1968 - Brentwood High School Alumni Association
1968 - Brentwood High School Alumni Association
Sue Anderson Edilor-in-Cl|ic/ Z5 Them is :he rpirix uhm backs ri nam no victory. if if-‘y ‘_ Nunq' Sorgenfrei ‘f‘ Asxisiunl Evfilor SPIRIT The theme of the 1968 Eagle is “Spirir"_ The \ first ching \haK comes xo mind is ihe excitement of spon> and the support of :he leams. However. spirit rneans much more. ye 1 r rfnl nf .n.~,,urrg~rn»-nr in li-inning. fl;-’> i Cindy Locklnr Photographer 2 There is the spirit of academic achieve. ment. There in the spirin of being with others, Dolores Kemp T; Assistant Editor Don_na Gilbert Assxslanl lo the Assis1an!Edilor5 OF BHS Spirit is involved in many channels of school life. This yearbook hopes to preserve a lillle of that .4 feeling of pride and the spirit that leads to suc een. TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 Foreword . .......... . _ . . . . 2-3 Dedication . . . . . Administration . . . Faculty There is the _pirix of seeking an in i \idual goal, Once: Aelinuee Spam cm. s§$§\§'11'.Q1fQQ Hman Index There ll | npeeinl lvinlvllllh-lends omhov h§.:»»?~f, T Barb Sandhagen Ph olugmpller Sk ll d xeam effort: led In a llf d year of undefeated iootblll i s thmu h puc ice HPI dhd h The 1968 Eagle ls Dedicated With Pride To The BHS Football Teams #_ l ¢"} t" A ", `\ /_A T »"4\' ¢ i,,f_ I t 'A #igl ‘5 '. _'=T» 's IA _ '/uv* I ,I 15, i ffP ,f Because of nheir excellent reeord, :he Eagles received much pubne acclaim. The BHS fm sweated through the season with the te am. BRENTWOOD EAGLES we are proud of You for the fame you have earned for yourselves and for your school, by completing three undefeated seasons. BHS’s football teams have compiled 27 victories. the longest winning streak in the area. This year the Eagles were crowned Missouri Class M champions, To list all accomplish ments and statistics of the past seasons would be impossible. There is another story behind the statistics. What made a small school like BHS able to do what other schools can’t do? It could he the skill of individual players. However, one or eleven players can’t win unless they work as a team. Through team work and school spirit they just couldn’t lose. Team mt-mhers were .mol ted -s\.:‘. as-li\ities in <'lu~s .\< mil ,v»\1ux. iw, .,.~ ». ov ‘jg w\N :AA N\N _,VW \~ t ial23`§;'r ,» 5 School Board Provides Leadership 1 Q? Mr. Robert J. Savage Secretary \lr< KI,¢r;;.m-l C. Herminghaus /' Y vszlle/rl Dr. Richard J. W. Koopman Vice-President Qjéffg , + F" -Q’ i-n* Mr. Roy D. Cleveland Director Treanuer Director Mr. Anthony C. Hrastich Dr. Victor Jones Superintendent And Staff Lead The Way To Better ,av-/_ Schools l\lr. Rowland A, Bell -f\ _é ~v\ »-3 Z \l ‘\l ML H_ M_ _[ummDDr. Ernest Purkcy Bwiness Manager redor of Guidance | 7 Administrators Help Guide Student Affairs "il Mr. Huber! E. Filley Principa Z My Nfd Wifks Donald Coordinator Schaeffer A5~‘""“’“ P'"'UP“lMr. Curriculum Staff Members Aid School Growth Mrs, Lucille James Senclary In Urs, Ym-por Mrs. Frances Yaeger Cafeteria Director V _ V' l\lr>. Joel Killian Srrzclar) In lhf' (`1»1111\vI<vn Z vi' ~ i 1/ >,_ la ,_ f _ ` Mrs. Katherine Niemeyer Secrelnry Io Mr, Schae/fer Mn. Amy Ruhland Secretary to Mr. Filley Mrs. Louise Caslleberry Secrelnry la Mr. Wicks 9 gn" ,~,- wr The Faculty If >1 Mrs, Carmelila Alexander \lr=. Fnlbn.\l»bo1t H.S.Ed., Arkansas Suu: Univ. H,~_ 1/,~».,,,~.,L,n;_ Enrrkn coufge. Combination 7. \1u<l\ »¥¢é\ Mr. Donald Anderson Blu., sf. Lani; lnuflm of M-nic, _u,M.. Washington Univ. Cancer! Band, Cadet Band, Director of Music Sponsor: Drill Team, Tri-M, March ing Band, and Pep Band. \l|~. \4»x|na llnlmlwin /4 ~ /1,/J \l_<r _ \l.-1, llirsuuri Univ Mr, Jerome Burgoyn e BS., vW,S., CMSC. English III, IV, sponwn Svninr cms. Cross Coun (ry, and Track. Mr. Harold Becker H,S.,Ed., .\li.rsouri Univ. spmh s, Public spmkang, Ma,».»u~ rf ! 4 ri History, ILS. Gnvemmem, and Drnnralirn, Sponsor: Thespians. l\lr. Ralph Coerke fm.. nn." li..//pg. Miss Marilyn Gran! Mr. .lack Head B.S,, So. Illinois Univ. B.S., M_Ed., Drury College. l.ibr»u'ian, Spunwxr: Juni.-r Cln=s 4 m/fn-Iiip. \Vnr|.l Hur Ury. >;- n~-ir _l\mi~r (`I,i~~. /Usfbfa I, II. Trigonometry, Muh 7. 3Y \ _ ~,`. J / \|... s.._...» Ho Mrs. Nancy Hysom /¢ A 11./rmiginn Una. Ff.;\..|.|_1I_ ywi-~r lumi.r(Il.|~~. B,S., Kansas Slate Unir. l1~m.~m.1<a..g s, Hom.-mking I, II. Mrs. Virginia Julyan B.A., Wmhington Univ., M.A.Ed., Columbia Univ. Teacher: Cnllege. Art 8. An I, II Sponsor: An Club. l\lr. Charles Kapfer B.S.Ed., SEMO Stale College. General Shop, Wrvodwnrking, Dlail mg. sp..n...f¢ Junior swarm Council. '9\ Mrs. Sue Kirlley B.S.Ed., SEMO Sm le College. M .Ed.. Minauri Univ. English II. Sponlorz FTA. I2 l ia ILLLAEA Mrs. Cheryl Kloclre B.A., Augustana College. English I. Sponsor: Junior Student Council and Freshman Class. Mrs. Nina Knight > ~ \ B_s,, NEMO, MA., Missouri Um. \‘ General Chemistry spasm;science, (fhomislry CluhQ l` ,' r I \' `P'i ¢»4` ¢ur*" Mr. John Lauer f\lr. Robert l.e\\`i. Rh, \l,>.£d., A/:nm I B.S,Ed., SEMO, MS., Washingzan Univ. Am. History and Physical Ed. Sponsor: Golf and Junior Class. Pswhol..g\ and C~un~>l Spivnsrm l~"l`,\_ Mr. Harlan Lawson B.S.Ed., CMSC_ Unified Geometry and Math Anal) sis. sponsor; s<.ph~.m»¢ Class and 7 and 8 lnlmmurals. Mr. William'l_.ong B.S., Nor!/I Carolina, .’|l.A., Wash ~ irlglvn Univ. Combination 8, 7 and B Physical Ed, and Health 10. ~ Sponsor: Freshman Football and vmny wfesiiing. Mr. August Lombardo HS., Washington Univ., B.A.Ed., Harris Teacher.: College, M.S.Ed., SIU. Psychology and Counselor. Sponsor: Junior Clan. 4 Mr. John E. Titus \li=s Am) Tabor B.S,\ , ll'ns)|i/ngzmn l'r|i|*. N h.,.\| Nnr~f». B,S. Phys. Ed., M.5.Ed., CMSC, /lr# mnre Gradual: Certificate, Phys. Ed., Was/linglun Univ. Health. Pbysiral Education. Spunuur; Senior Class, Varsity Foot Mrs. Lynette Turner BJ., Mathematics, Ed., MIYIEHJI Univ. Algebra I, Science 7 and 8. lull, Trark. Mrs. Celia Ullrich RA., French, Newcc/mb Cvllege. lfremli l, Il, Ill, IV. Sponsor: French Club. ,Qfjr ~./\ x_ P\ Mrs. Lillian Wickiser B.S.Ed., NWMS College, M_A.Ed., Wushingmn Univ. Combination 7. _ ..~f..=» ¢v\;, Mrs. Leon Zarrick HM., Arthur Jurdln Couenlhly, Mr. Peter Willenborg AB., Phys. Ea., Lams c.»11¢,¢, Mid., .lliswuli Univ. Citizenship, Physical Education. Sponsor: Freshman Football, Foot ball, Freshman Basketball. I6 Mrs. Dale Williams Butler Univ. H.S.Ed., Missouri Univ., MJ., Spml Boys Glu Gab, Slril| Euemhla, Mind Charm, Gemnl lui. ish, lllilmix Univ. Spanish I, Il, III. Sponsor: Spanish Club. Concert Choir, Girl: Gln ahh S nsor: Madripl, Girl! Triple Tlx; Boys Quum. /, . ,, F/K' A ‘lg , _ .y \\ I' lw r if rm, \'ngana\» Julwn ~|l~»~n wixh lxvr .m ¢~~\-1 ant# “hu uw. fr-»m I 1 r., Run </nf; 12, Aupmm C. I’ee~<»m, C. f\\~u1u Ron nw ~_ Ulf-_Wr\l\ _l. l{¢,¢l;\|1|.. J, >mfl~llr People “lm Keep Spirit Rolling ¢~ Library a>sisl,|n!5 W. hvlp in the libran W leh m right* Ron one' Elm!-nh Pagc1_ Ned Eydmann. Dau* Sowell. Rnu lun: M1s< Y\L\ri]\n Cram, Mr. Wa\n<- Martin, i ~l f \ J /2 .f§~ r_.....n-1' ' Cunmdians and nuinlenanre mx-n whn help rmkr spirit fn RHS pnssihlv .mn If-(\ an righv. Richard Morrison, 01115 Svhwvppv, Eur] Bamharl, Rnherl Lnunn, Leo Coggin, I7 ». !-`|r~z lumh 4>»\~|4n:@ are, (mm Ich ru xighr, Raw urw: E. Ikmon, J. Brown, R, Baldwin, L, Lawson, M. E....Af~_ J, mf_1u\1. RU.. mv; 1. sm. R, sum, n. cw, J. smnh, C. Cammy", s. Thompson. Rm 1/wwf >mi|h, T. Nnwvll, C, Shurv, N. Eydmnnn, T. Eggs-r~, 1 1;1f`t‘[(‘l`i3. Sfiuiml lunrlu assistants are, from lv!! In right, Raw onr: J. Jammu, M. McCurdy, C, Lncklar, K. BinggeIi.Ruw mo. J. Buekér. J, Darst, J. LeClaire, V. Bvekman, N. Sfvrgvnfrei, T. Tnrbert. Rau/ three: G, Corey, J. Fallner, L. Roh|n>rm, L. Berkman, S. Paul. _ 'fx ‘V ; kr' _ F .P PW 4| fx’ A Q' ” /31 ix i;\ ` ii .\ Odin Bnldon Truck l: Wledliu 2, 3, 4. Clpuiu 4; Mlrvhing Bmd 2: Concert Bnd l, 2; Spanish Club 1 Larry Beekman Mnclling Baud l, 2, 4; Can. cert Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Band 3, 4; 'ni-M a, -1; Biology Club l. 2; Chemistry Club 2, 3. 4, Trees. 4; NHS 3. 4; Mo. Cur|tor‘| Award 4; Mon Mu. aical 4. W l( uren Blanc An Club 1 Mm Amsuc Kay Bmggell GAAl,1,3,4,Prn,4: Pep all l, 3, I; G A _ 2, I, 4; Clulamhultioor A\||l¢¢i:4. v°>‘Y 4 Donald Bliss Bukelblll 2; Tuck l. Cheryl Bolling CAA 2. 3. 4; Concert Choir 4, Girls Clee Club 3; cms' 'rn-Tran 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3. 4: Frenrh Club 2, 4: FTA 4: Busi» ness Club 4: Student Council Rep. 3; Eagle! Sul( 4; Eagle Sxall 4; Cheerleader 3, 4; Class Sec,-Tren. 1; Football 40,-;~‘ on --` Pmm Queen 3; Bear All Around 4; Steering Comm. 4. Judy Bollinger CAA 7, 3, 4; Eagleileu 2. 3, 4, C¢>C|p\|in 4; Pap Club 1, Z 3, 4, Pres. 4; Gym Aux. 3. 4: French Club 3, 4; FTA Z 5. 4; Smdem Coun dl lhp. 1, S¢c. 3: Ends! Sul! 4 Au|.Ed.4: Engle Nancy Bowman GAA 3, 4; Pep Club 3, 4, Rep. 4; Gym Am. 4; Business Clllli 4; Entered from Alamo gurda High Srlmul, Nrw Mexi ¢» s; GAA 1, 2; Biology Club 2; Science Club l; Sludenl Council All, 1. lla!!“Oil 4; qu-alimd Scroll C; ly lo Suo nnd 4. 2II John Cahn Football 3; Track 3; Gym James Cameron Football 1, 2, 3, 4, All~ Am. 3; Best Dancer 4. Conference 4. Hnnorab‘e Mention All-District 4: Basketball 2: Track 1. 2, 3, 4, Captain 4; Wres tling 3; Buys Clee Club 4; Gym Asst. 2. 4; Class Vice-Pres. 1, , ',_ `, , W `» < =» : ._,v.i .F Susan Conner Czirv Carter _4s if ‘ ’& , Concert Choir 41 Merril ing Band 1, 2, 3, 4; con. GAA 2, 3, 4; Girls Glee Club 2. 3: Pep Club 1, Z, 3, 4; Gym Asst. 4; French Club 1. 2, a, 4, Rep. 3, sn. 4; Fr/1 Crrl Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Ftp Band 1, 2, 3, ‘lvl Thri 1, 2, 3, 4, Treas. 3, Pres. 4; FMCC 1, 2; Chemistry Club palns xx, 4. Plqymws 1, 2. 3. ~l'1 P1Ily’S l, 2, 3, 4; Auditorium Crew 1, 2, 3, 4, Chief; Klum! Dramatic 1-~` 4; Curalofs Award 4; Play. crews 2; Student Council Alt. 1; Eagle! Stall 4; Co»As§l. 4. Editor 43 Eagle Staff 4; Quill find Scroll 4; Honor Roll 1, 'l'imotl1\ Cook Ah. 1: Claw Pm, 4; Raymond Crowley Football 3; Track 3; Wres tling 3, 4; Thespian Appr". xiu 4; Playmws 4; Plays 4: Eagle! Stall 4; Eagle Stall 4: Entered from Chaminade \'ir‘e~l7rr-\=. 3: l1e<t l’er High School 21 Sofctr 1; Sunullly 4, Speech 1. l"m1\l):|ll 1, 2, 3, 1; Wrvs tline 2. 2, 1, c...c_.p1¢.an 4; f'f~~~ fimlnuy 2; NHS 2. 3: Ftuflenl Cnunrll ~¢=n Q2/ Donald Dzlhlln Renee Davis Football 1; Trunk 2,3; Marcl1» Eaglenes 4; Pep Club 1, ing Band 1; Convert Band 1, 2, 3; French Club 2, 3; 2? Spanish Club l, 1 3, 4, Biology Club 3 Pres. 2, sec. 4; Gym 4541. 3; Business Club 4, Tren. 4, Chemistry Club 3, 4, Treas. 3; Sludem Cuunvil Rep. 1; Bm makin, 4. 22 !"» Kurt Gebhard Football 1. 2. 3, 4, Co Thomas Gammon Ba§ke(l\:||l l. 2; Busrlull l, 2. 3. 42 Bueam; Club 4. .~ ¥ %`“ A , 1... Rf" 7 % G* , 4 Caplain 4; Basketball 1, z, 3, 4, Cn-Captain 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Buys Clee Club 4; Spanish Club 2. 3, 4: Bminesn Iiluh 4. Vire~l’res. 4; Siu~ den! Council Rep. 4, Tre1|s_ l; Class Pre<. 4; All Stnlc 3, 4, ~\l|~lJi~. nv nic: 3, 4, f'\ll~Cnnference 3. 4; All-'lie-rm 3,113 Jr. Sr. l'mm Euan 3; Boys Fmn 3; lle=l All Around 4; S<~hulur»A1h|e1<- 4, Mo. Finulisl. 4. Engl;-ms .l, L \li, 3; Donna Gilbert CAA 2. 3; Girls cle. Club 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, a, 4; s;.;;;1»1. 01.111 1. 2. 3, 4; 4; Eagln sun 4; Eagle sim 1;n;;;;..»m;»1;z C,\.\ 2, 3. 4, Tr;~_|~ 4; mn; mu- 41111; 3. 1; French Club 2; swim; Club 1`T\ 1. 1. l.<;-1. 1; Bun ¢.:1..1; 1; C111-.;;a~;ry 4. Agn. 13.15101 4. 421.111 1; N115 .a. 1; Play Cm. 1; 11.,n.,; 11411 2, .; \l;., tIl1r1\|;;r`~ .\v1.\rd 4, ‘l Ninn ()ille~pif Xlnrrhlne Banfl 1. 2, 3, »` ,.» -1 G, Nicholas Ginos Foolhall 1. 2, 3. 4. All-Con» 4; ('f|;nr»>rl Bnnul 1, 2, 3, ference 4. Honorable Mention 1. l>;»pma;\; z_ I.i|-mm 4; In-,, (ilulv 1; I.i1;1;;ry All-Di<tri\-I 4. Hu nomble Men .\~~l. l, 2; lfrrnrli Club l: l3u=inP== (`lul» i. ' Q’ ,_ .f iinn All-Sme; Baskenhall l: Track l, 2; Baseball 3; Wres nang 3; nrmhing Band 1, Concert Band 1. 2. 3: Dance Band 3: Tri-M 1: Spanish Club 3. 4: Business Club 4: Chemiary Club 3, 4; Student Council Rep, 4; Class Sec. Treas 2: .lr.~Sr. Prom Escort 3; Mos! Popular 4. ,__ , Cynthia Colden ll when Goorlman GAA 4, un; mp. 4; Ea. l-`n<;llmll 4; Basketlmll l; gleues 4, ;\l1. 4; Pep (.|ub 4; Gym Asst, 4; An Club 4; Siudenr Council All. 4; Sreer. ing Comm. 4. Track l, 2. 3, 4; Wres (ling 3, 4; Crnss Cnunlry 1, 2, 3; Cnnrrr! Band I, 2, 4; Tri»M 3; Spanish Club l, 2, 3; Gym Am. 4; 1sa;,1..gy Club 1; Chemielry Club 2; Mo. (Iur.iu»r`s Awurd 4; Lel tsr nf Commendation NMSQT 4. 24 James Grace Gary Crindler Football 1, 2, 3, 4, All~C~»n ference 4; Basketball l, 2, 3; Baseball I, 2, 3, 4, Co-Captain 41 Marching Band l: Cnncerl Band l, 2, 3, 4; Student Di rector 1; Pep Band 4; Tri-M 2, 3, 4; NHS 3, 4, l’r1-L. 4; Stu 'I& ` dent Clluntil Rep, 2, ill. l, Pres. 4; Stu-ring Cwmm. 3; Hunm mn 1; :tim l_|lr~‘:ly rf. Sufceed 4; \l~. Cur.itur`= Award 4. '1 Philip Hedrick lvlicliael Hemphill Traclr 1. 2, 3, 4; Cross Country Baseball l, 2. 7. 3; Library Am. 4; French Club 3; Gym Asst. 4. :\ ay _ 5 Thomas Henry Susan Hen<on GAA 2, 3, 4; Pep Clulv l, 2, 3, 4; Gym A=st. 2. Football 1; Track 1, 2; Cross Country 2, 3; Concert Choir 2, 3, 4; Spanish Cluli l, Z; 4; FTA 4; An Club 4: 4; NHS 3; Student Council Rep. 4; Class Pres. 3; Best Quill and Srrnll 4, l’r<~~, Library Asst. l; Gym Asst, 3, + Y" Business Club 4; liuglet Staff 4; Eagle Stull 4; Dancer 4; Mo. Curator's 4; Girls State 3. Award 4. \~1 Cathy Hippert CAA 1, 2, 3, 4; Span ish Club 3, 4, Vice-Free. 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3. 4, _loyce Horlapp GAA 1. 2, 3, 4; Eaglettes 4; Marrhiug Band 1, 2, 3; Cou» cert Band l. 2. 3_ 4, l.i» Pep Club 1, 2. 3, l; Gym Rep. 2; rm 4; Play llrarinn 3_ 4; Pep [Lind ll cil Rep, l; Cheerleader Asst. 4; FMCC 2; Binlfvtzy Club 2; Chemistry Club 3; Play Crews 1, 2, 3; Plays l. Crew: 1; Student Coun 1, 3, 4, Captain 4: Steen ing Comm. 3; Football Prom Maid 3; Most Populnr 4; Junior-Senior Prom Maid, 4. 25 ,_. _\` I ....- l,yle Hodgin ' _ I Geraldine Hoffman c1.n;.»n 51.1.1 1. ,. GAA z, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, I' 1; 4; Chemistry Club 4. \, ,N W ` 4; V ts ~_ 4. 4 é"" i R1»1ln1‘\ ll;»u;; Rnnaltl Holcomb F 11|ll1|l.k1l»||ll’§ », ;1» _ _ L ;Madrigul Convert4; Choir 2, 4; l¥\I1ll1’\ \lJrvl1ing BoysBand Quartet l1ll 1; n.1\.1 1_1 1; 4; Murm-hing 1, l\11 |1111 I. __ 3: l`<'P /3; »v~ ‘ 2; c..;.1-1-ft 1111.11 2, 4; _ 11 h v P1-p llund 3; Pl.|y= l, 4. » I 111 lr1\I 1. <p11~ 'l1‘ l |K11~1n1»._ 1l11l» l. .4 1 ,.11..,.1..1.. f Daniel Hover Football l. 2. 3. 4; Track 11111..1.11- 11.¢11 1 \l.z»-.1 f tl 1(1.rni4 1, 2, 3; Gym Am. 3, 4; 1 1.11111 11,11 2. 1; Biology cmh 2; Chemis~ try Club 4. . V cs; .lean Jnmma GAA 2. 3, 1. Vim*-l’rc'1, Karen Janssen GAA 3; Girls Glee Club 4» C;-11. 1141. 2. 4; l*"I`\ 4; Frenrlt Club 2, 3; 4~ Sec. 2 Vice~Pres. 4; l°'l'A 4; Busi~ ness Clull 43 Eagle! Stall 4: 42 ffwnrert (flmir 4; Spanish Club 2, 3, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3. 42 Business Club 4; Cl1e=mi5~ h~~f» ut t‘|.1|» 3, 1. l’n=<. 4; NHS fl. 1: Eaglt-t Stall 1; 1141111 51111 4; Quill and Srrnll 4; lllnorr .1 lender 1; Honor 111111 7; Mo. Curatl11r's Award 4; lltnirvt-Senior Prom QW", 4. Sec. 4; Pep Club 1, 2. 3: Engle 51.11 4; cu” su. 3. Skerring Comm. 4; Football Prom Maid 3. Paul Jones Entered from Southwest High School 3; Baseball F” "'l 1. 2; Student Council 1' Rep. 1. Richard Kanter Football 4; Track 2, 3; Wres tling 3, 4; Cross Country 3; Boys Clue Club 1, 4; Spanish Club 2, 3, 4; Entered from sornhwen High Sami 2, if ge* é' lln~un\z\r\' Klaskin Dolores Kemp GAA 3, 4; Pep Club 3, 4; l"l`A 3; Business Club 41 Esglsr srrff 4; Eagle sun 4, Assn. Editor In Charge nl A 2, _#_ 3, 4; Gym .\_sr, 3; F..-"fir Vluh 2, :s_ 1, Krp -1; FTA 3, 4; msm.-_s (inn, 1; Erwin sim 1, Business. *L Ergie sim 4, s<.»~r.ng mmm. zz; ic.-sr i,.,r\.n; 4, `\ Robert Kohl l{r\|l\r}nl{0|l1e Basketball Z; Baseball 1, 2, 3. CAA 2; E:igl¢~xu~= 2; Conn-It Clmir 4: Girls mee Club 3; Psp Club 1, 2, 3_ 4; Business (`lul\ 4; Plays 1; Siudem Cmrneil Ah. 1; Engle: Sufi 4; Eagle Sufl»1_ 'R ‘¢ i ` I" 1 `\ Steven Krech cms" choir 4; Spanish Gary Kuelker Club 4; Plays 4; En tered from Mercy High School 2 27 Ronald Lindsey Biology Club 1. 2; cllsmlslfy Club 2, 3, 4, Vicf Pres. 4; NHS 3. 4; Honor Roll 2, 4, s, 1. Leu" of Commenda linn NMSQT 4; Mo. Cural0r's Award 4; Mus! Srlloltrslir 4. I \¢/ / Cynthia Locklar GAA 2. 3. 4; Marcin", Band 1. 2: Concert Band 1. 2, 3, 4; Tri~M 1, 2. 3. 4, Sec. 4; All-Colmly Band 3: Pep Club 1, 2, 3. 4: FMCC 1, 2; Chem istry Club 4; Student Cuuncil Rep. 4, All. 3, vars Free. 1; Engl.” Staff 4; Eagle Stuff 4; Phowgranher 4: Best Dressed 4. James McCollum .lohn Lowe wlssllsng 2, Spanish Club l, 2; FMCC 2; Biology Club 2; Chemis try Club 3, 4; NHS 3, 4; Play Crews 2, 3; Plays 1; Sludenl Coun 4-il Rep. 1, All. 2, rms. 3; “ASC Convention 3; Mo. Cur.;lInr's Award 4, T7 Mary McCurdy xlllffhlpg Band 1, 2, 3, 4, Majorflle 3, 4; Con Laurie McDacle GAA 3. 4; Concert Choir 4; Dnnre Band 2. 3; Psp Band 1, 2. 3, 4; '|'ri'M 3, Vice Pres. 3: I"l`A 3, 4; Ari Club 4: Play Crews 1; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4, spe. 4: fpfl Band 1, 2, 3, 4, '°» 2, 3, 4, Historian 3, Pres. 4: Spanish Cluh 2, 3. 4, Piaplsl 2. 3, 4; Pep 1? -1/C Club 1, 2, 3, 4; FTA 2, 3, 4; Business Club 4; NHS 3, 4, vice Pres, 4; Student Council Alt. 3, Plays 3; Sxuclrnt Council Rep. ~¢~ ff? Class Vice Pres. 2: Honor Roll 7. 5, 6, 7; Mn. Curalnl-'s Freshman Scholar 1, Mo. cmlors Award 4; Mlm Scholastic 4. Charles Morris if 1, 2, All. 2, vice Pm 4. Workshop 3, Convention 4% Eagle! Staff 4; Eagle Staff 4; Spolligh! on Yomh 4; Quill and Srroll 4; Cheerleader li 4; Honor R-411 1, 2, 3, 4, Mary McNair Spanish club 1, 2; Pep Club 1, 2, 3; Art Club 4; Business Club 4, Play cfm 2, 3. 28 Gym Asst. 4; French Club Z < Lee Morris Football 1; Marching Band 1, I; Oman Band I. 2, 3. 4: Timothy Nisbet Football 1, 3, 4; Ha<el1al| 2, 4; Spanish cm a, 4; Library Asst. 1, Gym Gym Ant. 4; Grelnistry Club Asst. 3, 4. 3, Historian 3. /""’\ 'Q-r'Y_ ., g\ 1 Gordienne Nystrom Pep Club 2, a, 4, cyp. Bappnplx 3, w'p~.21.pp z_ 4; Marching Band 1: Crnwn Assl. 3; Arl Clull 4; En tered from Frankfurt Senior High School, Franlcfnrl, Mlrliigun 2; Pep Club 1, Home EP. Club 1; Library Asst. l; FTA l. f Sigi f\l. Offenbaclx Band 1; Biology r,»p1» \_ 2: Chpmulf, (npr. 2. 2. 4_ Hp. lwriim 4; NHS ‘L 4; `Y_m~y..` ’»0 ?'*vv Mun Lf-rm pf (mln--zz lion 4; Mp, (lumpy. I. map S.h~1lf 1; PLM. c, bow Club 3; ll<n~r fa ' 2, 3. 4, T. f\laril\n 0`Ham Lynnel Ogen! Concert Choir 2, 3; Mmhapg napa 2, 3; Concert Band l, 2, 3; Pep Club 2, 3, 4; Li~ hrary Asst. 4: French Club 2, 3; FTA 2, 3; 3 ,l\ ,fa Ar! Club 4, Charlotte Pessoni GAA 3; Marching Band 1; Concert Band l, 2, S; Pep Club l. 2: An Club 4: Pres. 1: Play Crew: 3; Best Dnuzer Pamela Plagenz GAA 2, 3. 4; Spani=l\ Club 3, 4; Pep Club l, 2, 3, 4; Gym Assr. 2: French Club 1; FTA 3, 4; Thespians 2, 3, 4; Playrrews 1, 2, 3; l’la)s 3; Student Council All. 3; Eagle! Slaff 1: Eagle Slaff 4; Quill and Scroll 4. Treas 41 Moe! Dra< marie 4. GAA 3, 4. Rep. 4; £..;w.='.~ 2, 3, 4. Sep. 4; Pep czpr. 1, :_ 3, 4; Gym Asn 3, 4: P`m¢.h Club 3, \'ire-Pres. <l; llu~i ness Club 4: Sec. 4: Ch»‘nu>\r\ Club 4. Charles Roper Football 1, 2, 3, 4, Co Captnin 1. 4. All-Con Barbara Sandbagen GAA 3, 4: Concert Chuir 3 Marching Band 1, 2, 3; Cm All-Metro 3, 4, All»Slnte een Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Tm 4; spanish Club 1, 2; PT 3, 4, Trans, 4; Chemist: Basketball l, 2, 4; Truck 1, 2, 3, 4: Concert Chair Club 4; Play Crews l; Eaglt Staff 4; Eagle Stall 4: Phan graphs: 4; Quill and Srrull < ference 3. 4. All-District 3, 4. All-Suburban 3, 4, 3, 4, All-American 4: fé? 4; Steering Comm. 4; Mus: Athletic 4. im? /» Mark Savage David Sapp Matching Band l, 2; Football I, 2. 3; Concert Band 1, 2, 3; Tri-M 1, 2, 3; Concert Band l, 2; Sp.1n» ish Club 2, 3, 4; Cl|em» Spanish Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Vice Pres. 3, Pres. 4: Gym Asst. 4; ,f Business Club 4: Student € istry Club 3, 4; Hum Roll 1: Mo. Cura\or's Award 4. Council Rep. 3, 4; Steering ‘2 Comm. 3; Best Sense of Humor 4. Barbara Schif GAA 2, 4; Concert Cboir 3, 4: Madrigal 3: Marching r 1155! Eaglel Stall 4; Eagle Band l, 2, 3; Concert Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Dance Band 2, 3; Staff 4. Pup Band 2, 3; Tri-M 3; Spanish Club 2, 3; Pep Club 2, 3, 4; Ar! Club 4; Biology Club 2; Attended Lindwood High School 2nd semester 3; Lawrence Schmietler Basketball 1; Library Asst, 2; Biolngy Club 3; 1 Q-v e“°> girls Glee Club 3; Honor Roll i* Robert Schmieder Daniel Sharp Gym Asst. 2; Projection Club 2, Pres. 21 Eaglet Baseball 1: Wrestling 3; Cross Slalf 4; Eagle Staff 4. Basketball 1, 2; Track 2; Country 2. 3, 4: Marching Band 1, 2, 3; Concert Band 1, 2, 3, 4, Dance Bula 3; Pep Band 3; Gym Asst. 2; Sm den! Council Alt. 1. 3| Don Slazinilr Football I, 2, 3, 43 Baseball 1, 2; snnnisn Club 3, 4; Gym Nancy Sorgenfrel GAA z, 3, 4, mp. a; Marching Band I, 2; Concert Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Asst. 3: Business Club 4: Tri-M 1, 2. 3, 4. Treas. Student Council Rep. I. E, 0" 3, Vice Pres. 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Gym Ant. 4; Chemistry Club 4; Student Council Rep. 2, Sec. 1: Eagle! Stall 4; Eagle Staff 4, Asst. Edi tor 4; Quill und Scroll 4, Sec. 4; Cheerleader 1, 4; Honor Roll 6; Mo. Cura tor’s Award 4, Terry Spiegel Football 1; Art Club 4; Bi Phyllis Sparks snnnnn Club 2; Pep Club l, 2, 3; Library glogy Club 3; Spaniel: Club Asst. 2, 3, 4; Gym Asst. 2, 3; FTA 2; Business t;1 Club 4, \rYv/ i 4/_ *ni "°`T Toby Thomas Football 3; Baseball 3; Wrea tling 3; Concert Choir 4; Cyrn Asst. 3; French Cluh a; Tlrespinns 3, 4; Play Crews 4; Plays 4; Entered from Beau mont High School 3: Swim Team 1, 2; Tennis Team 1, 2; Student Council Rep. l, 2; Rifle Club 2; Ninth Grade cnnnn 1; r-mist-unn c|nh 2; Library Asst, l. T! Mary Stevens Girls Glee Club 3, 4, Sec. 3, Pres, 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; FTA 2, 3, 4; Gym Ass1.4; Business Club 4: Student Council Rep. 1, 3. Alt. 4, SASC Rep. 4; 4 Eagle! Staff 4; Eagle Staff 4; Class Sec. 4; v wo ' +-` \.¢' Best Personality 4. Charlotte Underwood GAA a, 4; Pep Club 1; Gym Asst. 4: Library Asst. 2. Anthony Stoverinlr Laurence Volkening Football 1; Bulrelball 1, 2; Track l,2, 3,4; Crou /X' Robert Warren Football l, 2; Track l. Country 1, 2, 3, 4; Gym Asst. 2, 4; Chemistry Club 3, ,_" ‘PQ Barbara Watkins Gunther Weimann Spanish Club 1, 3, 4; Busi Pres. 4. Biology Club l, 2; Chem istry Club 2, 3, 4, Sec. 4; NHS 3, 4; Trena, 4; Honor Roll 2, 7; Mo, Curalur’s Award 4, A \ .ffl f"..' were not available Carol White Katherine Willey GAA 2, 3, Eagienes 3, All. 3; Girls Clee Club 1, 2; Pep Club l. 2, 3; Library Asst. 3; French Club 2: FTA Z, 3; Bi Pep Club 1, 2, a, 3. 4: French l"l'A 2, 3, 4: Club 4; Siudeuc 4 ¢» J ology Club 3; Thespians 3. 4; Play crews 2. Plays 1. 2, 3, Siudem Assn. lu Direcmr 3; Student Council Alt. 4, C Q. I » A Josephine Zurbriggen Carroll Wright Concert Band 3, 4; Marching Band 3, 4; Chemiszry Club 4 GAA l; Girls Glee Club 3; French Club 2% Busi» Pep Club 4; French Club 4 ness Club 4; FMCC 2. Biology Club 3; Entered from Hazelwood High School §~ ¢~` \. Hazelwood, 3; Glee Club 2 GAA 2. Lilce all seniors, the class of '68 spent their last year stumliing. joking, and anu iou<|} awaiting graduation, Klan) nvtivities, such as the Senior-Faculty game, inter rupted the regular routine mul helped to make 1968 an unforgettable year. The Class of 1969 Junior Clans officers are, left lo right, Rvw une: Terry Gaines, vice»presiden!; Debbie Scholl, secretary-treasurer; Fred Wohschlaeger, president. The steering committee members are, left to right, Rnw Iwo: Chris Adams, Debbie Byrd, Palli llnssen. Row three: Kurt Niehoff, Alan Bott, Jim Pitman. M a\ N, Chris Russ Steve Alewel Armsey Adams Lynn BakerDiana Berg JL. Tx \ Yf ` \ JoAnne Alun Patricia Caryu Joe Bollinger Bnu Brigham Brinkmeyer Bronco n 1 » "‘ ` as \ 1 - » - J-\ Debbie Annecoxewmhy 5¢¢~v¢ 5i Guy sqm Jim Bueker ByrdJommm X ._ “I Lv-~ A l H,,,.\ lmw lmm 1 .mv ~\.m.» r 1 .ML 4 Um (friw!\l.k<~ (imwlcy Jim Dam > \\ N ` ` |;`A\¢ ‘ . ` »x /J `i4f ,f 1w ~W1 lun, in JW Jun Ed nw I-`,,\|. r`J|Lm-r Cm: .7/-2. / \ ` '. 7 |, :mm <;,.~-~ mm (ilmrlvs I _ "_; \ \, Mm um uw, <,.»,,pm Cxllwpie 1,:.,,... 1-VW n~n;».1 Linda 1~~~fr-1 ||_.,...|m\ ||..m-1| llmlf,L.\um mmm; \\ -1 \ A Vu II.|\»<l Kuluy Mark Sfmt Sondra Ibmkil|<.uI ral-mn mm, r1a,.p.~n Hodge 36 l I Sm: Dan Murcia D.ne Pmi (Jn HDI(-“mb Howard Huffman Huglws ].in~~e|| _I<»!|n~nn (i \\ A E)` Y’ \ i |`; .‘ H Kathy BnluKi-Hugh IL-rkyK--mlilll .lun JiihnsionTvrrill Jones K.|i§cr ?».Kr 1"_`. \V , f le,, \ _.. \i` john Ken! Kurt Shirley .lim Keough Kolagn Koiaga 1<¢.1<bun Km; \ \ li ,/ ' i Chris Phil Dan Nhureen _lun la Fata Lakamp Larson Leahy I»(§laire i\iA Charles RobMarshall Virki Bah Melissa I-wh [aweJane Mmm. Manin :inns usun Steve Kun T.-fn John \[»<»r<~sn..-_ Mnrnsugn Moser sMosher Much Nxehoff \ '1 I' , ~ n §A ‘ :» K1-n Mary LeaNowvll Larry Nancy Nn-rnMnrie Nnnnun Nusa Olson .\.. »4 *\ ’. ~I '' in :"('3% 4, frui .73 \ Jnn Lane nnnnsnng Sully Becky Upprnh1'l1\| Pnlmcr Pnrhm Parker Pannns _A _ ,J __L. _ ‘_ 2 y ____ Katherine .hm Bob Andrr-A Bnrb Phillips Pnnnn Purrell Quinlan Qnanlnn af’ f rQ~l _4'\ ._-fy\4 Jackie Debbie Kalhryn RedmanLana ReknrtLarry Robinson SchottCnrlyn Schrader Sexton c § Q” I Q , , T > ,. ,_“'/ __l ,. Juniors and sponsors wash vars in llurxr lim money making project nl :he yur. ._`~f‘ I ‘°’ `_\ -»° `’ fT2,M " ' \V, . ,Ei 4 7 _ Gerry Pam Mike \\ nn( SindelnrDena SmhhWilliam Smixh Smokey ScumHurlv; Smube \~u~ ~ , ~..\ ` `\ Barb Mike Joe Srew hhke Tum T2)l0I Terry This-rry Thomas Toney Tr»rl.wn 3 Q1 high Steve Linda Wayne Jan Fred Cathy Volkzning Ward Weatherly Weinrich Widlleldl Wnhlsrhlaegrr Zurlvri§SP¥l The Class of 1970 ini ir, R-ilu-n Rmnk, pre=iden\, and Rick -flvvll l~\r\ Rum. ~--1r»rl\r;,|r»-Q-urvr, wn= absent i- vikvu Mrs, Mary Ellen Pearsorfs eighth hour World History i-law listens ro a lecmre. ,Q (é ' ! hw/ ‘_A _/_ ,Em »"_i/7 -.1 ,,_ \r»\ \l,. rrmliy l..i\lr.\ Agiwil W ': z Rirlunl Tum Benner B1-nnr-‘ll 40 lun Ed Anderson Baker Huh .\ l Irn ~ \ \\ °:: _ \ 'I ` \ \i .ml )‘\l 5" -4 S., um Bmlen Vicki Beekman $3 I ¢» \1 Mark Bird J s f "1 BewrlyBules :milk Bla* noi, Bolling Doug Boyd lr °" s \ \ ‘. _ ‘V I , S\1\.\ _ ¢ 1* `3 » TU." Cury rm-k Larry Kathy u_._|\ H.-.1|,-,» }l»»l|moge llvnum HillFred Hogg _` \ f » . I.._.-~`\. __ .v , ` ' [1 -v 6* ’' 1' `'' \, _-4 I; ` “ ` ~ V : I ` ‘If nv, \1.;.- \I.»m.» maine Hundley Bqrh Nancy DonMusa" nm ~ M ||~m.< Huy; Iffrig , <-f => 4' 4 . M ,_,_ ~ MV 5V \ (L,|il if Jennifer .f»"”' _’_ charles chip Jf~=n .* §\f”- :U J ~ ,fun ‘ Q 4 ' L `f \\' ‘1‘K'' 9`‘%»f‘§~. I,_- ~\__7|` \ W- r ,l~hn~n»n@ Jwm-~ _lanes Julian ]\1l1\P*|' Mm 5¢»\.~ Sundra Rick, Jfff Duane mn. l<f...,.\..».1|.» Kn.-~1|‘-1 KnightTerry Hmm Krewon Larsen 1 *F `a ‘ lf?" .i .¢, ` ' Mike Libby Pearce Debbie Pam Dcnnin Leahy Lncklar yum... Mum. McAliney M¢Q,,~ 42 ¢"; mm . Q -1 ` 4 'V , J,AQ\`r Ed Paul Bruce Slew Dennis Me," tsreym :\m¢hf11 AIU.-fgpf. r\|.,|1m¢n James McNair Mary Ellen Mnskolf .1 -_ 1 J.un~~s f\I~r|~ l~r|f \l l ‘ i >~ u 5, Pam Musial ` » A From Ie/I to right, .la Anne Brown, Sondra Kneedler, Barb Allen, and Mark Waldemer panicipale in a Spanish spelling bee. E Bob Nickell 3-~ T;-".,`~ ,5, QA l 1 \ /' ' #Q ~ gy _ , . :e .N | Jeanne Terry Wesley Bob Reed Rnxlu r_.,,,.J> v `~’ I ..» I €% Steve Pull Pelbody Perkins Perkins Petersen Pitman Julie Pmnko 43 \,»\ llnh Knlhy Cary Virki Todd Debby v Purdy Ray Rinck R~».|»¢mn Rodgers Roper f 1 fg: "`\ ln Q I ;§‘f§°\‘. ',. TF- _ ,r wr 5hJr<»n Lln\l.\ Karen Cynthia Bill Chander Runvpf slugs Semper sfhon Schrader sehgal 3 '= l »¢ %l \S' ,|H ,_‘ \~ .»~I-rn »‘ ‘r\\ l `~. -‘M .L \~hr rfpnrr LxllmnShore Bill Sindelar Jackie Stuart ~r \hilling SmithDebbie Snow 9|1.‘_ ' \ ''J»¢wr] h L 1| Q . 4 2. P-|\1l _ Mild; Randy Cathy Dixie Diane Bill 5'-‘\’F<`“l1’€l Spiegel Srinclvuker Stockwell Summerscales Taylor Trakas 'Q Q( 4 ~ Fil ' V W James Larry Debbie Vfuios Warm!Geraldine WearherlyRandy Weatherly WmSteve Wen 44 .E \ , I 1 \ 'Z' \ .ll f `i~i »,. "i George Susan Bruce Widifeldi Duroihy Willey EdmrdWmd Bull While White Whilson 0 _ `- ~ \‘ ,nv ._'_;_ Ev. ' ‘~.\ .' ¢1-='»’~ /_ -» ; \\ Barney Bob Rick (fhri~ ,I~hn l€< li < W-md Wfighl W"~f'1ing wum w.,__1.»f Mlfirr \ . -__ , _ Mrs. Ninn Knight help# Bill Flmrr with ilxfnwvr and Bnli Xickell Link <»n_ , ,~ ' 9' WSF ff. 4 _1'Z?§" U2 i K 'gif :M 4'-E 33 *Li .lfmes Morice exemplifies the kind of work done in shop can. `.» J .. Linda Halo ,Qs Slephnnie Hammuck Larry Cyore 2 Ted Holland x°fS7 V Jane Hughes ' ~,,, Karen Hunter _ Q `'Q Q3 3 il5a ,N 'H ‘ /` S _N ._ chfauaoo Harrics / Frrd Ho.a..1ph ¢_ ~ _ Tim Hume: Mary Head Mor, Hwang T' I lIl\ mlT\8I `>v'~ 2;Q Sand) Henderson Drbbiv Henne Elizabeth Ilerminghaus Jooaoo Johoooo Q?) James_ Jones _ 5 ‘zvw` ~ ififfx - ~\ ,t` Doug Hesmn ' H.ggaooo¢hom ,~_* 3 Rubin Hille >-' s r: Q. soo Jerry Jones Kristy Klick ;; ~`::.¢ ' - -~, Dvnnio Knight , , .1 Shelley Johnson “ ,,¢f§o `?.7_\a59 3\ \ ‘\ 4 s \ ` '\ ‘Qs >\ud-~mo smdy hard in Mr. Dunk biolog, nm 48 P'F.¢~'~ 1 'n lui New nxlbookx capture the interest of general science students. John Kolsbun Diana Kuelker Bob Kurlz ..._A <31 "P rM CathyMark Magee` Y , -‘ Bob ‘Q 1 1' x i( s _ Becky Madden °" -,\ -. n Pn M¢c»y \ I’ 4\ ; Q."Cory David Lapp1, "` ,_ ` Larsen Rick La Falun " Johnella Marshall 1Mays -r _._ n.~|f.r~@» s I* Crig 1 4~ DeLarson his LeClaire ' ° " ' » uma. Link ... § " \ 9 _ John Mfcm .‘ ‘“_ »` Nancy Mills ¢ < ‘\, V I Rack lu.-,¢»\<¢1 * . 1 0 *lf r Joh; Lug; V ‘ `§ ' ¢ Mike MacA1¢ney una. Mom "‘ ‘" M'k Lu n Michele Morice Rick Much \ iw, ~ ¢~= 49 wwmrra.-= nm" ‘\ mn, T»~...pm *pit x.rha¢ Tirrrrnerhvrg hung ww rm mm, RM vs".-:wh nr...-.r |~..,.,,an¢ Q; ' \~. n.»..n, nm..-1 Ham 1 ...¢.-rw.: fB ,,,» tlmrlrrrr- W f.\ Kim \hrl. ¢ (lr-rrgv W\»|||~\-||1,u» '~~ Y‘\ Mike \'a..dm1d@ Nels.-n Vasmncellus Lynne vufke H ,/ }~`r.mr-es magm »\~\L Joan vvngm nxmml warm ». o` Mark Waldemer D/an Waldrup Rohm Ward Paul Young llehln Zrmme-rly Dnrmlry lurhnggen ‘r .Z .» ~ lln, Kni|h|`» general science claas combines (un wuh work during regular class periods. “f "Nl ¥ » `e¢ . t' '__43 Class The ‘ld -' fy ~ 1972 Three mm, of .r. .am md. class imesligale nature outside the main building, Fmm Mr ra right :hey are, Cordon Nulrer, Paul Ladd, and Gary Byrd. , J.1 _ ,` .. o K ~\a~ ~ /A .- \ \hr\ ,l Ricky Bruce Kathleen Pam Sharon David \ hmm Agoati Anderson Anderson Am\sey Barbay Barker e_4; :_ ,.,P'l », ('I\ ‘ \ »».I ' ,~N K ._» _J l N ln _llldv Sle\e Boyd Nlarlha BobBueker William Lawrence lu-4r~ Brwhne Bros: Burns Bush 2 . ' »V. , ,»I<'Jew a,, W .. -" . f ' _ /1 .\ , cm Rum Paul JwCole Micheal sky C-ml Byrd Campbell Chapman Conley Comwyer C°"Y 52 Jim Ted Clifford Holly David Jack Darlington Dam! Day Derirksun Dowdy Engl-n lc. J », _1Q , ._,, 4 , ,\.2 F _ A 4 ! ~ r Y g~ ~ H , ,_ Gene Pal Darryl Pau] Eggers Tom EggersKeith Erb Esxnquc Bans }`mm _ ' ` Q ’ \ ' l( J ` 21 ‘ r 5 ‘?/ /x , _ ;'~/ x‘ .~_ -v -vw , ‘ 1,4 _ “ff " , ~ f* George Richard Bah Jeff Da,-id Thames Fisher Frankey Fry Cepperr Giampglli Ginn; vc =-,__ \ »v "` _ ~..1V»_“ui g T <1 :_ l \ ` f ' _ _ ,-. - \ ,xx ’ » gh”-rl JamCrinslead cm; Tim Theresa run! Gram Grunewqld HmForrest Han-is _,'Nl -'Q L » .:»2‘., . ¢ LiL Dmd Herring Hn->ton Judy Debra Immer Inman 3 'vi " . 'S' < 5* Q ¢ lv# ~. 1,4 ..» ,,_» Zenda Cindy Amerilys DennisJohnson Nancy James Janssen David Jambi Jones Kms: 1; . -» LA \IJrgare\ Kmghi Su-,mn Randy Rnhen mmm Kmiwang Kmm ~ ‘</" -v\ 4 st Slewn PaulL1Lim limi ~in Lad-i FamLaura L:-r~»nJulie LnunisBriln I-:vin |»“" Y j .° 4Qs. "~ ,Q’'-»"V_ §,'~. `. /\., n,f'P `\" _bfgh . ;~Mike *.O Randy :mm cm- Doris \ Sky Lukas lmfghefio Mans my !\Iv(Lre.a ?\h'Nm `. `` ‘V; \ \1/ I_ 1 'f_ - gf fg, ; gi " ’ f "Mg" 4| 0 _ _ , , (_, __?/ , -_ A ,> 1 /4 Fred Dan Gary nmcllell George 1>..n~1| yum, 51.-"man 1»1»¢¢h¢11 f\lurr|s A1.»,~¢ M~rl~n ,.,._ \13,V1 V_ , \ >L "\ 1 \5” `. /* ' L_ “‘'¢_/ _ vi 3'~» f; ~ Alex Munoz _ ~ 4 » ~ -_ M John Gordon Bennie Benny Patrick Nangle Nunn- phdp, Philiben Phillips 6 Laf.4 ;V* ,_ rr' ¢_i, gf "' ~“' ':/ gg, = \ -.\ ~ " » \ 4J F, _ -, Debn ummReed Douglas Am, Rmhm John PribbleCunis Reed Reed Richaxdson Lynn Cuner Funk Castellano Jean Chard 4\¥ 14' snr. cmgnani Iarr) oapwn umm cfm 1 'S ., [rmy Conley Neal Cunner Toni Cnnno>er Helen (Lum .lelf Huh: Terri Hamilton <1 _ '\L i \. \ \ EIN Cum-s ,.\" l)~»lmr.|h Dmkc A K.-nn nm, Q’-v Busy H1-nd I-`mn:-ms Hrmker l"¢-ter Hills Sm- Eugen Cynlluia Eastman Slurnn Eichler / Mary Happen Tim Hoffman Tom Home Richard Emas Tracy Falkner Bryre Fm-guson (3 .,,' .4 .lurly Jackson Angela Joseph Nalini Kanclmrla Robert Fisher Sue Cubnuer Donn.: Cninu --,_ Rvklun Kunclxarls Sum- I.nrs<»n _lim I.a<ker 1‘ Q/fuf g »‘ if “ Jxl`a\Q'‘i *’*;" ’ Edward Leahy Jim Lich Renee MacAleney Pugg, :yum Um.; Paul Robrn Peabody WH. ” Dm id Magee Mindy Mann y ‘*? Toni )l.\|sluI1 Lvun.|r<l Pennock David Perkins James l’\-rkius MY f‘ Kim May Carolyn Mays Karen McGinnis \ H._ _.\( "F , "". 1 ' kA Lee Pererson Vera Piccinino Kathy Rumcld Debbie Mcknagm Diana nieimn Carol Meyer Doug Rohberson Mikc Rollins Jamie Russin craig Miller Pam Miner sm. Mans :ggi 1 'il' / x_ H Greg Rudesill wendy Ruiz Debra Sapp Ann Moore Cheryl Noonan Vicki Nuner Charla Schif Eloise Scholz John Schumer! '°,, Q Z | `i H( A 1? T _ av' 1° \~*Y%.é JM? ,\\ ‘I T." 59 N L LA. \ F'i“°” F* __` ¥ 2~ mt; I Hard Work Brings Results Senior Student Council worked to influence student government. ll got involved in some school rule changes. Because ol' its efforts, girls can now wear vulotles, and juniors will get their senior rings ll the end of their junior year. It was also involved in the closed lunchshift problem. Student (founril entliusiasticnlly sponsored the traditional Canned Food Drive and the Talent Show. Sev eral interesting assemblies came about through its efforts. Fiie perruninent committees worked hard to make it a formative, exciting year. R.-|»n-~.-n|_m\t-s un-. I--it ro right, Rau- une: rim-ai Huffman, Dr-lxhiv Byrd, mommy wadneiai, omg summmmier, rmehbie Sth-.|¢, JJnH~ Kinder. Raw zu-a; Alan Bon, sw" Neu...i¢1,`»|, mfr cams, candy Lmklaf, David saw, Mr. Ned whit., sp..n~~r. R:/H rhrev: Kun Cehhnrd, Dennis M¢c<,,~, zach cmwfigm, ma Hogg, Tom Henry, Mark Henry. l I I I 6 1 i | *_ ,| ,,»»q.,, ' ~ A' ..._ 1-»2 _\I|f-_m_.n-~ in-, Itft lu`right, Rau’ onv: Kathi Willy), Btn; Smf-ns, Rub Wind, Kin Sexton. Debbie Rnper, Huy Dlvliiirilyifi/rut .nw U.. , .-n. mu: bury Hedley, lirml l’iun.m, Phi] l..\k.r|n|\, Terrill .lone-s. lun Widtieldl. Mnry Ellen Moslofl, , 62 Senior and Junior Student Council Officers Work Toward Goals Senior Student Council Officers, are If!! to right, Gary Crindler, pres' idem; Laurie McDade, vice-president; Ruy Richter, treasurer; Chris Adams. secretary. New officers lake the oath of office an xheir insmllanions, junior Smdvm Cf-uncil Olfiius. ma li-/f zu riglu, Sow Sfh.-1: amsum; ufbbic sfhmm, »a~.,»f¢,s.1.-n\_ suv o1,..n, W; idem; Linda Hale. secmary. fi" vw- " =.f..¢;.<,.,r m ' VM >~¢r1r-nz Cfurnvrl Rt~m~t\n¢rm»@S mf, len m right, /ew 1: JW. sofgennea, Laura snyam, Amy Ra¢|ma§¢.\=, Carol l \ l\ tt' ;,\ \\nt=_ _Lm [¥mr\ \[.|r\ llwung, Stuart \V,\ut. Howarrl Brooks. Row 2: Susan Gabauer, Donna Gaines, . N it \ n\\ \I|ll~_ St|~|u l€~»llin~, (`.||h\ S|||l»|»~_ _lf-Im `\l\tIn-rt. Row 3: ‘\lrs. Cheryl Klocke, Mr. Charles Kapler. t ~:1v lm; ~tu»lent> are elected in the fall to represent their classes in Junior Student Council. These ~ lr- _xu»l<>~ T through ‘) take an active interest in school activities such as the canned food drive, 1»w\` url .x ]u|vi<>r High Spirit Wveck. r v»5»r»~~»-ntr\li\e~ from Junior Student Council attend each Senior Student Council meeting to learn it ml \. their goals. _tumur stud-nt_C~unt it Altt-:nun-s ure. hum left tu right, Row I: Llmlu Schit, Mir; Sutton. Stephanie Hammock, Susan hge.-rs. Krrndw :|».rgr|st,`.ludy Bovlum-, (intl <u\||»n, Alun W:-z|\l\\\l»<.ul_ Row 2: f\lrs. Cheryl Klocke, Carol Bolling, Barbara blunklf-_ 'lovn Htupt-~_ Sheri Hurn~, Bunn l,t¢\i|\, (lt-ttrgv Ft~|n-r. Dun Tr.\vi~, Mr. Charles Kapffr. 64 *IW Throughout the year both Sr. and Jr. Student council sponsored many activities such as Sr. Week, canned food drive, assemblies, and dances, uv/ » uv... ,, ‘N French Club Pi Enjoys Activities F n-nch Clull ~lfll»l»r~ un, lfll lu mln, Klfll .lui ll-llfl-~1l|lll\~ I lil., mp., 5; y, , \ Sunnwrf l > .mn K. §~Kun l uf, uw 1. slim., ,,l....|,.,». K ,\....»,l. ,,...\.\,~ ~ <l»rrz-lun; ‘\lr~, (1-»l|¢ I'llrx< ll. ~|»~|\\ll| ,¢ \ _IJ , ,., '32, 1 ’ ,. ‘fi J’ »;”;r~..*'-*. wi# .»» ~,_, ,' 1,4'iv' f -.~f ' -._ \ \_' `ri1..¢o llur|q\1<‘\~_ fil|ll~. lou: ill- l§1¢»|ll\\ 'ul ll \ will-r ;<um»~. .lull Ullu-l <-\~llu,; » ~=\:~ the inn lor l*1<>n|ll (lull |1l<'x1l»~ r Xlunllwly :nm-liny~ ]r1\»\l<lwl .1 ll. k v lnlbreflefl in lfrenrll lu lvulrl nl-lvul lvl v l zmrl life in Franu-_ .\ Cr>luml\u~ lla) Smile-r lv;|n,~- \».l~ MH l"rr‘nll1 (Il\1lvm\rl F[|<\nl~lm (Ilul\ ln \\ll. ll `; Frvnrh player 1101, Kun and Spanish player John Wusslrr was \ ir‘l(l1iou<. .‘\l»r»\m> all. me>mlwr~ uf l"rf~n\lx l`llxl» (lm \ ggln mme.for pus>¢<\i~»n nl the lmll in lhc Columbus Duy Son-er nu! ll1f'\ roulvl cnjs-\ 1l\1'|n~<~l\e~ \\lul<‘ lf ¢::1 '_ sk _ :,` fi L1 `, ,\~'I _- _`¢-._ \\ Q _.w.°, ' if I g ~= i. l'. R, “' 4' Fmlduclub members uf, len lo nm, Raw W, G, J<»hn<.m, J. mllmp.-f. I.. R.-hi.-1.1, S mmm, K, Janslvn, R. Klaskin, S. Dum Q. Bnllmg, C. Aaanu, D. Hem", M. Hrad, L. Hale. Rau- nm; uf. ul... I'||fl.~l\, spnnwr; n. vvadludl. C, \x'ha¢¢, D. Snow, J. Bull mgu, K. Sem". L, Gan. C, Bfinklnmr, J. Jones. J. Dmn, S. Hamm.,.~\_ 11. zufhnwn. Rau' mm, ru. rams. L_ limung D, Sum» msr=f~l=s. S. While, P. Mc/niney. D. Roprr, S. Jnhnsnn. K. wun, |>. sfh»,.\m_ ir. wum, B, Wind. B. Muehlherg, Rau ¢ml,_- 0. wang, ewenlcnrr, L, Shilling. N. Eulmunn, J. (inland, D. Mays, M. Emrry, A. Quinlan. Rmrk. L. Robinson, K, Nmmlf, M. H » M. R 1 ' i ' ' ~ ‘ 67 Business Club Encourages Students l‘lf»T-68 was the first year for Business Club at BHS, The cluli was open to all students, grades len through twelve, who were currently enrolled in business courses or who previously had been en rolled. The purpose of the club is to broaden stu dent knowledge of the St. Louis business commu nity and encourage interest in business courses. Business Club officers are, from left lo right: Mine ]l||el`l Summers. sponsor; K. Gebhard, vice-president; K. Cell, projects rhairman; D. Dahlin, treasurer; B. Watkins, |1res» ident; G. Frossard, publicity cluirrnan; M. 0'Hnrs, sec rem-y. l ~.n»»~~ Vluh tm-tub.-rs tire. left ln right. Rau; one: M. 0`Hara. S. Parker. C. Delle. .|. Doyle, A. Quinlan, P. Janssen, M, Hull n, It Kwmp_ K. Johnston, M. Lt-shy. Raw two: C. Wright, S. Grace. D. Smith, L. Savage. S. White, M, Stevens, K. Janssen, I Rl|~km. *_ Ducry. K. Geisz, N. Bomtmn. Rau- three: J. Epstein, C. Putter, D. Sapp. G. Frossard, D. Dahlin, R. Hogg '\ 1 V in \ ~. R. lntlermn. T. Gmitnnn. R. Rirhtt-r. _l Business Club members are, left to right, Row one; L. Purdy, D. Gilbert. N. Gillespie, H. Connoyer,S. Neunuehel. K.Geb hard, K. Kothe, D. Schott, G. Johnson, Row two: L. Foster, S. Henson. S. Rumpl, B. Htlltdley, K. Schafer. C. Gully, P Ycgcnur, _ ollinger,S.U.Dye, Byrd.C, While, Row three: B. Watkins, J. Jansma. P. Finot, I. De Mlrgel, M. McNair, M. cclndy, K. INC. 68 wr-~ www ~ ' Clubs Pursue Their Interests Members of FFA are, left to right, Row une: S. Anderson, R. Klaskin, C. Bolling, M. Stewns, K. Janssen, S. Duccy, (1 White, S. Canner, M. 0'Ha\'a, V. Beekman, B. Sandhngen. Raw Iwo: .l. Bollinger, L, l\IcDade, K. Sexton, K. Phillips, K. Durey. D, Smith, I. Chapman, C. Brinkmeyer, L. Rehfeld, S. Henson, K. Ceisz. Row three: M. McCurdy, C. Hippert, J. Jansma. L. Foster, P, Plagenz, J, Bollinger, D, Schott, C. Iohnson, M. Nloskulf, S. Parker, f\l_ f\lills. FTA members had a chance to learn about the many aspects of teaching through interesting speakers ‘ and programs, The club was one of the first to use the new video tape machine in showing teaching ideas. Art Club, new this year, gave students a chance to V explore different types of art. Members worked on art l projects as well as hearing speakers at meetings. l FTA officers an-_ Ie/1 za righr:S. M. 0'l-iam. K LT<w=z. Conner. B. Sandhagen, Mrs. Sue Kirlh-y. \lr. R.-lwr Lewis An Cluh Dfw.-rs aff. mf if. fight. C. resin.. c. Hahn, rms. Virginia Jultan, .pDn.0r_ ‘t »¢'<,= , 6? l¢§|l|0|Ll!C|\\\\ln,l¢1l¢ori|ht,Rn :C.Hl\,B.Q‘l.A.Q\\'l,_l.Lo',L.Bak,J.C1\ :m,L r sn-»»¢a_ uw fa. an. 1.1. ,..'”f'$,"f. E.",\..,...lE11`J “L 0.,...I`l€ w.f.2§.f c. aaii., 1 §,lE'2`..t 1. . _ l- Nunn? Mn. Julym, R. Forbes, C. Mnnis, M, Crowley, L. Mchade. G. Nystrom. S. Coles Q hlnlll,G.. Jnlmmn. Killa, K. Halton, I. Redman, C. While. S. Henson. ...nam rin/ ¢5 P/ur I k $.74 <fr..»,..i.»n mul, m.-ml..-.S lr.-_ 1.4. r.. nghr, Raw one: 5. iirmgan, J. mppm, L. car., C, w1nre,B.Ni¢k.n,|c Geblm-cl, G. |f,..._....|_ |<. .\n.1@._r..., n. nnrnf.. N. <:;“.,=_ R. i.am1§.-y. RW nw. D, Hellwege, s. Armsey, M. sum, N. smenlna, J. \\..nr~m|_ <; min... M. wnm. S. <:.»,.,..»r. n. s=n.1\.=gm, K. mn, J, Erwin. mw um: J. mm. J. LeClaire, s. Mlm., S. min, R, Run". C, While, J. Jrn.n.r_ ir. mn.-f. G. lluilman, .|. znrbraggun, G. wnmann, Mn. Knighx, mum. RW /W. 1. »<..|,......n. n. sn...-. J, J»»m...n_ F. <:.m@m». L. rs.-ermn, J. Lowe. s. Ollenhach, K. Kong, D. una, D. Hover, r lil", v. inn... Cliemistry Club and Biology Club Have Active Year \`li~n»\~r», Flnh nlfif--r< .\re. l»-ln ro right, Larry Beekman, \rf.\~\1r»fx: Sigi Olfenhaih, hi=mrinn; Gunther Weimann, ~~r1_vrr»; Jwn Jm~"\~\~ vrfsid--nm, and Ron Lin<|~<-y, vice- Allow. Chemistry ayisxanrs are. leir Io righr, Ron Lindsey, ,.r.....1~nr. Gunther Weimann, and Mark Savage. Below, Biology Club officers ure, lelt to right. Bill Smith. vicachaimiun, and Lnrry Robinson, chairman. 1-1 .» Binlogy Club members are, left to rigln, Mr. Wray Darr, sponsor, B. Smith, T. Nov/ell, L_ Robinson, M. Pmlller, J. Dani, T. Holland, and C. Baldwin. Spirit” Into Print Pam Plagem disirihules individual pictures. EACLET STAFF Edizorzn-Chip] , ...,........,_. _ _ b-igh lf~»rf~r Assixmnz Eflirur ,_ Jud, rmxmrfr /Iasislrmt Edimr , .. Suv C~~:i;.~r Sm/f S1a// Phan/grup/:er ,., _ _ , Iimiir la I LL, l’ham,gmphfr .__. , , Bari, \n.:}.~, » Other .loumalism II sfurlems are, Row one: Susan Anderson and Nancy Sozgenfrei. Row Iwo: Cheryl Bolling, Cindy Locklar, Susan Henson, and Dolores Kemp. Row three: Pam Plagenz, Barb Sand hagen, Greg Crowley, Patrick Derickson, and Jean Jansma. Copy to the printers, TODAY . . _ Friday deadlines . . . The Eagle! Staff is responsible for the monthly publication of the Euglcl. The Eagle: has editorials and features cover ing all faoeta of school life. za Slndonls struggle lo mee: their newspaper deadlines in rhe abou: picture, Tn lhe nn, i mmm; of repose rr ler meeling lheir deadline. 1| Cadet Band Trains For The Future _ _ , Cadet Band was organized to give the ,_ 1 Junior High students an opportunity to pre pare lhcmselves for future musical work. From Cade! Band in Junior High. they go to surh organizations in Senior High as Cones-rt Brand and Marching Band. tan H \1» \I 1` !~hn~~n A||~<r` (hr 1`,|||»-| Ibm! dunng nm- nf 'Y <.,\ wr ~,\~,.\n \|.,..\..-N ..r \|..- chi.-¢ urn.: Jw, len |., nam. m»..~ W; um” F.-f,¢..`.r.._ awk, mfg.-M. Judy Immer, nam McNair, Nancy _I-rhn~-»n, Arny Rx.\\ma§.»n_ cami, xml. Row mf Tom 'r.»f.~_ n...ma.- P|..»|,.§_ 1301, P.~a|»<~uy. uma Barker, su; Beahean, ,|n..».- R~\\a,.`<1.,\»1, Slum, simon Eichlvr, cuff lm, Tun, mrr.__ mn \li|<h»~l|, mm; Shaver. Howard Brooks, Jmm ~...m., mnnn Brow. Rf/u.~ zhrvf: Brure .‘\ndrrs<>n, sm sr..||mg< 'nm Hurrmn, §hr|run wharf, Pam Manu, Barbara Gar ~gnrna_ ,Iuhn Nanglv, Tum cams, (Jordon, Nuuer, r;.m1.». s.»hm-a.|.»f__1~n anim. Li-unqrd Pvnnock, Bin Wane, Nm camel, Irma (1i;|r~pelli, uma Huw", Greg Rudeini, Mink s¢¢p|...,.~_ mmr r~»fkan§_ sms Scholl, Pere Hille. Raw /mf 'rom T~-rberr. cuff P..u»r, Mm Terry_ quam.: direclon; David D»w¢1v_ _|am1,.`|<<-:_ 1301> Fry. Tucker Bodmin. Steve Anzle. Paul Lu-1.1, Mike Um, sm Mem, Gm Byrd, Neil spfigm-, sw- xr,-a~..n_ Tum f\Iar>hal\. any Mecm. Hugh Wright. Mr. mamma ,\m1<»~,n, nf. M. T. Juhnsnn, >p<,n>.,m. 76 Junior Tri-M Provides Experience Junior Tri-M is a national so ciety to honor ]unior High mu sicians. Selected students are in vited to audition before the group. If they can perform up to the group siandards of Tri-M, they are accepted. Tri-M provides much needed experience for Junior High students. Junior Tri»M officers are, lei! to right. Raw one: Jan Drury, president: Sheri Burris, vice-president; Raw two: Sue Eggers, secretary; Rick Much treasurer; Linda Moore, hislorian. Membeu of the Junior Tri-M Ire, left to right, Row one: Mrs. Betty Lou Carlton, sponsor; Pam Miller, lee Peterson, Sue Glh-ref. hw Svrsenfm. Bryce Ferguson, Jiri Breckenridge. Laura Larson, Mmm ami, Angela Joseph, Debbie Mrxnagm. Rw N01 SIIG Bum, Sunn Rollins, Cnhy Szubbr, Cindy Kem, Debbie Schwartz, Jan Drury, Sheri Burris, Kathy 'Iii-nm¢r~ berg, Moore, Rmdl Baldwin. Raw three: Brel Falkner, William Barker. Ted Holland, Mike Berry, Scott Savage, Rick lueh, Rohm Halle, Ned Eydmum. Row four: Steve Schulz, John Nangle, David Prrkins, Pele Hi]]¢, Ted Dum, Ray Soon, Dlvxd Barker, David Dnwdy, Bob Peabody, Stan §hillin|;. fu, Senior Tri-M Promotes Better Music Senior Tri-M is a national hon or society for the propagation of |_ ‘sf good music. Talented Senior High students are invited to join and given an audition. The Modern Music Masters perform for groups, sponsor music oriented assemblies, and, in general, help promote bet ter music. Senior Tri-M officers are, left ro right Mary McCurdy, president; Cindy Look lar, secretary; Nancy Sorgenfrel, \ice president; Casey Geisz, treasurer; Jack ie Redman, historian. Mzllben of the Senior Tri-M Ire, left to i@l-it, Row one: .lim Krall, Barb Sandhagen, Jackie Redman Nancy Sorgenfrer Bow two: Mr. Dauld Anderson, sponsor; Mary McCurdy, Laura Hanung, Cindy Lncklar, Bob Goodmm Raw three Ste\e Ulrritlugu, Cuey Ceis, Cnty Grindler, Dave Sapp. Raw four: Kun Niehnff, Cliff Potter, Roger Corey Larry Beekman _ar1mfLa.__, Selected Groups Show Talent ,,.»,,s re s**** *‘ » .? . r.;i.f¢§=f1¥“iiZ~zi.;., ) l *UW* \ L iii ii$»§§lip,'f‘V? , L \I~=iiI~»r. of lhnr.-rl (llioir ore, lr-fx n» rigln, Raw one: Cathy Sim-kwr»ll_ L0i~ Eiuns, Juan Dr Mai-gel, Leigh Fosier, Iwii liullmg, Blirliflli- E `¢..i,u.», mme Rr-dm", isiriirm iiur-i.ii>efg, umm wind, Kauiy Pmilaps, Debbie Byrd, li iiizi llirwll, )I_|r\ |\_|l|», Razr luo: Linder Rchield, Sue Holriiinh, Jenn Jrinsrmn Virki Beekman, Laurie Harlung, < inn i;r..ii.,~»\.»f, \'.rgsni. 5l1.|»er,\'iCki l*l,\s1y,K;\lhy Hill, Kirby Kuilw, 5ue Anderson, Barb Schif, Laurie McDade. \ii,. i:i»»., \l~~k~Ii_ Run :hu-as Duiinr Con);-.i_ Toby '1`humu~, Slew Warsl, Reed Pitman, Charles Aull, Steve Coles ,~ii>~. ~».».. i<,.»ii\, xiifi llr-nri, Tom Torlierr, Tum livin). Raw jam; Ilmid Hugh;-<, Charles Bredwell, Ron Holcomb, ‘mi in ~_ im.; x.i,~.r Ihul Nh-yi-rs, Dun Howard, Joe Epslvin, Saou Hippen_ lm- In im-nil»<-r~ uf i wi 4`h~ir_ ~r»li~f-ml i ~i-lili~|»_ ~|ii<l\ mu~~ ’ il rf-1 linif|ur>~ .ind in f»z; ~‘»' |.\|i1»|i iuiiler Ilif li»»~ ii-in of \lr~_ Lenin /.ir 1 if l\. lfrwli \¢-ar the Choir ii»»rff»i|i\~ .il tlir Christ m.i~ 1 mm-il. Rotary (lulv. Fpring Convert, mul gmvluiilirirx. The time be-tiireri concerts is Kpf-nt prafticing and learning iliffcrcnt types of music. The members of Mndrignl arc, from left lo right. Rrfu~ une: Mary Kalb. Joan De Margel, Jackie Redman, llarlmm Wind, Laurie llnrlung, Sue Anderson. Row Iwo: Stow Ward, Sreve Moritsugu, Rim H~].~i»|n|i, (Iliff I’~»\\<~r, Simi- Cali-sviortlii. The oflirers of Concert Choir are lelk to righl, Row imc: Jackie Red man, pmpmies and student di recrm; Kathy Phillips, assi. ac ¢<.|..pmi5¢; Cheri Boiling, librar ian; Debbie Byrd, secretary; Linda Rehfeld, accompanist. Row Iwo: 'rom Henry, president; Ron Hol comb, srudenr director; Dan Howard, properties; Mrs. Leora Zarrick, director. 80 Junior High Choirs Sing and Learn Members ul Seventh and Eighth Grade Choir are, lelt to right, Row one; D, Drake, C. Ermnran, D_ McKnight, J. Sm.-2. V Roper, S. While, A. Rrormrasorr, P. Estzque, L_ Larson, s. wrsormr., K. Mfcrrmas, F. crm, C. Noonan, S. Brshrrr.. rr... 1. Mrs. Beary Lou Carlton, sponsor, C. Smimh, B. Shonholz, G, Sutton, L. Sngds-r§, D. McNair, J. B<»r»hm~. P. Mlllvr, \\ Ii. » Garegnani, L_ Peterson, J. Sorgenlrel, B. Ferguson, H. Derickson, V. Nuller, J. Rossin. Rau thier-.' C. Srhlf, N. Jv»hn~ :. Head, C. Webster, C. Corey, C. Keasl, R. Campbell, C. Bolling, P. Summerscales, M_ Hippert, S. Shinkle. J. Linh. J. Vfxki Hamilrorr. Row /our: J. Tor-rrsrna, C. srobbs, D. Reed, L. Topping, T. Horne, G. Bell, c. Miller, D. Jarolri, H n..».r.,-.. Berry, C. Shaver, D. Perkins, P. Armsey, E. Canes, D. Gaines, A, Moore. Row /ive: D, Grace, T. Budman, ll. Wnghl, T H " man, A. Wealherhead, C. Crinstead, J. Lasker, H. Brooks, D. Simms, K. Ducey. » ;\4 “sullen of Ninth Gnd: Clmir ue, left no right, Raw one: T. Perkins, M. Olrrechl, R. Coleswurrhy, Raw Iwo: M. Suuon, S. Humwk. B. Pulau, V. Taylor, M. Emery, M. Hwang, J. Marshall, D. Zimmerly. Raw rhree: L. Moore, E. Navirs, L Parry, D. Hdlltr K. Pllflbty, S. Eggeri. J- Johnson, S. Henderson, D. Zurhriggen. Raw /our: D. Dwyer, B. Mark, D. Waldrop, J. “Riff , for < , .3 ` »..;a<k.,.n~; w..'~; Junior High Presents "Tom Sawyer” and “The Stuck Pot” On April 18 and 19 the Ir. High presented the musical version ui “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer". Left: Tom Sawyer (Pres Barker) defends his honor against the attacks of the Model spy |Ke\in Durr,~>_ Right: rrryrrrr Jpr (Hugh Wright) digs in the graveyard watched by npr Robinson (Tim Hoffman) and Muff Potter (Ray Scott). Cast ol' Tom Smryer ' ~ l'~Il\ ._ Cath; ;r!w\E!‘ `»ii;,, ._ \Y~ :rl B~\ _ _iw ._ up Rrpr-r_ Stubbs _ _ _ _ Pres Barker ._ _ Bryce Ferguson Ku in Ducey Chris Shaver Rick Emas tr _ ._ __ ., Laura Larsen lnrun Ju. __ _ _ __ _ __ _ Hugh Wright H urhrm Finn ______ Rrrhy Agprrr Mr tir.hhrr.» ..___.,_.___ Tum Harper _app Lamren-ae _... nrhprah rurkrrrrhr Jae Harper _ __ .___. Dennis Stubbs Sid ,____ _ _ _ __ ___. Howard Brooks Mr. Spraque ._ ..____ __ lim Linh Mrs. Harper ___._.,___,. Sue Gabauer Cast of The Stuck Paz Martha Bruss Dean Taggen Grrre srrrgew ick ...... Apgela Joseph Willard Sengewick , . _ _ Tom Heapes Alice Sengewi clr ..._.._. Cathy Stubbs Mary Thompkins _.__.. Laura Larson Gail Treat .__,.., Jane Stone Amy Caldwell ,...,_ ___, S hai-on White Lucile Coulter ........ Mary Hippert Julia __,.._..., _ _ Ruth .,.. Alberta .._. Eunice Ida ._._ .loan Martha ._ Bula _lim Bill ,___ Pam Arr-nsey Ann Moore Carol Corey Jeanne Smith __ ,lan Breckenridge Sharon Eichler Elsa Carter Larry Bush “The Stunlr Po!" was prelented on October I8 and 19. In the pictnn u the top, Pam Miller, Jane Sinn; Cathy Stubbs, and Laun hmm cheer on thi _ _ _ _ Dave Perkins ment of the winner of the ltrmlr pol. Robert Beulrer school in an early scene from “The Stuek Pot". Bottom: Gail Trent (Jus Sums), Mary Thompkim (Laura Larson), Kay Emerson (Pun Hiller), all Alien Sengewiek (Cathy Stubbs) rem to Hubert I-`amlly’a (Risky Agmi) annuals ~ r ,:`»rir_ hilsih _ if up Play Crews Put the Show on the Road Pl1\ crens \\nrk behind the scenes, painting, con =tru<~||ng sr-!>, sewing. making up, etc, These stu dent ne up their time and energy to help pu! the how on the road. Play crew chairmen are, from ld! lo right, Raw une: D. Smith, B. Wind, W. Evans, M. Url, C. Sehgll. Raw tum: A, Boll, K. Hunter, M, Moskoll, N. Joslin, 5. Armsey, R. Crowley. Senior play crew members are, from left to right, Row one: N. Eydmann, C. Sehgnl, B. Coles wonhy, M. Ura, C. Grinsrud, D. Barker, H. Wright. L. Bulb. Raw nw: C. Schou, J. Smith, S. Bnrbuy, F. Carter, L. Herring, K. Andes sun, K. Scan, V. Rohbennn. Ro: thru: K, Hunter, B. Wind. M. Sutton. D, Zimmerly, L Evans, N. Joslin, P. Miller, R. Frankey, S. Armsey. Rau: Iour: M. Mosknff. I. Bruss, R. Crowley, M. Purkzy, P. Meyers, P. Marial, A. Bon, D. Jacobi. c _ fl rt. ” : ' ..1|f I .F_ ` I6 ,..¢ in ‘af vw Mr David Ryan asain; behind \he scenes ]'h' I embe ,f lm: 'h\,R n:M.Bdl.D.Sehnn|,L s:i`i:;¢,'QVlrff,"¥."ir.n_'1i."5m':=:nx, u.°#|,._ iii' Zulu. 1|-» rw: r. cum B, Surgener, P. A|o\\i. L. Ohrechl, K. Timmerbcq, B. Plxllll. C. SGML K. l£|lli¢ Breckenridge, Smith. Llnon, R. parks, I.J.Pennock Row three: J. Schuman, V. Sehnl, R. Fni. T. lui / ..~_Qt . ;::~ we' Thespians Advance The Dramatic Art B ~J. l .l Officers of Thespianx are, Sitting from le/I la ' lu; Km Pliillips, vin-pfesiaem; Alan Bon, president; Jug Redmalx hlswnan; and Devm Smith, secretary-treasurer. Standing from le/I lu light are Mr. Harold Becker and Mr. David lynn, sponsors. I`l\»> Tl\»>~pian< help make the plays at BHS 1 u we~=. Th:-5 he-lp rhoose the plays and zu lun .xml nag# hands. l»~\»|m- _i Tlwspinn »lunlen!s must have X».£nt~_ ,-\p|>r¢-nti|~r> may amend meetings \ 1-r hm- >e\\»n points. »\l\r~ any wung /mm Ie/1 lo vighz and Jan l l l., vu-.|..~`m_ mm smm., ~ ,vmf-"Q /mm /»/1 m righzr Pam Plagenz, r. \l`lr\ EIL-n \I<»=k~fl, Jim Kraft, Kathy r V l.,\_l.~.f., v;r.md,»f sehgal, and Kamy 1.1 Thespian apprenlicei are, siniug, row one, le/A ru right: Ted Dam, Ray Sean, Dnid Newell. Ned Eydmann, Tom Henpes, Cnig Shure, and Clurles Baldwin. Sil xing from le/¢ to right: Mary Suz mn, Danna Schaeffer. June Bran, and Melissa Heipenleiter. Standing /rom If/r lo right: Sieve Amuey Donna Tumor, Manln Bron, Bar ham Wind, Mary Kllb, Lnun hx' eon, Wanda Evans, md Cnml Young. IH ~ _.. La-+ ,J`! , f\r’° _.x Y. \§_ V_ 55 f .J llllv *WE " ?\. ‘ 5 fb ' \( ,M `\ f 4` 5111. ‘A ¢~ ~ MJ 1 ' ‘ v ' V ,J 1 \:< Q~ I ? K _ -nk ¥ ui ‘ft 1+ '»¢.;_a=1z.'&.~ =:`§;‘L " ,_ E .fm _ \,_ ~ ~' L_ ; __ l Wh /mfr W://¢nlmr,q_ llrurl ffunrh John my Lufnh Le: Wynn Fa Capuum Kun Gel:/und, Chuck Ropzr '_' I` 4 * I FJ U78 73) Spirilfvl /fag/r'_\ /um/|1910 lhinl unzlff/1'r1lr1[ .\f'/nun with grwal 111'/vrnlirlaiiu/1 mul prille. '|`||i< x~ Hu l4.m|||x\||1||1|n`! |w]i| w |||~- nrv~~||.||»a-r .|r||4|»>~ |||.|l ~.1]¢| |¢||'l\lw»m| |nuNn'! win .All their game! lglill lllil yell. 'nit fluhfz kn~.». |h~» .»H.».| nl |»»_|mw-rk .»n|| Ihr- .nvlimflv Um -[rin-_ |h~» p|.|;rr< :hmugh _4 play, .1 gum:-, and the xenon. Row I: B. Nlcllllv s. x|.,.-rw., >_ \. un".-|..-:_ n. I'»ln|.»n, n. 1s.,1|.n,<, |¢_ JJ.~\`,..._ \_ kenaf. s. lhul, U, Frrsc. R. Wucslling, J. Johnson, R. Bannel. R. Bunk U. Wlnllr. H. w||||~1vn, B. Kimk, C. Ilrmlwull, W. [’|~rkin~4. Row 2' ll. Mullmall, Z. C1|l’lwl'ig}ll, D. Hllghtl, M. Toney, E. cliff T* ,.»_» 1 cz a;u'-\vm:'fm-11 »..~».»4.¢.» Aubw ~¢~aP»<»»u»- ixuuaé I *E ,\ Chuck Returning Senior r Lettermen Kurt Cebhard Senior Dan Hover Senior _lame Cameron Fred Wohlschlaeger Junior Nick Gina Senior Dave Hughes Bill Buckner Junior Sophomore Terry Gaines Junior / ` Jim Pllman Junior Steve Thomas Iunior »$,` Ca rlos Alzola Senior ' av'ji \~ 1 Cary Grindler Senior < 7th and 8th Grade Basketball Use Skills `/ S' x .gf Till and Hlll Gndm- Baskelball mx>n\l\er= Jn: lm-it lu rigln, Row om' |).l1r,|r\-, '\l (f.1N\.ll.l§r~»|»\~._| li\lz_ \l l _, D, Paul, C. Shawl, B. Fislicr, l’. Sohhfl), B. Peabody, S, Angle, 'I`. Klurxrimfyvr, T. llmlrxun, 5 5ln|]m; Run r. Burris, A. Wealherhend, R. Emqs, _l. Hale, ll. Brenlnn. D. Robberswn, T, l||>H|\\.in_ (1, K\nl~'~il|. I. Lx) \»~\ n. l. 4-vii B. Thompson, H. Wxighl. C. Miller. L_ Penn-vi-L. Rau. rhree: S, Svhnn, N. 5|>¥UH“*‘» 5- K¥<“~~n. \. Mlm 1. *L \l=r~ V Ginos, J. Rogers, M. Kneedlcr. C. Fislwr, Mr. Harlan Lawson, K, Rud\>~i||, li, .'\n|l»>r~|»|\. T. Fggv-r~_ Il l,|\m_ l' lr_. sun, U. Heston, D. Jambi, R, Stull. J. Roehm, 5. Cunnuycr. G m Assistants Aid Teachers Gym Assistanls axe, left In right, Row ann: N, l]<|wn\.in, N. (Rmk, J. I¥|»llingvr, \, Quinlnn. NI. Huffman. M.§l§vens, M. 0'Hara. Johnson, N. Olson, J. Junsmn, S. (innnvr. Rau nw>. HQ-n~|»ns.»fg.»,.`n.~a. I. Hudapp L. ¢ 3 ¢. J. Ballinger, L_ C. Foster, P. Brigham, H. Taylor. x. s...~~_, <1 \.1..“.J. c_ s;...|.»1i},`N. Gym Assistants are, left lo right, Run/ one: R. Marion, D. Sapp. J. Camrnm, L. l\lnn'is, R. Crowley, S. Thomas. Rnw lam: L. Vulkcnmg, B. Goodman, F. Wolilschlaegvn T. Henry, Il. Hughes, J. Oppcnheim, B. Jackson. 95 f- wrrfvf Freshmen Show Effort -elumn Basketball members are, left to right, Row one: Doug Heston, Jeff Carlton, Rick Much, Jim Smith, Dani de Ju; Clif! nr\=§er_ Dennis Case, Mike Logan. Row two: Mr. Peter Willenborg, Scott Savage, Jul Stay, Brad Bunk, Rllldy s¢¢ll'i¢» Dive Slim, \ lmmer, Tom Schuetl, James Jones, John McCrea, George Wohlschlaeger, and Ned Eydmum, manager. With a squad of eighteen players, the Freshman Basketball team finished the season with a seven and seven record. Under the supervision of Coach Willenborg, the team won second in the South County Tournament. High Scorer for the team was Doug Heston with 245 points, with James .lanes fol lowing with 163 points. Brentwood 52 Bayless 59 Brentwood 52 Maplewood 51 Brentwood 63 Steger 31 Brentwood Lafayette Brentwood Wellston Brentwood Plymouth Brentwood West Ladue Brentwood Aifton Brentwood East Laclue Brentwood Hancock Brentwood Bayless 96 Brentvuudllltwo. J V Team Shows _ _ Brentwood Webizer Crows Brentwood Uniuersiry Cizy Prornlslng Future Brentwood Valley Park Brentwood Clayton Brenrwood Priory Brenrwood Hancock Brentwood Eureka Brenlwoad Maplewood Brentwood Normandy Brentwood A//mn Brenxwood Bayless Brenlwood Hancock Brenzwvod Cibnull Brentwood Eureka Brentwoorl .llapleuood Brenznnad Enrelu Brenlunud Mapleuoo Brenzwood Aman Bfenliwod 34 Boilers 51 This year the JV Eagles were led by Stuart Booth. Conch Booth received a B.S.S.E. at Inhn Brown University. \ Z, i 'Qi 30 ‘” SkillJnlunon. and delamination were displayed throughout the seunn all :heRaw JV leam leh Gary in rialil, Raw one: Henson. John Wusslgn loc liek Mnwkel, mm az; Dick I-lellwege, Bob by Bnmk, wo: members, Bill Jarkwn, mrk, Larry Rlfk Knight, Fred Hag, Victor lluigliim McNair, Rick Wuenliug, Chip Julian. 97 \‘n_»,.f»i .u l 5_1 Spirit Leads Varsity Eagle Cagemen Through °67-°68 Season ‘SO \ \'<r~rvv> H,\=\<e\lmll cagemen are, left rn right, Harry Connoyt-r_ Carlns Alznla, Srnlr Neunuebel. Fred Wohlschlzeger, Coach Paul Castle wan, kurt Cr-lrhard, Bill Buckner, Casey Ceisz, Mer] Pohler, Hurlc) Straube. Kneeling are managers, Robert Dugger, Tom Torberl 'llrchael 0l»r~-1 »r~ xrmang from me picrure are mn Howard, chuck Roper, and Pr.a1La|<rmp_ ` Brerrluood 60 Brentwnod 27 Brentwood 78 g Bffnraraad , Brentwood sz 70 ` swim-.md as \/ _ v, ‘ Pnl vs lv ‘Q rr gf Brentwood 56 Brerrruood 54 Brentwood 67 Breruwood 62 Unireuily City 56 Webster Crm-es 55 Valley Park 70 Clayton Priory Kinlaeh 64 62 $5 St. Charles 74 Ham-ark 58 62 Eureka Maplewood 71 Brentuoad 53 Normandy 81 Brentwood 70 Brentwood 50 Brentwood 65 Brentwood 79 Brentwood 45 Brentwood 64 Brentwood Bl Brentwood 66 Brentwood 50 Brentwood 42 Brentwood 70 Brentwood 61 85 68 44 62 62 Allton Bayless Hancock Gibuul: Bayless .rlaplewoaa Eureka 75 .Maplewood 65 A//ton Barter: Principia Prep South 87 60 71 63 72 Returning Lettermen Bill Buckner Kun Gehhard Mer) Pohle (`u-capuins: Kun Cu\\h;\rd and Merl Pnhler. Wrestlers Win Two, Tie One in Second Year F ;,. 3 is-_ \r. \.~ rl=~~ ~»»~rr.r.g ».,\n.r ..r~_ l~~(r r.» nglrr. for W. B. Falknr-r, B. Yoder, T. cuok, weapon; L. Palm", G. lmrfy rf ,. rf. , ru > rx.u1_ B. <:.~..1m,,., <» rrrrwr, r»r-.mprrsnr rs. wr.rr§0n,z_cmwfagh¢,s. rhomr .v 'Y l Goodman puts the “Hurts” on. Odice Baldon cleans mar will: opponent Brentwood Brentwood Brentwood Brentwood Brentwood Brentwood Brentwood ' `-l‘><-IZ “rrslling wason was a suc» lE» \.rr~rry Eaglm mm two and tied ' >n»[»r~\ement mer the 1966-67 season, »|r>\-_.tml Xl Fairview 21 L1'~rrv»\ ‘ml ll Herkele) 35 R»|,¢»\,,.\.| l6 Amon 32 (.n,|<\h Maplewood Affton Jennings Maplewood Hancock Hancock Clayton w. Lang il' _ Members ul the wrfmling rum are, left ur righr, Row one: S. Oflenbnch, D. Froesel, D. Nowell, G, Byrd, manlger; I. Cole, muu|er 5. Slqzln ir;:an.rgvr; D. Supl. B. Barnes Row nw; J. Falkner, S. Abernathy, B, Woods, R. Bennet, M. Terry, B. Share, W. Conley R. cm»1@,. ig,, eyors. |00 Seven Returning Lettermen Lead Matmen |11 sg off b h ii Co-caplain ` 'nm 1 Odice Baldun (,-f~J;,v`,¢1. "` -,B Mike Terry gels in .1 bangle durinSune of lhe seasnrfs wrestling n\`\\rlw~ Lane Palmer w \ i 5' |45 ' Bah Goodmm R y Crowley 1 °*' Jim Putman IOI ‘W Eagles Have Successful Season Members of the 1968 Varsity Baseball Team are, lei! to right, Raw anz: Coach Peter Willenhorg, Kurt Ceblmrd, Gary Crindler, Paul Frese, Steve Thomas, Terrill Jones. Row nm: Ned Eydmnnn, manager, Tim Nisbet, Merl Pohler, Clilf Potter, Ed Cnhr. Row three: Rick Moeckel, manager, Trim Gammon, Scott Neunuehel, Hurley Straube, Rishard Wueslling. Iln- Russ-ball Eagles had a fine season finishing it nh .i rr-runl nf 8 wins and 7 losses, the hes! record in t»-n }»-airs. Outstanding pitchers were Kurt Ceb liarfl with 5 wins and 2 losses, Paul Frese with 2-3, .mil Smtt Yeunuehel with l»2. Steve Thomas had lil hits and batted in 12 runs. The leading hitters [fir the team were Steve Thomas with a .391 aver» age. \lerl Pohler 378. and Cary Grindler .362, Kurt C»>l»hnrrl had an earned run average of 2.11. Conch Willenhorg and the lnsebdl co-captains Meri Pohlef (left) and Gary Grindler (right). '|02 _ Members at the JV Baseball Team are, lett to right, Row one: Philip Cnanum, manager, Ian Bmckmridp, Bill Fran, Dmlh Mnllmxn, Funk Cunetto, Jim Smith, Dennis Cue. Tom Bennet, Amold Binueli, mana er. Raw nu: Juhl llcCn|, Dlllil B Jong, Scott Savage, Doug Dnlinglnn, David Frnesel, John Wunler, Joe Johnson, Bill flcksom, Breen Mltehll T1 Schutt, James Jones, Conch Paul Castlzmnn. i ¢<,a.`»§.»§{, Three Lettermen Return in ’68 _urn Bon Mark HenryIlmlivr mu Haines Junior Junior Three juniors heading this year’s golf team were Alan Bott, Mark Henry, and Rick Haines. Mark and Rick were the two with the lowest averages for the year. Sourhmoor Country Club is the home course for the Brentwood team. There they won two meets with Maplewood, and one with Lutheran South. This year’s team had many underclassmen. They were coached by Mr. .lohn Lauer. 3` _ rat" - lEr;$¢‘i` _ 5.3 _ ve Member. of the was golf rem, leh to right, nw W; sms Mmgm, Mm Boll., Casey Geisz, and Mark Henry. ' Gabauer, Rick Lalrala, and Jeff Carlton. Row ma: Coach Lauer, Rick Haines, Alan Gulhuapuiuuhfuhnl. |04 rf. < I Track Has Many Victories .» ' % \`),& 4' A5 im @*~ :_ *Q Q 9' Many hours of practice and coaching led to victories for the cindermen_ rv _` if V illustrated in the pictures above and to the left. \` `- _" Among the meets that the cindermen won this year are Duchesne lmii .V » ' _ 'I tional, Clayton Invitational, Class M District. They finished third in the Sit ' l~ ai Indoor, first in the State Outdoor, and second in South County Conierenrt ,Q I ' ~ | ___-~ 3 `- f`-iii: . '_ r . 1_5 I . y \ I ‘U I `l~i ` '._ “Il _ = . . /'T ‘T ,_~ ,égqsizw ,rw D ., _J ¢ *gn-g§§|~' ; I _ _X ,’ 7' M; ‘ 2~. 7 ' . y ,¢' '/v ,_. /_ `i' é» Standing, left to right, are, Couch Jerome Burgoyne, Co-captain Robert Goodman, Co captain James Cameron, and Coach John Titus. ,” ~' _#Ss|05 ~1 Q ua run" =|».|-un n.c<»am. J.`c.m.m,cm»1.,cn ,a 17“¢,, ' , ‘»._ mn 'l'f'Au:»u. D. umm K. linncif nw nm: siiuueh, 'r. cum, IL nmmv. c.°ii'fu=y, ‘Q 4§“¢.¢,,...,_,,,. “§§...§ 'GV , F. Res, lsflféq lx. fziigm, n. Hua. Rm um: R. Corey, R. Pmall. F. my ;,,é_F_$ 31% é,;_y` ,gi xn, kwm%3.Ycm%n B. rang", n. im., nwniz-75: `~’§”‘ I at ll-S , _C-3:lltlflvrila, " v ' ll. Leahy, T. Novell; mg.; D. Deevem mp.; D. 18 Returning Lettermen Make Up .,,_ 1: 90 / & rn-Lmnarmsu FY: /,_,.:’;'.5f3" 3 I 41 I %/_) Q .A ~~ l _fi Lmermen pmvide ex penee ' and skill needed for wiuu w B ll Burkner Zach Culwr gh! ~ - '» 'Q_ v "`-.1 Roger Corey Terry Cline: Bob Goodmm Dnvidhld S *ul 1 * “X A 532' Cross Country Team Has 5 Returning Lettermen D in ~l\ irlw Larry Volkemng David Head The Cross Country team ended its third season by winning three dual meets and finishing eighth out of fifteen in the District Meet. ln the District Meet at Jefferson Barracks, Kent Kolaga was the only qualifier from Brentwood eligible for the State Meet at Columbia. ,.\ -I V) Memlivrs of the 1968 Cmss Country team are. It-it to right, Raw une: Jim Vellios, Dick Hellwege, Jim Buelret, (`arry Mean, Row me Kurt Kulm, David HM, Dan shim, um- v.»|\m.ang, Kent Kolags Conch Jerome Bur E l 5 ff# -|;_mi»T !_j 1 \\ \ ,, ' \*° ~‘ “ I 4 I *fb* K Junior Varsity Cheerleaders Gail Johnstone Linda Savage Delllmf H~; rr For the first time, the Junior Var<it\ athletic !v.w\~ hurl :lw l own cheerleaders, made up of five soplroinore ;:irl<. Thr-5 l\r'[» to promote the spirit for \he _l.\'. learns l»} partiripzltin; iii l~ I assemblies and leading the Cheers at gruxrea \li~~ ,lrmwll iurum: is Ihe squad sponsor. Captain Karen Schaper im 1.4; - "I ' Lv. cheerleaders ure, lei! K0 righl, Cai] lolunslnnr, Linda Sznage, Drlvbir Ruprr, Dixie _ _ Summnricales, Karen Sclxaper. \Ii\.-A ~<n\~u~||\ .ln ~~¢=n m :hr c\\evrl<=udrrs‘ L;-.-~ .w Huw; I.-,rw I.urlv»-ran mmh, happy uhuu! xln- I-1|gl\-~’ un-I.-fi-_u.-.1 ~<-.hun .md md :har in is Ihr-l|~!f~1~|l1,|1[u.nm lml< ||u»r| 1|zh\ \I¢ni\ 'md 'Vane dn _\ ~|<,.~|.- nw ,1m.,.¢ J |,J=kf¢|.1.s1 game. A _ _,Q 1-\ , Varsity Cheerleaders Expand ACt1V1t1€S To All Sports C/1eriBOI1{ng Senior Cath! Hzppcrl C/:plum .Senior Debbie Byrd Junior 1 i /.1inrI'u (mn Marcia Hu//man /:mmf funiar 'fhv V.|r~ily flue-z'il1-.uliiig ~<|u.||| limi 3 in-\\ outlnnli \hi~ \1-.\r. li) inning lunim <._, Varsili m'l\n*+*i|vz\<l\>r~_ thi- \'<\r~il} ilwer le:\<ler~ “ere nu lung:-r in-~|»¢»|\~il»lv for \l|<> .l.\'. trains. .\< u r¢*~ul\ Ilwi nr-rv ;\l»||~ tn 1l<‘\'<>tP more limi' to all Vur~i\} ~|mrl~, This \\z\< lhe fir>l your the Bri-'nI\\|»<»|l wrestlers had rrheerlvmlers ut their mrf=\>. The rheerlenden also attenvled spring spnrts e\enls as a >qua<l for lhe first time. The new look for the clxeerleaflers \\a= purple culotte jumpere with while turlle» necks (as seen at the leltb. Thaw “ere made for some of the lmskellmll games and for spring sperm. I 1 1 .’\n'r~\ N//ru HHH .Nrzlifr The 1967768 \`arsit> cheerleaders arc, kneeling, l_in|l.\ ‘Lin _\1~mlms_ Ir.-Mn Hivrl. ibm ll~Vnw;_ \xn \ Sorgenfrei, cam, Hippen, and ximn Huif.M.i_ f” ";;; 'B Junior Pep Club members are. from tru to right, Raw mf c.. sirrdrlrr, G. Johnrrrr, B. Taylnr, M. Hrrftmrrr. L. Gan, D. Byrd, v. Hasty, Y. sms, D. smith. RW rw.” 5. Parker, s. Kolsbrrrr, M. Mans. c. Brarr1<rrrr,rr, N Olson. P. Brigham, B. Hrrreu, M. Nuss, D. Berg. s. Mosher. R0u.~lh1ee: U.(friss, A. Qtrarrlrrrc. Adam~.]. xr-4. man, K. Phillips, D. Schott, N. Cook, C. De\te, G. Gutierrez, B. Quinlan. Row /our: P. Janswn, L. Wcathuly, J, Widtieldl, J. Bollinger, L. Volkening, L, Hartung, K. Sexton, L. Rekart, M. Leah), (I. Zurbriggen, K, ]ohn=tnn. We°ve Got The Spirit; So Let’s Hear It! \ U = 5 = HD P R , Soma; Pep Club ufemhen ure, from lelt lo righl, Raw ana: G. Augustine, L. Ogent, D. Gilbert. N. Sorgeului_ K- lhvnm. C~ Bvllms. B. Krrrrp. J. urmpp. C. comer.. Raw nan: N. Mrwerr, c. wrrrtrr, K. xrrrtrr, K, Jmrrr, Ms\“'¢NK. Bmiysli, B, Walkin, S. Ducey, M, 0`Han. Raw three: Rchield, Row C. White. S.Zurhriggeu, Henson, L. Fbllcr. J- Jllllml, . Us MUNI. R. Klaxkin. H. Sandhagen, K. Geiz, S.L. Anderson. /aw: J. L. lhlhdn, G. Hoffman, J. Bollinger, C. lncklav, M. McCurdy, P. Plugenx, S. Conner. Eaglfrttfes Swing Into Action i1 ,/ 1K I' 'vi » »H I nf", |»¢m.s. \ I\ |..».».,. »».,.~_1.f.. In, .1rlI,_ IIf 'nr M | Ir 1 -1. . -,- . , xr. ‘ \.,,.. ¢.1,|.l4m.ku.»y»/ Huw :lun Kmty y I } /wr nw ‘»1,1,.f.//||.¢, IWW, Ii :,f¢ Vw 11f\.n»¢ /hu, in/r in Anllllvlll, Lind! Eaglette officers are, lei! to right, Sue Anderson, treasurer; Judy Bollinger. ccrcaptaing Marilyn O'Hara, secretary; Linda Rehfeld, captain, During the 1967-68 season the Eaglettes marched at the four home football games and at three home basketball games. Other activities included exchanging halftime enter tainment between Brentwood’s Drill Team and Afiton’s Drill Team, performing for the St. Louis County Band Directors, and marching at the All-School Pep Assemblies. In addition to the regular uniforms, gold pom-poms were added to the tennis shoes. Drill Team sponsor is Mr. Don Anderson. '\- =\l (_.ae r“ 2 M' Ml' ill 5 WS?" *> 3~» eY,, V g?-¢x , ._ 4 uf \f'- _ ' Sv - a A , Eaglenes participate at pep assemblies . . _ » Wli! for music no begin at Afflon , .. and dance no me music of “Cabare!." n'I'`d Tegzzdnlmmalgen alge, teh to éighn, c»xa¢»,nebhil"M.»faa, "“h""' "' ' cuJa “__t V" ||1 .wx GRA Promotes Athletic Aptitude 7 ii _I CRA members are (rom lelt to right, row one: C. Noonan, J. Smith, L. Lalfata, H. Dericksou, F. Hemker, S. White, I. Breckenridge, L. Larson, C. Smith, S, Eichler. Raw Iwo: M. Hippert, B. Ferguson, D. Reed, D. Prilzhlz, C. HDPE, J. H.,.~im.», A. Richardson, P. Esrnque, L_ snydw, G. swim, D. McNair. Raw mmf L, Topping, B. I-lem, 1. wuaem, 1. J.~k~.~., D wngm, P. summefwles, c. Bolling, s. cabmr, B. Gzregnani, S. nge", c. Webster. Rn /aw. L wma, '\l. Ruiz, C. Mays, B. Surgener, R, MacAleney, C. Keast, M. Abram, A. James, J. Rossin, J. Sorgenfrf.-i. .l?`, r>ff»=r> an opportunity to all .mil eighth graders to in rlw fundamental skills nf i~u~ >ports. lfncler the sponsor Hip ul Bliss Palrivia Sellers, stu il-~r il~ participated in volleyball, lui ~l-wlluxll. and other activities. 1. GRA oliieenarghumlnh tori|h|J||&yBodha,D|m| lleedmdD|h-nhihbk |20 » rw, 1 ». 1. .;- ~%:. 3% fr -1 \ ¢?“£*~' U 7N" 47|1 \.lf`_j fi KJ i nit; National Honor Society Builds Character x. ‘2P= s `i_~ Officers of National Hmm Society nn, lah to rigln, Row one: Lind: Rebleld, secreury; Mary l|tC\1:dy, vice-president. Row tivo: Gunther weimaml, trealrer: Gary Grindler, president. Xt-\~ \HS offm-rs are being installed for 1968369 in im» ;:r»»:~i\» .uniilelight senir-P. National Honor Society is an organization which recognizes scholarship, leadership, service. and character. Membership is based upon a 3.0 grade point average. When students achieve this, they must be recommended by four teachers rating them on their abilities. Xlemhers of NHS are junior and senior members and sophomore provisional members. Sophomores may become active members as juniors and seniors. A¢»ti\ities of NHS this year included two main things. Members tutored in the under av-hie\ers program, and they sponsored an initiation to bring in new members in the spring. ,_ L 5°Phonwre is'o I mhz £NHS ,lf 'h R :R'hu-dlill BubWi|d,Debaralsl||rtl|,¥ahl|q . nsbmi. s..'.§'»`ff 6i.§`.f¢§l`°s.r,§i_°sf1~.,a"f1.§,i."iz,§i.? »'I.mf"i'.$‘w..i1\.,, nii1`i£&~», n.. M.-., sw- lu. un.. 5 i Shore, Don Iffrig. Row rhree: Mr. Donald Cline, sponsor; Sean Neunuebel, Chip Julian, lim Hdilir. ld hah '|§|~ it .,.. a 1 »u"..B.;§~§t.;`?§§s§<if’a: ’ Senivr md Junior members of NHS ue, left In right, Row one: Steve Armsey, Leigh Foster, Linda Rehield, Gunther vmmm, lm nm, Linda cm, um, Taylor, Ph Brigham, shmey Kolnwn, Melissa Maur, Andrea Quinlan, nan, Quinlan. RMU tivo: Cary Grindler, Nancy Sorgenirei, Sigi Offenbach, Ron Lindsey, JoAnne Bollinger, Nancy Olson, _lean hluml Kristy Ceiu, Mnry McC\|rdy, Debbie Scholl. Row three: John Lnwe, Buh Kaiser, .lim Falkner, Alan Bun, Fred Wohlsehlaeger, Mark Henry, Kurt Kolaga, Larry Beekman, David Head,.lnn LeClaire, Steve Moritsugu. Senior members of NHS are, left to right, Row nne: Leigh Faster, Kristy Geiu, .lean Jannna, Linda Rehfeld. Row Iwo: Gunther Weimann, Mary Mo Curdy, Sigi Offenbsch, John Lowe. Row lhrez: Mr. Donald Cline, sponsor: Larry Beekman, Gary Grindler. are, ld! ua right, Row one: Nmcy Sorgcnhei, Linda Gm, Bu-in Taylur, luv: Rohn Kaiser, Sun . .Inna lava, JnAlme Bollinger, Nancy lm! lllne: .lk Falher, Alu had Wnhhehllager, Mak Huuy, Stem llnriwlp, Stan Coleswnnhy. uill and Scroll Quill and Scroll is an international or ganization that helps promote journalistic Honors Ten Journalists ideals. Qualifications for Quill and Scroll in clude being in the upper third of the class in scholastic standing, must contribute to the publication of either the Eagle or Eaglet, and he must be recommended by the sponsor. BHS first chartered its membership in 1958. This year ten students received their membership in Quill and Scroll. Quill and Scroll nfilrers a re lei: to right, Fu~un ,tmh-:so In vice-president; Susan Henso l'\~ prcsidrnt; Nancy swgenfm, secretary; Pam Plugrnz, treas urcr. fA *_ L us Quill and Scroll member: are, left lu right, Row une: Laurie M¢Dndr-, Barbara Sandhagcn, Nlncy Sorgenlrri, Susan Anderson, Pam Plapmr. Rm liao: Sue Conner, Judy Ballinger, Leigh Foster, Susan H¢~n~nn, Jenn Jnnsma. Mr. Tum Munn-, sponsor. |27 Jean Jansma Reigns Over Junior-Senior Prom "Conv With The Wind,” 1968 f ? 1. r \lnr`/I Queen K nh\ }|ip|>¢»n_ Jean Jansmfl, Maid ucey 7 Jean is crowned by retiring queen Jane Cole. J >-1§@ The Juniors set a completely different scene |hi` \: ranging their props in a fashion unlike Lhose of the i.,~ Gas lamps, wall murals, and cannons provided Lx =. _ . atmosphere to express the theme of "Gone With the \\ at the 1968 Junior-Senior Prom. The thrune \\a~ se! t " the side, surrounded by blue walls and covered with 6 \,, The highlight of the evening was when Queen Jenn ],_r.- 1, was led to her throne by Casey Geisz to be crourfr i lv, Lin retiring queen, Jane Cole. Preceding Jean's Coronation, the two special maids. Sl\,i\»r. Ducey and Cathy Hippert, were escorted to the th mm in Dan Howard and John Mnser. Queen Jean, still unbelieving, then left her throne to lead the coronation dance. Q si.w Above, Retiring Queen Jane Cole is escorted by Terry Guinea. Right, Queen Jean Jammu dances lr_ with escort Cnsey Geisz. |29 Debbie Byrd Reigns Over All Sports Prom L, ~%_ ,/ /Q J( -ui ,, W R g Queen, Cheri Bolling ee Special Maid, Marcia Huffman J ‘M .,, f;§\.»# A > Special Maid, Puri J mneu en, Debbie Byrd (S spam: Maia Paui Janssen, Queen Debbie Byrd, and SpeciuZMa1`d xxafrn lluffrnan With decorations of purple and gold, the BHS gymnasium was the setting for the coronation of the 1967 All Sports Prom. As the coronation began, retiring queen Cheri Bolling was first to enter, escorted by Kurt Gebhard. The two maids, Marcia Huffman, escorted by co-captain Steve Thomas, and Patti Jans sen, escorted by Chuck Roper, were next to enter. All heads turned as Queen Debbie Byrd was escorted to her throne by co-captain Fred Wohlschlaeger. \ Students enjoy decuming for the ;-mm. Couples anxiuusly await the crowning ot the new qurt-n. Crowns, knights, shields, and draw Class of ’68 Presents “Camelot” hridges all help set the mood for the 1967 Junior Senior Prom. The highlight of the evening was the Coronation ceremony. First to enter was retiring Queen Sarah Carter. The two maids, Kathy Reiclenbaugh and Nancy Neunuebel followed. Appearing last was the new 1967 Queen .lane Cole. The different aspects of the prmn .are shown in these pirrures. The court, the couples enjoying lhennsebes, and the mam' hour; ni turd work pu: into ir. |33 4A Classes Are Active in the Spring "°$~ ' " ' __\ _. 1i»"'~ _‘, Q *_ y' ` I\$7 4 4 ` _ii i < EY; - V f V I ,X If I _ _ semis roi me Wm me figliili miie Qing. \ yi ‘ _ » .._,> \ §:2;€:ii,,‘;l§;"""“ ' 29' \ " ‘RQ _ _ ~;"Au13 je ,_ i .lunior girls put final touches on the L\~\ p, _ prom. /' _` afi4\ li`Z_. `1 ,J ~, _ii At I senior coke pany seniors were given lheir wills. Selfmh and ~__*i parricipiliwi in rl i epiifig, v» `T".:;'A| __ _4`gl7' ,Q Childhood day was well exhibited at (ll BHS this year. .. I 'T V' Ae* V; »¢_\`;Q ,W Gradualion nighr is a dream come lrue. The iiiglii is filled willi thrilling eipiiiimm; geuiiig yfiiii diploma, making ii speech, and .iiisiiiig lm the wisioii. '»~¢,-‘~_¢.» i-,Q é , \", _ __ _ W: l' we W if fu, . “!A` Q 'V J of What is a yearhoolt? _ _ V lt is an hour after school slaving over a light table ~, V ` with .n stuhlmm little picture that just won`t re- ' duce. It is cutting out endless little slips of paper to ' 5 paste over endless little typing mishaps. t lt is identifying a face that you could swear duesn’t exist. It is qualting at the sound of your name being called to the big desk in the front of the room. It is the tears of frustration, the puzzlement of total confusion, the grin of satisfaction, and the gt-ined teeth of detemtiuation. It is Llte total peace of an ideal that you have nurtured and encouraged and fussed over and Ir:_. at last completed. ‘rf ‘ ' 1~ 'V ‘Q ,_ 'Y _*__ I lf. Lilly, lt ll the lwlory of a poup of people together tn | little room in the CQ!! 0| I who] l\\|||dll|, | grnup which ||ve me the qurtl' to koep |o|n¢ 'huh ta "mms S ,»< Stu Andenntt lJinr~i|.~¢Aiel ~,L 1 r in ,_