Reading in unusual places!


Reading in unusual places!
Book Week where do you read competition
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All children in Main School and
Nursery were invited to bring in
photos of unusual places that they
had read. Some entries were very
dramatic and imaginative! . . . .
On Friday, the last day of Book Week, the entries
were judged by some of the Office staff, and book
tokens were awarded to children in each age group.
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Look at some of the funny places that we read . . . .
We read in the back of the car . . . . 30/12/2010
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. . . we read in the shower at the swimming pool . . .
. . . and another soggy place, we read in the bath! 30/12/2010
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. . . we read up a slide . . . 30/12/2010
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. . . we read under the table . . .
. . . we even read on the trampoline . . . 30/12/2010
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We read in the baby's playpen . . . 30/12/2010
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. . . we read on a bike . . .
. . . under a new extension in the house . . . .
. . . and several of us read up a tree! 30/12/2010
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And then there were the staff - they read in some very strange places . . . . . . . . . .
like Mrs Mara on a digger . . . 30/12/2010
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Mrs Keeley in a restaurant . . .
Mrs Taylor on the stairs . . . . 30/12/2010
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Mr Fitzsimons in a mess in his baby's bedroom . . . 30/12/2010
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Mrs Ableson on the back of a lorry . . .
Mrs Mara, Miss Purton and Mrs Ableson leaning on a lamppost . . . 30/12/2010
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. . . and who is this reading to a statue in Covent Garden? . . . . 30/12/2010
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Mrs Mara - who else?! 30/12/2010
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Well done to everybody who entered the
competition. Go and read anywhere you like it makes reading even more fun!
Click here to return to the main Book Week page. 30/12/2010
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Book Week where do you read competition
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