Baptist Notes - First Baptist Church Framingham


Baptist Notes - First Baptist Church Framingham
September 2013
Baptist Notes
A Publication of the First Baptist Church in Framingham
PO Box 2415 ~ Framingham, MA 01703-2415
The Rev. Jason R. Rutherford, Pastor
[email protected]
“Thus says the Lord!,” is the opening phrase to the prophet
Amos’ message to the Israelite people, which was closely followed by, “God roars from Zion, and shouts from Jerusalem!
(Amos 1:2-3). Amos tells us something BIG is about to happen.
And, it does, as Amos, a shepherd by trade, announces God’s
judgment on the priests and worshipers at the Temple Bethel during the 8th century B.C. Long ago God spoke, but I challenge any
idea that the Word of the Lord is either archaic or past tense. My
belief is God still speaks through messengers today, and our challenge as a contemporary church is to discern the word of the Lord
in our world today.
What follows from the prophet Amos will be the topic of our Wonderful Wednesday Bible
Study starting September 3, which will be a study of two books from the Old Testament, Amos
and Hosea. For now, I want to address two important questions for the Christian church in contemporary times: (1) How do we hear God’s word today, and (2) who are the modern day
prophets in our world?
Biblical prophets were spokespersons for God, who took a specific message at a specific time to
a specific group of people. The prophets in our Bible, most of whom are in the Old Testament,
were people from a variety of life venues, including farmers, royal officials, people of high status, and some poor and lowly. The common characteristic was a receptivity to spirit and compassion, as well as living a life of integrity that went hand-in-hand with becoming a spokesperson for righteousness. Most commonly the message of the prophets revolved around issues of
injustice like oppression of the poor by the rich, false worship, and the breaking of a promise
formed between the Israelite people and God.
How we hear God’s word today is through the posture of our life; being receptive to become
people of God. The willingness to change our ways when necessary, speak with boldness when
called upon, be moved with compassion, or by advocacy of those in need when we see injustice, and maintaining the spiritual disciplines of prayer, study, and service. Also, with encouragement, I assure you that modern day prophets do exist among us, and like the prophets of old,
speak and take action from the heart; a heart that has been molded and formed by the Holy Spirit of God.
(Continued on page 2)
This fall and winter I will be leading a sermon and worship series where I will feature a selection of twentieth century modern day prophets from a variety of places in the world. These services are scheduled for October 20, November 17, January 17, and February 9. I am still finalizing the list, however most of these people you will be familiar with. And, the beauty of their
life and ministry is the common attribute that they allowed their heart to be consumed by the
heart of God, causing their life to be transformed, and in some cases, take a completely different direction.
Finally, in response to the question, “Who are the modern day prophets in the world today,” the
short answer is “You Are!!” I will be highlighting some very well-known people in the coming
months, but the purpose is to reinforce what God can do in the life of any person who cultivates
a life of readiness and response to the Holy Spirit of God.
At 9 am on the first Sunday of each month, the
Prayer Circle meets on the Pleasant Street side of
the sanctuary, in the back by the usher's table.
They would like a few more people to join them
as they pray for our members and friends and for
those who have requested prayers.
Where two or three are gathered in my name, God will be in their midst.
Matthew 18:19,20 (NRSV)
Church Notes
Congratulations to Judy Richardson on the birth of her granddaughter, Mikayla
Allison Sonnenberg on June 27th. Parents are Amanda and Jeffrey Sonnenberg.
Congratulations to Lorna and Gerry Mailhoit on the birth of their grandson, Bowen
Onyx Donovan on August 5th. Parents are James Donovan and Ryan Wright.
Congratulations to Sarah Zeman and Joshua Wilder who are engaged to be married
on August 17. They are planning to be married in Maine during the summer of 2014.
Our sympathy to Martin Acevedo on the loss of his son, Marty, on July 4th.
Our sympathy to Paul Moore on the loss of his mother who lived in Arizona, Eddie
Sue, on July 28th
Our sympathy to Jack Bennett on the loss of his wife, Beth, on August 14th. Beth
was a 50 year member of Park St/First Baptist.
Christian Education for All
Rally Day is coming Sunday, September 8. We’ll be looking forward to the start again of church school for all ages.
All our classes this year will be using age appropriate curriculum
from Seasons of the Spirit. Seasons of the Spirit supports faith
communities and families in their life together by
exploring meaning and mystery in the Bible
being grounded in thoughtful theology
empowering children, youth, and adults to be transformed
in Christ
nurturing the imaginative spirit
offering resources for all ages
All children 5th grade and younger - including preschoolers are
invited into the Children’s Room at 9:30 am. Mrs. Halbert and
Mrs. Zeman will be teaching this year.
The Middle/High School class will meet in Reilly Hall this year. Tom and Annette Stefanini will
be leading this class. Class starts at 9:30 am. We ask that any folk who come early for worship and
sit in Reilly Hall respect the fact that a class is meeting there.
The Adult Class will meet at 9:30 am in Jefferson Hall with Paul Moore .
Library 4 also returns on September 8. Following the Children's Moment in the worship service,
those in grades 2, 3, 4 and 5 are welcome to meet in Jefferson Hall for "Library 4". In "Library 4"
three grandmothers will read Bible, seasonal and/ or inspirational stories. Then the children can
read to them. They will do pencil work, like word search, and sometimes they will make things
for our shut-ins.
Following the Children's Moment, children 6 years and younger will meet in the Children's
Room for a program prepared for them by our new Christian Education Coordinator.
September Birthdays
Jack Bennett
Jon Harris
Florence Pedersen
Kathie Zeman
Timothy Lowell
Doris Devine
Jessica Rose Leblanc
Evelyn Purdy
David Lowell
Luckner Bayas
Originally scheduled
for September 14, the
Progressive Dinner
has been postponed
to a later date. A
new date will be
announced soon.
The title of our study this fall is, “Long Ago God Spoke.” We will
be highlighting the Prophets of the Old Testament, their message,
and how their message and lives were transformed as a result of
their faithfulness and hearing the word of the Lord. A calling to be
faithful is not always a calling to success. We will take a look at
the unfaithfulness of God’s covenant people, the Israelites, as well
as the ongoing tension between their identity and unfaithfulness,
and the people God sent to preach repentance and redemption.
Our first night will be an overview of the Old Testament and then
in the coming weeks we will see how God’s word was spoken and
received over 1500 years of history. There will be 10 meetings spanning between September
4 and December 4. Join us for dinner at 6:15 pm. (dinner provided the first night, participants
then take turns providing a meal the following weeks). Bible study starts at 7:15 pm. Hope to
see you.
Meet Our New Christian Education Coordinator
Karina Fontanez-Joe was born in Puerto Rico and relocated as an infant in
1980 to Lowell . Raised in the Pentecostal tradition in a Hispanic Assemblies of God church in Lowell, she received her call to ministry at age 14.
She was always active in her congregation, leading devotion, worship,
bible studies, and teaching Sunday school from an early age. It was there
she served her first Youth Association, as President until she moved to be
Youth Pastor at an Anglo Assemblies of God Church prior to attending
Lasell College in 1999. Karina answered her call to ministry in 2008 and transferred to ANTS in
summer of 2010. She is going into her final year at ANTS and has served as Associate Minister of
Young Adult Ministries at a local church in Somerville. Karina is married to David B. Joe they reside on the North shore. Together they enjoy board games, listening to music, quality time with family and friends and spending as much time together as their schedules allows.
September 2013
10:00 am Worship
6:30 pm Dinner
7:15 pm Bible
7:00 pm Choir
8 Rally Day
9:30 am Christian
10:45 am Worship
Rally Day Picnic
6:30 pm Dinner
7:15 pm Bible
7:00 pm Choir
Army Dinner
9:30 am Christian
10:45 am Worship
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Executive Council
7:00 pm Choir
9:30 am Christian
10:45 am Worship
6:30 pm Dinner
7:15 pm Bible
7:00 pm Choir
9:30 am Christian
10:45 am Worship
Notes: AA meets : Monday evenings at 6:30 - 7:15 p.m. in the Children’s Room
Wednesday and Friday at Noon in Reilly Hall
All calendar entries are subject to change
First Baptist Church in Framingham
1013 Worcester Road
PO Box 2415
Framingham, MA 01703
Rally Day Picnic - Sunday, September 8
Join us for a fun filled day as we gather together again
following our summer vacation.
After worship we will enjoy a pot luck picnic out on the
church lawn (weather permitting, in Reilly Hall if it’s
raining). The Deacons Ministry Team will provide hot
dogs and beverages. Please bring a dish to share.
Don’t know what to bring? Here are some ideas: pasta
salad, cole slaw, potato salad, deviled eggs, green
salad, baked beans, veggies and dip, chips, cookies,
Following lunch, the church green will be home to fun
activities including the our very favorite Rally Day tradition—the Egg Toss!!! Find a partner and we’ll see
how far you can toss the egg before the
“yolks” on you!