Moments ~ It only takes one to change the future


Moments ~ It only takes one to change the future
Moments ~
It only takes one to
change the future
Clinton Hospital Foundation Report to Donors 2013
Moments in Life …
A Message from Sheila Daly, President and CEO, Clinton Hospital
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
As you may have heard, 2014 marks Clinton Hospital’s 125th year of caring for our
community. That is quite an achievement and one we never could have realized if not for the
support of all of you. While so many community hospitals have come and gone over the years,
I believe that it’s the commitment of our caring staff and friendship of our community
members that have kept Clinton Hospital alive and flourishing. Our patients and their families
truly understand the importance of having local access to excellent health care and realize
how very different many of our lives would be if Clinton Hospital hadn’t been here when we
needed it.
As our report cover says, life is made up of moments, and it only takes one to change the future. Imagine how
our community’s landscape would look if The Reverend Thomas L. Fisher of Clinton’s Good Shepherd Church
hadn’t, upon visiting a sick community member, become frustrated by the lack of organized care available locally.
Imagine if he hadn’t acted upon that disappointment and did not take a moment to call a meeting to organize the
Clinton Hospital Association, May 14, 1889.1 Would Clinton Hospital be standing here today? There’s no way to
know. But what we do know is that in that one moment, our future took shape. In that one moment, Clinton
Hospital was born.
Over the past 125 years, we’ve witnessed hundreds of thousands of life-changing moments at Clinton Hospital,
some of which you’ll read about in the following pages. Every life saved without a moment to spare, every
diagnosis made before bad news became worse, every comforting smile or reassuring touch of the hand to lift
someone’s spirits – these all take place in split-second moments and can mean the difference between life and
death, solace and sorrow.
On behalf of all those who have served Clinton Hospital over the past 125 years, we are honored to have shared
these moments with your families. Health care continues to change every day, and one only knows how the
moments we experience today will affect our next 125 years. But we believe we are on the track for continued
success and are very excited to think about where the next 125 years will lead. Thank you for joining us on our
We Do That!
Services change, compassion remains. For 125 years, we’ve been taking care of local families. And as our
community’s needs change, so do we. If you’re wondering if we offer a test or specialist service, give us a call
to find out.
The results of any exam performed at Clinton Hospital can be accessed by physicians almost anywhere in the
UMass Memorial Health Care system. Even if your doctor is not on our computer system, we can still easily
provide them with your results. There’s no need to travel far for outstanding care!
Appointments, Referrals and Interpreter Services
Financial Counseling also available. Call 978-368-3894.
• Cardiac Event Monitoring
• Cardiac Stress Testing
• Colonoscopy
• CT Scans
• Echocardiograms
• Electrocardiogram (EKG)
• Emergency Department
• Gastroscopy
• General Surgery
• Inpatient Geriatric Medical Psychiatry Services
• Inpatient Medical/Surgical Services
• Interpreter Services
• Laboratory
• Mammograms
• Nuclear Medicine
• Pacemaker Interrogations
• Physical, Speech and Occupational Therapy
• Pulmonary Function Testing
• Cardiology
• Dermatology
• Gastroenterology
• General Surgery
• Orthopedics
• Pulmonology
• Urology
Sheila Daly, RN, MS, CPHQ
President and CEO, Clinton Hospital
The Moment When You Realize …
Something Is Wrong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
You’re Going to Deliver Your Baby, NOW
“A Legacy of Caring: A commitment renewed,”The Item special section, September 24, 1999
Every Second Counts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
We’re Not Just a Community Hospital, but Your Family’s Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Donor Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
The Moment When You Realize …
Something Is Wrong
What started as a run-of-the-mill Tuesday morning, quickly turned into anything but for Clinton resident Nancy
Boone. After getting ready for work, Nancy sat down at her computer, as she does most mornings, to poke around
for a bit before heading off. But that’s where Nancy’s typical day ended and a whirlwind began. Upon standing,
Nancy realized that her left leg was completely numb and wouldn’t move. She fell, but made her way to the
kitchen where her companion, Jeff Moore, was standing; then her left arm also became numb.
“She was having trouble walking and went to lay down,” recalled Jeff. “She said she wanted to rest. But when she
couldn’t get up, we called 911.”
“I didn’t think that it was a stroke,” said Nancy. “I had no idea what was going on, but I knew something was wrong.”
Nancy was rushed to Clinton Hospital by ambulance where doctors immediately began assessing her condition.
Meanwhile, at UMass Memorial Medical Center in Worcester, a neurologist was also examining Nancy remotely
via the hospital’s stroke telemedicine technology. This lifesaving videoconferencing system allows specialists at the
Medical Center to see, hear, and communicate with patients and physicians at Clinton Hospital.
Physicians soon determined that Nancy was experiencing a stroke and rapidly administered tissue plasminogen
activator (tPA), which is a clot-busting drug that plays a significant role in how well a patient will recover after a
stroke. With a stroke, timing is everything, so it is important to administer the drug as soon as possible after the
stroke begins.
“I would say they had the doctor from UMass Memorial on the screen within five minutes of her arrival,” said
Jeff. “They gave her tPA right away and said to get her right off to Worcester. I think it saved her life. It’s fabulous
to be tied to UMass Memorial and it’s pretty rewarding. I think they have the best doctors in the world.”
Nancy, who made a remarkable recovery with very few side effects, said she is grateful to have Clinton Hospital
close by. “It’s very important to have access to a community hospital. I’ve heard nothing but good things about
Clinton Hospital’s Emergency Department and I am 100 percent pleased with the care I received. If I had to go
somewhere else far away, I’m not sure what would have happened. I believe they did save my life.”
Moments in Time …
125 Anniversary
The Commonwealth
of Massachusetts
issued a charter to
establish the Clinton
Hospital Association,
and the first patient
was admitted at the temporary Laurel Street site. Four
years later, Clinton Hospital, a 13-bed facility, opened
on land donated by the Thayer Estate where it still stands today.
Nancy Boone, pictured right, and her companion,
Jeff Moore, of Clinton, are thankful for the
lifesaving care Nancy received after suffering
a stroke in her home in December.
Along with the new hospital building, a
training school for nurses opened with
Miss Annie E. Perry serving as
superintendant of nurses. As the nursing
school grew, an expansion
to the hospital was added
to include a dormitory for
nurses complete with a
kitchen, dining room,
and rooms for the
superintendant of nurses
and matron.
The Chase Building opened, housing 31 beds for
obstetric care, followed by the erection of the
Carter Building (named for Miss Nellie Carter of
Boston) in 1915, with 21 beds dedicated to the
treatment of tuberculosis patients.
Physicians wasted no time tending to newborn Kaliel Geovan,
now two years old, when his mother, Jocelyn, was surprised
by his quick delivery at Clinton Hospital. Upon his transfer
to the birthing center at UMass Memorial Medical Center –
Memorial Campus, Jocelyn was told Kaleil was in perfect
health thanks to the care she received at Clinton Hospital.
The Moment When You Realize …
You’re Going to Deliver Your Baby, NOW
When Lancaster resident Jocelyn Lopez woke one morning a bit uncomfortable at nine months pregnant, she
didn’t give it much thought. Jocelyn had just visited her obstetrician the day before, on her due date, and was
told she was dilated only one centimeter. However, when she began timing her contractions, now coming every
15 minutes, she called her physician and was told to head to the hospital. Having gone through 11 hours of labor
with her first child, Jocelyn had every reason to believe she had plenty of time to have a friend drive her out to
the Memorial Campus of UMass Memorial Medical Center, where she was scheduled to deliver her baby …
but even mother’s intuition hits a snag every now and then.
Jocelyn dropped off her daughter with family in Clinton and soon realized she wasn’t going to be able to make
the 20-minute ride to Worcester. “I could feel that the baby was coming and I knew that Clinton Hospital was
right up the street, so I told my friend, ‘Let’s go there,’” explained Jocelyn. Having used Clinton Hospital in
the past, Jocelyn said she felt comfortable here, and despite knowing that the hospital does not have an active
maternity ward, Jocelyn was confident that she and her unborn child would receive the best possible care.
Shortly after Jocelyn arrived in Clinton Hospital’s Emergency Department, she gave birth to a beautiful 8-lb., 21”
baby boy, Kaliel Geovan. “There were at least 10 staff members caring for me,” said Jocelyn. “Kaliel had aspirated
some fluid during childbirth and had the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck, but they saved my baby’s life,”
she shared. “The doctor was talking with a physician at UMass Memorial, the pediatrician was there, and nurses
and respiratory care were all there, too. I was cared for by the best people. I felt as if I was in my own home.”
Adding to Jocelyn’s positive experience was Fabiola Feliz, a medical interpreter at the hospital. Jocelyn, a native of
Puerto Rico, speaks limited English and says that Fabiola’s presence and ability to communicate with her in her
primary language of Spanish helped to calm her amidst the chaos.
“It’s one of the best stories I’ve lived,” said Jocelyn about her Clinton Hospital birthing experience. She joked,
“I look forward to having my next baby here, too!”
Moments in Time …
The Carter Building was
repurposed to become the
maternity wing of the hospital,
thanks again to funds provided
by Miss Carter. Hundreds of
today’s community members
and Clinton Hospital employees
are proud to say they were born
at Clinton Hospital.
A group of 20 women joined together to
form the Clinton Hospital Guild with the
simple goal of helping Clinton Hospital.
In its 78 years, the guild has grown to
129 members and is still serving as one of
the hospital’s most dedicated supporters,
donating thousands of dollars to
the hospital raised through the
Clinton Hospital Guild Gift and
Thrift shops. (Past presidents
of the group are pictured left
celebrating the guild’s
75th anniversary in 2011.)
125 th Anniversary
The Moment When You Realize …
Every Second Counts
In her 34 years as an emergency medical technician (EMT) for the town of Lancaster, Christine Monahan has
seen it all – from car accidents and cardiac arrest to strokes and seizures – from babies and burns to exposures and
electrocution. There aren’t many situations that an EMT doesn’t witness, but no matter the emergency, Christine
knows that every second makes a difference to the well-being of her patients. Of equal importance, she knows
just where to take them when they need immediate care – Clinton Hospital’s Emergency Department (ED).
Christine says that time and again, Clinton Hospital’s easy accessibility in a critical situation made the difference
between life and death. “If patients are unconscious, semiconscious or critically injured, we can’t gamble with
their lives by trying to reach a hospital that’s farther away. We don’t have the time to waste and we never want to
take that chance.” She explained, “The benefit to having Clinton Hospital close by in these types of events is that
it’s lifesaving. Taking patients to Clinton Hospital allows them to get instant medical care and be stabilized quickly.”
Christine Monahan, EMT for the
Town of Lancaster, has a first-hand
understanding of just how important
local access to emergency care can
be. Working in an ambulance for
34 years, Christine has seen her
fair share of close calls, and praises
Clinton Hospital for saving the lives
of many community members.
Christine also credits the longstanding, comfortable relationship between local EMS and the Clinton Hospital
ED staff in optimizing patient outcomes. “The care at Clinton Hospital is superb,” said Christine. “Often, when
the ED staff knows we’re heading in with a trauma, they’re right there at the door waiting to meet us. Everyone
is so attentive and jumps right in to help.” And because the physicians in Clinton Hospital’s ED are UMass
Memorial Medical Group doctors, Christine is confident her patients are in good hands. “Patients feel good
knowing that UMass Memorial doctors are taking care of them. And if they have to be transferred to UMass
Memorial Medical Center in Worcester, it allows for greater continuity of care because all of their records are
already in the computer system when they get there.”
As a whole, Christine can’t say enough about the hospital and is a great advocate in spreading the word about
the care patients receive here. “Clinton Hospital is excellent, quick and efficient. If you haven’t been here in years,
you should really come back and give it a try, not only for the Emergency Department, but for all of the services
offered here.You won’t believe the change, and I’m sure you’ll keep coming back!”
Moments in Time …
125 th Anniversary
Clinton Hospital became a member of the
UMass Memorial Health Care system.
Ground was broken to build the 130-bed Walter P.
Bowers Memorial Building, which opened in 1950.
Dr. Bowers served as the president of Clinton Hospital
and also was the managing editor of The New England
Journal of Medicine.
The hospital expanded once again with the addition of a beautiful new Ambulatory Care
Building, which houses the hospital’s current main lobby, day surgery department and
outpatient clinic, as well as private physician offices on the building’s second floor.
The Moment When You Realize …
We’re Not Just a Community Hospital, but
Your Family’s Hospital
Serving as chairman of the Board of Trustees for more than 16 years, Bill McGrail is certainly no stranger to
Clinton Hospital. It’s a given that Bill knows the ins and outs of hospital matters from finances to strategic goals,
but being that he was born at Clinton Hospital and is a lifelong Clinton resident, his relationship with the hospital
runs much deeper and closer to the heart than mere facts and figures would tell. In fact, Bill says that it’s very
likely Clinton Hospital has been caring for his family for six generations. From his great-grandparents who
migrated to Clinton from Ireland in their golden years, to his youngest grandchild of four years old, Clinton
Hospital has been expertly nursing the McGrails’ life-threatening emergencies, last days, and bumps and bruises
with dignity and compassion for more than 100 years.
Bill’s family has seen Clinton Hospital transform over the years to become the state-of-the-art hospital it is today.
He is proud of the “superb clinical care” delivered here, and he emphasizes the lifesaving difference the hospital’s
convenient location can make in a true emergency.
With multiple generations being cared for
at Clinton Hospital, Bill McGrail, pictured
left with his son, Patrick McGrail, and
granddaughter, Mairead Frisch, said his
earliest memory of the hospital was coming
in to have some teeth extracted at four or
five years of age. He also recalls visiting
his father here who, after suffering a series
of heart attacks, was a patient at the
hospital for weeks at a time. And when
Bill’s son Patrick was involved in a very
serious car accident, you guessed it, Bill
remembers Clinton Hospital being there
for his family then, as well.
Moments in Time …
As the former general counsel for the Massachusetts Hospital Association, Bill has a first-hand understanding of
how fortunate our community is to have local health care. “There were 120 hospitals in the state when I started
working for MHA in 1975. Now, there are about 60,” he said. “What I’ve learned is that you have to support your
community hospital if you want it here.You don’t miss the water until the well runs dry. Even I, after five or six
generations of care, assume that Clinton Hospital will always be here.” Comparing the lack of local health care to
the loss of electricity, Bill says, “I don’t ever want to throw the switch and the light doesn’t go on.”
Clinton Hospital was ranked as the number
one hospital in all of New England based
on its Hospital Consumer Assessment of
Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS)
survey cumulative results, according to a
report by
Laundered Shirt $0.10
Quart of Milk
Clinton Hospital was recognized with the
prestigious Summit Award from Press Ganey
for ranking in the top five percent of hospitals
nationwide for patient satisfaction for three
consecutive years. Stories from the hospital
also made an appearance in the publication,
Masterpieces in Health Care Leadership, for
its best practices in patient satisfaction.
Like many of our patients and visitors, Bill appreciates the privacy offered by the hospital’s new Emergency
Department, the convenient parking and short waits. But above all, he knows that our personalized care is what
makes Clinton Hospital like no other hospital around. “The care is what it comes down to,” noted Bill. “Any
hospital can have a CT scanner, a lab and great food, but the TLC and personalized care everyone receives here is
what sets Clinton Hospital apart.”
Pair of Shoes
112-piece set
16-piece set
Ticket from
$16.50 $1,170.00
Liverpool to Boston
Steamship vs. Airline Ticket
2014 prices are approximate.
The hospital’s beautiful new Daly Building opened
in November, housing a state-of-the-art Emergency
Department on the building’s first floor. The new
area offers patients and visitors modern facilities and
private, spacious exam rooms.
125 th Anniversary
Some of the historical data presented
in this timeline was obtained from
“A Legacy of Caring: History of hospital
founded on compassion,” a special section
of The Item, September 24, 1999
Laughter Is the Best Medicine
Clinton Hospital’s
125th Anniversary Gala Event
A History of Giving
A Note of Thanks from the Foundation President
To My Fellow Community Members,
Thursday, October 23, 2014
6 to 9 pm
The Haven Country Club
369 Cross Street, Boylston, Massachusetts
Get ready to laugh your socks off
as we celebrate 125 years of caring for our community.
Dine on hearty ethnic foods showcasing Clinton’s cultural diversity.
Next, join us in our cabaret-style ballroom for the main event!
Our hysterically interactive program will take you back in time as
we review highlights of Clinton Hospital’s rich history and recognize
individuals who have helped shape our community.
Thank you for your commitment to Clinton Hospital. Celebrating 125 years of service to our
community is a significant milestone – a moment we couldn’t have reached on our own.Your
generosity, and the charitable nature of the generations that came before you, plays an important
role in our history and our future. From the land upon which Clinton Hospital still sits today,
given so graciously by the Nathaniel Thayer Estate, to our very first $8,000 campaign to build
Clinton Hospital, right through to our present-day $5 million Campaign for Emergency Care,
we have relied and continue to rely upon the generosity of our friends, neighbors and local
businesses, to help us grow and thrive. Without these gifts, we wouldn’t have been able to
respond to our community’s changing needs.
Throughout this report, you’ve read stories of personal, life-changing moments, to which many of us can relate.
Each of the outcomes might have been very different if Clinton Hospital wasn’t here, or didn’t offer the
emergency care needed. Now you have the ability to play a part in the future of Clinton Hospital by making a
donation today. Thank you for helping us to ensure that Clinton Hospital remains a staple in our community for
another 125 years, and for many generations and moments to come.
Jeanne Paulino
President, Clinton Hospital Foundation
And, you won’t want to miss out on a chance to win a valuable
jewel if your gift box holds the key that opens our time capsule
filled with vintage Clinton Hospital items!
The Clinton Hospital Foundation Report to Donors 2013
Individual Tickets: $125 each
Group of 6+: $115 each
The following list of donors is a report of gifts received from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013.
Capital Campaign Donors
Ena Alarcon
Tickets available online at
or by calling 978-368-3893.
In Memory of Melvin Austin
In Memory of Christine L. Baer,
John F. Baer and Bertha C. Baer
In Memory of Kenneth C. Baer
In Memory of Margaret Baird
Cynthia Baker
Monica Barry
Dennis Bartlett Family
In Memory of Richard A. Bartlett
In Honor of Rita Bazydlo
Maryann Nekuda Castillo
Clinton Women’s Club
JoAnn Bedard
Marilyn Center
Adrienne Connolly
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Beglane
In Memory of Shantha Channappa
Paula Connor
James and Lisa Boodry
Andrea Charette
Dr. Charles Conroy
Charlotte Brahm
Cherubini Family
Crystal Club Charity Open
Merri Lynn Braman
Paul and Kim Cherubini
Richard and Pat Czermak
Bobby Jo Broeckel
Martha and Bill Chiarchiaro
Sheila and Kendall Daly
In Memory of Harold E. Brown, Jr.
Sandra Ciciotte
David V. Carruth Insurance Agency, Inc.
Jack and Katie Brown and Family
Dr. Kathleen Cleary
In Memory of Michael Day
In Memory of Joseph H. Casasanto,
The Clinton Home Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Eric W. Dickson
Dorothy Casasanto and Ralph
Clinton Hospital Guild
Melissa DiMeco
W. Nelson
The Clinton Rotary Club
The DiTullio Family
Clinton Savings Bank
Pam and Don Dobeck
In Memory of Arthur, Dorothy, Gerald
Mr. Dennis A. Bartlett
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cherubini
Mr. Fred C. Duncanson
Mrs. Constance R. Gates and Children
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hopkins
Mr. David Basiner
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
Dunn & Company
Mr. and Mrs. David Gaughan
Mrs. Lynette K. Hopper
Darlene V. Sejour
Ms. Patricia A. Basteri
Martha and Bill Chiarchiaro
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Dunn
Dr. Marc A. Gautreau
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Horton
In Memory of Mary and Leo Seymour
Mr. John W. Bates
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Chiavaras
Ms. Jean E. Durkin
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Gavin
Ms. Kim E. Houck
Patrick Shaffer
Mrs. Rita Bazydlo
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Child
Ms. Evie Y. Duval
Mr. Eddy Gaw
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hughes
Cheryl Shaw
Atty. Michael S. Bearse
Mr. and Mrs. Grady O. Church
Ms. Roberta Duvarney
Mr. and Mrs. C. Vernon Gaw
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Iatrou
Sheila Sheridan
Mrs. JoAnn Bedard
Ms. Sandy Ciciotte
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Earls
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest T. Gebhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Terrance P. Ingano
Dr. Ajeet Jai and Kathy Singh
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. Beglane
Ms. Joanne Ciociolo
Mr. and Mrs. Don E. Easterbrooks
Mr. Richard E. Gebhardt
Mr. Arthur T. Innamorati, Jr.
Habib A. Sioufi, MD
Ms. Donna L. Beirholm
Dr. Kathleen Cleary
Mrs. Bogusia Eilerman
Ms. Lisa A. Gentile
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Innamorati
Dawn Sivert
Ms. Judith P. Bennett
The Clinton Home Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Elizabeth H. Ellam
George A. Ramlose Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Marjorie Iwaniec
Kimberly Small
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Benzon
Clinton Hospital Guild
Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Encarnacion
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas M. Georgeson
JNB & Associates
Teressa Sontag
Mr. Bruce R. Beyeler, Sr.
The Clinton Rotary Club
Mr. and Mrs. Roger H. Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. George Giansanti
J. Bates & Son, LLC
In Memory of Peggy Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Bicchieri
Clinton Savings Bank
Mr. John L. Evangelista
Mr. Michael Giansanti
Mr. and Mrs. Stephan F. Jablon
Elvera Spina
Mrs. Wendla R. Black
Clinton Savings Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Evergates
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Giansanti
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. James
David and Sharon Stadtherr
Mr. and Mrs. Lehman L. Bolivar
Clinton Women’s Club
Mrs. Katherine A. Fadden
Mrs. Lorraine A. Giansanto
Ms. Frances A. Janosco
St John’s Stitchers
Mr. Pierino A. Bonazzoli
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Clisham
Dr. David G. Fairchild
Mr. Robert G. Gibbons
Ms. Linda J. Jarzinski
Lisa Staples
Mr. Robert M. Bonci
Ms. Christine G. Cole
Ms. Frances M. Fallon
Dr. and Mrs. Jay Glaser
Ms. Carol W. Jemison
In Memory of Stanley B. Starr, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Boodry
Mr. and Mrs. Frank O. Collins
Atty. Thomas F. Fallon
Mrs. Cynthia A. Goodmanson
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Johnson
Vera Strickland
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Borgilt
Ms. Jeanne A. Collins
Farragher & Henebry, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Goodsill
Dr. and Mrs. Mark D. Johnson
Deborah Sullivan
Mr. Dennis P. Bosselman
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. James Farragher
Ms. Alicia Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T. Joyce
Dr. Stephen and Lindsay Tosi
Ms. Charlotte L. Brahm
Compass Group
Mrs. Jean B. Farragher
Mr. and Mrs. Tom F. Gorman
Richard C. Traina
Ms. Merri Lynn Braman
Ms. Adrienne Connolly
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Farragher
Dr. Philip Gottlieb
In Memory of Lucy and Phil Trott
Mr. Robert Brister
Mrs. Paula Connor
Ms. Deborah Farraher
Ms. Tina Grabiec
Kara Turini
Ms. Ellen Brodrick
Dr. Charles P. Conroy
Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Fayard
Jodie and Shaun Grady
Mrs. Bobby Jo Broeckel
Mr. William P. Constantino, Jr.
Ms. Phyllis Fazio
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grady
Vital Emergency Medical Services
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Brophy
Mr. Francesco L. Conti
Ms. Rosa Fernandez-Penaloza
Ms. Sandra Grady
Thomas and Joan Vitone
Ms. Kathleen Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Coppenrath
Atty. and Mrs. Maurice J. Ferriter
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Grady
Lawrence and Ann Whalen
Mr. Victor E. Brunelle
Mr. Donald F. Cronin
Mr. Warren Fish
Ms. Laura V. Graff
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Whitney
Ms. Patricia A. Buchovecky
Crystal Club Charity Open
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fital
Ms. Jennie E. Gray
The Williams Family
Mr. Michael J. Burdell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Czermak
Mrs. Frances P. Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Guimond
Constantino and Stephanie Zahariadis
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Burgwinkel, Sr.
Sheila and Kendall Daly
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Flaherty
Ms. Virginia M. Gutman
In Memory of Paul and Zoe Zapantis
Mr. Brian F. Burgwinkle
David V. Carruth Insurance Agency, Inc.
Mr. and Ms. John F. Flanagan
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Gwyther
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Burgwinkle
Mr. and Mrs. Kerop Davidian
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Flannagan
Ms. Joyce L. Hackett
Ms. Eileen M. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Floyd
Ms. Margaret M. Haemer
Mr. and Mrs. John Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Devault
Ms. Callie Fontaine
Mr. Robert L. Hager
Mrs. Pearl Burton
Mr. and Mrs. David I. Dickhaut
Mr. John S. Ford
Ms. Carol Ann Hamilton
Ms. Ena Alarcon
Mr. and Mrs. Chester J. Burzenski
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Dickhaut
Mary M. Fortunato-Habib, MS, RN
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Harding
Ms. Elizabeth J. Alzapiedi
C.N. Wood Company, Inc.
Dr. Eric W. Dickson
Four Seasons Salon Staff
Mr. Franklin N. Harriman
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Andrejczyk
Mr. Robert A. Calcia
Ms. Barbara Dilorenzo
Ms. Carol M. Freel
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Hastings
Mr. John C. Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah P. Callahan
Ms. Melissa DiMeco
Mr. Richard H. Freel
Ms. Mary T. Hastings
Mrs. Nancy J. Joyce
Ms. Sally M. Anthony
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Camara
Mr. Daniel DiTullio
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Freeman
Ms. Judy A. Hatstat
Ms. Alexis M. Julsonnet
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Armenti
Ms. Dorothye Cannon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doane
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Frick, Sr.
Mr. Raymond J. Hatt
Kadant Web Systems Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Augusto G. Asinas
Mr. and Ms. Clifford H. Card
Pam and Don Dobeck
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Fries
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Hauver
Ms. Euphemia Kartalos
Atlas Distributing, Inc.
Ms. Courtney Card
Doctor Franklin Perkins School
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Frost
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel C. Hawkins, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Keating
Avidia Charitable Foundation
Mr. Robert A. Carnegie
Mr. James Doherty
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Frost
Mrs. Shirley E. Hendrickson
Mrs. Kathleen Kelly
Ms. Jennifer A. Baer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Caruso
Mr. and Mrs. John Donnelly
Mr. and Mrs. John Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Henebry
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Kennedy
Mrs. Mary A. Baer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Casasanto
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Donnelly
Mr. Frank J. Gadomski
Dr. Christina H. Hernon
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Kerrigan
Ms. Nadine L. Baer
Ms. Maryann Castillo
Mrs. Caroline Dowd
Mr. Joseph F. Gadomski
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Hewitt
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Kerrigan
Mr. Norman J. Baer
Ms. Juliet M. Catmen
Ms. Joanne DuBosque
Ms. Frances Gadoua
Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kilcoyne
Dr. George R. Bailey
Ms. Lorraine Catmen
Ms. Diane Duchnowski
Ms. Alice C. Gannon
Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Hirvi
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kilcoyne
Mrs. Karen Bailey
Mr. Edward A. Cecchini
Ms. Krista Duchnowski
Ms. Audrey F. Garber
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Hitchcock
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kilcoyne
Ms. Shannon Baird
Ms. Marilyn E. Center
Ms. Beth Duffey
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Garney
Ms. M. Eunice Hoban
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Kilcoyne
Ms. Cynthia A. Baker
Mr. James S. Chalke
Mr. Michael T. Duffy
Ms. Janet F. Garofoli
Hollister Insurance Brokerage
Mr. and Mrs. John J. King, Jr.
Mrs. Mary C. Ball
Dr. Ravishankar Channappa
Ms. Joanne M. Duggan
Ms. Pamela Garry
Ms. Sylvia Hollister and
Mr. and Mrs. John Kingdon
Ms. Monica Barry
Mrs. Andrea Charette
Mr. and Mrs. Philip T. Duggan
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Garvey
and Raymond Schmidt
Doctor Franklin Perkins School
Don Lowe and Eizabeth Holland
Barbara and John Donnelly
Richard and Beverly Mansfield
Beth Duffey
Marlborough Radiology Associates, Inc.
The Dunn Family
Susan Matuszewski
Roberta Duvarney
In Memory of Mary P. McGrail, RN, BSN
Don and Betsey Easterbrooks
Mr. and Mrs. John M. McKee
Bogusia Eilerman
In Memory of James W. “Boogers”
The Fadden and O’Toole Families
Deborah Farraher
Robert, Elizabeth and Margretta McNally
Rosa Fernandez-Penaloza
Carra and Andrew Merrill
Mary Jane Flaherty
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Morabito
Mary M. Fortunato-Habib
Dr. Marie Mullen
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Garney
Luis Muniz
Pamela Garry
Julie Murphy
Marc Gautreau, MD, and Mimi Thein, MD
Nypro Foundation, Inc.
George A. Ramlose Foundation, Inc.
In Memory of Gertrude T. O’Connor, RN
Alicia Gordon
Jeff Olson
Dr. Phillip Gottlieb
Orchard Hills Athletic Club
Tina Grabiec
Genaro and Valerie Paen
Jennie E. Gray
In Memory of Rose Pappas and
James and Carmen Hastings
Constance Lovetere Moran
Mary Hastings
J. Wayne and Dianne R. Paradis
Judy A. Hatstat
Robert J. Paulhus, Jr.
Mary Hauver
In Honor of Carmine and Mary Paulino
Nathaniel C. and Betty Ann Hawkins, Jr.
Steve Perron
Clark and Gail Henebry
Lynne and Jeff Perry
Dr. Christina Hernon
In Memory of the John J. Philbin Family
Frank and Sarah Hewitt
Philbin-Comeau Funeral Home
Michelle Hicks
Physicians of No. Worcester County
In Memory of Harold and Corinne Hines Karen Plainte
In Memory of Sophie F. Innamorati
Denise Platt
JNB & Associates
In Memory of Beverly and Walter
Dr. Mark and Linda Johnson
In Memory of Brian Kelly
Carmela (Millie) Potenti
Kathy Kelly
Jeanette Praderio
Bonita King
Eric Prah
In Memory of Mary Kublic
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Ross
Kulis Family
Cynthia Rost
Susan Lefebvre
Carolyn Roux
Julie and Tim Lohmann
In Memory of Albrecht K. Schlueter
In Memory of Maria Helena Lopez
Edeltraut Schlueter
Mr. Victor Koivumaki
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kloczkowski
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lynch
Mr. Edward R. Mitchell
Mr. Robert J. Paulhus, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Sargent, Sr.
Ms. Margaret H. Schipp
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Mack
Ms. Joanne Moffatt
Ms. Elizabeth A. Paulino
Ms. Margaret H. Schipp
Wachusett Old Car Club, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. MacLean
Ms. Jo Molyneux
Jeanne and Rick Paulino
Ms. Carol A. Schlegel
Mrs. Margaret L. Magune
Montachusett Organ Society
Ms. Annette M. Pellegrino
Mrs. Edeltraut I. Schlueter
Mr. John T. Mahan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moore
Mr. Marc Pelletier
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Morabito
Mr. Alfred A. Peloquin
Mr. Jordon Scoppa
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Mahoney
Ms. Loretta Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Pennington
Ms. Darlene V. Sejour
In Memory of Chester Bazydlo and
Thomas Bazydlo
Ms. Carla B. Malyska
Morrison Healthcare Food Services
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Perkins
Dr. Paulette Seymour-Route and
Jeanne and Rick Paulino
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Manahan
Dr. Marie Mullen
Ms. Elizabeth Perla
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mansfield
Mr. Luis Muniz
Mr. Steven Perron
Mr. Patrick O. Shaffer
Ms. Anette Marhefka
Mrs. Helen M. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Perry
Ms. Gloria M. Shaughnessy
Mrs. Virginia A. Marhefka
Mrs. Margaret J. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Perry
Ms. Cheryl M. Shaw
In Memory of Dorothy A. Bellucci
Ms. Sharon A. Marini
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murphy
Dr. A. Jerome Philbin
Ms. Lori S. Shaw
Mr. Francesco L. Conti
Marlborough Radiology Associates, Inc.
Ms. Patricia Murray
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Philbin
Ms. Amy Sheehan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Frost
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Knoll
Mr. John C. Martin
Ms. Donna Navarro
Philbin-Comeau Funeral Home, Inc.
Mr. Henry W. Shepardson, Jr.
Ms. Kim E. Huock
Ms. Helga Kobus
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Martiska
Mr. Thomas Niichter
Physicians of No. Worcester County
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Sheridan
Mrs. Emma T. Merriman
Ms. Beverly R. Kohlstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Massalski
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Niner
Mr. Mark A. Pizza
Mrs. Sheila Sheridan
Ms. Julia M. Konola
Mr. and Mrs. Veikko Konola
Ms. Loretta Kovalski
Mr. A. Francis Kowalczyk
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kristoff
Ms. Delia M. Mastrodomenico
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson E. Mather, III
Ms. Rosemarie J. Mathieu
Ms. Susan Matuszewski
Mr. and Mrs. John F. McAuliffe
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Noland
North Bridge Glass Co.
Mr. Walter J. Nosek
Nypro Foundation, Inc.
Nypro, Inc.
PJW Youth Fund
Ms. Karen Plainte
Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Platt
Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Polymeros
Mrs. Carmela Potenti
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Sifleet
Mr. Richard N. Simonian
Ms. Mariana Simons
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sindoni
Dr. Ajeet J. Singh
Miss Mary Ann McAuliffe
Mr. Edward M. Powers
Dr. Habib A. Sioufi
Kruzan Family Fund
Mr. Thomas F. McCoy
Ms. Jessica L. O’Connor
Mrs. Jeanette T. Praderio
Ms. Dawn Sivert
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Kruzan
Ms. Alison McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. David Ofer
Mr. Eric Prah
Ms. Kimberly Small
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Kulis
Ms. Jennie McGaffigan
Dr. Peter Oldak
Ms. Joanne L. Pratt
Ms. Patricia A. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Kulis
Ms. Rita E. McGeehan
Mr. Jeffrey Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Priestley
Ms. Rose Somensini
Ms. Flora W. Kunst
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. McGrail
Mrs. Christine O’Malley
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Prinos
Ms. Charlene M. Sontag
Ms. Sandra J. Labree
Atty. and Mrs. William T. McGrail
Mrs. Mabel E. O’Malley
Ms Lisa A. Prophet
Ms. Teressa A. Sontag
Ms. Frances Lamarca
Ms. Marie McGregor
Mr. William J. O’Malley
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Quill
Mr. Gary B. Spaulding
Mrs. Anita M. Lanciani
Mr. and Mrs. William J. McGuirk
Orchard Hills Athletic Club
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Quill, Sr.
Ms. Irene G. Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Landes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McIntyre
Ms. Maria Ordonez
Quinapoxet Model Flying Club
Ms. Sarah P. Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lane
Mr. and Mrs. John M. McKee
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Osit
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Quintal
Ms. Elvera C. Spina
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. McLaughlin
Ms. Erin O’Toole
R. Carnegie Associates, Inc.
Mr. Alfred J. Spinelli
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon B. Lankton
Mrs. Theresa A. McLaughlin
Col. George M. O’Toole
Mrs. Sandra A. Rauscher
The Stephen F. Quill Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Latini
McNally & Watson Funeral Home
Mr. and Mrs. Genaro R. Paen
Mr. Laurence E. Richard
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Stadtherr
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Latini
Ms. Betty A. McNally
Ms. Suzanne F. Paquet
Ms. Gretchen S. Richards
Ms. Lisa Staples
Laura’s Place
Mr. and Mrs. James W. McNally
Mr. and Mrs. J. Wayne Paradis
Ms. Mary Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Stark
Mr. and Mrs. Willard C. Learned
Mrs. Jean M. McNally
Mr. Arthur A. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Ripa
Starr Investment Services, Inc.
Ms. Ella G. Leary
Mr. and Mrs. John J. McNally, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker
Mr. Ruben Rivera
Ms. Laura T. Starr
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Ledoux
Mr. and Mrs. Kieran P. McNally
Mr. John Parker
Mrs. Julia M. Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley B. Starr, Jr.
Ms. Margretta L. McNally
Mr. Raymond L. Roseberry
Mr. Paul Stevenson
Ms. Susan Lefebvre
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McNally
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Ross
Ms. Patricia M. Stone
Ms. Margaret A. Leoni
Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. McNally
Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. Rost
Ms. Vera L. Strickland
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Les
Mr. and Mrs. George P. McNamara
Ms. Louise A. Rotti
Ms. Barbara Sullivan
Mr. John P. Letourneau
Mr. and Mrs. John M. McNamara
Mrs. Carolyn Roux
Mrs. Deborah J. Sullivan
Ms. Britney Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. McNamara
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Ruberti
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Sullivan
Ms. Janet H. Lipka
Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. McNamara
Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse F. Russo, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Swiatkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Lohmann
Mr. and Mrs. Sam McRell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Rymsza
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Tambolleo
Ms. Kathryn M. Lovett
Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Mehm
St. John’s Stitchers
Ms. Brenda M. Taylor
Mr. Donald Lowe and
Ms. Digna Mendoza
Ms. Jane C. Salerno
Ms. Susan Coughlin Templeton
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Mendoza
Ms. Ellen Salmon
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Tencati, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Lowe
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Merrill
Ms. Mary M. Samia
Ms. Elizabeth Tencati
Ms. Diane M. Lucht
Mrs. Emma T. Merriman
Ms. Ruth J. Sandini
Ms. Sherry Thibeault
Mrs. Dorothy A. Lucht
Ms. Elizabeth Millet
Ms. Eugenie M. SanMartino
Mr. and Mrs. Martin R. Thomas
Ms. Elizabeth Holland
Ms. Patricia A. Basteri
Mr. Christopher P. Route
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Kroll
Mrs. Sarah E. Lefebvre
In Memory of Joanna Marie Basteri
In Memory of Sheila Catherine Beirne
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Niner
Ms. Kathy Thomopoulos
Ms. Roberta Wyman
Mrs. Mabel E. O’Malley
Ms. Cecilia E. Thurlow
Mr. James M. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Pennington
Mr. and Mrs. John Toomy
Mrs. Phyllis P. Young
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Stadtherr
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Tosi
Mr. and Mrs. Constantino Zahariadis
Mr. and Mrs. Martin R. Thomas
Traina & Traina Insurance Agency, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Constantino P. Zapantis
Whitney Bros. Oil Co., Inc.
Mr. Richard C. Traina
In Memory of Harold E. Brown, Jr.
Mr. Ralph E. Travernier
Mr. Teddy Trawczynski
Mr. Richard S. Trussell
Ms. Kara M. Turini
Mr. Walter Turnbull
Ms. Britney Lewis
Honorary and
Memorial Gifts
In Honor of Rita Bazydlo
Jeanne and Rick Paulino
Ms. Marion R. Tuttle
In Honor of Carmine and Mary Paulino
Mr. John R. Vaghini
Jeanne and Rick Paulino
Ms. Nina Valera
Ms. Mary A. Vattes
In Memory of Melvin Austin
Ms. Patricia Murray
Ms. Phyllis K. Vetras
Mr. Thomas A. Vetras
Vital Emergency Medical Services
Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale N. Vitone
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Vitone
In Memory of Christine L. Baer, John F.
Baer and Bertha C. Baer
Nadine L. Baer
Norman J. Baer
Wachusett Brewing Company, Inc.
In Memory of Kenneth C. Baer
Wachusett Old Car Club, Inc.
Ms. Jennifer A. Baer
Mrs. Frances M. Walkowiak
Ms. Maryann Walls
Mr. Steven L. Welus
In Memory of John Bailey
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
Ms. Maryann Weihn
In Memory of Helen C. Baird
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Welch
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
Ms. Virginia L. Welch
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Whalen
Whitney Bros. Oil Co., Inc.
In Memory of Marie and Jim Cardoza
Atty. and Mrs. William T. McGrail
In Memory of Joseph H. Casasanto,
Dorothy Casasanto and Ralph W. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Casasanto
In Memory of Shantha Channappa
Dr. Ravishankar Channappa
In Memory of Batistta and Catherine
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
In Memory of Audrey Clayman
Ms. Jennie McGaffigan
Ms. Jo Molyneaux
In Memory of George Collins
Mrs. Nancy J. Joyce
In Memory of Ida C. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Coppenrath
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Grady
In Memory of Margaret Baird
Mrs. Nancy J. Joyce
Ms. Shannon Baird
Mr. and Mrs. John Kingdon
Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Whitney
In Memory of Richard A. Bartlett
Williams Financial Group
Mrs. Pearl Burton
Mr. William Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. Grady O. Church
Ms. Mary Ann Winters
Ms. Carol Ann Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Wojnar
Mr. Franklin N. Harriman
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. Woods
Montachusett Organ Society
Worcester Oral Surgery Assoc., Inc.
Quinapoxet Model Flying Club
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. MacLean
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Morabito, Sr.
Ms. Patricia A. Smith
Ms. Rose Somensini
Ms. Cecilia E. Thurlow
Mrs. Phyllis P. Young
In Memory of Michael Day
Ms. Sherry Thibeault
In Memory of Caroline Dowd
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
Mr. and Mrs. Philip T. Duggan
In Memory of Janet A. Pizza
In Memory of Theresa L. Truesdale
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Devault
In Memory of James W. “Boogers”
Ms. Sandra J. Labree
Mrs. Rita Bazydlo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Landes
Mrs. Cynthia A. Goodmanson
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Benzon
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Fayard
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon B. Lankton
Atty. and Mrs. William T. McGrail
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
Mrs. Katherine A. Fadden
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fital
Dr. and Mrs. Augusto G. Asinas
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Latini
Mr. and Mrs. Sam McRell
Ms. Christine G. Cole
Ms. Susan Coughlin Templeton
Mr. and Ms. John F. Flanagan
Atlas Distributing, Inc.
Laura’s Place
Mrs. Sandra A. Rauscher
Ms. Laura V. Graff
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Floyd
Dr. George R. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Lowe
Mr. Richard N. Simonian
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Lane
In Memory of Nicholas H. Wagner, III
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Fries
Mrs. Karen Bailey
Ms. Diane M. Lucht
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Mahoney
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
Mrs. Dorothy A. Lucht
In Memory of Thomas Dowd
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Frost
Mrs. Mary C. Ball
In Memory of Judy and Henry Duvarney
Mr. and Mrs. David Gaughan
Mrs. Rita Bazydlo
Mr. John C. Martin
Ms. Roberta Duvarney
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Grady
Atty. Michael S. Bearse
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson E. Mather, III
Mr. Arthur T. Innamorati, Jr.
Ms. Charlotte L. Brahm
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McIntyre
Ms. Frances Lamarca
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Burgwinkle
Mr. and Mrs. John M. McKee
In Memory of Christopher Dziczek
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
Ms. Ella G. Leary
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Caruso
Mrs. Theresa A. McLaughlin
In Memory of Margaret T. Dzwilewski
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Ledoux
Mrs. Andrea Charette
Ms. Betty A. McNally
Mr. and Mrs. Willard C. Learned
Mr. Thomas F. McCoy
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
Mrs. Jean M. McNally
In Memory of Leo A. Favreau
Mr. and Mrs. John M. McKee
Ms. Sandy Ciciotte
Mr. and Mrs. Kieran P. McNally
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
Mr. and Mrs. James W. McNally
Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Mehm
In Memory of Virginia G. Ferguson
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
In Memory of Eva T. Krantz
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
Mrs. Emma T. Merriman
Mr. Walter J. Nosek
In Memory of Mary Kublic
The Clinton Rotary Club
Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. McNally
Clinton Savings Bank
Mr. and Mrs. John M. McNamara
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Clisham
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moore
Ms. Adrienne Connolly
Mrs. Margaret J. Murphy
In Memory of Eileen Ann Nekuda
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
The Clinton Rotary Club
Sheila and Kendall Daly
Ms. Marie McGregor
Ms. Lori S. Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon B. Lankton
In Memory of Beverly and Walter
Col. and Mrs. George M. O’Toole
Ms. Callie Fontaine
Jeanne and Rick Paulino
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Philbin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Rymsza
In Memory of Joseph Prendergast, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Burke
Four Seasons Salon Staff
In Memory of Gertrude O’Connor
Ms. Deborah Farraher
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Gwyther
Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Hirvi
Mr. and Mrs. David Ofer
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McIntyre
Ms. Diane Duchnowski
Ms. Christine O’Malley
Ms. Krista Duchnowski
In Memory of Kathleen G. O’Malley
Ms. Louise A. Rotti
In Memory of Gloria Lemanski
Mrs. Mabel E. O’Malley
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Armenti
Mr. and Mrs. Philip T. Duggan
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
In Memory of Joseph B. Garofoli
Ms. Jane C. Salerno
Ms. Erin O’Toole
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
Ms. Charlene M. Sontag
Mr. Brian F. Burgwinkle
Ms. Joanne M. Duggan
Ms. Elizabeth A. Paulino
Mr. and Mrs. John Toomy
Ms. Lorraine Catmen
Ms. Elizabeth H. Ellam
Jeanne and Rick Paulino
Mrs. Phyllis P. Young
Mr. John L. Evangelista
Mrs. Katherine A. Fadden
Philbin-Comeau Funeral Home, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Horton
Atty. and Mrs. Maurice J. Ferriter
Mr. Mark A. Pizza
In Memory of Santina “Dolly” Parabicoli
Mrs. Nancy J. Joyce
Mrs. Frances P. Fitzgerald
PJW Youth Fund
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
Mr. and Mrs. James W. McNally
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Frost
Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Polymeros
Ms. Susan Coughlin Templeton
Ms. Annette M. Pellegrino
Mr. and Mrs. John Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Quill
Mr. Joseph F. Gadomski
In Memory of Gregory T. Garry
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Quill, Sr.
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
In Memory of Sophie F. Innamorati
In Memory of Raymond C. Gates
Mr. Arthur T. Innamorati, Jr.
Mrs. Constance R. Gates and Children
In Memory of Sophie Georgeson
Mr. Thomas Niichter
In Memory of Rene J. and Stephen G.
Mrs. Frances M. Walkowiak
Ms. Alexis M. Julsonnet
Mrs. Marjorie Iwaniec
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Wojnar
In Memory of George “Gigi” Giansanti, Sr.
In Memory of Mary R. Joyce
In Memory of Maria Helena Lopez
Mr. and Mrs. George Giansanti
Mr. Ralph E. Travernier
Ms. Maria Ordonez
Mr. Michael Giansanti
Ms. Frances Gadoua
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Quill, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. McGuirk
In Memory of Albrecht K. Schlueter
Mrs. Margaret L. Magune
In Memory of Ronald H. Paradis
Ms. Donna Navarro
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
Mrs. Edeltraut I. Schlueter
Mr. Robert G. Gibbons
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Sargent, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grady
Ms. Amy Sheehan
In Memory of Arthur, Dorothy, Gerald
and Raymond Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Prinos
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
Ms. Sylvia Hollister and
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley B. Starr, Jr.
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. MacLean
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Vitone
Mrs. Rita Bazydlo
Ms. Joanne DuBosque
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Keating
In Memory of James Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Sheridan
Mr. Victor Koivumaki
Ms. Vera L. Strickland
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Sullivan
In Memory of John J. Philbin Family
Dr. A. Jerome Philbin
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Philbin
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Schmidt
In Memory of Mary and Leo Seymour
Dr. Paulette Seymour-Route and
Mr. Christopher P. Route
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
Kadant Web Systems, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Swiatkowski
In Memory of Joseph M. Habib
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Kilcoyne
In Memory of Deborah Martineau
Mr. Arthur T. Innamorati, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Vitone
In Memory of Nora M. Sheridan
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
Kruzan Family Fund
Ms. Alicia Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Innamorati
Wachusett Brewing Company, Inc.
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
In Memory of Marilyn F. McGarity
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T. Joyce
Ms. Maryann Weihn
Atty. and Mrs. William T. McGrail
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Perry
Mr. John C. Joyce
Whitney Bros. Oil Co., Inc.
In Memory of Peggy Spencer
Mrs. Nancy J. Joyce
In Memory of Bernice McGrail
Ms. Roberta Wyman
Ms. Alison McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Kennedy
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
Ms. Phyllis P. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Kerrigan
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Grady
Mr. and Mrs. Constantino Zahariadis
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kilcoyne
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Kruzan
In Memory of Virginia M. Hager
Mr. Robert L. Hager
Mr. John P. Letourneau
Ms. Joanne Moffatt
In Memory of Harold and Corinne Hines Mr. Marc Pelletier
Ms. Teressa A. Sontag
Ms. Sandra Grady
In Memory of Mary D. Innamorati
In Memory of Brian Kelly
Ms. Sally M. Anthony
The Stephen F. Quill Family Foundation
Ms. Donna L. Beirholm
Ms. Judith P. Bennett
In Memory of Mary P. McGrail, RN, BSN
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Kilcoyne
Atty. and Mrs.William T. McGrail
Ms. Julia M. Konola
In Memory of Terrence M. Kraft
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kristoff
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Kulis
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Ms. Audrey F. Garber
Mrs. Sandra A. Rauscher
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Harding
In Memory of Robert M. Gibbons
Mrs. Jean B. Farragher
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas M. Georgeson
In Memory of Lawrence Lutes
In Memory of Edmund J. Mack, Sr.
Ms. Courtney Card
In Memory of Edith Ryder
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Quintal
In Memory of Mary I. Kalinowski
Mr. Robert A. Carnegie
In Memory of Rose Pappas and
Constance Lovetere Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. Woods
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Garvey
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Giansanti
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Casasanto
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Devault
Ms. Joanne L. Pratt
In Memory of Reginald A. Young
Mr. and Ms. Constantino P. Zapantis
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Horton
In Memory of Patricia Gadomski
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Donnelly
In Memory of John I. O’Malley
In Memory of Helen E. Lamb
In Memory of Alec R. Winn
In Memory of Ralph W. Nelson, Jr.
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
Ms. Lisa A. Gentile
Mr. and Mrs. Willard C. Learned
In Memory of Paul and Zoe Zapantis
North Bridge Glass Co.
Mr. John Parker
In Memory of Gerald Wile
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Osit
Mrs. Phyllis P. Young
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
Sheila and Kendall Daly
In Memory of Thomas F. Flannagan
In Memory of Evelyn Vattes
In Memory of Stanley B. Starr, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley B. Starr, Jr.
In Memory of Richard McRell
C.N. Wood Company, Inc.
In Memory of Moira Taylor
Mr. Paul B. Cherubini
Miss Mary Ann McAuliffe
Ms. Jeanne A. Collins
In Memory of Lucy and Phil Trott
Mr. and Mrs. Kerop Davidian
Ms. Phyllis Fazio
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201 Highland Street
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Tel: 978-368-3000
Nationally recognized for consistently high ratings in patient satisfaction, Clinton Hospital offers patients local access to emergency care,
cardiovascular medicine, and inpatient hospitalist services performed by expert physicians from UMass Memorial Medical Group – along
with a wide range of specialty services provided by highly regarded private physicians. In addition to convenient outpatient services such a
same-day surgery and physical therapy, Clinton Hospital also offers access to a number of state-of-the-art diagnostic services, including
nuclear medicine, ultrasound, CT scanning, stress testing and digital mammography, to families throughout our community.
Contributions to Clinton Hospital are deeply appreciated. Call 978-368-3903 or email [email protected].
Health Care
UMass Memorial Health Care is the largest not-for-profit health care system in Central New England with more than 13,000 employees and
nearly 2,000 physicians, many of whom are members of UMass Memorial Medical Group. Our member hospitals and entities include Clinton
Hospital, HealthAlliance Hospital, Marlborough Hospital, UMass Memorial Medical Center, Wing Memorial Hospital and Medical Centers
and Community Healthlink, our behavioral health agency. With our teaching and research partner, the University of Massachusetts Medical
School, our extensive primary care network and our Cancer, Diabetes, Heart and Vascular, and Musculoskeletal Centers of Excellence we
deliver seamless programs of quality and compassionate care for patients across our health care system.
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