newsletter - iConnect


newsletter - iConnect
APRIL 2009
Presidents letter
Event Calendar
Private Equity
Bart has been very buzy lately,
he travelled to Fontainebleau
International Council and the
Leadership Summit. Including
the Presidents Letter 3 pages
from Bart: page 2, 3 and 4.
A real menu of events for a Do
As You Like springtime with
INSEAD! Not only Amsterdam,
now the financial business is out
of shape there are lots of
interesting other companies to
learn from in The Netherlands.
Find out on page 2
In dark and rainy Zeist the
future of Private Equity was
discussed. The switch from
“pay and pray” to “play and
stay” and the bad reputation
with pension holders: Idgar van
Kippersluis reports on page 5
NewYear’s cocktails IN-NED Academy
Without electronics and with a
French touch cocktails were
served in a light atmosphere at
Philips. Theun van Halewijn
reports on page 6
Jan Baan
Did you join him in his collapse
A debat at Robeco about yes or of Baan Company? Taste and
no an independent role of the enjoy his one-liners eg how to
the become a millionaire on page 8.
launch of the Academy. Read
more on page 7.
AGM & Strategy
Forum at Booz&Co
Singapore and
Who is the optimal owner of
Government? Or is a company
on the long run better off with
shareholders on the market?
You read it on page 9 (AGM)
and 10.
Wouter Stoutjesdijk watched
the ‘Tegenlicht’ documentary
‘Singapore Inc’. The Singapore
model as a success story and
“excessive social system” on
page 11.
An Alumnus in the News: Danny Menken in De Volkskrant on page 12.
A great surprise: the Alumni Business Cup 2009 in 30 ft racing machines, it’s about sailing, page 13.
Let me introduce myself: mini bio’s from New Arrivals on pages 15-16.
Congratulations, Alumni on the move and small ad’s on page 17.
New Arrivals on page 19 and 20, a Health Care Summit announcement on page 18
Board, Clubs and other VIP’s of your Association with their e-mail addresses on pages 23-24.
Corporate Sponsors of the INSEAD Alumni Association of The Netherlands
Event Calendar
Meet the Company:
Nederlandse Spoorwegen
Life Sciences and Healthcare
Salamander Road Challenge
INSEAD Private Equity Club
INSEAD Salamander Circle
Meet the Company ANWB
Meet the Dean Frank Brown
Meet the Company/Leader
KPN Aad Scheepbouwer
Dutch Tulip Fields
Den Haag
7 April
16 April
18 April
21 April
13 May
26 May
11 June
Den Haag
16 June
INSEAD Strategy
INSEAD: The Business School for the World®
Bart Blommers was in Fontainebleau to join the International Council which was held in April.
At the International Council in Fontainebleau,
Dean Frank Brown and Chairman Franz
Humer (who took over from our friend Kees
van Lede) explained the INSEAD strategy:
The business School for the World® will
remain the slogan as it still captures what we
aspire to. This ambition is underpinned with
four key elements: Understand the World,
Experience the World, Connect the World and
Change the World. I am sure you can think of
stories and ambitions under these four
In addition, several short and medium term
priorities were mentioned. Continued growth,
now Singapore is well established the
ambition is to (in due course) develop the
INSEAD facility in Abu Dhabi to a full fledged
education center with full time faculty on the
ground. Clearer positioning, INSEAD has a
unique position in business education,
however, the message can and will be spread
clearer and louder. The 50 year anniversary
will be intensively used to do that. Invest in
Faculty, the market for top quality faculty is
extremely tight, therefore INSEAD wants to
use the market downturn to attract 20 new
faculty members this year. Renewal of EDP,
INSEAD will strengthen the quality and
delivery of the EDP programs to counter the
hit due to the economic downturn. MBA
Enrichment, the highly successful MBA
program will be further enriched, for example
with more attention for public policy.
President’s Letter
Dear INSEAD friends,
Since the last newsletter the economic situation seems to have worsened, though (in the
Netherlands at least) still more “in the papers” than “on the street”. Let’s hope that all responsible
think about the right answers, rather than trying to allocate blame. Let’s also hope that the spring
in the air is a prelude to our near economic future. Meanwhile, we have to be content with fewer
traffic jams, lower commodity prices and a higher likelihood of reaching the Kyoto objectives…
Special Interest Groups
Closer to home: Last week, just prior to the
Booz Strategy Forum we had our AGM where
we discussed the results of 2008 and the
plans for 2009/2010. In addition to the
traditional business, leadership and social
events, 2008 was much more: it saw the
successful launch of several new Special
Interest Groups, or Clubs: Sustainability;
Private Equity; Health Care & Life Sciences.
All have had very successful and lively events
with discussions about developments and
challenges in their sector in more detail. In
addition, the Non-Executive Directors club,
IN-NED, takes our network to the next level!
They do not only hold successful events, they
also aim to bring together INSEAD alumni and
NED positions in SMEs and not-for-profit
organizations and to top it off they have set
up the IN-NED Academy, an ambitious
program for alumni that covers various
aspects of NED-ship.
Membership Survey
Thank you very much for all the feedback you
provided at the membership survey we held 2
months ago. Your commitment to the
association is shown by the fact that 22% of
the members filled it in (and even 7% of the
non-members!). This provided us with very
useful feedback - more about this further in
this newsletter.
Our own website
the web capability, it was our turn to further
modernize our communication. Within short
you will be notified about how to log in and
then I’d like to invite all of you to have a look
and let us know what think.
We intend to move more and more
communication online, as we develop the
capability of the website further.
New volunteers
Another benefit of the survey was that it
allowed us to get in touch with several new
volunteers. This is obviously very important
as the association can only live through
volunteers. So you can expect new initiatives
(like a renewed career services, an energy
club and class reps) and new faces in the
coming period. Needless to say, if you feel
passionate about something (or just feel like
a beer with old classmates) and are keen to
do something with that, let me know. The
platform and the infrastructure are there,
waiting for your action!
Last but not least: we prepared the launch of
our own website. After INSEAD had upgraded
Let me conclude by mentioning a few upcoming events, which are aimed at bringing you closer to
inspiring leaders (one of the things you asked for in the survey!): Bert Meerstadt at the NS, Guido
van Woerkom at ANWB, Frank Brown and several more before summer. Hope to see you around!
INSEAD Leadership summit 2009
Redesigning the rulebook
About 250 people gathered in Fontainebleau the 3rd of April at the leadership summit to discuss the
financial and economic turmoil and the implications for leadership. Bart Blommers reports.
First Horst Teltschik (former security advisor
to Helmut Kohl) discussed the transition from
a unipolar to a multipolar world and the need
for Europe to act as one and, maybe more
controversial, to integrate Russia into Europe.
Thereafter, Ilian Mihov, professor of
Economics, explained the crisis. He started
with the global imbalances: an unsustainable
high spending rate and low interest rate in
the US enabled through cheap products and
high savings rates from a growing China. The
search for yield let to ever more opaque
products and risks were not checked by
companies, rating agencies and supervisors.
Et voilà: we live with the results now. The
vicious cycle (of bad balance sheets of banks,
credit tightening, reduced spending,
companies in distress, more bad debts) must
be aggressively checked by a combination of
bank reforms, monetary and fiscal policy and
regulatory reforms. He also put the current
crisis in perspective: from 1870 until now, the
US economy has grown consistently with
1.85%. If in 1928, someone would have
predicted the GDP per capita for 2008, based
on a simple extrapolation, the margin of error
would have been less than 0.5%! (I missed
the footnote: behaalde resultaten in het
Thereafter in various presentations and panel
sessions perspectives were exchanged on
chareholder value versus stakeholder value.
On the need to rethink excessive executive
compensation and the risk of backfiring
incentives. Furthermore, responsible
leadership was discussed based on three
dimensions: self versus society; the
proximate versus the global and the short
term versus the long term.
Engaging debates in an energizing atmosphere. It always feels good to be back at school for a
couple of days!
IPEC evening: The future of Private Equity at PGGM
As the rain was pouring outside and traffic crawled through the usual evening jams, a large group
of alumni trickled one by one into the PGGM premises in Zeist for what promised to be a very
interesting IPEC evening. The theme of the night was the future of private equity, something that
occupies a lot of minds these days. It was 22 januari and Idgar van Kippersluis reports.
After most stomachs were filled with soup and
sandwiches, Joost de Haas kicked off the
evening with a very strong fact-packed but
private equity as a “pay and pray” strategy,
Joost emphasized how the traditionally handsoff approach to private equity led to returns
that were to a very large extent based on
leverage. As conditions in the financial
markets have changed, this old strategy
seems no longer viable, and private equity
firms will be increasingly called upon to reinvent themselves by pursuing a “play and
stay” strategy which will involve more “real
work” and operational skills.
Then PGGM’s Leo Lueb took the stage to
explain the investor’s perspective on private
equity as an investment class. Among many
other things, Leo explained how private
equity suffers from a bad reputation with
pension holders. Frequent news items on
some of the excesses of private equity and
negative consequences for companies (think
PCM or NXP) are having an impact. Given that
pension funds ultimately need to be viewed as
responsible, long-term investors, this could
clearly have an impact on which part of their
total portfolio will be allocated to PE. He also
scared everyone in the room by show some
graphs that laid out how deep returns of
pension funds have fallen. Part of the
explanation here was a lack of transparency
on the part of PE funds (and funds-of-funds)
on how much leverage is used. As a result,
fund managers couldn’t quite determine the
overall “beta” of their portfolio and their
portfolios turned out to be riskier than
assumed. In the future, investors such as
PGGM will be more critical of leverage ratios,
more critical of incentives within PE firms, and
more demanding on what PE firms really need
to deliver to their investors.
All of this led to lot of lively discussion and
some sombre introspection. Was there any
good news as well? Not really. We will all
need to work harder for less money. But is
that so bad in the big scheme of things? We
aren’t solely motivated by money; or are we?
Angelien Kemna
On Monday the 26th of January, we had our
first cooperation with Harvard Business Club
and MIT Sloan School of Management. It was
a great success. Angelien Kemna, former
President ING Investment Management,
today Professor at Erasmus University on
econometrics, introduced us into all the
details concerning “Executive remuneration
and the credit crisis”. Her introduction was
followed by an animated discussion about the
relation between remuneration and the credit
outnumbered all other alumni.
We are looking forward to the next joint action.
Daniella Gidaly
New Year’s Cocktails- Royal Philips
Bart and Pierre Jean Sivignon
On February 3 we gathered in great numbers at Royal Philips (note: without the “electronics” in the
name nowadays) in their Amsterdam headquarters, to celebrate, if a bit belated, the start of a new
year. Theun van Halewijn sipped champaign, exchanged good wishes and after some networking
he wrote this report.
Our host was the -relatively new- CFO of
Philips, Pierre-Jean Sivignon, a French
national. In his short speech he talked about
what it meant for him as a person to live and
work in the Netherlands…he actually finds
that the Dutch and the French are quite close
in some aspects!
On a more serious note, when talking about
the economic situation, he stressed the
importance of open communication to the
outside world, in this case investors. He told
them that he also did not know what 2009
was going to bring, but that Philips had
developed several scenarios; this openness
gave the analysts confidence, at least
according to Pierre-Jean.
It was great to see that Pierre-Jean stayed on
for quite some time after his speech, engaged
in lively conversations with the Insead
“I did not realize the Insead network was this
big in NL, in France it is an institution, but
apparently here in NL as well…” were his
famous last words.
A big thank you to James Nolan for helping to
realize this fantastic event!
Launch of the IN-NED Academy
Being kindly hosted at Robeco’s head offices on a day where the AEX slided toward the 200 did not
impact the mood of some 60 Alumni: on Tuesday the 3rd of March, the IN-NED Academy was
launched to support our ambition: increase effectiveness of board memberships specifically of
medium sized – private - companies and not-for-profit foundations.
‘Supervised’ by Dick Verbeek, Maarten
Schönveld en Jan Maarten de Jong, we
started with, yet again (!), group work in
preparation of a debate on some rules of
engagement for supervisors. Alumni’s political
skills appear to be very well developed, since
pro- and con-debators were all proven right in
the end. Interaction was great and the Board
openly shared with us their views on role and
engagement of supervisors.
This was followed by the theme of the
session: the Academy. Initiated by Peter
Idenburg we see the Academy as the binding
factor in the evolution of IN-NED: to
strengthen the effectiveness of supervisors
and to feed the emergence of our IN-NED
community. Erik van der Loo, member of
Manfred de Vries’ team, delivered the maiden
speech while sharing his views on leadership
and the contribution that you as an individual
with your personal characteristics bring to the
team. Interestingly, for supervisors, he sees
self-awareness as a ‘contact sport’: an
instrument for personal development and
very effective in small groups.
For those still not registered at IN-NED: The
Academy offers a series of 6 different
modules, during which a group of around 20
participants will be briefed and discuss
relevant topics for any board member. Each
module will be ‘driven’ by experts providing a
clear outline of the specific topic, an
interactive exchange of ideas and experiences
between the participants will greatly enhance
the value of each of these meetings.
We are extremely proud that we have
succeeded in getting these experts on board
and a direct involvement of INSEAD in our
Academy. One of the modules will consist of a
3- day seminar at INSEAD with professors
Manfred Kets de Vries and Erik van der Loo.
Once again we were proven that among the
group a close cooperation will emerge, that
will make the IN-NED academy deliver value
to society and be a source of on-going
development and related networking.
Jan Baan
March 10th, 2009 we were kindly invited to Kasteel Vanenburg to hear Jan Baan’s story about Baan
Company, his internet ventures and his current initiative Cordys. After a reception in the garden
chamber of the castle we moved to the marvellous room in the ‘Koetshuis’. Jeroen Koot was
impressed and reports.
Openheartedly, Jan shared his thoughts about
the success of Baan Company, its enormous
growth and the collapse. His story was full of
remarkable statements: ‘It is not hard to
become a millionaire. I became millionaire
from being a billionaire in one day.’; We did
not have shareholders, we had share
‘We want to bring a product to our customers,
that works and that we believe in,
shareholder value is not the target it is the
result’; The downturn of Baan Company was
caused by several combined factors, but Jan
specifically referred to the factor of
outstanding success, bringing people in a
mood of greed, and unrealistic behaviour.
This is a very relevant point in the current
After Baan Company, Jan is a serial
entrepreneur he invested in Webex, which
became a large success. Currently he invests
largely in Cordys. The products of this
company are to be the ERP systems of the
future, based on Clout computing, they are
specifically designed for working together and
organising the supply chain over many
parties. The drive and Jan’s believe (belief) in
this product are absolutely a sign of what may
The evening was concluded with a lot of discussion, and everyone received a copy of Jan’s
autobiography: Jan Baan: The way to market leadership. We look back to a very interesting
evening with many lessons learnt and a vision for the future.
Annual General Meeting 2009
Last Thursday, March the 26th, the Dutch IAA
had its most important day of the year again,
the event everyone always looks forward to.
With some 30 members attending, the AGM
was an even bigger success than last year.
On top of that the Board got all its proposals
accepted - from the minutes of last year to
the change in the bylaws and from the
discharge for last year to the surprising
proposal to appoint Evert de Iongh, Wim
Burgemeestre and Lex Geerdes in the
kascommissie for next year. We have to
admit Carsten de Koning managed to give the
Board a real hard time. But after some
juggling with the articles to be changed even
that hurdle was overcome. We’re looking
forward to the fireworks the Board is
preparing for next year. And dear Board be
sure we are going to follow you closely on
your promises: a spectacular growth in
members, more clubs, more interactive
events, classreps, career coaching rekindled,
an IAA-linkedin group and spectacular things
on the website. Bart we have written your
agenda for next year as you can see.
Booz & Company Strategy Forum
The sale and buy-back of BV Nederland?
About 150 alumni gathered at Pakhuis de Zwijger on March 26 for what has become one of the
highlights of the INSEAD Events Calender in the Netherlands: the Booz & Company Strategy
Forum. Vaishali Sachdev reports.
Prof. Theo Vermaelen kicked off the evening
with a stimulating presentation. He started off
by sharing with us the simple fact that in
general, buying a company is not a good idea
because the buyers tend to lose money
whereas the target firms’ stocks that are
successfully taken over tend to enjoy higher
cumulative average abnormal returns than
the market average and much higher than
those of unsuccessful take-over deals.
He went on to share the fact that the buyback
announcements during the current credit
crisis haven’t been at the level they would be
expected to be, when compared with the
number of buyback announcements around
the October 1987 crash or around 9/11. When
a company announces a buyback it is usually
perceived by the market as a positive thing,
which often causes the share price to shoot
The consequences of the 1982 tax reform
were that there were more equity issues in
1982-83 than in previous 13 years, the
Belgian stock market generated 50% excess
return, and the stock price increased around
equity issue announcement in 1982-83.
Theo then posed the question: who is the
optimal owner of firms? The answer to this
question is one we all remember from
INSEAD: ‘the one that maximises shareholder
value’, which by definition means taking a
long-term perspective.
Based on this, he recommends: providing
investment tax credits for investments in
newly issued equity by banks in 2009, making
cost of equity tax deductible at the corporate
level and discouraging bonuses based on
return on equity and earnings per share
targets. In short, create an equity culture.
His viewpoint is that nationalizing banks as a
solution to the financial crisis is against the
best interest of shareholders. Although
government injections of new capital increase
the book value of equity, the market value of
equity may actually decrease as a result of
collapsing stock prices after the
announcement of government ‘help’.
He offered an alternative solution that is built
around tax policy reforms: eliminating tax
advantages from debt financing and allowing
companies to deduct the cost of equity should
solve the crisis without experiencing the
negative effects of nationalization or regular
equity issues. He cited the example of the
Belgian tax reform of 1982 where the
government made the cost of equity tax
deductible at the corporate level for newly
issued equity by Belgian firms.
On that note, the other members of the panel
were invited on stage by our moderator for
the evening, Yoeri Albrecht: Alexander
Ribbink (former COO TomTom), Peter
Mensing (Senior VP Booz & Company) and Jan
Maarten Slagter (Director VEB).
Jan-Maarten very much agreed with Prof.
Vermaelen’s views on creating an equity
culture whereas Alexander Ribbink and Peter
Mensing were of the opinion that there is no
trust to buy bank shares and that people are
driven by greed and will find a way to
Whereas bankruptcy in other sectors such as
automotive was a sign of the market doing its
work, Peter Mensing’s view was that
government ownership may be the only way
to prevent a total failure of the banking
Theo Vermaelen did offer a condition that
could cause him to change his viewpoint on
government ownership of banks, namely if
governments would pay all earnings on banks
back to tax payers.
After some questions from the audience, the
formal discussion was drawn to a close and
we were invited to discuss the topic further
over a delicious buffet dinner and drinks.
On behalf of all the participating alumni: we thank Booz & Company, Prof. Vermaelen and the other
panel members for a thought-provoking and enjoyable evening!
‘Singapore Inc’ - INSEAD in the picture
Wouter Stoutjesdijk
I watched the ‘Tegenlicht’ documentary ‘Singapore Inc’ last February with interest. Not only did the
documentary give a clear picture of the Singapore model for success, it also displayed our school in
a very positive way.
Mentor-minister Lee Kuan Yew and political
scientist Kishore Mahbubani explained the
Singapore model, why it has worked so well
and what the West can learn from it. Cees
van Lede (former president of the INSEAD
board) and Jim Rogers (American super
investor) gave their testimony for this.
Singapore offers a stake in life: equal
opportunity, but not necessarily equal
independent in ’65 it invited multi-nationals to
invest. Contrary to what other 3rd world
countries said, these companies did not hit
and run with cheap labour, but stayed to train
people and open up markets for products.
This has helped Singapore build an economy
and its first pillar of success: education. The
others are housing and healthcare. All of
them are well-developed and provided to
everyone. Beyond this there can be little
dependency on the state and Singapore
preaches personal responsibility.
The Singapore model has been copied by
China claims Lee Kuan Yew. When Deng XiaoPing visited Singapore in the late seventies,
he was so impressed with the combination of
capitalism and egalitarian society that he
started the changes in China, resulting in
socialist free-market model that China has
developed over the last 30 years. Jim Rogers
sees Singapore as a bridge between the
declining West and rising China: a good
system, English speaking, yet also Chinese
speaking and close to its culture.
Nobody denies that Singapore will also be hit
by the current crisis. Singapore is a large
exporter and is therefore dependent on the
outside world and, as in other countries,
some people have lost their savings on bad
investments. However, due to its large
financial reserve and flexible workforce it will
come out well. On the latter, Lee Kuan Yew is
very clear: in times of recession we lower
wages and incentivise people to retrain. The
government has already started large projects
and expects people to work on those. This, he
says, would not be possible in Europe because
of the “excessive social system”. In Europe,
governments are afraid to ask this of their
people. Kishore Mahbubani adds that this is
also a problem with democracy: politicians
are afraid to take unpopular decisions
because they have to be re-elected.
Singapore has developed itself so well
because of excellent leaders and long-term
thinking. The downsides of this have been
discussed many times in the West, but, adds
Cees van Lede, people in Singapore are
pragmatics. They do not value this additional
freedom that we have in Europe as much as
the progress that has been made possible by
their model.
Lee Kuan Yew summarises: “Old civilisations
are reviving and the West will have to get
used to this.” With our INSEAD campus in
Singapore we are sure to learn from this and
as Dean Frank Brown puts in his graduation
An Alumnus In the News
'Neem afscheid van het old boys network'
Van onze verslaggevers
Eurosport-directeur Danny Menken ziet veel in een database voor een nieuwe generatie
van commissarissen. ‘Neem afscheid van het old boys network. Laat angry young men de
zittende commissarissen tegen de schenen schoppen.’
Amsterdam ‘Bonussen? Helemaal mee
stoppen. Een prikkel is leuk, maar geen
irreële bonussen meer. Maximaal een keer
een jaarsalaris.’
Het is een van de ideeën van Danny Menken
(29), algemeen directeur voor de Benelux van
sportzender Eurosport. Hij ziet zichzelf als een
bestuurder van de toekomst; voor zijn 35ste
wil hij zitting nemen in de raad van bestuur
van een internationale onderneming.
Nog belangrijker, om een volgende crisis te
voorkomen, vindt hij het ontwikkelen van
nieuwe manieren om toezichthouders te
vinden. Menken (ingenieur, ex-Heineken, exKPN): ‘Het old boys network bestaat. We
moeten de oude jongens ook niet zomaar aan
de kant gooien. Die hebben eerder crises
‘Maar in de oude netwerken ging het vaak
om elkaar de zaken te gunnen, op een heel
beperkte manier. Dat moet wel verdwijnen.
Het moet gaan om verdienste, niet om het
bevoordelen van oude vrienden.’
Het verzamelen en toegankelijk maken van
gegevens over goede kandidaten is volgens
Menken een goede manier om het kaf van het
koren te scheiden. Hij is actief in de
vereniging van oud-studenten (alumni) van
Insead, de prestigieuze managementschool in
De alumni hebben onlangs een database
opgezet met de namen van potentiële
commissarissen: In-Ned. Uiteraard allemaal
kandidaten met een bul van Insead.
‘Je biedt bedrijven ook een manier om verder
te kijken dan de kring van gedoodverfde
kandidaten. Bovendien gaat het om
kandidaten die getraind zijn als
toezichthouder – en die zich regelmatig laten
bijspijkeren op dat vakgebied.’ Uiteraard gaat
het bij die database ook om ‘het vergroten
van de invloed van het netwerk’, geeft hij toe.
Dit soort nieuwe manieren om
toezichthouders te werven kan volgens
Menken zorgen voor een voortdurende
verversing van de raden van commissarissen.
‘Dat is nodig, want van commissarissen wordt
steeds meer geëist. Meer dan vroeger moeten
zij werkelijk betrokken zijn bij een bedrijf.’
Dat biedt kansen voor de jeugd, vindt hij.
‘Laat angry young men meelopen met de
zittende commissarissen. Laat ze hen maar
tegen de schenen schoppen, want de oudere
generatie is te lang alleen intern gericht bezig
geweest. Ze mogen meer letten op de eisen
van de maatschappij.
Copyright: de Volkskrant
The 17th ALUMNI BUSINESS CUP 3th to 7th June, 2009
Port Camargue – Provence & Languedoc - France
Grand-Surprise 30 ft racing machines
Dear Friends,
After unforgettable cruising around the Kornati island and the discovery of Sibenik and
Skradin, we will return to a more traditional and competitive format.
Right in the middle of the French Riviera, on the Mediterranean coast and between the
wild expanse of the Camargue and the charms of Provence, we have once again found the near
perfect combination of true one-design sailing and abundant onshore resources.
Friendship, Glory and Fun
Montpellier Airport (20mins drive) - direct
- from London Easyjet and Ryanair
- from Frankfurt Ryanair
- from Amsterdam Transavia
- from Madrid Iberia
Avignon Airport (100km) has some useful
Flybe flights from the UK)
Marseille Airport (150km) is linked to all
major European destinations
By car – on main motorway – easy access
from Spain and from Italy
By train – 3h30 from Paris
The hand-over of the boats will take place all
day Wednesday 3rd June. Practice sailing will
be possible. The welcome cocktail dinner will
take place on Wednesday night.
Accommodation will be available from
Wednesday night to Saturday night (more
details to come shortly).
Check-out: The regatta will end on Saturday
evening with the prize-giving cocktail, leaving
the Sunday free for tourism or relaxing
around the swimming pool or on the beach.
- Insurance: Each skipper must hold a sailing
licence including a 3rd-party liability
insurance. If needed, such Sailing licence can
be obtained from the local yacht club with one
week’s notice. (€ 30).
- A guarantee deposit of € 3,500 –- will be
requested from the skipper on the first day of
arrival before the boat can be handed over.
Deposits can be either cheques drawn on EEC
banks or Visa/master cards with a copy of
owner’s ID. A liability reduction scheme (€
300) is available for a cost of € 100.
Booking: The fleet is composed of12 boats
and they will be allocated on a first paid first
served basis. We expect that the fleet will be
fully booked by mid March.
Hot 30ft racing machines, namely GrandSurprise. Crews are expected to be composed
of 6 or 7 people, however the deck space can
accommodate 8 good friends. The fleet
(unlike in some previous events) is truly onedesign and in excellent condition (built in
Costs: On the basis of a 6-person crew, the
cost per boat is: 4200 euro (i.e. € 700 per
person). The additional cost for a 7th crew
member or per accompanying partner will be
€ 400 (bringing the cost down to € 660 per
person for an 7-people crew and to
€ 625 for 8 people.
The booking process is unchanged from
previous years.
- Transfer the € 2,000 (two thousand euros)
initial deposit to the ABCA account (details
- Confirm your booking by registering on the
website (
alternatively you may liaise directly with
Philippe, and Marc (see below for e-mail
Costs include:
- boat for 4 days + race organisation and
harbour fees,
- Accommodation from Wednesday to Sunday
- Lunch packs for the crews during the races,
- Dinners and/or cocktail parties each night.
- Bank transfers only are accepted (no
cheques). Your transfers should be made
payable to:
Name: ABCA
IBAN: FR76 30003 03010 00037265697 66
All bank charges must be charged to your
account. Please, indicate clearly which team is
the payment made for.
Clever ideas and personal views are most welcome to help us making this 17th ABCup regatta
another plain success.
For further information regularly check (updated mid January) and do
not hesitate to contact either of us:
Philippe Lerique [email protected]
Marc Le Borgne [email protected]
Best regards,
Marc, Philippe
Let my introduce myself
Rogier Kerkhof (MAP’07)
I’m Rogier Kerkhof and for the non-Dutch
among us you can call me Roger. I’ve been
working for ING in the Netherlands for 10
year. Recently I became partner of the
actuarial & consultancy firm Sprenkels
&Verschuren. We advise pension funds,
medium and large companies on all the
pension issues they have, like asset liability
studies, renegotiate pension schemes with
insurers, integrate pensions schemes and due
diligence for M&A, etc. We’re located in
Enschede, Amsterdam and Rotterdam and we
work with ± 35 consultants.
I’ve visited Insead while I still worked for ING
and was part of the MAP program in
Singapore/Fontainebleau. The most attractive
of INSEAD is not only the level of the
professors but also the level and knowledge
of the participants. This really makes the
difference between an average business
school and INSEAD.
During the visits to INSEAD at home
everything was managed by my wife
Marjanne, who was in control of our two kids
and our Labrador retriever. During weekends
and holidays you’ll find us skiing, horse back
riding, sailing or at the beach with the kids.
Janneke van der Kamp (MBA’03J)
for 3.5 years. Although I very much enjoyed
consulting, I wanted to ‘see the other side’
and also do more with my interest in
decided to join Novartis Pharma after the
fantastic year I had at INSEAD.
As you can see from my name, I’m Dutch by
origin. However, since my year at INSEAD
(Sept 2002-July 2003) I’ve been working
abroad and have only just returned to The
Netherlands - hence just joined IAA NL and
introducing myself to you now.
I’m 34 years old, married to classical
musician Jan van Maanen, and as I type this
on maternity leave, expecting my first baby.
Before INSEAD, I did an MSc in Chemistry
and a Bachelors in Music (violin), and worked
in Strategy Consulting (with Arthur D. Little
and then Roland Berger Strategy Consultants)
I joined Novartis in a global brand
management role in Switzerland, moved to
the UK for 3 years to get local marketing and
sales management experience and then back
to Switzerland to lead strategy & business
operations for Europe. Then I was offered the
Head of Marketing role in The Netherlands
and grabbed this great opportunity with both
So here I am now: back in my home country,
living in a lovely 1930s-house in Baarn.
(re)connecting with all of you through the IAA
events, and learn how and what you have
been and are doing after INSEAD!
Sid Srivastava (MBA’04 J)
I have been working at Avery Dennison in Business Development, having moved to Netherlands
from Germany. I looking forward to meeting and getting to know people through the association.
Special interest in India & Entrepreneurship.
Peter van Driel (AMP’08 Oct.)
My name is Peter van Driel. From August
1st, I am heading the internal IT Services
organisation of steelmaker Corus.
playing field is challenging. Not only caused
by the current market conditions, but also
because of the ongoing competition with
external IT service providers within Corus.
I am 49 years old and have quite some
experience as general manager in both IT en
HR. Sport has always been my favourite
hobby: hockey, tennis, running, sailing,
biking, golf, whatever.
Both active and in club
I joined the October 2008
experienced it as a 4
weeks exciting journey.
Exciting in every way and
definitely a very strong
help in weathering the
current business storms.
Joost Paques (MBA’08D)
thereafter worked for a year for our family
business in biological wastewater and gas
treatment ( Then I moved to
Accenture to work in the energy sector for
four years with different clients and projects.
Before starting the MBA I already had an offer
from our family firm to join, which I recently
did. I am currently working on a business
development assignment on how Paques
should approach the Indian market. This
assignment will take 6 months, which will also
give me a good opportunity to learn more
about our company. It is really great to be
back at work again and even more great to be
able to join such a wonderful company. The
new colleagues have been very friendly and
willing to help/teach me and so far I am
enjoying every minute of the way…
In 2010 I will move my
family again to go to our
office in Shanghai, China
where I will probably work
in the sales department
for about 2 years.
In summary, I always like
to mention three things
when I think back on my MBA experience:
• A unique year
• A great experience and
• Very enriching in many aspects
I really value the amount of things I have
learned and am still amazed by the amount of
interesting people I’ve met.
We congratulate :
Kaoru Inahara Solvsteen (MBA’03D) and Rune
Solvsteen (MBA’03D) on the birth of their son,
Edward Yukitomo, on October 26, 2008.
Sabine Post-de Jong (MBA’04D) and Pepijn on
the birth of their daughter, Elisa, on
December 18, 2008.
David (MBA’02D) and Natascha van der Does
on the birth of their son, Pieter Christiaan
Jacob, on December 6, 2008.
Tom (YMP’07F) and Anouk Cnudde on the
birth on their daughter, Laurentine Aline, on
January 29, 2009.
Joep Ketelaar (MBA’99J) and Marike Schols on
the birth of their son, Johan Bartus, on
December 14, 2008.
Paul (MBA’98D) and Mariëtte van der Torre on
the birth of their son, Ewout Dirk Jacobus, on
March 7, 2009.
Alumni on the Move:
(please mail us your changes)
Egbert Abrahams
Waterland Private Equity Investments
Email: [email protected]
Tim Bett
Bisham Consulting
Email: [email protected]
Marieke Bax
Talent to the Top
Email: [email protected]
Bart Blommers
Egon Zehnder International
Email: [email protected]
Maarten van Berckel
Deutsche Bank
Email: [email protected]
Ilja van Haaren
Stichting Kinderpostzegels Nederland
Email: [email protected]
For sale:
Directly from INSEAD Alumnus for sale: Beautiful appartment with sun terrace and 4 rooms in
residential area of Eindhoven. Includes access to private parc, tennis court and indoor swimming
pool. For further information please contact +49 89 54 344 171.
New editor for the Newsletter. With lots of fantasy and enthusiasm: every Newsletter should be a
new challenge, not only artistic, but especially due to the pressure of time. The reward is unique:
the happy feeling that every alumnus or alumna can’t wait till the new Newsletter is PDF’ed in his
or her email box and that you can deliver that!
So the Newsletter file can be obtained from the editor that says goodbye and the new editor can
start immediately. Mail to [email protected] or have a look on website
or call 06 54 27 79 21 to make an appointment for all the backgrounds.
New Arrivals
Nathalia Badillo (MBA’01D)
Frieda & Goldman Group (CFO)
Email: [email protected]
Raymond Habets (MAP’08F)
Bouwfonds (Dev. Manager)
Email: [email protected]
Christian Berghout (MBA’08D)
Email: [email protected]
Joost Halkes (MBA’08D)
The Boston Consulting Group (Consultant)
Email: [email protected]
Peter Bouma (AMP’08)
Rabobank (Manager Legal Affairs)
Email: [email protected]
Marc van Heesch (YMP’02)
Potplantenkwekerij Sjaloom (Production
Email: [email protected]
Johann Bryan (IEP’08Mar)
Johann Bryan Interim Management &
Email: [email protected]
Michiel Heijmeijer (INTAL’08N)
ING (Director)
Email: [email protected]
Jacques van Brussel (AMP’08J)
Self employed (Interim CFO)
Email:[email protected]
Loic Herve (MBA’05J)
Abbott Vascular (Manager BV)
Email: [email protected]
Thomas Calis (IEP’08)
AstraZeneca (VP Marketing & Sales)
Email: [email protected]
Willem Huberts (YMP’95S)
BP Nederland (Inland Marine Manager)
Email: [email protected]
Peter van Driel (AMP’08Oct)
Corus (Gen. Manager IS)
Email: [email protected]
Charlotte Hooijdonk (IEP’98)
Hooijdonk Interim & Project Mgmt.
Email: [email protected]
Guido Dubbeld (AMP’08Oct)
Eneco (MD Trading)
Email: [email protected]
Wolter Jalink (YMP’06F)
Accenture (Manager Strategic IT Effectiveness
Email [email protected]
Flip Estourgie (MAP’08Sept)
Schiphol Group (Corporate Secretary)
Email: [email protected]
Jenny Feldhausen (MBA’08D)
Booz & Company (Associate)
Email: [email protected]
Geert van de Guchte (INTAL’08N)
ING Bank (Director)
Email: [email protected]
Leon Habets (IEP’08)
University Hospital Maastricht (Manager Bus.
Email: [email protected]
Mirjam ‘t Lam (YMP’07)
Rabobank (VP)
[email protected]
Janneke van der Kamp (MBA’03)
Novartis Pharma (Marketing Director)
Email: [email protected]
Teun van der Kamp (MBA’08D)
McKinsey & Company (Associate)
Email: [email protected]
Rogier Kerkhof (MAP’07J)
Sprenkels en Verschuren (Partner)
[email protected]
Martin Koekkoek (EMBA’07)
Martin Koekkoek Consultants (owner)
Email: [email protected]
Chandra Margetis (MBA’08D)
Email: [email protected]
Peter Margetis (MBA’04D)
McKinsey & Company (Engagement Manager)
Email: [email protected]
Eva Samuelsson (MBA’93J)
Enrichment Technology (Head Purchasing
Email: [email protected]
Sid Srivastava (MBA’04J)
Avery Dennison (Sen. Manager Corp. Strategy
& Businesss Dev.)
Email: [email protected]
Bart Meeuwsen (AMP’08O)
Bruynzeel Keukens (Dir. Professional Market)
Email: [email protected]
Davy Thomas (MBA’03J)
Philips Consumer Lifestyle (Consumer
Marketing Director)
Email: [email protected]
Jim Nolten (MBA’09D)
McKinsey & Company (Associate)
Email: [email protected]
Joost Vasters (MBA’08D)
The Boston Consulting Company (Consultant)
Email: [email protected]
Berry Oonk (MAP’08S)
Akzo Nobel (Head of Corporate Branding)
Email: [email protected]
Jochem In ‘t Velt (MAP’09)
AAC Capital Partners (Investment Director)
Email:[email protected]
Joost Paques (MBA’08D)
Paques BV (Business Development)
Email: [email protected]
Hein Versteegen (AMP’08Mar)
BAM Civiel BV (Regional Director)
Email: [email protected]
Arnout de Pee (MBA’08D)
McKinsey & Company (Consultant)
Email: [email protected]
Charles Watson (MBA’82J)
Shell Energy Europe (CEO Shell Energy
Email: [email protected]
Hans Peters (AMP’01)
Danone Belgium Baby Nutrition Division
(Managing Director)
Email: [email protected]
Yael Weinstein (MBA’08D)
Booz & Company (Associate)
Email: [email protected]
Lucas Prat Bertrams (MBA’08D)
Booz & Company (Associate)
Email: [email protected]
Ester Widdershoven (MAP’07May)
Provincie Zuid-Holland (Head HRM)
Email: [email protected]
Marianne van Putten (MBA’08D)
McKinsey & Company (Fellow)
Email: [email protected]
Thomas de With (AMP’04)
Deutsche Bank (MD Head GTB NL)
Eamil: [email protected]
Timothy Robertson (MAP’08S)
Akzo Nobel (Global Employee Comm. Mgr)
Email: [email protected]
Rene Wolfkamp (AMP’08O)
Schoeller Arca Systems (Board Member)
Email: rene.wolfkamp@schoellerarca
Steven Zuiderwijk (MBA’08J)
The Boston Consulting Group (Consultant)
Email: [email protected]
Fontainebleau Corner
Useful INSEAD web links:
INSEAD Connect: .
Please keep your profile up to date so as:
- Your address details will be correct in the
printed edition of the Alumni Address Book;.
- Your INSEAD friends and colleagues can find
- Fellow alumni and/or recruiters can find you
for new business opportunities;
- Fellow alumni and INSEAD can find you by
professional and/or personal interests such
as, CSR, entrepreneurship, golf, skiing, wine,
etc. (Specify your interests in your profiles);
- We can keep you informed about what's
happening on campus, events, reunions,
news, etc.
required fields. A street address without
postal code and city is not sufficient. Again, if
your details are marked confidential you will
not receive the mail.
Lifelong Alumni Email Service
Also, please check that your lifelong email is
well set. If there is no email address saved in
your personal profile or in your professional
profile, you will not receive our emails. Your
lifelong alumni email address is a forwarding
service only. The preferred email address will
be used to contact you, unless flagged as
If you require your login details, please
contact: [email protected] .
Address Settings
In order to receive our invitations and our
newsletters, double check your details at and complete the
For any questions you may have, please
contact us by email at:
[email protected] or Telephone:
+33(0)1 60 72 42 10.
Faculty publication - Throwing Sheep in the Boardroom:
How Online Social Networking Will Transform Your Life, Work and World
Co-authored by INSEAD Senior Research Fellow Dr. Matthew Fraser and
INSEAD Professor Soumitra Dutta, Throwing Sheep in the Boardroom is the
first book written for a wide audience about the powerful trend that is reshaping
our lives - the Web 2.0 social networking revolution.
Examining the powerful forces driving this social e-revolution, the authors
describe the equally powerful reactions to it and make predictions about its longterm consequences.
Combining a pop sociology approach with rigorous analysis rich in economic
history and organisational behaviour, this book presents a lively and provocative
learning experience about the global popularity of social networking platforms
such as MySpace, Facebook and YouTube.
The authors examine the impact of social networking sites
at three different levels, personal, organisational and
consumer/civic, which constitute the book's three
sections and corresponds to its triptych thematic
structure, referred to as 'ISP' - identity, status and
- Personal: Informal personal interactions. Social identity
is largely concerned with questions related to our personal
identity. We need to construct our identity before we can
meaningfully interact with others.
Dr. Matthew Fraser
- Organisational: Formal relationships inside
organisations. Our place within organisational structures
is determined by notions of status. How we regard
ourselves is frequently determined by how others look at
Professor Soumitra Dutta
- Consumer/civic: Distribution and exercise of power. Our behaviour as consumers and citizens is
dominated by issues relating to power.
Fraser and Dutta tell us more about 'Throwing Sheep in the Boardroom'. Read on.
Bart Blommers
[email protected]
Tel. 06 13 11 63 88
Olivier Gorter
[email protected]
Tel. 06 46 25 17 46
Membership &
Career Coaching
Daniella Gidaly
[email protected]
Tel. 06 29 59 49 51
Joop Heijenrath
[email protected]
Tel. 030- 228 81 42
Birgit van Kalleveen-Blaha [email protected]
Tel. 06 22 40 27 53
Jeroen Koot
[email protected]
Tel. 06 20 44 45 08
Event Committee
Jeroen Koot
[email protected]
Tel. 06 20 44 45 08
Theun van Halewijn
[email protected]
Tel. 06 20 18 45 44
Birgit van Kalleveen-Blaha [email protected]
Tel. 06 22 40 27 53
Danny Menken
[email protected]
Tel. 06 27 09 14 37
Robert van Schagen
[email protected]
Tel. 06 53 15 53 06
Caroline Vogelzang
[email protected]
Tel. 06 10 94 91 61
Private Equity Club
Olivier Gorter
Joost de Haas
Idgar van Kippersluis
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Health Care and Life Sciences - Special Interest Group
Hedwig Campman
Birgit van Kalleveen-Blaha
Willem Koelewijn
Pieter Ligthart
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Paul Diercks
Daniella Gidaly
Helene Gorter-van Gorp
Matty Vanderbroeck
Roland Zoomers
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Sustainability Club
Marius Frank
Joop Heijenrath
Lodewijk Westerling
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
IAF Trustee
Joop Heijenrath
[email protected]
Tel. 030- 228 81 42
Salamander Investment club Netherlands SIN
Maarten Feilzer
Barbara Martens
Alexander Goad
Pieter Ligthart
Joost de Haas
[email protected]
Tel. 06 54 90 62 38
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Entrepreneur’s Network
Gijs de Rooij
[email protected]
Tel. 06 22 79 19 79
Newsletter Editor:
Mary Linn Schnitger
[email protected]
Burg.’s Jacoblaan 50
1401 BS Bussum
Tel. 035 - 692 02 32
Fax. 035 - 692 03 45
Bank relation:
RABO Bank Utrecht