View Meeting Packet
View Meeting Packet
City of Cotati AGENDA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AND JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND COTATI REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS January 9, 2008 City Council Chambers, City Hall, 201 W. Sierra Avenue The Cotati City Council welcomes you to its meetings that are scheduled for the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month. Your interest and participation are encouraged and appreciated. City Council Agenda and Minutes can be viewed at the City's website: ............................... To receive the City Council Agenda by e-mail, provide your e-mail address to the City Manager's office, or e-mail your request to.............................. [email protected] Notice is hereby given that Council may discuss and/or take action on any or all of the items listed on this agenda. Disabled Accommodation: Upon request, this agenda will be made available in appropriate formats to persons with disabilities as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Any person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in a meeting should contact the City Clerk's office at (707) 665-3623 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Waiver Warning: If you challenge decisions/direction of the City Council of the City of Cotati in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at public hearing(s) described in this Agenda, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Cotati at, or prior to, the public hearing(s). Those wishing to address the Council are asked to sign the limit discussion to one presentation per individual and to keep comments to between 3 and 5 minutes; when you are called, step to the podium and state your name and address for the record. Persons wishing to address the Council are not required to identify themselves (Gov’t. Code § 54953.3); however, this information assists the Mayor by ensuring that all persons wishing to address the Council are recognized and it assists the Deputy City Clerk in preparing the City Council meeting minutes. 7:00 PM (CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS) 1. CALL TO ORDER OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING 2. ROLL CALL 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND MOMENT OF SILENCE 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND NOTICE OF WAIVING OF READING 4.1 Minutes of December 12, 2007 Regular meeting 4.2 Notice of waiving the reading of all ordinances introduced and/or adopted under this agenda City Council Agenda January 9, 2008 Page 2 of 4 5. REORGANIZATION OF CITY COUNCIL 5.1 Comments from Mayor Geoff Fox 5.2 Election of Mayor 5.3 Election of Vice Mayor 5.4 Comments from newly elected Mayor 5.5 Recess to Reception The public is cordially invited to enjoy refreshments at a brief reception for the incoming and outgoing Mayor and Vice Mayor. 6. APPROVAL OF FINAL AGENDA 7. CITIZEN BUSINESS Any item raised by a member of the public which is not listed on the agenda but may require Council action shall be automatically referred to City staff for investigation and disposition unless the item requires action to be taken by the Council at the meeting during which it was raised and constitutes an emergency, or the need to take such action arose after the posting of the agendas within the meaning of Government Code Section 54954.2(b). In either event, the Council is entitled to discuss the matter before making the determination required under said Government Code provision, and if either finding is made may take action thereon. Please confine your comments during this portion of the agenda to matters not already on the agenda. The public will be given an opportunity to speak on each agendized item at the time it is called. 8. COUNCILMEMBER DIRECTION ON FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 9. ORAL AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 9.1 Announcements -- The next Cotati Creek Critters’ Community Planting Day is Saturday, January 12 at 9:00 a.m. Meet at City well lot #2 on Lakewood Avenue. For additional details visit their website at -- January is National Blood Donor Month; donate blood during the Blood Bank of the Redwoods' 3rd Annual Mayor's Challenge. Your blood donation in January will count toward your Mayor, regardless of where you donate. For blood drive locations, see the Blood Bank of the Redwoods' upcoming blood drives at -- Subject to approval of item no. 11.1, the second Council meeting in January will be on Tuesday, January 22, 2008. City Council Agenda January 9, 2008 Page 3 of 4 -- Subject to approval of item no. 11.1, the second Planning Commission in January will be on Wednesday, January 23, 2008 9.2 Report by Sonoma State University Representative (Nicole Schlossberg, Student Representative, Sonoma State University) 9.3 Report by Student Honorary Mayor (Jack Witt, Creekside Middle School) 9.4 Correspondence and Presentations 9.5 Proclamation(s) - None 9.6 Commissions, Committees, Boards and Task Forces 9.6.1 Council Assignments as Representatives and Liaisons to Various Committees and Commissions (City Manager) 9.6.2 Consider and Possibly Take Action to Direct Staff to Review and Prepare Necessary Resolutions and/or Code Provisions to Grant Each Council Member the Right to Select/Nominate Members to Committees and Commissions under Certain Circumstances (Director of Planning) 9.6.3 Consideration of report and recommendations from Council Subcommittee on California Tiger Salamander (CTS) relating to Memorandum of Agreement, Implementation Plan, and Conservation Strategy and provide direction to staff and subcommittee members on issues being considered relating to same by the CTS Implementation Committee. (Continued from December 12, 2007) (Director of Planning) 10. CITY MANAGER REPORT 11. CONSENT CALENDAR Matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion and one vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately. 11.1 Authorize the Second Regular City Council Meeting of January to be held on Tuesday January 22, 2008 (City Manager) 11.2 Adoption of Ordinance No. 812 amending Chapters and Sections of Title 17 - Land Use Code of the Cotati Municipal Code to establish performance criteria for allowing Outdoor Dining as a Permitted Use instead of a Conditional Use and otherwise clarifying and streamlining the permitting processes for outdoor dining uses in the City of Cotati. (Director of Planning) City Council Agenda January 9, 2008 Page 4 of 4 11.3 Consideration of a Resolution Approving the City of Cotati’s Application for Program Year 2008-2009 Community Development Block Grant Funds (City Manager) 12. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None 13. REGULAR AGENDA 13.1 Consider and Possibly Direct Staff to do the following: 1) Prepare and Submit a Letter of Commitment to the Department of Energy in Support of the City of Santa Rosa’s Application for the U.S. Department of Energy “Solar America Cities” 2008 Grant, and 2) Participate in Solar Sonoma County Meetings (Director of Planning) 14. RECESS OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING TO JOINT MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS 15. CALL TO ORDER OF JOINT MEETING 16. ROLL CALL FOR JOINT MEETING 17. CONSENT CALENDAR FOR JOINT MEETING 17.1 Receive and File Warrants and Audited Claims for November 28, 2007 – December 12, 2007 (Director of Finance) 18. REGULAR AGENDA FOR JOINT MEETING – NO ITEMS 19. ADJOURNMENT OF JOINT MEETING; RECONVENING OF REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL 20. DISCUSSION AND/OR ACTION ON PENDING STATE OR FEDERAL LEGISLATION AND ACTIVITIES 21. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS AND COMMENTS 22. ADJOURNMENT OF REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Certification of Posting of the Agenda: I declare under penalty of perjury that I am employed by the City of Cotati and that I posted this agenda on the bulletin boards of City Hall, Veterans’ Memorial Building and the U.S. Post Office on January 4, 2008. ____________________ Deputy City Clerk y:\city_mgr\council\cc agendas\agn08\080109ccagenda.doc City of Cotati DRAFT Subject to Approval MINUTES REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING AND JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND COTATI REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS December 12, 2007 City Council Chambers, City Hall, 201 W. Sierra Avenue CALL TO ORDER Mayor Fox called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. ROLL CALL Councilmembers present: Guardino, Minnis and Orchard, Vice Mayor Gilardi, Mayor Fox Staff present: Thompson, Abaci, Hayes, Woltering, Taylor PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND MOMENT OF SILENCE CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENT None at this time; closed session added as urgency item; see ‘approval of final agenda’ (below) APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND NOTICE OF WAIVING READING APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND NOTICE OF WAIVING READING 1. Minutes of November 26, 2007 Special meeting and minutes of November 28, 2007 Regular meeting -- Notice of waiving the reading of all ordinances introduced and/or adopted under this agenda Moved by Councilmember Orchard seconded by Councilmember Minnis and passed unanimously to approve the minutes of the November 26, 2007 Special meeting as revised (the word “new” was deleted) and minutes of November 28, 2007 Regular meeting as presented and to waive the reading of all ordinances introduced and/or adopted under this agenda. APPROVAL OF FINAL AGENDA Mayor Fox requested that an urgency item be added to the agenda. Assistant City Attorney John reported that the urgency item was a closed session for a conference with legal counsel – existing litigation (Subdivision (a) of section 54956.9 of the Government Code). Name of case: Pacific Legal Foundation vs. Court of Sonoma County Moved by Vice Mayor Gilardi, seconded by Councilmember Guardino and passed unanimously to add the urgency item as reported above to the agenda. City Council Minutes December 12, 2007 regular meeting Page 2 of 10 CITIZEN BUSINESS George Barich commented that he had requested that the Department of Public Works replace the stop sign at the end of his street and discussed a pathway that is located on land controlled by his homeowners’ association but frequented by the public. He asked that the Council not schedule meetings that conflict with meetings of the Rancho Adobe Fire District. COUNCILMEMBER DIRECTION ON FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Mayor Fox clarified that the Cotati City Council will make every effort to not schedule regular agenda items when the Rancho Adobe Fire Protection District Board has regular agenda items scheduled and directed the City Manager accordingly. ORAL AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Announcements Mayor Fox announced the following: -- There will be no City Council meeting on December 26; the next Council meeting is scheduled for January 9, 2008. -- City Hall offices will be closed from December 17, 2007 through January 1, 2008. -- Kitchen composters are available at a cost of two dollars each in the Finance Department at City Hall, 201 West Sierra Avenue. -- The City of Cotati Recreation Department is offering a class in Special Holiday Origami Decoration on Sunday, December 16th from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. For details and a complete list of events and classes visit the city's website at - The next Cotati Creek Critters’ Community Planting Day is Sunday, December 30 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.; meet at City well lot #2 on Lakewood Avenue. For additional details visit their website at 2. Report from Sonoma State University Representative (Nicole Schlossberg, Student Representative, Sonoma State University) No item. 3. Report by Student Honorary Mayor (Bobby Farlin, Technology High School) Bobby Farlin, Student Honorary Mayor, read a biographical statement and suggested a bowling alley and kids’ center as future development projects. He introduced his school principal and parents and responded to questions from the Council. Mayor Fox presented him with a certificate of commendation. Correspondence and Presentations City Council Minutes December 12, 2007 regular meeting Page 3 of 10 -- No items. Proclamation(s) -- No items. Commissions, Committees, Boards and Task Forces 4. Consider Extension of Two Planning Commissioners’ Terms (Director of Planning) David Woltering, Director of Planning, presented the staff report. Mayor Fox opened the floor for public comments. No comments Moved by Vice Mayor Gilardi, seconded by Councilmember Orchard and passed unanimously to extend the current terms of Planning Commissioners Kelly McClelland and Jerry Pagnusat until formal appointment/re-appointment of the two positions occurs. Mayor Fox called a recess at 7:22. p.m. and reconvened at 7:35 p.m. 5. Consideration of report and recommendations from Council Subcommittee on California Tiger Salamander (CTS) relating to Memorandum of Agreement, Implementation Plan, and Conservation Strategy and provide direction to staff and subcommittee members on issues being considered relating to same by the CTS Implementation Committee. (Director of Planning) David Woltering, Director of Planning, presented the staff report, noting that the subcommittee is continuing its research on various implementation issues. He requested that the Council receive the staff report continue this item to a date uncertain, noting that the intention is to schedule the item for a January, 2008 City Council meeting. The City Council concurred to continue this item to a date uncertain. CITY MANAGER REPORT City Manager Dianne Thompson reported the following: • A Salary survey of public employees’ salary appeared in the Press Democrat. The salaries of some Cotati employees was overstated because the cost of benefits was included. • New parking lot lights are being installed in the City Hall parking lot. Grant funds were used for the materials. • The East Cotati Avenue water line installation is proceeding on schedule. No work will be done on the water line during holidays. • Council has requested that its second regular meeting in January be held on Tuesday, January 22. This request will be placed on the January 9, 2008 City Council consent calendar. City Council Minutes December 12, 2007 regular meeting Page 4 of 10 CONSENT CALENDAR READING OF CONSENT CALENDAR TITLES: 6. Approve Resolution 07-80, Endorsing the Sonoma County Adult and Youth Development (SCAYD) Application for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funding to help Support the Homeless Prevention Program (Director of Finance) Item no. 7 was pulled for discussion (see below). 8. Adoption of Ordinance No. 811 Amending Sections 13.64.010, 13.64.030 and 13.64.040 of Chapter 13.64 Water and Sewerage System Requirements of the Cotati Municipal Code (City Engineer) Moved by Vice Mayor Gilardi and seconded by Councilmember Orchard to approve item nos. 6 and 8 on the Consent Calendar. Yes: 7. 5 No: 0 Abstain: 0 Request Approval for Demolition and Improvements to the Vacant Portion of the Former Police Department in Cotati City Hall (City Manager) Councilmember Guardino recused himself from this item due to a potential material conflict of interest. City Manager Dianne Thompson presented the staff report. Mayor Fox opened the floor for public comment. Pru Draper of the Cotati Historical Society spoke in support of the project. George Barich of Cotati spoke in opposition to the proposal; he indicated that there had not been public discussion regarding use of the subject portion of City Hall by a non-profit organization. The Council responded to Mr. Barich’s concerns, noting that the demolition of the site is necessary in order to satisfy building code requirements and that a proposal for the use of the site by the Cotati Historical Society would be considered by the Council at a future date. Moved by Councilmember Orchard and seconded by Councilmember Minnis to approve item no. 7 on the Consent Calendar. Yes: 4 No: 0 Abstain: 1 (Guardino) PUBLIC HEARINGS 9. Adoption of Resolution No. 07-84 approving the assignment of the City’s solid waste franchise from USA Waste, Inc. to Redwood Empire Disposal, Inc., and approving an Amended and Restated Agreement for Garbage and Rubbish Disposal between the City and City Council Minutes December 12, 2007 regular meeting Page 5 of 10 Redwood Empire Disposal, Inc. establishing the terms and conditions of the City’s solid waste collection and disposal franchise (City Manager) City Manager Dianne Thompson introduced Robert Hilton of HF&H Consultants, Inc., who presented the staff report. Sedonna Cody with the Ratto Group commended staff for their work on the item. Mayor Fox opened the public hearing. George Barich of Cotati stated that he believes that the City did not perform in a timely fashion regarding this project. Tom Ritter, District Manager of Empire Waste Management, commended staff for performing due diligence during the assignment process. There being no one else wishing to speak, Mayor Fox closed the public hearing. Discussion ensued regarding the resolution. Council concurred to replace the term ‘easy to misplace’ with ‘difficult to track’ in the 6th paragraph. Moved by Councilmember Orchard and seconded by Vice Mayor Gilardi to adopt Resolution No. 07-84 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COTATI APPROVING THE ASSIGNMENT OF THE CITY’S SOLID WASTE FRANCHISE FROM USA WASTE OF CALIFORNIA, INC. TO REDWOOD EMPIRE DISPOSAL, INC. , APPROVING AN AMENDED AND RESTATED AGREEMENT FOR GARBAGE AND RUBBISH DISPOSAL, AND AUTHORIZING MAYOR TO EXECUTE AMENDED AND RESTATED AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY AND REDWOOD EMPIRE DISPOSAL, amended as noted above. Yes: 10. 5 No: 0 Abstain: 0 Adoption of Resolution No. 07-81, Approving a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Program, Adoption of Resolution No. 07-82, Approving a Tentative Map for creation of two (2) Single-family Lots, and adoption of Resolution No. 07-83, Design Review for two single family homes on the resulting lots 1 and 2 of the Percevski Subdivision (PA #20//06) located at 301 Valparaiso Avenue (APN 144-392-006) (Director of Planning) Alicia Giudice, Associate Planner, presented the staff report and responded to questions from Council regarding lot setbacks, the amount of permeable and impermeable surfaces proposed, and neighbors’ concerns regarding the project. Greg LeDoux of Cotati, the project architect, summarized the history of the project. Mayor Fox opened the public hearing. Dave (last name not discernible) of 8686 Nina Court spoke in opposition to the proposal because he believes that the lot sizes are too small, it would increase runoff into Cotati City Council Minutes December 12, 2007 regular meeting Page 6 of 10 Creek, and because he has concerns regarding tree removal. He believes that the proposed homes don’t fit in with the rural character of the neighborhood. Phil Salazar of 8676 Nina Court indicated opposition to the proposal because he believes that Cotati Creek would not be able to handle the additional runoff. He expressed concerns regarding traffic and parking as well as safety and street damage during construction. He believes that the houses are too big, and the lots are too small, and that the site plans are incorrect. Beth F. of Williams Street, Cotati, indicated agreement with the previous speakers regarding drainage concerns. Mr. Ledoux addressed concerns of the public speakers: • The proposed lots each exceed 6,000 square feet. • A sycamore tree and some Monterey pine trees are to be removed because they are not suited to have near development. Tree removal would be mitigated with new planting as indicated on the landscape plan. • Regarding the rural quality of the neighborhood, the proposed lot sizes are comparable to existing lots in the adjacent subdivision. The proposal would be an infill development which makes good use of existing infrastructure. • Current drainage from the site is not controlled. Drainage improvements on the subject property organize direct the flow to a small retention area on the site and then to the Cotati Creek; which, according to FEMA map, can theoretically contain the 100 year flood, although the personal experience of the neighbors may indicate otherwise. • Street improvements would be completed per Council direction. The applicant and the neighbors are interested in deferring street improvements until other frontage develops. There being no one else wishing to speak, Mayor Fox closed the public hearing. Associate Planner Giudice further addressed concerns of the public speakers: • She indicated confidence in the accuracy of the plans; two site plans prepared by two separate professional engineering firms. • The applicant addressed drainage from the proposed development and staff will continue to work with the applicant, the Sonoma County Water Agency and our City Engineer to review more detailed plans as they are submitted prior to improvement plan approval. • Two oak trees will be saved and protective measures will be put in place before construction starts. The applicant will be mitigating for tree loss as required by Cotati’s tree replacement plan and will also be planting 24” box trees as required to City Council Minutes December 12, 2007 regular meeting Page 7 of 10 maximize screening and buffering of the proposed structures. • The submitted traffic control plan addresses construction traffic. Nina Court will not be used for construction traffic. • Regarding the drainage from the hill behind the site, the applicant is required to address drainage increase resulting from development of the subject property development, and cannot be obligated to address drainage from other properties. Responding to questions from the Council, Planning Director Woltering explained that the proposed deferral of improvements would with the land. A deed restriction would provide notice to future property owners of requirements, if any, that impermeable surfaces be used in any future development of the site. Associate Planner Giudice and Planning Director Woltering responded to additional questions, indicating that drainage impacts to adjacent properties may be improved due to the proposed improvements on this property. The Sonoma County Water Agency would be responsible for clearing any debris in the creek itself that may be impeding water flow. Discussion ensued regarding the proposed lot sizes, the proposed drainage improvements and impacts of impermeable surfaces, the need for enforcement of conditions of approval, deed restrictions to notify property owners of certain conditions of approval, and the capacity of Cotati Creek during normal and extreme conditions. Vice Mayor Gilardi indicated opposition to the proposal, but if it were approved she would request a deed restriction as notice to future property owners of requirements, if any, that impermeable surfaces be used in any future development of the site. Councilmember Orchard also indicated opposition to the proposal. She noted her appreciation of the greenpoint checklist; however she indicated agreement with the Vice Mayor’s concerns regarding drainage and expressed concern regarding the proposal’s value as infill development because it does not address the concerns of the neighbors. Responding to further questions from the Council, Planning Director Woltering indicated that the property owner would be entitled to construct a second dwelling unit. Per the Map Act, the City can impose conditions on lot splits. Discussion ensued regarding the impacts of the proposed project as compared to the impacts of a second dwelling unit. Council concurred to continue this item in order to allow the City Engineer to review it in light of the drainage concerns, and to have the City Engineer present at the meeting to respond to questions. Moved by Vice Mayor Gilardi, seconded by Councilmember Guardino and passed unanimously to continue this item to the second City Council meeting in January. Mayor Fox called a recess at 9:22 p.m., reconvening at 9:37 p.m. City Council Minutes December 12, 2007 regular meeting Page 8 of 10 11. Introduction of Ordinance No. 812 amending Chapters and Sections of Title 17 - Land Use Code of the Cotati Municipal Code to establish performance criteria for allowing Outdoor Dining as a Permitted Use instead of a Conditional Use and otherwise clarifying and streamlining the permitting processes for outdoor dining uses in the City of Cotati. (Director of Planning) David Woltering, Director of Planning, presented the staff report and responded to questions from the Council. Mayor Fox opened the public hearing. George Barich of Cotati spoke in opposition to the proposal. He believes that the public hearing process should remain and he indicated concerns that the walkability of the downtown area and public safety would be compromised. There being no one else wishing to speak, Mayor Fox closed the public hearing. Director weltering responded to questions regarding current fees and what the fees would be if approved. Moved by Councilmember Orchard and seconded by Vice Mayor Gilardi to introduce Ordinance No. 812 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COTATI AMENDING SECTIONS 17.22.020, TABLE 2-3, ALLOWED LAND USES AND PERMIT REQUIRMENTS FOR MIXED USE CORRIDORS AND DISTRICTS, AND 17.42.130 E., OUTDOOR DINING AREAS, TO MODIFIY THE CITY OF COTATI REQUIREMENTS FOR ALLOWING RESTAURANT - OUTDOOR DINING Yes: 5 No: 0 Abstain: 0 REGULAR AGENDA 12. Review of Animal Control Enforcement Options and Related Strategies to Achieve Municipal Code Compliance; Request Direction and Authority to Implement Strategies; and Possible Additional Appropriation of Funds (Chief of Police) Robert Stewart, Chief of Police, presented the staff report and responded to questions from the Council. Discussion ensued regarding utilizing the Building Official for increased enforcement along the creek, enforcement times and days, whether to issue warnings at first and then citations, bail amount, wording of the signs and the expansion and/or addition of dog parks,. The majority of Council members concurred to utilize the Building Official for enforcement and to place the dollar amount of the fine on the signs, and to postpone discussion regarding the expansion or addition of dog parks in future General Plan discussions. City Council Minutes December 12, 2007 regular meeting Page 9 of 10 Further discussion ensued regarding the amount of the bail, the location and number of signs and whether to include pet waste infraction information on the signs. City Manager Thompson responded to questions from Council and proposed a maximum dollar amount to be spend on signage as a maximum and direct staff to place the signs as they deem most effective. Mayor Fox opened the floor for public comment. George Barich of Cotati indicated concern about potential damage to signs that higher fines would cause resentment, and noted that it can be difficult for people to report their friends’ dogs off leash. There being no one else wishing to speak, Mayor Fox closed the public comment period. Chief Steward responded to questions regarding how Building Official Woods would be equipped and trained. Councilmember Minnis expressed concern that the Police Department is selectively enforcing, and in some cases, not enforcing the leash law. She supported increasing the fine to $250 and installing signs that say, ‘leash laws enforced $250 fine.’ The majority of Council concurred on the following: • Raise the bail amount to be consistent with other Sonoma County cities, • approve the sign wording generally as recommended by staff but with the inclusion of the dollar amount of the fine to the sign wording and to have the wording be succinct and to the point. • Spend a maximum amount of $5,000 on signage • Have random hours of enforcement • Increase outreach about the leash law via the City’s website and including information in water bills. JOINT MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS Call to Order Mayor Fox called the joint meeting to order at 10:40 p.m. Roll Call Council/Agency Members present: Guardino, Minnis, Orchard, Gilardi, Fox Staff present: Thompson, Abaci, Hayes, Taylor City Council Minutes December 12, 2007 regular meeting Page 10 of 10 Consent Calendar READING OF CONSENT CALENDAR TITLES: 13. Receive and File Warrants and Audited Claims for October 25, 2007 – November 27th, 2007 (Director of Finance) Moved by Member Gilardi and seconded by Member Orchard to approve the Consent Calendar. unanimous Yes: 5 No: 0 Abstain: 0 Regular Agenda -- No items. Adjournment of joint meeting; reconvening of regular meeting of City Council Mayor Fox adjourned the joint meeting of the City Council and Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors and reconvened the regular meeting of the City Council at 10:41 p.m. DISCUSSION AND/OR ACTION ON PENDING STATE OR FEDERAL LEGISLATION AND ACTIVITIES CITY COUNCIL REPORTS AND COMMENTS -- Councilmembers reported on recent activities, including reports from meetings attended at City expense. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION Mayor Fox adjourned the meeting at 10:49 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Tamara Taylor, Deputy City Clerk y:\city_mgr\cc agendas\agn07\agendatemplate.doc Item No. 5 City Council Agenda Reorganization of City Council Subject: Reorganization of City Council Date: January 9, 2008 5. REORGANIZATION OF CITY COUNCIL 5.1 Comments from Mayor Geoff Fox 5.2 Election of Mayor 5.3 Election of Vice Mayor 5.4 Comments from newly elected Mayor 5.5 Recess to Reception The public is cordially invited to enjoy refreshments at a brief reception for the incoming and outgoing Mayor and Vice Mayor. Y:\DATA\GROUP\EVERYONE\CCREPORTS\2008\080109\ Item No. 9.6.1 City Council Report Commissions, Committees, Boards and Task Forces Subject: Council Assignments as Representatives and Liaisons to Various Committees and Commissions Date: January 9, 2008 Initiated By: Dianne Thompson, City Manager Written By: Tami Taylor, Deputy City Clerk ______________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that Council, by motion, assign representatives and liaisons to various committees and commissions for 2008. ____________________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND: It is timely and appropriate to review assignments to the committees and commissions upon which the Council members and some staff members and community residents serve, and to make changes as appropriate for calendar year 2008. Attachment: Cotati City Council Appointments and Assignments – 2007 Cotati City Council Appointments and Assignments – 2007 REVISED: 12/21/07 Geoff Fox ................................................................. Mayor Pat Gilardi.......................................................Vice Mayor John Guardino ........................................ Councilmember Patty Minnis ............................................ Councilmember Janet Orchard......................................... Councilmember Ad Hoc Committees Altman-Rosen Subdivision Subcommittee Cable Agreement Subcommittee Civic Center & Museum Subcommittee Living Wage Subcommittee Mobile Home Parks Santero Way Subcommittee School District & SSU/City Coordinating Committee Solid Waste Subcommittee Member(s) Geoff Fox/Pat Gilardi Pat Gilardi/Patty Minnis Geoff Fox/Pat Gilardi Pat Gilardi/Janet Orchard Geoff Fox/Patty Minnis Geoff Fox/Patty Minnis Standing Committees/Boards AB 939 Local Task Force Assoc. of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Member Linda Christopher Janet Orchard Geoff Fox/Patty Minnis Geoff Fox/Patty Minnis Janet Orchard/John Guardino Marsha Sue Lustig Alternate Marsha Sue Lustig Geoff Fox/ Dianne Thompson N/A N/A John Guardino Patty Minnis N/A N/A Marin/Sonoma Mosquito Abatement Dist. Open Space District (M&C) REMIF Board of Directors Russian River Watershed Association Sonoma Co. Transportation Authority (SCTA) Sonoma Co. Waste Management Board (SCWMB) Southern Laguna Watershed Master Plan Subregional Wastewater Policy Advisory Comm. Tourism Investors Committee (County) Water Advisory Committee Henry Fuhs Janet Orchard Jone Hayes Janet Orchard Pat Gilardi Dianne Thompson Geoff Fox Patty Minnis Patty Minnis Janet Orchard N/A N/A Dianne Thompson Toni Bertolero Geoff Fox Marsha Sue Lustig Dianne Thompson Geoff Fox Dianne Thompson John Guardino Appointments City Selection Committee M&C Legislative Committee LCC Voting Delegate Member Mayor Pat Gilardi (assigned by meeting) Alternate Vice Mayor Dianne Thompson (assigned by meeting) Liaisons Chamber of Commerce Community and Environment Commission Planning Commission Design Review Committee Mayor and Vice Mayor Janet Orchard Patty Minnis Geoff Fox Note: ABAG Alternates have voting rights California Tiger Salamander County-Wide Bicycle Advisory Committee International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) Library Advisory Board (Library Advisory Board Citizen Liaison, Janet Kurvers) Y:\DATA\GROUP\EVERYONE\CCREPORTS\2008\080109\CCApptsAssgn.doc Item No. 9.6.2 City Council Agenda Commissions, Committees, Boards and Task Forces Subject: Consider and Possibly Take Action to Direct Staff to Review and Prepare Necessary Resolutions and/or Code Provisions to Grant Each Council Member the Right to Select/Nominate Members to Committees and Commissions under Certain Circumstances Date: January 9, 2008 Initiated By: Dianne Thompson, City Manager Written By: David Woltering, Director of Planning Recommendation: Provide, as appropriate, direction to staff to review and prepare necessary resolutions and/or code provisions to grant each Council member the right to select/nominate members to committees and commissions under certain circumstances. Background/Analysis: At the June 13, and June 27, 2007, City Council meetings, the Council reviewed and discussed the City’s membership appointment procedure to its Design Review Committee (DRC), Community and Environment Commission (CEC), and the Planning Commission (PC). The Council’s discussion included the possibility of modifying these appointment procedures to allow individual Council members to select/nominate individual committee and commission members. At the conclusion of the City Council meeting on June 27th, the Council directed staff to bring this matter back to the Council for further discussion and consideration at the beginning of 2008. Existing City Appointment Procedures The City of Cotati Municipal Code under Title 2 Administration and Personnel provides the provisions for appointments and roles and responsibilities for the City’s Community and Environment Commission and the Planning Commission (See the attached excerpts from the Municipal Code). And, City of Cotati Ordinance 806 provides similar provisions for the Design Review Committee (See attached). A summary of the existing appointment procedures for these bodies follows: Y:\DATA\GROUP\EVERYONE\CCREPORTS\2008\080109\ City Council Agenda Committee/Commission Member Selection/Nomination January 9, 2008 Planning Commission (Municipal Code Chapter 2.16) The Planning Commission is a 5-member body. The Mayor appoints the Planning Commissioners, subject to ratification of his/her appointment by the full Council. If the Mayor fails to nominate within the specified 45-day period, then any member of the Council may nominate an applicant, who may then be appointed by a Council majority. Community and Environment Commission (Municipal Code Chapter 2.20) The Community and Environment Commission is a 9-member body. These members are appointed by the Mayor, subject to an affirmative vote of the majority of the Council. Design Review Committee (Ordinance No. 806) The Design Review Committee is a 6-member body. The City Council makes these appointments after receiving a recommendation from the Planning Commission. Standard practice is that the Mayor nominates, after receiving the presentation of the Planning Commission’s recommendation. The full Council votes on the nomination; a majority vote in the affirmative confirms the appointment. Vacancies are advertised on the Design Review Committee, Community and Environment Commission, and Planning Commission for approximately 30 days. The local newspaper, community posting locations, community marquee, and the City’s website are customarily used for advertising the vacancies. Standard City application forms are made available and completed as part of the process. Informal, public interviews are conducted before the Planning Commission and the City Council, as pertinent. Options for Modifying the City’s Appointment Procedures to Allow Individual City Council Member to Select/Nominate Committee/Commission Members 1. Individual Council Member Selection without full Council Ratification This process allows for individual Council members to select members for various committees and commissions without ratification of the full City Council. These appointments serve at the pleasure of the individual Council members as long as those Council members are in office. 2. Individual Council Member Nomination with full Council Ratification This process allows for individual Council members to nominate appointments to various committees and commissions; however, these nominations require ratification by a majority vote of the City Council. The appointments then serve for specified terms, and at the end of the terms the individual committee/commission members must be re- 2 City Council Agenda Committee/Commission Member Selection/Nomination January 9, 2008 nominated by individual Council members and the nomination ratified by the City Council. Summary of Council Appointment Options Appointment Options Key Components Existing Procedure Mayor Appoints/ Nominates w/ full Council Ratification Committee/Commission members serve at the pleasure of the Mayor, subject to a majority vote of the full City Council, for specified terms. Option 1 Individual Council Member Selection w/o full Council Ratification Committee/Commission members serve at the pleasure of individual Council members as long as the particular Council member is in office. Option 2 Individual Council Member Nomination w/ full Council Ratification Committee/Commission members serve at the pleasure of individual Council members, subject to a majority vote of the full City Council, for specified terms. 3 City Council Agenda Committee/Commission Member Selection/Nomination January 9, 2008 Implementation: Should the City Council desire to modify the existing appointment procedure for committee and commission members to allow individual City Council members more individual authority with respect to the selection and retention of individual committee and commission members, there will be a need to transition from the current procedure that features the appointment of individual committee and commission members by the Mayor, with ratification by the full Council. Staff has described two basic options above that would give individual Council members more authority in the committee and commission selection process. Below, a possible process for implementation of the selected option is described. Process for Implementation of the Selected Appointment Option This implementation process would require approximately three to four months to complete. Committee and Commission members would be notified of the action of the City Council to implement a procedure that allows individual Council members to appoint committee and commission members. There would be a formal recruitment conducted by City staff for the full range of appointments for all three bodies: the Design Review Committee; the Community and Environment Commission and the Planning Commission. Existing Committee and Commission members, who would desire to continue to serve, would be invited to apply. The recruitment period would be approximately 30 days. The resulting pool of candidates would be made available to the City Council members for consideration. Thereafter, at a City Council meeting, the individual Council members would make their individual appointments to the Committees and the Commission. It would be anticipated that these appointments would serve at the pleasure of the individual Council members, so long as they serve. As Council members would leave their positions, the process would be repeated. Currently, the membership of the Committees and the Commission is as follows: • • • Design Review Committee (DRC) – 6 members; Community and the Environment Commission (CEC) – 9 members; and, Planning Commission (PC) – 5 members. To simplify the appointment process, given that there are five (5) City Council members, the membership of these bodies could be modified to be a “multiple” of the number five. For example, the DRC could be reduced to five members, and the CEC increased to 10 members. The above-mentioned three to four months for implementation includes the time required to modify the City’s codes to allow for implementation. 4 City Council Agenda Committee/Commission Member Selection/Nomination January 9, 2008 Conclusion: The information in this report is provided to Council to enable further discussion of this matter. Should the Council decide to vary from it current codified procedures for making appointments to the Design Review Committee, Community and Environment Commission, and the Planning Commission, the appropriate City Municipal Code and/or the Land Use Code sections would need to be amended involving noticed, public hearings before the Planning Commission and the City Council, as pertinent. The focus of this information has been the City’s standing committees and commission. It is assumed that the appointments to “ad hoc” committees and bodies would be an appointment by the mayor, with ratification by the full City Council. Attachments: 1. June 27, 2007 City Council Minutes 2. Chapter 2.16 Planning Commission of Title 2 Administration and Personnel of the City of Cotati Municipal Code. 3. Ordinance No. 806, which includes Chapter 2.19, Design Review Committee. 4. Chapter 2.20 Community and Environment Commission of Title 2 Administration and Personnel of the City of Cotati Municipal Code. C:\Documents and Settings\David\My Documents\Cotati\CityCouncilStaffReport1.9.08Cte-ComAppointments.doc 5 City Council Minutes June 27, 2007 Page 5 of 10 Following Council discussion, it was moved by Fox, seconded by Minnis, to direct staff to prepare a draft ordinance to provide that if a Committee/Commission member is absent from three meetings within a 12-month period, that member must, within 30 days, come before Council to show cause; if that Committee/Commission member is absent from a fourth meeting in that 12month period, that member shall not participate in any Committee/Commission meetings unless that member demonstrates/shows good cause to the City Council. Cause must be demonstrated in this circumstance within 30 days or that member is dismissed. Yes: 5 No: 0 The meeting was recessed at 8:41 p.m. and reconvened at 8:52 p.m. 5. Consider and Possibly Take Action to Direct Staff to Review and Prepare Necessary Resolutions and/or Code Provisions to Grant Each Councilmember the Right to Select/Nominate Members to Committees and Commissioners Under Certain Circumstances (Director of Planning) Mayor Fox recommended continuing item No. 5 to the next meeting. Councilmember Minnis stated the initial reason for including this matter on this agenda was that it went hand-in-hand with item No. 4, and she requested the item be considered tonight. Planning Director Woltering gave a staff report and responded to questions from Council. Mayor Fox opened public comment. Robert Coleman-Senghor, 365 Amber Lane, stated having Councilmembers make appointments would be a bad idea. He felt that ratification process should be by the Council and suggested taking recommendations from citizens. George Barich said he supported the action to direct staff to prepare the necessary resolution or any code changes. He felt that commission appointments, and so forth, currently are politically based and that should change. (Amendment approved at 7/11/07 Council meeting.) Linell Hardy, 8171 Arthur Street, felt Council could do both: possibly have three members appointed under the existing process and two appointed by individual Councilmembers in some sort of rotation, with Council ratification. Michelle Berman, Cotati, agreed with comments made by Mr. Barich. She said she did not feel she would ever have a chance to be appointed to a commission under the present system. She said there is no one on the Planning Commission who represents her viewpoint, which is to not develop so quickly. She stated each Councilmember should have a choice so that all viewpoints can be represented. Mayor Fox closed public comment. City Council Minutes June 27, 2007 Page 6 of 10 Vice Mayor Gilardi and Councilmember Orchard commented the present process offers opportunities for the entire citizenry to apply for commission/committee membership. It seems to work well and they did not feel it needs to be changed. Councilmember Minnis said she feels that three councilmembers appoint commissioners and the system is slanted. She recommended that appointments be made following elections by Councilmembers elected or re-elected. Councilmember Guardino felt the system should be changed. Mayor Fox stated that he does not feel the process necessarily needs to be changed but can see pros and cons for each method of selection. He stated that he is not ready to decide at this time. Vice Mayor Gilardi stated that she would be interested to review methods used by different communities. Planning Director Woltering stated that he has researched the selection process in some other cities and cited mixed experiences from those cities. Councilmember Orchard said she is not in favor of changing the appointment process at this time. Following brief Council discussion, Mayor Fox requested this matter be brought back in January, 2008, with staff presenting options for possibly phasing in individual selection of committee/commission members by individual Councilmembers. CITY MANAGER REPORT Acting City Manager Thompson reported on the following topics: 1. Update on the Downtown Specific Plan: anticipating it will be adopted by Council by April, 2008. 2. Medical marijuana dispensary draft ordinance will go to Planning Commission at their next meeting. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Fox read the Consent Calendar titles and asked if any should be pulled for discussion. Item pulled: No. 10, at the request of George Barich. READING OF CONSENT CALENDAR TITLES: 6. Approval of Project; Rejection of Bids; and Authorization to Re-bid the East Cotati Avenue Improvements Project (City Engineer) Item No. 11.1 City Council Agenda Consent Calendar Subject: Authorize the Second Regular Meeting of January to be held on Tuesday January 22, 2008 Date: January 9, 2008 Initiated By: Dianne, Thompson, City Manager Written by: Tami Taylor, Deputy City Clerk Recommendation It is recommended that the Council Authorize the Second Regular Meeting of January to be held on Tuesday January 22, 2008 Background At its December 10, 2007 regular meeting, Council concurred to hold it’s second regular meeting in January on Tuesday January 22, 2008, in order to accommodate scheduling restraints of various Councilmembers. Staff recommends that the City Council Authorize, by motion, that its second regular meeting of January be held on Tuesday January 22, 2008. Y:\DATA\GROUP\EVERYONE\CCREPORTS\2008\080109\ Item No. 11.2 City Council Agenda Consent Calendar Subject: Adoption of Ordinance No. 812 Amending Sections 17.22.020, Table 2-3, Allowed Land Uses And Permit Requirments For Mixed Use Corridors and Districts, and 17.42.130 E., Outdoor Dining Areas, to Modifiy the City Of Cotati Requirements For Allowing Restaurant - Outdoor Dining. Date: January 9, 2008 Written by: David Woltering, Director of Planning RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Ordinance No. 812, Amending Sections 17.22.020, Table 2-3, Allowed Land Uses And Permit Requirments For Mixed Use Corridors and Districts, and 17.42.130 E., Outdoor Dining Areas, to Modifiy the City Of Cotati Requirements For Allowing Restaurant - Outdoor Dining. Background: On December 12, 2007, the City Council introduced Ordinance No. 812. Attachments 1. Ordinance Number 812 Y:\DATA\GROUP\EVERYONE\CCREPORTS\2008\080109\ ORDINANCE No. 812 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COTATI AMENDING SECTIONS 17.22.020, TABLE 2-3, ALLOWED LAND USES AND PERMIT REQUIRMENTS FOR MIXED USE CORRIDORS AND DISTRICTS, AND 17.42.130 E., OUTDOOR DINING AREAS, TO MODIFIY THE CITY OF COTATI REQUIREMENTS FOR ALLOWING RESTAURANT - OUTDOOR DINING WHEREAS, the City of Cotati Land Use Code includes specific regulations for allowing the Restaurant – Outdoor dining use in the public right-of-way in Sections 17.22.020, Table 2-3, Allowed Land Uses and Permit Requirements for Mixed Use Corridors and Districts, and 17.42.130 E., Outdoor dining areas; and WHEREAS, it is determined that outdoor dining contributes to a lively, inviting, and successful dining experience for patrons, restaurant owners and the broader community within the City of Cotati; and WHEREAS, the current regulations in the Land Use Code that allow Restaurant – Outdoor Dining require public hearings before the Director of Planning and the City Council in addition to compliance with standard City insurance requirements; and WHEREAS, there is a desire to streamline the process to allow outdoor dining at appropriate locations within the public right-of-way within the City of Cotati, while assuring various interests, including those of the City of Cotati with respect to minimizing/avoiding risk as well as to assure the public health, safety, and welfare interests; and WHEREAS, requiring staff-level approval of a license agreement/permit to assure compliance with standard City provisions pertaining to insurance, layout, aesthetics, maintenance, etc. for the Restaurant – Outdoor Dining use, in conjunction with other standard requirements of the City of Cotati, instead of requiring a Minor Use Permit and encroachment permit/license agreement involving the public hearing processes before the Director of Planning and the City Council could assure compliance with important City and community standards and interests and assure the public health, safety and welfare in a significantly shorter timeframe; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the provisions of this ordinance are categorically exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15305 (Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations) of the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) Guidelines in that the Council finds and determines that the project is covered by the general rule that CEQA applies only to projects which have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. Where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment, the activity is not subject to CEQA. Adding and amending sections of the existing Land Use Code to modify regulations on Restaurant – Outdoor Dining as proposed would not result in direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect adverse physical changes in the environment. City Council January 9, 2008 Ordinance No. 812 Restaurant - Outdoor Dining Land Use Code Ordinance Amendment ******* NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COTATI DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 17.22.020, Table 2-3, of the City of Cotati Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: TABLE 2-3 Allowed Land Used and Permit Requirements for Mixed Use Corridors and Districts P- Permitted Use – zoning clearance required MUP - Minor Use Permit required UP - Use Permit required S - Permit requirement set by Specific Use Regulations − Use not allowed PERMIT REQUIRED BY DISTRICT PF Specific Use Regulations - 17.42.130 E. LAND USE (1) CE Restaurant – Outdoor dining CG CD CI IG MUP MUP MUP MUP S S S S The remainder of Table 2-3 shall remain the same. Section 17.42.130 E. – Outdoor dining areas. is hereby amended to SECTION 2. read as follows: 17.42.130 E. 2. An outdoor eating area within the public right-of-way shall require Council approval of an encroachment permit/license agreement in addition to Minor Use Permit approval. a license agreement/permit approval by the Director. The facility shall use only City approved furniture and enclosures. The remainder of this Section shall remain the same. 2 City Council January 9, 2008 Ordinance No. 812 Restaurant - Outdoor Dining Land Use Code Ordinance Amendment SECTION 3: Severability. The provisions of this chapter are hereby declared to be severable. If any provision, clause, word, sentence, or paragraph of this chapter or the application thereof to any person, establishment, or circumstances shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Chapter. SECTION 4: Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect on the 31st day following its adoption. ********* IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that the foregoing ordinance was duly introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cotati on the 12th day of December 2007, and legally adopted on the __ day of ______, 2007/8, by the following vote, to wit: FOX GILARDI GUARDINO MINNIS ORCHARD ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ APPROVED: ______________________________ Mayor ATTEST: __________________________ Deputy City Clerk 3 Item No. 11.3 City Council Agenda Consent Calendar Subject: Consideration of a Resolution Approving the City of Cotati’s Application for Program Year 2008-2009 Community Development Block Grant Funds. Date: January 9, 2008 Initiated By: Dianne Thompson, City Manager ______________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATIONS: Move to adopt Resolution No. 08-01 Approving the City of Cotati’s Application for Program Year 2008-2009 Community Development Block Grant Fund. ______________________________________________________________________________ Background: The City of Cotati has been a participant for the past 30 years in the Community Development Block Grant program, a federally-funded function that provides monies to local jurisdictions for projects. The City of Cotati is part of a county-wide consortium (excluding Santa Rosa and Petaluma) that makes funding decisions each year, based on applications submitted by both the public and member agencies. There is required criteria that applications must meet in order to be considered for funding. The projects must have some connection to meeting some identifiable need of the low-income population. Projects in Cotati that have been funded in the past include the Wilford Lane low-income housing project (Burbank Housing Corporation), the West Sierra Avenue bus shelters and street improvements, ADA access ramps for three parks, ADA access ramps at several key intersections in the City, and the La Plaza restrooms, and the ADA Civic Center Remodel. Analysis/Discussion: Staff is proposing that the City submit an application for $140,000 for citywide ADA Accessibility Improvements including installation of curb ramps and sidewalks. A listing of proposed project locations is attached. We received $50,000 in funding last year for a similar project. The attached resolution will allow the City of Cotati to submit applications to the County for both the ADA Accessibility Improvement described above. Typically, every city receives one project each year. Y:\DATA\GROUP\EVERYONE\CCREPORTS\2008\080109\ Financial Considerations: There are no fiscal impacts to the City, since the grant will cover 100% of all costs for this project. Environmental Issues: This project is exempt from CEQA. However, the County may need to prepare a NEPA analysis. Attachments: ADA Accessibility Project Locations Resolution 08-01 Y:\DATA\GROUP\EVERYONE\CCREPORTS\2008\080109\ CDBG 08-09 City of Cotati ADA Accessibility Project Locations Sidewalk Improvement Programs Location Number 1 – Valparaiso Pedestrian Bridge $50,000 Location Number 2 - Lincoln and Loretto ADA curbs $15,000 Location Number 3 – East Cotati Avenue Rail Crossing Sidewalk $75,000 Y:\DATA\GROUP\EVERYONE\CCREPORTS\2008\080109\ RESOLUTION NO. 08-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COTATI APPROVING THE CITY OF COTATI’S APPLICATION FOR PROGRAM YEAR 2008-2009 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS WHEREAS, Sonoma County will obtain funds under the Community Development Block Grant Program for 2008-2009; and WHEREAS, the City of Cotati is authorized by federal statute to apply for and implement a Community Development Block Grant; and WHEREAS, it is the decision of the City Council of the City of Cotati to apply for Block Grant funds in the amount of $140,000 for ADA Accessibility. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Cotati as follows: 1. The City of Cotati will make application to the Sonoma County Community Development Commission for 2008-2009 Community Development Block Grant funds; and 2. The City Manager of the City of Cotati is hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the City of Cotati all necessary application forms and other documents to obtain said grant funds. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that the foregoing resolution was duly introduced and legally adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cotati held on the 9th day of January, 2008 by the following vote, to wit: FOX: ORCHARD: GILARDI: MINNIS: GUARDINO: ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Approved:________________________________ Mayor Attest:___________________________ Deputy City Clerk Y:\DATA\GROUP\EVERYONE\CCREPORTS\2008\080109\CDBG.res.doc Item No. 13.1 City Council Agenda Regular Agenda Subject: Consider and Possibly Direct Staff to do the following: 1) Prepare and Submit a Letter of Commitment to the Department of Energy in Support of the City of Santa Rosa’s Application for the U.S. Department of Energy “Solar America Cities” 2008 Grant, and 2) Participate in Solar Sonoma County Meetings Date: January 9, 2008 Initiated By: Dianne Thompson, City Manager Written By: David Woltering, Director of Planning Recommendation: Direct staff to do the following: 1) prepare and submit a Letter of Commitment to the Department of Energy in support of the City of Santa Rosa’s application for the U.S. Department of Energy “Solar America Cities” 2008 Grant, and 2) Participate in Solar Sonoma County Meetings. Background/Analysis: A consortium of government and business organizations called Solar Sonoma County has formed with a mission to promote the installation of solar photovoltaics and thermal on public and private buildings throughout Sonoma County. In addition, a primary goal of the group is to support the county-wide initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) by a minimum of 25% below 1990 levels by 2015. In fulfilling its mission and keys goals, including the reduction of GHGs, the City of Santa Rosa as a member of Solar Sonoma County is planning to submit a grant proposal to the Department of Energy (DOE) to develop a county-wide Solar Implementation Plan. Copies of the draft outline for this “DOE Solar Cities 2008 Grant Proposal” and the “Draft Outline for Formation of a Solar Sonoma County” are attached. The membership of Solar Sonoma County is requesting Letters of Commitment from the local Cities and the County of Sonoma as well as other pertinent public and private organizations in support of the application to the DOE for the “Solar American Cities” 2008 Grant. Important benefits of receiving the grant for local communities like the City City Council Agenda Solar Sonoma County January 9, 2008 of Cotati would include technical research and support in reaching their GHG emissions reduction goals. Staff has prepared and attached a draft Letter of Commitment for consideration by the City Council. Solar Sonoma County is still in the early stage of its formation, and its membership is encouraging participation by all nine of the cities in Sonoma County as well as the County. The organization is anticipating holding meetings at least once a month, and hoping to have representatives from all of the local jurisdictions attend. The Town of Windsor representative is Council member Deborah Fudge, and the City of Sebastopol representative has been City Manager Dave Brennan. The time commitment, assuming preparation, attendance and follow-up to the meetings is approximately eight hours a month. The City of Cotati City Council should consider sending a staff member to regularly attend these meetings. In addition, it would be appropriate to consider a Council member attending these meetings, as well. Attachments: 1. Draft Letter of Commitment 2. Draft Outline for Formation of a Solar Sonoma County 3. Draft DOE Solar Cities 2008 Grant Proposal Y:\DATA\GROUP\EVERYONE\CCREPORTS\2008\080109\ 2 City of Cotati Sonoma County, California To: Department of Energy RE: City of Santa Rosa's application for the Solar America Initiative (SAI) Market Transformation: SOLAR AMERICA CITIES 2008 GRANT The City of Cotati fully supports the City of Santa Rosa's application for the U.S. Department of Energy "Solar America Cities" 2008 Grant. As one of the nine cities in Sonoma County participating in a county-wide initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) 25% below 1990 levels by 2015, we see solar installations as an important means to our goal. The City of Cotati intends to partner with the City of Santa Rosa as a member of Solar Sonoma County to explore potential options and possibilities for a City and Countywide solar implementation plan through the Solar America Initiative grant. Creating a partnership with Santa Rosa to promote solar energy and expand Solar Sebastopol to a countywide program will allow us to move quickly towards solar energy implementation and greatly accelerate Sonoma County's progress toward its commitment to reducing GHGs. In addition, the City of Cotati realizes the many other environmental and economic benefits associated with renewable energy. We believe this kind of community-based initiative is critical to fulfilling the DOE's strategic goal to promote America's energy security through reliable, clean, and affordable energy. Sincerely, Geoff Fox, Mayor City of Cotati 201 West Sierra Avenue, Cotati, CA 94931-4217 y TELEPHONE 707y792y4600 y FAX 795y7067 Draft Outline for formation of a SOLAR SONOMA COUNTY PURPOSE/MISSION: Promote installation of solar photovoltaics and thermal on public and private buildings county-wide - through a consortium of government and business organizations - a public/private partnership. GOALS: • • • • • • • Reduce C02 emissions to meet targets and beyond Save money for municipalities and residents Improve our environment Reduce dependence on fossil fuels Install the most solar of the 10 Bay Area Counties (we are Quality control of solar installations Improve financing opportunities for installing solar 2nd right now) HOW TO IMPLEMENT GOALS: • Countywide Solar Implementation Plan: to include policies that apply to all member cities • Public installations: Install PV (and thermal?) on public buildings to lead the way • Financing: Establish financing and other incentives for residents • Collaborate: Brainstorm new ideas and share existing ideas for City and County policies to promote and facilitate solar installation • Marketing: Outreach and promotion to businesses, schools, and residents county-wide • Efficiency: Promote efficiency and conservation MEMBERSHIP: Primary members: • Sonoma County Cities • The County Supporting Members: • Solar, green and other businesses • Banks/lenders • Builders • IBEW • Individuals • Schools and nonprofits 1, Updated - 12/6/0712/6/07, Contact: [email protected], STRUCTURE: • Paid membership • Steering committee elected by members • Staff/consultants to implement goals and projects • Volunteers • Actual legal structure to be determined by the group. Options incl ude lPA or SOlc3 - or being a sub-group of one of these already existing. FUNDING NEEDED FOR: • Staff • • • • PR and advertising Events Materials - brochures, etc. Web Site POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES • Paid memberships • Grants • Donations • Corporate sponsorships • Other to be determined 2, Updated - 12/6/0712/6/07. Contact: MartvR@"nni(' n?t WW\.\I c;:O\"•."'''h'''''trmA\ "Am DOE Solar Cities 2008 Grant Proposal Project Description: Develop a Countywide Solar Implementation Plan - based on the Solar Sebastopol model but with many expanded capabilities. The plan will include participation by all the cities in the county as well as the County (this may have to be amended depending on which cities sign on). The work of Solar Sonoma County under this proposal will be to explore many possible approaches and implement the ones that prove feasible and are agreed to by all members. Benefits to the Cities and the County will include technical assistance and research as part of the grant program and support in reaching their GHG reduction goals. Possible elements of the plan could include: I. Policies and regulations a. Standardize the solar permitting process among cities and the County b. Develop a countywide REC Ordinance and other ordinances to encourage solar c. Assess and standardize existing regulations and codes that affect solar installations in the various partner cities where possible d. Develop consistent General Plan language to promote solar that can be used in each local General Plan II. Incentives to address market barriers and encourage solar installation a. Create a $20,000 fund (from this grant money) that will give an additional local rebate of $500/home to the first 40 residents that sign up for solar PV. b. Analyze the potential for forming a countywide tax assessment district similar to Berkeley's Sustainable Energy Financing District c. Explore other financial incentives to reduce financial barriers to PV installation d. Partner with the Green Energy Loan program III. (get partnership letter) Outreach and education a. Develop a Solar Sonoma County web site for outreach and education b. Develop a direct mail campaign to promote solar c. Produce a countywide Solar Fair to kickoff Solar Sonoma County and educate and motivate the public d. Produce training programs for solar installers, designers, and building inspectors to increase the quality and standards of solar installations e. Produce workshops for the public to educate them on how to go solar f. Offer "post-installation" resources including workshops, mailings, and online information to teach home-owners how to maintain their systems and where to go with problems and questions g. Develop and maintain a database of qualified LOCAL solar installers to facilitate customer selection and boost the local solar economy. P::!pp 1 1'7/1 i/n7 h. Highlight and make case studies of all city buildings that have gone solar and encourage all the cities to solarize their public bldgs. Main Deliverable: A Countywide Solar Implementation Plan with buy-in from all member cities and the County. We should also develop "sub-deliverables" that will form pieces of this plan as we go along and can put them on a timeline. Technical Assistance • • • We request technical assistance in researching and developing local government policies to facilitate solar installations and remove barriers to installation. We request technical assistance in developing General Plan and other plan language. We request technical assistance in analysis of financing options available. Partners that we need letters from - once we have their commitment, we can refer to them in the grant as partners and even assign them tasks like they did in the Berkeley grant: Petaluma Cotati Rohnert Park Santa Rosa Sebastopol Windsor Sonoma Healdsburg Cloverdale Sonoma County PG&E State: Pat Wiggins, Patti Berg, Noreen Evans, CEC GEL Sierra Club P::Jopll/!17,/n7 Item No. 17.1 Joint Meeting of City Council and Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors Agenda Consent Calendar Subject: Receive and File Warrants and Audited Claims for November 28th, 2007 – December 12th, 2007 Date: January 9th, 2008 Initiated By: Jone Hayes, Director of Finance ________________________________________________________________________________ Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council receive and file the warrants and audited claims (the A/P Check Registers) as submitted. ________________________________________________________________________________ Background: Warrants (checks) are created by City Staff in compliance with the following Municipal Code Sections: 2.12.160 Expenditure control--Purchasing. It shall be the duty of the city manager to see that no expenditures shall be submitted or recommended to the city council except on approval of the city manager or his authorized representative. The city manager, or his authorized representative, shall be responsible for the purchase of all supplies for all the departments or divisions of the city. (Ord. 97 §7.9, 1968). 3.36.010 Expenditures--Compliance required. All expenditures of city funds in connection with purchases must be made strictly in accordance with the duly adopted budget, and in order that budgetary control may be effectively exercised, the procedures in this chapter shall be followed. (Ord. 575 §1(part), 1992). Discussion/Analysis Warrants and Audited Claims listings (now identified as the A/P Check Registers) list all warrants issued for the period indicated. Per Council action on July 11, 2007 all warrants are released as they are created. All expenditures of City funds in connection with wages and benefits and purchases of services or materials are strictly in accordance with the duly adopted budget and / or Council actions amending Y:\DATA\GROUP\EVERYONE\CCREPORTS\2008\080109\ the adopted budget. Expenditures have been approved for payment by either the City Manager or by Department Heads. Financial Considerations: The following are the totals for the Warrants and Audited Claims (the A/P Check Registers) issued for the period of November 28th 2007 – December 12th, 2007: December 12, 2007 $ 179,896.62 December 12, 2007 103.38 December 12, 2007 100.00 Total $ 180,100.00 Environmental Issues: None. Attachments: A/P Check Registers A/P Refund Item Register Y:\DATA\GROUP\EVERYONE\CCREPORTS\2008\080109\ 12/12/2007 PACKET: 4:39 PM 00152 US VENDOR SET: 01 SEQUENCE A/P Refund Item Register PAGE: 1 - Refund City of Cotati : ALPHABETIC DUE TO/FROM ACCOUNTS SUPPRESSED ITM DATE -------ID------- GROSS BANK CODE ---------DESCRIPTION--------- DISCOUNT P.O. # G/L ACCOUNT --ACCOUNT NAME-- DISTRIBUTION ==================================================================================================================================== 01-1 Misc Vendor ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I-000200712120088 12/12/2007 PEARLMAN, JAMIE AP DUE: 92.99 DISC: 1099: 03-1100-00 013 0100-20049.0000 INTERIM ACCOUNT 92.99 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I-000200712120089 12/12/2007 MCBREHON, JARETH AP DUE: 10.39 DISC: 1099: 07-1780-01 013 0100-20049.0000 INTERIM ACCOUNT === VENDOR TOTALS === 103.38 === PACKET TOTALS === 103.38 10.39 12/12/2007 PACKET: 4:39 PM 00152 US VENDOR SET: 01 SEQUENCE A/P Refund Item Register PAGE: 2 - Refund City of Cotati : ALPHABETIC DUE TO/FROM ACCOUNTS SUPPRESSED ** T O T A L S INVOICE TOTALS ** 103.38 DEBIT MEMO TOTALS 0.00 CREDIT MEMO TOTALS 0.00 ________________________________________________________________________________ BATCH TOTALS 103.38 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ** G/L ACCOUNT TOTALS ** =========LINE ITEM========= ========GROUP BUDGET====== ANNUAL BANK YEAR ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT 2007-2008 013-0100-20049.0000 INTERIM ACCOUNT FOR REFU 103.38-* 999-0100-10010.0000 CASH CLEARING 103.38 * ** 2007-2008 YEAR TOTALS 0000 ERRORS 0000 WARNINGS ** END OF REPORT ** TOTAL ERRORS: 103.38 013-0100-20050.0000 ACCTS. PAYABLE 0 TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 103.38 BUDGET OVER ANNUAL BUDGET OVER AVAILABLE BUDG BUDGET BUDGET AVAILABLE BUDG 12/12/2007 PACKET: 4:41 PM 00149 US VENDOR SET: 01 SEQUENCE A/P Refund Item Register PAGE: 1 - Refund City of Cotati : ALPHABETIC DUE TO/FROM ACCOUNTS SUPPRESSED ITM DATE -------ID------- GROSS BANK CODE ---------DESCRIPTION--------- DISCOUNT P.O. # G/L ACCOUNT --ACCOUNT NAME-- DISTRIBUTION ==================================================================================================================================== 01-1 Misc Vendor ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I-000200712030087 12/03/2007 CHIPLEY, MARIA AP 100.00 CK# 055239 12/12/2007 1099: 03-1670-00 013 0100-20049.0000 INTERIM ACCOUNT === VENDOR TOTALS === 100.00 === PACKET TOTALS === 100.00 100.00 12/12/2007 PACKET: 4:41 PM 00149 US VENDOR SET: 01 SEQUENCE A/P Refund Item Register PAGE: 2 - Refund City of Cotati : ALPHABETIC DUE TO/FROM ACCOUNTS SUPPRESSED ** T O T A L S INVOICE TOTALS ** 100.00 DEBIT MEMO TOTALS 0.00 CREDIT MEMO TOTALS 0.00 ________________________________________________________________________________ BATCH TOTALS 100.00 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ** G/L ACCOUNT TOTALS ** =========LINE ITEM========= ========GROUP BUDGET====== ANNUAL BANK YEAR ACCOUNT NAME AMOUNT 2007-2008 013-0100-20049.0000 INTERIM ACCOUNT FOR REFU 100.00-* 999-0100-10010.0000 CASH CLEARING 100.00 * ** 2007-2008 YEAR TOTALS 0000 ERRORS 0000 WARNINGS ** END OF REPORT ** TOTAL ERRORS: 100.00 013-0100-20050.0000 ACCTS. PAYABLE 0 TOTAL WARNINGS: 0 100.00 BUDGET OVER ANNUAL BUDGET OVER AVAILABLE BUDG BUDGET BUDGET AVAILABLE BUDG 12/12/2007 PACKET: 5:07 PM VENDOR SET: 01 BANK AP VENDOR ADC01 A / P : NAME / I.D. ATT10 CAL42 CHECK NO# AMOUNT R 12/12/2007 800.72CR 055243 800.72 12/1 - 12/31/07 R 12/12/2007 59.43CR 055244 59.43 R 12/12/2007 510.21CR 055245 510.21 REFRIGERATOR PARTS - PD R 12/12/2007 247.30CR 055246 247.30 I-T7302103 707-793-8562-690 R 12/12/2007 15.68CR 055247 I-T7303288 C60-739-3086-555 R 12/12/2007 2,075.63CR 055247 2,091.31 #650617150598 10/22 - 11/21/07 R 12/12/2007 72.28CR 055248 72.28 10/21 - 11/20/07 R 12/12/2007 180.40CR 055249 180.40 CONTRACT SVCS - NOV 2007 R 12/12/2007 3,125.00CR 055250 3,125.00 RFD B/L OVERPMT FEE LESS 2008 R 12/12/2007 410.00CR 055251 410.00 SAMPLES - OCT 2007 R 12/12/2007 1,334.40CR 055252 1,334.40 I-121007 AIKIDO INSTRUCTOR - NOV 2007 R 12/12/2007 159.25CR 055253 I-121007A AIKIDO INSTRUCTOR - DEC 2007 R 12/12/2007 68.25CR 055253 C-1359175 LA PLAZA SINK REPAIR R 12/12/2007 270.00 055254 I-1312057 LA PLAZA SINK REPAIR R 12/12/2007 283.50CR 055254 I-1337265 LA PLAZA SINK REPAIR R 12/12/2007 400.31CR 055254 AMERICAN MESSAGING ARAMARK UNIFORM SVCS. INC #11859000 - NOV 2007 ASIEN'S APPLIANCE, INC. AT&T / MCI AT&T AVAYA, INC. PAUL BERLANT DEE BLOMMER BRELJE & RACE, INC. I-44029 BRE02 CHECK P6156 EMP PREMIUMS 11/16-11/30 I-120507 BRE01 AMOUNT AFLAC I-113007 BLO02 DISCOUNT 610.00 I-2726483538 BER04 DATE 055242 I-59033 AVA01 CHECK TYPE 610.00CR I-46152 ATT08 CHECK R 12/12/2007 I-112307 ASI02 DESC TOWING - LUMINA I-M7261760HL ARA03 1 ADCO TOWING I-48550 AME04 PAGE: AP - CASH CLEARING (POOL) I-11932 AFL01 CHECK REGISTER 00153 Regular Payments PETER BREELAND 227.50 CAL STEAM 413.81 12/12/2007 PACKET: 5:07 PM VENDOR SET: 01 BANK AP VENDOR CHA08 A / P : CHECK CHECK NO# AMOUNT R 12/12/2007 1,118.40CR 055255 1,118.40 CCAC DUES 07/08 R 12/12/2007 135.00CR 055256 135.00 ANIMAL SVCS - DEC 2007 R 12/12/2007 1,376.27CR 055257 1,376.27 I-120607 8789-000 10/1 - 11/30/07 R 12/12/2007 130.94CR 055258 I-120607A 8789-001 10/1 - 11/30/07 R 12/12/2007 190.07CR 055258 321.01 CIT23 PARKING LOT LIGHT SUPPLIES R 12/12/2007 78.65CR 055259 78.65 FUEL CHGS - NOV 2007 R 12/12/2007 3,837.24CR 055260 3,837.24 ECONOMIC DEV SVCS - DEC 2007 R 12/12/2007 3,000.00CR 055261 3,000.00 #725-10018 PW SUPPLIES R 12/12/2007 389.29CR 055262 389.29 2008 SUPPORT FEES R 12/12/2007 250.00CR 055263 250.00 #98186 HI-CAP RENTAL R 12/12/2007 36.29CR 055264 36.29 COTATI CHAMBER OF COTATI OAKS TRUE VALUE HARDWARE CRITICAL REACH CULLIGAN I-121907 DAI01 DAW01 DAILY JOURNAL CORPORATION I-B1239679 NOTICING - 301 VALPARAISO R 12/12/2007 76.47CR 055265 I-B1239688 NOTICING - OUTDOOR DINING R 12/12/2007 82.35CR 055265 I-B1240021 NOTICING - WM ASSIGNMENT R 12/12/2007 70.59CR 055265 229.41 YOGA INSTRUCTOR - NOV 2007 R 12/12/2007 241.80CR 055266 241.80 UNREIMBURSED MEDICAL R 12/12/2007 850.00CR 055267 850.00 GAY DAWSON I-121007 DEN01 REFUND OF CUP DEPOSIT CONOCOPHILLIPS FLEET I-8-118 CUL01 DISCOUNT CITY ELECTRIC-CREDIT OFF. I-112507 CRI01 DATE CITY OF ROHNERT PARK I-120107 COT02 CHECK TYPE CITY OF ROHNERT PARK I-870135035711 COT01 CHECK CITY CLERKS ASSOC. OF CALIFORNIA I-7960-590717 CON10 DESC DAVID CHANTHAVY I-19786 CIT19 2 AMOUNT NAME / I.D. I-112907 CIT05 PAGE: AP - CASH CLEARING (POOL) I-121107 CIT01 CHECK REGISTER 00153 Regular Payments DENNIS WALLACH I-120707 12/12/2007 PACKET: 5:07 PM VENDOR SET: 01 BANK AP VENDOR DEP04 A / P : NAME / I.D. GOS01 AMOUNT 323.00CR 055269 323.00 471 W SCHOOL ST RETROFIT R 12/12/2007 630.00CR 055270 630.00 PW SUPPLIES - STREETS R 12/12/2007 169.30CR 055271 169.30 SHIPPING - DSP R 12/12/2007 62.47CR 055272 62.47 I-109000003531 COPIES - PD R 12/12/2007 18.86CR 055273 I-109000003597 ZONING MAPS - PLANNING R 12/12/2007 57.54CR 055273 I-109000003603 ENLARGEMENTS - PD R 12/12/2007 4.85CR 055273 81.25 DEPARTMENT PHOTO - PD R 12/12/2007 134.69CR 055274 134.69 STREETLIGHT SUPPLIES R 12/12/2007 162.34CR 055275 162.34 R 12/12/2007 217.10CR 055276 217.10 R 12/12/2007 50.65CR 055277 50.65 R 12/12/2007 9,630.78CR 055278 9,630.78 R 12/12/2007 2,500.00CR 055279 2,500.00 DEVOTO PLUMBING, INC. DUNN EDWARDS CORP. FEDERAL EXPRESS FEDEX KINKO'S PAM GOSTLIN PHOTOGRAPHY GRAINGER, INC. HENRIS ROOFING COMPANY CITY HALL MAINTENANCE HERTZ EQUIPMENT RENTAL VIBRATOR PLATE REPAIR HILTON FARNKOPF & HOBSON WASTE MGMT PRE CONTRACT AUDIT GEOFF HORNSBY, ROW CONSLT I-ROW-07-42 HSB01 CHECK NO# R 12/12/2007 I-9708260 HOR04 CHECK FINGERPRINT APPS - NOV 2007 I-22961630-001 HIL04 AMOUNT DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE I-12673 HER02 DISCOUNT 151.33 I-9514309203 HEN03 DATE 055268 I-714336 GRA01 CHECK TYPE 151.33CR I-2-376-85717 FED04 CHECK R 12/12/2007 I-420101287 FED02 DESC SIGNALS/LIGHTING-OCT 2007 I-5905 DUN02 3 DEPART. OF TRANSPORTATION I-656267 DEV03 PAGE: AP - CASH CLEARING (POOL) I-179291 DEP10 CHECK REGISTER 00153 Regular Payments CYPRESS TANK - AUG-NOV 2007 HSBC BUSINESS SOLUTIONS I-44499 COOKIES FOR MTG - CITY HALL R 12/12/2007 17.97CR 055280 I-51905 KITCHEN SUPPLIES - PD R 12/12/2007 141.65CR 055280 159.62 12/12/2007 PACKET: 5:07 PM VENDOR SET: 01 BANK AP VENDOR HUT01 A / P : INF01 INF02 NAME / I.D. JEF01 CHECK CHECK NO# AMOUNT 225.00 BATTERIES - PD R 12/12/2007 343.82CR 055282 I-262069 BATTERIES - PD R 12/12/2007 132.76CR 055282 I-303439 BATTERIES/HOLD DOWN KIT - PD R 12/12/2007 340.22CR 055282 I-66460 RECORD STORAGE - DEC 2007 R 12/12/2007 140.89CR 055283 I-66461 RECORD DESTRUCTION - PD R 12/12/2007 100.50CR 055283 241.39 STATEMENT PRINTING - NOV 2007 R 12/12/2007 1,414.60CR 055284 1,414.60 STRIPING PAINT - PW R 12/12/2007 312.48CR 055285 312.48 R 12/12/2007 117.00CR 055286 117.00 816.80 INFOSTOR, INC. INFOSEND, INC. INTERSTATE SALES INTERACTIVE COMPUTER DESIGNS INC. INSITE FEES - NOV 2007 JANI-KING OF CALIF. INC. I-11070756 COTATI RM - NOV 2007 R 12/12/2007 160.00CR 055287 I-12070361 JANITORIAL SVC - DEC 2007 R 12/12/2007 2,581.99CR 055287 2,741.99 R 12/12/2007 24,559.45CR 055288 24,559.45 R 12/12/2007 15,895.00CR 055289 15,895.00 R 12/12/2007 650.00CR 055290 650.00 VEHICLE SUPPLIES - PD R 12/12/2007 125.02CR 055291 125.02 REFUND CUP DEPOSIT R 12/12/2007 239.69CR 055292 239.69 BATTERIES - PD R 12/12/2007 189.48CR 055293 189.48 JEFFREY A. WALTER, A PLC LEGAL SVCS THRU 11/26/07 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN, INC. 15832-0000 - JANUARY 2008 KEYSER MARSTON ASSOC. INC. DSP 7/25-8/31/07 LEHR AUTO ELECTRIC, INC. LOMBARDI'S BBQ INC. I-120707 MAR04 AMOUNT I-261372 I-1008883 LOM03 DISCOUNT I.B.S. OF NORTH BAY I-16515 LEH01 DATE 055281 I-121007 KEY02 CHECK TYPE 225.00CR I-112707 KAI01 CHECK R 12/12/2007 I-60270 JAN02 DESC RFD TREE LIGHTING EXPENSES I-2612 INT14 4 ANDREW HUTCHINS I-29416 INT11 PAGE: AP - CASH CLEARING (POOL) I-120707 IBS01 CHECK REGISTER 00153 Regular Payments MARKELL INC. I-150193 12/12/2007 PACKET: 5:07 PM VENDOR SET: 01 BANK AP VENDOR MAT06 MAW01 A / P : MCM02 NAME / I.D. MUN01 OMN02 DATE DISCOUNT CHECK CHECK AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT R 12/12/2007 6,500.00CR 055294 CITY ATTORNEY ASSESSMENT R 12/12/2007 4,200.00CR 055294 10,700.00 R 12/12/2007 5.39CR 055295 5.39 MAWSON COMPUTER CENTER PRINTER PART - FINANCE MCLEA'S TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE I-6005312 #17 LUBE/OIL/FILTER/BRAKES R 12/12/2007 169.04CR 055296 I-6005811 #9 - LUBE/OIL/FILTER SVC R 12/12/2007 39.36CR 055296 208.40 RFD RM RENTAL-CANCELLED R 12/12/2007 125.00CR 055297 125.00 DOG LICENSES (1,400) R 12/12/2007 487.00CR 055298 487.00 JANE MCMASTER MEDIA GRAPHICS, INC. MICHAEL'S HARLEY DAVIDSON C-96468543 ADJ FM PREV INV-7500 MILE SVC R 12/12/2007 46.10 055299 C-96470591 ADJ TO PREV INVOICE - BATTERY R 12/12/2007 4.60 055299 I-96460983 #23 ACCIDENT REPAIR CR#07-0690 R 12/12/2007 622.51CR 055299 I-96460992 #23 ACCIDENT REPAIR CR#07-0690 R 12/12/2007 405.60CR 055299 I-96462387 #23 ACCIDENT REPAIR CR#07-0690 R 12/12/2007 243.13CR 055299 I-96472228 REPL REAR BRAKE ROTOR - HARLEY R 12/12/2007 483.40CR 055299 I-96474003 SADDLE BAG GUARD - HARLEY R 12/12/2007 142.47CR 055299 1,846.41 PW SUPPLIES - VAC TRUCK R 12/12/2007 544.21CR 055300 544.21 REIMB CEC ART WORK EXPENSE R 12/12/2007 25.73CR 055301 25.73 I-409753025-001 OFFICE SUPPLIES R 12/12/2007 298.56CR 055302 I-410555049-001 OFFICE SUPPLIES R 12/12/2007 109.31CR 055302 I-411076484-001 OFFICE SUPPLIES - PD R 12/12/2007 21.58CR 055302 429.45 TRANSLATION SVCS - 10/1-10/31 R 12/12/2007 18.80CR 055303 18.80 HULA INSTRUCTOR - NOV 2007 R 12/12/2007 325.00CR 055304 325.00 MUNICIPAL MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT LINDA MURAZZO OFFICE DEPOT OMNI LINGUAL SVCS INC I-TI07109412 PEL01 CHECK TYPE RETAINER-CITY ATTORNEY RFP I-113007 OFF09 CHECK I-152187 I-45304 MUR03 DESC I-152180 I-12490 MIC05 5 MATHIS & ASSOCIATES I-120307 MED02 PAGE: AP - CASH CLEARING (POOL) I-2487 MCL01 CHECK REGISTER 00153 Regular Payments VALOILETI PELETI I-121007 12/12/2007 PACKET: 5:07 PM VENDOR SET: 01 BANK AP VENDOR PER02 A / P : NAME / I.D. SEN03 AMOUNT 11,063.18CR 055306 11,063.18 KARATE INSTRUCTOR - NOV 2007 R 12/12/2007 162.50CR 055307 162.50 OUTDOOR DINING R 12/12/2007 141.15CR 055308 141.15 CHLORINE - PW R 12/12/2007 24.41CR 055309 24.41 RFD RM RENTAL DEPOSIT 11/18/07 R 12/12/2007 400.00CR 055310 400.00 LTD/LIFE/DENTAL/VISION/EAP R 12/12/2007 6,736.68CR 055311 6,736.68 BATTERIES (2) - PD R 12/12/2007 108.28CR 055312 108.28 REFUND ROOM RENTAL DEPOSIT R 12/12/2007 400.00CR 055313 400.00 CARWASH PD/PW - NOV R 12/12/2007 57.50CR 055314 57.50 TABLES FOR COTATI RM (9) R 12/12/2007 5,084.20CR 055315 5,084.20 I-33249 VEHICLE SUPPLIES - PD R 12/12/2007 10.46CR 055316 I-34349 VEHICLE SUPPLIES - PD R 12/12/2007 33.19CR 055316 I-35111 VEHICLE SUPPLIES - PD R 12/12/2007 31.24CR 055316 C-ZA980853997 TAX CREDIT - SOFTWARE SUPPORT R 12/12/2007 46.50 055317 I-ZA80006926 SOFTWARE SUPPORT 11/07-11/08 R 12/12/2007 1,293.00CR 055317 TOM PORTER PRESS DEMOCRAT PURITY PRODUCTS CO. RANCHO COTATE POP WARNER FOOTBALL R.E.M.I.F RETAIL ACQUISITION & DEVELOPMENT SANDRA ROSALES ROYAL COACH CAR WASH R.W. SMITH & CO. I-820844-00 SAN09 CHECK NO# R 12/12/2007 I-120507 RWS01 CHECK 6345507202-3 10/20 - 11/27/07 I-112907 ROY02 AMOUNT PG&E I-20114876 ROS07 DISCOUNT 313.43 I-120607 RET01 DATE 055305 I-120307 REM01 CHECK TYPE 313.43CR I-11203 RAN08 CHECK R 12/12/2007 I-2214418 PUR01 DESC COMPLIANCE SVC SUBSCRIPTION I-121007 PRE03 6 PERSONNEL CONCEPTS I-120307 POR03 PAGE: AP - CASH CLEARING (POOL) I-2883221 PGE01 CHECK REGISTER 00153 Regular Payments SANTA ROSA AUTO PARTS 74.89 SENSUS TECHNOLOGIES 1,246.50 12/12/2007 PACKET: 5:07 PM VENDOR SET: 01 BANK AP VENDOR SHA01 A / P : NAME / I.D. TAY03 PARKING LOT LIGHT SUPPLIES R 12/12/2007 642.88CR 055318 642.88 R 12/12/2007 25,671.77CR 055319 25,671.77 PARKING VIOLATIONS - SEPT 2007 R 12/12/2007 450.00CR 055320 450.00 REIMB EXPENSE-CHIEFS LUNCHEON R 12/12/2007 40.00CR 055321 40.00 CHIPS - 22.43 TONS R 12/12/2007 422.95CR 055322 422.95 REFUND DEPOSIT ACCOUNT R 12/12/2007 3.52CR 055323 3.52 CUTBACK - 4.11 TONS R 12/12/2007 336.57CR 055324 336.57 AQUEDUCT USAGE 10/29-11/29/07 143-101-006-001 DIRECT CHG R 12/12/2007 52.98CR 055325 143-101-004-001 DIRECT CHGS R 12/12/2007 65.42CR 055325 118.40 UNREIMBURSED MEDICAL R 12/12/2007 45.89CR 055326 45.89 UNREIMBURSED MEDICAL R 12/12/2007 600.62CR 055327 600.62 AWARDS PROGRAM - PD R 12/12/2007 381.78CR 055328 381.78 LANDSCAPING SVCS - DEC 2007 R 12/12/2007 9,253.45CR 055329 9,253.45 R 12/12/2007 2,190.00CR 055330 2,190.00 TAMI TAYLOR DIANNE THOMPSON TRIPLE CROWN AWARDS TRUGREEN LANDCARE UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA I-9 UNI14 AMOUNT I-111907A I-5992075 UNI03 CHECK NO# I-111907 I-48870 TRU01 CHECK TAX COLLECTOR - SONOMA COUNTY I-120707 TRI01 AMOUNT SYAR INDUSTRIES, INC. I-120707 THO08 DISCOUNT STOCKHAM CONSTRUCTION I-305332 TAX01 DATE STONY POINT ROCK QUARRY I-120707 SYA01 CHECK TYPE ROBERT STEWART I-38071 STO02 CHECK SONOMA CTY SUPERIOR COURT I-121007 STO01 DESC SONOMA CTY WATER AGENCY I-102907 STE03 7 SHAMROCK MATERIALS I-28604 SON19 PAGE: AP - CASH CLEARING (POOL) I-637240 SON08 CHECK REGISTER 00153 Regular Payments 2001 TAB SERIES A ADMIN UNITED RENTALS NW, INC I-69694750-001 COMPRESSOR RENTAL - PW R 12/12/2007 978.14CR 055331 I-69823451-001 AIR COMPRESSOR REPAIR R 12/12/2007 886.96CR 055331 1,865.10 12/12/2007 PACKET: 5:07 PM VENDOR SET: 01 BANK AP VENDOR USB01 A / P : NAME / I.D. DESC WAT03 WHI04 WRI02 CHECK CHECK TYPE DATE DISCOUNT CHECK CHECK AMOUNT NO# AMOUNT 4246-0445-5564-9833 - NOV 2007 R 12/12/2007 6,925.17CR 055332 6,925.17 #270579820-00001 10/22-11/21 R 12/12/2007 324.37CR 055333 324.37 RFD RM RENTAL DEPOSIT 11/28/07 R 12/12/2007 25.00CR 055334 25.00 I-121007 PRINT SERVER - PD R 12/12/2007 10.79CR 055335 I-121007A 4GB MEMORY - INCODE SERVER R 12/12/2007 299.98CR 055335 I-2007040 NETWORK SVCS-OCT/NOV 2007 R 12/12/2007 2,362.50CR 055335 C-9487 VEHICLE LIGHT RTN - PD R 12/12/2007 712.77 055336 I-9640 VEHICLE LIGHTS - PD R 12/12/2007 1,004.51CR 055336 VERIZON WIRELESS VERANDA HOA I-120307 WAS01 8 U.S. BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEM I-606784664 VER04 PAGE: AP - CASH CLEARING (POOL) I-112307 VER02 CHECK REGISTER 00153 Regular Payments JAMES WASHINGTON 2,673.27 WATTCO 291.74 WHITLOCK & WEINBERGER INC I-10013 W COTATI TRAFFIC MONITORING R 12/12/2007 1,573.50CR 055337 I-10014 ECA CROSSING/DSP 10/27-11/23 R 12/12/2007 1,604.25CR 055337 I-112907 RFD ROOM RENTAL FEE - 9/20/07 R 12/12/2007 150.00CR 055337 3,327.75 REIMB TREE LIGHTING EXPENSE R 12/12/2007 32.13CR 055338 32.13 DIANE WRIGHT I-121007 TOTAL ERRORS: * * T O T A L S * * CHECK AMT TOTAL APPLIED 97 0.00 179,896.62 179,896.62 HANDWRITTEN CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 PRE-WRITE CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 DRAFTS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOID CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 NON CHECKS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 CORRECTIONS: 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 97 0.00 179,896.62 179,896.62 REGULAR CHECKS: REGISTER TOTALS: 0 NO# DISCOUNTS 12/12/2007 PACKET: 5:07 PM VENDOR SET: 01 BANK AP VENDOR A / P CHECK REGISTER PAGE: 9 00153 Regular Payments : AP - CASH CLEARING (POOL) NAME / I.D. DESC CHECK CHECK TYPE DATE DISCOUNT ** POSTING PERIOD RECAP ** FUND PERIOD AMOUNT ------------------------------------------- 001 12/2007 008 12/2007 109,961.63CR 360.90CR 012 12/2007 35,737.91CR 013 12/2007 4,772.00CR 018 12/2007 5,767.65CR 024 12/2007 17.44CR 035 12/2007 10,783.36CR 036 12/2007 703.31CR 037 12/2007 2,536.29CR 070 12/2007 6,192.03CR 201 12/2007 1,641.08CR 204 12/2007 1,423.02CR =========================================== ALL 179,896.62CR AMOUNT CHECK CHECK NO# AMOUNT
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