Kurn Hattin Homes for Children PO Box 127 Westminster, Vermont


Kurn Hattin Homes for Children PO Box 127 Westminster, Vermont
Non Profit Org
Kurn Hattin Homes for Children
PO Box 127
Westminster, Vermont 05158
(802) 722-3336
Independent School Approval by the Vermont State Board of Education
Department for Children and Families, State of Vermont
The National Fellowship of Child Care Executives
Association of Fundraising Professionals
The Vermont Coalition of Residential Providers
Vermont Principals’ Association
Vermont Independent School Association
PHOTOGRAPHY: Kristie Lisai, Jeff Woodward, and the Kurn Hattin Archives
Printed on recycled paper
US Postage
Kurn Hattin Homes
for Children
When I was younger, I wasn't very
outgoing. I wasn't someone who
wanted to talk to people. I was more
quiet. I feel like people here let me
realize that I could be myself, that I
could be different from everyone else,
and I could develop my own character."
Hailey Bliven, '15
Compassion, nurturance, sense of worth,
perseverance, and hope. These are the 5 core
values of Kurn Hattin, collectively agreed upon by
members of all departments. They are now proudly
displayed on banners in Higbie Auditorium.
Just how does this transformation take hold? What synergy is in place that
creates the institutional rhythm? It may seem curious to say, but defining
this rhythm is elusive. Our founder, a poet and orator, a preacher, spun
sonnets, hymns, sermons and speeches. He allowed us to see through his
window to a way of life beyond imagining. He knew in his heart that the
values Kurn Hattin was founded on would be our anchor in any storm.
As I write my last Annual Report message after 27 years of service, I
can’t help but reflect on all I have experienced and learned. That my
life work would be at such a venerable home for children is a joy hard to
describe. Every moment of my career put the values of the organization
first. Whether it was in routine tasks, complex projects, philosophical
Connie Sanderson, Kurn Hattin Homes for
Children’s Executive Director, announced her
plans to retire after nearly three decades of
service. Connie will continue to serve Kurn Hattin
as a key fundraiser on a part-time basis.
endeavors, or one of many activities intended to promote the Homes
so more children could succeed, the core values: hope, compassion,
sense of worth, perseverance and nurturance informed every action and
decision. Though it was only recently that we specifically defined our
values, somehow we all knew they were the values we have lived by for
over a century.
To the generations of children yet to grace our doors, hold fast to your
sense of worth. You are a gift to the world. To the staff members and
volunteers of the future, you have it within you to change a life, no matter
what role you play at Kurn Hattin. Remember that, and give your utmost to
your work. In so doing, this place we call home will live on forever.
Connie Sanderson,
Executive Director
Each day, on a peaceful Vermont hillside overlooking the Connecticut
River Valley, for over 120 years, children and adults shared their hopes and
dreams for a better life. Boys and girls from all over the Northeast, needing
the nurturing and compassion provided by caring staff members, found a
sense of worth so profound it would allow them to persevere throughout
their lives. This magic happens every day at Kurn Hattin Homes for
Children. It happens because Kurn Hattin remains true to its mission to
transform lives.
VALUES to Live By
Are we relevant and do we make a real difference in the lives of children
and their families? These questions are essential to ask and answer. This
year Kurn Hattin experienced one of the largest graduating classes in its
history, twenty-six proud, confident young adults. Standing there one
and all of us felt the sense that good, productive, worthwhile work had
been done by all involved; parents, staff and children. Our Valedictorian,
Reggie Watson, shared his incredible riveting personal story of a troubled
and challenged youth who arrived at Kurn Hattin angry and resistant to
everyone and thing around him. He spoke eloquently about how over
a period of 12 short months his thinking, awareness and sense of worth
were transformed. Reggie credited three people, the late Tom Fahner,
teacher Tom Fontaine and his mother for all that they had done to help
him see and choose a different attitude, approach and path to his life. He
praised and thanked his mother for never giving up on him and forever
encouraging him to persevere in his life against whatever odds that he
might face. Each of these people made an indelible impact. This is one
of thousands of stories that help us answer the questions of Kurn Hattin’s
relevance and impact.
Compassion – Have compassion for yourself and others; it makes the
world a better place.
Sense of Worth – You matter, always be true to yourself, be courageous
and find, accept and live your passions without regret.
Kurn Hattin brings forth the best in all of us. We are a team that serves each
other in service to the children who are enrolled into our care.
This year was marked with many memorable moments and individual
contributions; however, we bring note to one in particular; the exceptional
leadership, commitment and service provided by Connie Sanderson. On
behalf of the Board of Trustees and your fellow teammates we extend our
gratitude and appreciation for all that you have done to shape, guide and
care for Kurn Hattin. We thank you for 27 fabulous years of service and your
indelible mark.
Kurn Hattin remains a vibrant, relevant and inspirational organization
in service to strengthening our communities through the children we
return to them.
Our core purpose, transforming the lives of children and families forever, is
guided by our core values:
Perseverance – Never give up, always give your best.
Nurturance – Take care of yourself; your body mind and spirit.
Hope – Hope will carry you through the hard times and beyond.
Kurn Hattin Homes for Children awarded the 2014
Charles Albert Dickinson Award to the Rite Aid
Foundation for outstanding contributions to the
health and welfare of children in need.
Charles P. Kelsey,
President of the Board
Chris Jordan, '15
THOMAS FAHNER, 1956-2015
Thomas Fahner, beloved Kurn Hattin Homes
Principal, educator, and administrator for over
26 years, passed away on January 6, 2015 after a
courageous ​battle with cancer. He assumed the
role of Director of Residential and Educational
Services in 1993​, a position he held for 2
​ 1 years.
I’ve gotten help, and this place has
added good things to my life to help
me cope. They listen to your side,
as well as other people’s sides. They
don’t jump right to conclusions,
and they’re fun to hang out with."
When I first came here, I
didn’t care and didn’t like
any adults, and just talked
back. Now I have more respect
for people and I’m not that kid
that people saw and thought
would get in trouble everyday.”
Takyia Squires, '15
The Vermont Historical Society celebrated the Month
of the Young Child at the Vermont History Museum
with the opening of Kurn Hattin Homes for Children’s
historical exhibit entitled A Legacy of Caring: Adapting
to the Changing Needs of Children and Families.
We all strive to live by these core values. Central among them is
recognizing the importance of serving and meeting the needs of our
benefactors. The development staff travels across the country visiting
donors and nurturing personal relationships while adhering to a policy of
fiscal responsibility worthy of your respect.
As key members of the Kurn Hattin family, you are intrinsically involved
in the children’s transformation process. Because of you, there is great
hope for the future. You can see and feel it in the perseverance and
heightened self-worth of the children you are helping. The nurturing and
compassionate care the children receive result in individuals capable of
being nurturing and compassionate themselves. The children grow to feel
hopeful and eager for what the future holds. This all happens as a result
of your support.
Volunteers read books to the children, help with
academics, lend a hand in the horsemanship and
music programs, share their knowledge about
farming and maple sugaring, chaperone choir and
band field trips, attend sports events, and offer
friendship and support to the children.
We aspire to assure that everyone supporting Kurn Hattin is made to feel
respected, and thereby inspired to join Kurn Hattin in its mission. All gifts
are meaningful. There is no gift too small, no matter how modest. We are
all purposely here for the children and their continued success, helping
them to build strong character and values that will carry them through
life. By staying true to our core values, we build the children’s confidence,
facilitating their growth and teaching them to be respectful citizens. Each
of us and all of our constituent communities garner the benefits of Kurn
Hattin’s continued success.
Kim Fine,
Director of Development & Public Relations
When Kurn Hattin Homes for Children established its mission in 1894
to transform the lives of children and their families, the programs and
philanthropy reflected certain principles which we continue to honor and
preserve today. Our Core Values—Hope, Perseverance, Sense of Worth,
Nurturance and Compassion—represent who we are and the culture
of Kurn Hattin. We are proud of who we are, what we do, and who we
serve. Each donor, family, volunteer, and staff member is essential to Kurn
Hattin’s success.
HONORING What We Value
You are always welcome here at
the homes. It doesnt matter if
you are here for two months, or
six years. You can always come
back and visit if you want to.”
Maia Brow, '15
The Kurn Hattin Select Choir traveled to the Vermont
State House in Montpelier for a special honor. The
children were invited to attend Governor Peter
Shumlin’s inauguration and perform the Vermont State
Song, “These Green Mountains” which, according to
the governor, they “knocked out of the park.”
Madison Ramos, '15
In celebration of national Red Ribbon Week,
students and staff welcomed speakers and
participated in workshops and exercises regarding
healthy life choices, which included anti-bullying,
drug and alcohol use, and safety.
If you hit a speed bump, push
through it, it will flatten out. It’s
going to help you in the long run.
You might hit another speed
bump in your life, and you’ll
remember what you learned at
Kurn Hattin and can use it.”
I am pleased to report that the fiscal year ending
June 30, 2015 was very successful with respect to
the operations of Kurn Hattin. Revenue was strong
exceeding budget goals, and departments kept
spending below budget. As a consequence the use
of unrestricted investments to support operations
was well below what was anticipated, and below
Fiscal 2014 levels.
The endowment did not fare so well in Fiscal
2015 posting a -1% investment return for the year
compared to a positive return of 18.5% in Fiscal
2014. As of June 30, 2015 the endowment value,
net of allocations to support the operating budget,
stands at $49.1 million.
As the chart on the opposite page indicates, 92.2%
of the funding support for the residential and
educational programs is through charitable sources
of revenue. The support from annual giving, trusts,
bequests and the endowment are all important
elements of this funding. As noted in the chart
endowment investment income and allocations
amount to 52.3% of the total source of income for
Kurn Hattin compared to 58.3% in Fiscal 2014.
There were a number of infrastructure
improvements in Fiscal 2015 including new steps
leading to the Mayo Memorial Center, road repairs,
improvements to water and sewer drainage, and
a new roof on Parent Cottage. Business system
upgrades include new web-based financial,
fundraising, and HR systems, and replacement
of the 7-year-old computer servers. Due to the
generosity of donors, we were able to purchase
a 72-passenger bus and a new Smartboard for
the music room.
As we transition to new leadership next year, our
core values will insure the continuity of the caring
culture at Kurn Hattin. I would like to thank Connie
Sanderson for her relentless attention to the
financial wellbeing of Kurn Hattin over the years
and look forward to working with the new Executive
Director to continue in this direction.
Stephen Fitch,
Financial Manager
Sources of INCOME
The theme of the annual report this year is our
core values. Generally people do not think of
the financial operations or IT support in terms
of these values. In fact, these very much are the
filters through which we operate. Not-for-profit
financial management and IT support operate
in a limited resource environment collaborating
essentially with staff who do not come from a
business or tech background. Consequently to
be effective in working as a team, we need to
nurture our relationships to show respect for the
staff we support and what they do to further Kurn
Hattin’s mission; share their compassion in serving
the children; persevere with building a common
understanding of Kurn Hattin’s financial condition
and challenges; and always exhibit hope for Kurn
Hattin’s potential to be financially sustainable for
generations to come.
Income from Outside Trusts
Support from Parents
and Guardians
Contributors, Direct Appeal
& Charitable Gift Annuity
Investment Income
Investment Allocation
Depreciation of Capital/Assets
ANNUAL REPORT from the Financial Manager
Day Student Tuition
Other Income*
Development and
Public Relations**
Administration, Human
Resources and Finance
Residential, Education,
Counseling and Childcare
Bequests and Additions to Endowment
Year Ended June 30, 2015
With much gratitude, the Trustees of New England Kurn Hattin Homes
publish the following list of funds which have been received during the
past fiscal year, July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015.
$ 2,178,999 40.0%
Susan Allen Estate
668,950 12.3%
John Barry Memorial Fund
Contributions, Direct Appeal & Charitable Gift Annuity 1,646,858 30.2%
Alice Farrand Estate
18,247 Lucy Stone Higgins Estate 23,183 Investment Allocation
Investment Income
Income from Outside Trusts
533,850 9.8%
Other Income*
218,942 4.0%
Support from Parents and Guardians
75,898 Day Student Tuition
129,172 Total
Residential, Education, Counseling and Childcare
Willard & Elizabeth Hale Estate
691,000 1.4%
Patricia Kelsey Estate
Fred Matteson Memorial Fund
409,302 2.4%
Robert Owens, Jr. Memorial Fund
$ 5,452,669 100.0%
Ryan Ostebo Estate
Administration, Human Resources and Finance
460,620 8.4%
Development and Public Relations**
485,258 8.9%
Depreciation of Capital/Assets
420,000 7.7%
$ 5,452,669 100.0%
Hattie Sherwood Trust 374,137
Lawrence Thomas
1,152,922 550,398
Grand Total
Natalie Wheeler Estate
$ 4,086,791 Total
Total June 30, 2015
A cumulative listing of bequests and other additions to endowment funds
received over the years is available upon request from the Kurn Hattin
Development Office, P.O. Box 127, Westminster, Vermont 05158.
* O ther Income includes the lunch program, meal reimbursement, rents,
farm products and gain on sale of assets.
**Includes marketing awareness campaign.
Financial Disclosure:
The purpose of the Financial Annual Report is to inform the public and contributors of the financial position of the organization and to acknowledge and recognize the support of our Trustees and
Contributors. Our Financial Statements were examined by the firm of Oster & Wheeler of Keene, NH, a certified public accounting firm. Audits are conducted annually in accordance with generally
accepted auditing standards and include an assessment of accounting principles used as well as an evaluation of our financial procedures, controls and presentations. Copies of the audited statements are
available upon request at the Kurn Hattin office in Westminster, VT. The audited statements may reflect different classifications than presented above and will reflect investment unrealized gains or losses.
Financial Report
Westminster Club
$15,000 and up
In the hills of this small,
southern Vermont town the
steady purpose of caring for
young children continues to
thrive. Estate of Charlotte L. Hoover
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Hubbard
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin H. Owens
John & Nancy Sinclair
Mr. Lawrence Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. John Alan Watson
Mr. (’48)* & Mrs. Ronald M. Williams
Mattie Harvey Club
Mattie, a neglected young
girl from the woods of Maine,
inspired Kurn Hattin’s founder
to embark on a lifelong path
to improve the lives of New
England’s boys and girls.
Mr. Charles P. Kelsey
New Hampshire Charitable
Foundation/Ira S. & Gertrude S.
Hubbard Memorial Foundation
People’s United
Community Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. James Robertson
Talcott-Gran Charitable Trust
The Keelan Family Foundation
Mrs. Priscilla M. Watson**
John & Bette Zimmermann
W.I. Mayo Club
Eleanor Ward Club
Mrs. Joyce H. Miller
Beloved Staff Member from
1938-1980 (Girls’ Campus
Supervisor 1960-1980).
Richard T. Nash (’42)*
Ms. Signa L. Read
Durand Toyota Ford, Bellows Falls, VT
Mr. (’58)* & Mrs. Frederick Easton, II
Bethel Mills Incorporated, Bethel, VT
Robert F. Cooper Family
Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Wendell Farnham
Jean L. Black
Robin Colson Memorial Foundation
Col. & Mrs. Nelson B. Bond
Rotary Club of Bellows Falls,
Bellows Falls, VT
First Universalist Society of Hartland,
Hartland Four Corners, VT
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Carrier
Bob Fowler & Mary Habig
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Frye
Alan Gray, Inc. Helen Elizabeth Cook
Jim & Kay Stack
Mr. & Mrs. David D. Gaffey
The Bay & Paul Foundations
Pat & Heidi Crotty
Theodore & Norma Thomas, Jr.
Mr. Richard B. Gassett
Bryant Chucking Grinder Foundation
Leslie Ann Dickinson-Morris
& Ken Morris
United Technologies Charity Trust
James Gay & Maria Carreno
Bill & Jan Wesson
Mr. Theodore Goddard
Estate of Susan W. Allan
Mrs. Shane Goldman (’52)*
Mr. Edward Frenette
Whitney-Blake Company,
Bellows Falls, VT
Cogswell Benevolent Trust
Charles & Mary Fuqua
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Wilmott
Eleanor Goldthwait
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Wilson
Nancy Hamblet & Mark Lightner
Connecticut River Valley Charities,
Inc., Bellows Falls, VT
Mr. Richard Woodhull &
Ms. Deborah Tumey
Mr. Michael Ceppi
Cigna Health and Life
Insurance Company Chroma Technology Corporation,
Bellows Falls, VT Mr. Stephen W. Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Gallagher
Jacob & Laura Holzscheiter
Mr. & Mrs. William Gray
Mr. Will Hurd, Jr. Mrs. Janet Piro Lide
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church,
Williston, VT
Mr. John Cooper Hubbard
Nancy Fitz-Rapalje
Mrs. Jane Skofield
The Director of Kurn Hattin
Homes from 1927-1963.
Mrs. Ermalea Frisbie
Father Lance W. Harlow
Dayton & Dianne Duncan
Mr. David Schaefer
The Rite Aid Foundation
Ms. Geraldine Golet
Donatic, San Diego, CA
Mrs. Diana Lupien Belcher-Bacon
Mrs. Hilary Hatch
John & Winifred McDowell Follett
Mr. Timothy A. Cunningham
Mr. (’51)* & Mrs. Walter J. Peterson
Fletcher D. Proctor Trust Clayton F. & Ruth L.
Hawkridge Foundation
Ms. Kathleen D. Cooke
Mr. (’48)* & Mrs. Paul Avery
Barbara Matteson
Mr. & Mrs. William Baldasaro
Ms. Sharon E. Owens-Avey
Mr. Shaun P. Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan W. Pearson, Jr.
Mr. Bill Fenn
Native son of Westminster,
Vermont and the founder of
Kurn Hattin Homes.
Mr. & Mrs. Scott H. Owens
Mr. & Mrs. James Bridgeo
Bill & Margot Abbott
Mrs. Mary Fenn
Garvin & Nancy Moore, Jr.
Brattleboro Rotary Club,
Brattleboro, VT
Green Mountain Insurance Company,
Inc., Concord, NH
Reverend Charles
Dickinson Club
Mr. (’61)* & Mrs. Walter B. Menzel
The M.A.D.D.Y. Fund
Ms. Carol Matzke
Mr. (’38)* & Mrs. Norman K. Morong
National Society of
New England Women
Selection Unlimited,
South Burlington, VT
Mr. Donald R. Inglis (’41)*
IPG Employee Benefits,
Springfield, VT
Jay R. Monroe Memorial Foundation
John G. Burk & Associates
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Klempner
Kenneth & Martha Severens
Mr. Rich Lewis, III
Merton J. & Ida Snow
Charlotte Lewis-Hankus &
Julian Hankus
William & Caroline Warren
Eliza Sessions Club
$500 to $999
Patricia & David Hallam
Mr. Alexander Haslam
Pat & Huc Hauser
Elizabeth & Mike Henry
Mr. Edward Hinch
Terry & Marya Holcombe
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Houghton
Via train, trolley, stage
and foot, she visited New
England villages asking on
behalf of the children. Her
work generated legacies
and endowments that are
a substantial part of Kurn
Hattin’s financial structure.
Mr. James M. Howe & Carol A. Hill
Marine Corps League, Rutland, VT
Mr. Henry Bader
Ms. Joy E. Ingham
Ms. Jeanne Jensen
Ms. Sibyl Kirby
Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius M. Lewis
Mr. Randy Logsdon (’69)*
Mrs. Louise Luring
Mr. Joel Maiola Mr. (’73)* & Mrs. Jerry L. Bardwell
Mascoma Savings Bank,
White River Junction, VT
Mr. James A. Lynch
Ms. Colleen C. Barrett
José (’64)* & Eloise Mendez
Anthony & Elizabeth Maiola
Ben & Jerry’s Foundation Modern Woodmen of America
#10244, Wells, VT Miss Marilyn E. Moore
Ms. Trudy Abbott
Mr. & Mrs. J. Steven Hayes
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Melanie Atkin
William W. Nash &
Michelle P. DuPont Nash
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Aimi
Mary Hepburn
Mr. Byron M. Roscoe
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Rounds
Cindy Bacigalupo Randy Hicks Machine Company,
Walpole, NH Mark G. Auerbach/Mark G. Auerbach
Public Relations
Mr. & Mrs. J. Cheston M. Newbold
The Aloha Foundation
Billie & Frank Holcombe
Ms. Margaret B. Shiverick
Mr. (’44)* & Mrs. James Barschdorf
Dr. J. Clyde Johnson
Ms. Candace Beardsley &
John E. Fothergill
Joy Wah Restaurant, Bellows Falls, VT
Mr. Gary Karnedy
Rocky Mountain Combined
Federal Campaign Mr. & Mrs. William Berry
Kasper & Associates, PLLC
Ms. Rachel Rose
Mrs. Elaine Morrison Bowen
Mrs. Anne Keppler
Mr. Lloyd Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. King
Bryant Management Co.,
Friendswood, TX
Kiwanis Club of Claremont,
Claremont, NH Stanley (’48)* & Jackie Burrows
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Koch
Mr. Daniel Bush
Ms. Jane Landenberger
Stanley & Shirley Byczkowski
Mr. David Liebtag
Mr. (’49)* & Mrs. Richard G. Clayton
Mr. Randy MacDonald
Mr. (’49)* & Mrs. Roger E. Clayton
Miss Lindsay Mack
Mrs. Frank J. Prindl
Real Power, Inc., Rindge, NH
Ruth Trowbridge Brown Charitable
Trust/Stephen Brown Connie Sanderson**
Savings Bank of Walpole,
Walpole, NH Mr. & Mrs. William J. Scarlett, III
Ms. Brenda L. Seitz
Mr. Alfred D. Sines &
Ms. Annie B. Bradley
Mr. William Clifford
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Mackey
Sovernet Communications,
Bellows Falls, VT Michael & Jane Collier
Mrs. Jackie LaDue Mallory (’54)*
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Coolbeth
St. James Thrift Shop, Keene, NH
Mrs. Judith Curless
Manchester Lions Club,
Manchester Center, VT
Mr. (’51)* Peter T. Stavrou
D. R. Miller Agency, Inc.,
Bennington, VT Mrs. Carole McClure
Streeter, L.L.C, Westminster, VT
Mr. William McCormack
TD Bank, N.A., Portland, ME
Mr. Martin M. Dau
Mr. R. Scott McCreary
Mrs. Andrea Scott Trout
Mrs. Patricia E. Dawley
The Merck Foundation
Scott & Sara Troxell
Miss Ruth L. DeMone
Mr. & Mrs. Harry F. Meyer, Jr.
Miriam C. & W. David Van Scoter
Paul & Ann Marie Ferry
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Miller
Ms. Trudy Walker
Alison Fillmore-Parker & Paul Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander F. Morze
Mrs. Judy Wallace
Kim Fine** & John Keppler
Al & Sally Motzer
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Waxman
First Choice Communications, Inc.,
Brattleboro, VT Newport Rotary Club, Newport, NH
Mrs. Claire White
First Congregational Church,
Manchester, VT Mr. (’52)* & Mrs. Carl B. Williams
Lt. Col. (Ret.) (’55)* &
Mrs. Timothy M. Flynn
Margaret Duncan
GE Foundation Mary Gyori & Butch Cersosimo
Houseparent 1928-1951.
“Every one of those boys had
a good part in him and that’s
what I looked for; that’s what
I remember now.”
Wayne & Jean Harlow
Ms. Elizabeth M. Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Harrison
William & Diane Harting
Mr. William Hartley (’58)*
Northern New England Combined
Federal Campaign, Portsmouth, NH
Ms. Marian O’Connor &
Ms. Rita Lynch
Mr. Andrew Ochalek
Omaha Home for Boys, Omaha, NE
Mr. (’39)* & Mrs. Joseph Piro
Mr. Edward R. Potter
Ms. Frances Ellen Sample
Mrs. Sandra F. Smith
Ms. Carolyn L. Avery
John & Elisabeth Babbitt
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bacon
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Ulfelder, Jr.
Ms. Lucy K. Baldwin
United Way of Greater Portland,
Portland, ME Mr. H. Valentine Barnes
Price Chopper’s Golub Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Bagalio
Mr.** & Mrs. Christopher W. Barry
Mr. Kenneth J. Varall
Steve & Valerie Barry
The Vermont Country Store, VT
Real & Carol Bazin
David & Jeanne Waldren
Luke & Diane Bazin
Dr. William H. Warren, Jr.
Bellows Falls Woman’s Club,
Bellows Falls, VT Mr. & Mrs. Nelson W. Smith
Dr. & Mrs. James Smith
Christine Takacs
Ms. Penny Teodorczyk
Ms. Margaret Watson
Mrs. Ardith Wharry
Ms. Patricia White
Mrs. Alan Williams***
Woodward Photography, Guilford, VT
Ms. Mimi Baird
Ms. Evelie Bakken Mrs. Elizabeth Baldarelli
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Berkley
Ms. Miriam R. Bierman
The Birch Family Mr. Peter Black
Michael Blau
Ms. Irene Blanchard
Falana Lisa Bloch
Each friend’s gift is an
important part of the
whole. From childhoods
remembered, they invest in
childhoods being lived.
Mr. Thomas W. Bodine
Ms. Esther Agnew
Mr. & Mrs. David Allbee
Mrs. Ellen Allman
Alpha Chapter #53 O.E.S.,
Bellows Falls, VT Mr. Bruce Potter
American Legion Auxiliary #7,
Hardwick, VT Mr. Ronald J. Rajewski
Stephen & Joan Ames
Shelley Richardson
Stephen & Ellen Ankuda
Mrs. F. Fuller Ripley
Mr. Joseph Ashley (’54)*
Stephen F. Black (’53)*
Charles & Bonnie Zonko
Mr. John W. Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Balch
Bluegrass Colony, NSNEW #156, KY
Ms. Barbara A. Bodine
Ms. Corky Bond
Karlie A. Borst
Hollie Bowen & Mr. Paul Love
Ms. Cornelia Boyle
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Brackett
Reverend Ruth M. Brandon
Janice Bristol
Mr. (’60)* & Mrs. Richard Brown
Ms. Patricia Budnick Ms. Faith Buell (’57)*
Bullets Baseball Academy,
Toms River, NJ Dr. & Mrs. Robert G. Bullock
Duane Burbank (’61)* &
An asterisk (*) denotes alumnus/alumna. A double asterisk (**) denotes an honorary alumnus/alumna. A triple asterisk (***) denotes spouse of a deceased alumnus/alumna.
Every effort has been made to ensure that the donor list is complete and accurate. Regrettably, errors or omissions can occur and the Development Office appreciates all items for correction.
Mr. (’41)* & Mrs. Stephen Piro
Larry A. Charrier Ms. Patricia Delligatti
Sonja Fullam
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jones
Ms. Betty Lovern
Bill & Sandy Burton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Deverill
Eugene & Linda Gaffey
Dick & Sue Kaplan
Ms. Mary-Jane Bush
Ms. Barbara Diamond
Mr. Joseph Gallagher
Lucas Industries,
North Springfield, VT
Tim Butterworth & Kay Kloppenburg
Richard & Carol Dion
Mrs. Ginny Callahan
Thomas & Linda Doane
Mr. John Burwell Garvey & Cotton
Mather Cleveland
Keene Association of School
Principals & Supervisors, Keene, NH
Mr. Elisha Edward Camp
Rick & Charlene Donohoe
Joan & Sean Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas MacLeay
Mr. (’70)* & Mrs. William Gay
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Kelley
Stan Mahan
Ms. Janice Doolittle
Mark Gaydos & Katherine Keppler
Ms. Diane S. Kelly
Mr. James T. Malley
Captain Jedediah Hyde Chapter
D.A.R., East Berkshire, VT
Dorothy Gilman Chapter #88 O.E.S.,
Brandon, VT
Mr. George Gerecke
Mrs. Priscilla Kennedy
Mrs. Mildred Maloskie
Mr. (’50)* & Mrs. Louis Gilbert
Henry & Polly Kidder
Ms. Beverly A. Manner
Ms. Jane Carbonneau
Dorothy M. Clifford Space Coast
Colony, NSNEW #177, FL Mr. William A. Gilbert (’35)* Marilyn & Ollie Kimball
Ms. Clara A. Manor
Mark & Bonnie Kimball
Mr. Michael Marano
Cersosimo Lumber Company,
Brattleboro, VT Mr. & Mrs. (’49)* Edward Doyle
Lillian Goss
Taylor & Connor Grant-Knight
Kenneth & Carol King
Mrs. Ruby Marcotte
Joe & Barbara Chabot
John C. Duff, O.D.
Ms. Kathleen A. Greenough
Mr. Tim King
Ms. Alice S. Marks
Ms. Carol Chamberlin
Ms. Susan Reis Dugan
Mr. Robert Greenwood
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Kinley
Mr. William Marshall
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Choukas, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Dunbar
Mr. Christopher Hackett
Frances G. Knibb & Sidney M. Wolf
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Martin
Claremont Masonic Lunch Bunch,
Claremont, NH Robert Dunbar & Orly Munzing
Ann Hadley
Mr. Matthew Kondrath
Mr. & Mrs. David Marvin
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Haggerty
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Korcheck
Elliot & Barbara Matteson
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Clark
Ms. Margaret R. Durling
Lee & Susan Harrington
Ms. Madeleine Kunin
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Maysilles
Mrs. Joan V. H. Harris
Kurn Hattin Alumni Association
Mr. & Mrs. Robert McArdle
Mr. (’62)* & Mrs. Mike Hastings
Ms. Betsy R. Kuster
John & Kay McCrillis
Mr. William Hays/The Artist’s Loft
Ms. Nicole LaDue
Mr. & Mrs. J. David McCrillis
Mr. Mike Hendricks
Mr. Bernard LaDue
Mrs. Deborah F. McGrath
Mrs. Dayton M. Henson
Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. Lamson
Ms. Mabella Mendez (’63)*
Joyce M. Henson, Ph.D.
Mr. Bill Landwehr
Michael & Lorraine Messitt
Ms. Penny Hill Mr. & Mrs. Robert Langevin
Gini Milkey
Mr. & Mrs. Warner Hodgdon
Karen Lansberry Mr. (’56)* & Mrs. Curtis Hodgkins
Megan Lansberry Miller Construction Company,
Windsor, VT Mr. James Hodgkins (’59)*
LaValley Building Supply,
Newport, NH
Ms. Helene A. Minugh
Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Lawrence
Mr. Maxwell Money
Mr. & Mrs. John William Leach
Mrs. Nancy J. Moore
Mrs. Joseph A. LeClair, Jr.
Jeffrey & Eva (’70)* Morel
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Lengyel
Mrs. Jean Morland
Mr. & Mrs. James Lernihan
The Morrison Family Mrs. Shereen Letz
Dave (’62)* & Susan Morse
Ms. Elizabeth G. Lewis
Douglas & Sheila Morse
Mr. Richard G. Licence (’48)*
Sue Murray
Mr. & Mrs. William Lindsay
My Tribute Gift Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Brent T. Lisai
Ms. Clover L. Nally
William & Anne-Marie Litchfield
National Society Children of the
American Colonists, McLean, VA
Mrs. Herbert Carrara
Dr. Jacqueline Lyon
Leroy & Patricia Keith
Travis Clark
Jane B. Clarke
Mr. Robert H. Cleary (’36)*
Ms. Julie Cogliano
Mr. & Mrs. Burton J. Cohen
Linda Colarusso-Van Alstyne
Colby-Sawyer College,
New London, NH Conneman & Associates, Barre, VT
Mr. Robert S. Conway, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Cota
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Cross
Ms. Elisabeth S. Cross
Mrs. Blanche Curfman
Mr. & Mrs. Linwood Curtis
Mr. Jeff Danziger & Kim Gale
Dartmouth Printing Company,
Hanover, NH Daughters of Isabella, Ava Maria
Circle #128, Brattleboro, VT
Lori Dreher & Robert Pasterczyk
Ms. Bobbie Durfee
Ms. Cynthia Durling
Ms. Doris Dustin
Doris & Herb Eddy
Mr. Patrick Eddy
Mr. Stephen W. Ensign
Mr. Maurice Eustace
Donna Fahner Ms. Joan Fariel
Stanley & Shirley Farrar
Leonard E. Farrar
Ms. Sally Swift Fay
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Feltus
William J. Fennessey
First Congregational Church of
Westminster, Westminster, VT
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Fitch
Mr. Brian Fitzgerald
Mr. & Mrs. William Fletcher
Food Supply, Inc., Daytona Beach, FL
Ms. Elizabeth-Ann Ford
Mrs. Rosemarie H. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fowler
Ted & Susan Day
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Fox
Ms. Char Delabar
Mr. Donald Friedman
Ms. Karen Frowein
Jennifer Holan
Mr. Howard W. Hollis (’55)*
Mr. Jeff Horn
Ms. Sue Hunt
Thomas & Corinna Hussey
Charlie & Mary Ann Incandela
Rob & Mariet Jaarsma
Mr. Carl B. Jacobs
George & Linda Jeffrey
Peter & Jeanne Jeffries
Mr. & Mrs. Peter N. Johnson
Larry & Lynn Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Woodhull Jones
Mrs. Charlotte R. Jones (’54)*
The Loose-Knit Group, West Dover
Congregational Church,
West Dover, VT
Ms. Joyce Slayton Mitchell
Mrs. Emily M. Newcomb
George & Laurelyn Niebuhr, Jr.
Northeast Utilities Foundation
Ms. Sandy Plimpton Nowell
Ms. Gail D. Nugent
Walpole Senior Citizens, Walpole, NH
Mrs. Bernard Prunier
Ms. Jean E. Smart (’64)*
Mrs. Helen P. Ward (’53)*
Susie & Walter Smith
Mr. Robert Warren
Ms. Megan Smith
Charles & Janice Waterman
Springfield Orthodontics,
Springfield, VT Ms. Virginia Watson
Ms. Elouise J. Andrews
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church,
White River Junction, VT
Mr. Stephen W. Webster
Wendell Veterinary Clinic,
Sunapee, NH
Ellen W. Archambault
Thomas & Maria Ashe
Mr. Thomas Wetmore
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Austin
Mr. Ronald Wheeler (’49)*
Mr. Vincent Aveni
Ms. Mary B. White
Mr. (’50)* & Mrs. Robert Avery
Joan Willey
Ms. Priscilla Jenne Babcock (’35)*
Mr. Paul T. Williams
Mrs. Nancy Bacon
Ms. Stacey Williams
Robert & Holly Bahan, II
Mrs. Janet S. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. David Baldasaro
Ms. Eva Wilson
Dr. Marilyn F. Balmer
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Wind
Ms. Flora S. Barber
Windsor Lodge of Elks #1665,
Windsor, VT Mr. (’44)* & Mrs. William Barschdorf
Women’s Fellowship West Lebanon
Congregational Church,
West Lebanon, NH
Mrs. Delores Bateman
Mr. James J. Quinn (’65)*
John & Sandra Race
Ms. Elizabeth R. Redington
Mr. Paul O’Connell
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond O’Connor
William & Marlene O’Connor
Mrs. Walter Oldendorph
Ms. Joyce M. Ordinetz
Mrs. Nancy Osgood (’41)*
Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Church,
Jericho, VT
Ms. Laura D. Page
Mr. (’45)* & Mrs. Richard Parker
Deborah Parsons
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Payne
Stephen & Darlene Pecor
Ms. Suzanne Peltier
Mrs. Marjorie D. Reid
Ms. Theresa Reilly
J. Hayes & Sandra Stagner
Christine & Robert Riccio
Mr. William Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. Dominic M. Riccio
Ms. Carol Stevenson
Mrs. Marilyn B. Richardson
Mr. John W. Stickney
Mrs. Patricia Roberts*** &
Mr. Jay M. Roberts Peter & Patty Stickney
Marilyn Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Bertil Stromberg
Mrs. Leah Robinson
Ms. Jean S. Robinson
George & Kate Ross
Mr. & Mrs. J. Ruthven Ryan
Mr. Brad Peterson
John & June Sabey
Mrs. Joseph E. Pexa
Anne Peyton, CPF, CFRE/Yellow Brick
Road Consulting
Timothy & Mary Kay Pfadenhauer
Mr. Stephen L. Pike, USNR-Ret.
Mr. Anthony Pio Costa, IV
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Piotrowski
Ms. Kathy A. Piro
Ms. Mary Sabulsky
James & Arla Sampsell
Mr. Gary Sanson
Mr. & Mrs. William Savage
Jaimie Scanlon
Mr. William J. Scarlett, IV
Ms. Ute Schmidt
Dr. & Mrs. John Schullinger
Ms. Jane Piro
Ms. Carol Patterson Schwenk
Donna Pizzagalli
Mr. Donald Plamondon (’57)* &
Janine Graves
Clint Plante
Mrs. Nancy Scott
Seaside Country Store Incorporated,
Fenwick Island, DE
Roberta Seavey & Eleanor Seavey
Daniel & Lisa Plummer
Felicia Sevene (’82)* & Alex Kent
Dean & Lucille Porter
Melissa & Irwin Post
Albert & Patricia Potter
Ms. Doris Pratt
Shaftsbury United Methodist
Women’s Group, Shaftsbury, VT
Ms. Kate Sherwood
Mrs. Robert C. Shoemaker
Mr. John M. Pratt
Mrs. Ernest Pratt, Jr. (’57)*
Mr. & Mrs. David Stacy
Mr. Burton Reynolds &
Ms. Patti Reynolds
Alexander & Patricia Rowe
Janice J. Perry
Mr. Andreas Prindl Jeffrey Shumlin & Evelyn Lovett
Real to Reel Video, Walpole, NH
Gail & Tom Nunziata
American Legion Auxiliary Unit #15,
Wilmington, VT
Prosper Homemakers Club,
Ms. Nancy Noonan
Deborah Shumlin
George & Kitty Shumlin
Geri & Merv Stevens
Sara Stine
Ms. Susan Struble
Janice Sussebach
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Switzer
Jennifer Tallman
Gwynna Taylor
Wally & Sherry B. Amidon
Mrs. Phyllis Anderson
Ms. Kit Andrews
Kathy & Robert Barshied
Braden Baxter
David & Susan Taylor
Women’s Fellowship of Christ’s
Church, Saxtons River, VT Suzanne Bazin
Eric & Cecelia Tazelaar
Delight Woodhull
Mr. John P. Tazelaar
Ms. Lois Beardwood
Mr. Norman K. Wright
Dr. Gerald Theberge
Mr. & Mrs. William Beaulieu
Alice Geneva Yantis (’69)*
Ms. Anna Tilton (’69)*
Mr. & Mrs. Chester Bejtlich, III
Ms. Carol A. Young
Linda & Edward Tober
Mr. Paul P. Benequista
Mrs. Lori A. Young-Barlow
Elisabeth Tobey
Mr. & Mrs. John Bentley
Mr. & Mrs. Zimon Zachos
Ms. Catherine Bergmann
Jim & Peggy Tucker
William & Kris Tyson
Ms. Anne Van Twisk
Up to $99
Ms. Mary S. Van Zandt
Dominique & Peter Veitch
Vermont State Society D.A.R.,
Rutland, VT Dedicated supporters of the
Kurn Hattin mission.
Harold & Barbara Beam
Dr. Jeffrey & Mrs. Lisa Bianconi
Mr. William G. Bickel
Carolyn Blake-Deyo (’54)* &
Bob Deyo
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Blount
Reverend & Mrs. Ernest Bodenweber
Vernon Seniors, Vernon, VT
Mr. Thomas Boggs & Peggy Brown
Mrs. Eugene B. Ackerman
Mr. Ned W. Very
Mrs. Harriet Boone
Ms. Doris Adami
Ms. Joan Vincent
Ms. Mary Jane Bosworth
Mrs. Snowden Ager
The Virginia Company Colony,
NSNEW #143, VA Ms. Alice J. Bowen
Kathleen Allen
Doug Brackett
Ms. Diane Alvine
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Bradley
Amazon Smile Foundation
Mr. Max Brand
Mrs. Loyola Vuolo Mr. (’43)* & Mrs. Wilbur W. Walker
Ronald & Rose Noble
Brattleboro A.A.R.P. #763,
Brattleboro, VT Ms. Barbara Comtois
Mr. David K. Dimmock
Ms. Joslin Kimball Frank
Mr. Thomas Brayer
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Concato
Rhonda & Brad Dinwiddie
Mrs. Olive Franzi
Joseph & Hilda Conn
Mrs. Douglas Dion
Ms. Olive H. Frost
Gary & Debbie Briggs
Connecticut Valley Orchard,
Westminster Station, VT
Mr. Harrison Doane
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Frymire
Daniel G. Brophy
Mrs. Dorothy Conner
James & Sarah Donnelly
Jerome & Nancy Galloway
Ms. Eileen Brown
Mrs. Marcia Connolly (’58)*
Suzanne Doucette & James B. Ryder
Ms. Karen Galloway
Ms. Diana L. Brown
Ms. Ethel E. Connors
Ms. Nancy Duffin
Ms. Joan Gates
David & Anne Brown
Virginia Cook
Nancy R. Duffy
Cheryl Gawron
Richard & Leslie Brugone
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Copans
Mrs. Patricia J. Dupree
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Geist
Ben & Jeanne Brumaghim
Mrs. William Corbo
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Durborow
Mr. & Mrs. Scott K. Gentes
Ms. Carol Bryant
David & Joanne Corey
Mrs. Barbara Dyer
Ms. Nellie C. Germaine
Mrs. Anne G. Bugbee
Mr. & Mrs. James Cormier
Mrs. Barbara Eaton
Mr. Gary A. Gilman (’51)*
Jennifer & Shawn Burke
Ms. Nancy A. County
Ms. Abigail M. Edson
Mr. Armand B. Giroux
Ms. Shaylyn Burke
Lawrence & Mary Couture
Elizabeth & Keith Edwards
Mrs. Frank A. Gline, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Butland
Walter E. Cramer & Mary B. Greene
Thomas Ehrenberg & Jean Giddings
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Gochey
Candace Caggiano
Mr. & Mrs. Robin Crossan
Ms. Susan Eiseman
Lawrence & May Good
Ms. Sarah Cahill
Faith Crowe Mr. & Mrs. Roy Eldridge, Sr.
Edith & Joseph Good
Mr. Nelson Calkins, Jr.
Crystal Rebekah Lodge #14,
O.O.O.F., North Walpole, NH
Ms. Martha Elliott
Ms. Mary D. Goodell
Ms. Virginia Enola
Mrs. Jacky Goodrich (’44)*
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Erkson
Mr. Elliot Gooley
Mr. Wesley J. Esser, Jr.
Ms. Irene Gordon
Mr. Thomas E. Evans
Eleanor Goulette
Ms. Patricia O. Everts
Robert Goulette & Kathleen Leahy
Ms. Janet Fabricius
Ms. Ann M. Gray
Ms. Carol Failla
Ms. Nancy B. Gray
Ms. Cathryn Falgione
Green Street School, Brattleboro, VT
Ms. Irene Fariss
Ms. Barbara Greenough
Teddy & Nelson Farr
Mr. & Mrs. Loran L. Greenslet
Ms. Eleanor W. Farr
Mrs. Mary Griswold
Ms. Charlotte Farraher
Ms. Marlyn Grossman
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Faulkner
James & Colleen Grout
Mr. Thomas Faxon (’49)*
Raymond & Wilsene Grout
John & Susan Fenniman
Ms. Sandra Grover Mrs. Ethel Virginia Ferguson
Denyse Guariglia
Ms. Roberta J. Ferguson
Mr. Terry Gulick
Ferrisburg Grange #539,
North Ferrisburgh, VT
Mr. (’47)* & Mrs. Kenneth Gunnerson
Mr. Abbott C. Fisher
Robert & Patricia Haas
Ernest L. Breault, Sr.
Mr. William J. Callahan
Peter Callas & Karen Nepveu
Sharon & Rocco Caprarello
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Cunningham
Mrs. Ernest Cunningham
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Carey
Ed & Marguerite Curtiss
Carl M. Dessaint VFW, Post #1034,
North Brattleboro, VT
Mrs. Amber Cutler
Lois D’Arcangelo
Robert & Marguerite Caron
Mr. & Mrs. William Dailey
Mrs. Priscilla Carpenter
Darrel & Marion Daley
Michael & Marie Carpenter
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Daly
Ms. Katrina L. Carreau
Chris Danforth
Josephine Cervino & Vicki Henn
Peter Danforth
Mrs. Connie Chamberlin
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Daniels
Ms. Jean A. Cheer
Mr. William J. Danilich
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cheslock
Ms. Patricia S. Davis
Betty & Michael Christiansen
Dan & Mary Davis
Ms. Frances Church
Mrs. Lillian De Giacomo
Circle 1, Pownal, VT Ms. Doris Dearborn
Trevor Clark
Ms. Tamara S. DeBono
Carl & Anne Clement
Beverly DeCamp
Patti Cody
Mrs. Harline D. Dennison
Debbie Greco Cohen
Bruce & Rhoda Devarney
Charles & Lorna Cole
Mrs. Evangeline Dexter
Colebrook Elementary School,
Colebrook, NH Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. DiClerico, Jr.
Mr. Kenneth Flagg
Mrs. Raymond F. Fleck
Tom Fontaine
Mr. Stanley Foss
Ms. Pauline Halfpenny
Leonard & Beverly Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hallett
Ms. Wendy Hammernik
Terry Harding
Timothy & Mary Ann Harms
John & Sheri Harrigan
Ms. Rose Haselton
Mrs. George W. Hay
Mrs. Jennie M. Hayes
Mrs. Sophia W. Healy
Mr. Robert A. Hebert
Geordie & Suzanne Heller
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Henderson
Mrs. Miriam Herwig
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Hewitt
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Hewitt
Ms. Patricia Hickcox
Keene High School, Keene, NH
Ms. Jean Highter
Mr. John Highter
Mindy & Skip Hill
Mrs. Rita Hinds
Ms. Sally Wood Hlavay
Mr. Marshall P. Hoke
Mr. Henry Homeyer
Ms. Kathryn W. Hook
Dr. John Perry Hooker
Mr. Theodore E. Haapala
Ms. Esther Hafey
Charles & Margot Hakes
Judy Halberg
Halestown Grange No. 287,
Weare, NH Hope Grange #15, Hadley, MA
Mrs. Anne W. Howard
Mary Howden
Ms. Carol Howe Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hughes
Mr. Luke A. Humphrey, Sr.
William & Linda Hurley
John & Jane Hurley
Mrs. Margaret U. Hutchins
Dr. Timothy Johnson
Mrs. Carl A. Johnson
David & Andrea Johnson
Ms. Joan M. Johnson
Larry & Miriam Lanata
Mr. Abraham McAllister
Mr. Thomas North
Poultney Women’s Club, Poultney, VT
Mrs. Martha Turner Johnstone
Ms. Ruth Lane
Dr. & Mrs. Craig F. McBeth
Reverend Emily Preston
Mr. Phil Jones
Ms. Jennifer Eksund Lannholm
Ms. Patty McCormick
North Orange Grange #86,
Orange, MA Ms. Barbara Jones
Al & Jeannie Laramie
Ms. Linda McCullock
Mr. Burton A. Nowers
Ms. Donna Prisby
Mr. & Mrs. Malcom Jones, Jr.
Leo (’43)* & Helen Lawrence
Mr. & Mrs. Robert McDonald
Mrs. James D. Jones, Jr.
Thomas Leach
Mrs. Lillian Brown McMullen (’46)*
Mrs. Rochelle F. Jordan
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore LeBlanc
Ms. Brooke Meadows
JustGive, San Francisco, CA
Ms. Kristin Lehmann
Steve & Adina Mele
Steve & Stephanie Kaebnick
Ms. Grace Leonard
Ms. Irene Michaud
Ms. Laura Kalagher
Ms. Elayne P. Leonelli
Kathleen Michel
Mrs. Beverly Birch Karamberis
Ms. Denise C. Lesperance
Ms. Lori Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kartschoke
Yngveig K. Lewis & Sara Kenyan
Dick & Lori Miller
Mrs. Joyce E. Kaulback
Kristie Lisai
Ms. Lorraine C. Miller
Mrs. Joan L. Keech
Father Joseph A. Lively
Ms. Ila Mitchell
Ms. Jane F. Keegan
Richard Long
Mrs. Mary E. Moiles
Mrs. Lloyd A. Kelley, Jr.
Ms. Kathleen Long
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Moore
Ms. Anna M. Kelly
Mr. Rory Longe
Jeanne Moore
Keith & Hope Kennedy
Ms. Janice Loring
Ms. Judith Morton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kenney
Ms. Dorothy Deh Lovett
Mrs. Ted R. Morton, Jr.
Baskets Paperback Palace Bookstore,
Brattleboro, VT John & Sandra Kenyon
Loyal Order of Moose, Springfield
Lodge No. 679, Springfield, VT
Connie Moser
Ms. Nancy Parker
Ms. Francine Luft
Elan Moses
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Parnigoni
Mr. & Mrs. William Murphy
Mr. Neal Parr
Calvin & Julie Anne Murphy
Mrs. Clyde Parsons
Ms. Suzanne Murray
Mrs. Judy Patno
Ms. Susan E. Murray
Mrs. Rebecca Pedigo
Ms. Viola Myers
Terry & Jeannette Perkins
Bill Nally & Gail Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Philip M. Perlah
Mr. & Mrs. W. H. Namack
Lucas Perry (’07)*
Lisa Jennifer Nash & Richard Romano
Ms. Lydia Perry
Warren W. & Mary T. Peschl
Mr. Pete Keppler
Sue Kessler
Mrs. Edith Kimball
Brad & Pam King
Mary King & Shirley A. Keech
Miss Jane S. Kirk
Mrs. Linda A. Kivela
Mrs. Jacqueline Klose
Mrs. Rita Lungarini
Lyman Hall Colony, NSNEW #161, SC
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Geoffrey Lyon
John & Joan MacAllister
Ms. Barbara J. MacDonald
Ms. Lauren Mack & Mrs. Susan Mack
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth B. MacLaughlin
Mr. David Knight
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas MacPhee
Knights of Columbus, St. Charles
Council, Bellows Falls, VT
Mr. Gregory Macri, Jr.
Nature Club of Saxtons River,
Saxtons River, VT Ms. M L Magrath
Ms. Carol S. Nelson
Raymond & Marlene Kramer
Ms. Betty Jean Mahoney
Mrs. Marsha Neubert
Jodi Kramer
Edmund & Margaret Maloney
Ms. Susan Krebs
Megan Manley
Newbury Women’s Fellowship,
Newbury, VT Jim & Jann Kurrasch
Ms. Danielle Marier
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred La Rosa
Ms. Caitlin Martin
Ms. Diane LaClair
Mr. & Mrs. David Marx, Sr.
Mrs. Margery Ladd
Ms. Annice Mason
Ladies Auxiliary Post #1034,
North Brattleboro, VT
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Matulis
Mr. & Mrs. James Lake
Ms. Karen Mayer
Eddie & Mimi Maxfield
Kenneth & June Nicholson
Guy & Janet Nido, Jr.
Mrs. Irene Nightingale-Nettler
Mrs. Rhonda L. Nolan (’77)*
Harriet & Frederick Norris
Ms. Linda Norris
Mrs. Doris Norskey
Mr. Richard & Carol O’Connor
Ms. Mary F. O’Neil
Mr. Michael J. Obuchowski
Maria & Seward Ogden
Mrs. John Ohler
Mrs. Harriet Oman
Richard & Beth Orlan
Hank & Bette Otto, Jr.
Our Lady of Fatima Church,
Wilmington, VT Dr. & Mrs. Raymond E. Owen
Tom & Victoria Oxholm
John & Susan Peters
Mrs. Marny Chester Peterson
Deborah Phillips
Mr. Edson S. Pierce
Pierce-Lawton American Legion,
Auxiliary Post #37, Bellows Falls, VT
Mr. (’43)* & Mrs. Clyde Prouty
Robert Pu
Nancy Purbeck
Ms. Katherine Quackenbush
Mrs. Marion S. Ramsdell***
Ms. Carole Reale
Stephanie Redmond
Lynne Reed
Mrs. Mildred Reich
Dr. & Mrs. Chester Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Marc J. Reynolds
Rhoda Farrand Chapter D.A.R.,
Middlebury, VT Mr. Robert Rhodes
Mr. Darrell Rhodes
Mrs. Caroline Ricard**
Mrs. Leslie Richards
Ms. Katelyn Ritchie
Mr. & Mrs. William Roberts
Robin Rolli
Barbara Rourke
Mrs. Alice Ruggieri
Mr. & Mrs. James Rumrill
Karen & Stan Rumrill
Mrs. Lucille Ryan
Ruth Salter
Mrs. Cornelia Sanderson
Mr. & Mrs. Kennith Sartorelli
Ms. Joan Casson Sauer
Ms. Harriet B. Saville
Mrs. Louise Schmitt
Mr. Brett P. Schoff
Ms. Thelma J. Pilloni
Jamie Schoffman
Ms. Kathleen Pirruccello
Ms. Kristin Schubert
Mrs. Melanie K. Platte
Mrs. Margaret Schultz
Ms. Helen E. Pleisch
Wanda Schumann
Poultney United Methodist Church of
Women, Poultney, VT Lael Schwabe
Mrs. Mary G. Scoville (’48)*
Ms. Dale O’Brien
Mrs. Patricia Kenyon
Ms. Margaret O’Brien
Ms. Claire K. Prettitore
David & Naomi Seaward
Ms. Patricia J. Vartigian
Dale & Bonita Woodward
Chester Rotary Club, Chester, VT
Ms. Patricia O. Everts
Mr. & Mrs. William Semonite
Vermont Seasons Catering,
Brattleboro, VT Mrs. Elsie Woolam
Cota & Cota Incorporated,
Bellows Falls, VT
Leonard E. Farrar
Vettes In Perfection Corvette Club,
Schenectady, NY Robert & Joan A. Wright
Dave & Terrie Dumaine/The Mellos
Retreat Center
Fletcher D. Proctor Trust
Mrs. Louise Seward
Ms. Dale Shaughnessy
Mr. & Mrs. David Shaw
Dr. & Mrs. Charles P. Shaw, D.V.M.
Ms. Roxanne Shelton
VFW Robert L. Johnson, Post 771,
Springfield, VT
Norman Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Wurtsbaugh
Donna M. Yerden &
Sonya D. Digirolamo
Leonard E. Farrar
Ms. Marlyn Grossman
Mr. (’49)* & Mrs. Gregory Smith
VFW #7823 Ladies Auxiliary,
Middlebury, VT
Dr. & Mrs. David Smith
James & Robin Vincent
Ms. Carey Zdanowicz
Smith Insurance Agency, Rutland, VT
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Violette
Ms. Symantha F. Zeimet
Mr. Stephen V. Space
Volunteer Colony, NSNEW, TN
Ms. Carol Zurlo
Springfield Elks Lodge #1560,
Springfield, VT
Ms. Trema L. Voytek
Ms. Theresa Zuverino
Tim Mollica/Christmas Trees of
Vermont, Springfield, VT
St. Charles Parish, Bellows Falls, VT
Millard & Joan Waite
Motion Incorporated, Rocky Hill, CT
Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. St. Hilaire
Michael & Cheryl Walker
Ms. Janet Stark
Rosina Wallace
Alumni Giving
Forward Fund
Ms. Pamela Wagner
Ms. Alice E. Young
Special gifts from alumni
for projects they choose
to support. This year, gifts
supported a new school bus.
Mrs. Pat Steuer
Mr. Arthur Walsh
Donna Stevens
Mrs. Karen Walter
Ms. Beth Stickney
Ms. Marie Ward
Reverend & Mrs. James Stirling
Mr. & Mrs. Jerold L. Weiss
Ms. Judy Stockwell
Wells River Congregational Church,
U.C.C., Wells River, VT
Mr. (’73)* & Mrs. Jerry L. Bardwell
West Newbury Women’s Fellowship,
West Newbury, VT Mr. (’58)* & Mrs. Frederick Easton, II
Westminster Auto, Westminster, VT
Mr. Bernard LaDue (’54)*
Mr. & Mrs. Ellis Wheatley
Mr. Randy Logsdon (’69)*
Donnie & Bonnie Wheatley
Mrs. Jackie LaDue Mallory (’54)*
Mrs. Philip H. Suter
Mrs. Ruth Whitaker
Ms. Linda Norris
Mr. & Mrs. Neale Sweetman
Mrs. Thomas Whitehead
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Swierczynski
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Whitworth
Frederick & Frances Szmit
Ms. Virginia Dale Wick
Ms. Doris M. Tazelaar
Martha Ives Williams
Mary B. & Peter Thomas
Ms. Marie Williams
Ms. Priscilla A. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wilmott
Mr. Richard Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Wilson, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Tortolani
Windham County Retired Teachers
Association, Brattleboro, VT
Mr. Gordon M. Stone John T. & Suzanne Stoodley
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas G. Stotz
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Strange
Sunshine Club at C.E.D.,
Charlestown, NH
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph E. Towers
Brooke Triplett & Phil Massaro
Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Truso
Mrs. Joan Turner
Two Rivers Colony, NSNEW #33, IA
United Methodist Women of
Brattleboro, Brattleboro, VT
Ms. Jenny Kalanz
Keewaydin Foundation, Salisbury, VT
Megan Lansberry
Alexander & Julia Merriman
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond O’Connor
Kurt & Debbie Olsen
Oster & Wheeler, P.C., Keene, NH
Project Linus, Townshend, VT
Primmer Piper Eggleston & Cramer,
PC, Burlington, VT
Mr. Richard B. Gassett
Nancy Hamblet & Mark Lightner
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Harrison
Mary Howden
Kiwanis Club of Claremont,
Claremont, NH
Ms. Betsy R. Kuster
Megan Lansberry
Mr. & Mrs. William Lindsay
Mr. Randy Logsdon (’69)*
Anthony & Elizabeth Maiola
Edmund & Margaret Maloney
Mr. R. Scott McCreary
The Virginia Company Colony,
NSNEW #143, VA
Lynne Reed
Wishes Do Come
True Fund
Seaside Country Store Incorporated,
Fenwick Island, DE
The Keelan Family Foundation
Ms. Anna Tilton (’69)*
Donors Who Provided
Support For Wish List Items:
Mrs. Priscilla M. Watson**
Mr. (’73)* & Mrs. Jerry L. Bardwell
Mr. & Mrs. (’49)* Edward Doyle
Elizabeth & Mike Henry
Mr.** & Mrs. Christopher W. Barry
Clayton F. & Ruth L.
Hawkridge Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Wissel
Gifts in kind given throughout
the year enable Kurn Hattin
to meet daily needs. Donors
who gave goods and services
over $500:
Ms. Janice E. Wojcik
The Aloha Foundation
Mrs. William J. Wood, Jr.
Sonja Fullam
Ms. Lorraine C. Miller
Ms. Lois Beardwood
Mrs. Lillian Wood
Bob Fowler & Mary Habig
Salmon & Nostrand/George
Nostrand, Bellows Falls, VT
Gifts in Kind
Women’s Fellowship of the United
Church, Bellows Falls, VT
William J. Fennessey
Kathy & Robert Barshied
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Bianconi
Ms. Colleen Carleton
David & Anne Brown
Cogswell Benevolent Trust
Linda Colarusso-Van Alstyne
Conneman & Associates, Inc.,
Barre, VT
Virginia Cook
Walter E. Cramer & Mary B. Greene
Ms. Elisabeth S. Cross
Estate of Charlotte L. Hoover
Dave (’62)* & Susan Morse
Robin Colson Memorial Foundation
Mrs. Pat Steuer
Donna Stevens
Ms. Priscilla A. Thomas
Linda & Edward Tober
Executive Committee
John A. Hubbard
Charles P. Kelsey
Retirement Community
David J. Maysilles*
Roberta Woodhull Violette
Gary Carrier
Vice President
Retired Executive
Elizabeth Woodhull Maiola
Secretary of the Corporation
and Member at Large
Anthony C. Adlerbert
Jerry L. Bardwell*
EMS Consultant/ Manager
Diane Bazin
Golf Course Manager/Owner
Gordon Bristol
Construction Management
Patrick Crotty
Real Estate Professional
James Lynch, Senior Vice
President/Commercial Lending
Philip Perlah
Retired Executive
William J. Scarlett, IV
Guidance Counselor
Malcolm Streeter
Roberta Woodhull Violette
Retired Food Retailer
Janet Wilson
Treasurer/Retired Executive
Greg Worden
Business Owner
James Lynch
Walpole, NH
Jerry L. Bardwell*
Middleboro, MA
Elizabeth Woodhull Maiola Robert Tortolani, MD
Newport, NH
Brattleboro, VT
Diane Bazin
Westminster, VT
Rick Manson
Brattleboro, VT
Roberta Woodhull Violette
New London, NH
Michael Blau
Hudson, NH
Bruce Martin
Walpole, NH
Joan Woodhull Willey
Newport, NH
Gordon Bristol
Williamsville, VT
Barbara Matteson
Chatham, MA
Ronald M. Williams*
Madison, CT
Scott Bundy
Boxborough, MA
Walter B. Menzel*
Tiburon, CA
Janet Wilson
Walpole, NH
Philip Caliendo
Plymouth, MA
Corey Mitchell
Marysville, WA
Greg Worden
Brattleboro, VT
Gary Carrier
Brattleboro, VT
Marilyn E. Moore
Peabody, MA
Frances Cheslock
Bellows Falls, VT
Rhonda L. Nolan*
Danbury, CT
Paul Clough
Westminster Station, VT
George W. Nostrand
Bellows Falls, VT
Patrick Crotty
Walpole, NH
Michael J. Obuchowski
Montpelier, VT
Stephen R. Fitch, M.A.
Financial Manager
Ruth L. DeMone
Peabody, MA
Philip Perlah
Chester, VT
Susan Kessler, M.Ed.
Director of Admissions
Bill Fenn
Windsor, VT
Leslie Richards,
Chesterfield, MO
Justin Fuller*
Putney, VT
James Robertson
Keene, NH
Christopher Hackett
Westminster, VT
Connie Sanderson**
Westminster, VT
John A. Hubbard
Walpole, NH
William Scarlett, IV
Saxtons River, VT
Lyssa Jackson*
Gansevoort, NY
Sheldon Scott
Walpole, NH
Charles P. Kelsey
Deerfield, NH
Elaine Sinclair
Londonderry, NH
Jon Korpela
Goffstown, NH
Merton Snow
Shaftsbury, VT
Michelle Laurendeau
Bellows Falls, VT
Malcolm Streeter
Westminster, VT
Marilyn E. Moore
President, Peabody, MA
Ruth L. DeMone
Clerk, Peabody, MA
Stephen E. Baker
Ralph N. Buck
Paul Clough
George L. Kelley*
George W. Nostrand
Michael J. Obuchowski
Edward R. Potter
William Semonite
Theodore Thomas, Jr.
Trudy Walker
Priscilla Mayo Watson**
William S. Abbott
Keene, NH
Robert Sinclair
Treasurer, Londonderry, NH
William S. Abbott,
Vice President, Chairman
Retired Financial Manager
Christopher Hackett
Member at Large
Vice President/Commercial
Connie Sanderson**, CFRE
Executive Director
Kathleen Allen, M.A.
Lead Counselor
Eileen Brown, RN
Director of Health Services
Kim Fine**, M.A., CFRE
Director of Development &
Public Relations
Karen Lansberry, M.S.
Director of Residential
Noah Noyes, M.Ed.
School Principal
Dominique Veitch,
Director of Human Resources
Vernon Temple
Saxtons River, VT
C. Anthony Adlerbert
Luke Bazin
Elaine Morrison Bowen
Thomas Dowling
Mary Fenn
Nancy Purbeck
Ida Snow
An asterisk (*) denotes alumnus/alumna. A double asterisk (**) denotes honorary alumnus/alumna.