Fall 2010 - Upper Valley Medical Center


Fall 2010 - Upper Valley Medical Center
November 2010
Volume XI, Issue 2
Elaine Bohman, RN, (left)
counsels Theresa Smith,
Pulmonary Rehab patient
and lifelong asthma
sufferer. November is
designated National
COPD Awareness Month
by the National Heart
Lung and Blood Institute.
Eagles Generosity Touches Hearts and Gives Breaths of Success
In June, the
Fraternal Order
of Eagles
presented the
UVMC Cardiopulmonary
with another
$10,000 grant.
Since 1997,
the Eagles’
generosity and
concern for
our patients
has resulted in
$146,000 in funding to support
this vital program.
Why has UVMC been blessed
with such generosity? “A
past president of the Eagles,
Doyle Thrasher, came to
UVMC for cardiac care,” says
Larry Ryan, Secretary of the
Tipp City Eagles, Secretary
of District 15 and UVMC
Foundation Board member.
Jean Heath, RN, MSN
Director of the UVMC
Cancer Care Center, Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation,
Pastoral Care and Community
Health and Wellness is
grateful for the Eagles’
support. Patient education is
the primary beneficiary of the
grant funds. “For example,
we provide patient teaching
workbooks for cardiac and
pulmonary rehab patients
in our eight-to-twelve week
rehab program that they can
take home.”
“All cardiopulmonary rehab
‘graduates’ receive a T-shirt,
courtesy of the Eagles grant,”
adds Elaine Bohman, RN,
BSN. “Additionally, we are
able to continue to replace
and upgrade our exercise and
monitoring equipment on a
regular basis,” reports Tami
Maniaci-McMillan, RN, MS,
exercise physiologist. Elaine
and Tami serve as lead nurses
in the department.
Gifts from the Eagles are
also used for continuing staff
education. “The majority of
the staff has had the wonderful
opportunity to attend at least a
portion of an annual AACVPR
meeting over the past couple
of years,” said Jean Heath.
“Attendance at educational
conferences helps staff keep
up with the current trends in
rehabilitation and prevention
strategies and to learn about
the updated guidelines for
pulmonary and cardiac care.”
This knowledge ensures that
our cardio-pulmonary patients
get state-of-the-art care.
The Fraternal Order of Eagles
is a national, non-profit,
fraternal service organization
established in 1898.
“There are 196 Aeries in Ohio
with 100,000 men and 30,000
women members,” according
to Larry Ryan. “Our motto is
‘People Helping People’ and in
2010 the Eagles of Ohio have
given over $500,000 in grants
to hospitals, hospices, police
departments and other service
organizations within the state.”
Larry also noted that, “The
National Grand Aerie has
pledged $25 million to support
the Diabetes Research Center
in Ames, Iowa, affiliated with
the University of Iowa. Over
the past five years, the Ohio
State Aerie has given over
$700,000 to The Ohio State
University Medical School to
support medical research.”
In Gratitude
Dear Friends,
The holiday season is when we
typically pause and reflect on the
many blessings we have received
and heartily embrace the joy of
This issue of the Legacy Letter
celebrates the power of giving.
Each individual gift we receive
is added to the gifts of others.
The power of this multiplies and
magnifies each gift in such a way
that the UVMC Foundation is
able to support many important
initiatives. Our hospital and our
community continue to be blessed
by the support and caring of
many people, organizations and
businesses. It is our pleasure to
acknowledge our generous donors
in this issue.
The kindness of our community
has touched the tiniest infants in
our Level II Nursery, the hundreds
of people who, each year, discover
they are afflicted with cancer,
grandparents who recover from a
stroke in our inpatient rehabilitation
unit and each and every one of us
who diligently gets their annual
blood tests.
For all of
us who
have either
firsthand, or
members and
friends face
treatment for
cancer, we
know how important it is to have
a cancer treatment center close to
Your life-affirming gifts mean
so much to the members of our
community facing health challenges.
Thank you for your support.
Thank you for caring.
Kathleen Scarbrough
Executive Director
Thanks to the generosity of so
many in our community over
the past 12 years, gifts of more
than $10 million in equipment,
program support, scholarships and
community education has been
provided to our local hospital and
the community it serves.
Over $560,000 in scholarships
have been given to deserving local
residents pursuing health-related
degrees. The UVMC Cancer Care
Center has a dedicated CT scan;
Surgery has updated anesthesia
machines and laparoscopic
irrigators; the Imaging Department
has digital mammography machines
and updated diagnostic imaging
units. Through your gifts, the
UVMC Foundation has been able to
buy new patient transport vehicles,
ultrasound equipment, and exercise
equipment for Cardiac Rehab
and Physical Therapy. Treatment
books and camisoles are provided
to breast cancer patients. This
year marked the 10th anniversary
of our annual cancer awareness
On behalf of the Board of Directors
of the UVMC Foundation, I want to
extend a hearty “thank you” to our
UVMC Volunteers and Auxiliary
members for underwriting the
beautiful lights on the trees that line
the hospital drive and the stunning
Christmas tree that graces the
hospital lobby.
The UVMC Foundation’s newest
project is to provide substantial
funding for the new linear
accelerator for our Cancer Care
Center. Stouder Foundation has
partnered with us on this vital
Wishing you and your loved ones a
joyous holiday season and a healthy
new year,
Vic Caven
President, UVMC Foundation
Board of Directors
Sixth Annual John J. Dugan Memorial Reception for Cancer Care
a Great Success
projects such as relocation
of a CT scanner to the center
for convenience of cancer
patients and purchase of
massage and infusion chairs
that provide warmth and
massage while patients are
receiving treatments.
Jean and Brian Dugan welcome guests.
For the sixth year, more than 140
people gathered at a Miami County
residence in May to raise thousands
of dollars for the UVMC Cancer
Care Center.
The Dugan event for cancer care
honoring the late John J. Dugan is
sponsored by his wife, Jean, and
their son, Brian.
John Dugan was a Miami
County commissioner and longtime supporter of UVMC at the
time of his death in 2003 from
complications from esophageal
cancer. His family chose to honor
him through support of the local
Cancer Care Center.
That commitment has raised close
to $270,000 for Cancer Care Center
Brian Dugan said each year’s
event has raised consistently
between $40,000 and $50,000.
“It is just a wonderful event,”
Brian Dugan said. “I think it is one
of the largest fund-raisers in the
area for a hospital.”
Others who have hosted the fundraiser over the years have been Bill
and Wanda Lukens, 2005; Henry
and Linda Ernst, 2006; Dr. Norman
and Georgia Armstrong, 2007; Tom
Hagan, 2008; and Brent Black,
Brian Dugan said they make sure
to report each year how the money
is being used. “It has made some
obvious differences to the care of
the patients,” he said.
New people are added each year
to those supporting the cause. “It
is really very gratifying. We would
like to see it continue to grow,”
Jean Dugan said.
The center’s expansion planned
for this year and the addition of
a second linear accelerator for
radiation oncology is “exciting,”
she said.
“One of our big interests is to see
that word gets out that we have a
great Cancer Care Center and a
great staff here in Miami County,”
Jean Dugan said.
The Dugans said they believe the
fund raiser is successful, in part,
because of those who open their
homes to guests for the evening.
This year’s event was held at the
Polo Barn on the grounds of Greg
and Laura Stephens’ residence near
The Dugan family.
open their homes for a big event
like this,” Jean Dugan said.
“It is so wonderful there has been
such enthusiasm and support from
those attending annually and our
hosts have been so gracious to
Guests gather in the Polo Barn.
John Dugan founded Benefits
Analysis Corporation, a Troy-based
independent broker for employee
benefit plans. A native of New
York State, John Dugan served in
the Marines in the Korean War and
graduated Phi Beta Kappa from
Ohio University.
Brian Dugan said his father
would be pleased to see how the
fundraiser has matured. “Dad
would be so happy to know that
the community is coming together
to support cancer care in Miami
County,” he said.
UVMC Scholarship Program Continues to Expand
The UVMC Foundation and the
UVMC Auxiliary have awarded
scholarships for the 2010-11
academic year that provide financial
assistance to area students pursuing
a degree in a health-care related
field of study.
The UVMC Foundation has
n Hinsch Family Fund
Janelle Seger
n Rae
M. Johnson Memorial
Meredith Tobias
n Raval Family Scholarship
Chris Siefker
n Steinhilber Health Education
Emily Boyd, Megan Cavender,
Elizabeth Galbreath, Emily Gross
and Nicholas Sutton
n David
M. Spencer, MD
Abby Behm, Erika Manis and Anya
n Torrence Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Amy Burt
n Reeber Family Scholarship
Jessica Baker, Amy Burt, Melissa
Denius and Chris Siefker
Abby Behm
Abigail Fry
Adam Peltier
Anya Weaver
Austin Miller
Ben Wick
Betsy Stine
Cassondra Denniston
Chris Siefker
Emily Boyd
Stacey O’Dell
Emily Gross
Erika Manis
Frank Boerger
Heather Deaton
Hillary Fry
Jane Pierce
Janelle Seger
Jared Blackmore
Jason King
Jean Goettemoeller
Jennifer Davis
Jessica Baker
Joseph Meyer
Kaitlin DeLoye
Kristen Plas
Kyle Gambill
Leona Robinette
Libby Galbreath
Lucas Hershberger
Megan Cavender
Melissa Denius
Meredith Tobias
Morgan Thornburg
Nicholas Sutton
Paul Conover
Rachael Martin
Sara Finkes
n Norma
Smith Scholarship
Amy Jones, Jane Pierce and Rachel
n Diana VanDeGrift Memorial
Katrina Carlson
n John Scarbrough Memorial
Chris Siefker
n Sharing
Plus Youth
Jessica E. Baker, Frank Boerger,
Paul Conover, Kaitlin DeLoye,
Abigail Fry, Hillary Fry, Kyle
Gambill, Jean Goettemoeller,
Whitney A. Harmeson, Lucas
Hershberger, Amanda Kays, Jason
King, Rachael Martin, Joseph
Meyer, Austin Miller, Stacey
O'Dell, Adam Peltier, Kristen Plas,
Alex Pohlman, Logan Pyers, Kayla
Rethman, Cindy Rutschilling,
Elizabeth Stine, Morgan Thornburg
and Ben Wick
n UVMC Auxiliary
Melissa Denius, Rachel Poling,
Nicholas Sutton, Chris Siefker,
Abby Behm, Jared Blackmore, Amy
Jones, Anya Weaver, Emily Boyd,
Cassondra Denniston, Meredith
Tobias, Leona Robinette, Sara
Finkes, Megan Cavender, Elizabeth
Galbreath, Emily Gross, Jennifer
Davis, Heather Deaton and Jessica
Annual Cancer Awareness Symposium Brings Celebrated Author to Area
Within days of his cancer diagnosis,
Feiler decided to form a council of
dads. The group of six men who
had played a role in his life would
be charged with being on hand for
his daughters during the passages of
their lives, if Feiler no longer was
From left: Bill McGraw and Bruce Feiler
Bruce Feiler is a world traveler
and best-selling author. He’s also
a cancer survivor and family
man who has used those latter
experiences to help teach people
how to reach out to others.
Feiler was the proud father of
identical twin daughters when he
was diagnosed in 2008 with a rare
form of cancer in his femur. He
underwent surgery in late 2008, and
has been cancer free since.
The cancer experience sent Feiler
down a personal and writing path
he’d never contemplated.
The experience is outlined in his
latest book, “The Council of Dads:
My Daughters, My Illness and
the Men Who Could Be Me,” and
was shared by Feiler at the annual
Bill and Ruth McGraw Cancer
Awareness Symposium on June 10
to a crowd of nearly 300 people at
the Crystal Room in Troy.
With a career that’s included
writing about first-hand experiences
with a circus to following biblical
paths to produce New York Times
best-sellers such as “Walking the
Bible” and “America’s Prophet,”
Feiler was no stranger to tackling
challenging and complex topics.
In the months since the book was
released in the spring, Feiler said
he has been approached by people
interested in pursuing a council.
The ideas have come from single
parents looking for more support
The council project was
a revealing project for all
involved. “The Council of
Dads forced me to sit down
with my closest friends and
tell them how much they
mean to me,” he said.
As a writer, his journey with
cancer and the Council of
Dads was a natural topic.
The book “fell off my
fingers,” Feiler said during an
interview before his symposium
presentation. “I knew immediately
what I was trying to do, who I was
writing it for.”
While other books have taken a year
or more to write, this one took three
Signing books after event.
for a child, parents of teens who
think another adult’s perspective
might have more credibility with
their child and for military parents,
who may have frequent and
extended times away from home.
Even Feiler’s wife, Linda, has
formed a council of moms for the
girls, who now are age 5.
Reaching out to friends by creating
a council can provide lifetime
support, he said, adding, “It gives
us a feeling of security, of love and
of life.”
Bruce Feiler visits with Jean Heath,
Director UVMC Cancer Care Center and
Karen McGraw.
The response to “The Council
of Dads” concept has been
overwhelming, he said.
People “have found inspiration in
this story,” he said. “Everybody
who hears the idea wants to do
something with it.”
This year’s event was made
possible by the McGraw Family
Fund of The Troy Foundation and
grants from The Troy Foundation
and the UVMC Foundation. This
annual event is sponsored by the
UVMC Foundation and the UVMC
Cancer Care Center.
For more information on Bruce
Feiler and his works, visit www.
Recognition Societies
In Honor Of – 2009
We truly appreciate the support of special friends like you. While the greatest
benefit of supporting the UVMC Foundation and Upper Valley Medical Center at
any level is the knowledge that you are helping to save lives, we feel privileged to
honor our generous and loyal supporters with membership in special recognition
societies. Every effort has been made to assure accuracy in this listing. Please
call us to report an error or omission, or to change the way your name is listed.
Corrections will be made for the next publication.
Mr. David J. Meckstroth
Mr. and Mrs. William J. McGraw III
Mrs. Nancy Rethman
UVMC Transcription Staff
In Memory Of – 2009
2009 Annual Giving Societies
The UVMC Foundation recognizes that every year many devoted individuals
contribute to our mission. We are pleased to honor individuals who have given
$25 and above in a single year at the following giving levels: Friend $25- $99
Cornerstone Club
Keystone Club
Pinnacle Society
$1,000 and up
Elizabeth M. Brown
Mr. Leon Brown
Benefactors who have given $5,000 and above during their lifetime, are
recognized at the following giving levels:
$5,000 - $9,999 lifetime
$10,000 - $19,999 lifetime
Founder’s Society
$20,000 - $49,999 lifetime
Ambassador Society $50,000 - $99,999 lifetime
Visionary Society
$100,000+ lifetime
Planned Giving
We are pleased to honor those philanthropic individuals who have made
provisions for the UVMC Foundation and Upper Valley Medical Center by
means of a will, trust, life insurance policy, retirement plan or irrevocable pledge,
or through a life-income gift.
Legacy Society
Ms. Camilla R. Barrett
Edison Bonnoront
Ms. Bernice Bonnoront
Lifetime Giving Societies
Scott Ayers
Mrs. Rebecca Ayers
No minimum amount is required for recognition in UVMC Foundation’s planned giving recognition society.
Multiple-Year Giving Circles
Recurrent support year after year helps sustain our local hospital.
The Silver Circle
Gifts of any size for 5-9 years*
The Gold Circle
Gifts of any size for at least 10 years*
Mr. George Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arthur
Mr. and Mrs. James Blais
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Boysel
Mr. and Mrs. John Brown
Mr. Larry Colby
Mr. R. Denny Cooper
Mr. Richard Francis
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Francony
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hoyt
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Replogle
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stumpff
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sullenberger
Unity National Bank
Mrs. Jean Walker
Ramen K. Das, MD
Mrs. Vi Das
Mr. Rex Disbrow
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ray Wagoner
Mr. Albert C. Hanna
Mr. and Mrs. William Salsbury
Mrs. Rae Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. J. Herb Johnson
Scott Lair
Mrs. Ruth Lundgard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bray
Bill and Ruth McGraw
Ms. Emma L. McGraw
*Gifts do not have to be in consecutive years.
Isadore Monnin
Ms. Christine Fischer
In Honor Of – 2010
(Year to Date through Oct. 15)
Ms. Leona Cameron
Ms. Jeannette C. Cameron
Ms. Mary Lee Parker
Ms. Ellen Cotterman
Fayez Abboud, MD
Ms. Evelyn Johnson
Mrs. Elizabeth T. McCabe
Cardiology Care, Inc.
E.C. Puterbaugh, MD
Ms. Dorothy Rice
Playtex Products, Inc.
Mr. Larry Rice
American Electronics, Inc.
Mr. D. S. Donegan
Mr. Tyler S. Franklin
Mr. Chris Godsey
Ms. Jill Frederickson and
Mr. Joel Grove
Mr. John M. Harlan
Mrs. Jean Heath
Mrs. Joan G. Kelley
Lewis Lake Association, Inc.
Ms. Shirley Moler
National Midget Auto Racing
Hall of Fame
Mrs. Beverly Rice
Wally Scherer Injured Drive Fund
Mr. William C. Rice
Mrs. Rebecca Rice
Mr. Olive Rowe
Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Shroyer
Mrs. Regina Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Warnie V. Alexander
All ED Physicians
Mr. David Miller
All UVMC Physicians
Mr. Michael J. Maiberger
Mrs. Karen Angel
Mr. Carl Angel
Sameer Ankolkar, MD
Ms. Betty Anson
Mrs. Rebecca Ayers
Mrs. Kathleen Scarbrough
Mrs. Diana Bair
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bair
Mrs. Marie Fine
Mrs. Melissa Baker
Ms. Sandra K. Saunders
Ms. Lisa Baron
Mrs. Jeannette Baron
Mr. John D. Scarbrough, Sr.
Scarbrough Management Co., Inc.
David A. Bartnick, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Demmitt
Mr. Thomas M. Smith
Ms. Candy Baugher
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Arthur
Ms. Bessie Stump
UVMC Cardiopulmonary
Rehab Svcs.
Mrs. Gayle Beard
Mrs. Rebecca Elifritz
Mr. Edward Swarts
Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Shroyer
Ms. Marge Thompson
Ms. Julia Trotter
Mr. Harold VanDyke
Ms. Rosalie Dzendzel
Mrs. Bonnie Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kolker
Ms. Jane A. Pike
Mrs. Peggy Swaney
Ms. Maryellen Wright
Lesha and Donald Wall
Ms. Lesta Jackson
Harold (Hal) Willis
Mrs. Anne Willis
Playtex Products, Inc.
Ms. Karen Bierly
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bevins
Ms. Jean E. Bitner
Mr. Cal Bitner
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blake
Mrs. Donna Tobin
Ms. Kimberly Block
Mr. Kenneth Block
Ms. Audra Bowman
Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Z. Brown
Evelyn S. Brown, MD
Ms. Cynthia Weikert
Ms. Rhonda Brumbaugh
Mrs. Jeanne Laughman
Ms. Diane Carpenter
Mrs. Susan Monroe
Thomas W. Carrigan, MD
William A. Castaldo, MD
Mrs. Judy Quinter
Ms. Barbara Chin
Mrs. Marsha Calland
Mrs. Dee Collins
Mrs. Kathleen Scarbrough
Ms. Gale Colston
Mrs. Marsha Calland
Mrs. Pam Cornett
Mrs. Lois Mayberry
Mrs. Kathleen Scarbrough
Ms. Bette S. Cross
Mr. Rickey A. Davis
Cass M. Cullis MD
Ms. Joyce Curry
Ms. Helen Curry
William J. Czajka, MD
Ms. Yvonne Chaney
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Markley
Ms. Debbie Davis
Mr. Rickey A. Davis
Ms. Sherrie Davis
Mr. Rickey A. Davis
Don D. Delcamp, MD
Ms. Evelyn Johnson
Daniel J. Dilworth, MD
Ms. Barbara Foster
Mrs. Marilyn Enders
Mrs. Sharon Shawler
Barbara Evert, MD
Mrs. Kathleen Scarbrough
Mrs. Carol Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bowman
Kuharani A. Hussain, MD
Ms. Judith Maloy
Ms. Nedra Francis
Ms. Betty Fogt
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Straker
M. Belayet Hussain, MD
Ms. Brandy Foreman
Mr. and Mrs. Max Stubbs
Ms. Doris Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Z. Brown
Mrs. Kelly Fourman
Mrs. Linda Feitshans
Ms. Kathy Kerns
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Finfrock
Ronal D. Manis, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Curtner
Ms. Shirley Duncan
Mrs. Doris S. Perry
Irina Gendler, MD
Ms. Rhonda King
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bowman
Roger R. Goodenough, MD
Todd J. Gould, MD
Mrs. Cleon Bowers
Ms. Thelma Monnier
Christopher Grove, MD
Ms. Cynthia Weikert
Mrs. Rosemary Gutmann
Mr. Paul Gutmann
Phillip Hall, MD
Naveed Haq, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stone
Ms. Linda Hart
Ms. Sandra K. Saunders
Mrs. Patricia Helmuth
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bowman
Mrs. Marian Hershey
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hoover
B. Mark Hess, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Demmitt
Mrs. Robin Hetzler
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gulker
Ms. Mary J. Hicks
Ms. Pam Harmeson
Mrs. Carolyn J. Hoblit
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Tamplin
Ms. Pamela Worley
Mrs. Linda Honeyman
Ms. Donna Trotter
Ms. Marcia Hubbard
Mrs. Gwen I. Karr
Ms. Charlotte Hudson
Ms. Mary F. Swinford
Ms. Jean Kiser
Mr. and Mrs. William Brower
Robert Klamar, MD
Ms. Esther E. Eiting
Ms. Nancy Kopp
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Jeffers
Ms. Sandy Kramer
Mrs. Donna Tobin
Anupama S. Kulkarni, MD
Ms. Caroline N. Field
Rajeev Kulkarni, MD
Mrs. Arleen Kuntz
Mrs. Lois Mayberry
Mrs. Elizabeth T. McCabe
Mrs. Kathleen Scarbrough
Robert McCarthey, MD
Mr. Frank T. Thaman
James D. McNerney, DO
Mrs. Kelly Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Max Stubbs
Ms. Gayle Meyers
Ms. Beatrix Stafford
Ms. Diane Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Thorstad
Mrs. Nancy Miller
Mrs. Kathleen Scarbrough
Rasa Miller, MD
Patrick Larreategui, DM
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Markley
John Molesky, DO
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Kuntz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Markley
S.W. Lee, MD
Ms. Betty Anson
Mr. and Mrs. William Weigl
Mrs. Delores Mullen
Mrs. Rebecca Elifritz
Mrs. Kathleen Scarbrough
Larry LeFevre, MD
Mrs. Cleon Bowers
Ms. Maggie Mundhenk
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Carity
Ms. Arlene Leist
Mrs. Marsha Calland
Ms. Ramona Nickol
Ms. Susan Fields
Ms. Donna Lewis
Ms. Thelma Deubner
Rowan R. Nickol, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nickol
Stewart Lowry, MD
Mrs. Elizabeth T. McCabe
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nickol
Judith G. Nickras, MD
Mr. and Mrs. William Weigl
Donald P. Luna, MD
Ms. Thelma Monnier
Mrs. Joy Mader
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Straker
Robert F. Malarkey, MD
Thomas J. Nickras, MD
Ms. Yvonne Chaney
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stone
Mr. and Mrs. William Weigl
Mahan R. Nuthakki, MD
Mrs. Elizabeth T. McCabe
Ms. Sarah Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dilts
Randell C. Orem, DO
Ms. Evelyn Johnson
Ms. Betty Perry
Ms. Ruth Bowers
J. Christopher Peters, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Kuntz
Ms. Linda Ray
Tipp City United Methodist Church
Chancel Choir
Mrs. Nancy Rethman
Mrs. Nancy Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gulker
Mrs. Kathleen Scarbrough
Mr. and Mrs. James Theis
Mrs. Gretchen Roeth
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Roeth
Ms. Caroline Rohr
Mrs. Mary Slife
Ms. Dell Roller
Mr. and Mrs. Reaford C. Smith
Mrs. Sally Rudy
Mrs. Kathleen Scarbrough
Ms. Gloria Saitignon
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clevenger
Ms. Joyce Salsbury
Mr. and Mrs. William Salsbury
Padmaja Sattu, MD
Ms. Evelyn Johnson
Ronald Setzkorn, MD
Mrs. Alice Eberly
Ms. Mary P. Shawler
Ms. Sandra K. Saunders
Ms. Maxine Simmons
Mr. Kenneth Block
Yaser Siraj, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Kenworthy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stone
Mrs. Kristine Snider
Mrs. Kathleen Scarbrough
Ms. Janet Spitler
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clevenger
Ms. Kimberly Steinmetz
Mrs. Lois A. Warrick
Scott W. Swabb, DO
Mrs. Nancy Miller
Ms. Cynthia Weikert
Mr. Peter R. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. William J.
McGraw III
Jeremy Traylor, DO
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Kenworthy
Upper Valley Family Care
The Honorable Michael Beamish
UVMC Cancer Care Center
Mr. and Mrs. Ivo Albers
UVMC Nursing Staff
UVMC Medical Staff
Patrick A. Vaglienti, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Reid
Ms. Patty Vincent-Patterson
Ms. Kathy McGraw
Pradip Vyas, MD
Ms. Viola Beaver
Mr. Andrew J. Nuss
Mrs. Sandra Walker
Mrs. Frances Bowsman
Mrs. Janet Mengos
Ms. Carolyn Walters
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Roeth
Mrs. Chris Watercutter
Mrs. Kathleen Scarbrough
Ms. Peggy Weherly
Ms. Sandra K. Jarrett
Ms. Donna J. Weikert
Mr. Cal D. Bitner
Ms. Alice J. Westfall
Mr. David Miller
Ms. Lois Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Finfrock
Georges S. Yacoub, MD
Ms. Annette Garrity
Ms. Judith Quinter
In Memory Of – 2010
(Year to Date through Oct. 15)
Mrs. Miriam Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Warnie V. Alexander
Mrs. Norma Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Warnie V. Alexander
Mr. Thomas H. Allen
Ms. Carol A. Graf
Ms. Caryll K. Anderson
Mr. Robert S. Anders
Mr. Edwin Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Thompson
Mrs. Arleen Baughman
Mr. Gene Bayman
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Thompson
Mrs. Doris A. Beyl
Mr. John Beyl
Mr. Willis E. Bishop
Mrs. Dorothy J. Bishop
Ms. Mary Block
Mr. Kenneth Block
Mr. Linden Brubaker
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Tinkler
Ms. Dorothy G. Bucholtz
Mr. and Mrs. John Jay
Mrs. Nancy Bucholtz
Mr. Richard Bucholtz
Christopher Bundschuh
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Bundschuh
Mr. James F. Bundschuh
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Bundschuh
Dr. Richard Burke, MD
Ms. Thelma Monnier
Mrs. Grace Bynum
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cohee, Sr.
Ms. Phyllis Curtis
Mrs. Judith Ritchey
Dr. Ramen K. Das, MD
Mrs. Vi Das
Mrs. Evelyn Davidson
Mr. Roland Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Jack F. Evans
Ms. Charlene Fair
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Finfrock
Ms. Frieda J. Fine
Mr. and Mrs. John Jay
Mrs. Dorothy Fox
UVMC Auxiliary
Ms. Harriet B. Garrett
Ms. Sarah Buirley
Ms. Margaret Gear
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Creager
The Honorable Richard A. Goater
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ray Wagoner
Ms. Mary Goddard
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ray Wagoner
Mrs. Judy Gulker
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gulker
Ms. Melonie Reindel
Mrs. Karen Osting
Mrs. Norma Hale
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lawson
Mrs. Jane Rhoades
Mrs. Deanne Rhoades
Mrs. Doris Hemm
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Thompson
Ms. Nina Ridgley
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Angel
Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Hodson
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Rupp
Mr. John D. Scarbrough, Sr.
Scarbrough Management Co., Inc.
Ms. Lillie Ipock
Ms. Marjorie Henry
Mr. Herbert Setzkorn
Barbara Evert, MD
Mr. Bernard Jordan
UVMC Auxiliary
Mrs. Ruby Klockner
Mrs. Judith Ritchey
Mrs. Betty J. Knouff
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Davis
Mr. Victor L. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ray Wagoner
Ms. Jo Shoen
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Shoen
Ms. Norma Smith
Mrs. Velma Holdheide
Mrs. Betty Suber
Mrs. Jane E. Cullis
Mrs. Rebecca Elifritz
Mrs. Sharon Linak
Mrs. Rebecca Elifritz
Ms. Susmma Varma
Mr. and Mrs. Rajendra Khare
Ms. Fern Markley
Ms. Patricia Smith
Mr. Wayne Weikert
Mrs. Mary I. McCarthy
Mrs. Kathleen Scarbrough
Friends 2009
Bill and Ruth McGraw
Mrs. Becky Doyle
Ms. Martha J. Miller
Mr. David Miller
Mrs. Barbara Newman
Ms. Rose Owens
Ms. Thelma Deubner
Mr. Larry Pedee
Mrs. Charlene Lemerand
Mr. Dorrell Polhamus
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Beauvais
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hubbard
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mullen
Mrs. Inez Phillips
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Tinkler
UVMC Board of Directors
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ray Wagoner
Mr. Chip Presjak
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ray Wagoner
E.G. Puterbaugh, MD
Mrs. Joyce Ratliff
Mr. and Mrs. James Theis
Mr. Stephen Adams
Andy’s Garden Center
Mr. and Mrs. Koki Ariga
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arthur
Atlantis Sportswear
Mr. Luther L. Baden
Mrs. Margaret Bailey
Mrs. Ruby Bailey
Ms. Dorothy Barnette
Ms. Marsha Barnhart
Mrs. Victoria Beckstedt
Mrs. Lynnee’ Beculheimer
Mr. William Benoit
Mrs. Ann Bergman
Ms. Tonya Bidle
Mrs. Darlene Bigony
Ms. Diane Birchfield
Ms. Karmyn Blackford
Ms. Tina Bradley
Mrs. Rita Bragg
Ms. Abby Brewer
Mr. and Mrs. William Brower
Mrs. Bonnie Brown
Mr. Byron Brown
Mr. and Mrs. John Brown
Mrs. Susan Bullard
Mrs. Joann Bundschuh
Mrs. Deneise A. Cain
Chris Capparelli
Mrs. Rita G. Carter
Ms. Mary A. Chaney
Mr. Howard Cheney
Ms. Sally Christy
Ms. Louise Church
Mrs. Michelle Coates
Ms. Patricia Colby
Mr. R. Denny Cooper
Mrs. Lisa Cordonnier
Mrs. Tracy Cordonnier
Mrs. Jane E. Cullis
Ms. Bambi Davis
Mrs. Dorthea Davis
Mrs. Krista Davis
Mrs. Pamela DeLoye
Mrs. Melissa Denius
Mrs. Marilyn Dennings
Ms. Trudy Derryberry
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dickerson
Ms. Candice Dielman
Mr. William M. Dixon
Mr. D.S. Donegan
Ms. Amy Dorsey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dougherty
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Drake
Ms. Rosalie Dzendzel
Mrs. Gretchen Eilerman
Ms. Michele Elam
Ms. Deborah Fahnestock
Family Video
Faust, Harrelson, Fulker, McCarthy
& Schlemmer
Mrs. Carol Fessler
Mrs. Robin Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Fogt
Mrs. Carol Francis
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Francony
Mr. Tyler S. Franklin
Mrs. Amber Furrow
Mr. and Mrs. George Furrow
Garbry Ridge Assisted Living
Ms. Melissa Gilliland
Mr. Chris Godsey
Ms. Lori Gover
Ms. Tina Green
Ms. Mary Catherine Grimes
Ms. Carletta Gritzmaker
Ms. Margaret Haas
Ms. Joan Hager
Mrs. Stephenie Haines
Ms. Jennifer Hall-Heminger
Mr. John M. Harlan
Ms. Pam Harmeson
Harris Jewelers
Ms. Barbara H. Hayes
Mrs. Sandra Heckler
Mr. Chris Hegyi
Ms. Carla Hill
Ms. Gloria Himes
Ms. Amy Hoover
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hoover
Ms. Barbara Hostetter
Ms. LuAnn Huels
Ms. Deborah Huelskamp
Mrs. Diane Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jackson
John Gray Awards Co.
Ms. Shelba Johnson
Ms. Tamara Justice
Ms. Robin Karn
Mrs. Joan G. Kelley
Mrs. Mary K. Kelly
Ms. Rhonda King
Mr. Jeff Kirk
Mrs. Vickie Kirk
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kleptz
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kolker
Ms. Gail Laufer
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lemerand
Mr. John T. Leonhard
Ms. Susan Levorchick
Ms. Kathy Lewis
Lewis Lake Association, Inc.
Ms. Mary Lindsey
Ms. Constance Low
Mrs. Debra Macy
Ms. Christine Maher
Robert F. Malarkey, M.D.
Mrs. Donna Martin
Ms. Teresa Maxson
Mr. Pat McBride
Ms. Karen McGraw and
Mr. Tom Mathew
Ms. Claudia McGriff
Ms. Leah McIntosh
Mr. David J. Meckstroth
Meijer, Inc.
Mrs. Christi Melling
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Meyer
Mrs. Nancy Miller
Rasa Miller M.D.
Ms. Beth Mitchell
Mr. James Mitchem
Mr. Darrick Monroe
Ms. Memory Moore
Mrs. Vicki Moore
Ms. Elizabeth Morlidge
Mullen’s Firestone
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mutzner
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nagy
National Midget
Auto Racing Hall of Fame
Ms. Debra Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nuckles
Ms. Sarah Nycz
Ms. Mary L. O’Brien
Ms. Amy Ostendorf
Outback Steakhouse
Ms. Judith Overholser
Ms. Bambi Owens
Ms. Domina M. Page
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Penrod
Ms. Gail Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Phillips
Ms. April Phlipot
Mrs. Jane E. Pierce
Ms. Leisa Plank
Ms. Cynthia Plas
Playtex Products, Inc.
Ms. Amy Pleiman
Ms. Christine Poland
Mrs. Patti A. Prenger
Ms. Debbie Puckett
Readmore Hallmark
Reed Mote Staley Ins.
Mrs. Barbara Rench
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Replogle
Sherri Reynolds
Ms. Shirley Rhoades
Mr. Timothy Rice
Mr. Bill Riley
Ms. Amy Robinson
Ms. Lori Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Roeth
Ms. Laura Roswell
Ms. Carol Schaefer
Ms. Angela Schipper
Ms. Patricia R. Schlater
Ms. Ida Sechrist-Kessler
Mrs. Marsha Sedlak-Whiting
Ms. Nicole Seger
Ms. Beth Sehlhorst
Mrs. Nancy Shane
Mrs. Barbara Shappie
Ms. Sharon Shoenleben
Mr. and Mrs. Adam L. Shope
Sigma Circle
Ms. Beth Simons
Mrs. Jackie Smallenbarger
Ms. Donna Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Snyder
Special Effects Salon & Day Spa
Ms. Tracy Steinbrunner
Ms. Laurie Stinson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Summers
Mrs. Mary Sutton
The Caroline
The Inn at Versailles
Ms. Ivy Thoman
Ms. Elaine Towson
Ms. Donna Turner
Mr. Robert Tweed
Mrs. Jane Urlage
UVMC Cardiopulmonary
Rehab Services
UVMC Communications
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Vandeveer
Mr. Joel Via
Mrs. Rita Vickers
Mrs. Christa Vogler
Ms. Laura Vondenhueval
Mr. Timothy Wagner
Ms. Joyce Ward
Mr. Daniel Warren
Ms. Karen Washabaugh
Ms. Allison K. Watkins
Ms. Michelle Weaver
Ms. Cynthia Weikert
Ms. Judy Welborn
Mr. Daniel Welty
Ms. Darlene Wetmore
Mr. Jonathan Whittle
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Widener
Mrs. Miriam K. Wills
Ms. Virginia Wilt
Ms. Robin Wong
Ms. Maryellen Wright
Ms. Melissa Zickafoose
Cornerstone Club 2009
Mr. and Mrs. Keith M. Achor
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Adams
Ms. Karen Aleshire
American Electronics, Inc.
Ms. Judy Anderson
Mark Anstadt, M.D.
Ms. Margaret Attenweiler
Ms. Anita Aycock
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ayers
Dan S. Bailey, D.P.M.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Baird
Ms. Donna Baker
Mrs. Lisa Baker
Ms. Alissa Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Bazler
Ms. Tina Beamish
Ms. Linda Beaver
Mark T. Bentley, D.D.S.
Mr. Thomas Bigley
Ms. Sue Blumenstock
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blythe
Mrs. Kathryn Boerger
Mrs. Kay Borchers
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bray
Mr. Leon Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brumbaugh
Mrs. Nancy J. Brumbaugh
Ms. Cindy Bruner
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Bundschuh
Mr. Dennis Butchko
Ms. Rhonda Caddies
Mr. Marck Carter
Mrs. Wendy Castaldo
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Caughell
Mrs. Martha Chipley
Ms. Tamara Christian
Classic Products, Inc.
Code U Store
Ms. Bonnie Cody
Ms. Sherri Collett
Ms. Susan Collins
Ms. Sarah Conover
Ms. Karen R. Cook
Mrs. Karla Cool
Ms. Deborah Coons
Ms. Robin Cope
Mrs. Pam Cornett
Ms. Carol Cox
Ms. Regina Crow
Mrs. Beth Culbertson
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Culp
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Daniel
Mr. Joseph Daniels
Ms. Sarah Davis
Mrs. Beth DeBrosse
Don D. Delcamp, M.D.
Ms. Cynthia Delwiche
Ms. Jacqueline Dershem
Ms. Karen Dickey
Ms. Lisa Dooley
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Dunton
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Earhart
Ms. Trisha Elliott
Mr. Ray Emberton
Ms. Julie Epperson
Ernst and Young
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Erwin
Mr. and Mrs. Jack F. Evans
Barbara Evert, M.D.
Ms. Diane L. Ewing
Ms. Cynthia Fair
Ms. Wendy Farmer
Ms. Angela Fields
Ms. Eva Fine
Ms. Brenda Fisher
Fisher-Cheney Funeral Home
Ms. Peggy Follrod
Ms. Jennifer Foutz
Mr. Richard Francis
Ms. Sandra Frantz
Ms. Joan Freidet
Mrs. Ina French
Mrs. Terry Fry
Mr. Hajime Fujitaki
Galbreath GMAC Real Estate
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ganley
Mrs. Peggy L. Geiger
Ms. Jenna Geuy
Ms. Wanda Glenn
Mrs. Dorothy M. Goater
Ms. Diana Goettemoeller
Ms. Grace C. Goodall
Ms. Lauren Graham
Ms. Benita Griffieth
Ms. Jill Frederickson and
Mr. Joel Grove
Mr. Joseph Gulker
Mrs. Teri Gulker
Mr. Michael Gutmann and The
Honorable Elizabeth S. Gutmann
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gutmann
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Haddad
Mr. Thomas J. Hagan
Hale - Sarver Funeral Home
Ms. Barbara Hanahan
Ms. June Harellson
Mr. and Mrs. David Harrison
Mrs. Elaine K. Hausfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hayek
Mrs. Jean Heath
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heckman
Ms. Kelli Heins
Ms. Melissa S. Hicks
Ms. Geraldine Hill
Ms. Pamela Homan
Ms. Vida A. Hoyng
Ms. Linda Irvin
Mr. Richard Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jackson
Ms. Brenda Jarvis
Ms. Marie Jay
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Jenkins
Ms. Angela Johnson
Mr. James Kaiser
Mrs. Stephanie Kaiser
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kerber
Ms. Sandra Kerns
Ms. Deb Killian
Ms. Nellie Kinnison
Mrs. Terri Kiser
Koverman Dickerson Insurance
Mrs. Marci Langenkamp
Ms. Lisa Lea
Mrs. Jennifer LeDoux
Mr. Randal Lennartz
Mrs. Jennifer Liette
Mrs. Ann Lins
Ms. Mary Jo Long
Ms. Dawn Lucous
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Markley
Ms. T. Jeanne Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Don J. Massa
Ms. Sandra McCormick
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McDonald
Mr. Jerry McGlothen
Mr. and Mrs. William J. McGraw III
Mrs. Robin Medrano
Mr. and Mrs. George Meeker
Mrs. Margaret Menker
Mrs. Bernice Michael
Ms. Jennifer Miller
Ms. Lori Miller
Mrs. Peg Minnich
Ms. Suzanne Moran
Mrs. Tracy Moser
Mrs. Ann M. Moyer
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Neuenschwander
Mohan R. Nuthakki, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Oda
Ms. Kathleen Oda
Mrs. Debra Padgett
Mrs. Janelle Palmer
Ms. Barbara Patton
Ms. Connie Peake
Ms. Judy Pfister
Ms. Leanna Purkeypile
Mrs. Lori Pyers
Mrs. Betty Reardon
Ms. Brianne Reed
Mrs. Jean Reed
Ms. Jeannine Reed
Ms. Barbara Reiss
Mrs. Nancy Rethman
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Retterbush
Mrs. Beverly Rice
Mrs. Kay Rickey
Mr. Mark Riegel
Amie Rinaldi, PA-C
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ristoff
Mrs. Jacqui Rose
Mrs. Dianne Ruhenkamp
Mr. and Mrs. Larry P. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. William Salsbury
Mr. James Sarver
Mr. and Mrs. James Scarbrough
Ms. Peggy Schmiesing
Ms. Renee’ Schmitz
Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz
Mrs. Melinda A. Schultz
Ms. Sharon Schwanitz
Ms. Elizabeth Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Scott, Jr.
Dr. Reginald Sequeira
Mr. Melvin Shane
Mrs. Judith Shawler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shepherd
Ms. Jodi Shimp
Mrs. Linda Shinkle
Mrs. Doris Sloan
Mr. and Mrs. Don M. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Snider
Mrs. Judy Snyder
Ms. Cindy Southard
Mr. and Mrs. Steven K. Staley
Ms. D’Anna Stekli
Ms. Renee Subler
Sunset Cleaners
Ms. Sue Swisshelm
Mrs. Judy Taynor
The Home Depot Foundation
Mrs. Brenda Thornton
Trojan Florist
Underwood Photography
Unity National Bank
US Bank
UVMC Administration
UVPC Office Managers
Ms. Maggie Vent
Mrs. Dawn Voelkl
Wachovia Foundation
Mr. David Waibel
Ms. E. Kristine Walker
Ms. Elaine S. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Joel H. Walker
Wal-Mart Foundation
Ms. Rhonda Warren
Mr. Bill Watercutter
Ms. Susan Weaks
Mrs. Karen Weaver
Ms. Dawn Webb
Ms. S. Jane Webb
Paul W. Weber, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Wendeln
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wesner
Mr. Donald White
Mrs. Susan Wick
Ms. Cynthia Williams
Mrs. Darla Williams
Mrs. Anne Willis
Mrs. Janis Winner
Mr. & Mrs. D. Mark Wion
Mrs. Amanda Wolfe
Mr. Masafumi Yamano
Ms. Mary Zirkle
Keystone Club 2009
Ms. Diane Baker
Ms. Mary J. Brewer
Mrs. Dee Collins
Fifth Third Bank Center
Ms. Barbara Foster
Mrs. Bonnie Foster
HighTec Industrial Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robb F. Howell
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hurak
Mr. and Mrs. J. Herb Johnson
Ms. Beverly D. Johnston
Ms. Cindy Koenig
Mrs. Mary Lafferty
Dr. and Mrs. S. W. Lee
Ms. Pam Lyons
Meck Consulting LLC
Medical Mutual
Mrs. Melissa Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. James Mullen
Mr. Mark Parks
Mr. Jerry Peterman
Ms. Rachel Poling
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Price
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Rupp
Scarbrough Management Co., Inc.
Mrs. Kerri Shade
Mrs. Kim Stump
Ms. Julia Trotter
Wally Scherer Injured Drive Fund
Mrs. Diana Wiltheiss
Dr. Kenneth Yowell
Mrs. Julie Zalar
Pinnacle Society 2009
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford R. Alexander
ARC Abrasives Inc.
Brackett Builders
Mrs. Vi Das
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Disbrow
Eagles Auxiliary #3621
Edison Community College
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ernst
F & P America Manufacturing, Inc.
Findley Davies Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Fox
Fraternal Order of Eagles,
Ohio State Aerie
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. French
Mr. and Mrs. R. Douglas Haines
Mr. Scott J. Hinsch
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Link
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Lukens
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Maiberger
Ms. Emma L. McGraw
MidMark Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Murray
Dr. and Mrs. Peter E. Nims
OHA Fdtn. for Healthy Communities
Mr. and Mrs. Tony O’Neal
Mr. Tom Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Dorrell Polhamus
Premier Health Partners
Dr. and Mrs. Yagnesh Raval
Mrs. Rebecca Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Thom Robinson
Ms. Caroline E. Spencer
Mrs. Mary M. Steinhilber
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Stephens
Stouder Memorial Foundation
The Troy Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Tinkler
UVMC Auxiliary
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ray Wagoner
American Cancer Society
Mrs. Dee Collins
Dr. and Mrs. Santon H. Craig
Dr. and Mrs. James Daniel
Mrs. Vi Das
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Disbrow
F & P America Manufacturing, Inc.
Findley Davies Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. French
Mrs. James W. Goodall
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Grilliot
ITW Foundation Program
Mr. and Mrs. J. Herb Johnson
Mrs. Mary Lafferty
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Link
Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Loffer
Ms. Karen McGraw and
Mr. Tom Mathew
MidMark Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Murray
Mr. Tom Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Dorrell Polhamus
Mrs. Betty Reardon
Mrs. Rebecca Rice
Mr. and Mrs. James Scarbrough
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Snider
Stillwater Technologies, Inc.
Tipp City United Fund
Ms. Julia Trotter
Mr. Greg Vandegrift
Ms. Janell Vandegrift
Mr. and Mrs. Joel H. Walker
Gerard F. Wolf, M.D.
Ms. Jinx Beachler
and Mr. David Bidwell
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Disbrow
Edison Community College
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ernst
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. R. Douglas Haines
Mr. and Mrs. Randal Lennartz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Maiberger
Mr. and Mrs. William J. McGraw
Miami County Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Peter E. Nims
Premier Health Partners
Mr. and Mrs. John Reddy
Mr. and Mrs. Thom Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Rupp
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Schlemmer
The Troy Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Thompson
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Tinkler
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ray Wagoner
Founders Society
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford R. Alexander
Brackett Builders
Mrs. Mary E. Krebser
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Lukens
The McGraw Family Fund
of The Troy Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Meckstroth
Mr. and Mrs. Tony O’Neal
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Pence
Dr. and Mrs. Yagnesh Raval
Mr. John N. Reeber
Mr. George Sonneborn
Ms. Caroline E. Spencer
Ambassador Society
Mr. Griff Giinther
Mr. Scott Hinsch
Mrs. Jeannine Kennedy
OHA Fdtn. for Healthy Communities
Ms. Norma Smith
Mrs. Mary M. Steinhilber
UVMC Auxiliary
Visionary Society
Fraternal Order of Eagles,
Ohio State Aerie
Ms. Alice M. Reeder
Stouder Memorial Foundation
Mrs. Genevieve Taubman
Dr. and Mrs. E. R. Torrence
Tobacco Use Prevention
and Control Foundation
Legacy Society
Mary Rebecca Upton Allen
Nellie Bales
Helen and Mary Becker
Armotte Boyer
Dr. and Mrs. Santon H. Craig
Homer Cushwa
Lucile Daniel
Jacob Gearhard Dettmer
Alice Flege
Marie L. Frahn
Golda M. Galbreath
Griff Giinther
Frazier Hancock
Scott Hinsch
Sarah James
Mr. J. Herb Johnson
Emmet E. Kellenbarger
Jeannine Faust Kennedy
Louis O. Koester
Helen Kopf
Mary E. Krebser
Faye Kathleen Kunkel
Mary Lecklider
Oliver Lecklider
Ray and Rose Loffer
Niels and Ruth Lundgard
Ethel McDowell Lusk
Alfred C. McClung
J.W. Means
Josie M. Miller
Harry A. Moats
Charles Motter
Cynthia and Tony O’Neal
Owen Pearson
Dr. Yagnesh and Vandna Raval
John N. Reeber
John and Susanne Reddy
Ms. Alice M. Reeder
Richard and Elaine Rupp
Louise Sanzenbacher
Mr. and Mrs. James Scarbrough
John Sheets
Norma Smith
George Sonneborn
Iola Boyer Spayd
Caroline E. Spencer
Jack Steinhilber, MD
A.G. Stouder
Genevieve A. Taubman
Julia Ball Thayer
Dr. E.R. and Eleanor Torrence
Mr. Greg Vandegrift
Ms. Janell Vandegrift
Opal R. Voorhis
Dr. William and Miriam Weis
Garret White
David M. Whitmore
Gerald F. Wolf, MD
Silver Circle
American Red Cross
Andy’s Garden Center
Applebee’s Restaurant
Arbogast Dealership
Atlantis Sportswear
Ms. Margaret Attenweiler
Mrs. Rebecca Ayers
Ms. Barbara J. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Baird
Ms. Diane Baker
Ms. Katherine Baker
Ms. Florence Baker
Mrs. Lisa Baker
Ms. Alissa Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Bazler
Ms. Tina Beamish
Ms. Linda Beaver
Mrs. Victoria Beckstedt
Mrs. Jo Belcher
Ms. Diane Bemus
Mrs. Ann Bergman
Bethel United Methodist Church
Ms. Tonya Bidle
Ms. Nellie Bingham
Mrs. Faith Black
Ms. Karmyn Blackford
Mrs. Sarah Blakley
Ms. Sue Blumenstock
Bob Evans
Ms. Deborah Boegel
Mr. Steve Bowles
Ms. Collette Bratcher
Kimberly Braun, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean K. Bredeson
Mr. Carl E. Brokaw
Mr. Leon Brown
Mrs. Lula Jane Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brumbaugh
Ms. Cindy Bruner
Buffalo Jacks
Mrs. Susan Bullard
Bullies Bar & Grill
Mrs. Jean Burner
Mrs. Dianna Burner
Mr. Dennis Butchko
Mr. Harold B. Caldwell
Ms. Cecelia Caldwell
Chris Capparelli
Ms. Bonita Carpenter
Cassano’s Pizza and Subs
Mrs. Wendy Castaldo
Mrs. Christine Cautin
Ms. Corinne Chapman
Mrs. Toni Cheney
Mrs. Martha Chipley
Ms. Tamara Christian
Ms. Sally Christy
Ms. Louise Church
Cinemark Miami Valley Theatre
Ms. Margaret Cizadlo
Mrs. Michelle Coates
Ms. Bonnie Cody
Mrs. Dee Collins
Mrs. Caterina Comer
Comfort Inn
Ms. Karen R. Cook
Mrs. Karla Cool
Ms. Dawn Copeland
Mrs. Tracy Cordonnier
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Culp
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis
Mr. Bob Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael DeColgyll
Ms. Tarlesa Delcamp
Mrs. Pamela DeLoye
Ms. Cynthia Delwiche
Dennie’s Seafood and Specialities
Mrs. Marilyn Dennings
Ms. Trudy Derryberry
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dickerson
Ms. Candice Dielman
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Dixon
Mrs. Melody Doepel
Mrs. Irene Dunton
Mrs. Jeanne Earick
Ms. Karen Ebersole
Edison Community College
Mrs. Gretchen Eilerman
Mrs. Rebecca Elifritz
Ms. Julie Epperson
Ernst and Young
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ernst
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Erwin
Ms. Lola L. Eshman
Mr. and Mrs. Jack F. Evans
Barbara Evert, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ewald
F & P America Manufacturing, Inc.
Ms. Deborah Fahnestock
Fairfield Inn
Family Video
Family Movie Video Club
Ms. Sheree Fannin
Ms. Rebecca Farley
Ms. Wendy Farmer
Ms. Angela Fields
Findley Davies Inc.
Ms. Christina Fischer
Mrs. Robin Fisher
Ms. Jacquelyn Fletcher
Richard N. Flinn D.V.M.
Ms. Peggy Follrod
Ms. Flavia Fonner
Ms. Barbara Foster
Mrs. Linda Franck
Ms. Sandra Frantz
Mr. Kenneth Franz
Ms. Bonnie Freeman
Ms. Joan Freidet
Mrs. Ina French
Mr. and Mrs. John Frigge
Mrs. Terry Fry
Galbreath GMAC Real Estate
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ganley
Garbig Blinn LLC
Garbry Ridge Assisted Living
Genell’s Flowers
Ms. Natalie Gillespie-Reed
Ms. Melissa Gilliland
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Gire
Mrs. James W. Goodall
Ms. Lori Gover
Ms. Tina Green
Mr. and Mrs. Don Grieshop
Ms. Benita Griffieth
Ms. Mary Catherine Grimes
Ms. Jill Grimes
Mrs. Teri Gulker
Mr. Joseph Gulker
Ms. Tracy Gunnerman
Ms. Connie Gwisdala
Ms. Margaret Haas
Mr. Thomas J. Hagan
Hale – Sarver Funeral Home
Ms. Barbara Hanahan
Mrs. Peg M. Hance
Harris Jewelers
Mr. and Mrs. David Harrison
Mr. James R. Hartland
Ms. Lynda Hatcher
Ms. Joann Hausser
Mrs. Sandra Heckler
Mrs. Mary Heft
Ms. Kelli Heins
Ms. Elizabeth Helke
Ms. Patricia Helman
Ms. Joyce Helmer
Ms. Shirley Herron
Ms. Marsha S. Hess
Ms. Melissa S. Hicks
Highmarks Restaurant
Mr. Scott J. Hinsch
Mrs. Dilsie Hoblit
Ms. Betty Hoffa
Mrs. Rebecca Hogberg
Mrs. Connie Holden
Mrs. Velma Holdheide
Mr. Donald Holtgreven
Ms. Pamela Homan
Ms. Amy Hoover
Mrs. Barbara Huff
Mrs. Irene Huntzinger
Mr. Richard Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jackson
Ms. Sherry Jacquemin
Ms. Marie Jay
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Jenkins
John Gray Awards Co.
Ms. Angela Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. J. Herb Johnson
Ms. Beverly D. Johnston
Ms. Kathleen Jones
Ms. Lori Jones
Mrs. Sue Jones
Mrs. Pat A. Jordan
Ms. Tamara Justice
Mr. James Kaiser
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Kappers
Mrs. Mary K. Kelly
Ms. Beth Kesler
Dr. and Mrs. Glenn P. Kiefer
Ms. Janice Kiefer
Ms. Deb Killian
Ms. Tina King
Ms. Anna E. Kinsey
Mr. Jeff Kirk
Mrs. Vickie Kirk
Mrs. Terri Kiser
Mr. Robert L. Klosterman
Ms. Cindy Koenig
Ms. Lisa M. Kohne-Gaier
Mrs. Regina Kraus
Mrs. Mary E. Krebser
Kroger Co.
Ms. Jamie Krull
Ms. Ruth A. Kuntz
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kyle
Mrs. Mary Lafferty
Ms. Laureen Laffey-Yingst
Ms. Anita Lamka
LaPiazza Pasta & Grill
Mrs. Jo Anne Larson
Ms. Gail Laufer
Ms. Brenda Laughman
Ms. Tamara Lavey
Ms. Lisa Lea
Mr. and Mrs. Levan
Ms. Susan Levorchick
Ms. Kathy Lewis
Mrs. Jennifer Liette
Ms. Pamela Linderson
Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Loffer
Ms. Melissa Long
Ms. Alicia Love
Ms. Janet Low
Ms. Stacie Lyman
Ms. Joyce Maga
MainSource Bank
Ms. Joan Manning
Ms. Cheryl Marker
Mrs. Michele Marshall
Mr. John Marshall
Mrs. Joann Martin
Mrs. Donna Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Don J. Massa
Ms. Teresa Maxson
Ms. Sandra McCormick
Mr. Dennis McDaniel
Ms. Kathy McGillvary
Mr. Jerry McGlothen
Ms. Karen McGraw and
Mr. Tom Mathew
Ms. Leah McIntosh
Ms. Katie McKee
Ms. Linda M. McNutt
J.W. Means
Mrs. Christi Melling
Ms. Dinah Merrill
Mrs. Marjorie Meyer
Miami Valley Center Mall
Mrs. Bernice Michael
MidMark Foundation
Silver Circle (cont’d)
Rasa Miller M.D.
Ms. Cathy Minkner
Ms. Beth Mitchell
Mrs. Melissa Mitchell
Ms. Memory Moore
Ms. Elizabeth Morlidge
Mr. and Mrs. Jan Mottinger
Valeriy Moysaenko, M.D.
Mullen’s Firestone
Ms. Charlotte Murdock
Murray, Wells, Wendeln & Robinson
Mrs. Martha Negley
Mrs. Patricia Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Neuenschwander
Mr. & Mrs. A. Neves
Ms. Debra Newman
Ms. Laverne Niessner
Ms. Kay Nix
Ms. Mary L. O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Oda
OHA Fdtn. for Healthy Communities
Outback Steakhouse
Ms. Judith Overholser
Ms. Mary L. Owen
Ms. Joyce Parin
Ms. Julie Parker
Ms. Robyn Peltier
Mrs. Carol J. Penny
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Penrod
Mrs. Doris S. Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Phillips
Mrs. Jean Phillips
Piqua Express Care
Ms. Beverly Plantz
Ms. Erian Plantz
Ms. Christine Poland
Mr. and Mrs. Dorrell Polhamus
Ms. Rachel Poling
Ms. Debbie Puckett
Ms. Karen Queen
Ms. Patricia Ragan
Mr. and Mrs. John Rasor
Readmore Hallmark
Mrs. Betty Reardon
Ms. Kimberly Redick
Mr. John N. Reeber
Ms. Jeannine Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reed
Mrs. Marcia Reed
Mrs. Barbara Rench
Mrs. Nancy Rethman
Sherri Reynolds
Mr. Timothy Rice
Mr. Mark Riegel
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ristoff
Ms. Lori Robinson
Mrs. Betty Z. Rose
Ms. Mary L. Salb
Mr. and Mrs. William Salsbury
Scarbrough Management Co., Inc.
Ms. Carol Schaefer
Ms. Barbara Schemmel
Mr. Rick Scherer
Ms. Julie Schneider
Ms. Diane Schulze
Ms. Elizabeth Schwartz
Ms. Beth Sehlhorst
Mrs. Kerri Shade
Ms. Melissa Shaffer
Mrs. Sandy Shawler
Sigma Marketing and Publishing
Ms. Beth Simons
Mrs. Jackie Smallenbarger
Mrs. Kathleen J. Smith
Ms. Rita Smith
Mrs. Judy Snyder
Ms. Cindy Southard
Nicholas R. Spagnola, M.D.
Special Effects Salon & Day Spa
Ms. Caroline E. Spencer
Ms. Donna Spitzer
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Spraggs
Mrs. Mary J. Stacy
Ms. Tracy Steinbrunner
Drs. Andrew and Soraya Steinhilber
Mrs. Marcia Stengel
Mrs. Debra Stoner
Ms. Stephanie Stoner
Ms. Renee Subler
Summit Insurance Co.
Sunset Cleaners
Ms. Sue Swisshelm
Taggarts Mediterranean Grill
Mrs. Julia Terry
The Inn at Versailles
Mrs. Brenda Thornton
Mrs. Mary A. Timmerman
Mrs. Colleen Timms
Mrs. Pamela Tishaus
Ms. Elaine Towson
Ms. Lyndel Trissell
Mr. Robert Tweed
Underwood Photography
Unity National Bank
Mrs. Jane Urlage
UVMC Board of Directors
Mrs. Georgina Van Hoose
Ms. Kimberly Van Tine-Tibbitts
Ms. Maggie Vent
Mr. Joel Via
Mrs. Rita Vickers
The Village Scribe
Mr. Timothy Wagner
Ms. Carenina Waite
Ms. Elaine S. Walker
Ms. E. Kristine Walker
Mrs. Brenda Walters
Ms. Kay Ward
Ms. Allison K. Watkins
Ms. Carol Weaver
Mrs. Karen Weaver
Ms. Dawn Webb
Paul W. Weber, M.D.
Ms. Judy Welborn
Mr. Daniel Welty
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Wendeln
Ms. Angie Wenrick
Ms. Teresa Werts
Ms. Angie Wheeler
Mr. Fred White
Ms. Lori Whitten
Mrs. Susan Wick
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Widener
Mrs. Anne Willis
Ms. Virginia Wilt
Ms. Robin Wong
Mr. Fred Wright
Mr. Norman Yahle
Mrs. Tami Yahle
Mrs. Diana Yantis
Ms. Patricia Young
Dr. Kenneth Yowell
Ms. Melissa Zickafoose
Gold Circle
Mr. and Mrs. Keith M. Achor
Mr. Stephen Adams
Ms. Karen Aleshire
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford R. Alexander
Ms. Mary Allen
Ms. Judy Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Apple
Ms. Anita Aycock
Mr. and Mrs. Luther L. Baden
Mrs. Margaret Bailey
Mrs. Lynnee’ Beculheimer
Mr. Thomas Bigley
Mrs. Darlene Bigony
Ms. Diane Birchfield
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blythe
Mrs. Kathryn Boerger
Mrs. Kay Borchers
Brackett Builders
Mrs. Sharon Brandt
Ms. Mary J. Brewer
Mrs. Bonnie Brown
Mrs. Nancy J. Brumbaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Bundschuh
Mr. Larry Cantrell
Mrs. Rita G. Carter
Mr. Marck Carter
Ms. Mary A. Chaney
Ms. Sarah Conover
Ms. Deborah Coons
Mrs. Pam Cornett
Ms. Regina Crow
Mrs. Jane E. Cullis
Dr. and Mrs. James Daniel
Mr. Joseph Daniels
Ms. Bambi Davis
Mrs. Beth DeBrosse
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Disbrow
El Sombero
Ms. Michele Elam
Mr. Ray Emberton
Faust, Harrelson, Fulker,
McCarthy & Schlemmer
Fifth Third Bank Center
Ms. Eva Fine
Ms. Brenda Fisher
Ms. Jennifer Foutz
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Fox
Fraternal Order of Eagles,
Ohio State Aerie
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. French
Ms. Jenna Geuy
Ms. Wanda Glenn
Ms. Diana Goettemoeller
Ms. Carletta Gritzmaker
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gutmann
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Haddad
Ms. Joan Hager
Mr. and Mrs. R. Douglas Haines
Mrs. Stephenie Haines
Ms. June Harellson
Mrs. Jean Heath
Ms. Geraldine Hill
Ms. Carla Hill
Mrs. Patricia Hornberger
Mr. and Mrs. Robb F. Howell
Ms. Vida A. Hoyng
Ms. Deborah Huelskamp
Mrs. Diane Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hurak
Ms. Linda Irvin
Mrs. Ruth Jenkins
Mrs. Sarah Jones
Mrs. Stephanie Kaiser
Ms. Robin Karn
Mrs. Karen Katzfey
Ms. Sandra Kerns
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kleptz
Mrs. Marci Langenkamp
Mrs. Jennifer LeDoux
Mrs. Charlene Lemerand
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Lennartz
Mrs. Ann Lins
Ms. Mary Jo Long
Ms. Constance Low
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Lukens
Mrs. Debra Macy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Maiberger
Ms. T. Jeanne Martin
Mr. and Mrs. William J. McGraw III
Ms. Claudia McGriff
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Meckstroth
Mrs. Robin Medrano
Meijer, Inc.
Mrs. Margaret Menker
Ms. Lori Miller
Mrs. Nancy Miller
Mrs. Tracy Moser
Mrs. Ann M. Moyer
Mrs. Delores Mullen
Dr. Peter E. Nims
Ms. Kathleen Oda
Mrs. Cynthia O’Neal
Ms. Amy Ostendorf
Ms. Bambi Owens
Mrs. Debra Padgett
Mr. Tom Parker
Mr. Mark Parks
Ms. Barbara Patton
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Penrod
Ms. Gail Peterson
Ms. Judy Pfister
Ms. Leisa Plank
Ms. Cynthia Plas
Mrs. Patti A. Prenger
Ms. Leanna Purkeypile
Mrs. Lori Pyers
Dr. and Mrs. Yagnesh Raval
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Reed
Reed Mote Staley Ins.
Ms. Shirley Rhoades
Mrs. Rebecca Rice
Mrs. Kay Rickey
Mr. and Mrs. Thom Robinson
Ms. Cathie Roegner
Mrs. Jacqui Rose
Mrs. Dianne Ruhenkamp
Mrs. Elaine Rupp
Mr. and Mrs. James Scarbrough
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Schlemmer
Ms. Peggy Schmiesing
Ms. Renee’ Schmitz
Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz
Mrs. Marsha Sedlak-Whiting
Mrs. Nancy Shane
Mrs. Judith Shawler
Gold Circle (cont’d)
Ms. Jodi Shimp
Mrs. Linda Shinkle
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shook
Mrs. Doris Sloan
Ms. Donna Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Snider
Mr. and Mrs. Steven K. Staley
Mrs. Mary M. Steinhilber
Stouder Memorial Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Straker
Mrs. Kim Stump
Mrs. Mary Sutton
Mrs. Judy Taynor
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Thompson
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Tinkler
Trojan Florist
UVMC Administration
UVMC Auxiliary
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ray Wagoner
Mr. and Mrs. Joel H. Walker
Ms. Dixie Warner
Ms. Rhonda Warren
Ms. Susan Weaks
Ms. S. Jane Webb
Ms. Cynthia Weikert
Ms. Carolyn Welborn
Mrs. Barbara Wheeler
Mr. Donald White
Mrs. Barbara Wilson
Mrs. Diana Wiltheiss
Mrs. Janis Winner
Mrs. Julie Zalar
Mrs. Dorothy A. Ziegler
Ms. Mary Zirkle
Duncans Donate Tulip Photographs
Two beautiful photographs
now grace the hospital
lobby. The tulips, planted
by Joe Duncan and
photographed by Gina
Duncan, are arranged in
a dyptich and brighten
the lobby. Thank you Joe
and Gina for your gift to
Help us Update
Moving? Name Change? Please
send your old address and your
new address, including zip code
and your preferred name changes,
to UVMC Foundation, 3130 N.
CR 25A, Troy, Ohio 45373.
Prefer no mail? You may make
the request to be removed from
our fundraising and contact lists by
sending your name and address and your request for “no mail”
to the UVMC Foundation,
3130 N. CR 25A, Troy, Ohio 45373.
UVMC Foundation Board
The Legacy Letter is published
by the UVMC Foundation.
The UVMC Foundation is a notfor-profit foundation benefiting
the Upper Valley Medical Center
health system and the
Kathleen Scarbrough
Executive Director
UVMC Foundation
3130 N. CR 25A
Troy, OH 45373
(937) 440-7541
President Vic Caven
Past President Lolita Schultz
Vice President Robert C. Johnston
Secretary June Kyle
Treasurer William J. McGraw III
Cliff Alexander
Craig Bundschuh
Doug Burchfield
Mimi Crawford
Arthur R. Disbrow
Brian Dugan
Beth Earhart
John F. Evans
Eva Fine
Michael Gutmann
Scott J. Hinsch
Ruth Jenkins
William Lukens
Larry Ryan
Michael Tinkler, D.D.S.
W. Ray Wagoner