Spring Leaflet, 2012 - Donald Danforth Plant Science Center


Spring Leaflet, 2012 - Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
Volume 14, Issue 1
Spring 2012
GrowinG nutrient rich
Plants in Poor soil
How a Grant from the National Science Foundation will Help Center
Researchers Develop Corn that Grows Healthy with Less Fertilizer I 5
Mel Bahle Remembered | 3 Beating the Stomach Bug | 4
Robotics Coming to the Center | 7
The Leaflet is a publication for partners, friends, and supporters of the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center.
C enter Rememb er s Loyal Friend Melvin C . B ahle
D anfor th C enter Rec eiving International
Humanit arian Awar d
The World Affairs Council of St. Louis
is set to present the International
Humanitarian of the Year Award, the
organization’s top recognition, to the
Danforth Plant Science Center on
June 7 at the Chase Park Plaza. This
award acknowledges individuals or
organizations that are based in the St.
Louis region and contribute extensively
to meeting the humanitarian needs of
people around the world.
Accepting the honor on behalf of the
Center are Chairman Dr. William H.
Danforth and President Dr. James C.
The award is in honor of the Center’s
plant science research to feed the hungry
and improve human health. The award
specifically recognizes its research to
improve food production, quality
and security with the ultimate goal of
reducing world hunger. n
To request a copy of the formal invitation, please phone Chandra Thurman at (314)587-1073.
N ew B iotech Incubator S et to Augment
St . Loui s’ B io s c ienc e Prominenc e
The Danforth Center and BRDG Park’s placement at the epicenter of
the burgeoning plant and life science ‘node’ in St. Louis County will
soon be strengthened further with the opening of the Helix Center
Biotech Incubator just west of the Center’s campus this summer.
Located at 1100 Corporate Square Drive, the completely renovated,
two-story building will offer affordable, high quality wet and dry lab
space, offices and a conference center. The all-new 33,000-squarefoot incubator will focus on bioscience, technology and plant and
life science startups, as well as professional service firms involved in
these sectors. The Helix Center Biotech Incubator is owned and will
be operated by the St. Louis County Economic Council.
The area around the Danforth Center is quickly becoming an
attractive place for a variety of nascent bioscience companies because
of the symbiotic relationships and resources that are offered in the
vicinity. The Center’s third mission point of making St. Louis a world
center for plant science is directly reinforced by the formation of
incubators like Helix.
Due to its location, not only does the Helix Center have the
opportunity for collaborations with the Danforth Center (and
potential access to its core facilities), but it is also in close proximity
to BRDG Park (home to successful post-incubator and emerging
companies), as well as Monsanto’s world headquarters. Helix tenants
will also have affordable access to a workforce of skilled bioscience
lab technicians through the St. Louis Community College Center for
Plant and Life Science, located on the BRDG Park campus.
For more information about the Helix Center, visit www.HelixCenter.com
The Danforth Center mourns
the loss of a steadfast
supporter and Friends
Committee member
Melvin C. Bahle. A
modest, generous man, he
was once quoted stating,
“People less fortunate than
we deserve our help. You have
to get involved with other people.
It’s the only way to learn, to get new
ideas, and to grow. I learn something
from everyone I meet.”
In addition to having the Center’s
business office complex named for
him and his wife Sue, the two were
also presented with the Distinguished
Service Award in 2009. Mel wasn’t just
involved the Center, he was a wellknown community and business leader
throughout the region.
Mel Bahle was born in 1919 in Fremont,
Nebraska to Carl and Minnie Bahle.
While attending junior college in Grand
Island, Nebraska he met his future
wife, Sue Sommer, during a churchsponsored ice-skating event, and the
two were married on June 16, 1942.
Historic international turmoil would
keep them apart for the first years of
their marriage, with Bahle serving his
country in World War II. Bahle began
his service in the Nebraska National
Guard. After the attack on Pearl Harbor
he opted to join the United States Coast
Guard as a third-class petty officer,
which brought him to St. Louis. Bahle
was admitted to the Coast Guard
Academy in Connecticut and graduated
in 1943 as an ensign. He then joined
the Navy’s amphibious squad where he
served as a watch officer on a Landing
Ship, Tank for 28 months in the Pacific
Ocean, north of the Philippines. On
September 2, 1945, as Japan officially
surrendered on the U.S.S. Missouri
in Tokyo Bay, Bahle and three other
officers oversaw the ceremonial
surrender of Sasebo, Japan, a prefecture
of Nagasaki. That afternoon he became
one of the first Americans to walk the
streets of post-war Japan. In the summer
of 1946 he was reunited with his wife in
St. Louis, and the two began their lives
At St. Louis University Bahle
earned his Bachelor’s
degree in commerce and
finance in 1948 and his
law degree in 1952. In 1948
he began his career at
Ralston Purina Company,
where he would ultimately
work for more than 35 years.
At Ralston he worked closely
with CEO Donald Danforth, eventually
acting as his personal assistant and the
company’s chief financial spokesperson.
In 1984 he retired with the title of vice
president and assistant to the chairman
of the board.
“People less
fortunate than we
deserve our help.
You have to get
involved with other
people. It’s the
only way to learn,
to get new ideas,
and to grow. I learn
something from
everyone I meet.”
- Mel Bahle
In addition to his work at Ralston,
Bahle gave back to the community by
assisting dozens of nonprofits with
their management and organizational
stability. He served as chief financial
officer and treasurer of the Danforth
Foundation from 1955 to 2001, longer
than any member of the Danforth
family, and continued his role of
treasurer until the Foundation’s closure
in 2010. Work at other nonprofits
included serving as treasurer and
board member for the American Youth
Foundation, board of control member
of Concordia Seminary, board
member of the Sit Mutual
Fund Group and City
Academy, among many
others. He also served on
civic boards, such as
St. Louis County’s
zoning board
and planning
commission. n
Sue and Mel Bahle
Dr. Tom Smith
This information will
give researchers
more insight on
how to manipulate
complex viruses as
well as to design
and develop better
drugs to treat the
maladies they
D i s c over y O f fer s In sight Into Treating
N ational S c ienc e Foundation Supp or t s
Potentially Dangerou s Vir al Stomach Flu
Re s earch Aimed at Reduc ing Fer tilizer U s e
Twenty million Americans get sick from norovirus each year according to data
released in 2012 by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Often called vomiting
illness, the norovirus can spread rapidly on cruise ships, in dormitories and
hospitals. Recent data from the CDC shows deaths from gastrointestinal infections
have more than doubled in the past eight years, and it is a particular threat to
the elderly. The virus is shed in the stool of the infected individual, has a short
incubation period and can spread quickly if proper hand washing and other
measures are neglected.
Maize is the most widely
farmed crop in the
Americas and is highly
cultivated worldwide,
growing on every
continent except
for Antarctica. Its
adaptability to a widevariety of climate and
soil variations is one of
the defining reasons for
its worldwide popularity.
While it is a plant that has been
studied at great length, little work has
been done to understand its adaptations
to varying soil compositions.
information, to identify genes
controlling the elemental
composition of maize.
Baxter’s research will
identify genes that affect
the uptake of mineral
nutrients and toxic
elements from diverse
soils to understand how
the soil environment
affects the productivity of
maize. The goal is to use this
information to produce a more
nutritious crop that can grow in more
environments while using less fertilizer,
thereby preserving the environment.
The National Science Foundation
has awarded $1.3 million to support
research that ultimately may lead to
maize varieties that are better adapted
to low fertility soils, that contain higher
levels of essential nutrients, and also
decreased levels of metal contaminants
absorbed through polluted farmland.
The three-year grant will also support
training opportunities for young
scientists, aspiring scientists, teachers
and international scientists.
“The USDA Agricultural Research
Service lab at the Danforth Center
can rapidly analyze large genetic
populations of the diverse staple crop,”
said Baxter. “The grant addresses
issues critical for agriculture, the
environment and human health. It will
also further our understanding of how
soil conditions affect the elemental
composition of maize.”
While researchers say that vaccines for intestinal infections are among the most
difficult to develop, a recent discovery may provide the critical information needed
for success. “Sometimes [a virus’] atomic structure gives us clues as to how
viruses work and how to make better vaccines,” said Dr. Thomas Smith, a principal
investigator at the Danforth Center.
Smith’s recently published article about the norovirus in the Journal of Virology was
selected by the editors as an “Article of Significant Interest, sighting the extreme
norovirus flexibility suggested by these results may allow for broad antibody
recognition, a finding of potential vaccine significance.”
Smith was part of a team of scientists led by Dr. Peter D. Kwong, a researcher at the
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, a sub-section of the National
Institutes of Health. Their research demonstrated that the virus has a configuration
unlike that of other viruses, in that it has protein “lollipop” like structures that likely
give it more flexibility in attaching to cells.
Dr. Smith and his colleagues discovered that because of the “lollipop” structure,
antibodies against the norovirus may be able to bind to the more conserved
underside of this floppy structure. This suggests that the extreme flexibility of the
norovirus particle may allow for antibody recognition of protected surfaces that
might otherwise be buried on intact particles.
This information will give researchers more insight on how to manipulate
complex viruses as well as to design and develop better drugs to
treat the maladies they cause. Rotovirus, a member of a different
viral family that also causes severe gastro intestinal distress,
primarily in children, is being well controlled by the recent
development of a vaccine. n
Shown here is an electron microscopy image
reconstruction of mouse norovirus (MNV). The protein
shell (capsid) is colored according to the distance from
the center of the virus particle (virion). The inner shell is
colored red and yellow while the protruding domain
(P domain) is colored in green and blue. The outer most
tip (blue) is used by the virus to recognize the host cell
and is where many antibodies bind. There is a yellow strand
connecting the P domains to the shell of the virus that
likely helps keep the P domains highly mobile and has been
observed in three different genera of this family of viruses.
“Given the importance of plant-soil
interactions as they relate to agricultural
efficiency, sustainability and
productivity, it is important that more
research is done,” said USDA research
scientist and assistant member at the
Danforth Center, Dr. Ivan Baxter. Dr.
Baxter and Dr. Paul Anderson, executive
director of International Programs at the
Danforth Center, are leading the study,
which also includes collaborations with
the University of Minnesota, Purdue
University and Cornell University.
The research will focus on the Nested
Association Mapping Population, a
unique and powerful resource of genetic
To foster education on this important
topic, student and teacher internships
will be sponsored in St. Louis, Missouri,
St. Paul, Minnesota and Ithaca,
New York. In addition, educational
resources will be developed to assist
high school teachers in incorporating
bioinformatics and plant molecular
biology into their curricula. Participants
will also mentor high school students in
science through “eScience,” a program
utilizing technology to link students and
scientists. Dr. Terry Woodford Thomas,
director of education and outreach at the
Danforth Center, will lead the education
component of the program. n
Baxter’s research
will identify genes
that affect the
uptake of mineral
nutrients and
toxic elements
from diverse soils
to understand
how the soil
affects the
of maize.
Dr. Ivan Baxter
G err y a nd B ob V ir gil: C enter “Friend s” with
Remarkable Friend s
Many thanks to all of the
donors to the Virgil Fund:
John & Kay Bachmann
John & Crystal Beuerlein
David T. Blasingame
Mr. & Mrs. Robb Boyd
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Broderick III
Mr. & Mrs. Morton L. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Burkhardt
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Burnes
Brett & Lisa Campbell
Pam Cavness
Jackson Samuel McKay Chauvin
Laura & McKay Chauvin
Robert J. Ciapciak
CSI Leasing, Kenneth B.
Steinback & William Gillula
Dr. William H. Danforth
Mr. Ken Dorn
Mr. & Mrs. Norman L. Eaker
Edward Jones
Mahendra Gupta & Sunita Garg
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas E. Hill
Jim & Pam Krekeler
Tracey & Bill Marshall
Timothy Jay McCoy & Family
James & Merry Mosbacher
Penny Pennington & Mike Fidler
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas L. Reding
Lawrence E. Thomas
Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Virgil
James & Stacey Weddle
Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. Wood
Dr. & Mrs. Jess Yawitz
Michael & Vicki Zaun
On the unseasonably warm afternoon of Friday,
March 9, an enthusiastic band of family and
friends gathered to celebrate and honor Gerry
and Bob Virgil, two of the Danforth Center’s
long-standing and exemplary Friends. The
occasion, nearly three years in the making,
unveiled the newest endowed role created at
the Center, the Geraldine J. and Robert L. Virgil
Distinguished Investigator. Dr. Todd Mockler,
who joined the Center in August of 2011, will be
the first to hold the title. (To learn more about
Dr. Mockler, see the opposite page.)
“The conferral of Distinguished Investigator is our way of recognizing exceptional
achievements, contributions and leadership from two different parts of the equation
that gives us the Danforth Center,” said Center President Dr. James C. Carrington.
“It recognizes a leading scientist who has made, and will continue to make,
groundbreaking discoveries that have impact beyond the doors of the Center. And it
honors leaders and doers who have given their work, wisdom, treasure and attention
to build and grow the Danforth Center.”
Dr. Todd Mockler joined the Center in August of 2011. His lab is working
to understand the control of plant growth and plant responses to the
environment and environmental stresses.
Q: In a nutshell, how do you describe your research?
A: At its most basic, the question that I’m interested in involves understanding
how plant growth is modulated by the environment. This can be anything from
heat and cold, to drought, to pests and disease.
What I want to understand is what is going on molecularly, what genes are underlying these processes, and
what the mechanisms are. Ultimately, if we’re going to have any hope of modifying plant behavior on a large
scale, we need to understand how it all interacts. You probably would have no hope of fixing an engine if you
had no idea how it functions. I look at it almost like a reverse engineering approach.
Q: Your lab is installing a large robotics system, something that hasn’t been seen before at the Danforth Center.
How will it work, and what aspects of research will it improve?
This robotic system will allow us to automate a molecular biology technique called Yeast 1 Hybrid.
This will allow us to determine when a protein physically binds to DNA.
In early 2009 Danforth Center volunteer Larry Thomas met with Center Chairman
Dr. William H. Danforth to contemplate an appropriate way of recognizing the
steadfast support Bob and Gerry Virgil have brought to the Center. Ultimately, Mr.
Thomas agreed to take the lead in a quiet fundraising effort with Gerry and Bob’s
many admirers to create a lasting recognition of their leadership.
There are certain proteins in all organisms called transcription factors that bind to DNA and act as switches
to turn genes on or off. We know for example that an average plant has about 2,000 of these transcription
factors. For only a handful, maybe 20, do we know what genes they regulate. So we know about transcription
factors, we know that they bind to DNA, we know that they control gene expression, but in a one-to-one way
we can’t say ‘this one controls this gene, this one controls that gene.’ That’s uncharted territory.
Under Thomas’ guidance, the funds raised for the Center’s endowment were
ultimately sufficient enough to bestow a Distinguished Investigator position.
Contributions came from a varied community of Center and Virgil fans, with Edward
Jones, from which Bob retired as a General Partner in 2006, and Edward Jones
employees joining in as key contributors.
This new robot can perform about 200,000 of these DNA protein interaction assays per week. A person can
do 2,000 manually, and that would be a person with a pipette working 40 hours a week, and it would be
monotonous and grueling, not to mention the likelihood of human error. So this robot will be able to do the
work of 100 people per week.
At the recognition event, Dr. Danforth commented, “Bob Virgil has been a key part
of the Danforth Center’s success as a wise board member and founding chair of the
Center’s Friends program. Formerly dean of Washington University’s Olin School of
Business, general partner of Edward Jones, and as one of the community’s hardest
working volunteers, Bob has brought his understanding of how to build successful
organizations, to help strengthen the Center and the many organizations he has
touched. Gerry Virgil has been a beloved, enthusiastic and equal partner in these
The Virgils were touched by the honor. In addition to reiterating their commitment
to continue to champion the Center’s vision, Bob remarked, “I still remember the
day I learned our friends, under Larry Thomas’s leadership, were endowing a
Distinguished Investigator in our name. We were overwhelmed then and we still are.
Todd Mockler is an outstanding scientist. Gerry and I are truly honored that Todd is
carrying on our name.”
Dr. Mockler was equally impressed with the honor, stating, “The Danforth Center
provides an opportunity to pursue research in an unparalleled environment for
plant science […] the Center’s tight connections to the St. Louis community greatly
impressed me during my early visits to St. Louis. I am honored to be part of these
connections through the generosity of Gerry and Bob Virgil and their friends.”
As part of the ceremony, a new plaque was installed on the Center’s east wall, and
honorary medallions were conveyed upon the Virgils and Dr. Mockler. n
Ask a Plant Sc ie ntist: Tod d Moc kle r
What we’re going to do is systematically interrogate all the possible combinations of the DNA binding
proteins in the plants that we’re interested in against all of the regulatory DNA next to the genes. That way
we can methodically figure out the network of interactions. It will be like understanding a wiring diagram
or the connections on a circuit board.
Q: Was there a robotics system at your previous lab?
A: No. A big part of my decision to move here was knowing that we would be able to invest in this.
The Center’s investments in laboratory automation and biocomputing capabilities will accelerate our
research and keep us at the forefront of plant science.
Q: From a humanitarian perspective, how can this technology be used?
A: When we use the technology to understand the ‘parts list’ and the ‘wiring diagram’ of a plant, then we
can make directed modifications. For example, we might identify a DNA binding protein that’s central to
plant drought stress response, and then that becomes a candidate for manipulation in corn or wheat.
And we’re going to make these discoveries much faster than traditional methods, therefore leading to
faster translations to agriculture. So instead of taking approximately 15 years for the next drought resistant
soybean, maybe it will be five years. I can’t quantify exactly how much things will accelerate, but it will be
significant. n
Interested in learning more? Read the extended article at www.danforthcenter.org/askdrmockler
U . S . Depar tment of Energ y S elec t s Two
Prop o s al s by Danfor th S c ienti s t s
Setaria viridis
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
Joint Genome Institute (JGI) has selected
two projects submitted by Danforth
Center Principal Investigators, Drs.
Thomas Brutnell and Todd Mockler, as
part of its 2012 Community Sequencing
Program (CSP).
The 2012 CSP call invited researchers
to submit proposals for projects that
advance capabilities in fields such
Dr. Thomas Brutnell
as plant-microbe interactions and
metagenomics. This data will enhance research projects that aim to improve biofuel
feedstock production, focusing on the potential of microorganisms to improve
feedstock growth and prevent devastating diseases that hinder yields.
Both setaria and
are useful
model crops
for a variety of
grasses that
are candidates
for biofuel
The project proposed by Drs. Brutnell and Mockler will develop sequence-based
community tools for the plant Setaria viridis, a model genetic system for bioenergy
grasses. Brutnell, Mockler, and colleagues from the University of Georgia, the
University of Missouri-St. Louis, and Oklahoma State University, will use highthroughput sequencing technology to rapidly advance genetic resources in setaria.
Setaria is quickly emerging as a model system for bioenergy grasses, as it is closely
related to primary bioenergy feedstock crops such as switchgrass, miscanthus, and
sugarcane, but it is a much more manageable genetic system. This project will include
providing sequence blueprints for more than 50 diverse varieties of setaria, as well
as providing the data to facilitate the development of mutagenized populations and
lines that can be used to map genetic variation. The development of these genetic
resources will enable scientists to identify genes that contribute to a number of traits
that are essential to promoting efficient biomass production, including increased stress
tolerance, and water and nitrogen use efficiency.
The second Danforth related project chosen by the JGI will create a library of grass
transcription factors for the energy crop model system Brachypodium distachyon.
Dr. Mockler is a co-principal investigator with Dr. Samuel Hazen at the University of
Massachusetts. Brachypodium is a grass that serves as a model for potential energy
crops such as switchgrass, sorghum, and miscanthus, as well as for the cereal crops that
constitute a large portion of the world’s diet.
Transcription factors are proteins that regulate whether a gene is turned ‘on’ or ‘off,’
and the brachypodium transcription factors targeted in this project are implicated
in the regulation of growth and biomass accumulation. Hazen, Mockler, and their
collaborators will use this project as the cornerstone of a new high-throughout platform
for analyzing protein-DNA interactions for the purpose of understanding important
traits in grass species. (To learn more about transcription factors, see page 7.)
These grants will provide a huge boost to the development of these two model
grasses and will greatly accelerate the ability of scientists to translate basic scientific
discoveries into application.
“The Enterprise Rent-A-Car Institute for Renewable Fuels at the Danforth Center
has a strong foundation in developing algal and seed oil biofuels. These new grants
will expand the Institute’s portfolio to include the development of model systems for
lignocellulosic feedstocks,” said Brutnell. “I am particularly excited about the prospects
of the Danforth Center becoming a leader in molecular tool development for these
model grasses.” n
2011 Donald Danfor th Plant Sc ie nc e Ce nter C o ntri b u ti o ns
Many thanks to the following donors who have provided critical endowment, annual fund and other support for
the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in 2011. Through the ongoing support, loyalty, interest and generosity of
many, the Danforth Center can live up to its commitment to excellence now and in the future. The names of Charter
Members of our donor programs are indicated with an asterisk.
E n d ow m e n t G i f t s
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Burkhardt
The Danforth Foundation
Dr. William H. Danforth
Nancy & D.J. Diemer
Edison Family Foundation
Harry Edison Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Farrell
Mr. & Mrs. David P. Gast
JSM Charitable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kranzberg
John & Anne McDonnell
Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick Mulcahy
Mrs. Laura Orthwein
Mabel Purkerson, M.D.
Mabel D. Reeder Foundation
Doris I. Schnuck
Mark & Stephanie Schnuck
Scott & Julie Schnuck
Terry & Sally Schnuck
Jack C. Taylor
Special Restricted Gifts
David T. Blasingame
Mr. & Mrs. William H.
Broderick III
Mr. & Mrs. Morton L. Brown
Pam Cavness
Laura & McKay Chauvin
Robert J. Ciapciak
Dr. William H. Danforth
CSI Leasing, Kenneth B. Steinback
& William Gillula
Edward Jones
Mahendra Gupta & Sunita Garg
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas E. Hill
J.P. Morgan Foundation
Tracey & Bill Marshall
James & Merry Mosbacher
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas L. Reding
Lawrence E. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. Wood
Dr. & Mrs. Jess B. Yawitz
Michael & Vicki Zaun
Plant Science Patron P l a t i n u m - ($100,000 + )
Dr. William H. Danforth*
Plant Science Patron G o l d - ($50,000 + )
Mr.+ & Mrs. Melvin C. Bahle*
The Boeing Company
Plant Science Patron S il v e r - ($35,000 + )
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Prather IV*
Spoehrer Family Charitable Trust
Plant Science Patron -
($25,000 + )
Dennis & Rowena Bennett
Elizabeth Danforth*
Mr. & Mrs. Norman L. Eaker*
Mr. David W. Kemper; William T.
Kemper Foundation, Commerce
Bank Trustee
Richard & Susan Kiphart
Mrs. Mary Ann Lee
John & Anne McDonnell*
Philip & Sima Needleman
Maebelle Reed*
Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Virgil*
Mr. Blanton J. Whitmire
Plant Science Benefactor
- P l a t i n u m - ($20,000 + )
The Albers/Kuhn Family
Janet & Bernard Becker, The
Horncrest Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Jane McCammon
Dr. & Mrs. Jess Yawitz
Plant Science Benefactor
- G o l d - ($15,000 + )
Hon. & Mrs. John C. Danforth*
Janet M. & Newell S. Knight, Jr.*
Novus International, Inc.,Thad &
Betty Simons
Plant Science Benefactor
- ($10,000 + )
Brett & Lisa Campbell
James & Teri Carrington
Michael Dwyer
Peggy Fossett
Fox Family Foundation
Ms. Jane Goldberg*
Hugh & Janice Grant
Sally & Ned Lemkemeier*
Ann & Lee Liberman*
Walter & Cynthia Metcalfe*
Mrs. William J. Oetting*
Peters Family Charitable Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tschudy*
Dr. Virginia V. Weldon*
Plant Science Paceset ter
- G o l d - ($7,000 + )
Dr. & Mrs. Roger N. Beachy*
Mary Ranken Jordan & Ettie S.
Jordan Charitable Foundation
Todd & Julie Schnuck
Plant Science Paceset ter
- ($5,000 + )
John & Kay Bachmann
Bank of America Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Dr. John H. Biggs & Mrs.
Penelope Biggs
Jerry & Rosalie Brasch
Bunge North America Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Burkhardt*
Michael W. Cramer
EPL Bio Analytical Services
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Farrell*
Dr. Katharina Lodders-Fegley &
Dr. Bruce Fegley, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David P. Gast
The Catherine Manley Gaylord
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Green
Sally Higginbotham
Dr. Jan G. Jaworski & Dr. Martha
A. Post*
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Johnson III
Dr. & Mrs. W. R. Konneker
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kranzberg
Mr. Donald E. Lasater
The Family of Edwin Levis Jr.
Mr. Leslie F. Loewe & Mrs. Jean
Mrs. Lucy Lopata
Mrs. Dotty Miller*
Oakwood Medical Investors
Mary Dell Pritzlaff
Prolog Ventures, LLC
Charles M.M. & Susanne W.
Staenberg Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Toombs
Ambassador & Mrs. George
Walker, III
Heather Wood
Plant Science
Ambassador - Gold -
($3,500 + )
Mr. & Mrs. Blackford F. Brauer
Mrs. Donald Danforth, Jr.*
Carl & Jeanne Deutsch
Harris J. Frank
Dr. & Mrs. Ernest G. Jaworski*
Margaret A. Kiefer
F. Vincent Leeder
Mr. Ted Medlin
Tina & Jack Niemann
Mr. David T. Orthwein
Dick & Susan Russell
Barry & Dale Sharon
Keith & Ginny Smith
Mr. & Mrs. James von der Heydt*
Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Weil
Plant Science
A m b a s s a d o r - ($2,500 + )
Mr. & Mrs. F. Gilbert Bickel, III
Steve & Kelly Bloom
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bodine
Andy & Susie Corley
Arnold & Hazel Donald*
Edison Family Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. William C. Finnie*
Dr. Rebecca Messbarger &
Mr. Sam Fiorello*
Mrs. Charles Guggenheim*
Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Hatfield
Dr. & Mrs. S. Allen Heininger
Mrs. Edward D. Jones, Jr.*
Mr. Wesley Jones & Mrs.
Nancy Ylvisaker
Chuck & Jan Mueller
Jane Nelson & Dale Isaak*
Jay & Lisa Nouss
Chuck & Sue Oertli
Rachel & Jack Oliver
Paric Corp.
Raul & Mary Ellen Perez
Gordon & Susie Philpott
Kathy & Doug Pope
Milton & Jane Rand
Tarlton Corp.
Henry & Pam+ Winkelman
Mark S. Wrighton &
Risa Zwerling*
Plant Science Par tner P l a t i n u m - ($2,000 + )
George L. Fonyo
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Melzer
Anita & John O’Connell
Dr. & Mrs. William Peck
Emily & Derek Rapp*
St. Louis County Economic
Ms. J.J. Stupp
Jane & Pat Tracy
Plant Science Par tner G o l d - ($1,500 + )
Mr. Brett Begemann
Mr. Bruce S. Buckland
Laura & McKay Chauvin
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B.
Dr. & Mrs. James W. Davis
Nancy & D.J. Diemer
Gretta Forrester
Mr. Sidney Guller
Audrey B. Lytle
James & Judith McKelvey
Constance & John McPheeters
Drs. Ellen & Thomas Moran
Rita Mumm
Kathleen & Sandy Rogers
Beth & Donn Rubin
RubinBrown Charitable
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Saligman
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Sant
Sally & Gerry Schwartz
Jerry Steiner & Denise Bertrand
Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Streett
William & Anne Tao*
Plant Science Par tner -
($1,000 + )
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Abernathy
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Anderson
Frank & Mariann Baker
Tom & Cindy Bander
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence C. Barksdale*
Ms. Debbie Barron
Mr. & Mrs. Van-Lear Black III
Lee Bohm
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Bohney
Ken & Mary Bower
Mr. William R. Boyle
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Brandt
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Bray
Mrs. Billie Broeker*
Mr. & Mrs. A. Van L. Brokaw
David & Kathleen Broughton*
Ms. Jane D. Bryan
Will & Hellen Carpenter
Ann & Mike Case
John H. Cassidy
Katie & Charlie Claggett
Tom & Meg Claggett
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Cobaugh
Mr. Andrew B. Craig III*
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Culver
Roy Curtiss & Josephine
Stephanie & John Dains
Hal Davies*
Mr. & Mrs. Philippe de Laperouse
Jack M. & Sherry B. Delo
Dr. Ira DeWitt & Mr. William
DeWitt III
Dr. & Mrs. Edward A. Doisy III*
Dr. & Mrs. Robert C. Drews
Ellen & Henry Dubinsky
John & Yvette Dubinsky
Carol McCarthy Duhme
Mr. & Mrs. Julian I. Edison
Dr. Ron & Hanna Evens
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Ferguson
Vincent & Lynn Ferrari
Steven & Linda Finerty
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Firestone
Chris & Megan Frank, Cfx
* Indicates Charter Member
+ Deceased
Roberta (Robbye) Frank
Robyn & Victor Frankel
Dr. Ira & Judy Gall
Joe Glik
Joan & Joseph Goltzman
Mark & Michele Gorski
Ellen & John Grimes
Laurie & John Haffenreffer
Gary & Bonnie Halls
Janis M. & Mark E. Halsey
Mrs. Anna Harris*
Harvey & Judy Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Hartley
Mr. & Mrs. A. Charles Hiemenz III
Mr. Briggs A. Hoffmann, Jr.
Inovatia Laboratories, LLC
Dr. Peter Wyse Jackson
William & Holly James
Mrs. Bettie S. Johnson
Michael Kalishman
Mr. & Mrs. Myles P. Kelly
Ashley & John Kemper
Dr. & Mrs. James R. Kimmey
Ward & Carol Klein
Mrs. Donald Klingler*
Mr. & Mrs. Gunther Kohn
Dr. Stuart Kornfeld &
Elizabeth Loeb
Cynthia Kramer
Mr. & Mrs. M. Paul Kravitz
Dr. Toni Kutchan
Emily & Bill Kuzma
Nikki & David Lemkemeier
Carol B. Loeb
Dr. Ed Magee & Lorraine Magee
Linda M. Martinez*
Mr. & Mrs. Hamish Maxwell
Mr. & Mrs. Sanford N. McDonnell
Dr. & Mrs. James S. McLaren
Dr. & Mrs. Roger Mell
David Mesker
Lewis R. Mills
Millstone Foundation
Mrs. Clifford W. Murphy
Mary Ann & Fred Noel*
Paul & Nancy Pautler
Mrs. Stella C. Pettus+
Mary Jo & Bob Proost
Sue & Kip Rapp
Mary & Frank Rassieur
Dan & Mary Riew
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Riner
Karla R. Roeber
The Rosebud Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Rowe
Ronald S. Saks
Cary & John Schaperkotter
James & Joan Schiele
Ulrike & Tom Schlafly*
Marie L. & Walter D. Schmitz
Mrs. Edward Schnuck
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Scully
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Senseman
Dulari & Dilip Shah
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Shapleigh
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Sherman, Jr.
Nanne B. Simonds
Raymond G. Slavin, M.D.*
Dr. & Mrs. William S. Sly
Emily L. Smith, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Spitzer
Mrs. Moir Stevens
Bud & Anne Strong
Maurita E. Stueck
Julie Kohn & Dan Swift
Peggy Walter Symes
Dr. Janey Symington & Mr. Stuart
Jessie L. Ternberg, M.D.
Dr. Lewis J. Thomas, Jr.
John & Georgia Van Cleve Colwell*
Andrea & Peter Van Cleve
William & Barbara Van Luven
Donna & Gary Vandiver
Joe & Margaret von Kaenel
Bob & Nancy Wagoner
Drs. Ling Zheng & Xuemin
(Sam) Wang
Mrs. Ted C. Wetterau
Dr. & Mrs. Bruce I. White
Alwyn E. & Bonnie Barton
John J. Wolfe, III+
Matt Wolfe
Usha B. Zehr
Dr. Meinhart Zenk+
U n d e r w r i t e r - ($500 + )
Bruce & Ann Anderson*
Nancy L. Bartlett & Steve Hiotis
Holly Benson
Mrs. Virginia B inzel
Catherine S. Bollinger
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Burroughs
Don & Carol Carlson
Mary E. Clutter
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert D. Condie
Michael & JiaMin Dierberg
Mrs. Ellen M. Doiron
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Donnell
Echo Valley Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Edison
Mr. & Mrs. G. Patrick Galvin
Richard Hedden
Mich B. Hein & Beth Bray
Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum
Phil & Shirley Hellwege
ICS Construciton Services, Ltd.
Mrs. Nancy Kalishman
Dr. Joe Kamalay & Dr. Paulette
Dr. & Mrs. David M. Kipnis
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Liddy
Pam Lokken & Andy Sobel
Mr. Robert Lubben
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Mange
Dr. Kenneth R. Mares
Mimi McDonald & Jennifer
Mr. Jeffrey McDonnell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert McDowell
Mrs. Clara E. McLeod
Plumbers & Pipefitters Local #562
Madelon Price
David R. Riedel, M.D.
Sandy & Susan Rothschild
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Sandza
Richard & Katie Sayre
Dr. & Mrs. Larry J. Shapiro
Shea Smith, III
Mary Beth & Allen Soffer
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence M. Turley
Charles & Nancy Van Dyke
Jeremy Williams & Rachel Presti
A d v o c a t e - ($250 + )
Benjamin Abrams
Stanko Banjanin & Dr. Milica
Dr. R. Howard Berg
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Bishop
Mr. William C. Bitting
Mr. & Mrs. B.A. Bridgewater, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas S. Brown
Powell & Kelley Carman
Chris & Anne Chivetta
Debbie & Dave Cole
Common Ground Public
Relations, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Cornelius
David & Harriet Cronin
Peter E. Dolan & Anne Adderton
Kitty Drescher
Patricia Drew
Charlotte M. Eldredge
Mr. & Mrs. N. Timothy Ewing
Tom & Barbara Feiner
Frankie M. Freeman
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Gilbert
Joan Goodson
Dr. Martin E. Gordon
Mrs. Maureen K. Hamilton
Steven W. Hays
Mr. & Mrs. George Hibbard
Robert J. & Betty L. Hickok
Mr. & Mrs. W. F. S. Hopmeier
James H. Howe III
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hullverson
Merl & Rita Huntsinger
Shanti & Manorama Khinduka
Luke Kissam & Kathryn Schanen
Dr. & Mrs. William Knowles
Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas T. Kouchoukos
Keith & Cheryl Kowalczyk
Jim & Pam Krekeler
Heather & Rocky Kroeger
Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Lambert
Mr.+ & Mrs. Oliver M. Langenberg*
Mary & John Lemkemeier
Dr. & Mrs. Maurice J. Lonsway Jr
Carolyn & Joseph Losos
Rich Luebke
Mary Institute & Saint Louis
Country Day School
Max W. McCombs
Stan & Jan Miller
Ms. Diane Moleski
Joe & Charlotte Moro
Irene R. Morrill
Mr. & Mrs. Birch Mullins
The Reverend & Mrs. John B.
David Obedin & Clare Davis
Mary & David Oetting
Gene & Jane O’Neill
Joyce & Duane Patterson
Ms. Kitty Pearl
Dr. & Mrs. John A. Pierce
Judy & Paul Putzel
Mr. & Mrs. Milton L. Rand, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Robb
Hope Jones Rouse+
Daniel Schachtman & Ellen Marsh
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Schlafly
Paul & Darlene Schoon
Janet & Michael Sheahan
Margie R. Skiljan
Diane & David Snively
Mrs. Donna Stephens
Frank & Teg Stokes*
Ken Streett
Sigrid & Robert Thach
Dr. & Mrs. Henry Uhlemeyer
John & Dea Vallina
Alice H. Vosburgh
Daniel Waxler
Wedgewood Partners, Inc
Paula & Ron Wepprich
A s s o c i a t e - ($100 + )
Mr. & Mrs. M. M. Alexander
Alpha Dental Care
Ms. Anne Anderson
R.S. Anderson
Dr. Basavaraj Bagewadi
Mrs. Mary Randolph G. Ballinger
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Barnard
Morton Bearman
Richard P. Redel & Judith Beckerle
Dr. & Mrs. Donald T. Behrens
Mrs. Ruth Bock
R.E.A. Homes, LLC.
Dr. & Mrs. George Bohigian
Betsy Boles
Thomas H. & Janet G. Boudinet
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew C. Brokaw
Allison Brown
Charles & Marlene Buescher
Dr. J.J. Burke
Dr. Alberto Carbonell Olivares
Marie & Mark Carlie
Mr. J. Christopher Carroll
C.K. (Chip) Casteel, Jr.
Michael & Ene Chippendale
Dr. Molly Cline & Dr. Steven Cline
Norman M. Coats
George C. Convy
Alice E. Conway
Mr. & Mrs. James K. Cook
Steven & Holly Cousins
James Cox
Gary D. Curl & Carol Jones Curl
Rand Dankner
Mrs. Nancy W. Day
Dr. Jonathan & Patricia Dehner
Paul M. Denk
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Dieckhaus
Patricia & Harold Dielmann
Betsy & Tom Douglas
Dr. T. J. Dubuque
Sue & Harry Estill
Gary & Doris Ferguson
Karen Johnson Fields
Joanne & Bill Fogarty
Ilene & Burt Follman
Roger & Carol Frederickson
Judge Gary M. Gaertner, Jr. &
Mrs. Julie Gaertner
Dr. & Mrs. Joe Gerard
Mr. Marcus Geringer
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Gleich
Mr. & Mrs. Alan P. Goldberg
Patricia D. Graf
Mrs. Anita S. Graves
Dr. Mary Jane Gray
Eric A. Gulve, Ph.D.
Mark & Trish Gunby
Jean C. Hamilton
Ken & Debby Hand
Hazelwood Parks & Recreation
Edith Hegg
John C. (Jack) Heisler &
Anne Heisler
Michael & Terri Hennessey
Jim & Nancy Hershey
Dr. & Mrs. John C. Herweg
Mrs. Arthur C. Hiemenz Jr.
Ms. Liz Higginbotham
Dorothy Hitt
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Insco
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Isserman
Gayle P.W. Jackson
Peggy & Toby James
Butch & Cindy Jasper
Dr. Scott C. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. William Kelley
Dr. Alois Kertz
June King
Wayne D. Kinman
Mr. Roger Kirkbride
Dr. Robert E. Kleiger
Mr. & Mrs. Myron J. Klevens
Harold A. Klotz, Jr.
Mr. Wayne Knight
Catherine Kromer
Mr. Christian Lastarria
Mark & Renée Lawson
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Levey
Susan & Robert Levin
Sally & Jack Lilly
Nancy Lisker & Sergio Chayet
Jay & Joy Liss
Christine Lockwood
Mr. Stephen Loeb
Yvonne & Joseph Logan
Major Promo Group LC
Steven & Felicia Malter
Jason Mannello
Dr. Warren B. Martin &
Signe Lindquist
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Mauze
Dorothy B. Maxwell
Dr. Kara McBride
Dudley & Beth McCarter
Kathryn & Eldon McKie
Mrs. Jo Ellen Meier
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin B. Meissner, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Metcalfe
Anna Moll
John & Elizabeth Morrison
Mrs. Lydia P. Mower
Louis J. Naeger
Burchard Neel, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Nellums
Jim & Judie Neville
Donald P. Nies
Richard & Carol Nolan
John J. Nooney
James L. Nouss, Sr.
James Oetting
Dr. Lawrence W. O’Neal
Dr. Patrick Osborne
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick D. Palmer
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Pier
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel L. Ponte
Mr. Hunter Powell
Alastair & Colleen Pringle
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Puleo, Sr.
Mrs. Barbara Purnell
Heschel & Adinah Raskas
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Rechter
Dr. George Reinhardt
Richard & Bonnie Riegel
Mr. & Mrs. J. Alan Ritter
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Rosenthal
Mr. Norman P. Rubenstein
Mrs. Carol Rucker
Mrs. Patricia Ryan
Uma S. Sagaram
Beverlee & Stuart Sagel
Ted & JoAnn Sanditz
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E.S. Schmid
Harold & Dorothy Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney L. Schoenfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Harold H. Schreimann
Mr. Timothy Schulze
Mr. Arthur Bud Schweich
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Sedgewick
Don Senti
Jane Shapleigh
Joan & Charles Sheppard
Matthew Shipp
Daniel E. Singer
Ralph K. Soebbing
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Staack
Peter Stahnke
Ned Stanley
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Steinmeyer
Mr. Richard T. Stith Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Streett
Lori A. Sullivan & G. Todd Rogan
Dr. Robert A. Swarm &
Ms. Sharon Parker
Lawrence Taylor
Ms. Brenda Teakert
Chandra & Richard Thurman
Betty & Thomas Tobben
Dr. Elaine Tobin
Ihuoma C. Umezurumba
J.B. & Dori Waggoner
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Waterman
Laurie Waters & Ellis Taylor
Susan & Denny Wedemeyer
Wednesday Club of St. Louis
Murray & Phyllis Weidenbaum
Vicki Gonzalez & Stephen Welker
Geraldine Werner
Jim White & Cindy Payant
Matthew Wichmer
Ted Wight
Ronald A. & Anita Williamson
William H. Wisbrock
Kay Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Wulfert
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Youkilis
Young President’s Organization
Mrs. Deborah Zacher
Mr. & Mrs. Rafael P. Zamora
Other Gifts
Dr. & Mrs. C. William Ade
Mrs. Joan M. Althaus
Ms. Melanie Bernds
Nancy & J.S. Billingham
Mr. David Blake, Jr.
Eli Blavin
Mr. Steven B. Brandes
Emilie P. Brandhorst
Mr. Robert H. Branom, Sr.
Mr. Kerry R. Brethauer
Eric & Lindsey Brunt
Elizabeth L. Callahan
Dr. Greta H. Camel
Theresa Ciccolella
Mr. & Mrs. Scott D. Colvin
Ms. Jane F. Condellire
Mr. C. E. Cooper
Judy Coyle
Mrs. Jill A. Cumming
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Danforth*
Jan L. Davenport
Mr. & Mrs. Earl D. Derouin
Mr. Matthew L. Dow
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Ford
Mr. Garth F. Fort
Mrs. Margaret R. Franz
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gallagher
Ms. Gloria Garidel
Dr. & Mrs. Philip George
Mr. & Mrs. James K. Gierse
Mr. Ricky L. Godfrey
Mrs. Stephanie Riven &
Mr. Roger Goldman
Dr. Milton Goldstein
William Hanpeter
Elleard Heffern Fine Jewelers
Mrs. Mary L. Hess
Mr. Richard W. Hill
Randall Hoffmann
Mr. Alfred Hortmann
Ginger & Harry Imster
Mary & Morris Joftus
Dr. George B. Johnson, Jr.
Norma Deen Juracsik
Elinore Kasnetz
Major Rodney R. Knight
Darine Kube
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Kuerschner
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Latzer
Kenneth Le Clerc
Charlyn H. Lewis
Dr. & Mrs. David M. Lieberman
Mr. William A. Linnenbringer
Mr. & Mrs. Martin M. Lipsitz
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Lischer
Dr. & Mrs. Paul S. Lux
Ms. Esther Lyss-Greenstein
Betty & Dory Malott
David A. May Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Maye
Ms. Emily McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. J. Frank McGill
Ms. Joan H. McGivney
Ms. Helen McLaughlin
Paula & Ronald Meyer
Prof. & Mrs. Constantine
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Miller
Mrs. Henrietta Mullen
Ms. Judy Mundle
Meghan Murray
William L. Nelson
Joan & Richard Norman
Tim O’Neal
David E. Ott
Mr. Mark Papenbery
Mr. & Mrs. Alan W. Pieper
Shantha Pieris
Mildred Poletsky
Mr. & Mrs. Gene H. Potter
Mrs. Wendy S. Prakop
Dr. & Mrs. Gary A. Ratkin
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson A. Reed
Mrs. Opal D. Riely
Mr. Fredric Rissover
Mr. Richard B. Rothman
Daniel Ruzicka
Edward D. Schapiro
Ms. Patricia Schaum
Johanna & Bob Schillinger
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Schmidt
Dr. Monica Schmidt
Ruth Schneider
Victor & Mitzie Schroeder
Irene Lindgren & Egon Schwarz
Mr. Russell T. Schwarz
Nancy F. Seifer
Bill & Eileen Shannahan
Mrs. Adrienne J. Shuter
Mr. Carl F. Sitze
Mr. Brent Sobol
Lois Soffer & Andrew Kanefield
Mrs. Mary Ellen Soucy
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Steinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Stoliar
Ms. Margaret Stubblefield
Ms. Helen Stumpe
Mr. Daniel J. Summers
Claudia & Mike Svoboda
Mr. Thomas D. Tait
Ms. Cecelia H. Taylor
Mr. Stephen Temple
Mr. Timothy Thornton
Mr. Fletcher Wells, II
Vicky Wertich
Kim K. West
Mrs. Carolyn L. Whitmore
Ms. Barbara Wilhelm-Lips &
Mr. Edwin Lips
William B. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Winkler
Dr. Terry Woodford-Thomas
In Honor of
M r. & M r s . M e l v i n C.
In Memory of
M a r y F. B e a r m a n
Mary Institute & Saint Louis
Country Day School
Morton Bearman
J a n B a ke r B u c k l a n d
Tom & Cindy Bander
Mr. Bruce S. Buckland
Charles M.M. & Susanne
W. Shepherd
Herber t Carp
Joe Glik
D r. E r i c A . C h r is t e n s o n
Dr. Scott C. Jones
J e a n A . C l a g ge t t
Mr. & Mrs. A. Van L. Brokaw
M r s . E li z a b e t h G r ay
Danfor th
Mrs. Charles Guggenheim
Mimi McDonald & Jennifer
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bodine
To m B a n d e r
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Donnell
D r. R o g e r N . B e a c h y
Laura Chauvin
Wednesday Club of St. Louis
D r. W illi a m H. D a n f o r t h
Tom & Cindy Bander
Laura & McKay Chauvin
Mary E. Clutter
Mrs. Donald Danforth, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Earl D. Derouin
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Farrell
Sally & Ned Lemkemeie
Ann & Lee Liberman
Mimi McDonald & Jennifer
Mary Ann & Fred Noel
Milton & Jane Rand
Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Weil
Dr. Virginia V. Weldon
Young President’s Organization
T h e H a u c k F a m il y
Michael Dwyer
Sylvan Fr y
Jan Jaworski
L o is & Wa ll a c e Tu t t l e
Jim & Janet Knight
Joe Glik
Experience Inc.
Bob & Joan Jasper
Tom & Cindy Bander
Laura & McKay Chauvin
Mrs. Stephanie Riven & Mr. Roger
Mrs. Arthur C. Hiemenz Jr.
Milton & Jane Rand
A ll a n C a r l K n a b e
Janet M. & Newell S. Knight, Jr.
Ro ge r K r u e ge r
Benjamin Abrams
A n n D. L a i r d
Mr. Leslie F. Loewe & Mrs. Jean
Michael Dwyer
Bruce Hig ginbotham
Dr. Jonathan & Patricia Dehner
Ms. Liz Higginbotham
Butch & Cindy Jasper
Mr. & Mrs. Harold H. Schreimann
Luke Kissam & Kathryn Schanen
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Metcalfe
To n i K u t c h a n
O li v e r L a n ge n b e r g
Lee M. Liberman
J o h n P. M a gu i r e
M r. & M r s . J. K e n t
Ann & Lee Liberman
Mrs. Adrienne J. Shuter
Frances Nouss
Te d M e d li n
Tom & Cindy Bander
Hon. & Mrs. John C. Danforth
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Donnell
D.C. R u c ke r, J r.
Powell & Kelley Carman
Wa l t e r M e t c a l f e
Charles M.M. & Susanne W.
A li c i a M u h m
D r. C l a r e n c e “B u d” R y a n
R e v e r e n d J.O. R a n d
Mrs. Patricia Ryan
S e y m o u r S e l t ze r
Joe Glik
B e r n i e Tr a c h t m a n
Laura & McKay Chauvin
Peg Whitmire
Gary D. Curl & Carol Jones Curl
B e a n Wo l f e
Laura & McKay Chauvin
B i z Wr i g h t
Mrs. William J. Oetting
R e v. A ll a n Z a c h e r, P h. D.
Mrs. Deborah Zacher
Meinhar t Zenk
Janet M. & Newell S. Knight, Jr
Mr. & Mrs. Oliver M. Langenbergh
Mr. Ted Medlin
Mrs. William J. Oetting
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Walton
Joe Glik
Milton & Jane Rand
J a n e & M il t R a n d
Mrs. William J. Oetting
Mr. & Mrs. Milton L. Rand, Jr.
D r. & M r s . D o n S a u e r
Mrs. Adrienne J. Shuter
J a n e y S . S y m i n g t o n, P h. D.
Janet M. & Newell S. Knight, Jr.
A n d y & B a r b a r a Ta y l o r
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Ross
M r. J a c k C. Ta y l o r
Ellen & John Grimes
M a t t Wo l f e
Dudley & Beth McCarter
C h a n c e ll o r M a r k Wr i g h t o n
& R is a Zw e r li n g
Mary Jo & Bob Proost
Address service requested
Pla n t T h e s e o n Yo u r C a l enda r
A P R E L I M I N A R Y L O O K AT U P C O M I N G E V E N T S I N 2 0 1 2
THURSDAY, MAY 10, 2012
5:15 PM Reception followed by event
Join Andy Taylor, chairman and CEO of
Enterprise Rent-a-Car, and Mark Reuss,
president of General Motors, North
America, for a dialogue about corporate
social responsibility/sustainability. Includes
thoughts on how doing the right thing can be
right for the consumer and good for business.
MONDAY, JUNE 4, 2012
5:15 PM Reception followed by event
A Danforth Leadership
Council event featuring
Jim McKelvey, cofounder of the mobile
payment company
FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 2012
7:30 AM Reception
followed by presentation
Sponsored by:
Andy Taylor
Jim McKelvey
Mark Reuss
All dates are subject to change. Please visit www.danforthcenter.org for more info