Fall 2012 - Archbishop Curley Notre Dame


Fall 2012 - Archbishop Curley Notre Dame
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new crea$on. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17
In this passage, Jesus talked of change
from the old covenant to the new. While
Jesus represented what was new,
He was respectful of the law of the
prophets and the Old Testament. He did,
however, indicate that while the old ways
were the foundation, the new covenant
that He proclaimed would be one that
would alter the world forever. Indeed,
Jesus and His new covenant have truly inspired and changed
the world for the better. We are now invited to embrace the
new and transform ourselves and our school in Christ.
“Honoring Traditions and Embracing the Future"
will be Archbishop Curley Notre Dame’s theme this year.
Remaining true to our roots, we will continue to be the
school enriched with a 59 year tradition of providing:
quality academics that advance the scholars of tomorrow;
championship caliber sports teams that honor sportsmanship
and competitiveness; and a nurturing soul that offers
individualized instruction in an environment that values the
needs of others.
This year, ACND has embraced the future by: infusing iPad
technology; implementing new innovative teaching strategies; and installing a cutting edge wireless network. We have
spent many years preparing for this and our current administration stands on the shoulders of those who have come
before us and helped prepare the ground work for this day.
ACND now utilizes iPads with e Textbooks and iBooks
provided to all students (grades 6 through 12) at no additional
cost other than the standard book fee. This catalyst for
learning will house the student’s handbook, planner, and
books. With a new campus-wide WiFi network, students can
now do homework, research, work on projects, or read
wherever they like. We have also extended the school day
to include an activity period from 3:15 to 3:45 p.m. This 8th
period allows teachers time for enhanced instruction, extra
help, support, and enrichment. Athletic practices run from
4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Changes can be both exciting and scary. However, despite
any anxiety, we will need to work together and “embrace the
future” and continue to do what is best for the future of both
our students and ACND.
I am excited to be the new Principal and help carryout these
changes. Please join me and the entire ACND family as we
“Honor Traditions and Embrace the Future” and, through
Christ, become a new creation!
Mr. Douglas Romanik
ACND Advisory Council
Enrollment Committee
Ricardo Briz, Maria Chelala ’81,
Br. James DePiro (Chair),
Reinaldo ‘Rey’ Dorta ’87, Angela M. Scott
Events Committee
Dr. Marion Colas-Lacombe ’95, Lesia Hanson,
Francine Holland (Co-Chair), Tom Romanik, Diane
Stead ’70 (Chair), Kimberly Topping Morris ‘92
Facilities Committee
Joseph Ortiz ’67, George Oyarzun ’76, Dr. Edgar
Pierre ’82, Arturo Salow ’80, Marc Stead ’69 (Chair)
Grants and Foundations Committee
Kathylynn Pierre-Griff ’99 (Chair),
David Smith ’78
Finance Committee
Robert ‘Chris’ Frazier ’93, Jerome Hurtak ’76 (Chair),
Christopher Kelley ’68, John Longman ’86,
Norman Powell ’83, John Zavertnik
ACND Advancement Team
Maria C. Kesti
Director of Advancement
305.751.8367 ext. 28
[email protected]
Julie Martinez-Araujo
Advancement Services Coordinator
305.751.8367 ext. 22
[email protected]
Br. Jason Ford, CFC
Coordinator of Student Services & Campus Ministry,
Director of Enrollment Management
305.751.8367 *29.
Monica M. Metcalf ‘09
Alumni & Events Coordinator
305.751.8367 *19
[email protected]
Lisa Morales
Public Relations Specialist
[email protected]
ACND Prep publication is produced by the Office of Advancement as an information service to alums, parents,
and friends of ACND Prep. Readers are encouraged to
submit text for publication to the Office of Advancement
in care of Lisa Morales [email protected].
The office reserves the right to edit all copies. Items and
pictures for the newsletter should include names and class
years (if applicable.)
The ACND publication is produced
by Al Esper Advertising & Design 954.434.2759
Welcome to ACND Prep's first Online Magazine!
Find our first "green edition" online at www.acnd.net.
Stay informed about alumni and school updates
via Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Also, look out
for magazine updates that keep us connected.
Send your story ideas and alum notes to
[email protected].
A changing neighborhood enhances the educa"onal
opportuni"es of the verdant ACND fourteen acre campus. Come see what is new.
Welcome New Alums
Responsible, Compassionate Citizens of A Global Society
On Saturday, May 19th, friends, families, faculty, and adminis
tra4on gathered at Corpus Chris4 Church to celebrate the 2012
Gradua4ng Class. The Class of 2012’s success was reflected in
the list of acceptances that included: University of Pennsylva
nia, University of California, Emory University, Drexel Univer
sity, New York University, Pace University, St. John’s University,
Iona College, University of Georgia, University of Miami, Uni
versity of Florida, Barry University, St. Thomas University,
Florida State University, Florida Interna4onal University, Florida
A & M University, University of Central Florida, and Nova South
eastern University.
On June 6th, students from the Brother Rice Honors Academy
celebrated their gradua4on. Represen4ng the 2012 Gradua4ng
Class were: Dawuan Cary Davis, Dimitri Antoine Desdumes
Grant, Dylan Raynall Foster, Maximillian Shant Gazeroglu,
Trevor Dylan Landry, Chris2an Masseus, Lorie Carlaine Trench
ant, and Emily J. Windsor.
Celine Wassaf, Valedictorian, graduated with a 5.30 GPA, re
ceived a full scholarship to a5end Florida Interna4onal Univer
sity where she currently a5ends with plans to specialize in
engineering. She received recogni4ons of excellence in Math
ema4cs and Modern Language and is a recipient of the Presi
den4al Academic Excellence and Presiden4al Volunteer Service
St. Mary Cathedral School; St. James School; Our Lady of
Charity; U.E. Colegio Los Arcos (Venezuela); St. Rose of Lima
School; St. Joseph School; St. James School; Corpus Chris4
Catholic School; Nau4lus Middle School; George Washington
Carver; Holy Family; David School; David Lawrence K8;
St. Francis Xavier; Florida Virtual School; Miami Country Day
School; The Cushman School; Inst. Saint Louis De Gonzague,
Hai4; FLA Interna4onal Academy; Holy Cross Lutheran.
A special thanks to the families and feeder schools that have
entrusted their children’s educa2on to ACND Prep:
Chris2na Blanchard, Salutatorian, graduated with a 5.08 GPA
and currently a5ends the University of Florida with plans to spe
cialize in biology. She received recogni4on of excellence in Eng
lish and is a recipient of the Presiden4al Academic Excellence
and Presiden4al Volunteer Service Awards.
Subject Area Recogni4ons also included: Kevin Granda, Fine
Arts (University of Miami) and Jesus Vasquez, Science (New
York University and Gates Millenium Scholar.) Randy Schu3
received the Blessed Edmund Rice Award and Calvin Hercule
the Peacemaker Award in Honor of Ron Gouthro. Jessica Blan
chard, who currently a5ends the University of Pennsylvania, is
recipient of the Posse Founda4on Scholarship – a full tui4on 4
year scholarship award.
ACND is a 6 to 12 Prep.
Con4nue the ACND tradi4on by sharing the
good news with your family, friends,
and colleagues. For more informa4on
about admissions, visit www.acnd.net,
email [email protected],
or call (305) 7518367.
The Charism of the Christian Brothers
Steering us through difficult waters by finding means to ensure
that students with financial needs could con4nue to study at
ACND following the elimina4on of the school voucher program;
On Friday, June 29th the ACND family gathered to bid farewell
to Br. Patrick Sean Moffe3, CFC and thank him for his eight
years of leadership. Based on an address wri5en by incoming
Principal Douglas Romanik ‘84, we celebrate Brother Moffe5
and his legacy of contribu4ons to ACND. Thank you for:
Being the first Principal to welcome Hai4an students
following the devasta4ng earthquake in 2010;
Enriching Us Spiritually through a weekly address regarding
the Gospel, a constant mindfulness of the Catholic nature
and root of our school, and keeping ACND a part of the larger
network of Edmund Rice Schools so that we can con4nue to
nurture Chris4an leaders;
Keeping the school strong in the face of a long and difficult
Ensuring academic growth though the
placement and con4nuous guidance
of a world class faculty;
Connec4ng ACND to society through your par4cipa4on in
community groups and Boards. Brother Moffe5 knew that
building a stronger community would lead to a stronger ACND;
Developing a technology plan that
aligns ACND alongside top college
preparatory high schools and “paved
the way” to this year’s feat of becom
ing a one to one iPad school;
Execu4ng the vision of implemen4ng
middle school grades at ACND as
founder of the Br. Rice Honors
Crea4ng a learning environment where both our students
and teachers could achieve: 2 Gates Millennium Scholarships;
numerous 4 year full tui4on scholarships and acceptances to
some of the finest colleges and universi4es in the United States
that include the University of Notre Dame, Harvard University,
Columbia University, University of Pennsylvania, and New York
University; and
Working diligently with the Miami Dolphins and Florida Marlins
to provide new world class playing fields; and
Suppor4ng the arts community and arts by founding the ACND
Gallery of Art and ensuring the growth of all ACND Fine Arts
programs and performances.
Suppor4ng and watching over 5 students who were able to
achieve the pres4gious Eagle Scout award – the highest honor
a5ainable by the Boy Scouts of America.
Enriching ACND’s future with a knowledge and foresight of
Advancement through crea4ng a biannual alumni magazine
that helped alumni and friends connect in a special way;
The above tribute is just a small sample of the indelible mark
that Br. Moffe5 has le% upon our school. We wish you God
Speed as you move forward into your next assignment and
know that wherever you go, you will always be a Knight!
Establishing the annual Hall of Fame that unites alumni and
honors each other’s con4nued support of ACND; and
The tradi4on and commitment of the Chris4an Brothers
remains at ACND as they con4nue to serve in all areas of
academic life – administra4on, faculty, and counseling.
For more informa4on about the history of Chris4an Brothers
at ACND, read:
Crea4ng the first two annual Heritages Days that, in its
inaugural year, commemorated ACND’s integra4on and the
early Classes of the 1960’s and, last year, our alumni educators.
This event successfully united students past and present and
created a “living history lesson” for current students.
Quality Academics that Advance the Scholars of Tomorrow
The Speech and Debate team
celebrated many achievements this
past year that included: freshmen
Keyanna Francois and Carmen
Pierre qualified for the 2012 Lincoln
Financial Group/Na2onal Forensic
League’s (NFL) Na2onal Speech and
Debate Tournament held in Indi
anapolis, Indiana. Both students,
who competed in Speech and De
bate tournaments since a5ending
St. Mary’s Catholic School, also par
4cipated at the South Florida
Catholic Forensic League Qualifying
Tournament and placed in the top 10% at the Harvard
Invita4onal in February. Team Captain and 2012 graduate,
Taylor Al2dor qualified for the Na2onal Catholic Forensic
League (NCFL) Grand Na2onal Tournament held in Bal4more.
Taylor, who competes in the Oral Interpreta4on category, qual
ified for the tournament by placing 3rd in the South Florida
Catholic Forensic League (SFCFL) Regional Finals.
In April, the “Chess Knights” returned to Miami with 2 trophies
won at the United States Chess Federa4on’s “Na2onal High
School (K12) Championship” held in Minneapolis. The com
pe44on included 1,300 talented young chess players from
around the country who competed for trophies, scholarships,
and an opportunity to represent the United States in interna
4onal play. Earlier this year, the ACND team won the 2nd place
trophy at the Florida Scholas4c Chess League (FSCL) 2012 Su
perState IX Scholas2c Championship.
Music abounds at
ACND throughout
the year whether it
is the Knigh4ngales
singing for the com
munity at Christmas,
the Troubadours play
ing at the “Light the
Night Walk,” or on
campus performances
for friends and family. Among the many notable Troubadour
achievements were 4 students receiving a “Superior Ra4ng”
at the Florida Bandmasters Associa4on (FBA) Solo evalua4ons;
7 students receiving either “Excellent” or “Superior” ra4ngs at
the Florida Orchestra Associa4on (FOA) evalua4ons; and 2
violinists qualifying for the FOA State Adjudica4ons held in
Brandon, FL. At the end of the school year, both musical groups
delighted the audience with a stellar produc4on of Rodger
and Hammerstein’s “Sound of Music” and a Spring Concert
featuring popular music such as “New Orleans Strut,” “Wipe
Out,” and “Let Freedom Ring.”
In May, students from the
Brother Rice Honors Acad
emy captured second
place at the First Annual
Hai2an Heritage Month
History Bee. The event,
that took place at North
Miami Senior High School,
hosted students from both
public and private schools
throughout Miami. The Brother Rice students, the only middle
school team to compete at the high school level, fell only one
point short of the MAST Academy.
Photo Credit: Op$mum Exposure Photo/Video
Jesus Francisco Vasquez was
awarded the Gate’s Millennium
Scholarship. He is the second stu
dent from ACND who has received
this pres4gious award. Cynthia
Massillon, who received the award
i n 2 0 0 8 , i s c u r r e n t l y a5ending
Brandeis University in Waltham, MA.
Jesus graduated with a 5.03 GPA and
is a5ending New York University
with plans to study gene4c engineering. Jesus is one of the
1,000 recipients from the 30,000 applica4ons received
na4onwide to receive a full paid tui4on scholarship that can
con4nue through to postgraduate studies.
Performing Arts opportuni4es con4nue through the summer
where students from the surrounding community can enroll in
the Summer Knights Performing Arts Camp. The 6 week camp
that teaches the elements of music and stage produc4on cul
minated in a community show 4tled, “A Night on Broadway.”
Photo Credit: Daniel
Bock, Miami Herald
For more informa4on on all ACND Programs and Summer Camps, visit www.acnd.net.
Registra4on for next year’s Summer Athle4c and Performing Arts Camp begins in April 2013.
One free registra4on for children or grandchildren of ACND alumni.
Championship Caliber Sports that Honor Sportsmanship and Academics
February  the boys’ varsity basketball team defeated Dade
Chris4an 3579
2012 graduate, Sebas2an Delpeche was presented the
“Tim Charles Memorial Award” by his mother, Mrs. Charles.
The award is given each year to a student who demonstrates
great effort and commitment to the team and school.
Mrs. Charles has presented this award each year since 1980
when her son, Tim Charles was killed in an automobile accident.
Sebas4an received the Ford “Salute to Educa4on” scholarship,
was a state finalist in crosscountry and track and field, and was
an ac4ve member of Band, the Edmund Rice Community,
Student Government, and Men of Honor.
November, 2011  the boys’ crosscountry team finished 5
points ahead of Miami Country Day (2nd place,) and 32 points
ahead of Dade Chris4an (3rd place.)
Join us this Fall and support ACND athle4cs by a5ending home
and away games. Schedules are posted on www.acnd.net and
updates can be found on Facebook and Twi5er.
The 20112012 year proved to be an outstanding year for ath
le4c teams boas4ng 3 District 4tles! Congratula4ons to all
Knights and Ladies who brought home trophies:
April  the girls’ varsity so%ball team defeated Miami Country
Day 225.
Other Sports Highlights:
The Boys’ and Girls’ Track and Field teams ended the regular
season with a home meet in April. Both teams registered victo
ries over Palmer Trinity, Coral Shores, and Doctors Charter. The
Lady Knights ended the regular season at 148 and Boys’ team
wrapped up an impressive 212 campaign.
At the District Championship meet, the boys’ team captured the
runner up trophy by overtaking Florida Chris4an in the final 3
events. Sebas2an Delpeche was a District Champion in the 110
hurdles and Wesley Alcegaire jumped his way to a district 4tle
in the high jump. In addi4on to Sebas4an and Wesley, Mike
Henry, Demitry George, Theo Dasarmes, McHarry Alexis, Chris
Moss, Shade Booth, David Joaceus, Isaiah Osme, Daniel Briz,
Nikko An2do, Sean Smith, and Giovanni Pierre all qualified for
the regional championships.
The Lady Knights finished 4th in the district and were led by
District Champion Jackysha Jean in the triple jump. In addi4on
to Jean, the following girls qualified for the regional champi
onships: Carman Pierre, Lexus Holden, Annastasi Poi2ers,
Rhian Romanik, Vivencia Philippe, and Danille Stone and in
crosscountry Rhian Romanik was 2nd in districts..
In May, Wesley Alcegaire, a 2012 graduate signed with the
Liberty University Men’s Basketball Program. Wesley received
a full tui4on, Division 1 athle4c basketball scholarship. He was
instrumental in leading the Knights to a 273 record and a re
gional finals appearance averaging 28.1 points, 11 rebounds and
5.8 assists per game during his senior year. Wesley was named
to the 201112 Florida Associa4on of Basketball Coaches 3A All
State team and earned first team AllDade County honors.
Nurturing Souls and Valuing the Needs of Others
The story of Blessed Edmund Rice has inspired genera4ons of
people across the world. Among the values that we cherish from
his tradi4on are his generosity, his courage, his humanity, his
love of God’s word in Scripture, his devo4on to the Mother of
God, his prac4cal reaching out to the poor and oppressed, and
his absolute trust in God’s providence. – www.edmundrice.net
Weddary began working in HR a%er a visit to ACND to see Br.
DePiro. There, he ran into Alicia Schlinder who works for the
marke4ng department at MJHS and is mother of Alina Schlinder
’10. He is very happy that the connec4on was made and enjoys
being a part of MJHS making a difference in our community.
“Being born to two Hai4an parents, I can truly say that MJHS
has been making a difference in the community. This commu
nity is populated with individuals with Hai4an and La4n decent,”
Weddary remarks. “Every day while I’ve been here, I have seen
minori4es being hired. Knowing how hard the economy is, and
how expensive cost of living has become, I can truly say that
MJHS is actually saving families and lives.”
At ACND, we value the tradi4on of “caring” and this trait is
passed on by ACND staff along with a suppor4ve alumni net
work for the benefit of current students – the future leaders of
Erik Frischholz, a 2012 graduate of Archbishop Curley Notre
Dame Prep received the pres4gious Eagle Scout award. Eagle
Scout is the highest rank a5ainable in the
Boy Scou4ng program of the Boy Scouts of
America. Erik has been Scout since the age
of six. His most recent service project was
to oversee the revitaliza4on of the Grand
parent’s Reading Garden at St. Rose of Lima
Catholic Church. He added 400 hours of
service to this project.
2012 ACND graduates, Ena Urbina and Christopher Estrada
spent their day off from school bagging 14,000 rosaries des4ned
for Cuba. The rosaries were taken by the approximately 300
pilgrims accompanying Arch
bishop Thomas Wenski to the
papal Masses in San4ago and
Havana last March and were
brought to El Cobre and le% at
the shrine.
Courtney Kerr volunteers in the clinic.
Photo Credit: Ana Rodriguez Soto,
Florida Catholic
Making a Difference in our Community
For the past two decades, ACND students have been volun
teering at the neighboring Miami Jewish Health Systems.
Whether it is the Knigh4ngales and Troubadours performing
for residents, or students volunteering in various areas
throughout the year, their par4cipa4on is making a difference.
Chrystelle LouisJean assists clinic staff
and transports residents and tenants
to/from the clinic.
“We are so apprecia4ve of the ACND students who volunteer
at MJHS. They enrich the lives of our residents, tenants and
program par4cipants,” comments Susan W. Willenborg,
Director of Volunteers at MJHS.
ACND alumnus and St.
Thomas University graduate,
Weddary Joseph ‘06 also
enjoys volunteering 5 days of
the week at the MJHS in the
Human Resources Depart
ment. With a degree in Busi
ness Administra4on and
Tourism and Hospitality,
Weddary hopes to a5end graduate school and eventually
become a Marke4ng Director or work in Human Resources.
Dino Lefevre volunteers in Therapeu2c Recre
a2on doing ac2vi2es with residents.
ACND welcomes Maria Kes2 as new Direc
tor of Advancement. Maria brings to ACND
a wealth of experience in the areas of
development, marke4ng, admissions, and
public rela4ons as former Development
Director & VIP Concierge at the University of
Miami – Interna4onal Medicine Ins4tute
and in other roles at organiza4ons such as
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, Palme5o Subacute Care
Center, and Hospice Care of South Florida. During her 10 years
with the Archdiocese of Miami, she has worked in the Mariel
Program, Services to the Elderly, South Dade Catholic Nursing
Home (now renamed St. Anne’s), and Genesis Program next to
Mercy Hospital.
Heritage Day 2012 – “The Call to Educate” brought together
alumni represen4ng teaching and administra4ve fields at all levels
of educa4on. Help us preserve this tradi4on by becoming a part
of next year’s “living history lesson”.
Maria is married with 3 daughters; the oldest 2 graduated from
St. Brendan High School and the youngest just graduated this
past May from Our Lady of Lourdes Academy. Maria and her
family are members of Holy Rosary – St. Richard’s parish.
Ac4vely involved in the community, Maria and her husband are
members and past presidents of the Rotary Club of PerrineCut
ler Ridge/Palme5o Bay.
ACND Math Teacher, Terri D. Williams has
been appointed the new Dean of Students.
Terri has worked at both Catholic and
charter schools in New York and Miami.
She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Educa4on
from Xavier University of Louisiana and a
Masters in Educa4onal Compu4ng and
Technology from Barry University.
“The Call To Educate”
Heritage Day 2013
February 6, 2013
"The Call to a Health Care Profession"
Help keep the tradi4on
of your alma mater alive
by making a taxde
duc4ble dona4on. Online dona4ons are quick and easy using
the secure credit card transac4on via PayPal. Youcan decide
when and how you want to donate. Just click on “Make a Gi%
to ACND Today” located on the homepage of www.acnd.net.
Year At A Glance
Academic Olympics
Golf Tournament
Middle School Leadership Workshop
Save the Date
22nd Annual Golf Tournament
Friday, October 19, 2012
Miami Shores
Country Club
Open House 9:301:00 p.m.
Middle School Basketball Tournament
Thanksgiving Prayer Services
To play, sponsor,
or adver2se, please contact
the Office of Advancement
305.751.8367 *19
[email protected]
Christmas Concert
January 2013
Hall of Fame Luncheon
Middle School Speech and Debate Event
High School Entrance Exam
Middle School Art Fes4val
3rd Annual “Heritage Day – Alumni Health Care
4th Annual Alumni Soccer Tournament 8am to 3pm
2223 HungerFest
Benjamin Rusnak Photo Exhibit
Alumni Gatherings
Across the Country
Would you like to hold an alumni gettogether
in your city or town? Call or email us to share
your ideas and let us help you out!
305.751.8367 *19 or [email protected]
Spring Musical
Red Mass and Law Symposium
Hall of Fame
Passion Play
Carl Juste and Iris Photo Collec4ve Present
“Spring Show 2013: A Group Exhibit by IPC Visual Lab
Photography Students”
Spring Concert
Alumni Volunteers Wanted
Brother Rice Honors Academy Gradua4on
Summer Programs and Camps Begin
ACND needs you! There are a variety of ways that
you can make valuable connec4ons with our current
students and reconnect with fellow alumni.
From working directly with students, speaking at events,
serving on commi5ees, or helping us raise funds, we ask
for your involvement. If you would like to share your
4me and talent, please contact Maria Kes4,
Advancement Director 305.751.8367 *28
All dates are subject to change.
Please visit www.acnd.net for updates.
Honor Roll of Donors
July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012
Archbishop Curley Notre Dame Prep gratefully acknowledges the gifts of time, talent and treasure
that underwrite this labor of love. The faithful generosity of alumni, parents, friends, and benefactors
assures both current and future students, a formation grounded in faith and family values while
promoting the diverse expressions of their individual and collective talents.
Together WE ARE ACND.
Principal’s Club $1,999  $1,000
Mr. Kenneth Donohue
Mrs. Mary Weber `67
Mr. Armand Vari
Mr. Jose Aldrich `71
Mr. Brian Kinderlan `77
Dr. Edgar Pierre `82
Mr. Armand Vari
Mr. Russell Fredrikson `55
Mr. Laurence Danese `59
Mr. Bernard Boyd
Ms. Diane White `64
LTC James Concannon `65
Warehouses Management Services, Inc.
Mrs. Penelope Stamps
Mrs. Patricia Bell
Miami Jewish Health Systems
Teresa Buonicon4
Miami Shores Rotary Founda4on
Mr. James McCoy `82
Mrs. Maureen McNulty `70
Mr. Doyle Beneby `77
Mrs. Patricia Dervishi `65
Knights of Columbus Council #3274
Ms. Anne McDougal
Mr. Steven Buffone `76
Mr. Frederick Zorovich
Mr. William Brickman `58
Mr. Thomas Valerius `58
Knight Club  $999$500
Dr. Jon Guben
Mr. Joseph Burns
Ms. Joanne Roberts `63
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Sobon
Dr. Francis Reed `64
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Magaldi `60
Moody Electric
Mr. Nathaniel Sandler
Mrs. M. Cris4na Moreno `70
Mr. Jack (John) Topper `63
Mrs. Katherine ClarkeKeffer
Mr. Albert Childress `73
Albert M. Todesca Jr. Memorial Fund
Archbishop John Favalora
Rev. Father David Russell
Leadership Gi#s
$10,000. & above
Mr. James Heistand `70
Dr. Kim Pryzbylski
Mr. Jerome Hurtak `76
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida
Archdiocese of Miami Chris4an Forma4on
Catholic Chari4es, Inc.
The Batchelor Founda4on, Inc.
Blessed Edmund Rice Club
$9,999  $5,000
Mr. William Hefferman `69
Louis Jepeway Jr.
Johhny LaPonzina
Br. James DePiro
Ms. Kathleen Stout `96
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mark
Mr. Larry Hofmann `59
Archbishop Edward McCarthy High School, Inc.
Mr. Guy Brickman `56
Mr. Cristobal Orran4a
Mr. Thomas `63 and Mrs. Joy `64 Jackson
Founder’s Club
$4,999  $2,000
Mr. Charles Intriago `60
Mr. Brian O’Connor `93
Mr. C. Mar4n Mennes `64
Knights of Columbus Marion Council
Mr. Tramaine Smith
Ms. Robyn Peterson `65
The Buonicon4 Fund
St. Michael the Archangel Church
Roger Holsing
Mrs. Swanee DiMare `65
Mr. Edward Jones
Mr. Thomas Hyde `61
Knight Club  $999$500 (con2nued)
Mr. Brian Zorovich `93
Carlos Hernandez
Mr. Thomas Shannon `61
Mrs. Rosemarie Banich `86
Barry University
Catapult Learning, LLC
Brother Rice High School
Mr. Nicholas Silverio `61
Mrs. Frances SevillaSacasa `74
American Red Cross/ Tiffany Circle
Miami Science Museum
Verdejas De Armas, LLP
The Vizcayans
University of Miami
Mr. Dirk Peterson `80
Dr. Marion ColasLacombe `95
Ms. Jennifer Valoppi
Mr. John Harkness `62
Mr. Stephen Kolski `59
Br. Richard DeMaria
Mr. & Mrs. Donald & Lesia Hanson
Mr. Marc Stead `69
Mr. Cyrus Jollive5e `64
Mrs. Barbara Pickard `65
Mr. David Smith `78
Na4vity Parish School Fund
The Cushman School, Inc.
St. Rose of Lima Church
Mr. Thomas Mulligan `87
Mr. Gerald Mehlich `58
Mr. Mark Piper `76
Mr. David Zighelboim `77
Mr. Jason Trahey `88
Mr. Noel Mijares
Chuck Senne5
Mr. Luis Reynoso `87
Class of 2001
Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic School
St. Mary’s Cathedral Council of Catholic Women
Mr. Charles Hayek `64
Ms. Janet Rosie
Dr. Alma MetcalfSanjur
General Caulking and Coa4ngs Company, Inc.
Mr. Thomas Romanik
Mr. Robert Longman `79
Mr. John Brickman `58
Mr. John Butler `02
Mrs. Francine Holland
Mr. David Gerrits `78
Honor Roll of Donors
Laureate Club $499$250
Mr. Richard Confessore `60
Mr. John Hicks
Mr. Rodrick Tavares `85
Mr. Michael O'Neil `72
Mr. John Hurtak `61
Mr. Michael McFadden
Mrs. Carol Griffin
Mr. Casey Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Formoso `70
Mr. Richard Adams `63
Mr. Bruce Orosz
Florida Catholic Conference
Mrs. Barbara Hevia
SAMFRA, Inc. The Conch House Heritage Inn
Ms. Cheree Gulley
Gomez Construc4on Company
Ms. Ramona Busot
Mr. William Murphy `79
Mrs. Kathleen Wilson `58
Zoological Society of Florida
Mrs. Diane Stead `70
Camillus House
Br. Anthony Cavet
Miami Shore Country Club
Ms. Karen Jordan
The Cushman School, Inc.
Ana Kenna
Tom's NFL
Isaacs Roofing
Mr. David Smith `78
Mr. Donald Kress
Mr. Tom Knieriem `79
Maria Beguiristain
Covenant House Florida, Inc.
The Rotary Club of Miami Shores
Chapman Partnership Inc.
Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden
The YWCA of Greater MiamiDade
Memorial Healthcare System
American Red Cross Ball Commi5ee
Mr. Thomas Longman `80
St. Patrick Parish School
Mr. David Pilger `55
Mr. Javier Hernandez `77
Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Beth Love `78
Ms. Theresa Bri5on `65
Con4nental Uniform Inc.
Joan Armstrong
Mr. Edward McCormick `59
Mr. Carl Cascio `81
Ms. Bertha Moro
Congrega4on of Chris4an Bros
Mrs. Joy Jackson `64
Mr. & Mrs. C. Ricardo Briz `72
Mr. David Gerhardt `77
Mrs. Kristen Hughes `70
Mr. Michael Zorovich `66
Ms. Catherine Hayek `88
Ms. Noreen Timoney
Mr. David Monaco
Mr. Edward Quinton `76
Mr. John Quirino
Mr. William Sergau4s `77
Mr. Richard Gonzalez
Mr. Michael Anifan4s `70
Ms. Jolinda Herring
Mr. Steven Buffone `76
John De Leon ’80, managing shareholder of the Law Offices of Chavez & De Leon, P.A. and President of
the American Civil Liber4es Union (ACLU), Greater Miami Chapter returns to his high school alma mater
to inspire students ohn De Leon ’80, managing shareholder of the Law Offices of Chavez & De Leon, P.A.
and President of the American Civil Liber4es Union (ACLU), Greater Miami Chapter returns to his high
school alma mater to inspire students.
Knights of Columbus
Mrs. Terry Duncombe
Mr. Jorge Soto `86
Mrs. Carol Griffin `61
Mrs. Eileen Mullen SanchezMedina `86
Century Club $249$100
Mr. John Dorschner
Mrs. Mary Caprano `67
Mr. George Oyarzun `76
Mrs. Angela Sco5
Mr. Eugene Yagle `54
Miss Maureen Miller
Mr. Roger Beguiristain `74
Mr. Jerome Bryda `63
Mr. Luis Rovegno
Mr. Gregory Lopez `83
Mr. Mariano Fernandez `57
Mr. William Randolph
Mr. Orlando Barreto `65
Mr. W. Holland `81
The Honey Tree
Dr. Victor Zaloom `62
Mr. Joseph Krupp `56
Mr. Ricky De La Guardia `83
Tavern in the Grove
Churchill's Pub
Mrs. Elaine Cunnane
Mrs. Patricia IntriagoMcCann `82
Mr. Jose Travieso
Mr. Leonard Marinello
Macaba Corp
Mr. Edward Peloquin `60
Mr. Cristobal Orran4a Jr. `09
CDR Phillip Novak `63
Ms. Maureen Blum `85
Warren Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Franklyn & Edith Whall
Mr. Edward Burns `60
Mr. Gennaro Chiocca `64
Mr. Carlos Barquin `67
Mr. Robert Do5erweich
Mrs. Francine Holland
Conch House
Dr. Antonio Lopez `66
Dr. Richard Arnell `72
Louise DePiro
Mr. John Barke5 `68
Mr. & Mrs. Reinaldo Andreu `71
Mrs. Irene Manning `56
Mrs. Sharon Walpole `83
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Quinn `59
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wronski `62
Mr. Lawrence Zigmont `61
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Zilioli `65
Ms. Erdina Francillon
Mrs. Mary Toomey
Mr. Nigel De Sales
Ms. Joanne Roberts `63
Mr. John de Leon `80
Ms. Rosa Salgado
Mr. Ronald Zabko `56
St. Agnes Academy
Mr. Douglas Rosie
Br. Kevin Griffith
Mrs. Stephanie Romanik `03
Mr. Michael Hannau
Mr. Jeffrey Draesel `65
Dr. John Powell `58
Imburgia Realty Inc.
Mrs. Anne Cormey `63
Ms. Lilliam Bez `67
Mr. Armando Perdomo `57
Mr. Patrick Brickman `75
Mr. John Owens `56
Mr. David Wessel `57
Mr. Ronald Mi5enzwei `56
Mrs. Elma Benjamin
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos & Lisa Morales
Mr. Thomas Tuell `69
Linda Bla5
Ms. Beverly Nixon
Children's Harbor
The South Florida Wildlife Center
Island Dolphin Care
Ransom Everglades School
McCarthy's Wildlife Sanctuary Inc.
Fine Arts Lamps
Ms. Fanny Diaz `75
Miami Country Day School, Inc.
Archbishop Curley Notre Dame
Parent Council
Mr. Kenneth Zorovich
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Doble
Mr. Billy Davis
Ms. Kathleen MorinVazquez `64
Ms. Darline Thorson
Mr. Theodore Koper `58
Mrs. Rosemary Parnell `65
Ms. Joan McElligolt `64
Mr. William Diamond `58
Ms. Charlene Bush
St. Mark Catholic School
Mr. Eugene Zorovich `64
Ms. Sharon Gingery
Ms. Jennifer Fleming `84
Mr. Theodore Mannelli `63
Mrs. Veronica Serra `66
Ms. Carol Stobs
Mr. Chris Pedersen
Mr. Tom Benton
Mrs. Francine Williams `86
Mrs. Patricia Williams `58
Mr. Richard Skelly `77
Mr. Guy Carbonneau `59
Mr. Robert Galt `71
Mr. Andrew Williams
Mr. Ramon Ramos `92
Randazzo’s Li5le Italy Restaurant
Mr. Kevin Hume
Mr. & Mrs. Julio A De La Cruz
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Ford
Mrs. Joan Secchia
COL Manuel Fuentes `70
Ms. Ann Burke `71
Ms. Mary Holewinski `59
Mr. Gerald Mehlich
Mr. & Mrs. Roxane & John Davies
Mr. Edward O'Donnell
Mrs. Helene Aguilar
Ms. Monica Metcalf `09
Mr. George Yao
Mrs. Rose Faulhaber
Patron Club $99$1
Ms. Doreen LeBoeuf `57
Mr. John Munson `80
Mr. Alexander Orr `80
Mr. Joseph Shikany `58
Sr. Denise Mollica `62
Priority Construc4on Management Inc
Ms. Joanie Derry
Mr. C. Collins `67
Mr. Jerome Charles `80
Mr. Robert Doyle `80
Mrs. Rita Hughes `61
Sister Joseph Marion
Mrs. Alicia & Michael Mangham
Mr. Robert Brown
Mrs. Patricia Riehm `54
Mrs. Jose5e Kippenhan `59
Mr. Warren Welters `74
Ms. Peggy Ryan`77
Mr. Peter Schmi5 `76
Mr. Celes4no Rodriguez `66
Mrs. Jennifer Geimer
Mr. Jesus Velasco `70
Mr. Hegel Laurent `03
Mrs. Selena Smith
Mr. Patrick Snay `62
Mrs. Marie Gerber `57
Mr. & Mrs. Ignacio Prado
Ms. Blaire Horner `03
Mrs. Patrice Dawson `79
Mrs. Catherine Wallace `65
Miami Beach Surf Club
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Zilioli `65
Mr. Douglas Romanik `84
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Doble `62
Mr. Gabino Cuevas
Mr. Stephen Smith
Mr. James Keys `71
Mrs. Rita Greenberg
Mr. Douglas Eberly
Dr. George Hanna `71
Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Fiatarone
Mr. Thomas Atkins `63
Mrs. Mary Capraro `67
Mr. & Mrs. Ma5hew Butler
Mr. Philip Ryan `97
Mr. & Mrs. Gareth & Alexia Ramos
Bow to Stern Maintenance, Inc.
Mr. Hegel Laurent `03
Greater Miami Shores Chamber of Commerce
Ms. Janis Sanders
Dr. Alicia HadidaHassan
Dr. Mark Gu5
Quirino Construc4on
Pizza Point, Inc.
Joe Blair Garden Supply, Inc.
Orion Herbs
Interna4onal Crane Founda4on
Ms. Judy O'Connor
Col Robert Figueroa 61
Mr. Arturo Salow `80
Football Sandwich Shops, Inc.
Mr. Ben Pumo
Giller Building & Gateway Centre
Ms. Joan Lu5on
Mr. Eugene Fitzpatrick `62
Miss Maria San Pellayo
Mr. William De Mauro `78
Mr. Jose Cas4llo
Rev. Daniel Kent
Mrs. Vivian Rodriguez `70
Mrs. Sonia O'Donnell `70
Mr. William Noel `88
Br. Thomas Pendergast
*While every a5empt has been made to
ensure the donor lists in this report
are complete, some mistakes are inevitable.
If your name was omi5ed or improperly listed,
please accept our apologies. If you have
detected an error, please no4fy the
Advancement office at 305.751.8367 ex. 28
Hall of Fame
Frederick Zorovich ‘58
Robyn Peterson ‘65
Kristen Buffone Hughes ‘70
Jon Batchelor ‘71
Beneby Doyle ‘77
James A. McCoy ‘82
Richard Jean ‘88
Special Award
Monsignor George W. Cummings
Dinner Chair
Swanee DiMare ‘65
Commi3ee Chair
Diane Stead `70
Zoe Doble `05
Katherine Doble Cannata ‘02
Lesia Hanson
Francine Holland
Jerome Hurtak ‘76
Tom Knieriem ‘77
Dr. Alma Sanjur Metcalf
Monica Metcalf ‘09
Gabriella Quirino
Douglas Romanik ‘84
Eileen SanchezMedina ‘86
Marc Stead ‘69
Carol Stobs
Silver Sponsor
The Buonicon4 Fund
Bronze Sponsors
William ’58 and Sandra Brickman
John Butler ‘02
Swanee DiMare ‘65
Anthony Zibelli ‘89
Vantares Inc.
Silent Auc2on Donors
Alissa Alfonso
Daniel Ballerini
Rita De Carvalho
Dr. Paul George ‘60
Francine Holland
Joy Jackson ‘64
Carl Just ‘81
Richard Keller ‘62
Dr. Alma Sanjur Metcalf
Dave Monaco
Thomas Romanik
Eileen SanchezMedina ‘86
Tom Sayler
Carol Stobs
Dorta & Ortega
Joe’s Stone Carb
Margaux Interiors
Morton’s Steak House
Navarro Pharmacy
One Hope
The Surf Club
University of Miami
Full Page Color
Archbishop Edward A. McCarthy
High School
The Buonicon4 Fund
Miami Jewish Health Systems
Warehouse Management Services
Terry Buonicon4
Jerome Hurtak ‘76
Patricia Bell
Swanee DiMare ‘65
Full Page
American Red Cross
Archdiocese of Miami: Office of Faith
Forma4on and Office of
Catholic Schools
Barry University
Catapult Learning, LLC
Miami Science Museum
Peterson Harley Davidson
St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church
and School
University of Miami
Verdeja & De Armas
The VIzcayans
Nancy Batchelor
Maria Beguiristan and Barbara Hevia
Marion ColasLaCombe, MD `95
Jack Brickman ‘58
William ’58 and Sandra Brickman
The Buffone Family
Teresa Bri5on `65, Patricia Devrishi
`65, Kathleen Hayek, Ted Mannelli
`63, Barbara Pickard `65, and
Veronica Serra `66
Swanee DiMare ‘65
Francine Holland and
SAMFRA, Inc./Conch House
Robert Longman `79
Robyn Peterson ‘65
Eugenio and Frances SevillaSacasa `74
Thomas J. Shannon, Jr `61
Penelope Stamps
Jennifer Valoppi
Frederick Zorovich ‘58
Half Page
American Red Cross Ball Commi5ee
Camillus House
Champan Partnership, Inc.
Covenant House Florida
Cushman School
Isaac Roofing
Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden
Florida Catholic Conference Inc.
Gerrits Construc4on Inc.
Gomez Construc4on
Knights of Columbus Marion Council
and Memorial Plan
Memorial Healthcare System
Miami Shores Country Club
Rotary Club
Security Alliance
St. Patrick Parish School
Tom’s NFL
United Property Management
and J. Milton & Associates
Vantares Inc.
YWCA Greater MiamiDade, Inc.
Zoological Society of Florida
Ramona Busot
Cheree Gulley
Karen Jordan
Christopher P. Kelley, PA ‘68
Tom Knieriem ‘77
Thomas Longman ‘80
Beverly Nixon
Sonia Escobio O’Donnell `70,
Vivian Donnell Rodriguez 70,
and Diane Stead ‘70
Barbara Pickard `65
Dr. Edgar Pierre ‘82
Mark Piper ‘76
Thomas Romanik
Janey Rosie
Eileen SanchezMedina ‘86
David `78 and Nancy Smith `82
Quarter Page
Archbishop Curley Notre Dame Prep
Parent Council
Children’s Harbor, Inc.
Fine Arts Lamps
Island Dolphin Care
McCarthy Wildlife Sanctuary
Miami Country Day
The South Florida Wildlife Fund
Ransom Everglades
Terry Duncombe
Dr. Alma Sanjur Metcalf
Edward Quinton `67
Ken Zorovich `96
Business Card
Alicia HadidaHassan, LCSW
Bow to Stern Maintenance, Inc.
Football Subs
Giller Building
Greater Miami Shores Chambers
of Commerce
Imburgia Realty, Inc.
Interna4onal Crane Founda4on
Joe Blair Garden Supply
Orion Herbs
Phil Ryan: Piano Technician
Pizza Point
Quirino Construc4on
Salow Architects
Dr. Jeffrey Draesel M.D., P.A.
Dr. Jeffrey Draesel Jr M.D.,P.A.
Jennifer Flemming
Mark I. Gu5, D.M.D., P.A.
Cyrus Jollive5e `64
Hegel Laurent, Esq. ‘03
Dr. Alma Sanjur Metcalf
Judy O’Connor Kretchmar
Janis E. Sanders
Horacio Aguirre
Helen AguirreFerre ‘75
Michael Alvarez
Br. Thomas Armstrong
Lourdes Barrenechea
Carolyn Batchelor
Chris Batchelor
Jon Batchelor ‘71
Nancy Batchelor
Dan Bell
Patricia Bell
Chris4ne Beneby
Doyle Beneby ‘77
Lillie Beneby
Tom Benton
Annamae Brice
Elizabeth Brickman
Guy Brickman ‘56
Jeannie Brickman
Jack Brickman ‘58
Sandra Brickman
William Brickman ‘58
Teresa Bri5on
Elena Briz ‘72
Ricardo Briz
Maria Buffone `72
Mary Ann Buffone
Peter Buffone
Stephen Buffone ‘76
Terry Buonicon4
Charlene Bush
Chris4ne Canton
Spero Canton
Guy Carboneau ‘59
Carl A. Cascio `81
Brenda Nestor Castellano
Robert Castellano
Albert Childress ‘73
Ki5y Childress
Christopher Cur4s
Jessica Cur4s
Rev. Brendan Dalton
Chris4ne de Berdouare
Br. James DePiro
Patricia Dervishi ‘65
Charles Diamond `55
William Diamond `58
Paul DiMare
Swanee DiMare ‘65
Zoe Doble `05
Dianne Doran
Constance Dowd
Terry Duncombe
Tiffani Eason
Karen Frank
Sr. Michelle Fernandez, SCTJM
Jose Ferre
Jennifer Flemming `84
Glorida Garcia
Lourdes Garcia
Raul Garcia
William Garcia
Jeff Geimer
Jennifer Geimer ‘90
David Gerhardt `77
Mary Gerhardt
Kathleen Gilmar4n
Sharon Gingery
Fernando Godimez
Br. Tim Granzo5o
Br. Kevin Griffith
Charles Hayek ‘64
Kelly Hayek ‘87
Tony Hayek
Kristen Buffone Hughes ‘70
M. Daniel Hughes Jr.
Donna Hurtak
Jerome Hurtak ‘76
Marshall Ho
Larry Hofmann ‘59
Linda Hofmann ‘85
Loraine Hofmann `83
Ramona Hofmann
Francine Holland
Sam Holland
Herta Holly
Sr. Maria Icaza, SCTJM
Joy Jackson ‘64
Tom Jackson
Mike Jarvis
Richard Jean ‘88
Tryphena Jean
Ginger Jochem
Karen Jordan
James Benny Joves
Dr. Sean Karin
Anna Kenna
Josephine Kenna
Pa5y Kennard
Fr. Daniel Kent
Theodore Koper ‘58
Donald Kress
Elizabeth Kress
Jack Letvinchuk
Robert Longman
Sue Longman
Holly Looby
Jack Looby
Joan Lu5on
Ted Mannelli ‘63
Tony Massaro
Edward J. McCormick `59
Sylvia McCormick
Anne McCoy
James McCoy
Jim McCoy ‘82
Kelly McCoy
Michael McDearmaid ‘59
Joan McElligo5 `64
David McNulty
Maureen McNulty `70
Gerald Mehlich `58
Linda Mennes
Marty Mennes ‘64
Dr. Alma Sanjur Metcalf
Michelle Metcalf ‘05
Monica Metcalf ‘09
Br. Patrick Sean Moffe5
Kevin Molina
David Monaco
Rosemarie MooreBanich `86
Joe Morano
Bertha Moro
Lourdes Moss
Ma5 Murphy ‘61
Fr. Patrick Murphy
Phil Nicholas
Cristobal Orran4a
Maureen Orran4a
Elena Or4z `74
Rosemary K. Parnell `65
Tom Pendergast
Maria Perez
Ana PerezAbreu
Robyn Peterson ‘65
Barbara Pickard `65
Brent Pickard
Dr. Edgar Pierre ‘82
Jean Pierre ‘87
Linda Pierre
Dr. Kim Pryzbylski
Norma Quintero
Gabriella Quirino
John Quirino
Anne Ryan
Phil Ryan `97
Jorge Rodriguez
Douglas Romanik ‘84
Thomas Romanik
Janey Rosie
Myra Ruffin
Eileen SanchezMedina ‘86
Archbishop George W. Sands
Shirley Sandusky
Mark Saxton
Sam Scarnecchia
Veronica Serra `66
Eugene SevillaSacasa
Frances SevillaSacasa `74
Bob Siccone
Nick Silverio ‘61
Judy Skehan
David Smith ‘78
Nancy Smith ‘82
Perla Soto ‘76
Tony Soto `80
Joi Strachan
Diane Stead ‘70
Marc Stead ‘69
Carol Stobs
Lynn Summers
Al Surprenant
Bre5 Thomas
Connie Thomas
Marcia Thomas
Debra Tick4n
Peter Tick4n
Noreen Timoney
Ada Truesdall ‘74
Lynn Valerius
Thomas Valerius `58
Jacqui Vari
S4tch Vari
Mary Weber `67
Michael Weber
Larry Wilson `58
Mary Windle
Stoney Windle
Carla Zorovich
Eugene Zorovich `64
Frederick Zorovich ‘58
Karen Zorovich
Kenny Zorovich `96
Michael Zorovich `66
Rick Zorovich
Welcome Hall Of Fame 2012 Inductees
On Friday, April 20th, Jon Batchelor ’71, James A. McCoy ’82, Kristen Buffone Hughes
’70, Frederick Zorovich ’58, Robyn Peterson ’65, Richard Jean ’88, and Doyle Beneby
’77 were inducted into ACND’s 2012 Hall of Fame held at the Surf Club in Miami Beach.
A special award was presented to Monsignor George W. Cummings, founding principal
of Archbishop Curley High School in 1953. The event was led by masters of ceremony
Spero Canton and Helen AguirreFerre ’75.
Jon is a Managing Partner at BBC Aircra%, LLC and serves as Trustee for the Batchelor
Founda4on, University of Miami, United Way and Greater Miami Avia4on Associa4on,
and the Interna4onal Society of Aircra% Transport Trading;
Jim is Mayor of Miami Shores Village, Managing Director of KW Commercial, and
Founder of CRE Miami;
Kristen is Principal of St. Andrew Catholic School, previously served as the Associate
Superintendent of Schools of the Archdiocese of Miami, and is ViceChair of the U.S.
Conference of Catholic Bishops Federal Assistance Advisory Commi5ee.
Freddy is a wellknown Land Developer and OwnerDeveloper of Industrial Commercial
Proper4es, and long4me member of the Ci4zens Board at the University of Miami;
Robyn Robyn is an Emmynominated actress and writer. Following a career as a model
for top designers walking Parisian runways, she concentrated on an ac4ng career.
Her most recent performance in Miami was a onewoman produc4on, “Catwalk
Confiden4al” that recently ran to cri4cal acclaim at the Adrienne Arsht Center follow
ing a successful run in London;
Richard currently serves as Principal of Archbishop Edward A. McCarthy High School in
Southwest Ranches, FL. He has also worked as Principal at St. Timothy and St. Francis
Xavier Catholic Schools, and Dean of Students at Archbishop Curley Notre Dame and
Archbishop Carroll High Schools;
Doyle is the Senior Vice President of Exelon Power, Pennsylvania. His civic involvement
includes: Board of Trustees for Lincoln University, member of the Na4onal Hydro
Associa4on CEO Council, Electric Power Research Ins4tute Research Advisory Council,
and American Associa4on of Blacks in Energy.
The Hall of Fame credits its success to the many people and organiza4ons who
contributed 4me, talent, and financial contribu4ons. A special thanks to members of
the Hall of Fame Commi3ee: Swanee DiMare ’65, Zoe Doble, Katherine Doble
Cannata ’02, Lesia Hanson, Francine Holland, Jerome Hurtak ’76, Tom Knieriem ’77,
Dr. Alma Sanjur Metcalf, Monica Metcalf ’09, Br. Patrick Sean Moffe3, CFC,
Gabriella Quirino, Douglas Romanik ‘84, Eileen Sanchez Medina ’86, Diane Stead ’70,
Marc Stead ’69, Carol Stobs, Mary Toomey, and Catherine Veinovic ’03.
To see more photos, visit www.acnd.net
Save the Date
2013 Hall of Fame – Saturday, March 23, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.
The Surf Club, Miami Beach
Alum Spotlight
We value your feedback. Send your sugges4ons via email, post a quick note on our Facebook page, or just give us a call.
Le5er from Jonathan McRoy ‘01
I would like to thank the Advancement Department
for all the work they have done in pu#ng together
the online Alumni Magazines. I enjoy reading them
and staying informed on what's happening in the
ACND community. I would like to make a sugges"on
for an upcoming magazine: is there a way ACND
can reach out to their Alumni who currently serve
in the Unites States Military  Ac"ve, Guard and
Reserve components  and include these members
in the magazines?
Some examples of informa"on to solicit from
Alumni Knights who have served and are s"ll
serving would include Opera"ons that they have
deployed in support of ways that have impacted
local communi"es worldwide.
If you are in the US Miliary and would like to let us
know where you are serving, please send an email
to [email protected].
Jonathan has been in the United States Air Force
since gradua4ng from ACND in 2001. He is currently
sta4oned in North Dakota and works as a Weapon
Systems Coordinator and Unit Vo4ng Assistance
Officer. He is deployed to Qatar and Kyrgyzstan in
support of opera4ons Iraqi Freedom, Enduring
Freedom, and joint task force at the Horn of Africa.
He is recipient of the Global War on Terror
Expedi4onary Medal, Na4onal Defense service medal,
and several outstanding unit awards. Since on
ac4ve duty, he has completed two Associate degrees,
a Bachelor of Science degree and a Master of
Science degree. He also holds the professional
creden4al of Cer4fied Manager from the Ins4tute of
Cer4fied Professional Managers at James Madison
I believe that alumni, who were first taught the
profound impact of service, through the example
of the outstanding faculty and staff at ACND, are
now leading the way in society by serving their
country and preserving the freedoms that we hold
dear. And, the maintenance of these freedoms
enables ACND to con"nue the outstanding work
of educa"ng young men and women.
Jonathan A. McRoy, SSgt, M.S., Class of 2001
United States Air Force
Weapon Systems Coordinator
Unit Vo4ng Assistance Officer
69th Maintenance Squadron
Grand Forks AFB ND
Alum Notes
Peter Dorschner ’07 gradu
ated summa cum laude on
April 30th with a Bachelors
of Science in Chemistry from
Florida Interna4onal Univer
sity. He was inducted into
FIU’s chapter of the Phi Beta
Kappa Honor Society and
has been accepted to and
is currently a5ending the
University of Florida’s Col
lege of Medicine
Kristen Buffone Hughes ’70
was appointed Principal of
St. Andrew Catholic School in
Coral Springs a%er serving as
Associate Superintendent of
Schools of the Archdiocese
of Miami.
Victoria Cuesta ’02 has been
accepted to Emory Univer
sity in Atlanta, GA where
she will complete an MBA.
She received a fellowship
that covers full tui4on
through the Consor4um for
Graduate Studies in Man
agement – an organiza4on
whose mission is to put
more minori4es into Busi
ness School.
In the Spring 2012 edi4on (page 3), the photo of Sister Lucy Cardet,
OSF NDA ‘59 was in fact the photo of Delores Can2fio NDA ‘59.
Please excuse the error.
Ben Temeyer ’04 and Lauren
Usher ’04 were married on May
19th. Ben is commencing his
third year as Civics teacher at
Miami Arts Charter School and
Lauren is in her second year of a
Doctoral program in Psychology
at the University of Miami.
Victoria Novinger ‘09 and Ar2e
Salow ‘09 are engaged to be
married in June, 2013. Victoria
is majoring in Psychology at the
University of Miami and plans to
pursue a Masters Degree in Pub
lic Health following her gradua
4on in May of 2013. Ar4e is
majoring in Exercise Physiology
at the University of Miami and
plans to pursue his medical de
gree a%er gradua4on also in
May, 2013.
Michael Royals ’71 passed away in May, 2012.
Robert Almeroth ’56 passed away
in February, 2012.
James Daniel “Dan” Nixon ‘ 58 passed away
in March, 2012 in Loganville, GA.
He is survived by his wife
of 22 years, Alice Nixon; sons, Chris and Mark
both of Coco Beach, FL; daughter
and soninlaw, Alexandra and Ben Lerner of
Smyrna, GA; and six grandchildren.
Rick Allen '70‘ passed away in July
Please send Alum Notes to [email protected]
Archbishop Curley Notre Dame
High School of the Archdiocese of Miami
4949 NE 2nd Avenue
Miami, Florida 33137
Archbishop Curley Notre Dame’s Heritage
Connecting the students of yesterday with the students of today.
Invest in the mission of ACND and share your gifts. Become a class captain, reach out to fellow alums and ask them to become involved.
Support ACND with gifts: donations, matching gifts, gifts in kind, stock or securities, property, retirement plan assets,
life insurance, bequests/wills, beneficiary designations, trusts and annuities.
For information, please contact Maria Kesti, Director of Advancement 305.751.8367 *28 [email protected]
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