2015 IHM Guide Book
2015 IHM Guide Book
Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church 2015 Guide Book & Directory 5692 Central Avenue • Indianapolis, IN 46220 Church: 317.257.2266 • School: 317.255.5468 Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book Immaculate Heart of Mary Privacy Statement The information provided in the IHM Parish Directory is intended for the private use of its members to communicate with other members regarding Parish/School activities. No other use of this information for personal or business reasons is permitted without the express written authorization of the pastor (or his designee). Mass Schedule and Sacraments Saturday 5:30 pm Sunday 8:00 am, 9:30 am 11:15 am (3rd weekend of Sept. until, but not thru, Memorial Day wknd.) Holy Days of Obligation Schedule varies. Please consult bulletin. Weekdays Monday and Tuesday, 8:15 am Wednesday, 5:30 pm Thursday, 8:15 am Friday, (School Mass) 8:20 am Communion Services Monday-Friday, 7:00-7:45 am (Every 15 minutes) Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) Saturday, 4:30 pm, or by appointment 2 Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book Special Events Infant Baptisms May be scheduled for any weekend Mass, if Father Bob is in town. One preparation class is required for first time parents. Parents should complete the Baptismal Request Form available at the Parish Office. Preparation classes are held the first Monday of February, April, June, August, October, and December in the Chapel at 7:30 pm. Both parents are encouraged to attend before the infant is born. First Reconciliation We celebrate First Reconciliation the week before Thanksgiving for children in Grade 2 after a period of instruction with parents and children. First Holy Communion We celebrate First Holy Communion for children in Grade 2 on the last Saturday of April after a period of instruction with parents and children. Confirmation We celebrate Confirmation starting in the individual’s sophomore year of high school. The program starts in August, and candidates are confirmed in the spring. The program consists of eight classes, two retreats, and 30 hours of service to the Church, community and family. Marriage: A person must be “registered and active for 6 months BEFORE plans for a wedding will be discussed.” Parishioners wishing to be married must contact the Pastor six months in advance. New Parishioners If you or someone you know is interested in joining our parish, New Member Packets are in the front and back of the church. Fill out (please print) the one page registration form completely, and return to the parish office to begin your journey as member of the IHM Faith Community. Becoming Catholic Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Do you have a friend or family member who is curious about becoming Catholic? Please call the Parish Office to find out about the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) and for children (RCIC). 3 Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish and School Staff Parish: 257-2266 Father Bob Sims ..................................................................................Pastor TBD .................................................................................. Pastoral Associate Joan Lile ............................................................................... Youth Minister Anna Harvey .................................................................... Business Manager Kelli Ayres .............................................................. Administrative Assistant Jeanne Whaley ............................................ Office Assistant/Bulletin Editor Karen Winternheimer........................................................ Accounts Payable Kim Elkins ............................................Part-Time Asst. to Pastoral Associate Carey Landry......................................................................... Music Director School: 255-5468 Ronda Swartz......................................................................School Principal Tammy Misinski .............................................................. Assistant Principal Hayley Nester..................................................................... School Secretary Richard Foran ..................................................................Facilities Manager Faculty Patty Koors ...............................................................................Kindergarten Katie Gibbons ...........................................................................Kindergarten Donna Nunley ............................................................................... 1st Grade Katie Kemiel .................................................................................. 1st Grade Lauren Paras ................................................................................2nd Grade Amanda Schmidt..........................................................................2nd Grade Erik Longennecker ....................................................................... 3rd Grade Jean Feltman ................................................................................ 3rd Grade Michelle Hutson ............................................................................4th Grade Megan Boebinger ..........................................................................4th Grade Kristy Florey ..................................................................................5th Grade Bianca Tarpey................................................................................5th Grade Amber Johnstone ..........................................................................6th Grade TBD ...............................................................................................6th Grade Cory Klee ......................................................................................7th Grade Rich O’Brien ..................................................................................7th Grade TBD ...............................................................................................8th Grade Jennifer Neale ...............................................................................8th Grade Lan Bui-Brown ................................................ Middle School Math Teacher Blythe Kleinschmidt ................................................................................ Art Shelley Jenkins ............................................................. Technology Teacher Sara Sanders .................................................................................. Librarian Jenny Handshoe.............................................................. Music K-4th Grade Michelle Brinkman ....................................................... Music 5th-8th Grade 4 Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book L VE HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Mark Trausch has over 30 years with Love and over 20 years as an IHM parishioner! 353-2141 www.love-hvac.com Member Discount Please Present this coupon for 10% off any Service or Sale. “FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1920” Protect your family. Prepare for their future. Emily Nowlin, Agent 1717 West 86th Street Indianapolis, IN 46260 Bus: 317-872-2482 emismyagent.com Monday - Friday: 9 - 5:30 Saturday: 10 - 1 1001386.1 I can help with both. Stop by for your free State Farm Insurance and Financial Review . Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. CALL ME TODAY FOR MORE INFORMATION. ® ® State Farm, Home Office, Bloomington, IL 5 Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book Kyle Burkholder ..............................................................Physical Education Amy Schaffer...................................................Reading/Language Specialist Jean Hursh ..................................................................................... Resource Beth Riley Baker .............................................................................. Science Alcira Hernandez .......................................................................Spanish K-8 Nicole Wolf .......................................................................School Counselor Amy Schulte. ............................................................................School Nurse Laura Falcon....................................................................... Instructional Aid Patsy Naylor-Cook ........................................................... Teaching Assistant Kim Egan ........................................................................ Teaching Assistant Lisa Kelley ....................................................................... Teaching Assistant Molly Noble .................................................................... Teaching Assistant Lenore Schmitz ............................................................... Teaching Assistant Kathy Snider .................................................................. Teaching Assistant Teresa Winconek ............................................................. Teaching Assistant Colleen Cook ................................................................... Teaching Assistant Immaculate Heart of Mary Ministries, Commissions, & Committees PARISH MINISTRIES Chairperson Telephone # Advent Giving Tree (MOM’S) .................... Jennifer Gause............ 407-7839 Art & Environment ..........................Karen Winternheimer............ 254-1708 Baptismal Sponsor Couples ........ Glenn & Cindy Harkness............ 921-9897 Bereavement Group .......................Bryan & Karen Jinnett............ 203-3141 Blood Drive ..................................Gary & Shirley Ahlrichs............ 253-4003 Endowment Committee ........................... Steve Robinson............ 966-8269 Engaged Couples Ministry............ Ken and Dot Reinstrom............ 466-9647 Finance Committee .................................... David Higgins............ 457-4742 Good Sam (Funeral Meals) ............................ Kathy Sears .......... 696-6346 ............................................................Anne Kennedy........... 501-2933 Groundskeeping ......................................... Richard Foran............ 374-1395 Illumination ...................................................Emily Bruns............ 997-4109 ........................................................... Jennifer Gause........... 407-7839 New Blessings Ministry .................................Joellen Mills............ 722-0626 Office Support .................................................. Kelli Ayres............ 257-2266 Pastoral Council .....................................Douglas Rammel............ 361-3082 Prayer Chain ..................................................Gerry Koors............ 251-2562 ...............................................................Ellen Healey........... 253-2086 Safety & Maintenance, Facilities ................ Richard Foran............ 374-1395 6 Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book www.northsidekofc.org • Dr. Eric Monesmith specializes in the treatment of knee and hip problems at OrthoIndy South. To schedule an appointment, please call 317.884.5166 or request an appointment online at OrthoIndy.com/Request. EricMonesmithMD.com FEENEY-HORNAK MORTUARIES www.FeeneyHornakKeystone.com 1307 N. Shadeland 71st & N. Keystone 353-6101 257-4271 Service Beyond Expectation 7 Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Chairperson Telephone # Children’s Liturgy of The Word ........................... Lori Coe............ 403-2378 Christ Renews His Parish (women) ................... Tina Kask............ 292-0757 Christ Renews His Parish (men) ..................Mark Graham............ 259-1452 Faith Formation ..........................................Maggie Denari........... 691-2817 ................................................................ Marie Lowe............ 750-5907 RCIA ..........................................................................TBD............ 257-2266 Sunday Family Religious Ed. ......................................TBD............ 257-2266 Sunday Pre-School (9:30 am) ....................................TBD............ 257-2266 Vacation Bible School ................................... Sara Sanders............ 490-7425 MASS MINISTRIES Coffee & Donuts ....................................... Cindy Harkness............ 921-9897 Collection Counters................................... Roland Bydlon............ 251-8843 Eucharistic Ministers ........................................Kim Elkins............ 257-2266 Eucharistic Ministers to Sick ......................... Ruth Durbin............ 257-2328 Lectors ......................................................... Jeff Huffman............ 752-7511 Liturgy Committee ..................................... Jack Kondrath............ 254-1331 Music Ministry + Choirs ..............................Carey Landry............ 848-7538 Music Ministry (11:15 am Sun) ....................Kathy O’Neil............ 726-1056 Sacristy/Church Cleaning ...............................Vicki Christ............ 255-5890 Ushers & Greeters ............................................... Jim Carr............ 722-1373 OUTREACH Blood Drive ..................................Gary & Shirley Ahlrichs............ 253-4003 Caring Community .................................Mary McClelland............ 257-3984 Cathedral Soup Kitchen ................................... Lori Bisser............ 755-6625 .............................................................. Ray Kennedy........... 902-9995 Community Garden for the Poor .......... Greg & Tracy Ross............ 202-9097 Food Cart ....................................................... Meri Weber............ 536-5128 ...........................................................Trinda Metzger............ 251-5017 Healthly Haughville .................................. Sheila McNelis............ 796-5830 Knitting Ministry ........................................Anne Kennedy............ 255-5699 Lucious Newsom Ministries/Anna’s House ... Chris Hutson............ 465-0188 Respect Life Committee........................... Mary Dougherty............ 475-0366 SCRIP ............................................................Julie Tomich............ 509-8050 St. Anthony/Padua Academy ............................Matt Javit............ 658-0834 SVDP Blvd Place Food Pantry ...........Meri Weber (School)............ 536-5128 ........................................... Trinda Metzger (Church)............ 251-5017 8 Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book PETE’S SERVICE CENTER specializing in european and classic automotive repair since 1955 317.283.7555 4902 N. Pennsylvania St. Indianapolis, IN 46205 Eric Grabovsky General Manager [email protected] 317.846.0707 377 W. Carmel Dr. Carmel, IN 46032 Automotive Service Excellence www.petesservicecenter.com Meridian Kessler Neighborhood 50% OFF UP TO 8 CYLINDERS. FULL SYNTHETIC OIL CHANGE. IHM Parishioners. Exp. 12/15 Mama Carolla’s Old Italian Restaurant Serving Your Favorite Italian Cuisine Cocktails • Wine 259-9412 1031 East 54th Street and the Monon Trail Indianapolis, IN 46220 9 Gift Certificates Available Open Tues-Thurs 5-9:30, Fri & Sat 5-10 Closed Sunday and Monday Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book GROUPS and CLUBS Chairperson Telephone # Athletic Committee ...............................Bryon Konvolinka............ 697-1401 Girls – Director (Coaching).........................Jack Mees............ 997-1455 Boys – Director (Coaching)...................... Tony Annee............ 919-6916 Boy Scouts .................................................. Frank D. Otte............ 251-7131 Cub Scouts ......................................................... Ed Spahr............ 949-9107 Forever Young (50+ Group) ........................Sue Sylvester............ 255-0283 ............................................................Joyce Buening............ 841-3327 Girl Scout/Brownie Coordinator ............ Wendy Hamilton............ 257-6054 Honduras Mission ............................................Rich Vanes............ 726-1056 ................................................... Kathy Martin O’Neil............ 506-4577 Men’s Group......................................................Matt Javit............ 658-0834 Ministry of Mothers Sharing (M.O.M.S.) .....Theresa Dunn............ 920-9004 Newcomers’ Program .......................................... Eric Patz........... 250-1611 YOUTH MINISTRY Youth Ministry Director ...................................... Joan Lile............ 257-2266 Commission Heads Athletics ..................................... Chris Lefebvre (Chair)............ 927-8935 Family Life & Faith Formation ...........Maggie Denari............ 691-2817 Finance .................................................... David Higgins............ 457-4742 Outreach Commission .............................. Scott Lowe............ 997-1589 PTO .......................................................... Molly Creamer............ 413-5646 ................................................................. Jane Jones............ 257-6487 School Commission ................................. Brian Falcon............ 919-0135 Stewardship ............................................ Betty Tonsing.. (574) 807-2382 10 Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book 11 Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book Our fellow parishioners who are in Retirement/Nursing Homes: AMERICAN VILLAGE 2026 E. 54th St., Cottage 1 Indianapolis, IN 46220 Doris Nevitt Doris Gargula MARQUETTE MANOR 8140 Township Line Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46260 (317) 875-9700 Janet Myers Bob & Cheryl Sparks Ann Wadelton Castleton Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 7630 E. 86th St. Indianapolis, IN 46256 (317)845-0032 Gillian Hooper SOLANA 7721 Battery Pointe Way Indianapolis, IN 46240 Lorraine Nowak SPRING MILL MEADOWS 2140 W. 86th St. Indianapolis, IN 46260 Staley Harrison ST. AUGUSTINE 2345 W 86th St Indianapolis, IN 46260 (317) 415-5767 Edwin W. & Katherine Free 12 Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book n-t Nicole-Taylor’s Pasta and Market Rosa Hanslits Proprietor 1134 E. 54th Street Studio C Indianapolis, IN 46220 317-257-7374 [email protected] www.nicoletaylorspasta.com “G for what ales you!” “G “Good Kitchen Open Fri. & Sat. ‘til 1 am Full Menu Weekdays ‘til 12 Midnight Appetizers • Sandwiches & Subs Soups & Chili • Salads • Drink Specials Catering • Best Tenderloin Sandwich in Town! Hours: Mon.-Fri.: 11 am-3 am • Sat.: 10 am-3 am • Sun.: 10 am-12 Midnight Serving the neighborhood for 35 years. 2222 E. 54th St. • Indianapolis, IN 46220 • www.pawnshoppub.com 13 255-5430 Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book Parish District Area 14 Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book The Blue Door Home Accents & Gifts Interior Design Services Available Diane Hallquist Owner, Parishioner 6426 N. College Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46220 Hours: Mon–Sat, 10am–5pm (317) 808-2999 Lifelong Connections Life Cathedral High School www.gocathedral.com 15 Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Guide Book Parish Benefactors California Connection Catering 6880 Hawthorne Park Drive Indianapolis, IN 46220 (317) 570-0727 • Fax 570-0768 www.californiaconnectioncatering.com Elder Moves Providing Carefree Moves For Indianapolis Area Elders “Call For Free 1/2 hr. Estimate” (317) 283-4683 16