Immaculate Heart of Mary
Immaculate Heart of Mary
The Good News of Immaculate Heart of Mary August 16, 2015 Parish & School Staff Father Bob Sims, Pastor Father’s Emergency Number (317) 727-2667 Joan Lile, Youth Minister Anna Harvey, Business Manager Kelli Ayres, Administrative Assistant Katie Graf, Administrative Assistant Jeanne Whaley, Office Assistant Karen Winternheimer, Accounts Payable Carey Landry, Music Coordinator Ronda Swartz, Principal Tammy Misinski, Assistant Principal Hayley Nester, School Secretary Richard Foran, Facilities Manager Kim Elkins, Assistant to the Pastoral Associate Jose Moreno, Custodial Services How to contact the Staff: Church Office: 317-257-2266 School Office: 317-255-5468 School Fax: 317-475-7379 Website: Bulletin Submissions: (deadline 9am Monday) [email protected] School & Church Contacts: first initial, last name The Mission of Immaculate Heart of Mary The Immaculate Heart of Mary parish strives to be a vibrant Catholic community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ as our guide. We invite those who seek to strengthen their spirituality and develop their relationships with God through our dynamic liturgy, life long learning, and sharing faith within and outside our community. Artist: Jody Flynn 5692 Central Avenue | Indianapolis, Indiana 46220 | 317-257-2266 8/16/2015 2 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Thank you Stewardship for: August 9, 2015 $TBA next week. Dear IHM Community, “Watch carefully then how you live, not as foolish persons but as wise…” (Ephesians 5:15) A wise person recognizes that all we have comes from God. A wise person thanks God every day for all His many blessings. A wise person realizes that God has blessed us for a reason and He wants us to be partners with Him in His work here on earth. Thank you for your continued support of IHM. Liturgy Blessings, Fr. Bob Mon., Aug. 17 8:15 am (chapel) Weekday Bill Hickey By Dan & Judy Hoyt Sunday Eucharist: 8:00 & 9:30 am. 11:15 am 3rd weekend of September until (but not including) Memorial Day weekend. Weekdays: Varies. Please consult the Mass Schedule. Saturday: 5:30 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Tue., Aug. 18 8:15 am (chapel) Weekday IHM Lucious Newsom Volunteers 4:30 pm Saturday or by Appointment. Infant Baptisms Wed., Aug. 19 8:20 am / School Weekday Mass IHM Community Garden Volunteers Thurs., Aug. 20 8:15 am (chapel) Weekday For the People of iHM Fri., Aug. 21 8:15 am (chapel) St. Pius X, Pope No Mass Sat., Aug. 22 5:30 pm Vigil: 21st Ordinary Sunday Bob Wright Sun., Aug. 23 8:00 am Twenty-First Sunday in For the People of IHM Ordinary Time Schedule of Masses Dick Coak By Dr. & Mrs. Larry Burch 9:30 am Servers & Lectors Sat., Aug. 22 Sun., Aug. 23 5:30 pm servers Whitney Nester, Margaret Roth, PJ Avery 5:30 pm lectors Megan Melton, Roys Laux 8:00 am servers Will Kennedy, Tyler Kunkel, Sofi Schmitz 8:00 am lectors Katie Meister, Mary Ann Wallace 9:30 am servers Kim Bowers, Mick DeWeese, Holly Horton 9:30 am lectors Sr. Ruth Ellen Doane, Jack Kondrath “The greatest challenge to Catholic education in the United States to restore to that culture the conviction that human beings can grasp the truth of things, and in grasping that truth can know their duties to God, to themselves and their neighbors .” ~ St. John Paul II, Pope All baptisms take place at one of the weekend Masses chosen by parents. One preparation class for first time parents is required. New parents are encouraged to attend prior to the birth of the child. Godparents are welcome as well. Classes are held the first Monday of February, April, June, August, October & December from 7:30 –9:00 pm. Please call the parish office for the class you will attend. Marriages Engaged couples must start their preparation at least six months prior to the wedding. Preparation includes work with a sponsor couple and Tobit. A person must be registered & active for 6 months BEFORE plans will be discussed. Holy Orders Priesthood or Vocation as a Religious Sister or Brother. Those considering entering the Priesthood or a Religious vocation, please contact our Pastor or the Archdiocesan vocation Office. Holy Communion Holy Communion is offered Monday through Friday at 15 minute intervals from 7:00-8:00 a.m. in the Chapel. New Registrations Please visit our website at or call the Parish Office at 257-2266. IHM Events & This Week at IHM 3 IHM Festival is August 29 IHM Trash Bag Sale! Fall Kick-Off Fest and 5K Run/Walk Sponsorships Boy Scouts, Start the Adventure! Immaculate Heart of Mary will host the 7th annual IHM Neighborhood Fall Kick-Off Fest on August 29 from 4-11 pm In celebration of the Fall Kick-Off Fest, IHM will host the 6th Annual 5K Run/Walk, sponsored by The National Bank of Indianapolis, at 9:00 am on the day of the festival. For more information on our festival and run/walk, visit the Immaculate Heart of Mary Fall Kick-Off Fest page on Facebook or visit the website at Are you interested in being a Fall Kick-Off sponsor? Sponsors are an integral part of our event. We have four levels to choose from starting at $250. Last year’s event had over 3000 people from the neighborhood and Mid-Town community attend. We would love to see your name or logo on a banner or race shirt! For information, please contact Bridget Bain at [email protected] or Matt Dickerson at [email protected] Be a Beer Baron! A big Thanks to all of the families that have participated in the past. The IHM Beer Barons are special people. With your $100 sponsorship, you get the title of Beer Baron and 2 special cups for your beverage; two fill-ups are on the house! But most importantly, you get “KEG CUTS”. That’s right, only Beer Barons get the use of the Foresight Financial Beer Baron express lane to purchase their beverage; that means NO LINES! Those who feel they are worthy of the title, please contact Bridget Bain at 259-1604 [email protected] or Dan Becker [email protected] We limit the Beer Barons to the first 100! GOT TRASH? IHM has the bags for Summer & Fall clean up! Choose Yellow, White or Blue bags. Each roll is $10 or a case of 10 rolls for $90. We will mix and match cases. Make checks payable to IHM. Please contact Christine Zweber Konvolinka at 317-697-7757 to get your bags! If you want to learn how to camp, to build fires, to shoot bow and arrows, to shoot skeet and trap, to rock climb, to zip line, to canoe, to acquire teamwork and leadership skills, and much, much more then join us, Boy Scout Troop 174 (sponsored by Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church), on Monday August 31, 2015 in the IHM Gym at 57th and Washington at 7:00 pm. to get the details on how to make one of the best decisions of your life. If you are at least 11 years old, in the sixth grade, or have your Cub Scout Arrow of Light Award and are 10 years old, you are eligible to be a Boy Scout; however no prior Scouting experience is required. We look forward to seeing you there. For more information, visit our website at: or call Scoutmaster Frank Otte @ 251-7131, or Troop Chairman Jay Clifford @ 490-3699. This Week at IHM August 17 Monday Fall Kick-Off 5K Run/Walk Come join the fun August 29th at 9am!! Registration is now open at $15/pp or $50 for a family of 4 or more. Preregistration includes a race shirt! It’s a great way to KICK-OFF the weekend with a fun run throughout the Meridian/Kessler neighborhood! Check the website for information! August 18 Tuesday Mothers' Ministry - MOMS 1 - Fall 2015 Register Now! The kids will be back to school and soon another year will come to conclusion. Why not take some time for yourself? Mothers' Ministry will be offering a Fall session of Ministry of Mothers Sharing (MOMS). MOMS 1 will begin Tuesday, September 8th at 7:00 p.m. in the apartment attached to Father Bob's house. MOMS 1 is a 10-week program that meets one evening/per week for mothers of all ages, with children of all ages. Enjoy the support of others as you take time to reflect and grow spiritually through this wonderful journey! It is also an excellent way to meet other mothers in the parish! Give yourself the gift of MOMS! Please register online at If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]. August 19 Wednesday August 20 Thursday August 21 Friday August 22 Saturday August 23 Sunday 6:30 am Rosary/Communion Chapel 8:00 am School PD Gth Spc 5:30 pm 8th Gr. Parent Mtg. Gth Spc 6:30 pm Back to School Night IHM School 6:30 am Rosary/Communion Chapel 8:15 am Yoga from a Christian Gth Spc Perspective 9:30 am School PD Gth Spc 6:30 am Rosary/Communion Chapel 7:55 am 1st Day of School IHM School 1:00 pm Marian Movement of Chapel Priests Rosary Cenacle 6:00 pm DRE/PA Meeting Gth Spc 6:30 am Rosary/Communion Chapel 7:00 pm Bereavement Ministry Gth Spc 6:30 am Rosary/Communion Chapel Parish Ministries & Notes 4 Eucharistic Minister Schedule August 22 & 23 Saturday 5:30 pm Mass: Myra Mariani—Coordinator Myra Mariani, Melissa Avery, Bob Bestvina, Brad Bisser, John Christ, Vickie Christ, Karen Daugherty Sunday, 8:00 am Mass: Bob Buening—Coordinator Linda Eichholtz, Amanda Houchens, Mike Lotti, Mary Catherine Lotti, Susan Wiggenhorn Sunday, 9:30 am Mass: Jeff Huffman—Coordinator Joff Huffman, Jack Kondrath, Mary Kondrath, Kathy O’Neil, Ashli Pettibone, Diane Powers, Vickie Walsh Youth Ministry News Confirmation 2015-2016 The Confirmation program at IHM begins in sophomore year. Classes start September 20 with the parent/teen class. The following classes are sponsor/teen classes. All classes are on the second Sunday of the month, from 6:30 - 8:30 pm in the Gathering Space and Church. Registration forms and information are online now at, Youth Ministry Page. Please sign up by August 15 to allow time to order enough materials and train catechists. The cost is $60 and includes all books, materials and retreat. If you are a junior or senior and have not been confirmed, you can attend classes, and assist the catechist in small groups. Call Joan at 257-2266 or email at [email protected] with any questions. NCYC - The National Catholic Youth Conference, is in Indy this year November 10 - 21. This is an amazing 3 day conference for high school teens from around the country. 25,000 teens and chaperones will learn more about their faith, hear amazing speakers and singers, trade items with 25,000 of their new friends, and experience mass in Lucas Oil Stadium with over 30,000 people. Overnight conference spaces are almost gone. Commuters can register through the end of August at a cost of 275.00. Call Joan at 257-2266 or email for more information. Check out their website at for videos and speakers. Joan Lile, Youth Minister - 317-257-2266 / [email protected] Website: - click on Youth Ministry Girls Basketball Evaluations for CYO Girls Basketball will be August 23rd in the IHM gym. Fourth Grade evaluations will take place from 3:00p to 4:15p. Fifth & Sixth Grade evaluations will take place from 4:30p – 6:00p. Seventh and Eighth Graders will attend Evaluations on Aug. 23rd from 6:15p – 7:45p and evaluations may continue during the week following. Registration: Players must be registered by August 23rd and may do so by visiting registration/. You must follow BOTH links to complete the process. The first link from this site is for payment of participation fees to IHM, and the second link is for roster purposes through CYO/ OrgsOnline. Players not registered by August 23rd may not be able to participate. If you have any questions, please contact Mike Caskey at 506-4513 Jr. High Dance – Friday, August 28th – Christ the King All 7th and 8th graders in the deanery IHM Festival – Saturday, August 29th All parishioners Lunch Bunch visit to Chatard – Thursday, September 10th Visiting students at lunch Parish Picnic – Sunday, September 13th (Volunteer to run the kids games) All Jr. High and High School invited to help – great service hours Lunch Bunch visit to Cathedral – Thursday, September 17th Visiting students at lunch Angels from the Heart – Service day at Sacred Heart – Saturday, September 19th Sweep streets, paint house, build fence, work on yards – Jr. High and High School Confirmation Parent and Candidate Class – Sunday, September 20th First Confirmation Class – Parents and Teen – Register by August 15th Open to sophomores and above. Saints in the Street – Service Day at St. Anthony’s – Saturday, October 3rd Sweep the streets, pick up trash, work on making yards nice Jr. High and High School Facebook - IHMindy.YM IHM St. Vincent de Paul The IHM St. Vincent de Paul Conference will meet after the 8:00 am Mass on the third Sunday in August, August 16. Also we meet on the first Wednesday of each month from 7:00-8:00 pm in the Church basement and our next meeting will be September 2nd. Our next scheduled day at the Distribution Center is August 22nd, and September 12th is our next day at the food pantry. We welcome new members! Please join us and learn about our activities. For more information contact Larry Dougherty, Conference President, at [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you! Growing in the Faith Outdoor Mass and Parish Pitchin: September 13 The annual Outdoor Mass will be held this year at 10:00 am on Sunday, September 13. Prepare to contribute to the pitch-in with your favorite side dishes, salads and desserts to accompany our local boy scout troop’s hot dogs and hamburgers. Set the date on the calendar now! Meditation Class Offered Meditation has long been part of the Jewish-Christian tradition. As technology and industry have allowed life to get busier, it is difficult to carve out silence in our daily life. Yet as we hear in the readings (1 Samuel 3:3-10) when we are silent, we can hear God speaking. Faith Formation Commission is offering a Meditation Class from Thursday, September 10, 2015 Thursday, October 29, 2015. Class will be from 12 noon to 2:30 pm in the Gathering Space. If you have an interest in this class RSVP to [email protected]. Becoming Catholic 5 Dates for 2015-2016 IHM Men’s Golf Outing August 16 Parish Festival August 29 RCIA Starts August 24 Sunday Family Faith Orientation August 30 Labor Day September 7 Outdoor Mass and Picnic September 13 10:00 am Illumination November 7 Women's CRHP November 14 -15 Advent November 29 Ash Wednesday February 10 Easter Sunday March 27 First Communion April 30 Adoration: Let's get the academic year off to a great start by dedicating the year to our Blessed Mother, Mary as we come into the month of the Feast of the Assumption. The Church will be open from 6:30 am to 9:00 am for prayer. Preschool Religion Have you been thinking for years about becoming a Catholic? Now is your chance. The first step is to simply inquire. Is this the right path for me? Contact Mark Center at [email protected] or call Kim Elkins at the Parish Office 317-257-2266. At the present moment, there is no leadership for Preschool Religion. If you are committed to seeing the program continue as an option for parents during the 9:30 am Mass, please email [email protected]. Have Faith, Have Hope Grief Support Series Help needed! Join Karen and Bryan Jinnett for six weeks of grief exploration. From personal experience they know the amazing grace found in sharing one’s story and finding others who understand. Upon completion of the six week series, ongoing support group meetings will be held every other Thursday evening from 7:00 - 8:30 pm, allowing you to continue to process your grief with support. We will meet in the Gathering Space at Immaculate Heart of Mary. Karen once heard a hospice founder in Ann Arbor, MI say, “The really hard work starts after the death of the person you love.” We are left to find a way to continue living, and the power found in sharing our stories and walking the grief journey with others who are doing the same reveals an amazing grace. Please join us August 20th at 7:00 pm in the Gathering Space for our first meeting. Registration is requested by emailing Karen Jinnett, [email protected] or phone 992-2345. Birth Announcements We have a ministry at Immaculate Heart of persons who prepare meals for families with a newborn at home. And, we like to print the Birth Announcement in the bulletin so that the parish can pray for the family. Please inform the front office upon the arrival of your little one, AND please call on behalf of the family with the newborn. The Parish is in need to two volunteers to assist with cleaning the church linens. The volunteer should enjoy washing and ironing. We will train you in the process. Please call or email the parish office at 257-2266 or [email protected]. We learn many virtues in our Christian families. Above all, we learn to love, asking nothing in return. @Pontifex Diocese & Community Events 6 From the Diocese Catholic Charities Indianapolis Catholic Charities sponsors monthly caregiver support groups for family members who are caregivers of older adults. Meetings are open to adult family caregivers in the community and are a way to share and learn from each other. To confirm attendance or for additional information, please contact Monica Woodsworth at 261-3378 or [email protected]. Date: Thursday, Aug 27 2015, 5:30 – 7 pm. Location: St. Thomas Aquinas Church, 4610 N Illinois Street 46208 Topic: Open discussion From the Community Volunteer Mentors Needed Make a Difference in a Child’s Life and Your Community Are you looking for a way to make a lasting, meaningful difference in the life a child and your community? Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Indiana provides children (ages 8 to 18) facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported 1-to-1 relationships that change their lives for the better, forever – helping youth achieve higher aspirations, greater confidence, educational success, and avoidance of risky behaviors. Share your experience and wisdom by mentoring one of the nearly 600 children in Central Indiana who are currently waiting for a Big. While being a “Big” requires a one-year commitment, it is a flexible, rewarding, and life changing volunteer experience. Visit or call 317-921-2201 to learn more. Monthly Memorial Masses Calvary Cemetery will hold their monthly Memorial Mass on Wednesday, August 19, 2015 at Calvary Cemetery Chapel, 435 W. Troy, Indianapolis IN at 2:00 PM. Our Lady of Peace Cemetery will hold their monthly Memorial Mass on Thursday, August 20, 2015 at Our Lady of Peace Cemetery Chapel, 9001 Haverstick Road (just west of 86th & Keystone) Indianapolis, IN at 2:00 PM. Please join us, all are welcome. October 2-4, 2015 Fatima Retreat House Being & Belonging: A Weekend for Separated & Divorced Catholics This retreat offers a safe place for men and women to come together as they wrestle with feelings about divorce & separation and find ways to heal and grow. Listen to others' stories, share your own experience as you are ready, and increase your sense of belonging with the help of others who have been where you are. Be at peace in the knowledge that God loves you. The team of presenters includes Fr. Jim Farrell and men and women who have experienced divorce and are actively involved in divorce ministry. A brochure and registration information will be available soon! Friday 6:30 pm through Sunday 12 noon. 5353 East 56th Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46226. Phone: (317) 545-7681. Childcare Needed Help Needed! Midtown MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) is looking for several childcare workers! This ministry meets at 5610 Broadway St. on the first and third Tuesday of the month (Sept-May) from 9:15-11:45am. The pay is $25 a week. Please contact Mandy at 413-9125 SausageFest 2015 The 11th annual St. Thomas Aquinas SausageFest is August 21st & 22nd! Ice cold beer from Sun King brewery and delicious sausage from L.E. Kincaid and Son’s meat market, plus various local vendors provide delicious food and dessert choices. Wine garden, adult gaming, and raffle for the over-21 crowd. Teens will love the new back lot party with live music from the local School of Rock. Plenty of activities for young guests include inflatables, games, cake walk, & face painting. The music lineup includes returning favorites as well as emerging local talent. Bring your appetite and your friends! LN 137660. August Catholic Business Exchange Marc Konesco to address Catholic Business Exchange. Marc Konesco, former COO of Harrison College, will speak at the August Catholic Business Exchange. His topic will be: A sabbatical from the corporate life: A family of five sails the ocean for two years. The event is Friday morning, August 21, at the North Side Knights of Columbus. Mass starts at 7am and the program will be finished by 9am. Cost for the program includes a great breakfast and is $15 in advance for members and $21 for nonmembers. Registration is required. To register, pay online and for more information, visit Dome Golf Classic Experience golfing at Victoria National Golf Club and be bursting with pride knowing you are helping support the ministries of the Sisters of St. Benedict of Ferdinand, Indiana by participating in the sisters’ Dome Golf Classic on August 17, 2015. For more information, visit or call 812-367-1411. Pro-Life Film Series "Anonymous Father's Day" - August 28, 2015 - Holy Rosary Thousands of donor-conceived people have a deep longing to know who they belong to, where they come from, and who they look like. What is it like to find out that the man you thought was your dad is not your biological father, that your true biological father donated his sperm and is known only by a number? Donor-conceived people are demanding answers to these basic questions about their origins, their lives, and their identities. The movie "Anonymous Father's Day," produced by The Center for Bioethics and Culture, explores the stories of women and men who are the children of sperm donors. The movie will be shown at Holy Rosary Catholic Church, 520 Stevens St., Indianapolis on Friday, August 28, from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Admission is free, and a simple suppler will be served. To register, contact [email protected] or call Eric at 317-408-0528. The Pro-Life Film Series is sponsored by the Holy Rosary Church Pro-Life Ministry and the Sanctity of Life Committee of St. John the Evangelist Church. Parish Joys & Concerns Baptism Class - Membership 7 Please Pray Baptism Preparation Class The next Baptism Class will be held on Monday, October 5, 2015. Participation in a baptism preparation class is required for new parents before scheduling a Baptism. Please call the parish office to sign up. (317-257-2266). Visitors & New Parishioners— Are Always Welcome Feel free to call the parish office at 257-2266 with any questions. You may join our parish online by visiting our website: under “I’m New”. There is also New Parishioner Information in the Central Ave entrance. Please pray for these members of the IHM Community and their caregivers: Luke Ungerer (Son of Scott & Sheila) Mike Plaaman (Relative of Paula Clendenin), Ron Lowe (Father of Scott Lowe), Bowen Brant, David Linebarger, Sue Bramlett, Chase Clark, Willie Flanagan (Mary Ann Wallace’s Sister), Mary Rose Miller, William Otter (Father of Kathy Gunn), Matt Pivec, Brooke Hasler (Granddaughter of Edith Vasu), Kathryn Monbouquette, Roger Broderick, Jane Jones, Maeve Bigelow, Katherine Free (Ed Free’s Mother), Rosemary Schilder, Clara Handshoe (IHM Teacher, Jenny Handshoe’s daughter), David Weber, Jo Ann Cady, Brad McNulty, Brock Cagann, and all of our frail elderly. Add to this list by calling the Parish Office, 257-2266. If it’s an emergency, alert Fr. Bob at the parish office, or call his cell phone: 727-2667. IHM also has a Prayer Chain, made up of parishioners com- mitted to praying for immediate special needs. The contacts are Gerry Koors, 251-2562 or Ellen Healey, 253-2086 or [email protected]. Karen R. Kamer, Family. Friends. Community. R.N., D.M.D., M.S. Excellence in Microscopic Endodontics 725 East 65th Street., Ste. 400 Indianapolis. IN 46220 317.255.8000 phone BENEFIT SOLUTIONS For your company and personal retirement plan needs Christine Zweber Konvolinka, President IHM Parishioner since 1994 Make your 401(k) work as hard as you do 317.638.3000 Sarah Holtrup Ins Agcy Inc Sarah Holtrup, Agent 1480 W Southport Rd [email protected] Bus: 317-888-5200 PANYARD “THE DRIVEWAY GUY” 317. Call Joe (225.5563) 1211007 We’re all in this together. State Farm has a long tradition of being there. That’s one reason why I’m proud to support IHM. Get to a better State . ® ® State Farm, Bloomington, IL Steve Robinson, esq Estate & Business Planning, Probate, Commercial Real Estate Parishioner | 317.587.7820 [email protected] Bella Bridesmaid GONDOLA Your situation. Your goals. Your future. Dr. Drew Hunt,DC Bridesmaid, Prom, May Crowning, First Communion Dresses Parishioner IHM Parishioner Owned BY APPOINTMENT ONLY: 317-850-0027 317-340-2489 $25/PERSON 317 257 2800 Financial advice with a focus on you. Kyle Sanders is committed to building significant client relationships based on trust. Kyle and his wife Lauren reside in Meridian-Kessler. An active member in the community, Kyle serves on the board of the Broad Ripple Kiwanis. He is also a volunteer at the Greater Indianapolis Alzheimer’s Association. email: [email protected] phone: (317)469-9555 Jeff Huffman Associate Broker BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY HomeServices Indiana Realty Valid 8/2/15 - 8/29/15 317.752.7511 [email protected] Fat Dan’s Deli Call 388-5141 or book online at Community starts with neighbors who care. Emily Nowlin, Agent That’s what our town 1717 W 86th Street Ste 100 is made of. Indianapolis, IN 46260 State Farm® has a long Bus: 317-872-2482 heritage of helping out in the community. That’s why I’m proud to support IHM. Get to a better State . ® 1201196 State Farm, Bloomington, IL HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Mark Trausch has over 30 years with Love and over 15 years as a IHM parishioner! 353-2141 MEMBER DISCOUNT Please present this coupon for 10% OFF any Service or Sale Sean Creamer 317-752-3158 Marq Boggs -Parishioner • 849-9000 Contact Chris Hutson at 317-590-2025 or [email protected] to place an ad. Call 590-2025 for info 819 E 64th Street | Suite 230 317.626.7566 Amy Martin, LCSW | Parishioner Printed by DCG: Digital Color Graphics
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