Annual Report


Annual Report
formerly Girls’ Vacation Fund
Annual Report
Our mission is to nurture girls from low-income families in New York to help them achieve
their full potential and become active members of their communities by building academic
and social competence.
Our summer camp site, Camp Oh-Neh-Tah, is located on 464 rustic
acres in the Catskills Mountains on beautiful Silver Lake. The camp—
whose name means “silver hemlock”-is bordered by 10,000 pristine
acres of state forest in East Windham, NY. At Camp Oh-Neh-Tah, girls
learn-often for the first time–to appreciate the beauty of their surroundings and experience the freedom of being a child.
Dear Friends,
As you will notice from our cover, changes are afoot at the tri-state area’s premier
provider of enrichment programming for girls and young women.
As many of you know, the organization we have all supported and loved for many
years has changed its name to Girls Quest. While we prospered for almost seventy
years under the Girls’ Vacation Fund banner, the Board came to believe that Girls
Quest more accurately reflects our unique mission. As we look forward to our bright
future, I hope that all of you who have worked to make the Girls’ Vacation Fund so
successful will take pride in our new name.
We have undergone other changes as well. This annual report covers fiscal year
2004, which began on November 1, 2003. Listed below are just some of the many
developments which occurred during the fiscal year:
Table of Contents
Camp Oh-Neh-Tah
A Message from our
Board President
Our History, Mission
and Programs
Program Spotlight
Our Supporters
Board of Directors
and Staff
Our Executive Director of eighteen years, Eva Lewandowski, stepped down in
early 2003 as leader of Girls’ Vacation Fund to spend more time with her family.
We miss Eva and thank her for shepherding the organization through almost two
decades of growth.
Pam Gregory assumed leadership of the Girls’ Vacation Fund, while we were
blessed to have Eva continue to direct the Summer Experiential Education and
Development Program.
As a testament to Eva and Pam’s good work, the 2004 Summer Program was
one of our most successful ever, with 336 girls coming up to Camp Oh-Neh-Tah
in the Catskills for two weeks of academic and social skills enrichment—and
fun—in the service of helping to reduce their Summer Learning Gap.
We were able to complete the first of a series of planned, much-needed, capital
improvements to Camp Oh-Neh-Tah, including the partial renovation and reconstruction of our Property Manager’s home, painting half of our buildings, renovation of all teacher housing, renovation of the Tawanka Pavilion, and the purchase of a new truck and 12-passenger van.
We upgraded and expanded our library, purchasing new culturally diverse, ageappropriate books.
In spring and fall of 2004 we conducted three Teen Leadership Weekends. This,
of course, is in addition to the six weeks teen leaders spent over the summer at
Camp Oh-Neh-Tah in their roles as assistant counselors.
Our Mentor Program experienced tremendous growth in 2004. The Face-toFace Mentor Program reached what was then an all-time high of 30 matches,
while the E-Mentor Program also continued to keep 29 girls connected to role
models in the professional world.
At the end of that busy 2004 fiscal year, Pam Gregory stepped down as Executive Director, while continuing to provide valuable guidance in a consulting capacity.
I hope you had the opportunity to give your best wishes to Eva and Pam, and to see
some of our camp improvements during one of our Open Houses. I am sure you will
agree that last year’s successes provided a great foundation for the reflection,
teamwork, and subsequent changes of this year, and that we could not have come
this far without the inspired leadership they provided.
Continued from page 2
I also hope you have met or spoken with Susan Hall, Girls Quest’s new Executive
Director. It is hard to believe she has only been with us a short while: she has
jumped in with both feet, and she has already brought us far on the road to
bringing our organization to the next level in its development. A former Girl
Scout who spent ten summers at a variety of camps, Susan is devoted to the
camp philosophy, and she embodies proof positive of the value of programs like
our own summer program, which provide much-needed outdoor experiential
education and academic enrichment to girls from diverse backgrounds.
The Board looks forward to working with Susan to initiate changes during this
transitional period. She is bringing some great ideas and energy to an already
strong organization, and the combination is sure to be a great success.
It is important to remember, especially during this year of transition and refocus, that our programs, especially our summer program (recently itself renamed the Summer Experiential Education and Development Program—SEED),
are not just about fun and games—though our girls do have a great time. Our
programs are needed to address the Summer Learning Gap and other deficits
that disproportionately affect girls from low-income families. The descriptions of
our programs included in this annual report will detail some of the ways we help
to bridge those gaps.
And, when I say ‘we,’ I include you as well. A look at the balance sheet at the
end of this annual report will tell you how important the gifts and grants we receive from committed individuals, corporations, and foundations are for us. We
cannot operate without you.
So please accept my sincere thanks for your support in fiscal 2004 and beyond.
I hope that we can continue to work together to empower girls to become
strong, productive, and caring contributors to their communities.
I am proud to keep you updated on our continuing success and impact. Feel
free to contact Susan or myself with your comments. I know that Susan looks
forward to speaking with you about how you can continue to support Girls Quest.
Harold Elish
Board President
Our History, Our Mission and
Our Programs
History and Mission
Mentor Program (formerly the E-Mentoring and
Face-to-Face Mentoring Programs)
Girls Quest (formerly Girls’ Vacation Fund) is a nearly
70-year-old youth development organization for girls.
We empower girls to become strong, productive, and
caring contributors to their communities, and our
work centers on outdoor experiential education,
literacy development, year-round mentoring,
leadership training, and peer-to-peer role modeling.
In 1935 Mrs. Ruth Kauth, a social worker at the Henry
Street Settlement, along with a group of other
visionary women, started the Girls’ Vacation Fund as
a means of providing “recreation and health programs” for the sisters of boys attending the Boys’ Athletic League’s summer programs. Since that time,
the organization has served over 60,000
economically disadvantaged girls from the greater
New York area.
Our refined mission as Girls Quest is to nurture girls
from low-income families in New York to help them
achieve their full potential and become active
members of their communities by building academic
and social competence.
Teen Leadership Development Program
Our Programs
Summer Experiential Education Program
Our program aims to decrease the Summer
Learning Gap (SLG), the learning loss suffered
disproportionately by children from lowincome families over the summer months.
The program’s literacy classes integrate
reading, writing, and public speaking skills
with the study of nature and the arts.
Girls live in small groups of 10 children and two
counselors, with an overall ratio of three children
to each adult.
In 2004, we served 336 girls from the NY Metro
Area and Greene County.
After participating in at least one summer at camp
our girls are eligible to participate in our Mentor
The Mentor Program began in 2000 as a means to
provide our teenage girls with year-round support
networks during the challenging adolescent years.
Our girls are matched with professionals who
volunteer their services, offering guidance,
support, and friendship to girls ages 12 through 17.
We established 31 Matches in the E-Mentoring
Program in 2004. (formally ended in May 2005)
We established 35 Matches in the Face-to-Face
Mentor Program in 2004. (formally changed to
Mentor Program in May 2005)
Provides support to girls 15 and up as they enter a
pivotal period of life: high school, choosing a career, and entering adulthood.
Ten girls participated in this program in 2004.
We conducted three Teen Leadership Weekends in
fall 2003 and spring 2004.
Girls Quest continues the summer experience throughout the year by connecting our girls with volunteer professional women through our Mentor Program. One of our most successful matches is with Mentee Janeta Bolden
and Mentor Molly Watkins. Their match began in September 2003 and has continued beyond its one-year mark.
For Janeta’s mom, Diana Bolden, the Mentor Program has been an invaluable asset for her daughter’s future.
Financial Statements
November 1, 2003
to October 31, 2004
November 1, 2002
to October 31, 2003
Client Fees
Summer Food Program
Benefit Fundraiser
Board Contributions
$ 549,828
November 1, 2003
to October 31, 2004
November 1, 2002
to October 31, 2004
Teen Leadership Program
Mentor Program
Management and General
Total Supporting Services
Total Expenditures
Support and Revenue
Gain/(Loss) on Sale of Securities
Total Receipts
Program Services
Summer Program
Total Program Services
Supporting Services
Excess Revenues over Expenses
$ 115,114
Excess Expenses over Revenues
( $166,842)
*In the fiscal year 2003-2004 Girls Quest received a bequest from the Estate of David Cooke in the amount of $630,000. The
bequest was transferred into our Endowment Fund to support the long term development of our facilities and programs and is not
included in the support and revenue total receipts.
The Board, staff and girls of Girls Quest thank the generous individuals, foundations and corporations who
make our programs possible.
Angel Donors
($25,000 or more)
American Camping Association/SCOPE
Charles Hayden Foundation
Charles Henry Leach II Foundation
Mary J. Hutchins Foundation
Pinkerton Foundation
Circle of Friends
American Camping Association/
SCOPE-Camp Brooklyn
Bonaco Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Buller
Louis Calder Foundation
Colgate-Palmolive Company
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Danforth
Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Davis
Max & Victoria Dreyfus Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Elish
Ferriday Foundation
First Data Western Union Foundation
The Ford Foundation
Hyde & Watson Foundation
The Jordan Company
Marble Collegiate Church
Marjam Supply Company
Mr. & Mrs. M. Saleem Muqaddam
New York City Human Resources
New York Community Trust
Maureen O’Gorman
Gilman Ordway
Patrina Foundation
Thomas M. Rinehart
State of New York Summer Food Program
United Way of New York City
Von Seebeck-Share B Charitable Trust
William T. Grant Foundation
Yahoo! Employee Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Lee S. Ainslie, III
Stanley J. Arkin
Jane Bayard
William & Francoise Barstow
Barstow Foundation
Jane Bayard
Lesley Blackburn
Bloomberg, L.P.
Ms. Jane Bolgatz
Alastair & Jeanine Borthwick
Brick Presbyterian Church
Virginia Lowrey Brown
Joyce & Joel Buchman
Norma Bunnell
Sally T. Butler
Thomas W. Capellini
Carolyn Cibelli
Katherine Cohen
David W. Walters Trust
Deborah V. H. Cook
Comey-Fitzgerald Family Foundation
Mario C. Diaz-Cruz, III, Esq.
Dorsey & Whitney Foundation
Louise I. Doyle
Eaton & Van Winkle
Muriel B. Emery
Federation of Protestant Welfare
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Feinblatt
Gerald Ferrante
Lily Palmer Fry Memorial Trust
Mr. & Mrs. C.H. Coster Gerard
Ging Foundation
Harrison J. & Diana Goldin
Barbara Gould
Jessica Griffiths
Gail Gross
Elyn Grossman
Mrs. David W. Hearst
James A. McDonald Foundation
Anne C. Jermusyk
Brian Joyce
Peter & Susan Kessler
Sharon King
Miss Janet C. Kohler
Bert & Cindy Lamar
Myrna Levine
James & Denise Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Marriot
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene McCarthy
Liz & David McCreery
Gillian Miniter
Nancy Morgan
G.F. Mueden
Eileen Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Murphy
Hallie Nath
Kelly L. Nimmo
Kevin & Laura O’Donohue
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Ogden
Dr. Susan Oliveria
Heather Olson
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Perel
Dr. & Mrs. Segundo Perez
Ruth Perry
Doug Pierce
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Pilalas
Sara Tirschwell Porte
Beatrice R. Putnam
Sally Rogers
Winifred Roscoe
Isabel Rose
Joseph & Nancy Sambuco
Susan Rowley, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Kambiz Shahbazi
Monica Sherer
Robert Sloan
Mrs. Eva Mae Sorenson
Mr. & Mrs. Randal Stephenson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Strauss
John Howard Swann
A.N. Tempest
Mrs. Charles L. Thomas
Tomorrow Foundation, Inc.
Claire Ullman & Robert Kasdin
United Way of Tri-State
Mr. Thomas J. Zentarski
Supporting Donors
Linda Abrams
Shirley Alexander
Liz Alicea-Velez
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Allen
American Express Foundation
Marina Anbarlian
Matthew W. Andersen
Beth Anderson
Mr. J. Lyman Anderson
Charlotte Bonstrom Assof
Victoria Assaf
Craig Austin
Automobile Brokers Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Bab
Sandra & William Bailey
Ms. Kate Balanoff
Sandra Ballentine
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Matching
Gifts Program
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Baron
Mrs. Emma K. Barta
Shanette Barth
Lori & Harley Bassman
Louise Baumgart
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Beaman
Mr. & Mrs. David Becker
Schon Beechler
Raymond E. Bell
Susan Benedict
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Berenzweig
Jacqueline Bernstein
Francis B. Bessenyey
Naomi & Stanley Bleifeld
Ms. Julie Block
Richard Blum
Gordon S. Blyth
Rose-Marie Boller
Victoria Booth
Mrs. David N. Borton
Kara & R. Patrick Boultinghouse
Phoebe H. Bowers
Barbara Boyle
Mr. Arnold Braeske
Martha L. Brandl
Lisa Brauner
Mary Kay Bretenback
Broadview Networks, Inc.
Brooke E. Brodsky
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Brumbaugh
Ms. Cynthia Brunjes
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Burke, III
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Burkert
Paula Busch
Walter Callender
Hugh J. Campbell
Anabel Caner
Leah Cannan
Sarah Chaisson-Warner
Elizabeth & Jay Chandler
Karen Chin
Purnell W. Choppin
Elizabeth & Edward Chow
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Church
Tim & Andrea Labov Clark
Elinor Lente Clements
Deidre Cogger
Mary Cogger
Sharon Cogger
Mrs. Arleen Cohen
Julia Coleman
Barry & Laura Contary-Jacobson
Mary Jane Converse
Mildred Simon Cook
Gail & Anoop Cook-Punjabi
Cherrise Crawford
Croman Real Estate
Arie & Ida Memorial Crown
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Crystal
Richard J. Cunningham
Charles A. Cuomo
Prudence Pease Cutler
Janice Dachille
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Dadourian
Ms. Jodi Dady
Melissa Davis
Ralph De Angelis
Flavia C. DeOliveira
Emma Dicken
Jacqueline M. Didier
Joanne & Eugene Dipippo-Li
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Dixon
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Donahue
Rosemary Donnelly
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Donohue
Barbara J. Duffy
Mr. & Mrs. Noel Duguet
Lucy & George Durr
Mr. & Mrs. William North Dye
Mrs. Pamela Edmonds
Toni Johnson Elliot
Eva & Gavin Elwes
Mr. & Mrs. Norman M. Epstein
Dr. Robert E. Erler
Robert G. Fabian
Michele Fanner
Maris Feinstein
Alan Feldman
Gretchen V. & Samuel M. P. Feldman
Gary Felson
M.D. Felson
Edna R. Fleer
Mary A. Flynt
Danny & Estelle Fong
Nancy Ford
Julia Ann Fought
Paul Fraker
Mr. Alexander Frank
Jeanne Freeman
Linda Freeman
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Frideland
Daisy Friedman
James R. Fuson
Maura & Rick Gaenzle
Margaret J. Gillen
Beth Gilroy
Joseph A. Giordmaine
Errol Glasser
Irma Golding
Helen Sonia Goldman
Dr. & Mrs. Adam Goodman
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gormley
Lucia Gould
Mrs. James G. Gray
Mr. Tom W Green
Pam Gregory and Dan Palladino
Julie Greiner
Steven R. Grey
William & Agnes Grierson
Ralphine Gross
Todd C. Guenther
Dr. & Mrs. Nick Gura
Valerie M. Guy
Dr. Alan Gwertzman
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hall
Mr. Harvey L. Hardy
Professor C. Lowell Harris
Joshua J. & Marjorie R. Harris
Sandy & Brad Harris
Ms. Dorian Hasiotis
April & Dan Hattori
Mrs. Mary Kane Hayes
Nancy L. Hayward
S. Noordhoek Hegt
Mr. & Mrs. Phillipe Heilberg
Ms. Molly Heines
Marie K. Heinlein
Jean R. Held
Laura Lee Helfman
Dr. & Mrs. Julio Hernandez-Miyares
Louise Herr
Margaret M. Hill
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Hill
Mrs. Laura H. Hoening
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Hovey
Peter & Patricia Hovey
Sharon Howell
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Hubbard
Sarah Huff
Janet K. Hurd
Mary K. Hurd
Tracy Hutt
Ms. Soo Won Hwang
Marie Iafollo
Mr. & Mrs. Sami Idliby
Edmund H. Immergut
Mrs. Ernest Ising
Dr. & Mrs. Sriram Iyer
Mary F. Jackson
Constance & Edwin Jacob
Carl Jacobs
Mr. & Mrs. John Jacobsson
Vicky L. Kahn
Mrs. Nancy Karapin
Richard M. Karp
Michael & Loryn Kass
Philanthropic Fund
Elaine Kaufman
Elizabeth Kelly
Susan A. Kelly
Jay Kelso
Harris & Eliza Kempner Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Clarke Keough
Ruthann Kibler
Mary King
Frank E. Kinsey Jr.
Evelyn Kiss
Rev. Richard H. Klingeisen
Mrs. Jill Kloiber
Anne Howland Knudson
Barbara Korman
Sheila Krumenaker
Lenore Krusell
Ellen LaFronz
Sandra Landau
Richard Landsman
Mrs. Elizabeth Lane
Dawn Last & Dr. James Santiago
Vivon C. Le Bow
Mr. & Mrs. William Leach
Lira Lee & Jon Cohen
Nina Levene
Myrna Levine
Stuart Levine
Sheila Lewandowski
Eugene & Joann Li
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Lindenbaum
Lawrence & Amy Littler
Enrique Lopez-Balbon
Roth Lore
Mrs. Preston Lowrance
Tina Lund
Mari D. Epstein
Toni Marr
Malcolm Martin
Patricia & Owen Marx
Randy Michael Mastro
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Mastronardi
Alison Matz
Colonel Jack Mayer
Elizabeth McAnally
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan & Ilyse McKeon
Diane Pratt McMahon
Ronald McNamer
Lionel McNeely
Anita Meltzer
Sarah Menninger
Melissa Meyers
Millbrook Rotary Club
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Miller
Ms. Mindy Wolff Miller
Paige Minear
Alice U. Mitchell
Marri & David Moffly
Jonathan Monahan
Maria L. & Troy B. Montoya
John B. Moran
Morgan Stanley Annual Appeal
Nancy Morgan
Maura Murphy
Charlotte Nad
Victoria Neilson
Bettina Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Merlin Nelson
Ruth Nerken
Anne E. Newbery
Mr. & Mrs. John Niblack
Dr. Marguerite Sykes Nichols
Kathleen Noe
New York City Transit Authority
Gertrude Nygren
Mrs. James D. O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Elliott Ogden
David & Suzanne Oliver
Alice O’Rourke & Fellowes M. Rodd
Tiffany Orsini
Steven Walsh Osborne
P.T.M. Charitable Foundation
Mr. Joseph A. Padon, Jr.
Mrs. Alex B. Pagel
Dr. Joan K. Parry
Jonathan Patricof
Sharon Pearson
Katherine Peck
Jean Pedersen
Lt. Col. Elizabeth Peets
Norman A. Peiser
Susan M. Pestrichello
Pfizer Foundation
Philip Holzer & Associates, LLC
Eda & Ray Pickholtz
Deborah Pilalas
Pittman Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. William Plotch
Katha Pollit
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin H. Porter, Jr.
Joanna Potempska
John & Catherine Pouschine
Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts
Alan & Pamela Pryor
Lynn Puccio
Beatrice R. Putnam
Ms. Terri Ratel
Liz Rees
Patrick V. Reilly
Betty Renner
Mr. & Mrs. L. Gregory Rice
Mr. Harold V. Richard
Jonathan Richman
Jane & Jack Rifkin Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Rittmaster
Thomas J. & Vera T. Roche
Ardath H. Rodale
Alfred Rogers
Isabel W. Rogers
Katie Rogers
B. Rossi
Keith & Laura Rothman
Claudia C. Rouhana
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Ruben
Joseph J. Rushen
Nancy Russo
Beth Rustin
Patricia Sabalis
George H. Sayer
Mrs. Bonny M. Sayre
Edward Schachner
Mrs. John M. Schamberger
Noah Scheinfeld
Anne Marie Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. Eldon Scott
Glenn & Roberta Scott
Mrs. Eleanor D. Scott
Mrs. Frederick Selch
Mr. & Mrs. Ari Shalam
Joan Shapiro
Pamela Beth Sharlin Krooth
Jean O’Grady Sheehan
Jennifer Sheehan
Carl Sheldon
Lee Shull
Mr. David Silverstein
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Silvestri
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Simon
Helena Skarstedt
Robert Sloan
Mr. & Mrs. E.R. Smart
Rosalind Smith-Reid
Sobel Affiliates Incorporated
Gloria Sosa
Jennifer Speers
Miss Jane B. Spence
Joan Olenick Stack
Carolyn Stallworth
Catherine & Nicholas Stamatopoulos
Mrs. Paula M. Stendel
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stonehill
Elizabeth Stroud
Karen Sutton
Gregg Swain
Hope Halsey Swasey
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sweeney
Kathryn B. Swintek
Dorothy J. Symonds
Arnold Syrop
David & Peggy Tanner
Mr. Dom Telesco
Olive M. Temple
Andrea Thomas
Robert Tirschwell
Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Tomenson, Jr.
Trivium Swear Fund
Robert Tyler
S.L. & Mary Varnado
Mr. & Mrs. Vasan
Maria & Mark Vassallo
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Vencil
Mr. & Mrs. John Vlahoplus
Freya von Moltke
Mr. & Mrs. von Oiste
Christena Waldman
Meg Walheimer
Maria & Patrick Wall
Mary Kit Wallace
Walter O. Wells Charitable Trust
Dr. Ruth Ward
Wilburn C. Ward
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Warren
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Wasserman
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Waterman
Alexander Wesman
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Wickham
Gwendolyn Williams
Vera B. Williams
Mrs. Walter E. Winans
Betty Winkel
Barbara Wisniewski
Charles D. & Catherine Wollenzien
Mary Yelenick
Christine G. & Peter M. Zimmerman
Gifts in Kind
1740 House
A Salt & Battery
Aimée Pilates
Ajune Spa
Ms. Liz Alicea-Velez
Ms. Christena Ambrose
American First Liquors
Bank of New York
Ann Billingsly Photography
Ms. Lory Kay Beaudoin
Ms. Lisette Bemay
Jean-Michael Bergougnoux
Mr. Fabrizio Biasolo
Ms. Diane Blackman
Blue Smoke & Jazz Standard
Mr. John Bogusz
Mr. Daniel Boulud
Marie Bové
Ms. Laura Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Buchman
Bumble and Bumble
Casa Del Bianco
Chelsea Piers
Children’s Museum of Manhattan
Mr. & Mrs. Mario Cibelli
CosmoGirl! Magazine
Cutler Salon
D’Agostino Supermarkets, Inc.
David Barton Gym
Mrs. Jessica Davis
Mr. Ned Davis
dB Bistro Moderne
Mario Diaz-Cruz, III, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Donohue
Mr. Gary Dunning
Eaton and Van Winkle, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elish
Ms. Pamela Emil
Faige Timeless Portraits
Ms. Amy Feinblatt
Ms. Elyssa Folk
Fortune Limousine Inc.
Foxwoods Resort
Ms. Jenny Gering
Mrs. Mary Margrill Ging
Global Design Concepts, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Goldhill
Mr. & Mrs. Harry E. Gould, Jr.
Mrs. Lucia Gould
Gould Paper Corporation
Mrs. Jean Gorham
Pam Gregory
Gretchen Scott Designs
Gail Gross
GymTime Rhythm & Glues
Harold Hechler Photography
Thomas A. Hickey, Esq.
Home Depot
Ms. Jo Hook
Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, Inc.
Debbie Ivanhoe,
Ms. Mary Iyer
Jay Strongwater
JMP Photography
Jodi’s Gym
John Barrett Salon
Ms. Meg W. Joyce
KEP Designs
Ms. Sara Kety-Elias
Kobrand Corporation
Richard Kowal, D.C. M.S.
L’Absinthe Brassiere Restaurant
La Cantina Toscana
La Goulue
Laura Geller Make-up Studios
Sheila Lewandowski
Lia Schorr Skin Care
Annie Leibovitz, Inc. c/o Cat Burkley
Dr. Pia Lieb
Little Maestros
Live with Regis and Kelly
Louis Armstrong House
M2 Design Int.
Ms. Lydia Mann
Ms. Laura Mansfield
Marie Bové Salon
Mario Badescu Skin Care
Mrs. Trish Marx
MaxMara USA
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene McCarthy
Mr. Ronald McNamer
Min Meg II
Gillian Miniter, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester Miniter
Miano Viél
Paul Mole
Ms. Constance Morrill
Mulberry Bush Clothing for Kids
Mr. and Mrs. Saleem Muqaddam
Ms. Laurianne Murphy
Judith S. Myers, Professional Organizer
Newman’s Own
New York Health & Racquet Club
New York Kids Club
New York Yankees
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin O’Donohue
The Odeon
Mrs. Gordon Ogden
Ms. Sarina Ogden
Mrs. Maureen O’Gorman
Dr. Susan Oliviera
One Acres
Oscar Bond Salon Spa
Mr. David Palladino
The Paper Bag Players
Paul LaBrecque Salon
Ms. Buffy Perry
Mr. Richard Persky
Ms. Debbie Pilalas
Plaza Flowers
The Portrait Specialist/Lucille Khornak
Dr. and Mrs. Orlando Ricalde
Ricardo Maggiore Salon
Ms. Natalia Rose
Dr. Merrill Rudin
Mrs. Nancy Sambuco
S. Feldman Housewares
Ms. Monica Sherer
Mrs. Lee Shull
The Shoreham
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sloan
St. Regis Hotel
Ms. Stephanie Stokes
Super Millionaire
SwimJim, Inc.
Tea & Sympathy
The Technology Therapy Group
Teen People
Teen Vogue
Dr. Christopher Trahan, OMD
Tribeca Grill-Myriad Restaurant Group
Two Do Salon
Violeta & Ralph Defeo-Violeta Beauty
Vivaldi Boutique
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Waldman
Mrs. Randi Walz
Mr. Lance Williamson
YM Magazine
Mr. & Mrs. Tucker York
Mr. Marko Zelenovik
This listing reflects contributions through October 31, 2004. If you or a friend would like to make a contribution to Girls Quest, contributions can be sent to
Girls Quest, 370 Lexington Avenue, Suite 913, New York, NY 10017. All contributions are tax-deductible. The names of all donors will be listed in our annual
report. If you have any questions, please call 212-532-7050.
Girls Quest
370 Lexington Avenue, Suite 913
New York, NY 10017
Phone: 212-532-7050
Fax: 212-532-7061
Email: [email protected]
Board of Directors
Harold D. Elish
Vice President
Maureen O’Gorman
Elyn Levine
Gail Gross
James Buller
Katherine Cohen
Sharon Content
Mrs. Theodore N. Danforth
Jessica L. Davis
Mario Diaz-Cruz, III, Esq.
Harold D. Elish
Mary Margill Ging
Gail Gross
Brian P. Joyce, MSW
Sharon R. King
Elyn Levine
Jane Muqaddam
Eileen Murphy
Laurianne Murphy
Laura O’Donohue
Maureen O’Gorman
Monica Sherer
President Emerita:
Mrs. Ann B. Copeland
Advisory Board
Liz Y. Alicea-Velez
Mrs. Henry I. Barbey
Ann B. Copeland
Felicia Fisher
Mrs. Harry E. Gould, Jr.
Lucia Gould
Nancy Hirsch
Bert Lamar
Cindy Lamar
Gillian Miniter
Frances Mitilieri
Susan Morgulas, PhD
Carmen Marqués Peréz
Constance Stine
Benjamin Timmons
Leighton K. Waters
Sidney S. Whelan, Jr., Esq.
Susan Hall, MPA
Executive Director
Niambi Blackledge
Administrative Assistant
Connie Lewin
PR and Development Fellow
Beverly McEntarfer
Senior Director of Programs
Elizabeth Morales
Director of Community Relations
Rodney W. Stremlo
Property Manager
Susan Thomas, MSW
Director of Mentor Program
Referral Agencies
Beginning with Children Charter School
Crossroads School, MS 246
Fresh Air Fund
Phipps Community Development
Public School 45, Staten Island
Public School 242, NYC
New York State’s Camp Directors Association
A copy of Girls Quest’s recent
Annual Financial Report may be
obtained from Girls Quest or the Office of
the Attorney General, Department of
Law, Charities Bureau, 120 Broadway,
New York, NY 10271.
A Special Thank You to the United Way
of New York City for assisting in
underwriting this publication.