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JUNE 2016 W W W. C I Y. C O M #KWEngage Engage International trains students for a life of Kingdom work. TRAINING FOR A LIFE OF KINGDOM WORK STUDENTS JOINING ENGAGE ON INTERNATIONAL AND DOMESTIC TRIPS LEARN HOW TO ENGAGE OTHER CULTURES AND LIVE A LIFE OF KINGDOM WORK – EMBRACING SEVEN PRINCIPALS THAT GUIDE KINGDOM WORK THROUGH ACTIONS AND ATTITUDE. THE KINGDOM WORKER CONNECTION ANDY HANSEN PRESIDENT – CHRIST IN YOUTH EVERYBODY NEEDS JESUS ... “Everybody needs Jesus ... Everybody in the whole wide world ...” These words to the song “Everybody Needs Jesus” by Keith Lancaster rang in my mind earlier this year as I sat in a traffic jam in the city of Bangalore, India – a town of more than 5 million people. Bangalore is a city that students are flooding to – leaving their villages and homes in search of gaining jobs and a better existence in this booming technological sprawl. It’s overwhelming and mind-numbing to be in the middle of this mass of humanity. Yet in the midst of it, we visited with some of the humblest and most faithful brothers and sisters in Christ who are pouring out all they have to establish the Gospel within this region. In another section of India our team was greeted by hundreds of children who have either been raised in an orphanage or were studying at a special school to learn how to utilize their skills and abilities to spread the love of Jesus to desperately lost villages and towns. Flowers were thrown at us and placed around our necks, drums were beaten, children gleefully danced … and EVERYONE lined up patiently to shake our hands and look into our faces with gratefulness and delight. leading throughout the region (despite the threat of persecution, crushing poverty, disease and overwhelming social issues), my heart will not be the same. The joy and faithful dedication of the believers made the light of Jesus so bright in the midst of incredible darkness. My mind snaps back from that experience to the current buzz of activity, meetings, planning, creation and packing that is taking place at CIY headquarters. More than 60 summer staff will experience the blur of preparation, production and travel that makes up our summer events and trips. In an eight-week span, literally 45 events will be held across the U.S. with 40,000 students and youth workers in attendance. What potential for a movement of Kingdom workers! How I wish I had the time and space to explain in detail the daily theme of these events, the video production, the creative elements that will allow students to personally absorb the book of Ephesians and march out as agents for the Gospel. What’s more, our ministry will continue to train, testify and teach each attendee through digital video, teaching and challenges they’ll receive on their new CIY apps – reaching people for Christ across “the whole wide world.” After an incredible three days of observing the ministry of teaching, preaching, nursing, evangelism, child care, family services and more that the church is P.O. BOX B Joplin, MO 64802 (888) 765-4CIY ANDY HANSEN CIY President CONTRIBUTING CHRIS ROBERTS Editor & Designer Mark N. Photography GLENNA WATKINS Marketing Director Krystal Zawisza PHOTOGRAPHERS: Caleb Clarke To be added to the CIY mailing list, or to receive the Kingdom Worker Connection newsletter via email, please contact [email protected]. MOVE AIMS TO BRING UNITY TO KINGDOM WORKER MOVEMENT KINGDOM WORK IS THE HEARTBEAT OF CIY. THE MINISTRY’S MISSION IS TO AMPLIFY THE CALL OF CHRIST ON STUDENTS’ LIVES TO BE KINGDOM WORKERS. get excited to be a part of when we realize that God already loves us and sent Jesus to bring us life and save us from our sin. It’s an incredible invitation to see God work in their lives in amazing ways.” This summer, CIY MOVE will take a lazer-focus look at what it means to be a Kingdom worker. With Ephesians 2:10 as the Biblical basis of this year’s theme, MOVE will help students understand what it means when Paul says, “We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Over the course of a week of MOVE, students will pinpoint five key characteristics of a Kingdom worker – being LOVED by God, RESCUED by God, UNITED through His church, CHANGED and SENT to invite others to join in Kingdom work. Karnes said the experience during the Night 2 main session could be one of the more impactful moments of the week for many students. The evening’s session will focus on how Jesus rescues us. Students will have an opportunity that evening to send out a distress signal as a tangible way to acknowledge their sin and ask Jesus to rescue them. “God is the first Kingdom worker,” said Nate Karnes, MOVE director. “That’s essentially what Ephesians 2:1-9 says – He loves and rescues His people and then He invites them to be a part of what He is doing. He has Kingdom work prepared for us to walk in as we live in response to the life He gives us.” Karnes went on to say that Ephesians teaches us that the Kingdom work for which God has prepared us is not usually intended to be done alone – there’s a together-ness that God expects for effective Kingdom work to take place. God calls us to unity in the body, and reminds us that the work we do should result in being more connected to His church. “Kingdom work isn’t about trying to get God to love us,” Karnes said. “Kingdom work is something we “Sometimes it can be tough to admit you need help – to send out a signal that you’re in trouble and can’t save yourself,” Karnes said. “I can’t wait to see how the Lord meets students during Night 2.” Teaching from the word and amazing times of worship are big keys to a successful week of MOVE, but equally important is the small group time that takes place each day of the week. MOVE team members have worked hard this year at developing small group material unlike anything groups have seen in previous years at MOVE. Each small group experience this year will come in a packet that contains 10 cards – with each card having a different “assignment” that the person (student or adult) will be responsible for leading the group through. These vary from games to challenges to riddles to reading of scripture. “It’s always been our hope to get students interacting with the Word of God and with one another,” Karnes said. “This year, small group leaders will experience the lesson alongside their groups. Those who live and breathe small groups will love the interaction that doesn’t have to be forced.” One of those cards on Day 5 will be a nod to the familiar Kingdom Worker Card Challenges that happen during a week of MOVE. This year, Karnes said the challenge will be more of a group challenge and less of an individual challenge – with each group choosing a category of Kingdom work that they’d like to embrace after the event. Categories of challenges would include things such as sports, school, arts, medicine, and more. In the fall, each group will get a packet in the mail preparing them to participate in a new CIY event called Kingdom Worker Week (see sidebar). This will help groups from all over the country participate in a movement of Kingdom work at the exact same time, which will in turn reverberate the love of Christ throughout communities in ways that will leave a lasting impact. FAITH AND FUN A WEEK OF CIY MOVE IS FILLED WITH INTENTIONAL TIMES WITH GOD, AND MULTIPLE MOMENTS OF FUN WITH FRIENDS. KINGDOM WORKER WEEK Nov. 6-16, 2016 Since 2009, the Kingdom worker movement has spread from school campuses to basketball courts to bakeries and beyond. From big cities to country churches, Christians are following Jesus in Kingdom work. What’s Kingdom work? It’s using your talents and abilities to share the message of Christ. It’s taking whatever you do and doing it for the sake of the Gospel. When it comes to Kingdom work, the possibilities are endless. This November, Kingdom workers from around the world will come together to celebrate the good things God is doing through His people. CIY Æffect invites you to be a part of CIY’s first online event, Nov. 6-16, with Kingdom Worker Week. There are many ways to get involved no matter where you live. Join the conversation on social media, tune into live events, take part in video conferences with noted speakers and artists, and complete daily challenges that have the potential to make a difference in your life and community. This event looks to capture the spirit of Kingdom work – and the possibilities are endless. To get registered for the week, or to find out more information about how you and your youth group can become involved, visit KingdomWorkerWeek.com. MIX 2016 TOUR WILL FOCUS ON EXCITING WORK OF GOD’S KINGDOM WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A JR. HIGH STUDENT GETS THE OPPORTUNITY TO SIT AT A FULL DRUM KIT? AS SOON AS THEY GET THEIR HANDS ON THE DRUM STICKS, THEY START WHALING AWAY WITH UNFETTERED JOY. Jr. high ministry in the country. Familiar faces such as Heather Flies, Scott Rubin and Kurt Johnston will return to the stage, bringing insight into the challenge that God is putting before each and every Jr. high student. It’s that excitement and joy that MIX wants to tap into this summer as the program teaches Jr. high students that embracing Kingdom work is like joining God’s rhythm. A combination of drama and teaching will also be part of the week’s main sessions when the MIX actors take the stage. Joining Taylor Brown on stage this year will be Chrissy Miranda, Marcus Schaeffer and Mallory Jenkins – all of whom have performed as actors with MIX in the past. “If you imagine a drummer, they’re keeping count in their heads and applying years of practice – and they might even be breaking a sweat,” said Taylor Brown, MIX director. “They’re doing work. It’s not work like homework or mowing the yard on a Saturday. This is a work that calls us to action. It requires practice. But ultimately it’s an exciting work to join in with. We believe that God, when He calls us to be Kingdom workers, is essentially handing us a drumstick and saying, ‘Hey! Come along and play with what I’ve been playing with since the beginning of time.’” This year’s theme of “Kingdom Workers” will focus on Ephesians 1:3-4. Students will learn that God has chosen them – they aren’t here by mistake or accident. God has chosen them and has a plan for them … and that plan is to do the great act of Kingdom work. To help communicate that message, MIX is bringing back some of the best speakers for And worship leaders from all over the country will come together to create a MIX band this year, leading Jr. high students in some of the best times of worship they’ll ever experience. Capping everything off will be a handful of high-quality, CIY-produced videos and short-films that will speak directly to the Jr. high audience and inspire them to embrace a life of Kingdom work. Included in those videos is a daily teaching from Jeff Walling, one of the best speakers to Jr. high students in the country. “This year is going to be highly interactive, fun and engaging,” Brown said. “Students will be brought up on stage to jump on trampolines that make drum sounds, to loop their voices to create beats, and there might even be a 28-foot mountain in the Outer Realm this year.” MIX will also be traveling to three new locations this summer in New Mexico, Pennsylvania and Florida. Already more than 8,200 students and adult leaders have registered for this summer’s MIX program. Please join CIY in prayer for 1,000 of those students to make first-time decisions for Jesus. Also, please pray that every student who attends MIX would share the “rhythm of God” with someone who doesn’t know it. And finally, pray that each student would find one Godly adult who can teach them how to better play the rhythm of God. Each of these is a goal for the MIX team, and will become challenges for students toward the end of their week at MIX. The first week of MIX will take place June 5-9 in Forest Falls, CA. There are 13 individual events planned for this summer – including four weeks that will happen simultaneously with another week’s event in another part of the country. “Two simultaneous tours is always challenging logistically, but it’s also an exciting example of growth for the ministry of CIY and MIX,” Brown said. In fact, growing attendance numbers each year has led the MIX team to look at even more expansion opportunities in the future. Visit ciy.com/mix for more information about this year’s tour and any new events. JOINING GOD’S RHYTHM JR. HIGH STUDENTS ATTENDING A WEEK OF MIX IN 2016 WILL BE INVITED TO “JOIN GOD’S RHYTHM” AS THEY LEARN TO EMBRACE THE IDENTITY OF A KINGOM WORKER. THIS YEAR’S THEME OF “KINGDOM WORKERS” WILL USE THE BOOK OF EPHESIANS TO HELP STUDENTS UNDERSTAND THAT THEY’VE BEEN UNIQUELY AND WONDERFULLY MADE TO JOIN GOD IN THE AMAZING WORK HE’S DOING AROUND THE WORLD. THIS YEAR’S MIX STAGE AND TEACHING WILL FEATURE A LOT OF DRUMS AND DRUM IMAGERY – INCLUDING THE STAGE SETS AND ACTORS, AND THE TEACHING VIDEO THAT FEATURES JEFF WALLING (BELOW). DOMESTIC TRIPS TRAIN STUDENTS IN ‘IDENTITY’ AND ‘JUSTICE’ IT’S ONE THING TO GO ON A DOMESTIC MISSION TRIP AND SPEND ALL DAY DOING A SERVICE PROJECT AND FEELING GOOD ABOUT WHAT YOU’VE ACCOMPLISHED. A TRIP LIKE THAT CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE FOR A STUDENT, BUT IT DOESN’T ALWAYS LEAVE A LASTING, LIFE-CHANGING IMPACT. That’s why Engage Domestic trips are intentional about training students for a life of Kingdom work. “That means we’re trying to instill within students characteristics and traits that need to be true of them even now,” said Rachel Grindle, Engage Senior Director. “A domestic trip that trains students how to do Kingdom work means that long after they’ve graduated from high school and college, they’ll still be living a life of Kingdom work. We want students to come on a Domestic trip and look at those things that are true of Kingdom workers and begin to live out those things in their lives right now.” Toward that end, students who attend an Engage Domestic trip this year will be able to choose from one of two Kingdom worker training tracks: Identity or Justice. IDENTITY: “If you don’t know who you are or how God defines you, then everything becomes a mess,” Grindle said. “Identity in Christ is the starting point for Kingdom workers. The one who makes you is the one who defines you. This is a core part of what it means to be a Kingdom worker – to know your identity.” To help students understand their identity in Christ, Engage will offer a number of activities to reinforce these Biblical ideas. One activity, for instance, will provide students a personality test and bring other students of like personalities together and ask them to put together a plan for a party. Each personality group will then report to the other groups their plans, and students can begin to see how unique each personality type is and how their own personality is an aspect of their uniqueness. JUSTICE: “Part of being a Kingdom worker is being passionate about the things that God is passionate about,” Grindle said. “And God has a heart for justice. That’s mentioned multiple times throughout Scripture. If we’re going to follow Jesus, that means a part of us should fight against injustice and do what we can to right the wrongs in the world. We want students to feel that, and these trainings are a good way to accomplish that. A lot of times we tell people what to do, but we don’t show them how to do it. This is a week of learning how to do things as Kingdom workers – a ‘how-to’ course of engaging in justice.” One of the ways this will play out during the week is when students will learn about forced laborers around the world. During one activity, students will have 80 pounds of bricks that they’ll pass in a circle, but the bricks will be going in two different directions. More bricks will keep being added to the circle, and the students will have to keep passing them for five minutes. After they feel the fatigue and labor-intensive work, they’ll watch a video of a student who was rescued out of forced labor and then discuss how people all over the world are spending all day, every day performing forced-labor activities. Similar to previous trips, students will get to serve hands-on with local nonprofit organizations and ministries in seven cities across the country this summer. But they’ll have a very specific “lens” on when they serve – that being a lens of what Kingdom work should be according to God’s Word. “Each evening they’ll get to hear a Kingdom worker story of how a person from that city lives out their faith,” Grindle said. “It could be the chief of police, or a lawyer or a doctor … ultimately we want students who aren’t going to go into full-time ministry to have role models for how they can have a life of Kingdom work, no matter what vocation they choose.” The main sessions at the end of each night will look somewhat different than in past Engage THE KINGDOM WORKER CONNECTION Domestic trips – focusing more on Kingdom workers speaking to students instead of pastors, and creatively telling the Gospel message through a four-part film. “While they’ll hear the Gospel through everything they’re doing this week, we want to make sure we’re clearly communicating the truth of Jesus,” Grindle said. “This film goes through creation, the fall, and redemption.” At the end of the week, each student will conclude their training by writing their own action plan to put into place upon returning home. Included in the plan will be an assessment of what they learned on the trip and how they can implement those lessons back home. “This is important because it helps students learn how they, as followers of Jesus, have access to the Holy Spirit and can create their own ministry plans,” Grindle said. “They don’t have to wait for somebody to tell them what to do or how to do it. Jesus is already in them and will give them what they need to go do it. They’re equipped to follow what Jesus has planned for them because He’s already put it inside of them. We want to help them recognize that.” KINGDOM WORKERS IN ACTION STUDENTS PARTICIPATING IN A WEEK OF ENGAGE DOMESTIC IN JOPLIN, MO, DURING SPRING BREAK WORKED ALONGSIDE KINGDOM WORKERS WITHIN THE COMMUNITY. THEY WERE ABLE TO MEET WITH DIRECTORS OF NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS, WORK ALONGSIDE VOLUNTEERS WITHIN THE COMMUNITY, HEAR FROM COMMUNITY LEADERS LIVING OUT A LIFE OF KINGDOM WORK, AND PARTNER WITH LOCAL CHURCHES TO CONTINUE THE MINISTRY TAKING PLACE WITHIN THIS SMALL MISSOURI TOWN. NEW COUNTRIES JOIN ENGAGE’S SLATE OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENT TRIPS CHRIST IN YOUTH’S MISSION IS TO AMPLIFY CHRIST’S CALL ON STUDENTS’ LIVES TO BE KINGDOM WORKERS. IT’S THE UNDERCURRENT FOR ALL PROGRAMS, BUT FOR CIY’S ENGAGE PROGRAM IT GOES BEYOND THE CALLING FOR CHRIST AND MOVES STUDENTS INTO TRAINING FOR A LIFE OF KINGDOM WORK. This summer will see thousands of students from all over the country participating in Kingdom worker training through Engage’s International and Domestic trips. And thousands more attending CIY’s MOVE program will be challenged to join God in engaging cultures that are different than their own – whether by taking an international trip with their own church, or by joining Engage in one of the 17 global locations the team will lead trips to next year. MOVE and Engage will be embracing a new technology this summer to help students get an up-close look at some of those countries. By utilizing Google Cardboard and Google 360 video, students will be able to use smart phones to view footage from some of the countries that Engage travels each year. The software works similarly to Google maps in that students will be able to move their phones in a full 360-degree motion and see scenes from that country in a full 360-degree span. “They’ll get to immerse themselves in the world of an Engage trip and see first-hand the places where they’ll have the opportunities to serve,” said Rachel Grindle, Engage Senior Director, of the Google 360 videos. “Also at MOVE students will be able to interact with all 17 different locations by visiting the Engage Experience Station and participate in hands-on activities that will raise awareness or help them to engage with those cultures.” attendance over last year. MOVE has made a challenge to students each year over the past two years, which has led to an increase in applications for international trips each year, as well. Engage International will be traveling to three new locations in 2017 – bringing the total number of locations to 17. Those three new locations will be Puerto Rico, Kenya and Poland. At the India station, for instance, students could get a Henna tattoo. At the Brazil station there might be a foosball table. Ultimately, each country will be represented and have something interactive that highlights a unique aspect of these different cultures and places, all while hearing more stories of Kingdom workers. PUERTO RICO: “Ultimately we’re asking students to make a commitment to #kwengage,” Grindle said. “That means they’ll go on an overseas trip in 2017.” “Some of the things that are happening in Puerto Rico are devastating,” Grindle said, alluding to the economic difficulties and the poverty that has arisen from that. “It’s an opportunity that’s ripe for Kingdom work. Students will get to partner with a school and a church and build relationships with other students from Puerto Rico.” Each student making that commitment will receive an Engage luggage tag, and those who make the commitment to go with Engage and attend a special elective on Day 5 of MOVE will have their $50 application fee for Engage International waived. Nearly 300 students and adult leaders will be taking an international trip with Engage this year – a 30 percent rise in Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory, which gives students the opportunity to visit a place that feels international but doesn’t require them to have a passport to enter the country. Even though it’s a U.S. territory, it will feel very different from most U.S. cities. Engage will offer trips to Puerto Rico during the spring and summer of 2017. Grindle said this could be an ideal Spring Break trip for many churches because it’s not a far distance and cost of travel is relatively low compared to other countries. C O N T I N U E D O N N E X T PAG E THREE NEW COUNTRIES ADDED TO ENGAGE TRIPS ENGAGE INTERNATIONAL WILL BE ADDING THREE NEW COUNTRIES IN 2017 FOR STUDENTS TO TRAVEL TO WITH CIY. ENGAGE TEAM MEMBERS HAVE BEEN PREPARING THOSE TRIPS THIS YEAR BY VISITING KINGDOM WORKER PARTNERS IN PUERTO RICO (ABOVE), KENYA (RIGHT) AND POLAND (BELOW). ENGAGE CONTINUED ... KENYA: Engage has added Kenya out of a desire to increase its options on the continent of Africa. Engage International has been leading trips to Zambia for many years, and will continue to do so. Adding Kenya provides some different opportunities, however, that don’t necessarily take place in Zambia. By partnering with Jacaranda Christian Ministries, students will have the opportunity to witness ministry taking place in the second-largest slum in the world, observe the operation of a medical clinic in the middle of extreme poverty, and see how Jacaranda is helping to build self-worth and confidence within a broken-down people group through a sewing ministry. people,” Grindle said. “We will get to come alongside them and learn from each other. Plus, all of the things you think of when you think of Africa – like the big animals and safaris – can be a reality. We’re excited to be able to invite students to take in the beauty of the culture and country of Kenya.” “Really, students will get to see how the Kingdom workers in Kenya are owning this ministry for their POLAND: Travel to European countries is KIBERA SLUM IN NAIROBI, KENYA TRAINING FOR A LIFE OF KINGDOM WORK CIY WANTS TO TELL A BETTER STORY WHEN IT COMES TO MISSION TRIPS – TO CHANGE THE STORY THAT’S BEING TOLD. THERE’S A LOT OF NEGATIVE COMMENTARY SURROUNDING SHORT-TERM MISSION TRIPS – DOES IT MATTER? IS IT RIGHT TO SPEND THE MONEY THAT WE DO ON IT? WE HAVE NEEDS IN OUR OWN COUNTRY, SHOULDN’T WE JUST SEND MONEY TO THOSE COUNTRIES WHO NEED HELP? These are legitimate questions, but Kingdom work isn’t a concept that any Christian should give up on – and certainly not something Christ In Youth is willing to let fall away. There’s something about figuring out who we are as Kingdom workers, but also about being able to identify Kingdom workers in other countries and follow how they live out their faith. When students get to be around that and see how their God influences other cultures and other places, it helps them identify who they are in God’s Kingdom and what it means for them to be Kingdom workers. By building relationships and partnering with these international Kingdom workers, the global body of Christ is strengthened. It makes these trips worth it every time – both for those THE KINGDOM WORKER CONNECTION always an option that’s in high demand from students and youth leaders, so Engage has added a new location in Poland for 2017. The country offers a lot of stability for an Engage International trip, and it made sense to explore options within the country. “We have an amazing opportunity to partner with the Count of Poland and utilize the access he has as a result of his family’s position within the country,” Grindle said. “That going and for those in-country who are receiving them. One of the best aspects of an International trip is the understanding that blossoms up within a student. By visiting a country that is extremely different than their own, and engaging with a culture that is foreign and hard to understand – oftentimes with a language and communication barrier – students often find allows us to get into schools there and interact with students who are Catholic and Protestant.” Grindle said the trip to Poland will focus primarily on relational evangelism, and that it will be one of the best trips that Engage offers in terms of helping students see how everything they learn on an International trip is immediately transferable upon returning home. homes of Polish students and talk about life and faith,” Grindle said. “Everything they do in Poland they will be able to come back home and instantly apply in their schools and communities. They’ll see how to have faith conversations and evangelize, all within a relational context. American students struggle with that, and this is a trip that will help them feel comfortable doing that.” “Students will get to stay in the themselves feeling a sensation they’ve never felt before: lack of control. Engage team leaders help students through these moments and lead them to the understanding that there will be times in life when you literally don’t know what to do or say or how to act, but the Holy Spirit has the power to change your life. In those moments, and throughout the length of these international trips, students learn what they’re capable of and how the Holy Spirit guides and protects them through all situations. With that knowledge and understanding, these students now have the tools and courage to face whatever life throws at them. They become eager to engage in Kingdom work, no matter what adversity they might face or what criticism might arise from their actions. They literally become faithful followers of God. TRUTH MESSAGE HITS HOME WITH JR. HIGH THIS SPRING’S BELIEVE TOUR HAD 17,750 ATTENDEES AT ITS NINE EVENTS, AND MORE THAN 12,500 OF THEM ACCEPTED THE “NOTE OF TRUTH” KINGDOM WORKER CHALLENGE THAT WAS PRESENTED TO THEM AT THE END OF EACH EVENT. This overwhelming response means that more than 12,500 other students across the country will receive a note or message of encouragement from someone who attended Believe. According to Mike Branton, one of CIY’s Believe Directors, having so many students respond to the Holy Spirit in such a dramatic way is the reason why Believe exists in the first place. “We heard some amazing stories from youth pastors of how truth made a difference in the lives of students,” Branton said. “Anything from students who admitted to suicidal thoughts to students who immediately returned home and started Kingdom worker projects, such as starting a Bible study at school.” Branton said it was equally encouraging to watch thousands of Jr. high students at each event connect so strongly to the worship songs through which they were led. One song in particular – “Good, Good Father” by Pat Barrett and Tony Brown – seemed to resonate strongly with the students, Branton said. “We picked our songs strategically because we wanted to surround them at all times with truth statements,” Branton said. “That one song is basically saying that’s who God is and this is who I am – it’s speaking the truth of our identity through worship. Watching students connect that to the theme of truth was pretty cool.” The film “Switch” also had a big impact on students, and Branton said many youth pastors came up to him at many of the events and personally thanked him and the Believe team for focusing on truth as a theme this year. Believe gets a short break this summer before gearing up for a fall tour that kicks off at the end of September – Believe’s first fall tour since 2008. The theme of the new tour is titled “Open,” and will explore 2 Corinthians 9 in which we are challenged to “be generous in every way.” For more information about Believe and its upcoming tours, visit ciy.com/Believe. THE KINGDOM WORKER CONNECTION PRETEENS EMBRACE TRUTH MESSAGE STORIES ARE POURING IN FROM STUDENTS WHO ATTENDED SUPERSTART! THIS SPRING – MANY OF THEM ABOUT THE IMPACT THE PROGRAM HAD ON THEM AND THE KINGDOM WORK IN WHICH THEY’RE PARTICIPATING AT HOME. Take Gabe, for instance. The preteen student who attended SuperStart! in Tulsa with his church group had been coming to church infrequently, but was showing a growing interest in Christ and the church in the weeks leading up to SuperStart! During one of the main sessions of the event, Gabe’s group got to sit in the very front row … and Gabe was chosen to come on stage for one of the activities. “While at the event we play a game called ‘Two Truths and a Lie,’” said Drew Crisp, SuperStart! director. “I ask students to tell me three things about themselves – two of them lies and one the truth, and then I have to guess which one is the truth. God was orchestrating His truth into Gabe’s life that weekend, and that moment on stage was a key moment for him.” SuperStart! made such a lasting effect on Gabe that when he returned home he made sure his mom started coming to church regularly. Two months after attending SuperStart!, Gabe and his mother were baptized. Stories like this are testament to the power of the Holy Spirit and the work God is doing through CIY programs. Every event elicits great comments and feedback from students and adult leaders. “Youth leaders thanked our team for wading into the topic of truth and providing practical tools students could use in their lives,” Crisp said. “We live in a day and age where we’re not lacking in the information department. What we are lacking in is understanding how all that information leads us to a life of meaning. It can be hard to know where to start. Leading students to start with God when discerning truth is so critical.” The next SuperStart! tour begins in October and will focus on the theme of generosity. Crisp said there will be some kind of cooking demonstration or competition, and the teaching will help preteens understand how they can be generous like the Heavenly Father is generous. MADE FOR GOOD Everybody needs Jesus Everybody in the whole wide world Everybody needs Jesus Everybody has a right to know . . . Just a little more faith in the Father (little more love) Just a little more love of the Lord (little more hope) Just a little more hope in the Spirit (little more time) Just a little more time . . . Everybody needs Jesus Everybody in the whole wide world Everybody need Jesus Everybody has a right to know . . . Little children have a right to know Their hearts need Jesus as their bodies grow Everybody needs Jesus Everybody in the whole wide world Everybody need Jesus Everybody has a right to know . . . My heart rejoices in the truth that the number of high school students who will go internationally on a CIY Engage trip this summer has grown by 30 percent compared to last summer! At MOVE and MIX, more than 40,000 students and adult leaders will have hands-on experience of what God is doing in the world and will be called to commit to going overseas to personally experience what the song above portrays! You are so faithful in your support and prayers for this ministry! Thank you! As we enter this summer, I ask you to search online the song “Everybody Needs Jesus.” (Artist Keith Lancaster, Album Prime Time), watch the YouTube video and listen to the words. Join us in prayer for the hundreds of students who are going with CIY Engage on mission trips, and for the 40,000 at MOVE and MIX. And ask the Father to provide the way for the whole world to come to know about Jesus. (PLEASE TEAR OFF AND INCLUDE IN RETURN ENVELOPE.) FOR THE GOOD ... Enclosed is my gift of: In Honor of: In Memory of: Please Notify: CHRIST IN YOUTH IS GRATEFUL FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE FOLLOWING BUSINESSES & FOUNDATIONS DURING THE FINAL QUARTER OF 2015: My Tribute Gift Foundation – Atlanta, GA National Christian Foundation – Lexington, KY National Christian Foundation Indiana – Indianapolis, IN The Community Foundation – Atlanta, GA Kimberly A. Osborn Revocable Trust Amazon Smile – Seattle, WA Andale Ready Mix Central Inc – Wichita, KS Andy Roller Inc – Kokomo, IN Animal Clinic-The Vet – Marshalltown, IA Atlas Electric LLC – Wichita, KS Brunner & Lay – Springdale, AR Christian Homes Inc – Joplin, MO Christ’s Hope Ministries – Fort Wayne, IN Cleland Masonry – Arma, KS Davis Psychological Services – Grinnell, IA Davis Ranch Inc – Cedar Falls, IA Ditch Witch Sales Inc – Sullivan, MO Fund the Nations 11/13 – Hernando, MS Golden Services LLC – Brookline Station, MO Goswicks Pro Windows – Webb City, MO Gunnison & Johannes, PC – Beaverton, OR Harvest Graphics – Lenexa, KS Iowa Bath Systems – Melbourne, IA JCPenney Change for the Better Campaign – Andover, MA Markco Inc – Florence, KY Modular Specialties LLC – Euless, TX Norton Healthcare – Louisville, KY Northwest Christian School – Phoenix, AZ Romola Automotive Refinishing Corp T-Shirt Sales – Brunswick, MO Tulsa’s Incredible Pizza Company – Tulsa, OK Unique Metal Fabrications Inc – Pittsburg, KS CHRIST IN YOUTH IS GRATEFUL FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE FOLLOWING CHURCHES DURING THE FINAL QUARTER OF 2015: Arcadia Christian Church – Arcadia, IN Augusta Church of Christ – Augusta, WV Bachelor Creek Church of Christ – Wabash, IN Bellevue Christian Church – Pittsburgh, PA Blanchard Church of Christ – Blanchard, PA Blendville Christian Church – Joplin, MO Broad Creek Christian Church – New Bern, NC Broadway Christian Church – Mesa, AZ Brownstown Christian Church – Brownstown, IN Buchanan Christian Church – Buchanan, MI Camp Creek Full Gospel Church – Rolla, MO Capital Area Christian Church – Mechanicsburg, PA Capitol City Christian Church – Lincoln, NE Cedar Creek Church of Christ – Fort Wayne, IN Centerburg Church of Christ – Centerburg, OH Central Christian Church – Richardson, TX Christ’s Church Mandarin – Jacksonville, FL Christ’s Church Of Oronogo – Oronogo, MO Donations may be made using the envelope provided with this magazine, online at Address: ciy.com/donate, or by calling 1-888-765-4CIY. ( Stre et, C i ty, State , Zi p ) Christ In Youth PO Box B, Joplin, MO 64802 THE KINGDOM WORKER CONNECTION Christ’s Mission Church – Saint Robert, MO Christian Church At DeLeon Springs – DeLeon Springs, FL Church Of Christ At Manor Woods – Rockville, MD Clarence Church of Christ – Clarence, NY College Heights Christian Church – Joplin, MO Collinsville Christian Church – Collinsville, OK Community Christian Church – Nevada, MO Community Christian Church – Ft Lauderdale, FL Corinth Christian Church – Loganville, GA Cornerstone Christian Church – Shiloh, IL Cornerstone Christian Church – Brownsburg, IN Countryside Christian Church – Nixa, MO Crosspoint Christian Church – Conyers, GA Crossroads Christian Church – Grand Prairie, TX Crossroads Christian Church – Shawnee, KS Current - A Christian Church – Katy, TX DeKalb Christian Church – DeKalb, MO Duplain Church of Christ – Saint Johns, MI East Side Christian Church – Council Bluffs, IA Englewood Christian Church – Jacksonville, FL Evers Road Christian Church – San Antonio, TX Fairfield Church Of Christ – Fairfield, OH Faith Christian Church – New Philadelphia, OH First Baptist Church – Licking, MO First Christian Church – Evansville, IN First Christian Church – Stilwell, OK First Christian Church – Water Valley, MS First Christian Church – Cookeville, TN First Christian Church – Dodge City, KS First Christian Church – Sapulpa, OK First Church of Christ – Burlington, KY Forum Christian Church – Columbia, MO Galt Christian Church – Galt, MO Generations Christian Church – Trinity, FL Glendale Christian Church – Springfield, MO Harvest Christian Fellowship – Muncie, IN Harvester Christian Church – Saint Charles, MO Hazel Dell Christian Church – Carmel, IN Highland Park Christian Church – Tulsa, OK Hope Christian Church – Columbia, IL Journey Christian Church – Tracy, CA Journey Christian Church – Wayne, NE Lincoln Christian Church – Lincoln, IL Maple Grove Christian Church – Charlottesville, VA Markle Church Of Christ – Markle, IN Mt Gilead Church – Mooresville, IN Naples Christian Church – Naples, FL New Hope Christian Church – Manassas, VA New Life Christian Church – Bella Vista, AR New Lisbon Christian Church – New Lisbon, IN North Terrace Church Of Christ – Zanesville, OH Northern Hills Christian Church – Cincinnati, OH Northside Christian Church – Springfield, MO Northside Christian Church – New Albany, IN Northview Christian Church – Coldwater, MI Oakland Drive Church Of Christ – Portage, MI Osage Hills Christian Church – Tulsa, OK Parkside Christian Church – Cincinnati, OH Parkview Christian Church – Orland Park, IL Plainfield Christian Church – Plainfield, IN Plainfield Christian Church – Comstock Park, MI Pomona Christian Church – Pomona, MO Ridge Chapel – Kansas, OK Ridgeview Christian Church – Rolla, MO Rocky Mountain Christian Church – Niwot, CO Smyser Christian Church – Gays, IL South Lansing Christian Church – Lansing, MI South Rock Christian Church – Derby, KS St John Mennonite Church Sullivan Christian Church – Sullivan, MO Third City Christian Church – Grand Island, NE Traders Point Christian Church – Zionsville, IN Twin Oaks Christian Church – Woodhaven, MI University Christian Church – Manhattan, KS University Christian Church – Muncie, IN Villa Heights Christian Church – Joplin, MO Watonga Christian Church – Watonga, OK West Side Christian Church – Springfield, IL Western Hills Christian Church – Lawton, OK Whiting Christian Church Missions – Whiting, IA Worthington Christian Church – Columbus, OH CIY THANKS THESE FRIENDS AND FAMILIES FOR THEIR GIFTS DURING THE FINAL QUARTER OF 2015: Ms. Andrea Abbott Ms. Sharon Adcock Mr. John Ahlberg Ms. Kristine Ahlberg Mr. and Mrs. Dennis and Karen Albro Mr. and Mrs. Clayton and Tammy Alexander Mr. and Mrs. William and Kelly Alford Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Deborah Allcott Mr. and Mrs. Chase and Abbey Allcott Mr. Jeff Allen Mr. Peji Ameli Mr. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Adam and Christina Andro Ms. Tori Andro Mr. Timothy Apple Ms. Vatrinia Arikian Ms. Marla Armes Ms. Melissa Armstrong Mr. Steve Armstrong Earl and Shelia Arnett Ms. Renee Arnett Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Cynthia Arsenault Mr. and Mrs. David and Teresa Arthur Mr. Bart Atkins Mr. and Mrs. Russ and Michelle Atkins Mr. William Atkins Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Dana Atteberry Ms. Shirley Auffet Mr. Jim Avery Mr Jason Axtell Mr. and Mrs. Matt and Heather Aycock Ms. Kristal Baerga Ms Laurie Baerga Ms. Ann Baker Mr. Boyd Baker Mr. and Mrs. James and Anna Baker Mr. and Mrs. Duane and Alison Banet Mr and Mrs J Christopher and Lynda Banwart Ms. Nancy Barber Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Anne Bard Mr. Steven Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Stanley and Debra Barringer Mr. and Mrs. Jason and Traci Bass Ms. Linda Batchelor Ms. Connie Batts Mr. James Batts Mr. and Mrs. Randy and Lisa Batts Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Barbara Baugher Ms. Carla Bavar Mr. and Mrs. Joe and Tarla Bavar Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Carol Bavar Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Jill Beal Ms. Sondra Beardsley Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Julie Beaudette Ms. Trish Becker Ms. Eunice Beckert Mr. and Mrs. Fitzroy and Marguerite Beckford Mr. and Mrs. Bob and Jamie Beckham Ms. Tonya Beckham Mr. and Mrs. Jan and Ann Behney Ms. Elaine Behnke Mr. and Mrs. Steve and Mary Ann Behrens Ms. Susan Beinhauer Mr. and Mrs. George and Anne Bellas Mr. Scott Bellas Mr. and Mrs. Nathan and Katy Bemo Mr. and Mrs. Dallas and Mona Bergl Mr. and Mrs. Eric and Jennifer Bertoldo Mr. and Mrs. Tim and Teri Black Mr. Michael Blackburn Mr. and Mrs. Wayne and Tammy Blaylock Ms Michele Blodgett Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Peggy Blount Ms. Haley Bodinka Mr. Justin Boh Ms. Fran Bolle Mr. Frederic Bolle Mr. and Mrs. John and Sharon Bolle Mr. and Mrs. David and Shannon Borchardt Ms. Tonia Borchardt Mr. and Mrs. Larry and Karen Boren Mr. and Mrs. Dan and Misty Bornemeier Ms. Samantha Bostwick Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Lori Bourdeau Mr. and Mrs. Darrell and Kathy Bowers Mr. and Mrs. Joshua and Tara Bowers Ms. Stephanie Boyd Mr. William Boyd Mr. William Boyd Ms. Barbara Boyher Ms. Beth Boyter Ms. Marilyn Bozell Mr. and Mrs. James and Ruth Brandt Mr. and Mrs. Allan and Tammy Branstetter Mr. Don Brees Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Nancy Bresnahan Mr. Darrell Brewster Mr. Logan Britton Mr. and Mrs. Daniel and Cynthia Brock Mr. and Mrs. Ken and Debbie Brock Ms. Kris Brock Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Michelle Brouk Ms. Miranda Brouk Mr. and Mrs. Chad and Rachel Brown Ms. Kayla Brown Mr. Michael Brummel Mr. Alan Bryan Ms. Kim Buckley Mr. Joshua Budd Ms. Abi Buening Ms. Margaret Burch Ms. Geneva Burford Ms. Katelyn Burkhardt Ms. Paula Burkhart Ms. Allie Burks Ms. Betsy Burks Mr and Mrs Robert and Amy Burks Ms. Abigail Burns Ms. Amy Burns Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Lisa Buscher Ms Janice Bushue Mr. Mark Bustamante Mr. and Mrs. James and Leeann Bustard Ms. Sandra Butcher Ms. Peyton Butler Ms. Barbara Butz Mr. and Mrs. Monty and Kathy Cain Mr. Sam Calavitta Ms. Janet Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Geoff and Laura Calnan Mr and Mrs Mike and Diane Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Ted and Pat Campbell Ms. Teri Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Jack and Evelyn Carder Mr. Gene Carleton Mr. Robert Carlina Mr. Dale Carlson Ms. Marlyce Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Melissa Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Gary and Hollie Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Anthony and Laura Carter Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Jessica Carter Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Marilyn Cartwright Ms. Ann Carvin Mr. and Mrs. Brent and Mary Cary Mr. Craig Casey Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Dee Cawthon Ms. Christina Cesnik Mr. Roger Chandler Ms. Jill Cheetham Mr and Mrs Dennis and Carol Chenoweth Mr. and Mrs. Kevin and Kathy Chesley Mr Andrew Chestnut Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Dana Child Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Kristina Chrestman Mr. Robert Christenen Mr. and Mrs. Les and Gretchen Christie Mr. Paul Christman Mr Mark Claassen Mr. David Clark Ms. Rachel Clark Mr. and Mrs. Troy and Julie Clark Mr. and Mrs. Jeff and Angela Clement Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Lindsay Clements Mr. Toby Clemshire Mr. and Mrs. Will and Dianna Cliatt Mr. and Mrs. Eldon and Mary Clough Mr. and Mrs. Allen and Janet Cobbs Ms Kristin Cochran Ms. Patricia Coe Mr and Mrs Kay and Betty Coger Ms Mary Coger Mr. JE Cohoon Ms. Donna Cole Mr. Jim Cole Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Cara Coleman Ms. Christina Commerford Mr. Matt Comparet Mr. and Mrs. John and Gayle Conley Mr. and Mrs. John and Julie Conner Mr. James Conrad Mr. and Mrs. Larry and Carol Cook Ms. Kady Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Joel and Amy Coplen Mr. and Mrs. Douglas and Cynthia Corbin Mr and Mrs Jose and Whitney Cordero Mr. and Mrs. Bryan and Kay Coulson Mr. Andrew Counts Ms. Julie Couturier Mr. and Mrs. Albert and Beverly Crane Ms. Joyce Creamer Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Sue Creson Ms. Jo Cronin Ms. Joy Cronin Mr. and Mrs. Kevin and Linda Cronin Ms. Doris Cross Mr. Keith Cross Mr. and Mrs. Randall and Robin Cross Mr. and Mrs. Loren Crowe Mr. and Mrs. George and Rita Crowley Mr. James Crowley Mr. Liam Crowley Mr. Theodore Croy Mr. Caleb Cummins Mr. and Mrs. Johnny and Shelly Cummins Ms. LaTasha Cunningham Ms. Lindsay Cupples Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Ellan Curley Mr. and Mrs. Danny and Jen Curry Mr and Mrs Mark and Karla Curtis Ms. Gloria D’Angelico Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth and Aglaia D’Angelico Mr and Mrs John and Cristi Dacus Mr. Rafie Dadivas Mr. Elijah Dally Mr. and Mrs. James and Stephanie Dalrymple Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Stephanie Dalrymple Mr. and Mrs. Douglas and Diane Daniel Mr. and Mrs. William and Betty Daniel Ms. Jane Daniels Mr. and Mrs. Roland and Bridget Darey Ms. Debbie Dassinger Mr. Hedwig Dassinger Ms. Stephanie Dassinger Ms Abbie Davidson Mr. Hurley Davis Ms. Nannie Davis Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Suzanne Davis Mr. and Mrs. Terry and Tammy Davis Ms. Melody Day Mr. Josef De La Vega Ms. Barbara Dean Mr. and Mrs. Timothy and Holly Deaton Mr. Rick DeBrock Ms. Justine DeFluri Ms. Courtney Deist Mr. and Mrs. Larry and Linda Deman Mr. and Mrs. Craig and Diane Deming Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Patti Dempster Mr. and Mrs. David and Terri DeNeal Mr. and Mrs. Greg and Genae Denver Ms. Barb DeRiter Mr. Reis DeSantis Candace Desimas Ms. Susan Devine Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey and Cathryn Dhonau Ms. Sara Dickerson Mr. and Mrs. Ronald and Christine Diebol Ms. Debbi Dilk Ms. Meriah Dixson Ms. Margaret Dodgson Ms. Cheryl Doherty Mr. and Mrs. Ed and Christy Dolbeare Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Karey Domres Ms. Lynette Dooling Brad and Rhonda Dopps Mr. and Mrs. John and Jody Dopps Mr. and Mrs. Mark and April Dopps Ms. Ruth Doty Mr. and Mrs. David and Nancy Dowson Ms. Audra Drahn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Judith Drake Ms. Donna Dufek Mr. and Mrs. Stanley and Anna Duffer Mr. and Mrs. Van and Patti Dukeman Mr. and Mrs. William and Jana Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Duane and Mary Jane Dye Ms. Joy Earle Mr. Bryan Eastin Mr. Steve Eaton Mr. and Mrs. James and Donna Ebersole Mr. and Mrs. David and Linda Eckel THE KINGDOM WORKER CONNECTION Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and Kim Eckerle Ms. Amanda Eckols Mr and Mrs DJ and Kathy Eihusen Ms. Susan Eikenberry Mr. and Mrs. Steve and Laura Eisenbarth Mr. Michael Eklof Mr. and Mrs. Gerald and Janet Eklund Mr. Adam Elliott Ms. Sue Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Chris and Karen Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Chadd and Marci Engel Ms. Marilyn Ericson Ms. Cheri Estelle Ms. Cami Ettleman Mr. Charles Evans Mr. and Mrs. Darrell and Paulette Evans Ms. Jennifer Evans Ms. Juanita Evans Mr. and Mrs. Phil and Stacy Evenson Ms. Joanne Everett Mr. Mark Ewald Ms. Susan Fabian Ms. Becky Faircloth Ms. Christie Fallin Mr. and Mrs. David and Deborah Farley Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Jane Farney Ms. Joanne Farthing Mr. Russell and Jolene Feeler Mr. Carlos Fernandez Ms. Dana Fessler Mr. Gene Field Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Irene Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Ben and Julie Flanagan Mr. Rob Flesher Ms. Jessica Fluckey Ms. Kim Fluckey Ms. Ranee Forbes Ms. Anna Ford Mr. Kevin Ford Mr. and Mrs. Don and Leetta Fordyce Mr. and Mrs. David and Peggy Foster Mr. and Mrs. Brian and Cheryl Frank Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Alisa Franz Mr. and Mrs. Orvie and Carol Freer Ms. Carly Freihofer Mr. and Mrs. Brian and Linda Friend Mr. and Mrs. David and Myrna Friend Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Gay Fritz Mr. and Mrs. Roger and Diane Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Clarke and Judith Gabel Msgt. and Mrs. Ronald and Melva Gafford Mr. and Mrs. Joe and Terri Galindo Ms. Kimberly Gallemore Mr. and Mrs. William and Virgene Galloway Ms. Michelle Gambill Ms. Kelly Ganster Mr. Raymond Garcia Ms. Lydia Gardner Mr and Mrs Wayne and Kim Garrett Ms. Kim Garrison Ms. Kimberly Garrison Ms. Sarah Gasdick Ms. Heather Gatman Mr. Richard Geib Mr. and Mrs. Eugene and Lynda Gibson Ms. Michelle Gifford Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Sandra Gill Mr. and Mrs. John and Shelby Gillum Mr and Mrs William and Tracy Gipson Mr. and Mrs. William and Lisa Gladdue Ms. Denise Glenn Mr. John Gober Mr. and Mrs. John and Maxine Gober Mr. Peter Goecke Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Kim Goldin Mr. Dwayne Good Mr. and Mrs. Robb and Lori Good Mr. Todd Good Ms. Lorraine Gooseman Mr. and Mrs. Norman and Sheila Gooseman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Cynthia Gorman Mr. and Mrs. Dan and Mina Gossard Ms. Emily Gossman Ms Jodi Goth Mr. Derek Gover Mr. Matthew Grady Ms. Jennifer Gray Mr. and Mrs. Tim and Heather Gray Mr. and Mrs. Chad and Tammy Green Ms. Natalie Greenwood Mr. Joseph Gregg Mr. and Mrs. Jeff and Cynthia Gregory Ms. Lisa Greiner Ms. Rachel Gries Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Laura Grime Mr. and Mrs. Steven and Rachel Grindle Mr. William Gritton Ms. Jackie Groff Ms Juli Gross Ms. Erika Groves Ms. Stephanie Groves Mr. and Mrs. Matthew and Kathleen Gutmann Mr. and Mrs. Christohper and Rozanne Haas Mr. Clarence Hackett Ms. Ella Mae Hackett Ms. Sandra Hagen Ms. Sabrina Hagerty Mr. and Mrs. Philip and Christy Hales Mr. and Mrs. Ralph and Beth Hall Mr. and Mrs. Patrick and Emilie Halm Mr. Kelly Halma Mr. Casey Halstead Ms. Misty Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Larry and Roana Hammerbacher Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hanks Mr. Glenn Hansel Mr. and Mrs. Andrew and Marcia Hansen Mr. Craig Hanson Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Beth Harkins Mr. Larry Harley Ms. Shawna Harouff Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Belinda Harr Mr. Chuck Harrah Ms. Cheryl Harris Mr. and Mrs. Joel and Cynthia Harris Ms. Stefanie Harris Mr. and Mrs. Howard and Joy Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Kevin and Kathy Hart Mr. and Mrs. Aaron and Sheryl Hartley Ms. Jennifer Hartman Ms. Lori Hartman Mr. Ron Hartman Mr. and Mrs. Greg and Lisa Hartz Mr. and Mrs. Ken and Susan Hasekamp Ms. Yvette Hasenleder Mr. and Mrs. Phil and Kristie Hass Mr. Gary Hassell Mr. Jerry Hayden Mr. and Mrs. Howard and Sudi Hayford Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Rachel Healy Ms Joanne Heffernan Mr. and Mrs. Kevin and Carmen Heft Mr. and Mrs. Douglas and Merilee Heinz Mr. and Mrs. Don and Sharon Hembree Mr. John Hendrix Mr. Cameron Henry Mr. and Mrs. Carl and Lori Henry Ms. Kayla Henry Ms. Regina Henry Ms. Monique Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Will and Christy Herr Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Mary Lynn Herrod Mr. and Mrs. Richard adn Patricia Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan and Sara Hill Mr. and Mrs. Kinney and Meredith Hill Ms Jennifer Hinds Dr. Ray Hoag Dr. and Mrs. David and Sherry Hockman Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Jessica Hogue Ms. Janice Holbrook Mr. and Mrs. Shannon and April Hollinger Mr. and Mrs. Randall and Yvonne Holloway Mr. and Mrs. Senior and Marilyn Horner Mr. and Mrs. Andy and Joan Hortenstine Mr. and Mrs. Bill and Lisa Hoshauer Mr. Craig Hoskins Mr. and Mrs. James and Lisa Hoss Ms. Phyllis Hostmeyer Dennis and Carol Hounshell Mr. and Mrs. Steve and Trista Houser Mr. Caleb Howard Ms. Valerie Hubert Mr. and Mrs. Craig and Marilyn Hubler Mr. Steve Huddleston Mr. Joel Hueser Mr. and Mrs. Randy and Dawn Huff Ms. Alexandra Huffman Mr. and Mrs. Aron and Melissa Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Rick and Jena Huizinga Mr. and Mrs. John and Lila Hula Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan and Christy Hula Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Rebecca Humm Ms. Linda Hunt Ms. Sherie Hunter Mr. Joshua Hurley Mr. Travis Hurley Mr. Don Hurst Ms. Jill Huskey Mr. and Mrs. Chuck and Nancy Hutchins Mr. Brian Hyder Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Krista Jackley Ms. Alyssa Jackson Ms. Leslie Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Randolph and Janelle Jackson Mr. Robert Jackson Ms. Andrea Jacky Mr. Chris Jacky Mr. and Mrs. Dennis and Dixie Jacky Mr. Eric Jacky Ms. Pamela Jacky Ms. Lavonne Jallen Mr. Anthony James Ms. Jessie Jans Mr. and Mrs. James and Joan Janson Ms. Michele Jarchow Ms. Stephanie Jarrell Ms. Susan Jeavons Ms. Karen Jeffery Mr. and Mrs. Jerry and Roberta Jenkins Ms. Brianna Jensen Ms. Rhonda Jensen Mr. Gregory Johnloz Mr. and Mrs. Stacey and Tracy Johns Mr. and Mrs. Bill and Dawn Johnson Ms. Christiana Johnson Mr. Dean Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Gary and Leah Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Greg and Becky Johnson Mr. Gregory Johnson Mr. Ian Johnson Mr. Jeremy Johnson Mr. Jordan Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Matthew and Kassandra Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Rodger and Martha Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Patricia Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Kurtis and Angela Johnston Dr. and Mrs. Graham and Marilyn Johnstone Mr. and Mrs. Dale and Nancy Joley Mr. Michael Joley Ms. Andrea Jones Mr. Jimmy Jones Ms. Paula Jones Mr. Insil Kang Dr. and Mrs. Arthur and Jean Katt Ms. Rebecca Katzenmeier Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Delores Kauffman Mr. and Mrs. Tony and Deb Kauffman Tony and Debbie Kauffman Ms. Lauren Kausner Ms. Krista Keane Mr. and Mrs. Bill and Debi Keeney Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Kathleen Keller Mr. and Mrs. James and Natalie Kenan Mr. and Mrs. Terry and Dawn Kennedy Ms. Audrey Kenney Ms. Nancy Kershaw Ms. Dawn Kettenbauer Mr. Paul Kimberly Mr. and Mrs. Darrin and Chrissy King Mr. Michael King Mr. Lewis Kinzie Ms. Chelsey Kirby Mr. and Mrs. Bob and Connie Kirkpatrick Mr. and Mrs. James and Linda Kirkpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Al and Suzanne Klassen Mr. and Mrs. Douglas and Maria Klotzbach Mr. Austin Knight Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Victoria Knochenmus Mr. John Koetter Mr. Paul and Brigette Koetter Mr. and Mrs. Carl and Mary Kolars Mr. and Mrs. Keith and Emma Kozlowski Mr. John Kren Ms. Diane Kriloff Mr. Gordon Kuipers Ms. Megan L’amoreaux Mr. and Mrs. Douglas and Amy Labbe Ms. Tara Lacombe Ms. Mary Laferriere Mr. Josh Lagrange Mr. and Mrs. Chris and Dawn Lahm Mr. and Mrs. Wade and Beth Landers Mr. Bill Lane Ms. Marsha Lane Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Sienna Langstaff Mr. Jacob Lanter Mr. and Mrs. Keith and Michelle Larson Ms. Michelle Larson Mr. Scott Larson Mr. and Mrs. Brian and Sarah LaRue Mr. Gary Laston Mr. and Mrs. Ronald and Karen Lawson Ms. Candace Lazzaro Ms. Mary Lea Lea Stout Mr. and Mrs. Brian and Melissa Leak Ms. Rhonda Ledbetter Mr. and Mrs. Timothy and Shelley Leffler Mr. Stephan Lehan Mr. and Mrs. John and Janet Leppelmeier Mr. Ralph Leverett Mr. Rodger Lewellen Ms. Marybeth Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Randy and Cynthia Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Timothy and Kim Lewis Ms. Jane Lichkay Mr. and Mrs. Dean and Linda Lietz Ms. Sandra Lighthiser Ms. Lauren Lilly Ms. Wanda Lilly Ms. Elizabeth Linder Mr. and Mrs. Hector and Kimberly Llorens Ms. Daphne Lofthus Mrs. Karen Long Ms. Loretta Lorance Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Jamie Lothian Mr. Louis Loutrel Mr. Evan Lovett Ms. Sarah Lowery Mr. and Mrs. Matt and Daphne Lubera Mr. and Mrs. Larry and Janet Luneau Mr. David Lunsford Mr. and Mrs. Kevin and Nicole Lykens Mr. and Mrs. Caleb and Sally Lyles Mr. and Mrs. Tommy and Tracy Lyons Mr. Keith Lytle Mr. and Mrs. Bill and Glenda Mack Ms. Sophia Madison Ms. Judy Makela Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy and Angela Malcom Ms. Suzanne Maninger Ms. Janice Mann Mr. and Mrs. Martin and Terry Marchbanks Mr. and Mrs. Carl and Angela Marks Mr. and Mrs. John and Michelle Marsh Mr. and Mrs. Daniel and Rhonda Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Kara Martin Mr. and Mrs. Sam and Rachel Martin Mr. Steve Martin Mr. Terry Martin Mr. James Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Gregory and Judy Mason Ms. Judith Mason Mr. Andrew Matteson Ms. Kathy Mattus Mr. Karl Maurer Ms. Hope Maute Ms. Karla May Mr. and Mrs. Donald and Marie Mays Mr. and Mrs. Sean and Becky McCalla Mr. Rodney McCann Ms. Joy McClintock Mr. Mike and Marcia McClure Ms. Catherine McCollum Ms. Colleen Mccombs Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Julie McCombs Mr. Michael Mccord Ms. Samantha Mccord Mr. and Mrs. Gregory and Kristie McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Mo McCoy Ms. Robin McCoy Mr. Nathan and Erin McDade Mr. and Mrs. Russell and Yvette McDaniel Mr. and Mrs. Patrick and Becky McGarrity Mr. Dale McIntyre Mr. and Mrs. Donald and Teresa McKay Ms. Susan McKay Mr. and Mrs. James and Linda Mcmillan Mr. Mike McNatt Mr. Bobby McNaughton Mr. and Mrs. Grant and Becke Medlin Ms. Cathy Mejia-Reyes Mr. Matthew Melin Mr. and Mrs. Ellis and Ellen Menditto Ms. Jill Meridith Ms. Ann Merth Mr. and Mrs. Steve and Michelle Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Jace and Tina Meyers Mr. Mike Militello Mr. and Mrs. Andrew and Janet Miller Ms. Carroll Miller Ms. Eve Miller Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Gloria Miller THE KINGDOM WORKER CONNECTION Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth and Connie Minnett Ms. Kelly Minnick Ms. Shirley Misley Mr. Alan Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. George and Mary Mitchell Ms. Marta Molloy Mr. Thomas Moody Ms. Tania Moon Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Moreau Ms. Mary Morris Mr. and Mrs. Barry and Mary Moss Ms. Margie Mostyn Mr. and Mrs. Jack and Tara Mowreader Ms. Amanda Moxham Mr. and Mrs. Bill and Mary Lee Moxley Ms. Blayne Moxley Mr. and Mrs. Justin and Tiffany Moxley Mr. and Mrs. William and Sheri Moxley Mr. and Mrs. Charlie and Gwen Moyer Mr. and Mrs. Kevin and Cindy Moyers Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Karianne Mulderink Mr. Tom Mulkey Mr. and Mrs. Steven and Susan Mullan Ms. Teri Mumaw Ms. Kristine Munoz Mr. Rodolfo Munoz Mr. and Mrs. J. Dawayne and Kimberli Murdock Mr. and Mrs. Louie and Lori Murillo Ms. Michelle Murray Mr. and Mrs. Doug and Rochelle Musson Mr. Chris Myers Mr. and Mrs. Eric and Amber Myers Mr. and Mrs. John and Stephanie Myers Ms. Susan Myers Mr. and Mrs. William and Karen Neal Mr. and Mrs. Joshua and Amy Nelson Ms. Margaret Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Terry and Lori New Mr. and Mrs. Kevin and Glenda Newkirk Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Robin Newman Dr. and Mrs. Rick and Robyn Newman Ms. Judy Newton Mr. Preslie Nguyen Mr. Charlie Nicholas Mr. Geoff Nicholson Ms. Linda Nicoli Ms. Jonni Nigro Mr. and Mrs. Andre and Audra Norman Mr. and Mrs. Glyn and Alma Norris Ms. Darlene Norwood Mr. and Mrs. Timothy and Mary Nuckols Mr. Aaron Nuenke Mr. and Mrs. Bob and Teri Nunnally Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Virginia Nurmi Mr. and Mrs. John and Tina O’malley Ms. Kelly Odum Mr. and Mrs. John and Sandy Oelschlaeger Ms. Margie Olmsted Mr. and Mrs. Larry and Heather Osborn Ms. Christine Oshita Ms. Jeanne Ott Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Stacey Otte Mr. and Mrs. Ronald and Bonnie Otto Mr. and Mrs. Brent and Pamela Overfelt Mr. and Mrs. Cory and Suzanne Ozbun Mr. Gary Pabst Ms. Stephanie Page Ms. Karen Panka Mr. and Mrs. John and Chan Soo Park Mr. and Mrs. Todd and Amy Parlier Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Jan Parsons Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Barbara Patterson Mr. Matt Patton Mr. Timothy Paumen Ms. Laura Pelot Ms. Jamie Pelton Mr. and Mrs. Daren and Lisa Penwell Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and Annette Pequignot Ms. Kim Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Tim and Carol Perry Ms. Carrie Petersen Mr. and Mrs. Chris and Sherrie Petersen Ms. Deborah Petersen Ms. Jodi Petersen Mr. Andrew Peterson Mr. Greg Peterson Ms. Kishauna Pfeiff Ms. Kathleen Phillips Mr. and Mrs. David and Sarah Pike Ms. Connie Pile Mr. and Mrs. Albert and Barbara Pinkham Ms Cheryl Pitschel Mr. and Mrs. Joe and Jo Ellen Platania Ms Susan Pletcher Ms. Sheri Plugge Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Margery Plumb Mr. Mark Ponte Ms. Lisa Pratt Mr. and Mrs. Larry and Frances Prescott Matt and Katie Proctor Ms. Tina Proctor Ms Paula Puck Mr. and Mrs. Dennis and Elizabeth Puckett Ms. Pam Puls Ms. Kathleen Queen Mr. and Mrs. Kevin and Deborah Queen Mr. and Mrs. Alex and Donna Quintard Mr. Luther Rain Mr. Natividad Ramos Mr. and Mrs. Steve and Kimberly Ranson Mr. and Mrs. Stephen and Connie Raver Mr. and Mrs. Korri and Jadon Ray Mr. and Mrs. Edris and Marie Raymond Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey and Lana Rea Mr. and Mrs. Carl and Dixie Reed Mr. and Mrs. Donald and Norma Reed Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Roseann Reevs Mr. and Mrs. Joe and Mary Reif Ms. Sharon Reimers Mr. Paul Rekow Mr Jim Renander Mr. and Mrs. Mentor and Veronica Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Jarrell and Aimee Rhea Ms. Tabitha Rice Ms. Libbey Richardson Travis Richey Ms. Cindy Richmond Mr. Harry Richmond Mr. and Mrs. Kerry and Alice Richmond Mr. and Mrs. Dale and Luann Richter Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and Jane Riddle Mr. Bill Rieth Mr. James Roach Mr. and Mrs. James and Vicki Roach Mr. and Mrs. Byron and Debbie Roberts Mr. Jerry Roberts Ms. Sonya Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Matthew and Lynnia Robins Mr. and Mrs. David and Dawn Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Lisa Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Randy and April Rodgers Mr. and Mrs. Melvin and Norma Roe Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Tiffany Roenfeldt Mr. and Mrs. Arlan and Karen Rogers Ms. Amy Romero Mr. and Mrs. Lyle and Carolyn Rosenberry Mr. and Mrs. Jerry and Dawn Ross Mr. and Mrs. Duane and Debbie Roth Mr. Jon Rothenmeyer Ms. Elisabeth Rutherford Mr. and Mrs. Mikey and Tara Sackrider Ms. Marcia Sargent Sargent Mr. Ryan Sattler Mr. and Mrs. James and Cindy Scalone Mr. and Mrs. Eugene and Fay Scantlin Mr. and Mrs. Del and Winnie Schanie Mr. and Mrs. Shawn and Jill Scharf Mr. and Mrs. Jason and Stephanie Scheele Ms. Sherry Schindele Nicoleta Schock Mr. and Mrs. David and Gina Schultz Mr. John Schwartz Ms. Debbie Scott Mr. Gregg Scott Mr. Lakin Scott Mr. Loren Seal Ms. MIchelle Searle Mr. and Mrs. Bob and Janell Sechriest Mr. Eric Secker Ms. Akisha Seidemann Ms. Marie Seidemann Mr. and Mrs. Don and Nancy Selvidge Mr. and Mrs. John and Angie Senser Mr. and Mrs. Ronald and Donna Seuferling Mr. Earl Shackleford Ms. Anne Shanks Mr. and Mrs. Joey and Paige Sharp Mr and Mrs Ken and Sandra Sharp Ms. Deanna Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey and Patricia Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Gil and Laurie Ann Shelsby Ms. Jill Shields Ms. Ruth Shiflett Ms. Margery Shipp Mr. and Mrs. Dave and Jill Shivers Mr. and Mrs. Randy and Cynthia Shivers Mr. and Mrs. Monte and Shawn Shoemake Mr. and Mrs. Justin and Beka Short Mr. and Mrs. Lane and Gail Shumaker Ms. Tina Shuquem Mr. and Mrs. Ronald and Janet Shuster Ms. Katie Sibbitt Mr. Brandon Sichting Mr. and Mrs. Dale and Shirley Sides Mr. Caleb Siffring Mr. Benjamin Silver Mr. and Mrs. James and Shannon Silvernail Mr. Mitchell Silverstein Ms. Suzy Sitarski Mr. and Mrs. Brian and Paige Sitton Ms. Katheryn Sitton Mr. Richard Sitton Ms Cindy Sloan Ms. Christie Smerchek Ms. Alicia Smith Mr. and Mrs. Chris and Rachel Smith Mr. and Mrs. Craig and Brenda Smith Mr. and Mrs. David and Denise Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Angie Smith Mr. Matt Smith Ms. Patricia Smith Ms. Sharon Smith Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon and Lysesha Smith Mr. and Mrs. John and Tina Smock Ms. Jenny Sneed Mr. and Mrs. John and Julie Snell Mr. and Mrs. Terry and Brenda Snell Ms. Mary Soisson Mr. and Mrs. Dan and Amber Son Ms. Stephany Sosa Mr. and Mrs. Andrew and Melaney Souder Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and Rebecca Souder Mr. and Mrs. Jacob and Audra Souder Mr. and Mrs. Nathan and Keeisha Souder Ms. Donna Souders Ms. Carrie Southwell Ms. Sallie Sparks Ms. Ruth Ann Speer Ms. JoAnne Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Jan Spoerl Ms. Andrea Spurlock Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Donna Stallard Ms. Wendy Stanley Dr. and Mrs. David and Brooke Stapleton Mr. and Mrs. Randy and Amanda Steele Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Sue Steffy Mr. and Mrs. Fred and Donna Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Robyn and Amy Stephens Ms. Marla Stevens Mr. and Mrs. John and Kathy Stoltz Ms. Laura Stomm Mr. and Mrs. Keith and Glenda Stone Mr. and Mrs. Andy and Amy Storms Mr. and Mrs. Roger and Nancy Storms Ms. Judith Strickler Ms. Mandy Strigenz Ms. Keliy Strode Tiffany Stromberger Mr. and Mrs. James and Rachelan Stronach Mr. and Mrs. John and Jamie Sturgeon Ms. September Sturgin Mr. Dustin Suffel Ms. Julie Supplee Mr. and Mrs. David and Kristin Surver Mr. and Mrs. David and Connie Sutton Ms. Pamela Swanson Mr. and Mrs. Jon and June Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Toby and Holly Tenharmsel Ms. Jennifer Terflinger Mr. and Mrs. Hank and Kathy Termeer Mr. and Mrs. Merle and Tina Teskey Ms. Beth Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Ronald and Carol Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Wayne and Donna Thomas Mr. and Mrs. John and Eileen Thomason Mr. and Mrs. John and Jessica Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Glen and Kimberly Tietz Mr. Marvin Tilton Ms. Patricia Tiner Mr. Rick Tkachuk Mr. and Mrs. Dennis and Sherry Todd Mr. Chris Tomlin Ms. Debra Torres Mr. Terry Torrey Mr. and Mrs. Max and Vivian Translateur Mr. Fernand Tremblay Mr. and Mrs. Steve and Jane Trenkamp Mr. and Mrs. George and Shirley Tribe Ms. Caitlin Tuck Mr. and Mrs. Brett and Michele Turner Mr. and Mrs. Todd and Karen Tuthill Mr. James Twardowski Mr. David Tysinger Mr. Stephen Tyszka Mr. Steve Tyszka Ms. Nancy Uri Mr. Larry Vagedes Mr. and Mrs. Russell and Melissa Van Leuven Mr. Jason Van Sant Mr. and Mrs. Dave and Andrea Van Wyngarden Mr. and Mrs. Donald and Karen Van Wyngarden Mr. and Mrs. Hugh and JoEllen Vance Ms. Tina Vandyne Ms. Jennifer Vanhooser Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Sharon Vanhoven Mr. Milo Vaniglia Mr. and Mrs. Samuel and Evalyn Vermilyea Mr. and Mrs. Lee and Anna Vescelius Ms. Sara Vick Ms Angela Vincent Ms. Janis Voelk Mr. and Mrs. David and Tracie Volen-Wyatt Mr. and Mrs. Harry and Lucille Volkamer Ms. Christina von Lindenberg Mr. Frank Wagner Ms. Carol Walker Mr. Dick Walker Mr. and Mrs. Don and Shannon Walker Mr. Roger Walker Ms. Shirley Walker Mr. and Mrs. Jeff and Cathryn Walling Ms. Shawna Walters Mr. and Mrs. Herman and Mary Ruth Wandrei Mr. and Mrs. Tim and Susan Warchol Ms. Eileen Ward Ms. Justine Ward Mr. Paul Ward Mr. and Mrs. William and Barbara Ward Mr. and Mrs. Troy and Jodie Warner Mr. Bruce Waters Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and Glenna Watkins Mr. Caleb Watson Mr. Robert Watson Mr. and Mrs. Dan and Becky Watt Mr. and Mrs. John and Penny Webb Mr Brian Weber Mr. and Mrs. David and Kelly Wells Mr. Danny West Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Bette West Mr. Mark Westerbeck Ms. Donna Westerberg Ms. Melissa Whaley Ms. Kristina Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Patrick and Lauren Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Tim and Kathy Whelan Mr. and Mrs. Jason and Loretta White Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Melissa White Mr and Mrs Roy and Teresa White Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Yvonne Wickenkamp Ms. Kristin Wiebe Mr and Mrs Charles and Mary Wiggins Ms. Shana Wiggins Mr. and Mrs. Olin and Maria Wiland Mr. Ty Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. James and Marti Wiley Ms. Andrea Wilhelm Mr. and Mrs. Christopher and Tina Williams Mr. James Williams Mr. and Mrs. Jerry and Madonna Williams Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Ronda Williams Mr and Mrs Johnny and Vicki Williams Ms. Madi Williams Mr. Michael Williams Mr. and Mrs. Brandin and Trina Wills Mr. Peter Wills Mr. and Mrs. Gary and Marsha Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Greg and Theresa Wilson Mr. Jeremy Wilson Mr. Kyle Wilson Ms. Paula Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Randy and Carrie Wilson Ms. Gina Wissmiller Mr. and Mrs. Jerry and Judy Witt Ms. Angela Witte Ms. Beatrice Wolak Mr. and Mrs. Joshua and Jamie Wolford Mr. and Mrs. David and Deborah Wood Mr. and Mrs. Larry and Suzanne Wood Mr. Michael Woodfill Mr. Dietlind Woods Mr. Lanny Woods Mr. and Mrs. Russell and Anita Woods THE KINGDOM WORKER CONNECTION Mr. and Mrs. Fred and Katherine Wooldridge Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd and Roberta Woollen Mr. and Mrs. Clay and Laura Worthy Ms. Kylie Wren Ms. Terri Wren Mr. and Mrs. Clark and Joan Wright Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Beverly Wrightsman Mr. and Mrs. Terry and Shirley Wuske Mr. and Mrs. Alan and Cherie Wydeveld Ms. Susan Wylie Ms. Jennifer Yankopolus Mr. K G Yaunches Kim and Ann Yaunches Mr. and Mrs. Kim and Ann Yaunches Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Connie Yocum Mr. Daniel Yonker Mr. and Mrs. Andy and Lee Anne Yost Mr. Jordan Young Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Donna Young Ms. Connie Zebrowski Mr. and Mrs. Harland and Vivian Ziebart Ms. Amanda Zimmerman Ms. Norine Zimmerman PLEASE JOIN US IN PRAYER THIS SUMMER ... June 5-8 Forest Falls, CA June 6-9 Windermere, MO June 20-23 Knoxville, TN June 20-23 Edmond, OK June 26-29 Cedarville, OH June 27-30 Knoxville, TN July 5-8 Leesburg, FL July 11-14 Marion, IN June 5-9 Joplin, MO June 27-July 1 La Mirada, CA July 11-15 Anaheim, CA July 17-20 Orange, CA June 12-16 Orange, CA June 27–July 1 Johnson City, TN July 18-22 Longview, TX July 18-21 Selinsgrove, PA June 13-17 Anderson, IN June 27–July 1 Panama City, FL July 18-22 California July 31 - Aug. 3 Holland, MI June 13-17 Knoxville, TN July 3-7 Durango, CO July 18-22 Warrensburg, MO Aug. 1-4 Glorieta, NM June 19-23 Daytona Beach, FL July 4-8 Holland, MI July 18-22 California June 19-23 Cedarville, OH July 5-9 La Mirada, CA July 25-29 Salisbury, MD June 20-24 Holland, MI July 5-9 Johnson City, TN July 25-29 Cleveland, TN June 20-24 Johnson City, TN July 11-15 La Mirada, CA July 25-29 Edmond, OK June 27–July 1 Holland, MI July 11-15 Cleveland, TN Aug. 1-5 Macomb, IL June 27–July 1 Durango, CO July 11-15 Lincoln, NE Aug. 1-5 Corvallis, OR July 5-8 Maryville, MO INTERNATIONAL June 1-15 Cambodia June 28 – July 12 Brazil June 6-13 Honduras June 29 – July 12 Northern Ireland June 10-20 Northern Ireland July 15-28 Romania June 10-20 Haiti July 16-30 Cambodia June 15-24 Dominican Republic July 23 – Aug. 5 Zambia June 13-17 Cincinnati, OH June 15-30 Cambodia July 28 – Aug. 5 Haiti June 20-24 Cincinnati, OH June 27 – July 6 Domican Republic Aug. 1-8 Honduras June 27 – July 1 Long Beach, CA DOMESTIC July 11-15 Richmond, VA July 11-15 Tulsa, OK July 18-22 New Orleans, LA July 18-22 Omaha, NE