President`s Report - William Carey University


President`s Report - William Carey University
FALL 2003
Vol. 15, No. 2
President’s Development Report
Carey c o n t e n t s
For Alumni and Friends of
William Carey College
Dr. Larry W. Kennedy
Special in this issue
Carey experiences major growth.
Donna Duck Wheeler ‘65
Desktop Publishing Coordinator
Barbara Tillery
Honor roll of
A record number of alumni gave
to Carey this year.
Contributing Writers
Jeanna Graves ‘94
Dr. Allison Chestnut
News briefs .............6
Jeanna Graves
Jann Tuten ‘89
Carey Contacts:
Main Number
Fall 2003, Volume 15, No. 2
Record enrollment!
Nursing news, other stories.
(601) 318-6051
or (800) 962-5991
Class notes............37
Jennifer Doiron ‘76 and Diana Carter
‘76 share the good news of Diana’s
national recognition.
Coast Campus
(228) 897-7100
N.O. Campus
(504) 286-3275
caregiver .................8
Keesler Center
(228) 377-0090
Diana Willis Carter ‘76 receives
national recognition.
News from the class ranks.
(601) 318-6103
[email protected]
WCC grad
astronauts .............10
Alumni Office
(601) 318-6107
[email protected]
External Relations
[email protected]
(601) 318-6192
Barnes Sharitt ‘64 devoted his
career to helping astronauts reach
for the stars.
Registrar (601) 318-6195
[email protected]
Hope on
the highway...........12
On the World Wide Web:
On the cover
Carey Magazine is published periodically
by the Office of Alumni Relations,
William Carey College, 498 Tuscan Ave.,
Hattiesburg, MS 39401 and is sent free to
alumni and friends.
Jennifer Rawls ‘03 receives hugs from
children who live in or near a trash dump
in Antafagosto, Chile. Jennifer was part of
a team that ministered to the children and
teachers last February.
See page 14.
Bryan Brand ‘69 creates
“The Jesus Name Project.”
Missions ................14
From trash to treasure in Chile.
From the President
hat an exciting and rewarding time to be
involved with William Carey College!
Student enrollment is at an all time high,
more alumni and friends are supporting WCC, the
college will soon be debt free, campus renovations
are ahead of schedule, and students are growing in
scholarship, leadership, and Christian service.
Fall Enrollment 2003—A New Record
Enrollment at WCC has increased 17 percent
from a year ago for a total of 2,673 students. This
record enrollment demonstrates again that the
college provides an academic and spiritual
environment that is meeting the needs of many
students. As alumni and students tell their friends
about the outstanding academic program and the
positive nurturing environment at WCC, the college
will continue to grow.
Fall 2003:
Fall 2002:
Campus Renovations
The college continues to make significant
progress in campus improvements on the
Hattiesburg and Gulfport campuses. The five-year
renovation plan is ahead of schedule. The unified
architectural design of the Dumas L. Smith/I. E.
Rouse Library, Green Science Hall, and Thomas
Business Building has created very attractive
facilities. The Hattiesburg campus also has a
beautiful new wrought-iron fence that currently
encircles approximately 65 percent of the campus.
Progress continues on two new soccer fields and
a new intramural field which will have state-of-theart lighting. Plans also call for a new baseball facility
Dr. Kennedy with SGA officers in Chain Garden. Seated (L-R) are
Sunny Salters, SGA president and Shana Carey, treasurer. LaDona
Ferguson, vice president, stands with Dr. Kennedy.
on the college property across County Line Road. I
predict that the Crusader baseball complex will be a
model for other colleges. The current baseball field
will be redesigned to provide a new entrance to the
college. On the Gulfport campus, interior
renovations are ongoing in the classrooms, faculty
offices, and apartments.
In late spring, the college will renovate Fairchild
Hall (School of Education), Johnson and Ross Halls
(the girls’ dorms) and McMillan Hall (bookstore and
post office). The new exteriors, similar to the
renovated exteriors on Dumas L. Smith/I. E. Rouse
Library and Green Science Hall, will give the
Hattiesburg campus a greater look of continuity.
On the drawing board are buildings that will
provide additional classroom space for the
Hattiesburg and Gulfport campuses. Also, the college
is planning an addition to Tatum Court, and a facility
to house the Center for Study of the Life and Work of
William Carey.
Alumni Giving 2002-2003—A New Record
Alumni giving set another record in the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2003 when 1,316 alumni made
a gift to the college. Our goal is to have 2,000 Carey
graduates giving to the college on an annual basis.
Alumni support is vital as the college seeks financial
support from various foundations. Foundations
always ask, “What percentage of your alumni
support the college?” This record number of alumni
giving to the college will make a major difference as
the college seeks gifts from foundations that are
interested in supporting faith-based educational
programs. On most Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday
evenings, administration, faculty, staff, and students
are calling alumni seeking support for the alumni
scholarship fund. As we approach the end of the
calendar year, I hope all of you will include your
alma mater in your giving plans. Every gift makes a
difference for students attending WCC. Thank you
for all that you are doing and will do in the future
in supporting the mission of WCC with your
financial gifts.
College Indebtedness
1997 — $7.3 million
Feb. 2003 — prepaid
$4.2 million on debt
Oct. 2003 — current debt
$1.7 million
2007 — $0 debt free
Eliminating the College Debt
In 1997, the college indebtedness was $7.3
million. Within the last 12 months, the college prepaid $4.2 million on the indebtedness. Presently the
debt is $1.7 million. The college is now on schedule
to be debt free in four years. Removing the debt will
give the college additional resources to construct
new facilities, provide additional scholarships for
worthy students, and support faculty and staff who
are committed to the mission of William Carey
Alumni Giving
Student Missions/The Center for Study of the
Life and Work of William Carey
98-99 99-00 00-01
Fiscal Years (July 1- June 30)
Because the college is named in honor of the
great Baptist missionary, William Carey, the college
seeks to honor this missionary heritage in many
different ways. Under the leadership of Tim Glaze,
BSU director, and Dr. Sharon Thompson, missions
coordinator, the college provides students the
opportunity to share the love of Christ at home and
around the world. In this edition of The Carey
Magazine, you can read about recent faculty/student
mission trips. Future faculty/student mission
opportunities include work in Mexico, Korea, Chile,
China, Kenya, West Africa and Haiti.
Dr. Bennie Crockett and Dr. Myron Noonkester
have initiated the Center for Study of the Life and
Work of William Carey. The purpose of the center
“is to promote an understanding of the accomplishments of William Carey (1761-1834) and to enhance
appreciation of the religious, cultural, scientific, and
historical contexts in which Carey worked in Great
Britain and India.” Scholars writing about William
Carey and the modern missionary movement will be
visiting this website often, along with other
interested people. I would encourage you to check
out the web site at
WCC Web Site—
Dr. Allison Chestnut, associate professor of
English at WCC, is also serving as the college
webmaster. In recent months she has done an
outstanding job of bringing the Carey website up-todate. The college website is one of the most
important tools in the recruiting of prospective
students. Dr. Chestnut would appreciate hearing
from you concerning your ideas and suggestions
about the website. Contact her at
[email protected].
Academic Excellence
This fall there are eight students enrolled at WCC
as “Carey Scholars.” All of these students have ACT
scores of 29 and above. The college continues to
strengthen academic standards. For Fall 2004, entering freshmen must have a minimum score of 18 on
the ACT. In every discipline at WCC, students are
winning awards, receiving scholarships to prestigious graduate schools, and proving that WCC is an
outstanding place to receive a college education.
William Carey College Covenant Society
A newly developed philanthropic organization,
the William Carey College Covenant Society,
provides an opportunity to recognize those who
remember the college in estate planning and wills.
Each issue of The Carey Magazine will list alumni and
friends of the college who have included WCC in
estate planning. Future correspondence from the
college will give you the opportunity to indicate
your inclusion of the college in your estate planning.
Centennial Celebration 2006
In 2006, the college will commemorate 100 years
as an educational institution of higher learning. To
celebrate, WCC is planning special events that will
magnify our distinguished heritage and rich history.
In the coming months you will receive more
information about celebrating this unique year in our
history with us.
Homecoming, January 23-24, 2004
As always, Alumni Director Donna Wheeler is
planning a special homecoming focusing on the
success of our alumni and creating an atmosphere of
fun and friendship for alumni and students. The
Miss Carey Pageant will again be a part of the
homecoming festivities. I would encourage you to
put these dates on your calendar and join us for a
very special homecoming.
E-Mail Addresses
Presently the college has on file approximately
2,000 alumni e-mail addresses. Please contact Donna
Wheeler at [email protected] and give us
your e-mail address. The internet is a very easy and
cost-effective venue for keeping you informed about
the progress of WCC.
William Carey College and Christian
The mission of WCC is to provide students a
quality education in a caring Christian environment
that encourages each student to grow in scholarship,
leadership, and Christian service. The president,
trustees, faculty, and staff are committed to this
mission. Pray for your college, support your college
with your gifts, and encourage students to consider
attending Carey. With your support, the WCC family
will continue to thrive and students’ lives will be
changed as they grow academically and spiritually.
Thank you again for all that you are doing in
supporting William Carey College.
— Larry W. Kennedy
Expect great things
from God;
Attempt great things
for God.
—William Carey (1761-1834)
Campus News Briefs…
A reception honoring (L-R) Iris Abrams, Barbara Bono, Martha
Morris, Becky Bourdene, and Maggi Payne on the occasion of
their retirement from WCC was held on the Hattiesburg campus
in May.
ight students were named William Carey
College Scholars and honored at an awards
dinner in June on the Hattiesburg campus.
The WCC Scholars are Megan Harvey, Ocean
Springs; Lacey Hobbs, Brandon; Christopher Knight,
Petal; Heather White, Columbia; Matthew McHan,
Stringer; Jesse Smith, Seminary; Rachel Whitehead,
Sumrall; and Josh Commini, Moselle.
Scholars receive a scholarship to cover full tuition
for four years. Estimated at $30,000, the WCC
Scholar award is the highest award given to firsttime freshmen at Carey.
Eligible high school students must meet specific
criteria including being recognized as a semi-finalist
or finalist by the National Merit Scholarship Program
or the National Achievement Scholarship Program,
have a minimum GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale, and have
a minimum ACT score of 29. Once named a WCC
Scholar, students must maintain an overall GPA of
3.0 on a 4.0 scale and participate in the college
honors program.
ssistant Professor of Art Jeff Schmuki and his
wife Lee Renninger are both recipients of
$5,000 grants from the Mississippi Arts
Commission. Schmuki will use his money to help
further a research project. Both artists’ works were
selected by New York-based art critic Lilly Wei for
inclusion in the 2003 Mississippi Invitational at the
Mississippi Museum of Art held this past summer.
arey baseball coach
Bobby Halford ‘75
was selected the
Diamond Sports Company
NAIA Region XIII Coach of
the Year by the American
Baseball Coaches Association (ABCA). Halford will be
honored at a banquet during
the national convention to
be held in San Antonio, Tex.,
Coach Halford
next January. The ABCA will
recognize Halford’s baseball
career that includes 649 wins and 13 conference
championships. Of his 26 years at Carey, Halford
says, “I feel like I’m doing God’s will. I thought that
from the first time I came to school here. I went into
coaching with the idea that I wanted to make a
difference in young people’s lives. And I feel like
we’re doing that here.”
Josh Tannehill ‘03 (seated to left of conductor) graduated from
Carey in May with a major in guitar performance. He won the
Mississippi Young Artist Concerto Competition in April of 2002
and, as a result of that competition, he was the only student
featured as a soloist with the Mississippi Symphony Orchestra
Bravo performance held in Jackson last spring.
Nursing News Briefs…
Master of Science in
Nursing Honor Society
Nursing Degree Approved Holds Induction
he National League for Nursing Accrediting
Commission has approved the graduate
program in nursing for the William Carey
College Gulfport campus. The implementation of the
master’s program follows the required approval by
the State of Mississippi and the Southern Association
of Colleges and Schools.
“I am thrilled with the results of the accreditation
process,” said Dr. Janet Williams, director and
professor of nursing for the Gulfport campus.
“Because of the pending nursing shortage, we have
responded to the need for nursing faculty in
Mississippi to assist in training more nurses by
offering an education focus in our master’s
The program had a great start this fall trimester
with an initial enrollment of 30 students.
“Mississippi has a greater shortage of nursing
educators than a shortage of nurses at this time,”
said Williams. “I believe we are helping to meet the
health care needs of our community.”
The new program will have an adult health
major with an education focus and be offered on a
full-time (one year) or part-time (two years) basis.
Students interested in the degree should contact the
nursing department at (228) 897-7208 for more
ifty-three students, alumni, and faculty
members were inducted into the Joseph and
Nancy Fail School of Nursing Honor Society
established recently on the Hattiesburg campus.
Inductees are accepted into the society by invitation
only and must exhibit high standards of scholarship,
leadership, and service.
Creation of the society is a major step in
becoming a charter chapter of the International
Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theata Tau (STT),
the largest nurses’ fraternity in the United States.
Founded in 1922, STT’s goal is to create a global
community of nurses who lead in using scholarship,
knowledge, and technology to improve the health of
the world’s people.
According to Dr. Mary Ware, former dean, the
nursing school continues to prove itself as a
successful program. “The approval of the master’s
program that has just begun on the Coast campus is
a significant step in meeting health care needs in
Mississippi. Our 92 percent pass rate on the National
Council Licensure Exam (NCLEX) in 2003 speaks
well for our program, and the fact that our faculty
and students are engaged in service activities in the
community gives evidence of a successful program.”
The nursing faculty bids farewell to
Dean Mary Ware, (seated), who left
Carey in September to become the
director of nursing education for the
Mississippi Institutions of Higher
Learning. Dr. Ware will be responsible
for overseeing state accreditation of
schools of nursing in Mississippi.
Carey alumna Diana Willis Carter
recognized as outstanding
health caregiver
Story and photo by Allison Chestnut
Diana Willis Carter ‘76 (right)
is shown with WCC classmate
Jennifer Doiron ‘76.
illiam Carey College alumna Diana
Willis Carter, RN, received the Tenet
Healthcare Corporation’s 2003
Chairman Award. This award recognizes four
outstanding health caregivers from within the
116,500 Tenet employees nationwide.
In the heart of New Orleans, surrounded by
endless road construction and unsynchronized
traffic signals, sits Memorial Hospital, home to
the Diabetes Management Center. Directing the
center is its founder, William Carey College
alumna Diana Willis Carter. For the past 27
years, Diana has been working at Memorial,
serving as a nurse manager and wound and
ostomy nurse for the entire hospital, directing
the Outpatient Diabetes Management Center,
and organizing the annual Diabetes Walk. For
her unswerving dedication to her community
and her tireless efforts to raise diabetes
awareness, the New Orleans administration
named Diana its nominee for the award. This is
the first time that a healthcare professional from
the region has received a national award.
Diana knew from childhood that her life’s
calling would be nursing. “I knew when I was
six that I wanted to be a nurse. My dolls always
had band-aids, and I would teach them how to
take care of themselves,” she laughed. Smiles
and laughter seem second nature for the perky
nurse. “And I have never been afraid of blood!”
Sure enough, in 1972, Diana enrolled in the
Carey nursing school, a time when Shirley
Morrison was dean, Grace Smith taught in the
English department, and Sarah Burrus was
registrar. “I remember interviewing with the
dean in order to get into the nursing program.
Mrs. Smith encouraged me to consider being an
English major. She really
appealed to my love of
words. And I worked in the
registrar’s office with Ms.
Burrus.” She added, “Of
course my real love of classes
came in those taught by Dr.
West, Dr. Gruchy, and Dr.
Diana’s nursing career is
important to her, but she
always makes time for her
family and her faith.
Husband Gregory is a
bivocational minister and
works for the Corps of
Engineers; their two sons are
both studying engineering at
the University of New
Orleans. Together they
worship at Franklin Avenue Baptist Church and are active in many
church programs. Gregory works in the prison ministry and in the men’s
and youth ministries. Diana teaches college-aged girls, sings in the
women’s choir and works in the youth ministry. Together they lead a
marriage savers program. Recently she has been making frequent trips to
Hattiesburg to check on her father. “My dad is a retired military man,
and he is doing well following his stroke. My brothers Steve and Al live
in Hattiesburg, and Al is a doctor, so he is in good hands.”
Diana’s family’s medical history is one of the main reasons she is so
passionate about diabetes education. Her mother, husband and
grandmother all have diabetes. “There are 80,000 people in New Orleans
who have diabetes. By 2050, officials project that one out of every three
children will have diabetes. Since the diabetes center opened, we have
seen over 2,000 patients.” The diabetes center recently received
accreditation by the American Diabetes Association. The three-year
accreditation recognizes excellence in diabetes education and identifies
programs which meet rigorous requirements, including a written
curriculum, an advisory system that evaluates services and patient
outcomes, and instructors with special training in diabetes education and
tracking of patient outcomes.
Diana continued, “Diabetes is on the rise; educating society about its
causes and effects seems to be the best means of combating the rising
numbers. Outside activities to compensate for sedentary workplaces,
making common sense choices about what to eat, and exercising portion
control—behavior modification—could reverse the forecasted trends.”
She added, “What is crucial for success in any area is that you have a
passion for what you do. Then you give them your best. God gives the
gift; in my case it is nursing and education. It’s really all about helping
people help people.”
“What is
crucial for
success in any
area is that
you have a
passion for
what you do.”
Carey grad
safely reach
for the stars
Story and photo by Jeanna Graves
Barnes Sharritt and his wife Sandra enjoyed
visiting the Carey campus in June.
when astronauts encountered a power outage during
the Apollo 12 launch. Apollo 12 was the second lunar
landing mission by NASA. “I had been transferred to
Minnesota in the fall and heard the Apollo 12 launch
on the radio,” said Sharitt. “It was a national
broadcast, and I realized instantly what had just
taken place when the vehicle lost power.”
In St. Paul, Minn., Sharitt worked for Sperry
Univac, Unisys, and Lockheed Martin corporations
where he developed shipboard tactical command and
control software for the United States Navy. Nearly
80 percent of Lockheed Martin’s business is with the
Department of Defense and other U.S. agencies.
Sharitt’s work was used on the USS California
guided missile cruiser in the ‘70s and ‘80s. He also
developed and tested shipboard computer systems of
which components are used aboard USS Perry
frigates, Trident submarines, modern aircraft carriers,
amphibious attack ships, and by both the German
and the Japanese navy.
When asked if either his simulator software or
concepts from it are still being used today, Sharitt
said, “The philosophy of NASA in the 1960s was test
and retest, train and retrain. When that philosophy is
compromised, due to cost or schedule constraints,
the price is failure. When humans are involved, that
results in the death of the crew.” Sharitt remembers a
meeting with Dr. Werner von Braun, one of the
arnes A. Sharitt Jr. has spent the past 36 years
helping American astronauts reach for the
stars and Navy personnel explore warfare
technology with state-of-the-art software.
A recent retiree from Lockheed Martin
Corporation, Sharitt graduated from Carey in 1964
with a major in mathematics. He completed
graduate study at Northeast Louisiana State
University–Monroe and joined the Boeing
Corporation in 1965 where he worked on the Saturn
V Launch Control Software project.
Sharitt joined the Space Support Division of
Sperry Corporation in 1967 in Huntsville, Ala.,
where he supported the Astrophysics Laboratory at
Marshall Space Flight Center, NASA. He developed
diagnostic software that ensured the integrity of the
main Saturn launch computers and identified the
transfer of electrical power from the ground to the
space vehicle.
After studying a mathematical model of the
space vehicle flown by astronauts at the time, Sharitt
developed Saturn Emergency Training Simulator
software used to train the crew to recognize
emergency situations that could occur during liftoff.
His training software enabled crewmembers to
experience scenarios in which the vehicle would lose
power, as in the event of a launch during a
thunderstorm. In 1968, this training proved useful
foremost rocket engineers and a leading authority on space travel. Dr.
von Braun said, “Though the techniques and tools may be new, anyone
who goes into space has to return alive. Quality is not to be
Sharitt remembers WCC fondly and says selecting a favorite teacher
is hard to do. “The major influence was Dr. Lillian Weidenhammer, who
was the chair of the division of natural science and my minor professor
in chemistry,” said Sharitt. “Her experience taught me that things are not
necessarily what they seem to be. Dr. John McGraw, chair of the history
department, confirmed this approach through many a conversation.”
A member of the First Baptist Church of St. Paul, Sharitt serves as
deacon, trustee and treasurer. Recently diagnosed with chronic open
angle glaucoma, Sharitt hopes his recent retirement will relieve stress on
his vision. “I want to maximize the time my vision will remain,” said
Author Tom Wolfe said when referring to pilots and astronauts, “The
idea was to prove at every foot of the way up that you were one of the
elected and anointed ones who had the right stuff...”
Barnes A. Sharitt may not be an astronaut or pilot, but when it comes
to serving America, he has proven he has the right stuff as well.
Barnes A. Sharitt may
not be an astronaut or
pilot, but when it
comes to serving
America, he has proven
he has the right stuff...
Waites Family
Establishes Scholarship
The Waites family of Laurel and Hattiesburg established
a $10,000 scholarship for students majoring in music at
William Carey College. The Mary Catherine Chapman
Waites Endowed Scholarship Fund was established by Dr.
and Mrs. James C. Waites, Dr. and Mrs. Thad F. Waites, and
Mrs. Mary Waites Lewey in memory of their mother.
Mary Catherine Chapman Waites was a 1928 graduate
of Mississippi Woman’s College. "Mother taught piano in
the public school system in Wayne County and at First
Baptist Church of Waynesboro where we were all
Dr. Kennedy with Josephine and James Waites.
members,” said James Waites. “She loved music.”
Mary Catherine and husband Otis taught their children
the love of serving others whether through medicine or education. Crediting Dr. W. W. Walley of Waynesboro
as a role model, Dr. James Waites became a medical doctor and has retired from the Westridge Family Clinic
in Laurel in December, where he and his wife Josephine live. Thad Waites and his wife Gerry live in
Hattiesburg where he is a heart specialist. Mary Waites Lewey moved to Hattiesburg from Arkansas after a
career in education.
Invested with the Mississippi Baptist Foundation, the interest and dividends from the fund will be
awarded to worthy music majors in the Winters School of Music.
since then, and current developments include Jesus
yard signs, window and bumper stickers, Jesus
Name Sundays and Jesus Name Weekends.
The Jesus Name Project is not the first project to
which Brand dedicated his commitment and energy.
After returning from the army where he served in
Vietnam as an infantry officer, Brand’s uncle, Dr.
Ralph Brand, recommended he continue his
education at Carey. After meeting registrar Sarah
Gray Burrus, whom Brand calls “one of the loveliest
Story by Jeanna Graves
people on the planet,” he started at WCC. During his
senior year, Brand approached then president Dr.
Ralph Noonkester with the idea of founding a
bootstrapper program at Carey. Bootstrappers were
illiam Carey College alumnus Bryan
active duty military service personnel who were
Brand ‘69 of St. Louis, Mo., sees hope on
given the opportunity to earn degrees. Tuition and
the interstate highways in his daily
fees for servicemen were paid for by the United
commute. That hope is inspired by the most common States government.
of roadside things, a 14 by 48 foot billboard simply
At the time only two bootstrapper programs
bearing the name Jesus. Brand began the “Jesus
were offered, one in Kansas and one in Nebraska.
Name Project” in 1999 with one billboard; presently
Brand became the first bootstrapper graduate in 1969
30 billboards are seen
when he received a
by the occupants of
bachelor of business
over one million cars
per day.
degree. Then he
Brand and his
served as director of
wife Vicki had been
admissions at Carey
studying the book of
for three years. His
Acts during a home
recruiting efforts took
Bible study of
him to every major
military installation in
members of St. Louis
the United States
Family Church when
where he promoted
Brand settled on a
the bootstrapper
vision statement for
what would become
He did not realize
A “Jesus” billboard faces drivers heading into downtown St. Louis.
the Jesus Name
the eternal impact of
Photo from The Pathfinder, Missouri Baptist Convention
Project. The statement
the program until he
read, To boldly publish
returned to Carey a
the name of Jesus with dignity and simplicity worldwide.
few years ago for Homecoming. “Many of those
“We believe that the name of Jesus has such
bootstrappers found personal faith in Jesus Christ
power, that when displayed in bold and unavoidable while at Carey,” said Brand. “Many of them went on
ways, the Holy Spirit can use it to touch the hearts of to have careers in the ministry. Their time at Carey
the lost and encourage members of the Body of
gave new meaning to ‘higher’ education.”
Christ,” said Brand.
Brand recently spoke of a professor he had while
Remembering Thanksgiving Day 1999, the day
at Carey. Her name was Dr. Clarice Robinson. He
he and Vicki saw the first billboard, Brand said, “We
remembers fondly how she instilled in him the love
drove out to see the sign. There it was with nothing
of business and economics. “Students would always
on it except the big bold letters Jesus; we pulled off
say that when she was a little girl she never learned
the road and wept for joy.” The project has grown
the letter A in the alphabet, so that is why she never
Bryan Brand
sees hope on
the highway
The Brand family (L to R):
Todd Brand, Holly Brand, Marti Mealer, Cayden
Mealer, Matt Mealer, Vicki Brand, Bryan Brand.
gave A’s in class,” said Brand. “But I
made A’s in her classes. I was eager to
learn and she was eager to teach. We
were made for each other.”
He also holds Milton and Donna
Wheeler in high regard. “We were best friends and
next door neighbors. Milton was always very
competitive. But I figured out a way to beat him at
anything—I cheated,” grinned Brand. As for Donna
Wheeler, Brand said that she worked with him in
admissions for a while. He had recently
gotten out of the army where he was an
officer used to giving orders. One day he
had sharply given her an order. As he
turned away, he noticed her reflection
in a window, saluting him to his
Brand’s career later took him to
an investment advisory firm in
Jackson. In 1974 he and Vicki began
AMG Brand/Russell Inc. in their
hometown of St. Louis where today
he serves as chairman of the board.
When not working Brand enjoys
his family. He and Vicki were high
school sweethearts and have celebrated
their 38th wedding anniversary. Their son
Todd serves as president at AMG Brand/
Russell. Todd’s wife Holly is on the faculty at
Missouri Baptist University in St. Louis. Their
daughter Marti is married to Matt Mealer. They have
one daughter, Cayden, and live in Houston. Brand
lists his hobbies as playing with his grandchild and
riding his Missouri Foxtrotter horses.
Besides his family, Brand says that the “Jesus
Name Project” is his greatest passion. “There is such
great power in the name of Jesus,” says Brand. “The
Jesus Name Project has really taken off in the
Midwest and is about to go national. What we are
doing in St. Louis is becoming the prototype for the
rest of the United States. With the Lord’s help, we
expect the project to achieve the impact of other
major national ministries. Anywhere people love
Jesus and want to lift up His name, we will
go and expose the lost to His life-changing
power.” In conjunction with the St. Louis
Metro Baptist Association, Brand has
planned concerts, citywide crusades,
parades, clothing, a musical collection
on CD, as well as five- to ten-second
television spots which read, “Jesus.”
The Jesus Name Project is a
nonprofit organization based in St.
Louis. The billboards are sponsored
by individuals, churches, businesses,
and other ministries. Brand’s
excitement for the program grows daily.
Recently their website,, received an
email from a young man in Singapore.
Somehow he found the website and was
inspired to construct a Jesus banner and hang it
from the window of his apartment. Brand said, “Jesus
is unique and He always evokes a response. People
either love Him or they hate Him. Under the
inspiration and guidance of God’s Holy Spirit, the
Jesus Name Project is continuing to comfort the
converted and confront the unconverted with that
powerful name which is above every name that is
“There is
such great
power in the
name of
From Trash
to Treasure
Story and photos by Sharon Thompson
A child playing in the trash dump,
which she calls home, in
Antafagosta, Chile.
a little child
in My name
welcomes Me.
–Matthew 18:5
n February of 2003, a team of Carey students spent a week at a trash
dump. The team worked with a group of children in Antafagosta,
Chile, who literally live in the trash dump. Every day, the children
and their families dig through the trash to find food, clothing, and other
useful items. It is their daily routine for survival.
The trip to Chile was organized as a part of the global mission focus
of the college. Carey alumna, Betty Hart '52, began a ministry to the
trash dump children during her long-term career as a missionary. The
children could not believe that people from America would come all the
way to Chile just for them. “Why do you care about us? We are just the
people in the trash,” they would say. Through puppets, storying, music,
crafts and games, the team shared the love of Jesus with these seemingly
forgotten children. One little girl said, “If these people love me, maybe
God could love me, too.” Over 20 children accepted Christ as their
personal Savior.
The team also conducted a four-day teachers’ workshop for youth
and children’s workers, training Chileans in drama, music and creative
teaching methodology for church use. In this way, the team’s efforts were
multiplied all over Chile, as the leaders returned to their churches. One
ten-year-old, Maria, with tears streaming down her face, summed it up
best: “I will never forget this day—the day that Jesus came to the trash
dump.” Neither will the Carey missions team! Jesus said: “Whoever
welcomes a little child in My name welcomes Me.” Matthew 18:5
Future missions
opportunities for Carey
students are planned to
China, Chile, and West
Africa. Alumni and
friends are welcome to
participate by going and
by contributing to the
cost for students. "We
want our students to
develop a heart for
missions," stated
Missions Coordinator
Sharon Thompson.
Anna Morris ‘04 shared her faith with children in
"Just one mission
experience will be life
changing for the participants." For further information, contact Sharon
Thompson at [email protected].
Scholarship established
by retired faculty member
Dr. William Clawson (right)
and his wife Kathryn present Dr.
Kennedy with a gift of $10,000 to
establish the Clawson Scholarship
Story and photo by
Jeanna Graves
r. William Clawson, former chair of the
department of Biblical studies, and his wife
Kathryn, MEd. ’76, recently established an
endowed scholarship with a gift of $10,000. The
fund will be used to benefit needy students choosing
to major in pastoral ministry.
Dr. Clawson, whose ties with Carey started in
1965 when he began teaching in the department of
Biblical studies and missions, ended his tenure in
1988 after serving 11 years as chairman of the
department. He was instrumental in adding Hebrew
to the curriculum.
Kathryn Clawson, a Spanish teacher at
Hattiesburg High School for 22 years, shares her
husband’s commitment to education and ministry.
Kathryn states, “We served as missionaries in
Mexico and, after visiting the WCC campus in 1965
while on furlough, we decided to stay and work at
Carey. That was a good decision.”
Doug and Shawneen Berry Hogg ’80 of
De Funiak Springs, Fla., have fond memories of Dr.
and Mrs. Clawson. “When I first went to Carey, after
paying my tuition, I had decided I would have to
leave because I didn’t have any more money,” said
Doug. “Dr. Clawson helped me find scholarship
opportunities. He also helped me grow spiritually.
The two of them are a unit. They live a spiritual life
and share it with those around them. Some of the
sweetest times were when he’d call a student into
his office for prayer. No one will every know how
many students Dr. Clawson has influenced over the
All three Clawson children are Carey graduates:
Billy ’76 and his wife Sandra Polly Johnson ’74,
Kathy Clawson Smith ‘78, and Mary Clawson ’83.
The Clawsons have four grandchildren.
“Dr. and Mrs. Clawson have spent their
retirement years serving others. The Clawsons’
contribution to Carey will continue their mission of
goodwill by helping students entering the ministry
obtain a quality education. We are grateful for their
support,” said President Larry Kennedy.
July 1, 2002 – June 30, 2003
President’s Report
This list reflects gifts received July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003
and does not reflect cumulative totals except in the Wall of Honor Category.
Thank you,
Mississippi Baptists
for your support
through the Mississippi Baptist Cooperative Program,
which provided $2,185,000 in support of
William Carey College in 2002-2003.
Wall of Honor
Recognizes a distinguished group of benefactors whose cumulative gifts exceed $100,000.
Asbury Foundation of Hattiesburg
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bell*
Jack F. and Molly Burke*
Bobby L. Chain
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Cooper*
Randolph Delk
Joseph and Nancy Fail
W. R. Fairchild Construction Co.
First Baptist Church Foundation, Hattiesburg
First Baptist Church Foundation, Laurel
First Mississippi Corporation
Miss Sarah Gillespie
Dr.* and Mrs. E. W. Green
McCarty Farms
Mississippi Baptist Convention
Joe and Beverly Norman
John and Charlotte Pearce
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pope*
Mike and Kathy Randolph
Sanderson Farms, Inc.
Drs. Dumas L.* and Lorena Smith
W. S. F. Tatum* and Heirs
John D. and Ollie Thomas*
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Thomas*
Richard S. Thomson*
Covenant Society
Recognizes those who remember the college in estate planning and wills. (See page 5 for more
information.) If you are including WCC in your estate planning, please contact the
Development Office at 601.318.6769.
John Clearman
Leland and Dona Hogan
Mary Strebeck Morton
Lewis and Margie Myrick
Sandra and Barnes A. Sharitt, Jr.
Earl and Mary Ishee Simmons
Arlington Heights Baptist Church,
Mr. and Mrs. Dorrance Aultman
Dr. and Mrs. Bill Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bankston
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Benedict
Mrs. Bettie Broome
Mr. Charles Brown
Mr. Leo Brown
Calvary Baptist Church, Waynesboro
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Cannon
Dr. Allison Chestnut
Dr. and Mrs. William Clawson
Mr. John Clearman
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dale
Mr. T. L. De Lashmet
Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Dickens
Dixie Youth Baseball
Mr. and Mrs. John Drennan
Dumas Farms
Dunagin Pest Control, Inc.
Eastern Star
Elks National Foundation
Escatawpa Baptist Church
Exxon Education Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fail
Fairchild Management Co., LLC
Federal Employee and Education
Assistance Fund
First Baptist Church, Florence
First Baptist Church, Hattiesburg
First Baptist Church Foundation of
First Baptist Church, Laurel
First Baptist Church Foundation of
First Baptist Church, New Augusta
First Baptist Church, Newton
Mr. and Mrs. Don Flynt
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Fordham
Mrs. Rose Mary Forehand
Forest Lake Baptist Church,
Tuscaloosa, AL
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gillespie
Miss Sarah Gillespie
Rev. and Mrs. Bret Gilmore
Dr. and Mrs. John Green
Ms. Betty Hart
Dr. Gerald Hasselman
Hattiesburg Arts Council
Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Houston
Dr. and Mrs. Stacy Hughes
Hurricane Creek Baptist Church,
Sandy Hook
If-I Corporation
Longtime Carey benefactor Dr. Lorena Smith stands in front of a portrait of her late husband, Dr. Dumas L. Smith, for whom the Thomas Fine Arts Center auditorium is named,
as well as the Dumas L. Smith/I.E. Rouse Library.
Jackson Rotary Club
Junior Auxiliary of Hattiesburg
Dr. and Mrs. Hubert Keasler
Keesler Officers Spouses Club
Dr. and Mrs. Larry Kennedy
Mr. John Keyes
Mr. and Mrs. Julius King
Dr. and Mrs. Tommy King
Lincoln County Baptist Association
Main Street Baptist Church,
Mr. Chuck Mauldin
Mrs. H. F. McCarty
Mr. and Mrs. Harvie McClure
McDermott Incorporated
Dr. and Mrs. John McGraw
McWethy Foundation
Medi-Sav Discount Drug Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Tom Messer
Mississippi Baptist Convention
Mississippi Baptist Foundation
Mississippi Mentoring Network
Mississippi Postal Employees
Mississippi Foundation of
Independent Colleges
Bank of Forest
Bank of Morton
Bank of New Albany
Brandon Petroleum Products
Carthage Bank
Cooper Tire and Rubber
Ergon, Inc.
F.I.H. Education
Graduate Supply House
Greshman Petroleum Company
Phil Hardin Foundation
Mr. Warren Hood
Ingalls Shipbuilding
Elizabeth Irby Foundation
Kuhlman Electric Company
Miller Transporters, Inc.
Milwaukee Electric Tool
Mississippi Farm Bureau
Moeller Products
MTD Products
Jackson Newell Foundation
Norfolk Southern Foundation
Pearl River Electric Power
People’s Bank and Trust
President’s Report
$1000 or
President’s Report
Leo W. Seal Family Foundation
Sodexho Marriot Services, Inc.
J.W. Underwood Company
United Parcel Service
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Montague
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Myrick
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Norman
Oakland Baptist Church, Corinth
Ocean Springs Hospital Auxiliary
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Palmer
Ms. Elsie Parker
Mrs. Charlsie Parks
Mr. and Mrs. John Pearce
Petal Rotary Club
Mr. Crymes Pittman
Professional Security Bureau, Ltd.
Purvis Forest Products, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Randolph
Ms. Joy Roberts
Ms. Earline Roseberry
Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Ryan
Sandy Hook Baptist Church
Scholarship Bingo Fund, Picayune
Dr. and Mrs. Errol Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Simmons
Mr. Ray Sims
Dr. and Mrs. Gaston Smith
Sodexho Marriott Services, Inc.
Mrs. Patti Sullivan
Temple Baptist Church, Hattiesburg
R. B. Thomas Scholarship Fund
Transocean Offshore Deepwater
Tri-State Education Foundation
Truckload Carriers Association
Trustmark National Bank
Ms. Doris Tullos
Union Baptist Church, Seminary
United Daughters of the
Confederacy, Richmond, VA
United States Trust Company of
New York
University Baptist Church,
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the
United States
Dr. and Mrs. Rich Vinci
Voiture Local 1360, Bogalusa, LA
Dr. Benjamin Waddle
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Mark Weathers
Mr. V. C. West
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Wheat
Dr. and Mrs. Milton Wheeler
Mr. Buddy Wiggins
Mr. and Mrs. Cary Williams
Dr. and Mrs. Gene Winters
Mr. and Mrs. Lowery Woodall
Barbara Loustalot Hamilton ‘58 and John and Annette Drennan ‘81 visit at the 2003
donor appreciation dinner.
$500 to $999
38th Avenue Baptist Church,
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Anderson
Anderson’s Retail, Inc.
The Baptist Foundation of Alabama
Bryant, Clark, Dukes, and Blakeslee,
Dr. and Mrs. George Bush
Catholic Charities, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Chain
Mrs. Mary Lynn Cheves
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Clapp
Mrs. Jenny Cochran
Mrs. Edna Colletti
Copiah Educational Foundation, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Larry Day
The C.L. Dews and Sons Foundry
Mrs. James B. Dickerson
Dr. and Mrs. John Faust
First Baptist Church, Columbia
First Baptist Church, Concord, TN
First Baptist Church, Long Beach
First Baptist Church, Louisville
First Baptist Church, Purvis
First Baptist Church, Zachary, LA
Mr. Gary Ford
Forest Area Chamber of Commerce
Foundation for Better Education
Good Hope Baptist Church, Richton
Griffin Industries, Inc.
Gulf Coast Baptist Association
Mrs. Barbara Hamilton
Hancock Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Alton Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hensarling
Heritage Club
Mrs. Georgia Hinson
Mr. Joseph Houston
Ida Bounds Music Scholarship
Immanuel Baptist Church,
Dr. Kyle Jones
Killeen Volunteer Fire Department
Mr. and Mrs. James King
Mrs. Mary Ann Krauss
Lawrence Baptist Association
Lebanon Baptist Association
Mr. Allen Mapp
Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Maqueda
Marion County Baptist Association
Mr. Wes McElveen
Mr. Ron McKenzie
The Minority Leadership and
Knowledge Fund
Mississippi State Troopers
New Palestine Baptist Church,
Newton County Baptist Association
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Pascale
Mrs. Judy Pendergrass
Petal Harvey Baptist Church
Pfizer Matching Gifts Program
Mr. Obra Quave
Mrs. Annette Quigley
Scott County Junior Miss
Scholarship Program
Shady Grove Baptist Church,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Skelton
Ms. Sarah Skelton
Mrs. Nell Slipher
Col. Jackie Speights
Walthall County Baptist Association
Mr. Shane Weaver
Dr. and Mrs. F. Edwin Weldon
Dr. Rose West
Mr. and Mrs. Howard York
Mrs. Libby Aaron
Rabbi Ron Aaronson
Dr. Iris Abrams
Mr. David Adams
Mr. and Mrs. John Adams
Mrs. Nell Adams
Rev. Oscar Adams
Mrs. Peggy Adams
Mrs. B. J. Albritton
Rev. Jim Aldridge
Mrs. Cindy Alfonso
Mr. Hughie Alford
Rev. Dennis Allen
Ms. Pennie Allen
Rev. Ray Allen
Mrs. Sherra Allen
Ms. Shirley Allen
Rev. Lewis Allred
Mrs. Gloria Alridge
Mr. Bradley Amacker
Mr. Charles E. Ambrose
Mrs. Christie Anderson
Mrs. Dollie Anderson
Mrs. Joy Anderson
Ms. Leslie Anderson
Mrs. Martha Anderson
Mrs. Sandra Anderson
Ms. Vivian Anderson
Mrs. Annette Andrus
The Animal Medical Center,
Dr. Peggy Answorth
Mr. and Mrs. David Armstrong
Mrs. Annette Arnold
Mrs. Dana Aron
Mr. John Arrington
Mrs. Martha Ashley
Ms. Pamela Ashley
Mr. James Athanaelos
Mrs. Mary Jane Avery
Dr. and Mrs. Bob Bade
Mrs. Stacy Badeaux
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Red Bailey
Mrs. Pam Baker
Mrs. Rebecca Baker
Ms. Bernice Balch
Ms. Mary Banbury
Mrs. Ellen Bandsma
Bank of America
Mr. Hal Banks
Rev. Troy Bankston
Baptist Student Union, East Central
Community College
Mrs. Ellen Barber
Rev. Grant Barber
Mrs. Sara Barber
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Barnes
Mrs. Lona Pearl Barnett
Mrs. Tommye Barry
Rev. and Mrs. Poker Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Boyd
Dr. Janie Allen Bradley
Mr. Gavin Bradshaw
Mrs. Delores Brannan
Mrs. Julie Brashier
Rev. Waylen Bray
Brazos Kennels
Mrs. Jill Breazeale
Dr. and Mrs. Garry Breland
Mrs. Wanda Breland
Ms. Shirlaura Bremer
Mr. Mitch Brent
Mr. Bill Brewster
Mrs. Bonita Bridges
Ms. Judy Brinkman
Dr. David Briscoe
Mr. Bennett Britt
Mrs. Lorene Brittain
Mrs. Doris Broadus
Ms. Norma Broadus
Ms. Vickie Broadway
Mr. and Mrs. David Brockway
Mrs. Kimberly Brondum
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brooke
Mrs. Mary Brooks
Dr. and Mrs. Lowell Broom
Mr. Mark Broome
Mr. Chick Brown
Mrs. Edward M. W. Brown
Mr. Gerald Brown
Mr. Jeffery Brown
Mr. Jerry Brown
Mr. Kenneth Brown
Mr. Larry Brown
Mr. Oliver Brown
Ms. Schenese Brown
Mrs. Elizabeth Brownlee
Mr. Duwane Brumfield
Mr. LaRon Brumfield
Ms. Yvonne Bryant
Mr. Gerald Buchanan
Mr. Rodney Budinich
Mr. Stanley Budraitis
Mrs. Beth Buffington
Mrs. Miriam Buntyn
Mrs. Linda Burcaw
Mrs. Denise Burdette
Mrs. Misty Burge
Mrs. Jennifer Burke
Mr. Stanley Burks
Mr. Larry Burns
Mr. Roy Burrell
Mrs. Rebecca Burrows
Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Burt
Mr. Eric Burt
Mrs. Gladyce Bush
Mrs. Helen Bush
Ms. Anissa Butler
Rev. Joe Butler
Dr. and Mrs. Walter Butler
Mr. Bobby Byrd
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Byrd
Mr. and Mrs. Van Byrd
Mr. Jimmy Calais
President’s Report
Up to $500
Mrs. Cynthia Bartholomae
Ms. Yashica Bass
Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Bateman
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Bates
Mr. King Batey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baylis
Mr. Joseph Beach
Dr. John Bearry
Mr. Herb Beasley
Mrs. Elizabeth Bedenbaugh
Mr. Derek Belk
Dr. Carol Ann Bell
Mr. Dale Bell
Mr. Ray Bell
Mrs. Debra Bellamy
Ms. Betty Bellande
Bellevue Florist
Mrs. Teresa Belton
Rev. and Mrs. Doug Benedict
Mrs. Clementeen Bennett
Mrs. Mary Benvenutti
Dr. and Mrs. George Berger
Mrs. Tobi Berry
Ms. Deffene Beverly
Ms. Gopa Bhowmick
Mrs. Gayle Bilbo
Mrs. Clydestine Bilbrew
Birdland Ministries
Mrs. Linda Bishop
Dr. Ronald Bishop
Ms. Joy Bissonnette
Mr. Jack Bivens
Mr. Bob Black
Mrs. Sue Black
Ms. Trinia Blackmon
Mrs. Lois Blair
Mrs. Beverly Blakeney
Mrs. Hope Bland
Mr. Darrell Blount
Mr. Robert Blum
Ms. Valerie Blum-Bryant
Bob’s Tree Preservation Co., Inc.
Mr. Jeff Bodouin
Mr. James Bolen
Mr. Ron Bolen
Mr. Henny Bolton
Rev. Willard Boman
Mrs. Karen Bond
Mrs. Betty Bonds
Mrs. Sandra Booker
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Boone
Mrs. Fay Boothe
Dr. and Mrs. John Borom
Mr. Butch Boswell
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bounds
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bounds
Mrs. Marsha Bounds
Ms. Becky Bourdene
Mrs. Nancy Bourne
Bourne Brothers Printing Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bower
Ms. LaVeta Bowlin
Dr. Randall Bowlin
Mr. and Mrs. Eldredge Boyd
Mrs. Nola Boyd
President’s Report
Rev. Loyd Calcote
Dr. Carolyn Caldwell
Dr. Daniel Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Caldwell
Mrs. Laurie Calhoun
Calvary Baptist Church, Hattiesburg
Mr. Donald Campbell
Mr. Richard Cannon
Mrs. Vertye Caples
Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Capone
Mr. Johnnie Cardwell
Mrs. Mary Gayle Carleton
Rev. and Mrs. Ben Carlisle
Mrs. Cherryl Carlson
Mr. Al Carmona
Mrs. Lastenia Carney
Mrs. Linda Chester
Mrs. Helen Chetta
Mrs. Barbara Chitwood
Drs. Michael and Kathie Chute
Citizens State Bank
Mrs. Cheryl Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Clark
Mr. Harold Clark
Mr. Lester Clark
Mr. Ted Clark
Ms. Jacqueline Clavo
Mrs. Edna Clay
Mrs. Ethel Clay
Cpt. Robert Clay
Mr. Robert Clay
Dorothy Thomsen (left) greets Dr. Stacy Reeves, assistant professor of education, at the
donor appreciation dinner.
Mrs. Paula Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Wordie Carroll
Carterville Baptist Church, Petal
Mr. Charles Carwile
Mrs. Angie Casey
Mrs. Sandra Cassibry
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Caston
Mr. David Catlett
Cato Baptist Church, Mendenhall
Cedar Grove Baptist Church,
Mrs. Mary Jo Chadwick
Rev. Rick Chaffin
Mrs. Barbara Chakov
Mr. William Champion
Mrs. Becky Chancellor
Dr. John Chandler
Mr. Larry Chandler
Dr. David Channell
Mr. Marvin Chapman
Charleston Baptist Association
Mr. Janjai Chayavadhanangkur
Mr. William Cherne
Mr. Ralph Cherry
Mrs. Paula Clearman
Mr. Christopher Clements
Mrs. Paula Clenney
Mrs. Leigh Cliburn
Mr. Scott Clifford
Mrs. Carol Cline
Mr. Bruce Clopton
Mr. Edward Coates
Ms. Jane Coghlan
Mr. Steven Coker
Ms. Karen Cole
Mr. Ron Cole
Mr. Todd Cole
Mr. Patrick Collier
Mrs. Carolyn Collins
Rev. Richard Colwell
Mr. Thomas Combest
Mrs. Janet Commer
Commerical Stationery Co., Inc.
Mrs. Gale Connolly
Ms. Marcie Cook
Mrs. Marilyn Cooksey
Rev. Burl Cooley
Mrs. Freda Cooley
Mrs. Leslie Cooley
Mr. Keith Cooper
Mrs. Kim Cooper
Mrs. M. Felecia Cooper
Rev. Robert Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Cooper
Mrs. Hollie Copeland
Dr. Roy Cordle
Mr. Daniel Cornacchione
Mrs. Carolyn Cornelius
Mrs. Terrie Cottrell
Mr. John Coulter
Mr. and Mrs. Carey Counselman
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Covington
Mrs. Teresa Crawford
Mrs. Gwen Creel
Mr. Ronald Crooker
Rev. Billy Crosby
Mr. Braxton Crumpler
Mrs. Rebecca Cullifer
Mrs. Susan Cumbie
Mrs. Kay Cummins
Mrs. Yolanda Curd
Ms. Jo Curet
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Currie
Mrs. Felecia Dailey
Dr. Cheryl Dale
Mrs. Darleen Dale
Mrs. Nina Daley
Rev. Charles Dampeer
Mrs. Margaret Dane
Mrs. Julie Daniel
Ms. Josephine D'Arpa
Mrs. Connie Darty
Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Daughdrill
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Daughdrill
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Davis
Ms. Brenda Davis
Mr. Chad Davis
Ms. Dianne Davis
Mrs. Gail Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Davis
Mrs. Jo Laurin Davis
Mrs. Judy Davis
Mr. Robert Davis
Mrs. Rosemary Davis
Ms. Sheila Davis
Ms. Theresa Davis
Ms. Trish Davis
Mrs. Marsha Dawson
Mr. Brad Day
Mrs. June De Vall
Mrs. Betty Deardorff
Dr. and Mrs. Scott Dearman
Dearman Auto Sales and Rentals, Inc.
Ms. Elizabeth DeBoxtel
Mrs. Judy Deen
Mr. Billy Deer
Mrs. Carol Defore
Mrs. Linda Delahaye
Mrs. Debra DenBleyker
Mrs. Deborah Dendy
Mrs. Jennifer Denereaz
Ms. Cathy Denning
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Diamond
Ms. Rachel Everett
Ms. Sheri Everett
Ms. Marilyn Everhart
Mrs. Christine Expose
Mrs. Sandra Ezell
Rev. and Mrs. M. L. Faler
Mr. John Falgout
Rev. and Mrs. Gene Fant
Mrs. Beth Farlow
Mrs. Laura Farmer
Ms. Carolyn Fenn
Lt. Col. Eleanor Fennell
Mr. Gene Ferguson
Ms. Bethany Festervand
Cpt. Larry Fields
Mr. Gordon Fike
First Baptist Church, Biloxi
First Baptist Church, Glendale
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Thomas Forsythe
Ms. Stacye Fortenberry
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fountain
Mr. Ernest Foy
Mrs. Linda Franks
Mrs. Michelle Freeman
Mr. Kendall Fry
Mrs. Jane Frye
Mr. Carey Fuller
Mrs. Bobbie Funchess
Mrs. Mary Funk
Mr. Robert Galbraith
Mr. William Gammill
Mr. Carlos Garcia
Mr. Jerry Gardner
Mrs. Mavis Gardner
Mrs. Rhonda Gardner
Dr. and Mrs. Steve Garner
Dr. Kennedy (right) talks with former trustee Dr. Glen Pearson and his wife Mary Beth
at Honors Day 2003.
First Baptist Church, Ocean Springs
First Baptist Church, Oloh
First Baptist Church, Petal
First Baptist Church, Sulphur, LA
Ms. Cheryl Fishman
Mrs. Matilda Fitch
Mrs. Nina Fleming
Mr. Buddy Floore
Rev. Jeff Floyd
Floyd’s Formals
Mr. Joseph Flynt
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Foerman
Mr. James Fogarty
Mrs. Lana Folse
Mr. James Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Al Fordham
Rev. W. A. Fordham
Mrs. Emily Foret
Mrs. Susan Foret
Dr. Daniel Forsee
Mr. Joe Garvin
Mrs. Pennye Gatewood
Mr. Rudy Gatlin
Mrs. Carol Gericke
Mrs. Doris Gibson
Mr. Gary Gibson
Mr. James Gilbert
Mrs. Raynette Gile
Rev. Jack Giles
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gill
Mr. Hugh Gill
Ms. Frankie Glennis
Mr. Bear Godwin
Mr. Lloyd Goff
Mr. Lewis Goins
Mrs. Dana Goldman
Mrs. Rita Goodbread
Cpt. Landon Gore
Mr. Nick Gosey
Ms. Peggy Gossage
President’s Report
Mr. Billy Dickens
Mr. Robin Dickens
Ms. Susan Dickey
Mrs. Samantha Dickinson
Rev. Edward Dickson
Mr. David Diggs
Dr. Read Diket
Mr. Jonathan Dill
Mr. Barry Dillard
Mrs. Louise Dillard
Mrs. Connie Dillon
Dr. Ann Dion
Dixie Baptist Church, Hattiesburg
Ms. Janice Dixon
Mr. Ernest Dobbins
Mrs. Cheryle Dodd
Mr. Tony Dodson
Ms. Alice Dominick
Ms. Gloria Donnell
Mr. Robert and Dr. Linda Donnell
Mr. Michael Dossett
Mr. Robert Dossett
Mrs. Deborah Douglas
Rev. and Mrs. Lerlin Dow
Mr. George Downes
Ms. Cheryl Drewes
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Dubose
Mr. and Mrs. Todd DuBose
Rev. Arvil Dunaway
Mr. Lee Dunlap
Mrs. Donna Dunn
Mr. Ronald Dupree
Rev. James Durham
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Dyess
Mrs. Shirley Dykes
Mr. John Eakes
Early Advantage Christian Center
East Louisville Baptist Church
Mrs. Kimberly Easterling
Mrs. Lydia Easterling
Mrs. Flo Easton
Economy Supply Company
Mrs. Brenda Edmonson
Mrs. Ethel Mae Edwards
Mr. Steve Edwards
Mr. Jay Egger
Mrs. Mary Lou Ellis
Mr. John Ellzey
Emmanuel Baptist Church, Biloxi
Emmanuel Baptist Church, Columbia
Endless Summer
Mr. Tracy English
Mr. Michael Enos
Entergy Operations, Inc.
Mrs. Betty Entrekin
Mrs. Lynda Esper
Ms. Beverly Eubanks
Mrs. Jo Ann Eure
Mrs. Cheryl Evans
Mr. Joe Evans
Ms. Elise Everett
Ms. Janet Everett
Mrs. Janice Everett
Mrs. Kari Everett
Mrs. Mae Everett
President’s Report
Ms. Cheryl Goudelock
Rev. Ken Gower
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Graham
Mrs. Doris Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Graham
Ms. Jeanna Graves
Mrs. Marcell Graves
Mr. Hansel Gray
Greater Works Fellowship, Gulfport
Mr. John Green
Mrs. Lisa Green
Ms. Renee' Green
Mrs. Rhoda Greene
Ms. Betty Griffith
Mr. Will Grimsley
Mrs. Joann Grose
Gulf Coast Coca-Cola Bottling
Gulf Coast Community Foundation
Mr.* and Mrs. David Gumm
Cpt. Thomas Gurksnis
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Guthrie
Ms. Nina Guthrie
Mr. Brent Guy
Ms. Rhonda Guy
Mrs. Rachel Haddad
Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Hahn
Ms. Denise Halbach
Mrs. Anita Hale
Rev. Bill Hale
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Halford
Mr. Adolph Hall
Mrs. Anne Hall
Ms. Bonnie Hall
Mrs. Carolyn Hall
Mrs. Sharron Hall
Mrs. Sylvia Hall
Mr. Wayne Hall
Mr. Buck Hamlet
Ms. Melody Hanberry
Mr. Steven Hancock
Mrs. Vicky Hand
Mr. David Handrop
Mrs. Judith Hankins
Mrs. Stephanie Hankins
Mr. Mike Hannaford
Mr. Raymond Hanser
Mrs. Casey Hardison-Pevey
Ms. Suzette Hargroder
Mrs. Doris Harper
Mr. Prentiss Harrell
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Harrington
Mr. Mike Harris
Dr. Randall Harris
Mr. Mike Harrison
Rev. Joe Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Wally Hartel
Dr. Phil Hartig
Dr. Ed Harvey
Mrs. Rosa Harvey
Mr. Tom Hassell
Tom Hassell and Associates
Mr. Cecil Hathorn
Mr. Randy Hathorn
Mrs. Shelbia Hatten
City of Hattiesburg
Mrs. Trisha Havard
Mr. Grover Havens
Mrs. Claudia Hawkins
Mrs. Barbara Hayman
Maj. Clyde Hayman
Mrs. Herbert Heidebrecht
Mr. Aaron Heidelberg
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Henderson
Mrs. Lisa Henderson
Mrs. Kathy Hendry
Mrs. Travis Henley
Mr. Sammie Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Herford
Heritage Heights Baptist Church,
Rev. and Mrs. Archie Herrin
Mr. Charles Herrin
Ms. Earline Herrin
Ms. Michelle Herrin
Mr. John Herring
Mrs. Katie Herrington
Mr. M. Edward Hetherington
Ms. Julia Hicks
Mrs. Jeanette Hill
Mrs. June Hill
Mrs. Catherine Hillman
Mrs. Georgia Hillman
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hilton
Ms. Juliet Hinton
Mr. Robbie Hitt
Dr. Adam Hodge
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Hodges
Mr. Chad Hoeppel
Mrs. Louise Hoffman
Dr. and Mrs. Charlie Holcomb
Mr. Glenn and Dr. Bonnie Holder
Mrs. Frances Holifield
Mr. James Holifield
Mrs. Lynn Holifield
Mrs. Georgiann Holliman
Mrs. Mimi Hollingsworth
Mr. Charles Hollis
Ms. Darla Hollis
Mrs. Brenda Holloway
Mrs. Karen Holloway
Mrs. Bobbie Holmes
Mr. Butch Holmes
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Holmes
Mrs. Louise Holmes
Mrs. Martha Holomon
Mrs. Joy Anne Holston
Mrs. Jane Holton
Mrs. Jeanne Hood
Mrs. Cora Hopkins
Mr. Benny and Dr. June Hornsby
Rev. Efrain Horta-Castro
Mr. Jack Hosey
Mrs. Robin Hosey
Mr. Darren Hotmer
Mr. Brent House
Mr. Francis Houwers
Dr. and Mrs. Dan Howard
Mrs. Dot Howard
Ms. Val Howard
Mrs. Faye Howe
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Howell
Mrs. Melinda Howell
Howell Art Sales
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Hubbard
Col. Max Hubrich
Ms. John Dell Hucabee
Mr. Thomas Huebner
Mrs. Carolyn Huey
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hughes
Mrs. Johanna Hughey
Dr. Scott Hummel
Mrs. Mary Lou Hummer
Mrs. Deena Hunter
Mr. Jesse Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hurst
Mr. Virgil Hutcherson
Mrs. Belinda Hutsenpiller
Mrs. Deborah Hux
Ms. Melanie Isham
J&J Graphics Productions, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David Jacks
Ms. Debbie Jackson
Mrs. Karla Jackson
Mrs. Linda Jackson
Mrs. Debra Jacob
Mrs. April Jacobi
Rev. and Mrs. Ben James
Mrs. Nan James
Mr. Philip James
Mr. Milt Jenkins
Ms. Bessie Jennings
Mrs. Alice Johnson
Mrs. Angie Johnson
Mrs. Carolyn Johnson
Ms. Christine Johnson
Mrs. Katherine Johnson
Ms. Monica Johnson
Rev. Robby Johnson
Mr. Sam Johnson
Mrs. Thelma Johnson
Mr. Ramon Johnston
Ms. Sharon Johnston
Ms. Carlet Jones
Mrs. Deborah Jones
Mr. Donnie Jones
Mrs. Fran Jones
Mrs. Marla Jones
Mrs. Mattie Jordan
Mr. Joseph and Dr. Rebecca Jordan
Mr. Milton Joyner
Judson Baptist Church, Walker, LA
K&K Gun Shop
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Karimpanamannil
Mrs. Cora Keen
Mr. Terry Keith
Mr. Allen Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kennedy
Cpt. Steven Kennedy
Dr. Byron Smith and Mrs. Nancy Kent
Ms. Chandra Kidd
Dr. and Mrs. Phil Kimrey
Mrs. Beth King
Mr. Danny King
Mr. and Mrs. Garland King
Mrs. Milly King
Mrs. Gina May
Mr. Richard Mays
Mrs. Joy McAfee
Mrs. Linda McAllister
Mr. Billy McAlpin
Mrs. Donna McBeth
Mrs. Carla McCaleb
Mr. Hugh McCallum
Mrs. Blythe McCance
Mrs. Doris McCann
Mr. Michael McCarthy
Mrs. Sherry McCarthy
Ms. Betty McCarty
Mr. Wilbur McCasland
Mr. Jimbo McCay
Maj. Eddie McClelland
Mrs. Katie Rose McClendon
Mrs. Esther McCord
Mrs. Annie McCoy
Ms. Linda McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. Andy McDaniel
Mr. Cloyce McDavid
Ms. Jacquelyn McDougle
Mr. H. Wayne McElroy
Mr. Howard McGee
Mrs. Sharon McGehee
Maj. Helen McGregor
Dr. and Mrs. Kermit McGregor
Mrs. Carolyn McHann
Mr. Robert McHatton
Mrs. Lana McIlwain
Ms. Bernice McIntosh
Mrs. Anna McIntyre
Dr. and Mrs. Billy McKay
Mr. and Mrs. Don McKeithen
Mrs. Linda McKenzie
Rev. and Mrs. Grant McLain
Ms. Kathryn McLain
Ms. Kelly McLain
Mrs. Evelyn McLaurin
Mr. and Mrs. Trent McLaurin
Mr. Oliver McLean
McLelland TV Company
Andrew Dale of Gulfport and Audrea McMillen of
Mrs. Joycelyn McLendon
Amory received the 2003 Jenkins-Chastain
Citizenship Award during Honors Day ceremonies. The Ms. Nancy McMillan
Ms. Audrea McMillen
award is the highest award given to students at
Mrs. Sherland McMillen
William Carey College. Both students are scholarship
Mrs. Krissy McNeil
recipients, made possible through contributions by
Mrs. Tammy McPhail
alumni and friends.
Mr. Pete McQueen
Mrs. Mary McRaney
Dr. Theresa McRee
Dr. and Mrs. B.J. Martin
Dr. Charlotte McShea
Mrs. Estelle Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice McWhorter
Rev. Oliver Martin
Ms. Anne Marie Meadows
Mrs. Melonee Mason
Mrs. Sandra Meeler
Mrs. Terri Mason
Rev. and Mrs. Kent Megehee
Mrs. Kate Massey
Mr. and Mrs. Woody Megehee
Mr. Perry Massey
Dr. Ronnie Melton
Mr. Samuel Massey
Mr. George Mercado
Mrs. Jo Ann Massie
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mercer
Mr. Billy Mathis
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mercer
Mrs. Janice Mathis
Mrs. Martha Merifield
Mauldin Company
Mr. Harold Merritt
Mr. Anthony Mault
Mr. Lloyd Merritt
Mr. Dickey Maxwell
Mr. Richard Madden
Mrs. Betty Magee
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Major
Maj. Bernie Mallett
Mrs. Pamela Malone
Mrs. Marjolijn Manes
Rev. and Mrs. Tommy Mangum
Mrs. Debbie Mansell
Mr. Gene Mapp
Mrs. Gail Markey
Mrs. Glenda Marshall
Mrs. Laura Anne Marshall
President’s Report
Ms. Connie Kittrell
Mr. Herman Knapp
Ms. Angela Knight
Mr. Markel Knight
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Knight
Ms. Grace Knochel
Ms. Jan Koncar
Mr. Bob Kouns
Mr. Marvin Krehbiel
Mrs. Stephanie Kuhn
Mrs. Sue Kuyrkendall
Mr. Dempsey Ladner
Mr. Dewel Ladner
Mrs. Gloria Ladner
Dr. and Mrs. Dorman Laird
Ms. Vicky Laird
Mrs. Dianne Lajaunie
Mr. Melvin Lamb
Dr. Will Lampkin
Mr. Donald Lancaster
Mrs. Tina Lancaster
Ms. Linda Lanclos
Ms. Mary Collins Landin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Landrum
Mrs. Susan Landry
Mr. Henry Lane
Mr. David Langley
Mr. and Mrs. David Larrimore
Mrs. Barbara Lasley
Mrs. Norma Lawson
Mrs. Gwendolyn Lawyer
Rev. and Mrs. Frank Lay
Mrs. Rosilan Leahy
Mrs. Mildred Leake
Mr. and Mrs. Randy LeBlanc
Mr. Drew LeBlanc
Mrs. Penny LeBlanc
Mrs. Betty Lee
Dr. and Mrs. David Lee
Mrs. Lari Lee
Mrs. Shonda Lee
Mrs. Jeanne Lefeld
Dr. Larry LeFlore
Cpt. C. L. Leonard
Mrs. Hazel Littlejohn
Mr. Robert Livingston
Lockheed Martin Matching Gift
Mrs. Vanessa Lofton
Mr. Johnny Lollar
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lott
Mrs. Susan Lott
Mrs. Wren Lott
Mr. Chris Lovely
Mr. Keith Lucas
Mrs. Lori Lucas
Mr. Vance Luce
Mrs. Kathy Lukens
Mr. John Lumpkin
Mrs. Virginia Lumpkin
Mrs. Jo Lundy
Ms. Melba Lundy
Mrs. Jennifer Lyon-Cook
Ms. Fern Lyter
Mr. James Madden
President’s Report
Ms. Anna Morris
Mortgage Equity
Mrs. Mary Morton
Ms. Corinne Moser
Ms. Elaine Moser
Mrs. Knoxine Moulds
Mount Olive Baptist
Mr. Michael Mudge
Mrs. Glenda Munka
Ms. Jane Murdock
Mrs. Margaret
Mrs. Dorothea
Mrs. Pat Muscio
Mrs. Melinda Nabors
Dr. Edgar Napier
Ms. Jessica Neal
Mr. Kevin Neary
Mr. Micah Necaise
Mrs. Brooks Nelson
Rev. Hoyte Nelson
Mandy Tilley ‘03, a business administration student from
Mr. and Mrs. James
Lucedale, received the School Spirit Award presented at
Honors Day. She is pictured with Nancy Kent ‘65, president Mrs. Kimberly Nelson
of the WCC Alumni Council.
Mrs. Terry Newell
Mrs. Crystal Newman
Mrs. Thretha
Ms. Nancy Metts
Mrs. Mary Middleton
Mr. Vernon Newman
Mrs. Tucker Mikell
Mr. Eddie Newsom
Mrs. Nadean Miles
Ms. Theresa Nicks
Millennium Music Center
Mrs. Glenda Nickson
Dr. Bitsy Browne Miller
Ms. Mary Nicovich
Mrs. Candace Miller
Mrs. Jackie Nielsen
Mr. David Miller
Nolfe Drywall Construction
Mrs. Dianne Miller
Mrs. Nona Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Myron Noonkester
Mrs. Pam Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Noonkester
Mr. Ron Miller
Mr. Ronald Norman
Mr. Thomas Miller
Northrop Grumman Litton
Mr. Walter Miller
Mrs. Lois Norton
Mrs. Wyneta Miller
Mrs. Beth Nowell
Dr. and Mrs. David Millican
Noxubee County Baptist Association
Mrs. Bobbie Mills
Oak Grove Baptist Church,
Mrs. Regina Mills
Mr. Bill Mims
Mrs. Sue Oakland
Mississippi Power Company
Mrs. Delores Ockmand
State of Mississippi
Dr. and Mrs. Don Odom
Mississippi Theatre Association
Mrs. Peggy O'Neal
Mr. Keith Mitchell
Mrs. Joann Oswalt
Ms. Brandi Mixon
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Owen
Ms. Daisy Moore
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Owens
Mrs. Elizabeth Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Padgett
Mr. Greg Moore
Mr. James Palmer
Ms. Haley Moore
Mr. Rob Parden
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Moore
Ms. Norma Pardin
Mrs. Joy Moore
Mr. Latheal Parish
Mr. Thomas Moore
Ms. Cheryl Parker
Moore Funeral Home
Mr. Grady Parker
Mr. Victor Morales
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Parker
Mrs. Maurcie Moren
Rev. Paul Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Parker
Mr. Scott Parker
Mrs. Terri Parker
Ms. Martha Patch
Ms. Christy Patrick
Mrs. Kathy Patrick
Mrs. Margherita Patrick
Mrs. Alice Patton
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Patton
Mrs. Charleen Pav
Dr. and Mrs. Bill Payne
Mrs. Carol Payne
Mr. Bryan Pearce
Ms. Carole Pearce
Mrs. Norma Pearce
Mrs. Susan Peart
Mr. Max Peck
Dr. and Mrs. Steve Peirce
Mrs. Charlotte Pennell
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Penot
Ms. Patricia Penton
Mr. and Mrs. David Perkins
Mrs. Destiny Perkins
Ms. Betty Perkinson
Mrs. Carolyn Perry
Rev. David Perry
Rev. James Perry
Mrs. Kitty Perry
Dr. and Mrs. Randall Perry
Mrs. Marsha Peters
Ms. Dana Peterson
Mr. Michael Pfender
Mrs. Alberta Phillips
Mrs. Dorothy Phillips
Rev. and Mrs. Macon Phillips
Ms. Gail Phipps
Mr. and Mrs. Rebecca Pierce
Piggly Wiggly Grocery
Mrs. Norma Lee Pigott
Pineview Baptist Church,
Col. Joe Pinson
Dr. and Mrs. Hilton Pittman
Mrs. J. Duane Pittman
Mr. T. L. Pittman
Mrs. Patty Pitts
Mr. Curtis Polk
Mr. Richard Polk
Ms. Betty Pope
Mr. Randy Pope
Ms. Terry Porter
Mrs. Elma Portero
Ms. Allene Powe
Ms. Pam Powell
Prentiss Baptist Church
Priceville Baptist Church, Tupelo
Mr. Daniel Pridgen
Mr. Mark Prine
Mr. Anthony Proctor
Promotional Marketing
Mr. Andy Puckett
Mrs. Jill Purvis
Mrs. Lillian Putnam
Mrs. Virginia Quarles
Ms. Teresa Quave
PPr re es si idde ennt t’ s’ s RRe eppoor rt t
Mrs. Lori Shoemake
Mrs. Tracie Salinas
Mr. and Mrs. Rubin Quidley
Mrs. Wanda Shoemake
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Salter
Ms. Tina Quigley
Mr. Jackie Shotts
Mr. Fred Samec
Dr. Suzanne Quin
Rev. and Mrs. Larry Shrum
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Sanders
Dr. and Mrs. Elton Raby
Mrs. Jo Shumaker
Rev. and Mrs. John Sapp
Mrs. Elisa Radich
Mr. Donald Shurden
Mrs. Kathleen Sarle
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Rainey
Shuttle Service, Inc.
Mrs. Mary Saucier
Mr. John Rainey
Mr. Peter Sicotte
Mrs. Rita Saunders
Mrs. Zondra Rallo
Sigma Tau Delta
Mr. Gerald Sawyer
Mrs. Jennifer Ramsdale
Mrs. Brenda Silkman
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Scarbrough
Mrs. Fran Ramsey
Mrs. Angela Sims
Mr. Ronald Schmidt
Ms. Melanie Randolph
Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Sims
Mrs. Firma Schneeweiss
Mr. Clark Rasberry
Mrs. Linda Sims
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Schottgen
Rev. Joe Ratcliff
Mrs. Mary Lou Sims
Mr. Wilford Ratliff
Mr. Francis Skelly
Mrs. Iva Rauch
Mrs. Angela Skelton
Ms. Frances Rawls
Mrs. Kathleen Skipper
Ms. Edna Rayborn
Mr. Robert Sloan
Ms. Lisa Reams
Mrs. Bobbie Smith
Mr. Walthew Reardon
Ms. Cynthia Smith
Ms. Ginger Reaves
Mrs. Deborah Smith
Mrs. Linda Reboul
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Smith
Mr. Jim Rector
Dr. and Mrs. Elvin Smith
Mr. Leland Redmond
Mr. Eugene Smith
Mrs. Demetria Reed
Mrs. Gaye Smith
Rev. Curtis Reese
Mr. James Smith
Mr. Clyde Reves
Mrs. Joan Smith
Mrs. Jane Rey
Rev. Kendell Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Donnie
Mr. and Mrs. Kipp Smith
Mrs. Margaret Smith
Ms. Jill Reynolds
Mrs. Martha Smith
Ms. Laurie Rhea
Mrs. Mary Smith
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Reginal Smith
Mrs. Martha Richardson
Mr. Rodney Smith
Mrs. Gilleree Rickard
Mrs. Sarajane Smith
Mrs. Sarah Riggs
Mrs. Wanda Smith
Mrs. Gina Rigney
Mr. William Smith
Mr. David Rihner
Mrs. Wilma Smith
Rev. Wayne Riley
Mr. Edward Sneed
Mrs. Margaret Rives
Mr. Everett Sorrells
Ms. Shannon Robert
South 28th Avenue Baptist
Dr. Arlene Roberts
Church, Hattiesburg
Rev. Bo Roberts
Southern Bone and Joint
Mr. Robin and Dr. Connie
Margaret Rees and her daughter Karan Rees McGee ‘97 are
Specialists, Hattiesburg
faithful supporters of WCC.
Ms. Sandy Sparkman
Mr. John Roberts
Rev. Ralph Sparrow
Mrs. Judith Roberts
Dr. David Spencer
Mr. Henry Schrader
Mrs. Kim Robertson
Mr. Michael Springstead
Mrs. Dixie Schrier
Mrs. Susan Robinson
St. John’s River Community College
Mrs. Becky Scott
Mrs. Tammy Rodgers
Mr. Gary Stafford
Mrs. Kay Scott
Mrs. Joyce Rogers
Mrs. Mary Stainton
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Scott
Mr. Keith Rogers
Dr. Randy Scott
Mrs. Melissa Rogers
Standard Office Supply Company
Mr. Wade Scully
Mrs. Myrtis Rolling
Dr. Barbara Stanford
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Seal
Mr. Leo Romano
Rev. Jack Stanley
Mr. William Seal
Mr. George Rosetti
Mr. John Staples
Mrs. Margie Seale
Mr. Ronnie Ross
Mr. Farrell Stearns
Mr. David Sellers
Mr. Anthony Rossi
Mr. Brad Stephens
Mrs. Dianne Sellers
Mrs. Julie Roth
Mrs. Nolena Stephens
Mrs. Mary Serafina
Mrs. Jeanne Rowland
Mr. and Mrs. John Stephenson
Mr. Ralph Serpas
Mr. Larry Rudder
Mrs. Nancy Sterling
Mrs. Janice Seymour
Mr. Bo Ruffin
Mrs. Frances Stewart
Mrs. Louise Shamburger
Mr. Gail Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Stewart
Mr. Mitchell Sharp
Ms. Joy Russell
Ms. Janice Stewart
Ms. Everlean Sharpe
Dr. Eddie Ruth
Mr. Jimbo Stewart
Mr. Melton Sharpe
Ryan Motors, Inc.
Rev. and Mrs. Jimmy Stewart
President’s Report
Ms. Darlene Underwood
Mrs. Louise Stewart
Uniforms, Etc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
United Daughters of the
Confederacy, Texarkana,
Rev. and Mrs. Ron Stewart
Mr. Todd Stewart
United Daughters of the
Mr. Mike Stiles
Confederacy, White Hall,
Mr. Pat Still
Mr. Martin Stires
Ms. Becky Utermark
Ms. Jane Stodghill
Mrs. Karen Utterback
Ms. Mignon Stogner
Mrs. Kathy Vail
Mr. Gary Stokes
Ms. Gloria Van DeLisle
Rev. Roy Stokes
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van
Mrs. Debra Stone
Mrs. Cecilia Stover
Mr. Rick Van Egmond
Dr. Ray Strebeck
Mrs. Sherry Vance
Ms. Patti Stribling
Cpt. Jim VanFossan
Mr. Gray Strickland
Maj. Jose Vasquez
Mr. Jesse Strickland
Rev. Billy Vaughan
Mrs. Warren Strickland
Mr. Buddy Vaughn
Mrs. Sharon Stroud
Col. M. F. Vaughn
Mrs. Jennette Stuart
Mrs. Laura Vickery
Mr. Robert Stutz
Ms. Ellen Viets
Ms. Lisa Suarez
Mr. David Vincent
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sudeiha
Ms. Ashley Vines
Mrs. Arlena Sullivan
Ms. Barbara Vlasic
Mrs. Ellen Sullivan
Maj. James Volheim
Dr. Marilyn Sullivan
Mr. Charles Voss
Ms. Pat Sullivan
Mrs. Suzanne Waddell
Mrs. Patricia Summers
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Wade
Rev. and Mrs. John
Greg Breazeale ’03 of Purvis was the recipient of the J. E.
Mr. Mike Wade
Byrd Memorial Award given on Honors Day to the most
Mrs. Donna Wahl
Mrs. Anita Sumrall
outstanding senior student in religious studies. He is
Ms. Greg Walden
Mrs. Sarah Sumrall
pictured with Dr. Dorman Laird ’61, professor of religion.
The award was established by alumna Annie Ward Byrd ’27
Ms. Brenda Waldrip
Ms. Sally Sutherland
in memory of her father.
Mrs. Falba Walker
Rev. Duane Sutton
Mr. Roderick Walker
Mr. Glenn Swan
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Walker
Mr. Larry Sweat
Ms. Joyce Thompson
Mr. Howard Wallace
Dr. Glenn Swetman
Mr. Walter Thweatt
Mr. Jerry Wallace
Mrs. Dorothy Sykes
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Tillery
Mrs. Ruth Wallace
Ms. Charlotte Syll
Mrs. Carroll Tillman
Mrs. Sandra Waller
Ms. Betty Sylvest
Ms. Sheila Tillman
Mr. Chip Walley
Mrs. Carol Szymanski
Mrs. Dianne Tipton
Rev. Gene Walley
Mr. Frank Tapper
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Tisdale
Rev. and Mrs. Jimmy Walley
Mrs. B. Jean Tate
Mr. Toby Tolbert
Mrs. Kaye Walley
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Tate
Mr. Daniel Toomey
Mrs. Tracy Walley
Mrs. Martha Tatum
Mrs. Lynne Tootle
Mr. Bura Walters
Mr. Clay Taylor
Mr. Chris Townsend
Ms. Janet Walters
Mr. David Taylor
Mr. David Trammell
Mrs. Linda Walters
Mrs. Diane Taylor
Mrs. Rhonda Travis
Ms. Georgia Waltman
Mrs. Ellen Taylor
Travnicek Farms
Mrs. Georgia Walton
Rev. J. T. Taylor
Mrs. Candace Trest
Mr. Shiao Wang
Mr. Lawrence Taylor
Mrs. Danna Trotter
Dr. Patricia Ward
Mrs. Ollie Taylor
Mrs. Deborah Trotter
Mrs. Gail Wardlow
Taylorsville Insurance Agency
Ms. Linda Tubbiolo
Ward’s Food Systems, Inc.
Tennessee Baptist Foundation
Mrs. Nicole Tudela
Mrs. Luella Warner
Ms. Kathy Terry
Mrs. Doris Tull
Mrs. Darlene Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Baron Thames
Ms. Amanda Turan
Mrs. Beverly Thomas
W. A. Warren Construction Co., Inc.
Mr. Albert Turnage
Mrs. Gretchen Thomas
Rev. Gary Watkins
Mr. Bob Turnage
Rev. John Thomas
Mr. Randy Watkins
Mr. Patrick Turner
Mrs. Laura Thomas
Mrs. Genevieve Watson
Dr. Philip Turnquist
Mrs. Lavada Thomas
Mrs. Inez Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Tustain
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Thomas
Dr. Mark Watson
Mrs. Joanna Twombly
Ms. Barbara Thompson
Rev. James Watts
Mrs. June Tyson
Ms. Cindy Thompson
Ms. Pam Weatherly
Mrs. Linda Ulland
Mr. Anthony Willis
Willmut Gas
Mrs. Carol Wilson
Mrs. Debra Wilson
Ms. Joyce Wilson
Mrs. Kim Wilson
Mrs. Laurie Wilson
Mrs. Lydia Wilson
Ms. Rita Wilson
Lt. Col. Carolyn Winbush
Mrs. Jerri Windham
Mr. and Mrs. William Windham
Ms. Janie Winscott
Winston Baptist Association
Mrs. Amy Winters
Dr. Bill Womack
Rev. Woody Woodfin
Rev. and Mrs. Barry Worrell
Mrs. Juruthin Woullard
Dr. Ed Wright
Mr. Ron Wyatt
Mr. Claude Yarborough
Mr. Dwight Yates
Mr. Clayton Young
Mrs. Helen Young
Mrs. Susan Young
Mrs. Andrea Zaloudek
Dr. Dee Zell
Every attempt has been made
to provide an
accurate listing in the
Honor Roll of Investors.
If you note an error, please
notify the Development Office
at 601/318-6193.
Betty Hart ‘52 (center), a retired missionary, brought two of her friends from Chile to
WCC for a visit. Beatriz Rubio (L) is from Santiago, and Belia Perez is from Antafagosta.
Dr. Iris Abrams
Mrs. Sydney Bailey
Dr. Bill Baker
Mr. Derek Belk
Mr. Darrell Blount
Ms. Becky Bourdene
Mr. LaRon Brumfield
Dr. Walter Butler
Dr. Daniel Caldwell
Dr. David Channell
Dr. Allison Chestnut
Drs. Michael and Kathie Chute
Dr. Marilyn Cooksey
Mrs. Karon Cummins
Ms. Josephine D’Arpa
Dr. Cheryl Dale
Mr. Roger Dickens
Ms. Susan Dickey
Dr. Read Diket
Mrs. Kathy Dyess
Mrs. Lydia Easterling
Mrs. Ethel Mae Edwards
Mr. Tracy English
Mr. Joe Garvin
Mrs. Peggy Gossage
Mrs. Roma Graham
Ms. Jeanna Graves
Mr. Grant Guthrie
Mr. J.C. Hahn
Mr. Bobby Halford
Mrs. Barbara Hamilton
Dr. Randall Harris
Dr. Gerald Hasselman
Ms. Earline Herrin
Dr. Bonnie Holder
Dr. June Hornsby
Dr. Tom Huebner
Mr. Jesse Hunter
Dr. Kyle Jones
Dr. Rebecca Jordan
Dr. Hubert Keasler
Dr. Larry Kennedy
Dr. Tommy King
Mr. Steve Knight
Dr. Dorman Laird
Mrs. Cheryl Maqueda
Dr. B.J. Martin
Mr. Richard Mays
Ms. Linda McCoy
Ms. Nancy McMillan
Dr. Charlotte McShea
Mrs. Sandra Meeler
Dr. Nancy Metts
Dr. Bitsy Browne Miller
Dr. Myron Noonkester
Dr. Eugene Owens
Mrs. Rebecca Pierce
Mr. Obra Quave
Ms. Shannon Robert
PPr re es si idde ennt t’ s’ s RRe eppoor rt t
Mr. Steve Weaver
Mrs. Dolly Webb
Mr. Earl Webb
Mrs. Kristina Webb
Ms. Lola Webb
Rev. James Weber
Mrs. Katherine Webster
Mrs. Natalie Wedgeworth
Lt. Col. Rodney Weems
Mr. Aaron Welch
Mr. Ottis Welch
Mr. Benton Wells
Mr. Leroy Wescovich
Rev. and Mrs. Dan West
Mrs. Phyllis Western
Mrs. Wanda West-Grass
Westminster Presbyterian Church,
Westwood Baptist Church, Meridian
Rev. Hollis Whitaker
Ms. Heather White
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth White
Mrs. Kimberly White
Mrs. Nancy White
Mr. Chris Whites
Mr. Jamie Whiteside
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Whitlock
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wiggins
Mr. Bill Wiley
Ms. Hannah Wilkerson
Mrs. Alice Wilkes
Mr. Dalton Williams
Dr. Janet Williams
Mr. Jeremy Williams
Mr. Joey Williams
Mrs. Linda Williams
Mrs. Penny Williams
Mrs. Sandra Williams
Mrs. Sylvia Williams
Mrs. Anitra Williamson
Ms. Ora Williamson
Mr. Jipper Williford
President’s Report
Dr. Connie Roberts
Mr. Mitchell Sharp
Dr. Barbara Stanford
Mr. Robert Stutz
Dr. Glenn Swetman
Mrs. Diane Taylor
Mrs. Barbara Tillery
Mrs. Kathy Vail
Mrs. Cathy Van Devender
Dr. Benjamin Waddle
Ms. Brenda Waldrip
Dr. Patricia Ward
Mrs. Inez Watson
Dr. Rose West
Dr. and Mrs. Milton Wheeler
Dr. Janet Williams
Dr. Gene Winters
Mrs. Linda York
by Years
Margaret Lou Hemeter Gillespie ‘31
Pennye Fikes Gatewood ‘32
Cora Lay Keen ‘32
Virginia Cooper Quarles ‘35
Fern Morris Lyter ‘36
Evelyn Knight McLaurin ‘36
Mildred Breland Leake ‘37
Sarah Batson Riggs ‘38
Helen Cameron Young ‘39
Della Harris Faust ‘40
Kathleen Stewart Sarle ‘40
Louise Waddell Hoffman ‘49
Elsie Parker ‘49
Betty Pope ‘49
Billy Mathis ‘50
Joann Weaver Grose ‘51
Charlie Holcomb ‘51
Jeanette Bilbo Larrimore ‘51
Annie Vera Oden Major ‘51
Betty Hart ‘52
Hilda Barber Owen ‘52
Charlsie Austin Parks ‘52
Margie Fike Seale ‘52
Gayle Shelton Bilbo ‘53
Ida Bell Hilderbrand Clapp ‘53
Joyce Duncan Raby ‘53
Lorene Edwards Brittain ‘54
Mary Lou Baygents Ellis ‘54
Becky Bilbo Scott ‘54
Katherine Irwin Webster ‘54
Ellen Davis Barber
Flo Ongais Easton
David Larrimore
Esther Crum McCord
Norma Lee Vince Pigott
Linda Maddox Sims
Ray Strebeck
Sarah Hardage Sumrall
Lona Cochran Barnett
Gladyce King Bush
Billy Crosby
Bill Davis
Martha Blakeney Davis
June De Vall
Barry Dillard
Robert Dossett
W. A. Fordham
Jerry Gardner
Bear Godwin
Carolyn McGahagin Hall
Jane Brigance Holton
Mary Lou Smith Hummer
Fred Hurst
Peggy Daniels Hurst
Billie Ingram
Carolyn McIntosh Johnson
Betty Burge Lee
Richard Madden
Gene Mapp
Melonee Walley Mason
Bernice McIntosh
Hoyte Nelson
Joyce Clinton Rogers
Bob Turnage
Lewis Allred
Bonita Spence Bridges
Gerald Buchanan
Burl Cooley
Betty Jo Boyette Faler
M. L. Faler
Buddy Floore
Jack Giles
Julia Hicks
Georgia Herrin Hinson
Harvie McClure
Bill Payne
Mary Bullock Payne
Eddie Cunningham Quidley
Rubin Quidley
Joe Ratcliff
Bill Womack
Bettie Lawler Broome
Louise Allen Dillard
Gene Ferguson
Barbara Loustalot Hamilton
Tommye Garner Harvey
Herman Knapp
Pete McQueen
Martha Cranford Merifield
David Millican
Doris Powe Millican
Howard Moore
Paul Parker
Billy Salter
Elaine Williamson Salter
Kendell Smith
J. T. Taylor
Dave Ann Jackson Wheat
Doyle Wheat
Melba Herring Wiggins
Sara Mathis Barber
Eldredge Boyd
Mary Gayle Smith Carleton
Gene Fant
Ernest Foy
Will Grimsley
Alton Harvey
Faye McGregor Howe
Norma Rogers Lawson
Elaine Moser
Doug Rouse
Louise Bass Shamburger
June Pettus Tyson
James Watts
Oscar Adams
Robert Barnes
Joseph Beach
Jo Thornhill Boyd
Josephine D'Arpa
John Ellzey
Ramona Hankins Fant
Gayle Watts Gill
Hansel Gray
Ed Harvey
Georgiann Holliman
Allen Mapp
Perry Massey
Margie Loustalot Myrick
Grady Parker
Joe Pinson
Elvin Smith
Irma Coward Smith
Jackie Speights
Ron Stewart
Shelby Pigott Stewart
John Thomas
Gene Walley
Hugh Bateman
Ray Bell
Bill Bounds
Devon Byrd
Janjai Chayavadhanangkur
Lester Clark
Carey Counselman
Charles Dampeer
Alice Dominick
Nina Mason Fleming
Fred Gill
Nancy Garland Hensarling
Dorman Laird
Don McKeithen
Judy Smith McKeithen
Wayne Riley
George Rosetti
Errol Simmons
Mary Ishee Simmons
Nell Simmons Slipher
Milton Wheeler
Hughie Alford
Annette Bryan Arnold
Patsy Meador Bateman
Fay Chappell Boothe
Mary Blakeney Bounds
Edna Hatten Clay
Joyce Hopper Counselman
Jeanette Henderson Hill
Catherine Smith Hillman
John Dell Lindley Hucabee
Bob Kouns
Virginia Kirkland Lumpkin
Jo Pevey Lundy
Daisy Seale Moore
Edgar Napier
Carole Annis Pearce
Charlotte Watts Pennell
Wade Scully
Leroy Wescovich
Paul Wiggins
Pat Stines Barnes
Jo Ann Patton Berger
Doris Boggan Broadus
Leo Brown
Donald Campbell
John Coulter
Anne Mull Hall
Robert Hensarling
Jack Hosey
Tommy Mangum
Pam Steele Miller
Sue McClosky Oakland
Bo Roberts
Andy Schottgen
Louis Scott
Tanya Scott
John Stephenson
Linda Blackwell Walters
Nancy Sterling White
Dollie Sheffield Anderson
Frank Bailey
Patti Parnell Bailey
George Berger
Henny Bolton
Jerry Boone
Shirley Glover Boone
John Borom
Bennett Britt
Lerlin Dow
Mildred Alexander Dow
Rita Matthews Goodbread
Claudia Pike Hawkins
Tommy King
Libby Sellers Mangum
Nadean Eaves Miles
Faye Stewart Schottgen
Dixie Robbins Schrier
Mary Hawkins Smith
Gene Stewart
Pat Still
Jerry Wallace
Earl Webb
Ed Wright
Grant Barber
Carol Ann Roberts Bell
Willard Boman
Carolyn Stewart Borom
Nancy Richardson Bush
Barbara Jones Chitwood
Betty Hendrix Deardorff
Rose Mary Hodges Forehand
Carey Fuller
Barbara Ann Stovall Gumm
Buck Hamlet
Fran Pursell Jones
Dot Walker Kennedy
Dianne Anderson Lajaunie
Linda Singleton McAllister
Charles Mercer
Thomas Moore
David Perry
Dorothy Fleming Phillips
Jackie Dockery Shrum
Mark Watson
Dolly Flurry Webb
Ellen Tolbert Bandsma
Jerry Brown
Etta Causey Carlisle
Rick Chaffin
Janet Harrison Fordham
Sherron Stell Garner
Gloria Wheeler Ladner
Rosilan Hunt Leahy
Drew LeBlanc
Joy McAfee
Bobbie Smith Mills
James Nolfe
Charleen Arrington Pav
Iva Moffett Rauch
Henry Schrader
Gary Stafford
Walter Warren
Kenneth White
PPr re es si idde ennt t’ s’ s RRe eppoor rt t
Dr. Larry Kennedy, trustee Dr. Linda Donnell, and alumnus Dr. Argile Smith ‘77 enjoy a
visit at the reception following the Fall Convocation in September. Dr. Smith, chair,
division of pastoral ministries and professor of preaching at New Orleans Baptist
Theological Seminary, delivered the convocation address.
Herb Beasley
Delores Moody Brannan
Julie Roberson Daniel
Edward Dickson
Brenda Jones Edmonson
James Ford
David Gumm*
Nancy Kent
Sandra Simmons King
Frank Lay
Mary Strebeck Morton
Knoxine Jacobs Moulds
Margherita Iannuzzi Patrick
Dale Meador Rainey
Margaret Breazeale Rives
Gail Russell
Kay Wilson Scott
Jackie Shotts
Linda Stringer Smith
Ralph Sparrow
Kaye Finney Stewart
Mac Tisdale
Dan West
Rachel Ward West
Donna Duck Wheeler
Gene Winters
Peggy Bell Adams
President’s Report
Betty Clark Bonds
Waylen Bray
Donnie Burt
Nancy Heinbaugh Burt
Loyd Calcote
Ben Carlisle
George Downes
Susie Epperson Dubose
Robert Galbraith
Archie Herrin
Marie Mosely King
Carolyn Sanford McHann
Theresa McRee
Dianne Miller Miller
Steve Peirce
Richard Polk
John Rainey
Jennette Cowart Sumner
John Sumner
Gary Watkins
Janelle Smith White
Sylvia Barkemeyer Williams
Bill Brooke
Chick Brown
Donnie Saucier Carroll
Wordie Carroll
Harold Clark
Cheryle Morehead Dodd
James Durham
Lana Frost Folse
Al Fordham
Kendall Fry
Steve Garner
Richard Kennedy
James King
Margaret Carraway Lay
Oliver Martin
Joycelyn Myers McLendon
Sherland Lee McMillen
Elizabeth Ferrell Moore
J. E. Patton
Sharon Holliman Peirce
Larry Shrum
David Spencer
Farrell Stearns
Rick Van Egmond
Dee Pfaffendorf Zell
Tony Pascale
Susan Watts Peart
James Perry
Annette Cone Quigley
Cherry Sandifer Sims
J. E. Sims
Duane Sutton
Beverly Rush Thames
Laura Mitchell Thomas
Tim Thomas
Sherry Williams Tisdale
David Trammell
Buddy Vaughn
Judy Duck Wade
Buddy Wiggins
Joey Williams
Nell Cook Adams
Nancy Turner Bourne
Bill Brewster
Norma Broadus
Vickie Broadway
Redonda Martin Broom
Larry Burns
Larry Chandler
Mary Lynn Stampley Cheves
Patrick Collier
Terry Diamond
Jo Ann Triggs Eure
Ken Gower
Vicky Toulson Hand
Thomas Melton
Peggy Butler Answorth
Sue Rounds Black
Lowell Broom
Vicki Morrison Daughdrill
Sherry Cannon Diamond
Rex Dubose
Ray Fountain
Bill Hale
Tom Hassell
Bobbie Jordan Holmes
Cecelia Patterson LeBlanc
Randy LeBlanc
David Lee
Sherry McClendon Lee
Larry LeFlore
Hazel Snell Littlejohn
James Madden
Ron McKenzie
WCC students Tim Kindard (L), Elisha Gold, and Deresa Patrick kneel next to a sculpture of Jesus they made on the
beach across from the Mississippi Coast Coliseum in Biloxi. The art students were hired by the United Methodist
Church for its state convention in June at the coliseum. The sand sculpture was made from a sketch by Gold and was
eight feet long and about three feet high.
Photo by Cara Owsley of The Sun Herald.
Theresa Hyatt Brooke
Carolyn Felter Caldwell
Al Carmona
John Clearman
Paula Camp Clenney
Edward Coates
Keith Cooper
Robert Cooper
Roy Cordle
Lee Dunlap
Larry Fields
Don Flynt
Linda Byrd Franks
Steven Kennedy
C. L. Leonard
Bernie Mallett
Dickey Maxwell
Wes McElveen
John McGraw
Cheryl Parker
Cli Ann McGehee Pittman
Hilton Pittman
Linda Magers Scarbrough
Roy Stokes
Patti McCarty Sullivan
Barbara Johnson Thompson
Mike Wade
Jan Johnston Walley
Jimmy Walley
Rodney Weems
Ottis Welch
Claude Yarborough
Jim Aldridge
Bob Bade
King Batey
Doug Benedict
Mary Lawrence Breland
Charles Brown
Gerald Brown
Duwane Brumfield
Johnnie Cardwell
William Champion
Kathie Benge Chute
Thomas Combest
Jo Laurin McDonald Davis
Arvil Dunaway
Kathy McCarty Flynt
James Fogarty
Judy Windham Fountain
Wayne Hall
Charles R. Holmes
Max Hubrich
Debra Aucoin Jacob
Wilbur McCasland
Latheal Parish
Kathy Hatchell Patrick
Randall Perry
Randy Pope
Curtis Reese
John Roberts
Wayne Ross
Randy Scott
Brenda Draughn Silkman
Rich Vinci
Lyndell Downey Whitlock
Ron Wyatt
Pam Barnett Baker
John Bearry
Butch Boswell
Garry Breland
David Catlett
Helen Driskell Chetta
Ron Cole
Carolyn Collum Collins
Buddy Daughdrill
Dianne Davis
William Gammill
Thomas Gurksnis
Adolph Hall
Donna Sparkman Henderson
Larry Henderson
James Holifield
Efrain Horta-Castro
Stacy Hughes
Phillip Karimpanamannil
Donald Lancaster
Estelle Stallworth Martin
Debra Owens Mercer
Lloyd Merritt
Eddie Newsom
Kenneth Parker
Ronnie Ross
Fred Samec
Edward Sneed
Jack Stanley
Woody Woodfin
Ron Aaronson
Dennis Allen
John Arrington
Troy Bankston
Ron Bolen
David Diggs
Elise Perry Everett
Sheri Everett
Daniel Forsee
Lloyd Goff
Landon Gore
Bobby Halford
Mike Harris
Myra Howell Hartel
Wally Hartel
Clyde Hayman
Frances McClamrock Holifield
Philip James
Henry Lane
Barbara Marsh Lasley
Johnny Lollar
Pamela Mayeaux Malone
Michael McCarthy
David Miller
Joy Chance Moore
Jim Padgett
Bryan Pearce
Patricia Penton
Michael Pfender
Julie Jagot Roth
William Seal
Francis Skelly
John Staples
Patti Stribling
Mary Hayes Thomas
Jose Vasquez
James Volheim
Shirley Russell Windham
William Windham
Annette Hardie Andrus
Martha Jones Ashley
Kathryn Clawson
Ethel Rainey Clay
Freda Neal Cooley
Ernest Dobbins
Shirley Dykes
Gary Ford
Grover Havens
Cora Hopkins
Dan Howard
Carolyn Cook Huey
Alice Winton Johnson
Thelma Jones Johnson
Penny Smith LeBlanc
Robert Livingston
Eddie McClelland
Anna Landon McIntyre
Ronald McMorris
Arluin Henderson Mercer
Mary Welburn Middleton
Selina Parker Moore
Margaret Ford Murphy
Joann Sumrall Oswalt
Paul Parker
Judy Quin Pendergrass
Betty Williams Perkinson
Allene Powe
Demetria Davis Reed
Susan Rayburn Robinson
Bobbie Floyd Smith
Martin Stires
Cecilia Parker Stover
Glenn Swan
Betty Sylvest
Victoria Busch Walters
Shiao Wang
Bill Wiley
Carol Hammond Wilson
Clayton Young
Mary Jane Britton Avery
Clydestine Ford Bilbrew
Janie Pittman Bower
Cherryl Thompson Carlson
Janet Oliver Commer
Gale Scott Connolly
Ronald Crooker
Joe Evans
Jane Newman Frye
Carol Faulkenberry Gericke
Mike Harrison
Phil Hartig
Lisa Brannan Henderson
Marsha Brabham Howard
Deborah Davis Hux
Milly King
Daniel Pridgen
PPr re es si idde ennt t’ s’ s RRe eppoor rt t
Kent Megehee
Bill Mims
Larry Rudder
Reginal Smith
Ellen Viets
Mike Wade
Aaron Welch
Hollis Whitaker
President’s Report
Wilford Ratliff
Arlene Davis Roberts
Firma Strickland Schneeweiss
Eugene Smith
Sharon Artigue Stroud
Robert Stutz
Larry Sweat
Charlotte Smith Syll
Joyce Thompson
Sherry Larrimore Vance
Jim VanFossan
Billy Vaughan
Howard Wallace
James Weber
Phyllis Male Western
John Adams
David Armstrong
David Briscoe
Ginny Morgan Capone
Barbara Jones Chakov
Gail Anderson Davis
Cathy Denning
Ann Nowakowski Dion
Michael Dossett
Raymond Hanser
Georgia Beldekas Harrington
Ronnie Harrington
Marla Autry Jones
Milton Joyner
Cynthia Anderton Karimpanamannil
Gwendolyn Hicks Lawyer
Ellie Anderson Lott
Mike Lott
Glenda White Marshall
Kermit McGregor
Ruth Wise Megehee
Don Odom
Peggy O'Neal
Marsha Byrd Peters
Martha Waller Richardson
John Sapp
Paula Brown Sapp
Kathleen Seal Skipper
Sally Larson Stephenson
Falba Jones Walker
Chip Walley
Luella McElrath Warner
Ron Whitlock
Jane Ellen Brewer Worrell
Juruthin Smith Woullard
Susan Werkheiser Young
Ruthie Coleman Adams
Tommye Dubbs Barry
Ronald Bishop
Ted Bower
Yvonne Bryant
Rebecca McInnis Burrows
Joe Butler
Carmen Capone
Ralph Cherry
Paula Stokes Clearman
Bruce Clopton
Carolyn Taylor Cornelius
Dennis Covington
Joann Pigott Covington
Marsha Entrekin Dawson
Linda Delahaye
Lynda Wells Esper
Thomas Forsythe
Anita Copeland Hale
Prentiss Harrell
Cathy Keen Hughes
Paul Hughes
Mattie Jordan
Mary Ann Snowden Krauss
Betty Slocum Magee
Greg Moore
James Nelson
Sarah Pierce Odom
Betty Padgett
Lois Nelson Parker
Willie Jean Russell Patton
Gilleree Rickard
Dianne Sellers
Nancy Gartin Sterling
Dorothy Sykes
Thelma Tate
Victor Tate
Beverly Thomas
Walter Thweatt
Lynne Ledridge Tootle
Brenda Forney Waldrip
Bura Walters
Barry Worrell
Bernice Balch
Clementeen Irvin Bennett
James Bolen
Kenneth Brown
Beth Giles Buffington
Linda Burcaw
Roy Burrell
Vertye Watts Caples
Jennifer Graves Clark
Judy Webb Deen
Deborah Farrior Douglas
Eleanor Roper Fennell
Matilda Guerra Fitch
Doris Russell Graham
Kathy Pittman Halford
Judith Hankins
Melanie Ijames Isham
Henrietta Moore Laird
Doris Keys McCann
Robert McHatton
Harry Mercer
Harold Merritt
Thomas Miller
Carolyn Ramsey Perry
Alberta Hopkins Phillips
Nolena Stephens
Jimmy Stewart
B. Jean Boone Tate
Georgia Robertson Walton
Darlene Bassie Warren
Carolyn Jimerson Winbush
Ray Allen
Sandra Myers Anderson
Beverly Barnell Blakeney
Julie Waller Boyd
Poker Boyd
Julie Bourgeois Brashier
Helen Hindman Bush
Van Byrd
Robert Clay
Richard Colwell
Darleen Dale
Nina Bullock Daley
Debra Sanders DenBleyker
Annette Vick Drennan
Sandra Roberts Ezell
Hugh Gill
Barbara Barnett Hayman
Aaron Heidelberg
Dot Weaver Howard
Tim Hubbard
Karla Hatchett Jackson
Katherine Martin Johnson
Ramon Johnston
Susan Gordon Lott
Betty McCarty
Keith Mitchell
Terry Freeman Newell
Mary Nicovich
Beth Ross Nowell
Ella Hatten Parker
Anthony Rossi
Mary Cox Saucier
Mary Prach Serafina
Martha Smith
Mary Grantham Stainton
Ollie Howze Taylor
Lavada Watts Thomas
Charles Voss
Ruth Brink Wallace
Bob Black
Lois Jones Blair
Suzan Stephens Bounds
Elizabeth Brownlee
Jacqueline Clavo
Susan Buckley Cumbie
Carol Yoste Defore
Janice Barber Everett
John Falgout
Karen Jones Fordham
John Green
Mimi Bond Hollingsworth
Melanie Huff Hubbard
Nan Wesley James
Angie Bush Johnson
Phil Kimrey
Steve Knight
Tina Swilley Lancaster
Lori Strand Lucas
Kate Knight Massey
Mary Pate McRaney
Glenda Grubbs Munka
Pat Turner Muscio
Debra Hunter Perry
Lillian Putnam
Lisa Reams
Eddie Ruth
Linda Tubbiolo
Becky Boggs Tustain
Gloria Van DeLisle
Sandra Hyatt Waller
Mary Shourds Benvenutti
Bobby Chain
Dave Clark
Emily Keisman Foret
Charlotte Forsythe
Belinda Giles Hutsenpiller
Milt Jenkins
Penny Davidson Kimrey
Brooks Parker Nelson
Terry Porter
Kipp Smith
Regina Lott Smith
Janice Stuart Stewart
Jim Sudeiha
Susan Dickey
Gloria Teer Donnell
Renee' Green
Rhoda Pitman Greene
Virgil Hutcherson
Paula McClure
Oliver McLean
Jackie Johnston Nielsen
Suzanne Sellers Quin
Leo Romano
Melton Sharpe
Sarajane Smith
Lisa McClure Sudeiha
Toby Tolbert
Jeff Barnes
Miriam Conerly Buntyn
Daniel Caldwell
Marcie Cook
Michael Enos
Carlos Pablo Garcia
Rick Graham
Sylvia Fairley Hall
William Hannaford
Mike Herrin
Vance Luce
Wayne Pierce
Keith Rogers
Genevieve Grandis Watson
Sherra Mott Allen
Margery Barnes
Elaine Murray Byrd
Connie Travis Darty
Tony Dodson
Joe Hart
Bessie Jennings
Gail Perry Markey
Jo Ann Massie
Fran Cruso Ramsey
Jane Luft Rey
Dianne Peek Tipton
Larry Brown
Oliver Brown
Scott Clifford
Braxton Crumpler
Tracy English
Mae Williamson Everett
Cheryl Fishman
Jeff Floyd
Katie Eaton Herrington
Scott Hummel
Sue Kuyrkendall
Myrtis Hoover Rolling
Janice Felsher Seymour
Frances Lister Stewart
Karen Beaumont Utterback
Pennie Allen
Kym Barnes Bankston
Mark Bounds
Angie Cameron Casey
Carol Meier Cline
Janice Dixon
Doris Gibson
Butch Holmes
Cloyce McDavid
Kevin Neary
Christy Patrick
Steven Bankston
Hope Adams Bland
Jeff Bodouin
Scott Dearman
Connie Dillon
Donna Windham Dunn
Sharron Holden Hall
Doris Balls Harper
Melinda McNeill Howell
Alissa Thrash King
Dorothea Kane Murray
Shannon Robert
Robert Sloan
Albert Turnage
Andrea Zaloudek
PPr re es si idde ennt t’ s’ s RRe eppoor rt t
Carey graduates Terry Dale
Cruise '03 and his wife Pam
Thomas Cruise '03 visit with
Senator Thad Cochran,
speaker at May
commencement. As a part of
his degree plan, Terry Dale
served as an intern in the
senator's office. A total of 805
Carey graduates joined the
alumni ranks after
ceremonies in May and
David Adams
Stacy Foret Badeaux
Janie Vandiver Baylis
Elizabeth Smith Bedenbaugh
Irene McLendon Dearman
Deborah Giovingo Dendy
Melvin Lamb
David Langley
Keith Lucas
Janice Jones Mathis
Helen Lindsey McGregor
Maurcie Kervin Moren
Leland Redmond
Clyde Reves
Kim Ziegler Robertson
Karl Rogers
Wanda Bridges Smith
Wanda Pettigrew Smith
Mike Stiles
Janie Hewlett Winscott
President’s Report
Hal Banks
Stephanie Cummings
Felecia Dailey
Margaret Schwartz Dane
James Gilbert
Lewis Goins
Deborah Dubuisson Graham
Kathy Moran Hendry
Brenda Carson Holloway
Louise Buchanan Holmes
Jeanne McCarley Hood
Ben James
Susan Lofton Landry
Kathy Moran Lukens
Marjolijn Warren Manes
Samuel Massey
Blythe Bourne McCance
Shona Lymon McLaurin
Ron Miller
Pat Tustain
Chris Whites
Nola Magee Boyd
Rodney Budinich
Stanley Budraitis
Marvin Chapman
Jane Coghlan
Joseph Flynt
Sammie Henry
Cindy McBride Herford
Robbie Hitt
Deena Brewer Hunter
Linda Newton Jackson
Danny King
Shonda Lee
Elma Murphy Portero
Donnie Reynolds
Tara Sumrall Reynolds
Tracy Quick Sanders
Wayne Sanders
Lori Smith Shoemake
Angela Peden Sims
Ellen Butler Sullivan
Patricia Ady Summers
Gretchen Koehler Thomas
Cindy Thompson
Greg Walden
Susan Gatlin Walker
Dwight Yates
Cynthia Capella Bartholomae
Gopa Bhowmick
Jill Harvison Breazeale
Bobby Byrd
Kevin Byrd
Jimmy Calais
Sandra Berry Cassibry
John Eakes
Cheryl Burril Evans
Raynette Dorch Gile
Bill Goldman
Dana Knippers
Carl Graham
Cecil Hathorn
Scott Hilton
Wendy Bilbo
Adam Hodge
Brent House
Garland King
Lari Goekler Lee
Billy McAlpin
Donna Lewallen
Grant McLain
Candace Walters
Carol White Payne
Gail Phipps
Curtis Polk
Jill Bowman Purvis
Walthew Reardon
James Smith
Everett Sorrells
Frank Tapper
Clay Taylor
Sheila Tillman
Linda Ulland
Laura Michaelis
David Vincent
Scott Walker
Gail Wardlow
Kristina Dower
Wanda West-Grass
Heather White
Chelsea Smith
Jipper Williford
Amy Chilton
David Bush ‘78 (center), BancorpSouth executive vice president,
Hattiesburg division, and Ted J. Webb, president of the
Hattiesburg division, are pictured with WCC President Larry
Kennedy. BancorpSouth donated $10,000 to the theatre program
for the 2003-2004 academic year. BancorpSouth supports
quality education programs and takes the opportunity to
contribute to programs that directly affect the community.
Carey's theatre program received the Governor's Award for
Collegiate Excellence in the Theatre Arts during ceremonies held
in Jackson in 2002. Presented by Gov. Ronnie Musgrove, the
award was the first of its kind to be given to a collegiate theatre
Gloria Hayes Alridge
Gavin Bradshaw
Mark Broome
LaRon Brumfield
Sherrie Levens Byrd
John Chandler
Beverly Eubanks
Christine Expose
Bret Gilmore
Jeanna Graves
Steven Hancock
Lloyd Herford
Laura Leigh Blackledge James
John Lumpkin
Annie McCoy
Andy McDaniel
Micah Necaise
Vernon Newman
Bo Ruffin
Barbara Vlasic
Roderick Walker
Jamie Whiteside
Libby Magee Aaron
Dana Stiebing Aron
Eddie Bates
Jack Bivens
Jenny Deuschle Cochran
Teresa Crawford
Richard Daughdrill
Robert Davis
Theresa Davis
Alicia Parker DuBose
Kimberly Easterling
Rudy Gatlin
June Hill
Georgia Dungan Hillman
Angela Knight
Jeanne Forrester Lefeld
Kim May McDaniel
Kathryn Milton McLain
Tammy Morton McPhail
Woody Megehee
Michael Mudge
Scott Parker
Terri Walters Parker
Mark Prine
Melissa White Rogers
Peter Sicotte
Louise Anderson Stewart
Todd Stewart
Lora Travnicek
Leslie Anderson
Marlene Bosarge Boyd
Jeffery Brown
Ben Caston
Cheryl Goudelock
Roma Graham
Grant Guthrie
Marsha Harwell Guthrie
Nina Guthrie
Monica Johnson
Allen Kelly
Grace Knochel
Leslie Landrum
Debbie Welborn Mansell
Jimbo McCay
Lana McIlwain
Cathy Downey Megehee
Regina Mudge
Glenda Burks Nickson
Ronald Norman
Casee Hayes Phillips
Macon Phillips
Jennifer Thornton Ramsdale
Tracie McLemore Salinas
Sandy Sparkman
Lisa Suarez
Darlene Underwood
Tracy Hodges Walley
Jeremy Williams
Kim Kelly Wilson
Cindy Menesses Alfonso
Peggy Magee Bates
Sandra Bowering Booker
Jennifer Keel Burke
Laurie McEachern Calhoun
Paula Anglin Carpenter
Ted Clark
Karen Cole
Hollie Hearn Copeland
Yolanda Curd
Jeanne Daughdrill
Trish Byrd Davis
Marilyn Everhart
Rhonda Chordas Gardner
Brent Guy
Casey Hardison-Pevey
Trisha Ardoin Havard
Christine Bacher Johnson
Carlet Brown Jones
Connie Kittrell
Robert Landrum
Jennifer Lyon-Cook
Howard McGee
Linda Robinson McKenzie
Kimberly Givens Nelson
Thretha Howell Newman
Lori Butler Perkins
Dana Peterson
Rebecca Gilley Pierce
Linda Theard Reboul
David Rihner
Gerald Sawyer
Ronald Schmidt
Ralph Serpas
Everlean Henry Sharpe
Rodney Smith
Arlena Sullivan
Daniel Toomey
Joanna Garst Twombly
Becky Utermark
Alice Hankins Wilkes
Dalton Williams
Linda Crow Williams
Bradley Amacker
Vivian Anderson
Rebecca King Baker
Linda Dyebe Bishop
Trinia Blackmon
Wayne Boyd
Lastenia Martinez Carney
Rebecca Williamson Caston
Todd Cole
Danny Davis
Jennifer Donohoo Davis
Rosemary Finney Davis
Brad Day
Elizabeth DeBoxtel
Billy Deer
Jonathan Dill
Todd DuBose
Jay Egger
Beth Guthrie Farlow
Darlene Durtka Foerman
Susan Gravette Foret
Melody Hanberry
Shelbia Hatten
Charles Herrin
Chad Hoeppel
Johanna Beach Hughey
David Jacks
Julie Magee Jacks
Robby Johnson
Vanessa Bobo Lofton
Jacquelyn Clayton McDougle
Anne Marie Meadows
Crystal Harvey Newman
James Palmer
David Perkins
Jim Rector
Tammy Camp Rodgers
Joy Russell
Angela Tillman Skelton
Gaye Smith
William Smith
Kaye Dunn Walley
Randy Watkins
Penny Breland Williams
Sandra Pattillo Williams
James Athanaelos
Tobi Bridges Berry
Robert Blum
Marsha Rhinewalt Bounds
Misty Elliot Burge
Anissa Butler
Becky Fountain Chancellor
Cheryl James Clark
Robert Clay
Gwen Craft Creel
Rebecca Gaskin Cullifer
Chad Davis
Samantha Walker Dickinson
Betty Tettleton Entrekin
Laura Shaw Farmer
Lisa Green
Rachel Duplantis Haddad
David Handrop
Michelle Herrin
John Herring
Juliet Hinton
Lynn Lowe Holifield
Charles Hollis
Francis Houwers
Val Howard
Deborah Evans Jones
Stephanie Wildey Kuhn
Wren Rials Lott
Sharon Jenkins McGehee
George Mercado
Regina Ferguson Mills
Alice Rouse Patton
Andy Puckett
Ginger Reaves
Jeanne Bradford Rowland
David Sellers
Cynthia Smith
Deborah Greene Smith
Jesse Strickland
Carol Sinclair Szymanski
Ellen Taylor
Nicole Hinyup Tudela
Steve Weaver
Benton Wells
Debra Wilson
Laurie Shaw Wilson
Robert Baylis
Debra Monohon Bellamy
Deffene Beverly
Richard Cannon
Mary Jo Williams Chadwick
William Cherne
Christopher Clements
Leslie Moore Cooley
Felecia Williams Cooper
Daniel Cornacchione
Terrie Racz Cottrell
Jo Curet
Judy Davis
Sheila Davis
Michelle Loftin Freeman
Bobbie Moore Funchess
Rhonda Guy
Jill Asmussen Hodges
Darren Hotmer
Laura Anne Dowdle Marshall
Krissy Lawson McNeil
Brandi Mixon
Destiny Sable Perkins
Kitty Perry
Patty Dawthon Pitts
Judith Pitts Roberts
Wanda Tisdale Shoemake
Debra West Stone
Jennette Heck Stuart
Doris Wilson Tull
Patrick Turner
Janet Wilbun Walters
Natalie Schutz Wedgeworth
Lydia Jefcoat Wilson
Rita Wilson
PPr re es si idde ennt t’ s’ s RRe eppoor rt t
President’s Report
Christie Gambino Anderson
Yashica Bass
Teresa Rouse Belton
Joy Bissonnette
Valerie Blum-Bryant
Karen Mast Bond
Wanda Sones Breland
Shirlaura Baker Bremer
Kimberly Harvison Brondum
Stanley Burks
Eric Burt
Linda Williams Chester
Leigh Horton Cliburn
Kim Cooper
Jennifer Lavender Denereaz
Gary Gibson
Marcell Graves
Stephanie McLendon Hankins
Greg Hodges
Martha Amason Holomon
April Phelps Jacobi
Donnie Jones
Beth King
Anthony Mault
Gina Holmes May
Donna Bowman McBeth
Carla Moran McCaleb
Hugh McCallum
Walter Miller
Wyneta McKenzie Miller
Melinda M. Nabors
Lois Acquistapace Norton
Delores Sullivan Ockmand
Max Peck
Anthony Proctor
Clark Rasberry
Joy Roberts
Rita Moore Saunders
Eddie Smith
Janice Stewart
Pat Pickering Sullivan
Lawrence Taylor
Kathy Burdine Terry
Danna Trotter
Deborah McCullough Trotter
Donna Perry Wahl
Hannah Wilkerson
Anitra Mathews Williamson
Anthony Willis
Jerri Emmons Windham
Betty Bellande
Steven Coker
Ronald Dupree
Steve Edwards
Kari Hanshaw Everett
Paul Foerman
Mary Byrne Funk
Frankie Glennis
Karen Mason Holloway
Chris Lovely
Terri Bang Mason
Kelly McLain
Tucker Hughes Mikell
Victor Morales
Elisa Joachim Radich
Melanie Emile Randolph
Jo Tullos Shumaker
Donald Shurden
Chrissy Hinton Smith
Martha Wicht Smith
Wilma Robertson Smith
Michael Springstead
Anita Russell Sumrall
Rhonda Burt Travis
Amanda Turan
Suzanne McKee Waddell
Kimberly Dickerson White
Have a Carey
license plate?
Dale Bell
Alumni Total:
If you live in the state
of Mississippi, you have
the option of choosing a
William Carey College
license plate for your
vehicle. Carey receives a
contribution for every
college license plate that is
issued in the state.
However, we are not
provided with names of
those who choose the plate.
If you have a Carey
license plate, please send
us a copy of your
registration so that we can
give you contribution
credit. Remember, it’s tax
If you are interested in starting a
Carey alumni chapter in your area,
please call the Alumni Office at 800/962-5991.
Alumni Calendar of Events
Thursday, October 23
WCC Alumni Meeting in South Alabama
Cock of the Walk, Battleship Parkway, Spanish Fort.
Tuesday, October 28
Mississippi Baptist Convention, Jackson
Tuesday, November 11
Pizza Party & Alumni Night, Clinton Gym as Carey plays
Union University
Tuesday, November 18
Northeast Mississippi Alumni Meeting
First Baptist Church, Tupelo
1999. His first book entitled My Brother Was an
Only Child has recently been published. It is a
humorous and nostalgic look at growing up in
rural Mississippi in the ‘30s and ‘40s. Arlis and
his wife Barbara live in Enterprise.
Members of the
MWC 1953 class celebrating their 50th
reunion are
(L to R): Joyce
Duncan Raby, Rachel
Monk Caldwell, Ida
Bell Hilderbrand
Clapp, Lynette Long
Charlsie Austin Parks ‘52 of New Albany, Miss., was
presented an award naming her Business Woman of
the Year 2003 for
small businesses
in Mississippi.
She is shown
with a senator
from South
Dakota and her
daughter Carol
Anne Nail.
Charlsie was
chosen to attend
the Congressional Tax Summit in Washington, D.C.,
in March, at which time she was presented the
award. She was notified recently that she has been
selected by the National Books Festival Committee to
sign her book The Beautiful Duckling at the White
House this fall.
Arlis Nichols ’57 retired from the pastorate in 1996
and is now a humorist/motivational speaker and
author. He recorded two comedy albums in 1994 and
After retiring from the faculty of WCC, James C.
Downey ’58 has, among other things, written a
book entitled Mingo County Tales, a collection of
essays and short stories that deals with
individuals and society in the twentieth century
South as they face problems of changing values
and contemporary events. Dr. Downey and his
wife Phyllis live on Raintree Farm in Lamar
County, and he is now working on a novel.
Barbara Loustalot Hamilton ’58 has joined the
administrative staff at Carey as executive
assistant to the president. As a pastor’s wife,
Barbara lived in many areas of Mississippi and
the South. She taught English at Mississippi State
University, Meridian Community College, and
Jones County Junior College before joining the
WCC staff.
Class Notes
Mississippi Woman’s College alumnae held their
annual reunion last June. Former members of the
choral ensemble enjoyed singing some of their old
favorities. L to R: Annie Vera Oden Major, Lona Cochran
Barnett, Annette Cochran Messer, Nonie Clifton Ripley,
Ellen Davis Barber, Rachel Monk Caldwell, Joann
Weaver Grose, Nell Booker, Lynette Long Howell. At the
piano is Jeanette Bilbo Larrimore.
Jack Giles ’57 is alive and
well (despite the fact he was
mistakenly reported as
deceased in the last issue)
and living with his wife Joy
in Meridian. After WCC,
Jack completed a master’s in
theology at New Orleans
Baptist Theological
Seminary. He is the founder of Church of the Way
of Meridian and has served as pastor for 16 years.
Jack and Joy have three adult sons.
Martha Cranford Merifield '58 and her husband
James live in Sterling, Va. Martha taught public
school music in the Gulfport school system until
1965, when she married. Because James was in
the Air Force, the couple moved several times.
Martha served as organist and pianist at base
chapels and in many churches.
Samuel David Harbeson, Sr. ’63 and his wife
Nancy live in Akron, Ohio. He retired in 2000
after a career of almost 34 years with the North
American Mission Board. He remains active in
Ohio Baptist disaster ministries.
Mary Elizabeth Mack ’64
has taken medical retirement
and now lives in West
Columbia, S.C., near her
family. She worked at the
Baptist Sunday School Board
in Nashville from 1971-1995.
When she moved back
home, a nearby Methodist
church needed an organist and choral director, so
she is still able to share her music. She is a
member of the Lexington County Choral Society
Rev. J. Lerlin and Mildred Alexander Dow ‘64
live in Pickens, S.C. Lerlin has pastored 37 years
in North and South Carolina. Mildred is
employed by Pickens County schools and is also
a Mary Kay consultant. They have three sons and
two granddaughters. Lerlin will chair the 1964
class reunion at Homecoming.
Class Notes
Bob ‘64 and Dolores Bradley Magee ‘64 live in
Walnut Ridge, Ark., where he is chair of the
department of music at Williams Baptist College,
and Dolores is assistant director of counseling
and a Spanish teacher. They previously served
with the International Mission Board for 13 years
as missionaries in Chile and Bogota, Colombia.
Joanne Tillman Keith ’65
and Beverly Maples
Talbert ’65 are enjoying a
renewed friendship since
their days together as
classmates at WCC. Both
have had successful 30plus years in the Mobile,
Ala., public school system
and now are teaching at a
small Christian school in
Mobile. They often find
Keith (L) & Maples
themselves reminiscing
about their days and friends at Carey.
Mark Watson ’66 retired from Tennessee
Technological University in 1999. He is now on
the faculty at Pearl River Community College in
Poplarville where he teaches introduction to
sociology and marriage and family relations. He
and his wife Cheryl live in Picayune. They have
two adult children.
Theresa McRee '68 lives in Metairie, La., and is a
voice teacher at Loyola University in New
Orleans and at the New Orleans Center for
Creative Arts. She sings in the New Orleans
Opera Chorus and is a substitute organist for
Gentilly Presbyterian Church.
Frank ’65 and Margaret Carraway Lay ’69 live in
Morton, where she is a teacher. Frank is a pastor
and teaches in the New Orleans Baptist
Theological Seminary Extension Center in
Jackson. The couple served as missionaries to
Costa Rica for 15 years.
Steve ’69 and Sherron Stell Garner '67 live in
Arkadelphia, Ark., where he is a professor at
Ouachita Baptist University, and she is a social
work coordinator.
Annette Cone Quigley ’70 lives in Ft.
Lauderdale, Fla., with her husband Michael. She
has taught in Broward County, Fla., for 33 years
and hopes to retire after two more years of
teaching at Oakland Park Elementary. She was a
soloist in the First Baptist Church of Fort
Lauderdale’s Christmas Pageant for 13 years. She
appreciates “the wonderful way Carey equipped
me with skills and understanding which have
given me confidence and joy in my entire career.”
Debbie Waters Box ’70 and her husband Michael
live in Pensacola, Fla., where she is a music
teacher in the Escambia County School System.
She has directed music in local Baptist churches
for nearly 25 years, and she has recently started
watercolor painting.
Anthony Ladner ’72 has retired from the
Mississippi public schools and is now living in
Franklin, Tenn., where he is assistant principal at
Freedom Middle School.
Garry '74 and Mary Beth Breland ’73 live in
Hannibal, Mo., where they are both on the faculty
of Hannibal-LaGrange College. Mary Beth,
assistant professor of English, presented a paper
entitled “In the Name of the Father, the Student,
and the Instructor: Exploring Student and
Teacher Ethos in Composition Classes at a Small
Baptist College” at the Conference on College
Composition and Communication in New York.
Becky Ware Fox ’74 and her husband Rod live in
Mobile, Ala., where she is associate professor of
music at the University of Mobile.
Nenette Leatherwood Measels ’74 performed an
ecumenical service at the spring national meeting
of Delta Omicron music society. Nenette serves as
associate director of campus ministries and
Baptist collegiate ministries director for CarsonNewman College in Jefferson City, Tenn. Her
husband Clark '74 is dean of the division of fine
arts and chair of the department of music at
Brenda Perrott Williamson ’75 and her husband
David, a freelance writer, live in Hattiesburg.
They just celebrated their 15th wedding
anniversary and are now looking forward to the
publication of his book about the Civil War unit
of her great-great-grandfather Private William B.
Johnston. (William B. Johnston was the greatgrandfather of former Carey sociology professor
Talmage Wayne Perrott.) The book entitled The
Third Battalion Mississippi Infantry and 45th
Mississippi Regiment: A Civil War History is due to
be published by McFarland & Co. in November.
James Woody ’75 received his degree at Carey
after a 22-year military career. He went from
Carey to The Southern Baptist Theological
Seminary in Louisville, Ky., and later attended
Covington Theological Seminary in Rossville, Ga.
For 30 years he pastored churches in Mississippi,
Alaska, Florida, and Georgia. He now lives in
retirement in Georgia. His book Underage in the
Army was published in 2003.
Diane Dobson Caison ’76 and her husband King
live in Hattiesburg where she serves as a church
secretary and teaches private piano lessons. She
served as director of the Forrest County Junior
Miss program from 1981 through 1994 and has
served as organist/pianist and director of music
at Heritage Methodist Church and Asbury United
Methodist Church.
Betty Sylvest ’76 of Beaumont earned her doctor
of nursing science degree from Louisiana State
University in New Orleans.
David Bush ’78 has been promoted to executive
vice president of BancorpSouth in Hattiesburg.
He is manager of the Premier Banking
Department and has been employed with
BancorpSouth for 25 years.
James Merrill ’79 and wife Deborah have been
appointed by the Southern Baptist Convention
International Mission Board as missionaries to
Colima, Mexico. Most recently, James has served
as a pastor in Sarasota, Fla. The couple has three
grown children and six grandchildren.
Don Biadog '83 enjoyed a rare visit to the White
House as part of a group of seven Southern
Baptist Naval Chaplains and 45 other chaplains
serving in the United States Coast Guard who
Bob ’83 and Libby Chichester ’83 live in
Kearney, Mo., where he is associate pastor and
worship leader at First Baptist Church. Libby is
a reading specialist with the Kearney School
District. Their oldest son Nick is married and
lives in Petal, and their younger son Stephen is
Regina Reeves Word ’83 and her husband Jeff
live in Gadsden, Ala., where she is in her 19th
year of employment with the City of Gadsden as
a registered music/activity therapist. They are
parents of three children: Hannah (12), Emily (8),
and Noah (11 months). Regina plays trumpet in
her church orchestra and works with the
children’s choir, as well as playing sports in the
Jeff ’84 and Carol Byrnes Murphy ’86 have
moved to Jackson, where he is serving as a
chaplain at University Medical Center and Carol
is teaching 6th and 7th grade art in Powell
Middle School. Carol recently had her painting
Death and Life included in an exhibit of art
educators and mentors at the University of
Southern Mississippi. Fellow alumni Brian
McCrory ’83 and Shelbia Hatten ’98 also
exhibited paintings.
Gary ’84 and Ann Holladay Nelson ’86, Ed.S. ’01
live near Hattiesburg and enjoy participating in
sports activities with their son Jacob, who is nine
years old and in the 4th grade. Ann is a national
board certified teacher of 2nd and 3rd grades at
Oak Grove Lower Elementary School. She also
teaches a Sunday School class of four-year-olds at
Temple Baptist Church, and she teaches sewing
and smocking classes at her mother’s sewing
shop. Gary is an administrative law judge and
hears unemployment insurance appeals cases. He
is active in the music ministry and serves as a
deacon at Temple Baptist Church.
Class Notes
Brenda and David can be contacted at
[email protected] or
[email protected].
Glenn Polsey ’85 and his wife Connie live in
New Orleans, La., where he is self-employed as
the owner of a swimming pool maintenance
company. Glenn completed a master’s degree in
religious education at New Orleans Baptist
Theological Seminary. He has served as a
bivocational music and education director at a
local church for 14 years. He serves as president
of a local home school group and is the vice
president of the state home school organization.
were invited to an audience with President
George W. Bush on May 8. "It was an exciting
experience," commented Biadog. "The President
spoke to us for about eight minutes, and then we
offered a prayer for him. It was very moving."
Kim Bell ’87 lives in New Orleans, La., where
she is a music therapist and assistant director of
music, recreation, and childlife at Children’s
Hospital in New Orleans.
Cindy Edwards Hodgins '87 and her husband
Ray were appointed by the International Mission
Board as sports evangelist missionaries to
Montevideo, Uruguay, in November 2001. They
have three children: Alyse (6), Taylor (5), and
Kaylee (2).
Class Notes
Leo Day ’88 and his wife Donna live in New
Orleans, La., where he is assistant professor of
music at New Orleans Baptist Theological
Seminary. Leo completed a doctorate in music at
Louisiana State University. He just returned from
a three-week concert tour of northwest Germany
and will perform in Athens, Greece, in
November. His first CD entitled He Loves Me, a
blend of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, was
released in June. The CD costs $15 and can be
ordered from Dr. Leo Day, 4322 Seminary Place,
New Orleans, La., 70126. Donna completed her
doctorate last year and is a homemaker. They are
parents of two daughters, Adelle Patrice (4) and
Alani Elizabeth (2).
Donna Penn Toler ‘88 and her husband Stan live
in Foley, Ala., where they write contemporary
Christian music and give concerts in churches
and at special events. Donna is also a private
voice teacher. She serves as first vice president of
Baldwin County Music Teachers Association and
secretary of the Alabama Music Teachers
Association. Donna and Stan have two sons Sean
(12) and Ryan (10).
Glenn Padgett ’89 lives in Laurel, where he is a
private vocal/keyboard instructor, talent coach,
and music director.
Cindy Rachel Pope ’90 and her husband Greg
live in Jacksonville, Fla., where he is pastor of
Hendricks Avenue Baptist Church. Cindy is a
homemaker and is involved in church activities.
The couple has two daughters, Kristen Rachel
(10) and Jennifer Caroline (5).
Ray Cummings ’92, pastor of Golden Acres
Baptist Church in Phenix City, Ala., has recently
published a book entitled Are You Following Jesus
or Just Fooling Around? In the book, Ray pulls
from his own personal experiences and from
those of people he has observed as he contrasts
the actions of many Christians to the character of
Christ. “Every chapter is an oxymoron,” he said.
“One chapter is named ‘Faithfully Unfaithful’
and another is named ‘Genuinely Hypocritical.’”
Brad ’93 and Allana Breland Arnette ’93 live in
Picayune, where he is pastor of Harmony Baptist
Church. Brad earned his doctor of philosophy
degree in New Testament and Greek from New
Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary in May.
Allen Lott ’93 of Beaumont is retired from Camp
Shelby with 28 years of service and the
Mississippi National Guard with 29 years of
service. He is an active member of Fairhope
Baptist Church, is a member of the Perry Central
Booster Club, and serves on the Arlington Water
Grant and Donna Lewallen McLain ’93 have
moved to Lucedale, where Grant is pastor of
Rocky Creek Baptist Church, and Donna teaches
private piano lessons. Their sons are Carey (5)
and Mason (4).
Boyd Herrington ‘94 and his wife Andrea are
teachers who have returned from overseas
teaching positions among the Khon Muang
people of Southeast Asia.
The Oak Grove High School drama department
of Hattiesburg, under the direction of Suzanne
Dubose Allmon ’95, was selected to perform in
the American High School Theatre Festival, the
world’s largest and most prestigious arts festival.
The drama team performed in Edinburgh,
Scotland, with other artists from all over the
world this summer. Suzanne’s parents are Susie
Epperson ’68 and Rex Dubose ’71.
Deanna Rawls ’95 completed a master’s degree
in education at Carey in 2001. She is a math
teacher at East Central High School in Jackson
County and is involved in the music programs at
Agricola Baptist Church.
Michelle Pate Smith ’96 and her husband Ken
live in Tallahassee, Fla., where she obtained a
master’s degree in piano performance at Florida
State University. She has been employed as a
piano teacher since 1997.
Kim Funchess ’97 and Derric Jackson were
married in 2002. Kim received the doctorate in
medicine degree on May 23 from the University
of Mississippi Medical Center. The couple lives in
Phoenix City, Ala., where Kim is completing her
residency at Columbus Regional Medical Center,
Columbus, Ga.
Wade Lott ’97 and his wife Tammy live in
Maysville, Ga., where he is minister of music and
education at Maysville Baptist Church. Their
daughter Brittany is 12 and son Garrett is 8.
Adam Breerwood ’98, M.Ed. ’99 is dean of
student affairs at Pearl River Community College
in Poplarville. He earned his Ph.D. at the
University of Southern Mississippi.
Wendy Brown Celoria ’98 earned her master of
arts degree in Christian counseling and Christian
education from Southwestern Baptist Theological
Seminary in Ft. Worth, Texas.
Sue Turner, M.Ed. ’98 teaches at W. L. Smith
Elementary School in Petal. She has been honored
as Petal’s Teacher of the Year.
Scott Bourne ’99 and his wife Dawn and their
children Kerianne (12) and Lance (9) live in
Pascagoula, where he is minister of music at
Arlington Heights Baptist Church.
Although she has been principal at the
Alternative Learning Center for only one year,
Toletha Cook, M.Ed. ’99, was selected as the
Moss Point School District’s Administrator of the
Year. “I really felt I could help these kids. I could
see so much talent, so much potential in them,”
stated Toletha. She also thanked William Carey
College for the role it played in preparing her for
a career in education.
Mike ’99 and DeDe Daffron Farnham ’99 live in
Brookhaven where she teaches first grade and he
teaches fourth, both in the Brookhaven School
Brad Howard ’99 earned his master of divinity
degree in May from New Orleans Baptist
Theological Seminary.
Richard Neal ’99 is a music teacher in the
Gulfport public school system.
Steve ’99 and Sarah Catherine Williamson
Norris ’00 live in Cordova, Tenn., where he has
been promoted to assistant vice president at
BancorpSouth in Bartlett, Tenn. Steve is a
member of the Bartlett Area Chamber of
Commerce, Leadership Bartlett, and Chamber
Ambassadors. He is also part of Youth Villages,
where he volunteers with Soup Sunday and
works with local schools teaching financial
literacy. Sarah Catherine is property manager
with Trammell Crow in Memphis. She manages
commercial office buildings and retail centers in
three states. She is completing coursework for the
affiliate brokers license in Tenn. They are
members of Kirby Woods Baptist Church.
Danny Panter ’99 earned his master of divinity
with Biblical languages in May from
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft.
Worth, Texas.
David Sellers ’99 received a master of divinity
degree from Candler School of Theology at
Emory University during commencement
activities on May 12. David lives in Brookhaven.
Jon ’00 and Kim Small Brooke ’00 live in New
Orleans where Jon has recently completed a
master’s degree in history at the University of
New Orleans. Much of the research for his
master’s thesis was done at WCC in the Center
for Study of the Life and Work of William Carey.
He has been admitted to the School of Oriental
and African Studies at the University of London.
Daniel Cornacchione ’00 graduated from the
University of Mississippi law school on May 10
and began his law career on May 13. He and his
wife Pam and their daughter live in
Caruthersville, Mo.
Mandy Trammell ’00 received her master of
divinity degree in May from New Orleans Baptist
Theological Seminary.
Amy Cline Beachum ’01, R.N., is an allied health
teacher in the Tupelo School District. She and her
husband Eugene live in Fulton.
Brooke Griffith ’01 received her master of arts
degree in Christian education with an emphasis
in early childhood education at New Orleans
Baptist Theological Seminary in May. Her
hometown is Hickory.
Jennifer Walker Perkins ‘01 and her husband
Patrick live in Jackson, where she is a music
therapist and clinical training director of music
therapy internships at Mississippi State Hospital.
She is also children’s music coordinator at Trinity
Presbyterian Church in Jackson.
Emily Jones ’02 is enjoying her studies for the
master’s degree in guitar performance at the
University of Arizona in Tucson.
Class Notes
Todd Robert Cole ’98 received the master of
divinity degree in Christian education in May
from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.
Dina O’Sullivan, M.Ed. ’02 is an art education
specialist for the Ohr-O’Keefe Museum in Biloxi.
Eric ’03 and Nona Boney ’03 both received their
master’s degree at commencement ceremonies in
August. Eric is assistant principal at Petal High
School, and Nona is a teacher at Hattiesburg
Middle School.
Billy and Stephanie Morris Stewart ’92 are
parents of a daughter Emily Anne born on
May 19. She joins brothers Stephen and Will and
sister Elizabeth. The family lives in Wesson.
Paul and Cassie Beutin Fletcher ’95 are parents of
a daughter Courtney Allison born on March 20.
Three-year-old sister Carlie welcomed her. The
family lives in Ocala, Fla., where Cassie is an
Independent Creative Memories consultant and
Phil ’95 and Kristen
Funderburk Miller ’94
announce the adoption of a
son Mason Alexander.
Mason was born in
Krasnoyarsk, Russia, on
January 20, 2002 and
adopted on Mother’s Day,
May 11, 2003.
Grandparents are Roger
and Sandy Miller ’76 and
aunt and uncle are Rob '98 and Laura Miller
Kidd ’97. The family lives in Cordova, Tenn.
Class Notes
Sammy and Debbie Welborn Mansell ’96 are
parents of a son Sam Allen born on May 22. He
was welcomed home by big sister Morgan. The
family lives in Laurel.
Josh ’96 and Daphne Savell Eddington ’96 are
parents of a son Dalton “Bryce” born on May 13.
They reside in
Mobile, Ala.,
where Josh is
a regional
manager for
Wells Fargo
Mortgage and
Daphne is a
C.P.A. for a
Mitch Morris ’97 and his wife Monica are parents
of a daughter Mattie Grace born on April 9. The
family lives in Cleveland.
Kristi Curtis Bush ’97 and her husband Dan are
parents of a son Jack born on April 10 in Ruston,
La. Kristi is a homemaker, taking care of Brendan
(3) and Jack. She is active in her church music
Bob and Carra Kent Purvis ’97 are parents of a
daughter Sophia born July 18 in Gaffney, S.C.
Carra is staying at home with Sophia but
continues to volunteer at Macedonia Baptist
Church and plans to begin a collegiate ministry
in the fall.
Scott and Valerie Beard Bobo ’98 are parents of a
daughter Brittanne Jayme born on February 27.
The family lives in Roosevelt, Utah.
Lisa and Andy Puckett ’99
are parents of a daughter
Rebekah born on Mother’s
Day, May 11. Andy is a
student at Southwestern
Baptist Theological
Seminary in Ft. Worth, Tex.
Eric ’00 and Debbie
Havard McCraney ’99 are
parents of a daughter
Abigail Leah, born on
March 23 in Mobile, Ala.
Rebekah Puckett
Lindsay Thornton Griffin ‘99 and her husband
Allen are parents of a son Dane, born March 19 in
Jackson. The family resides in Mendenhall.
Jennifer Vincent Albrecht ’02 and her husband
Michael are the parents of twin daughters Travyn
Blair and Tanner
Drew, born on
April 4. The
family lives in
Gulfport, where
Jennifer is in sales
for Southern
Traci Powell ’93 and Kevin Wiseman were
married on June 23, 2001. The couple lives in
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Dana Crain ’95 and Michael Webb were married
on August 30 at Colonial Heights Baptist Church
in Jackson. Dana has taught biology at Madison
Central High School for five years.
Gina Bishop ’96 and Jason Reynolds were
married on January 26. The couple lives in
Panama City, Fla., where Gina is children’s
minister at First Baptist Church.
Melody Bolton ’96 and Frederick McCann were
married at First Baptist Church in Leakesville on
June 28. She is a medical social worker at
SouthernCare Hospice in Mobile, Ala.
Ann Patterson ’96 and Rich LaSalle were married
on April 26 at First United Methodist Church in
Biloxi. She is a math instructor at Mississippi
Gulf Coast Community College, Jeff Davis
Judy Bullock ’97 and Greg Futral '97 were
married on June 14 in Hattiesburg. She is
employed by The Pediatric Clinic in Hattiesburg,
and he is employed by Forrest General Hospital.
Shay Lawrence ’99 and Monshea Love were
married on February 22 at Sandals Montego Bay
in Jamaica. Shay is an office manager with
Meridian Health Management Association. The
couple resides in Meridian.
Chandra Russell, M.Ed. ’99, and Clayton Expose
were married on May 31 at Morning Star
Missionary Baptist Church in Columbia. She is
employed by the Columbia School District as a
fourth grade teacher.
Teresa Jones, M.Ed. ’00 and Tony Brown were
married on July 19 at Mount Carmel Baptist
Church in Prentiss. She is employed by the
Jefferson Davis County Schools as a science
Marissa McGee ’00, M.Ed. ‘03 and Darren Lee
were married on July 12 at Carterville Baptist
Church in Petal. She is employed by the Forrest
County School District.
Charlie Hardee ’01 and Abby Barton were married
on June 21 at Temple Baptist Church, Hattiesburg.
He is employed by Southern Healthcare Services in
Hattiesburg as an accountant.
Amanda McCarter ’01 and Wesley Powell were
married on May 17 at Monmouth Plantation in
Natchez. She is employed by Forrest County
Agricultural High School as a science teacher.
Shane Reynolds ’02 and Mollie Somers were
married on November 23 at Calvary Baptist
Church in Jackson. Shane is employed by
Mississippi State Hospital.
Mandy Stringer ’02 and Garrett Haddox were
married on June 7 at Bunker Hill Baptist Church,
Columbia. She is employed as a kindergarten
teacher by West Marion Primary School in
Russell Palmer ’02 and Amy Michelle Cieglo
were married on June 28 at Petal-Harvey Baptist
Church, Petal. The couple lives in Hoover, Ala.
Amelia Robinson and Adam Watkins ’02 were
married on May 3 at Carterville Baptist Church in
Petal. Adam is employed as a realtor by the
DeLois Smith All-Star Team in Hattiesburg.
Amanda Sims ’02 and Jeremiah Estes were
married on May 10 at St. Thomas Catholic
Church in Hattiesburg. She is employed by the
Hattiesburg Convalescent Center as a nurse
Jennifer Beauchamp ’03 and Jason Hamilton
were married on May 24 at La Maison Gautier,
The Old Place, in Gautier. The couple resides in
Kasey Broussard ’03 and D’Anna Lee Turner
were married on August 16 at Pilgrims Rest
Baptist Church in Leakesville.
Serita Clark ’03 and Jeff Watkins ex'03 were
married on June 28 at Trinity Baptist Church in
Laurel. The couple now lives in Baytown, Tex.,
where they teach and coach at Baytown Christian
Erica Hopkins, M.Ed. ’03 and Antonio Magee
were married on June 14 at Main Street United
Methodist Church in Hattiesburg. She is
employed by the Hattiesburg Public School
Apryle Larson ’03 and David Douglas ’03 were
married on May 24 at Temple Baptist Church,
Hattiesburg. She is employed by BancorpSouth in
Hattiesburg, and he is employed by Southern
Windows and Doors.
Wryn Mooney ’03 and Tommy Morgan were
married at the Crawford House and Gardens in
Hattiesburg on May 24. She is employed by
Family Medical Associates, a division of
Covington County Hospital in Collins.
In Memoriam
Class Notes
Jennifer Grafton ’99 and Zach Nobles were
married on June 15, 2002. Jennifer is a fourth
grade teacher at Mason Elementary in Laurel.
Ruby M. Thompson '30
Trugen Williamson Hudson Reindorp ‘37
Gayle Shelton Bilbo '53
Wilma Hannaford '56
Tommy Poe '56
Claude H. Stone, Jr. '57
Joyce Walker ‘61
David Gumm '65
Jimmy Dale Cagle '68
Elmer Amacker ‘77
Willie Douglas Mayfield '84
Evelyn McClure, Professor of Home Economics,
Virginia Scott, Dean of Women, 1971-1986
Jimmy Shivers, Director, Center for Economic
Education, 1972-2000
Tentative Schedule
Homecoming & Family Day • January 20-24, 2004
January 20
Philip Fortenberry
’80 in concert
January 22
The Fabulous ‘50s at
the Beverly Drive-in
Hamburgers, hot dogs,
karaoke, and the movie
January 23
Miss Carey
50’s Decade Reunion
The official schedule and registration form for Homecoming 2004
will be mailed in mid-November. Please contact your Carey friends
and make plans now to join us for an exciting weekend of activities
and celebration. Contact [email protected] if you have
Carey Magazine
William Carey College
498 Tuscan Avenue
Hattiesburg, MS 39401-5461
January 24
Family Day
“Bring Your Teen to Homecoming”
Class Reunions
Mississippi Woman’s College; 53-54-55;
63-64-65; 73-74-75; 83-84-85; 93-94-95
Art Exhibit – Students of Lucile Parker
“The Way We Are”—an upbeat student
Annual Awards Luncheon
Language and Literature Reunion
Department of Education Reunion
Carey Crusaders vs Belhaven Blazers
“Rockin’ Jubilee”
featuring Keith Thompson ’78, Philip
Fortenberry ’80, Jay Rogers ’77, and a host of
other alumni
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 421
Jackson, MS