תושדח Inside the Academy - Hebrew Academy of Cleveland


תושדח Inside the Academy - Hebrew Academy of Cleveland
‫חדשות‬: Inside the Academy
May 20, 2016 | ‫פרשת אמור | י''ב אייר תשע''ו‬
Educationally Speaking
Rabbi Simcha Dessler, Educational Director
Upcoming Events
MAY 26
Lag BaOmer
Regular Schedule for all Divisions
Yavne students - all day trip
Yeshiva High School program
(see attached flier)
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MAY 30
Memorial Day
Boys Divisions Only
Regular Start - Noon dismissal
Boys Jr. High - 12:30 dismissal
YHS - 2:15 dismissal
• • • • • •
“It’s not fair! Everyone else is allowed to…” How often have we heard this complaint from our
Children have minds of their own and when their requests are denied by a parent or guardian the
trump card of “everyone else” (the natural rebuttal employed in their own defense) is quickly
dealt. In the child’s mind “everyone else” represents the largest and most diverse group on earth.
Parents often seek advice in how to say “No” when their child is confronted with peer pressure.
When others might seem permissive, it is difficult to tell a child to swim against the tide. How can
parents deny their child the opportunities his neighbors take pleasure in, or the freedom his
friends enjoy?
It is perfectly healthy (and essential) for children to be taught to adhere to the specific guidelines
set by their parents, and to abide by the rules established in their homes. Each family has its
particular code of conduct; no two families are exactly alike. One neighbor may allow his children
to cross the street at a young age; another parent may allow a later curfew for his teenagers; and
yet a third parent might be uncomfortably liberal with regard to kashrus standards, media influence, electronic devices, and so on.
Our message to our children—that something acceptable in a friend’s home is not acceptable in
ours—should be clear and consistent, and explained with love and logic. The “everyone else”
factor is simply not operant. Parents should feel comfortable knowing that their ability to say “No”
provides their children with the confidence to exercise caution and good judgment in the future—
to be able to say “No” internalizes a strong lesson in self-control that is essential for a successful
This week’s parsha underscores the need for parents to instruct their children in situations where
the customs, expectations or rules differ from their own—all the way back to Biblical times.
Parshas Emor begins with the seemingly redundant Divine mandate to Moshe Rabbeinu (21:1),
“Say to the kohanim… and tell them that no one is to contaminate himself.” Rashi explains that
the redundancy found in this phrase—emor v’amarta—is a special directive to adult kohanim regarding the instruction of their children. But why was this double expression directed to the kohanim, to the exclusion of everyone else?
Rabbi Zalman Sorotzkin, zt”l, the Lutzker Rav, writes that kohanim had a special obligation to
teach their children the laws of ritual purity, laws that apply specifically to the kohen. When a
young kohen witnesses his peers neglecting these laws he is filled with doubt and indecision.
Thus, the educational process of young kohanim required significantly more effort and supervision. They are to be taught and explained that due to their greater sanctity they must adhere to a
higher standard of behavior, one that is indeed different from that of their non-priestly peers. It is
the obligation of parents to impart this message.
Like everything else in our lives, how to deal with the “everyone else” factor can also be found in
the Torah and was addressed thousands of years ago!
Have a wonderful Shabbos!
Yeshiva High School
Although the Sunday snow prevented the scheduled cleanup of the Lansing Cemetery from
taking place, a group of talmidim from the eighth grade made their way to the bais olam to
ensure a minyan at the kever of Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Katz, zt”l, founding principal of Yavne High
School. The group was joined by Rabbi Avraham Katz, menahel of Yeshiva Gedolah Zichron
Shmayahu of Toronto, who was in town for his father’s yahrzeit. Rabbi Katz spoke about his
father’s tremendous ahavas Yisrael and how he went out of his way to help every Jew. He
thanked the talmidim for making the effort to come and stressed the importance of doing chessed shel emes with the previous
generations. After being mispallel at Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Katz’s kever, the talmidim were given the opportunity to daven at their
own grandparents’ kevarim. The talmidim were very moved and the experience reinforced their connection to the previous
Earlier in the day, Rabbi Avraham Katz spoke to all the talmidim following davening in Yeshiva. Rabbi Katz cited the Sefer
Hachinuch who explains why we count sefiras haomer. The acceptance of the Torah at Har Sinai was an event that Klal Yisroel eagerly awaited and one that we re-experience every year. It is natural for one who is excited to express that excitement
by counting towards the event. Rabbi Katz stressed how important it is for every individual to continuously experience that
excitement and appreciate the ability to learn Torah and do mitzvos.
It is hard to believe but this week marked the last week of the year that the junior high division visited the elderly of our community at Menorah Park. Besides for the opportunity to honor and bring simcha to the residents, these visits create an appreciation for the previous generation and all that they endured and what we need to be thankful to them for. The Yeshiva would
like to thank Mrs. Suri Goldman for her hard work that makes this program come together and for next year’s plans which is
already in the works.
Mazel tov to Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Fleksher on Levi Yitzchok’s bar-mitzvah. Mazal to Mrs. Rivka Goldstein on the occasion of
Mendel putting on tefilin. Mazal to Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Koval and the entire Koval mishpacha on the occasion of Yosef putting on tefilin. May they all have much nachas.
Yeshiva Ketana
Mazel tov to our third grade talmidim on their Siyum on Sefer Bereishis which took place this past Sunday morning. All of
the boys recited a short dvar Torah and each boy was assigned a shevet from Birkas Yaakov about which they made a
project. Thank you to Rabbi Avrohom Matitia and Rabbi Avrohom Muken, our wonderful third grade Rebbeim, for all of
their expertise and dedication to their talmidim. Parents, grandparents and siblings were very proud to attend this milestone event. Following the divrei Torah and awarding of milim mastery awards in the auditorium, everyone had refreshments in the dining room while viewing the creative projects which the boys had made. The boys have already begun
learning Sefer Shemos which they will continue learning throughout fourth grade next year and part of fifth grade. May
they continue to give us all much nachas!
Last week, the Yeshiva Ketana was treated to a premiere showing of a video which was written, produced, directed and
starring our sixth grade boys. With a theme of “v’ahavta l’raiecha kamocha”, the video told the story of Kamtza and Bar
Kamtza in today’s world as well as in the past. The story content, scenery, backdrops
and costumes were so realistic and added a lot to the authenticity of the video. Kudos to
Shmuel Marazov, Mendy Greenberg and Shlomo Davidovich for their hard work in making this very creative and successful video and kudos to the very amazing actors in the
sixth grade!
The Yeshiva Ketana had a surprise guest this week when nationally renowned children's entertainer, Rebbe Hill, came to entertain us with his wonderful stories to the
delight of all of the boys.
M AY 20, 2016
Girls Elementary Division
The entire division was treated to a world class performance by Rebbe Hill. In his unique way, he entertained
and educated our students at the same time. His message was extremely apropos to the Sefiras HaOmer
season; each yiddishe neshama is equally valued by Hashem and we must be very careful not to harm or hurt
Avigayil Stelzer, a fifth grade student, was our on-site reporter for this awesome event. This past Tuesday,
all the students in grades 3-6 who completed the Turn off Media/Turn on Life program were rewarded with
a two hour fun-filled ride on a cruise ship named Goodtime III. The students were treated to an amazing
performance by a Guinness World Record winning illusionist! After that, the students ate a delicious lunch
and ice cream dessert . Thank you to Rabbi Lichtenstein for organizing and directing this wonderful
program and for making this opportunity possible. Mazel tov to all our students who displayed enormous
self-control and participated in the program!
Yavne High School
$5! $10! $15! Going once! Going Twice! Sold! Our annual teacher's auction was held last Friday and the
girls had a great time bidding on prizes offered by our dedicated teachers! Treats, outdoor learning and
shalosh seudos are just a sampling of some of the great prizes the girls won! The money raised will go
towards our G.O. Extra Curricular activities including our Lag B'Omer trip and closing banquet.
On Wednesday, the girls were surprised with details about our upcoming trip in honor of Lag B'Omer.
Camp YHS was in full swing with tents, mini hot dogs and a bonfire announcing the scenic Camp Hoover
as our destination!
The G.O. Jr. broke out their new theme, Hislavus doing things with your whole heart. Each class has a
bracha achrona room-chart in their class. When the chart is full, they will be rewarded with a party. So far,
Mrs. Gibber’s 7th graders filled up their chart and earned a brachos party. We are waiting for more classes
to fill up their charts. There is an ”Amen” bucket in our Jr. High hallway and we are waiting to see how
many “Amens” we can accumulate. Stay tuned for the grand total next week …
There is still so much in store for our students even as the end of the year inches closer!
Mishpacha Magazine
There are four more weeks of Mishpacha magazine for this school year. If you would like to subscribe in the
summer, please email [email protected] with “summer subscription” in the subject line. The cost for the ten
week subscription is $39.
M AY 2 0 , 2 0 1 6
General Studies Division
Boys Ohio State Fair
The annual 4 grade boys Ohio State
Fair was a wonderful success. The
boys showed their creative talents
through researching many aspects of
Ohio. Some of the topics include
transportation, early
famous inventors,
former presidents, Indian tribes of Ohio, and many other topics. The boys put a
lot of energy into their research projects. Thank you to
Mrs. Kazdin and Mrs. Forsythe for preparing the boys for
this task.
Classroom CloseClose-up Curriculum Coaches
Over the year, the Math and Literacy Coaches have been
helping the teachers make changes in their teaching
practices. This included providing teachers with valuable
resources that they can use in their classrooms, modeling
strategies, and conferring with teachers. The coaches
have also helped teachers to create and implement
centers, differentiate instruction, and incorporate multisensory strategies to enhance student learning.
Literacy Coach
The five critical areas of reading include: Phonemic
Awareness, Phonics, Vocabulary Development, Reading
Fluency, and Reading Comprehension. Integrating research based reading strategies into the curriculum was a
main focus for this year. Using literacy centers in the
classroom is just one example of the researched based
strategies that was used. Not only do centers allow for
students to practice, extend, and enhance their learning,
but they allow for teachers to observe, assess, and work
with students individually and in small groups when need-
ed. Mrs. Goetz assisted teachers in
implementing these centers, developing activities that were used in centers, and differentiating instruction based on student needs.
Throughout the year, Mrs. Goetz works with teachers
providing training, support, and resources that aligned
with this program. Next year, second grade will implement Fundations which will allow for students to extend
their knowledge of the English language and complete
the program. This will provide students with a solid phonics base and help to reduce reading and spelling failure.
Fundations make learning to read fun while providing
students with the foundation for life-long literacy success.
The process of updating our reading curriculum also began this year and we have selected the Journey’s Series
for grades K-6. Teachers will begin receiving training and
materials this summer in preparation for next school
Math Coach
How did you get that answer? Use pictures, numbers or
words to explain your thinking. Explain why you agree/
disagree. One of the changes in many math classes is
the incorporation of phrases like these. Mathematics is
not just about getting a correct answer, but also being
able to reason with numbers, problem solve, be flexible in
using strategies, analyze evidence, and communicate
and justify the strategies used to get the answer.
Asking questions like How would you solve this problem? or Why did you decide to add instead of subtract? facilitates thinking, encourages more active engagement and provides an environment of sharing ideas
and strategies.
M AY 20, 2016
General Studies Division (continued)
Over the course of the year, Mrs. Soclof has been working with a number of math teachers to help them not only
align their teaching with the Common Core State Standards, but also to coach them to incorporate researchedbased teaching techniques that encourage the students
to use the Standards for Mathematical Practice, which
describe a variety of practices that mathematicians often
use. Some of these practices include persevering when
faced with a difficult problem, critiquing the reasoning of
others, modeling thoughts and strategies with mathematics, using manipulatives and math tools appropriately,
and finding patterns and structure in our number system.
Mrs. Soclof has also been working with the teachers on
pacing of the curriculum. They are in the process of developing a pacing guide to help ensure that all the students have enough time to learn the skills and concepts
they need in their grade level.
Early Childhood Division
This week there was much excitement in the air. Our
four four year old classes all completed learning the
aleph-bais and gathered in the girls’ lunchroom for an
aleph-bais siyum. Each class made a unique crown and
necklace. Each class had a turn to sing the aleph-bais
in a different tune. Then the moros called out each letter and those children whose name began with that letter stood on their chairs and everyone clapped. Morah
Tikvah joined the festivities and gave the children a bracha that they should continue to learn and do many
mitzvos and grow up to be big tzadikim. Each child then
received a bowl of ice cream with chocolate chips and
sprinkles. We are so proud of our fours for showing
such achdus. These siyumim used to take place in
each classroom, but everyone loved being together for
this great accomplishment and celebration! May our
children continue on their road to being enthusiastic lifelong learners.
Stop Drop
There was
a big black
w a v i n g
re p re se nting smoke.
All the children took turns to stop, then drop, and then
roll under the blanket. Finally each child had a turn to
go inside a fire truck and to look at an ambulance. The
fire department then gave everyone a special coloring
book. Not only were the members of the fire department welcoming and able to interact with young children
but our preschool made a huge Kiddush Hashem because of the cooperative behavior of our threes.
Many of our classes received containers filled with
about 5 small caterpillars. They fed them and watched
them grow, finally forming a chrysalis. The children are
so excited to be able to observe this process and are
waiting impatiently to see what emerges from the chrysalis.
Our four year olds have begun focusing on their year
end “gradation,” singing songs and going up on stage.
Everyone is so thrilled to be able to graduate to kindergarten.
All of our three year old classes went to the Cleveland
Heights Fire station on Tuesday. The children made fire
hats in their classrooms and, when they arrived at the
fire station they were greeted by a woman who sat them
down and read a book about fire safety. They were taken on a tour of the facilities and saw where the firefighters eat and sleep. They then were taught the fire proce-
Currently each of our age groups, twos, threes, and
fours are very close to being full for the coming year. If
you haven’t as yet given in your registration paperwork,
please do so on Monday to ensure a slot for your child
for the coming year. If you know anybody who wants to
enroll their child, please pass this message to them.
We may need to close classes in the near future, a first
for our preschool. We are looking forward to having
over 200 children for the coming year, ‫אי“ה‬.
M AY 20, 2016
Media Awareness Program
Another successful program has concluded this week with a deluxe
cruise trip for the students in grades 3-12 who participated in this
year’s media awareness program. A huge thank you to Rabbi Binyonmin Lichtenstein for organizing the program and coordinating
the exciting trip. Thank you to the Rabbeim and Moros who accompanied our students. It is gratifying to think about the accomplishments of our children who made the effort to limit their media
activity for the six week period… yasher koach!
HAC Chinese Auction 2016
Congratulations to all of our Chinese Auction Winners!!!
Here are some of the big winners from last week’s auction:
Grand Prize - Mr. & Mrs. Nati Klein; Split the Pot - Mr. &
Mrs. Gavriel Septon; Breathtaking Silver – Mrs. Devora
Zilber; Stunning Sheitel – Mrs. Ilana Tennenbaum;
Scholarly Pursuit – Mrs. Monica Goldstein;
Tefillin –
Mrs. Devora Zilber;
Illustrated Masterpiece – Bertram
Family; A New Look for You – Mrs. Idy Berkovic
Special thanks to our many volunteers under the capable
direction of Mrs. Tzippy Kiss and Mrs. Rachelle Shawel:
Mrs. Lisa Adler, Mrs. Noki Baskin, Mrs. Favia Becker,
Mrs. Chani Berner, Mrs. Miriam Boaz, Mrs. Jessica Bonert, Mrs. Goldy Bookman, Miss Leah Clements, Miss Sarah Clements, Mrs. Chavie Cohen, Mrs. Chani Cohn,
Mrs. Deena Davidovich, Mrs. Esther Hindy Dessler, Mrs.
Sara Farkas, Mrs. Aliza Feldman, Mrs. Rivky Fertel, Mrs.
Rochel Fine, Mrs. Dahlen Firestone, Mrs. Batsheva
Frankel, Mrs. Rivky Friedman, Mrs. Yaffa Geller, Mrs.
Milana Gofman (and daughters) Mrs. Shana Goldberg,
Mrs. Serach Goldish, Mrs. Becky Goldzweig, Mrs. Ranya
Greenberger, Mrs. Bassy Gutman, Miss Tammy Gutman,
Mrs. Sydney Harris, Mrs. Kayla Heifetz, Mrs. Selma Hellman, Mrs. Chanie Hoffman, Mrs. Henny Horowitz, Mrs.
Shany Joseph, Mrs. Beth Kaliff, Mrs. Michele Kaplan,
Mrs. Shoshana Kaye, Mrs. Chany Klein, Mrs. Shalva
Klein, Mrs. Aliza Koyfman, Mrs. Nechama Kutner, Mrs.
Basya Labinsky, Mrs. Miriam Langsner, Mrs. Julie
Leeson, Mrs. Tamara Lempel, Mrs. Nechama Lieberman,
Dr. Robyn Lovinger, Mrs. Chana Mahalli, Miss Tzippy
Mahalli, Mrs. Dasi Malcmacher, Mrs. Michal Malka, Mrs.
Inna Manevich, Mrs. Miriam Margulies, Mrs. Edith Matitia,
Mrs. Chavi Matitia, Mrs. Adina Muskal, Mrs. Malkie Neuman, Miss Tzippy Neuman, Mrs. Rivky Olgin, Mrs. Bati
Perl, Mrs. Elana Pollack, Mrs. Frumi Pollack, Mrs. Devorah Pollak, Mrs. Tammy Post, Mrs. Leah Raher, Mrs. Rashidi, Mrs. Dina Rossio, Mrs. Rivah Schlesinger, Mrs.
Debbie Schlesinger, Mrs. Davida Schultz, Mrs. Malky
Schwartz, Mrs. Leah Shifrin, Mrs. Rivki Silver, Mrs.
Shimona Stein, Mrs. Bracha Strauss, Miss Chani Vitebskiy, Mrs. Shoshana Vitebskiy, Mrs. Yocheved Weimer, Mrs. Sora Esther Weimer, Miss Basya Miriam Weimer, Mrs. Rivky Weiss, Mrs. Yehudis Weiss, Mrs. Yehudis Wilks, and Mrs. Jessica Zelikovich.
We apologize if we have inadvertently left out any names!
M AY 20, 2016
Condolences to
Mrs. Mary Ireland on the loss of her brother, Jacob Szluzer, ‫ז‘‘ל‬
‫המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים‬
Mazel Tov! !‫ מזל טוב‬Mazel Tov! !‫ מזל טוב‬Mazel Tov! !‫מזל טוב‬
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Fleksher on the bar mitzvah of Levi
Mr. & Mrs. Gershon Ireland on the birth of a grandson to Mr. & Mrs. Akiva Cooperman
Mr. & Mrs. Yisroel Mendenhall on the birth of a grandson to Mr. & Mrs. Zac Katz
Rabbi & Mrs. Shraga Weimer on the birth of a grandson to Mr. & Mrs. Mordechai Weimer
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Zuckerman on the birth of a grandson to Rabbi & Mrs. Avi Zuckerman
1 for $10
2 for $18
3 for $25
4 for $30
Tickets sold at all Hebrew Academy offices.
Checks can be made out to HAC. Please put
“Split the Pot” in the memo line.
Feel free to split tickets with family and friends.
Tickets will also be sold at the bonfire.
Drawing to be held at the annual
Lag B’Omer Bonfire on My 26th
For questions call:
Proceeds to benefit the Yeshiva High School Student Council
Please enroll my child (ren) listed below in the Summer
Torah Enrichment Program for the 2016 Camp Season.
Name __________________________________
Grade (Completed) / (Age) ______ Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6
(please circle)
Date of Birth _____ / _____ / _____
School ________________________ Amount $ ___________
Name __________________________________
Grade (Completed) / (Age) ______ Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6
(please circle)
Date of Birth _____ / _____ / _____
School ________________________ Amount $ ___________
Name __________________________________
Grade (Completed) / (Age) ______ Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6
(please circle)
Date of Birth _____ / _____ / _____
School ________________________ Amount $ ___________
Name __________________________________
Grade (Completed) / (Age) ______ Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6
(please circle)
Date of Birth _____ / _____ / _____
School ________________________ Amount $ ___________
Total Amount Due $ _______ **
Parent / Guardian’s Name ____________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________ City ___________________ State ______ Zip _________
Home Phone # (_____) ___________ Cell Phone # (_____) __________ Bus. Phone # (_____) __________
If camper (s) will be residing with anyone other than parent during camp please provide:
Name ____________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________ City ___________________ State ______ Zip _________
Home Phone # (_____) ___________ Cell Phone # (_____) __________ Bus. Phone # (_____) __________
In the event reasonable attempts to contact me at ________________ or _________________ at _______________
(phone number)
(other parent or guardian)
(phone number)
have been unsuccessful, I hereby give my consent for the administration of medical treatment deemed necessary by
______________________________ , or in the event the designated preferred practitioner is not available, by
(preferred dentist . preferred doctor)
another licensed physician, and the transfer of the child to ___________________ or any hospital reasonably accessible.
(preferred hospital)
This authorization does not cover major surgery unless the medical opinions of two other licensed physicians, concurring in
the necessity for such surgery, are obtained prior to the performance of such surgery.
Any trip week must be accompanied by a non-trip week.
**All applications must be accompanied by (post-dated) checks or credit card information completed below. Overnight trip
fees must accompany the camp registration to reserve a seat. If the trip fee is not sent with the registration a space on the
bus can not be guaranteed.
**Registrations must be accompanied with payment,
post-dated checks, or credit card authorization. We regret
that we can not accept registration from those families
whose tuition balances are not resolved.
______________________ CVV ______ _______________
Credit Card Number (Discover, MasterCard, VISA)
Expiration Date
_________________________ _______________________
Name on card (Please PRINT)