09 Annual Report


09 Annual Report
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Yo u r F i r s t C a l l f o r a B e t t e r To m o r r o w
July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009
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2009-2010 Board of Directors
Chair: William J. Zafirson, Saco
Vice Chair: David M. Tourangeau, Falmouth
Secretary: Cindy A. Boyt, Scarborough
Treasurer: Robert E. Convery, Scarborough
Claudia L. Adams, Brunswick
Donald J. Ballute, Hollis
Joann H. Beaudoin, Wells
John S. Beliveau, Falmouth
Eric S. Christensen, Westbrook
Dennis Eagleson, Kennebunk
Christopher T. Emmett, Far Hills, N.J.
Keith B. Gosselin, Biddeford
Sarah S. Hardcastle, Bailey Island
Samuel G. Henderson III, Portland
Stephen P. Lubelczyk, Gorham
Kathy Macleod, Falmouth
Jerry Mansfield, Saco
Edmond R. Pelta, Harpswell
Carlton D. Pendleton, Saco
Gregory R. Prince, Gorham
Meredith L. Richardson, Kittery
Melissa R. Richter, Cumberland Center
Joan V. Smith, Phippsburg
Mary E. Turgeon, Saco
Tammy White, Scarborough
Roberta M. Wright, Falmouth
President’s Council
Carlton D. Pendleton
President and Chief Executive Officer
Michael R. Abbatiello
Senior Vice President for Operations
Cynthia P. B. Fagan
Vice President for Community-based Services
Message from our Board and Leadership
A Commitment to Cost Cutting
& Maintaining Quality Services
e are pleased to share our FY2009
annual report with you. Indicative of the
past couple of years, making ends meet
has been extremely difficult. If it were not for the
support of many Sweetser friends and supporters,
many more needy Maine citizens would go without
vital services that include therapy, housing and
education. Our Board, staff and volunteers are doing
everything possible to help meet the needs of those
who turn to us for help. Cost cutting has become
a routine focus. Balancing a growing demand for
services with fewer staff and without jeopardizing
the quality of care we provide is our greatest
challenge. We continue to make adjustments,
always prioritizing to best serve the 13,000 Mainers
who depend on Sweetser.
President & CEO
William J. Zafirson
Chair, Board of Directors
We thank you for your partnership with Sweetser. Your charitable dollar,
more than ever before, is making a difference in the lives of many. Turning
folks away is a very tough option, one we hope to minimize with your
continued financial support.
Another difficult economic year is anticipated in 2010. Despite these
challenges, Sweetser will continue to be a leader and reliable resource for
people in need who have depended on our services since 1828.
Matthew L. Mulligan
Vice President for Health Information Services
Debra D. Taylor
Vice President for Finance
Philip E. Trudeau
Vice President for Human Resources
Printed on 100% Recycled content.
Student participates in art class at The School at Sweetser.
Carlton D. Pendleton
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• Sweetser’s Summer Camp Endeavor nearly doubled
in attendance from last year’s inaugural season.
• More than 14,000 intern hours were completed in
Sweetser programs.
• Sweetser provided $950,000 of free and reduced fee
care to children and families.
• Our Wabanaki Mental Health program serving
Native Americans, hosted 700 attendees at its annual
cultural gathering.
• More than 300 volunteers contributed 38,481 work
hours to Sweetser.
• The number of Sweetser affiliates doubled to 260
professionals serving more than 70 Maine communities.
• Transitions Counseling, Inc. and Phoenix Mental
Health Services joined with Sweetser to strengthen our
affiliate network.
• The School at Sweetser opened a new autism educational
classroom, LINK (Learning-Interacting-Nurturing-Kids).
• An “Alternative Energy” task force facilities subcommittee was formed to look at ways Sweetser can conserve.
• Sweetser’s Medication Management Program has grown
to four psychiatric nurse practitioners in Brunswick.
• Sweetser provided services to 6,439 adults and 6,310
children for a total of 12,749 individuals.
• Our two largest fundraising events - the KeyBank
/Sweetser Sold on Kids Auction and the Sweetser/Prime
Motor Group Golf Classic raised over $135,000.
Volunteer Profile: Ruth Bentley
Dedicated to Sweetser & Volunteerism
Ruth Bentley is indeed a special person. She spends her free time helping others, despite
enduring three bouts of cancer over the years and beating all the odds. “I am not going to feel
sorry for myself,” says Ruth. “I don’t think life can really be fulfilled unless you give of yourself.”
Ruth is a very positive person and has a strong belief in faith. As a daughter of a Lutheran
Preacher, Ruth grew up giving. She taught Sunday School at her father’s church and eventually
earned an MSW at Washington University in St. Louis. In 1968 she and her husband moved
to Sanford, Maine. She worked for Head Start as a social worker and noticed that Sweetser was Ruth Bentley
opening a residential home in Kennebunk for five adolescents and pre-adolescents. She volunteered to mentor the children,
taking them to restaurants, apple picking and on field trips for birthday parties and holidays.
She also volunteered at Sweetser’s Pre-School Program in Springvale every Friday for seven years. The program could not
sustain itself due to funding issues, much to her dismay. Ruth feels strongly that helping children earlier is better. “It was
natural for me to help these young children,” says Ruth. “I just take kids and do things that I would normally do with my own
Ruth also serves on Sweetser’s Volunteer Advisory Committee and is active with her church, serving on the Social Concerns
Committee at the Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Kennebunk. She moved to Kennebunkport 12 years ago and can’t seem to
find enough time in the day to do all the things she would like to do. Her love for classical music led her to volunteer playing
the organ at the Baptist Church in Saco. She has also been involved with United Way and was a spokesperson for Southern
Maine Medical Center’s Cancer Treatment Program.
Sweetser is grateful to Ruth for her commitment and dedication to helping those who are less fortunate. She not only gives
her time, but financially supports many of the organizations she is involved with, including Sweetser. Her compassion and
energy is an inspiration to all of us.
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Donor Profile: Wesley Ford
Continuing Family Giving
Wesley Ford has been supporting Sweetser for more than 20 years. He admires the
impact Sweetser makes on children’s lives.
“I like the fact that my gift is helping children who need a better chance in
life,” Wesley said. “Sweetser has been doing a good job with kids and making a
difference for many years. My mother contributed to Sweetser for many years
and I continue this support.”
After retiring from Bath Iron Works in 1986 as a computer systems programmer,
Wesley managed his investments well and established a trust that will significantly
benefit Sweetser and those we serve. A quiet and private man, Wesley hesitated
to be featured in this publication, but realized his story might encourage charitable
and planned giving.
Wesley Ford
At the age of 81, Wesley has accomplished much in his life. This planned gift will help Sweetser continue to provide services and
direction to children and families in need.
What began as a generous donation from a supportive mother, has evolved into a legacy of support for future generations from
her caring son.
Interested in becoming a volunteer or mentor?
Email [email protected] or call 207.373.3006
Planned Gifts & Donations Impact Programs
Despite a recession that has affected just about every American household, contributions to Sweetser
remained strong, but were lower than previous years. Donations from loyal and new supporters helped
make a significant difference for several Sweetser programs that have been affected by state rate reductions and funding issues.
Todd E. Henry
Director of Development
Sweetser received two generous bequests that totaled nearly half a million dollars. These types of
planned gifts are the cornerstone that have helped build Sweetser’s endowment to $25 million since
being founded. Interest from these endowment funds is utilized for annual program support to help
sustain services. Large and small bequests can truly make an impact on Sweetser, especially when
economic times are difficult.
We are grateful to our many loyal friends who have generously donated and continue to support Sweetser’s mission. Thank
you to participants, business supporters and sponsors of our two major fundraising events - the KeyBank/Sweetser Sold on
Kids Auction and Sweetser/Prime Motor Group Golf Classic. These events raised over $135,000 and would not be possible
without support from our lead sponsors, KeyBank and Ira Rosenberg’s Prime Motor Group, in addition to so many others.
Thank you for helping Sweetser provide services to nearly 13,000 children, adults and families in Maine who depend on our
programs. Your continued support helps make it all possible.
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Client Profile: The Ferguson/Long Family
Michael and Colleen Ferguson were well aware of the various ways Sweetser helps
children, since their son Christopher was attending The School at Sweetser. They
were not familiar with how Sweetser also helps families, until they experienced the
High Fidelity “HiFi” Wraparound Program.
According to Amy Ackroyd, clinical supervisor at Sweetser, “The High Fidelity
Wraparound Program is a process adopted by the State of Maine to work with entire
families to address identified needs in a way that is appropriate to the family instead
of in a way that dictates what is appropriate.”
Program facilitators work with families to help identify their needs, as individuals
and as a family, and then help them find the resources that are available to get their
needs met. “Often times when a child is acting out, the family tends to focus on the
child’s behavior and not on what might be going on within the family that might be
causing the behavior,” says Ackroyd. “This is how Wraparound helps. When a family
is more stable, children are more stable.”
Michael and Colleen Ferguson, Christopher
Long and sister Kayla.
The Ferguson’s were referred to the Wraparound Program in 2008 by Sweetser school staff. Some needs that were met included
financial support and helping Michael obtain his GED. The family celebrated their completion of the program in September
and now have new skills that help them cope better as a family.
“We have grown and developed in a positive way by using the team approach and principles of HiFi. Our family comes together
to approach the daily problems associated with raising children, and we solve these problems with communication and our
support system,” said Michael. “We always eat together at the table and find that the evening meal is an excellent opportunity
to talk about the day’s activities and outline tomorrow’s agenda.”
In addition to the family’s success, Christopher was named Student of the Year at the Sweetser School.
Employee Profile: Dave Puff
If anyone at Sweetser was asked to define the word dedication, they wouldn’t
have to look further than the man that has been both teacher and farm
manager on the Saco campus for the past 21 years. Whether it’s commuting
108 miles round trip each day from his home in Arrowsic, or sharing his
knowledge and passion for all aspects of life on a farm, Dave Puff is indeed
dedicated to the job he loves.
“It has been an honor to have this position for so many years,” says Puff.
“This farm gives so much to so many people.”
Dave Puff, Farm Manager
The farm at Sweetser is part of the Experiential Learning Program where
students have an opportunity to challenge themselves in ways they might not
otherwise be able to. Puff and his staff teach students everything from caring
for the animals at the farm to outdoor survival skills. They grow their own
vegetables and tap trees to produce maple syrup. And along the way, Puff
instills in his students a solid work ethic, good manners and respect for those
around them.
“Kids want to know where their boundaries are,” explains Puff. “We don’t let anything slide because in life, in the working world,
you always need to give your best.”
Puff has led with a firm and loving hand, creating memories for children that will last a lifetime.
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Net Program Service Revenue
Income on Investments & Misc.
Total Revenue
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Adult . . . .Children . . . .TOTAL
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(22+) . . . . . . .(0-21)
Outpatient Services
2,745 . . . . . . . . . 6,715
Community-based Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,540
1,701 . . . . . . . . . 3,241
Crisis Services
State of Maine
922 . . . . . . . . . . . 1,402 . . . . . . . . . 2,324
Residential Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Educational Services
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6,439 . . . . . .6,310 . . . .12,749
Local School Districts
Fundraising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3%
Investment Income & Misc.
Private Insurance
EXPENDITURES by operation area
Residential Services
Community-based Services
Crisis Services
Outpatient Services
Educational Services
Total Expenses
COUNTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Adult . . . .Children . . . .TOTAL
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(22+) . . . . . .(0-21)
Androscoggin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 . . . . . . . . . . . 450
Aroostook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Cumberland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 890 . . . . . . . . . . . 1,036 . . . . . . . . . 1,926
Franklin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Hancock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Kennebec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 . . . . . . . . . . . 291
Knox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 . . . . . . . . . . . 353
Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 . . . . . . . . . . . . 573
Oxford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Penobscot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 . . . . . . . . . . . 305
Piscataquis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Sagadahoc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 809 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 . . . . . . . . . 1,100
Somerset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Waldo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 . . . . . . . . . . . 262
Washington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 . . . . . . . . . . . 1,303 . . . . . . . . . 1,506
Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Unknown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,160 . . . . . . . . . . . 2,415 . . . . . . . . . 5,575
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6,439 . . . . . .6,310 . . . .12,749
Sweeter generated $950,000 in investment income
and $1,112,197 from contributions, totaling $2,062,197
to support client care and programs.
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Our Network of Care
As Maine’s most comprehensive mental health network,
Sweetser promises to do whatever it takes to connect
adults and children to the mental health treatment and
related support that they need and deserve. Nationally
recognized and accredited, Sweetser has nearly 200
years of experience caring for adults and children who
are living with mental illness, behavioral disorders or
substance abuse problems. Sweetser is a nonprofit
organization serving approximately 13,000 adults and
children throughout Maine.
Crisis Services provide immediate community-based response
to a child, family or adult experiencing an acute emotional or
behavioral crisis event.
Working in more than 75 communities throughout
Maine, Sweetser offers outpatient therapy and medication management services through a statewide network
of affiliated clinicians, school-based practitioners and
office-based practices. Additionally, Sweetser offers
two schools for students with special education and
emotional needs, crisis services, peer support services,
and campuses in Belfast, Plymouth and Saco.
Outpatient Services provide individual, family or group
therapy and/or medication management for children, adults
or families struggling with a mental health or substance abuse
issue through school-based practitioners, members of Sweetser’s
Affiliate Network and offices in Brunswick, Saco and Sanford.
Sweetser PromiseLine Services 1.800.434.3000
When you, or someone you love, is struggling with
a behavioral or emotional issue, call the Sweetser
PromiseLine. No matter what questions you have or
challenges you face, the PromiseLine staff will do
what it takes to connect you to the services you need.
Residential Services provide an intensive, therapeutic group
living option for children or adolescents experiencing a severe
emotional disturbance.
Educational Services provide special education and therapeutic services for students unable to function safely in a public
school setting.
Wabanaki Mental Health Services provide services for Native
Americans with complex mental health needs. Services include
adult community integration, case management for children
and families, and HIV counseling and testing.
Presque Isle
Community-based Services
• Adult Services provide a range of communitybased treatment and support services focused
on assisting our clients in their journey toward
wellness and recovery.
• Child Community-based Services provide
family-centered, strength-based support services
aimed at the individual needs of each child and
his or her family.
Old Town
North Hampden
Rumford Skowhegan
Belfast★ Castine
South Paris
Mechanic Falls
West Rockport
Auburn LewistonHallowell Glen Cove
Bridgton Lisbon Falls
Standish WestbrookYarmouth
Lyman South Portland
Alfred Saco★
Yellow = Sweetser Offices
White = Sweetser affiliates
Springvale Kennebunk
★ = The Schools at Sweetser
North Berwick
More Information
To learn about our services, training
opportunities, making a donation,
volunteering, or working at Sweetser,
visit www.sweetser.org or call
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New Medical Director
at Sweetser
Medical Director, Dr. Marc Kaplan
Sweetser is celebrating a new role
for an old friend. Marc Israel
Kaplan, DO, joined the staff at
Sweetser in August of 1997 after
completing his residency in child
and adolescent psychiatry at Maine
Medical Center. Dr. Kaplan has
played a major role in integrating
psychiatric expertise into the array
of safety net mental health and
co-occurring disorder services
provided by Sweetser.
Dr. Kaplan has assisted Sweetser in developing family-focused
residential treatment services for severely emotionally disturbed
children, and their families. He has participated in the development of crisis units that successfully divert both children and
adults from costly stays in hospitals. In addition, Dr. Kaplan has
played a key role in keeping outpatient medication management
services running smoothly.
In October 2009, Sweetser President & CEO Carl Pendleton,
announced that Dr. Kaplan accepted the Medical Director position.
“In these difficult times for providers of mental health services in
Maine, there is no one I would rather be adding to our leadership
team than Marc Kaplan,” said Pendleton. “Marc has proven to be
a clinical leader and I look forward to working with him as we
plan innovative ways to serve Maine’s most vulnerable children,
adults and families.”
Our Mission
To provide quality treatment, support and hope to
children, adults and families through a network of
mental health, behavioral health and educational services.
Sweetser Locations
Wabanaki - 187 Exchange Street
1430 Moosehead Trail
36 Sweetser Drive
9 School Street
1011 Forest Avenue
2 Elm Street
17 Walnut Street
329 Bath Road
50 Moody Street
43 Industrial Park Road
18 Belvedere Road
890 Main Street
52 Water Street
3 Michael Lane
689 Sabattus Street
347 Depot Street
Sweetser Volunteer
Recognized: Sylvia Searle
Sylvia Searle, longtime supporter and volunteer, receives an
award at Sweeetser’s annual Volunteer Recognition Dinner for
her dedicated service of more than 25 years. Thank you Sylvia!
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Fiscal Year 2009
J U LY 1, 2008 - J U N E 30, 2009
Angel ($10,000+)
Margaret Carney Trust
Cumberland County Civic Center
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher T. Emmet
Fern Goff Trust
KeyBank National Association
Maine Woods & Millwork
Prime Motor Group
Elmina B. Sewall Foundation
Universal Service
Administrative Company
Virginia Hodgkins
Somers Foundation
Edith M. Zimmerman Estate
Guardian ($5,000 - $9,999)
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Beliveau
Berry, Dunn, McNeil & Parker
Biddeford Savings Bank
Bowdoin College
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Canning
Louis S. Cleaves Trust
Coldwell Banker Residential
Brokerage Cares, Inc.
Communication Technologies, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Corey, Jr.
Cozy Harbor Seafood, Inc.
Mrs. Carol A. Curland
Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Dalbeck
Edward H. Daveis
Benevolent Fund
Day’s Jewelers
Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Deegan
Diversified Communications
Domestiks Cleaning Service, Inc.
Benjamin L. Donnell Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Eagleson
John C. Enk Charitable Trust
Fairpoint Communications
Mr. Wesley W. Ford
Franklin Printing
Mr. Andrew Gelinas &
Ms. Denise A. Pitt-Gelinas
H. M. Payson & Company
Eugene B. Hamilton Trust
Marion B. Hamilton Trust
Mr. & Mrs. William Hilton
Mrs. Elizabeth W. Bergstrom
Hannaford Bros. Co.
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Kittredge
Maine Community Foundation
Francis W. & Anna O.
McCurtain Trust
Purpoodock Club
Mrs. Marie E. Thomas
Tyler Technologies, Inc.
Champion ($1,000 - $4,999)
AirTran Airways
Anonymous (1)
Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield
Bangor Savings Bank
Barefoot Cellars
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Beaudoin
Sweetser CEO, Carl Pendleton, joins Prime Motor Group President, Ira
Rosenberg, to thank participants at the annual Sweetser/Prime Motor
Group Golf Classic in June. The event raised more than $43,000.
Mr. Timothy P. Hiltz &
Ms. Patty Lage
Anne S. Howells Charitable Trust
Lebel & Harriman, LLP
Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Macleod
Maine Association of Peer Support
& Recovery
Maine Bank & Trust
Mrs. Kate McConaghy
Ms. Chessell N. McGee
Dr. & Mrs. David P. Meeker
Mercedes-Benz, USA
Mr. Todd Miranda
Fred L. Murray Trust
National Minority AIDS Council
Northeast Delta Dental
Open Arms & Hands of
Hope Ministry
Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Paquin & Carroll Insurance
Mr. & Mrs. Carlton D. Pendleton
PM Construction Company, Inc.
Portland Provident Association
Preti Flaherty
Project G.R.A.C.E.
R. M. Davis, Inc.
R. M. Financial Services, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Richardson
John M. Robinson Fund of the
Maine Community Foundation
Rusty Nuts Car Club
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FY2009 Donations
Champion (cont.)
Sable Oaks Golf Club
Saco & Biddeford Savings
Charitable Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Sherman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Taylor
TD Bank
TD Insurance, Inc.
Rosamond Thaxter Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Tkacik, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Tourangeau
Town of Georgetown
Town of Phippsburg
Town of Richmond
Town of West Bath
Town of Wiscasset
Sponsor ($500 - $999)
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Abbatiello
Allied/Cook Construction
Anonymous (2)
Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill &
Bar - Brunswick
Auburn-Lewiston Rotary
The Baker Company
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory T. Barmore
Ben Beaulieu & Son
Enterprises, Inc.
Bethel Inn Resort
Mrs. Lois A. Bouchie
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick R. Boyle
Maple syrup production at Sweetser. Students receive hands-on training
from staff.
Town of Woolwich
Toyota Financial Services
Mr. & Mrs. Philip E. Trudeau
Mr. & Mrs. John Turgeon
W. B. Mason
Wal-Mart Distribution Center Auburn
Ms. Pamela Weeks
WHOM 94.9
WPOR 101.9
Louisa T. York Trust Fund
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Zafirson
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Boyt
Cape-Port Caterers
CD&M Communications
Mr. Benny Chang &
Dr. Poh-Yong Chang
Coastal Journal
Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens
Ms. Linda A. Crosby
Mr. Robert M. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Dingman
Eleanor M. Donnell Trust
The Dunham Group
First Congregational Church
Mr. Robert P. Fowler
Mr. & Mrs. Steven W. Garland
General Reinsurance Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Hampton
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Hardcastle
Mr. Merton G. Henry
Mr. Todd E. Henry
Mr. Michael W. Hildreth
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Hunt
HTI Buying Group
Dr. & Mrs. Jonathan W. Karol
The Leapfrog Foundation
Lincoln Financial Group
Mr. Richard E. Lucas
Maine Colors Art Studio
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Mansfield
Mr. Keith Marsico &
Ms. Tammy White
Martin’s Point Health Care
Dr. & Mrs. C. Irving Meeker
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Norton
Olympia Sports Foundation
Mrs. Alfred Osher
PeoplesChoice Credit Union
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory R. Prince
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Reed
Ms. Meredith L. Richardson
Ms. Louine H. Robbins
Dr. & Mrs. Hugh P. Robinson
Saco Valley Credit Union
Savings Bank of Maine
Ms. Susan Schafer
Mr. & Mrs. Adam Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Roderic O. Small
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Y. Smith
Mrs. Mary B. Stanley
Miss Cheryl A. Suzio
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Swetland
Ms. Shirley Tawney
Mr. & Mrs. Philip A. Thorne
Time Warner Cable
Town of Alna
Town of Arrowsic
Town of Westport Island
Toyota Motor Sales, USA
The Urban Garden Store
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Walker
Mr. James Waltz &
Ms. Cynthia P. Fagan
Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. Wiles
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Wilson
Wormwood’s Restaurant
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Wright
Patron ($250 - $499)
Anonymous (7)
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Arnold
Dr. David L. Bagdasarian
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Ballute
Biddeford Project Canopy
Bob’s Discount Furniture, LLC
Brian Gilbert Associates
Mr. Norman A. Cantara
Cape Arundel Golf Club
Cape Neddick Country Club
Captain Lord Mansion
Casco Indemnity Company
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Chandler
Mr. & Mrs. John Civali
Mr. & Mrs. Marc R. Collette
Mr. Gary Crawford
Creative Printed Solutions, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas L. Currier
Mr. Michael J. DiMatteo
Mr. & Mrs. F. Donald Dorsey, Jr.
Doubletree Club Hotel
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Emmons
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh G. Farrington
Mr. Frederick Fasulo &
Ms. Allison M. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Renald Faucher
Flatbread Company
Mr. James P. Garland &
Ms. Carol J. Andreae
Garthwaite Oil Heat Service Inc.
General Dynamics
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Giacomantonio
Global American Staffing
Global Consulting Group Inc.
Mr. Carl Goodwin
Ms. Donna Gower-Kantor
Mr. & Mrs. John B. J. Goyette
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Grant
Hands of Hope Thrift Store, Inc.
Ms. Joan M. Harrigan
Mr. Owen Haskell
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Henry
Mrs. Anne Hollis
Hyatt Regency Pier 66
J. M. Marine Services, Inc.
Ms. Elizabeth Jalbert
Donor list_•09 Donor list 1/18/10 9:23 AM Page 3
FY2009 Donations
Patron (cont.)
Mr. & Mrs. Scott E. Knapp
Knights of Columbus - Wells
Ms. Susan E. LoGiudice
Dr. & Mrs. James H. Maier
Maine Day Trip
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew R. Mantis
Maralyce Ferree Clothing Design
Waterfront Graphics & Printing
Mr. Michael Weller
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Wells
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Willett
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Wojenski
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley E.
Zimmerman, Jr.
I will never forget the school staff at Sweetser.
We are grateful to God everyday for their
dedication to our children and families.
— Sweetser School parent
Mass AV
Ms. Linda Mayo
Ms. Suzanne S. Megathlin
MidCoast Hospital
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Mulhearn
New England Curiosities
Nonantum Resort
Mr. & Mrs. Tim O’Brien
Ocean of Possibilities
Ocean Properties, LTD
Ms. Catherine M. Palmer
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Pardi
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Parks
Mrs. Eslie J. Parquette
Pizza By Alex
Portland Harbor Hotel
Powr Point LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Quartararo
Mr. Daniel S. Quinlan &
Mrs. Stephanie L. Quinlan
Rhumb Line Resort
Ms. Marilyn Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. Norman R. Ritter
Dr. & Mrs. Marvin V. Rubin
Mr. & Mrs. Alden H. Sawyer, Jr.
Scarborough Lions Club
Mr. Jeffrey Scott &
Dr. Allene J. Scott
Mrs. William S. Searle
Mr. Richard D. Shaffer &
Ms. Cathy L. French
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Slusser
Ms. Heidi M. Small
Sterling Rope Company
Tom Jones Photography
Mr. Henry J. Tosi, Jr.
True Fans for Elvis Fan Club
Village By The Sea
Wal-Mart - Brunswick
Friend ($100 - $249)
Ms. Claudia L. Adams
Adesa Boston
AEG Live
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Aldrich
Allagash Brewing Company
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Amico
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Amory
And Unlimited Dogs
Mr. Burton R. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Donald D. Anderson
Mrs. Lucille M. Anderson
Anonymous (29)
Aquaholics Surf Shop
Mr. Richard Arsenault
Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Ballou
Mr. & Mrs. Elliott R. Barker III
Mr. & Mrs. J. Ryan Barry
Mrs. Ruth L. Bentley
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Bergeron
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Berman
Mr. Richard S. Berne &
Dr. Susan Schraft
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Bickford
Biddeford-Saco Country Club
Blow Brothers, Inc.
BodyWISE Center for
Health & Fitness
Boothbay Railway Village
Boston Celtics Shamrock
Boston Professional Hockey
Association, Inc.
Boston Red Sox
Mr. Thomas G. Bouchard
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Bourne
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Bowman
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Boxer
Mrs. Grace S. Boyden
Mr. & Mrs. Norman E. Brackett
Mr. & Mrs. Roger H. Breton
Mrs. Rebecca Burchill
Burger King - Brunswick
President & Mrs.
George H. W. Bush
Mrs. Arnold M. Bushner
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Camp
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace E. Camp, Sr.
Mr. Stephen A. Canders &
Ms. Joan C. Cook
Cape Elizabeth Art League
Carrabassett Spring Water
Castaway Costume Rentals
Central Maine Power
Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Chapman
Mr. & Mrs. Eric S. Christensen
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Clark, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald C. Clements
Coast 93.1
Mr. & Mrs. James I. Cohen
Ms. Dawn L. Coish
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Craft
Mr. & Mrs. Scott E. Craig
Appraisal Services
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Cummings
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Daigle
Ms. Susan A. Davis
Delta Chi - Gorham
Mr. Scott Dinsmore &
Ms. Stacy Calderwood
Mr. Schuyler Donovan
Downeast Energy &
Building Supply
Dr. Stereo
Drummond & Drummond
The Eastland Park Hotel
Edgecomb Potters Galleries
Ms. Anne C. Edmonds
Mr. & Mrs. George W. Emery
Mr. & Mrs. Roland M. Eon
Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Esson
Mr. James B. Fairbanks &
Ms. Robin L. Schulte
Ms. Katherine A. Faulkner
Harley, Sweetser School student, displays his handmade pinwheel
in honor of Pinwheels for Peace and the annual International Day
of Peace.
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Cole
Mrs. Donald A. Coleman
Compass Health Analytics, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Convery
Ms. Jean J. Fawcett
Mr. Edward F. Feibel
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Fernandez
Fiddlehead Center for the Arts
Donor list_•09 Donor list 1/18/10 9:23 AM Page 4
FY2009 Donations
Friend (cont.)
Dr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Findlen
First Federal Savings
Ms. Susan L. Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Fitzgerald
Mr. & Mrs. John Flynn
Fortin, Howgate & Harmon
Mr. Richard F. Foss
The Foss Company
Mr. Thomas Francoeur &
Ms. Sharon Secovich
Mrs. Helen W. Freise
Mr. John Gaudet
Mr. & Mrs. Sean C. Gayle
Gnome Landscapes & Design
Gobeil Furniture Galleries
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Gobeil
Dr. & Mrs. Walter B. Goldfarb
Goodwill Industries
Mr. & Mrs. Philip H. Grantham
Greater Boston Autoware
Supply Company
Greater Portland YMCA
Mr. & Mrs. Leon Hadiaris
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Haggett
Ms. Judith A. Hakola
Hampton Inn - Freeport
Mrs. Jennifer C. Hayden
Ms. Claudia A. Henry
Mrs. Randy Henry
Mrs. Charles S. Hermann
Mr. John G. Hewey
Higgins Beach Inn
Mr. Charles L. Hippler, Jr.
Hollywood Slots Hotel & Raceway
Home Depot
Mr. Thomas B. Hopkins
Mr. Thomas H. Hughes
Ms. Bianca Moses
Mt. Abram Resort
Dr. & Mrs. H. Stuart Muench
Mrs. Acquilla S. Muller
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Murphy, Sr.
Mr. Frank Murphy
National Distributors, Inc.
Ms. Victoria Nelson Lemieux
New England Patriots
Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Nordic Village Resort
Thank you for everything you did for our child. You all did a great job. You
offered him great support and advice. You should be proud of your work -
helping kids when they need someone the most.
Mr. & Mrs. Guy S. Huntley
Huston & Company
Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Jackson
Ms. Jessica James
Mr. Eric Jermyn
John T. Cyr & Sons, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Johnson
Kids learn animal care at the Sweetser Farm.
Mr. & Mrs. Hobart F. Harnden
Mrs. Henry M. Harper, Jr.
Harris Farm &
Cross Country Ski Center
Mr. & Mrs. Joel S. Harris
Dr. & Mrs. Hugh F. Harwood
Mr. John N. Hastings
Have Chef Will Travel
Mrs. Ellen C. Knight
Knowles Industrial Service Corp.
Mrs. William Kourakos
Ms. Michelle R. LaChapelle
Mr. Robert M. Ladd
Dr. & Mrs. Richard P. Lemieux
Mr. & Mrs. David N. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Libby
Life is Good, Inc.
The Links at Outlook Golf Course
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Jordan
Ms. Elnora Joseph-Bijhouwer
Mr. Frederick W. Kappa
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Kendrick
Dr. & Mrs. Stanley W. Kent
Kevin Grant Electrical Services
Mr. Phillip M. Kilmister
Kleen Master Inc.
Mr. Gregg R. Lipton &
Ms. Sara M. Crisp
Livermore Falls Fire Department
Livermore Fire Department
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence B.
Mr. & Mrs. Marston D. Lovell
Mr. Craig MacDonald
Mr. James C. MacLeod
Maine Diner
Maine Red Claws
Maine State Music Theatre
Mr. Vadim Makhlis, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Marcotte, Sr.
Mr. Bob Marley
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Marley
Ms. Margaret E. Marston
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey B. Martin
Ms. Rachel Mason Burger
Massage by Pamela J. Seavey LMT
Massage for Health
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Mathieu
Mr. Frederick V. Mauger
Mr. & Mrs. James C. McCormick
Ms. Sandra P. McCurdy
Mr. David W. McElwain &
Ms. Linda J. Danielson
Mr. & Mrs. Francis G. McGinty
Mexico Fire Department
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Mills
Moody’s Collision Centers
Dr. & Mrs. Conner M. Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Morrell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Morrell
— Grateful parent
North Country Rivers Inc.
Northern Data Systems, Inc.
Ms. Theresa F. Norton
Odorite Company
Mrs. Gage Olcott
Ms. Christine Palmer &
Ms. Eigen Heald
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald M. Palmer
Ms. Bonnie Pardue
Mrs. Carmen R. Parks
Mr. Steven K. Pelletier
Philadelphia Insurance
Physics Consultants, Inc.
Albert Pilley Trust
Pine Tree Amusement Center, Inc.
Planet Fitness - Portland
Mrs. Irving J. Poliner
Portland Marriott at Sable Oaks
The Portland Players
Portland Press Herald/Maine
Sunday Telegram
Dr. Muriel A. Poulin
Mr. & Mrs. Roy C. Prussner
Pura Vida Reiki and Wellness
Mr. Bharat K. Ramprasad
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Rapkin
Mrs. Jennifer Robidoux
Ms. Deanna Robishaw
Rodman Associates, Inc.
Mr. Mark Rogers
Mr. Peter Rolfe &
Ms. Caroline Denham
Ms. Gail S. Rousseau
Rumford Fire Department
Donor list_•09 Donor list 1/18/10 9:23 AM Page 5
FY2009 Donations
Friend (cont.)
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sack
Saco Bound, Inc.
Saco Sport & Fitness
Richard G. Sandifer, Photographer
Sanford Country Club
Mr. George E. Sawyer
Scarborough Fire Department
Mr. Walter G. Scherer
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Seekins
Mr. Joseph G. Sevick
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Shaw
Mrs. George T. Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Sheldon
Sheraton Ferncroft Hotel &
CoCo Key Water Resort
Mr. Ted M. Sherman
Mrs. Irene L. Shevenell
Shredding on Site, Inc.
Mr. William P. Shumaker
Mr. Ned Simmons
Howard S. Slosberg Estate
Mr. & Mrs. David Treadwell
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Van Fleet
Mr. & Mrs. Harold R.
Van Siclen, Jr.
Mr. David B. Van Slyke &
Ms. Susan Granai
Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Vance
Verrill Dana LLP
Vic’s Appliance Center, Inc.
Mr. Arthur D. Warren
Ms. Mary L. Webster
Mrs. Peter Webster
Mr. & Mrs. Roger A.
Wentworth, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. George White
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Whitmore
Mrs. Mary W. Whittaker
Wilderness Expeditions, Inc.
Ms. Betsy Wilhelmsen
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Wilson
Your staff have been a blessing to our family.
— Sweetser Camp Endeavor parent
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Smith
Ms. Patricia L. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Stanton T. I. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph M. Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Spaulding
Springer’s Jewelers
Stages: The Performing Arts
Academy for Kids
Ms. Jennifer A. Steele
Subway Restaurants
Mr. Peter E. Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Sumner
Sunday River
Mr. Elliott T. Sweetser
T & T Plowing & Sanding
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew S. Tassey
Ms. Deanna S. Thibeault
Dr. Philip P. Thompson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Thomson
Mr. & Mrs. David Thorne
Tim Byrne Photography
Titan Mechanical, Inc.
Ms. Lois Tourangeau
Mr. Matthew J. Tourangeau
Town of Bowdoin
Transco Business Technologies
Mrs. Carlton P. Wing
Women’s Fellowship First Parish
Congregational Church
Mr. & Mrs. John Xanthopoulos
Yerxa’s Oil & Power Equipment
Dr. & Mrs. James R. Young
Contributor (up to $99)
AAA Fire Extinguisher Co.
Ms. Leona Adams
Ms. Suellen Adams
Ms. Sylvia A. Adams
Ms. Kellie Addario
Advance 1 Cleaning Services, Inc.
Agren Appliance
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Aldrich
Dr. & Mrs. Alan R. Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. Roger J. Allaire
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence W. Allen
The Honorable &
Mrs. Thomas H. Allen
Mrs. Henry G. Allyn, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Amabile, Jr.
Amato’s - Portland
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil E. Ames
Mr. & Mrs. John Ames
Ruel Ricker Day activities at Sweetser School.
Amtrak Downeaster
Ms. Danielle Anderson Lavway
Mr. & Mrs. David I. Anderson
Mrs. Diane H. Anderson
Mrs. Esther B. Anderson
Mrs. William G. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Andre, Jr.
Anonymous (42)
Dr. & Mrs. Philip S. Anson
Anthony’s Italian Kitchen
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley P. Archie
Mrs. Ellen Asherman
Ms. Donna Atwell
Auburn United Methodist Church
Mr. David R. Audie
Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Axtell
Mr. Abe Baggins &
Ms. Selkie O’Mira
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Bail
Ms. Beverly Baker
Ms. Helen J. Baker
Barber Foods
Mrs. Peter C. Barnard
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Barnes
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Baron
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Barter
Mr. Gerald B. Bartlett
Ms. Stacey Bashaw
Ms. Debra A. Bateman
Ms. Roberta J. Beal
Beau Bella Day Spa
Mr. & Mrs. Roland G. Beaudoin
Ms. Robin Lee Becker
Mr. & Mrs. Roland R. Beland
Belfast Self-Storage
Ms. Irene Bellfy
The Belted Cow Company
Mr. Michael E. Bemis
Ms. Julie Benavides
Mrs. Melanie A. Benner
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas T. Bennett, Jr.
Mr. William P. Bennett
Mr. Kris F. Berglund &
Ms. Joanna B. Torow
Ms. Susan M. Berkman &
Ms. Maxine A. Farber
Ms. Ginger L. Bickford
Biddeford & Saco Water Company
Donor list_•09 Donor list 1/18/10 9:24 AM Page 6
FY2009 Donations
Contributor (cont.)
Mr. Alban Bilodeau
Miss E. Miriam Bisbee
Dr. John L. Blair
Mr. Tom Blake &
Ms. Vicki Mercier
Mr. & Mrs. Leo R. Blanchette
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Blier
Ms. Linda Blodgett
Bob’s Auto Service, Inc.
Ms. Jill Boissonneault
Build-A-Bear Workshop
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Bulick
Mrs. Sara D. Burgoyne
Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Burnell
Mr. Robert E. Burns
Ms. Doris M. Busse
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Byrne
Ms. Cynthia Callnan
Dr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Candelore
Canteen Service Company
Ms. Carmen Chatmas
Cheyenne Industries, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Chicco
Ms. Joy Childs
Ms. Evelyn R. Choate
Mrs. Lorraine B. Chretien
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Christensen
Ms. Heather Christy
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony E. Cibelli
Ms. Dorothy B. Clark
Student taps maple tree for syrup (left) on Saco campus. Sugar Shack at Sweetser School.
Mr. Laurence A. Bond, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jay J. Boomer
Ms. Rebecca J. Booth
Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Bopp III
Ms. Melissa Bouchard
Ms. Stefanie Boucher
Mr. & Mrs. Everett G. Boucouvalas
Mr. & Mrs. Harold W. Boudreau
Mrs. Robert J. Boudreau
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bourque
Mr. & Mrs. R. Chase Bowker
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Brackett
Ms. Doreen A. Brady
Mr. & Mrs. Norman and
Emily Breitner
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Brennan
Mr. Ken Brill
Mr. Lloyd F. Brimigion
Mr. Harold E. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Joel H. Brown, Jr.
Mr. Judson A. Brown
Mr. S. Bruce Brown
Ms. Velvet Brown
Mr. Arey C. Bryant
Ms. Cathleen A. Bryant
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Capozza
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Cardullo
Mr. Stuart P. Carlisle
Ms. Debra Caron Plourde
Carpe Diem Coffee Roasters
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Carroll
Mrs. Hilda J. Carver
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick S. Casale
Casco Bay Lines
Casco Bay Movers Dance Studio
Casella Waste Systems, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Cash
Central Maine Cleaning Inc.
Mr. Paul G. Chamberlain
Champion Glass
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Chase
Mr. & Mrs. Peter P. Clifford
Mr. Philip P. Clifford, Sr.
Ms. Judith E. Clough
Coastal Exposures, Inc.
Coastal Maine Interiors
Mr. Paul Coats
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew F. Coburn
Coffee By Design, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Cohen
Cold Stone Creamery
Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Collins
Ms. Debora Combs
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert M. Conway
Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Coons
Mr. Michael Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. C. Nelson Corey, Jr.
The values I learned at Sweetser changed my
life. From a teen going nowhere, I graduated
from college and got my master’s in counseling.
I now work with troubled kids.
— Former Sweetser resident
Mr. Joe Corey
Corporate Management
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Cote
Mr. Stevan C. Cote
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Couch
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Coughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest H. Cox
Ms. Mary Crawford
Ms. Stephanie D. Croatti
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Cronin
Mr. Thomas H. Crosby
Cross Jewelers
Ms. Linda Cullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert I. Curran
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Currier
Ms. Jackie Curry
Philip B. Curtis &
Catharine A. Curtis
Ms. Jane G. Cutter
Ms. Maryanne A. Cutter
Mr. Joel L. Cyr
d. cole jewelers
Mr. Bruce W. Dalbeck
Dr. & Mrs. Preston H. Dalglish, Jr.
Mr. Stephen Y. Dalvet
Ms. Sheri Danforth
Mr. Barry J. Daniels
Ms. Helen Danilewicz
David’s Restaurant
Mr. & Mrs. Elwood C. Davis
Ms. Lori R. Davis
Mrs. Harriett A. Dawkins
Mr. & Mrs. Vance E. Dearborn
Ms. Rita J. DeFio
Mr. Roger Densmore
Ms. Lori DePeter
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Derzawiec
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald H. Deshaies
Mrs. Joseph E. Desrochers
The Honorable &
Mrs. Bernard M. Devine, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Dickey
Dick’s Sporting Goods
Mr. Carmine W. Difilippo
DiMillo’s Floating Restaurant
Ms. Jennifer Dimond
Ms. Margaret J. Dixon
Ms. Vicki Doenges
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Doiron
Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Dolphin
Mr. John E. Donahue
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A.
Donatello, Jr.
Donor list_•09 Donor list 1/18/10 9:24 AM Page 7
FY2009 Donations
Contributor (cont.)
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert E. Donnell
Maria Z. Doolittle
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Dornish, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert R. Doten
Mr. & Mrs. Philip H. Doughty
Miss Virginia Doukas
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Dow
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Downey
Mr. John C. Downing
Ms. Anne B. Doyle
Ms. Helen M. Doyle
Ms. Robin Doyon
Ms. E. C. Drown
Dube Lewis Properties, Inc.
Mrs. Germaine L. Dumas
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Jacques Dupuis
Dupuis Hardware & Locksmith
Mrs. Jean M. Durham
Mrs. Ruth Earley
Mrs. Charlotte Eastman
Ms. Judy Eberson
Mrs. Barbara H. Economy
Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. James Eggleston
Mr. Troy Ellsmore
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Emerson
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace R. Emerson
Mrs. Joyce O. Emery
Ms. Evelyn Emmons
Kristin Walton, Mrs. Maine United
States, and auction emcee Lee
Goldberg of WCSH-6, helped
make Sweetser’s Sold on Kids
Auction fundraiser another
great success.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Erskine
Estabrook Farms &
Greenhouses, Inc.
Mrs. Maynard H. Eugley
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Everett
Mr. Willy A. Faessler
Ms. Ellen Fagan
Ms. Charlotte Farber
Farmington Fire Department
Mrs. Lucille A. Fennell
Harriet Jeffrey Ferguson
Revocable Trust
Ms. Nancy Ferro
Mr. & Mrs. Clinton A. Feyler
Dr. Peter M. Fichte
Mr. & Mrs. Keith R. Fifield
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Filauro
Ms. Helen M. Finn
Ms. Bethany Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Marc R. Fishman
Mr. Mark Fitzgerald
Mrs. Muriel F. Flaherty
Mr. & Mrs. Brian M. Flanders
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph N. Fleurant
Mrs. Carl R. Flink
Mr. E. Lyle Flynn &
Ms. Beth Stevens
Ms. Darcy Foerster
Mr. Joseph A. Foley &
Ms. Tricia Pardi-Foley
Ms. Mary A. Foley
Mr. Scott Footer
Fore Street Restaurant
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Foresman
Ms. Nancy F. Forgione
Mr. & Mrs. Marc M. Fournier
Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas K. Fowler
Ms. Sandy Fowler
Mr. Brian Fox
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Freeman
Mr. Vernard E. Frost
Frosty’s Donut Shop
Funtown/Splashtown USA
G. M. Allen & Son, Inc.
Galyn’s Restaurant
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gandolfo
Gawron Turgeon Architects
Gerber Associates, P.A.
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Gickas
Ms. Rachel Gildard
Ms. Caitlin Gildart
Ms. Sarah Giles
Donna Giroux,
Certified Reflexologist
Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Givertz
Ms. Virginia S. Glidden
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Gloriant
Mr. Edgar C. Goldsmith
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Goode
Ms. Muriel Goodspeed
Ms. Denise Gordon
Ms. Gabriell Gosselin
Mr. & Mrs. Keith B. Gosselin
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Gottschalk
Ms. Mary Goyette
Mr. Nathan Graham
Grampa’s Garden, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Graumnitz
Ms. Allison S. Gray
Greater Brunswick
Physical Therapy
Captain & Mrs. Paul J. Hartley, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph G. Harvey
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest L. Haskell
Mrs. Beverly C. Hastings
Mr. J. David Haynes
Mr. & Mrs. Lynde A. Heath, Jr.
Mr. Leroy P. Heely
Ms. Maureen Heffernan
Mr. Donald Heighe
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Henkel
Mrs. Elizabeth L. Henry
Ms. Cathy Herbert
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Hill, Jr.
Mr. Maurice Hincks
My two weeks at Sweetser went too quickly. I’ll
be back longer next year. Your staff are so
skilled and professional. Those children are
lucky to have them.
Greater Portland Landmarks
Mr. & Mrs. Elliot R. Green
Mr. Nathanael N. Greene &
Ms. Katherine Ann Kennedy
Mr. Matt Gregory
Dr. & Mrs. Vincent F. Guerra
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Guilbeault
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth B. Guiseley
Mr. Brian E. Gulick
Ms. Ethel S. Gwyer
Ms. Maura E. Gwyer
H & R Pye’s Tax &
Accounting Service
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Hackett
Mr. & Mrs. Myron D. Hager
Haley’s Tire & Service Center
Mrs. Barbara H. Hall
Mrs. Louise D. Hall
Mr. Ken Hallee
Ms. Liane J. Hamann
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Hamel
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Hammond
Hancock Gourmet Lobster Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Adam C. Hanlon
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hanlon
Mrs. Pauline T. Hansen
Mrs. Charles A. Harmon, Jr.
Ms. Deborah Harmon
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Harmon
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Harmon
— Sweetser volunteer
Mr. Frederic C. Hirsch
Mr. Richard J. Hoctor
Ms. Christine Holden
Hollis Lions Club
Ms. Pamela S. Holmes
Ms. Cathy Holt
Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Holt
Ms. Theresa Horton
Dr. Reverend Burton S. Howe
Mrs. Anita L. Huizing
Mrs. Joan S. Hurrell
Mr. & Mrs. Harold B. Hutchinson
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hutnak
Mrs. Deanne F. Hyer
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory I. Ifantides
Interior Resources
Jackson Ski Touring Foundation
Jackson’s Lawn Service
The Jador Company
Ms. Jean Jala
Ms. Caroline D. Janover
Mr. & Mrs. Montell R. Jensen
Jerry’s Diner & Cindy’s Too
Mr. Richard J. Jewell
Mr. James P. Kachmar
Mr. & Mrs. A. William Kany, Jr.
Mr. Paul Karolkowski
Ms. Sarah E. B. Kavanagh
KBC Coffee & Dry Goods
Ms. Janet E. Kehl
Donor list_•09 Donor list 1/18/10 9:24 AM Page 8
FY2009 Donations
Contributor (cont.)
Ms. Betty Keller
Kennebunk Savings Bank
Ms. Ann Marie Kenney
Kentucky Fried Chicken Brunswick
Dr. Carol F. Kessler
Mr. & Mrs. George L. Kimball
Mr. & Mrs. Louis C. King
Mr. Oliver M. King
Mr. & Mrs. William C. King
Ms. Judy A. Knaub
Mr. & Mrs. Fred B. Knight
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Knox
Ms. N. Roberta Knox
Mrs. Andre J. Laliberte
Mr. Renfield D. Lamphere
Mr. & Mrs. Prentice C. Lander
Ms. Lynn Landry
Mr. Randall Landry
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Lang
Mr. James D. Lannon
Mr. Leo J. Laplante
Mr. & Mrs. Harry E. Lapointe
Mrs. Mary Jo Larned
Mrs. Henrietta R. Larou
Mrs. Avis D. Latimer
Ms. Michele Laverdier
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lawson
Auction Co-chair and Board member, Kathy Macleod, with niece,
Gina Pardi, who dazzled the audience as Dorothy in the Wizard of
Oz themed event.
Ms. Elizabeth Komosa
Mrs. Leah S. Kopel
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas C. Koutroulis
Mr. Carl J. Kruger
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin J. Labbe
Mr. & Mrs. John R. LaFleur, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Lay
Le Club Calumet, Inc.
Mr. Lester Lebel
Ms. Whitney LeConte
Ms. Allison Ledoux
Ms. Emily Leeser
Mrs. Joanne A. Leete
Mr. James R. Leighton
Ms. Priscilla M. Lessard
Marlowe J. LeBarge & Son
Ms. Barbara E. Marsanskis
Ms. Jenna Marstaller
Living at the Sweetser Group Home did me a
lot of good. Your staff taught me things my
Mom would never have shown me. My life
changed for the better. Thank you
— Former Sweetser resident
Ms. Dawn F. Levesque
Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Lewicki
Ms. Leslie Lewin
Ms. Dorothy K. Libby
Dr. John T. Libby
Ms. Marcia Libby
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Lind
Mr. Gary S. Littlefield
Ms. Kathleen R. Lombard
Mr. Stephen P. Lubelczyk & Ms.
Alice R. O’Connor
Ms. Ann Luginbuhl
Mrs. Joseph Lyman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lyons
Lyric Music Theater
Mr. Burton E. Mabry
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold D. Macdonald
Mrs. Cameron MacGregor
Mr. Lawrence E. Macleod
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Macleod
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh G. E.
Mr. & Mrs. John F. MacMillan II
Mr. & Mrs. Fernand U. Madore
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Madore
Maggie Moo’s
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis D. Magnuson
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin B. Mahoney
Maine Audubon
Maine Brewer’s Festival
Maine Eastern Railroad
Maine Historical Society
Maine Indoor Karting
Maine Narrow Gauge
Railroad & Museum
Maine Rock Gym
Mr. Harold H. Manson, Jr.
Ms. F. Virginia Marcuri
Mrs. Dorothy Marecaux
Ms. Mary L. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. DeWayn C. Marzagalli
Ms. Claire Masalin
Ms. Ellen McBoyle
Mr. Michael L. McCall
Mrs. Florence M. McCann
Mr. & Mrs. James L. McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. John McCartney
McDonald’s - Brunswick
McDonald’s - Saco
Mr. & Mrs. William H.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. McDowell
Ms. Amy McGarry
Ms. Janet McGorty
Mr. & Mrs. Philip D.
Dr. & Mrs. Stuart W. McGuire
Mr. & Mrs. Richard McKenney
Mr. Alan McLucas
Ms. Julie McQuillan
Ms. Janet E. Mead
Medical Center Pharmacy
Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Mehlman
Mr. & Mrs. Marc A. Mercier
Ms. Deborah Milite
Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Miller
Mr. Michael P. Misciagna
Mrs. Daniel C. Mitchell, Sr.
Ms. Rebecca Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Moisen
Dr. Frederick R. Molander
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Monaghan
Ms. Cassie Moon
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Moon
Ms. Elizabeth A. Mooney
Ms. Louise S. Moore
Donor list_•09 Donor list 1/18/10 9:24 AM Page 9
FY2009 Donations
Contributor (cont.)
Dr. Sarah E. Moore
Ms. Anne C. Morham
Mr. Albert S. Morris III
Ms. Ann Morrison
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Mortimer
Ms. Selma Moskowitz
Ms. Ellen Mosley
Ms. Peggy A. Ouellette
Mrs. William R. Owen
Mr. Richard A. Palombo
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Panaccione
Ms. Melissa Paquette
Mr. & Mrs. Guido Pardi, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Pardi
Mr. Frederick G. Pierce
Ms. Natalie B. Pierpont
Mrs. Barbara R. Pillsbury
Mr. Steve Pizzo
Mr. & Mrs. Royce E. Place
Ms. Linda F. Plant
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Plocharczyk
Korbin checks out a Toyota Camry hybrid at the Sweetser School’s Vehicle Fair. The vehicle was donated to
Sweetser for two years from Prime Motor Group.
Mr. Robert R. Mott
Mt. Washington Railway Company
Mr. Leonard C. Mulligan
Mr. Charles E. Murch, Jr.
Mr. Jeff Murphy
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Myatt
Mrs. Donna L. Nadeau
Ms. Gloria E. Nadeau
Mr. & Mrs. Yves Nadeau
Mr. & Mrs. Cary A. Nash
Mr. & Mrs. Jack H. Neeson
Ms. Kathleen R. Nickless
Nonesuch River Golf Club
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Norton
Norway Savings Bank
Noyes Farm
Oakhurst Dairy
Ms. Jeanine O’Brien
Ms. Rita O’Brien
Ms. Julie O’Donnell
Old Port Candy Company
Ms. Beth Osmer
Ms. Violetta L. Otis
Mrs. Pamela M. Parker
Mr. Rob Pascale
Ms. Catherine Patrie
Mr. Oliver Payne
Mrs. David A. Pease
Dr. Julie K. Pease
Pedro O’Hara’s
Pemberton’s Gourmet Foods
Pepsi Bottling Group
Ms. Gail M. Percy-Fitch
Ms. Joyce A. Peters
Mr. Earl O. Peterson
Mr. Gordon O. Peterson
Ms. Helene C. Plourde
Point Sebago Golf Course
Poland Community Church
Port Lobster Company, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Porter
Portland Dine Around
Portland Glass
Portland Lobster Company
Portland Museum of Art
Portland Sea Dogs
Portland Stage Company
Mr. Gary C. Potter &
Ms. Judy Katzel
Living at Sweetser was the best thing that ever
happened to me. I have come full circle.
— Former Sweetser client
Mr. & Mrs. Leif S. Pettersen
PGA Tour
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley H. Phillips
Ms. Merle Potter
Ms. Kim Pray
Mrs. Luverne C. Preble
Mr. & Mrs. George N. Prior
Mrs. Jean L. Pullen
Ms. Altha M. Purdy
Mr. Dennis A. Purington
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence P. Ralston
Ms. Tina Randon
Rangeley Lawn Service &
Caretaking, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff C. Rauch
Mrs. Marion A. Raymond
Raymond Chiropractic &
Sports Injury Center
Mrs. Deborah S. Reed
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace E. Reid
Rex Lambert Enterprises
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Richter
Ms. Gail N. Richter
Mr. Edmund J. Ricker
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. Ring
Mr. Peter Risbara
Riverton School
Mr. David L. Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Roche
Mr. Charles R. Rooney & Mrs.
Sandra Morrell Rooney
Ms. Saralee Rosen
Ms. Sara Ross
Rotary Garage
Mr. Richard A. Roussin
Mr. Dan Routh
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard A. Roy
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Russell
Mr. Robert P. Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Russo
Saco Manufacturing &
Saddleback Mountain
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Saffer
Salmon Falls Country Club
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony F. Salvo
Mr. & Mrs. James Sampson
Mrs. H. Blaine Sanborn
Mr. John J. Sanders
Mr. & Mrs. Henry W. Saunders
Mr. Joseph G. Saunders
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Saurman
Mr. & Mrs. Harrison Sawyer
Ms. Kimberly Sawyer
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Sawyer
Mr. Paul J. Scalzone
Mr. Joseph T. Schacht
Ms. Michele Schnitzel
Donor list_•09 Donor list 1/18/10 9:24 AM Page 10
FY2009 Donations
Contributor (cont.)
Mr. Stephen Schools
Mr. & Mrs. Erwin Seavey
Mrs. Pamela J. Seavey
Mr. & Mrs. George R. Sergeant
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Sessions
Shain’s of Maine
Standard Baking Company
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Stearns
Mr. & Mrs. Brian D. Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. Winfred A. Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Stewart III
Sweetser Board members Kathy Macleod and Bill Zafirson at
Flatbreads Charity night for Sweetser.
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Shanks
Ms. H. Patricia Shapazian
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Sharland
Shaw’s Supermarkets - Biddeford
Shaw’s Supermarkets - Brunswick
Ms. Angela Shea
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Sheehan
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Shively
Ms. Tricia Sierra
Ms. Amy L. Simonds
Mrs. Allen T. Simons
Mr. Herbert P. Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. Warren S. Simpson
Six Flags New England
Skillin’s Greenhouse
Mrs. Harriette Small
Ms. Judith A. Smart
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Philip P. Snow
Ms. Shirley Sotir
Mr. & Mrs. S. Peter Spalding
Mrs. Evangeline M. Sparks
Mr. Richard E. Spindler &
Ms. Alice N.
Spring Meadows Golf Course
Ms. Joan A. St. Pierre
Mr. & Mrs. Lemuel G. Stinson
Stone Soup Artisans
Ms. Ashly Q. Stone
Ms. Sandra L. Stone
Stonewall Kitchen
Story Land
Mrs. Charlene P. Strang
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Stuart
Dr. & Mrs. John W. Sturzenberger
Succhini’s Plumbing & Heating
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Suehrstedt
Sun City Tanning & Swimwear
The SunriseGuide
Thelma C. Swain Estate
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon O. Sweet
Ms. Patricia A. Swennes
Ms. Beatrice J. Szendrei
Ms. Aileen Tabachnick
Target - Topsham
Mr. & Mrs. Carroll E. Taylor
Ms. Martha L. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Tedesco
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph L. Thivierge
Mrs. Herbert W. Thomes
Ms. Jeanne B. Thurber
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Thurston
Ms. Janet Thurston
The Tides Inn By-The-Sea
Mr. Philip W. Tiemann, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Todd, Jr.
ToeGoz Inc.
Toilers-By-The Sea
Mr. & Mrs. Seth A. Towle
Treehouse Toys, Ltd.
Mr. & Mrs. George R. Trottier
Ms. Dawn True
Mr. Plato Truman
Ms. Joan A. Tucker
Mrs. Dorothy U. Turner
Turner Highlands Country Club
Ms. Sharon Tynan
U. S. Cellular
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Underwood
Mr. Paul M. Unglaub
Mr. Michael E. Urbanski
Mrs. Claire T. Urquhart
V.I.P. Tour & Charter
Bus Company
Vacationland Bowling Center
Mr. Carl Valade
Ms. Leighann Velez
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest P. Venskus
Mr. Treavor H. Vickers &
Ms. Jeanne Whynot-Vickers
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Victor
Victoria Mansion
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Vierow
Dr. & Mrs. Philip J. Villandry
Ms. Marilyn Webb
Ms. Laurie S. Weber-Taft
Mr. & Mrs. Terence C. Weeman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Weiss
Western View Golf Club
Mr. Frederick T. Weston
Mrs. Marie A. Weymouth
Mrs. Margaret A. Whalen
Mr. & Mrs. John W. L. White
Mr. & Mrs. Rupert B. White
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Whitworth
Mr. & Mrs. Harold L. Wiggin
Mrs. Lorraine Wilbur
Wilbur G. Shaw Hardware
Ms. Jean Wilhelmsen
Mr. Winston Wilkes
Ms. Jane Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Williamson
Mr. Jared Willis
Ms. Arline E. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Wilson
Ms. Leigh Wood
Mr. Steve Woodard
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas E. Woodbury
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Woodwell
Ms. Jodi Wright
Ms. Margaret A. Wright
Mrs. William E. Wyatt
J. Hollis Wyman Charitable Trust
Mrs. Valerie P. Wyman
We celebrate four years of our son being
hospitalization free since he was helped at
the Sweetser Crisis Unit in eight weeks. Before
that, he spent two years and 297 days in seven
out of home placements. We can’t thank you
Volk Packaging Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. David Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. Murray P. Wallace
Ms. Carroll Watmough
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Watson
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Weatherbie
Weathervane Seafoods
— Grateful parent
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne F. York
York’s Wild Animal Kingdom
Ms. Alice Young
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Zimmerman
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Zukowski
Donor list_•09 Donor list 1/18/10 9:24 AM Page 11
The Cornelius Sweetser Heritage Society, named after Sweetser’s founder, honors
a distinct group of individuals who have made an extraordinary commitment to
Sweetser and/or have included Sweetser in their estate plans. These committed
members are creating a legacy of support for future generations.
If you are considering including Sweetser in your will or trust, or have already
remembered the organization with a planned gift, please contact Development
Director Todd Henry at 1.800.434.3000 or 207.294.4484.
Heritage Society Members
Esther B. Anderson
Robert E. & Nancy S. Armitage
Thomas M. & Rachel F. Armstrong
Marjorie C. Bailey *
Roland G. & Patricia A. Beaudoin
Melanie A. Benner
Dwight W. & Mary E. Berry
Charles A. & Shirley A. Blood
Grace S. Boyden
George & Deborah L. Brett
Doris L. Brown
Susan W. Brown
George A. Chambers
Benny & Dr. Poh-Yong Chang
E. Irving Chappell * & Priscilla G. Chappell *
Anthony E. & Evelyn K. Cibelli
Dr. Madelyn E. Conley *
Robert E. & Cynthia E. Convery
Carol A. Curland
Philip B. Curtis & Catharine A. Curtis
Richard B. & Shirley Dalbeck
Leland C., Jr. & Bettina S. Davis *
Joseph E. & Joan C. Dickey
John P. Dimmer, Jr. * &
Elizabeth W. Bergstrom
F. Donald & Lorna Dorsey, Jr.
John M. Dunlap, Jr. * &
Maeron LeRoy Dunlap
Gracienne E. Dussault *
Ellen E. Dutton *
Phillip D. & Sadie L. Dyer
Christopher T. Emmet
Suzanne Ewing
Harriet Jeffrey Ferguson *
Wesley W. Ford
Irvin L. & Rosamond C. Foster
Bennett B. Fuller *
Robert W. Goodwin * & Elinor Goodwin
John T. Gorman, Jr.
Carl F. Graesser, Jr.
Earle S. Grames, Sr. * & Eleanor Grames
Roger C. Grant * & Anna R. Grant
Esther B. Gyger
Judith A. Hakola
John C. Hamlen *
Malcolm S. Hayden * & Jennifer C. Hayden
Annie P. Hennessey *
Merton G. Henry & Harriet P. Henry *
J. Harrison Holman * & Barbra G. Holman
Hugh W. Hopkins
Charles R. Huntoon &
Elizabeth C. Huntoon *
A. William & Anne B. Kany, Jr.
Dr. Stanley W. & Constance B. Kent
Phillip M. Kilmister
Allan R. Kimball *
Gladys M. Knight *
Lloyd W. Knox * & Margaret B. Knox *
Melvin J. & Rena Labbe
Avis D. Latimer
Richard & Eileen Leighton
Joseph D. Littlefield, Sr.
Donald Lowry * & Barbara Lowry *
Lois MacGregor
Alex Mantis *
Dr. Stuart W. & Janet B. McGuire
Kathy & Irv Meeker
Suzanne S. Megathlin
Mary D. Merrill *
Virginia Moody
Donald M. & Nancy Morse
Robert R. Mott
Ernest P. Muller * & Acquilla S. Muller
John B. Nason
Jack H. & Margaret G. Neeson
E. Robert Newton *
& Dorothy Low Newton *
Dr. Eric F. Nicholas
Anne P. Owsley *
Eslie J. Parquette
Carlton D. & Barbara R. Pendleton
Leif S. & Bernice S. Pettersen
William L. Philbrick * & Katharine Philbrick
Albert Pilley *
William B. Pinkham, Jr.
Howard A. & Loretta L. Ripley
Dr. Hugh P. & Patricia V. Robinson
Manley E. Rogers & Martha W. Rogers *
Robert E. Rounds *
H. Blaine Sanborn * & Hazel Sanborn
Henry W. & Marjorie H. Saunders
Joseph G. Saunders
Alden H. & Barbara G. Sawyer, Jr.
William S. Searle * & Sylvia D. Searle
Irene L. Shevenell
Edward H. Shively * & Elizabeth M. Shively
Howard S. Slosberg *
S. Peter & Hildegrade S. Spalding
Ernest O. Sprowl *
Anita H. Starrett
Henry C. & Gloria B. Stover
Dr. Walter P. Strang * & Charlene P. Strang
Thelma C. Swain *
Robert M. & Susan P. Tkacik, Jr.
Bruce S. Tornquist
David M. & Marjorie Tourangeau
William H. Truesdale III * &
Virginia Truesdale
Philip J. & Claudette C. Villandry
John H. & Lee J. Walker
Martha W. Wallace
Lauriston Ward, Jr. &
Dorothy-Lee Jones-Ward
Robert J. White
Tammy White Keimach
Rita S. Willis *
J. Hollis Wyman *
Leonard A. & Alice M. Wyman
Valerie P. Wyman
Edith Zimmerman *
* deceased
Donor list_•09 Donor list 1/18/10 9:24 AM Page 12
Sweetser’s corporators help represent the organization in their communities, provide information to
Sweetser about the needs of children and families in their communities, and attend annual meetings.
A heartfelt thanks to all of our corporators for their compassion and support.
Claudia Adams
Kristine Allard
Donald Ballute
Heidi Bathalon
Joann Beaudoin
John Beliveau
Melanie Benner
Jeffrey Bennett
Ruth Bentley
Blaine Boudreau
Barbara Boyle
Frederick Boyle
Cindy Boyt
Todd Brackett
Edward Bull
Earle Buzzell, Jr.
Robert Calcagni
Alan Cartwright
Eric Christensen
James Cohen
Robert Convery
Joan Cook
Kenneth Crepeau
Richard Dalbeck
Preston Dalglish, Jr.
Terry Dalglish
Maureen Dea
Betty Deegan
Henry Deegan
Joan Dickey
Sandra Dolby
Jim Dowe
Dennis Eagleson
Mark Eddy
Troy Ellsmore
Christopher Emmet
Roland Eon
Sandra Featherman
Steven Feder
Steven Fennell
David Flood
Keith Gosselin
Susan Hadiaris
Sally Haggett
Mark Hampton
Sarah Hardcastle
Jennifer Hayden
J. David Haynes
Samuel Henderson III
Merton Henry
Burton Howe
Keith Jacques
A. William Kany, Jr.
Jonathan Karol
Constance Kent
Don Kniseley
Michelle LaChapelle
Mary Larned
Cheryl Lawson
Stephen Lubelczyk
Ann Luginbuhl
Kathy Macleod
Jerry Mansfield
Sheila Matthews-Bull
G. Robert Marvin
Joan McDonald
Donald McDowell
Amy McGarry
Janet McGuire
Katharine Meeker
Suzanne Megathlin
Richard Michaud
David Millar
Elizabeth Mitchell
Phillip Morin
Timothy Murphy
Cary Olson Cartwright
Edmond Pelta
Barbara Pendleton
Carlton Pendleton
Craig Pendleton
Susan Pendleton
Thomas Perry
Charles Petersen
Mark Peterson
Helene Plourde
Muriel Poulin
Gregory Prince
Rebecca Quinlan
Meredith Richardson
Melissa Richter
Louine Robbins
Kevin Robert
Ira Rosenberg
Judith Rosenberg
Susan Rouillard
Kevin Savage
David Scenna
Lillian Scenna
Sylvia Searle
Barbara Sheahan
Wayne Sherman
Irene Shevenell
Lois Skillings
Patricia Small
Joan Smith
Beverly Soule
Kenneth Stafford
Charles Stewart III
Mary Stewart
William Swetland
Peter Sylvestre
Carol Thorne
Robert Tkacik, Jr.
David Tourangeau
Mary Turgeon
Roderick Vogel
John Walker
Kristin Walton
Robert Walton
John Wasileski
Thomas Wells
Tammy White
Douglas Willett
Mark Willett
Jack Williams
Douglas Woodbury
Roberta Wright
Louise Zafirson
William Zafirson