UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 22 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 CARTA ORGANISASI PENGURUSAN AKADEMIK FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN Prof Dr Megat Mohamad Hamdan Bin Megat Ahmad DEKAN Nazira Bt Kadir SETIAUSAHA PEJABAT Lt Kol Prof Madya Ir Hj Khalid Bin Abd Jalil TUDM TIMBALAN DEKAN (AKADEMIK) Prof Madya Lt Kol Mohamad Ghani Bin Mohamad Madersah (B) TIMBALAN DEKAN (PENYELIDIKAN & SISWAZAH) Pn. Sharin Haslin Binti Shamsuddin PENOLONG PENDAFTAR KANAN Pn.Nor Adzlina Bt Abdul Ghaffar PENOLONG PEGAWAI TADBIR PENTADBIRAN KEWANGAN Pn. Siti Marzilah Bt Yusof PEMBANTU TADBIR En. Mohd Affandi Bin Jamaludin PEMBANTU TADBIR En. Mohd Zaidie Ismail PEMBANTU AM PEJABAT AKADEMIK AKADEMIK En Muhammad Khaidzir Bin Lokman PENOLONG PENDAFTAR Pn. Noraini Bt Abdullah PEMBANTU TADBIR KANAN PENGURUSAN MAKMAL Pn. Santy ak Langie PEGAWAI SAINS En Noor Azman Bin Dollah PEGAWAI PENYELIDIK En Bahaman Bin Haron PENOLONG JURUTERA Pn. Nurul Fateha Bt Ab Hamid PEMBANTU TADBIR UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 23 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 CARTA ORGANISASI PENTADBIRAN FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN Prof Dr Megat Mohamad Hamdan Bin Megat Ahmad DEKAN Nazira Bt Kadir SETIAUSAHA PEJABAT Lt Kol Prof Madya Ir Hj Khalid Bin Abd Jalil TUDM TIMBALAN DEKAN (AKADEMIK) Prof Madya Lt Kol Mohamad Ghani Bin Mohamad Madersah (B) TIMBALAN DEKAN (PENYELIDIKAN & SISWAZAH) JABATAN KEJURUTERAAN AWAM JABATAN KEJURUTERAAN ELEKTRIK &ELEKTRONIK JABATAN KEJURUTERAAN MEKANIKAL En Zulkifli Bin Abu Hassan KETUA JABATAN Prof Madya Nik Ghazali Nik Daud KETUA JABATAN Prof Madya Dr Risby bin Mohd Sohaimi KETUA JABATAN PENSYARAH/ TUTOR PENSYARAH/ TUTOR PENSYARAH/ TUTOR JURUTEKNIK JURUTEKNIK JURUTEKNIK PEJABAT AM FKJ Pn. Sharin Haslin Binti Shamsuddin PENOLONG PENDAFTAR KANAN En Muhammad Khaidzir Bin Lokman PENOLONG PENDAFTAR Pn Santy ak Langie PEGAWAI SAINS En Noor Azman Bin Dollah PEGAWAI PENYELIDIK UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 24 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 STRUKTUR PROGRAM IJAZAH SARJANA MUDA Kursus-kursus untuk Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda diklasifikasikan kepada Kursus Teras Universiti, Elektif Universiti, Teras Fakulti, Elektif Fakulti, Teras Program dan Elektif Program. Jumlah kredit wajib diambil bergantung kepada keperluan program yang diikuti. KURSUS TERAS UNIVERSITI Kursus Teras Universiti merupakan kursus wajib kepada semua pelajar Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda. Berikut merupakan senarai kursus Teras Universiti yang ditawarkan: KOD KURSUS KURSUS KREDIT LAN 1012 Tamadun Islam and Tamadun Asia 2 LAN 1022 Kenegaraan Malaysia 2 LAN 1032 Hubungan Etnik 2 LAN 1042 Asas Keusahawanan 2 LEL 1012 English For Academic Writing 2 LEL 1022 English For Oral Communication 2 LFL 1XX2 Bahasa Asing I* 2 LFL 1XX2 Bahasa Asing II** JUMLAH 2** 12/14 * Hanya untuk pelajar Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi Pertahanan (FSTP) dan Fakulti Pengajian dan Pengurusan Pertahanan (FPPP) sahaja. ** Bahasa Asing II adalah untuk pelajar yang telah mengambil Bahasa Asing I dan tidak wajib untuk tujuan pengijazahan. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 25 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 SINOPSIS KURSUS TERAS UNIVERSITI TAMADUN ISLAM DAN TAMADUN ASIA LAN1012 2 Jam Kredit Pra-Syarat :- Sinopsis Kursus Kursus ini membincangkan tentang tamadun Islam dan tamadun Asia serta sumbangannya dalam peradaban dunia. Tamadun yang dibincangkan ialah tamadun Islam, tamadun Melayu, tamadun India dan tamadun Cina. Ia meliputi aspek latar belakang sejarah, kerajaan dan pentadbiran, kebudayaan dan pencapaian yang dicapai baik dari segi sains dan teknologi mahupun adat setempat. Para pelajar juga akan diketengahkan dengan isu-isu semasa dan dialog peradaban sebagai cara bagi menghadapi cabaran peradaban abad ke-21. Hasil Pembelajaran Kursus Di akhir kursus ini pelajar dapat: 1. Memahami konsep dan pengertian tamadun serta keperluan mengkaji/memahami ilmu dan isu-isu ketamadunan hari ini, dalam konteks Malaysia dan konteks global. 2. Menjelaskan konsep semesta Islam , jihad dan peranannya dalam kebangkitan Tamadun Islam serta menganalisis kebangkitan semula Islam dan penerapannya di Malaysia. 3. Menerangkan dan menghubungkaitkan konsep tamadun Melayu dan peranannya sebagai asas dalam kelangsungan tamadun Malaysia 4. Menghuraikan konsep tamadun India dan Cina yang merangkumi pengenalan zamanzaman awal serta masyarakat dan budaya yang terdapat di dalamnya. 5. Membincangkan dan menganalisis isu-isu yang berkaitan Islam dan Barat serta masa depan dialog peradaban. 6. Mempamerkan budaya kerja berpasukan atau individu untuk menerang dan membentangkan sebarang tajuk yang berkaitan kursus serta menghasilkan laporan bertulis. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 26 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 Rujukan 1. Osman Bakar, Azizan Baharuddin dan Zaid Ahmad. (Pytg). (2009). Modul Pengajian Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Malaya. 2. Tamadun Islam Tamadun Asia. (2006). Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Malaya. 3. Azhar Hj Mad. Aros. (2007). Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia (TITAS). Kertas 1 dan 2. Selangor: Penerbit Oxford Fajar. 4. Nasrudin Yunos (2007). Pengajian Islam. Selangor: Penerbit Oxford Fajar. 5. Sivachandralingam Sundara Raja.(2005). Tamadun Dunia. Selangor: Penerbit Fajar Bakti. 6. Mahayudin Yahaya. (1999). Tamadun Islam. Selangor: Penerbit Fajar Bakti. KENEGARAAN MALAYSIA LAN1022 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: Course Synopsis The course exposes students to the concepts of nationhood based on the concepts of politics and ideology and the culture of different ethnic groups in Malaysia. It is based on historical perspectives which emphasise topics such as the struggle for independence, a plural society, a democratic system, the national constitution, national ideology, national unity and national development policy. Course Outcomes At the end of the course the students shall be able to: 1. Identify and summarise the history of nation-building which include the struggle for independence, political system and societal development in socio-cultural, socio-political and socio-economical aspects. 2. Summarise the national policies and the values attached to those policies. 3. Summarise and distinguish the national constitution as the source of reference for plotical, economical and social interaction. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 27 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 4. Demonstrate and apply the spirit of tolerance, cooperation and serving the nation. References: 1. Wan Norhasniah Wan Husin, Mohd Ridhuan Tee Abdullah dan Sayuti Abd Ghani. (2010). Modul Kenegaraan Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti UPNM. 2. Nazaruddin Haji Mohd Jali. (2003). Malaysian Studies Nationhood and Citizenship. Kuala Lumpur: Prentice Hall. 3. Abdul Aziz Bari. (2003). Perlembagaan Malaysia: Asas-asas dan Masalah. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. 4. Asnarulkhadi Abu Samah & Jayum A. Jawan. (1997). Kenegaraan Malaysia. Serdang: Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia. HUBUNGAN ETNIK LAN1032 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: Course Synopsis The course discusses ethnic relations and their relevance to nation-building and the fundamental concepts of culture. It also discusses the process of nation building and ethnic relations in other countries and the importance of ethnic relations in Malaysia. Students will be made to understand the differences between a plural society and a homogenous society. This is in order to create a Malaysian community based on our own mould and establish interaction with ASEAN as well as International communities. Students will also understand the challenges and the efforts in solving problems with regard to ethnic relations in Malaysia, Asia and at international levels. Course Outcomes At the end of the course the students shall be able to: 1. Identify the concepts of plural society and multiculturalism in Malaysia 2. Summarise the importance of tolerance or ethic cooperation and fundamentals of maintaining peace in our society 3. Summarise the challenges in living in a plural society in term of ethic relations UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 28 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 4. Interpret and apply the concept of religions and ethnic relations References : 1. S Shamsul Amri Baharuddin. (2007). Modul Hubungan Etnik. Shah Alam: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Shah Alam. 2. Ratnam, K.J. (1965). Communalism and The Political Process in Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur: University Malaya. 3. Abraham, C. (2004). The Naked of Social Order and The Roots of Racial Polarisation in Malaysia. Selangor: Pelanduk Publication. 4. Cheah Boon Kheng. (1983). Red Star over Malaya, Resistance Social Conflict During and After The Japanese Occupation, 1941-1946. Singapore: Singapore University Press. ASAS KEUSAHAWANAN LAN1042 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: Course Synopsis This course introduces students to the concept of entrepreneurship and skills, and information that entrepreneurs use to lead a business. The course examines key organisational attributes necessary for organisations to succeed in any business environment. These attributes include strategic planning, marketing, financing, legal matters and cash flow. Finally, the course is designed to help students build the skills to develop and write a good business plan. Course Outcomes At the end of the course the students shall be able to: 1. Explain the fundamental concepts and principles of entrepreneurship and characteristics of entrepreneur 2. Differentiate between entrepreneurs, managers, and leaders as change agents. 3. Apply general managerial methods and creativity to support decision making. 4. Develop and write a business model and business plan. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 29 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 5. Construct team work in gathering, analysing and reporting on business ideas into proper planning. References: 1. Hisrich, R. D. and Peters, M.P. (2009). Entrepreneurship. New York: Irwin McGraw-Hill. 2. Kuratko, D.F. (2008). Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process, Practice. Ohio: SouthWestern. 3. Kawasaki, G. (2004). The Art of Start. New York: Penguin Group. 4. Hargadon, A. (2003). How Breakthroughs Happen: The Surprising Truth About How Companies Innovate. Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing. 5. Keusahawanan. (2002). Shah Alam: MEDEC, UiTM. BAHASA INGGERIS UNTUK PENULISAN AKADEMIK LEL1012 ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC WRITING LEL1012 2 Jam Kredit 2 Credit Hours Pra-Syarat : Tiada Pre-requisite : None Sinopsis Kursus Course Synopsis Kursus ini bertujuan untuk menambah baik kemahiran menulis pelajar, terutama untuk kegunaan profesional. Kursus menitik beratkan penulisan kertas cadangan, memorandum, minit mesyuarat dan surat iringan, kerjasama di dalam mesyuarat serta kemahiran untuk membaca dan memahami pelbagai tema bahan bacaan secara kumpulan atau individu. The course aims at improving the writing skill of students, especially for professional undertaking. The course requires students to write technical report and memos, to participate in meetings, and to read and listen to various theme-based articles in groups as well as individually. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 30 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 Hasil Pembelajaran Kursus Course Outcomes Di akhir kursus ini pelajar dapat: At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Mengenal pasti kertas cadangan, memorandum, minit mesyuarat dan surat iringan dengan format yang betul Identify accurate formats for technical reports and memorandums 2. Menunjukkan kebolehan menulis agenda dan minit mesyuarat dengan betul dan menyertai mock meeting sebagai ahli mesyuarat Demonstrate the ability to write appropriate agendas and minutes of meeting and participate willingly in mock meetings 3. Membezakan pelbagai jenis bahan bacaan Differentiate different types of reading materials 4. Mengaplikasikan pelbagai teknik penulisan dengan kritis Apply various writing strategies critically Rujukan References 1. Mohd Amzari Mat Rani, Aveleena Afzan Hassan and Asniah Alias. (2009). English for Academic Writing. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. 2. Langan, Joe. (2000). College Writing Skills. Boston: McGraw-Hill. 3. Kahn, J. E., et al. (1993). How to Write and Speak Better. London: The Reader’s Digest Association Limited. 4. Fitzpatrick, Mary. (2005). Engaging Writing: Paragraphs and Essays. New York: Pearson Education. 5. Barnard, R. and Zemach, Dorothy E. (2004). Writing for the Real World: An Introduction to General Writing. Oxford: Oxford University Press. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 31 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 BAHASA INGGERIS UNTUK KOMUNIKASI LISAN LEL1022 ENGLISH FOR ORAL COMMUNICATION LEL1022 2 Jam Kredit 2 Credit Hours Pra-Syarat : Tiada Pre-requisite : None Sinopsis Kursus Course Synopsis Kursus ini menumpukan kepada teknik mengeluarkan sebutan dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Aspekaspek pengeluaran sebutan ditumpukan dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan keberkesanan komunikasi. Aspek-aspek seperti meningkatkan keyakinan diri, penggunaan alat bantu pembentangan dan sebagainya juga akan diberi penekanan. Pelajar akan mendapat latihan yang secukupnya di dalam kursus ini untuk tujuan komunikasi cemerlang. The course focuses on the techniques of producing good spoken discourses (oral presentation, speech and briefing) using the English sound and speech systems. Aspects of sound production and speech production aim at improving intelligibility and communicability will be covered. It will also incorporate aspects of confidence building, visual aids preparation and audience handling. Students will have substantial practice in speech delivery. Hasil Pembelajaran Kursus Course Outcomes Di akhir kursus ini pelajar dapat: At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Menyatakan dengan betul prinsipal dan mekanik pengucapan State correctly the principles and mechanics of speech production 2. Mengenal pasti dan memilih dengan betul speech sound dalam Bahasa Inggeris Identify and choose the correct speech sound in English 3. Membezakan spoken discourse Differentiate spoken discourses 4. Menghuraikan dengan tepat spoken discourse yang berbeza Explain accurately the different spoken discourse 5. Memberikan tindak balas kepada pelbagai jenis pembentangan Respond to various types of presentation UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 32 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 Rujukan References 1. Erda Wati Bakar, Belinda Marie Balraj and Masdini Harina Ab Manan. (2009). English for Oral Communication. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. 2. Lucas, S.E. (2007). The Art of Public Speaking. Bostan: McGraw Hill. 3. Ho Sook Wah et al. (1998). Interactively Speaking. Serdang: UPM Press. 4. Young, S.K. and Travis, H.P. (2007). Oral Communication: Skills, Choices and Consequences. Illinois: Waveland Press, Inc. 5. McKenna, C. (1998). Powerful Communication Skills: How to Communicate with Confidence. New Jersey: Career Press. Kursus BAHASA ASING yang ditawarkan adalah seperti berikut: KOD LFL 1312 KURSUS Arabic I LFL 1412 Arabic II* LFL 1322 Mandarin I LFL 1422 Mandarin II* LFL 1332 Japanese I LFL 1432 Japanese II* LFL 1342 Russian I LFL 1442 Russian II* LFL 1352 French I LFL 1452 French II* LFL 1362 Spanish I LFL 1462 Spanish II* Maklumat Kursus boleh dirujuk kepada Pusat Bahasa. Kursus Bahasa Asing I hanya wajib kepada pelajar Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi Pertahanan (FSTP) dan Fakulti Pengajian dan Pengurusan Pertahanan (FPPP). Kursus Bahasa Asing II* tidak wajib untuk tujuan pengijazahan. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 33 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 KURSUS ELEKTIF UNIVERSITI Semua pelajar Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda wajib melengkapkan enam (6) kredit Kursus Elektif Universiti. Pegawai Kadet diwajibkan mengikuti lima (5) kredit latihan ketenteraan (ALK XXX1) dan satu (1) kredit kursus Tempur Tanpa Senjata untuk tujuan pengijazahan. Manakala PALAPES diwajibkan mengikuti enam (6) kredit kursus PALAPES (PLS XXXX). Pelajar yang bukan kategori kadet dan PALAPES (awam) dikehendaki untuk mengambil kursus ko-kurikulum berkredit yang ditawarkan untuk memenuhi enam (6) kredit kursus/latihan ko-kurikulum. Berikut merupakan senarai kursus Teras Universiti yang ditawarkan: KOD KURSUS KURSUS KREDIT Untuk Pegawai Kadet ALK 1011 Latihan Ketenteraan Umum 1 ALK 1021 Latihan Ketenteraan Umum 1 ALK 2011 Latihan Ketenteraan Umum 1 ALK 2021 Latihan Ketenteraan Umum 1 ALK 3011 Latihan Ketenteraan Umum 1 QKS 3621 Tempur Tanpa Senjata 1 JUMLAH 6 Maklumat Kursus boleh dirujuk kepada Akademi Latihan Ketenteraan. KOD KURSUS KURSUS KREDIT Untuk PALAPES ** Komponen Kesukarelawanan PLS 1011 PALAPES 1 PLS 1021 PALAPES 1 PLS 2011 PALAPES 1 PLS 2021 PALAPES 1 PLS 3011 PALAPES 1 PLS 3021 PALAPES 1 JUMLAH 6 ** Pelajar awam yang gagal mengikuti Program Palapes disebabkan faktor kesihatan perlu mencukupkan keperluan enam (6) kredit tersebut dengan kursus ko-kurikulum berkredit yang ditawarkan pada setiap semester. Maklumat Kursus boleh dirujuk kepada Ko-kurikulum Berkredit Universiti. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 34 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 KOD KURSUS KURSUS KREDIT Untuk Awam*** Komponen Sukan QKS 1002 Tenis 2 QKS 1102 Hoki 2 QKS 1202 Futsal 2 QKS 1302 Silat Seni 2 QKS 1402 Ragbi 2 QKS 1502 Bola Sepak 2 Komponen Sains Kejurulatihan QSK 1012 Sains Dalam Sukan 2 QSK 1022 Pengurusan Sukan 2 QSK 2012 Suaian Fizikal 2 QSK 2022 Psikologi Sukan 2 QSK 3012 Asas Sains Kejurulatihan 2 QSK 3022 Gaya Hidup Sihat 2 Komponen Pengucapan Awam QKP 1002 Pengucapan Awam 2 QKP 1102 Pengacara Majlis 2 QKP 1202 Asas Kewartawanan 2 Komponen Kebudayaan QKB 1002 Apresiasi Muzik (Gamelan) 2 QKB 1402 Seni Tari 2 QKB 1502 Teater 2 Komponen Kesukarelawanan QKL 1002 Asas Kesukarelawanan 2 Komponen Keusahawanan QKE 1102 Latihan Keusahawanan 2 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 35 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 Komponen Daya Usaha Dan Inovasi QKI 1002 Asas Fotografi 2 Komponen Khidmat Komuniti QKK 1002 Baktisiswa 2 JUMLAH 6 ***Pelajar-pelajar yang tidak terlibat dengan kursus PALAPES boleh memilih tiga (3) kursus Ko-kurikulum Berkredit daripada senarai di atas bagi mencukupkan 6 (enam) kredit. Maklumat Kursus boleh dirujuk kepada Ko-kurikulum Berkredit Universiti. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 36 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 KURSUS TERAS FAKULTI Kursus-kursus teras fakulti adalah wajib diambil oleh semua pelajar Program Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan KOD KURSUS TERAS FAKULTI (18 KREDIT) KREDIT EFA 1103 Engineering Mathematics I (Calculus and Linear Algebra) 3 EFA 1203 Engineering Mathematics II (Differential Equation and Transform) 3 EFA 2213 Engineering Mathematics IV (Statistics) 3 EFC 1103 Computing I (C and C++) 3 EFC 1203 Computing II (Numerical Methods and Engineering Softwares) 3 Wajib diambil oleh pelajar Program Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Elektrik Dan Elektronik (Komunikasi) (ZK25), Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Elektrik Dan Elektronik (Kuasa) (ZK50) dan Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Mekanikal (ZK08) KOD KURSUS EFA 2103 KURSUS TERAS FAKULTI (3 KREDIT) KREDIT Engineering Mathematics IIIA (Complex Variable and Vector) 3 Wajib diambil oleh pelajar Program Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Awam (ZK01) KOD KURSUS EFA 2203 KURSUS TERAS FAKULTI (3 KREDIT) KREDIT Engineering Mathematics IIIB (Computer Information Systems and Operations Research) UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 3 37 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 SINOPSIS KURSUS TERAS FAKULTI ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS I (CALCULUS III) EFA1103 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : NIL Course Synopsis This course has been designed to extend the ideas of single-variable calculus (example: functions, differentiation, integration and vector functions) to functions of several variables. Topics include multi-variable functions, partial derivatives, local extrema, absolute extrema, Lagrange multipliers, double integrals, triple integrals, vector functions, scalar fields, vector fields, line integrals, Green’s theorem, surface integrals, Stoke’s theorem and Gauss’s theorem. This concepts are extremely important in sciences and engineering application. Course outcomes Upon completion of this course, students able to; 1. Understand the characteristics of multivariable functions. 2. Apply standard procedures to determine the partial derivatives to find extremum values. 3. Apply appropriate procedures to determine integral in Cartesian, polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinates by using multiple integrals. 4. Solve various problems in scalar and vector fields by using appropriate theorems. References: 1. Maslan Osman, Yusof Yaacob. Multivariable and Vector Calculus. Penerbit UTM Press, (2008). 2. Howard Anton, Irl Bivens, Stephen Davis. Calculus, Eight Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., (2005). 3. Weir, Hass, Giordano. Thomas’ Calculus, Eleventh Edition. Pearson (Addison Wesley), (2005). UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 38 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS II (DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS) EFA1203 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: NIL Course Synopsis This course will discuss about concept of first order ordinary linear differential equation and second order ordinary linear differential equation. The students also learn Laplace Transforms and Fourier Series. Applications in engineering are also included in this course. Course outcomes Upon completion of this course, students able to; 1. Explain the basic concepts of differential equations (type & methods). 2. Apply correct analytical methods to solve first and second order differential equations using appropriate techniques. 3. Use the method of separation of variables and Fourier Series to solve partial differential equations. References: 1. Normah Maan Differential Equations Module. UTM, (2008). 2. Abdul Wahid, Mohd Nor. Differential Equations for Engineering Students. UTM, (2008). 3. Dennis G. Zill. Differential Equations with Modeling Application. Brooks Cole, (2004). UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 39 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS IIIA (COMPLEX VARIABLES) EFA2103 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: NIL Course Synopsis This course is an extension of calculus I, II and III (Real Variables), and therefore has about the same theoretical development as in calculus of single- and multiple-Real Variables. The main topics are functions of a single complex variable, complex differentiation, complex integration and complex series. Course outcomes Upon completion of this course, students able to; 1. Apply the theoretical foundations of differentiation and integration.(C3) complex variables to perform complex 2. Solve the analytic, elementary functions and complex series using complex variable.(C3) 3. Apply the principles of complex variable to model engineering problems.(C3) References: 1. Ali Hassan Mohamed Murid. Complex Variables for Mathematics, Science and Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, (2009). 2. James Ward Brown, Ruel V. Churchill. Complex Variables and Application. Eighth Edition., New York: Mc Graw Hill, (2009). 3. Steven G.Krantz. Complex Variables: A Physical Approach with Applications and MATLAB., Chapman & Hall/CRC, (2008). 4. Spiegel, Murray R. Schaum’s Outlines, Complex Variables, McGraw Hill, (1984). UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 40 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS IIIB OPERATIONS RESEARCH ) EFA2203 (COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: NIL Course Synopsis This course has been designed to expose students with scientific methods and operations research. Examples of applications in operations research and application models in decision making are introduced. Topics include linear programming solutions, transportation model, network model, project scheduling, analytical hierarchy process and computer information system. Course outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to : 1. Formulate simple linear programming model including the objectives, constraints and analyze the solutions 2. Analyze appropriate linear programming model due to optimization, heuristic and shortest-path tasks problems 3. Use the software application for solving problems related matter References: 1. Hamdy A.Taha, Prentice Hall (2007), Operations Research: An Introduction, 8th Edition 2. Frederick S.Hiller, Gerald J.Lieberman, Mc-Graw Hill Science (2004), Introduction to Operations Research, 8th Edition. 3. Wayne L. Winston, Duxbury Press (1997), Operations Research, 3rd Edition. 4. Barry Render, Ralph M.Stair,Jr., Prentice Hall (2000), Quantitative Analysis For Management, 7thEdition. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 41 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS IV (ENGINEERING STATISTICS) EFA2213 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: NIL Course Synopsis This course covers topics from types of data, describing data sets graphically and numerically, discrete and continuous random variables and distributions to building confidence of intervals and hypothesis testing. The course continues with regression and correlation analysis, and design of experiment. This course will focus more on the procedures of the analysis and interpretation of results. Software application is strongly emphasized. Course outcomes Upon completion of this course, students able to; 1. Apply the basic concepts in probability and statistics to particular distributions. 2. Apply the theoretical foundations to model simple engineering problems. 3. Solve the mathematical models in engineering using various tools and methods together with statistical software in order to interpret the results from the analysis. References: 1. Montgomery, D. C., Runger, G. C. & Hubele, N. F., Engineering Statistics 3 rd Ed. New York: Joh Wiley & Sons. (2004). 2. Hayter, A. J.. Probability and Statistics for Engneers and Scientists..3rd E. Thomson., (2007). 3. Mohd Daud, Z. et al . Statistics Workbook for Sciences and Engineering. Jabatan Matematik, Fakulti Sains UTM, (2005). UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 42 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 COMPUTING I (C AND C++) EFC1103 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: NIL Course Synopsis The course introduces student with basic principal of programming concept and programming structure in C++. It covers introduction, algorithm, primitive data type and operation, selection statements, loops, functions, array and programming laboratory exercises. Course outcomes By the end of the subject, students should be able : 1. To understand and identify basic concepts of a high level programming language using C++ correctly. 2. To demonstrate and apply their knowledge with the basic notions and techniques to develop the algorithm and basic C++ programming language. 3. To analyze a simple C++ programming problem specification 4. To write and design a program which maps to C++ programming correctly and effectively. References: 1. Liang Y.D, (2007). Introduction to Programming With C++, Pearson International Edition 2. D.S Malik, (2009). C++ Programming : From Problem Analysis to Program Design. 4th Edition. Course Technology Cengage Learning. 3. Forouzan B. A. and Gilberg R.F,(2006). Computer Science: A Structured Programming Approach Using C++. Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning. 4. Timothy B. D’Orazio, (2009). Programming in C++ : Lesson and Applications. McGraw Hill 5. H.M. Deitel & P. J. Deitel, C++ How to Program. Prentice Hall. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 43 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 COMPUTING II (NUMERICAL METHODS) EFC1203 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: NIL Course Synopsis This course introduces general-purpose numerical methods concepts for solving problems in engineering. Students should develop an understanding of the strengths and limitations of standard numerical techniques applied to problems in engineering, such roots of nonlinear equations, systems of linear equations, regression and interpolation, numerical differentiation and integration and ordinary differential equation. MATLAB commands will be introduced to solve numerical problems. Course outcomes 1. Relate their knowledge on the theoretical foundations of the most common numerical methods with engineering environment. 2. Apply the theoretical foundations of the knowledge to model pertaining to related engineering problems. 3. Analyze the mathematical models in engineering using various methods and tools in order to interpret the results from the analysis. References: 1. Steven C. Chapra and Raymond P. Canale, Numerical Methods for Engineers, 5/E ,McGraw-Hill ( 2006). 2. Steven C.Chapra. Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists. 2 nd ed. McGraw-Hill ( 2008) 3. Richard L/Burden, J.Douglass Faires, Numerical Analysis, 8th Ediditon, Thomson Brooks/Cole (2005). 4. Rao,S.S., Applied Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists, Prentice-Hall (2002). UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 44 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 OBJEKTIF DAN HASIL PEMBELAJARAN Pencapaian para pelajar diukur oleh hasil pembelajaran. Hasil pembelajaran ini menetapkan kompetensi yang patut diperolehi oleh setiap pelajar apabila selesai mengikuti satu-satu program pengajian. Berikut adalah ‘Programme Educational Objectives’ (PEO) dan ‘Programme Learning Outcome’ (PO) yang telah ditetapkan bagi Program Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan. ‘Programme Educational Objectives’ (PEO) PEO 1 – ‘Graduates possess positive personel values; subservient to God, responsible and dedicated to work in societies of diverse backgrounds in serving the community and the nation and able to communicate effectively across a range of contexts and audiences’. PEO 2 – ‘Graduates are technically competent and able to apply their knowledge and skills in performing their duties professionally and ethically as an engineer, leader and/or manager while maintaining their profesional development and contribution for the betterment of the nation and mankind’. PEO 3 – ‘Graduates possess military leadership and profesional qualities contributing towards the development of the nation and worldwide with abilities to respond and adapt readily to changing situations including in time of emergency and during war’. ‘Program Outcome’ (PO) Technical Knowledge and Competencies PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 Ability to acquire and apply knowledge of sciences, and Civil/ Electrical-Electronic/ Mechanical engineering principles. Ability to acquire in-depth technical competence in Civil/ Electrical-Electronic/ Mechanical engineering disciplines. Ability to identify, formulate and solve relevance engineering related problems. Ability to utilize systems approach for analysis and design components, systems and structures, and evaluate operational performance. Generic Skills PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 Ability to communicate effectively and with confidence. Ability to respond and adapt to changing situations toward sustainable development. Ability to function effectively as an individual and/or a leader in a team to achieve common goals. Ability to adopt and commit to professional and ethical responsibilities. Ability to incorporate social, cultural, global and environmental responsibilities as part of professional conduct. Ability to seek and acquire contemporary knowledge including defence matters and current issues. Ability to possess entrepreneurship qualities. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 45 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 JABATAN KEJURUTERAAN MEKANIKAL Profesor Dr Megat Mohamad Hamdan bin Megat Ahmad B.Eng(Hons) (UPM), M.Sc (Production)(Birmingham), Ph.D (Mech.)(Wales ) Ir Dr Wan Ali bin Wan Mat, P.Eng B.Eng(Mech.) (Uni. Gadjah Mada), M. Sc (Mech.)(Strathclyde), Ph.D (Mech.)(Newcastle) Brig. Jen. Dr. Haji Shohaimi bin Hj Abdullah PAT SDK DNS KMN KAT psc Dip. (Kej. Jentera) (UTM), MSc (Weapon and Vehicle Sys.) (Cranfield), Ph.D (Ballistics) (Cranfield) Dr Ahmad Mujahid bin Ahmad Zaidi, MIAENG MCSM B.Eng (Hons)(Mech.)(KUiTTHO), Ph.D(Impact Eng.)(Manchester) Dr Aidy Ali, MESIS, MISDS, MPIK, MFEOFS B. Eng (Mech.) (UPM), M. Eng (UKM), PhD (Mech.) (Sheffield) Profesor Madya Risby Mohd Sohaimi, MIBS, MIAPS, MIAENG,MMSET (Ketua Jabatan) B.Eng (Hons)(Civil) (USM), M.Sc (Numerical Modeling) (UPM), PhD (Mech.) (UPM) Ir Zainal Abidin bin Wan Chik P.Eng.,MIEM B.Sc (Hons) (Mech.)( Strathclyde) M.S.E (Mech.)( Michigan) Lt Kol Ir Haji Mohd Ghani bin Mohd Madersah (B) P.Eng, MIEM, KMN, psc B.Eng (UNSW, Australia), MSc (Robotics & AMT) (Cranfield), Ijazah Seskoad (Indonesia) Lt Kol Ir Haji Khalid bin Abd Jalil TUDM KAT, P.Eng, MEIM B.Sc (Mech.) (HanYang), Master (Aviation Safety and Aircraft Airworthiness) (ENSICA/ENCA) Mej Nurulhasnan bin Abd Majid TUDM B.Sc (Aero.Engr) (Texas), M.Sc (Info.Tech.) (UNSW) Lt Kol Muhamad bin Murrad KAT KMN psc MLA Dip. (Mech)(UTM), Dip. (Strategy & Defence Studies) (UM), Pg. Dip. (Industrial Safety Mgt .) (UKM), B.Eng (Mech.) (UTM), M.Eng (Mech.) (UTM) Lt Kol Khairul Hasni bin Kamarudin B.Eng (Mech.) (Australia), MSocSc (Strategic) (UKM), M.Sc (IT), (UKM) UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 178 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 Dr Khisbullah Hudha B.Eng. (Mech). (Institut Teknologi Bandung), MSc. (Eng. Product Design) (Utrecht Polytechnic the Netherlands/Wolverhampton University, UK), PhD (Auto.) (UTM) Dr Mohd Zaid Othman B.Eng (Hons)(Mech) (Liverpool), M.Sc (Eng. Mech.) (Liverpool), PhD (Impact Eng.) (UMIST) Pensyarah Kanan Dr Dian Darina Indah binti Hj. Daruis B.Eng (Hons) (CAD/CAM)(UM), M.Sc (Manufacturing Sys.)(Warwick), PhD (Mech.) (UKM) Tan Kean Sheng B.Eng (Mech.) (UPM), M.Sc (Mech.) (UPM) Lt Kol Abdul Latif B. Taha (B) B.Sc Engr (RAF College, Cranwell) MSc (Auto. Product Eng.)(Cranfield) Ir Saiddi Ali Firdaus bin Mohamed Ishak* B.Eng (Mech. –Aero.) (UTM), M.Eng (Mech.) (UTM), P.Eng., MIEM Pensyarah Mohd Fazli bin Mohd Yusoff B.Eng (Hons)(Mechatronic)(UIAM), M.Eng (ANU) Baizura binti Bohari B.Eng (Aero) (UPM), M.Sc (Aero Tech) (Sussex) Leong Kin Yuen B. Eng (Mechanical) (KUiTTHO), M.Eng (Mechanical) (UM) Gunasilan A/L Manar B. Eng (Mech)(UTM), M.Sc (Aerospace Mechanics and Avionics) (ISAE,Toulouse, France) Raja Norizawati binti Raja Othman B.Sc (Chemical Eng.) (Syracuse), M.Sc (Chemical Eng.) (UPM) Zulkiffli bin Abd. Kadir B. Eng (Mech-Auto.)(UTeM), M. Sc (Vehicle Dynamics)(UTeM) Nur Akmal binti Haniffah B.Sc (Mech. Eng.) M.Eng (Mech. Eng.) (Ibaraki, Japan) Mohamad Faizal bin Abdullah* B.Eng (Hons) (Mech.), M. Sc (Mech.)(UKM) UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 179 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 Ir Balamurugan a/l Annamalai Gurunathan, P.Eng, MEIM, C.Eng * B.Eng (Hons)(Mech.)(UTM), M.Eng (Mech)(UTM) Ku Zarina binti Ku Ahmad * B.Eng (Hons)(Material Eng.) (USM), M.Sc (Material Eng.)(USM) Norwazan binti Abd Rahim* B.Eng(Hons)(Mech.) (UPM), M.Sc (Mech.) (UPM) Mohd Rosdzimin bin Abdul Rahman* B.Eng (Hons)(Mech)(UTM), M.Eng (Mech.)(UTM) Abd. Rahim bin Mat Sarip* B.Eng (Mech –Aero) (UTM), M.Eng (Mech.) (UTM) Irfan Md Ghazaly* Dip. (Mech) (HanYang), B.Sc (Mech) (HanYang), M.Eng (UKM) Tutor Noor Hafizah binti Amer M.Eng (Mech. Auto.) (Nottingham) Syafawati binti Hasbi M.Eng (Mech.) (Sheffield) Azam bin Che Idris* M. Eng (Aero. with Mgt.) (Manchester) Mohd Rashdan bin Saad* M.Eng (Aero. Eng.)(Manchester) * Cuti belajar UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 180 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 STRUKTUR PROGRAM DAN JUMLAH KREDIT KEPERLUAN PROGRAM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA KEJURUTERAAN MEKANIKAL (ZK08) Jumlah keperluan kredit yang perlu dipenuhi untuk bergraduat adalah seperti mana jadual di bawah dan pengajian yang perlu diikuti adalah lapan (8) semester lazim. Pecahan kursus yang perlu diambil adalah seperti berikut: KURSUS KREDIT Teras Universiti 12 Teras Fakulti 18 Teras Program 87 Elektif Program 9 Elektif Universiti 6 JUMLAH KREDIT UNTUK BERGRADUAT 132 KURSUS TERAS PROGRAM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA KEJURUTERAAN MEKANIKAL (ZK08) SENARAI KURSUS TERAS PROGRAM YANG PERLU DIPENUHI (87 KREDIT) : CODE COURSE CREDIT EEE 1012 Introduction to Electrical Engineering 2 EEE 2022 Electronics 2 EMM 3402 Instrumentations 2 EMM 4423 Control Engineering 3 EMD 4713 Capstone Project 3 EMD 3703 Mechanical Engineering Design 3 EML 2802 Engineering Laboratories I 2 EML 2812 Engineering Laboratories II 2 EML 3822 Engineering Laboratories III 2 EML 3832 Engineering Laboratories IV 2 EMM 1203 Engineering Mechanics (Statics) 3 EMM 1223 Dynamics 3 EMM 3233 Mechanics of Machines 3 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 181 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 EMM 3243 Vibration 3 EMM 2173 Materials Engineering 3 EMM 2303 Strength of Materials I 3 EMM 3303 Strength of Materials II 3 EMM 4433 Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) 3 EMM 2503 Thermodynamics I 3 EMM 3503 Thermodynamics II 3 EMM 3512 Heat Transfer 2 EMM 2603 Fluid Mechanics I 3 EMM 3603 Fluid Mechanics II 3 EMM 3315 Industrial Training 4 EMP 1102 Technical Drawing 2 EMP 1152 Engineering Drawing 2 EMP 1111 Workshop Practices 1 EMP 3113 Manufacturing Technology 3 EMP 4183 Engineering Management 3 EMM 4902 Engineers in Society 2 EMP 4193 Operation Management 3 EMT 4752 Final Year Project I 2 EMT 4754 Final Year Project II 4 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 182 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 KURSUS ELEKTIF PROGRAM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA KEJURUTERAAN MEKANIKAL (ZK08) SENARAI KURSUS ELEKTIF PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA KEJURUTERAAN MEKANIKAL (9 KREDIT) CODE COURSE CREDIT MECHANICAL EME 4163 Composite Materials 3 EME 4233 Syntehsis and Analysis of Mechanisms 3 EME 4523 Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration 3 EME 4613 Fluid Power Technology 3 EME 4623 EME 4913 Turbomachinery Non-Destructive Testing 3 EME 4923 Tribology 3 3 AUTOMATIVE EME 4243 Vehicle Dynamics and Handling 3 EME 4323 Vehicle System and Structure 3 EME 4533 Internal Combustion Engine Performance 3 AERONAUTICAL EME 4333 Aircraft Systems and Structure 3 EME 4543 Aircraft Propulsion 3 EME 4633 Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics 3 MARINE TECHNOLOGY EME 4553 Marine Engineering System 3 EME 4193 Ship Maintenance System 3 EME 4343 Ship Design and Structures 3 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 183 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 STRUKTUR KURIKULUM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA KEJURUTERAAN MEKANIKAL (ZK08) SEMESTER 1 Code ALK 1011/ PLS 1XX1 LAN 1012 Course Elective University Islamic and Asian Civilizations SEMESTER 2 Credit Prerequisite Code 1 - ALK 1021/ PLS 1XX1 2 - LAN 1032 Credit Prerequisite Elective University 1 - Ethnic Relationship 2 - 2 - 3 - Course English for Oral Communicati on Engineering Mathematics II (Differential Equation and Transform) LEL 1012 English for Academic Writing 2 - LEL 1022 EFA 1103 Engineering Mathematics I (Calculus and Linear Algebra) 3 - EFA 1203 2 - EFC 1103 Computing I (C & C++) 3 - 2 - EMP 1152 Engineering Drawing 2 EMP 1102 1 - EMM 1223 Dynamics 3 EMM 1203 3 - Introduction to Electrical Engineering Technical EMP 1102 Drawing Workshop EMP 1111 Practices Engineering EMM 1203 Mechanics (Statics) TOTAL EEE 1012 16 TOTAL 16 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 184 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 SEMESTER 3 SEMESTER 4 Code Course Credit Prerequisite Code Course ALK 2011/ PLS 2XX1 Elective University 1 - ALK 2021/ PLS 2XX1 LAN 1042 Acculturation of Entrepreneurship 2 - EFA 2213 Elective University Engineering Mathematics IV (Statistics) EFA 2103 Engineering Mathematics IIIA (Complex Variable and Vector) EMM 2503 EMM 2173 EMM 2303 EML 2802 Thermodynamics I Materials Engineering Strength of Materials I Engineering Laboratories I TOTAL 3 - EFC1203 Computing II (Numerical Analysis) Engineering Laboratories II Strength of Materials II Credit Prerequisite 1 - 3 - 3 - 2 EML 2802 3 EMM 2303 3 - EML 2812 3 - EMM 2313 3 EMM 1203 EEE 2022 Electronics 2 - 2 - EMM 2603 Fluid Mechanics I 3 EMM 1203 17 TOTAL 17 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 185 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 SEMESTER 5 SEMESTER 6 Code Course Credit Prerequisite Code Course ALK3011/ PLS3xx1 Elective University 1 - ALK3021/ PLS3xx1 LAN 1022 Malaysian Nationhood 2 - EML 3832 Elective University Engineering Laboratories IV EML 3822 Engineering Laboratories III 2 EML 2812 EMM 3413 EMM 3233 Mechanics of Machines 3 EMM1223 EMD 3703 EMM 3503 Thermodynamics II 3 EMM2503 EMP 3113 EMM 3603 Fluid Mechanics II 3 EMM2603 EMM 3243 EMM 3402 Instrumentation 2 - EMM 3512 TOTAL 16 Control Engineering Mechanical Engineering Design Manufacturin g Technology Vibration Heat Transfer TOTAL Credit Prerequisite 1 - 2 EML 3822 3 EMM1223 EEE 2022 EFA 1203 3 EMM 2313 3 EMP1111 3 EMM 1223 2 EMM 3503 17 YEAR 3 (INTER-SESI) Code EMM 3315 Course Industrial Training Credit Prerequisite 4 * TOTAL 4 * EMM3503, EMM3303, EMM3603, EMM3233 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 186 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 SEMESTER 7 Code Course EMT 4752 EMM 4433 Final Year Project I Computer Aided Engineering SEMESTER 8 Cre dit Prerequisite Code Credit Prerequisite 2 ** EMT 4754 Final Year Project II 4 EMT4752 3 - EMM4902 Engineers in Society 2 - Course EMD 4713 Capstone Project 3 EMD 3703 EMP4173 Operation & Management 3 - EMP4183 Engineering Management 3 - EME 4XX3 Elective II 3 - EME 4XX3 Elective I 3 - EME 4XX3 Elective III 3 - TOTAL 14 TOTAL 15 ** EMD 3703, EMM 3233, EMM 2313, EMM 3503, EMM 3603 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 187 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 SINOPSIS KURSUS TERAS PROGRAM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA KEJURUTERAAN MEKANIKAL (ZK08) INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING EEE1012 2 Credit Hours Pre-Requisite: NIL Course Synopsis: This is an introduction course for students who are not majoring in electrical and electronics engineering. It mostly covers the basics of circuit theories, the application aspects of transformers and electric machineries. In the circuit theory part, various analysis methods like, Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s Law, Thevenin’s Theorem, Norton’s Theorem, etc will be taught. Inductive and capacitive elements would also be included. Some theory on magnetic circuit and transformer functionality will also be given. For the introductory material on electric machinery, the students will be taught about magnetic circuits, AC and DC motors and generators and various aspects of energy conversion involving the devices. Course Outcomes 1. Understand the basic theories of electric and magnetic circuits, and electric machines. 2. Apply the above concepts to solve problems on the electric and magnetic circuits, and electric machines. 3. Analyze the circuits involving electric and magnetic circuits, and electric machines. References 1. Giorgio Rizzoni, “Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering”, McGraw Hill, 2009 2. Alexander and Sadiku, Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, 4th ed. McGraw Hill, 2009. 3. Thomas L. Floyd, “Electronic Devices”, 8th Edition, Pearson Education 2007 4. Robert L. Boylestad, “Introductory Circuit Analysis”, 8th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2000 5. A.Hughes, “Electric Motors and Drives: Fundamentals, Types and Applications”, 3rd Eition, Newnes, 2005 UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 188 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 INSTRUMENTATIONS EMM3402 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: NIL Course Synopsis The course shall cover the essentials and basic theory of instrumentation for undergraduate students. It will emphasize on the concepts, principles and characteristics of instrumentation system signal conditioning, transducers and application of strain gauges in load measurements. At the end of the course, students should be able to acquire knowledge on the fundamentals of an instrumentation system, relate and describe the operating principle and application of various transducers that are typically used in industry, design instrumentation system for measuring load, displacement, temperature and other physical quantities, select suitable instrumentation components and tools for intended application and solve problems related to basic instrumentation system. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Acquire knowledge on the basic principles of an instrumentation system. 2. Relate and describe the operating principle and application of various transducers that are typically used in industry. 3. Design instrumentation system for measuring load, displacement, temperature and other physical quantities. 4. Solve problems related to basic instrumentation system. References 1. C. D. Johnson, Process Control Instrumentation Technology, 8th edition, Prentice Hall, 2006. 2. J.P. Holman, Experimental Methods for Engineers, 7th edition, McGraw Hill, 2001. 3. Anthony J.Wheeler & Ahmad R Ghanji, Introduction to Engineering Experimentation, 3rd edition, 2009. 4. A.S. Morris, Principles of Measurement and Instrumentation, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, 1993. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 189 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 ELECTRONICS EEE2022 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: EEE1012 - Introduction to Electrical Engineering Course Synopsis This is an introduction to Electronics field to Mechanical Engineering based programs. It covers on fundamental and basic topics in both analog and digital electronics combined with emphasis towards the applications. This course is divided into 3 parts; namely analogue electronics, digital electronics and microcontrollers. In analogue electronics, it covers the fundamental properties of operational amplifier along with its characteristics and applications. In digital electronics, it covers on the digital devices, its essential features of digital logic circuits and systems used in applications. The last of this course is devoted to an overview of the basic functions of microcontroller, including the architectures, applications and assembly language. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Understanding of the fundamental properties of analog and digital circuit, and microcontroller. 2. Apply the above concepts to solve problems involving analog and digital circuit, and microcontroller. 3. Analyze the circuits of analog and digital circuit, and microcontroller. References 1. Giorgio Rizzoni, Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill 2. Thomas. L. Floyd, Electronic Devices, 8th Edition, Pearson Education 3. Thomas L. Floyd, Digital Fundamentals, 10th Edition, Pearson Education UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 190 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 CONTROL ENGINEERING EMM3413 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: EMM1223 – Dynamics EEE2022 – Electronics EFA1203 - Engineering Mathematics II (Differential Equation and Transform) Course Synopsis This course is designed to enable the students to acquire the essential and basic theory of control engineering for open and closed loop system. The topics covered would be mathematical modeling of dynamic systems, transfer function, time response analysis, stability criteria, root locus and frequency response methods. The course will also provide students with an exposure to basic control system design. Engineering tool for control simulation (Matlab/ Simulink or Mathcad) will be introduced in this course. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Describe the basic principles and main components of control system. 2. Build the mathematical model ,block diagram, signal flow graph and its equivalence transfer function for a given control system. 3. Analyze the time responses and the stability of control system. 4. Design a simple control system according to the required specifications. References 1. Hishamuddin Jamaluddin, Mohd Shafiek Yaacob and Robiah Ahmad, Introduction to Control Engineering, 1st Edition, UTM Press, 2011. 2. N.S.Nise, Control System Engineering, 6thedition, JohnWiley&Sons, Inc. 3. R.C Dorf and R.H. Bishop, Modern Control Systems, Ninth edition, Prentice Hall 2001. 4. M.Gopal, Control Systems: Principle and Design, 2nd edition, McGraw Hill, 2003. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 191 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 CAPSTONE PROJECT EMD4713 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: EMD 3703 - Mechanical Engineering Design Course Synopsis Capstone project is a final year group project that emphasizes step by step design of a system. It is intended to provide the senior engineering student with a realistic understanding of the design process and how to manage a project. It draws on a diverse set of inputs namely; decision making, engineering optimization, engineering economy, planning apart from combining the theory of science, engineering fundamental & mathematics, technologies and social aspects to produce a system. The design solution is suitable to overcome engineering problems through an approach of using creativity and innovative solutions. All theories taught in the mechanical program shall be used and applied to get the project design solution. The subject will give earlier exposure to senior engineering students the appropriate approach and training in the undertaking of design processes and project management in a limited non industry environment. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Investigate the various steps in a systematic design process to develop a mechanical system for a given specifications. 2. Generate and evaluate proper solution to the design problem to fulfill the design specifications. 3. Evaluate the economical feasibility of the proposed design system. 4. Design and evaluate a mechanical device using systematic design method and appropriate tools, as a team. References 1. George E. Dieter, 2000, Engineering Design – A material and processing approach, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill. 2. David A. Madsen, David P. Madsen, Engineering Drawing and Design, 4th Edition. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 192 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DESIGN EMD3703 3 Credit Hours Pre – requisite: EMM 2213 – Dynamics EMM 2313 - Strength of Materials II Course Synopsis This course is intended for students to embark on the introduction on mechanical design. The approach is by developing understanding of mechanical components design using the fundamental applications of statics, mechanics of materials, material science and failure criterion. Common components such as shafts, gears, bearings, bolts and mechanical joints are covered in detail. Computational tools for engineering are also applied. The course covers three main parts: the basic of machine design, failure prevention under static and variable loading and design process analysis of common mechanical components. Course Outcomes At the end of this course, students are able to: 1. Determine the internal forces and stresses associated in machine elements due to external loadings and use the appropriate failure criteria to avoid static and fatigue failures. 2. Specify suitable material, component geometry and manufacturers specifications to fulfill the required functions. 3. Carry out a group project on designing a mechanical system. Reference 1. Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design, 10th Edition. McGraw – Hill. 2. Ugural, A.C., Mechanical Design of an Integrated Approach, International Edition, McGraw – Hill. 3. Mechanical Engineering Design Handbook. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 193 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 ENGINEERING LABORATORIES I EML2802 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: NIL Course Synopsis This course covers both theoretical and practical aspects of experimental methods for Mechanical Engineering students at year 2 of their program. The course is conducted in two phases, namely the lecture and laboratory session. During the lecture session, emphasize is given to the importance of measurement theories and techniques, besides exploring some important skills in formal report writing and curve fittings. At the end of this session, a closed book test is carried out to assess students understanding and knowledge. In the second phase, laboratory work is conducted based on measurement techniques acquired in the first phase. Each group would consist of 4 to 5 students with 4 contact hours per week. 8 laboratory experiments are conducted by each group and one individual report is expected at the end of each experiment for assessment purpose. Another test is conducted at the end of the semester to gauge their overall knowledge about the course. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Understand basic mechanical measurement theories and techniques involving machine, strength of material, thermodynamics and fluid experiments. 2. Analyse appropriate data from experiments. 3. Discuss and conclude findings. References 1. J. P. Hollman, Experimental Methods for Engineers, 7th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2001. 2. Wheeler, A.J., Ganji, A.R., Introduction to Engineering Experimentation, Prentice Hall, 1996. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 194 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 ENGINEERING LABORATORIES II EML2812 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: EML 2802 - Engineering Laboratories I Course Synopsis This is a hands-on subject for Mechanical Engineering students taken in the 2nd year of their program. Activities and set-up in the laboratory will be related to the subjects learned in previous semesters on concurrently being taught. Students will be able to relate the theory and applications as much as possible when the experiments being handled by them. Using an openended approach students are required to think critically and creatively in problem solving. Each group would be 4 to 5 person with 3 contact hours per week. Report is expected individually from each student after the completion of the group experiments and must be handwritten with their own discussions and conclusions. The understanding of each student will be evaluated based on the submitted report. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Understand basic mechanical measurement theories and techniques involving machine, strength of material, thermodynamics, and fluid experiments. 2. Collect appropriate data by conducting experiment and analyse it. 3. Able to produce a proper engineering report. References 1. J. P. Hollman, Experimental Methods for Engineers, 7th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2001. 2. Wheeler, A.J., Ganji, A.R., Introduction to Engineering Experimentation, Prentice Hall, 1996. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 195 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 ENGINEERING LABORATORIES III EML3822 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: EML 2812 - Engineering Laboratories II Course Synopsis This course will expose the students with the knowledge to conduct and analyze the data from several experiments. This is a hands-on subject for Mechanical Engineering students taken in the 2nd to 3 rd year of their program. Activities and set-up in the laboratory will be related to the subjects learned in previous semester or concurrently being thought. The experiments will be divided into fluid, thermodynamic, solid and basic of circuit theory and Programmable Logic Circuit (PLC). In this course, students will be able to relate the theory and applications as much as possible when the experiments being handled by them. Using an open-ended approach, students are required to think critically and creatively in problem solving. Students are required to conduct a total of 10 experiments throughout the courses. Each lab session has to be done in 4 hours. The students will be divided into 3 to 4 person respectively. Report is expected from each of the student individually. The understanding of each student will be evaluated based on the submitted report. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Create relevant procedures and conduct the experiment. 2. Collect and analyse the data from the experiment. 3. Discuss and conclude findings. References 1. J.P. Hollman, Experimental Methods for Engineers 7th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2001. 2. Wheeler, A.J., Ganji, A.R., Introduction to Engineering Experimentation, Prentice Hall, 1996. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 196 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 ENGINEERING LABORATORIES IV EML3832 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: EML 3822 - Engineering Laboratories III Course Synopsis This is a hands-on subject for Mechanical Engineering students taken in the 3rd year of their program. In this course, students will be able to relate the theory and applications as much as possible when the experiments being handled by them. Using an open-ended approach, students are required to think critically and creatively in problem solving. Students are required to conduct 2 short and 2 long module experiments in this course. Each group would be 4 to 5 persons with 4 contact hours and 8 contact hours per week for short and long module respectively. The durations for each short and long module experiment are 1 and 4 weeks respectively. Short module experiments are conducted based on the lab sheet to cover any subjects which have not been covered in the previous laboratory. For long module, students are only given problem description as a guideline. With this guideline, students are required to conduct their own experiment based on their engineering background. Report is expected from each of the students individually. The understanding of each student will be evaluated based on the presentation, log book and final report. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: Short Module: 1. Create relevant procedures and conduct the experiment. 2. Collect and analyse the data from the experiment . 3. Discuss and conclude findings. Long Module 1. Explain the theory in relation to the experiment and equipment used in addressing a given mechanical engineering problems within a given time frame. 2. Develop the appropriate objectives, experiments procedures, method and equipment. 3. Analyze the experiments for a given mechanical engineering problems. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 197 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 References 1. Wheeler, A.J., Ganji, A.R., Introduction to Engineering Experimentation, Prentice Hall, 2004. 2. Refer to any subject course references related to experiments. ENGINEERING MECHANICS (STATICS) EMM1203 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: NIL Course Synopsis This course emphasizes on the importance of free body diagram in equilibrium analysis of trusses, frames and machines, acted upon by external forces and moments. Application of principles of friction and concepts of centre of gravity on rigid body are also explored. Virtual work method is also introduced as an approach to analyze the equilibrium of systems of interconnected rigid bodies. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Draw correct free body diagram by clearly showing all associated external forces and moments. 2. Apply equilibrium conditions to solve related rigid body mechanics problems. 3. Determine the centre of gravity of composite bodies. References 1. Ferdinand Beer, Jr., E. Russell Johnston, Elliot Eisenberg, David Mazurek, Vector Mechanics for Engineers, 8th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2006. 2. J. L. Meriam, L. G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics - Statics, SI Version, 6th Edition, Wiley, 2008. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 198 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 DYNAMICS EMM1223 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: EMM1203 - Engineering Mechanics (Statics) Course Synopsis This course is a continuation of course Statics EMM 1203. It deals with further topics in the field of Engineering Mechanics, covering the broad subfield of Dynamics. The course covers the fundamental concepts and principles of kinematics, the geometry of motion and kinetics of particles and rigid bodies in planar motion. Various methods of velocity and acceleration analyses will be introduced. The application of Newton’s second law of motion, impulsemomentum, and work-energy equations to the analysis of the particle and rigid body motions will be clearly described. Emphasis will be placed on a strong mastery of the pertinent concepts of dynamics, since these forms the main basis for machine design. Course Outcomes Having successfully completed the course, the students should be able to: 1. Analyze the displacement, velocity and acceleration of moving particles and rigid bodies using various methods. 2. Determine the mass moment of inertia of various geometric shapes of rigid bodies. 3. Apply Newton’s Laws of motion, impulse-momentum and work energy equations to study the motion of particles and rigid bodies References 1. J. L. Meriam and L. Glenn Kraige, 2003. Engineering Mechanics, Dynamics Fifth Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2. Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Rusell Johnson Jr and William E. Clausen, 2004. Vector Mechanics for Engineers Dynamics Fifth Edition. Mc-Graw Hill. 3. R.C. Hibbeler, 2004. Engineering Mechanics Dynamics SI Third Edition, Pearson Prentice-Hall, Inc. 4. Andrew Pytel and Jaan Kiusalaas, 2010. Engineering Mechanics Dynamics SI Third Edition, Cengage Learning. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 199 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 MECHANICS OF MACHINES EMM3233 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: EMM1223 - Dynamics Course Synopsis This course emphasizes the application of velocity diagram and acceleration diagram in analyzing kinematics of linkage mechanism. Analytical approach is used to solve kinetics of planar mechanism problem. Application of principles of dynamics in analysis of gear system, belt drive, flywheel and balancing of masses are also explored. Extension of principles of dynamics to simple harmonic motion and vibration of single degree freedom are also presented. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Analyse the kinematic and kinetics on selected mechanism in machinery. 2. Solve simple single degree of freedom vibration problem. 3. Evaluate kinematics, kinetics and vibration of single degree of freedom in machinery using suitable engineering tools. References 1. Rattan, S.S, Theory of Machines, 3rd edition, McGraw Hill, 2010. 2. A.R Roslan, C.I. Che Abas, A.M. Yunus, Mekanik Mesin: Teori, Contoh Penyelesaian dan Masalah, 3rd edition, Penerbit UTM, 2001. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 200 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 VIBRATION EMM3243 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: EMM1223 - Dynamics Course Synopsis This subject introduces the concept of modeling and analysis of lumped parameter and simple distributed parameter system, stressing the importance of natural frequencies and mode shape. The control and suppression of vibrations and/or their effect for simple systems are also explored. It also covers experimental work in vibration testing and measurements. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Sketch a simplified model of vibratory system. 2. Formulate an analytical model for a simplified vibratory system. 3. Evaluate the model for the associated mode shapes. 4. Evaluate the techniques used in vibration control. References 1. S.S. Rao, “Mechanical Vibration” SI Edition (2005), Prentice-Hall. 2. W T Thompson, Dahleh, “Theory of Vibration with Application” 5th Edition, Prentice – Hall. 3. Robert K Vierck “Vibration Analysis” Harper, Row, Publisher. 4. Daniel J. Inman, “Engineering Vibration” 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 201 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 MATERIALS ENGINEERING EMM2173 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: NIL Course Synopsis This course covers the engineering materials with the emphasis on mechanical and physical properties of conventional and new materials. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Indentify physical and mechanical characteristic of engineering materials. 2. Explain structure and engineering use of materials. 3. Outline composition and engineering materials feature. 4. Formulate suitability of materials to prevent structural failures. References 1. Budinski, K.G. (2009). Engineering Materials - Properties and Selection (9th Edition). New York: Prentice Hall. 2. Callister, W.D. (2007). Materials Science and Engineering, An Introduction (7th Edition). London: John Wiley and Sons. 3. Shackelford, J.F. (2008). Introduction to Materials Science for Engineer (7th Edition). New York: Prentice Hall. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 202 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS I EMM2303 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: EMM 1203 - Statics Course Synopsis This course will provide students with the knowledge of determining the strength and stiffness of structures. This course will emphasize on structures such as bar, pin, bolt, shaft, beam etc. that are subjected to various types of loading in the form of axial loads, loads due to the changes in temperature, torsional loads, tranverse loads and combination of these loads. At the end of the course, students should be able to determine the mechanical properties of solid materials analytically with respect to their strength and stiffness. Students should be able to calculate the stress and strain of structures due to the different types of loading conditions. In addition, they should be able to solve problems related to statically determinate and indeterminate structures. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Describe basic principles and theories related to various types of loading and deformation of solids. 2. Derive equations related to stress, strain and deformation due to various types of loading. 3. Solve problems on stress, strain and deformation in structures due to individual or combined, axial, transverse, torsional and thermal loading. References 1. Beer, F.P., Johnston, E.R. and DeWolf, J.T., Mechanics of Materials, 5 th Edition, Singapore: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. 2. Hibbeler, R.C. (2008), Mechanics of Material, 7th Edition, Singapore: Prentice Hall. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 203 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS II EMM2313 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: EMM 2303 - Strength of Materials I Course Synopsis This course covers detail concepts, theories and methods for solving strength of materials problems with the emphasis on the structural integrity. . Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Analysis the stress and strain value for components and structure under loading using Cartesian coordinates. 2. Explain the behavior of materials and non-symmetrical bending beam problem, torsion of non-circular shaft and thermal stress analysis. 3. Analysis data and plan appropriate solution method to solve problems related to strength of materials. 4. Carry out practical work in materials strength, analysis data, write and present reports on practical works. References 1. Gere J.M. & Goodno B.J. (2009). Mechanics of Materials (SI Units 7th Edition). Stamford: Cengage Learning. 2. Hibbeler, R.C. (2008). Mechanics of Materials (7th Edition). Singapore: Prentice Hall. 3. Ugural, A.C. & Fenster, S.K. (2003). Advanced Strength and Applied Edition). Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall. 4. George, F.L. & Leonard, S. (2008). Applied Statics and Strength of Materials (5th Edition). Singapore: Prentice Hall. Elasticity (4th UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 204 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 COMPUTER AIDED ENGINEERING EMM4433 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: EMM 2303 - Strength of Materials I Course Synopsis This course presents the fundamental concepts and techniques for the application of computeraided engineering tools in solving basic engineering problems. The methods learned in this course can be applied to almost any engineering field and also form a basis for further research and study in computer-aided engineering field. This course includes theoretical and practical components and is intended to provide the students with a good foundation of CAE techniques in Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Upon completion of the course, students will have (1) the fundamental theory of FEA and CFD and (2) hands-on experience to design and perform simulation analysis using commercial FEA/CFD software packages to solve engineering problems. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students are able to: 1. Formulate the basic equations of finite element method and finite volume method for simple one- and two-dimensional element models. 2. Apply the basic finite element analysis and computational fluid mechanics to model and analyze simple real engineering problems, by hand calculation, and then interpret the results. 3. Make use of available finite element and computational fluid dynamics software to solve real-life engineering problems, especially those of the structural mechanics type, and correctly interpret the results obtained. References 1. Chandrupatla T.R and Belegundu A.D, Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall Inc., 2002. 2. Saeed Moaveni, Finite Element Analysis: Theory and Applications with ANSYS, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2003. 3. Ferziger, J. H. and Peric, M., Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics, Springer, 1999. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 205 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 4. Dante, A.W., Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, 2005. THERMODYNAMICS I EMM2503 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: NIL Course Synopsis This course begins with the identification of the unique vocabulary associated with thermodynamics through the precise definition of basic concepts to form a sound foundation for the development of the principles of thermodynamics. Students are introduced to the first law of thermodynamics, energy balances and mechanism of energy transfer to or from a system. Various forms of energy and energy transfer are considered which a general relation for the conservation of energy principle or energy balance is developed. Procedures for determining thermodynamics properties of pure substances from tables of property data are demonstrated. The general energy balance relation to closed systems is applied which extends the energy analysis to systems involving mass flow across their boundaries. Students are then introduced to the second law of thermodynamics and applied it to cycles, cyclic devices and processes which lead to the definition of entropy. Course Outcomes At the end of this course student able to: 1. Understand basic principles, definitions and theories in all topics as given in the lecture contents and syllabus. 2. Apply the principle of thermodynamic in solving related problems. 3. Analyze engineering thermodynamics problems in related topics. References 1. Yunus A.Cengel and Michael A.Boles, 2011. Thermodynamics - An Engineering Approach, Seventh Edition in SI Units, McGraw-Hill. 2. Cengel, Y.A & Boles, M. A. 2008. Thermodynamics - An Engineering Approach, Sixth Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 206 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 3. Moran, MJ & Shapiro, H. N. 2004. Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, Fifth Edition. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. 4. T.D. Eastop & A. McConkey, Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologists, Fifth Edition: Pearson Education. THERMODYNAMICS II EMM3503 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: EMM 2503 - Thermodynamics I Course Synopsis This course is designed to extend the student’s understanding of the first and second law of thermodynamics. It illustrates the broad application of the theory to many engineering applications. It emphasizes the analysis of compression process, energy transfers during power generation, heating and refrigerating processes. Course Outcomes At the end of this course student able to: 1. Analyze the characteristic and performance of the thermodynamic power cycles. 2. Analyse various refrigeration and air conditioning systems. 3. Solve and evaluate the exergy of system. 4. Perform a case study investigating real power plant. References 1. Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, Cengel and Boles, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2002. (Text Book). 2. T. D. Eastop and A. McConkey, Applied Thermodynamics Technologists, 5th Edition, Longman, 1992. (Compressor, ICE). 3. Sonntag and Borhnakke, Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, 6th Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2003. for Engineering UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 207 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 HEAT TRANSFER EMM3512 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: EMM 3503 - Thermodynamics II Course Synopsis Heat transfer is a basic science that deals with rate of energy transfer in the form of heat. This course introduces students to the basic principles of heat transfer. It covers the various modes of heat transfer as well as the thermal properties of materials. The modes of heat transfer are conduction, convection and radiation. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Explain the concepts of heat transfer in engineering applications. 2. Analyze heat transfer related engineering problems in conduction, convection and radiation. 3. Evaluate heat exchanger related engineering applications. References 1. F. P. Incropera, Introduction to Heat Transfer, Wiley; 5th edition, 2006. 2. J.P.Holman, Heat Transfer, 10th ed., McGraw - Hill, New York, 2009. 3. Y.A. Cengel, Heat and Mass Transfer, A Practical Approach, Third Edition in SI Units, McGraw-Hill, Singapore, 2007. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 208 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 FLUID MECHANICS I EMM2603 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: EMM 1203 - Engineering Mechanics (Statics) Course Synopsis This course will provide students with an understanding of the fluid properties, an introduction to fundamental laws and description of fluid behaviour either in static and dynamic. It will emphasize on the concept of gage and absolute pressure and calculating of a hydrostatic force due to immersed of flat and curved surfaces, floatation and buoyancy analysis. Flow and pressure measurements by using fluid manometer. Derivation and application of a continuity, momentum, and energy equations such as Euler and Bernoulli in the flow problems. Friction due to flow in pipe for turbulent and laminar conditions. Dimensional analysis and similarities will be introduced at the end of the course. At the end of the course, the student should be able to demonstrate an ability to analyse whether statically, dynamically or kinematically problems related directly to fluids. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Understand basic principles, laws, fluid properties and theories in all topics as given in the lecture contents and syllabus. 2. Apply basic formula in fluid mechanics such as Bernoulli equation, Darcy formula, stability requirements, pressure measurements and required relationship in solving the engineering problem related in all topics. 3. Analyze all engineering problems related to fluid as stated in the lecture contents and syllabus. References 1. Yunus A Chengel. & J.M. Cimbala, Fluid Mechanics Fundamental and Applications, McGraw Hill International Edition, 2nd Edition in SI Units, 2010. 2. J.F. Douglas, J.M. Gasiorek, J.A. Swaffield, J.A. Edition, 2001. 3. Munson, Young, and Okiishi. 2006. Fundamental of Fluid Mechanics. 5th Ed. Singapore: John Wiley and Sons. Fluid Mechanics, Prentice Hall 4th UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 209 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 FLUID MECHANICS II EMM3603 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: EMM 2603 - Fluid Mechanics Course Synopsis This course will further enhance the basic fluid mechanics knowledge and application to the real engineering fluid problems. Importance of ideal fluid flow in fluid modelling and analysis of boundary layer flow in engineering problems are among the main topics in this course. Besides that, a flow analysis and basic design of hydraulic turbo machine such as centrifugal pump and turbine are also discussed. Finally, the introduction to compressible flow was introduced. However, the course will cover up to an isentropic flow problems only. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Apply the principles and theories in all topics as given in the lecture contents and syllabus. 2. Formulate and solve the engineering problem related in all topics. 3. Evaluate engineering problems, basic design of pump and turbine, calculating the flow resistance and modeling the flow pattern. References 1. Munson, Young, and Okiishi, Fundamental of Fluid Mechanics. 5th Ed. Singapore: John Wiley and Sons, 2006. 2. J.F. Douglas, J.M. Gasiorek, J.A. Swaffield, J.A. Edition, 2001. 3. P. H. Oosthuizen, W.E. Carscallen. Compressible Fluid Flow, Mc Graw-Hill International Edition, 1997. 4. Yunus A Chengel. & J.M. Cimbala, Fluid Mechanics Fundamental and Applications, McGraw Hill International Edition, 2nd Edition in SI Units, 2010. Fluid Mechanics, Prentice Hall 4 th UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 210 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 INDUSTRIAL TRAINING EMM3315 4 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: EMM 3503 - Thermodynamics II EMM 3213 - Strength of Materials II EMM 3233 - Mechanics of Machines and EMM 3603 - Fluid Mechanics II Course Synopsis Practical training is the platform for the students to get the opportunity to practice and apply knowledge and skills in various actual working environments. The ultimate goal is to give exposure, experience and professional skills to the students that will help in shaping them to become an effective and responsible military officer as required by the UPNM vision and mission. Students will undergo a practical training in the duration of 10 weeks at an approved private, government or semi-government agency. The Faculty will release the list of participating agency. Placement at the respective agency will be initiated by applications by the students. Approval of the application is at the discretion of the Department mainly based on the company nature of business and the type of exposure offered Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Ability to perform well in the actual working environment. 2. An ability to demonstrate a positive personality in the actual working environment. (An ability to write technical documents. References Nil UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 211 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 TECHNICAL DRAWING EMP1102 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: NIL Course Synopsis Engineering drawing is the language of the engineers and technicians. Therefore, it is the intent of this course to equip students with the fundamentals of this unique language and to give them the skills necessary to prepare complete, concise, and accurate communications through engineering drawings. The aim of this course is to introduce students to the use of technical drawing in engineering communication and the engineering design process. Geometric drawing, sinusoidal, parabolic, involute cycloid and elliptical curves. Orthographic projections. Development of surfaces. Isometric views. The students acquaint with the basic knowledge and skills in engineering drawings and the capability to read and interpret blue prints for manufacturing. The students can also develop an understanding of 2D and 3D with the requirements of good engineering drawings and be able to apply them to their work. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Apply fundamental knowledge and practices associated with the use of instruments to produce engineering drawings. 2. Use sketching techniques that enable quick and concise conveyance of concepts and graphic information. 3. Read, interpret, and create drawings of abstract geometrical forms, three-dimensional objects, or conceptual objects. 4. Apply the standard and convention to create engineering drawing that can be read and accurately interpreted by the engineers. References 1. Jensen, C., Helsel, J.D. & Short, D.R., Engineering Drawing & Design, 7th Ed., McGrawHill, 2008. 2. Goetsch, D.L., Chalk, W.S, Nelson, J.A. & Rickman R.L., Technical Drawing and Engineering Communication, 6th Ed., Delmar Cengage Learning, 2010. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 212 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 3. Giesecke, Mitchell, Spencer, Hill, Dygdon&Novsk., Technical Drawing. 12th Ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2003. ENGINEERING DRAWING EMP1152 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: EMP 1102 - Technical Drawing Course Synopsis This subject is to expose the students on the significant changes in the engineering drawing due to the use of computers and CAD (Computer-Aided Design Aided Design) software. It also is to enhance student knowledge and understanding on the technical drawing as a tool of communication. At the end of the course, students should be able to apply the skill and knowledge in CAD in order to interpret design and creating 3D model. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Translate 2D drawings into CAD environment. 2. Employ CAD in 3D objects drawing techniques . Create general assembly drawings using 2D and 3D engineering techniques based on well-defined technical graphics standard using CAD software. 3. References 1. Yarwood, A. (2008), An Introduction to AutoCAD 2008, 2D and 3D Design, Newnes. 2. Giesecke, Mitchell, Spencer, Hill, Dygdon & Novsk. 2003. Technical Drawing. 12th Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 3. Alan J. Kalameja, AutoCAD 2007 Tutor for Engineering Graphics, Thomson. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 213 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 WORKSHOP PRACTICES EMP1111 1 Credit Hour Pre-requisite: NIL Course Synopsis This course introduces students to the theoretical knowledge and practical experience of workshop practices with a range of materials and processes.The course aims to provide an opportunity, through some structured practical training modules, for students to understand and appreciate the kind of practical skills required in normal engineering workshop practices involving the selection and operation of some commonly used workshop tools and machines. After the successful completion of the course, students are expected, under the close supervision of technical staff, to be able to fabricate some engineering work-pieces/product, by operating ordinary workshop machine tools such as lathe, milling machine and drilling machine, etc.A strong emphasis will be made on the acquisition of safe workshop practices in workshop environment. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Acquire knowledge of workshop practices. 2. Know workshop safety, bench work and marking techniques, handling machine tools, joining, hot and cold working processes. 3. Able to translate engineering drawing into product by using turning, milling, welding and sheet metal equipments. References 1. Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials, 4th Ed., Kalpakjian • Schmid. Prentice Hall, 2003. 2. Materials and Process in Manufacturing, 10th Ed., Degarmo, Black and Kohser. John Wiley, 2007. 3. Workshop Technology, Part 1, 2 & 3. 5th Ed., W. Chapman.Elseveir, 1972. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 214 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY EMP3113 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: EMP 1111 - Workshop Practices Course Synopsis This subject provides students with knowledge on the fundamentals of various processes and manufacturing techniques. It covers the overall introduction on manufacturing engineering and technology issues, followed by manufacturing topics such as casting processes, material removal processes, forming processes, joining processes, advanced manufacturing processes, microelectronic devices & micro manufacturing and quality control. Students will be equipped with understandingof the processes for both engineering materials; metallic and non-metallic. Teaching and learningwill be conveyed mainly through classroom lecturing. Continuous assessments will be conducted through assignments, tests, quizzes and final exam. Students are expected to polish interpersonal and teamwork skill in solving manufacturing related problem through group projects. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Understand various manufacturing processes. 2. Apply the manufacturing processes towards efficiency, competitiveness, current trend and the importance to understand customer needs. 3. Select the right manufacturing processes based on product specification and compare the advantages and limitations of the selected manufacturing processes. References 1. Serope Kalpakjian, StephenSchmid, Chih-WahKok (2009), Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, 6th edition, Addison Wesley. 2. Thompson, R. (2007) Manufacturing Processes for Design Professionals, Thames & Hudson. 3. Degarmo, E.P. et al. (2003) Materials and processes in manufacturing, 9th edition, John Wiley. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 215 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 ENGINEERS IN SOCIETY EMM4902 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: NIL Course Synopsis A proper guide to good practice in engineering field is necessity due to the rapid pace and wide extent of Malaysia’s national developments over the past decades and foreseeable future. The young engineers should know what to do upon graduation. They should know how to register with Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) as graduate member before practicing as engineer in Malaysia. Engineers, in practice, must obey certain rules and regulations set by the Malaysian Government through BEM. If involve in any design such as in “Consultant Engineering” firm, certain standards set by BEM should be obeyed in order for their design to be approved and accepted. At the same time, standard Malaysia laws and rules must also be obeyed. Concepts of ethics, inclusive of engineer’s code of ethic, sustainable development and law of contracts will be covered to prepare graduates for their future roles as professionals and members of society. Students will be exposed to seminars delivered by invited professionals who will talk about their professions. Engineers should know how develop themselves, open minded, creative thinking, discipline, honor and integrity in their profession. They must capable to write a good report, able to communicate fluently and deliver a good presentation. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Understand the responsibility as Mechanical Engineer based on BEM practice in Malaysian. 2. Apply regulation and rules, codes, laws, environment, and standard set by Malaysian government through BEM or IEM when dealing with their jobs or design. 3. Investigate related problems pertaining of BEM requirement and evaluate the outcome. References 1. “Professional Engineering Practice” compiled by Assoc Professor Hayati Ahmad, UTM Skudai, Johor Bahru. 2. “Engineering Professionalism and Ethics” 4th Edition, The Institute of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM). 3. Engineering Ethics” 3rd edition, Charles B. Fledderman, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 216 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 4. Factories and Machinery Acts with Regulation, MCD Publisher Sdn. Bhd. 1997. ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT EMP4183 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: NIL Course Synopsis The Engineering Management Course is aimed at providing management theories that can be applied during n engineering profession upon the student’s graduation. It is also to enable the studetns to “put on their management hat skill” in simulated engineering applications by exploring into real case studies on related management issues that are commonly faced. To obtain adequate significant, this course emphasizes the basic management functions like planning,organizing, leading and controlling in areas related to effective descision making, To substantiate the theories, management in the health and safety act of OSHA 1994 and the machinery and factory act of 1967 is supplemented in the course. The course will enable student to be equipped with real-life doses of management skills as the future practicing managers. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Apply the theory of management during planning, organizing, leading and control applications. 2. Analyze related engineering management issues during case studies. 3. Evaluate related engineeringproblems for solution in management issues in groups and individual. References 1. Robbins, S. and Coutler, M (2005), Management, 8th Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, New Jersey UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 217 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 OPERATION MANAGEMENT EMP4173 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: NIL Course Synopsis This course will expose students to operational management and its relationship to marketing, economic analysis and finance, and accounting function. Other topics covered are forecasting demands, aggregate planning, inventory planning and control, and scheduling in order to provide the basis for linking stragetic plans to the production plan. This course also presents certain key issues in operational management in terms of quality control, product and process design, facility layout, productivity and project management. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Acquire knowledge and understand the underlying principle and concept of Operation Management. 2. Able to apply analytical tools to recognize, formulate, analyze and solve operations management problems. 3. Able to evaluate, make decision and design an appropriate aspects of operational management system. References 1. Stevenson W.J. and Chuong S.C. Operations Management an Asian Perspective, Mc Graw Hill, 2010. 2. Robbins, S and Coulter, M (2005), Management, 8th Edition, Pearson PrenticeHall, New Jersey. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 218 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 FINAL YEAR PROJECT I EMT4752 2 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: EMD 3703 - Mechanical Engineering Design, EMM 3223 -Mechanics of Machines, EMM 3303 - Strength of Materials II, EMM 3503 - Thermodynamics II, EMM 3603Fluid Dynamics II Course Synopsis This course introduces students how to do research, identify problems, propose solution to problems and gather relevant information to the problem. It will teach students to carry out literature survey in order to understand the nature of the problem and investigate work done by other researchers in line with their research. The course will also train students to plan and manage their work within a given time frame. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Define and identify the problems and evaluate the relevance and quality of information and data from related literatures. 2. Propose various implementation strategies, select the appropriate methodologies and produce an acceptable project proposal. 3. Manage and conduct project tasks with minimum supervision and professional ethics. 4. Communicate effectively either orally or in written form. References 1. Student is expected to find their own reference materials. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 219 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 FINAL YEAR PROJECT II EMT4754 4 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: EMT4572 - Final Year Project I Course Synopsis This course introduces students how to do research, identify problems, propose solution to problems and gather relevant information to the problem. It will teach students to carry out literature survey in order to understand the nature of the problem and investigate work done by other researchers in line with their research. The course will also train students to plan and manage their work within a given time frame. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Review proposal plan, handle and execute intended engineering projects/tasks. 2. Gather, apply and analyze obtain information or results. 3. Manage and conduct project tasks with minimum supervision and professional ethics. 4. Communicate effectively either orally or in written form. References 1. Student is expected to find their own reference materials. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 220 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 SINOPSIS KURSUS ELEKTIF PROGRAM PROGRAM SARJANA MUDA KEJURUTERAAN MEKANIKAL (ZK08) COMPOSITE MATERIALS EME4163 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: NIL Course Synopsis This course introduces students to some major views and theories in the area of composite materials especially in the polymer based composite learning with emphasis on the types of materials, production methods, quality assurance, failure analysis, test methods and the mechanics of laminated composites. It will examine some key issues in the mechanics of laminated composites with special, focus on the stress-strain relationship and interaction to the extensional, coupling and bending stiffness matrices in promoting learning. The course will also provide a visit to industries dealing with polymer based composite materials in order the students to understand more regarding the practical sides of the subject. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Explain the different types of materials and production methods used to form polymer based composites. 2. Apply the main basic properties of a lamina (ply) of composite materials using the Rule of Mixture method. 3. Analyze a stress-strain relationship from a lamina to laminate for a unidirectional polymer based composites and the interaction to the extensional, coupling and bending stiffness matrix. 4. Predict different types of failure criterions in laminated composites. References 1. Jones, R.M., 1999, Mechanics of Composite Materials, 2nd Edition, Taylor &Francis. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 221 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 SYNTHESIS AND ANALYSIS OF MECHANISM EME4233 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: EMM 3223 - Mechanics of Machines and Vibrations Course Synopsis This subject introduces the application of kinematic fundamentals for mechanism, graphical and analytical linkage synthesis, velocity and acceleration analysis, and dynamics of machinery. Application of computational tools for modeling and analysis. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Perform displacement, velocity and acceleration analysis of mechanism. 2. Perform dynamic force analysis of mechanism. 3. Perform graphical synthesis of mechanism. 4. Perform synthesis of mechanism using linear analytical methods. References 1. Uicker, Jr. J.J., Theory of Machines and Mechanism, 3rd. Edition, Oxford Univ. Press, 2003. 2. Norton, R.L., Design of Machinery, 3rd. Edition, McGraw Hill 2004. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 222 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 AIR-CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION EME4523 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: NIL Course Synopsis The importance of refrigeration system and air conditioning system in domestic, commercial and industrial sectors for both comfort and process applications cannot be over emphasized. Advances in electronics, communications, computers, medicine and etc demand stringently controlled air conditions. Food refrigeration from small domestic refrigerators to large cold storages is important to avoid spoilage, thus prolonging its shelf life. Thus, refrigeration and air conditioning system play an important role in this modern world. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Understand the various Air Conditioning equipment and refrigeration principle. 2. Apply the formula and using related tools to determine the comfort and optimize design for air-conditioning system. 3. Analyze the performance of air-conditioning system base on established Standard such as ASHRAE. 4. Investigate problems in the real situations involving the above processes. References 1. Eastop, T.D and McConkey, A, Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologists, 5th Edition, Longman Scientific & Technical, 1995. 2. Arora C.P, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, 2001. 3. Carrier Air Conditioning Company, Handbook of Air Conditioning System Design, McGraw Hill. 4. ASHRAE, Fundamentals Handbook, 1993. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 223 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 FLUID POWER TECHNOLOGY EME4613 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: NIL Course Synopsis Fluid power is the technology of exploiting the properties of fluids to generate, control, and transmit power as a result of the pressurization of fluids. Fluid power is the muscle that makes industry to move because it can push, pull, regulate, or drive virtually all the modern machines. The applications are from small machine such as teeth drilling machine to the big machines such as power steering, hydraulic brake, launches spacecraft, harvest crops, mines coal, drives machine tools, and controls airplanes. In fact , it is almost impossible to find a manufactured product that has not been “fluid powered” in some way to at some stage of its production or distribution. Fluid power is subdivided into two categories which are hydraulic and pneumatic. Hydraulic fluid power is using liquid (such as mineral oil) as a medium but pneumatic fluid power is using gas as a medium (such as air). Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Apply the principles/theories in all topics as given in the lecture contents and syllabus regarding hydraulics and pneumatics fluid power system and its components. 2. Design, and analyze all kind of fluid power control systems. 3. Investigate problem in the real situations involving the above systems. References 1. Anthony Esposito, Fluid Power with applications. 4th edition, Prentice-Hall International, Inc.1997. 2. Yahaya Ramli, Sistem Hidraulik dan Pneumatik Nota Kuliah SMJ 4343, UTM Skudai, Johor Bahru. 3. W Bolton, Pnuematic and Hydraulic System. Butterworth Heinemann, 1997. 4. Michel J. Pinches & John G. Ashby Hydraulic Power. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 224 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 TURBOMACHINERY EME4623 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: NIL Course Synopsis Turbomachines are devices in which energy is transferred either to, or from a continuously flowing fluid by the dynamic of one or more moving blade rows. So, main categories of turbomachine are identified as absorb or produce power to the flowing fluid. Pumps and compressors are used to give energy/power to incompressible and compressible fluid respectively. Turbines, on the other hand, absorb power from both incompressible fluid (hydraulic turbines) and compressible fluid (gas or steam turbines). Pumps, compressors and turbines were design to handle radial, axial or mixed flow of the fluid. In most applications, such as jet engine, compressor and turbine were attached together on the same shaft. This is due to the almost infinite range of service requirements which needs to provide optimum conditions of operation. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Apply principles/theories in all topics as given in the lecture contents and syllabus regarding hydraulic and compressible fluid flow machines. 2. Formulate the engineering problems related to turbo machines using Mollier chart. 3. Analyze engineering problems related to turbo-machines. Selection of the turbomachine. 4. Investigate or case study on the real situations involving turbo machines. References 1. A.T.Sayers, Hydraulic & Compressible Flow Turbomachines, McGraw-Hill 1990. 2. S.L. Dixon, Fluid Mechanics & Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery, Elsevier, 5th Edition. 3. J.F. Douglas, J.M. Gasiorek, J.A. Swaffield, J.A. Edition, 2001. 4. P. H. Oosthuizen, W.E. Carscallen. Compressible Fluid Flow, Mc Graw-Hill International Edition, 1997. Fluid Mechanics, Prentice Hall 4 th UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 225 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING EME4913 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: NIL Course Synopsis The course shall cover the essentials and basic theory and limited laboratory exposure of Non Destructive Test (NDT) for undergraduate students. It will emphasize on the concepts, principles and characteristics of NDT. Non destructive test (NDT) is a group of analysis techniques used in science and engineering to evaluate the properties of a material, component or system without causing damage to the testing samples. This is opposite to destructive testing (DT) where the test samples are damaged. Since NDT does not alter the sample article, the techniques seem to be an essential criterion in engineering process to save both money and time in the product evaluation, troubleshooting and research activities. Students from the mechanical engineering is appropriate to be exposed to several related NDT knowledge and techniques as enabler for them to fulfill the quality assurance needs as an engineer upon graduation. At the end of the course, students should be able to acquire knowledge on the fundamentals of NDT, relate and describe the operating principle and application of various techniques that are typically used in industry, design system for quality assurance, engineering inspection, maintenance testing, product certification ,or intended industrial applications and solve problems related to basic testing system. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Understand the basic principle of NDT techniques. 2. Apply NDT techniques to asses defect in engineering components. 3. Analyze the engineering problem and select the appropriate NDT techniques. Interpret result of NDT for any defect in engineering componnets. References 1. Shull, P.J., Nondestructive Evaluation: Theory, Techniques, and Applications, Marcel Dekker Inc., 2002. 2. Bray, D.E. and R.K. Stanley, 1997, Nondestructive Evaluation: A Tool for Design, Manufacturing and Service; CRC Press, 1996. 3. ASTM International, ASTM Volume 03.03 Nondestructive Testing. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 226 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 4. ASNT, Nondestructive Testing Handbook. TRIBOLOGY EME4923 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: NIL Course Synopsis This subject emphasizes the fundamental of tribology knowledge in engineering applications. The main topics of this subject are lubrication, lubricant, wear and friction. Simple tribology analysis such as wear and friction are also included in this subject. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Describe fundamental knowledge of lubrication, lubricants, type of sliding contact bearing, friction and wear. 2. Formulate principle of hydrodynamic, hydrostatic, hydrostatic squeeze film and gas, hydrodynamic trust bearing and elastohdynamic lubrications. 3. Solve and analyze simple tribology in engineering related problem. References 1. H.G.Phakatkar & R.R.Ghorpade, Tribology, 2nd edition, Nirali Prakashan, 2009. 2. Bharat Bhushan, Introduction to Tribology, John Wiley Press &Sons, 2002. 3. John William, Engineering Tribology, Cambridge University Press, 2005. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 227 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 VEHICLE DYNAMIC AND HANDLING EME4243 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: NIL Course Synopsis This course studies the dynamic and handling of a vehicle at theoretical and computational approaches. Topics covered include: ride model, handling model, tyre model, location of vehicle CG, tyre normal forces, vehicle loads and advanced automotive technologies. MatlabSIMULINK computer software and CarSimEdwill be used throughout the course for modeling and analysis. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Understand the fundamentals of the vehicle dynamics and handling. 2. Analyze the dynamics and handling behaviors of a vehicle. 3. Evaluate the dynamics and handling behaviors of a vehicle using engineering tools. References 1. Abe, M. (2009).Vehicle Handling Dynamics – Theory and Applications, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann. 2. Jazar, R. N. (2008). Vehicle Dynamic – Theory and Application, Springer-Science. 3. Pacejka, H. B. (2006).Tyre and Vehicle Dynamics, 2nd Edition. Butterworth-Heinemann. 4. Gillespie, T. D. (1992) Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics, Society of Automotive Engineers. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 228 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 VEHICLE SYSTEM AND STRUCTURE EME4323 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: NIL Course Synopsis This course provides the exposure to the overall vehicle components, vehicle structure, vehicle load and their estimation analytically, structural analysis in order to obtain maximum bending moment and sheer force. The simple structural surfaces (SSS) method will be used to investigate the reaction force of vehicle frame for several types of vehicle. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Applythe concept of vehicle system and structure. 2. Analyze the concept of vehicle system and structure. 3. Evaluate the concept of vehicle system and structure. References 1. Genta, G., Morello, L. (2009). The Automotive Chassis, Volume 1: Components Design. Springger. 2. Erjavec, J. (2005). Automotive Technology, 4thEd.Thomson Delmar Learning. 3. Smith, J.H. (2002). An Introduction to Modern Vehicle Design, Butterworth Heinemann. 4. Heisler, H. (2002). Advanced Vehicle Technology, 2nd Ed. Butterworth Heinemann. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 229 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE PERFORMANCE EME4533 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: EMM3503 - Thermodynamics II Course Synopsis This course provides the scientific and technical knowledge of the widely used automotive internal combustion engines for understanding its basic principle, design concept, operation, performance, application, and pollution analysis. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Understand and describe the fundamental concepts of an internal combustion engines and factors affecting performance. 2. Analyze the functional requirements of selected auxiliary system of an ICE. 3. Determine and evaluate the performance characteristics of an ICE. 4. Apply the combustion analysis for an ICE to meet design power, characteristics requirement and emission regulations. References 1. Internal Combustion Engine, JB Heywood, McGraw-Hill, 1988. 2. Engineering Fundamentals of the Internal Combustion Engine, 2rd Edition, Willard W. Pulkrabek, Pearson Prentice Hall), 2004. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 230 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 AIRCRAFT SYSTEM AND STRUCTURE EME4333 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite : NIL Course Synopsis This course introduces students to the overall aircraft system with special emphasis on mechanical systems such as engine, airframe and structural system. The student is also required to have a sound knowledge of the other systems such as the electrical, instrument and electronics system. At the end of the course students will have gained a fundamental understanding of aircraft system engineering and architecture. They will have developed a working knowledgebase of internal and external factors related to integrating the aircraft as a system. Course Outcomes At the end of the course the students will be able to: 1. Understand basic principles and theories in all topics as given in the lecture contents and syllabus. 2. Know how to appreciate aircraft flight characteristics in relation to the various aircraft configuration, design and subsystems. 3. Able to analyse and solve engineering problems, related to aircraft system and operation and problemsrelated to the management of aircraft maintenance. References 1. Lombardo, David A, Aircraft Systems 2nd Edition. McGraw-Hill, 1998 John Wileyand Sons. 2. Ian Moir, Alan Seabridge, Aircraft Systems: mechanical, electrical, and avionics subsystem integration 3rd Edition John Wiley and Sons 2008. 3. David Lombardo and David A Lombardo Advanced Aircraft Systems. TAB Practical Flying Series. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 231 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 AIRCRAFT PROPULSION EME4543 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: NIL Course Synopsis This course is an introduction to the aerodynamic and thermodynamic design of modern civil and military jet engines. The primary focus of the course is to introduce, illustrate and explain the important facets of modern engine design. The course also aim to develop a comprehension that will enable the engineering analysis of a gas turbine engine and its separate components including inlets, nozzles, combustion chambers, compressors, and turbines. The course covers the basic principle underlying aircraft propulsion system and their application as power generating devices. Course Outcomes Having successfully completed the course, the students should be able to: 1. Explain the operational behaviour of the major components in aircraft gas turbine engines and the way the various components interact with each other. 2. Apply the principle of fluid and thermodynamic to solve problems related to engine theory, engine performance and gas turbine cycle. 3. Analyze the performance of gas turbine engine from fluid and thermodynamic principles. 4. Construct a case study on the aircraft’s breakdown due to the failure of the engine. References 1. Cohen, H., Rogers, G.F.C and Saravanamuttoo, H.I.H., “Gas Turbine Theory”, 4th Ed. Longman Ltd., (1998). 2. Saeed Farokhi, “Aircraft Propulsion”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2009). 3. Cengel and Boles, “Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach”, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill, (2002). 4. Oates, G.C., “Aircraft propulsion Systems Technology and Design”, AIAA Education Series, New York, (1989). UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 232 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 AERODYNAMICS AND FLIGHT MECHANICS EME4633 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: NIL Course Synopsis The objective for this course is to develop a basic understanding of low-speed aerodynamics and flight mechanics and performance. The course covers fundamental concepts of incompressible airfoil theory, which include finite and infinite wings. The course also includes basic concepts in performance of jet and propeller aircraft. Finally, the course covers topics in helicopter flight theory. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students will be able to: 1. Explain the principles and theories in all topics relating to Aerodynamics and Flight Performance. 2. Analyse the performance of aerodynamic of the aircraft. 3. Investigate or case study on the real situations involving the aerodynamics and flight performances. References 1. Anderson, J.D. (2008), Introduction to Flight, 7th Edition, Singapore: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. 2. Dole, C.E. and Lewis, J.E. (2000), Flight Theory and Aerodynamics: A Practical Guide for Operational Safety, 2nd edition, Singapore: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 233 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 MARINE ENGINEERING SYSTEM EME4553 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: NIL Course Synopsis This subject introduces the knowledge on working principles and operation of the ship’s machinery system to engineering students. All the machinery items found in a ship are described in simplified terms of their basic operation and their working principles. On completion of the course, students should be able to understand the basic operation and the components of the ship’s machinery. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Understand the working principle and basic operations of various types of ship’s machinery system. 2. Apply the knowledge on the machinery operation related to the machinery maintenance. 3. Evaluate the engineering problem related to the ship’s machinery system. to solve the machinery problem References 1. D.A Taylor, [2007]. Introduction to Marine Engineering, 2nd Edition, Elsevier Ltd, United Kingdom. 2. Anthony F. Molland, [2008]. The Maritime Engineering Reference Book, Elsevier Ltd, United Kingdom. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 234 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 SHIP MAINTENANCE SYSTEM EME4193 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: NIL Course Synopsis This subject introduces the knowledge on ship maintenance concept and procedures for engineering students. This subject contains the introduction to maintenance management concept, organization of the maintenance functions, maintenance analysis tools, maintenance documentation and refit routine procedures. On completion of the course, students should be able to understand the basic operation and the basic components of the ship maintenance concepts and procedures. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Understand the maintenance management concept and refit procedure. 2. Apply the ship maintenance concept and procedure to solve the maintenance problem related to the machinery onboard ship. 3. Evaluate the maintenance engineering problem using the maintenance analysis tools. References 1. B.S.Dhillon, [2002], Engineering Maintenance, A modern Approach, CRC Press LCC Boca Raton, Florida USA. 2. R.K Mobley, [2008], Maintenance Engineering Handbook, 7th edition, McGraw-Hill Com. Inc., USA. 3. Buku Rujukan Laut, [1985], RMN Maintenance System, Kementerian Pertahanan, K.Lumpur. 4. Buku Rujukan Laut, [1980], Panduan Pengurusan Senggaraan Berjadual Kapal-Kapal Di Limbungan, Kementerian Pertahanan, K.Lumpur. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 235 BUKU PANDUAN AKADEMIK SARJANA MUDA SESI AKADEMIK 2012/2013 SHIP DESIGN AND STRUCTURE EME4343 3 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: NIL Course Synopsis This subject introduces the basic knowledge on principles and theory related to basic engineering in ship design for engineering students. This course introduces the types of ship’s hull, strength, structure and material of ship hull, basic ship design drawing and basic calculation on ship stability, resistance and powering. On completion of the course, the student should be able to determine the types of ship’s hull, determine basic concept in designing and constructing a ship, calculate the meta-center height, righting moment, trim, ship resistance and powering. Course Outcomes At the end of this course students able to: 1. Explain the basic design characteristics on various types of ship hull. 2. Apply the knowledge of ship design concept and ship geometry. 3. Solve engineering problems related to ship hull structure ,ship stability and resistance. 4. Select suitable ship configuration based on specified requirements. References 1. Eric Tupper, Introduction to Naval Architecture, Third Edition, The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 1996. 2. Robert B.Zubaly. Apllied Naval Architecture, Cornell Maritime Press, Inc, Maryland 1996. UNIVERSITI PERTAHANAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA 236