La hibridación en el origen y extinción de especies en el género
La hibridación en el origen y extinción de especies en el género
VNIVERSITM © ^V a l e n c ia VNIVERSITM ID V m e n c ix Jardí Botánic La hibridación en el origen y extinción de especies en el género A n t i r r h i n u m (Scrophulariaceae): el caso de las rupícolas amenazadas A . c h a r i d e m i , A. s u b b a e t i c u m y A. v a l e n t i n u m Tesis Doctoral de Elena Carrió González Director Dr. Jaime Güemes Heras Valencia 2010 UMI Number: U 603067 All rights reserved INFO RM ATIO N TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. Disscrrlation Publishíng UMI U603067 Published by ProQuest LLC 2014. Copyright in the Dissertation held by the Author. Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying underTitle 17, United States Code. ProQuest LLC 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1346 UNIVERSITAT DE VALÍEn CÍÁ BCA. DE CIÉNC1ES EDUARD BOSCÁ DATA: 9 - * 7 ' ' L o l / a SIGNATURA: _ S" ITEM: C — > w VniverIitm m V \lE n c i\ Jardl Botánic D. Jaime Güemes Heras, Doctor en Biología y Conservador del Jardín Botánico de la Universidad de Valencia-ICBiBE, AUTORIZA La presentación de la Tesis Doctoral titulada “La hibridación en el origen y extinción de especies en el género Antirrhmum (Scrophulariaceae): el caso de las rupícolas amenazadas A. charidemi, A. subbaeticum y A. valentinum”, elaborada por Dña. Elena Carrió González bajo mi inmediata dirección y supervisión en el Departamento de Botánica, y que presenta para la obtención del grado de Doctor por la Universidad de Valencia. '— 1 En Valencia a diecisiete de marzo de 2010 Esta memoria doctoral está dedicada a P. P. T. T.ib CIV. A A M 1H R H IM M OLITINOSUM BOISS K t l < B Amimkhim m Chariuemi Lc.t. ^ ¿ A ^ \0 % V \ W I ffftí mm icm 2mm U tijflM H M É fe iM tta Contenido Introducciín Hibridacicn: origen y extinción de especies 1 3 Origen Je especies 3 Extinciói de especies 7 Frecuercia de la hibridación interespecífica El géneroAntirrhinum y los procesos de hibridación 11 12 El casode las rupícolas amenazadas A. charídemi, A. subbaeticum y A. valertinum 15 Objetivo 23 Capítulos (3n inglés) 27 Chaptert A geographical pattern of Antirrhinum speciation since the Pliocene kased on plastid and nuclear DNA polymorphism 27 1.1. Introduction 29 1.2. Materials and Methods 31 1.2.1.Sampling strategy and DNA sequencing 31 1.2.2.Plastid haplotype analysis 32 1.2.3.Phylogeneticanalysis 33 1.2.4. Dating lineage divergente 34 1.3. Resjlts haplotypes analysis 34 34 1.3.2. ITS sequence variation 35 1.3.3. Phylogenetic analyses 37 1.3.4. Dating lineage divergente 38 1.4. Discussion 41 1.4.1. Evidence for extensive hybridization in Antirrhinum 41 1.4.2. Pleistocene divergente oí Antirrhinum lineages 43 1.4.3. A geographical pattern of differentiation inEastern Iberia 44 Appendix (1.1) 47 C hapterll: Reproductive biology and conservaron implications in Antirrhinum charídemi, A. subbaeticum and A. valentinum 53 2.1. Introduction 55 2.2. Materials and Methods 57 2.2.1. Study species and site 57 2.2.2. Flowering phenology 59 2.2.3. Floral biology: flowering duration, pollen viability and stigma receptivity 60 2.2.4. Pollination treatments 61 2.2.5. Pollen-ovule ratio (P/O) 62 2.2.6. Inbreeding depresión 62 2.2.7. Statistical analysis 62 2.3. Results 2.3.1. Flowering phenology 63 63 2.3.2. Floral biology: flowering duration, pollen viability and stigma receptivity 63 2.3.3. Pollinations treatments 64 2.3.4. Pollen-ovule ratio (P/O) 72 2.3.5. Inbreeding depression 72 2.4. Discussion 73 2.4.1. Mating pattems 73 2.4.2. Limits on seed quantity and quality 74 2.4.3. Conservation implications 75 Chapterlll: Assessing the rísk of hybridization and introgression in a rare endemic Antirrhinum species: the case of A. valentinum 79 3.1. Introduction 81 3.2. Materials and Methods 84 3.2.1. Plant species and study site 84 3.2.2. Experimental crosses 86 3.2.3. Pollen adherence, germination and tube growth 88 3.2.4. Hybrid reproductive capacity 88 3.3. Results 3.3.1. Experimental crosses 90 90 3.3.2. Pollen adherence, germination and tube growth 91 3.3.3. Hybrid reproductive capacity 93 3.4. Discussion 95 3.4.1. Prezygotic and postzygotic reproductive barriere 95 3.4.2. Hybrid reproductive capacity 97 3.4.3. Potential hybridization and introgression in theenvironment 98 3.4.4. Conservation implications 100 Chapter IV: Evaluating species non-monophyly as a trait affecting genetic diversity: the case of Antirrhinum charidemi, A. subbaeticum and A. valentinum 101 4.1. Introduction 103 4.2. Materials and Methods 105 4.2.1. Sampling 105 4.2.2. DNA extraction, gene amplificationand sequencing 108 4.2.3. Data analysis 108 4.3. Results 111 4.3.1. Characteristics of nuclear and plastid sequences 111 4.3.2. Phylogenetic analysis 111 4.3.3. Analysis of plastid haplotypes 116 4.4. Discussion 4.4.1. Testing monophyly at the species level 116 116 4.4.2. Life history traits, monophyly and genetic diversity Appendix (4.1) 119 122 Conclusiones 127 Referencias 131 Agradecimientos 157 j ¡ ¡J l Introducción Introducción HIBRIDACIÓN: ORIGEN Y EXTINCIÓN DE ESPECIES El papel de la hibridación en el origen, mantenimiento y pérdida de la biodiversidad ha sido sujeto de especulación y debate durante más de dos siglos. Linné ya escribió en 1760 “es imposible dudar de que hay muchas especies producidas por generación híbrida ...y consecuentemente, que muchas de las especies de plantas de un género, que en principio eran una sola planta, han surgido por generación híbrida”. Autores posteriores han mantenido el debate hasta nuestros días (Mendel, 1866; Grant, 1989; Arnold, 1997; Rieseberg, 1997). Mientras que algunos autores han enfatizado, como Linné, el papel creativo de la hibridación en la formación de especies (Stebbins, 1942; Anderson, 1949; Arnold, 1997), otros, en cambio, han destacado su papel como fuerza evolutiva destructora, capaz de la desintegración genética de especies (Ellstrand, 1992; Levin et al., 1996; Rhymer y Simberloff, 1996). Y sólo una minoría considera que la hibridación tiene un papel evolutivo insignificante, bajo la visión de que es un fenómeno poco natural que principalmente ocurre en lugares alterados por la actividad humana (Schemske, 2000). Origen de especies La idea de que la hibridación puede contribuir a incrementar la biodiversidad a través de la creación de especies o formas nuevas está ampliamente aceptada, sobre todo en el ámbito de las especiación vegetal (Arnold, 1993; Rieseberg, 1997; Rieseberg et al., 1999; Ungerer et al., 1998). Una especie hibridógena puede formarse por el aislamiento del híbrido natural de sus progenitores tras alcanzar la estabilidad genética (Grant, 1989). La especiación por hibridación puede ser de dos tipos en función del número cromosómico de la nueva especie: poliploide (alopoliploide) caracterizada porque en los híbridos se produce una duplicación del genoma, 4 INTRODUCCIÓN homoploide, en la que los híbridos mantienen el mismo número cromosómico que tienen las especies progenitoras (Rieseberg y Willis, 2007). El significado evolutivo de la especiación híbrida poliploide ha sido más estudiado que el de la homoploide (Chapman y Burke, 2007), pero todavía quedan aspectos por revelar (Mallet, 2007). Este tipo de especiación se detecta con más facilidad que la homoploide, porque implica un cambio en el número cromosómico de las especies híbridas con respecto al de las especies progenitoras. Uno de los mecanismos más conocidos por el que se pueden originar especies híbridas poliploides es a través de la duplicación de los cromosomas somáticos de un híbrido diploide (Rieseberg y Willis, 2007). Por ejemplo, en el híbrido diploide estéril entre Prímula verticillata y P. floribunda, se produjo una duplicación del genoma de las células vegetativas que dio lugar a tallos fértiles tetraploides. Posteriormente, este híbrido, se reprodujo por autogamia, y generó un nuevo híbrido tetraploide, Prímula kewensis, uno de los primeros híbridos poliploides descritos (Ramsey y Schemske, 1998; Mallet, 2007). El aislamiento reproductivo de los híbridos poliploides ocurre, prácticamente, de manera directa debido a que los cruces entre estos híbridos y los progenitores diploides fallan o producen progenie generalmente estéril, en parte, porque presentan números cromosómicos diferentes (Grant, 1989). Con frecuencia, los nuevos híbridos poliploides fracasan durante la etapa de establecimiento debido a que sufren anormalidades meióticas y/o a la escasez de cruzamientos apropiados en la población (Ramsey y Schemske, 1998; Soltis y Soltis, 2009). Sin embargo, otros factores ayudan a minimizar este fracaso. Por ejemplo, el hecho de que los híbridos poliploides sean capaces de colonizar nuevos hábitats disponibles y que tengan capacidad para la reproducción asexual, contribuye al éxito durante las primeras etapas del estableciendo (Baack, 2005; Rausch y Morgan, 2005). En otras ocasiones, los híbridos poliploides presentan una alta fecundidad y un modo de vida perenne, que les permite reproducirse en numerosas ocasiones a lo largo de su ciclo de vida y les confiere una ventaja durante el establecimiento (Rodríguez, 1996). La especiación por hibridación poliploide se considera un evento relativamente común, mucho más frecuente que la especiación por hibridación homoploide (Rieseberg, 1997). Actualmente se conocen muchas especies poliploides de origen INTRODUCCIÓN 5 híbrido (ej. Cardamine silana, en Perny et al., 2005; Achillea virescens, en Guo et al., 2005; Saxífraga osloensis, en Nilsson y Jorde, 1998), incluso algunas de ellas se han formado en los últimos 150 años, como Tragopogón mirus, T. miscellus (Ownbey, 1950) o Spartina anglica (Ainouche et al., 2004); o se han originado, en más de una ocasión, como Senecio cambrensis (Abbott y Lowe, 2004). Esta última especie, se ha generado en dos ocasiones distintas, dando lugar a dos poblaciones independientes (una en Escocia y otra en Gales), cada una sometida a diferentes presiones de selección; aunque, actualmente, sólo persiste la población de Gales, pues la población escocesa desapareció 20 años después de su descubrimiento (Abbott y Lowe, 2004). La especiación por hibridación homoploide es menos frecuente que la poliploide porque los híbridos han de superar incompatibilidades genéticas o cromosómicas sin el aislamiento reproductivo que confiere la poliploidía (Rieseberg, 1997; Barton, 2001). A diferencia de la especiación por hibridación poliploide, el proceso por el cual los híbridos homoploides se convierten en reproductivamente aislados de sus progenitores es menos obvio (Rieseberg, 1997; Wolfe et al., 1998). Se han propuesto dos vías por las cuales una forma híbrida homoploide puede alcanzar la estabilidad genética y el aislamiento reproductivo (revisado en Buerkle et al., 2000): en primer lugar, se ha sugerido que, aunque los híbridos de la primeras generaciones suelen mostrar una fertilidad reducida, debido a desequilibrios en los cromosomas, los cruzamientos entre estos híbridos, pueden dar a lugar a genotipos nuevos, cromosómicamente equilibrados, con alta fertilidad y aislados reproductivamente de las especies progenitoras; en segundo lugar, se ha propuesto que la estabilidad y aislamiento de los nuevos linajes híbridos dependerá de barreras externas, es decir, si éstos son capaces de sobrevivir en ambientes distintos de los de las especies progenitoras. Al parecer, ambos mecanismos han contribuido al origen de la mayoría de las especies híbridas homoploides conocidas (Rieseberg, 1997). Actualmente, se han documentado unos 20 casos claros de especies vegetales híbridas homoploides (Rieseberg, 1997; Mallet, 2007), y de éstos, la situación más investigada ha sido la de las tres especies híbridas de Helianthus, H. anomalus, H. deserticola y H. paradoxus. Estas tres especies han derivado del cruce entre H. 6 INTRODUCCIÓN annus y H. petiolarís, localizadas en Norteamérica. H. annuus vive en suelos saturados en primavera y secos en verano, y H. petiolarís crece en suelos arenosos, más o menos, secos. En cambio, los tres híbridos que producen estas dos especies, han ocupado hábitats extremos si se comparan con los propios de las especies pregenitoras: H. anomalus y H. deserticola muestran adaptaciones a la xericidad, y habitan sobre dunas de arena, en zonas desérticas, en Utah y noreste de Arizona, y en Utah y Texas, respectivamente; H. paradoxus vive sobre suelos salinos y moderadamente pantanosos, en Texas y Nuevo México. El establecimiento de los tres híbridos se ha visto facilitado por una rápida adaptación a los ambientes extremos, que les ha proporcionado una ventaja selectiva y, además, ha funcionado como un mecanismo efectivo de aislamiento (Buerkle et al., 2000; Lexer et al., 2003; Gross y Rieseberg, 2005). La situación ilustrada en Helianthus, es la habitual en los híbridos homoploides, es decir, todas las especies híbridas homoploides que se conocen divergen ecológicamente de las especies progenitoras, y muestran, algún grado de aislamiento ecogeográfico. En algunos casos, las especies híbridas homoploides ocupan hábitats intermedios entre las dos especies progenitoras, y en otros, han colonizado hábitats extremos (Gross y Rieseberg, 2005; Rieseberg y Willis, 2007). Por otra parte, en ocasiones, puede ocurrir que los nuevos híbridos homoploides se crucen con distinta intensidad con las especies progenitoras, de manera que las generaciones siguientes de linajes híbridos que se formen serán, más o menos, parecidas genéticamente a las especies progenitoras. Si los descendientes híbridos se cruzan de forma continua o muy frecuente con una de las especies progenitoras se puede facilitar que unos pocos caracteres de una de las dos especies que hibridan queden incluidos en el acervo genético de la otra especie. Este proceso se conoce como hibridación introgresiva o introgresión (Soltis y Soltis, 2009) y se describió por vez primera a partir de los patrones de hibridación observados en Iris (Riley, 1938). Uno de los ejemplos de hibridación introgresiva mejor caracterizados es de /. fulva e /. hexagona. Por medio de análisis moleculares (aloenzimas; RAPD -Random Amplication of Polymorphic DNA-, secuencias de ADN nuclear y plastidial) se ha confirmado la presencia de genes de /. fulva en una población de /. hexagona, situada a 10 km de la población más próxima de /. fulva\ y INTRODUCCIÓN 7 la presencia de genes de I. hexagona en una población de I. fulva, situada a 25 km de la población más cercana de I. hexagona (Arnold y Bennett, 1993). La hibridación y la introgresión también han participado en la formación de I. nelsonii, derivado de tres especies, I. fulva, I. hexagona e /. brevicaulls (Arnold, 1993). Extinción de especies El efecto negativo de la hibridación sobre la diversidad de especies se ha investigado con mayor énfasis en las últimas dos décadas, de manera que en la actualidad, la hibridación se considera un mecanismo evolutivo importante capaz de extinguir o de mermar poblaciones o especies (Ellstrand y Elam, 1993; Rhymer y Simberloff, 1996; Allendorf et al., 2001). Hay una serie de factores de tipo ecológico y genético que influyen sobre el riesgo de extinción por hibridación en las plantas y que son, entre otros, la magnitud de las barreras reproductivas que aíslan a los táxones que hibridan, el vigor y la fertilidad de los híbridos, el tamaño relativo y absoluto de las poblaciones, la estocasticidad demográfica o la tasa de crecimiento de las poblaciones, la divergencia ecológica, la diversidad de alelos S, o los cambios en la presión de la herbivoría o de los patógenos (Levin et al., 1996; Wolf et al., 2001; Buerkle et al., 2003). Huxel (1999), Wolf et al. (2001) y Buerkle et al. (2003), tras analizar la importancia relativa de estos factores, concluyeron que, en general, los de mayor influencia sobre la tasa y probabilidad de extinción son las barreras reproductivas, la divergencia ecológica y la abundancia de individuos. Dependiendo de cómo operen todos los factores mencionados, el declive de una especie por hibridación puede ocurrir a través de procesos de tipo genético o demográfico, y ambos tipos pueden actuar de manera sinérgica (Levin et al., 1996; Wolf et. al., 2001; Buerkle et al., 2003). En particular, se ha observado que las plantas raras o amenazadas, al contar con poblaciones más pequeñas, son más vulnerables a los efectos negativos de la hibridación. Hay determinadas circunstancias que suponen un riesgo especial para estas especies. Por ejemplo, si la especie rara entra en contacto con un congénere cultivado o domesticado que se ha naturalizado (ej. Juglans en McGranahan et al., 1988; Helianthus en Carney et al., 2000; Oryza en Song et al., 2004); o si la especie rara contacta con otra especie nativa, normalmente abundante o incluso rara, como consecuencia de la ruptura de barreras ecológicas o geográficas como 8 INTRODUCCIÓN consecuencia de la alteración antropogénica del entorno (ej. Braya, en Parsons y Hermanutz, 2006; Physaría, en Kothera et al., 2007). De todos los casos de especies raras o amenazadas que entran en contacto con un congénere común, probablemente la hibridación sólo suponga un problema para una parte de estas plantas. Sin embargo, hay que tener en cuenta que la hibridación puede causar de manera muy rápida la extinción de una especie amenazada, por lo que conviene detectarla lo antes posible. En muchos casos, el flujo génico interespecífico resulta obvio por la presencia de híbridos morfológicamente intermedios entre los progenitores. Si los caracteres morfológicos no son tan evidentes, es posible investigar la hibridación por medio de métodos genéticos. Extinción por procesos genéticos El principal proceso genético capaz de ocasionar la pérdida de una especie por hibridación, se conoce con el término de asimilación genética, e implica la destrucción de la integridad genética de una especie y la incorporación de su material genético al acervo génico de otra (Soltis y Gitzendanner, 1999), que podríamos considerar como una compiloespecie (Harlam y deWet, 1963). Para que esto se produzca es necesario que se formen híbridos parcial o totalmente fértiles y con una fitness elevada (Wolf et al., 2001), puesto que son el puente para el flujo génico entre los progenitores. La diferencia en el tamaño poblacional de las especies que hibridan es un punto clave del proceso (Ellstrand y Elam, 1993; Levin et al., 1996): el taxon menos abundante del par tiene más probabilidades de ser reemplazado por el otro, numéricamente superior. Cuanto mayor sea la diferencia entre el tamaño poblacional de las especies que hibridan, mayor riesgo existirá de que la especie menos numerosa sea asimilada genéticamente por su congénere (Ellstrand y Elam, 1993). Carney et al. (2000) analizaron la composición genética y morfológica de una población híbrida de girasoles (Helianthus) y la compararon con datos tomados 50 años atrás; sus resultados mostraron que la población estudiada, que ¡nidalmente estaba formada por individuos de H. bolanderi, una especie poco abundante, se encontraba prácticamente compuesta por individuos híbridos muy similares a H. annuus, especie localmente numerosa. En otros circunstancias, la asimilación genética también puede suponer un problema para una especie abundante que entra en contacto con un congénere INTRODUCCIÓN 9 numéricamente inferior pero de mayor éxito reproductivo. Por ejemplo, Spartina foliosa es una especie común y nativa de California, amenazada por la hibridación con S. altemifolia, una especie invasora de marjales salinos de la bahía de San Francisco, poco abundante, pero con mayor capacidad reproductiva masculina (produce 21 veces más polen viable) y con una tasa mayor de crecimiento clonal (Anttila et al., 1998). Los modelos de simulación que analizan la evolución de las poblaciones simpátricas de ambas especies de Spartina revelan que S. foliosa, podría extinguirse rápidamente, en sólo 3-20 generaciones (Wolf et al., 2001). La hibridación puede provocar además que una de las especies que híbrida sea genéticamente asimilada por los nuevos híbridos que se forman. Los híbridos fértiles, con una fitness igual o superior a la de las especies progenitoras, se pueden cruzar de manera intensiva con uno de los progenitores hasta provocar su extinción. Argyranthemum coronopifolium es un endemismo amenazado de Tenerife (Moreno, 2008), que contaba con unas siete poblaciones (Levin et al., 1996). Debido a actividades humanas en su territorio, en 1965, una de sus poblaciones entró en contacto con A. frutescens, muy abundante a nivel local. En 1981, esta población, originalmente constituida por A. coronopifolium, estaba compuesta por plantas híbridas con distinto fenotipo y por unos pocos individuos puros de A. coronopifolium (Levin et al., 1996). Situaciones similares se han documentado en: Lotus scoparius ssp. traskiae (Listón et al., 1990), Cercocarpus traskiae (Rieseberg y Gerber, 1995) o Morus rubra (Burgess et al., 2005). En un extremo, menos probable, los híbridos pueden incluso causar, a través de la asimilación genética, la extinción de las dos especies progenitoras. Hegde at al. (2006) documentaron con evidencias genéticas, por primera vez en plantas, la extinción local simultánea de dos especies. El híbrido entre Raphanus raphanistrum y R. sativus, considerado una entidad evolutiva independiente, provocó la desaparición local de los dos progenitores. Los resultados de un experimento que estos autores desarrollaron en el invernadero demostraron que el híbrido presenta una combinación específica de caracteres de sus progenitores que parece ser la responsable de un comportamiento colonizador agresivo. 10 INTRODUCCIÓN Extinción por procesos demográficos Los procesos de tipo demográfico que se generan por la hibridación entre especies y que pueden provocar un declive de las poblaciones se basan en una reducción de la tasa de crecimiento de la población (Levin et al., 1996; Wolf et al., 2001). Cuando una especie recibe polen de otra, este polen ajeno puede fecundar óvulos que dejarían entonces de estar disponibles para la propia especie, y que de otra manera, hubieran podido generar descendencia pura. Esto puede provocar una reducción en la formación de la progenie pura, y consecuentemente la tasa de crecimiento de la población puede disminuir hasta el punto de ser inferior al límite necesario para el reemplazo de individuos en la población (Buerkle et al., 2003; Haygood et al., 2003). El estudio de Burgess et al. (2008) en un par de especies de morera en Canadá, Morus rubra, nativa amenazada, y Morus alba, invasora abundante, ilustra este caso. Para M. rubra, la producción de semillas híbridas supone un gran coste reproductivo, que va en detrimento de la producción de progenie pura. En parcelas ubicadas en áreas donde cohabitan ambas especies y los híbridos entre ambas, se observó que la mayoría de las semillas de M. rubra eran híbridas. Al eliminar las plantas de M. alba y los híbridos de las parcelas, M. rubra no produjo más cantidad de semillas, sino que aumentó el número de semillas puras. Por otra parte, la hibridación también puede afectar al reclutamiento y establecimiento de los táxones progenitores al incrementarse la competencia con los híbridos por el hábitat disponible (Arnold et al., 1999, 2001). A pesar de la visión tradicional de que los híbridos presentan una fitness generalmente baja comparada con la de los progenitores, hay evidencias que muestran la situación contraria, lo que sugiere que la presencia de híbridos con mayor fitness durante la fase de establecimiento de los progenitores, puede colocar a estos últimos en una situación de desventaja (Burke y Arnold, 2001). Emms y Arnold (1997) realizaron una experiencia de plantación de ejemplares de Iris fulva, I. hexagona y de híbridos entre las dos en parcelas experimentales, que fueron elegidas por contener únicamente individuos de I. fulva, o de I. hexagona, o bien, individuos híbridos, y que diferían en características ecológicas. En cada parcela, transplantaron rizomas de los tres tipos de plantas y evaluaron su desarrollo. Los resultados mostraron que los individuos INTRODUCCIÓN 11 híbridos transplantados, una vez establecidos, superaban en fitness a las especies progenitoras en alguno de los hábitats. Frecuencia de la hibridación interespecífica En la actualidad, aún no se dispone de información precisa sobre cuál ha sido la incidencia de la hibridación ancestral en la naturaleza. Sin embargo, se conocen bastante bien los procesos recientes de hibridación interespecífica. El indicador más fiable para estimar la frecuencia de la hibridación contemporánea proviene del análisis de las floras biosistemáticas de cada territorio (Rieseberg, 1997). Ellstrand et al. (1996), a partir del análisis de cinco floras de diversas regiones del mundo, estimaron que la frecuencia de los híbridos naturales comparada con el número total de especies era de un 11%. Este valor variaba entre el 5,8% (Flora Intermontana de Norteamérica) y el 22% (Flora de las Islas Británicas). Los híbridos naturales se distribuían de manera irregular, con una clara tendencia taxonómica: sólo entre el 616% de los géneros y entre el 16%-34% de las familias presentaban uno o más táxones híbridos. El análisis preliminar de los datos sobre la flora de la Península Ibérica disponibles hasta el momento en Flora Ibérica (2009), mostró unos valores que se situarían dentro del rango de los datos obtenidos por Ellstrand et al. (1996), aunque próximos al límite superior en todos los casos. En concreto, en la Península Ibérica, la frecuencia de híbridos naturales en relación con el número total de especies fue del 21%. El 14% de los géneros y el 34% de las familias contenían al menos un taxon híbrido. El caso de la flora de la Península Ibérica no es, pues, distinto a la generalización establecida por Ellstrand et al. (1996). Los datos disponibles sugieren que la hibridación contemporánea puede ser poco frecuente y que hay ciertos grupos filogenéticos con una predisposición biológica a la formación y mantenimiento de híbridos. Entre estos, en la Península Ibérica, destacarían los géneros Limonium (Plumbagínaceae), con 107 especies y 141 híbridos, Sideritis (Labiatae), con 31 especies y 35 híbridos, y Viola (Violaceae), con 29 especies y 30 híbridos (sin atender a los casos de Hieracium, Rubus y Taraxacum, por la compleja interpretación que supone; Ellstrand et al. 1996). 12 INTRODUCCIÓN EL GÉNERO ANTIRRHINUM Y LOS PROCESOS DE HIBRIDACIÓN El género Antirrhinum L. está constituido por 25 especies distrituidas principalmente por el mediterráneo occidental (sólo A. siculum y A. toruosum alcanzan el mediterráneo oriental). La Península Ibérica es el centro de dixersificación. En este territorio se presentan 23 de las 25 especies, de ellas, el 6£% son endemismos ibéricos exclusivos (Güemes, 2009). El género forma parte de la familia Scrophulariaceae, aunque recientemente se ha sugerido el orgen polifilético de la familia y se ha propuesto su división en otras, de manera que Antirrhinum, bajo esta visión, se incluiría dentro de Plantaginaceae (Olmstead et al., 2001). El género Antirrhinum lo forman hierbas perennes o subarbustos, diploides (2n = 16), que según su preferencia ecológica, pueden separarse, básicamente, en dos grandes grupos. Por un lado, aproximadamente la mitad del géiero está constituido por especies propias de terrenos removidos o pedregosos, bordes de caminos, cascajos y muros, fisuras o rellanos de rocas, sobre substratos en su mayoría, de naturaleza caliza o silícea (Güemes, 2009). La mayoría de estas especies tiene numerosas poblaciones de gran tamaño y abarca un rango de distribución amplio (Anthos, 2009). Sólo dos de estas especies {A. latifolium y A. linkianum) están representadas en España por escasas poblaciones en el línite de su área de distribución y se encuentran amenazadas en nuestro territorio, por lo que se incluyeron en la Lista Roja de la Flora Vascular Española (Moreno, 2008). El resto del género son principalmente rupícolas, que habitan en fisuras y rellanos de roquedos verticales, sobre substrato, principalmente, de naturaleza caliza, y en exposiciones ligeramente sombreadas (Güemes, 2009). Estas especies, en general, cuentan con pocas poblaciones de escaso tamaño, y su área de distribución suele ser pequeña (Bañares et al., 2004, 2006, 2009). En total, sor seis las especies rupícolas de Antirrhinum {A. charidemi, A. lopesianum, A microphyllum, A. pertegasii, A. subbaeticum, A. valentinum) amenazadas en España (Moreno, 2008). Las especies de Antirrhinum tienen flores zigomorias agrupadas en inflorescencias, desde muy laxas a densas. La corola es personada de color blanco, amarillo o purpúreo, y generalmente con venas purpúreas, con ui tubo más o menos cilindrico que se prolonga en una giba basal donde se acumula el néctar (Sutton, 1988; Güemes, 2009). La mayoría de las especies son autoincompatibles (Sutton, INTRODUCCIÓN 13 1988), con sistema de autoincompatibilidad del tipo gametofítico (Gruber, 1932, 1934), aunque se han documentado algunas excepciones (A siculum, en Harrison y Darby, 1955; variedades cultivadas de A. majus, en Sutton, 1988; determinadas poblaciones de A. cirrhigerum y A. linkianum, en Vieira y Charlesworth, 2002). Las flores son polinizadas por insectos, principalmente, por especies de Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera y Díptera (Rothmaler, 1956). El fruto es una cápsula bilocular, de ovoide a globosa, de dehiscencia foraminal, que contiene numerosas semillas pequeñas, sin estructuras de dispersión evidentes (Sutton, 1988). Antirrhinum ha sido sujeto de numerosos estudios de genética de poblaciones en los que la diversidad genética se ha analizado con las técnicas de aloenzimas y de RAPD (Mateu-Andrés, 1999, 2004; Mateu-Andrés y Segarra-Moragues, 2000, 2003b; Jiménez et al., 2002; Torres et al., 2003; Mateu-Andrés y de Paco, 2006). Estos análisis, hasta el momento realizados en 16 especies (7 rupícolas), se han dirigido, en la mayoría de las ocasiones, al planteamiento de estrategias de conservación. Además, la relación entre la diversidad genética y el sistema reproductivo ha sido investigada, pero con resultados ambiguos (Mateu-Andrés y Segarra-Moragues, 2000; Jiménez et al., 2002; Mateu-Andrés y de Paco, 2006). En otras ocasiones, la técnica de los aloenzimas se ha utilizado para establecer la delimitación taxonómica y las relaciones entre especies próximas (en especies relacionadas con A. graniticum y A. meonanthum, en Mateu-Andrés y SegarraMoragues, 2003a; y con A. majus y A. siculum, en Mateu-Andrés y de Paco, 2005). En Antirrhinum, el aislamiento geográfico y ecológico ha contribuido a la diferenciación y a la formación de endemismos locales en la Penísula Ibérica (Webb, 1971). Se ha sugerido que la diferenciación de muchos táxones habría ocurrido al haber quedado éstos refugiados en áreas pequeñas y aislados de otros táxones por medio de barreras de tipo geográfico o ecológico. Más recientemente, a estos procesos evolutivos de aislamiento, se ha añadido la participación de la hibridación ancestral, pues se ha sugerido su papel relevante en la formación de la mayoría de las especies reconocidas (Vargas et al., 2004; Jiménez et al., 2005ab). Por otra parte, también hay evidencias de que la hibridación opera actualmente en la naturaleza, en parte, debido a que las barreras reproductivas entre las especies son débiles (Rothmaler, 1956). Entre 1956 y 2003 se han descrito cinco 14 INTRODUCCIÓN híbridos naturales (A australe x A. graniticum: A. x albanchezii Mateu; A. controversum x A. mollissimum: A. x kretschmeri Rothm.; A. graniticum x A. pulverulentum: A x segurae Fern. Casas; A. meonanthum x A. pulverulentum: A x mazimpakae Fern. Casas; A. molle x A. majus: A x montserratii Molero & Romo; revisado en Güemes, 2009), al menos hay otros cuatro híbridos descubiertos entre 1996 y 2009 y todavía sin describir (A. microphyllum x A. graniticum, J. Güemes y J. Riera, com. pers.; A. microphyllum x A. majus, J. Güemes, com. pers.; A. pertegasiix A. litigiosum, L. Sáez, com. pers.; A. pulverulentum x A. litigiosum, J. Güemes y J. Fabado, com. pers.), y se conoce una amplia zona de hibridación activa, en los Pirineos orientales, entre A. latifolium y A. majus (Whibley et al., 2006; Tastard et al., 2008). Excepto A. australe x A. graniticum y A. latifolium x A. majus, el resto de híbridos procede del cruce entre una especie rupícola, más o menos rara, y un congénere no rupícola, más común y se han localizado en áreas de reciente alteración antropogénica (próximos a conducciones y obras públicas). La actividad humana en el territorio habitado por especies de Antirrhinum ha provocado la ruptura del aislamiento geográfico y ecológico que mantenía la separación entre especies y ha facilitado la coexistencia e hibridación entre táxones que antes eran alopátricos. Los procesos de hibridación ancestral y reciente en el género, probablemente, son los responsables de la dificultad en la delimitación de algunos ejemplares, lo que ha fomentado la visión tradicional de Antirrhinum como género complejo y conflictivo a nivel taxonómico. Baur (1932) ya califica con la expresión botanicorum crux et scandalum a este género, para referirse a las dificultades taxonómicas que presenta. Por este motivo, el reconocimiento o no de un taxon concreto ha variado según el autor revisor del género. La sencilla comparación de los tratamientos de los sucesivos monógrafos del género nos permiten adivinar su complejidad (Rothmaler, 1956; Stubbe, 1966; Webb, 1971; Sutton, 1988; Güemes, 2009). Los datos moleculares basados en la secuenciación de ADN nuclear (ITS: Vargas et al., 2004) y plastidial (tmT-trnL: Jiménez et al., 2005b) de las especies del género, no han resultado útiles para aclarar conflictos taxonómicos ni resolver las relaciones filogenéticas entre las especies. INTRODUCCIÓN 15 El caso de las rupícolas amenazadas A. charidemi, A. subbaeticum y A. valentinum A. charidemi Lange, A. subbaeticum Güemes, Mateu & Sánchez Gómez y A. valentinum Font Quer son tres endemismos del E y SE de la Península Ibérica, filogenéticamente relacionados (Jiménez et al., 2005ab) y con características ecológicas similares (hábitat, tamaño poblacional y rango de distribución). Las tres especies son rupícolas, presentan un área de ocupación inferior a 15 km2 y cuentan con pocas poblaciones (A. charidemi, cinco; A. subbaeticum, cuatro; A. valentinum, cinco) de pequeño tamaño (Sánchez-Gómez et al., 2004; Carrió et al., 2006; Cueto et al., 2009). Prácticamente toda la población de A. charidemi se encuentra en el territorio del Parque Natural marítimo-terrestre Cabo de Gata - Níjar, en Almería. Los individuos de esta especie se presentan aislados o en grupos a lo largo de un hábitat continuo que abarca una extensión de unos 10-15 km lineales (Cueto et al., 2009). Por otra parte, dos de las poblaciones de A. subbaeticum se encuentran en los cañones de los ríos Mundo y Bogarra, en Albacete, a una distancia de unos 44 km de las otras dos poblaciones de esta especie, que se localizan en Benizar y en el arroyo de Hondares, en Murcia (Sánchez-Gómez et al., 2004). Las poblaciones de A. valentinum se distribuyen por las Sierras de Corbera, Buixcarró y Mondúber, en Valencia, y mantienen una distancia de separación de entre 3 y 7 km (Carrió et al., 2006). La Lista Roja de la Flora Vascular Española (Moreno, 2008) incluye A. charidemi, A. subbaeticum y A. valentinum bajo las categorías en peligro crítico, en peligro, y vulnerable, respectivamente. La participación de la hibridación y sus consecuencias en la historia evolutiva de las tres especies puede haber sido o puede ser muy diferente. Por un lado, las tres especies ocupan áreas geográficas muy pequeñas, en zonas más o menos aisladas y protegidas del contacto con otras especies. Sin embargo, recientemente, A. valentinum ha entrado en contacto con A. controversum, un congénere común, no rupícola, debido a la ruptura de barreras ecológicas por la actividad antropogénica en el territorio de estas especies. En la actualidad, no hay información sobre el potencial de hibridación entre A. valentinum y A. controversum. Por otro lado, hay evidencias moleculares basadas en el análisis de RAPO en un grupo de especies de Antirrhinum (A. charidemi, A. microphyllum, A. pertegasii, A. pulverulentum, A. 16 INTRODUCCIÓN serpervirens, A. subbaeticum y A. valentinum) que apuntan hacia la hipótesis de que en la formación de, al menos A. charidemi y A. subbaeticum, han intervenido procesos de hibridación (Jiménez et al., 2005a). Objetivo Objetivo El objetivo principal de esta memoria doctoral es investigar sobre los procesos de hibridación en tres especies rupícolas amenazadas de Antirrhinum {A. charidemi, A. subbaeticum y A. valentinum). La memoria doctoral se estructura en cuatro capítulos con formato de manuscrito científico que pueden leerse de manera independiente. La aproximación al objetivo general se aborda a partir del planteamiento de cuestiones particulares en cada capítulo, donde se exponen y discuten los resultados. El objetivo del primer capítulo es resolver las relaciones filogéneticas de A. charidemi, A. subbaeticum y A. valentinum. Para ello, se plantea un análisis filogenético de las especies del género (excepto A. martenii), basado en secuencias de ADN nuclear (ITS) y plastidial (tmS-trnG, frnK-mafK) de varias poblaciones de cada especie (excepto A. cirrhigerum). Se utilizan marcadores moleculares plastidiales no empleados con anterioridad en Antirrhinum y se amplia el número de poblaciones muestreadas con respecto a las filogenias previas realizadas con marcadores moleculares (nucleares: ITS, Vargas et al., 2004; plastidiales: tmT-trnL, Jiménez et al., 2005b). En paralelo, se infieren las relaciones filogeográficas y se estima la fecha de divergencia de los linajes del género. El objetivo del segundo capítulo es analizar si existe una estrategia reproductiva común y/o limitaciones reproductivas en A. charidemi, A. subbaeticum y A. valentinum. En particular, se investiga sobre la biología reproductiva, la limitación polínica (excepto en A. subbaeticum) y la depresión por endogamia en dos poblaciones naturales de cada especie y se proponen estrategias de conservación. Parte de esta información se utiliza para el desarrollo del capítulo tercero y cuarto. 26 OBJETIVO El objetivo del tercer capítulo es analizar si existe potencial para la hibridación y la introgresión entre A. valentinum y A. controversum. Se analizan las barreras postpolinización entre las dos especies (precigóticas y postcigóticas: producción de frutos y semillas, adherencia y germinación de polen en el estigma, desarrollo de los tubos polínicos en el estilo, tasa de germinación y velocidad de las semillas) y se examina la capacidad reproductiva de los híbridos artificiales que se generan por hibridación experimental (producción de óvulos y polen, viabilidad del polen, producción de frutos y semillas en cruces con otros híbridos y con las especies progenitoras, tasa de germinación y velocidad de germinación de las semillas). Se evalúan las posibles consecuencias de la hibridación entre las dos especies sobre la conservación de A. valentinum. El objetivo del cuarto capítulo es analizar la relación entre la diversidad genética, el nivel de monofilia y las características biológicas y ecológicas de A. charidemi, A. subbaeticum y A. valentinum. Para ello, se desarrolla un análisis filogénetico de las especies del género (excepto A. martenii) basado en secuencias de ADN plastidial (psbA-tmH, tm l-trnL) de varias poblaciones de cada especie (excepto A. cirrhigerum). Se utiliza un marcador molecular plastidial (psbA-tmH) no utilizado con anterioridad en Antirrhinum, y se amplia el número de poblaciones muestreadas con respecto al estudio filogenético de ADN plastidial (tmT-tmL) realizado por Jiménez et al. (2005b). Para cada especie, se examina la relación entre el nivel de monofilia en la filogenia de ADN plastidial {psbA-trnH, tm l-trn l) de este capítulo y de ADN nuclear (ITS) del capítulo primero, la diversidad genética (a partir de los datos publicados por Mateu-Andrés y Segarra-Moragues, 2000; MateuAndrés, 2004), y las características biológicas y ecológicas (parte de esta información procede del capítulo segundo). Chapter I: A geographical pattern of A n t i r r h i n u m speciation since the Pliocene based on plastid and nuclear DNA polymorphisms GEOGRAPHICAL PATTERN OF SPECIATION 29 1.1. INTRODUCTION The genus Antirrhinum L. contains 25 species primarily distributed throughout the western Mediterranean (Fig. 1.1). The circumscription of Antirrhinum ¡nto these species represents the result of more than 250 years of taxonomic effort. Linné (1753) considered 28 species in Antirrhinum, of which only A. majus and A. molle are currently retained in this genus. Increasing numbers of species were proposed in further publications by Willdenow (1800; four species) and Bentham (1846; eight species). The complex phenotype delimitation is reflected in the unstable classification of certain populations ¡nto different taxa and in the different numbers of species recognized by more recent authors: 23 in Rothmaler (1956); 24 in Stubbe (1966); 17 in Webb (1972); and 20 in Sutton (1988). This illustrates an ongoing discussion of taxonomic entities, which are characterized by a combination of few morphological characters (11) shared by two or more species (Vargas et al., 2004). Based on the distribution of key morphological characters, such as plant indumentum, leaf and bract shape, and branching patterns, Rothmaler (1956) and Webb (1972) envisioned isolation-contact-isolation processes during the dry and wet episodes of the Ice Ages, resulting in hybridization and subsequent character sharing. Despite the lack of taxonomic consensus and the fact that species boundaries are difficult to define, researchers have not been impeded in investigating evolution in Antirrhinum. The inheritance of floral development in A. majus was studied by Darwin (1876) and Mendel (1866), and the pioneering work of Bateson, Wheldale and particularly Baur established Antirrhinum as a model species group from the beginning of twentieth century onwards (Schwarz-Sommer et al., 2003). Baur was also one of the first researchers to appreciate the potential of evolutionary genetics, and used Antirrhinum species and mutant lines to ¡dentify and map genes responsible for differences in flower colour and morphology (Stubbe, 1966). The combination of classical genetics using inbred lines and new genetic technologies (Harrison and Carpenter, 1979) has resulted in a conceded collaborative effort between several research groups to describe a model system of floral morphogenesis (Coen et al., 1986; Endress, 1992; Schwarz-Sommer et al., 2003; Whibley et al., 2006) 30 GEOGRAPHICAL PATTERN OF SPECIATION Medíterranean Sea Atlantic Ocean 10°W 5°W 0o 5°E Figure 1.1. Geographical distributlon of the 25 Antirrhinum species. (a) Species with broader distributions (A. controversum, A. cirrhigerum, A. latifolium, A. litigiosum, A. majus, A. meonanthum, A. siculum, A. tortuosum) and A. mollissimum. (b) Species primarily distributed in the Iberian Península (A. australe, A. braun-blanquetii, A. charidemi, A. graniticum, A. grosii, A. hispanicum, A. linkianum, A. lopesianum, A. microphyllum, A. molle, A. pertegasii, A. pulverulentum, A. sempervirens, A. subbaeticum, A. valentinum) and A. latifolium. All species were sampled, except for the narrowly distributed endemic A. martenii (northern Africa), which was search but not found. Dashed lines divide the Iberian Península ¡nto the four quadrants used in the phylogeographical analysis. GEOGRAPHICAL PATTERN OF SPECIATION 31 Research effort in Antirrhinum also includes ¡ntraspecific, population genetic studies, with 16 out of 25 species examined by means of a range of molecular markers (Mateu-Andrés, 1999, 2004; Mateu-Andrés y Segarra-Moragues, 2000, 2003; Jiménez et al., 2002; Torres et al., 2003; Mateu-Andrés y de Paco, 2006). Considerable population diversity has been uncovered, as evidenced by a wide range of gene heterozygosity valúes {Ht 0.03-0.52) from co-dominant allozymes (Mateu-Andrés, 1999; Mateu-Andrés and de Paco, 2006), and similar high levels of diversity revealed by dominant, fingerprinting techniques (Jiménez et al., 2005a). This diversity has been shown to be both congruent (Jiménez et al., 2005a) and incongruent (Vargas et al., 2004; Jiménez et al., 2005b) with currently recognized taxonomic species. The body of knowledge on the taxonomy, population genetics and genetic control of organ morphogenesis in Antirrhinum is in contrast to the limited information available regarding phylogenetic relationships and phylogeographical patterns. Limited resolution obtained in previous phylogenetic studies of Antirrhinum species based on nuclear ribosomal ITS (Vargas et al., 2004) and plastid (Jiménez et al., 2005b) DNA sequences leaves open the question of whether complex and recent evolutionary processes or unsuitable sampling and molecular markers are responsible for the poor patterns observed. Here, we performed phylogenetic, phylogeographical and lineage divergence dating analyses bn an extended sample of Antirrhinum species using nuclear (ITS) and plastid (trnS-tmG, fmK-mafK) sequences to address speciation and divergence times in a morphologically complex Mediterranean system. 1.2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 1.2.1. Sampling strategy and DNA sequencing A total of 96 individuáis representing 24 of the 25 Antirrhinum species were sampled (Appendix 1.1). The number of populations sampled per species depended on their distribution and ¡ntraspecific variation. Particular effort was made to associate species distribution, morphological forms and taxonomic nomenclature by analysing material from 10 localities (locus classicus) where plants were first collected for the 32 GEOGRAPHICAL PATTERN OF SPECIATION original species descriptions. Based on previous phylogenetic results, the tribe Antirrhineae (i.e. 29 genera including Antirrhinum) ¡s monophyletic (Vargas et al., 2004) and closely related to the Plantaginaceae (Olmstead et al., 2001). In agreement with these results, outgroup sequences of genera closely related to Antirrhinum (Acanthorrhinum, Pseudomisopates, Misopates, Gambelia, Chaenorhinum) and sequences of Plantago and Digitalis were generated and ^ analysed (Appendix 1.1). Total DNA was extracted from silica-dried material using the CTAB (cetyl j trimethyl ammonium bromide) method as in Vargas et al. (2004) or DNeasy Plant Mini Kits (Qiagen, Valencia, CA, USA). Polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) were ! í performed on a Perkin-Elmer PCR System 9700 (Fremont, CA, USA) or a MJ Research (Waltham, MA, USA) thermal cycler. We obtained and analysed 83 trnKmalK, 83 trnS-trnG and 87 ITS sequences (Appendix 1.1). Standard primers were used for amplification of the trnK-matK spacer (fmK-3914F, maíK-1470R) (Johnson and Soltis, 1994) and the trnS (GCU)-frnG (UCC) spacer (Hamilton, 1999). After 1-3 min denaturation at 94°C, PCR conditions were: 28-30 cycles of 1 min at 94°C, and 1-2 min at 50-58°C, followed by an extensión of 10 min at 72°C. One microlitre of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) at 99.9% was included in each 25-pL reaction. Amplified producís were cleaned using spin filter columns (PCR Clean-up Kit, MoBio Laboratories, Carlsbad, CA, USA) following the manufacturera protocols. Cleaned Products were then directly sequenced using dye terminators (Big Dye Terminator ver. 2.0, Applied Biosystems, Little Chalfont, UK) following the manufacturéis protocols and run into polyacrylamide electrophoresis gels (7%) using an Applied Biosystems Prism Model 3700 automated sequencer. PCR primers were used for cycle sequencing. Sequence data were assembled and edited using the program SEQED (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA). Procedures used for DNA sequencing of the ITS región are given in Vargas et al. (2004). IUPAC (International Union of Puré and Applied Chemistry) symbols were used to represent nucleotide ambiguities. 1.2.2. Plastid haplotype analysis The 83 concatenated sequences of the trnK-ma1K and trnS-tmG spacers were aligned by hand, given the low number of indels across sequences. The number of GEOGRAPHICAL PATTERN OF SPECIATION 33 Antirrhinum plastid haplotypes and relationships among them were inferred using the software TCS ver. 1.21 (Clement et al., 2000). The program implements a statistical parsimony approach using the algorithm described in Templeton et al. (1992) to construct haplotype networks. The máximum number of differences among haplotypes, as a result of single substitutions, was calculated with 95% confidence limits, and treating gaps as missing data. Given the distribution of Antirrhinum species (Fig. 1.1), we used six geographical areas (recognized biogeographical areas) to link haplotypes and geography: four Iberian quadrants (north-eastern, NE; north-western, NW; south-eastem, SE; south-western, SW) as divided by the geographical coordinates 40° N/5° W; northern Africa; and Europe (excluding Iberia) plus western Asia (Appendix 1.1). 1.2.3. Phylogenetic analyses The plastid and nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) sequence data sets were analysed using máximum parsimony (MP) and Bayesian inference (Bl) approaches. Parsimony analyses were performed in PAUP* (Swofford, 2002) using a heuristic search replicated 1000 times with random taxon-addition sequences, tree bisectionreconnection (TBR) branch swapping, the options MulTrees and Steepest Descent in effect, and holding 100 trees at each step. To evalúate the internal support of each clade, 100 bootstrap replicates (Felsenstein, 1985) were performed using equal weights, the TBR swapping algorithm with 10 random additions of taxa per bootstrap replícate, and 100 trees held at each step. The appropríate model of nucleotide substitution for Bl was determined by the hierarchical likelihood ratio test (hLRT) and the Akaike information criterion (AIC) implemented using MrModeltest ver. 1.1b (Posada and Crandall, 1998; Nylander, 2002). Bayesian inference analyses were conducted in MrBayes ver. 3.2.1 (Ronquist and Huelsenbeck, 2003). Two identical searches with three million generations each (chain temperature = 0.2; sample frequency = 100) were performed. In both runs, probabilities converged on the same stable valué, approximately after generation 500,000 in the plastid and 300,000 in the nuclear analyses. A 50% majority-rule consensus tree was calculated using the sumt command to yield the final Bayesian estímate of each phylogeny. We used posterior probability (PP) as an estímate of robustness. 34 GEOGRAPHICAL PATTERN OF SPECIATION 1.2.4. Dating lineage divergence No reliable fossil data of Antirrhinum and relatives (the tribe Antirrhineae) are known. We therefore used the estimated age (38-48 Ma) of the split between the Plantaginaceae and Antirrhinum as obtained by Wikstrom et al. (2001). As outgroup j sequences could not be reliably aligned for the ITS and trnS-trnG regions, we used the plastid trnK-matK data set to estímate lineage divergence. Tree topology and branch lengths were estimated for this data set under the Bl approach. We used the same parameters as above. Probabilities converged on the same stable valué after approximately generation 500,000 in the two Bayesian runs. To check the constancy of substitution rates, we used the Langley and Fitch (LF) test (Magallón and Sanderson, 2005). As the nuil hypothesis of constant rate was rejected, we used the penalized likelihood method (PL, Sanderson, 2002) implemented in r8s ver. 1.71. PL was implemented with the truncated Newton (TN) algorithm. Initial results were obtained under the following parameters: cvstart = 0.5; cvinc = 0.5; cvnum = 10 with cross-validation enforced. The rate smoothing with the lowest cross-validation scores was selected, and the dating procedure was repeated with the following parameters: collapse; num_time_guesses = 5 and nurrwestarts = 5. Cross-validation suggested 100,000 as the best smoothing parameter. Branching order and branch lengths from 1000 Bayesian trees (500 trees from each run), sampled every 5000 generations after stationarity, were analysed to obtain means and standard deviations of clade ages (Hughes and Eastwood, 2006). As recommended in the r8s manual, we pruned the extra outgroup (Callitriche brutia) in order to infer the root node of the real tree. 1.3. RESULTS 1.3.1. Plastid haplotypes analysis The aligned trnS-trnG and trnK-matK Antirrhinum sequences were 672 and 1350 base pairs long, respectively. We detected 51 haplotypes (with no gap recoded), of which 37 are exclusive to single accessions (Appendix 1.1). The 51 haplotypes were connected in a star-like network with no more than seven inferred mutational GEOGRAPHICAL PATTERN OF SPECIATION 35 changes to connect any pair of haplotypes (Fig. 1.2). Outgroup (Misopates, Gambelia, Acanthorrhinum) sequences were disconnected. A low number (27) of missing haplotypes (extinct or not found) were inferred to connect all sampled haplotypes (51). The interior haplotype 1 is shared by samples of five species (A. braun-blanquetii, A. graniticum, A. linkianum, A. litigiosum, A. lopesianum) from three geographical areas of Iberia (SE, NE, NW). Haplotype sharing was also observed in samples of the following species groups: A. charídemi-A. mollissimum (haplotype 37 from SE Iberia), A. grosii-A. meonanthum (haplotype 30 from NW Iberia), A. latifolium-A. majus-A. molle (haplotype 11 from NE Iberia), A. majus-A. molle (haplotype 12 from NE Iberia) and A. pulverulentum-A. subbaeticum (haplotype 25 from NE and SE Iberia). The eight major haplotype clades (formed by two or more haplotypes) depicted in the network analysis are not necessarily related to species assignation (Fig. 1.2; Appendix 1.1). Interestingly, the limited exclusiveness of haplotypes associated with species ñames contrasts with the geographical distribution of haplotypes. SE Iberia harbours the highest number of haplotypes (21), followed by NE Iberia (18), NW Iberia (5), N Africa (4), Europe excluding Iberia (4), and SW Iberia (3). Admittedly, the two areas (SE and NE Iberia) with a high number of haplotypes were sampled more intensively, albeit they also contain a higher number of species. Phylogeographical results suggest a complex pattern in NE Iberia, given the number of unrelated haplotype clades (I, II, V, VI), of which one (V) contains four samples from two more geographical areas and haplotypes (25, 29) shared by two different geographical areas (Fig. 1.2; Appendix 1.1). Clade III also reveáis a certain phylogeographical complexity, with an association of haplotypes from SW Iberia, Europe and N Africa. Cohesiveness is, in contrast, observed in 18 of 21 haplotypes from SE Iberia (Fig. 1.2 ). 1.3.2. ITS sequence variation The ITS sequences (ITS-1+5.8S+ITS-2) ranged between 586 and 603 base pairs in Antirrhinum, resulting in an aligned matrix of 145 variable and 80 parsimonyinformative characters. All accessions are considered ITS functional copies, rather 36 GEOGRAPHICAL PATTERN OF SPECIATION 20 27 25 44 NWIberia O SWIberia ^ NEIberia ® SEIberia NAfrica 47 Europe(cxcluding Iberia) 45 (j morethantwo arcas Figure 1.2. Statistical parsimony network of 51 plastid haplotypes found in Antirrhinum, as defined on the basis of plastid trnS-trnG/trnK-matK sequences. Lines represent single mutational steps; black, small circles are inferred haplotypes not found in any sample. Colours in the inset refer to geographical areas (see text). Román numbers indícate major plastid lineages with two or more haplotypes. Haplotype distribution across species is as follows: A. australe (17, 42, 43); A. braun-blanquetii (1, 7); A. charidemi (37, 49); A. cirrhigerum (15); A. controversum (34, 35, 36, 40); A. graniticum (1, 29); A. grosii (30, 31); A. hispanicum (38, 39, 41); A. latifolium (11); A. linkianum (1, 8); A. litigiosum (1, 5); A. lopesianum (1, 6); A. majus (9, 10, 11, 12); A. meonanthum (29, 30); A. microphyllum (24, 26); A. molle (11, 12); A. mollissimum (37); A. pertegasii (4); A. pulverulentum (3, 25, 27, 28, 50, 51); A. sempervirens (2, 13, 14); A. siculum (21, 22, 23); A. subbaeticum (25, 32, 33); A. tortuosum (16, 18, 19, 20); and A. valentinum (44, 45, 46, 47, 48) (see Appendix 1.1). GEOGRAPHICAL PATTERN OF SPECIATION 37 than pseudogenes, because they are similar not only to other Antirrhineae species (Vargas et al., 2004), but also to other plant taxa. The number of variable/parsimonyinformative sites was distributed as follows: 80/42 in ITS-1, 2/2 in 5.8S and 63/36 in ITS-2. In our data set, 105 of the 145 variable sites contained at least one IUPAC symbol, reflecting more than a single nucleotide. Fifty-nine electropherograms of the 87 Antirrhinum accessions displayed double peaks of similar height (nucleotide additivities). The number of additivities per accession varied from one to 16 (Appendix 1.1). Although it could not be determined, in some cases, whether doublepeak patterns were the result of sequencing artefacts, equimolar proportions of alternative nucleotide peaks are ¡nterpreted in many accessions as the presence of different ITS copies. We observed a limited number of sequencing artefacts versus a general pattern of múltiple ITS copies contained in single Antirrhinum samples because: (1) two alternative nucleotides at the same site were widely present across 59 of the 87 accessions; (2) most ambiguous nucleotides of these 59 accessions were at the 80 parsimony-informative positions; (3) only two of the 164 sites of the 5.8S showed additivities, as expected from a highly conserved región; (4) previous clones of ITS producís of A. iitigiosum (population 2) revealed alternative nucleotides at seven additive sites (Vargas et al., 2004); and (5) controlled hybrids between A. pulverulentum x A. controversum displayed complex additivity patterns, including the maintenance of some of the parental additivities and the generation of new ones (data not shown). Múltiple ITS copies in a single individual can be derived by DNA mutation in the ITS región (ITS divergence) or by the merging of different nrDNA copies into single genomes (hybridization) followed by failure in conceded evolution (Arnheim, 1983; Whittall et al., 2000). The fact that accessions from isolated populations (A. grosii, A. lopesianum, A. siculum) displayed no or lower additivities than those from populations in areas with a high number of Antirrhinum species (A controversum 6, A. Iitigiosum 2, A. majus 8, A. mollissimum 2, A. pertegasii 2, A. tortuosum 2) led us to conclude that it is hybridization that is primarily responsible for this nucleotide additivity pattern (Appendix 1.1). 1.3.3. Phyiogenetic analyses The number of variable/parsimony-informative characters was 55/26 in the trnS-trnG and trnK-matK sequence matrix of Antirrhinum accessions. The models of 38 GEOGRAPHICAL PATTERN OF SPECIATION substitution selected by MrModeltest (Posada and Crandall, 1998; Nylander, 2002) were GTR+G (trnS-trnG), GTR (trnK-malK) and GTR+I+G (ITS). Both Bl and MP analyses of the plastid and ITS sequence data produced a low number of wellsupported groups (Fig. 1.3; results not shown for ITS). The plastid analysis retrieved Antirrhinum accessions as monophyletic (Fig. 1.3, 1.4). The Bl tree based on plastid sequences revealed only 10 species groups supported by posterior probability valúes equal to or higher than 95 (Fig. 1.3). The MP analysis of plastid sequences rendered 237 most-parsimonious trees of 142 steps [consistency índex (Cl) = 0.94; retention índex (Rl) = 0.97] and even lower levels of support, with only four species groups in clades with bootstrap valúes > 75% (Fig. 1.3). Irrespective of support valúes, no monophyletic groups including all conspecific samples of Antirrhinum were retrieved in the two analyses, except for the two A. pertegasii accessions. In contrast, numerous clades include exclusively or primarily accessions from the six geographical areas (Fig. 1.2, 1.3). All major plastid (species) lineages include samples from SE or NE Iberia. Neither MP ñor Bl analyses of ITS sequences, however, found major accession groupings; instead a large, unresolved polytomy was retrieved (results not shown), similar to previous findings using a more limited sample (Vargas et al., 2004). The high number of ITS most-parsimonious trees (91,100) and low consistency index (0.57) and retention index (0.77) also revealed a serious failure to obtain a cladogenetic pattern in Antirrhinum. 1.3.4. Dating lineage divergente The assumption of the hypothesis of equivalent rates of sequence evolution across lineages was rejected (x = 218.37, d.f. = 96). Estimates of divergence times using the PL method are shown in Fig. 1.4. Our results indícate that, after the divergence between the Plantaginaceae-Scrophulariaceae and the tribe Antirrhineae (Wikstróm et al., 2001), the divergences of lineages of Antirrhineae (21.49 ± 4.27 Ma) and Antirrhinum (4.10 Ma to present; error term truncated) probably took place in the Miocene and Pliocene-Pleistocene, respectively. Given the large number of trees with remarkably different topologies, it is not possible to propose a single phylogenetic hypothesis, and thus to estímate divergence times within Antirrhinum (Fig. 1.4). All analyses are, however, congruent with the differentiation of current Antirrhinum post-dating the Miocene (Fig. 1.4). GEOGRAPHICAL PATTERN OF SPECIATION 39 ----------Misopates orontium Gambeha speciosa i------- A meonanihum 2 NE I A. ganiticum 3 S W I |— A. grosi: 1 SW í5'—|— A. grosii 2 SW *— A. meonanihum 1 SW ---------- A microphyllum 1 NE A microoh'vllum 2 NE A microphyllum 3 NE 100 r- A. pulverulentum I NE L A pulverulentum 5 NE ,'nn i— A pulverulentum 4 NF |— A subhaeticum I SE '— A subbacticum 2 SE p A. subbaeticum 3 SE L- A. subbaeticum 4 SE A controversum 1 SE A controversum 2 SE A controversum 5 SE A controversum 6 SE 100 r- A controversum 1 SE 63 1- A controversum 8 SE A charidemi 1 SE A chande mi 2 SE A. charidemi 3 SE A. charidemi 4 SE A. charidemi 5 SE A. charidemi 7 SE A valentmum 4 SE A mollissimum I SE A mollissimum 2 SE 2 SE C AA valentmum valentinum 3 SE r- A valentinum 1 SE L A valentmum 5 SE hispanicum 1 SE C- AA hispanicum h is n a m r u m 2 1 SE r A pulverulentum 3 NE J00_ A. pulverulentum 7 NE A. australe 1 SE C A a u s tr a le 3 SE 63 — A controversum 3 SE — A controversum 4 SE 100 — A hispanicum 3 SE — A. latifolium 4 NE i— A. siculum 3 F. { r A siculum 1 E >- A siculum 2 E — A braunblanquetn ] NW — A braun-blanquetii 2 NW — A. sempenirens 2 NE — A. pulverulentum 2 NE — A. pulverulentum 6 NE — A majus 2 NE — A Iitigiosum I NE — A. Iitigiosum 2 SE — A. linkianum 1 NW — A lopexianum 3 NW — A granituum 1 SE — A granmcum 2 NE i- A. pertegasii 1 NE A pertegasii 2 NE J00_ • A linkianum 2 SW • A linkianum 3 SW C A lopesianum 1 NW A lopesianum 2 NW — A majus 3 NE — A majus 5 NE — A sempen-irens 1 NE — A sempen irens 3 NE — A molle 2 NE 86 _ 100_ 100 ¡z= iA SSféí Mi maius 4 NE A. A A. A. A. A A. A A A A. A. A. A. A A molle I NE latifolium 1 NE latifolium 2 NE latifolium 3 NE australe 2 SW siculum 5 NA cirrhigerum 1 NA tortuosom 2 NA tortuosum 4 NA lortuosum 7 NA tortuosum 8 NA tortuosum 1 E tortuosum 3 E lortuosum 5 E tortuosum 6 E tortuosum 9 E Figure 1.3. Phylogenetic analysis of plastid trnS-trnG/trnK-matK sequences of 24 Antirrhinum species based on the 50% majority consensus tree of the Bayesian inference analysis. Numbers above branches are posterior probability valúes. Numbers below branches show both branch agreement with the strict consensus tree and bootstrap support > 50%. One dash (-) below branches indicates bootstrap support < 50%, whereas two dashes (— ) indícate disagreement between the máximum parsimony (MP) strict consensus tree and the Bl tree. Sample coding as in Appendix 1.1. Geographical abbreviations: SE, south-eastern Iberia; SW, south-western Iberia; NE, north-eastern Iberia; NW, north-western Iberia; NA, northern Africa; E, Europe (excluding Iberia) and western Asia. 40 GEOGRAPHICAL PATTERN OF SPECIATION Eocene Olifioccne Miocene 100 *¡antago lanceolata Ijgitans thapsi haenorhmum crassifolium tambelia speciosa fisopates bronttum seuaom isppates rivas-m artinezii microt Constraints: Maxage = 48 Ma Minage = 38 Ma 21.49 ± 4 .2 7 M a 7 .2 5 ± 3 .0 4 M a -C f Eocene Olifiocene raruthum 1 ramticum 2 raun-blanquetii 2 Miocene Figure 1.4. Chronogram based on the Bayesian consensus tree and the penalized likelihood (PL) analysis of the trnK-matK sequences. Branch lengths represent millions of years (Ma). A previous estimated date of the Plantaginaceae-Scrophulariaceae and the tribe Antirrhineae split at 38-48 Ma (Wikstrom et al., 2001) was used to implement the analysis. Sample coding as in Appendix 1.1. A vertical, grey strip indicates the establishment of the current Mediterranean climate in the Mediterranean basin. GEOGRAPHICAL PATTERN OF SPECIATION 41 1.4. DISCUSSION 1.4.1. Evidence forextensive hybridization in Antirrhinum The phylogenetic results show a limited number of monophyletic groups of Antirrhinum accessions related to sections and species. High levels of homoplasy (correspondence of characters acquired as the result of parallel, reversal or convergent evolution), lineage sorting (persistence of ancestral polymorphism through speciation events) and reticulation (non-hierarchical gene transfer) can produce similar phylogenetic results (Linder and Rieseberg, 2004). The parsimony estimates of Cl (0.94) and Rl (0.97) obtained from the parsimony analysis of plastid sequences ¡Ilústrate that the levels of homoplasy found in our data set reach similarly low valúes to those of other angiosperm groups (Álvarez and Wendel, 2003). Differentiating between hypotheses of lineage sorting and hybridization is, however, extremely difficult because both of these processes can generate incongruent phylogenetic patterns, and thus additional sources of evidence are needed (Linder and Rieseberg, 2004). Our results of plastid and ITS sequence polymorphism are better explained by the historical hypothesis of extensive hybridization in Antirrhinum. The ITS región is a multicopy DNA región, and the presence of two or more ancient copies may be obscured by processes of conceded evolution, which opérate by recombinational mechanisms occurring during meiosis (Whittall et al., 2000). In contrast, failure in ITS copy fixation allows the possibility of detecting additive patterns (both parental ribotypes present), which have been historically related to polyploidy and homoploid hybridization (Arnheim, 1983; Sang et al., 1995; Vargas et al., 1999; Whittall et al., 2000). Nucleotide additivity sites may constitute evidence for reticulation under the assumption that polymorphism has resulted from the merging of divergent ITS repeats in a single genome. Our ITS sequence analysis strongly supports múltiple events of acquisition of different ITS copies. In fact, the analysis herein performed using an extended sample (87 accessions from 24 of the 25 species) fits previous predictions of extensive failure in nucleotide fixation across Antirrhinum populations (Vargas et al., 2004). Múltiple ITS copies in single samples displaying additive patterns have been widely related in literatura to recent hybridization in angiosperms (Arnheim, 1983; Fuertes-Aguilar et al., 1999; Bailey et al., 2003; Nieto-Feliner and Rosselló, 2007). 42 GEOGRAPHICAL PATTERN OF SPECIATION Indeed, the lack of monophyly of plastid haplotypes hto species (Jiménez et al., 2005b; see below) and disagreement between plastid (Fig. 1.3) and nuclear (Vargas et al., 2004; Langlade et al., 2005) tree-based topologies for some clades further support a severe failure to retrieve cladogenetic processes. Although broad reticulation is difficult to demónstrate conclusively in all instances, genetic and morphological results from Antirrhinum accumulated in recent years clearly fit into the hybridization model previously described in angiosperms because of: (1) the difficulties in recovering any synapomorphy in cladistic analyses based on a small number of intermedíate morphological characters (Sutton, 1988; Vargas et al., 2004; see also McDade, 1990); (2) the low resolution in parsimony analyses of nrDNA sequences (this chapter; Vargas et al., 2004; see also Soltis et al., 2008); (3) the significant conflict between ITS, plastid and morphological results (Vargas et al., 2004; Jiménez et al., 2005b; see also McDade et al., 2005); (4) the additivity patterns from dominant (RAPD, Jiménez et al., 2005a) or co-dominant (ITS sequences, Appendix 1.1; see also Soltis et al., 2008) molecular markers; (5) the cióse relationship between geography and haplotype dístribution (Fig. 1.2; see also Fuertes-Aguilar and Nieto-Feliner, 2003); and (6) the high number of ITS additivities in overlapping geographical areas of certain species (Fig. 1.1, Appendix 1.1; see also Fuertes-Aguilar and Nieto-Feliner, 2003). The viability of interspecific hybrids further supports a scenario of extensive hybridization (Baur, 1932; Mather, 1947). With the exception of A. siculum, all the species are interfertile (Langlade et al., 2005). The ease with which consecutive generations can be obtained in artificial crossings indicates a lack of genetic barriers between species (Rothmaler, 1943; Thompson, 1988; Xue et al., 1996). Indeed, F1 generations between species displaying the most extreme phenotypes have been used to quantify leaf (Langlade et al., 2005) and flower (Whibley et al., 2006) gene expression. The importance of hybridization in Antirrhinum has also been identified by the description of 'unilateral hybridization', which can be made only in one direction, namely, when the self-fertile species of the pair is used as female parent and the self-incompatible one as male (Harrison and Darby, 1955). Natural hybrids have been easily detected in the field where two or more species occasionally meet (Rothmaler, 1956). Our intensive fieldwork studies over the last 15 years have GEOGRAPHICAL PATTERN OF SPECIATION 43 contributed to the finding of four new ¡nterspecific hybrids in addition to the five previously described (J. Güemes, L. Sáez, P. Vargas, unpublished data). Hybridization processes may also have contributed to historical taxonomic disagreement (Sution, 1988). Individuáis of a hybrid zone ¡nvolving A. majus and A. latifolium display intermedíate and novel flower colour phenotypes found only in the Pyrenees (Whibley et al., 2006). Our sequence analyses are congruent with hybridization processes in a large area in the eastern Pyrenees, where two (I, II) haplotype lineages meet (Fig. 1.1, 1.2), and individual samples contain a considerable number (2-10) of ITS additivities (A. latifolium 1 and 2, and A. majus 1, 3, 5 and 6; Appendix 1.1). We suggest that this pattern of interfertility observed now in Pyrenean populations has been historically predominant in Antirrhinum, given that self-incompatibility in the majority of Antirrhinum species favours hybridization (Sutton, 1988; Mateu-Andrés and de Paco, 2006). Molecular markers can therefore provide unambiguous ’footprints' of ancient hybridization events (haplotype diversity significantly related to geography, but unrelated to species boundaries) and recent hybridization contacts (limited nucleotide additivity homogenization). However, identifying which ancestral lineages (taxa) have hybridized is not possible, given the complicated pattern of our results. The question remains of whether hybridization is the only process historically involved in Antirrhinum speciation. 1.4.2. Pleistocene divergence of Antirrhinum lineages Phylogeography explores the lineage relationships among populations of the same (or closely related) species in a geographical context (Avise, 2000). Antirrhinum, with 24 species sampled in this study, displays low levels of genetic diversity. In fact, haplotype number (51) and one single network retrieved in the phylogeographical analysis (Fig. 1.2) parallel phylogeographical results at the populational level of particular species (Albadalejo et al., 2005; Koch et al., 2006; Besnard et al., 2007). The fact that 51 haplotypes have been found in Antirrhinum and only 27 have been inferred to be missing (extinct or not found) per se indicates: (1) that our sample is suitable for defining haplotype clades; (2) cióse species relatedness; and (3) short divergence times. 44 GEOGRAPHICAL PATTERN OF SPECIATION Hypothetical pre-Pliocene differentiation oí Antirrhinum, based on ITS sequence variation (Vargas et al., 2004) and Rothmaler's (1956) arguments, ¡s not supported by our calibrated plastid phylogeny. The PL dock method using trnK-matK sequences is largely congruent with a differentiation process of extant Antirrhinum lineages since the Pliocene (Fig. 1.4). These estimates of divergence times are ; consistent with previous estimates based on CYCLOIDEA-like genes (Gübitz et al., í 2003). The increasing number of studies of Mediterranean plants reveáis evidence of active differentiation in the Pliocene and Pleistocene, as coincident with the onset of \ the Mediterranean climate (Conti, 2007; Guzmán and Vargas, 2008, for Cistus). j However, we add a cautionary note that our estimated divergence times were I calibrated on an estimated time of divergence between Plantaginaceae and Antirrhinum from Wikstrom et al. (2001). Topological irresolution and short branch length at the base of plastidial and nuclear phylogenies are again congruent with recurrent hybridization but also with a slow rate of sequence change and with Antirrhinum radiation. This could be interpreted given a large number of species (25) originating in a short period of time (Fig. 1.4). 1.4.3. A geographical pattern of differentiation in eastern Iberia The haplotype distribution and plastid DNA (cpDNA) network (Fig. 1.2) give clear evidence that geography has been the major factor in Antirrhinum differentiation. In contrast to disassociation between haplotypes and species assignation, geographical cohesión is observed. South-eastern Iberia appears to be a main centre of differentiation, as revealed by the highest figures of haplotypes/haplotype clades (21/4), closely followed by NE Iberia (18/4), and then by Europe excluding Iberia (4/2), N Africa (4/1), NW Iberia (5/1) and SW Iberia (3/1) (Fig. 1.2; Appendix 1.1). In addition, eastern Iberia harbours the highest number of species (15 of the 25 Antirrhinum species), indicating a relatively long history of Antirrhinum differentiation and speciation since the establishment of the Mediterranean climate. These results were not unexpected. Habitat requirements (rocky soils) for most Antirrhinum species are found to be particularly abundant in the mountains of eastern Iberia. Within the Mediterranean región (Myers et al., 2000), SE Iberia is a hotspot for diversity as manifested not only by the high number of species and high level of endemism (Sáinz Ollero and Moreno Saiz, 2002), but also by the accumulation of divergent GEOGRAPHICAL PATTERN OF SPECIATION 45 lineages within different angiosperm groups (Quercus, Lumaret et al., 2005; Hederá, Valcárcel et al., 2003; Phlomis, Albadalejo et al., 2005; Arenaria, Valcárcel et al., 2006). Limited distributions of seven species (Fig. 1.1b), including recognition of six endangered species (Moreno, 2008), additionally suggests that geography has had an important role in Antirrhinum evolution. Geographical speciation may have taken place in Iberian mountains, followed by secondary contacts, with range expansions and contractions reflecting climate fluctuations in the Quaternary (Hewitt, 2000). The mountainous eastern Iberia offers a large area within which to infer the evolutionary causes of either historical or recent isolation of two endangered species (A. subbaeticum, A. valentinum) (Fig. 1.1b). Chorological, phylogenetic, phylogeographical, population genetic, morphological and ecological data are consistent with the following scenario. As naturalness of Antirrhinum has been demonstrated in the analysis of the tribe Antirrhineae (Vargas et al., 2004; P. Vargas and A. Forrest, unpublished data), an Antirrhinum ancestor may have diverged into múltiple lineages at least by the Pliocene (Fig. 1.4). Geographical speciation may have taken place in Iberian mountains, followed by secondary contacts promoted by the climatic episodes of the Pliocene-Pleistocene (Fauquette et al., 1999), as Rothmaler (1956) and Webb (1971) have already proposed. Some evidence for this is found in the limited species distributions in numerous cases (Fig. 1.1) and the ancestral retention of plastid haplotypes in particular clades related to endemic areas. We have substantial evidence for ancient contacts in one species, A. subbaeticum, because it shows the convergence of two plastid lineages (V, VIII) (Fig. 1.2), but a low number of additivities (only 0-1 ITS) (Appendix 1.1), which is a signal of lack of recent hybridization (Nieto-Feliner and Rosselló, 2007; Soltis et al., 2008). In contrast, a most recent isolation process is inferred in A. valentinum because this species has five haplotypes in the same clade (VI) and a more considerable number (0-5) of ITS additivities. Secondary contacts in A. valentinun may have resulted in the increase of allozyme gene alíeles (Mateu-Andrés and Segarra-Moragues, 2000) and haplotype diversity (Appendix 1.1). Similar morphological phenotypes, as a result of further geographical isolation of populations in restricted areas (Fig. 1a), may be the cause of the undisputable taxonomic recognition of A. valentinum and A. 46 GEOGRAPHICAL PATTERN OF SPECIATION subbaeticum. In fact, genetic phenotypes (RAPDs) unequivocally discriminated populations into these two species (Jiménez et al., 2005a). Optimal ecological conditions may also have been important in Antirrhinum evolution (Whibley et al., 2006). In addition to isolated rocky habitats in the western Mediterranean región, territorial bees such as Anthidium spp. pollinating the characteristic persónate flower of Antirrhinum species (Glover and Martin, 1998; Torres et al., 2003; Vargas, 2007) should be further explored to infer the most recent processes of disruptive selection and speciation. 47 Appendix 1.1. GEOGRAPHICAL PATTERN OF SPECIATION Antirrhinum material used for ITS, tmS-tmG and fmK-mafK sequencing of 96 samples. Population numbers are given in brackets after species ñames. Geographical abbreviations: SE, south-eastem Iberia; SW, south-western Iberia; NE, north-eastern Iberia; NW, north-westem Iberia; NA, northem Africa; E, Europe (excluding Iberia) and westem Asia. Localities in bold indícate sites where the material was collected for the first plant description (locus classicus). Voucher abbreviations: BdB, Valencia database; ECA, Elena Carrió's collection numbers; JG, Jaime Güemes' collection numbers; PV, Pablo Vargas’ collection numbers; JRV, Jesús Riera's collection numbers; MA, herbarium of the Royal Botanic Garden of Madrid; MS, María Santos' collection numbers; GB, Gianluigi Bacchetta's collection numbers; LM, Leopoldo Medina's collection numbers; VAL, herbarium of the Botanical Garden of Valencia. Collection vouchers in bold indícate plant material used in Vargas et al. (2004), from which nomenclature is followed except for A. controversum (= A. barrelieri). Asterisks (*) after GenBank accession numbers of ITS sequences refer to those from Vargas et al. (2004). Taxon A. A. A. A. australe Rothm. (1) australe Rothm. (2) australe Rothm. (3) braun-blanquetii Rothm. (1) Geographical area/locality SE/Spain: Albacete, Yeste SW/Spain: Cádiz, Benaocaz SE/Spain: Granada, Castríl NW/Spain: Asturias, Cuetu L’Abeyera A. braun-blanquetii Rothm. (2) NW/Spain: León, Oblanca A. braun-blanquetii Rothm (3) NW/Spain: Palencia, Cervera de Pisuerga A. charidemi Lange (1) SE/Spain: Almería, C. Gata, La Lobera A. charidemi Lange (2) SE/Spain: Almería, C. Gata, Sabinal A. charidemi Lange (3) SE/Spain: Almería, C. Gata, Santa Cruz A. charidemi Lange (4) SE/Spain: Almería, C. Gata, Vela Blanca A. charidemi Lange (5) SE/Spain: Almería, C. Gata, Sabinal Collection voucher GenBank accession no. (ITS/frnS trnGItrnK-matK) Number of ITS additivities 0 0 4 6 Plastid haplotype no. 42 17 43 1 JG4077 ECA49 VAL 140895 JRV5333 EU677194 EU677195 AY731273* EU677196 EU673477 EU673478 EU673479 EU673480 EU717968 EU717969 EU717970 EU717971 JRV5177 VAL35121 EU677197 AY731269* EU673481 — EU717972 0 0 7 — 132PV05(1) EU677198 EU673482 EU717973 0 37 24PV05(16) - EU673483 EU717974 — 37 136PV05(2) EU677199 EU673484 EU717975 0 37 137PV05(7) — EU673485 EU717976 — 37 24PV05 — EU673486 EU717977 — 37 48 GEOGRAPHICAL PATTERN OF SPECIATION Appendix 1.1. (cont.). EU717978 Number of ITS additivities — Plastid haplotype no. 37 EU717979 0 49 0 0 - EU717980 14 - 3 4 6 34 40 — EU717983 EU717984 2 8 36 34 EU673496 EU673497 EU717985 EU717986 3 2 35 35 AY731283* EU673498 EU717987 7 1 JG4101 EU677208 EU677209 ECA54 ECA77/VAL37 AY731281 * EU673499 EU673500 EU673501 EU717988 EU717989 EU717990 3 0 2 1 29 31 276PV063 BdB 14 120PV99 EU677210 FJ487614 AY731286* EU673502 EU673503 EU673504 EU717991 EU717992 EU717993 0 5 0 30 39 38 ECA40 EU677211 EU673505 EU717994 0 41 Taxon Geographical area/locality Collection voucher GenBank accession no. (ITS/frnSfrnG/frnK-mafK) A. charidemi Lange (6) SE/Spain: Almería, C. Gata, Santa Cruz SE/Spain: Almería, C. Gata, Vela Blanca SE/Spain: Almería, C. Gata NA/Morocco: Doukkala-Abda, El Jadida SE/Spain: Albacete, Villa de Ves SE/Spain: Alicante, Jalón SE/Spain: Almería, Berja SE/Spain: Granada, Bérchules SE/Spain: Valencia, Bolomor SE/Spain: Valencia, Carcagente SE/Spain: Valencia, Chella SE/Spain: Valencia, Xeresa, Colom SE/Spain: Madrid, Fuentidueña del Tajo NE/Spain: Soria, Caltojar SW/Spain: Huelva, Aracena NW/Spain: Ávila, El Trampal 136PV05 (7) — EU673487 137PV05(5) FJ487611 EU673488 VAL37158 VAL111299 AY731282* EU677200 - VAL 145152 AY731272* - BdB 47 ECA37 BdB 15b EU677201 EU677202 EU677203 EU673491 EU673492 — EU717981 EU717982 JG4001 BdB 29 EU677204 EU677205 EU673494 EU673495 JG4067 BdB 2 EU677206 EU677207 JG4009 A. charidemi Lange (7) A. charidemi Lange (8) A. cirrhigerum Welw. ex Ficalho (1) A. controversum Pau (1) A. controversum Pau (2) A. controversum Pau (3) A. controversum Pau (4) A. controversum Pau (5) A. controversum Pau (6) A. controversum Pau (7) A. controversum Pau (8) A. graniticum Rothm. (1) A. graniticum Rothm. (2) A. graniticum Rothm. (3) A. grosii Font Quer (1) A. grosii Font Quer (2) A. hispanicum Chav. (1) A. hispanicum Chav. (2) A. hispanicum Chav. (3) NW/Spain: Ávila, Guisando SE/Spain: Granada, Juviles SE/Spain: Granada, Veleta road SE/Spain: Granada, Vélez de Benaudalla r\Af\ EU673489 15 49 GEOGRAPHICAL PATTERN OF SPECIATION Appendix 1.1. (cont.). Taxon Geographical area/locality Collection voucher GenBank accession no. {YTSItrnS trnGItrnK-ma fK) A. latifolium Mili. (1) NE/Spain: Girona, Collada de Toses NE/Spain: Lérida, Bapá NE/Spain: Lérida, Martinet E/ltaly: Piamonte, Cuneo NW/Spain: La Coruña, Cedeira SW/Portugal: Peniche, Cabo Carvoeiro SW/Portugal: Trafaria, Almada SW/Portugal: Cintra NE/Spain: Teruel, Griegos SE/Spain: Valencia, Serra SE/Spain: Zaragoza, Nuévalos NW/Portugal: Braganga, Alfaiéo JG4142 EU677212 A. A. A. A. latifolium Mili. (2) latifolium Mili. (3) latifolium Mili. (4) linkianum Boiss. (1) A. linkianum Boiss. (2) A. linkianum Boiss. (3) A. A. A. A. linkianum Boiss. (4) Iitigiosum Pau (1) Iitigiosum Pau (2) Iitigiosum Pau (3) A. lopesianum Rothm. (1) A. lopesianum Rothm. (2) A. lopesianum Rothm. (3) A. A. A. A. majus L. majus L. majus L. majus L. (1) (2) (3) (4) VAL144658 AY731274* JG4139 MS781 EU677213 S. Ortiz (s.n.) EU677214 EU673506 EU717995 Number of ITS additivities 2 EU673507 EU673508 EU717996 EU717997 - EU717998 1 1 - EU673510 - Plastid haplotype no. 11 5 11 11 1 ALQ3435 EU677215 EU673511 EU717999 1 8 ALQ4877 — EU673512 EU718000 - 8 VAL144655 ECA74 VAL144656 VAL31598 AY731278* EU677216 AY731271* AY731277* - EU718001 EU718002 0 6 7 0 - EU673513 EU673514 — EU673515 EU718003 EU677217 EU673516 EU718004 3 6 EU677218 EU673517 EU718005 2 1 FJ487615 FJ648325 AY731280* FJ487616 EU673518 EU673519 EU673520 EU673521 EU718006 EU718007 EU718008 EU718009 10 8 8 0 11 9 12 10 F. Amich & S. Bernardo (s.n.) F. Amich & S. NW/Portugal: Vimioso, Cargao Bernardo (s.n.) F. Amich & S. NW/Spain: Salamanca, Bernardo Corporario (s.n.) NE/Spain: Barcelona, Gréixer JG4150 NE/Spain: Huesca, Panticosa JG4108 NE/Spain: Lérida, Valle d’AránVALI44657 NE/France: Hérault, St. 230PV06 Chinian 1 5 6 50 GEOGRAPHICAL PATTERN OF SPECIATION Appendix 1.1. (cont.). Taxon Geographical area/locality Collection voucher GenBank accession no. (YTSItrnS trnGItrnK-matK) A. majus L. (5) NE/France: Pyréneés Orientales, Salses NE/Spain: Gerona, La Molina NW/Spain: Ávila, S. Gredos, El Tremedal NE/Spain: Soria, Río Lobos VAL 39727 FJ487613 EU673522 273PV06 149PV99 EU677219 AY731284* - JG4098 A. majus L. (6) A. meonanihum Hoffmans. & Link (1) A. meonanthum Hoffmans. & Link (2) A. microphyllum Rothm. (1) A. microphyllum Rothm. (2) NE/Spain: Cuenca, Buendía JG4024 NE/Spain: Guadalajara, JG4021 Bolarque A. microphyllum Rothm. (3) NE/Spain: Guadalajara, JG4023 Sacedón A. microphyllum Rothm. (4) NE/Spain: Guadalajara, VAL40051 Entrepeñas A. molle L. (1) NE/Spain: Barcelona, JG4143 Riguréixer A. molle L. (2) NE/Spain: Huesca, Sopeira VAL35176 A. mollissimum Rothm. (1) SE/Spain: Almería, Benizalón ECA29 SE/Spain: Almería, Caballar ECA32 A. mollissimum Rothm. (2) gorge A. mollissimum Rothm. (3) SE/Spain: Almería, Sierra de VAL37143 Gádor NE/Spain: Castellón, Cova JG4092 A. pertegasii Rotmh. (1) Fosca NE/Spain: Castellón, Solá JG4091 A. pertegasii Rotmh. (2) d'en Brull NE/Spain: Castellón JG A. pertegasii Rotmh. (3) A. pulverulentum Lázaro Ibiza NE/Spain: Cuenca, Hoz de ECA28 Beteta (1) A. pulverulentum Lázaro Ibiza NE/Spain: Guadalajara, DurónJG4027 (2) EU718010 Number of ITS additivities 10 EU673530 EU718011 7 8 EU677220 EU673531 EU718012 2 29 EU677221 EU677222 EU673532 EU673533 EU718013 EU718014 0 3 24 24 EU677223 EU673534 EU718015 7 26 2 “ AY731267* Plastid haplotype no. 12 - 30 FJ487612 EU673524 EU718016 6 11 AY731268* EU677224 EU677225 EU673525 EU673526 EU673527 EU718017 EU718018 EU718019 1 4 8 12 37 37 AY731275* — EU677226 EU673528 EU718020 0 4 EU677227 EU673529 EU718021 8 4 EU673535 EU718022 0 0 27 EU673536 EU718023 0 3 EU677228 EU677229 EU677230 0 - 51 GEOGRAPHICAL PATTERN OF SPECIATION Appendix 1.1. (cont.). Taxon A. pulverulentum Lázaro (3) A. pulverulentum Lázaro (4) A. pulverulentum Lázaro (5) A. pulverulentum Lázaro (6) A. pulverulentum Lázaro (7) A. sempen/irens Lapeyr. A. sempervirens Lapeyr. A. sempervirens Lapeyr. A. siculum Mili. (1) A. siculum Mili. (2) A. siculum Mili. (3) Geographical area/locality Ibiza NE/Spain: Guadalajara, La Peregrina Ibiza NE/Spain: Guadalajara, Peralejos Truchas Ibiza NE/Spain: Teruel, Tramacastilla Ibiza NE/Spain: Guadalajara, Alcorlo Ibiza NE/Spain: Zaragoza, Nuévalos (1) NE/Spain: Huesca, Bielsa (2) NE/Spain: Huesca, Plan (3) NE/Spain: Huesca, Panticosa E/ltaly: Sicily, Catania E/ltaly: Sicily, Messine Collection voucher GenBank accession no. (ITS/írnSfrnG/frnK-mafK) JG4035 EU677231 EU673537 ECA26 EU677232 ECA71 EU718024 Number of ITS additivities 3 Plastid haplotype no. 51 EU673538 EU718025 4 25 EU677233 EU673539 EU718026 1 28 JG4028 EU677234 EU673540 EU718027 5 50 VAL31592 AY731279* EU673541 EU718028 1 28 EU677235 EU677236 AY731270* EU677237 AY731276* EU673542 EU673543 EU673544 EU673545 EU673546 EU718029 EU718030 EU718031 EU718032 EU718033 4 0 0 3 1 13 2 14 23 22 FJ648327 EU673547 EU718034 1 21 EU673549 EU718035 3 0 EU677239 EU673550 EU718036 0 25 EU677240 EU673551 EU718037 1 33 EU677241 EU673552 EU718038 1 32 FJ487617 EU677242 EU673553 EU673554 EU718039 EU718040 10 16 16 18 FJ487618 EU673555 EU718041 5 16 JG4114 JG4116 VAL145148 GB66/06 VAL 119899/ JG3019 E/ltaly: Sicily, Siracusa VAL 178308/ JG3437 NA/Morocco: Oriental, Zegzel 192PV00 SE/Spain: Albacete, JG4081 Bogarra, El Batán JG4084 SE/Spain: Albacete, Los Vizcaínos SE/Spain: Murcia, Benízar JG4068 A. siculum Mili. (5) A. subbaeticum Güemes, Mateu & Sánchez Gómez (1) A. subbaeticum Güemes, Mateu & Sánchez Gómez (2) A. subbaeticum Güemes, Mateu & Sánchez Gómez (3) A. subbaeticum Güemes, SE/Spain: Murcia, Hondares BdB 227 Mateu & Sánchez Gómez (4) A. tortuosum Bosc ex Vent. (1) E/ltaly: Sardinia, Cagliari GB136/06 ALQ3441 A. tortuosum Bosc ex Vent. (2) NA/Morocco: West Rif, Talembot A. tortuosum Bosc ex Vent. (3) E/Turkey: Sulcuk, Efeso GB316/06 EU677238 AY731287* - - 25 52 GEOGRAPHICAL PATTERN OF SPECIATION Appendix 1.1. (cont.). Taxon Geographical area/locality Collection voucher A. tortuosum Bosc ex Vent. (4) NA/Morocco: Taza-AI 188PV06 Hoceima, Taza A. tortuosum Bosc ex Vent. (6) E/ltaly: Ancona, Sirolo VAL 39871 A. tortuosum Bosc ex Vent. (7) NA/Morocco: Taza-AI MA 643294/ Hoceima, Tazzeka 201PV06 A. tortuosum Bosc ex Vent. (8) NA/Morocco: Tadla-Azilal, MA 746269/ Ighir LM3678 A. tortuosum Bosc ex Vent. (9) E/Turkey: Bursa lli, Gemlik 164PV06 A. valentinum Font Quer (1) SE/Spain: Valencia, Bolomor BdB 229 A. valentinum Font Quer (2) SE/Spain: Valencia, Buixcarró JG4002 A. valentinum Font Quer (3) SE/Spain: Valencia, Font del BdB 8 Cirer A. valentinum Font Quer (4) SE/Spain: Valencia, La Drova JG4004 A. valentinum Font Quer (5) SE/Spain: Valencia, Peña BdB 1 Colom Acanthorrhinum ramosissimum Morocco: Mid Atlas JG 3284-2 Rothm. Chaenorhinum crassifolium Spain: Huesca, Sopeira JG (Cav.) Lange Digitalis thapsi L. Spain: Madrid, Colmenar 61PV07 Viejo VAL 145156 Gambelia speciosa Nutt. Botanischer Garten BerlinDahlen VAL 145155 Misopates orontium (L.) Raf. Spain: Valencia, Serra 62PV07 Plantago lanceolata L. Spain: Madrid, Colmenar Viejo Spain: Ávila, Sierra de Gredos377PV99 Pseudomisopates rivasmartinezii (Sánchez Mata) Güemes GenBank accession no. EU718042 Number of ITS additivities 2 Plastid haplotype no. 18 (nSItrnS trnG/trnK-matK) FJ487619 EU673556 AY731285* - 1 - - EU673558 EU718043 - 20 - EU673559 EU718044 - 19 FJ648326 EU677243 EU677244 EU677245 EU673560 EU673561 EU673562 EU673563 EU718045 EU718046 EU718047 EU718048 5 0 0 8 16 47 44 45 EU677246 AY39799* EU673564 EU673565 EU718049 EU718050 2 3 48 46 - - EU718051 - - - - EU718052 - - — — EU718053 — ~ — EU718054 - - — - EU718055 EU718056 - - EU718057 - - — — - - Chapter II: Reproductive biology and conservation implications ¡n A n t i r r h i n u m c h a r i d e m i , A. s u b b a e t i c u m and A. v a l e n t i n u m REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY 55 2.1. INTRODUCTION The reproductive biology of a plant species affects, at least to some extent, its reproductive success (Rymer et al., 2005) with important consequences for the viability of the populations (Evans et al., 2003). Therefore, knowledge of a species’ reproductive biology provides important insights when designing conservaron programs for endangered plants (Weller, 1994; Bosch et al., 1998; Weekley and Race, 2001; Young et al., 2002). The degree to which a plant is dependent on pollinators to produce seeds may be decisive for its reproductive success. In situations of pollinator scarcity or low potential mates, oblígate outcrossers may yield few seeds (Steffan-Dewenter and Tscharntke, 1999; Hendrix and Kyhl, 2000), fewer than required to maintain the population (Lamont et al., 1993). In similar circumstances, selfers can reach higher seed production (Totland and SchulteHerbrüggen, 2003); however, self-seeds might be affected by inbreeding depression (Fischerand Matthies, 1997; Kephart et al., 1999). The existence of divergent mating systems within cióse species has frequently been observed (Schemske and Lande, 1985) and many genera that contain selfincompatible species also include species that are self-compatible (Vogler et al., 1998; Charlesworth, 2006). This observation would suggest that the breeding system can respond rapidly to natural selection (Jain, 1976), being strongly ¡nfluenced by several ecological factors like fragmentation, pollinator or resource availability, plant density, number of flowers per plant, or pollination movements (Chen, 2000; Franceschinelli and Bawa, 2000). It is thought that repeated limitations in compatible mates and/or pollinators may favour the evolution of self-compatible and selfing forms, providing reproductive assurance (Baker, 1955; Carpenterand Recher, 1979; Affre et al., 1995; Herlihy and Eckert, 2002). Antirrhinum L. is a genus of 25 perennial species primarily distributed in the western Mediterranean región (Sutton, 1988) with 68% of the species endemic to the Iberian Península and believed to be of Pleistocene origin (Chapter I). Many taxa grow exclusively in crevices on rocks, usually showing a restricted distribution, with low population size. A total of eight species are listed as endangered in the Red List of Spanish Vascular Flora (Moreno, 2008). Antirrhinum flowers produce néctar and 56 REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY pollen as rewards for ¡nsect visitors, being mainly pollinated by Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera and Díptera (Rothmaler, 1956; personal observation). Most of these species are considerad self-incompatible (Sutton, 1988) and self-compatibility has only been reported in Antirrhinum siculum (Harrison and Darby, 1955) and the cultivated varieties of Antirrhinum majus (Sutton, 1988), whereas Antirrhinum cirrhigerum and Antirrhinum linkianum are partially self-compatible, including both self-compatible and self-incompatible populations (Vieira and Charlesworth, 2002). However, knowledge of the reproductive biology of Antirrhinum species is quite limited and only two of the endangered species have been studied, both in the greenhouse (Torres et al., 2002; Mateu-Andrés and Segarra-Moragues, 2004). However previous assays within the genus suggest that the breeding system may be affected by changes in plant growth conditions (Stubbe, 1966), therefore field data are needed. Although studies into the reproductive biology of Antirrhinum species are scare, genetic diversity has been thoroughly evaluated by allozyme and RAPD analysis in some taxa of the genus (16), including all the endangered species (Mateu-Andrés, 1999, 2004; Mateu-Andrés and Segarra-Moragues, 2000, 2003b; Jiménez et al., 2002; Torres et al., 2003; Mateu-Andrés and de Paco, 2006). Correlations between genetic diversity and the reproductive system in Antirrhinum are unclear. A strong relationship has been found between both parameters in some taxa (Jiménez et al., 2002; Mateu-Andrés and de Paco, 2006), but not in others (Mateu-Andrés and Segarra-Moragues, 2000). Accordingly, in-depth studies of the reproductive biology oí Antirrhinum species are necessary to establish the relationship between levels and patterns of genetic variation and the reproductive system within the genus. We investigated the reproductive biology (flowering phenology, floral biology, breeding system) and potential limits on seed quantity and quality (pollen limitation, inbreeding depression) in natural populations of the endangered Antirrhinum charidemi, Antirrhinum subbaeticum and Antirrhinum valentinum. These three species are closely related (Jiménez et al., 2005ab) and share many ecological characteristics (similar habitat, low population, narrow distribution) (Pérez-García et al., 2003; Sánchez-Gómez et al., 2004; Carrió et al., 2006), but it is unknown whether they share a common reproductive strategy. Although the three species are legally REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY 57 protected, so far no conservation plan has been proposed for them. This study attempts to address the following specific questions: (a) what is the reproductive biology of A. charidemi, A. subbaeticum and A. valentinum? and, do the three species show different mating systems?; (b) is seed quantity and quality of the three species limited by pollen limitation and/or inbreeding depression?; (c) what are the main recommendations to the future conservation plans for these three species? 2.2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.2.1. Study species and sites A. charidemi, A. subbaeticum and A. valentinum are small shrubs, reaching a height of 50 cm. These species have flowers grouped in inflorescences which can be numerous per plant and the number of flowers per ¡nflorescence varíes between the three taxa (Table 2.1). The flowers have a characteristic persónate corolla, being pinkish in A. charidemi and A. subbaeticum, and whitish in A. valentinum. The length of the corolla tube ¡ncreases from A. charidemi to A. subbaeticum to A. valentinum (Table 2.1). All three species have four didynamous stamens and an erect style positioned between the two pairs of stamens of different length (Güemes, 2009). The fruit is a bilocular capsule containing many small seeds without specific dispersal organs that are spread short distance by boleochory (sensu Vittoz and Engler, 2007). Seeds of A. subbaeticum are smaller than those of A. charidemi and A. valentinum (Table 2.1). The chromosome number in the three species is 2n = 16 (Diosdado et al., 1994; Boscaiu et al., 1997; Coy et al., 1997). Differences in allozyme diversity among these taxa have been reported: A. charidemi had high intraspecific genetic diversity and little differentiation among populations; A. subbaeticum exhibited low intraspecific diversity and high differentiation among populations; and A. valentinum had high level of intraspecific genetic diversity and high population divergence (Table 2 .2 ). A. charidemi, A. subbaeticum and A. valentinum are endemics of the E and SE of the Iberian Península (Fig. 2.1), growing in rocky places. Each covers an area of less than 15 km2 and, to date, a few small populations are known for each taxon: 58 REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY populations of A charidemi occupy a large and almost continuous habitat along a 1015 km long mountain range, being divided by a gap of less than 1 km long, whereas those of A. subbaeticum are distributed in two regions 44 km apart and A. valentinum populations are from 3-7 km apart. The common threats to A. charidemi, A. subbaeticum and A. valentinum include habitat loss or degradation (Pérez-García et al., 2003; Sánchez-Gómez et al., 2004; Carrió et al., 2006). A. charidemi has maintained a stable population size, or has done over the last thirty years (Sáinz Ollero and Hernández-Bermejo, 1979; Hernández-Bermejo and Pujadas, 1999). However, in the last twelve years, human activities such as abusive herbarium collection, buildings, grazing pressure or fires have reduced the population size in A. subbaeticum and A. valentinum by approximately half (Jiménez et al., 2002; Güemes et al., unpublished). A. charidemi and A. subbaeticum are listed as critically endangered and endangered, respectively, and A. valentinum as vulnerable (Moreno, 2008). Table 2.1. Number of flowers per inflorescence (range), length of the corolla tube (range), seed size (range), start and end date of blooming and flowering duration (mean) for A. charidemi, A. subbaeticum and A. valentinum. Flowers / Flowering Corolla tube Seed size Date of Inflorescence length (mm) (mm) blooming A. charidemi 1 -1 5a 16-258 0.6-0.83 March-Julyb 6b A. subbaeticum 3 -1 2a 14-16a 0.5-0.6“ April-Juneb 7b A. valentinum 5 -1 0a 11-15“ 0.6-0.8a March-Mayb 7b Species duration (days) a Güemes, 2009;6 This work. For each species we studied populations (Fig. 2.1; Table 2.3) selected as containing many accessible individuáis. Fieldwork was carried out during the optimal flowering period of each species, specifically from: February to July of 2005 for A. charidemi; April to July of 2000 for A. subbaeticum; and February to May of 2004 for A. valentinum. REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY 59 Table 2.2. Genetic diversity reported for A. charidemi, A. subbaeticum and A. valentinum. Species He Ht Hs Gst A. charidemi 0.080-0 117 0.103 0.094 0.054 Reference Mateu-Andrés and Segarra-Moragues (2000) A. subbaeticum 0.000-0.024 0.070 0.010 0.850 A. valentinum 0.029-0.092 0.178 0.068 0.481 Mateu-Andrés (2004) Mateu-Andrés and Segarra-Moragues (2000) 2.2.2. F lo w e rin g p h e n o lo g y To s tu d y th e flo w ering pheno logy, several in dividuá is of A. ch a rid e m i (50 plants), A. su b b a e tic u m (20 plants) and A. valentinu m (20 plants) w ere random ly tagged before flo w e rin g . T here afte r, the p opula tions w e re visited w eekly until the last flo w e r o f the last m a rke d plant w as no lo n ge r open. For each visiting day, a p e rcentag e o f flo w e rin g plants w as obtaine d by dividing the nu m b e r o f m arked plants that had open flow e rs by the total nu m ber o f tagged in dividuá is. •O O , Figure 2.1. Map of the Iberian Península showing the geographic distribution of the known populations of A. charidemi, A. subbaeticum and A. valentinum. Black symbols indícate the studied populations. Populations codes are: SA, Sabinar; VE, Vela Blanca; BE, Benizar; PO, Potiche; BO, Bolomor; CO, Colom . 60 REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY Table 2.3. Population size, geographic coordínate and altitude of the populations investigated of A. charídemi, A. subbaeticum and A. valentinum. Species Population Population size Geographic coordínate Altitude (m.a.s.l.) Sabinar 158a 36°45'N/02°10'W 300 Vela Blanca 150a 36°43'N/02°09'W 215 A. subbaeticum Benizar 37b 38°15'N/01°59'W 980 Potiche 500b 38°33,N/02°10'W 780 A. valentinum Bolomor 120c 39°03'HI0Q°WW 100 Colom 284° 39°00'N/00°13'W 230 A. charídemi 8 Mateu-Andrés and Segarra-Moragues (2000); b Sánchez-Gómez et al. (2004); c Carrió et al. (2006). 2.2.3. Floral biology: flowering duration, polten viability and stigma receptivity Floweríng duration, pollen viability and stigma receptivity were studied ¡n one population of each species (Vela Blanca, Potiche, Bolomor). Ten plants were randomly selected and marked. To quantify flowering duration, ten flowers on each marked plant were tagged before opening and monitored daily until withering. To investígate variation in pollen viability in relation to pollen age, one floral bud from each marked plant was bagged prior to opening in order to prevent subsequent cross-pollen contamination in the anthers. Flowers were bagged using nylon net bags with a 0.5 x 0.5 mm mesh that prevented insect pollinators from accessing flowers but allowed normal flower development. Pollen from each flower was collected at 2, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120 and 144 h after anther dehiscence, and incubated (25 °C, 4 h) in GK médium (3.2 mM H3B03, 0.8 mM MgS04, 1 mM KN03, 1.3 mM Ca(N03)2 and 0.29 M sucrose) (Wilson et al., 1997). Pollen grains were observed under a microscope (400*) and germinated grains were distinguished by a pollen tube measuring at least double the length of the grain diameter (Stiehl-Alves and Martins-Corder, 2007). The proportion of viable pollen was determined on 500 grains per sample. To analyze stigma receptivity, eight flowers on each marked plant were bagged and emasculated before anther dehiscence. For each plant, 2-, 24-, 48-, 72-, 96-, 120- and 144-h oíd flowers were hand cross-pollinated. The flowers were REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY 61 removed 24 h after pollination and fixed in ethanol-acetic acid (1:1). Before observation under UV light on a BX40 Olympus microscope with epifluorescence (URFL-T), the pistils were washed, softened (1 M KOH, 15 min, 60 °C) and stained in 0.01% decolorized aniline blue overnight. Stigma receptivity was checked through the presence of pollen tubes on the stigmatic surface, by the callóse fluorochrome reaction (Martin, 1959). 2.2.4. Pollination treatments Five pollination treatments were applied on plants from the two populations of each species (Table 2.4): (1) autonomous self-pollination (bagged flowers not handled further); (2) hand self-pollination (bagged flowers were hand pollinated with pollen from the same flower): (3) hand cross-pollination (bagged flowers were emasculated before anther dehiscence and hand pollinated with pollen from flowers of different plants growing 7-10 m away); (4) supplementary pollination (unbagged flowers were hand pollinated with pollen from flowers of different plants growing 7-10 m away); (5) control (marked flowers were left for open pollination). Flowers were bagged as above (see pollen viability) and the bags were removed following the completion of anthesis of each treated flower in order to minimize the effects of bagging on fruit formation. Hand pollinations were done 2-3 days after flower opening, and pollen was applied to stigmas until their surface was saturated. The effectiveness of each treatment was evaluated in terms of fruit set (ratio of fruits to treated flowers), seed set (ratio of seeds to the average number of ovules estimated as below) and seed weight. Moreover, to check the degree of self-incompatibility, the pollen tube germination and growth was analyzed in one population of any species that yielded a modérate amount of fruits after the hand self-pollination treatment (A. charídemi in Sabinar: A. valentinum in Colom). To do this, bagged flowers were hand self- or cross-pollinated as above. Ten flowers for each pollination type were collected 24, 48, 72 and 96, 120 and 144 h after pollination, and fixed in ethanol-acetic acid (1:1). Samples were prepared and stained with aniline blue as above (see stigmatic receptivity) and the growth of the pollen tubes in the style was observed under UV light by the callóse fluorochrome reaction (Martin, 1959). 62 REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY 2.2.5. Pollen-ovule ratio (P/O) Estimates of the breeding systems were obtained by the pollen-ovule ratio (P/O) according to Cruden (1977). For the two populations of each species, an average P/O valué was calculated based on the number of pollen grains and the number of ovules from ten flowers chosen at random (one flower per plant). Pollen quantity was obtained based on pollen removed from indehiscent anthers (two per flower) placed ¡n one mi of detergent water and opened with a lancet. Ten subsamples of 10 pl were scored on slides and pollen grains were counted under a BX40 Olympus optical microscope (400*). The average number of pollen grains per anther was estimated and multiplied by four to determine the pollen production per flower. The ovary was dissected with a needle, and the ovules counted under a Wild stereomicroscope (120x) to obtain the average ovule number. 2.2.6. Inbreeding depression Inbreeding depression was estimated in the two A. subbaeticum populations, the only species studied that was markedly self-compatible. A mean valué of inbreeding depression was calculated from the valúes obtained in the two populations studied for three reproductive traits (fruit set, seed set, seed weight) as 5 = 1 - (ws/w0), where ws is the average fitness of selfed progeny from hand self-pollination, and w0 is the average fitness of outcrossed progeny from hand cross-pollination (Schemske and Lande, 1985; Charlesworth and Charlesworth, 1987). A cumulative valué of inbreeding depression was also obtained for the set of the fitness ratio of the three reproductive traits (fruit set [a], seed set [b], seed weight [c]) according to 6 = 1 [(Wsa/Woa) x (wsb/w0b) x (wSc/w0c)] (Husband and Schemske, 1996). Inbreeding depression, ranges from zero to one, where zero indicates no inbreeding depression, and positive valúes indícate that outcrossed progeny are fitter than the selfed progeny, whereas negative valúes mean the opposite. 2.2.7. Statistical analysis All the analyses were performed with the programme package SPSS v. 15.00 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, II, USA). For each species, the variation in the percentage of pollen viability in connection with pollen age was analyzed by the Kruskal-Wallis test, as the REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY 63 data could not be normalized. The effects of the pollination treatments on seed set and seed weight within each plant were analyzed separately for each population of each species. Seed set data were arcsin squareroot transformed and seed weight data were log 10 transformed to meet the normality assumption. Pairwise differences among treatments were detected using Generalized Linear Model and the pollination treatment nested within individual plant was included in the model. The tests performed were: hand cross-pollination vs. control and supplementary pollination vs. control in A. charídemi and A. valentinum; hand self- vs. hand cross-pollination, hand self-pollination vs. control and hand cross-pollination vs. control in A. subbaeticum. 2.3. RESULTS 2.3.1. Flowering phenology Start and end dates of blooming differed between the species studied, but were similar among populations of the same species, being the flowering period thus twice as long in A. charídemi as in A. subbaeticum and A. valentinum (Fig. 2.2, 2.3, 2.4; Table 2.1). Moreover, there was a high percentage of flowering plants throughout most of the flowering period of A. charídemi, with over 50% of sampled plants in flower from early March-mid April until mid-June. A. subbaeticum and A. valentinum had a short flowering peak with more than half the marked plants in bloom during May and April, respectively (Fig. 2.2, 2.3, 2.4). 2.3.2. Floral biology: flowering duration, pollen viability and stigma receptivity Flowers of A. charídemi, A. subbaeticum and A. valentinum open sequentially from the base to the apex of the inflorescences, frequently having more than one flower open each day. The floral buds of all three species started to open in the early morning, and remained open for several days until the corolla fell. The flowering duration lasted between 6 and 7 days and varied among the three species (Table 2.1). The anther dehiscence occurred on the first day the flower opened in A. charídemi and A. valentinum, and on the day after the flower opened in A. subbaeticum and for the three species, the percentage of pollen viability remained high at 2, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120 and 144 h after anther dehiscence and was not 64 REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY significantly affected by pollen age (Table 2.5). For all three species, the stigmas of 2-, 24-, 48-, 72-, 96-, 120- and 144-h oíd flowers were receptive. 2.3.3. Pollination treatments For both populations of A. charídemi and A. valentinum, fruit set under the autonomous and hand self-pollination treatment was low, compared with that under hand cross-pollination (Fig. 2.5, 2.7). However, fruit set results differed markedly between the populations of either species, due to the existence of three self-fertile individuáis in one population of each species (Sabinar in A. charídemi; Colom in A. valentinum). These produced a large quantity of fruits in both self-pollination treatments (Table 2.6). For the two A. charídemi populations, the comparison between the control and supplementary pollination indicated similar fruit set and no significant differences in seed set and seed weight (Fig. 2.5; Table 2.7). For A. valentinum, the control treatment compared to hand supplementary pollination resulted in higher fruit set and in a significantly higher seed set in only one population (Bolomor), and control seeds were not heavier than those obtained by supplementary pollination in either of the populations (Fig. 2.7; Table 2.7). «Sabinar - - «Vela Blanca 120 i 100 - 80 en s 0) $ e 60 40 20 - & .<& J& Date Figure 2.2. Flowering phenology of A. charídemi in Sabinar {N = 10) and Vela Blanca (N = 40). N, number of plants treated. 65 REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY Table 2.4. Range of flower numbers treated per plant, number of plants treated and number of flowers treated per population of A. charídemi, A. subbaeticum and A. valentinum in the pollination experiment. Species Population A. charídemi Autonomous self-pollination Hand self-pollination Hand cross-pollination Supplementary pollination Control 6-11, 12, 100 Sabinar 6-8, 11,80 5-8, 11,70 3-1 0,12 , 60 5-7, 10, 58 Vela Blanca 4-5, 23,100 4-8, 18, 108 4-8, 21, 90 5-7, 17, 96 9 -1 1 ,2 3 , 222 A. subbaeticum Benizar 2-3,10, 25 1-2, 10, 19 1-2, 10, 19 - 4-6 , 10, 50 Potiche 3-4, 10,32 3 -4 ,1 0 ,3 1 3 -4 ,1 0 ,3 1 - 4 -6 , 10, 50 A. valentinum Bolomor 12-14, 9, 120 8-12, 9, 90 9-10, 10, 93 7-11, 10, 85 10-12, 11, 122 Colom 8-10, 10, 90 7-11, 10, 90 7-10, 9, 73 5-8, 9, 60 12-14, 10, 139 Table 2.5. Pollen viability of A. charídemi, A. subbaeticum and A. valentinum at 2, 24,48, 72, 96,120 and 144 h after anther dehiscence (a.a.d.) and results of the Kruskal-Wallis test comparing valúes within a line. P-values are not significant at the 5% level. , Pollen viability (%) 2 h a.a.d. 24 h a.a.d 48 h a.a.d. 72 h a.a.d. 96 h a.a.d. 120 h a.a.d. 144 h a.a.d. A. charídemi 96.32 ±00.47 95.95 ±00.39 96.18 ±00.61 95.14 ±01.23 94.00 ±01.38 93.94 ±01.11 93.89 ±00.57 9.834 0.132 A. subbaeticum 92.62 ± 00.97 92.98 ± 0146 92.01 ± 01.28 90.55 ± 00.66 90.95 ±01.11 90.18 ± 00.76 89.64 ± 00.95 7.079 0.314 A. valentinum 94.00 ±00.65 94.33 ±00.80 92.40 ±01.40 93.40 ±00.98 91.38 ±01.22 90.60 ±01.41 91.00 ±01.10 8.234 0.221 66 REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY Benizar 120 -| 100 - - 'P otic h e 80 60 40 20 - V _CV -CV -CV -CV _CV _CV -CV Date Figure 2.3. Flowering phenology of A. subbaeticum ¡n Benizar (A/ = 10) and Colom (N = 10). N, number of plants treated. B o lo m o r- - 'C olom 120 -i 100 - 80 60 40 20 - ^ -C$>V .< & -C & -< & .< & _ (& .< & .< & Date Figure 2.4. Flowering phenology of A. valentinum in Bolomor (Af = 1 0 ) and Colom (A/= 10). N, number of plants treated. REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY 67 Table 2.6. Fruit set and seed set for self-fertile individuáis of A. charídemi (Sabinar) and A. valentinum (Colom) in the pollination treatment experiment (N, number of flowers treated). No. individual Autonomous self-pollination Seed set Hand self-pollination N Fruit set 3024-90 8 0.375 0.635 3142-90 8 0.500 0.772 763-92 8 0.375 1.155 8 0.417 0.854 Hand cross-pollination Seed set N Fruit set 0.889 1.052 10 0.800 0.849 0.778 0.883 11 0.909 0.719 1.000 1.052 12 0.889 0.995 Fruit set Seed set N Fruit set 8 0.250 0.852 9 8 0.500 0.784 9 0.500 1.005 10 0.417 0.880 N Control Seed set A. charídemi Mean 1.000 1.053 0.903 0.873 0.564 A. valentinum 1 12 0.417 0.217 15 0.467 0.373 8 0.875 0.605 10 0.900 3 10 0.300 0.319 10 0.200 0.382 9 0.889 0.813 11 0.909 0.675 7 10 0.500 0.252 14 0.500 0.510 10 0.900 1.084 13 0.923 0.690 0.405 0.262 0.389 0.421 0.888 0.834 0.911 0.643 Mean For the two A. subbaeticum populations, fruit set was lower under autonomous self-pollination than under hand self- and cross-pollination (Fig. 2.6). Similar fruit set and no significant differences were found in seed set or seed weight between the hand self- and hand cross-pollination treatments (Table 2.7). Control flowers resulted in higher seed set and similar seed weight compared to hand self- or hand crosspollinated flowers (Table 2.7). Differences in growth rate of self- and cross-pollen tubes were observed in both A. charídemi and A. valentinum. In both species, cross-pollen tubes started to penétrate into the ovules 48 h after the hand cross-pollination and they had already entered the majority of the ovules (70-90% of the total ovules) 144 h after hand cross-pollination. In contrast, the self-pollen tubes were seen in both species in the first third of the style 48 h after the hand self-pollination and remained arrested there 144 h after self-pollination. Self-pollen tubes were occasionally observed in the last part of the style, but never in the ovules. 68 REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY Table 2.7. Results of the generalized linear models comparing the effects of the pollination treatment on seed set and seed weight in A. charídemi, A. subbaeticum and A. valentinum. Significance effects at the 5% level are in bold type. Population Pollination treatment Seed weight Seed set df F P df F P Hand cross-pollination vs. control 20 0.716 0.402 16 0.713 0.385 Supplementary pollination vs. control 18 1.044 0.209 16 0.211 0.499 Hand cross-pollination vs. control 43 0.713 0.453 40 1.417 0.040 Supplementary pollination vs. control 39 0.673 0.465 40 0.485 0.497 Hand self- vs. hand cross-pollination 14 0.533 0.290 11 0.988 0.168 Hand self-pollination vs. control 17 1.851 0.031 15 1.361 0.079 Hand cross-pollination vs. control 17 3.248 0.002 15 0.912 0.187 Hand self- vs. hand cross-pollination 18 1.617 0.051 19 0.561 0.299 Hand self-pollination vs. control 19 6.111 0.000 19 0.561 0.302 Hand cross-pollination vs. control 18 4.800 0.000 19 0.990 0.166 Hand cross-pollination vs. control 20 0.617 0.447 20 1.190 0.138 Supplementary pollination vs. control 20 0.104 0.010 20 0.708 0.405 Hand cross-pollination vs. control 18 0.744 0.379 18 0.753 0.375 Supplementary pollination vs. control 18 0.926 0.274 18 0.410 0.492 A. charídemi Sabinar Vela Blanca A. subbaeticum Benizar Potiche A. valentinum Bolomor Colom REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY 69 ■ ■mil i -iiuiVeai'! Sabinar Vaia Blanca Population Population ■ Autonom ous self-pollination U H a n d self-pollination 13890155^94^ H H a n d cross-pollination ■ S u p plem entary pollination 33 Control Sabalar Vala Blanca Population Figure 2.5. Fruit set, seed set and seed weight (mg) of A. charídemi resulting from pollination treatments testing for autonomous self-pollination, hand self- and hand cross-pollination, supplementary pollination and control. Bars are means and vertical lines above bars are standard errors. 70 REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY Population Population ■ A utonom ous self-pollination m H a n d self-pollination H H a n d cross-pollination ■ S u p plem entary pollination ■ control Population Figure 2.6. Fruit set, seed set and seed weight (mg) of A. subbaeticum resulting from pollination treatments testing for autonomous self-pollination, hand self- and hand crosspollination and control. Bars are means and vertical lines above bars are standard errors. REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY Bolomor Population Colom Population ■ 4145845399 71 Autonom ous self-pollination Q ]H a n d self-pollination H H a n d cross-pollination H Su pplem entary pollination 8 8 Control Population Figure 2.7. Fruit set, seed set and seed weight (mg) of A. valentinum resulting from pollination treatments testing for autonomous self-pollination, hand self- and hand cross-pollination, supplementary pollination and control. Bars are means and vertical lines above bars are standard errors. y ® ; 72 REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY 2.3.4. Pollen-ovule ratio (P/O) The pollen and ovule numbers per flower and P/O ratios for the species are shown in Table 2.8. The mean number of pollen grains decreased from A. charídemi to A. valentinum to A. subbaeticum, and the mean number of ovules increased from A. charídemi to A. valentinum to A. subbaeticum. The P/O ratios suggest that A. charídemi and A. valentinum are oblígate outcrossers and A. subbaeticum is a facultative outcrosser, according to Cruden’s categories (1977). Table 2.8. Number of pollen grains per flower and ovules and the P/O ratio for A. charídemi, A. subbaeticum and A. valentinum. Valúes are means ± s.e. Species A. charídemi A. subbaeticum A. valentinum Population Pollen grains/flower Ovules/flower P/O Sabinar 285733.30 ± 70535.27 242.33 ± 20.12 1181.56 ±271.83 Vela Blanca 486768.60 ± 32399.87 232.64 ± 42.34 2126.00 ± 1438.25 Mean 386250.95 ± 51467.57 237.48 ±21.23 1653.78 ±855.04 Benizar 179803.00 ±29649.00 321.30 ±26.40 560.05 ± 82.90 Potiche 189669.00 ±21536.00 347.50 ± 43.50 555.10 ± 100.40 Mean 184736.95 ±51467.57 334.40 ± 34.95 557.57 ±91.65 Bolomor 203320.00 ± 66652.86 192.40 ±29.77 1065.28 ±333.52 Colom 376731.70 ±91729.42 313.14 ±74.79 1251.89 ±413.20 Mean 290025.50 ±79191.14 252.77 ± 52.28 1158.58 ±373.36 2.3.5. Inbreeding depression The mean level of inbreeding depression of A. subbaeticum was 0.028 for fruit set (Benizar: 5 = 0.140; Potiche: 5 = -0.084); -0.179 for seed set (Benizar: 5 = -0.379; Potiche: 5 = 0.021); and 0.100 for seed weight (Benizar: 5 = 0.142; Potiche: 5 = 0.058). The mean cumulative valué of inbreeding depression was -0.007 (Benizar: 5 = -0.017; Potiche: 5 = -0.002). In all cases these valúes were near zero, indicating the absence of inbreeding depression, at least in these initial phases of the reproductive cycle. REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY 73 2.4. DISCUSSION 2.4.1. Mating pattems In order to produce fruits A. charídemi, A. subbaeticum and A. valentinum need pollinators to bring pollen to their stigmas. The pollination assay revealed that A. charídemi and A. valentinum are all highly self-incompatible with only 25-30% of the plants producing fruits by autonomous self-pollination. On the other hand, although individuáis of A. subbaeticum are highly self-compatible, they yielded low quantity fruits in autonomous self-pollinated flowers. This may be due to the anther-stigma separation (herkogamy) observed during flower handling, since the reproductive structures are functional at the same time. Self-incompatibility has been considered unstable within Antirrhinum (Stubbe, 1966). This is supported by the pollination results obtained in A. charídemi and A. valentinum as self-incompatibility broke down in particular individuáis from Sabinar and Colom that produced fruits and seeds when self-pollinated manually, and also yielded fruits and seeds by autonomous self-pollination. Our results for A. valentinum contrast with those of Mateu-Andrés and Segarra-Moragues (2004) obtained under greenhouse conditions. These authors did not find self-fertile individuáis in Colom where we found a 30% of self-fertile plants. However, they found a 6% of self-fertile plants in Bolomor, whereas the present study found none, although during the second year of their study only the 1.8% was self-fertile. Observations in other genera revealed that self-incompatibility may vary with environmental and physical conditions (Vogler et al., 1998; Stephenson et al., 2000) and can break down with floral age or low prior fruit set as occurs in Solanum carolinense (Stephenson et al., 2003) or Witheríngia solanaceae (Stone et al., 2006). Several aspects of the reproductive biology of A. charídemi, A. subbaeticum and A. valentinum suggest different mating systems. The three species have many functional flowers open on the same day within a plant and, therefore, a flower is highly likely to receive self-pollen from flowers of the same plant (geitonogamous pollination). This is unlikely to result in fruits in A. charídemi and A. valentinum, given their high self-incompatibility. A. subbaeticum is self-compatible and preliminary observations of pollinators of this species indícate that its main pollinators (55.9% of 74 REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY total visits by Megachilidae and Apidae) visit múltiple flowers on an individual plant before moving to another plant. Self-compatibility combined with the predominantly within-plant movement of pollinators, suggest that inbreeding may be common in this species. Thus A. charídemi and A. valentinum are mainly outcrossers, while A. subbaeticum has a mixed mating system. These results are consistent with the P/O valúes of the three species. Our results obtained for the mating systems of the three species are partially congruent with their genetic diversity. Early reports of allozyme diversity showed that A. subbaeticum had less total genetic diversity and was more genetically structured than the outcrossers A. charídemi and A. valentinum (Table 2.2). Previous RAPD data also indicated differentiation in A. lower overall genetic diversity and subbaeticum compared to the higher population outcrosser Antirrhinum microphyllum (Jiménez et al., 2002; Torres et al., 2003). The effect of geitonogamy in A. subbaeticum could indícate the level and pattern of genetic diversity was more similar to that of selfing species than outcrossing ones. On the other hand, the two outcrossers A. charídemi and A. valentinum differed in distribution of genetic diversity since the genetic structure was markedly higher in A. valentinum than in A. charídemi. The distribution of genetic diversity in A. valentinum contrasts with its outcrosser mating system and could be better explained by other ecological factors, such as flowering duration and habitat continuity (Mateu-Andrés and SegarraMoragues, 2000). Thus, although a strong correlation has been suggested between genetic diversity and reproductive biology within Antirrhinum (Mateu-Andrés and de Paco, 2006), our results do not support this. 2.4.2. Limits on seed quantity and quality There is no evidence to suggest that A. charídemi is pollen limited, since supplementary pollination in open flowers failed to increase fruit set, seed set and seed weight. However, in A. valentinum, supplementary pollination considerably increased both fruit (33%) and seed (14%) production in the small population (Bolomor). This is less than half that of the Colom population size, suggesting that pollen limitation could be due to small population size. Small populations of selfincompatible plants may be especially vulnerable to pollen limitation (Byers, 1995; REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY 75 Campbell and Husband, 2007) and this is supported by observations of reduced seed production in small populations of Lythrum salicaria (Agren, 1996) and Brunsvigia radulosa (Ward and Johnson, 2005). Moreover, differences in pollen limitation between the A. valentinum populations may be magnified by the occurrence of self-fertile individuáis in the Colom population. Pollen limitation in A. subbaeticum was not examined by supplementary pollination, but seed quantity and quality were not affected by pollen limitation in either population, since control flowers had high fruit and seed set, which were not significantly lower than in hand cross-pollinated flowers. Seed quantity and quality may be lowered by inbreeding depression in self-compatible species (Brown and Kephart, 1999; Evans et al., 2003), but this did not occur in the populations of A. subbaeticum studied. Successive generations of selfing over long periods of time may have purged deleterious recessive mutations, leading to decreased inbreeding depression (Lande and Schemske, 1985; Charlesworth and Charlesworth, 1987). 2.4.3. Conservation implications Species entirely dependent on pollinators for fruit set may reduce seed production due to a lack of pollinator visits (Agren, 1996; Alexandersson and Agren, 1996). Given that pollinators are essential to seed production in A. charídemi, A. subbaeticum and A. valentinum, further studies into their pollinators are required in order to plan efficient conservation strategies. Studies of this type should be a priority for A. valentinum, since scarcity of pollinators is more likely in this species for two reasons: firstly, all populations are located near citrus-growing areas, where pesticides are commonly used (Hernández et al., 2008), which may affect pollinator communities and lead to similar situations to those described by Allen-Wardell et al. (1998) or Kearns et al. (1998); and secondly, the blooming period of A. valentinum occurs in the early spring, when poor weather conditions can influence pollinator activity (Baker et al., 2000; Alonso, 2004). A. charídemi and A. valentinum are self-incompatible species and consequently depend on the availability of compatible mates for reproduction. Small populations of self-incompatible species are vulnerable to extinction if the availability of mating types (S-alleles) falls below a certain threshold (Luijten et al., 2002). Natural 76 REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY populations of A. charídemi and A. valentinum exceeding 25 individuáis are thought to be necessary to maintain sufficient S-allele diversity (Byers and Meagher, 1992). Drastic reductions of the population size in A. charídemi could be counteracted with high gene flow among populations due to extended flowering and almost continuous habitat. In the event of a reduction in A. valentinum numbers, the populations may have difficulties in successfully cross-pollinating due to high population fragmentation, which can lead to population decline. If necessary, reinforcement or reestablishment should be performed with an appropriate number of plants (up to 25 individuáis). The low number of individuáis used to form new populations of A. charídemi thirty years ago (Sáinz Ollero and Hernández-Bermejo, 1979) could be the reason why this conservation strategy failed. Reinforcements or reestablishments should be performed with seeds collected from plants, maintaining a sufficient distance between them to guarantee the availability of compatible mates. The data shows effective Crossing of plants 7-10 m apart. A. valentinum population reinforcements should avoid the use of material from other locations, as high genetic differentiation among individuáis of different populations (Mateu-Andrés and SegarraMoragues, 2000) could cause outbreeding depression in mixed populations. Indeed, the incidence of outbreeding depression can be predicted by comparing fruit and seed set from hand cross-pollination in the present study (using pollen from the same population) and that obtained by Mateu-Andrés and Segarra-Moragues (2004) (using pollen from another population). Self-fertile plants may produce seeds when compatible mates and/or pollinators become limited (Baker, 1955; Herlihy and Eckert, 2002). In this respect, MateuAndrés and Segarra-Moragues (2004) proposed evaluating the role of self-fertility in maintaining A. valentinum populations where self-fertile plants are present, in order to design an appropriate conservation strategy. However, as self-compatibility seems to be influenced by environmental and/or physical factors in A. charídemi and A. valentinum, conservation strategies should not rely on the chance that self-fertile individuáis will produce seeds. Furthermore, A. valentinum yields low quantity of seeds by autonomous and hand self-pollination compared to hand cross-pollination, suggesting that the overall self-fertile individuáis would probably not produce enough self-seeds to maintain a viable population. REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY 77 Pollen limitation in the reduced population of Bolomor of A. valentinum could be due to severa! causes such as a low rate of pollinator visits, a lack of compatible pollen donors (mate limitation) (Byers, 1995; Campbell and Husband, 2007) and/or excessive deposition of self-incompatible pollen on stigmas by pollinator movements between flowers of the same plant, which may clog the stigma preventing crosspollination (Tepedino et al., 2007). Nonetheless, as pollen limitation may vary from one year to the next due to the environmental variability (Dudash and Fenster, 1997; Baker et al., 2000), this should be monitored for several years in order to evalúate the long-term impact on reproduction; moreover, the factors involved in this process should be quantified before specific proposals can be made for species conservation (Hirayama et al., 2007). It is believed that geitonogamy increases as population size decreases since the quantity of cross-pollen is expected to diminish accordingly (Hirayama et al., 2007). Thus, recent reductions in population size of A. subbaeticum (Jiménez et al., 2002) may have increased the inbreeding rate, thereby exacerbating the risks associated with inbreeding. The short and long-term negative impacts of inbreeding include inbreeding depression and loss of genetic diversity (Barret and Kohn, 1991; Huenneke, 1991; Evans et al., 2000). Population size reduction does not appear to lead to high inbreeding depression, at least in terms of seed quantity and quality. Preliminary studies also revealed the absence of inbreeding depression on seed germination in Benizar (5 = -0.279). On the other hand, current levels of A. subbaeticum genetic diversity are low (Jiménez et al., 2002; Mateu-Andrés, 2004), which is congruent with frequent inbreeding. It seems unlikely that reduced genetic diversity could be negatively affecting the current reproduction in the populations studied, since reproductive output does not appear to be diminished. Thus, although it is important to conserve large population sizes, small population sizes do not have a dramatic effect on the actual reproduction of this species. Severe reductions in population size should not be tackled by applying translocation strategies as outbreeding depression may occur in individuáis of different populations given the high genetic differentiation among them (Jiménez et al., 2002; Mateu-Andrés, 2004). Seeds used in reinforcements or reestablishments can be collected from plants without the need to keep a minimal separation distance between them. Chapter III: Assessing the risk of hybridization and ¡ntrogression ¡n a rare endemic A n t i r r h i n u m species: the case of A. v a l e n t i n u m RISK OF HYBRIDIZATION AND INTROGRESSION 81 3.1. INTRODUCCION Hybridization has long been recognized to play an ¡mportant role in plant evolution (Arnold, 1997; Rieseberg, 1997), having both positive and negative outcomes on species biodiversity (Rieseberg, 1991; Buerkle et al., 2003). This may increase biodiversity by the creation of novel adaptations (Rieseberg, 1991; Johnston et al., 2004) or the origin of new hybrid lineages (Arnold, 1997; Rieseberg, 1997). Conversely, hybridization may reduce biodiversity by contributing to species decline through genetic assimilation by congeners or hybrid lineages (Carney et al., 2000; Hegde et al., 2006) or by demographic processes that may opérate via a reduction in reproductive fitness (Levin et al., 1996; Burgess et al., 2008) or via ¡ncreased competition for suitable sites (Levin et al., 1996; Burgess and Husband, 2006). Thus, the negative impact that hybridization and ¡ntrogression may cause on the survival of rare taxa has became a matter of concern for conservation botanists (Rhymer and Simberloff, 1996; Allendorf et al., 2001). Particular concern arises when this occurs as result of human-mediated habitat alterations (Ferdy and Austerlitz, 2002; Lamont et al., 2003) as anthropogenic hybridization has led to the extinction of rare plant populations (Levin et al., 1996). Another ¡mportant factor to consider when conserving rare taxa in risk of hybridization is the speed with which this mechanism operates. Simulation models demónstrate that hybridization is perhaps the most rapidly acting genetic threat to endangered species as it may cause extinction within five generations. Therefore, cases of hybridization between a rare and a more common congener should be assessed without delay (Wolf et al., 2001; Burkle et al., 2003). Even ¡f evidence of hybridization and ¡ntrogression is not visible, the evaluation of gene-exchange potential between rare and common taxa may contribute to designing accurate conservation strategies, thus preventing these processes (Parsons and Hermanutz, 2006; Kothera et al., 2007). The impact of hybridization between a rare taxa and a common congener will depend on the degree of reproductive isolation between the two species, which is related to a variety of ecological and genetic factors (Levin et al., 1996; Rhymer and Simberloff, 1996; Carney et al., 2000). Reproductive isolation barriers are often divided into pre- and postpollination mechanisms (Tiffin et al., 2001). Prepollination isolation between species (exclusively prezygotic) may arise due to ecological, 82 RISK OF HYBRIDIZATION AND INTROGRESSION behavioural, and temporal differences or divergent floral traits (Mayr, 1963; Hodges and Arnold, 1994). Postpollination isolation between species (pre- or postzygotic) includes, among others, interactions between male and female tracks, low viability of hybrids, or hybrid sterility (Dobzhansky, 1937; Muller, 1942; Schluter, 1994). Prepollination barriers may be fragile, as they can be effective under stable environmental conditions, but break down easily if there are environmental changes; postpollination barriers, by contrast, are considered independent of the environment and are relatively robust (Grant, 1992). Antirrhinum is a western Mediterranean genus comprising 25 perennial and diploid (2n = 16) species (Sutton, 1988; Güemes, 2009). Ancestral hybridization has been considered as the main evolutionary mechanism within the genus, according to several studies based on morphological (Webb, 1971; Sutton, 1988) and molecular data (Vargas et al., 2004; Jiménez et al., 2005; Chapter I). Geographical and ecological isolation has presumably led to the differentiation and formation of local endemic species in the Iberian Península (Webb, 1971), with 68% of the species being exclusive to this territory (Webb, 1971; Sutton, 1988; Güemes, 2009). All the species have a characteristic persónate corolla with minor distinctions among species in shape and size (Sutton, 1988; Güemes, 2009). The flowers are insect pollinated and the majority of species are outcrossers, mainly self-incompatible (Sutton, 1988; Mateu-Andrés and de Paco, 2006). Differences in flower colour ¡ntensity and pattern might led to significant pollinator selection, which may have contributed to the reproductive isolation and the gene-flow limitation among species (Hodges and Arnold, 1994; Schwinn et al., 2006). Nevertheless, the reproductive barriers between species are not strong, and it is possible to obtain hybrids through artificial interspecific pollinations (e.g. Hackbarth et al., 1942; Rieger, 1957; Stubbe, 1966). Approximately half of the species of the genus have a restricted distribution, live on calcareous or siliceous surfaces in rupicolous habitats, with few populations comprising a small number of plants. At least six of these Antirrhinum species are considered endangered under the IUCN criteria (Moreno, 2008). The rest of the species have a widespread distribution, with numerous populations of high population size, and are generally linked to disturbed environments, frequently being RISK OF HYBRIDIZATION AND INTROGRESSION 83 found ¡n land drifts, roadsides, slopes or removed substrates (Güemes, 2009). Habitat disturbance through anthropogenic activities, particularly by opening up the access to previously isolated territories, has led to recent contact between formerly allopatric species. Especially evident is the closeness between species pairs formed by one rare rupicolous species and one common species, typical of disturbed sites. This situation has led to the formation of seven new hybrids in such sites the last 2030 years, none of which could have arisen in nature. Three of these hybrid plants have been reported previously and described in the literature: A. molle x A. majus {A. x montserratii Molero & Romo, described in 1988); A. pulverulentum x A. graniticum (A. x segurae Fern. Casas, described in 1981); and A. pulverulentum x A. meonanthum {A. x mazimpakae, Fern. Casas, described in 1981). The other four hybrids have been found during our revisión of herbarium collections and are considered hybrids because of their intermedíate morphological characters between the two putative parental taxa found in the collection area: A. microphyllum x A. graniticum (VAL37124, J. Güemes and J. Riera, 1997); A. microphyllum x A. majus (VAL40042, J. Güemes, 1998); A. pertegasii x A. litigiosum (BCB/sn, L. Sáez and A. Buira, 2008); A. pulverulentum x A. litigiosum (VAL35096, J. Güemes, 1995; VAL181164, G. Mateo and V.J. Arán, 1996; VAL182364, J. Fabado and colaborators, 2006). Antirrhinum valentinum is a rare species from the E of the Iberian Península with five known populations, occupying an area of less than 10 km2, with less than 1,500 effectives (Carrió et al., 2006). This species was considered common in the past (Borja, 1948), but has undergone severe reductions in population size during the last 50 years, with its current distribution range practically restricted to the Sierra del Mondúber. Consequently, the species is considered endangered (Moreno, 2008) and is ¡ncluded in the Valencian Catalogue of Protected Flora (DOCV Decreto 70/2009). Antirrhinum controversum is a common species from the E and SE of the Iberian Península with hundreds of known populations, occupying an area of more than 100,000 km2, probably with hundreds of thousands of specimens (Anthos, 2009). The two species have an overlapped distribution range; however, their populations rarely co-occur since they tend to be separated by ecological preferences: A. valentinum lives in limestone crevices on shady, exposed rock surfaces whereas A. 64 RISK OF HYBRIDIZATION AND INTROGRESSION controversum thrives ¡n areas of natural and anthropogenic disturbance such as rocky altered lands or roadside verges, upon calcareous soils exposed to the sun (Güemes, 2009). In our field surveys conducted during the last seven years, we have detected three mixed populations of these two species with the presence of A. controversum in human-mediated disturbed sites (Fig. 3.1), all of which were related to recent changes in land use. Antecedents of hybridization within Antirrhinum, promoted by anthropogenic habitat disturbance in other territories, led us to evalúate hybridization and ¡ntrogression potential between A. valentinum and A. controversum in order to predict potential threats to A. valentinum. In particular, we address the following questions: 1) how ¡mportant is postpollination reproductive isolation (prezygotic and postzygotic) between A. valentinum and A. controversum; 2) if hybridization between the two species leads to the formation of hybrid plants, could these hybrids successfully reproduce with other hybrids and with the parental species? Furthermore, according to the data obtained from evaluating the potential risk of hybridization and ¡ntrogression between the two species, recommendations are made for the conservation and managementof A. valentinum populations. 3.2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 3.2.1. Plant species and study site A. valentinum is a dwarf shrub with decumbent stems (12-35 cm) and lax ¡nflorescences (5-10 flowers). It has small whitish flowers (11-15 mm), with the superior lip perpendicular to the corolla tube and blooms from March to May. A. controversum is a perennial herb with erect stems (40-120 cm) and dense ¡nflorescences (10-40 flowers). Its flowers are pinkish and bigger (16-24 mm), with the superior lip oblique with respect to the corolla tube and flowering lasts from February to October (Güemes, 2009). Both species are outcrossers, fundamentally self-incompatible (Mateu-Andrés and Segarra-Moragues, 2004; Chapter II; E. Carrió and J. Güemes, unpubl. res.) and are mainly pollinated by Apis and Bombus species (Hymenoptera), but also by other sorts of insects ¡ncluding species of Psithyrus and Xylocopa (Himenoptera) or Anthophora (Díptera) (Sutton, 1988; Mateu-Andrés and RISK OF HYBRIDIZATION AND INTROGRESSION 85 S e g a rra -M o ra g u e s , 2004; pers. obs.). The fru it o f both sp e cie s is a bilocular capsule co n ta in in g m a n y sm all seeds w ith o u t specific dispersa! organs, w hich are spread a sh o rt d is ta n c e by bo leoch ory (sen su V ittoz and E ngler, 2007). T he e xp e rim e n ts w ere perform ed at the B otanical G arden o f the U niversity o f V a le n cia b e tw e e n 2004 and 2008 from m aterial co llected in a natural m ixed p o p ula tion (B o lo m o r’s G ully, 3 9 °0 3 'N /0 0 °1 4 'W , 100 m .a.s.l.; Fig. 3.1). All individuáis o f A . co n tro v e rs u m detected in this locality w ere e stablishe d in recent hum anm ed ia te d d istu rb e d sites. T ab le 3.1 gives data con ce rn in g th e reproductive features o f A. va le n tin u m and A. co ntro versum in this popula tion taken from previous field stu d ie s (C h a p te r II; E. C arrió and J. G üem es, unpubl. res.). Figure 3.1. Map of the Iberian Península with the geographic dístribution of the known populatíons of A. valentinum (☆). Red symbols indícate A. valentinum populations where A. controversum individuáis have been (Bolomor's Gully). detected. Black cycle indicates the studied population 86 RISK OF HYBRIDIZATION AND INTROGRESSION 3.2.2. Experimental crosses A. valentinum and A. controversum seeds were collected from 20 plañís of each species in the Bolomor’s Gully population in 2003 and grown in pots in the greenhouse. Before flowering, adult plants were transferred to the pots to an Table 3.1. Reproductive traits of A. valentinum and A. controversum ¡n the Bolomor’s Gully population in 2004 (mean ± standard deviation). N1t number of plants considered; N2i number of flowers considered in the population. n2 A. valentinum A. controversum Pollen size (pm3) 10 10 16528,12b 11614,45b Pollen grains/flower 10 10 203320.00±66652.86a 1096100.00±245176b Style length (mm) 10 73-123 5.50±0.04b 9.26±0.09b Ovules/flower 10 10 192.40±29.77a 414.90±78.70b Date of blooming 10-15 - March-May8 March-Juneb Flowering duration (days) 10-15 90-100 7a 8b Open pollination 11-20 122-635 42.43±11.90% fruit seta 83.76±2.87% fruit setb 70.61 ±4.13% seed set* 94.54±54.67% seed setb Autonomous 9-20 120-671 0% fruit set8 0% fruit setb 9-20 90-181 0% fruit seta 0% fruit setb 10-20 93-178 75.00±11.54% fruit seta 85.34±23.22% fruit setb 77.73±7.73% seed seta 91.32±34.23% seed setb self-pollination Hand self-pollination Hand cross-pollination BChapter II; bE. Carrió and J. Güemes (unpubl. res.). experimental garden plot. One fertile plant from each maternal family was chosen at random to perform the following experimental crosses: 1) interspecific pollination. in which emasculated flowers were hand pollinated with pollen from the other species; RISK OF HYBRIDIZATION AND INTROGRESSION 87 2) intraspecific pollination. in which emasculated flowers were hand pollinated with pollen from the same species. Pollinations were done by applying pollen to the stigma until the surface was saturated on the 2-3 day after flower opening, since this period is within the floral phase in which the stigma ¡s receptive (Chapter II; pers. obs.). Prior pollination, flowers were emasculated before anther dehiscence and bagged using nylon net bags with 0.5 x 0.5 mm opening to avoid access to flowers by insect pollinators and normal development of the flowers. The bags were removed when anthesis finished in order to minimizing the effects of the bags on fruit formation. The number of treated flowers was: 142 (3-5 per plant) in A. valentinum and 187 (5-7 per plant) in A. controversum, for interspecific pollination; and 140 (3-5 per plant) in A. valentinum and 170 (5-7 per plant) in A. controversum for intraspecific pollination. For each plant, the effectiveness of each experimental cross was evaluated in terms of fruit set (ratio of fruits to treated flowers), seed set (ratio of seeds to the average number of ovules estimated as below, see the hybrid reproductive capacity experiment) and seed mass. For each species, fruit set, seed set and seed mass were compared between ínter- and intraspecific pollinations with Mann-Whitney’s U-test using SPSS 17.0 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, llinois, USA). Seeds obtained in the inter- and intraspecific crosses in A. valentinum and A. controversum were used to study the seed germination rate and speed. For each pollination treatment, four replicates of 50 seeds were incubated in 0.6% agar in an M-153 Sanyo chamber with a constant temperature of 20°C and 12 h photoperiod. Preliminary germination tests in both species revealed an optimal germination for these conditions (E. Estrelles, University of Valencia, Spain, unpubl. res.). The number of germinated seeds (radíele protruded more than 2 mm from the seed coat) was checked every day for 30 days and, for each experimental pollination type, we calculated a ratio of seed germination and the Germination Speed Index (GSI) of Maguire (1962). When this assay finished, ungerminated seeds were dissected to check for the presence of the embryo and germinated seeds from interspecific crosses were transferred into pots in the greenhouse and were cultivated for use in the hybrid reproductive capacity experiment (see below). For each species, seed germination rate and speed were compared between inter- and intraspecific pollinations with the Student’s f-test using SPSS 17.0. 88 RISK OF HYBRIDIZATION AND INTROGRESSION 3.2.3. Pollen adherence, germination and tube growth A. valentinum and A. controversum were analyzed for pollen adherence and germination in the stigma and pollen tube growth into the style. To do this, bagged flowers of both species were intra- and interspecifically pollinated as above and were collected 12 h later (to examine pollen adherence and germination) and 24, 48, 72 and 96 h later (to analyze pollen tube growth). Pollinated pistils were fixed in glacial acetic acid: 95% ethanol ( 3 : 1 ) for 24 h, rinsed in de-ionized water, and softened in 1M KOH at 60° C for 15 min. Once softened, they were stained in 0.01% decolorized aniline blue overnight (modified from Martin, 1959), mounted in a drop of stain, squashed with a cover slip and observed under UV light on a BX 40 Olympus microscope with epifluorescence (U-RFL-T). The pollen tubes on the stigma and in the style can be detected by the callóse fluorochrome reaction (Martin, 1959). For pollen adherence, we quantified the number of pollen grains adhered to the stigma, using normal transmission microscopy (50-70 flowers per cross type for each species). For pollen germination, we counted the number of germinated and ungerminated pollen grains in the stigma and, then, we obtained the percentage of pollen germination (50-70 flowers per cross type for each species). For pollen tube growth, we estimated the ratio of the length of the main wave of pollen tubes (c. 80%) and the style length at each observational time period, using a calibrated ocular micrometer (20-25 flowers per cross type and observational time period for each species). Pollen adherence and germination in the stigma, and pollen tube growth were compared between the interspecific and intraspecific pollinations for each species using the Mann-Whitney’s L/-test with SPSS 17.0. 3.2.4. Hybrid reproductive capacity The hybrid reproductive capacity was estimated only on hybrids from interspecific A. controversum crosses (A. controversum [$] x A. valentinum [c?]) because no hybrid plants were obtained when A. valentinum acted as the female parent. To examine the relative fertility of hybrids, the number of pollen grains and ovules per flower, and the pollen viability was estimated in 45 hybrid plants and in 15 cultivated parental plants of each puré taxa. One flower per plant was selected to obtain the number of pollen grains and ovules per flower. Pollen was removed from indehiscent anthers (two per flower) that were placed in one mi of detergent water and opened with a RISK OF HYBRIDIZATION AND INTROGRESSION 89 lancst. Ten subsamples were scored on slides and pollen grains were counted under a BX 40 Olympus optical microscope (400x). The ovules were counted after the dissection of the ovary under a Wild stereomicroscope (120x). To investígate pollen vlablity, one flower bud from each plant was bagged prior anther dehiscence in order to pievent posterior pollen contaminaron in the anthers. Pollen was collected on the thirdday after flower opening and incubated (25°C, 4 h) in GK médium (Wilson et al., 1997). Pollen grains were observed under a stereomicroscope (250x) and germinated pollen grains were distinguished by a pollen tube of at least double the lengt» of the grain diameter. The rate of viable pollen was determined in 500 grains per sample. The amount of pollen and ovules and pollen viability was compare among the three plant types (A. valentinum, A. controversum, A. controversum [$] x A. valentinum [$]) using one-way ANOVA and the Tukey test for subsequent comparisons with SPSS 17.0. In addition, in order to estímate the level to which hybrids are reproductively isolaed and are able to cross with other hybrids and with the parental species, we made seven experimental crosses using flowers (3 to 10 per plant) from 30 hybrid plants and 30 puré plants: (1) hybrid (S) x A. valentinum (9), in which pollen from hybrid plants was used to pollinate emasculated A. valentinum flowers; (2) hybrid (c?) x A. controversum ($), in which pollen from hybrid plants was used to pollinate emasculated A. controversum flowers; (3) hybrid (?) x A. valentinum (S), in which pollen from A. valentinum was used to pollinate emasculated flowers of hybrid plants; (4) tybrid (?) x A. controversum ($), in which pollen from A. controversum was used to pdlinate emasculated flowers of hybrid plants; (5) autonomous self-pollination, in which flowers of hybrid plants were bagged and left to spontaneous pollination; (6) hand self-pollination, in which flowers of hybrid plants were pollinated with their own pollen; (7) hand cross-pollination, in which emasculated flowers of hybrid plants were pollinated with pollen from other hybrid plants. Pollinations were done on previously bagged flowers following the method used in the experimental crosses (see above). For each plant, the fruit set, seed set, seed mass, seed germination rate and speed was quantified as previously described and results were compared among experimental crosses with the Kruskal-Wallis test using SPSS 17.0. Subsequent 90 RISK OF HYBRIDIZATION AND INTROGRESSION Mann-Whitney pairwise comparisons between treatments were also made with Bonferroni significance correction (Sokal and Rohlf, 1995). 3.3. RESULTS 3.3.1. Experimental crosses Different results were found in the experimental crosses assay depending on the species pollinated (Table 3.2). For A valentinum, the fruit set and the seed set did not vary significantly with respect to the pollen source applied to the flowers (fruit set: N = 3 0 , U = 88.50, P = 0.768; seed set: N = 43, U = 225.00, P = 0.884) but seed mass was statistically higher in intraspecific crosses than in interspecific crosses (N 59, U = 117.50, P = 0.000). By contrast, for A. controversum, fruit set and seed set was significantly lower in interspecific crosses than in intraspecific crosses (fruit set: N = 4 4 , U= 127.00, P = 0.010; seed set: N = 24, U = 24.00, P = 0.003) but the type of pollination did not affect seed mass {N = 19, U = 19.00, P = 0.781). Table 3.2. Fruit set (%), seed set (%), seed mass (mg), seed germination rate (%) and seed germination speed (GSI) of A. valentinum and A. controversum in interspecific and intraspecific pollinations (mean ± standard deviation). Fruit set Seed set Seed mass Germination rate Interspecific pollination 69.25±8.84 77.10±10.23 0.030±0.005 0 Intraspecific pollination 74.78±9.14 77.85±7.66 0.059±0.003 29.0±5.1 2.66±0.21 Interspecific pollination 38.57±8.46 21.02±7.54 0.074±0.014 34.0±4.1 10.52±1.64 Intraspecific pollination 83.08±2.37 69.60±14.59 0.082±0.004 48.0±6.1 9.33±0.69 Experimental cross GSI A. valentinum A. controversum RISK OF HYBRIDIZATION AND INTROGRESSION 91 Both species had low rate of seed germination in the two experimental cross types (Table 3.2). The germination rate of the intraspecific A. valentinum seeds was 29%, while seeds from interspecific crosses in this species did not germinated and the posterior dissection of these seeds showed none of them had either an embryo or an endosperm inside. Seed germination rate in A. controversum varied between 34% in seeds from interspecific crosses to 48% in those from intraspecific pollinations, and no statistically significant difference were found in the germination rate between both seed types (t = 1.131, P = 0.301). All ungerminated seeds from inter- and intraspecific A. controversum crosses and from intraspecific A. valentinum crosses were found to contain a normal embryo. On the other side, speed of seed germination varied depending on the maternal species (Table 3.2). Seeds from intraspecific A. valentinum pollinations had a low germination speed compared to A. controversum seeds obtained in the two types of crosses, for which there were no significant differences (f = -0.523, P = 0.620). 3.3.2. Pollen adherence, germination and tube growth Pollen adherence and germination results are shown in Fig. 3.2. For A. valentinum, the number of pollen grains adhering in the stigma was similar between pollination treatments (N = 95, U = 768, P = 0.470) while pollen germination was significantly higher in intraspecific crosses than in interspecific crosses (N = 79, U = 388.5, P = 0.004). For A. controversum, no significant variation between cross types was found in pollen grain adherence {N = 103, U = 733, P = 0.287) and germination in the stigma {N = 107, U = 877.5, P = 0.266). 92 RISK OF HYBRIDIZATION AND INTROGRESSION A Miltn firu m A oortrow rsum S pecies A *»*ntinum A centro w rstm Species Figure 3.2. Pollen adherence (a) and pollen germination in the stigma (b) for A. valentinum and A. controversum in the interspecific (grey bars) and intraspecific pollinations (black bars). Bars are means and vertical lines above bars are standard errors. Significant differences between crosses within species for Mann-Whitney’s LMest: **P < 0.01. A n alysis o f pollen tube grow th revealed d ifferent results depen ding on the spe cie s (Fig. 3.3). For each observation tim e in A. valentinum , no d iffe re n ce s betw een p o llina tio n tre a tm e n ts w ere found in the proportion o f the style reached by the pollen tubes. F o r A. co ntroversum , pollen tu b e grow th w as higher in in te rsp e cific than in in tra sp e cific cro sse s at 24 and 48 h a fte r pollination. H ow ever, th e tu b e s of both pollen typ es reached a sim ilar proportion o f the style (ca. 85% ) 72 h after pollination. In th e next 24 h, the m ain w ave o f in terspecific pollen tu b e w as su spend ed in the sam e strength o f the style w hile in tra sp e cific pollen tu b e s w ere observed at the b a se o f the style. RISK OF HYBRIDIZATION AND INTROGRESSION 24 48 72 96 Hours after pollination 24 48 72 93 96 Hours after pollination Figure 3.3. Pollen tube growth for A. valentinum (a) and A. controversum (b) in interspecific (grey bars) and intraspecific pollinations (black bars) at 24, 48, 72 and 96 h after pollination. Bars are means and vertical lines above bars are standard errors. Significant differences between crosses within species at each time of observation for Mann-Whitney’s O-test: **P < 0.01; *P < 0.05. 3.3.3. H y b rid re p ro d u ctive c a p a c ity The n u m b e r o f pollen g ra in s per flow e r w as d iffe re n t am ong A. valentinum , A. co n tro v e rs u m and hybrid pla nts (F = 12.623, P = 0 .000) (Table 3.3). A. valentinum had less pollen grains than A. co n tro versum and the hybrids, fo r w hich the quantity of pollen g ra in s w a s sim ila r (P = 0.977). The nu m b e r o f ovules w as also d iffe re n t am ong the th re e typ es o f plants (F = 26.891, P = 0.000), being higher in A. co n tro ve rsu m than in A. va len tinu m and the hybrids, w hich produced a sim ilar q u a ntity o f o vule s (P = 0.703). All ovules seem ed w ell form ed, indicating potential fertility. In all the cases, pollen via bility w as high, ranging from 84.45% to 94.04% . H ow ever, th is p a ra m e te r varied sign ifican tly am ong the three plant types (F = 12.905, P = 0.0 00 ) sin ce the hybrid plants w ere found to produce less viable pollen grains than A. va le n tin u m and A. controversum . 94 RISK OF HYBRIDIZATION AND INTROGRESSION Table 3.4. Reproductive capacity of hybrid plants (A controversum [$] x A. valentinum [á1]) based on fruit set (%), seed set (%), seed mass (mg), seed germination rate (%) and seed germination speed (GSI) obtained in the experimental crosses (mean ± standard deviation). Valúes with identical letter do not differ statistically at the 0.05 level (Mann-Whitney’s U-test with Bonferroni significance correction). Experimental cross Fruit set Seed set Seed mass Germination GSI rate Hybrid (<$) x A. valentinum ($) 37.5±0.3a 63.4±9.1ab 0.034±0.003ab 63.3±13.7a 5.99±1.17a Hybrid {¿) x A. controversum (9) 86.0±0.4C 69.0±10.8ab 0.040±0.002b 45.0±7.7a 4.20±1.06a Hybrid (9) x A. valentinum (á1) 56.2±0.6b 83.0±12.0b 0.024±0.002a 48.3±11.3a 4.23±1.21a Hybrid (9) x A. controversum (<$) 81.9±2.1c 74.0±8.0ab 0.039±0.002b 58.0±12.0a 5.41 ±1,9a 0 - - - - 2.3 - - - - 33.3±21.7a 41.0±5.0a 0.031 ±0.001ab 52.25±13.5a 5.74±0.62a Autonomous self-pollination Hand self-pollination Hand cross-pollination RISK OF HYBRIDIZATION AND INTROGRESSION Table 3.3. Pollen grains per flower, pollen viability (%) and ovules per flower for A. 95 valentinum, A. coniroversum and hybrids {A. controversum [$] x A. valentinum [$]). Data are mean ± standard deviation. Valúes with ¡dentical letter do not differ statistically at the 0.05 level (Tukey’s test). Plant type Pollen grains/flower Pollen viability Ovules/flower A. valentinum 291820.00±76650.00a 96.74±0.46a 219.80±16.00a A. controversum 838 868.97±68 966.92b 94.04±0.83a 346.04±24.41b 808 480.00±174 486.10b 84.45±2.82b 211.60±6.69a Hybrid Different results were found depending on the type of pollination assayed (Table 3.4). Hybrids did not yield fruits by autonomous self-pollination and only formed a few fruits by hand self-pollination. When hybrids were crossed with pollen from other hybrids or from the parental species, the fruit set obtained was between 33% and 81%, whereas seed set was between 41% and 83%. Crosses in A. valentinum and A. controversum using pollen from hybrid plants also resulted in fruits and seeds (37% - 86% in fruit set; 63% - 69% in seed set). However, significant amongpollination variation was found in fruit and seed production (fruit set: N = 95, F = 82.168, P = 0.000; seed set: N = 82, F = 10.746, P = 0.030). The type of cross was also observed to significantly affect seed mass (N = 76, F = 14.153, P = 0.007), but no differences were detected in seed germination rate (N = 20, F = 1.009, P = 0.407) and speed (N = 20, F = 3.594, P = 0.849). 3.4. DISCUSSION 3.4.1. Prezygotic and postzygotic reproductive barriers Our results reveal an asymmetrical prezygotic reproductive barrier between A. valentinum and A. controversum, when the last species acted as the female parent. Although both species yield fruits and seeds in interspecific pollinations, the fruit and seed set in A. valentinum was significantly higher than in A. controversum. Differences in reciprocal crosses between Antirrhinum species were also reported by Harrison and Darby (1955), Hudson et al. (2008), and Thompson (1988), who 96 RISK OF HYBRIDIZATION AND INTROGRESSION documented a máximum difference in fruit set of 0.21 in the cross between A. controversum and A. hispanicum. In the present case, the lower fruit and seed set in the interspecific A.controversum pollinations is the result of a prezygotic barrier. Pollen grains of A. valentinum had high adherence and germination in the A. controversum stigma, although the adherence was lower in comparison to those with conspecific A. controversum pollen. However, a great proportion of the A. valentinum pollen grains were unable to reach the last portion of the style in A. controversum (Fig. 3.3), and therefore, many ovules could not be fecundated. This blocking of pollen tube growth may be due to energy deficiency. In many studies within taxonomic groups, species with the shorter styles have been observed to have smaller pollen size (or volume) (e.g. Williams and Rouse, 1990; Roulston et al., 2000; Aguilar et al., 2002) and this has been associated with smaller pollen grains storing less resources and developing shorter pollen tubes (Williams and Rouse 1990; Torres, 2000). A. valentinum has both shorter style (40% lower) and smaller pollen volume (30% lower) than A. controversum (Table 3.1). The majority (80%) of A. valentinum pollen grains used up their energy resources 72 h after being deposited on the A. controversum stigma, and this period might not be enough to develop pollen tubes that reached the ovules. Nevertheless, this is not a total reproductive barrier and, therefore, A. controversum yield modérate levels of fruit and seeds in the interspecific crosses. We also found a strong asymmetrical postzygotic barrier between A. valentinum and A. controversum, which limited hybridization when the former species was the female parent. All interspecific crosses in A. valentinum gave rise to unviable seeds. In contrast, hybrid seeds from interspecific A. controversum crosses were highly viable with similar mass, germination rate and speed compared to the intraspecific A. controversum offspring. Asymmetric postzygotic barriers have been less frequently reported in angiosperms, and they result from nuclear-cytoplasmic or triploid endosperm interactions, among others reasons (Tiffin et al., 2001; Turelli and Moyle, 2007). In A. valentinum, the hybrid seed unviability detected here was related with the fact that all these seeds lacked the embryo and the endosperm, as we could observe by seed dissection after the germination test. Anatomical studies of the seeds of several species of Scrophulariaceae have shown that mature seeds of RISK OF HYBRIDIZATION AND INTROGRESSION 97 Antirrhinum species are usually formed by an embryo and an endosperm of approximately the same volume (Juan et a!., 2000). The failure of hybrid seeds is known to be a common early interspecific barrier among many plant species (Turelli and Moyle, 2007) and has been reported in Arabidopsis (Brassicaceae) (Bushell et al., 2003; Josefsson et al., 2006), Chamaecrísta (Leguminosae) (Costa et al., 2007), Lens (Leguminosae) (Abbo and Ladizinsky, 1994), or Solanum (Solanaceae) (Lester and Kang, 1998). This is often due to the abnormal development or the abortion of hybrid endosperm or, less commonly, of the hybrid embryo (Bushell et al., 2003; Gutierrez-Marcos et al., 2003). The growth of the embryo and the endosperm during early seed development are interdependent processes (Ungru et al., 2008), that is, the failure in one of these processes may have an effect on the other, and therefore it may be impossible to distinguish between the primarily cause of hybrid failure by simple observation of the seeds. Thus, further studies are needed to detect the main cause of hybrid seed unviability in A. valentinum. 3.4.2. Hybrid reproductive capacity Hybrids may frequently exhibit a low reproductive capacity due to sterility or inability to produce embryos (Rieseberg and Carney, 1998; Cruzan and Arnold, 1999). Within Antirrhinum, fertility in artificial hybrids has been documented by several authors (Baur, 1932; Hackbarth etal., 1942; Rothmaler, 1956; Rieger, 1957; Stubbe, 1966). Moreover, Rothmaler (1956) reported fully viable seeds in experimental hybrids and Mateu-Andrés and Boscaiu (2003) indicated a high percentage of germination (78%) in seeds produced by the natural hybrid A. x albanchezii. These data are congruent with the reproductive capacity results found in hybrids in this study. Hybrids survived until flowering in the greenhouse (c. 85% of the transplanted seedlings) and produced a quantity of pollen grains similar to the female parent and ovule production approximately equal to the male parent. They also had high pollen viability, although this was lower than in the progenitors, and developed well-formed ovules. These hybrid plants, although self-sterile, could be successfully crossed with other hybrids plants (33% in fruit set; 41% in seed set) and with both parental species, reciprocally (37% to 86% in fruit set; 63% to 83% in seed set). Moreover, seeds obtained in these crosses had, almost in all the cases, a higher germination rate than puré seeds from parental species. 98 RISK OF HYBRIDIZATION AND INTROGRESSION 3.4.3. Potential hybridization and introgression in the environment A. valentinum and A. controversum had substantial reproductive barriere against hybridization, but a modérate production of viable hybrids was possible when A. controversum acted as the female parent (c. 40% in fruit set and c. 20% in seed set in interspecific crosses). Our data represent the potential máximum hybridization rate between these two species under experimental conditions. In nature, it is frequent to find ecológica!, temporal or behavioural barriere that also contribute to restrict hybridization among species: large separation distance between plants (depending on pollinator range), asynchronous flowering periods, different pollinatore or failure in hybrid establishment (Kay, 2006; Marques et al., 2007; Martin and Willis, 2007; Yang et al., 2007). In A. valentinum and A. controversum, these kind of barriere have not been studied in depth, but evidence suggests they are not strong. In the studied population, both species are in physical proximity (range 5-200 m), have a long overlapping flowering period (three months; Table 3.1), although with different peak bloom, and they also share common visitors, since our preliminary observations in the natural population revealed both species were visited by bees all day long. Moreover, given the short dispersal ability of Antirrhinum seeds (Sutton, 1988), the hybrid seeds produced by A. controversum would be dispersed within the maternal environment. The behavioural pattern of these seeds, in terms of germination speed, was similar to A. controversum puré seeds, suggesting both types of seeds having equal opportunities to establish themselves. On taking these data together with our results, we expected to find that some hybridization between A. valentinum and A. controversum currently occurs in nature. However, this prediction does not conform to our observations of hybrids in fíeld conditions and we have not detected hybrid plants in any of the three natural mixed populations known. One possible explanation for the lack of hybrids in nature could be that contact between A. valentinum and A. controversum is so recent that more time is needed for hybridization to occur. Almost 80 years ago, Baur (1932) reported A. valentinum populations being completely isolated with plants of this species never co-occurring with other congénere. Other early floristic studies of the territory of A. valentinum did not detect mixed populations either (Borja, 1948; Rivas Goday, 1956). Our revisión of the Antirrhinum material conserved in the main ibero-levantine herbaria (MA and RISK OF HYBRIDIZATION AND INTROGRESSION 99 VAL) reflects that A. valentinum and A. controversum did not co-occur until the 1980s. More recently, Mateo and Figuerola (1985) cited the presence of A. controversum 5 km from A. valentinum populations. Three herbarium specimens (VAL 61926, VAL 111272 and VAL 111274) are testimony of the presence of A. controversum in territories before A. valentinum. During our preliminary field studies on A. valentinum, we have observed that recent human-related habitat disturbance (road construction and clearing vegetation to prevent fires, extensión of citri-culture and archaeological works) has lead to the formation of open areas in scrubland surrounded the rocky outcrops where A. valentinum inhabits and, currently, individuáis of A. controversum colonize these grounds. Even if F1 hybrids are rare in nature, introgression through backcrossing can occur (Arnold, 1997; Rieseberg, 1997; Arnold et al., 1999; Broyles, 2002). In this study, the high reproductive capacity in the hybrids raises the possibility for introgression between A. valentinum and A. controversum, but this might be severely limited if the hybrids experience limited opportunities for reproducing. Estimating the consequences of this mechanism would require further research to be developed under field conditions and this falls outside the scope of this study. However, there are several factors that might increase the chances of hybrid plants reproducing. First, in the garden conditions of our study, hybrid flowering occurred simultaneously in both parental species and we hypothesize this is also likely in nature. Although variation in environmental factors can have a dramatic effect of flowering initiation in Antirrhinum (Adams et al., 2003), our garden conditions seem similar to those of the natural population. This is supported by the fact that A. valentinum and A. controversum flowered at the same time in both the garden and field conditions during this study. Second, hybrid plants are likely to attract pollinators, since they produce numerous flowers per inflorescence (10.77, mean; 1-37, range; which is less than A. controversum, but more than A. valentinum) with néctar (pers. obs.) and a high quantity of pollen grains (less than A. controversum, but more than A. valentinum). In fact, we have detected pollinators making movements among flowers of hybrid plants and between flowers of hybrids and A. controversum in our observations made in the Botanical Garden, where the fruit set found in open pollinations of hybrid plants was 83±12%. 100 RISK OF HYBRIDIZATION AND INTROGRESSION 3.4.4. Conservation implications A. valentinum has high genetic allozyme differentiation among populations (MateuAndrés and Segarra-Moragues, 2000), therefore other A. valentinum populations with different genetic composition could have different degrees of reproductive compatibility with A. controversum. This has been seen between populations of Raphanus sativus and R. raphanistrum, which showed a variation in potential for hybridization across different geographic regions (FitzJohn et al., 2007). Accordingly, we recommend the evaluation of the potential for hybridization and introgression between A. valentinum and A. controversum in other mixed populations. Otherwise, A. valentinum is considered an endangered species (Moreno, 2008), threatened mainly by the habitat loss or degradation and by recent reductions in population size (Carrió et al., 2006), and hybridization and introgression with A. controversum should be considered as an additional potential threat to A. valentinum persistence. Contact between the two species seems recent but hybridization and introgression may pose a future problem, especially in the event that the two species continué or increase contact with each other. Small plant populations are considered particularly vulnerable by interspecific gene flow because it may create disruptions in local adaptations that prove detrimental to the population (Soltis and Gitzendanner, 1999). To prevent possible consequences of hybridization or introgression in A. valentinum we suggest the habitat occupied by A. valentinum should be legally protected (current protection ¡ncludes only two populations). Furthermore, vegetation restoration should be carried out in human-related disturbed habitats of this species, together with elimination procedures of A. controversum inhabiting these territories. These measures should not be taken in the naturally disturbed areas surrounding A. valentinum populations, even though potential for hybridization and introgression exist. Speciation through hybridization has played an important role in plant biodiversity (Ellstrand and Elam, 1993; Ellstrand et al., 1996) and our conservation actions might prevent the occurrence of this evolutionary process. Chapter IV: Evaluating species non-monophyly as a trait affecting genetic diversity: the case of A n t i r r h i n u m c h o ' i d e mi , A. s u b b a e t i c u m and A . v a l e n t i n u m NON-MONOPHYLY AND GENETIC DIVERSITY 103 4.1. INTRODUCTION In what are now considered classic articles, Hamrick and co-workers (Hamrick et al., 1979, 1992; Loveless and Hamrick, 1984; Hamrick and Godt, 1989, 1996) summarized available information on genetic diversity within and among plant populations to establish which life history traits had a profound and significant effect on the level and distribution of diversity observed. Significant effects were described in eight out of 12 traits examined (Hamrick et al., 1979) and subsequent papers have lead to similar conclusions based upon a wide range of currently available molecular techniques (Nybom, 2004). However, Hamrick et al. (1992) and Hamrick and Godt (1996) also pointed out that genetic diversity maintained by a species is a function not only of its life history traits (which explains, for example, about 34% of variation detected in woody species [Hamrick et al., 1992]) but must also depend heavily on the species ecological and evolutionary history. In these reviews, the unit of study is almost invariably the taxonomic species (sensu Mayden, 1997). In many countries, the taxonomic species is currently the basÍG unit of assessment for conservation, and is the subject of the majority of conservation legislation and conservation management planning protocols (Isaac et al., 2004; Mace, 2004; Garnett and Christidis, 2007). However, studies of genetic diversity may be of limited interpretative valué if the study species is poorly known and an implicit assumption is made that the species populations form a natural (monophyletic) group, which means they have a single origin being more closely related to each other than to any population of a different species (Doyle, 1992; Funk and Omland, 2003). If the study species is an artificial population assemblage, then the level and distribution of genetic diversity may not reflect population genetic processes within an assumed natural group (Arnold, 1997; Rieseberg, 1997). If no knowledge of species monophyly is available, then interpretation of the pattems of diversity observed will be incomplete: population genetic structure may primarily reflect the causes of species non-monophyly rather than population diversity, life traits and ecological variables (Hamrick et al., 1979). This could seriously impede interpretation of the levels of genetic diversity within taxonomic species. 104 NON-MONOPHYLY AND GENETIC DIVERSITY Species evolutionary history can be inferred with increasingly sophisticated molecular phylogenetic analyses, using complementary loci from up to three different plant genomes (Savolainen and Chase, 2003; Hughes et al., 2006). There are several reasons why non-monophyletic groups are recovered in such reconstructions. These can be of a technical and/or analytical nature (e.g. inadequate phylogenetic signal in the markers used, analysis of unrecognised paralogous genes, ¡mperfect taxonomy, widespread hybridization processes in angiosperms or the detection of previously undetected cryptic taxa) (Goodwillie and Stiller, 2001; Treutlein et al., 2003; Álvarez et al., 2005). Having detected such sources of error, suitable phylogenetic analyses are essential to observe the signal of evolutionary events that have impacted on lineage diversification and therefore species monophyly. For instance, it has been documented that hybridization with Bertya rosmarínifolia increased levels of genetic diversity in one of the three populations known of the endangered B. ingramii (Fatemi and Gross, 2009). The genus Antirrhinum L. consists of 25 perennial species primarily distributed throughout the western Mediterranean basin, with 23 species occurring in the Iberian Península (Sutton, 1988; Güemes, 2009). Phylogenetic reconstructions have generally ¡ncluded single accessions of each taxon, and have revealed little ¡nfrageneric structure (Vargas et al., 2004; Jiménez et al., 2005) with some authors proposing that speciation in Antirrhinum is recent, geographically structured, and reticulate (Webb, 1971; Jiménez et al., 2005; Chapter I). Antirrhinum species are perennial herbs or small shrubs having identical chromosome number (2n = 16), with most species considered self-incompatible and entomophylous (Rothmaler, 1956; Sutton, 1988). Many species are either geographically restricted or narrow endemics, with a total of eight species included in the Red List of Spanish Vascular Flora (Moreno, 2008). Genetic diversity within Antirrhinum has been extensively evaluated (Table 4.1), allowing comparative assessment of genetic diversity between species with similar life history traits. In this article, we used nuclear (ITS) and plastid (psbA-trnH, trnT-trnl) gene sequences from múltiple individuáis of 24 species of Antirrhinum (single accession of A. cirrhigerum) to investígate whether population genetic structure is related to the level of monophyly detected in three endemic snapdragon species from south east NON-MONOPHYLY AND GENETIC DIVERSITY 105 Iberia (A charídemi, A. subbaeticum, A. valentinum). Specifically, we tested whether populations of the three species form monophyletic groups using nuclear ITS and plastid sequences, and whether monophyly gives insights into evolutionary histories not apparent from genetic diversity estimates alone. The three species selected to test the hypothesis of non-monophyly affecting levels of genetic variation have similar life history traits but show remarkably different levels of allozyme diversity (Table 4.1, 4.2). They share six out of the eight life history traits shown to have a significant effect on genetic diversity (Hamrick et al., 1979; Table 4.2). These species differ in their mating system: A. charídemi and A. valentinum are mainly outcrossers due to self-incompatibility, while A. subbaeticum is a self-compatible species with a mixed mating system (Chapter II). Further, A. subbaeticum is not considered a ‘narrow’ endemic as it is represented by two groups of populations separated by ca. 44 km with an extent of occurrence of ca. 200 km2, although its area of occupancy is less than 15 km2, whereas A. charídemi and A. valentinum are restricted to areas of 10-15 km and 14 km in length, respectively. Differences in allozyme genetic diversity among these taxa have been reported (Table 4.1): A. charídemi had a high degree of intraspecific genetic diversity and little differentiation among populations; A. subbaeticum exhibited low levels of intraspecific genetic diversity and high differentiation among populations; and A. valentinum had a high level of intraspecific genetic diversity and high population divergence (Mateu-Andrés and SegarraMoragues, 2000; Mateu-Andrés, 2004). A. charídemi and A. subbaeticum are listed as endangered and A. valentinum as vulnerable in the Red List of Spanish Vascular Flora (Moreno, 2008). A clear taxonomic delimitation in the three species has been recognised in all revisions of the Antirrhinum species (Rothmaler, 1956; Sutton, 1988; Güemes, 2009). 4.2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 4.2.1.Sampling A total of 88 accessions representing 24 Antirrhinum species were sampled for phylogenetic reconstructions (Appendix 4.1). A rare species, A. martenii (Font Quer) Rothm., was not ¡ncluded in the study, because only the type material is available 106 NON-MONOPHYLY AND GENETIC DIVERSITY Table 4.1. Reproductive system and details of population genetic parameters estimates for 16 species of Antirrhinum. Rep = reproductive system: SI = self-incompatible, SC = self-compatible, pSC = partially self-compatible; Marker = genetic markers used in original study; N pops = number of populations studied in original study; HT = total diversity at the species level; GSr = alíele frequency differences among populations averaged across populations; D-HW = number of loci that deviate from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in at least one population, compared to the number of loci interpreted. Taxon Rep Reference Marker Ht G st D/HW Reference Allozyme N pops 5 A. charídemi SI Chapter II 0.103 0.054 4/21 Allozyme 3 0.190 0.132 2/13 Mateu-Andrés and SegarraMoragues (2000) Mateu-Andrés and de Paco (2006) A. cirrhigerum pSC A. graniticum1 SI Vieira and Charlesworth (2001) Vieira and Charlesworth (2001) Allozyme 3 0.130 0.110 0/14 A. graniticum2 Allozyme 3 0.090 0.080 0/14 A. graniticum3 Allozyme 10 0.190 0.210 3/14 Allozyme 8 0.140 0.093 2/13 Mateu-Andrés and Moragues (2003b) Mateu-Andrés and Moragues (2003b) Mateu-Andrés and Moragues (2003b) Mateu-Andrés and Allozyme 6 0.160 0.176 2/13 Mateu-Andrés and de Paco (2006) Allozyme 5 0.280 0.148 2/13 Mateu-Andrés and de Paco (2006) A. latifolium SI A. linkianum pSC A. litigiosum SI Mateu-Andrés and de Paco (2006) Vieira and Charlesworth (2001) Mateu-Andrés and de Paco (2006) SegarraSegarraSegarrade Paco (2006) 107 NON-MONOPHYLY AND GENETIC DIVERSITY i a u a e H, i , \ L , u n t . } . Taxon Rep Reference Marker A. lopesianum A. majus SI SI Allozyme Allozyme A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. SI Mateu-Andrés (1999) Mateu-Andrés and de Paco (2006) Torres et al. (2002) N pops 1 4 Allozyme Allozyme RAPD Allozyme Allozyme Allozyme Allozyme Allozyme RAPD Allozyme 4 4 7 4 5 8 3 4 15 Allozyme 5 microphyllum microphyllum microphyllum mollissimum pertegasii pulverulentum siculum subbaeticum subbaeticum tortuosum4 A. valentinum SI SI se se SI SI Mateu-Andrés (1999) Carrió et al. (unpublished) Harrison and Darby (1955) Chapter II Mateu-Andrés and de Paco (2006) Chapter II Ht Gst D/HW Reference 0.193 0.190 na 0.100 na/14 1/13 Mateu-Andrés (1999) Mateu-Andrés and de Paco (2006) 0.520 0.469 0.188 0.280 0.080 0.300 0.030 0.070 na/14 2/13 na/14 2/14 7/14 2/13 0/14 0.200 0.040 0.056 0.076 0.110 0.060 0.230 0.270 0.850 0.822 0.081 Mateu-Andrés (1999) Torres et al. (2003) Torres et al. (2003) Mateu-Andrés (1999) Mateu-Andrés (2004) Mateu-Andrés (2004) Mateu-Andrés and de Paco (2006) Mateu-Andrés (2004) Jiménez et al. (2002) Mateu-Andrés and de Paco (2006) 0.178 0.480 0/21 - - 7/13 Mateu-Andrés and SegarraMoragues (2000) 1' 2' 3Treated as A. graniticum Rothm. ssp. ambiguum (Lange) Mateu & Segarra, A. graniticum Rothm. ssp. brachycalyx D.A. Sutton and A. graniticum Rothm. ssp. graniticum in Mateu-Andrés & Segarra-Moragues (2003b), respectively; 4Genetic diversity data of A. tortuosum induded A. australe populations, according to Mateu-Andrés and de Paco (2006), therefore, estimates for the former species may be artificially elevated and may account for the high number of loci deviating from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. 108 NON-MONOPHYLY AND GENETIC DIVERSITY (Rothmaler, 1956). Sampling strategy was based on morphological studies (Güemes, 2009) and a criterion of collecting at the locus classicus of each species (see also Chapter I). The number of individuáis sampled of each species range from two to eight (single accession of A. cirrhigerum), being from geographically sepárate populations (Appendix 4.1). Two individuáis of the related genera Misopates and Pseudomisopates (M. orontium and P. rivas-martinezii) were used as outgroup samples, according to a previous phylogenetic study (Vargas et al., 2004). 4.2.2. DNA extraction, gene amplifícation and sequencing DNA was extracted from 20-25 mg of leaf material using the DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (Qiagen) following the manufacturéis protocol. DNA was amplified vía polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on a Perkin Elmer PCR System 9700 thermal cycler. The psbAtrnH intergenic spacer was amplified using the primers of Hamilton (1999) and the tmT-tmL intergenic spacer using primers a and b of Taberlet et al. (1991). Reactions included 1 p\ of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) at 99.9% in each 25 ¡A reaction. The thermocycling profile consisted of initial denaturation at 94°C for 5 mins, followed by 30 cycles of denaturation at 94°C for 1 min, annealing for 2 mins (50°C for tmT-tmL, 58°C for psbA-tmH) and extensión at 72°C for 2 mins, followed by a final extensión at 72°C for 10 mins and storage at 4°C. Amplified products were purified using spin filter columns (MoBio Laboratories) following the manufacturéis protocol, and directly sequenced with dye terminators (Big Dye Terminator v. 2.0, Applied Biosystems) using an Applied Biosystems Prism Model 3700 automated sequencer. GenBank accession numbers are given in Appendix 4.1. 4.2.3. Data analysis Two matrices were constructed to perform phylogenetic analyses: one with 90 sequences (88 of Antirrhinum, two of the outgroup) of each plastid región (psbA-trnH, tmT-tmL)] and the other one with 71 sequences (69 of Antirrhinum, two of the outgroup) of the nuclear ribosomal ITS región (Appendix 4.1). All ITS sequences were obtained from two previous phylogenetic analyses (Vargas et al., 2004; Chapter I). Sequences were corrected and aligned manually using BioEdit Sequence Alignment Editor 7.0.9 (Hall, 1999). Alignments were adjusted manually to minimize the number of gaps following the logic of Kelchner (2000). NON-MONOPHYLY AND GENETIC DIVERSITY" 109 Table 4.2. Details of twelve life history traits (Hamrick et al., 1979) for the three studied species (Antirrhinum charídemi, A. subbaeticum, A. valentinum). A. charídemi A. subbaeticum A. valentinum 1 Taxonomic status Dicots8 Dicots8 Dicots8 2 Geographic range Narrow8 Regional8 Narrow* 3 Generation length Perennial8 Perennial8 Perennial8 4 Mode of reproduction Sexual1 Sexual5 Sexual1 5 Mating system Outcrosser8 Mixed mater8 Outcrosser8 6 Pollination mechanism Entomophylous8 Entomophylous8 Entomophylous8 102-103 seeds/plant7 Boleoanemocory1 102-103 seeds/plant7 Boleoanemocory5 102-103 seeds/plant7 Boleoanemocory1 2n=162 2n=164 2n=163 Late1 Late5 Late1 Mesic1 Mesic5 Mesic1 Non cultivated1 Non cultivated5 Non cultivated1 7 Fecundity 8 Seed dispersal mechanism 9 Chromosome number 10 Successional stage 11 Habitat type 12 Cultivated status 1 Sutton (1988);2 Diosdado et al. (1994);3 Boscaiu et al. (1997);4 Coy et al. (1997);5 SánchezGómez et al. (2004); 8Carrió et al. (Chapter II); 7 Carrió et al. (unpublished);8 Güemes (2009); The eight life history traits identified by Hamrick et al. (1979) as significantly affecting the level and distribution of genetic variation, and those that differ among the studied species, are shown in bold. Phylogenetic analyses were performed using Máximum Parsimony (MP) as ¡mplemented in PAUP* (Swofford, 2002) and Bayesian Inference (Bl) as implemented in MrBayes ver. 3.1.2 (Ronquist and Huelsenbeck, 2003). MrModeltest ver. 2.1 was used to determine appropriate models of sequence evolution for each dataset (Posada and Crandall, 1998; Nylander, 2004) via bottom-up strategy of hierarchical likelihood ratio test and Akaike Information Criterion (AIC; Akaike, 1979). When different evolutionary models were obtained by different criteria, each dataset 110 NON-MONOPHYLY AND GENETIC DIVERSITY was analyzed under both models. The analyses based on different models displayed the same topologies differing only in support valúes, thus the tree topologies and clade supports presented were those obtained from applying the evolutionary model selected by AIC. Pairwise sequence divergence for both psbA-tmH and trnT-trnL were calculated under the common model retrieved by Mr. Modeltest (GTR), uslng the program PAUP* (Swofford, 2002). For MP analysis, an heurlstlc search was conducted with 100 times randomaddition sequences, tree-blsection reconnection (TBR) branch swapping, and the Multrees and Steepest Descent options ¡n effect. All trees collected were combined and used as starting trees, with MulTrees on and no tree limit (these trees were then swapped to completion) and Sub-tree-Pruning-Regrafting (SPR; Salamin et al., 2003). Internal support was assessed using 1000 replicates with simple taxon addition and SPR branch swapping, but permitting only ten trees per replícate to be held (Chase et al., 2003). For Bl both data matrices were run for three million generations (four MCMC, chain temperatura = 0.2; sample frequency = 100). A 50% majority rule consensus tree was calculated from the pooled sample using the sumt command to yield the final Bayesian estímate of phylogeny. Internodes with posterior probabilities £ 95% were considerad statistically significant (Ickert-Bond and Wen, 2006). As previous studies have identified different copies of ITS within individual accessions, and interpreted these as evidence of the failure of conceded evolution after hybridization in the evolutionary history of recently evolved lineages (FuertesAguilar et al., 1999), the number and position of ITS additivities was assessed. To determine relationships among combined plastid haplotypes, a statistical parsimony analysis was conducted using the algorithm described in Templeton et al. (1992) as implemented in TCS ver. 1.21 (Clement et al., 2000). Gaps were coded as missing data. NON-MONOPHYLY AND GENETIC DIVERSITY 111 4.3. RESULTS 4.3.1. Characterístics of nuclear and plastid sequences Detailed ¡nformation on the nuclear and plastid sequences obtained is given in Table 4.3. Within Antirrhinum, ITS sequence divergence ranges from 0.00% to 3.73%. The psbA-tmH and trnl-tmL sequence divergence varied from 0.00% to 3.71%. Mean sequence divergence within A. charidemi, A. subbaeticum and A. valentinum was 0.00%, 0.96(±0.37)% and 0.82(±0.53)% for ITS, and 0.05(±0.06)%, 0.78(±0.60)% and 0.13(±0.07)% for the combined plastid regions, respectively. Table 4.3. Sequence characteristics obtained from the analysis of ITS, psbA-trnH and tmJtmün Antirrhinum. 8 Akaike Information Criterion (Akaike, 1979). ITS psbA-tmH tmJ-trnL Length range (bp) 578-595 228-299 613-624 Aligned length (bp) 599 311 636 No. variable/informative characters 109/49 37/31 30/20 Máximum sequence divergence (GTR) 3.90% 8.88% 2.17% Informative indels (no. bp) 2(1-16) 12(1-12) 7(1-7) Mean G+C content 60.6% 28.6% 27.2% Simplest model8 GTR+I+G GTR GTR+I+G 4.3.2. Phylogenetic analysis The Bl and MP analysis of ITS sequences yielded similar topologies, with Bl displaying higher support valúes (Fig. 4.1). The Bl analysis using GTR as the simplest model of DNA evolution reached equilibrium after 35,000 generations. Six species displayed either monophyly or ¡dentity of ITS sequences: the four accessions of A. charidemi (¡dentical sequences), the four accessions of A. subbaeticum, with 112 NON-MONOPHYLY AND GENETIC DIVERSITY 100% posterior probability (PP) and 56% bootstrap valué (BS), and the five accessions of A. valentinum, with 100% PP and 73% BS; well-supported monophyletic groups were also retrieved for A. braun-blanquetii (99% PP, 69% BS) and A. sempervirens (100% PP, 83% BS); the two accessions of A. mollissimum form a monophyletic group with 91% PP but low BS support (< 50% BS). Within A. subbaeticum two sub-groups were identified: one was well supported (100% PP, 94% BS), while the other was weakly supported (88% PP, < 50% BS). Nucleotide additivity in ITS (i.e. double peaks in the chromatograms) was present in 53 of the 69 accessions oí Antirrhinum. These additivities occurred at 35 of the 49 parsimony-informative sites. No additivities were detected in the four accessions of A. charidemi, while two of the four accessions of A. subbaeticum showed a single additivity, and three of the five accessions of A. valentinum showed eight, two and three additivities sites, respectively (Table 4.4). A majority rule consensus tree for plastid sequences obtained from Bl under the GTR (psbA-fmH) and GTR+I+G (tmT-trnL) model is shown in Fig. 4.2. The Bl analysis reached equilibrium after 180,000 generations. Plastid sequence data do not clearly support monophyly of any of the species of Antirrhinum. However, all accessions of A. charidemi were located in a well-supported clade (98% PP, 64% BS) that also included a single accession of A. mollissimum. In A. subbaeticum, two accessions (3 and 4) had identical sequences (Appendix 4.1), but were unresolved regarding to other accessions. The other two accessions (1 and 2) of A. subbaeticum were identical to a single accession (4) of A. pulverulentum (Appendix 4.1), and were located in a well-supported clade (100% PP, 86% BS). All accessions of A. valentinum were located in a large clade, with high 83% PP and low BS support (< 50%), containing accessions of six other species. In A. valentinum, accession 4 cluster together with accession 3 of A. hispanicum (90% PP, 85% BS), while the other accessions (1 ,2 ,3 and 5) are not resolved into strongly supported groups. The plastid sequence analysis therefore revealed lack of monophyly for populations of the three species. NON-MONOPHYLY AND GENETIC DIVERSITY -fU 113 " — A. au nrale ( í) A ausbato (3) —— A auslrale (2) A controversum (1) — — A. controversum (2) A controversum (5) A. controversum (7) A controversum (8) A gramucum (2) A latrfohurr, (2) A Unkianum (1) A meonanthum (1) A moHe (1) A. moka (2) — A üraun-bJanqueta (1) A braun-bianquetii (2) A lopesianum (3) A chandemi (1) A charidemi (2) — A charidemi (3) A charidemi (4) — A cirrhtgerum (1) A. tortuosum (6) A tuspanicum (3) A. mollissimum (1) A mollissimum (2) A controversum (3) A controversum (4 J — A controversum (6) A pertegasu <1) A p e rte y a *' (21 A putveruhntum 11) A pulverulentum (2) A gra nlicum (3) A grosu (1) A gmsa (2) A hispamcom «2) A laMohum (1) — — A A A A latilohum (5) Unkianum (2 1 litigiosum 11) lopasionum (2) A A A A A majos (3) majos (6) nmcroQhyfíum (2) putvaruJantum (3) pulvem lenlum (5) A pulvorulantum (6) A putvamkíntum <4) — — A A A A A meonanfíuim (2) nvcmphyUum ( 1) rrvcrap/W tam (3) sampervtrans (1) sam parvm ns (3) A A. A A. A sicukjm (1) sicukim (5) subbaeiioum (1) subbaalKum {21 subbaeticum (3) A subbaeticum (4) A tortuosum (2) A. valentinum 11) A valentinum (2) A. valentinum (3) A valentinum (5) A valentinum |4) A graruticum A siculum (2) (1) A Migiosum (2) M oronbum P. nvas-martmezn Figure 4.1. 50% majority consensus tree from Bl analysis of ITS sequences of Antirrhinum based on the GTR model. Above branches: posterior probabilities; below branches: bootstrap support > 50% of the strict consensus tree of 223 MP trees (Cl = 0.55; Rl = 0.71; 277 steps). Incongruence between the Bl tree and the MP strict consensus tree or bootstrap support < 50% are indicated with a hyphen (-) below branches. Population numbers are given in brackets after species ñame (see Appendix 4.1). 114 NON-MONOPHYLY AND GENETIC DIVERSITY Table 4.4. Polymorphic sites in ITS sequences of A. charidemi, A. subbaeticum and A. valentinum. Numbers refer to the aligned sequences. Population numbers are given in brackets after species ñame (see Appendix 4.1) Taxon A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. charidemi (1) charidemi (2) charidemi (3) charidemi (4) subbaeticum (1) subbaeticum (2) subbaeticum (3) subbaeticum (4) valentinum (1) valentinum (2) valentinum (3) valentinum (4) valentinum (5) Taxon A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. charidemi (1) charidemi (2) charidemi (3) charidemi (4) subbaeticum (1) subbaeticum (2) subbaeticum (3) subbaeticum (4) valentinum (1) valentinum (2) valentinum (3) valentinum (4) valentinum (5) Taxon A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. charidemi (1) charidemi (2) charidemi (3) charidemi (4) subbaeticum (1) subbaeticum (2) subbaeticum (3) subbaeticum (4) valentinum (1) valentinum (2) valentinum (3) valentinum (4) valentinum (5) 0 1 7 C A 0 1 9 C 0 3 7 C 0 2 1 C T T 0 4 1 G 0 4 0 C 0 4 5 G G 0 8 0 G 0 8 1 A 0 8 5 T 0 9 4 G T T T T C C C C G G G A/G G G G G G C C G G G G G G G T A C/G C/T C/T T C/G 1 1 3 C T 1 3 6 C 1 2 5 C G A A A A A 4 1 2 G A A A A A A A A A 4 3 8 C 1 4 5 A 1 6 3 C G T T T A/G A/G A 1 7 3 C T T T T T T 4 4 6 A 4 4 8 C G G A/G T G T T T T T T T T T 1 7 4 C 1 8 6 C T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T 4 4 9 G 2 1 3 C A 3 5 6 A 1 0 9 C - G G - - C/T 3 6 4 C 3 7 8 C T C/T C/T T A/G G C/T 5 3 4 C T T A A/G 2 2 6 C 0 9 5 5 4 9 T 5 5 1 C G G G G A A A/G G A T T T T T T T T T 5 5 2 C T 5 5 6 C A A A A A A 5 8 3 C 5 8 9 T T T T T T T T T T T T NON-MONOPHYLY AND GENETIC DIVERSITY 96 100 98 100 86 58 96 57 64 85 H . 100 92 115 - A. BUZtfálG (1) - A australe (3) - A chandem i (1) - A chandem i (2) - A. charidem i (3) - A chandem i (4) - A m ollissimum (1) - A controversum (3) - A controversum (4) - A htspantcum (1) - A htspantcum (2) - A htspantcum (3) - A valentinum (4) - A m ollissim um (2) - A m ollissim um (3) - A polverulentum (3) - A polverulentum f6) - A valentinum (1) - A valentinum (2) - A valenünum (3) - A valentinum (5) - A austraie (2) - A braun-blanquebi (1) - A braun-blanquotit (2) - A Unkianum ( 1) - A M ig A m m ( 1 1 - A Htgtosum (2) - A lopesianum (3) - A majus (2) - A majus (3) - A majus (5) - A microphytlum (2) 1 - A penegasti 11) 1 - A pertegasií (2) - A motte (2) - A sempervtrens (1) - A sempervtrens (2) - A sempervtrens (3) - A. ctrrhtgerum (1) - A gramOcum (1) i---------------------------- A granihcum (2) - A polverulentum (2) - A tatdoüum (1) - A majus - A majus (4) - A. majus (6) - A molkt (1) - A lablohum (2) 1---------------------------- A lattlolium (3) - A Unkianum (2) - A Unkianum (3) ----------------------------- A stcukim { i ) 1---------------------------- A tuctrium (2) - A letifoéum (4) - A loposianum (1) - A lopestanum (2) - A sicuhjm (5) - A toriuosum (1) - A to riuosum (2) - A to riuosum (3) - A to riuosum (4) - A to riuosum (5) - A to riuosum (6) - A toriuosum (7) - A to riuosum (8) - A controversum (1) - A controversum (2) - A controversum (5) - A controversum (6) - A controversum 17) - A controversum (8) - A qrantticum (3) - A meonanthum (2) - A g ro tsi (1) - A meonanthum (1) - A. grossi (2> - A microphytlum (1) - A. m tcropliyllum (3) - A pulverulenium (4) - A subbaeticum (1) - A subbaeitcum (2) - A polverulentum (1) - A pulverulenium (5) - A latifolium (5) - A stcuium (3) - A stcuhtm (4) - A subbaeticum ( i ) - A subbaeticum (4) - M orontrum - P nvas-martinezu Figure 4.2. 50% majority consensus tree from Bl analysis of combined psbfk-trnH and trnJ-trnL sequences of Antirrhinum based on the GTR (psbA-trnH) and GTR+I+G (frnT-fmL) models. Above branches: posterior probabilities; below branches: bootstrap support > 50% of the strict consensus tree of 69,300 MP trees (Cl = 0.79; Rl = 0.89; 200 steps). Incongruence between the Bl tree and the MP strict consensus tree or bootstrap support < 50% are indicated with a hyphen (-) below branches. Population numbers are given in brackets after species ñame (see Appendix 4.1). 116 NON-MONOPHYLY AND GENETIC DIVERSITY 4.3.3. Analysis of plastid haplotypes Thirty-nine plastid haplotypes were identified in the 88 Antirrhinum accessions analyzed, with a total of 11 haplotypes shared between congeneric accessions (Appendix 4.1). The statistical parsimony analysis of the plastid región yielded a single network with two haplotypes connected by a single step in A. chandemi, two divergent haplotypes in A. subbaeticum separated by 12 steps, and five haplotypes connected by one or two steps in A. valentinum (data not shown). 4.4. DISCUSSION 4.4.1. Testing monophyly at the species level ITS accessions of the three study species of Antirrhinum formed three monophyletic groups (Fig. 4.1), which supports the morphological and taxonomical boundaries of these species. In contrast, analyses of the plastid sequences did not reveal monophyly for any of the study species, potentially reflecting different evolutionary histories. Several processes have been proposed as potential mechanism for retrieving non-monophyletic groups at the species level estimated for nuclear and plastid phylogenies. Particularly in plants, lack of congruence between nuclear and plastid data sets and the fact that identical haplotypes are shared among unrelated species suggest that lineage sorting, hybridization or a combination of both processes may be responsible (Hardig et al., 2000; Under and Rieseberg, 2004). In A. charidemi, a shared history for populations is suggested by plastid sequences as they occur in the same clade, have high similarity, and were connected by a single mutational step in the network analysis (results not shown). The occurrence of a single accession of A. mollissimum in this clade may reflect hybridization between these species as they are geographically proximal (the same haplotype shared by A. charidemi and A. mollissimum, in Chapter I). A more complex evolutionary history is interpreted in the case of A. subbaeticum. This species clearly consists of two related lineages, as recognised not only in ITS sequence analysis but also in allozyme (Mateu-Andrés, 2004) and RAPD (Jiménez et al., 2002) analyses. These populations also show some evidence of the effects of inbreeding, with very NON-MONOPHYLY AND GENETIC DIVERSITY 117 low allozyme and RAPD diversity. However, our plastid reconstruction reveáis topological incongruence with the ITS tree, including a cióse relationship between two populations of A. subbaeticum and one of A. pulverulenium. The low number of ITS additivities in A. subbaeticum accessions (Table 4.4) does not give support for recent hybridization events and the fact that a high number of characters (12) sepárate the two plastid haplotypes is difficult to explain by mechanisms such as lineage sorting. Nevertheless, these two mechanisms (hybridization vs. lineage sorting) have been historically invoked as responsible for topological incongruence between genome phylogenies (Doyle, 1992; Rosenberg, 2002; Degnan and Rosenberg, 2009). As recommended (Maddison and Knowles, 2006), a sample increase of populations and DNA regions and the use of coalescence methods do not alleviate the problem of lineage sorting. Thus, ancient hybridization between these populations of A. subbaeticum and A. pulverulenium (see also Fig. 4.2) or a related ancestral taxon is a more parsimonious explanation for the distribution of these haplotypes, resulting in a non-monophyletic group for plastid sequences of A. subbaeticum and a weakly supported ITS group. In A. valentinum, despite strongly supported monophyly for ITS sequences, plastid haplotypes were unresolved due to a low number of informative characters rather than character incongruence. Although the five haplotypes are differentiated by only one or two mutational steps, they are shared with four other species that are widespread in south east Iberia. This makes it difficult to distinguish unequivocally between the effects of lineage sorting and hybridization as an explanation for non-monophyly. However, evidence from intraindividual ITS variation supports recent or contemporary hybridization in A. valentinum: three of the five accessions of this species contain 10 ITS additivities (Table 4.4). Hybridization has been historically suggested as significant in Antirrhinum evolution because: (1) plants display intermedíate morphological characters in nature (Rothmaler, 1956; Webb, 1971); (2) reproductive barriere between any species pair are weak in nature and under experimental conditions (Baur, 1932; Rothmaler, 1956; Sutton, 1988; Xue et al., 1996); (3) the high number of ITS additivities are common in overlapping geographical areas of many species (Chapter I); (4) additivity patterns are well documented through analysis of ITS clones (Vargas et al., 2004; Vargas et 118 NON-MONOPHYLY AND GENETIC DIVERSITY al. unpublished) and fingerprints (Jiménez et al., 2005). Moreover, nuclear and plastid phylogenies are incongruent and haplotype variation reflects geography rather than species taxonomy (Chapter I). This scenario is not unexpected in genera that have undergone recent diversification since the onset of the Mediterranean climate 23 mya, as reported for Antirrhinum (Chapter I), which additionally has some species still ¡nvolved in hybrid zones in the Pyrenees (Whibley et al., 2006). The question remains as to whether lack of single ancestry characterises Antirrhinum species or is a common pattem in angiosperms. Syring et al. (2007) reviewed 16 studies from four representative journals covering diverse taxonomic groups. Of the 460 taxa considered 170 (37%) could be evaluated for monophyly due to múltiple accessions being sampled in phylogenetic reconstructions, and of these 53% were non-monophyletic. As the review of Syring et al. (2007) was small and considered only articles that ¡ncluded múltiple accessions of at least some taxa, and that these taxa were a priorí closely related, we have compiled similar but more broad-ranging data from three further sources (articles cited in Gitzendanner and Soitis [2000], 378 taxa cited in the Genetical Flora of the British Isles by Squirrell et al. [2006], and 172 articles published in six leading journals between 2000-2007). Studies examining plant species for population genetic diversity were examined on a taxon by taxon basis to assess whether each taxon could be assessed for monophyly based upon published phylogenetic reconstructions, and how many of these species were monophyletic. Data from 270 articles identified 634 species (328 genera, 117 families) and of these 109 (16.6%) could be assessed for monophyly due to a generic phylogeny containing múltiple accessions of the study taxon being available. Of those taxa for which monophyletic status could be deduced from the published phylogeny (N = 92), 57 (62%) were monophyletic for all markers assayed. This brief review demonstrates that species non-monophyly is rarely considered for specific taxa assessed for population and conservaron genetic purposes, due primarily to the fact that múltiple accession generic phylogenies are not available for the taxa under study. When non-monophyly is assessed, ¡t appears to be taxonomically widespread (detected here in 19 families representing conifers [1], monocots [5] and dicots [13]) and perhaps more common than generally recognised in both plant (38%; this study) and animal taxa (23% non-monophyly in mtDNA; Funk and Omland, 2003). In NON-MONOPHYLY AND GENETIC DIVERSITY 119 support of the widespread occurrence of plant species non-monophyly, a recent DNA barcoding study by Fazekas et al. (2008) determined that 31-39% of plant species assessed were non-monophyletic using a combination of plastid loci. All these results reflect that lack of monophyly is a more common pattern than generally recognised in angiosperms and can dramatically influence assessments of genetic diversity. 4.4.2. Life history traits, monophyly and genetic diversity Hamrick et al. (1979) indicated that significant differences in levels and patterns of genetic diversity existed between species with different life history traits. Accordingly, we should expect to find a comparable level and distribution of genetic variation between species with similar life history traits where taxa are closely related. However, previous allozyme and RAPD analysis revealed markedly different levels of genetic diversity within and among populations of the three species herein evaluated (Mateu-Andrés and Segarra-Moragues, 2000; Mateu-Andrés, 2004) despite the similarity of their life history traits (see Table 4.2). Genetic diversity differences may therefore reflect additional sources of variation in the evolutionary history of the species concerned. For out-crossing perennial species, the expectation is that species with lower overall diversity (Ht) will have higher differentiation among populations (Gsr) and vice versa. This trend is broadly apparent in Antirrhinum species (see Table 4.1), with some notable exceptions. Narrow endemic species such as A. charidemi and A. microphyllum both harbour relatively high levels of diversity with a corresponding low estímate of population differentiation, whereas A. siculum shows a low level of diversity and high population differentiation (Mateu-Andrés, 1999; Mateu-Andrés and Segarra-Moragues, 2000; Torres et al., 2003; Mateu-Andrés and de Paco, 2006). The latter species is self-compatible whereas the former two are self-incompatible, therefore the differences can be explained by variation in breeding system. Exceptions to this trend include A. pertegasii, which has both low diversity and little differentiation among populations, and A. pulverulentum and A. valentinum which both have médium to elevated overall diversity and the highest levels of differentiation among population in Antirrhinum (see Table 4.1). Diversity estimates for the majority of Antirrhinum species fall between these extreme examples. 120 NON-MONOPHYLY AND GENETIC DIVERSITY In addition, out-crossing species tend to show higher levels of within-population variation and lower levels of differentiation among populations (Hamrick and Godt, 1996) so the high level of differentiation (G s r= 0.480) in A. valentinum is intriguing. This level of diversity is not apparent from ITS sequences as it is in A. subbaeticum. Other species in the same plastid clade have comparable levels of H t {A. mollissimum 0.280; A. pulverulenium 0.300), but lower levels of G sr (A. mollissimum 0.110; A. pulverulenium 0.230) compared to A. valentinum. It has been suggested that A. valentinum maintains a high genetic diversity as consequence of a large population size in the past (currently 1332 individuáis) due to the fact that the species was common just 50 years ago (Mateu-Andrés and Segarra-Moragues, 2000). However, this short time period would not allow development of high G sr estimates due to fragmentation, suggesting that gene flow among populations is restricted by an altérnate mechanism. This may also account for a reduction in inter-specific gene flow explaining why A. valentinum is the only species represented in this plastid clade to attain monophyly for ITS sequences. Levels of genetic diversity can be shaped by natural hybridization, wherein hybrids may exhibit elevated levels of genetic diversity resulting from the mixing of parental genomes (Rieseberg and Wendel, 1993; Arnold, 1997). High diversity in species of this clade may be the result of historical introgression among divergent lineages (see Doyle, 1992). A. charidemi and A. valentinum share the eight life history characteristics with effect on genetic variation (Table 4.2). The differences estimated for population genetic parameters between these species can be largely explained through differences in gene flow among populations (five separated populations in A. valentinum vs. continuous distribution of populations in A. charidemi) and the potential effects of introgression in A. valentinum. While genetic diversity in A. subbaeticum is undoubtedly ¡nfluenced by its different reproductive strategy and geographic range, the extreme plastid sub-division suggests that historical processes have also played a role in shaping current diversity. In summary, the impact of reticulation involved in species formation should be included in the list of factors responsible for influencing levels of genetic diversity. Indeed, lack of monophyly and incongruence between plastid and nuclear phylogenies provide an essential framework to detect reticulation processes. The 12 NON-MONOPHYLY AND GENETIC DIVERSITY 121 life history traits described by Hamrick and collaborators (1979) are not necessarily the most significant for assessing levels of genetic diversity within species. Careful attention should be paid to monophyly to elucídate the potential impact of hybridization on estimates of genetic variation. 122 NON-MONOPHYLY AND GENETIC DIVERSITY Appendix 4.1. List of studied material including sample number (¡n brackets after species ñame), locality, voucher (herbarium initial or collector number), ITS, psbA-trnH and trnJ-trnL GenBank accession numbers, and plastid haplotype identifier. Hap = Plastid haplotype identifier (psbA-tmH, tml-trni.)', A,8GenBank accession numbers published in Vargas et al. (2004) and cited in Chapter I, respectively. Taxon Locality Voucher ITS GenBank psbA-frnH GenBank trnT-ím L GenBank Hap Antirrhinum L. A. australe Rothm. (1) Spain: Albacete, Yeste JG4077 EU6771940 forthcoming forthcoming 1 A. australe Rothm. (2) Spain: Cádiz, Benaocaz ECA49 EU6771958 forthcoming forthcoming 2 A. australe Rothm. (3) Spain: Granada, Castril VAL140895 AY731273 a forthcoming forthcoming 1 A. braun-blanquetii Rothm. (1) Spain: Asturias, Cuetu L'Abeyera JRV5333 EU6771968 forthcoming forthcoming 3 A. braun-blanquetii Rothm. (2) Spain: León, Oblanca JRV5177 EU6771978 forthcoming forthcoming 3 A. charidemi Lange (1) Spain: Almería, cerro de La Lobera 132PV05(1) EU6771988 forthcoming forthcoming 4 A. chandemi Lange (2) Spain: Almería, barranco del Sabinar VAL37158 AY731282 a forthcoming forthcoming 5 A. charidemi Lange (3) Spain: Almería, cerro de Santa Cruz 136PV05(2) EU6771998 forthcoming forthcoming 5 A. charidemi Lange (4) Spain: Almería, Vela Blanca 137PV05(5) FJ4876118 forthcoming forthcoming 5 A. cirrhigerum Welw. ex Ficalho (1) A. controversum Pau (1) Morocco: Doukkala-Abda, El Jadida VAL111299 EU6772008 forthcoming forthcoming 6 Spain: Albacete, Villa de Ves VAL145152 AY731272 a forthcoming forthcoming 7 A. controversum Pau (2) Spain: Alicante, Jalón BdB47 EU6772018 forthcoming forthcoming 8 A. controversum Pau (3) Spain: Almería, Berja ECA37 EU6772028 forthcoming forthcoming 1 A. controversum Pau (4) Spain: Granada, Bérchules BdB15b EU6772038 forthcoming forthcoming 1 A. controversum Pau (5) Spain: Valencia, Bolomor JG4001 EU6772048 forthcoming forthcoming 8 A. controversum Pau (6) Spain: Valencia, Carcagente BdB29 EU6772058 forthcoming forthcoming 8 123 NON-MONOPHYLY AND GENETIC DIVERSITY Appendix 4.1. (cont.). Taxon Locality Voucher A. controversum Pau (7) Spain: Valencia, Chella A. controversum Pau (8) Spain: Xeresa, Colom A. graniticum Rothm. (1) JG4067 GenBank ITS EU677206^ GenBank psbA-trnH forthcoming GenBank trnT-frnL forthcoming 8 BdB2 EU6772078 forthcoming forthcoming 9 Spain: Madrid, Fuentidueña del Tajo JG4009 AY731283a forthcoming forthcoming 10 A. graniticum Rothm. (2) Spain: Soria, Caltojar JG4101 EU6772088 forthcoming forthcoming 11 A. graniticum Rothm. (3) Spain: Huelva, Aracena ECA54 EU6772098 forthcoming forthcoming 22 A. grosii Font Quer (1) Spain: Ávila, El Trampal ECA77 AY731281a forthcoming forthcoming 12 A. grosii Font Quer (2) Spain: Ávila, Guisando 276PV06 EU6772108 forthcoming forthcoming 13 A. hispanicum Chav. (1) Spain: Granada, Juviles BdB14 - forthcoming forthcoming 1 A. hispanicum Chav. (2) Spain: Granada, Veleta 120PV99 AY731286a forthcoming forthcoming 1 A. hispanicum Chav. (3) Spain: Granada, Vélez de Benaudalla ECA40 EU6772118 forthcoming forthcoming 14 A. latifolium Mili. (1) Spain: Girona, Collada de Toses JG4142 EU6772128 forthcoming forthcoming 15 A. latifolium Mili. (2) Spain: Lérida, Bapá 2E4PV99 AY731274a forthcoming forthcoming 16 A. latifolium Mili. (3) Spain: Lérida, Martinet JG4139 - forthcoming forthcoming 16 A. latifolium Mili. (4) Turkey: Bursa lli, Gemlik 164PV06 - forthcoming forthcoming 10 A. latifolium Mili. (5) Italy: Piamonte, Cuneo MS781 EU6772138 forthcoming forthcoming 17 A. linkianum Boiss. (1) Spain: La Coruña, Cedeira SO (s.n.) EU6735108 forthcoming forthcoming 18 A. linkianum Boiss. (2) Portugal: Peniche, Cabo Carvoeiro IS(ALQ3435) EU6772158 forthcoming forthcoming 19 A. linkianum Boiss. (3) Portugal: Trafaria, Almada IS(ALQ4877) - forthcoming forthcoming 20 A. litigiosum Pau (1) Spain: Teruel, Griegos ECA74 EU6772168 forthcoming forthcoming 3 A. litigiosum Pau (2) Spain: Valencia, Serra ECA44 AY731271a forthcoming forthcoming 3 A. lopesianum Rothm. (1) Portugal: Braganga, Alfaiáo FA & SB (s.n.) - forthcoming forthcoming 10 Hap 124 NON-MONOPHYLY AND GENETIC DIVERSITY i Appendix 4.1. (cont.). Taxon Locality Voucher A. lopesianum Rothm. (2) Portugal: Vimioso, Cargao FA & SB (s.n.) GenBank ITS EU677217“ GenBank psbA-frnH forthcoming GenBank trnT-frnL forthcoming Hap 3 10 A. lopesianum Rothm. (3) Spain: Salamanca, Corporario FA & SB (s.n.) EU6772188 forthcoming forthcoming A. majus L. (1) Spain: Barcelona, Gréixer JG4150 - forthcoming forthcoming 15 A. majus L. (2) Spain: Huesca, Panticosa JG4108 - forthcoming forthcoming 3 A. majus L. (3) Spain: Lérida, Valle d'Arán JG26/8/99 AY731280a forthcoming forthcoming 3 A. majus L. (4) France: Hérault, St. Chinian 230PV06 - forthcoming forthcoming 21 A. majus L. (5) France: Pyréneés Orientales, Salses VAL39727 - forthcoming forthcoming 3 A. majus L. (6) Spain: Gerona, La Molina 273PV06 EU6772198 forthcoming forthcoming 15 A. meonanthum Hoffmans. & Link (1) A. meonanthum Hoffmans. & Link (2) A. microphyllum Rothm. (1) Spain: Ávila, Gredos 149PV99 AY731284a forthcoming forthcoming 12 Spain: Soria, Río Lobos JG4098 EU6772208 forthcoming forthcoming 22 Spain: Cuenca, Buendía JG4024 EU6772218 forthcoming forthcoming 23 A. microphyllum Rothm. (2) Spain: Guadalajara, Bolarque JG4021 EU6772228 forthcoming forthcoming 24 A. microphyllum Rothm. (3) Spain: Guadalajara, Sacedón JG4023 EU6772238 forthcoming forthcoming 25 A. molle L. (1) Spain: Barcelona, Riguréixer JG4143 FJ4876128 forthcoming forthcoming 15 A. molle L. (2) Spain: Huesca, Sopeira JG4117 AY731268a forthcoming forthcoming 3 A. mollissimum Rothm. (1) Spain: Almería, Benizalón ECA29 EU6772248 forthcoming forthcoming 5 A. mollissimum Rothm. (2) Spain: Almería, Caballar ECA32 EU6772258 forthcoming forthcoming 1 MA427229 - forthcoming forthcoming 1 A. mollissimum Rothm. (3) Spain: Almería, Dalias A. pertegasii Rothm. (1) Spain: Castellón, Cova Fosca JG4092 EU6772268 forthcoming forthcoming 26 A. pertegasii Rothm. (2) Spain: Castellón, Solé d’en Brull JG4091 EU6772278 forthcoming forthcoming 26 125 NON-MONOPHYLY AND GENETIC DIVERSITY Appendix 4.1. (cont.). Taxon Locality A. pulverulenium Lázaro Ibiza (1) Spain: Cuenca, Hoz de Beteta A. pulverulentum Lázaro Ibiza (2) Spain: Guadalajara, Durón Voucher ECA28 GenBank ITS EU677229“ GenBank psbA-trnH forthcoming GenBank trnT-frnL forthcoming Hap 27 JG4027 EU6772308 forthcoming forthcoming 11 A. pulverulentum Lázaro Ibiza (3) Spain: Guadalajara, La Pelegrina JG4035 EU6772318 forthcoming forthcoming 28 A. pulverulentum Lázaro Ibiza (4) Spain: Guadalajara, Peralejos Truchas ECA26 EU6772328 forthcoming forthcoming 29 A. pulverulentum Lázaro Ibiza (5) Spain: Teruel, Tramacastilla ECA71 EU6772338 forthcoming forthcoming 30 A. pulverulentum Lázaro Ibiza (6) Spain: Guadalajara, Alcorlo JG4028 EU6772348 forthcoming forthcoming 28 A. sempervirens Lapeyr. (1) Spain: Huesca, Bielsa JG4114 EU6772358 forthcoming forthcoming 31 A. sempervirens Lapeyr. (2) Spain: Huesca, Plan JG4116 - forthcoming forthcoming 3 A. sempervirens Lapeyr. (3) Spain: Huesca, Panticosa JG4107 AY731270a forthcoming forthcoming 3 A. siculum Mili. (1) Italy: Sicily, Catania GB66/06 EU6772378 forthcoming forthcoming 32 A. siculum Mili. (2) Italy: Sicily, Messine VAL119899 AY731276a forthcoming forthcoming 32 33 A. siculum Mili. (3) Italy: Sicily, Siracusa VAL178308 - forthcoming forthcoming A. siculum Mili. (4) Malta: Siggiewi, Ghar Lapsi VAL39295 - forthcoming forthcoming 34 A. siculum Mili. (5) Morocco: Oriental, Zegzel 192PV00 EU6772388 forthcoming forthcoming 35 A. subbaeticum Güemes, Mateu & Sánchez Gómez (1) A. subbaeticum Güemes, Mateu & Sánchez Gómez (2) A. subbaeticum Güemes, Mateu & Sánchez Gómez (3) A. subbaeticum Güemes, Mateu & Sánchez Gómez (4) A. toriuosum Bosc ex Vent. (1) Spain: Albacete, El Batán JG4081 AY731287a forthcoming forthcoming 29 Spain: Albacete, Los Vizcaínos JG4084 EU6772398 forthcoming forthcoming 29 Spain: Murcia, Benízar JG4068 EU6772408 forthcoming forthcoming 36 Spain: Murcia, Hondares BdB227 EU6772418 forthcoming forthcoming 36 Italy: Sardinia, Cagliari GB136/06 - forthcoming forthcoming 10 126 NON-MONOPHYLY AND GENETIC DIVERSITY Appendix 4.1. {cont.). Taxon Locality Voucher GenBank ITS EU677242“ GenBank psbA-frnH forthcoming GenBank trnT-frnL forthcoming Hap forthcoming 10 A. tortuosum Bosc ex Vent. (2) Morocco: West Rif, Talembot IS(ALQ3441) A. tortuosum Bosc ex Vent. (3) Turkey: Sulcuk, Efeso GB316/06 - forthcoming 10 A. tortuosum Bosc ex Vent. (4) Morocco: Taza-AI Hoceima, Taza 188PV06 - forthcoming forthcoming 10 A. tortuosum Bosc ex Vent. (5) Italy: Latina, Norma VAL142945 - forthcoming forthcoming 10 A. tortuosum Bosc ex Vent. (6) Italy: Ancona, Si rolo VAL39871 AY731285a forthcoming forthcoming 10 A. tortuosum Bosc ex Vent. (7) Morocco: Taza-AI Hoceima, Tazzeka MA643294 - forthcoming forthcoming 10 A. tortuosum Bosc ex Vent. (8) Morocco: Tadla-Azilal, Ighir MA746269 - forthcoming forthcoming 10 A. valentinum Font Quer (1) Spain: Valencia, Bolomor BdB229 EU6772438 forthcoming forthcoming 1 A. valentinum Font Quer (2) Spain: Valencia, Buixcarró JG4002 EU6772448 forthcoming forthcoming 37 A. valentinum Font Quer (3) Spain: Valencia, Font del Cirer BdB8 EU6772458 forthcoming forthcoming 38 A. valentinum Font Quer (4) Spain: Valencia, La Drova JG4004 EU6772468 forthcoming forthcoming 14 A. valentinum Font Quer (5) Spain: Valencia, Peña Colom BdB1 AY39799a forthcoming forthcoming 39 forthcoming forthcoming forthcoming forthcoming forthcoming forthcoming forthcoming forthcoming Misopates Raf. M. orontium (L.) Raf. Spain: Valencia, Serra VAL145155 AY731260a Pseudomisopates Güemes P. rivas-martinezii (Sánchez Mata) Güemes Spain: Ávila, Sierra de Gredos 377PV99 AY731262a - Conclusiones 4?a InZ* t 7T Conclusiones Del estudio de los procesos de hibridación en A. charidemi, A. subbaeticum y A. valentinum se pueden establecer las siguientes conclusiones: 1) Las relaciones filogéneticas de las especies de Antirrhinum no han podido ser clarificadas en base a los análisis moleculares de las secuencias de ADN nuclear (ITS) y plastidial (tmS-tmG, fmK-mafK, tmT-tmL, psbA-trnH). Los procesos evolutivos de hibridación ancestral y reciente podrían constituir el principal mecanismo distorsionador de la filogenia de las especies de Antirrhinum. 2) Los análisis de las secuencias de ADN plastidial (tmK-matK) indican que los procesos de diferenciación de los linajes de Antirrhinum ocurrieron a partir del Plioceno, lo que coindice con el comienzo del estableciemiento del clima Mediterráneo. 3) Además de la hibridación, la especiación geográfica ha tenido un papel importante en la diferenciación de las especies de Antirrhinum, con el sudeste de la Penísula Ibérica como principal foco de diferenciación. En la evolución del género, a la especiación geográfica, originada principalmente en en el seno de las montañas Ibéricas, se añadirían posteriores contactos secundarios entre especies promovidos por los episodios de cambio climático durante el Plioceno-Pleistoceno. 130 CONCLUSIONES 4) Las eviencias moleculares apoyan procesos de hibridación en A. subbaeticum (hibridación ancestral) y en A. valentinum (hibridación reciente), y posiblemente en A. charidemi. 5) La diversidad genética de A. charidemi, A. subbaeticum y A. valentinum está afectada por las características biológicas y ecológicas de cada especie, pero también por su historia evolutiva, en la que han intervenido los procesos de hibridación. 6) Actualmente, las barreras reproductivas (postpolinización: precigóticas y postcigóticas; viabilidad de híbridos de primera generación) entre A. valentinum y la especie común A. controversum son substanciales pero no absolutas, por lo que existe potencial para la hibridación e introgresión entre las dos especies. 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Agradecimientos Gracias al Dr. Jaime Güemes, por su dedicación en la dirección de esta tesis, su tiempo, y por su apoyo en todo momento, dentro y fuera de esta tesis; al Dr. Pablo Vargas, por sus comentarios, ideas y colaboración en el capítulo I y IV; al Dr. Juan Jiménez y al Dr. Alan Forrest, por sus contribuciones en el capítulo II y IV, respectivamente; al Dr. Patricio García-Fayos, por su asesoramiento estadístico en los capítulos II y III; a Fabiola Barraclough por revisar el texto en inglés; a la Dr. María Bosch y a la Dr. Rosario Gil, por acogerme con tanta familiaridad durante mis estancias; al personal del Jardín Botánico de la Universidad de Valencia y del Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid; a mis compañeros de Valencia, Madrid y Barcelona; a la Consejería de Medio Ambiente (Junta de Andalucía) y a la Conselleria de Medi Ambient, Aigua, Urbanisme i Habitatge (Generalitat Valenciana), por permitir la investigación en las poblaciones de A. charídemi y A. valentinum, respectivamente; a la Dirección General Española de Investigación Científica y Técnica, por financiar esta memoria doctoral a través del proyecto REN2002-02434/GLO y de la beca de Formación de Personal Investigador BES2003-0387. Y gracias a mis amigos biólogos, botánicos y no botánicos; a P.G. y a J.M.S. (dónde estés); y a E.B, por el Yelcho. UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA FACULTAT DE CIÉNCIES BIOLÓGIQUES R e u n i d o el T r i b u n a l q ue s u s c r i b e , en el día de la fecha a c o r d ó o t o r g a r a e s t a T e s i s D o c t o r a l de D / D a ELENA CARRIÓ GONZÁLEZ la c a l i f i c a c i ó n de V a l e n c i a , a . . . 1. . . de juJio. de ...2010 EL/LA SECRETARIO/A, EL/LA PRESIDENTE/A Dr. D. iu li Cau apé Castells Dr. D. César Blanché i Verges VlLi6&\/CiA ^ lU c^r « ^— "£~\ O'Ücsx .