Newsletter - April 2007
Newsletter - April 2007
The Newsletter of Herald of Truth April 2007 • Volume 5, Number 1 The Dream LIVES Batsell Barrett Baxter T Juan Monroy he year was 1952. For the first time more Americans watched TV than listened to radio, color TV broadcasts were approved, and Edwin Armstrong’s new technology, FM radio, made its public debut. During that year of firsts, The Herald of Truth, a part of the Highland Church of Christ ministries, accepted its mission to use mass media to project the Gospel of Jesus to the world. In the intervening 55 years there have been numerous technological changes such as satellite up-linking and internet communication. There have been different men who represented Herald of Truth to the public: Batsell Barrett Baxter, Harold Hazelip, Juan Monroy, Landon Saunders, Glen Owen, Randy Becton, and now Steve Ridgell. In those same 55 years the mission of Herald of Truth has not changed. With radio, television, gospel meetings and now the ... Steve Ridgell internet we have made inroads in Cuba, Spain, Honduras, Brazil, Ecuador, and Malawi. Our domestic outreach includes the revamping of our website which now has a Spanish version. We are collaborating with so that some of our hopeforlife articles will gain additional exposure through that website. We have been able to maximize our radio broadcasts in South Florida so that the program is heard in Cuba as well as in Miami and Dade County. For those of us at Herald of Truth, the next 55 years will prove to be challenging as we utilize advances in technology to effectively communicate Jesus. Yet, the commitment to that dream of 1952 remains. O The Newest Guy by Bill Brant n Thursday, February 1, 2007, I took the elevator up to the fourth floor, opened the office door and assumed my responsibilities of President and CEO of Herald of Truth Ministries. At that moment I became “The New Guy”, who had to pedal really fast to avoid being run over by the veteran staff on Herald of Truth’s highway. That day, my office had a waist high table that still acts as my desk. You have to stand to use it for writing and I remember wondering how the others who were honored to lead this group of people felt on their first day. Men whose names and faces might not be as readily recognizable as the hosts of our radio and TV programs. Men such as John Reece, W. F. Cawyer, Clois Fowler, Randy Becton, Bruce Evans, Steve Thomas, and Vince Swinney. Men, who like David, were human but wanted to listen to God’s heart. So there I stood, hoping my tall desk would hide my inadequacies and hoping that I wouldn’t mess things up, because a world on the brink of insanity was waiting for the words of Jesus. And then it dawned on me, I wasn’t just the New Guy, I was just the newest guy. Not the first, nor the last, not the beginning, nor the end, but the latest individual to accept the commitment of projecting the words of Jesus to His world through radio, television, internet and evangelistic events. I had accepted the challenge of finding resources to enable Herald of Truth, starting in Cuba, Honduras, Ecuador, Spain, Malawi and the United States, to take His name from Nation to Nation. I have committed myself and those who work with me to demonstrate to the searchers and destroyers of the world that the answers are in the Book. I am the newest guy that directs a group of people who change with the technology while proclaiming the changeless truth of the Lordship of Jesus Christ. So the newest guy invites you to pedal with him on life’s challenging journey. His Word for His World — The Newsletter of Herald of Truth From the Field “ by Steve Ridgell I recently heard your commercial on a radio station and wondered if you would pray for me. I want to turn my life around but don’t know where to start. ” I can help her. I know the answer. I told her I did. I even offered to put her in touch with friends of mine who would help her. She was responding to radio spots we ran recently in the New Orleans area, but she could have been a respondent from any number of our projects: Juan Monroy’s radio program in Europe and Cuba, Tim Archer’s radio programs in Cuba and South Florida, or our television programming in the Miami area. Tim Archer broadcasts radio programs to Cuba and South Florida. Nation by Nation: Ecuador. Rex works with Christian Productions International and has produced a series of television programs, Con la Biblia Abierta. We are excited about how God is using us to minister together. In Brazil, we are helping the local churches air a program on nationwide television. Our Hope for Life radio program begins soon in the African country of Malawi. We continue to work on refining and formatting the Hope for Life website. Juan is working on the final stages of getting more Bibles into Cuba. Tim and I will be in Honduras conducting a campaign in the national prisons. I know many of you remember last year when seventeen from the juvenile prison were baptized. I look forward to worshipping with them again. You can see why I am so thankful for your partnership. The few stories above represent the thousands whose stories will begin She could have heard Juan preaching at our campaign in Arcelia, Mexico or she could have been one of the hundreds that look at our evangelistic website She could have been a respondent from our new evangelistic website I don’t yet know the end of her story, but I do know that she is one of the hundreds who are touched by our efforts to share the good news of Jesus in this world. Their stories are still being written as God works in the lives of those who seek Him. People like Johnny and Donny who visited one of our events in New Orleans last year. They were displaced by Hurricane Katrina and actually met in Texas. They had just moved back into the city and were working to rebuild a house. They heard of the Hope for Life campaign in their neighborhood and showed up at our seminar. They were able to meet a number of Christians and shared in a meal with us. Since then they have gotten married, are attending church, and some of your brothers and sisters there are working and studying with them. Yohanne heard one of our radio programs and wrote in to ask for a Bible. We were able to put him in touch with some of our friends where he lives in Africa. They are in regular contact and he wants to know more about God’s plan for his life. So how will his story end? I don’t know . . . it too is still being written. But I know all of these, and the others like them, have a chance. They have a chance because they heard a word about Jesus. Over the next few months two new television projects will begin. In partnership with Rex Morgan we will be launching Moses Banda, director of our Southern Africa field office, and Steve Ridgell make plans for the radio program and campaign in Malawi. to be written this year. So pray for those whose lives were touched by our recent efforts, and pray for those who will be touched by our next efforts. Pray for Juan, Skye Noe, Tim, and I as we record, write, preach, and follow up on these contacts. Pray for the local churches helping us in the follow up. And always remember that someday in heaven you will meet someone whose story you were a part of writing. Then we will know how these stories end . . . including our own. Find out more at WHAT OUR LISTENERS are saying . . . “ that God bless these edifying Bible programs “Weandarethatpraying through this medium many souls be reached for Every night I listen to the Word of God, read by you . . ." Luis M., Mexico the glory and honor of our God." Cirilo G., Mexico “ a faithful listener to your program which brings many “I'mblessings to my spiritual life . . ." Maribel P., Miami send me the Bible study that you offered on Almavision “Please Radio . . ." Humberto I., Miami in prison I listen to you preach on Almavision Radio. “Here I'm a faithful listener; I don't miss even one program . . ." I'm a listener of the program Su Palabra Para Su Mundo . . . can you tell me where the church meets?" Elpidio A., Mexico Cesar M., Miami prisoner here in Miami . . . I pray that you will continue “I'myoura ministry which is of great spiritual aid to me and others who have the opportunity to hear it. I listen to Almavision Radio. Please give my greetings to Timothy Archer. I really like his preaching and the way he speaks . . ." Mario N., Miami the Lord continue to bless you for this program that so “May edifies my spirit. I give thanks to the Lord for the work you are doing . . ." Claudia F., Miami U P C O M I N G MINISTRY MARCH 29 - APRIL 2 Steve Ridgell and Tim Archer in Honduras with Rigo Vargas APRIL Malawi radio starts JUNE Miami Hope for Life campaign MAY / JUNE Nation by Nation: Ecuador programming starts MAY / JUNE Brazil nationwide programming starts JULY 18 - 24 Cuba Youth Encounter with Tim Archer, Juan Monroy, and Skye Noe COME SEE US APRIL 29 Steve Ridgell preaching at Eastside Church of Christ, Snyder, Texas Legacy L MAY 2 - 4 Steve Ridgell at the Pepperdine Lectureship eaving something that will affect the future is part of a person’s legacy. Almost everyone wants to assure that their interests and favorite activities continue after their death, but frankly, only a few do something about it. JUNE 2 - 9 Tim Archer will be preaching in Piedras Negras, Mexico Herald of Truth can help you put in place required documents and processes that will guarantee that your legacy will be impactive. We can help you develop: JULY 2 -6 North American Christian Convention. Stop by the booth to visit with Tim Archer and Vince Swinney, chairman of our Board of Directors · · A simple will Annuities · Trusts The professionals at Herald of Truth and their associates can assist with all your legacy plans. Designating Herald of Truth in your will or annuity or trust is a marvelous way of assuring that more people will hear about Jesus. JULY 4 - 7 David Lipscomb Lectureship. Come to our Breakfast on Friday or come by the booth to visit with Bill Brant, Steve Ridgell and Justin Velten To get more information call Herald of Truth at (800) 234-7995. What will your legacy be? His Word for His World is the official newsletter of Herald of Truth. P.O. Box 2439 // Abilene, Texas 79604 Tel: (800) 234-7995 // Fax: (325) 691-5736 E-mail: [email protected] // Internet: Our Mission · Sowing the Seed through Mass Media. · Watering the Seed through Evangelistic Events, Scripture and Literature Distributions. · Reaping the Harvest through Discipleship and Connecting Respondents with Local Churches.
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