2014 Annual Report - St. Mary`s Home of Erie


2014 Annual Report - St. Mary`s Home of Erie
A Publication of Saint Mary’s Home of Erie
May 2015
What’s Outside
Front Door?
Inside this issue...
2014 Highlights • Saint Mary’s Follies • New Staff and Board of Directors • 2014 Donor and Giving Report
A sponsored ministry of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Northwestern Pennsylvania
Caring across the Centuries
Board of Trustees
125 years
Barbara Drew
Vice Chairperson
Daniel Teed
Mary Wingrove
Carol Mingarelle
Michael Blatt
Bridget Power Barber
Rev. Thomas Brooks
Austin Brugger
Almitra Clerkin
Christopher Coughlin
Gerald Dill
Robert Ek
Maudie Ford
Sister Mary Herrmann, SSJ
Jane Kelsey
Sister Phyllis McCracken, SSJ
Karen McElhinny
James McNamara, Esq.
Homer Smith
Colleen Stumpf, Esq.*
*Non-voting Board Member
and Legal Counsel
A Continuing Care Retirement
Levels of Care
Independent Living Carriage Homes
Independent Residential Living/
Personal Care
Skilled Nursing
Alzheimer’s/Dementia Care
Adult Day Services
Respite Care
Short and Long-term Rehabilitative
On-site Nursing Staff including RNs,
LPNs and NAs
Catholic and Ecumenical Religious
Social Services Program/Pastoral Care
Support Services
Nutritional Services
Recreational Activities
 2 Beauty and Barber Services
Founded by the Sisters of St. Joseph and operated
in the Catholic tradition, Saint Mary’s Home of Erie
is committed to an environment of loving to care
where primarily seniors, their families, staff and
volunteers participate in fostering an atmosphere
of community.
Saint Mary’s Home of Erie, through partnership,
networking, and referrals will be a principle enabler
to primarily seniors in the Erie Community aiding
them in living their lives in a respectful, dignified
and fulfilled manner.
Charitable Solicitation Disclosure Statement
Pursuant to state regulations regarding charitable solicitations, we are required to include certain disclosure language on Development materials.
OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE. Kansas: The official registration and annual financial report of Saint Mary’s Home of Erie is filed with the
Kansas Secretary of State. Kansas Registration # 449-331-8. Maryland: A copy of Saint Mary’s Home of Erie’s financial report is available by calling
Saint Mary’s Home of Erie at 814-451-1308 or writing to 607 East 26th Street, Erie, PA 16504. For the cost of copying and postage, documents and
information filed under the Maryland charitable organizations law can be obtained from the Secretary of State, Charitable Division, State House,
Annapolis, MD. Mississippi: The official registration and financial information of Saint Mary’s Home of Erie may be obtained from the Mississippi
Secretary of State’s office by calling 1-888-236-6167. Registration by the Secretary of State does not imply endorsement by the Secretary of State.
New Jersey: Information filed with the Attorney General concerning this charitable solicitation may be obtained from the Attorney General of
the State of New Jersey by calling 201-504-6215. Registration with the Attorney General does not imply endorsement. New York: A copy of the
latest annual report may be obtained from Saint Mary’s Home of Erie, or the Charities Bureau, Department of Law, 120 Broadway, New York, NY
10271. The official registration and financial information of Saint Mary’s Home of Erie may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department
of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1(800)732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. Virginia: A financial statement is
available from the State Division of Consumer Affairs. Washington: Our charity is registered with the Secretary of State and information relating
to our financial affairs is available from the Secretary of State, toll free for Washington residents 800-332-4483. West Virginia residents may
obtain a summary of the registration and financial documents from the Secretary of State, State Capitol, Charleston, WV 25305. Registration does
not imply endorsement. Consult with the IRS or your tax professional regarding tax deductibility.
1 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • (814) 459-0621
President’s Message
What’s Outside YOUR Front Door?
What’s Outside YOUR Front Door, our 2014 Annual Report, shows many of
the vibrant opportunities within the doors of Saint Mary’s Home of Erie.
As I stand in the doorways of Saint Mary’s, I am reminded of how blessed we
are by all that I see looking outward and looking at those who enter through
those doors!
I see:
a Volunteers who are imperative for provision of the wide array of life-giving
activities that we provide for our Residents.
a Donors, like you, whose generosity make it possible for our Mission and
Vision to continue to meet our Residents’ needs.
Sister Phyllis McCracken, SSJ
a Employees dedicated to live out our Mission of “Loving to Care” and
“fostering an atmosphere of community”.
a Board Members who give freely of their time and talent to provide governance and a link to the
greater Erie community.
a Neighborhoods which call to us with varying needs.
a Families and friends who are so very faithful to our Residents and enter in and out of our doors,
at will.
a Those with whom we collaborate – the acute care facilities, our HVA Senior Living not-for-profit
communities, our governmental entities, our area religious leaders, social service agencies,
transportation agencies and many others.
a Our Sponsors, the Sisters of St. Joseph of Northwestern PA, whose Mission of “unity of neighbor
with neighbor and neighbor with God” gives birth anew, each day, to Saint Mary’s Mission.
a Educational institutions who come through our doors for clinical experiences and internships.
a Our vision to grow our Mission and bring the “outside in” to our Residents and our Residents
out to the greater community, when possible.
a Have you entered our doors to see our beautiful interior courtyards and landscaping?
a Are you aware of all the life-giving events we offer to our Residents, such as, live entertainment,
faith-based opportunities, special dinner events, WiFi and computer classes, intergenerational
programs and much more?
a Have you experienced our dedicated employees or tasted the superb menu offerings of our chefs
and dietary employees?
a Have you seen our activities vans around various venues?
a I see YOU because you receive this MIRROR due to your connections and generosity (past and
present) to our Mission.
a I invite you to enter our open doors!
After all, we’re Saint Mary’s we’re all about YOU!
Phyllis McCracken, SSJ
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • www.stmaryshome.org
What’s Outside
Front Door?
Saint Mary’s Home of Erie is a
Continuing Care Retirement
Community that has a wide range of
services available for seniors. Many
people from the Erie community
come to Saint Mary’s East and Saint
Mary’s at Asbury Ridge for short term
rehab. Many others make Saint Mary’s
their new home. Beyond the care,
people choose Saint Mary’s for the
next chapter in their life because of
the active campus lifestyle and many
amenities that are available.
The following pages show program
highlights of 2014 that were offered
outside a resident’s front door along
with achievements within the
Saint Mary’s community.
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • (814) 459-0621
2014 Saint Mary’s Highlights:
❇ A Garden Club was initiated at Saint Mary’s
East and Saint Mary’s at Asbury Ridge by the
Landscaping Team Leader, John Cyranowski.
❇ An outdoor Accordion Concert was held at Saint
Mary’s East.
❇ The 10th Annual Senior Prom was held at Saint
Mary’s at Asbury Ridge.
❇ On-going intergenerational events
at both Saint Mary’s campuses.
❇ An outdoor concert that featured
the Vintage Players was held at
Saint Mary’s East. The concert was
themed as a Strawberry Shortcake
Social. There was even some
“clowning” around with Sister
Nancy Prenatt, SSJ
who is a certified
clown named
❇ Saint Mary’s East
was the host site
for one of the Erie
Mayor’s “Sounds
of Summer”
community concerts.
The entertainment
for this outdoor concert was provided by the
Dixie Doodlers Jazz Band.
❇ A 1950s Concert was held at Saint Mary’s
at Asbury Ridge. The Jam Starrs provided
the classic 50’s sounds for this outdoor
concert complete with a car show and a
photo booth with plenty of
props for memorable photo
❇ The Millcreek Community
Band performed at Saint
Mary’s at Asbury Ridge.
❇ A Hawaiian Luau, featuring the Kokomo Time
Band, was held at Saint Mary’s at Asbury Ridge.
❇ A new computerized Activity Aide, named
“Joey,” was purchased and incorporated into the
residents’ activities at each campus. Designed
specifically for seniors, this state of the art
technology offers everything from educational
opportunities and exercising to playing games
and music therapy.
❇Saint Mary’s East employees held
a Turkey Trot for the residents. The
employees went above and beyond when
they collaboratively took part in a campus
wide parade with elaborate floats that
were themed by each department.
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • www.stmaryshome.org
2014 Saint Mary’s News and Achievements:
❇ Voted by the Erie community
as Erie’s Choice Retirement
Community for the 10th
consecutive year.
❇ Saint Mary’s East and Saint
Mary’s at Asbury Ridge were
both listed in the 2014
U. S. News and World Report
Best Nursing Homes.
❇ Saint Mary’s was one of a few
statewide organizations selected for a Pennsylvania
Catholic Health Association (PCHA) Tour called
“Catholic Health Care In Action.” The 30 minute video
was filmed on November 7, 2014. It features Sister
Phyllis McCracken, SSJ, President/CEO, Saint Mary’s
Home of Erie and Cheryl Truett, Administrator, Saint
Mary’s East, giving a tour of the East campus while
showcasing everything about Saint Mary’s Home
of Erie.
❇ Saint Mary’s East received a provisional accreditation
and is working toward a full accreditation with the
Quality Assurance
and Performance
Improvement Program
❇ Saint Mary’s at Asbury
Ridge received a
full accreditation with the Quality Assurance and
Performance Improvement Program (QAPI).
❇ Palliative Care was formalized and promoted as an
available program for Saint Mary’s residents and their
❇ Respiratory Therapy was added to complement
Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapies.
❇ The Gallagher Center was
updated. New furniture
and flooring provided a
warm and more modern
❇ The Erie community
donated more than
$12,000 to Saint Mary’s
Home of Erie on Erie
Gives Day. Thank you!
Scott Lightner and his
mother, Winona Lightner,
being interviewed during
the “Catholic Health Care in
Action” taping. Dexter, the
Saint Mary’s East therapy
dog, also made a cameo in
this segment.
Sr. Margaret O’Brien, SSJ
and Sister Phyllis
McCracken, SSJ
Sister Phyllis
McCracken, SSJ
and Mary Alice
❇ Saint Mary’s Medaille D’Or Award was
presented to Sister Margaret O’Brien, SSJ
and Mary Alice Glowacki. Sister Margaret
has been a dedicated Saint Mary’s employee
for more than 28 years and Mary Alice
served as a Saint Mary’s Board member and
volunteer for many years. Both recipients
live out the Mission of the Sisters of St.
Joseph and Saint Mary’s Home of Erie. They
work and volunteer in the senior services
field and continue to provide meritorious
service to Saint Mary’s Home of Erie which
is part of the criteria for the award.
Erie Gives 2014
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • (814) 459-0621
Supporting the Erie Community
and Strengthening Neighborhoods
he Mission of Saint Mary’s Home of Erie of “Loving to
Care” and “fostering an atmosphere of community,” is
deeply intertwined with the Mission of the Sisters of St. Joseph
of “unity of neighbor with neighbor and neighbor with God.”
It is in this spirit that outreach programs, community
collaborations, and educational opportunities are a large
focus each year. Saint Mary’s continues to play a vital role
in strengthening the Erie community by partnering with
local organizations and offering educational venues for area
schools. Below are some of the highlights from 2014:
❖ Collaborated with the Sisters of St. Joseph to help form
the new SSJ Neighborhood Network on Erie’s eastside.
❖ Served as a clinical site for future healthcare professionals.
Students from local colleges/universities and business
schools came to Saint Mary’s for educational experiences
in the field of long term care.
❖ Held weekly jeans day fundraisers for employees with all
proceeds donated to the local Alzheimer’s Association.
❖ Partnered with the Alzheimer’s Association by hosting
one of their monthly Support Groups at Saint Mary’s East.
❖ Supported the St. John-Holy Rosary and Saint Andrew
Food Pantries through a Mission Day Food Drive. A truck
load of donations was delivered to each location!
❖ Sponsored the Adopt-A-Highway Program by helping
keep the neighborhoods clean on East 26th Street from
French Street to East Avenue.
❖ Sponsored an Elderly Awareness Campaign on WJET
Radio 1400.
❖ Provided sponsorships and/or donations to more than 20
local non-profit organizations.
❖ Held four educational Lunch and Learn Programs for the
public at each Saint Mary’s campus.
❖ Supported one of the Erie Mayor’s “Sounds of Summer”
community concerts by hosting the event at Saint Mary’s
❖ Provided the Millcreek Kiwanis Club community space
for their monthly meetings at Saint Mary’s at Asbury
❖ Collaborated with many local schools to foster
intergenerational programs on and off both campuses.
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • www.stmaryshome.org
Saint Mary’s Welcomes a New Executive Assistant
and 5 Members to the Board of Trustees
Katie Hartwig
Saint Mary’s Home of Erie welcomes
Katie Hartwig as the Executive
Assistant to the President/CEO.
Katie has a Master’s degree in Public
Administration from the University
of Michigan-Dearborn and holds a
Bachelor of Arts degree in Special
Education and Early Childhood
Education from Mercyhurst University.
She also attended Mercyhurst Preparatory School and St.
George School. She recently moved back to Erie to be
closer to her family and she is excited to be a part of the
Saint Mary’s community.
Prior to joining Saint Mary’s, Katie spent six years as an
Administrative Assistant to the University Registrar at
the University of Michigan-Dearborn. There she worked
specifically with the student veterans as a Veteran Affairs
School Certifying Official assisting the students through
the complex process of obtaining their educational
Katie regularly volunteers at the Highmark Caring Place
in Erie. She chose the Caring Place because she felt a
connection with the children and families during their
time of grief.
In her spare time, she enjoys spending quality time with
her family, friends and her four-legged companion,
Emma. She also enjoys the great outdoors where you can
find her kayaking, camping, and hiking.
Bridget Power Barber
Bridget Power Barber has held several
administrative positions since joining
the Barber National Institute in 2000,
where she currently serves as Director
Health Services, External Affairs &
Privacy Officer. Under her leadership,
the organization has expanded its
involvement in the arts and seen wider
community participation in its annual Art Show.
Bridget serves on the board of Erie Arts & Culture, where
she was a member of the team that negotiated a merger
between ArtsErie and the Erie Downtown Arts and Culture
Coalition. She is also a member of the Independent
Council on Aging, and Kappa Gamma Pi - the National
Catholic Graduate Honor Society. She is a former
member of the Board of Villa Maria Academy and Board
of Corporators of Saint Vincent Health System.
Bridget and her husband, Atty. John Barber, were
honored with the “Helping Hands Award” by the Erie
Catholic Diocese in 2012 for their contributions to the
community. The Barbers were also named a Knight and
Lady of St. Patrick and have been appointed as a Knight
and Lady of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher
by Pope John Paul II.
A native of Limerick, Ireland, Bridget attended the Hamot
School of Nursing and earned a bachelor’s degree in
nursing from Villa Maria College. After working in the
nursing field, she became a fulltime homemaker while
raising a family and volunteered in many leadership
capacities with her children’s schools and sports teams.
Bridget and John have five children and three
grandchildren and currently reside in Millcreek with their
rescue poodle, Molly.
This is Bridget’s first term on Saint Mary’s Board of
Trustees. She is serving on the Strategic Planning
Committee and Development/
Marketing Committee.
Chris Coughlin
Chris graduated from the University
of Detroit in Detroit Michigan with
a Bachelor and Master’s degree in
Chris is a Registered Architect in
the State of Pennsylvania and a Principal/Owner with
Hallgren, Restifo, Loop & Coughlin Architects where he
has spent the majority of his career.
Chris serves on the Board of Directors at Villa Elementary
School and is a member of the Rotary, BOCA
International, and the Council of Educational Facility
Planners International. Chris is a past member of the
Board of Trustees at Saint Mary’s Home of Erie. He is
honored to be serving a second term on the Board as
part of the Physical Plant-Facilities Committee.
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • (814) 459-0621
Austin Brugger
Austin graduated from Vanderbilt
University in Nashville, Tennessee
with a Bachelor degree, double major
in Economics and Sociology. At
Vanderbilt, he proudly participated
in Alternative Spring Break for four
years, becoming the co-chair of the
organization his senior year that sent
425 students around the world to
participate in service learning projects.
Austin has spent his entire career as a partner and fifth
generation Funeral Director with Brugger Funeral Homes
& Crematory. In addition to helping families in their
time of need, he helps oversee the day to day business
operations of the funeral homes. Recently, he obtained
his Certified Preplanning Consultant designation from
the National Funeral Directors Association to better serve
those families planning their funerals in advance. He is
also a Certified Crematory Operator with the Cremation
Association of North America.
Austin is currently serving on the finance council at St.
Luke Church. He previously served on their pastoral
council. In 2012, he and his wife, Jill, were the Erie Homes
for Children and Adults Spring Swing Co-Host Chair
Couple. He is also a member of the Greene Township
Lions Club, the St. Luke Church Knights of Columbus and
participates as an usher at St. Luke Church. He resides in
Millcreek with his wife and three children.
This is Austin’s first term on Saint Mary’s Board of Trustees.
He is serving on the Development/Marketing Committee
and the Information Systems Committee.
Almitra Clerkin
Almitra Clerkin, Executive Director
(2006- ) at the Erie Playhouse, was
born in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania. A
1981 graduate of Villa Maria Academy
and 2006 Alumni of the Year, Almi
went on to Gannon University and
graduated cum laude with a degree
in Business Management. Before
beginning her career at the Erie Playhouse, she served
as Assistant to the External Affairs Director at Mercyhurst
College, Customer Service Manager at Progressive
Insurance Financial Services in Richmond, VA, and
Development Director at Villa Maria Academy.
Almi began her volunteer years at the Erie Playhouse
in 1977 and was hired as the Youtheatre Director in
1992. In 2001, she added the duties of Development
Director. Almi has directed, acted, stage-managed and/or
choreographed over 300 shows at the Erie Playhouse and
at theatres throughout Erie, Northwest PA, and in Virginia.
Her favorite shows include Les Misérables (Mdme.
Thenardier), A Little Night Music (Charlotte), My Fair Lady
(dancing chorus), and recently directed shows The Color
Purple, Jesus Christ Superstar, and To Kill a Mockingbird.
Almi will continue her role as Executive Director through
the theatre’s 100th Season (September 2016- August
2017) and then will proudly step aside and watch the next
generation lead the Playhouse through their next century.
This fall, Almi will begin her studies for her Masters of Arts
in Health Communication at Gannon.
Almi serves on both the Erie Downtown Partnership and
the VisitErie Board of Directors, and is very active at St.
Mary’s Episcopal Church where Almi’s husband Shawn is
the Vicar.
Almi and Fr. Shawn are celebrating their 30th wedding
anniversary this year and are most proud of their best
production to date, their 16-year old son, Seamus.
This is Almi’s first term on Saint Mary’s Board of Trustees.
She is serving on the Development/Marketing Committee.
Robert G. (Bob) Ek
Bob Ek is a graduate of Gannon
University with a Bachelor degree in
Accounting. He started his professional
career working for DeMarco and
Wachter CPAs before moving to Saint
Vincent Health System.
Bob has been with Saint Vincent
Health System for 30 years where he
has held many positions in the Accounting and Finance
Departments. For the past 6 years, he has been working
as a Director in the Human Resource Department
overseeing compensation and benefits, Human Resource
Information Systems, Talent Acquisition, and Leave
Bob has served on the Board of the Saint Vincent Federal
Credit Union. He is currently the Chairman of the Saint
Vincent Community Service Fund.
This is Bob’s first term on Saint Mary’s Board of Trustees.
He is serving on the Finance-Audit Committee and the
Strategic Planning Committee.
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • www.stmaryshome.org
saint mary’s
he second annual Saint Mary’s
Follies, held on September 11, 2014,
did not disappoint a sold out crowd of
370 guests who gathered to support
this charitable event. The date inspired
a patriotic theme that honored three
local veterans who continue to make
Pictured are the 2014 Ageless Remarkable Erieites, from left, Arthur
a difference in the Erie community. Dr.
Martinucci, Sr., Dr. Robert Guelcher, M.D. and Harry Fornalczyk.
Robert Guelcher, M.D., Harry Fornalczyk,
and Arthur Martinucci, Sr. were
presented with an Ageless Remarkable Erieite Award. This award is given to seniors ages 75 and older who have
remained committed, through service and volunteerism, to making our community a better place.
The 2014 Follies was chaired by Ruth and Jay Alberstadt. Highlights from the evening included performances
from the Erie Playhouse, Mike and Jean Malthaner, Kate Neubert-Lechner, Charlie Corritore, Sister Lucille
DeStefano, SSJ, the Erie Playhouse Showstoppers, and Cathedral Prep’s ROTC. The event concluded with a
special tribute video to each honoree.
Thank you to all of the sponsors, honorees, entertainers, volunteers, attendees, and employees who helped
raise nearly $70,000 for Saint Mary’s Benevolent Care Program. Most seniors who reside in the Residential Care
area do not qualify for any government support. The Benevolent Care Program provides qualifying Saint Mary’s
residents with care when they are no longer able to afford their own expenses.
saint mary’s
The 2015 Saint Mary’s Follies will take place on
Thursday, September 10th at the Bayfront Convention Center.
The Chair Couple for the event is Art and Helen Martinucci, as well as,
Honorary Chair Couple, Debbie and the late Lou Porreco.
Please call Amanda Hurd, Director of Development, at
814-451-1312 or visit www.stmaryshome.org/charitable-giving
for more information.
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • (814) 459-0621
2014 Donor and Giving Report
Recently, I came across this quote:
“Sometimes you will never know the true value of a
moment, until it’s become a memory.”
here was no author referenced, and I’m sure I’ve heard it similarly
paraphrased before, but on this particular day, it made me pause
and think.
It made me recall the memories that donors shared as they contributed
an honor or memorial donation this past Christmas to our first ever
Heralds of Light Trees. The trees’ lights symbolized Moms, Dads,
Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles—loved ones who in some way—were
touched by Saint Mary’s “Loving to Care” Mission. As you peruse the
following pages, you’ll see those who made an honor or memorial
tribute on the tree have been recognized with a candle following
their name.
It made me recall our three honorees of the 2014 Saint Mary’s Follies—
Art Martinucci, Dr. Robert Guelcher, M.D., and Harry Fornalczyk—and
the treasured memories they shared regarding decades of service
helping to make Erie a better place, which inspired all those attending
the event.
It made me recall all the families who thoughtfully designated Saint
Mary’s as a recipient of donations made in memorial of one’s passing,
and the kind words that accompanied contributions.
Life is made of moments, and often we are so busy in the moment that
we forget how each little action, even the smallest of gestures, can
have the greatest of impact.
Thank you for being there for the families of our seniors during times of
Thank you for helping our seniors in Residential Care benefiting from
our Benevolent Care Program through your support of Saint Mary’s
Thank you for “lighting the way” by remembering someone with an
honor or tribute donation to last year’s Heralds of Light Tree.
As you peruse these pages, remember the moments, and know that
they truly mattered.
Amanda Hurd
Director of Development
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • www.stmaryshome.org
A Look Back at 2014
A Collective46%
Comparison of Our Donors and
January 1, 2013-December
Ben Care
Their Designation of Gifts
31, 2014
Designation of Gifts
Gallagher Center
888 Unique Donors
Donor Group
Board of Trustees/Volunteers*
East Corporations51
UndesignatedGalla(er Families & Residents*
Undesignated 46%
Ac2vi2es Friends390
Benevolent Care
Asbury * Represents Present and Former Individuals
Ben Care Asbury Ridge
Transportation Van
2014 Summary by Campaign
Annual 26%
Saint Mary’s Follies
# Gifts
Gift Income
Who Contributed?
(Present & Former)
Residents With
Corpora.ons Thank you to the leadership,
guidance, and dedication
Employees of last year’s Development
Founda.ons Committee:
Board Foundations/
Friends Board of Trustees/Volunteers
(Present & Page
(Present & Former) 5%
Mary Alice Glowacki
Russell J. Forquer
Jerry Dill
Homer Smith
Noel Burgoyne
Amanda Hurd
Sister Phyllis McCracken, SSJ
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • (814) 459-0621
Recognizing individuals, organizations, foundations, and corporations whose
contributions over the years total $10,000 or more.
Anonymous (4)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lowther, Jr.*
Norman A. † and Florence † Allgeier
Mr. James E. Mantyla
Children of Alice L. Beals
The Marquette Savings Bank Fund of the Erie
Community Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Bensur, Jr.*
Dr. and Mrs. Tibor A. Beresky
Mr. and Mrs. Chris W. Bloomstine
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Bloomstine
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Bloomstine
BNY Mellon Wealth Management
Dr. William F. † and Constance C. Brereton
Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Brugger, Jr. and Family
Ms. Diane M. Calabrese
Mrs. Beatrice M. Carberry †
Albert F. † and Mary Duval
The Albert F. and Mary Duval Fund of the Erie
Community Foundation
E.E. Austin & Son, Inc.
Charles A. and Elinor † Matts
Messrs. Edward T., J. Philip, and Michael McCormick
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. McCormick
The McGowan Family Foundation
Atty. and Mrs. James K. McNamara
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Meko
Perry Construction Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John Petersen
Mr. Angelo Picheco, Mrs. Dorothy Blout and Mrs.
Mary Corbin
PNC Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Quinn
Dr. and Mrs. Jack V. Rozwadowski
The Erie Community Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Scibetta
The Robert L. Fessler and Patricia J. Fessler
Silicon Valley Community Foundation*
Sisters of St. Joseph of Northwestern Pennsylvania
David † and Evelyn M. Finnecy
Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Forquer
The Spaeder/Saint Mary’s Home Fund of the Erie
Community Foundation
Robert E. and Mary Alice Glowacki
HVA Senior Living Alliance
Ms. Nan T. Held
Kneller Family Foundation
Mr. John J. Lohse*
Mr. James B. Spiegel
Ms. Susan Sutto
Mr. Gerard T. Uht, Sr. and Family
Richard C. † and Bonnie Yezzi
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • www.stmaryshome.org
Estate Giving Benefactors
Recognizing loyal Saint Mary’s community members who have indicated their intention to include
Saint Mary’s in their estate plans. Saint Mary’s gratefully acknowledges the essential role these individuals play in
helping to continue our Legacy of Caring.
Anonymous (6)
Mrs. Natalie H. Allen †
Mr. Frank Amoroso †
Michael and Paula Barrett
Ed R.† and Dolores † Bindseil
Mrs. Louise Bloomstine †
Mr. Howard P. Bovee †
Miss Ruth D. Brugger †
Mr. Adam C. Bujnowski †
Mr. James F. Camp
Mrs. Beatrice M. Carberry Trust †
Mr. William A. Carberry Trust †
Ms. Eileen P. Carroll †
Mrs. Rosemary Considine †
Mr. John P. Coughlin †
Miss Clara A. Demuling †
Ms. Bertille R. Detzel †
Msgr. Edmund J. Donovan †
Mrs. Georgeann Dudenhoefer †
Ms. Mary E. Erhart †
Rev. Thomas Fialkowski
Mr. William J. Flaherty, Jr.
Russell J. and Susan Forquer
Mrs. Adelaide M. Gallagher †
Msgr. John M. Gannon †
Msgr. Robert D. Goodill †
Mr. Robert F. Goring, Sr. †
Ms. Audrey A. Hannah †
Ms. Patricia A. Hardner
Thomas F. Hart †
and Catherine C. Hart †
Mrs. Catherine Heberle †
Mr. Anthony J. Herman †
Ms. Clara Jacquel †
Father Stephen J. Kotyuk †
Mr. Leonard A. Krantz, Sr . †
Mr. Carl G. Krug †
Msgr. Edmund Latimer †
Mr. Charles A. Matts
Ms. Kathryn O’Brien †
Ms. Susanna E. O’Brien †
Mr. Miles F. Peck †
Ms. Katherine J. Pfadt †
Rev. Frank J. Przepierski †
Ms. Sophie Rosinski †
Ms. Mary J. Santo †
Ms. Frances H. Schoppert †
Mr. James B. Spiegel
Miss Mary Timmons †
Mrs. Mary P. Ugino †
Miss Bernadine R. Weber †
† Deceased
Estate Gifts
The following individuals named Saint Mary’s as a beneficiary of their estate. It is humbling to have been included in
the legacy of each person named below, who will forever be missed by the Saint Mary’s family.
The Estate of Frank Amoroso
The Estate of William A. Carberry
The Estate of Frances H. Schoppert
Matching Gifts
Donors who gave to Saint Mary’s
Home of Erie through the Erie
Community Foundation during
Erie Gives Day
Anonymous (5)
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Bacik
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bekeny
Mrs. Noel Burgoyne
Ms. Deborah Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Dill
Sister Ann Donohue, SSJ
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dudenhoefer
Ms. Christine Eacho
Sister Mary Helen Forney, SSJ
Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Forquer
Sister Mary Fromknecht, SSJ
Ms. Krista Gray
Msgr. Joseph C. Gregorek
Ms. Amy Grinnen
Mr. Charles F. Guagliardi and Mrs.
Paula Michalegko
Ms. Carolyn J. Hammer
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Holland
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Holtz
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hurd
Mr. and Mrs. Danny J. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. James Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Krahe
Mr. and Mrs. David Lefaiver
Mr. Richard Lipchik
Mrs. Linda Logue
Sister Joyce Lowrey, SSJ
Mrs. Sue Luteran
Mrs. Mary C. McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. McCormick
Ms. Margaret McMahon Collins
Mrs. Mary C. Monahan
Dr. Richard J. Neuer
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Nill
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Olds
Mr. Michael Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Piotrowicz
Mr. Daniel O’Brien and Mrs. Deb
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Quinn
Mr. Steven Ropski and Mrs. Melanie
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Rutkowski, Jr.
Ms. Veronica Sivak
Mr. James B. Spiegel
Mrs. Maggie Stolley
Mr. Ben Stumpf and Atty.
Colleen R. Stumpf
Ms. Kate Sullivan
Sunburst Electronics
Ms. Susan Sutto
Mr. and Mrs. John Tullio
Mr. and Mrs. David Urban
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walsh
Ms. Diane Whitney
Ms. Mary Beth Wilcher
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Willis
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Zacks
GE Foundation
Anonymous (3)
Ms. Yvonne Baracka
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bekeny
Ms. Jeanette M. Bisbee
Mr. and Mrs. Don Cornish
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dudenhoefer
Mrs. Nancy J. Dwyer
Ms. Amy Grinnen
Mr. John Kleiner
Ms. Kathleen Kniskern
Mrs. Linda Logue
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Piotrowicz
Mr. Joseph Schmitt
Erie Insurance Group
Ms. Kristen Blucas
Ms. Linda A. Etter
Atty. and Mrs. James
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R.
National Fuel Gas Company
Ms. Maureen Haraczy
The Prudential Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
Mr. and Mrs. Dorson Hamilton
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • (814) 459-0621
2014 Saint Mary’s Follies Sponsors
Thank you to our generous sponsors for contributing to the success of our fundraising event and
supporting Saint Mary’s Benevolent Care Program!
saint mary’s
Grand Finale Sponsor (Over $10,000)
Gray Matter Media (in-kind)
Encore Sponsor ($5,000)
Erie Beer Company
Jim & Barb McNamara & Quinn Law Firm
Sunburst Electronics
Standing Ovation Sponsor ($3,000)
Citizens Bank
Connoisseur Media (in-kind)
Insurance Management Company
Lilly Broadcasting (in-kind)
Sisters of St. Joseph of Northwestern Pennsylvania
Opening Act Sponsor ($1,000)
Arnett Carbis Toothman
Bianchi Honda/Lou & Debbie Porreco
Fairmount Capital Advisors, Inc.
Mr. William Flaherty, Jr.
Glenwood Beer Distributors, Inc.
Robert E. and Mary Alice Glowacki
Loesel-Schaaf Insurance, Inc.
Chris and Tom Loftus
MacDonald Illig Jones & Britton LLP
Noelker & Hull Assoc., Inc.
Northwest Savings Bank
Wedgewood Investors, Inc.
Overture Sponsor ($500)
Cle & Penny Austin
Leo Jr. & Teresa Brugger
Building Systems, Incorporated
Ear Nose & Throat Specialists of Northwestern PA
Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Forquer
Fund Evaluation Group, LLC
Great Lakes Metal Finishing, Inc.
HVA Senior Living Alliance
Marquette Savings Bank
Mr. Charles A. Matts
Mill Creek Coffee
Otis Elevator Company
South Erie Turners
Marquis Sponsor ($300)
Better Baked Foods, Inc.
Business Records Management Co.
Curtze Food Service
East Erie Moose Family Center
Erie Business Center
Gannon University
Steadman Law Office
Yaple’s Vacuum & Sewing Center
Ensemble Sponsor ($100)
Anonymous (2)
Contine Corporation
Erie Cemetery Association
Erie Federal Credit Union
Industrial Sales & Manufacturing, Inc.
In Honor of Vietnam Veteran David B. Perry, USAF
In Memory of Anna Papotnik
Kwik Fill
Mercy Terrace Apartments
National Fuel
Russell C. Schmidt & Son Funeral Home, Inc.
Sanner Office Supply
Sunflower Club
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • www.stmaryshome.org
Annual Campaign and
Saint Mary’s Follies Donors
$5,000 - $9,999
$2,500 - $4,999
$1,000 - $2,499
Thank you to each individual, organization, foundation, and
corporation who contributed a gift during 2014.
Saint Mary’s is honored by your support of our Mission of
“Loving to Care.”
† Deceased
Recognizing donors whose 2014 contributions total $1,000 or more.
Circle of 1884
Circle of Neighbors
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Sisters of St. Joseph of Northwestern Pennsylvania
The Spaeder/Saint Mary’s Home Fund of the
Erie Community Foundation
Anonymous (3)
Arnett Carbis Toothman
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Bensur, Jr.
Bianchi Motors, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Bloomstine
Mr. Lewis T. Briggs
Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Brugger, Jr.
Ms. Diane M. Calabrese
Mrs. Dorothy Czajka
Fairmount Capital Advisors, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William Flaherty, Jr.
Glenwood Beer Distributors, Inc.
Robert E. and Mary Alice Glowacki
Ms. Nan T. Held
Mr. Robert Kriz
Loesel-Schaaf Insurance, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom J. Loftus
Mr. John J. Lohse
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lowther, Jr.
MacDonald Illig Jones & Britton LLP
Mr. James E. Mantyla
Mrs. Margaret McCartney
Noelker & Hull Assoc., Inc.
Northwest Savings Bank
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Scibetta
Olive Branch Circle
Anonymous (1)
Erie Beer
Erie Community Foundation
Charles A. Dailey Foundation
GE Foundation
Atty. and Mrs. James K. McNamara
Quinn, Buseck, Leemhuis, Toohey, Kroto, Inc.
Sunburst Electronics
Circle of Unity
Mr. Charles Brock
Citizens Bank
Insurance Management Company
Mrs. Sue Luteran
Mr. Charles A. Matts
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. McCormick
Thomas L. & Mary K. Quinn Family Fund of the
Erie Community Foundation
Mr. James B. Spiegel
Mary Lou and Frank Stolinski
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Teed
Ms. Jane Theuerkauf
The Gerald T. Uht, Sr. Family Fund
of the Erie Community
Mr. and Mrs. David Urban
Wedgewood Investors, Inc.
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • (814) 459-0621
Mrs. Helena Shamsavari
Dr. Kathe S. Bryson
Ms. Amy B. Erdely
South Erie Turners
Mr. William Bufalari, Jr. †
Erie Business Center
Healing Club
St. Jude the Apostle Church
Mrs. Fran Buseck
Erie Cemetery Association
Mr. and Mrs. Neal R. Sullivan
Erie Federal Credit Union
Healing Club
Msgr. Richard J. Sullivan
Business Records Management
Anonymous (5)
Ms. Sue Sutto
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Calabrese
Mrs. Frances Evanoff
Mr. and Mrs. Clemont R. Austin
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Truett
Mr. Terrence Calabrese
Ms. Irene Faile
Mr. Allen L. Bonace, MSN/MBA, RN
Mr. Harold Wesmiller
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Callaway
Mr. and Mrs. J. Timothy Faller
Mr. James F. Camp
Rev. Thomas Fialkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Catalde
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fornalczyk
Dr. Mary Beth Cermak-Bell
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Fornalczyk
Anonymous (26)
Mr. and Mrs. Dario Cipriani
Mrs. Karen Franklin
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Abata
CMI Energy, LLC
Ainsworth Pet Nutrition Finance
Department Employees
Commonwealth Oral & Facial
Mr. Gary L. Fullmer and Ms. Janice
Fornalczyk Fullmer
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Allegretto
Mrs. Mary Anne Condren Koller
Rev. Leo J. Gallina
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Allegretto
Contine Corporation
Gannon University
Erie Insurance Group
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cornish
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Coughlin
Arthritis Associates
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Buetikofer
Building Systems, Inc.
Dr. Charles R. Colvin
The James and Eileen Cullen
Fund of the Erie Community
Ear Nose & Throat Specialists of
Northwestern Pennsylvania
Mrs. Evelyn M. Finnecy
Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Forquer
Fund Evaluation Group, LLC
Mrs. Judith Glennon
Great Lakes Metal Finishing, Inc.
Mission Club
Ms. Linda A. Etter
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Furyesz
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Garvey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Bacik
Ms. Robyn Crago
Mr. Roderick Geer
Mr. and Mrs. James Baer
Ms. Deborah Cunningham
Sister Bernadine Gehringer, SSJ
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baer
Curtze Food Service
Ms. Cathleen Gent
Dr. and Mrs. Henry A. Bakkila
Mrs. Mary Ann Curtze
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Gerrity
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Goebel
Mrs. Margaret Y. Balter
Mrs. Arlene Cybak
Frank and Claire Gredler
Ms. Yvonne Baracka
Mr. Peter Grant
HVA Senior Living Alliance
Msgr. Robert G. Barcio
Mrs. Mary Ellen Dahlkemper and
Mr. Edward Lesser
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barczynski
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Daigre
Msgr. Joseph C. Gregorek
Norb, Carol, Dave and Cheri
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dammeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Delgado
The Belden Brick Company
Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald DeMoss
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Kohler, III
Marquette Savings Bank
The Marquette Savings Bank
Fund of the Erie Community
Mr. Michael P. Martin
Mrs. Joan Benson-Cacchione
Mr. Chip Dietz and Mr. Mike
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Martinucci
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Bergan
Mrs. Mary Dietz
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Mastrian
Better Baked Foods, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Dill
Atty. and Mrs. James K. McNamara
Mr. Lawrence J. Bindseil
Mr. and Mrs. Tony DiSanti
Mill Creek Coffee
Ms. Charlotte Birchard
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mingarelle
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bliley
Friends and Family of Blanche
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Bloomstine
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Doyle
Ms. Marilyn E. Reiser
Mrs. Paulette M. Bokenko
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dudenhoefer
Miss Maureen Q. Dwyer
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Rich
Dr. James A. Bougie, Jr.
Mrs. Nancy J. Dwyer
Mrs. JoAnn Roetto
Ms. Barbara Brairton
East Erie Moose Family Center
Sally B. Rouch, Dr. P.H.
Mr. James P. Ehrman
Dr. and Mrs. Jack V. Rozwadowski
Mr. David T. Briggs and Dr. Nancy
M. Briggs
Saint Vincent Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Brugger
Ms. Janet English Huettig
Otis Elevator Company
Mr. Michael Picheco
Mr. Scott Eichelsdorfer
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • www.stmaryshome.org
Ms. Krista Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Griffith
Ms. Amy Grinnen
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Grisier
Ms. Mary Ellen Grisier
Mr. Charles Guagliardi and Mrs.
Paula Michalegko
Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. Guelcher
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Guelcher
Rev. James Gutting
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Haibach
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haibach
Ms. Elizabeth M. Hansen
Ms. Patricia A. Hardner
Ms. Joanne Hart
Lois, Jean and Jim Heald
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Heinlein
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heinlein
Mr. Louis J. Heintz
The Employees of Dr. Charles
Herbst, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. David Lefaiver
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lefaiver
Mr. and Mrs. Paul LeFort
National Fuel Gas Company
Russell C. Schmidt & Son Funeral
National Fuel Gas Distribution
Mr. Joseph Schmitt
Mrs. Nedra L. Linn
Mr. and Mrs. Sam D. Nicolia
The Employees of the John V.
Schultz Furniture Company
Mr. Richard Lipchik and Ms. Ruth
Mr. Daniel A. Niebauer
Mr. Dennis P. Scully
Mr. Robert L. Nies
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Semple
Mrs. Linda Logue
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Nill
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seneca
Mr. and Mrs. R. Art Lubomski
Mr. and Mrs. John Noal
Sister Leonie Shanley, SSJ
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lutsch
Mrs. Kathleen M. Nowak
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Singer
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Mahon
Mr. Daniel O’Brien and Mrs. Deb
Mr. and Mrs. Larry V. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. David Oldakowski
Mr. Jon Spellman
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Majewski
Sister Maria Onuffer, SSJ
Msgr. Richard J. Stack
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hurd
The Office Staff of Dr. William S.
Passport Realty, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Patton
Sister Ann Stephanie Stano, SSJ,
Industrial Sales &
Manufacturing, Inc.
Mrs. Barbara Maksin
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Pelkowski
Steadman Law Office
Mr. and Mrs. David Manson
Mr. Howard Pence
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Marchini
Mr. and Mrs. David Perry
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Strike
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Marx
Mr. and Mrs. Carmen J. Phillips
The Matteson Family
Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Pietraszek
Mr. Ben Stumpf and
Atty. Colleen R. Stumpf
Ms. Sandra M. Polaski
Ms. Kate Sullivan
Mr. Gary Johnston
Mr. Kenneth Maurer and
Dr. Carol Maurer
Mr. John Potosnak
Sunflower Club
Mr. and Mrs. James Jones
Mrs. Sandra Mazzuca
Ms. Kathleen Potter
Sue Sutto Realtors, Inc.
Mrs. Marjorie A. Kaminsky
Mr. and Mrs. Tim McCallion
Dr. and Mrs. Frank C. Pregler, II
Mr. and Mrs. Roderic B. Karpen
Ken, Darla and Mary Ann McClain
Mr. John J. Prehoda
Mr. and Mrs. Casimir
Ms. Jane M. Kelsey
Mr. John J. McCormick, Jr.
Presta Contractor Supply, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Kinecki
Mr. Pierre McCormick
Mrs. Olivia Purchase
Mr. John Kleiner
Sister Phyllis McCracken, SSJ
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Klemm
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McElhinny
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Quinn
Mrs. Renee A. Kloecker
Mr. James R. McGoey, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Sunil Raina
Ms. Marianne Kocur
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Meko
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rainesalo
Ms. Laurie S. Koloski and
Mr. Dave Cornelius
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Meko
Mr. and Mrs. James Ramsdell
Mr. Antonio Meola and Family
Ms. Marilyn Renkes
Mercy Terrace Apartments
Mrs. Georgann Richard
Ms. Vicki Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Rodak
Ms. Julia Minton
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Clayre Mook
Ms. Jeanne Roslanowick
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Rusnak
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Voelker
Mr. Charles Lada
The Children of Adelaide Mosher
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Vuolo
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lang
Mr. Alfred M. Mosher
Mr. and Mrs. James J.
Rutkowski, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Wagner
Mr. Carl Larese
Sister Marie Eileen Moyer, SSJ
Sanner Office Supply
Mrs. Judith Walker
Ms. Helen Larkin
Mr. and Mrs. William Myers
Msgr. James E. Sanner
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Waltz
Ms. Elizabeth A. Latimer
Mr. Stephen G. Naculich
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Savelli
Ms. Linda Wambaugh
Mr. Larry Lechtner
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore M. Nagle, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Scarpitti
Michael and Susan Weber
Mr. John Hess
Miss Rita Hessley
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hilbert, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hill
Mrs. Pat Hohensee
Jim and Nancy Holland
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Holtz
Mrs. Marilyn Honea
Mr. Thomas A. Houlihan
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome D. Hughes
Dr. and Mrs. Jack P. Jarvie
Jefferson Educational Society
Mr. and Mrs. James Jobes
Mrs. Stephanie Johnson
Mrs. Judith A. Krahe
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Krahe
Sister Mary Rita Kuhn, SSJ
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kuhn
Kwik Fill
Mr. John Letterio
Mrs. Suzanne Mahoney
Mrs. Kaye Majerik
Mr. and Mrs. James Speice
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Talkish
Mr. Robert Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Tempestini
Mr. and Mrs. Royce Terrell
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Tinti
Patricia L. Tofel
Atty. and Mrs. James Toohey
Mrs. Jackie Toombs
Mr. and Mrs. John Tullio
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Turner
Mr. Michael H. Varhola
Mrs. Doris M. Veihdeffer
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • (814) 459-0621
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Weibel
Ms. Tammy Black
Coastal Carolina University
Mrs. Mary K. Dombrowski
Mary Dolores Weir
Miss Lore Jean Blair
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Cohen
Ms. Josephine Donahue
Linda and Scott Whalen, Ph.D.
The Chester Blaszczyk Family
Ms. Patricia Cole and Family
Sister Ann Donohue, SSJ
Mr. Steve Wingrove and Mrs.
Mary Rzymek Wingrove
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Blaszczyk
Mrs. Joanne Colton
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blaszczyk
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Comella
Ms. Jean M. Driscoll
Mr. and Mrs. Val Wingrove
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Blaszczyk
Ms. Dianne Connors
Mr. Clinton Dunn
Mr. Melvin Witherspoon
Mr. and Mrs. James Bleil
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Conrad
Mr. and Mrs. Charles DuShole
Ms. Claudia Wright
Mr. John F. Bleil, Sr.
Mr. James L. Consolo
Ms. Christine Eacho
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wynne
Mr. William Bleil
Ms. Theresa Conti
Economic Development Corporation
Yaple’s Vacuum & Sewing
Mrs. Dorothy Blout
Mrs. Marjorie Corritore
Ms. Barb Elliott
Ms. Kathleen Zelman
Ms. Kristen Blucas
Ms. Joyce Crishock
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Zibritosky
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Bohrer, III
Ms. Carol Crock
Mrs. Shirley Englert
Mr. Charles Zimmer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bokenko
Mr. M. Robert Cross
Mr. Eric M. English
Mr. James Zoldach
Mr. Richard Bolla
Mrs. Nancy Cross
Equipment Marketers
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bond
Ms. Alice Crotty
Mr. Bill Ericsson
Caring Club
Mr. John C. Botwright
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Cubellis
Mrs. Jean Escalera
Mr. Robert C. Brabender, Sr.
Mrs. Eileen V. Cullen
Mr. Daniel Ester
Anonymous (29)
Ms. Mary L. Breyley
Mr. John J. Cunniffe, Jr.
State Represenatative Flo Fabrizio
Mr. and Mrs. Al J. Adamczyk
Mrs. Mary E. Brice
Mr. George Currie
Ms. Kathleen Fallon
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Aleksiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brim
Mrs. Karen Cywinski
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fatica
Mary Alfieri Richmond, Esq.
Rev. Thomas M. Brooks
Mr. Edward Czernek
Mrs. Marilyn Fawcett
Mrs. Linda Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Brown
The Jim Dahlkemper Family
Ms. Marjorie Ferrick
Sister Ann Amen, SSJ
Mr. and Mrs. James Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dahlkemper
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Fetzner
Mrs. Dolores Anderson
Mrs. Patricia C. Brugger †
E.C. Davis Elementary School
Mrs. Mary Fiorenzo
Mr. Roger J. Anderson
Mrs. Kathy Bruno
Mrs. Susan Decker
Rev. G. William Fischer
Ms. Carmella Anthony
Mr. and Mrs. Louis N. Bruschi
Ms. Jackie DeFazio
Mrs. Cynthia Fiske
Ms. Veronica L. Antoske
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bucceri
Mr. and Mrs. James DeHaven
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fohner
Ms. Mary Anne Ashworth
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bukowski
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Deitch
Mr. and Mrs. Crispin Follett
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Astemborski
Mrs. Noel Burgoyne
Mr. and Mrs. John DeLuca
Sister Mary Helen Forney, SSJ
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Bacik, Jr.
Scorchy and Mary Lou Burkhart
Mrs. Marge DeLuca
Ms. Gretchen B. Freed
Don and Pat Baer
Burton Funeral Home
Mr. Dale R. DeMarco
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Fresch
The Friends and Family of
Kenneth Baer
Mr. Gary Buseck
Sister Pierre Dembinski, RSM
Atty. Philip B. Friedman
Mrs. Theresa Baniszewski
Mrs. Donna Bussard
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Denial
Sister Mary Fromknecht, SSJ
Ms. Christine M. Buszek
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Deniziak
Mrs. Rita A. Fromknecht
Mrs. Kimberly Buszek Mazza &
Mr. Rick Mazza
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DeSantis
Mrs. Alice Fuhrman
Ms. Terre DeSantis
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cancilla, III
Sister Lucille DeStefano, SSJ
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Lester A. Carr
Mr. and Mrs. David Devine
Ms. Josephine Ganzer
The Casey Family
Mr. and Mrs. Paul DiFuccia
Mrs. Gloria Gaudreau
Ms. Joan Cauista
Mr. and Mrs. Paul DiGello
Mrs. Agnes Gausman and Family
Mr. and Mrs. John Chaplain
Mrs. Sandra DiGello
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Gehrlein
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Chizewick
The Nieces and Nephews of
Blanche DiVecchio
Ms. Linda Gier
Roland Ciacchini
Ms. Sandy Clark and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald DiVecchio
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gittere
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cline
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Diz
Mr. and Mrs. James Barr
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bauschard
Mrs. Dorothy Beatty
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bekeny
Atty. and Mrs. Harold J. Bender
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Berfield
Mrs. Violet Bergstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Birk
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Gillenwater
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • (814) 459-0621
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • www.stmaryshome.org
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jaglowski
Mr. Joseph Layden
Mr. and Mrs. William McKinney
Mr. and Mrs. C. Robert Jenkins
Ms. Carol A. LeCorchick
Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gladden
Mrs. Ruth John
Mr. J. Robert Lee †
Mr. and Mrs. George McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Glas
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johns
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Legler
Ms. Julie McLaughlin
Ms. Margaret Glover
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leretsis
Ms. Susan McLeod
Mr. James Gorski
Sister Ann Marie Joint, SSJ
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Levin
Ms. Leslie Messenger
Mrs. Roberta Grabowski
Mr. and Mrs. Danny J. Jones
Ms. Barbara M. Levine
Mr. Thomas Mihalic and Family
Mrs. Beverly J. Grab-Rosenbaum
Angela and Peanut Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer W. Lewis
Ms. Donna Mikolajczyk
Mr. Donald Graeca
Mr. Raymond Juniewicz
Ms. Carol Liberatore
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Miller
Ms. Tracy Gray
Mrs. Mary Ann Kaiser
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lichtinger
Ms. Lisa Milton
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Green
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Karsznia
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Lieb
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Minichelli
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Greulich
Ms. Janet L. Keep
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Liebel, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mittelmeier
Mrs. Gail Hahn
Mr. Larry Keep
Mrs. Mary Lillis
Mrs. Mary C. Monahan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hahn
Ms. Diana Kehn
Mr. William L. Lillis
Mrs. Rosalia Mong
Ms. Jeanen Hall
Mrs. Barbara V. Keim
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Lloyd
Mrs. Julie Monocello
Mr. and Mrs. Dorson Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kempisty
Mrs. Barbara V. Lorei
Nancy Morocco
Ms. Carolyn J. Hammer
Ms. Lucille B. Kerr
Sister Joyce Lowrey, SSJ
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Morosky
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Handman
Kerzner International North
America, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Luteran
Dr. Russell B. Mosier
Ms. Diane Lutz
Mrs. Evelyn M. Mozur
Mr. Scott G. Kienholz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lyle
Mrs. Mary Mroz
Mrs. Beverly Kimmy
Ms. Kathleen Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Murosky
Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Klapthor
Mrs. Pat MacArthur
Mr. and Mrs. Donny Murosky
Mrs. Helen T. Klebes
Mr. Bernard S. MacCabe
Ms. Maureen Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Knight
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Macko
Patricia Murphy
Ms. Elisa Konieczko
Ms. Kathleen MacMurdy
Mr. David J. Nawrocki
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Kovacs
Louis and Mary Margaret
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nesterick
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Kovski
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Kowalski
Dr. and Mrs. Richard F. Malena
Sam and Elvira Nicolia
Mr. Richard E. Heinze
Ms. Denise Krainski
Mr. Kurt Maleski
North East Education Association
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Herrmann and
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kranz
Mr. Val Malzewski
Ms. Evelyn Oatman
Mrs. Mary Lou Krasinski
Ms. Vera Mannarelli
Sister Margaret O’Brien, SSJ
Ms. Janet Higgins
Mr. Gerard Kreger
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Manning
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Oldenski
Sister Phyllis Hilbert, SSJ
Ms. Cynthia Kreider
The Honorable Paul Manzi
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Olds
Ms. Patricia Hill
Ms. Margaret Krivonak
Ms. Debbie Martin
Mr. James O’Leary
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hitchcock
Kuhl Hose Company, Inc.
Mrs. Judy Marzka
Ms. Susan Ortyl
Thomas and Paula Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kuhn
Mr. and Mrs. Don Matson
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Overmoyer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Hoffman
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Kuric
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Matteson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. David Kuzmin
Ms. Patricia Mayer
Ms. Donna Owen and Mr. Toy C.
Owen, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Hokaj
Mrs. Marie Kuzmin
Mrs. Joyce McCarty
Sister Mary Kevin Palazzetti, SSJ
Ms. Kathleen Holtz
Mrs. Nancy Lacey
Mr. Arthur McCormick
Sister Colette Palmer, SSJ
Ms. Joanne Homicz
Mr. James Lallman
Mrs. Ann McCune
Mrs. Loretta Palmiero
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hrinko
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Landahl
Robert and Joyce † McGee
Mr. and Mrs. George Palotas
Mrs. Mary Virginia Hughes
Mr. Herb Landers and Mr. Dennis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McGowan Mr. and Mrs. David Parmenter
Ms. Marie A. Hanes
Mr. Alan J. Hannibal
Ms. Jeanne Haraczy
Ms. Maureen R. Haraczy
Harborcreek Youth Services
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hardner
Ms. Maureen Hart
Mrs. Bernice Haschalk
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Haschalk
Ms. Mary Heinrich
Ms. Jeanne Ingram
Mr. and Mrs. William McKay, Jr.
Dr. Richard J. Neuer
Mr. John P. Passarelli
Ms. Florence Lawson
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • (814) 459-0621
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard L. Pauly
Ms. Joanne Sculley
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Pedano
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Scully
Mr. Richard Stuller
Veterans of Foreign Wars Ladies
Auxiliary Post 470
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Perry
Mr. Ernest Scutella
Mr. and Mrs. John Sucha
Mr. George T. Vlahos
Deacon and Mrs. Jerry P.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Semelka
Mr. Kevin Sullivan
Ms. Nancy Serwinski
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Petrone
Mrs. Margaret Seth
Mrs. Karen Pettit
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sevok
The Sunshine Group of
Mercyhurst Preparatory
Mr. Jerry Vogt and Connie Kerr
Faculty and Staff
Mrs. Mary Beth Wachter
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Walkiewicz
Mrs. Airi Suokas
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Susol
Mr. Russell Warner
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Swanson
Ms. Sheila M. Warner
Mrs. Barbara Swartz
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Wassell
Ms. Sharon Swift
Mrs. Barbara Wawrzyniak
Ms. Gloria Szmanowski
Mr. Michael Weixel
Mr. Gerard Pfadt
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sexauer
Mr. and Mrs. James Piekanski
Mr. Pat Shandorf
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Pierce
Mr. Daniel Sharp
Mr. Frank Pillitteri
Lisa and Chris Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ploss
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shields
Mrs. Martha Szolomayer
Wesleyville Baptist Church
Ms. Ida Talarico
Ms. Karen Whipple
Mr. and Mrs. Camillo L. Presogna
Shiloh Chapter No. 153 Order of
the Eastern Star
Sister Jude Marie Talerico, SSJ
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Whipple
Mr. and Mrs. James Prochowski
Plyler Overhead Door Company
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sherry
Siebenbuerger Ladies Auxiliary
Mr. and Mrs. W. Glen Taylor
Ms. Diane Whitney
The Prudential Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
Msgr. Richard R. Siefer
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Tellers
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Wieczorek
Tom and Susan Siegel
Ms. Mary Tellers
Ms. Mary Beth Wilcher
Mr. Michael Przepierski
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Siggia
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Tellers
Sister Carol Wilcox, SSJ
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Simon
Mr. Michael Tetuan
Ms. Deborah Wiley
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sims
Mr. Dominick Tiblandi
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Williams
Mr. and Mrs. J. William Sinclair
Sister Marie Timmons, SSJ
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Willis
Mrs. Charlene Sisson
Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Timmons
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Winschel
Darlene and Butch Sittig
TM Industrial Supply, Inc.
Mrs. Jennie Wittmaak
Ms. Veronica Sivak
Mrs. Karen Torres
Ms. Susan Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Sivillo
Mrs. Eileen L. Tracy
Mr. and Mrs. John Wroblewski
Mrs. Dorothy Slurkanich
Mrs. Margaret R. Tracy
Ms. Betty Yarbenet
Mrs. Sheryl Smart
Mr. Theodore C. Trampenau
Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Young
Mrs. Betty D. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Trimper
Mrs. Jean M. Yurkovic
Mrs. Sandra Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Rod Troester
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Zacks
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Trott
Mr. and Mrs. Norm Zambrzycki
Mrs. Nancy Somerfield
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Trott
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Zeigler
Mrs. Frances Somolani
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tullio
Ms. Sue Zill
Mrs. Marlene Spaeder
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Turbaczewski
Mrs. Winifred Zomcik
Ms. Ruth M. Speice
Mrs. Ann Marie Tylman
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Zukowski
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Sprague
Msgr. Bernard Urbaniak
Mrs. Julie Srnka
Sister Ann Loretta Urmann, SSJ
Ms. Florence Stachera
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Vacanti
Mr. and Mrs. Albert G.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Valahovic
Stairways Behavioral Health
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Van Tassell
Ms. Clara Starr
Ms. Jean Verdecchia
Mrs. Arlene D. Stimpson
Mrs. Marybeth Veshecco
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pyrdek
Mrs. Dorothy H. Pytlarz
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Riazzi
Mr. and Mrs. Francis D. Riley
Mrs. Patricia Ring
Ms. Karen S. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Robson
Ms. Judith Rood
Mr. Steven Ropski and Mrs.
Melanie Gustafson-Ropski
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Ross
Ms. Linda Rothstein
Mrs. Gail Runyan
Sister Elizabeth Ruza, SSJ
Susan and Pat Rzomp
Mrs. Elizabeth Scarpelli
Mr. and Mrs. John Scheffner
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Schilberg
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D.
Oscar and Jeanne A. Schmitt
Mr. and Mrs. George Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Schryver
Mr. Ronald Schwartz
Mr. Jacob Scotch
Sister Anastasia Valimont, SSJ†
Strong Vincent High School
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • www.stmaryshome.org
In Honor of
Mrs. Theresa Baniszewski Mr. and Mrs. Sunil Raina
Mrs. Margaret Barabas Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Tempestini *
Mrs. Phyllis Botwright Mr. John C. Botwright *
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Knight *
Mr. Lewis T. Briggs Mr. David T. Briggs and
Dr. Nancy M. Briggs *
Mrs. Gilda Calabrese Mr. Terrence Calabrese *
Mr. Mark Cervik
Mr. and Mrs. Crispin Follett
Mr. Warren Lombardy
Mrs. Emmalynn Chapman Mrs. Linda Allen *
Mr. M. Robert Cross Mrs. Nancy Cross *
Diamond Jubilarians of the
Sisters of Saint Joseph
Sister Margaret O’Brien, SSJ
Sister Jean Baptiste DiLuzio, SSJ
Sister Phyllis Hilbert, SSJ
Mrs. Birdie M. Dunn Mr. Clinton Dunn *
Mrs. Paul V. Dwyer Miss Maureen Q. Dwyer *
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fornalczyk
Mr. George Currie
Mrs. Mildred L. Funk Mrs. Kathy Bruno *
Mrs. Sandra Smith *
The Retired Employees of GE
Patricia L. Tofel
Mrs. Elizabeth Grant
Mr. Peter Grant
Charles✝ and Cecelia Guagliardi Mr. Charles Guagliardi and
Mrs. Paula Michalegko
Mrs. Jean Hanson
Mrs. Kaye Majerik
Mrs. Theresa Ickiewicz
Susan and Pat Rzomp
Mrs. Suzanne V. Kania
Ms. Kristen Blucas
Mrs. Marjorie L. Kreider ✝
Ms. Cynthia Kreider *
Mrs. Nancy C. Leube Ms. Lucille B. Kerr *
Mrs. Phyllis J. Little Ms. Yvonne Baracka *
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barczynski *
Mr. Henry J. Majdecki Anonymous *
Ms. Margaret J. McMahon
Mr. and Mrs. James Brown
Mercy Terrace Former Residents Ms. Joyce Crishock *
Dr. Russell B. Mosier, Jr. Ms. Elizabeth M. Hansen *
Mrs. Zelda Overberger
Mr. Michael Baker
Ms. Jacqueline Pacinelli
Mr. and Mrs. John Tullio
Mrs. Genevieve B. Piekanski
Ms. Leslie Messenger
Mrs. Yolanda Pillitteri Mr. Frank Pillitteri *
Mr. Frank Polaski
Ms. Sandra M. Polaski
The Employees of Saint Mary’s
Home of Erie Sister Phyllis McCracken, SSJ *
The Employees of Saint Mary’s at
Asbury Ridge Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Cohen *
Saint Mary’s Home of Erie Gallagher
Employees Anonymous *
The Employees of Saint Mary’s
Home Neighborhood C
Mrs. Kaye Majerik
Mrs. Theresa Shutoff Mr. and Mrs. Bill Overmoyer *
Dr. Doris Snell Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fohner *
Anonymous ✝
Sister Marie Timmons, SSJ *
Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Timmons
Those Who Serve Others Mr. Howard Pence *
Ms. Antonia Tinti
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Tinti
The Tofel and Luchin Cousins
Patricia L. Tofel
Family and Friends of Patricia Tofel
Patricia L. Tofel
Mr. John P. Winston
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Deitch
Ms. Darcie Zeigler
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Zeigler
✝ Deceased
* Honor tribute gift was recognized on the
Heralds of Light Tree
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • (814) 459-0621
In Memory of
Mrs. Shirley M. Adams
Ms. Carol Crock
Ms. Clara Starr
Ms. Rita C. Alberstadt
Mrs. Kathleen M. Nowak *
Mrs. Natalie H. Allen
Anonymous *
Mr. Frank Alvaro
Anonymous *
Mrs. Stella Ambrose
Mr. and Mrs. Al J. Adamczyk
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Astemborski
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Bohrer, III
Scorchy and Mary Lou Burkhart
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cline
Ms. Patricia Cole and Family
Mrs. Marge DeLuca
Mr. and Mrs. Paul DiFuccia
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Fetzner
Mrs. Cynthia Fiske *
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Glas
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hitchcock
Ms. Kathleen Holtz
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jaglowski
Mrs. Stephanie Johnson
Angela and Peanut Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Legler
Ms. Barbara M. Levine
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Lieb
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Lloyd
Mr. Ron Lord
Mrs. Pat MacArthur
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Macko
Ms. Kathleen MacMurdy
Ms. Debbie Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Murosky
Mr. and Mrs. Donny Murosky
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Pedano
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Petrone
Mr. and Mrs. Camillo L. Presogna
Mrs. Patricia Ring
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Ross
Mr. Jacob Scotch
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seneca
Ms. Sharon Swift
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Turbaczewski
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Walkiewicz
Ms. Betty Yarbenet
Mrs. Jeanette D. Benson
Mrs. Joan Benson-Cacchione *
Mrs. Marcella Andrews
Ms. Sue Zill
Mrs. Florence A. Bernard
Kerzner International North America, Inc.
Mrs. Mary Antoske
Ms. Veronica L. Antoske *
Sister Celeste Biel, SSJ
Ms. Gretchen B. Freed
Mrs. Delphine M. Arduini
Ms. Gloria Szmanowski *
Mrs. Albina Bindseil
Mr. Lawrence J. Bindseil *
Mrs. Ernestine Armstrong
Ms. Laurie S. Koloski and Mr. Dave
Cornelius *
Mr. Ray F. Birchard
Ms. Charlotte Birchard
Paul and Marie Bacik
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Bacik, Jr. *
Mr. Kenneth Baer
Don and Pat Baer
Mr. and Mrs. James Baer *
The Friends and Family of Kenneth Baer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bond
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cancilla, III
Mr. and Mrs. Don Cornish
Mr. and Mrs. Charles DuShole
Ms. Linda Gier
Ms. Jeanne Haraczy
Ms. Maureen R. Haraczy
Mrs. Mary Virginia Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Kowalski
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Liebel, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Singer
Sue Sutto Realtors, Inc.
The Sunshine Group of Mercyhurst
Preparatory School
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Susol
Sister Rita Zattosky, OSB
Ms. Barbara A. Behan
Ms. Barbara Brairton *
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • www.stmaryshome.org
Mrs. Ethel Bensur
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Bensur, Jr. *
Mrs. Evangeline Bergan
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Bergan *
Sister Kathleen Blair, SSJ
Miss Lore Jean Blair
Albert and Kathryn Bleil
Anonymous *
Isabelle M. Bliley Kaiser
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bliley
Harry L. and Beverly Blystone
Mr. Joseph H. Bohrer, Jr.
Ms. Evelyn Oatman
Mrs. Anne Bokulich
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Zibritosky *
Mrs. Geraldine Bolla
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Quinn *
Mr. Walter Borawski
Mrs. Dorothy Czajka
Mrs. Marian E. Borkowski
Mrs. Janet D. Briggs
Mr. David T. Briggs and
Dr. Nancy M. Briggs *
Mr. Lewis T. Briggs *
Mr. Frank S. Brodict
Mrs. Mary Fiorenzo *
Mrs. Stella Brozowski
Ms. Patricia Mayer
Ms. Jeanne M. Brunner
Ms. Joanne Sculley *
Stella and John Brzozowski
Mr. Joseph Schmitt
Antoinette and John Bucceri
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bucceri
Jerome Buccigrossi and Eric Wingrove
Mr. and Mrs. Val Wingrove *
Mr. Jay D. Buchanan
Ms. Leslie Messenger
Mr. and Mrs. James Piekanski
Mr. Harry B. Buetikofer
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Buetikofer
Tom Chroscielewski
Mr. and Mrs. Louis N. Bruschi
Mr. Joseph Cyterski
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gallagher
Ms. Anna Cichetti
Mrs. Margaret Y. Balter
Ms. Elisa Konieczko
Mr. Chester Laprice, III
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Matteson
Mr. and Mrs. Carmen J. Phillips
Mrs. Veronica Cywinski
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bokenko
Mrs. Paulette M. Bokenko Carluccio
Mr. and Mrs. Lester A. Carr
Mrs. Karen Cywinski
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hahn
Mrs. Bernice Haschalk
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Haschalk
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Manning
Mr. and Mrs. Don Matson
Mr. Thomas Mihalic and Family
Ms. Donna Owen and Mr. Toy C. Owen, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Pierce
Mrs. JoAnn Roetto
Lisa and Chris Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shea
Siebenbuerger Ladies Auxiliary
Mrs. Martha Szolomayer
Miss Louise Ciotoli
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barczynski
Mrs. Phyllis J. Little
Mrs. Gail Runyan *
Mr. Carl W. Coates
Anonymous (2) *
Mrs. Karen Torres *
Deceased Members of the
Charles Colvin Family
Dr. Charles R. Colvin
Evelyn M. Colvin
Dr. Charles R. Colvin
Ms. Mary Ellen Condren
Mrs. Mary Anne Condren Koller
Mrs. Amelia Bulo
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Pelkowski
James J. and Mary E. Consolo
Mr. James L. Consolo *
The Family of James J. and Mary E. Consolo
Mr. Albert R. Calabrese
Ms. Diane M. Calabrese *
Mr. Damien Coughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Coughlin *
Mrs. Lucy G. Calabrese
Ms. Diane M. Calabrese *
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Calabrese
Mr. Raymond G. Cowan
Mrs. Helena Shamsavari
Frank and Emma Cermak
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bucceri
Mrs. Joann J. Cheatle
Mrs. Georgann Richard
Mrs. Stella V. Chesonis
Ms. Gladys Csernyicky
Ms. Kathleen Lynch *
Mr. James W. Cullen
Mrs. Eileen V. Cullen
Deceased Members of the Czajka and
Borawski Families
Mrs. Dorothy Czajka
Mrs. Clara Czernek
Mr. Edward Czernek *
Mrs. Margaret Daniloff
Anonymous *
Mrs. Dorothy A. Davenport Heintzl
Ms. Karen S. Roberts
Mrs. Eleanor M. DelGobbo
Ms. Susan Wright
Ms. Eleanor R. Dembinski
Sister Pierre Dembinski, RSM *
Mrs. Harriet A. DiGello
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. DiGello *
Mrs. Jane Cummings
Ms. Marie A. Hanes
Pasquale and Maria DiMarco
Mrs. Alice Fuhrman
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • (814) 459-0621
Mrs. Blanche M. Divecchio
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Braham
Bob, Kathy and Michael Bruno
Mr. Mike Cannavino
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Clark
Kristen Clark
Friends and Family of Blanche DiVecchio
The Nieces and Nephews of Blanche
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kennerknecht
Ms. Betti Knox
Ms. Carol Liberatore
Mrs. Nedra L. Linn
Mr. Warren Lombardy
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Martone
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Martone
Mr. and Mrs. William McKay, Jr.
Ms. Vicki Miller
Ms. Susan Ortyl
Ms. Carolyn Rarick
Mr. James Rarick
Mr. Charles Zimmer
Mrs. Maria S. Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Doyle *
Mr. John Drew
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mingarelle
Mr. Adelmo Duchini
Ms. Carmella Anthony
Mrs. Margaret Y. Balter
The Belden Brick Company Charitable Trust
Ms. Sandy Clark and Family
Ms. Shirley Ferranti
Mr. and Mrs. William Hill
Mr. Charles Lada
Mr. James R. McGoey, Jr.
Ms. Susan McLeod
Mr. Antonio Meola and Family
Mr. and Mrs. William Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Carmen J. Phillips
Plyler Overhead Door Company
Presta Contractor Supply, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Schlaufman
Mr. Dominick Tiblandi
Ms. Jean Verdecchia
Mr. Norman F. and Ellen F. Dudenhoefer
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dudenhoefer *
Sarah and James Dwyer
Sister Mary Ellen Dwyer, SSJ *
John and Marcella Fialkowski
Rev. Thomas Fialkowski
Philip B. and Marguerite D. Ehrman
Mr. James P. Ehrman *
Ms. Susan K. Fratarcangeli
Darlene and Butch Sittig
Ray and Charlotte Eichelsdorfer
Anonymous *
Ms. Coletta English
Mr. Eric M. English
Mrs. Jean R. English
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Bloomstine
Ms. Janet English Huettig *
Equipment Marketers
Lois, Jean and Jim Heald
Mrs. Pat Hohensee
Mr. William L. Lillis
Mrs. Gayle Walter
Mr. Robert C. Ester
Mr. Daniel Ester *
Mrs. Helen Etter
Ms. Linda A. Etter *
Mr. Fred Evanoff
Mrs. Frances Evanoff*
Mrs. Ida Fabrizio
Mrs. Rosalia Mong *
Mrs. Adrienne D. Falk
Mrs. Nancy Lacey *
Ray C. Fromknecht Family
Sister Mary Fromknecht, SSJ *
Mr. Raymond J. Fromknecht
Mrs. Rita A. Fromknecht
Mr. Jim Fuhrman, Sr.
Mrs. Alice Fuhrman
Mr. Ted Fuhrman
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Haibach *
Leo and Jessie Gallina
Rev. Leo J. Gallina
Philip Gallina
Rev. Leo J. Gallina
Mr. Hobart L. Geer
Mr. Roderick Geer
Agnes and Al Gehringer
Sister Bernadine Gehringer, SSJ *
Mrs. Margaret Ann Gehrlein
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Gehrlein
Mr. Charles R. Genck
Mrs. Gail Hahn
Mr. Walter Fearn
Mr. and Mrs. John Noal
Ms. Sally Genck
Ms. Jean M. Driscoll
Mrs. Nancy J. Dwyer
Mrs. Gail Hahn
Robert and Joyce † McGee
Mrs. Ann Marie Tylman
Mrs. Jetta L. Ferraro
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Savelli *
Mr. John and Emily O. Gent
Ms. Cathleen Gent *
Mrs. Mary Ann Fessler
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Dill *
Mr. Silvio Gerbi
Mrs. Arlene Cybak
Ms. Gail Donelli
Ms. Norma Donelli
Betty Farr
Ms. Marianne Kocur *
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • www.stmaryshome.org
Mrs. Marilyn Honea
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Savelli
Mr. Robert E. Glowacki
Economic Development Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. James Piekanski
Mr. and Mrs. John Wroblewski
Mrs. Stella Glowacki
Mr. and Mrs. John Wroblewski
John and Genevieve Gorski
Mr. James Gorski
Sister Mary Pascal Gray, SSJ
Msgr. Richard R. Siefer *
Father George L. Groucutt
Ms. Kathleen Zelman *
Mr. Charles E. Guagliardi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Brabender, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Chaplain
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Greishaw
Mr. Charles Guagliardi and
Mrs. Paula Michalegko *
Mr. and Mrs. David Perry
Tom and Susan Siegel
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Trimper
Bert and Olive Hagerty
Mary Dolores Weir *
Msgr. John B. Hagerty
Mary Dolores Weir *
Mrs. Clara M. Hanlin
Mrs. Mary Ellen Dahlkemper and
Mr. Edward Lesser *
Jean Hanson
Mrs. Kaye Majerik *
Mr. Emil L. Hardner
Mary Lou and Frank Stolinski *
Emil and Margaret Hardner
Ms. Patricia A. Hardner
Mrs. Annabelle Harner
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Barthelmes
Ms. Theresa Conti
Mr. Bill Ericsson
Ms. Kathleen Potter
Ann and Francis Hart
Anonymous (2)
Mrs. Beverly J. Hart
Anonymous (2)
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Hart
Ms. Maureen Hart
Sister Mary Adelle Hart, SSJ
Ms. Joanne Hart
Mrs. Inez Heintz
Mr. Louis J. Heintz *
Mrs. Dorothy Davenport Heintzl
Ms. Karen S. Roberts *
Mr. and Mrs. George Schneider *
Mr. Robert F. Hemphill
Mr. and Mrs. David Perry
Mrs. Jean L. Herbst
Arthritis Associates
Dr. Kathe S. Bryson
Mr. and Mrs. John DeLuca
Atty. Philip B. Friedman
The Employees of
Dr. Charles Herbst, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. David Kuzmin
Ms. Florence Lawson
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Morosky
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Van Tassell
Mrs. Josephine Herman
Ms. Jean Alward
Ms. Joan Cauista
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dahlkemper
Ms. Marjorie Ferrick
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hogan
Ms. Dee McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLaughlin
Ms. Rita Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ploss
Mrs. Margaret Seth
Ms. Ida Talarico
Mr. and Mrs. W. Glen Taylor
Katherine Hermana
Mrs. Karen Franklin
Mr. George W. Hess
Mr. John Hess *
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lichtinger
Mrs. Joann I. Hess
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Daigre
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Denial
Mrs. Shirley Englert
Ms. Irene Faile
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Gillenwater
Mrs. Roberta Grabowski
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Herrmann and Family
Mr. John Hess *
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lichtinger
Ms. Lisa Milton
Dr. and Mrs. Frank C. Pregler, II
Mrs. Margaret R. Tracy
Ms. Deborah Wiley
Mrs. Mary Ann Hess
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Abata
Mr. and Mrs. James Baer
Mr. and Mrs. James Bleil
Mr. John F. Bleil, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul DiGello
Mrs. Gloria Gaudreau
Mrs. Agnes Gausman and Family
Mr. Larry D. Kessler
Siebenbuerger Ladies Auxiliary
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Trott
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Vitale
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Voelker
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Whipple
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • (814) 459-0621
Mrs. Agatha Hessley
Miss Rita Hessley
Nevin and Florence Hewitt
Mr. and Mrs. David Perry *
Robert and Sara Hickman
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore M. Nagle, Jr. *
Bud and Jean Hill
Dr. and Mrs. Henry A. Bakkila *
Mr. Francis Hinds
Anonymous *
Mrs. Agatha Hofmann
Mr. and Mrs. James Baer
LeRoy and Mary Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rainesalo *
Mr. William J. Holdnack
Mary Alfieri Richmond, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Diz
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fohner
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sevok
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Zukowski
Mrs. Grace R. Hollister
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Vlahos *
Mr. Frank Hornyak
Ms. Amy B. Erdely *
Mrs. Shirley Houlihan
Mr. Thomas A. Houlihan
Mrs. Genevieve D. Hurst
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Comella
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Donovan
Mr. Donald Graeca
Mr. and Mrs. Rod Troester
Mr. James Jackson
CMI Energy, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Delgado
Ms. Patricia Hill
Louis and Mary Margaret Malandra
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Sprague
Mr. and Mrs. Val Wingrove
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Winschel
Mrs. Mary E. Jackson
Mrs. Doris M. Veihdeffer
Mrs. Pearl Jarvie
Dr. and Mrs. Jack P. Jarvie *
Mrs. Mary Ellen Jobes
Mr. and Mrs. James Jobes
Mr. Paul E. John
Mrs. Ruth John *
Mrs. Judith “Judie” Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Crispin Follett *
Mr. Gary Johnston *
Mr. Warren Lombardy
Mrs. Marilyn Fawcett
Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Klapthor
Mrs. Phyllis J. Little
Dr. and Mrs. Richard F. Malena
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Valahovic *
Wesleyville Baptist Church
Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Norm Zambrzycki
Mrs. Yolanda A. Klapthor
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nesterick *
Mrs. Mary Catherine Kleiner
Mr. John Kleiner *
Mrs. Margaret Jane Klemm
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Klemm *
Mr. Francis V. Kloecker, Jr.
Mrs. Renee A. Kloecker *
Mrs. Anna Joint
Sister Ann Marie Joint, SSJ
Mr. Joseph Konkol
Mrs. Jackie Toombs
Mrs. Bernadine Juniewicz
Mrs. Judy Marzka *
Mrs. Helen Kovacs
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Kovacs *
Dr. James F. Kaminsky
Mrs. Marjorie A. Kaminsky
Mrs. Marie Kowalczyk
George and Marie Kantor
Mrs. Evelyn M. Finnecy
Francis X. Krahe
Mrs. Judith A. Krahe *
Frank and Anna Kanuk
Mrs. Julia R. Krahe
Ms. Ruth E. Waidley
Dr. Henry B. Karpinski
Anonymous *
Mr. Robert Krahe
Mr. Richard Bolla
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Krahe
Ms. Margaret Krivonak
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Luteran
Mrs. Karen Pettit
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Robson
The Employees of the John V. Schultz
Furniture Company
Mrs. Pauline G. Keep
Ms. Janet L. Keep
Mr. Vircel R. Kimmy, Jr.
Mrs. Beverly Kimmy *
Mrs. Mary Kisielewski
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barczynski
Mr. Dale R. DeMarco
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • www.stmaryshome.org
Robert and Julie Krahe
Mr. and Mrs. James Barr
Mr. Richard Lipchik
Mrs. Sue Luteran
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Marx
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Vuolo
Mr. Richard J. Krasinski
Mrs. Mary Lou Krasinski *
John and Mary Kriz
Mr. Robert Kriz *
Mrs. Teresa A. Lallman
Mr. James Lallman *
Mrs. Edna J. Layden
Mr. Joseph Layden *
Mr. William J. Lee
Ms. Mary L. Breyley
Ms. Elizabeth Liebel
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Liebel, Jr.
Richard E. Linn
Mrs. Nedra L. Linn *
Mr. Edward L. Lohse
Mr. John J. Lohse *
Mr. Richard L. Lohse
Mr. John J. Lohse *
Leona and Robert J. Lowther, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lowther, Jr. *
Mrs. Carol Lutton
Anonymous (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Cohen
Mrs. Irene Makarowski
Mr. and Mrs. James DeHaven
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DeSantis
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dickinson
Ms. Tracy Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Hokaj
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Landahl
The Office Staff of
Dr. William S. Makarowski
Mrs. Loretta Palmiero
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Scully
Mrs. Ann P. McCormick
Mr. Arthur McCormick
Mr. William J. Makarowski
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dickinson
Ms. Lena M. McKay
Mrs. Nedra L. Linn *
Mr. and Mrs. William McKay, Jr. *
Alex and Katherina Malzewski
Mr. Val Malzewski
Mrs. Lucille A. Mancini
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barczynski
Mrs. Phyllis Little
Mr. and Mrs. John Wroblewski
Mrs. Dolores Mariani
Sam and Elvira Nicolia *
Mr. and Mrs. Sam D. Nicolia
Mr. Lawrence J. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul LeFort
Richard and Jean Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Scarpitti *
Mrs. Sandy Martin
Mr. Michael P. Martin *
Mrs. Florence Mastrian
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Mastrian *
Christine McLaughlin Walk
Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLaughlin *
Mrs. Marian McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McElhinny
Mr. and Mrs. George McLaughlin
Thomas and Eleanor McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Weibel *
Deceased Members of The McNamara
and Spadacene Families
Atty. and Mrs. James K. McNamara *
Mr. Edward McWilliams
Ms. Jackie DeFazio
Harborcreek Youth Services
Ms. Carol A. LeCorchick
Mr. Joseph Meagher
Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Pietraszek *
Msgr. Stephen H. Meko
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Meko *
Mrs. Ann Mattis
Patricia L. Tofel
Mrs. Elinor Matts
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Cohen
Mr. Charles A. Matts *
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Maurer
Mr. Kenneth Maurer and Dr. Carol Maurer
John and Edith Mazzuca
Mrs. Sandra Mazzuca
Mr. Philip McCarty
Mrs. Joyce McCarty
Joyce and Skip McGinty
Mr. and Mrs. James Ramsdell *
Mr. Joseph Melerski
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Kinecki
Charles and Gertrude Mentz
Mrs. Helen T. Minadeo
Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Brugger, Jr. *
Jean and Jack Minton
Ms. Julia Minton *
Andree Mir
Anonymous *
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • (814) 459-0621
Mrs. Lois Nawrocki
Mr. David J. Nawrocki *
Mrs. Agnes Oldakowski
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Aleksiewicz
Mrs. Dolores Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Blaszczyk
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Blaszczyk
Ms. Christine M. Buszek
Mrs. Kimberly Buszek Mazza &
Mr. Rick Mazza
The Casey Family
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dammeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Deniziak
Mr. and Mrs. David Devine
Ms. Joanne Homicz
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johns
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kempisty
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kuhn
Mr. Dennis Landers
Mr. Herb Landers
Mrs. Mary Mroz
Mr. and Mrs. David Oldakowski
Ms. Linda Rothstein
Ms. Karen Whipple
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nellis
Mr. Kenneth Maurer and Dr. Carol Maurer
Jacqueline Pacinelli
Mr. and Mrs. John Tullio *
Mrs. Ruth M. Nevinsky
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kranz
Mrs. Anna Papotnik
The Nicholas and Fornalczyk Families
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fornalczyk
Our Parents
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bucceri *
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Kinecki *
Mr. John A. Monocello
Mrs. Cynthia Fiske
Mr. Russell N. Mosher
Commonwealth Oral & Facial Surgery
Mr. and Mrs. Francis D. Riley
Mrs. Judith Mosier
Ms. Elizabeth M. Hansen *
Dr. Russell B. Mosier, Jr. *
Mr. John P. Mozur, Sr.
Mrs. Evelyn M. Mozur
Mrs. Genevieve Murphy
Patricia Murphy *
Ms. Justine Naculich
Mr. Stephen G. Naculich
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Niebauer
Mr. Daniel A. Niebauer *
Mrs. Joan Nitter
Patricia L. Tofel
Mr. Carl S. Nowak
Mrs. Kathleen M. Nowak *
Mrs. Lillian R. Obenreder
Coastal Carolina University
Mrs. Audrey M. Ohman
Mrs. Judith Glennon *
Mrs. Martha Passarelli
Mr. John P. Passarelli *
Mr. Thomas W. Paterniti
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bond
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Cubellis
Mrs. Jean Penman
Mrs. Susan Decker
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Kuric
Ken, Darla and Mary Ann McClain
Shiloh Chapter No. 153 Order of the
Eastern Star
Mr. Lewis P. Penman
Mrs. Susan Decker *
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • www.stmaryshome.org
Louis and Amelia Perry
Mr. and Mrs. David Perry *
Robert and Betty E. Peterson
Michael and Susan Weber *
Mrs. Mary Louise Pfadt
Mr. Gerard Pfadt *
Angelo and Eleanor Picheco
Mrs. Dorothy Blout *
Mrs. Adelaide Pietron
Mr. Alfred M. Mosher
Ms. Carolyn A. Mosher Olejnik
Mr. Richard Mosher
Mr. Russell N. Mosher
John and Josie Pinar
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Wassell *
Mrs. Mary F. Piotrowski
Anonymous *
Mrs. Shirley Piotrowski
Mrs. Theresa Baniszewski
Charles A. Dailey Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Sunil Raina
Mrs. Catherine Pirrello
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mittelmeier *
Mrs. Marie E. Postlewaite
Mr. Roger J. Anderson
Mrs. Helen E. Potosnak
Mr. John Potosnak *
Mrs. Virginia L. Pratt
Ms. Mary Heinrich
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. William McKinney
Ms. Florence Stachera
Mrs. Eileen L. Tracy
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Trott
Veterans of Foreign Wars Ladies Auxiliary
Post 470
Mrs. Mary Prehoda
Mr. John J. Prehoda
Mrs. Barbara Scharrer Heinze
Mr. Richard E. Heinze *
Mrs. Barbara Prenatt
Anonymous (3) *
Mrs. Dorothy Scharrer
Mr. Richard E. Heinze *
Ben and Cindy Prescott
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Napierkowski
Mr. Herman Scheffner
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Schryver *
Mr. Alois Przepierski
Mr. Michael Przepierski *
Mr. Thomas J. Scheffner
Mr. and Mrs. John Scheffner
Andrew and Rita Puskus
Ms. Terre DeSantis *
Joseph and Genevieve Schmitt
Mr. Joseph Schmitt
Mrs. Helen Pyrdek
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pyrdek *
Mrs. Anna Schoenbein
Dr. Mary Beth Cermak-Bell
Mr. Chip Dietz and Mr. Mike Brisbin
Mrs. Mary Dietz *
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gittere
Ms. Sarah McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sharp
Mrs. Julie Srnka
Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Stadtmueller
Johanna Quinn
Mrs. Winifred Zomcik *
Kathryn and Leo Rettger
Anonymous *
Mr. Richard T. Robb
Anonymous *
Mrs. Doris A. Rogalski
Ms. Amy B. Erdely
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hrinko
Ms. Marjorie Leretsis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leretsis
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leretsis
Mrs. Nedra L. Linn
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Majewski
Mrs. Cindy Stone
Mrs. Anna E. Ropiecki
Anonymous *
Mrs. Eugenia Roslanowick
Ms. Jeanne Roslanowick *
Mr. Kevin Sullivan *
Mrs. Jetta Savelli
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Savelli
Mary and Victor Savelli
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bucceri
Mrs. Judy Scully
Mr. Dennis P. Scully *
Ms. Sandra M. Skelly
E.C. Davis Elementary School
North East Education Association
Ms. Judith Rood
Mr. James B. Spiegel
Sister Anastasia Valimont, SSJ †
Mr. Charles Sluga
Mrs. Suzanne Mahoney *
Ms. Robin L. Sluga
Mrs. Suzanne Mahoney *
Mr. Frank Slurkanich
Mrs. Dorothy Slurkanich
Mrs. Helen Smolinsky
Atty. and Mrs. Harold J. Bender
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gladden
Mr. Richard Lipchik
Mrs. Elizabeth Scarpelli
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Tellers
Ms. Mary Tellers
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Tellers
Ms. Ruth E. Waidley
Mrs. Inez Snyder
Mrs. Sheryl Smart *
Mr. John J. Shandorf
Mr. Pat Shandorf *
Mr. Alfred Sokolowski
Mr. and Mrs. Dario Cipriani *
Mrs. Almeda C. Shields
Ainsworth Pet Nutrition Finance
Department Employees
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barczynski
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Berfield
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lang
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sherry
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shields
Strong Vincent High School Faculty
and Staff
Mr. Robert Somerfield
Mrs. Nancy Somerfield *
Mrs. Emma Stadtmiller
Mrs. Mary Dietz *
Stephen and Irene Stano
Sister Ann Stephanie Stano, SSJ, Ph.D. *
Mrs. Isabelle Stiffler
Mr. and Mrs. James Baer
Mr. Joseph M. Sivak
Ms. Veronica Sivak
Mrs. Anna Sivillo
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Sivillo *
Mr. Arthur E. Stimpson
Mrs. Arlene D. Stimpson *
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • (814) 459-0621
Mrs. Sarah C. Strike
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Strike
Ms. Audrey A. Tong
Mrs. Donna Bussard
William and Sarah Strike
Mrs. Marian E. Toohey
Atty. and Mrs. James Toohey
Mrs. Helen N. Stuller
Mr. Richard Stuller *
Jud and Amanda R. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Turner
Mrs. Angela A. Sucha
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brim
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Conrad
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dammeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Green
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lyle
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Riazzi
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Semelka
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sexauer
Mr. and Mrs. John Sucha
William and Elsie Sullivan
Msgr. Richard J. Sullivan
Mr. Lauri Suokas
Mrs. Airi Suokas
Mrs. Charlotte Szczutkowski
Ms. Ann Talerico
Sister Jude Marie Talerico, SSJ *
Mr. Edmund Tuszynski
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Kinecki
Mrs. Louise Urbaniak
Msgr. Bernard Urbaniak *
Mr. Ronald A. Walker, Sr.
Patricia L. Tofel
Mrs. Judith Walker
James and Marie Waltz
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Waltz *
Mr. Francis E. Wambaugh
Ms. Linda Wambaugh *
Sister Anastasia Valimont, SSJ
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Birk
Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Brugger, Jr.
Mrs. Nancy J. Dwyer
Ms. Sheila M. Warner
Mrs. Irene V. Wasielewski
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blaszczyk
The Chester Blazek Family
Ms. Josephine Donahue
Ms. Donna Mikolajczyk
Mrs. Barbara Wawrzyniak
Elmer and Eleanor Vallimont
Bill and Sophia Wassell
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Wassell *
Julie Van Volkenburg
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Greulich *
Mr. Gary A. Wawrzyniak
Patricia L. Tofel
Mrs. Lottie D. Vargo
Mrs. Marlene Spaeder
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Weber
Anonymous (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Birk
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Fresch
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Karsznia
Ms. Diana Kehn
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Miller
Deacon and Mrs. Jerry P. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. James Prochowski
Ms. Elaine Rudy
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Schilberg
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sims
Ms. Judy Vanderwende
The Family of Elizabeth Weber
Mrs. Betty Varhola
Mr. Michael H. Varhola
Mrs. Jean J. Teed
Kuhl Hose Company, Inc.
Mrs. Margaret McCartney
Richard and Florence Vogt
Mr. Jerry Vogt and Connie Kerr Vogt
Mrs. Mary Theobald
Mrs. Renee A. Kloecker *
Mr. Robert V. Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Wagner *
James and Beatrice Timmons
Sister Marie Timmons, SSJ *
Mrs. Stephanie Walczak
Patricia L. Tofel
Miss Mary Timmons
Sister Marie Timmons, SSJ *
Mrs. Agnes M. Waldinger
Norb, Carol, Dave and Cheri Barthelmes
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Haibach
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haibach
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Kovski
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Kreger
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer W. Lewis
Anthony and Jennie Tinti
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Tinti
Mr. and Mrs. Tim McCallion
TM Industrial Supply, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Williams
Mr. James F. Weber, Sr.
Anonymous (2)
Mrs. Mathilda A. Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Swartz *
Chester and Dorothy Tofel
Patricia L. Tofel
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • (814) 459-0621
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • www.stmaryshome.org
Mrs. Dorothy Welz
Mrs. Karen Franklin
Theresa and Robert G. Wood, Sr.
Mrs. Helen T. Klebes
James, Kathy, & Chris Yurkovic
Mrs. Jean M. Yurkovic *
Mrs. Julia Wesmiller
Mr. Harold Wesmiller
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Yeager
Sister Mary Kevin Palazzetti, SSJ
Mrs. Dorothy Whipple
Patricia L. Tofel
Mrs. Josephine Yezzi
Mrs. Margaret Y. Balter *
Ms. Elizabeth Zeller
Mr. John J. Cunniffe, Jr.
Ms. Kathleen Fallon
Ms. Janet Higgins
Mr. Joseph Wieczorek
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Wieczorek
Mr. Richard C. Yezzi
Mrs. Margaret Y. Balter *
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Balter
The Jim Dahlkemper Family
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fornalczyk
Mr. Gary L. Fullmer and Ms. Janice
Fornalczyk Fullmer
Mrs. Patricia Mancuso
Mr. and Mrs. William Myers *
Mr. and Mrs. John Noal
Mr. and Mrs. Carmen J. Phillips *
Mr. Frank Wisniewski
Mr. and Mrs. James Jobes
Mrs. Dorothy Witkowski
Anonymous *
Harold Wittmaak
Mrs. Jennie Wittmaak *
Mrs. Sheila M. Wnukowski
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Kinecki
Ms. Denise Krainski
Jerry and Sue Matteson
Jim and Bonnie Matteson
Kirk and Sharon Matteson
Tom and Fran Matteson
Mr. and Mrs. George Palotas
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Young
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Gerrity
Lloyd and Margaret Young
Ms. Marilyn M. Tullio *
Ms. Agnes Zelman
Ms. Kathleen Zelman *
Dr. Joseph and Josephine Zipper
Mrs. Joanne Colton *
Mr. William Zipper
Mrs. Joanne Colton *
Mrs. Martha T. Zoldach
Mr. James Zoldach *
Mr. John Zomcik
Mrs. Winifred Zomcik
† Deceased
* Memorial tribute gift was recognized on
the Heralds of Light Tree
Thank you for your generous donations.
Your support is extremely important to us
as we carry out our Mission.
Charitable Solicitation Disclosure Statement
Pursuant to state regulations regarding charitable solicitations, we are required to include certain disclosure language on Development materials.
STATE. REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL, OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE. Kansas: The official registration and annual financial report of Saint Mary’s Home of Erie is filed with the
Kansas Secretary of State. Kansas Registration # 449-331-8. Maryland: A copy of Saint Mary’s Home of Erie’s financial report is available by calling Saint Mary’s Home of Erie at 814-451-1308 or writing to 607 East
26th Street, Erie, PA 16504. For the cost of copying and postage, documents and information filed under the Maryland charitable organizations law can be obtained from the Secretary of State, Charitable Division,
State House, Annapolis, MD. Mississippi: The official registration and financial information of Saint Mary’s Home of Erie may be obtained from the Mississippi Secretary of State’s office by calling 1-888-236-6167.
Registration by the Secretary of State does not imply endorsement by the Secretary of State. New Jersey: Information filed with the Attorney General concerning this charitable solicitation may be obtained from
the Attorney General of the State of New Jersey by calling 201-504-6215. Registration with the Attorney General does not imply endorsement. New York: A copy of the latest annual report may be obtained from
Saint Mary’s Home of Erie, or the Charities Bureau, Department of Law, 120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271. The official registration and financial information of Saint Mary’s Home of Erie may be obtained from
the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1(800)732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. Virginia: A financial statement is available from the State Division of
Consumer Affairs. Washington: Our charity is registered with the Secretary of State and information relating to our financial affairs is available from the Secretary of State, toll free for Washington residents 800332-4483. West Virginia residents may obtain a summary of the registration and financial documents from the Secretary of State, State Capitol, Charleston, WV 25305. Registration does not imply endorsement.
Consult with the IRS or your tax professional regarding tax deductibility.
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • (814) 459-0621
Sustaining Donors of Distinction
Recognizing loyal donors that contribute year after year.
* New member
† Deceased L
10 - 14 Years
Ms. Mary C. Gensheimer
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Rutkowski, Jr.
Anonymous (8)
Mrs. Mary Alice Gensheimer
Sister Elizabeth Ruza, SSJ
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Gerrity
Saint Vincent Hospital
Mr. Bernard R. Graf
Russell C. Schmidt & Son Funeral Home
Mrs. Kathryn A. Green †
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Schryver
Mr. Joseph J. Grumblatt
Mr. Dennis P. Scully
Hallman Auto Group
Mr. Paul F. Speice
Mr. Alan J. Hannibal
Ms. Ruth M. Speice
Ms. Patricia A. Hardner
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Stone
Mr. Donald C. Hazen
Sister Jude Marie Talerico, SSJ*
Mr. Louis J. Heintz
Ms. Jane Theuerkauf*
Ms. Janet L. Keep
Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Timmons
Ms. Jane M. Kelsey
Ms. Audrey A. Tong †
Mr. John J. Lohse
Atty. and Mrs. James Toohey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lowther, Jr.
Mrs. Bettie A. Veshecco
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Majewski
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Waltz
The Marquette Savings Bank Fund of
the Erie Community Foundation
Msgr. Joseph V. Wardanski
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Martinucci
Paul F. † and Claire M. Weber
Mr. Henny Adorante
Mr. and Mrs. William Alloway
Sister Ann Amen, SSJ
Ms. Veronica L. Antoske
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Armbruster
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Bacik
Msgr. Robert G. Barcio
Mrs. Virginia A. Bello
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Bensur, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Tibor A. Beresky
Mr. and Mrs. Chris W. Bloomstine
Mr. Allen L. Bonace, MSN/MBA, RN
Brugger Funeral Homes and Crematory,
Msgr. Robert L. Brugger, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis N. Bruschi
Mrs. Fran Buseck
Mr. James F. Camp
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Chizewick
Ms. Doris T. Cipolla
Dr. Charles R. Colvin
Mrs. Mary Anne Condren Koller
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Coughlin
Mrs. Eleanor Craig
Mrs. Mary Ellen Dahlkemper and
Mr. Edward Lesser
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald DeMoss
Mrs. Mary Dietz*
Mrs. Helen S. Dorfman
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dudenhoefer
Mrs. Ethel G. Dwyer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Elliott
Ms. Linda A. Etter
ExxonMobil Foundation Mobil Retiree
Matching Gift Program
Ms. Gretchen B. Freed
GE Foundation*
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Mastrian
Sister Phyllis McCracken, SSJ
Mrs. Jean McGill
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McGowan*
Mercy Terrace Apartments
Lawrence F. † and Gertrude J. Milkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mingarelle
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Minichelli
Mrs. Mary C. Monahan
William H. Motsch & Son, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Napierkowski
Mr. Daniel A. Niebauer
Mrs. Kathleen M. Nowak
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Oas
Sister Maria Onuffer, SSJ
Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Pietraszek
Mrs. Helen Pjecha
Mr. John Potosnak
Ms. Katie Rankin
Ms. Marilyn A. Reddy
Dr. and Mrs. James F. Roberts
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • www.stmaryshome.org
Mrs. Arlene Webb †
Mr. and Mrs. Val Wingrove
Mrs. Jean M. Yurkovic
Ms. Kathleen Zelman
15 - 19 Years
Anonymous (9)
Ms. Ann B. Adamczyk
Mrs. Margaret Y. Balter
Ms. Jeanette M. Bisbee
Mrs. Mary Blakeslee †
Mr. Howard P. Bovee †
Dr. William F. † and Constance Brereton
Ms. Mary L. Breyley*
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Brugger
Mrs. Margaret D. Bucceri
Building Systems, Inc.*
Ms. Diane M. Calabrese*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Calabrese*
Miss Maureen Q. Dwyer*
Ms. Amy B. Erdely
Rev. Thomas Fialkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard L. Pauly
Ms. Nan T. Held
Mrs. Evelyn M. Finnecy*
Mr. Louis J. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. C. Robert Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fornalczyk*
Ms. Magdalena Piotrowski
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Kohler, III*
Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Forquer*
Ms. Sandra M. Polaski
Ms. Elizabeth A. Latimer*
Mr. James E. † and Maxine Fromknecht
Mrs. Dorothy H. Pytlarz*
Mr. Joseph Layden
Mrs. Rita A. Fromknecht
Ms. Karen S. Roberts*
Mr. and Mrs. Paul LeFort
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Furyesz
Mr. and Mrs. George Schneider*
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Liebel, Jr.*
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Garvey
Mr. and Mrs. J. William Sinclair*
Mrs. Barbara V. Lorei*
Sister Bernadine Gehringer, SSJ*
Sisters of St. Joseph of Northwestern
Mr. James E. Mantyla
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. McCormick
Mr. Chester F. Giermak
Rev. James Gutting*
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Haibach*
Mr. Richard E. Heinze*
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Holtz*
Mr. Thomas A. Houlihan*
Dr. and Mrs. Jack P. Jarvie*
Mrs. Marjorie A. Kaminsky
Mr. and Mrs. Roderic B. Karpen
Mrs. Barbara V. Keim
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Kinecki
Mrs. Renee A. Kloecker*
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Knapp
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Kovacs*
Mrs. Judith A. Krahe*
Mrs. Mary Lou Krasinski*
Mrs. Doris Lefaiver
Mrs. Frances Somolani
Msgr. Richard J. Sullivan
Ms. Antonia Tinti*
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Tinti*
Patricia L. Tofel
Mr. Michael P. Martin*
Mr. Kenneth Maurer and Dr. Carol Maurer
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Meko*
Mr. Alfred M. Mosher*
Russell N. † and Mary A. Mosher
Dr. Russell B. Mosier*
Mrs. Evelyn M. Mozur*
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore M. Nagle, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam D. Nicolia*
Noelker & Hull Assoc., Inc.*
Mr. John P. Passarelli*
Atty. and Mrs. James K. McNamara*
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Meko
Dr. Richard J. Neuer*
Sam and Elvira Nicolia*
Mr. Robert L. Nies
Mrs. Mary P. Trott
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tullio
Mr. and Mrs. David Urban
Msgr. Bernard Urbaniak
Sister Anastasia Valimont, SSJ †
Mr. Michael H. Varhola*
Mrs. Doris M. Veihdeffer*
Mr. Leo B. Weiner
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wittman
Ms. Claudia Wright*
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Oldenski*
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Quinn*
Mr. and Mrs. Francis D. Riley*
Sally B. Rouch, Dr. P.H.*
Dr. and Mrs. Jack V. Rozwadowski*
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Scibetta*
Mr. James B. Spiegel
Msgr. Richard J. Stack
Mr. and Mrs. Neal R. Sullivan*
Mr. Russell Warner*
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Wassell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lyle
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Marchini*
Mr. Charles A. Matts
20+ Years
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Weibel
Mary Dolores Weir*
Anonymous (1)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Bacik, Jr.*
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Bloomstine*
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Bloomstine
Dr. James A. Bougie, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Brabender, Sr.*
Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Brugger, Jr.*
Mr. William Bufalari, Jr.* †
Sister Mary Fromknecht, SSJ*
Frank and Claire Gredler
607 East 26th Street • Erie, Pennsylvania 16504 • (814) 459-0621
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Sponsored by the
Sisters of St. Joseph
of Northwestern Pennsylvania,
Saint Mary’s Home of Erie is nondiscriminatory in admissions, services
and employment.
The Mirror is published quarterly for
the residents, families and friends of
Saint Mary’s Home of Erie. Comments
and suggestions for articles are
Contact Anthony J. Allegretto at
or [email protected].
Sister Phyllis McCracken, SSJ
President and Chief Executive Officer
Anthony J. Allegretto
Director of Marketing
Amanda Hurd
Director of Development
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Non-discriminatory in admissions,
services & employment.
A sponsored ministry of the
Sisters of St. Joseph of Northwestern Pennsylvania
The Sisters of St. Joseph of Northwestern Pennsylvania invite contemporary Catholic
women seeking to deepen their spiritual lives to learn more about becoming an Agrégée
(ah-greh-ZHEY), the newest form of connection to the Congregation.
Many contemporary Catholic women are seeking a more meaningful relationship with
God after focusing on their education, careers and families. Agrégées (a French word
meaning “attached to”) are Catholic women who feel called to commit themselves
to Christ by embracing the mission of unity of the Sisters of St. Joseph; they connect
themselves to the Congregation through prayer, participation, personal relationships and
a vow of fidelity.
Agrégées join with vowed Sisters and lay Associates (Christian men and women who
share in the SSJ spirituality) to witness the reality of Christ and his Church. They do this
by dedicating their lives to love of God, continual growth in Christ and responding to
the needs of God’s people.
If you are a Catholic woman searching for a deeper connection to God and others, or
you feel that God is calling you to a permanent commitment, please contact Sister Susan
Herzing at 814-836-4066 or [email protected].