Anchors Away, Winter 1992


Anchors Away, Winter 1992
1I I5I I I0710
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VOL. 8, NO . 2
+LD1981 . A62 V. 8 WINTE R 1992
"I wish to thank all of you for your generous
response to the needs of Gainesville College
students, " said Alumnus Fred Kelly , Chairman of
the Gainesville College Foundation, as he spoke to
more than 300 supporters of the College at the Foundation's 25th Annual Meeting held on Sunday
(January 26) at the College.
Kelly congratulated 1991 Fund Drive Chairman
Joe Chipman and Honorary Fund Drive Chairman
Ralph Cleveland for an outstanding effort in exceeding the 1991 Fund Drive goal of $215 ,000 in
such a tight financial year.
A highlight of the meeting was the designation of
J.M . (Ray) McRae, Gainesville, Chairman of the
Board of First National Bancorp , as an Honorary Life
Trustee of the Foundation. McRae , named a charter
member of the Bo~d of Trustees in 1967, provided
yeoman service to the Foundation and the College,
(Continued on Page 6)
Take A Bow!!
Pat Yourselves On The Back
Successful phonathons , coordinated by GC alumni, were conducted on 12 nights in the fall. Alumni
invaded banks, car dealerships , and schools to take
advantage of the multiple phones available. Loca- "
tions included the counties of Barrow, Banks, Hall ,
Forsyth, Jackson, Habersham, Clarke, and Gwinnett.
Besides the fun and enjoyment of renewing acquaintances in many instances, the 170 volunteers :
- Attempted 4,852 calls, of which 1,887 were
- Received pledges from 426 alumni.
- Raised $11,170 for the Annual Fund Drive.
Thanks to all of you who contributed time, money,
and facilities. These phonathons show that GC alumni appreciate the opportunities they received from
the College and that they want others to have the
same opportunities.
Photographs of some of the participants in the
phonathons are featured on Pages 5 and 13.
Award winners at the Gainesville College Foundation's Annual Meeting on January 26 at the College are pictured above.
J.M. (Ray) McRae was named 1991 Honorary Life Trustee; Rich White received the Distinguished Alumni Award; The
Regents Players received the Distinguished Service Award. Left to right: Doug Stewart, Cathy Holderfield, Dianne Martin ,
John Melvin , Della Ruth Johnson, and Jene Robocker; Ray McRae and Rich ~hite.
Dr. H. Dean Propst, Chancellor of the University
System of Georgia , was h onored at a reception on
November 26 in the lobby of the Continuing Education/Performing Arts Center. More than 100 faculty, staff, and students of the College attended and
had an opportunity to talk with the Chancellor on
an informal basis.
A nine-foot Christmas tree had been mounted in
the lobby that morning, and each faculty and staff
had been asked to bring an ornament to the reception and to hang it on the tree.
. Following the reception, the Chancellor met with
members of the Administrative Council for an
information-sharing session. He indicated that he
always gets excited when he talks with students . He
reminded the Council that he had direct contact with
students in his academic role at Armstrong State College immediately before becoming Vice Chancellor
for the University System. He was named Chancellor
in 1985 .
Accompanying the Chancellor was Mr. Tom
Daniel, Vice Chancellor for External Affairs for the
System. Also, four GC Foundation Trustees were
present - Fred Kelly, Chairman; Joe Chipman, Vice
Chairman; Joel Ames; and Ben Easterling.
Golfers - Come Play In
The Woods ...
(not a new experien ce for some of you)
The 7th Annual Alu~ni & Friends Golf Tournament is scheduled for FRIDAY , MAY 15 , at the new
from campus. If you would like to be placed on the
Advanced Registration Mailing List, please call the
Alumni Office at 535-6 248 .
Chancellor H. Dean Propst (left) chats with Theresa DoveWaters, Director of Minority Affairs, and President J.
Foster Watkins.
Tournament Chairman Steve Sorrells (center) and Alumnus John Handley (right) met recently with Jim Arendt,
Chicopee Woods Golf Course pro, to discuss the upcoming tournament.
I attended the Toccoa stop on the pre-legislative
tour and heard Governor Miller begin to describe his
vision for a future Georgia. He indicated to me that
he would be saying some things that he thought
higher education people would welcome in subsequent stops on the tour. Later that same day at an
Athens stop and in a precedent-setting afternoon
visit with the Board of Regents , Governor Miller
made a bold statement about the needs of higher
education and his commitmen~s toward meeting
those needs. In subsequent weeks, the Governor has
titled his 1992 legislative package "Georgia Rebound" and is advancing it as a way for Georgia to
set the pace for the Southeast in the last decade of
the 20th Century. His comprehensive package gives
careful attention to the needs of the state including
needs in Economic Development, Education, Environment, and Public Safety.
In Georgia Rebound, he proposed a $140 million
bond program for capital improvements at System
institutions. Such an infusion in capital funding
would make it possible to support the first 15 projects on the capital "wish list" of the Board of
Regents which would include an academic building
for Gainesville College, as we are currently 13th on
that list. A 3 percent salary increase for faculty and
staff is proposed, which the Governor hopes would
at least stop the slide of Georgia in recent years when
it slipped from first to fifth place in southeastern
states with respect to salaries paid to college personnel. Also, state funds of $3.75 million are proposed
to be divided among major public and private
research institutions in the state.
Governor Miller closed his comments to the Board
of Regents with a declaration that: " In the next three
years, this (Georgia's decline in higher education
spending over the past two years) will not be the case
with the Miller administration. I don't care what it
takes in budget cuts somewhere else, or revenue
enhancements or a combination of both. We are going to put more into higher education."
As institutional presidents, we have been encouraged by Chancellor H. Dean Propst to generate
as much broad-based support as possible for the
Governor's Georgia Rebound initiatives. I would encourage each of you as alumni to let your local
legislators know of your personal support of Governor Miller's recommendations and encourage them
to become a partner with the Governor in making
a statement for the future by investing appropriately in higher education and in the other components
of his package.
During the holidays , we spent some time working on a progress article which will appear widely
in newspapers in Northeast Georgia. The title of that
article, "Gainesville College - Moving Ahead Even
in a Tight Budget Year, " reflects a continuing commitment on the part of the faculty and staff at
Gainesville College to make the best use of your tax
and tuition dollars in the interest of the students we
serve. Please let us hear from you if you have
thoughts about how we might make this a better
Governor's Georgia
Rebound Program Should
Be Supported
J. Foster Watkins, President
Gainesville College
About this time last year when Governor Miller
assumed his responsibilities as chief executive officer of our state, he noted that as a state we would
have to come to grips witp. the reality of the
slowdown in the American economy which has affected our nation and our state. Through his personal
leadership , and with broad legislative support in a
special session of the Georgia Legislature , a $415
million cut from the state operating budget was formulated. Nearly all of us are aware of some agency
of state government and perhaps even individuals
who have been touched by this reduction in state
funding .
Despite his desire to protect education and his obvious commitment to the educational process,
Governor Miller had to include elementary and
secondary education and higher education in the
budget-cutting process. Elementary and secondary
education budgets were protected to a degree with
a cut of only 2.5 percent, but the Board of Regents'
allocation suffered a cut of 8.2 percent, second only
to the Department of Corrections from a percentage
The impact of such a cut was felt significantly in
the University System of Georgia and most directly
by your first alma mater - Gainesville College. With
the initial cut and the anticipated one which has
been planned for in the mid-term adjustment process in early 1992 , the allocation to the College
would be reduced almost $700,000, a cumulative
10.5 percent.
The Governor has indicated that he will make
every effort to protect education from further cuts
during the legislative session which convened in
January, but his ability to do that is heavily contingent upon the performance of the economy in the
early months of the year.
The'bulk of the cuts at Gainesville College was absorbed by not filling ten earned faculty , staff, and
administrative positions and by making large cuts
in operating expenditures. Every effort was made to
maintain the direct delivery of instruction, but the
out-of-class environment and the vital support from
staff have been weakened. In light of those reductions, the Gainesville College Foundation has attempted to respond to requests which have come to
it for aid during the year. The Foundation did provide significant support to assist the Library/Learning Resource Center in light of its reduction, and
provided the major source of funding for faculty/staff
development and professional participation activities. Additionally, the demands for student financial assistance through the Foundation were intensified as the previously rather heavy reliance on
state-supported student work aid was restricted
severely in the budget also .
Peo~le who want to become nurses , physical
therapIsts, speech therapists and the like are being
turned away from school because of a lack of
Modest pay increases such as the governor proposes may not help much, but they are certainly a
step in the right direction.
President Charles Knapp of the University of
GeorgiE!. recently suggested significant tuition increases at the state-supported schools. I'm not sure
that is a good idea, gjven the difficulty many folks
have scraping up money to pay the present tuition.
Tuition and fees at the University of Georgia are
already the sixth highest among 15 southeastern
states. At two-year colleges, like Gainesville College,
. the tuition rate is currently the second highest in the
region. Maybe we ought to slow the tuition rate
spiral and let some of our neighbors catch up.
Zell Miller knows from personal experience how
hard it is for many young people to pay for a college ,education, so I haven't heard him joining the
call for a big tuition increase. I'm not surprised,
thOl,Igh, that he insists that the state meet urgent
needs of its colleges and universities.
Fifteen years ago, Miller wrote of his teaching experience at Young Harris College: "There is no
single thing that gives me greater pleasure than to
spend an hour with 15 or 20 young persons in a
,classroom. The imparting of knowledge, the spark
that sometimes is generated, the evidence of thirst
for further information which sometimes is
generated are a great 'turn-on' for me. "
I think he remembers what turned him on.
Miller Seeks Higher
Education Aid
Bob Campbell, Gainesville, retired editor of the
Gainesville Times, very effectively addressed
Governor Miller's concerns regarding education in
his column which appeared in the Times on
December 4. With permission from the Times and
Bob Campbell, this article has been included as a
guest editorial. We would encourage careful consideration of it.
When I suggested in this space in mid-November
that ex-college professor Zell Miller wasn't likely to
ignore the urgent needs of higher education, I had
, no idea the governor already had a plan. In fact, he
outlined it in a speech the day before my column
He's not going to let the current downturn in the
state's economy stall progress in Georgia's colleges
and universities. He knows we've been falling
behind our neighboring states in "funding higher
education during the past decade. That slippage is
bound to affect the quality of education in these
schools . '
The governor noted that:
• In 1991, only 12 percent of the state budget was
appropriated for higher education, compared to over
15 percent in 1982, and
• Georgia dropped from first in average faculty
salaries among southeastern states in 1982 to sixth
for the 1990-91 school year.
• Only an average 1.3 percent of the total value
of the University System's physical facilities has
been appropriated annually for new construction
over the decade .
• Meanwhile , enrollment increased by 45 percent.
To help catch up with the needs , Miller proposed
investing $140 million in construction, including all
addition to the academic building at Gainesville College . He wants the program financed by a combination of a bond issue, private donations, corporate
contributions and user fees.
His budget, he said , will provide a 3 percent pay
increase for faculty and staff, comparable to the cost
of living increase he'll seek for other state
employees. That's not a lot, but it will help to make
Georgia colleges competitive in the marketplace.
After all, other states are suffering from the recession and won't be handing out big raises. Georgia
ought to return at least to the top quartile of colleges
and universities in its salary scale over the next three
years, as Miller suggests. '
Does someone think the financial pinch in the colleges isn't hurting?
I learned at a luncheon sponsored by the Northeast
Georgia Medical Center last fall that hospitals and
other health-care providers face a critical shortage
of nurses and other professionals. That's not startling news. But I was startled to learn that a big reason
for the shortage is the lack of qualified faculty
members at colleges and universities
, .
Ring ... Did We Call You?
Gwinnett County alumni volunteers renewed acquaintances with alumni they contacted during the Phonathon.
Left to right: Wanda Brown, Michelle Elrod, Lorie
Johnson, Karrie Farr, Myra Mangum, Tabitha' Wilson,
and Von Hughes.
Habersham County volunteers were very eager and
energetic in their phoning of alumni. Left to right: Diane
Moss, Pat Nix, Linda Adams, Keith Hulsey, Jean Ward,
Paula Lewallen, and Linda Smart.
Jackson County Phonathon volunteers .pose during a
break in the calling. Left to right: Pat McArthy, Judy Mitchell, Tom Bailey, Judy Skelton, Marcia Bryan, Diane
Chapman, and Steve KiDney.
GC President Foster Watkins traveled to Forsyth County
to help with the Alumni Phonathon there. With President
Watkins (left) are'Betsy Rogers, Sandy Sweat, and Wade
Clarke County volunteers take a break from their calling
for a photograph. Left to right: Vicki Hayes, Bill
McDonald, John Elliott, Joe Tumell, Donnie Whitehead,
Linda Lord, and Joe Hayes.
In Banks County, volunteers included student Amy Mote
(seated) and left to right Rita Crane, Martha Crane, and
Bruce McArthy.
growth of the Foundation was illustrated by
reference to the first Fund Drive goal of $10 ,000 and
the 1991 goal of $215 ,000.
Gainesville College President J. Foster Watkins
acknowledged the generous support to the Foundation and expressed continuing appreciation for funds
received by the Foundation over the years. He encouraged careful consideration by those present of
Governor Miller's " Georgia Rebound" program,
stressing its potential for aiding education in general
and higher education in particular and Gainesville
College's role in the years ahead .
Entertainment during the luncheon preceding the
meeting was provided by the Gainesville College
Jazz Combo, directed by Roy Forrester.
(Continued from Front Cover)
particularly in its formative years . He also served a
second term 'on the Board, beginning in 1971. First
National ~,mk/Bancorp has been a significant financial supporter of the College over the years and has
provided a wealth of leadership and volunteer personnel from its staff. McRae was also recognized for
his significant role in the economic development of
Gainesville-Hall County and Northeast Georgia and,
more recently, for his leadership in the Chicopee
Woods development.
Rich White, Gainesville , received the Distinguished Alumni Award from the Gainesville College
Alumni Association. A 1970 graduate of the College,
he served two terms on the Board of Trustees and
served as Chairman in 1989. He was a member of
the Endowment Steering Committee which worked
diligently to raise the local funds to qualify for the
$1.5 million from the federal government. Also, he
served as the first chairman of the Investment Committee as it planned for the effective utilization of'
the College 's developing endowment. Besides his
outstanding service on behalf of the College and
Foundation, he has been the recipient of many
honors in his community, including serving as President of the Gainesville-Hall County Chamber of
Commerce, and being chosen Jaycees Young Man
of the Year. Recently, he was appointed President
of First National Bank of Gainesville.
The Regents Players, six talented local performers,
collectively received the Distinguished Service
Award, also from the Alumni Association. The
Players, all from Gainesville, include Cathy Holderfield , _Della Ruth Johnson, Dianne Martin, John
Melvin, Jene Robocker, and Doug Stewart. An official fundraising group of the College, the Players
have performed numerous times on behalf of the College including several shows in Atlanta honoring
retiring members of the Board of Regents. Their most
significant local performance was in the "From Cotton Fields to Learning Fields" kickoff of the 2 5th Anniversary Challenge Endowment Campaign in 1989 .
These awards are presented annually to recognize
alumni and friends of the College who have made
significant contributions to the Association, the College, and the community.
The retiring Trustees were recognized : Sara Bannister, Patti Chambers, Tom Cole, Rob Jones , Fred
Kelly, Barry Ladd , Ruth Lane, and Jo Stone , all of
Gainesville; Johnny Burkett, Oakwood; Eddie Whitfield, Flowery Branch; Von Hughes, Buford; and
Ken Shugart, Cumming.
Andy Walker, Immediate Past Chairman of the
Foundation and 1991 Chairman of the Investment
Committee, gave the first report of that Committee.
He acknowledged receipt of the $1.5 million government check in May and announced that the endowment corpus now stands at nearly $3 million.
A " Twenty-Five Year Reflection, " highlighting
events of the Foundation's 25 years , was presented
with the following individuals participating : Ralph
Cleveland, Rosemary Dodd , Jimmy Faulkner, N.A.
Jacobs , Fred Kelly , Pat McArthy, Herbert Robinson,
Martha Simmons, and the Regents Players. The
Fred Kelly, local CPA and Chairman of the Gainesville
College Foundation. spoke to Dr. Louise Holcomb's ac·
counting class on October 16 at the College. The Georgia
Society of CPAs encouraged its members to talk to col·
lege accounting classes as part of its Career Day.
Provides Special Help
at Open Campus School
By Carroll Jones
lege that truly readied her - academically and emotionally - for the lengthy educational process
"My teachers and coaches always told me that I
didn't want to stop with my bachelor's degree,"
Meagher said; "and that planted. a seed that made
me realize I had to make good grades. Coach Ball
helped me to stay with it, to get my classes and to
be ahead of the game when I went on to the University of Georgia. "
Following her 1968 graduation from GC in the first
group of two-year graduates to be sent off from the
College's present location, Meagher did indeed take
her associate degree in education to the University
of Georgia, where, in 1970, she earned her bachelor's
degree in education with an emphasis in health and
physical education. She remained in Athens for two
more years to earn her master's degree in the same
area. Years later, in 1986, she would earn a third
degree, a specialist's degree, in her field.
After leaving the University of Georgia, Meagher
taught for seven years in DeKalb County at Towers
High School, where, in addition to teaching physical
education, she also coached girls' basketball, track
and gymnastics. During this period she married
Charles Meagher, originally an art teacher who later
moved into education administration.
Through the late 1970s and early 1980s, Meagher
taught at the elementary and middle school levels,
first in DeKalb County and then, when her husband
was made assistant principal at South Gwinnett High
School, in Gwinnett County. In 1987, the couple
moved to Forsyth County, a move "back home" for
Marguerite, and on a generous stretch of secluded,
rolling land that was a gift from her father, they built
the retreat that is still their home today.
In 1988, Meagher began the work that she is even
more passionate about now than when she began.
She is entering her fourth year teaching at the Open
Campus School, a working experiment designed to
accommodate students whose educational needs
cannot be met completely in a mainstream high
school situation.
"Our students are those who work every day during normal school hours to help support their
families, or those who are high achievers who need
extra courses to keep them stimulated," Meagher
says. "We also have students who are athletes who
need remedial work in a course in order to be able
to play sports."
These are only a few of the kinds of students
served in the Open Campus setting.
Housed at Norcross High School but separate from
it, Open Campus offers as many as three class
periods to students each school day from 6:00 - 9:00
p.m. Students sign a contract, agreeing to the strict
educational and attendance requirements that are at
(Continued on Page 8)
At first glance Marguerite Mashburn Meagher (GC
'68) is gracious and energetic, and she emanates a
certainty about who she is and what she does. Later, .
she is all these things still, but it is apparent that she
also is a woman who is focused, committed, and extremely capable.
Marguerite Meagher has been a teacher for nearly
20 years. For the last three of those she has been able
to demonstrate her unique teaching style in an equally unique school: she chairs the science and physical
education departments at Gwinnett County's Open
Campus School, teaching health and physical education with a serious eye toward ethics and responsible living.
And yet, when she arrived at Gainesville College
in the late 1960s following a brief, unhappy time at
another college, such accomplishment seemed a
remote possibility to her: she was a young woman
who didn't feel good about herself and didn't feel
good about school.
But all that changed. She says, simply, that
Gainesville College "took her in" and saved her life.
"It was a growing-up period in my life when I
needed to be given a chance to go to college, get my
core classes behind me and make good grades,"
Meagher says. "At Gainesville College the classes
were small, the teachers cared and they took the time
to let you know they cared."
Marguerite Meagher (second from left) with GC President
Foster Watkins, Pat McArthy, and Tim Perry as they coordinated the Foundation Mini-Campaign in Forsyth
A native of Forsyth County, Meagher grew up in
doctor's family, the daughter of Dr. Marcus
Mashburn, an OB/GYN still in practice, and Alice
Slate Mashburn. Her brother, John Mashburn, and
her sisters, Catherine Amos and Ellene Place, also
attended Gainesville College at various times in their
respective college careers.
Meagher knew she wanted to teach physical
education from the time she was a high school
sophomore. But it was her years at Gainesville Col-
(Continued from page 7)
the heart of the Open Campus approach.
"Responsibility for their behavior - for their
education - is entirely on them," Meagher says.
" We have had great success with this. We find that
even students who have had truancy problems in
their other schools will rise to the responsibility ex~ pected of them at Open Campus."
Students who attend the school full-time are eligible to have their tuition totally funded by the state.
Those who attend other schools during the day pay
$100 per class at Open Campus.
Open campus kinds of schools have existed in
both Fulton and DeKalb counties for some years,
Meagher says, and the Gwinnett County system,
which takes students from other counties, is
undergoing a major study to look at innovative ways
of teaching , to determine why the program has been
so successful and to look into the possibility of opening a day school that might also provide day care
for children of school-age parents .
" Gwinnett County alone has 150 dropouts each
year because of pregnancy, " Meagher says. "A new
day school would accommodate these young people , as well."
Gainesville-Hall County is also studying the Open
Campus School considering the feasibility of hav- .
ing a school in this area founded on that same
Meagher often compares her positive experience
at Gainesville College with what is happening at
Open Campus and desires the same kind of maturing experience for her students that marked her years
at Gainesville College.
" Self-esteem and self-discipline are important
aspects of physical education," Meagher says , "and
the social aspect of it is important in what we do ,
too . I'm teaching my students how to live with people , how to get along and work with each other.
" I insist they do team work with people they don't
know because all through life they will have to work
with people they don't know. This gives them the
chance to make new friends, too. All of it helps the
way they see themselves and how other people look
at them."
Marguerite Meagher's interest in athletics is as
much a part of her personal life as her professional
one. In her free time she plays ALTA and UST A tennis, jogs, and rides horseback through the fields
around her home .
From the back deck of their home, both Meaghers
watch birds and await glimpses of deer that gather
in sevens and eights to graze nearby. For Marguerite,
these moments , along with getaways to Pawleys
Island , S.C. , are ones that fill her up and prepare her
for a very special eight-hour day that doesn't begin
until 3 :00 p.m.
JAZZ ~A~()
Directed by Roy Forrester
April 9, 10, 11, 1992
8 p.m. (also 2 p.m. on April 11)
Georgia Mountains Center
$10 Adults, $5 Students
(Alumni receive $1 off on their ticket)
For reservations, call the GC Box Office
at 535-6224 on or after March 23.
cg~ ilvcg~
The Gainesville College Foundation was formed in 1967 to generate and administer private financial
support of the College. Overseeing the funds raised by the Foundation is a continuing responsibility
of a 36-member Board of Trustees which operates through an Executive Committee.
Funds provided through the Foundation continue to increase annually and are utilized primarily
for student scholarships, faculty and staff development, and the many area outreach activities of the
College. In recent years, increased emphasis has also been placed upon endowment activities.
The Executive Committee and the Trustees for 1991 are:
Executive Committee
P. Fred Kelly , Chairman
Joseph D. Chipman, Jr. , Vice Chairman/Fund Drive Chairman
Burlyn R. Burkett, Secretary/Treasurer
Andrew K. Walker, Past
Joel F. Ames
Benjamin H. Easterling
Christopher England
Eddie I. Whitfield
Linda Stokes, President, Alumni Association
Richard T. Allison, Clermont
Dan W. Ashe, Gainesville
Sara P. Bannister, Gainesville
J,c. Bass , Winder
Bryan F. Bell, Cleveland
Johnny M. Burkett, Oakwood
Floyd W. Carmichael, Gainesville
Patricia J, Chambers , Gainesville
Thomas M. Cole , Gainesville
W. Douglas Dillard, Sr., Cornelia
Sharon Farkas, Gainesville
Marsha Hopkins , Gainesville
Von B. Hughe~, Buford
Donald T. Hunt, Gainesville
Mack C. Hyder, Jr., Clermont
Robert E. Jones, III, Gainesville
Barry P. Ladd , Sr. , Gainesville
Deborah P. Lane , Gainesville
Ruth R. Lane, Gainesville
Aaron S. McKinney, Athens
Keith 1. McRae, Gainesville
James H. Moore , Gainesville
Edward R. Quillian, Gainesville
Letitia C. Searcy, Gainesville
Kenneth E. Shugart, Cumming
Jo Anne Stone , Gainesville
R. Wayne Tiddy , Gainesville
Robert B. Thorpe, Jr., Gainesville
Sandra 1. Whitmer, Gainesville
Foundation Executive Committee for 1991 included, left to right: Ben
Easterling, Joe Chipman, Burlyn Burkett, Joel Ames, Fred Kelly, Eddie
Whitfield. Not pictured: Chris England, Andy Walker, and Linda Stokes.
The Gainesville Junior College Foundation was created in the fall of 1967. Dr. Joel Paul , Academic
Dean of the College, and Coach James A. (Bubba) Ball began a discussion of ways in which the College '
might obtain funds to help with the athletic program and the academic program. They subsequently
met with James Mathis and asked him to help create a foundation.
Mathis selected some key community people from several areas and submitted their names to thenPresident Hugh Mills. Those individuals became the first trustees, and on November 4, 1967 , the Foundation was created. James Dunlap , who had prepared a charter and bylaws, became Interim Chairman
for the Foundation.
The organizational meeting of the Gainesville Junior College Foundation, Inc. was held on January
11, 1968 , in the Student Center.
James E. Mathis, Chairman
Morris Bryan, Jr. , Vice Chairman
Joseph Cheeley, Secretary
Dana Ramsbottom, Treasurer
Harry Bagwell
Tom Blackstock
Ross Burnes
Otis 1. Cato
Ralph Cleveland
W.A. Crow
Other Charter Trustees
James Dunlap
Tom Folger
Norfleet Johnston
Cliff C. Kimzey, Jr.
O.J. Lilly
Ray McRae
Ben Overstreet
Dr. Sam Poole
A.C. Smith, Jf.
Charles Smithgall
Ray Swetenburg
According to the minutes of the January, 1968 meeting, a motion was made, seconged, and unanimously
adopted "to provide $10,000 this year to be used by the college for scholarships , music department
needs, and any requirements in the athletic department needing to be supplemented. "
From a 1970 photo which appeared in The Daily Times (left to right) GJC President Hugh Mills , Foundation Chairman
James Mathis, Secretary Joseph Cheeley and Board of Regents member James Dunlap.
1991 - 92 Budget Allocations
1.2% Student Relations
2.9% Alumni Assoc.
4% Community Relations
1.6% Contingency
GOAL $215,000
(as of 12/31/91)
$ 189,886
$ 223 ,308
$ 249,308
$ 18,200
The Annual Fund Drive consists of several campaign areas including a major donor thrust; "A Day
for Ge" in Hall County; mini-campaigns in Barrow, Gwinnett, Forsyth, Habersham, and Jackson Counties;
a faculty/staff campaign; and alumni phonathons. A significant increase in alumni participation was
evident in that, during twelve nights of phonathons , contributions and the number of alumni donors
increased over 25%.
There is a continuing effort to solicit gifts for the endowment of the Foundation which as of December
31, 1991 , was approaching $3 million.
The recognition extended to those listed in this publication is one small way to thank. the many contributors to Gainesville
College between January 1,1991 , and December 31,1991. Every attempt was made to ensure accuracy , but it is possible
that some errors may have occurred , and we wish to apologize for any inconvenience they may cause. Please call any
corrections to our attention by notifying the Gainesville College dvancement Office at 404/535-6207.
Publication of names of contributors is strictly for the purpose of grateful acknowledgement by Gainesville College.
Any other use of these names is unauthorized and prohibited .
1991 Annual Fund Drive Chairman Joe Chipman (left) with
Honorary Fund Drive Chairman Ralph Cleveland.
Kathy Jackson, Winder, (right) served as coordinator of the Barrow County Phonathon, held
at the Barrow Bank and Trust Company. With
Kathy is Glenn Thompson, Executive Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer of the
One of the several groups of Hall County alumni who participated in the Hall County phonathon. A total of$l1 ,200
was raised from 430 alumni contributors in 12 nights of
calling alumni.
The Forsyth County Mini-Campaign kicked off with a
breakfast on September 25 in Cumming.
$129 ,000
155 ,000
1 ,080
196 ,900
1 ,200
1, 300
249 ,300
Mary Mayhew, Instructor of Biology (right), works with
students (left to right) Jean Colbert, Gena Arnold , Lori
Revis, and Marcia Abernathy.
Emily Duncan, Gainesville, and Joanna WallIngton,
Buford, hold the 1991 edition of hoi polloi, literary publication of the College. Duncan was editor of the publication,
while Wallington designed the cover. This publication is
supported by the Gainesville College Foundation.
$104 ,124
145 ,801
166 ,015
Student leaders donated a night to call alumni in the Hall
County phonathon. It was the first time that students had
volunteered to make calls on behalf of the Alumni
Ace Hardware
Bell South
The Citizens Bank
Combustion Technologies , Inc.
Coronet Carpet
Fieldale Corporation
First National Bank of Gainesville
General Motors
Georgia Power
John H . Harland Co.
Lanier Park Hospital
Macklanburg -Duncan
Northeast Georgia Medical
Center , Inc .
Norton Company
Parr Roofing
Po Folks
SKF Industries
West Building Materials Center
The efforts ofthe Gainesville College Foundation to raise $750 ,000 to qualify for a two-far-one match
of $1 ,500,000 through the U.S . Office of Education, Title III Challenge Endowment Grant reached a
successful conclusion on February 28 , 1991. In anticipation of that success , an Investment Committee
was appointed by the Board of Trustees and investment guidelines were developed .
The Committee also solicited proposals and subsequently selected Trust Services , a Division of the
First National Bank of Gainesville, as the investment manager for both the Title III Endowment and
the General College Endowment funds. A dollar-cost averaging procedure is being employed in transitioning the funds into the investment market according to the following adopted parameters , i.e. , cash
(5 - 30%), bonds (75 - 100 % ), stocks (0 - 25 % ). The results of the endowment activity are depicted
on the accompanying charts and graphs , with year-end figures as of December 31 , 1991.
The Investment Committee is pleased to present this favorable report at the Annual Meeting on behalf
of the Board of Trustees.
U.S. Stocks
GNMA Bonds 11.6 %
15.6 %
19 .2%
26.7 %
Treasury Bonds
26 .9 %
Title III Endowment
U.S . Stocks
15 .9%
C.D. 's 5.2 %
GNMA Bonds
17 .1%
27.4 %
Treasury Bpnds
24 .0 %
General Endowment
Title III Endowment
General Endowment
3/ 31/91
$757,841. 74
$1 ,053,743.27
6/ 30/ 91
$2 ,259 ,334.47
9/ 30/91
$2,323 ,234.54
$322 ,158.71
12/ 31/91
$2 ,405,290 .25
$333 ,550.49
$2 ,738,840.74
Total Return For Period Ending 12/31/91
Title III Endowment
General Endowment
2nd Qtr.
4th Qtr.
3 .06%
3 .53%
9 .57%
3 .53%
* Account was established on 1/11/91
All assets were required to be held in cash equivalents until the conclusion of the challenge
campaign on 2/ 28/91
The major contribution of $1.5 million was received on 6/20/91
* *Account was established on 3/11/91
Members of the Investment Committee, left to right: John Gram, Joe Chipman, Marquita Moore, Chairman Andy Walker, and Warren Stribling. Not
pictured: Fred Kelly.
Allied Health Trust
Joseph Scott Bagwell Memorial Trust
Leland H. Bagwell Memorial Trust
Bagwell/McDaniel Trust
W.A. Bagwell Trust
W.T. Carlisle/Coach Joe Pittard Trust
Chicopee Mfg . Co. Trust
Clark-Theodore Trust
Ral ph & Mary Cleveland Trust
Cromartie/Hubbs/Boston Trust
Gainesville College Alumni Trust
Gainesville Kiwanis Leadership :rrust
Martha T . Hatcher Chair
Consorcia Perez Herrera Trust
Home Federal Chair of Govt. & Business
International Student Trust
Phil M. Landrum Trust
Andy Bateman, Alumni Scholarship recipient, shown with
his parents, Kathy and Tom. Kathy attended Gainesville
College in 1972-73.
James E. & Frances Mathis Trust
Mattie Moon Trust
Hugh M. Mills, Jf. Trust
Dean Myers Trust
Neal-Payne Trust
Herbert W. Robinson Trust
Parks Rountree Trust
Alexander B. Russell , Sr. Trust
David 1. Singleton Memorial Trust
Anthony 1. Smith Memorial Trust
Loyd Strickland Trust
Joe Telford Trust
Warren Featherbone Trust
Robert 1. White Trust
Tom Wilheit Trust
Jean Rosser Williams Trust
Members of the Student Government Association at
Gainesville College helped with Family Orientation on
September 14 at the College. Left to right: Amy Puckett,
Publicity Chair; Tammy Watson, Secretary; Steve Wood ,
President; Clancy Jones, Cultural and Educational Committee Chair; and Henry Rue. All are Foundation scholarship recipients.
The special funds listed below provide additional annual scholarships for Gainesville College students
through the Foundation.
American Business Women's Association
Banks County Scholarship
Harry Chapman Scholarship
Gainesville Jr. Service League Scholarship
Gainesville Lions Club Scholarship
Gainesville-Northeast Ga . Bar Association
Georgia Protein Scholarship
J & J Foods Scholarship
Jackson Electric Membership Scholarship
Bill Moore Scholarship
Norton Company Scholarship
Donald G. Nunn Scholarship/Gainesville
Community Foundation
Phoenix Society Scholarship
Rotary Club of South Hall Scholarship
SKF Scholarship
Thomas Lumber Company Scholarship
Winder/Barrow Scholarship
Wm. Wrigley , Jf. CO. Scholarship
The Alumni Association, established in 1984 , functions as an arm of the Gainesville College Foundation. It operates under strong leadership from staff, officers , and a 43-member Alumni Council. From
funds derived from the golf tournaments and other activities, the Association established the Alumni
Scholarship Trust. Two students - Andy Bateman, Gainesville , and Cindy Queen, Flowery Branch
- received scholarships in 1991-92 through the Alumni Scholarship Trust, which now has a corpus
of over $83 ,500 .
Judy Anderson - Gainesville
Mark Bailey - Hoschton
Joe Booth, Jr. - Gainesville
Jean Buffington - Gainesville
Todd Burke - Gainesville
Sid Chandler - Clermont
Lee and Karen Chapman - Oakwood
Rita Crane - Homer
Connie Dennis - Gainesville
Kerri Dodd - Cornelia
Terry Evans - Duluth
Sandra Farrer - CummiI).g
Nicky Gilleland - Dawsonville
Britt Henderson - Gainesville
Sandra Henderson - Oakwood
Carol Hoover - Atlanta
Linda Hutchins - Gainesville
Kathy Jackson - Winder
Susan Latty - Gainesville
Linda Lord - Athens
Jackie Mauldin - Gainesville
Bill and Janis McDonald - Athens
Sam McGee - Gainesville
Harriett McNeal - Gainesville
Rodney Robinson - Gainesville
Bob Scanlin - Gainesville
Don Shubert - Gillsville
Scott and Beverly Skelton - Cleveland
Deb Smith - Gainesville
Lovie Smith - Gainesville
Steve Wood - Oakwood
Mike and Linda Stokes - Gainesville
Beverly H. Vanderhoef - Homer
Lillian Welch - Gainesville
Donny and Dell Whitehead - Winterville
Bobby Whitlock - Maysville
Scott Williams - Norcross
Wesley and Lori Winkler - Gainesville
Distinguished Service Award
Distinguished Alumnus Award
Herbert Robinson
Sammy Smith
Eleanor Crawford
Bob Scanlin
Bob Hamrick
Pat McArthy
Joe Chipman
Harriett McNeal
Bill Stephens
Marsha Hopkins
Alumni Association Officers, left to right, Harriett McNeal, Secretary/Treasurer; Linda
Stokes , President; Lee Chapman , Vice
A Note of Appreciation
($3 ,000 or More)
Benny & Susan Bagwell
Mr. & Mrs. Jack L. McDaniel
Mr. & Mrs . Louie W. Cleveland, Jr.
Piedmont Laboratories, Inc.
Cleveland & Martin Foundation Ralph & John Cleveland 2
Roy C. Moore Foundation
Jean & Lou Fockele
Dr. & Mrs. Alex Russell
Gainesville Community Foundation
Ms. Jean Singleton
Georgia Proteins , Inc. - Tommy Bagwell
Mrs. Deen Day Smith
Jackson Electric
J & J Foods
Tom & Mary Foote Paris
Mr. & Mrs . Loyd Strickland
Wm. Wrigley, Jr. Company
($1 ,000 to $2,999)
Atlanta Coca-Cola Bottling Co.
Mrs. Harry Bagwell .
Jack Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Baker 2
Cargill, Inc .
Chicopee Manufacturing Co .
Mr. &: Mrs. James A. Dunlap 2
Fieldale Farms Corporation
First National Bank and
($500 to $999)
Mr. & Mrs . Nathaniel Ashe 2
Mr. & Mrs. W.A. Bagwell 2
Bank. of Banks
Belk of Gainesville
Mr. & Mrs. F.E. Bobo 2
Mr. & Mrs. J. Conley Brown
Allen Broxton
Floyd & Sallie Carmichael 2
Harry R. Chapman, Jr.
Chesebrough-Pond's USA Co.
The Citizens Bank
Mr . & Mrs. Harrison Clarke
Clipper Petroleum - Bob Braff
& Tom Bower
Combustion Technologies, Inc .
ConAgra, Inc.
Trustee / Former Trustee
Faculty / Staff / Retiree
Gainesville Junior Service
Georgia Power Company Gainesville
Gress Foods, Inc .
Hardy Chevrolet - Charles
Harris Calorific Division
HomeTrust Bank
Congressman & Mrs. Ed
Kiwanis of Gainesville
Lanier Park Hospital
Mr. & Mrs . Robert J. Lathem
Liberty Mutual Insurance
J.A. Long , Inc.
Mar Jac , Inc.
McDonald's of Oakwood
Milton's Institutional Foods,
Moreno Press - Dittler Bros .
Inc .
Northeast Georgia , Inc.
North Georgia Tom Sales Gerald Turk 1
Norton Company
Pepsi Cola Bottlers of
Rochester & Associates
W.D. Rountree
Sawnee Electric Membership
Mrs . Anne Segars 2
Sidney o. Smith, Inc .
SKF Bearings, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Smithgall 2
Standard Telephone Co.
St. John Baptist Church
Thurmond Tanner
Thomas Supply Co . - Bobby
Thomas 2
Turbo Transportation
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Waldrip 2
Dr. & Mrs. J. Foster Watkins 3
Mrs. Jane Eve Wilheit
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Zonnenburg
Conditioned Air Systems Doug & Diane Magnus 2
Country Charm Egg
Mrs. Margaret Cromartie
Dr. & Mrs. John Darden 2
Dundee Mills
Duplicating Products Marquita Moore 2
Dutch Quality House
Donald & Katherine Fuller 3
Mr. & Mrs . Robert Fowler 2
Gainesville College Science
Division 3
Gainesville/Hall County
Building Industry
. Assoc. /W omen's Council
Gainesville Jaycees
Gainesville Northeastern Bar
Anita Garner 3
Dallas & Bobbie Gay 1, 2
Georgia Printing Company
William R. Gignilliat, Jr.
The Glidden Company
Hardee's of Gainesville Frank Turk
Harrison Tire Service
Dr. & Mrs . Ralph Hopkins
J & S Farms , Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Jones 2
Jordan, Jones & Goulding
Kubota Manufacturing Corp.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lane 2
Lanier National Bank - Joe
Chipman 1, 2
Mansfield Oil Co ./Kangaroo ,
Inc. - John Mansfield, Sr. 2
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Mathis,
Sr. 2
Mr. & Mrs. J.M. McRae 2
Marguerite Meagher 1
Mitsubishi Consumer
Charles R. Morrow
Mt. Zion Baptist Church
Northeast Georgia Pediatric
Dr. & Mrs. Samuel o. Poole 2
Phoenix Society
Protein Products , Inc.
Rotary Club of South Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Lorry Schrage 2
A.C . Smith 2
Smith, Gilliam & Williams 2
Stork Gamco, Inc .
Turner, Wood & Smith 2
United Cities Gas Company
Wallace Christopher Agency Ron Christopher 2
Wilheit Packaging Materials
Co . - Philip Wilheit 2
WLBA Radio
Dr. & Mrs. Philip Zoercher
($250 to $499)
Marion A. Allen Insurance Wendell Bagwell 1
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Allison 1,2
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Ashe 1,2
Dr. & Mrs . Danny Askew
Avery Label
Bank of Banks-George Evans 2
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Bell 2
David Bowen
Dorothy Brock 3
Cantrell Machine Co.
Cattleman's Steakhouse
David Chester
City Ice Co .
City Plumbing & Electric Co .
Coker Equipment Co.
Jerry S. Coker
Community Bank & Trust Jackson Co .-Elton Collins 2
Doug Cooper - Cooper
Construction Co. 1
Credit Professionals of
($150 to $249)
Dan Abraham
Aubry & Rosanell Adams
J. Benny Allen
Crystal Farms, Inc .
CWT Farms , Inc.
Mr. & Mrs . Frank Davis , Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. P.K. Dixon
Erdine Donovan 3
Sallie Duhling 3
Eagle Transportation
Larry & Georgia Ekman
Ethicon, Inc .
Fairfield Mortgage
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Farkas 2
Leon Farmer & Co.
First Commerce Bank
First Commerce Bank Habersham
First National Bank of
Fleming Food Service
Gainesville Business Products
Gainesville Radiology
Col. & Mrs. John Gaither 1
Georgia First Bank - Andy
Walker 2
Heyward Gnann 2:3
Dr. & Mrs. Hector Gotay
Dr. & Mrs. Steve Gurr 3
H & H (Jesse Hill)
Harrison Poultry, Inc .
Mr. & Mrs. Hoyt Herrin
Dr. Arden 1. Hothem
Mr. & Mrs. William T.
H,u dson, Jr. 2
Ivan Allen Company
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Jacobs , Jr.
Katherine 's Kitchen
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Keith 2
Mr. & Mrs. James Lamb
Mr. & Mrs . Carl Lawson
Leon Farmer & Co.
Matthews Printing Co .
Mike & Jackie Mauldin 1,3
Bruce & Pat McArthy 1,3
Dr. & Mrs . Keith McRae 2
Milton Martin Toyota/Honda 2
Tom Mundy 2
Mr. & Mrs . Bobby Painter
Parr Roofing
Peeches Neighborhood Grill
Mr. & Mrs. John Peebles
Peoples Bank & Trust Buford
Peoples Bank of Forsyth Co.
Presto lite Electric , Inc .
RadIo of Georgia
Dr. Amy Reeder 3
Reliance Electric Co.
Dr. & Mrs. Herbert Robinson 3
Jerry Robinson
Tish Searcy 1,2,3
Slack Auto Parts
Sammy Smith 1 ,2
Southern General Contractors
Mr. & Mrs. Royce Stephens
Stewart, Melvin & House 2
Warren & Jamie Stribling 1 ,2
Mr. & Mrs . Bobby Strickland 2
Dr. & Mrs. Bradley Strickland 3
Mr. & Mrs . Steve Tilley 2,3
Union Baptist Church
Wards Funeral Home
Allen Waters 2
Mr. & Mrs . Fleming Weaver 2
Mr. & Mrs . J. Allen Webster 3
White Co. Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Joe C. White 1
Mr. & Mrs. Rich White 1 ,2
Randy Allen
Roger Allen
Charles & Deborah Allison
A.L. Welding Supply, Inc .
Anderson, Scroggs, &
Whitfield 1 ; 2
Bradley & Lugene Bagwell 1
R. Alvin Bagwell 1
Bill & Mary Bailey
Marcus Bailey 1
J.R. Bailey 2
Tony Bailey
Bank South of Barrow Co.
Richard & Sara Bannister 1,2
Barbe America, Inc.
Bass Mims Tire Co . J.C. Bass 2
James & Tammy Beavers 1
Bird Ch,a in Saw
Bob & Chris Bishop
Dr. & Mrs. Wiley Black
Blueridge Aviation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Bow
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Bowen
George Brady
Dr. & Mrs. C.E. Branch, Jr.
Breedlove Insulation 1
Michael Bright
Frances Brock
Jerry Brown Chevmlet
Jerry & Karen Bryant
Dr. Phillip Bush
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Campbell
Caravelle Travel
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Carey
Julian & Roslyn Carlyle
Carriage Nissan/Mazda
Michael Casper 1
Patrick Casper 1
Centennial Machine Co.
Century South Bank
Dr. Rudolf W. Cisco
Mr. & Mrs . Harvey Clanton
Mr. & Mrs. Larry H. Clark
Pat Cochrane
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Cole 2
Mr. & Mrs. A.J. Cooper
John Corcoran
Cornett Bridges, Inc .
J. Carlyle Cox 2
Mrs " Eleanor Crawford 3
Kenneth & Gail Davidson
Jaimie A. Davis
Robert Davis
Dawson County Bank
Deep South Products , Inc.
Mr. & Mrs . Alcide DeLisle
Chris Dickerson
Maurice Dorsey 1
Ernest Downs
Mr. & Mrs. Charles K.
Edmondson, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Slade Exley , Jr. 1
Joseph D. Farrell
Paul Faulkner
Mr. & Mrs. David Feser
Calvin & Rhonda Forrester
Roy Forrester 3
Richard & Rosemary Freeman
Gainesville Asphalt
Gainesville Bank & Trust
Dr. John W. Garland
Guerry Garrett 1
Georgia Battery Co .
Georgia Foam Inc .
Georgia Power Co. - Cornelia
Gibson Dental Designs , Inc .
Mr. & Mrs. John Gram
Ronald E. Grant 1
Green Acres Mobile Homes
Group Destination Services
Gwinnett Federal Bank FSB
Trustee I Former Trustee
Faculty I Staff I Retiree
Dr. & Mrs. Ben Hampton
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Hamrick 2
Mr. & Mrs. Pierce Hancock 2
H & ' R Mechanical ---' Harvey
Rooks 2
Lloyd B. Harrell 1
Sarah Harrison 3
Dr. & Mrs . John Hemmer 2
J. W. & Ann Henderson
Mr. & Mrs. W.F. Hennen
Marlene Henry 1
Barbara Hermann 3
Albert B. Herrera
John & Alvin Hicks 1
Dr . & Mrs. Joe Hill 3
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Hill 1,2
Walter Hobbs, III 2
Marsha & Benji Hopkins 1,2
John H. Hornor
Dr. J.C. House
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Howington 3
Mr. & Mrs. Billy Hulsey
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hulsey 1
Mr. & Mrs. Mickey Hyder 1 , 2
Billy & Lois Jackson
Jackson County Farm Bureau
Jaeger Pyburn, Inc.
Mr. Thomas Jarrard
J.B. Johnston
Rob Jones 2
Dr. William B. Jones
J. Richie, Inc . - Mr. & Mrs.
Joe Booth 1
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Kelly 1,2
Dr. & Mrs . Neil Kelley 2
Julia Kemp
Jim & Linda Keys 1
Kimzey, Kimzey & York 1
Lanier Glass
Lanier Scrap Iron & Metal
Lanier Sleep Shop
David Lathem 1
Lyle & Karen Latvala
Naomi Lawson 1
John Phillip Lawson 1
Richard D. Layton
Lesters Body & Paint Shop
Shirley 'H. Long 1
Albert R. Lorbati, MD
Macklenburg Duncan
Raul & Peggy Madera
Dru MacGregor
Horace Franklin Maddox 1
Ed & Mary Mayhew 3
Terry & Barbara McFarland 1
Mr. & Mrs . Sam McGee 1
Dr. John McHugh
Mr. & Mrs. Walter McKenzie
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron McKinney 2
Mr. & Mrs. Richard McNeece
Michael D. Mahalick
Metro Appraisals, Inc.
Dr. Jon M. Milford 1
Hugh M. Mills , III 1
Jack E. Moore 2
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Moore 2
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Morris 1
Mr. & Mrs. John Morrow 2
Phyllis Morse
Mount Vernqn Mills
Mr. & Mrs . Ben Mundy 2
Murrayville Veterinary Clinic
National Auto Research
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Neal 1
Robin Neiheisel
Newman & Associates
Ed & Martha Nix
Northeast GA Medical Center
The Norton Agency I
Oakwood Chevron
Wade Od~ll
Larry & Nancy Odom
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Oliver 2
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Owen 2
Terry & Margie Park 1
Jerome Parker 2
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Parks
George & Esther Patterson
J.e. Penney Co.
Perdue Magazine Stand
Russell Phillips & Associates
Pilgrim Estes Furniture
Dennis & Jane Pitts
Dr. Ted Poole
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Povolny
Frances Power
Brenda Purvis 3
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Quarles
Dr. & Mrs. Ed Quillian 1 , 2
Russell & Norma Rainwater
M.O. Ramsey
Charles & Vele Keyta Redding
Barbara Reising
Garland Reynolds
Perrin Reynolds
Henry C. Rigdon
R.J. Enterprises
Mr. & Mrs. Billy Rogers 2
Lisa & Danny Samples 1
Philip B. Sartain 1
Douglas Sauls 1
Tom & Belinda Sauret 3
Mr. & Mrs. John Savage
Mr. & Mrs. W.E. Schrage
Robert & Norma Seerley 3
William & Edna Sell
Service Master of Northeast
Georgia - Bill St. Clair 2
David & Martha Sherman
Mr . & Mrs . Frank Sherwood
Louis & Alice Skelton
..Ricky Slay 1
Harold Smith 1, 2
Snelling & Snelling
Edward G. Stevens
Robert & Lori Stevens
Mike & Linda Stokes 1
Ricky Stone 1
($100 to $149)
Bradley Abernathy 2
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority -..:
Lambda Iota Omega Chapter
Mr. & Mrs . Joel Ames 2
Robert Andrews
Antioch Baptist Church
Arc Electrical Wholesale, Inc.
Dr . & Mrs . Danny Askew
Bernice Austin
Mr. & Mrs . Emory Aycock
Mrs, Jane Banks
Bank South - Cumming
John Barnette
Bates , Carter & Co.
James E. Bates
Jack Beachem
Dr. & Mrs , Reppard Bennett
Bethel Church of the Nazarine
Robbie Bettis 1 , 3
Big Star
Mr. & Mrs , Steve Blair 3
Mike & Deborah Bolding 1 , 3
Sarah Booker 3
Barbara Borders
Mr, & Mrs, Roger Bower 2
Frances Brown 3
Tony & Jo Stone 1,2
Mr. & Mrs . Billy Taylor 3
Tom Tharp
Dr. Fred Thomas
Steve Thrasher 1
Dr. Thomas Tuggle 3
Tunco Mfg. Inc .
Randy P. Turner 1
United Kolor - Jeff & Lisa
Rosetti 1
Mike & Anne Veal 1
Jimmy Wallace
Alexis Walsh
Walters Management
Hal & Bonita Waters
Mr. & Mrs. Doyle Webb 3 .
Dr. W. David Weiss
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Whalen
Jan Whelchel 1
Mr. & Mrs . Eddie Whitfield 1,2
Mr. & Mrs . A. Frank Wiegand
Bob & Neva Wilder
James S. Wilson
Wood Ace Hardware
Brent Wood
Joe T. Wood, Jr . 2
Robert Yarem
Linda Brown
Maynard Brown 2
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Bruner
Buckeye Realty Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Burkett 2
Dr. & Mrs . Ed Burnette ~, 2
Byrd & Stephens Bldg. Supply
Ed Cabell 3
Cain Electric Co., Inc .
Cainbrake Sandwich Shop
Camping Time
Candler Street School, Inc .
(Johnny Vardeman)
Jimmy Cantrell
Carnes Construction
Arthur & Diane Carpenter 1 , 3
Mr. & Mrs . Bobby Chambers 2
Chattahoochee Locomotive Co.
Children's Theater
Commercial Bank of Gwinnett
Con Wall Construction
Mr. & Mrs. John Cromartie, Jr.
Isabel Crow
Malbree Davenport
Sam Davenport 2
Mr. & Mrs . Clayton Deavers
Francine Dibben 3
Dixie City Pharmacy
Byron Drew 3
Linda Duncan 1,3
Bill & Virginia Edmonds 3
Carol Elrod 3
Esprit Travel & Tours
Carol Eure
Danny B. Far~er 1
Financial Data Services
First Baptist Church, Myrtle
T.T. Folger, Sr. 2
Mr. & Mrs . James Forrester 2
David A. Fox
Gary Freeman
Dr. Timothy Fulenwider
Gainesville Financial Services
Gainesville Marble & Granite
Gainesville Mfg . Co.
Michael Gallagher
William Garrions
Georgia Chair
Georgia Mutual Insurance , Inc .
John E. Girardeau
Greater Timber Ridge Baptist
Genie Greavu 3
Greene Ford Co.
Margaret Greenlee
Brandon Haag 1, 3
Habersham Hardware
Hartley Construction Co.
Hayes - Chrysler - Plymouth
- Dodge
Fred Haynes
Heard Fuel Co .
Sandra Henderson 1,3
Frank Henry
Mary E. Hingeveld
Mr. & Mrs. W.F. Hinderscheid
Jack & Louise Holcomb 3
Rebecca Homan 3
Mr'. & Mrs . L.C. House
Mr. & Mrs. William House
John Hulsey , Jr.
Linda Hutchens 1
Industrial Pipe Supply
David Irvin 1 ,2
Representative Jerry Jackson 2
Mr. & Mrs . Jay Jacobs 1,2
Mr. & Mrs . N.A. Jacobs 2
J & R Kern, Inc .
The Heritage Club was established to provide opportunities for supporters of the College to contribute
to its long term future by making a commitment through a will , insurance policy, or other deferred gift.
Our special thanks go to the following members who have notified the Foundation of their intent
to support it through membership in The Heritage Club:
Edmond Coker
Neil Mize
Anne Jarrell Segars
Further development of a Planned Giving Program through The Heritage Club is targeted for special
consideration in the coming year.
For further information on how you can become a member of The Heritage Club, call the Foundation
Office at (404) 535-6248.
Charles Johnson
Dr. & Mrs . Charles Jones 2
Joyland Early Learning Center
Kentucky Fried Chicken
Judge & Mrs. Richard Kenyon
Mr. & Mrs. Clelle Kinney 3
Dr. & Mrs. A.J . Kline 1 , 3
Janice Krull 1
Lancaster Music
Rick & Debby Lane 1 ,2
Larry 's Easy Pay Tire
Lawrence Pharmacy, Inc.
Wade Lindorme 2
Little-Davenport Funeral Home
Little Giant Grocery
Deborah Keith Mack
Mr. Marcus Mashburn
Mr . & Mrs . James E.
Mathis, Jr. 2
Rev. & Mrs. Milton Mays
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McCracken 3
McGarity 's
Garry & Margaret McGlaun 1 , 2,3
Mr. & Mrs . Charles
McMichael 3
France& Meadows 1,3
Dr. & Mrs . Cecil Miller 1
Mill 's Fuel Service, Inc.
Mitchell Hardware - Judy &
Billy Mitchell 1
Ralph & Thelma Mitchell
Willie Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs . Jim Moore 1 , 2
Mrs . R.1. Moore
Dr. Stephen Moore
Dr. Nabil Muhanna
North Ga. Petroleum
Trustee / Former Trustee
Faculty / Staff / Retiree
Matt Nix
Janice Nylander 3
John C. Odegaard
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Oliver 1 , 2
Olympic Oil
Rep. & Mrs. Wycliffe Orr
Ouzts Chevrolet Co.
Ed T. Parks , III
Dr. & Mrs . Joel Paul 3
Peachtree Bottle Shop
Reginald Perry
Piedmont Builders Supply Co.
James 1. Poole , Jr.
Mr. & Mrs . Thomas Power
Pruett Oil Co.
Dr. Robin R. Pyburn
Mr. & Mrs. W.F. Ramsey 2
Martha Randolph
Mr. & Mrs. Strother Randolph 2
Mr. & Mrs . David Rankin
Dr. & Mrs. Sam Rauch
David Rice
Dr. & Mrs . Lewis Rogers 3
Benjamin Rucker, Sr.
Dr. Benjamin Rucker, Jr. 1
Walter Rucker
Sarah Russell 3
Mr . .& Mrs. Joe Sartain
Susan Shearer
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Shugart 1 ,2
Mrs . James Singleton
Mr . & Mrs. Coy Skaggs
Walker & Smith
South Hall Veterinary Hospital
Joyce & Burton Stephens 1
Marcus Stephens
Stephens & Shuler
Mrs . Julia Sykes
The Birthday Club
Barbara Thomas 1 ,3
Kerry G. Thomas 1
Three D Cleaners & Laundry Danny Dunagan 1
Townview Finance
Mr. & Mrs . Roy Turner
W.A. Van Valkenburg , Jr. 3
Don Waldrip
Dr. & Mrs . Tom Walter 3
Ruth Waters
Reggie Wellburn
Dr. & Mrs . Bob Westervelt 3
Laura Mae Whelchel
Whitehead Die Casting Co .
Widows Son Lodge NE 66
Jacque Wilkes 1
Eleanor B. Williams
James H. Wills
Mr. & Mrs. Joe T. Wood , Sr. 2
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Woody 1
Yonah Realty Co.
Charles G. Young 1
1- -
($25 to $99)
A & A Electric
David D. Aaron 1
Brenda & Jimmy Adams 3
') Emily L. Adams
Allstate Insurance - Bill
Catherine Amos 1
Judy Anderson 1
Lynn Anderson 1
Lori Andrews
Anglin's Drug Store
Animal Medical Center
Applegate Gifts
Mr. & Mrs . .Frank Armstrong ' 2
Todd C. Arnold 1
Arrow Tire & Alignment
Mr. & Mrs. James Ash
Lynne Ashe 1
Troyce E. Atkinson 1
Melissa Autry 1
Arthur Avants 1
B & B Travel, Inc.
Georgia L. Bagby 1
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Bagby 1
Bagwell & Mathis Tire Co.
Stanley Bagwell 1
Thomas H. Bailey 1
Christopher R. Baker 1
Glenda K. Baker 1
Elizabeth L. Banks 1
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Banks
Kenneth & Susan Barkley 1
Bill Barnett
Denise C. Barrett 1
James J. Barrett, IV 1
Stanley R. Barrett 1
William T. Bassett 1
Dorothy Baylor 2
Gloria Bearden
John W. Beck 1
Richard & Susan Belcher 1
Jack C. Bell
David B. Bennett 1
Douglas A. Bennett 1 .
Lisa I. Bennett 1
Mr. & 'Mrs. Bradford Benson
Mr. & Mrs. Charles BensQn
Benton & Parker Company
Gay Ie Berryman 1
Bryan Bettis 1
Phil Bettis 1.
Linda Bishop 1
Lisa L. Black 1
Blackstock Auto Service
Vinci A. Blan 1
Dianne Blankenship
Tucker Blount 1
Boulevard Assoc. LTD.
Alma V. Bowen 1
Molly Brannon 1
Marie & Chris Braswell 1
Alesia J. Bray 1
Beth Bray 1
Bride's Showcase
Benjamin M. Brock 1
Chuck Brown 1
Gloria Brown 3
Brown Insurance Co.
Keith D. Brown 1
Michael D. Brown 1
Brown's Bridge Animal
LawailaW. Bryan 1
Marcia J. Bryan 1
' T.M. Bryan 2
Mr. & Mrs. ThomasL. Bryant
Virginia A. Bryant 1
Brad G, Bryson
Buford Package Store
Kevin Burchett 1
Burel Supply Company '
Burlyn Burkett 2
Gregory H. Burnette 1
Mr. & Mrs. David Burroughs
Mrs. E.E. Butler
Teresa R. Byler 1
Leonard C. Cagle 1
Cecil Callaway 1
Mayfield Camp, Jr. 1
Candler Concrete
Andrea Cantrell 1
Perry Cantrell 1
Ricky Cantrell 1
Care Drugs
Virginia C. Carswell 1
Phyllis D. Case 1
Sarah Casper
Cathey Furniture Company
Cato Tire & Supply Company
, Lynn Chandler 1
Marion J. Chandler 1
Robert Chandler
DialJ.e C. Chapman 1
Lee & Karen Chapman 1
Mitch Chapman 1
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Chapman
Wilma K. Charles 1
Samuel L. Chestnut
Darrel M. Chisolm 1
Citizens Pharmacy
Wayne & Andrea Clark 1
Christopher C. Clement
Lee Roy Clendenning 3
The Clothes Rack
CoasL t,o ,Coast
Rita V. Cochran 1
Kelly L. Coker 1
Coldwell Bankers/Herita&,eB
Michael Collier
Mr. & Mrs. C.B. Collins
Curtis Collins
Comfort Inn - Cornelia
Robert M. Conner, Jr. 1
Rae A. Cook 1
Janice A. Cooper 1
Joel Cooper, Jr. 1
Cornelia Mill & Feed
Tracy Brown Cottrell 1
Darryl W. Cox 1
Martha Crane 1
Rita F. Crane 1 ,
Crawford W. Long Pharmacy
Ken Crenshaw 1
Teresa A. Cross 1
David J. Crow 1
Karen Crowe 1
Ellen C. Crozier 1
Karen M. Curtis- 1
Jeffery C. Dale 1
Penny A. Dale 1
Jeff Daniell
Steffi J. Darby 1
Christie M. Darracott 1
Elizabeth A. Davenport 1
Davidson Bookkeeping Service
John O. Davis
Lynne Davis 1
D & W Grocery
Senator & Mrs. Nathan Deal
Inez Dean 3 .
Deer Trail Country' Club
D-Jay Petroleum
Paul & Connie M. Dennis 1
Mr. & Mrs. Dave DeVenny 2
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Dillard
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Dillard 1,2
Anita L. Dodd 1
J.R. Doster, Inc.
Doug Matthews Paints
Theresa Dove-Waters 3
Billy F. Duck 1
Kenneth D. Dunagan 1
Broadus Duncan 1
Wendy & Brent Duncan 1
Edgar B. Dunlap II 2
Kathryn Dunlap
David J. Dupree 1
Deborah & Mack Eades 1
Connie E. East 1
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Easterling 2
Echols Bookkeeping & Tax
Service' l
. Billy ~" Edge 1
Ronald C. Edwards 1
Susie K. Edwards 1
Electronic Sales Company
Susan E. Eldridge 1
P. Martin Ellard
John Elliot 1
Cheryl Elrod 1
Tony Embrick 1
Mr. & Mrs. Chris England 1,2
Sharon Ellis 1
Michael Ervin 1
Maureen Etheridge 1
Hara Evans 1
Terri Evans 1
Tony Evans 1
Mr. & Mrs. H.P. Farley
Farrs Prescription Shop
Kathy Faulkner 1
Rebecca A. Fauscett 1
Bonnie Fellers 1
Elizabeth Felton 1
Robert C. Ferguson 1
First Franklin Financial
Patricia Fisher 1
Flowers by Opal
Mark Fockele
Judy Forbes 1,3
M. Sue Ford 1
Charles B. Forrest 1
Charlotte I. Forrester 1
Jerry H. Forrester 1
Reggie Forrester 1
Fourman "& Assoc.
Anita B. Fowler 1
Ben D. Fowler 1
Leonna Fowler 1
Fox Pools & Spas 1
Sue Frady 1
Kimberli J. Freedman 1
Catherine H. Freeman 1
Andrew Fuller
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Funk 1
Dr. Ronald R. Gadbois
Glen Terrell Gaines 1
Gainesville Financial Service
Gainesville Marina
Gainesville Towing & Recovery
Shelly D. Galloway 1
Theresa M. Gambon 1
Martha T. Gannis 1
James Edwin Garrison 1
Ed & Lynda Gastley 3
Trustee / Former Trustee
Faculty / Staff / Retiree
- ...
John Hughey 1
Joan B. -Gereghty 1
Dorothy L. Hulsey 1
Charles Gignilliat
Nicky Gilleland 1
Jerry L. Hulsey 1
Vickie Gilleland 1
Julian Keith Hulsey 1
Lynn Gilreath 1
Robert I. Hulsey 1
Peggy S. -Gilstrap 1
Sherri L. Hulsey 1
Lynn Gittens 1
Nadine Humphries 1
Donald &: Kathy Hunt 2,3
Dr. Henry Goble
Daniel Tommy Hunter 1
V. Richard Goforth 1 ,
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Hunter 1
Golden Pantry - Athens
Husby, Myers & Stroberg
Gold's Dept. Store
Thomas G. Goodell 1
Interstate Transportation, Inc.
Zelma Gowder 1
Ivey Furniture Sales
Robin R. Gower
The Jackson Herald
Nicky A. & Marcy Gravitt 1
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Jackson 1
Roger Gravitt 1
James Electric Company
Tammy Green 1
Jay's Department Store
R.C. Grizzle Industrial Storage_ Jefferson Motors
Ronald Jenkins 3
Linda Guest
Perry Jennings 1
Fred & Demaris Gurley 1
Robert A. Gurley 1
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Johnson
Guthrie Properties
Scott A. Johnson 1
Habersham Bank
Sidney Mitch Johnson 1
William R. & Erice Johnson 1
Habersham EMC
Mr. & Mrs . Harry Jones 3
Hale & Associates
Loyce R. Jones 1
Hall Management Group
Billy Hallman 1
Robert Jones
Mark M. Ham, IV 1
Lisa Jordan 1
Ernest Lee Hammond 3
Sonya B. Kaminski 1
Terry Hanley 1
David Kapiloff 1
William Hanley
Hardman Auto, Inc. 1
Greg Keith 1
Kelly's Kapers Package & Party
Caroline Hartley
Bonnie C. Kendrick 1
Phil Hartley
Alan Kennedy 1
Janine A. Hasselman 1
David & Judy Kennerly 1
Dr. Lee Hawkins
Rose M. Kent 1 .
Johnny David Hawks 1
" Susan D. Kerlin 1
Nath T. Hayes
Rebecca D. Kesler 1
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Head 2
Kesler's IGA
Burnice Healan
Conor S. Key 1
Dr. William F. Helms, Jr.
Martha Hembree 1
Dennis W. Kilgore 1
TomAllene Henley 2,3
Angela M. Kimzey 1
Steve Kinney 1 "
Judy Henson 1
David M. Herring 1
. Kellie M. Kinney 1
Donna K. Kinsey 1
Jill V. Hill 1
Shelby Kinsey 1
Hill's Office Equipment
Billy Kitchens 1 "
Sue R. Holbrook 1
Janet K. Lacek 1
Dr. Louise Holcomb 3
Donald H. Holland 1
Richard Lance
The Hollow Log
Lang Signs
Jeffery L. Langford 1
Ed Hollis, III
Steve & Linda Langston 3
"Jimmy T. Hooper 1
Donald House 1
Lanier Bank & Trust -Cumming
Lanier Employmept Service"
Linda Howard
Eddie Howell 1
Lanier Pharmacy - Tim
Hurley 1
Phil & Shirley Hudgins
Thomas P. Hughes 1
Lanier Produce
Von Hughes 2
Lavender Insurance
George H. Law, III
Zannetta M. Law 1
Roy Lawrence
Faith E. Ledford 1
Timmey R. Ledford 1
Pamela S. Lee 1
Pamela 1. Leigh 1
Lester Service Center
Bryan K. Lewallen 1
Paula Lewallen 1
Steve Lewallen 1
Mark T. Lipscomb 1
Little & Woodall Supply
Roy D. Loehr, Jr. 1
London's Pharmacy
Dora T. Looney 1
Sister T.e. Lowe 3
Ronnie Magness 1
Ann E. Mahefkey 1
Dr. Mike Malony
Steven W. Marlowe 1
M & R Rental
Daniel e. Marshall 1
Charlene Martin 1
Martin Furniture Company
Michael K. Martin 1
Sandra Martin 1
Jennifer K. Mason 1
Frances G. Mathis 1
Jerry Maynard 1
Scott D. McArthy 1
James C. McCoun 2
McDaniel Grading
Bill & Janice McDonald 1
Timothy McDonald 1
Glenn G. McDougald 1
McElveen's Pharmacy
Misty S. McEntire 1
Robert McEver, III 1
Dana McIntyre
Glenda McLeod 3
Harriett McNeal 1
Karl C. Mealor 1
Judy C. Mecum 1
Marion 1. Meeks, Jr. 1
Mercedes Residential Group
W. Gene Mercer 1
Greg Merritt 1
Fred Meyers
Midway Building Supply
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Miller
Teresa Miller 1
Millie's Custom Draperies
Dr. Ben Minish
Martha Montgomery 1
Dwayne A. Moon 1,
Don Moore
Holly Moore
Barry S. Moose 1
Morgan Cleaners
Lynda Morgan 1
Morris Realty
Deborah A. Morrison 1
David A. Mote 1
Greg 1. Motes 1
Clara Murray 3
Mrs. Dean Myers
Pamela Myers 1
Myers Elementary School
Mrs. R.D. Neal
Deborah 1. Nelson 1
Michael Nelson 1
Tommy 1. Nicholson
Charles S. Nix 1
Nix Standard Station
John Nix
Patricia Nix 1
Ricky Nobles State Farm
Mr. & Mrs . Mike Nordholz
James Harold Norris 3
North Ga. Insurance
Northside Bottle Shop
Mr. & Mrs. W.1. Norton, Jr.
Nursing Care, Inc.
Betty J. O'Brien 1
Charles Oliver 1
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Oliver 2
Laland L. Owens 1 '
Larry Pardue 1
Susan R. Pardue 1
Kelly Parham 1
Dianne T. Parker 1
Susan E. Parker 1
Parker Used Cars
Ann Parks
Doug Parks
Dr. Ellen Pastorino 3
James W. Patrick 1
Farrow M. Peacock 1
Robert 1. Peek 1
Pendley & Pendley Appraisers
George Don Pennington 1
Bronda Perry 3
Jarrett H. Perry 1
Tim Perry 1
Russell Peterson
Pharr Studio
Clara Phelps 3
Joan Phillips
John W. Phillips, Jr. 1
Suzanne Phillips 1
Photo Reflections'
Alan F. Pilcher 1
Mrs . Ralph Pinion
Peggy Lea Pittman 1
Arlin Pitts 1
Michele M. Piucci 1
Virginia Piucci
John P. Pless
Walter T. Poulson 1
Presco Steel
Primex Plastics
Bonita Pruitt 1
Psychological & Educational
Carolyn Puckette 1
Susan C. Puckette 1
Hal Puett
Ann Purdy 3
Dr. & Mrs . Forte Rabb
Racquets & Togs
David J. Radford 1
C. Lamar Ragan 1
Mrs. Pat Rail 2
Timothy D. Rail 1
Martha G. Ramsey 1
Marjorie Reach
Realty Builders Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Stacey G. Reece 1
Verlin Reece 1
Reed Building Supply 'Buford
Mr. & Mrs . Bob Reed
Thomas W. Reins, Jr. 1
Mark E. Reynolds 1
Ricky H. Rich 1
Sharon Roberts 1
Robertson Olds & Cadillac Inc .
Kenneth Robinson 1
Mr. & Mrs . Charles Robocker 2
Sidney 1. Roland 1
Lynn Rooks 1
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Roper
Roper's Appliance
James W. Rowan, Jr. 1
Dean & Sherrie Rowland 1
Cherilyn Rumley 3
Ralf Saenger
Theresa Samples 1
Sanders Furniture Co.
Joely Sanders 1
Sandy's IGA
Mr. & Mrs. Ira Scanlin
Robert I. Scanlin 1
James Schwartz 1
Scissor Happy
jennifer 1. Scott 1
Spence Sealy
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis R. Severson
J.B . Sharma 3
Robert W. Shields 1
Charles Shockley 1
Jerry W. Shockley 1
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Shockley 2
Shoney's of Cumming
Kathleen Simmons 3
Donald W. Sims 1
Skippy 's Carpet Cleaning
Linda Smart 1
J.C. Smith
Linda Smith 1
Lovie C. Smith 1
Sims Insurance Co .
Robert E. Sims 1
Deborah 1. Smith 1
J.R. Smith 1
Kelly M. Smith 1
Marion Smith 1
Paul Smith Cleaners
Ronald S. Smith 1
Ronnie Smith 1
Judge & Mrs . Sidney O.
Smith, Jr .
Stefanie J. Smith 1
Solar Tech
Remelba Sorrells 1
William S. Sorrells 1
Debra Southard 1
Donna J. Sparks 1
Gerald Spear 1
Vicki Spear 1
Stainless Exhaust
Vicki J. Stanford
Susan D. Starck 1
Stephens Custom Interiors
Michael J. Stephens 1
Jimmy & Susan Stephenson
Daniel Stevens 1
Peggy Stevens 3
Sheila J. Stevens 1
Stinespring & Sosebee Sandra Sosebee 1
Judge & Mrs . Richard Story
Stow Garvin & Glenn
Roy & Rebecca Stowe
Deneen Strickland 1
Jane Strickland
Michael A. Strickland 1
Pam F. Strickland 1
Tammy Strickland 1
Teresa B. Strickland 1
William M. Strickland 1
Gloria J. Stringer 1
Sondra K. Sullivan 1
Sunshine Florist
Susan I. Tallant 1
Stephanie M. Tanner 1
Edmund C. Tarver, Jr. 1
Lisa Taylor ;
Taylor's Clothing , Inc.
. Kathy R. Teasley 1
Egbert J. Thalen 1
Thomas Chiropractic Center
Dr. Samuel Thomason
Charles A. Thompson 1
Robert Thorpe 1 , 2
Nell Thompson
Warren Tolbert 1
Roy T. Tolbert 1
Stanley E. Tompkins 1
Treasures, Inc .
Bradley D. Troutman
Lewallen L. Tucker 1
Leon Tur 1
Mr. & Mrs . Byron Turk 3
Donald W. Turner 1
Millard Turner
Paul Turner, Jr.
Joseph S. Tyre 1
Debbie J. Tyson 1
Stanley Underwood 1
The Uniform Shop
Kevin & Beverly Vanderhoef
Marvin J. Vandiver 1
Vanguard Enterprises
Jennie & Bobby Vaughan 1
Winslow Verdery
George T. Waddell 1
Anne Thomas Wade 1
Sharon M. Wages 1
Walden & Crowe PC
Carol Wallace 3
Peggy Wallace 1
Don ,Waldrip
Lisa R. Waldrip 1
Jean M. Ward 1
Connie C. Waters 1
Jan Waters 1
Pamela S. Waters 1
Watkins Chiropractic Clinic
Brad A. Wayne 1
Dr. Joseph D. Weber 1
Gail Weeks 1
Lillian Welch 1 , 3
Cindy Wells 1
Nancy P. West 1
Newman West
David J. Westbrook 1
Al Westmoreland 1
Chris T. Westray 1
Cheryl 1. White 1
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene White 2
Donny & Dell Whitehead 1
Suzanne Whitehead 1
Sandra J. Whiten
David Keith Whitfield 1
W.H. Whitley 1
Bobby S. Whitlock 1
Dr. Ronald Whitmire
Gregory S. Whitt 1
Panda H. Whitworth 1
Damon C. Wilbanks 1
William & Brenda Wilborn 1 ,3
Stanley P. Wiley 1
Chris Wilfong 1
April H. Williams 1
Williams Dress Shop
Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Williams
Judith A. Williams 1
Weldon Williams 1
Michael Wilson 2
Clenn Winkler Heating & Air
Larry E. Winkler 1
Wesley & Lori Winkler 1
Jane Wolf-Smith 3
Mark Woodard 1
Theodore Worsham 1
Bryan R. Wrigl1t 1
Dennis Wright 1
Rod Wright 1
Danny M. Yates 1
Lisa M. Young 1
M.J. Zimmerman 1
Connecticut Mutual Insurance
Eckerd Corporation Foundation
Gannett Foundation
The Glidden Co .
Hoechst Celanes Corporation
Houghton Mifflin Co.
IBM Corp.
Johnson & Johnson - Chicopee
Norton Company
Philip Morris Companies , Inc.
Reliance Electric
SKF Industries
Southern Bell
Teledyne , Inc .
United Cities Gas Co .
During 1991, the following were honored by friends through the Gainesville College Foundation.
Duke Aycock
Kelli E. Benson
Doug Dillard
Kerri Dillard Dodd
Lynn pillard Hillard
PFC Andrian Lee
Norma Seerley
Donna Wiggin
Madlyn A. Adams
Harry Bagwell
Joseph Scott Bagwell
Larry Boling
David Bosw ell
Linda Boswell
J.e. Cain
W.T. Carlisle
Beatrice Cash
Harry Chapman
Winnie Clure
Linda Cofer
John Crawford
John L. Cromartie, Sr.
Ed Dodd
Margie Dunagan
Steve Ferguson
Lucy Beatrice Gambrell
Consorcia Perez Herrera
Sylvia Hughes
Curtis Jackson
Lucille Jenkins
.Louise Jones
James A. Longino
Eugene Lowe
Lawrence C. Lynn, Sr.
George Mintz
Dean Myers
Don Nunn
Virginia Parris
Joe Pittard
Annice Roper
Zackery Rose
Martha R. Rountree
Parks Rountree
Francis e. Savage
Robert Scott
Charles Scroggs
Clarence Q . Shore
David Singleton
James Singleton
Anthony L. Smith
Syble Tanner
N.S. Thompson
Bonnie Joyce Urbanick
David Whelchel
Tom Wilheit
Estelle Winters
Donna L. Wilson
Noncash gifts have been received in the form of equipment, supplies, services, refreshments for special
events, and prizes for the Alumni Golf Tournament and Sophomore Picnic .
Arby's - Oakwood
Atlanta Coca-Cola Bottling
Bo & Mary's Restaurant
Burger King - Cornelia
Cafe Julius
Cheseborough Pond
Classic Car Wash
Mr. & Mrs. Louie W.
Converse - Mike Nordholz
Conrad 's Garden Centers
Crackin Good
Curt 's
Deep South Products '
EI Sombrero
Dr. Stephen Farkas
First National Bank of
GC Continuing Ed. Department . Northeast Sales Distributing,
GC Theatre Department
Oakwood Chevron - Fred
Steve Gilliam
Glen-Ella Springs Inn
Pat's Papagallo
The Golf Academy
Hardee's - Gainesville
Piedmont Laboratories
Hardy Chevrolet
Pizza Hut - Oakwood
Henry O's
Hubie's Pro Golf
SID Hardware
J & G Poultry
SAMCO Products
Jack's Gourmet Popcorn
Marguerite Meagher
Spectrum IV
McKibbon Bros., Inc.
Subway - Gainesville
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron McKinney
Dr. Thomas E. Sholes
Milton Martin Toyota/Honda
Milton's Institutional Foods
North Ga. Tom's Sales Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co .
Gerald Turk
James E. Mathis, Sr ... .. .. .......... .. 1968~71, 1974
James A. Smithson ................... .. .. .. . 1972~ 73
N. A. Jacobs . . . . . .... . .... . ...... . ... . ......... . 1975
Nathaniel Ashe ....... .. ......... . ..... .. ....... 1976
Paul Seals . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ... . . .... . .... . 1977
John L. Cromartie, Sr . .. . ....................... 1978
Samuel L. Oliver .. .. .... .......... .. ............ 1979
James A. Faulkner ..... .... .. .......... .. ... .. .. 1980
Bradley Abernathy .. ............. ..... ... .. .... . 1981
W . A. Bagwell . .. .. .. . .. . .. .................... . 1982
L. Wayne Abernathy
Harold Akins
Jimmy Alian
Calvin F. Allen
Richard T. Allison
Joel F. Ames
Gary H. Anderson
Frank W. Armstrong
Lee Arrendale
Henry Asbury
Jeffrey N. Ash, Sr.
Dan W . Ashe
George Bagley
Harry Bagwell
Joanne C. Bagwell
James E. Baker
Rodney F. Banks
Sara P. Bannister
Dorothy Nell Barker
Dwight Barnett
J. C. Bass
Dorothy Baylor
Bryan F. Bell
J. W . Benefield
Warren Blackmon
Tom Blackstock
F. E. Bobo
Solon Boggus, Jr.
Larry Boling
Ronald C. Bond
W . H. Booth
Wayne 1. Bowen
John Oliver Braselton
Maynard Brown
P. F. Brown, Jr.
Morris Bryan, Jr.
Tom M. Bryan
Burlyn R. Burkett
Johnny M. Burkett
Ross Burnes
Elaine Burnette
Floyd W. Carmichael
Lucille Carter
Otis Cato
Eddie Chambers
Patricia J. Chambers
Joseph E. Cheeley
Joseph D. Chipman, Jr.
Ronald E. Christopher
John Cleveland
Ralph W . Cleveland
Thomas M. Cole
Elton S. Collins
James R . Copeland
Amon Corn
Carlyle Cox
Alvin A. Crego
W. A. Crow
Richard T . Dale
John W. Darden
R. Samuel Davenport
John H. Davis
George Deadwyler
Ralph D. DeSha, Sr.
J. Dave DeVenny
William Douglas Dillard
Randall Duck
Edgar B. Dunlap, II
James A. Dunlap
Sam Dunlap, Sr. Benjamin H. Easterling
Linda Edenfield
Christopher England
George Evans
Sharon Farkas
Tom T. Folger, Sr.
James R. Forrester
Bob Fowler
Mardy Fulenwider
Bobbie Gay
Dallas Gay, Jr.
Ned Gignilliat
Carole .Gignilliat-Jackson
Heyward Ghann
Don Gordon
James Michael Gravitt
Eldo Grogan
Robert L. Hamrick
Pierce J. Hancock
Ross Harrison
Edward L. Hartness
Jerry Head
Stephen P. Heinen
Jane Reynolds Hemmer
T omAllene Henley
Al Hildebrandt
Carolyn R. Hill
Walter A. Hobbs, III
Marsha Hopkins
Von B. Hughes
Julius M. Hulsey
Donald T . Hunt
Mack C. Hyder, Jr.
David L. Irvin
B. J. Jackson
Jerry Jackson
John W. Jacobs, III
Mrs. Harley Jenkins
J. A. (Gus) Johnson
Norfleet R. Johnston
Doris Porter Jones
George Jones
Ray C. Jones
Robert E. Jones, III
Sam Jones
Neil Kelley
Cliff Kimzey
Larry K. Kohn
John Lackey
Barry P. Ladd, Sr.
Wayne Clark .. .............. .. ............ .... . 1983
William T. Hudson, Jr ... . .. .... ... ........ . . .. . . 1984
Roger D. Bower . . ... .. ...... . ........ . . .. .... .. 1985
Martha R. Simmons . . ........ .. ....... ......... 1986
Steven P. Gilliam . ... . .. . ... .. .. . .... . .. . . .. . . .. 1987
John W. Hodge .... .. ..... .... ....... .. ... . .. .. . 1988
Richard D. White .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .... ...... .... .. 1989
Andrew K. Walker .. .... .. . .. . .. .... ..... .... . . 1990
P. Fred Kelly ..... . ............. . . .. . ... ... ..... 1991
William R. Lance, Jr.
Deborah P. Lane
Ruth Robertson Lane
Emily D. I.,awson
Oscar J. Lilly
Wade Lindorme
Carol S. Lundy
J. Douglas Magnus
John Mansfield
Mrs. J. H. Martin
Harry Martin
Lee A. Martin
Milton Martin
F. Abit Massey
James E. Mathis, Jr.
Matt L. Matthews
James C. McCoun
R. H. McEver
Garry McGlaun
Jack McKibbon
John B. McKibbon, III
Aaron S. McKinney
Dan H. McNeal
J. M. McRae
Keith L. McRae
Richard Mecum
Hugh M. Mills, Jr.
W. Russell Moehlich
Jack E. Moore
James H. Moore
Marquita Nix Moore
W . Ernest Moore
Dale Morris
John W. Morrow, Jr.
Gwen Mundy
Thomas C. Mundy
Jess Murphy
John A. Nivens
] . L. Nix
Ralph Nix
Sue O 'Dell
Robert C. Oliver
Thomas D. Oliver
Ben Overstreet
Ronald C. Owen
Timothy J. Palmer
Jerome Parker
Charles Perdue
,Pete Pethel
Clyde E. Pirkle, Jr.
Samuel O. Poole
Richard Pope
Judith J. Presley
Randall Pugh
Edward R. Quillian
Patricia Rail
J. Dana Ramsbottom
Wilbur F. Ramsey
Strother Randolph
Hoyt E. Robinson
Jene Robocker
Mary K. Rogers
William L. Rogers, Jr.
Harvey G. Rooks
Pastor (Tito) Sanjurjo
Lawrence Schrage
Tommy Schultz
H. Lamar Scroggs
Letitia C. Searcy
Anne J. Segars
J. Curtis Segars
A. Troy Sharpton
Nathaniel Shelton
Richard L. Shockley
Kenneth E. Shugart
Troy Simpson
Charles Sims
Charles J. Slay, Jr.
A. C. Smith
Harold Smith
Sammy Smith
Terry Smith
Charles Smithgall
W . Steve Sorrells
Franklin E. Spence
William L. St. Clair
Furman Stancil
Woodrow Stewart
Jo Anne Stone
Marion Stribling
Warren D. Stribling, IV
Bobby Strickland
Loyd Strickland
R. L. Swetenburg
Carolyn Swope
W. L. Tatum
Bobby Thomas
Robert B, Thorpe, Jr.
R. Wayne Tiddy
Stephens E. Tilley
LeRoy Truelove
Frank T . Waggoner
Lee Waldrip
Billy Wallace
Russell M. Wallace
Max Ward
Allen Waters
Miller Watkins
Ed R. Wayne
R. Fleming Weaver
Gene White
Eddie 1. Whitfield
Sandra L. Whitmer
Philip A. Wilheit
Marion Williams
Homer Wilson
Michael A. Wilson
Ronny Wilson
Joe T. Wood, Sr.
Joe T . Wood, Jr.
Officers, Trustees Elected at
Annual Meeting
Joe Chipman, President of Lanier National Bank,
Gainesville, GC Class of 1976, was elected Chairman
of the Gainesville College Foundation. Joel Ames,
Manager of United Cities Gas Company, Gainesville,
was elected Vice Chairman and 1992 Fund Drive
Chairman. David Burroughs , a partner in the law
firm of Burroughs & LeFevre, Gainesville , was
elected Secretary ITreasurer.
New Trustees elected were: Burroughs; Guy Cabe,
retired District Coordinator of the Georgia Department of Human Resources; Jim Foote, Vice President
and Controller of Milton Martin Honda, 1982 GC
graduate; Scott McGarity, President of McGarity's;
Keith Morris , Vice President of Hometrust Bank, attended GC in 1973-74; Sheila Nix, Banking Officer
at Wachovia, a 1990 GC graduate; Peggy Pittman,
Insurance Agent for Wallace Christopher Agency, attended GC in 1969; Greg Robinson, Vice President
for Health Care Administration at Northeast Georgia
Health Resources; Elio Salazar, Service Representative , Social Security Administration; Jim Syfan,
Chief Executive Officer of Turbo Transport; Donn
Peevy, Attorney, attended GC in 1968 and 1970; Tim
Perry , Vice President of The Peoples Bank of Cumming , a 1982 GC graduate.
New officers of the Gainesville College Foundation elected
at the Annual Meeting of the Foundation are (left to right):
David Burroughs, Secretaryrrreasurer; Joe Chipman,
Chairman; Joel Ames, Vice Chairman and 1992 Fund
Drive Chairman.
Joel Ames, Gainesville, has been named 1992 Fund Drive
Chairman and Ray Jones, 8Iso of Gainesville, has been
named Honorary 1992 Fund Drive Cbairman of the
Gainesville College Foundation. Left to rigbt: GC President J. Foster Watkins, Ames, Jones, and Joe Chipman,
GC Foundation Cbairman.
New trustees of the GC Foundation were elected at the Annual Meeting on Janu"a ry 26. They are (left to right) Jim Foote,
Elio Salazar, Donn Peevy, Peggy Pittman, Keith Morris, Sbeila Nix, Scott McGarity, Erice Johnson, Jim Syfan, David
Burroughs, Greg Robinson, Guy Cabe, and Tim Perry. All are from Gainesville except Donn Peevy who is from
Lawrenceville, and Tim Perry who lives in Cumming. Foote, Peevy, Pittman, Morris, Nix, and Perry are GC alumni.
Alumna Carol King Featured in AACJC Publication
My first quarter, winter 1969, was tough: juggling
Math 101 and child care, working in the college
library and keeping house, and, most challenging,
being student, mother, and wife. By the end of my
second quarter, the marriage lost.
three Gainesville
College Alumni
were featured in a
new publication of
the American Association of Community and Junior Colleges, Profiles in
Succe~s: Reflections on the Community College Experience. Essays by
Carol King Keavney
Donn M. Peevy,
Lawrenceville, and
Sammy Smith, Gainesville, have appeared in
earlier issues of Anchors Away. Carol King's essay
When Charlene Hunter and Hamilton Holmes
became the first Black full-time students to attend
the University of Georgia amid the sound and fury
of angry mobs and armed escorts, I silently vowed,
''I'm going to go to that schooL" Despite my 10-yearold optimistic idealism, I knew fulfilling that vow
would not be easy for a shy little Black girl from a
low-income family in a small Southern town of 1960.
In less than 10 years, I began realization of that
childhood fantasy by entering Gainesville College
(formerly Gainesville Junior College).
Funny thing, though, the path to my goal actually was a detour. I'd chosen to sacrifice my original
plans of attending a historically Black college in
south Georgia for the love of my high school
sweetheart. Shortly, after graduation in 1967, we
decided to get married and start a family.
Attending college seemed like a faraway dream for
a wife and mother who had neither the time nor
funds to make it come true. But a family friend encouraged me to try GC . I could attend day classes
and work evenings and weekends to cover tuition
and other costs, or maybe even qualify for financial
A chance meeting of the College Players drama
club changed my life's direction. The drama instructor had developed a readers' theater production for
a national competition. A Cuban refugee with a sensitivity for the problems of minorities, he focused
the production on discrimination and racial pride.
When I became one of the four cast members, winning first place trophies helped me realize the versatility of my abilities. My self-esteem skyrocketed
especially after winning top honors for a two-person
performance at another competition.
With this new-found confidence, Ire-evaluated
my career goals. I had always been interested in written and oral communications, but I'd never considered pursuing a communications career until my
adviser, a graduate of the Henry W. Grady School
of Journalism, talked of attending classes · with
Charlene Hunter. I decided to follow the path to journalism. In fall 1970 I completed studies for an
associate degree in journalism at GC. By summer '72, .
I earned a bachelor's degree in journalism from the
University of Georgia.
Fulfulling that childhood fantasy was only the
beginning . I launched my journalism career at my
hometown daily newspaper, where I believe my
minority perspective contributed to the balance of
news coverage. I frequently talk with and encourage
young people to pursue higher education and to consider starting at a two-year community college.
Carol King Keavney graduated from Gainesville
College in 1970 with an associate degree in journalism. She subsequently received a B.A. degree in
journalism from the University of Georgia. She
served as a marketing communications specialist at
Northside Hospital in Atlanta from 1988-91 and now
lives in Newbury Park, California.
"Celebration of Quilts"
A "Celebration of Quilts" exhibit will be held on
March 2 - 27 (Monday - Friday from 1 - 3 p.m.) at
Gainesville College's Continuing Education/Performing Arts Center Gallery. Documentation of the
quilts will take place on Friday and Saturday, March
27 and 28, from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
The Georgia Quilt Project is currently locating,
registering, photographing and collecting information about the state 's quilts in order to preserve this
portion of Georgia's cultural heritage. Mrs. Elizabeth
Harris , former First Lady of Georgia, is serving as
Honorary Chairwoman.
Sandy Myers, Chairwoman of the Hall County
Quilt Guild, which is co-sponsoring the exhibit and
documentation ses's ion with Gainesville College,
would like to talk to any person who might like to
have a quilt or quilts in the exhibit. For information,
call her at 536-0406 or Gainesville College at
535-6345 .
Executive Vice President and Dean of the Faculty Steve
Gurr was honored (and roasted) at a surprise 50th birth·
day party given by his secretary, Gloria Brown, on
January 24 at the College. Heyward Gnann (right) was
Master of Ceremonies at the event, which attracted more
than 100 faculty and staff who turned out to pay their
"respects. "
Dr. Marvin Felder, President of Temple Junior College
in Texas, is serving as Chair of the Visiting Committee
in the SACS reaccreditation process underway at the Col·
lege. The SACS steering committee is composed of Dr.
Sallie Duhling, Chair; Dr. Janie Wolf·Smith, Mr. Garry
McGlaun, and Mr. Steve Blair. Pictured above are, left
to right: Felder, Wolf·Smith, Duhling, and McGlaun.
Please help us find these lost alumni ... and we will send you a thank-you gift.
Terry M. Lovell
William Charles Ludman
David Stanley Lunsford
Elizabeth Roseallen Lyle
Melissa June McGinnis
Michael Talbott Macomson
James Jackson Maddox
Linda Gail Maness
Jerry Lynn Massey
Jett ,William Mathis
Leslie Nan Mauney
Terry Lane Mayfield
Willia'm Louis Moore
Jacqueline Elizabeth Moorehead
Carol Elaine Murphy
Leonard, Thomas New
Tony L. Norris
Troyce Ann Owens
Mary Victoria Paille
John Larry Partee
Brenda Wilson Peavy
Jack Randolph Peck, Jr.
Susan Melanie Peters
Terrance Gene Peters
Larry Alan Raines
Mary June Rymer
John Michael Scott
William Wayne Short
Patricia Ann Smith
Jerry Lynn Stanley
Cherry Glass Stephens
James Randall Stewart
Joann Grace Swanson
Richard D. Swindell
Hank Spencer Tanner
Sharon Lee Thomas
Johnny D. Timms
Tony Lynn Tribble
Roy Hubbard Tunner, Jr.
Brenda Kay Watson
Johnny Ray Whidby
Rebecca Anne Ware White
Thomas Lee Wilbanks
Linda Joyce Williams
Faith Abercrombie
Sally McPherson Allen
Sharon Melanie Allen
Angela Denise Barefield
Donna J0 Beard
Pamela Janie Bird
Susan T. Boling
Phillip Howard Brinson
Wanda Jean Burroughs
James Robert Carroll
Tassie Euna Carter
Rebecca Castleberry
Sarah Grace Castleberry
Jane Sealey Chapman
Glinda Dale Collins
Walter Jefferson Corley
Forrest Eugene Cronia
Michael Paul Dulinawka
Patricia Ann Duncan
Donna Susan Edwards
Joyce Ann Elliott
Susan J. Ferguson
Harriett Dugger Garrison
Terry Don Gooch
Carl Juan Hale, Jr.
Lisa Key Henry
Michael L. Henson
Deborah Teresa Holder
James Lee Hudson
Paul Emile Innecken, Jr.
Benny G. Ingram
Shirley Ann Ingram
Luis Fernando Iza
James Henry Johnson
John Leslie Johnson
Duane Amece Jones
Hazel Rebecca Jones
Susan Perry Kiley
Kim Anne Kriner
Jimmy J. Lassiter
James Carter Lavender
Terry E. Little
Nancy Shirlene Little
Jane Elizabeth Looper
Danny James Lovell
New Alumni Council
Members Needed
The Alumni Association Nominating Committee
is looking for eighteen alumni who would like to
serve on the Alumni Council beginning in 1992 - 93.
We especially need representatives from the following counties: Banks, Forsyth, Gwinnett, Habersham,
and Jackson.
The responsibilities are not time consuming ... the
e?,perience is rewarding ... and the group has lots of
Complete the form below and mail to the GC
Alumni Office , P .O. Box 1358, Gainesville, GA
30503. You may also call in a nomination at (404)
MARCH 2 - 6
Drug & Alcohol Awareness Week
Speakers at 11 a.m. on March 2 & 4
Student Center
Ellen Goodblatt speaks on Intimacy Lanier Room
Trustee Breakfast - Major Donors
Kickoff - 8 a.m.
. .. of Nominee
MARCH 23 - 27
Spring Break
Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Spring Quarter Registration
Telephone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
11 a.m. ,
APRIL 9 - 11
Big Band Show - 8 p.m. - Georgia Mountains
Nominations ' will be accepted through March 31.
" A Day for GC in Hall County," 8 a .m. , Continuing Education/Performing Arts Center Lobby
MAY 5 -16
"The Taming of the Shrew," by GTA - 8 p .m .,
Georgia Mountains Center
MAY 12
Honors Day -
11 a.m. - Gym
, Enrollment Hits New High
For A Winter Quarter
Enrollment for the 1992 winter quarter at
Gainesville College is up an impressive 11 percent
- another record-high enrollment for a winter
quarter. A total of 2,567 students are enrolled, up
254 students from the 2,315 students who attended
the College in the 1991 winter quarter. This is the
25th consecutive quarter of enrollment increases
compared with year-earlier figures.
"Enrollment has increased almost 60 percent from
that in the 1985 winter quarter, shortly after I came
to the College ," said Executive Vice President Steve
Gurr. " We are accommodating this record number
of students in the face of state budget constraints
which have resulted in direct cuts to the College
budget," he added. " Thanks to the combined efforts
of the admissions and registrar's offices and faculty
and staff ofthe College, the numbers are up and the
registration process went smoothly. "
Winter quarter classes at the College began on
January 7. The quarter continues through March 20.
At Fall 1991 family orientation, Cathy Holderfield was
one of several alumni who returned to campus with a
child who is currently attending GC. More and more
children of alumni are following in their parents '
footsteps and making GC their first alma mater. Cathy
(pichfred left) gets a hug from Alumni Association President Linda Slokes.
100 + Hall County Alumni Volunteered
One of the Hall County volunteer groups participated in
the phonathon at First National Bank. Pictured are (left
to right): Chris England, Steven McNeilly, Sid Chandler,
Ann Wade, and Jarrett Perry.
Even during the Braves' race for the World Series championship, these fans turned their enthusiasm to the
phonathon in Hall County. Left to right: Rodney Robinson, Nicky Gilleland, Susan Barkey, Jeff Barkey, Mitch
Chapman, and navid Mote.
. ..
Hall County alumni/volunteers, left to right: Jo Stone,
Stan Stewart, Sherrie Rowland, Linda Hammontree, and
Lorrie Griffith.
An enthusiastic bunch of Hall County "good 'ole boys"
made lots of calls to alumni: left to right, Jim Foote, Barry
Moose, Bobby Ferguson, and Todd Burke.
,. ,
Another group of Hall County volunteers included front
row, left to right: Bobbie Gay, Judy Anderson, and Linda Duncan; back row, left to right: Mickey Hyder, Bob
Scanlin, Alvin Cash.
Some Hall County alumni called from Georgia First Bank
in Gainesville. Front row, 1 to r:Debby Pardue Lane and
Michele Piucd; Back row, 1 to r: Larry Pardue and Joe
Support The Foundation
Through The Tribute Fund
Alumni and friends of the College may support the
Foundation by sending a contr~bution in memory of
a friend or loved one, or in honor of a person in
recognition of a special occasion or achievement.
An acknowledgement of your generosity will be
sent to the family or to the person you choose to
recognize. Gifts may be designated for an existing
fund or for use where the need is the greatest.
Complete the form below and mail with your gift
to: Gainesville College Foundation, P.O. Box 1358,
Gainesville, GA 30503.
National Higher Education Week
For the third consecutive year, GC alumni, in
recognition of National Higher Education Week,
honored all 200 faculty and staff members of
Gainesville College by personally presenting them
with tokens of appreciation. The recipients were
touched by the thoughtfulness of the Alumni
Association and of those who took their time to
deliver the gifts.
In Memory of
In Honor of
I enclose $ _____________
Please inform_______________
residing at ________________
Please make your check payable to THE
GAINESVILLE COLLEGE FOUNDATION. Notification of your generosity will be promptly forwarded
to the individual(s) indicated above.
In honor of Higher Education Month in October, members
of the Alumni Association came to campus and delivered
mementos of appreciation to each faculty and staff
member. Todd Burke, left, and Lee Chapman present Dr.
Kathy Hunt with a velvet pouch of chocolate coins.
21, 1991, in Fulton County following injuries
sustained in an automobile accident. He was
a 1986 graduate of Gainesville College.
Long-time facu~ty member Dr. Joel Paul (center)
reminisces with Deb Smith while SGA President Steve
Wood looks on.
Since 1954, more than 1,050 companies have
established matching gift programs for education,
the arts, public broadcasting, nonprofit ,hospitals,
and other community organizations. Under a corporate matching gift program, gifts made by a company's eligible employees to the nonprofit organizations that meet the company's guidelines are
matched with company or corporate foundation
funds. Colleges and universities were the first nonprofit organizations to benefit from matching gifts .
They still receive the largest percentage of corporate
matching gift monies, although benefits to other
types of nonprofit organizations are growing rapidly. When considering a gift to GC, please determine
whether your company is a "matching gifts"
Psychology instructor Joyce Brown Oeft) gratefully
receives the gift from Alumni Joe Booth and Bob Scahlin.
We Heard That
• • •
, 86
, 71
Anita Elizabeth Orr Hughes received her
B.S. in computer science from Brenau College in 1989. She now resides in Southern California, working as a senior programmer analyst for a
Carol J. Nevil is a caseworker with Family and
Children Services and lives in Commerce.
Lisa A. Brewer Vaughan is married to Benjamin
Kelley Vaughan. She graduated from North Georgia
College in 1989 and is teaching math and coaching
8th grade girls basketball at North Hall. They live
in Gainesville.
Jane Ferguson Scroggs has resigned her
position as Marketing Coordinator for
Membership, High Museum of Art, to return to the
University of Georgia Master's program in Instructional Technology, Education.
Michael R. Kendrick teaches the hearing impaired
at Johnson High School and lives in Gainesville.
Danny Keith Evans resides in Commerce
and is an auditor.
Barbara Lewis Thomas was selected as
Dawson County Primary School Teacher of
the Year for 1991-92. She has taught music education in the Dawson County School System for eleven
,8 7
Henry George Moore and wife Kathy
(Cleveland) are the proud parents of Jordan
William, born on September 3,1991. They also have
another son, Jeremy , age 4. Henry is a systems
manager at the Sabre Group in Norcross.
Samantha Woodall, who lives in Demorest, is a
computer programmer at Ethicon.
, 79
Angela M. Parker is living in Oakwood
and is a teacher at McEver Elementary
Roy T. Rucker works in Albany, Georgia, as a
Georgia State Patrol officer.
Sandra Thomas Sweat is a teacher at Cumming
Elementary School. She is married to Steve Sweat
and has a son, Cody Cooper.
, 88
Karen E. Westmoreland is an advertising
traffic assistant for WCBD-TV in
Charleston, S.C. She graduated in 1991 from the
University of Georgia with an ABJ in Journalism.
Gary Duran graduated from North Georgia College in June 1991, and is employed as an accountant at ZUA in Gainesville.
Rita A. Hart Bush and her husband Robert are the
proud parents of Robert Tylor Bush. They live in
, 80
Beverly Brewer Anglin is a micro-lab
technician at Dutch Quality House in
Oakwood, and lives in Statham with husband Tim
and their four children.
David F. (Fleming) Thompson, who lives
in Winder, is the general manager at
Big Star.
, 89
Donna J. Smith Porter is married to Keith
Porter and has a d'a ughter, Holly. She is an
assistant principal at Dawson County Middle
Lisa K. Adams Harris is married and has two sons,
Brooks and Brandon. They live in Winder.
Barbara Kayreen, who lives in Cumming,
works in the business office at North Fulton
Regional Hospital. She is currently attending Kennesaw College.
Gregory W. Hendrix, Cleveland, works at Synthetic Industries in Gainesville.
Gilda R. Allison and her husband Lamar are the
proud parents of Cody Lamar Allison, born
September 20, 1991.
, 83
, 90
, 82
Alan Cooke is a bio-medical technician at
Northeast Georgia Medical Cenler and lives
in Commerce.
Michelle Bowers and Mark "Kevin"
Brown graduated from North Georgia College in August, 1991, with a B.B.A. degree in both
management and marketing. Michelle is currently
working in the Alumni Affairs/Public Relations
departments at Brenau. Mark is Production Coor- .
dinator at Makita Corporation in Buford. They are
planning a May 2, 1992 wedding.
Cynthia Dianne Maloch-Hill has a new son, Branson Douglas, born June 26,1991. Cynthia is secretary
for the Jackson County Board of Education.
Melanie J. Freeman, who lives in Commerce, is
enrolled at the University of Georgia majoring in early childhood education. She will be student teaching
in the spring quarter.
Dianna L. Montgomery, who lives in Hoschton,
is working a~ the Joan Glancy Hospital in
,8 5
Stacey Lea Dover Kennedy and husband,
Bucky, have a baby girl, Hannah Lea., born
February 25, 1991. Stacey teaches at East Hall High
School, and Bucky is an evangelist and youth
minister at Corinth Baptist Chl.lrch. They moved to
Gainesville from Arkansas.
Charles T. ffim) Ivey lives in Gainesville and is'
employed by the Sheriff's Department. He is a
sergeant at the Detention Center.
Wanda J. Woodall Franks, who lives in Mt. Airy,
is a teacher at Cornelia Elementary School.
Sharon T. Taylor, who lives at Mt. Airy, has
recently completed her master's degree at North
Georgia College.
1991 - 92
Alumni Council
Please call a member of the Alumni Council if you
have suggestions, questions, or would like to volunteer
to help, etc.
Home No.
Judy Anderson. - Gainesville . ....... . .. 531-9240
Mark Bailey - Hoschton .. . .......... . . 867-6054
Joe Booth, Jr. - Gainesville .. . ... ..... .. 532-4647
Jean Buffington - Gainesville ...... . .. .. 532-7797
Todd Burke - Gainesville . . . . .. ........ 531-6199
Lee and Karen Chapman - Oakwood .... 535-6670
Rita Crane - Homer . . . . . .. . .... .. .... . 677-4763
Connie Dennis - Gainesville ..... . ..... 287-8113
Terry Evans - Duluth . . . ... ... ... . .. . ...... .. .
Sandra Farrer - Cumming . . .. . ........ 887-0758
Nicky Gilleland - Dawsonville . . ....... 216-2404
Britt Henderson - Gainesville ......... . 535-7346
Sandra Henderson - Gainesville . ....... 534-8002
Carol Hoover - Atlanta . . .. ' ....... . .... 636-3650
Linda Hutchins - Gainesville ........... 532-6643
Kathy Jackson - Winder ............... 867-5185
Susan Latty - Gainesville .. . ........... 531-1356
Linda Lord - Athens .............. .. .. 548-4408
Jackie Mauldin - Gainesville .... . .. .. .. 534-8958
Bill and Janis McDonald - Athens ..... . 543-6330
Sam McGee - Gainesville .............. 532-0097
Harriett 'McNeal - Gainesville .......... 536-0505
Rodney··Robinson - Gainesville :. ' .. ... .. 534-3039
Bob Scanlin - Gainesvill:e : .J: . : ... .... , . .. 532-7587
Don Shubert - GiIl~vme .... : .. .. .... .. 677-3142
Scott and Beverly Skelton - Cleveland ... 865-7983
Deb Smith - Gai~esville .. . . . ... . . ..... 532-3943
Lovie Smith - Gainesville .... .... . . . ... 536-6378
Steve Wood - Oakwood .. .. .. . ...... . .. 287-0951
Mike and Linda Stokes - Gainesville ... . 536-8567
Beverly H. Vanderhoef - Homer .... .... 335-7020
Lilian Welch - Gainesville ... . . . ....... 536-5048
Donald & Dell Whitehead - Winterville . . 742-8012
Bobby Whitlock - Maysville .... . . ... . .. 677-3839
Scott Williams - Norcross .. . . . ..... . .. 840-8855
Wesley and Lori Winkler - Gainesville . . . 531-0717
Have you:
changed jobs?
continued college?
added to your
receive an Alumni
done something else
Association membership
that's noteworthy?
o Would you like to
Membership is open to all former students, not just
graduates. There is no membership fee.
Tell us about it!
Name______~~----~~----~~----~~---Firs t
Social Security Number ____--:-_________________
I attended GC from 19_ _ _ _ _ _ - 19 ___________
Address __________---'--____________________'--'-~
City_________________ State~-----ZLJip,------Home Phone,_______________________________
Employer _________________________________
Position Held
Office Phone
'Information for the next issue of ANCHORS A WAY should
be sent to the Alumni Office by April 1, 1992 . Photos may
be submitted but cannot be returned.
GC Alumni Office
P.O. Box 1358 .
Gainesville, Georgia 30503
Is Your Address Correct? If Not, Please Let Us Know.
Postal regulations require us to pay 30 cents for every copy not deliverable as addressed .
U .S. Postage
A Publication for Alumni and
Friends of Gainesville College
P.O. Box 1358
Gainesville, Georgia 30503
Permit No. 38
Gainesville . GA