Message from our Menahel


Message from our Menahel
NOVEMBER 21 2015
‫ט‘ כסלו תשע“ו‬
‫פ‘ ויצא‬
Message from our Menahel
Mazel Tov to:
At the end of this week’s ‫פרשה‬, ‫ לבן‬got up early in
the morning to bid farewell to his daughters and
“...‫ ויברך אתהם‬...‫”וישכם לבן‬
“And ‫ לבן‬got up early… and he blesses them…”
)‘‫ א‬,‫(פרק ל“ב‬
The ‫ ספורנו‬explains the importance of ‫’לבן‬s
‫ ברכה‬by quoting a ).‫ גמרא (מגילה טו‬- ‫אל תהי ברכת‬
‫הדיוט קלה בעיניך‬, the ‫ ברכה‬of a simple person should
not be taken lightly in your eyes. He elaborates that
the reason why the ‫ תורה‬is telling us this seemingly
irrelevant event is to teach us how powerful the
‫ ברכה‬a parent gives to child can be if it is done ‫בלב‬
‫שלם‬. He explains this by way of man being created
‫ בצלם אלקים‬and is therefore imbued with this
attribute of being able to give ‫ברכות‬. ‫ לבן‬was a ‫רשע‬
who wanted to destroy ‫ יעקב אבינו‬and ‫כלל ישראל‬
but his ‫ ברכות‬still had great potential to have an
effect if given ‫בלב שלם‬. As parents of yiddisher
kinder we can only imagine the power of our ‫תפילות‬
and ‫ ברכות‬when we daven to ‘‫ ה‬and ask for ‫הצלחה‬
in raising our children ‫בדרך התורה‬.
It is well known the Steipler Gaon, ‫זצ“ל‬,
would explain, ‘‫ ה‬created the world in a way that
every ‫ תפילה‬is answered. We might not see it being
answered immediately, but rather ‘‫ ה‬saves it for a
more appropriate time and uses it to help our descendents when they need it most. May ‘‫ ה‬hear our
‫ תפילות‬and answer them by sending ‫משיח צדקינו‬
‫במהרה בימינו אמן‬.
~ Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Schlanger
on the birth of a granddaughter.
~ Yehuda Abeaziz on his Bar
~ Chaim Ben-Ari on his Bar Mitzvah.
~Yonatan Hematian on his Bar
~ Avrohom Dovid Rosenberg on
his Bar Mitzvah.
~ Rabbi and Mrs. Doniel Lapp
(History Teacher) on the birth of a
~ Dr. and Mrs. Yaakov Freidman
on the birth of a daughter.
‫ נחום אבילים‬:
~ Dr. Shomer Israelian on the loss
of his brother.
 Sunday Nov. 22
Classes begin at 10:00
 Wednesday Nov. 25
Picture Day
Thursday Nov. 26
Legal Holiday
2:00 PM Dismissal
No Bus Service
 Friday Nov. 27
12:00 PM Dismissal
 Sunday Nov. 29
Professional Development
12:30 Dismissal
‫ אשר יצר‬Awareness
The Yeshiva launched its ‫ אשר יצר‬Awareness program this past Sunday. The talmidim in
grades 2 trough 5 have been encouraged to have a little more kavana when saying the bracha
of ‫אשר יצר‬.They were also given cards to fill out every time they say the bracha out loud at
home. These cards will then be used in a special raffle. When we say a bracha with more concentration we are all winners.
Registration is closing!
Applications are now being accepted for next year. The deadline in November 25th. Please
call the yeshiva office for an
8th Grade Philly Trip
The 8th grade had a
memorable trip last week
to Philadelphia , PA. The
class was chaperoned by
Rabbi Braun, Rabbi Moeller and Rabbi Teitelbaum.
The trip included a visit to
the Frankiln Science Institute , Congregation Mikveh
Israel, The Liberty Bell, Independence Hall and the
Philadelphia Kollel. The trip ended with a pizza supper.
More Siyumim…
Mazel Tov to the Pre 1 A classes on their completion of the aleph beis. This is a tremendous milestone for them as it is the foundation of all the Torah they will learn for the rest of their lives. To
celebrate, Rabbi Jungreis’s class went to the Ice Cream House in Williamsburg and Rabbi Fogel’s
class enjoyed a special meal of pizza. Their different siyumim reminds us that there are many ways
to learn Torah, but the most important part is the learning of Torah. In addition we would also like
to wish Mazel Tov to both fourth grades on their siyum of Parshas Terumah.
Mrs. Valenti's class celebrated a "Potato Chips
and Pop Party for high academic achievement
in 4L.
Yehoshua Tannenbaum was the winner of the
latest spelling bee.
Fourth grade has been babysitting a venus flycatcher who performs its trick of catching insects and digesting them before a captive audience.
Learning about osmosis by watching a thirsty
celery stalk guzzle water was another enjoyable experiment in 4L.
Yeshiva Ketana of Queens
Zayde –Father –Son Melave Malka
‫ מוצאי שבת פרשת ויצא‬- November 21, 2015
Doors open: Welcome to our annual Melave Malka
Admission payment ($40 per family $36 per Zayde)
Raffle prize display and purchasing
Melave Malka seating with Zaydes, Fathers, and siblings
Seudas Melave Malka is served
Menahel’s welcome
Storytelling Performance by Rabbi Motty Braun
Melava Malka Niggunim and KumzitzNochi Krohn
Dessert followed by ‫ברכת המזון‬
Grand ‫רקידה‬- singing and dancing ‫בשחה רבה‬
The Grand Raffle
Door Prize distribution
Thank you for joining us, Have a Good Night
10:00 A.M. Sunday, November 22, 2015 All classes begin
Note: For your convenience there will be valet parking.