Fall 2014 - Ursuline Sisters


Fall 2014 - Ursuline Sisters
Ursuline Sisters of the Central Province
FA L L 2 0 1 4
Ursulines Install New Leadership Team
Members of the new leadership team are, from left, Sister Mary Ann Dooling,
councilor; Sister Ann Barrett, councilor; Sister Rita Ann Bregenhorn, provincial;
Sister Julie Hickey, councilor; and Sister Jean Hopman, councilor.
Message from
the provincial
Northeast Province
joins Central
Sisters move from
Queen of Peace
Honor roll of donors
new leadership team for the Ursuline Sisters
of the Central Province, appointed in March,
was installed in April at the Alton Convent in
Alton, Ill. Members of the new team are Sister
Rita Ann Bregenhorn, provincial; Sister Ann
Barrett, councilor; Sister Mary Ann Dooling,
councilor; Sister Julie Hickey, councilor; and
Sister Jean Hopman, councilor.
After consultation with the sisters in the
Central Province, appointments to the new team
were made by Mother Cecilia Wang, general
prioress of the Ursulines of the Roman Union.
The new team will serve a three-year term.
Sister Rita Ann Bregenhorn, the new
provincial leader, is a native of Springfield, Ill. She
served as a pastoral associate at St. Patrick Church
of Merna in Bloomington, Ill., for the past 17
continued on page 2
Sister Julie lives mission in work with homeless
hen Sister Julie Hickey began ministering
to the homeless at Haven for Hope in San
Antonio, she didn’t know that what she gave of
herself would be returned many times over in this
ministry she considers a blessing. “My ministry
at Haven for Hope is very much an experience of
receiving from another,” she says.
Described as a place of hope and new
beginnings for people experiencing homelessness,
Haven for Hope offers job training, child care,
medical care, education, behavioral health care,
spiritual care, substance recovery and more.
With more than 90 partners, Haven for Hope
serves the needs of an estimated 1,500 persons on
two campuses each day.
Sister Julie volunteered at Haven for Hope
for more than a year before beginning a full-time
position in Spiritual Services in August 2011. Before
that she was a teacher and then a staff member at
an intercongregational sabbatical program.
“While taking a course for formation ministry,
I heard Anthony J. Gittins, CSSP speak about his
ministry to women on the streets in Chicago,” she
says. “I had just completed my training in spiritual
continued on page 2
As Ursulines of the Central Province, members of a worldwide community of Catholic sisters, we are
women whose lives and mission are rooted in the gospel of Jesus and the spirit of our foundress, Angela
Merici. Grounded and empowered by our relationship with God and with one another, in prayer and
community, we seek to be a compassionate, reconciling presence of God in our world.
Leadership continued from page 1
years and was a part-time councilor
on the leadership team for the past
seven years. Sister Ann Barrett of
Kirkwood, Mo., has served in leadership
full time since 2005. Sister Mary Ann
Dooling, a native of Alton, Ill., has
served in leadership since 2008. She also
teaches theology at Ursuline Academy
of St. Louis.
New to Central Province leadership
are Sister Jean Hopman and Sister Julie
Hickey. Sister Jean, originally from
San Francisco, has served in Chicago for
11 years, most recently as co-vocations
director of the Ursuline Sisters of the
United States provinces. Now living in
St. Louis, she will continue her role in
vocations while serving as a councilor.
Born in Lincoln, Ill., Sister Julie has
spent most of her years of ministry
in Texas. Since 2009 she has been a
spiritual care developer at Haven for
Hope, a multi-resource facility for
the homeless in San Antonio, and
will continue in that role while serving
in leadership.
The installation was held at the
Alton Convent, which closed in
September, to provide an opportunity
for the sisters to gather one more time
and reflect on their long history there
while preparing to move ahead to
new beginnings.
Sister Julie Hickey
continued from page 1
direction and I knew without a doubt
as Father Gittins spoke, that God was
inviting me to be a listening presence to
persons who find themselves homeless.”
As a spiritual care director at
Haven for Hope, Sister Julie’s focus
is in developing programs for “soul
friends,” which is the name given to
volunteers who provide a one-on-one
presence to individuals on campus. “I
give orientation and assist in developing
ongoing training for volunteers in this
role,” she says.
“Each day is different. I’ve learned
to go with the flow. We often joke
that ‘flexibility’ is our middle name at
Haven. I’m available for pastoral care
to individuals on both campuses. I
consider the heartbeat of the campus
to be recovery team meetings with
case management. We work as a team
to ensure the needs of individuals are
compassionately addressed.
“I also meet with new volunteers for
orientation and creative planning with
the rest of spiritual services staff. We
are a small staff of five for more than
1,400 to 1,500 individuals. We couldn’t
do what we do without the faithful
commitment of our volunteers.”
For Sister
Julie, Haven
for Hope is an
ideal place to
live the Ursuline
mission, “rooted
in the Gospel
of Jesus and the
spirit of Ursuline
St. Angela
Sister Julie finds Haven for Hope is an ideal place to live the
Merici, seeking
Ursuline mission.
always to be
a compassionate, reconciling presence
campus, I’m reminded of the phrase
of God in our world.” Indeed, Sister
‘mission from the margins.’ I hear stories
Julie says the most rewarding part
of vulnerability and pain, yet I also hear
of her ministry is “being a listening
stories of challenge and hope. From
presence as individuals share their
the margins, I experience the diverse
pain and challenges, yet also their
expressions of God’s love.”
deep faith in God in the midst of their
Sister Julie finds she is touched daily
challenges. A healing and transformation
by people who are living on the edge but
happens in the midst of the sharing
possess a deep richness within. “I came
and the listening. It is the Spirit-filled
to Haven for Hope believing that I was
conversations in the midst of each day
the one to bring hope and compassion to
that I find most rewarding.
another. Yet in reality it is an experience
“My ministry at Haven for Hope
of mutuality. I receive so much from
is very much an experience of receiving
those I serve. Angela’s words come alive
from another,” Sister Julie says. “As I
in those experiences.”
listen to the stories of volunteers and
individuals on the Haven for Hope
A Message from the Provincial
ovember brings many things to mind but for most of
us gratitude would be at the top of the list. We have
been blessed with so much and need to recognize our many
gifts and give thanks.
Also during this month of November, as we watch
trees and shrubs turn from vibrant green to bright shades of
yellow, orange and red, we are reminded of the changes that
take place in our own lives. As we read in scripture “there is
a time for everything.”
For our Central Province Ursuline community, these
two themes of gratitude and change resonate very much.
We have received many blessings and must continue to show
our gratitude. Among our many blessings to be counted are
you, the wonderful, generous people who have remembered
us by your gifts. Former students, colleagues with whom we
minister now and in the past, friends and family are among
the many who have blessed us with gifts and we are very
grateful to you.
To the theme of change, our province has experienced
many in just the last year. A new leadership team began
their ministry role in April, our Alton convent and infirmary
closed and the sisters have moved to other locations, and
our province welcomed our sisters of
the Northeast Province as a community
of Central Province called the Mère
Marie community. So now our Central
Province extends from Minnesota to
Texas and extends welcoming arms to
our sisters in Maine and Massachusetts.
These changes and moves have brought many sacrifices
for the sisters, but the great faith and trust with which they met
each situation has truly been an inspiration for all of us. You
may read more about these changes in this issue of Laurels.
It has been a very busy and rewarding time for all of us
and it is with a heart full of gratitude that we can say, “for all
that has been, we give thanks and for all that will be, yes.”
Thank you to each and every one and may God bless you.
Rita Ann Bregenhorn, osu
Provincial, Ursulines of the Central Province
Ursuline Sisters in Northeast join Central Province
n Oct. 21, the Feast of St. Ursula,
the Ursuline Sisters of the
Northeast Province became a community
of the Ursuline Sisters in the Central
Province. A Mass and ritual of welcoming
ceremony were held in Waterville, Maine.
Sister Rita Ann Bregenhorn, provincial,
and Sister Chabanel Mathison represented
the Central Province at the event.
The Northeast Province was
incorporated into the Central Province
due to its small number of sisters, who
are mostly elderly. The Ursulines in the
new community, named Mère Marie,
live primarily in Lewiston and Waterville,
Maine, and will remain there. As part of
the day’s ceremonies, Sister Chabanel was
installed as prioress, or leader, of Mère
Marie, with responsibility for overseeing
the welfare of the 20 sisters in this
community. She will continue to live in
St. Louis but visit regularly.
As part of the ritual of incorporation
and welcoming, members of the new
Mère Marie community signed their
names in the Book of the Company of
the Central Province as Angela Merici
and the first members of the Company
of St. Ursula signed their names in the
Book of the Company. The day also
included a celebratory dinner and time
spent enjoying each other’s company as
a community.
“To have this event on the Feast of
St. Ursula really makes it special because
the courage, the faith and the trust of
these women are a living example of
Angela and her spirit,” Sister Rita Ann
Sister Lorraine Pomerleau of the Mère Marie
Community adds her name to the Book of
the Company of the Central Province.
says. “These are the same qualities that
Angela saw in Ursula, which led her to
choose her as patroness of this company
of women.”
Sisters move from Queen of Peace to new homes
Sister Mary Ellen Garvey gets a visit from
Sister Susan Kienzler at Francis Place.
n September, the Ursulines completed
the transition of their sisters living in
the Queen of Peace health care center
and the convent in Alton, Ill, to other
retirement and health care facilities in
Alton, St. Louis and New Orleans. The
sisters are living together in community
in their new homes.
The Ursuline Sisters reached a
consensus to close Queen of Peace during
a province meeting held late last year.
This followed an extensive, 18-month
study and long-range planning process
for Ursuline ministries, community living
arrangements and health care. The study
Sister Carla Marie Crabtree visits with an
alum at Our Lady of Wisdom.
Sisters Mary Ann Luth and Joan Bretz enjoy
the morning at Francis Place.
showed that providing quality health
care in Queen of Peace was becoming
cost prohibitive, so the sisters dedicated
themselves to finding places that would
meet their elderly sisters’ daily living and
health care needs now and in the future.
The goal was to find facilities
that would offer loving, quality care
to the sisters, support the Ursuline
values of community, offer availability
of the Eucharist and other spiritual
opportunities, and provide proximity to
other Ursulines.
The sisters who lived at Queen of
Peace and the Alton Convent have now
formed new Ursuline communities
in three places: Our Lady of Wisdom
in New Orleans, St. Clare’s in Alton,
and Francis Place in Eureka, Mo.
(just outside of St. Louis).
Living in groups, they are able
to enjoy the companionship of one
another and other religious living in
the facilities. And they are not without
company. Ursuline Sisters in each area
are regular visitors, making it a point
to stop in for a visit, checking to see
how each sister is doing, bringing
news of the province, and sharing
conversation and laughter.
Congratulations to our Jubilarians
For more information and
photos of our 2014 and
2015 Jubilarians, visit us
at www.osucentral.org.
(50 Years Professed)
Sister Marilyn Burkemper
Sister Elizabeth Susan
Sister Mary Lapping
Sister Mary Jacqueline Pratt
(60 Years Professed)
(60 Years Professed)
Sister Therese Leonard
(deceased, Sept. 27, 2014)
Sister Mary Denis Lessard
Sister Mary Troy
(25 Years Professed)
Sister Maria Goretti Hotop
Sister Maria Goretti Bernier
Sister Marcella Savoie
65 Years Professed
Sister Colette Jokerst
Sister Rosemary Meiman
Sister Ann Smith
70 Years Professed
Sister Catherine Chandler
Sister Doris Landers
(50 Years Professed)
Sister Paula Hartwig
Sister Chabanel Mathison
Sister Carmel Rangel
Sister Elisa Ryan
Sister Magdalita Roussel
65 Years Professed
Sister Carla Maria Crabtree
Sister Kevin Ritterbusch
70 Years
Sister Mary Margaret Prenger
Sister Wilma Wittman
Retired archivist one for the record books
ister Rosemary Meiman recently
retired as archivist for the Central
Province, but it’s too soon to record
the end of this part of her service in
the Ursuline annals. Now living in
New Orleans, she knows there is still
much history to be researched and
recorded there, too, and she doesn’t
plan to let her 17 years of training
and experience go to waste.
After many years of teaching and
serving as a principal in schools in
Missouri, Sister Rosemary was asked
by the Ursulines’ provincial leader to
take on the role of archivist. “Since
I had no preparation in archival
work, my first goal was to get some
training in the work of an archivist,”
she says. For this purpose I attended
sessions at the National Archives in
Washington, D.C., and at Catholic
University in D.C.
“After determining what needed
to be done in the Ursuline Archives,
I began cataloging the materials that
were at our Provincialate in Crystal
City, worked with other archivists
in provinces and communities, and
helped to move the archives from
Crystal City to St. Louis,” she says.
While she spent most of time at
the archives in downtown St. Louis,
she visited the province offices in
Like us on
Kirkwood at least once a week to work
on historical displays. She usually
came with new stories and interesting
information she had uncovered to share
with the province staff.
Sister Rosemary says she enjoyed
too many aspects of her work to choose
a favorite. “The many contacts I have
made with our sisters, assisting persons
in making connections with our
nuns, identifying our burial sites and
cemeteries, and sharing interesting
data from the archives through displays
are just some of the activities that I
have enjoyed.”
As for her new life in New Orleans?
“While I have ‘retired’ from the work in
the province archives, I am still involved
with archival work. The history of the
Ursulines in New Orleans is intertwined
with that of the city and the Church in
this area, and I am happy to be able to
work with our archives here,” she says.
“With the upcoming celebration of the
anniversary of the Battle of New Orleans
on Jan. 8, there is much that is being
offered about the Ursulines and the role
the nuns played in that battle. And work
in the archives is never completed, so I
am not idle these days.”
Sister Rosemary shares a piece of Ursuline history in the St. Louis archives.
Did you know the Ursuline Sisters of the
Central Province are now on Facebook?
You can stay in touch with what’s going
on with us by going to www.facebook.
com/ursulinescentralprovince. And, of
course, we love to hear from you.
Our page is available for public
viewing, so you can follow what’s
going on in our province even if you
are not a Facebook member.
Jan. 1, 2011 –
Dec. 31, 2013
Province Funds:
How Your Gifts
are Used
Your gift to one of our
province funds plays a crucial
role in our lives and ministries, enabling us to serve
the needs of God’s people in
many ways while caring for
our elderly sisters.
When a gift is designated
to be used where most
needed, we allocate it to
the fund where the need
is most urgent.
Gifts to the Retirement
Fund assure quality care
for every sister during
retirement, most of whom
are in assisted-living or
skilled-care facilities.
Your gift to the Angela
Merici Fund aids Ursulines
who are working among
the poor and marginalized,
especially with women
and children.
We are most grateful for
your enduring friendship
and generous support.
Ms. Jeanne Marie Aber
Mr. & Mrs. Allen J. Abernathy
Mr. Garry H. Abfalter
Mrs. Marilyn K. Abkemeier
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Ackels
Mrs. M. Patricia Holloran
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Adams
Mr. & Mrs. James Adams
Ms. Patricia Shaughnessy
Ms. Jean Marie Agathen
Ahern Fire Protection
Mrs. Mary Louise Aiello
Air Masters
Ms. Alicia Aixala
Ms. Rose Akenson
Mrs. Karen Sacre Al-Bahloly
Ms. Alice C. Albro
Mrs. Karen Kassube Alderman
Mrs. Norma Celli Alderman
Mrs. Margie Alessi
Mr. Michael Alex
Ms. Karen S. Alexander
Mrs. Loretto Shy Alexander
Mr. Seth J. A. Alexander
Mrs. Gayle L. Alfortish
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Seth P. Allen
Ms. Charlene Anders
Mr. & Mrs. Cris Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Earl C. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Jan W. Anderson
Mrs. Janet Rivet Anderson
Mrs. Joan M. Anderson
Mrs. Monica Anderson
Mrs. Angela Bain Birke
Mrs. Rita M. Andres
Anonymous donors
Mr. & Mrs. John Appelbaum
Ms. Margarita Araiza
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Archambault
Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Arranaga
Ascension School,
Oak Park, Ill.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Ash
Mr. Mark G. Baahlmann
Dr. & Mrs. Ralph H.
Baahlmann, Jr.
Mrs. Margaret M. Babin
Ms. Joan M. Bachand
Mrs. Sally M. Backer
Mrs. Mary K. Baisch
Mrs. Jill Marie Wayant Balee
Mr. John W. Banghart
Ms. Linda P. Barbé
Mrs. Kerri E Barks
Mr. Mark G. Barmann
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis E.
Barnes, Sr.
Mrs. Carol C. Barragy
Ms. Adriana Barrera
Ms. Mary A. Barrett
Mr. Patrick L. Barrett
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy
R. Barrett
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Barry
Mrs. Evelyn Bartlett
Ms. Sandra Bartlett
Mrs. Emma F. Barton
Ms. Patricia G. Barton
Mr. Joseph C. Bascio
Mr. A. L. Pete Bates, estate
Mrs. Doris H. Baumgarten
Ms. Anna Baumgartner
Mr. & Mrs. Steven
Ms. Guadalupe E. Bazaldua
Ms. Dorothea M. Bean
Mrs. Sheila A. Beasley
Mr. Richard Beattie
Ms. Rose Bechtold
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Becker
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Becker
Mr. John R. Beeler
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Begnel
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Behan
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Beiser
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Beisiegel
Mrs. Mary Agnes Klunick Bell
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence
O. Bellm
Mrs. Millie J. Belobraydic
Mrs. Norma Zuniga Benavides
Mrs. Patti Craig Bender
Mrs. Barbara Benefield
Ms. Karen Benjamin
Ms. Patricia Benson
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Beranek
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Berberet
Mr. & Mrs. William Berg
Mr. Henry L. Berger
Ms. Alice I. Bertheaud
Mrs. Michelle Shafer Bertolino
Mr. Robert D. Best
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Betz
Mrs. Marilyn M. O’Hara
Mrs. Alberta Beyers
Ms. Catherine Anne Bienfang
Mr. John F. Biggio
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Biggio
Mrs. Tacoma W. Bilotta
Ms. Jetta Blair
Mr. & Mrs. Pete Bland
Mrs. Irene Blazis
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Blinn
Mrs. Lois Bloechle
Mrs. Kathryn E. Blumenkamp
Bondurant Associates
Mrs. Gabriella Veleba Bondy
Mrs. Loretta C. Boone
Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Booton
Mrs. Janice M. Boschert
Mrs. Gloria Boston
Mrs. Carol Ann Boulware
Mrs. Jane W. Bovee
Mrs. Kristy D. Bowenschulte
Mr. C. W. Bowers, Jr.
Mrs. Virginia D. Bowers
Mr. Francis B. Boyer
Mr. Robert L. Bramlet
Mrs. Lorraine R. Brasket
Mrs. Pauline F. Brass
Mr. & Mrs. Stacey W. Braswell
Dr. Mary Braunagel-Brown
Mrs. Carol Ann Brauner
Mrs. Mary Ann Bray
Ms. Nonie Breen
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Breeze
Mrs. Cris Bregman
Dr. & Mrs. David W. Brehm
Mrs. Ruth A. Brennan
Mr. Michael E. Bresnahan
Mr. Barry Bretz
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Bretz
Ms. Brooke Bretz
Mr. & Mrs. J. Bretz
Mr. William F. Bretz, Jr.
Mrs. Ann L. Brewer
Mrs. Rosalie Brice
Brinkerhoff Home Foundation
Mr. G. Lynn Brinkman
Mr. Mark Douglas Brinkman
Mr. Denis J. Brion
Mr. Paul A. Brockland
Mr. Lowell R. Brosamer
Mrs. Susan Toudouze
Mr. & Mrs. David Broughton
Mr. & Mrs. N. Glenn
Mrs. Mary Guilbeau Broussard
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Brown
Mrs. Patricia Bruno
Mr. Ralph Brunstein
Mrs. Darla Schulte Bryan
Ms. Betsy A. Bucher
Mr. Robert A. Bucher
Mr. Stephen G. Budd
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Buerck
Mr. & Mrs. Clark W. Bullard
Mr. Willard Bunn, III
Mrs. Dorothy L. Burns
Mrs. Rosalie Burns
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Busch
Mrs. Rosemary R. Buscher
Ms. Eleanor A. Butler
Mrs. Mary Anne Butler
Mrs. Marie Teresita Cabarrocas
Ms. Maria Emelia Cabrera
Mr. M. Dale Cade
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel
W. Cadigan
Ms. Ophelia McMahon Cadro
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
D. Cadwell
Mrs. Jacqueline Berry Caire
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Call
Ms. Adelaide W. Camp
Ms. Rebecca Canepa
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory
A. Cannata
Mrs. June W. Canty
Mrs. Deborah Capps
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
J. Capranica
Ms. June Carey
Mr. Eugene Norman Carlier
Mr. Robert Carmignani
Ms. Jeanne Carmody
Ms. Mary E. Carmody
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Carr
Mr. Frank J. Carroll
Mrs. Jacqueline Carroll
Dr. & Mrs. Martin T.
Carrow, Sr.
Mr. James A. Caruso
Mrs. Aline C. Carver
Mr. & Mrs. Michael K. Cassell
Mrs. Kaye Claire Castello
Ms. Irene D. Castles
Mrs. Evita DeArkos Castro
Ms. Marie A. Cazaux
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Cernosek
Mrs. Carmen D. Cervantes
Mr. & Mrs. James
Ms. Karen Chamberlain
Ms. Ruth Chamberlain
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
Mrs. Caroline A. Champion
Mr. & Mrs. Clay Chapman
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Chen
Mrs. Catherine A. Chicoine
Mrs. Mary I. Childress
Mr. & Mrs. Raul Chipongian
Mrs. Alice Chisholm
Mr. Rashawn Choice
Mrs. Mary Joyce Choler
Ms. Margaret A. Christopher
Church of St. Ambrose of
Woodbury, Minn.
Mr. & Mrs. Pete Cirone
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Clark
Ms. Shelly Ann Clark
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Clary
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Clasby
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H.
Clayton, Jr.
Ms. Jill A. Cloyd
Ms. Mary K. Coari
Mrs. Cathy Horn Coffman
Mrs. Jane M. Colbert
Ms. Betty L. Coleman
Mr. James P. Coleman
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Collier
Dr. Eleanor Lynn Miller
Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Colonna
Mrs. Teresa M. Comer
Mr. & Mrs. James J.
Mr. & Mrs. John R.
Mr. Patrick Condon
Ms. Charlene F. Conley
Mrs. Rose Marie Conley
Ms. Clare M. Connelly
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Conover
Mrs. Elaine P. Conway
Ms. Rita M. Cooke
Mrs. Lisa Carol Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Pat Copley
Mrs. Lucille T. Corbett
Mr. & Mrs. Lester J. Cormier
Dr. & Mrs. Edward Cornell
Ms. Marilyn K. Corona
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J.
Miss Angelica Cortez
Ms. Susan Cotter
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Couch
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen V.
Mrs. Patricia Ann
DeCroix Cox
Mrs. Tirza M. Cox
Mrs. Deborah Crady
Mrs. Martha A. Craner
Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Crivello
Mr. Philip J. Crouch
Mrs. Wilma Crum
Mrs. Shirley Plitt Cucco
Mrs. Rosa Elia Cuellar
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L.
Ms. Jo Ann Rose Curtis
Mrs. Lorraine F. Cusick
Mrs. Becky Shoup Daebelliehn
Mr. William B. Dahill
Mrs. Carol Mashburn Daigre
Dallas Vocation Guild
Retirement Fund for
Religious Women
Mr. Michael E. Daly
Mrs. Nanette B. Daly
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Daly
Mrs. Mary Edith Dant
Mrs. Marylou Darnell
Daughters of Isabella Bishop
O’Connor Circle #831,
Wood River, Ill.
Ms. Jan L. Davenport
Ms. Mary Ann Davidson
Mrs. Barbara J. Davis
Mrs. Kathy Fehl Davis
Mrs. Loreen A. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Dawson
Mrs. Jeanne Marie de Bogran
Ms. Mary Nell De La Garza
Ms. Ana Maria De Leon
Mrs. Norma H. de León
Ms. Josephine de Llano
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Deachan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Deas
Mr. William Deaton, M.D.
Mrs. Chloe DeClue
Mr. Jerry S. DeClue
E. M. Deegan-Rojo
Ms. Audrey Christopher
Mrs. Rosemary Delaney
Mrs. Barbara S. Delano
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony
J. DelGiorno
Mr. & Mrs. Richard
A. DeLong
Mrs. Patricia DeMary
Mrs. Harriett Densmore
Mrs. Mary W. Desimone
Ms. Helen Deutschmann
Ms. Jean Dickens
Mr. & Mrs. James Dickenson
Ms. Verna J. Dickson
Dr. & Mrs. John G. Dietrich
Mrs. Rebecca Piazza DiFilippo
Honor Roll of Donors
Mrs. Sandra L. DiFranco
Mrs. Bonita Dickinson Dillard
Mrs. Linda Gal Dimitrijevich
Mrs. Margaret Carroll Diskin
Mr. & Mrs. E. G. Dixon, Jr.
Mrs. Rosemary Dodgen
Mr. & Mrs. Kermit
A. Doelling
Mr. & Mrs. Carl J. Dolce
Mr. & Mrs. Ramon
Mrs. Karen Marie Donaldson
Mrs. Marilyn Dondelinger
Ms. Kathleen A. Donelan
Ms. Dolores Donnowitz
Mr. Peter J. Donohoe
Mr. & Mrs. J. Terry Dooling
Mr. & Mrs. John D.
Dooling, Sr.
Virginia K. Dorsch Trust
Mr. Fred G. Dorley, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. J. P. Dougherty
Mr. Martin C. Dougherty
Mrs. Rosemary T. Downes
Dr. & Mrs. Frank M. Doyle
Mrs. Barbara Weissing Doyle
Mr. Barry D. Drees
Mrs. Mary Droege
Mrs. Anna R. Droste
Ms. Debbie S. Droste
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Droste
Mr. Joseph D. Dubuque
Mr. Theodore J. Duello
Mrs. Barbara K. Roberts Duff
Ms. Victoria Duffield
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Duffy
Dr. Mary Burke Duke
Mr. Richard J. Dunne
Mr. & Mrs. Justin H. Durel
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Duvall
Ms. Tracy C. Dux
Ms. Julia Duyka
Mr. Stephen R. Dvorchak
Mrs. Kathleen P. Dwyer
Mrs. Ann Gust Eller
Mrs. Kathleen M. Ellis
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M.
Mrs. Barbara Batten Ensalaco
Mr. Eric Ensign
Ms. Carolyn A. Ernst
Mrs. Margaret Erthal
Mrs. Jean E. Ervin
Ms. Valerie R. Esparza
Ms. Josephine Estrada
Mrs. Lydia Cazares Estrada
Mr. Thomas L. Evanich
Mrs. Mary T. Evans
Ms. Mary Catherine Everling
Ms. Catherine Early
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Eastman
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Eckstein
Ms. Mary C. Eglin
Charles W. Eisemann Center
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Fagon
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fahsl
Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Falco
Ms. Laura A. Farkas
Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Farley
Dr. & Mrs. Donald C. Faust
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Feick
Mr. Roy F. Fehlig
Mrs. Sharon R. Fernandez
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Ferris
Mrs. Victoria Broussard Fertitta
Ms. Laura Sue Gorrell Fetzer
Ms. Janice M. Fiebiger
59ers Lunch Group of
Glencoe, Mo.
Mr. Richard Filer
Mrs. Jane E. Fin
Major Paul F. Finkes, Jr. (Ret)
Mrs. Clementine
Thompson Finn
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Finzer
Mr. Chris C. Fischer
Mrs. Elizabeth G. Fischer
Ms. Colleen M. Fitzgerald
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fitzgerald
Mrs. Ethel Fitzsimmons
Mrs. Mary C. Krickl Flanagan
Mr. Robert L. Flavin
Mrs. Francine M. Fleming
Mrs. Mary S. Fleming
Ms. Rose Marie Fleming
Ms. Paula Brick Flinn
Mrs. Lyndal Flores
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Flynn
Ms. Jeannette Forbes
Mrs. Ann Guenther Forde
Mrs. Mary Hart Fortier
Mrs. Janet K. Foster
Dr. Rita Schoch Foudray
Ms. Carolyn Foutch
Mr. & Mrs. Alan T. Fowler
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Fowler
Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Frances
Mrs. Mary Kay Franks
Mrs. Barbara Jahoda Freehill
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond
J. French
Mr. Louis Frey
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Frick
Mrs. Roberta A. Frings
Dr. Terry Friskel
Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Froehlich
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J.
Mr. William J. Fronmüller
Mrs. Sally Calmes Fucich
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Fulgenzi
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Full
Mr. Tom Fumagalli
Ms. Dede Furlong
Mrs. Mary Ann Fussner
Ms. Mary Jean Gabler
Fr. Jim Gahan
Mrs. Jill Gainer
Ms. Anne M. Gallagher
Mrs. Maureen B. Gallaher
Mr. & Mrs. Louis C. Galli
Mrs. Jeraldine A. Gallo
Dr. Gloria I. Gamez-Solorio
Mrs. Mary Ann Perich
Ms. Ana Maria T. Garcia
Mrs. Diana Treviño Garcia
Mrs. Elena Garcia
Mr. & Mrs. Evelio
Mrs. Johanna Garcia
Mrs. Minerva R. Garcia
Ms. Mary Jo Gardiner
Mr. & Mrs. Edward
W. Garvey
Mrs. Irene M. Garvey
Mrs. Cristina V. Garza
Mrs. Jean Arnoult Gaul
Ms. Gen Gearing
Ms. Ellen Geheeb
Ms. Julia Geheeb
Mr. William D. Geisen, III
Mr. John Genetti
Dr. Dawn Mestier George
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel George
Mrs. Mary Louise Gercke
Mrs. Kathleen Coons
Mrs. Mary Louise Giamfortone
Mr. & Mrs. Gary S. Gianino
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Gietl
Dr. & Mrs. Frank Giglio
Mrs. Marcia Frey Giglio
Mrs. Jacqueline Gilkey
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory
A. Gilmore
Ms. Kathryn Gilmore
Mrs. Therese L. Gilroy
Mr. Kevin Gleason
Mrs. Joan W. Gleich
Mrs. Susan Schlueter Gloss
Mr. David V. Goacher &
Ms. Eileen M. Schmid
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Godwin
Ms. Karen A. Godwin
Mrs. Colleen M. Goff
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Golab
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Goldkamp
Mrs. Joan Nell Gondesen
Ms. Hortencia C. Gonzalez
Ms. Margaret J. Goodwin
Mr. & Mrs. Myron H. Gordon
Mrs. Simone Pilié Gordon
Mr. Robert F. Gorman
Mrs. Emily M. Gossett
Mrs. Carol Quail Goulet
Mr. Kenneth Grabner
Mrs. Eileen C. Grace
Mr. Charles Gramlich
Mr. James R. Grayson
Ms. Virginia Agnes Grazzini
Mrs. Janette Grazzini-Cook
Ms. Mariella Greenan
Greensfelder, Hemker,
& Gale, P.C.
Mr. & Mrs. Fred
H. Greenwald
Ms. Carol W. Greenwood
Mrs. Sharon M. Gregg
Mrs. Kathleen Anne
McDonald Griffin
Mr. Denis Grillo
Mrs. Michelle Elizabeth Grimes
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Groppel
Mr. Edward H. Groshans
Mrs. Virginia A. Grove
Mrs. Josie Flores Guerra
Ms. Ann C. Guggenbuehler
Mrs. Mary P. Guignon
Ms. Marilyn Gustafson
Dr. Elsa D. Gutierrez
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene L. Holt
Mr. Elmer Holthaus
Mr. & Mrs. James R.
Mrs. Marilyn Dalsin Hoppe
Capt. Roger T. Horrell (Ret)
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Horst
Hospital Sisters of St. Francis,
Springfield, Ill.
Ms. Marcella C. Hotop
Mrs. Norma T. Houghland
Mr. & Mrs. William
L. Howard
Dr. & Mrs. Edward
Mrs. Cathy E. Hoy
Mrs. Barbara L. Hrubes
Dr. Thomas J. Hubbard
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Huber
Ms. Helen A. Huelsman
Ms. Marguerite Hufker
Mrs. Mary Angela Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Don Humphrey
Mrs. Carol Ann Humphreys
Mrs. Marian Hunker
Ms. Loretta M. Hunt
Mrs. Elizabeth Huth-Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Hyde
Mr. & Mrs. Austin P. Jackson
Mrs. Julie Jackson
Ms. Mary Susan Jackson
Mr. Michael E. Jacobson
Dr. Georgena L. Jacoby
Mrs. Shirley Ann Jahn
Mr. & Mrs. Mike G. Jansen
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Jarzynka
Jefferson Regional Medical
Center Foundation Board
Ms. Theresa Jerussi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Jessup
Mr. & Mrs. George Jirgal
Mrs. Joan Gisevius Johnson
Mrs. Linda Gent Johnson
Mrs. Mary E. Johnson
Mrs. Mary Lou Johnson
Mrs. Rosemarie Johnson
Mr. Thomas R. Johnson
Ms. Cyrilla Jones
Mrs. Elizabeth F. Jones
Mrs. Kathy Jones
Mrs. Patricia Cahill Jones
Mrs. Phyllis B. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick Joyce, Jr.
Mrs. Margaret J. Judge
Julia Circle of the Galveston
-UA, Mrs. Jo Ann Hogan
Mrs. Theresa M. Iammarino
Ms. Shannon Igney
Mrs. Dolores I. Iliya
Mr. & Mrs. Hubert J. Iocca
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kagan
Mr. Julius R. Kahn
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Kaintz
Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Kamp
Mrs. Anne Kapusta
Mrs. Ellen Karl
Mrs. Mary Louise Karten
Ms. Nancy Katich
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Kehm
Mrs. Margaret Jane Jabusch
Mrs. Patricia Ellen Jacketti
Photo by Sister Regina Fronmüller
Mrs. Jane Toler Haas
Mr. Larry A. Haas
Ms. Janet L. Hagen
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Haine
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Halliday
Mr. William S. Halliday
Ms. Maria Hamm
Dr. Mary Ann Hamm
Mrs. Rita C. Hammer
Mr. & Mrs. David Hanley
Mr. & Mrs. James Hannon
Mrs. Virginia M. Hannon
Ms. Bernice A. Hardin
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Harding
Mrs. Helen Harmond Trust
Mr. & Mrs. David Harris
Mrs. Alice Harrington
Ms. Cynthia A. Harrison
Mrs. Karen M.
Mrs. Joan M. Hart
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Hartnett
Mrs. Thelma M. Hartnett
Mrs. Patricia Turner Hasler
Mrs. Jeanette Henderson
Mrs. Mary Claire Haugh
Ms. Mary Ann Haukap
Ms. Rebecca Haukap
Ms. Mary Jane Hayes
Mrs. Martha A. Heazeltine
Mr. Larry Hebenstreit, Jr.
Ms. Sally Heinsohn
Mr. Jonathan M. Heitner
Heitz Optical
Mrs. Rachel E. Helms
Rev. William Hembrow
Mrs. Rose W. Hemstreet
Mr. Daniel J. Heneghan
Mrs. Eileen R. Heneghan
Mr. & Mrs. Allen
P. Henderson
Mrs. Nancy Henderson
Mr. & Mrs. Dan M. Henke
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Henkel
Mrs. Mary M. Henkhaus
Mrs. Joyce Henn
Mrs. Anne Marie
Gaynor Hennen
Mrs. Catherine Midden
Mrs. Nancy L. Hepperly
Ms. Elaine Ann Herald
Mrs. Stella W. Herdman
Esmeraldo & Henry Hereford
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hermes
Herr Funeral Home
Mrs. Dorothy D. Herrell
Ms. Patsy Herren
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Herren
Mrs. Florence M. Hertenstein
Ms. Margaret A. Hesse
Mrs. Christine Hessler
Mrs. Joan Schulz Heymans
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Hibberd
Ms. Betty J. Hickey
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Hickey
Mrs. Lillian V.
Cerniglia Higgins
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Highcock
Mr. & Mrs. John W.
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Perry Hill
Ms. Renee Himstedt
Ms. Janice K. Hines
Mrs. Gloria J. Hippe
Ms. Kathleen Dowling Hite
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Hocken
Mrs. Mary Lynn Hoffer
Mrs. Theresa A. Hoffman
Mrs. Jo-Ann Hogan
Mr. & Mrs. James Hohnstedt
Mrs. Jacque Ricke Holchak
Mr. & Mrs. Sylvia Holguin
Mrs. Margie M. Holland
Mrs. Judith M. Holley
Fr. John Holly
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Hollywood
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Holmes
Honor Roll of Donors
Mrs. Gayle A. Keller
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn O. Kelly
Mrs. Barbara A. Kemery
Mrs. Lyla M. Kennedy
Ms. Marcella M. Kennedy
Mrs. Mary Gloria Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen
H. Kennedy
Mrs. Jane Marie Kent
Fr. John V. Kerber
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J.
Mrs. Theresa Kern
Mrs. Deborah A. Kernica
Mrs. Karen Anne Kersey
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Kessler
Mr. Matthew Kettler
Ms. Nancy M. Kiburz
Mr. Samuel Joseph Kieffer
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A Killian
Mrs. Rita Rossi King
Ms. Theresa M. King
Ms. Colleen Kirby
Mr. & Mrs. Richard
L. Kirchgesner
Mrs. Beverly Joy Kirchner
Ms. Judith Kirkwood
Mrs. Carol D. Klahr
Dr. Mary Ann Klein
Ms. Peggy A. Kleinschmidt
Mrs. Ann M. Kleitsch
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Klemm
Mrs. Geraldine Klevorn
Mrs. Julie M. Kliethermes
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Klingler
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Klug
Mrs. Jean Knauber
Mrs. Charlotte
Laquaite Knauer
Mrs. Marian Kneafsey
Mrs. Marian Rose Knesek
Mrs. Carolyn Ann Knight
Mrs. Helen R. Knoedler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert
G. Knoedler
Mr. Robert J. Knoedler
Mrs. Lois Jean Knust
Ms. Michelle Koch
Ms. Monica Koch
Mrs. Barbara Kocurek
Mr. Larry Korte
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Kraft
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Kramer
Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Kramp
Mr. John B. Krentel
Dr. & Mrs. Harold P. Kreski
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Kretchmar
Mrs. Vincetta Mudra
Mr. Larry P. Krodinger, Sr.
Ms. Judith A. Kron
Mr. & Mrs. John Krupsky
Mrs. Elaine Manning Kuhn
Mr. Michael J. Kuhnline
Mrs. Loretta Kulash
Mrs. Kathleen M. Kunes
Mrs. Mary Kuntz
Mr. John P. Kupish
Photo by Sister Regina Fronmüller
Gladys A. La Mere
Mr. & Mrs. Michael LaBonte
Mrs. Jerrye M. LaBreche
Ms. Stella S. LaFata
Mrs. Jeannette Dubret Lagarde
The Lahey Foundation
Mr. Dale E. Laine, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. J. J. Lamarca
Mr. Ray Lambert
Mr. & Mrs. Duane Landry
Mrs. Barbara Lane
Mr. & Mrs. Oswald Langfelder
Mrs. Jean McCarron Langley
Mr. & Mrs. John Langworthy
Ms. Marigny Amort Lanier
Mr. Armando J. Lara
Mrs. Estelle C. Lara
Mrs. Sharon Peters LaRosa
Mrs. Gloria Welker Larrieu
Ms. Joan Lauer
Mrs. Roberta D. Laventrue
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Lavery
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Lazare
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Leeson
Mrs. Barbara Burg Lehman
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Leiber
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Leiber
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Leiweke
Mrs. Mary Kathleen
Rodriguez Lemoine
Mrs. Cecile Romero Leo
Mr. Harold T. Leonard
Ms. M. Madonna Leonard
Mrs. Gina Leoni
Mrs. Maureen Lesicko
Ms. Janet L. Leyendecker
Ms. Laura Leyendecker
Mr. & Mrs. Curt Lieber
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Linderer
Mr. Joseph A. Linges
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Link
Dr. & Mrs. James M. Linn, Jr.
Mr. Lewis Linn &
Ms. Phyllis Cohen
Mrs. Elaine Wanless Lipe
Ms. Elsie Marie Lippott
Mr. Howard Michael Little
Ms. Martha Liyeos
Ms. Alberta Lizenby
Ms. Rosa Maria Llanos
Ms. Catherine L. Locher
Mr. & Mrs. J. Lochner
Mrs. Kathleen Lochner
Mr. & Mrs. August C.
Lohmann, Jr.
Ms. Sandra R. Lombardo
Ms. Rose Mary Lopez
Mr. & Mrs. Wes S. Lopez
The Lorch Family Trust
Mr. Lou Lorch
Mrs. Vona W. Lorenzana
Mrs. Marilyn Lounsberry
Dr. Jill A. Hartmann Love
Mrs. Kathleen C. Lowe-Arthur
Mr. & Mrs. Javier R. Lozano
Mrs. Mary Anne Lucas
Ms. Rita Lucero
Dr. Mary E. Lucido, DMD
Ms. Judith Ludwig
Mr. Robert Luken
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Luth
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Lux
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Lysinger
Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Maas
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Maberry
Mr. & Mrs. John Macaluso
Ms. Cecilia Macia
Mrs. Eleanor E. Mack
Mrs. Mary Mackey
Mr. James J. Madell
Mr. Thomas Madell
Ms. Connie Maffei
Mr. & Mrs. James Mager
Mrs. Debbie Magerl
Mrs. Kathleen Sue Magliolo
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Maley
Mrs. Barbara A. Malkus
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Mallon
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Malone
Mrs. Beverly Malone
Mrs. Mary Jo Mance
Mrs. Charlane M. Manchen
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L.
Mr. & Mrs. T. V. Mangelsdorf
Mr. & Mrs. Zachary S. Mann
Mr. Robert J. Mansfield
Mrs. Mary V. Marks
Ms. Janine Marschalk
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Marshall
Ms. Evelyn C. Martin
Mrs. Janice Filardo Martin
Ms. Rosemary Martin
Mrs. Elaine A. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Martina
Mr. & Mrs. Raul Martinez
Mrs. Rosina Urteaga Martinez
Mrs. Carol Sullivan Martorell
Mrs. Marianne C. Marx
Mrs. Toni Marx
Mr. & Mrs. Donald
W. Marystone
Mr. & Mrs. Charles
S. Marzuco
Ms. Janet Mayberry
Ms. Victoria Q. Mayer
Mr. Philip H. Maynard
Mrs. Terri M. Maze
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond McAlea
Ms. Bessie A. McAneny
Mrs. Patricia Ann McCann
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas L.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward
J. McCarthy
Ms. Ramona Quesada
Ms. Pat McCauley
Mr. Mike McCloskey
Ms. Suzanne P. McClure
Mrs. Jean F. McColgin
Ms. Lynn McCormick
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene R.
Ms. Susan P. McCormick
Mr. & Mrs. David
W. McCourt
Mr. Jack E. McCoy
Mrs. Bertha L. McFarlane
Ms. Pam McFarlane
Ms. Norma McGaughey
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
A. McGinn
Mrs. Ellen P. McGurk
Mrs. Mary Alice Toso McKay
Mrs. Debbie McKenna
Mr. David C. McKenzie
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Mr. & Mrs. Phil McMullen
Mr. & Mrs. William
A. McNutt
Mrs. Sharon K. McQuown
Mrs. Jeannine Simpson
Rev. Donald J. Meehling, estate
Mr. Joseph G. Meiman
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Meiman
Ms. Donna Meirose
Mr. & Mrs. William Meister
Mr. & Mrs. Alan G. Meitler
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M.
Mrs. Mandy Melton
Mrs. Denise Reinhart Mennel
Mr. William T. Merkle
Mr. Neil V. Mesler
Ms. Joan K. Messina
Mrs. Silvia Mestre
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Metzger
Mrs. Margaret Meyer
Ms. Virginia A. Meyers
Mrs. Ida C. Mialaret
Mrs. Ann E. Michels
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Michels
Ms. Loretta F. Midden
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Mihill
Mrs. Judith Ann Miles
Mr. Ralph E. Milford
Mrs. Helen Midden Milito
Ms. Cheryl K. Miller
Ms. Elizabeth Miller
Mrs. Jeanne W. Miller
Ms. Julie Miller
Ms. Lorraine E. Miller
Ms. Martha Miller
Mrs. Melania Pucar Miller
Mrs. Sherry M. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Milne
Mrs. Diane I. Minutillo
Mrs. Elsie Miofsky
Mr. & Mrs. Gus A. Mistrot, III
Mrs. Jean Knobbe Mocherman
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Moehn
Mr. & Mrs. Donald G.
Mrs. Kathryn M. Mohns
Mrs. Jennifer Johnson Molina
Ms. Barbara Monaco
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Monahan
Rev. Joseph R. Monahan
Mr. Andrew T. Moore
Ms. Michelle Moore
Mrs. Patricia M. Moore
Ms. A. Rebecca Moreland
Mrs. Rita J. Moran
Mrs. Michelle
Stefoniak Morgan
Ms. Sandra K. Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Gene
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Morice
Mrs. Annette Mormino
Ms. Ida Morse
Ms. Karol B. Morton
Mrs. Thelma A. Moser
Ms. Doris Mosley
Ms. Sylvia T. Motz
Mrs. Mary V. Mowbray
Mrs. Elaine D. Mueller
Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Mueller
Dr. & Mrs. Emilio Mufdi
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Mullen
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Mullen
Mrs. JoAnn McCall Muller
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
W. Mulligan
Mr. & Mrs. Louis G. Munin
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy
L. Munns
Mrs. Gloria Kupper Murphy
Mrs. Agnes E. Murphy
Mr. Thomas E. Murphy
Mrs. Christina Murray
Ms. Mary Lee Musell
Mr. Frank S. Nagy
Ms. Mary Helen Neill
Mrs. Betty Kay Hanson Nelson
Ms. Lumina C. Newchurch
Ms. Margaret Ann Newman
Mr. & Mrs. Duane
W. Newton
Mr. Chuck Ney
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Nicklay
Fr. Leo A. Nicoll, SJ
Ms. Kathryn A. Nizer
Mrs. Ann Cullen Noe
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Nolan
Dr. John M. Norris
Mrs. Nicki M. Norris
Ms. Ann B. Northcutt
Ms. Rita J. Nortrup
Mr. Harold Noss
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Nowicki
Ms. Mary Frances Nuess &
Ms. Vivian Nuess, estate
Mrs. Anne O’Brien
Ms. Sharon A. O’Callaghan
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel
P. O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. O’Neill
Mr. & Mrs. F. Clark O’Neill
Mr. Michael G. O’Neill
Mr. V. Daniel Ochs
Mrs. Polly B. Ohman
Mrs. Irena Bazile Olasin
Mrs. Sylvia Olozaga
Mrs. Mary K. Madell Olson
Order of Hybernians
Mr. Pete Orlandini
Mrs. Dolores J. Ornelas
Mrs. Irene C. Orozco
Mrs. Rosemary Rolwing Orr
Mrs. Elizabeth Cassani Orup
Mr. John Ory &
Ms. Martha Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Osborne
Miss Jean Ott
Our Lady of Lourdes Church,
Whitehouse Station, N.J.
Mrs. Mildred C. Vogel Ovaitt
Mrs. Yolanda Perez Ozuna
Mrs. Aurora Jean Sada Pacheco
Leticia Pacheco
Ms. Rita Ann Packard
Mr. & Mrs. E. Joseph Paisley
Ms. Kathryn C. Palumbo
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Panfil
Miss Christina L. Pantuso
Miss Cindy M. Pantuso
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Pantuso
Ms. Mary Pape
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Pape
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Papievis
Mrs. Mary Papin
Mrs. Gay Gairigan Paratore
Mrs. Dolores Nekola Parish
Mr. George R. Parish, III
Mrs. Kay Garrett Parker
Mrs. Patricia Parker
Mrs. Patricia McDonald
Mrs. Katye M. Parsley
Mrs. Margurite Parsley
Mr. & Mrs. C. S. Parsons
Mr. George Parsons
Mr. John P. Parsons
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Parsons
Mr. Angelo P. Paspalas
Judge Timothy J. Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Pavlik
Ms. LaDoris Payne
Mrs. Frances L. Peace
Ms. Nicki Pecori
Mrs. Sandra G. Pecori
Mrs. Sharon Pedevilla
Honor Roll of Donors
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Pedrolie
Fr. John Peeters, CSV
Mrs. Carolyn Malley Pena
Mrs. Colleen B. Pence
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Pence
Mr. Francis Xavier Pendarvis
Dr. & Mrs. H. Larry Penning
Ms. Mary Penning
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Penning
Mr. & Mrs. Felipe
Mrs. Sue A. Perica
Mrs. Magdalene P. Perino
Mrs. Jeannine T. Peters
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Petersen
Mr. Henry J. Petrilli
Mrs. Sandra Petrison
Mrs. Rosemary Gietl
Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Peuster
Mrs. Rosemary Pfeifer
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pforr
Ms. Rosemary B. Phelan
Mrs. Sally Jersa Phelps
Mr. Charles Phillips, II
Mrs. Rita Gages Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Phillips
Mr. Michael J. Picarella
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Pierre
Mrs. Kathleen T. Pilie
Mrs. Lisa A. Pinkham
Mrs. Kathleen G. Pipes
Fr. Aaron Pirrera, OSB
Mrs. Joyce Pirtle
Dr. & Mrs. Henry Pitot
Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Pitz
Mrs. Ann M. Plaisance
Mrs. Estela Mae Pledge
Ms. Nancy Pline
Ms. Debra A. Plunkett
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Poeschl
Mrs. Dorothy A. Pohlman
Dr. Thomas R. Pohlman &
Dr. Elsie Winstead
Mrs. Jo E. Pointer
Mrs. Mary E. Fitzpatrick
Mrs. Dolores Pope
Mr. & Mrs. Kim Postlewait
Ms. Phyllis Postlewait
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Pratt
Ms. Jean Prichard
Mrs. Nicolette Indelicato
Ms. Lorene Prullage
Ms. Kathleen Puglia
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
J. Purcell, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Puricelli
Ms. Susan K. Quante
Mrs. Sheila Keough Quick
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Quinn
Ms. Mary Quiros
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Raabe
Mr. John B. Radcliff
Mrs. Geraldine C. Radel
Rev. George P. Radosevich
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Raffo
Ms. Olguita Sul Ramos
& family
Mr. & Mrs. David D. Ramsey
Ms. Ella Ramirez
Mrs. Manuela R. Ramirez
Ms. Dolores Carmen Rangel
Rev. Msgr. Lanaux J. Rareshide
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher
M. Ratcliffe
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Rauh
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Ray
Ms. Mary F. Rayfield
Mrs. Amadita Raymond
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Rechner
Mr. Edward W. Rechner
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Rechner
Mr. Robert E. Redmann
Mrs. Maribeth Halliday Reed
Ms. Kathleen A. Reedy
Mrs. Helen E. Rehn
Mrs. Kathleen Reine
Mrs. Mary Jane Reinhardt
Ms. Joan B. Reisch
Ms. Suzanne Renard
Ms. Norma Miranda Rendón
Mrs. Marilyn Cass Renick
Mrs. Diane M. Rettke
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Reuter
Ms. Alice Reyes
Dr. Marjorie Ann Reynolds
Mrs. Martha Ribelin
Mrs. Elizabeth (Liz) Richardson
Mrs. Barbara King Richert
Mrs. Aline S. Richeson
Mr. John J. Riemer
Mrs. Janice Gard Riggins
Ms. Janet L. Riley
Mrs. Gail Rimkus-Appel
Mrs. Janet Steskal Riordan
Drs. Richard & Marge Rivet
Dr. Susan M. Rizzo
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Roades
Mrs. Amy Sayre Roberts
Mrs. Bernice T. Roberts
Mrs. Marilyn Novak Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel H. Roberts
Roberts, Wooten, &
Zimmer, LLC
Ms. Janina M. Robinson
Mr. Kenneth Roderfeld
Mrs. Patricia Linehan Rochelle
Mrs. Barbara J. Rodriguez
Mr. Fernando Rodriguez &
Ms. Nancy Olinger
Mr. & Mrs. Jesus Rodriguez
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Rogan
Mrs. Rosemary Brown Romero
Mrs. Catherine C. Roop
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Roth
Mr. & Mrs. Cletus Roth
Mrs. Mary M. Roth
Mr. Rodney Roth
Mrs. Nancy Rowley
Mr. Larry Joseph Rubenacker
Mrs. Mary Ann Ruckman
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Ruddy
Mr. & Mrs. Earl S.
Rudolph, Jr.
Ms. Helen Georgopoulos
Mrs. Cleo Schaefer Ruhnke
Mrs. Ellen Ruiz
Online giving available
f you’d like to make a gift
to the Ursulines, online
giving is a quick and easy
option. Simply go to our
website www.osucentral.org
and click on “donate now.”
You will be taken to a secure
page where you can make
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gift to the Ursuline fund
of your choice with a Visa,
MasterCard, American
Express or Discover card.
If you prefer to mail a
gift, you can use the enclosed
envelope or mail your own to:
Ursuline Sisters of the Central
Province, Development
Office, 353 S. Sappington
Road, St. Louis, MO 63122.
Please let us know if you
would like to receive extra
As always, we are grateful
for any gift in support of our
mission and ministries that
you may make at any time,
in any manner.
“With the help
of God you will
do much good
for others.”
St. Angela
Mr. Norwood J. Ruiz
Mr. David Rush
Mrs. Bettilynn Rust
Mr. & Mrs. M. J. Ruzbasan
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard R.
Ruzicka, Jr.
Mrs. Christine Drennan Ryan
Ms. Virginia Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Sabo
Mrs. Betty June F. Saenz
St. Bernard Abbey,
Cullman, Ala.
St. Augustine School,
Laredo, Texas
St. Rose of Lima School,
DeSoto, Mo.
St. Theresa Council 71,
Catholic Holy Family
Society, Fairview Heights, Ill.
St. Vincent DePaul Society
of St. Mary’s
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Saladino
Mrs. Maria Herminia Salazar
Mrs. Cynthia Granger Saldaña
Fernando A. Salinas
Charitable Trust
Mrs. Rosemary E. Sammartano
Mrs. Mary Esther
Flores Sanchez
Ms. Cam Sargalski
Ms. Renee F. Saunches
Mrs. Ann Savin
Ms. Catherine Sawyer
Ms. Suzanne M. Schafer
Mr. Edward F. Schanzle
Mrs. Sue Scheer
Mr. & Mrs. Roger
A. Scheppers
Mrs. Jennifer E. Scherf
Ms. Margaret Scherf
Ms. Jean M. Schildz
Ms. Joan M. Schissel
Mrs. Eileen P. Schmelzel
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Schmidt
Ms. Rose Rita Schmidt
Mrs. Gudrun P. Schmitz
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Schneider
Mrs. Mary F. Schnirring
Mr. & Mrs. Mark H.
Sr. Anne Dorothy Schober, osu
Mrs. Carolyn Coogan Schof
Mrs. Elaine R. Schroeder
Mr. David C. Schuermann
Ms. Martha K. Schuh
Mrs. Mary Ellen Schulz
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice J. Schulz
Ms. Joan L. Schumacher
Mr. & Mrs. John Schumacher
Ms. Mary Schwaegel
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald
E. Schwane
Ms. April Marie Schwarz
Mr. Michael Joseph
Schwinghamer, estate
Mrs. Patricia Alessandrini
Mrs. Gloria A. Seabaugh
Mrs. Jacqueline E. Seeger
Ms. Rose C. Sefcik
Mr. James L. Seibold
Ms. Mary Jo Seiz
Lt. Col. James L. Sender (Ret)
Mrs. Mary Suzanne Senger
Mrs. Mary Lois Sennewald
Mrs. Myra L. Sepich
Ms. Maria Elena R. Serrano
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Shafer
Mr. & Mrs. William
B. Sharkey
Dr. & Mrs. John T.
Shaughnessy, Jr.
Ms. Kay Shaughnessy
Mrs. Rosemary Eck
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent E. Shaw
Dr. Jane Roeger Shea
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy
D. Sheahan
Mr. William T. Sheahan
Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Shehorn
Ms. Jane S. Shepard
Ms. Ann Elizabeth Shipper
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Shockley
Mr. & Mrs. Lebert Shultz
Mr. Edward J. Sido, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Simon
Mrs. Eilene M. Simonds
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
T. Simorka
Dr. Diane M. Simpson, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Jack B. Sims
Mr. John Edward Skelley
Ms. Marilyn A. Skube
Mrs. Doris Deleery Slagle
Ms. Helen P. Smith
Mrs. Jean Black Smith
Ms. Joan F. Smith
Mrs. Mary H. Smith
Mrs. Patricia P. Smith
Mrs. Suzanne B. Smith
Ms. Victoria Sohovich
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent E.
Soler, Jr.
Ms. Rosa Solis
Mrs. Jolene Songy
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Sparling
Ms. Gerry Spinner
Mr. Lee L. Spinner
Mrs. Mary Eileen Spinner
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome V.
Springman, Jr.
Mrs. Marjorie Springman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J.
Mr. Stephen U. Springman
Mrs. Sylvia Stevenson Sproat
Mrs. Betty E. Staab
Ms. Minerva Z. Stalker
Mr. Joseph Stanich
Ms. Stella M. Stapleton
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Stapleton
Dr. Deborah Starr Lake
Mr. & Mrs. Harry W. Steele
Mrs. Betty Jane Steinhoff
Mrs. Ellen M. Stelling
Mr. Michael J. Stephan
Ms. Samanatha Stephens
Ms. Julia A. Stevens
Mrs. Margaret B. Stewart
Mr. Earl E. Stifel
Mr. Mark W. Stimler
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Stipanovich
Mrs. Donna Faust Stokes
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Stolze
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick C. Stolze
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Stone
Col. & Mrs. Robert I.
Stoverink (Ret)
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Stoverink
Ms. Gloria Strang
Mrs. Cary M. Straus
Ms. Anne Marie Striebel
Mr. & Mrs. Gary W.
Mrs. Ann Strohmeyer
Mrs. Patricia Lind Sullivan
Mrs. Jane Venneman Sulze
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Sumpter
Mr. Sandi Susanto
Mr. Jeremy Swerling &
Ms. Amy Helsel
Mrs. Penny Swigert
Ms. Kathleen Conway
Ms. Pamela Tanner
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Tannos
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C.
Mr. & Mrs. David D. Teed
Mrs. Myra Rague Tejada
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Terlisner
Mrs. Dolores M. Terry
Ms. Mary E. Theis
Mrs. Julie B. Thomas
Ms. Sharon Thomas
Mrs. Suzanne Cromiller
Mrs. Patricia Wagner
Mrs. Cindy A. Thorne
Mr. Patrick J. Thornton
Ms. Carol L. Thurman
Mrs. Margaret Tichenor
Mrs. MaryBeth Tiemeyer
Mrs. Margaret A. Timoney
Mrs. Geri M. Timperley
Mrs. Sue Schlosser Tippitt
Ms. Joan T. Tobin
Mr. John J. Todd
Mrs. Elsie M. Tom
Mrs. Betty B. Trachtman
Ms. Leticia Trevino
Mrs. Susan C. Trokey
Ms. Colleen Sheridan Tschoepe
Mrs. Rosemary Tuchscherer
Mrs. Ardeen Tucker
Ms. Kathleen A. Tuckner
Ms. Rene Turin
Mr. Guy Turner
Mrs. Margaret Guilfoy Tyler
Mrs. Blaine R. Twibell
Mr. Michael John Uhl
Ms. Carolyn Uhley
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Ulrich
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent
Dr. & Mrs. James B.
Unger, M.D.
Mrs. Janice Ansley Upton
Ursuline Academy of Dallas,
Texas, faculty
Ursuline Academy of St. Louis,
Mo., co-workers
Ursuline Academy Alumnae,
St. Louis
Ursuline Alumnae Association,
Galveston, Texas
Honor Roll of Donors
Ursuline Alumnae Association,
Galveston, Class of ‘55
Ursuline Alumnae of
Galveston, Julia Circle
Ursuline Alumnae Association,
Laredo, Texas
Ursuline Alumnae, Laredo,
Class of ‘57
Ursuline Auxiliary, Alton, Ill.
Mrs. Alicia Cervera Valdez
Mrs. Virginia K. Van Steenberg
Mr. Thomas C. VanAusdale
Mr. Gilbert Vara, Jr.
Ms. Leticia L. Vasquez
Virginia R. Vatterott, Estate
Mrs. Serena Conosciani
Mrs. Jaqueline M. Vaughn
Ms. Diane M. Vendola
Mrs. Marcella Vendola
Ms. Dorothy Verhalen
Ms. Alyce Vespa
Mr. & Mrs. James Vetter
Ms. Judy M. Vetter
Ms. Rosa Maria Vida
Mrs. Diana E. Sanchez
Mrs. Gloria Villarreal
Dr. Carolyn T. Villarrubia
Mr. Thomas E. Villiger
Mrs. Beatrice Vinas
Ms. Mary V. Viszneki
Mrs. Margaret R. Vizzi
Mrs. Kristy Hardy Voelkel
Ms. Shannon L. Vorpahl
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Voss
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis J. Vyncke
Mr. & Mrs. Francis M.
Ms. Sandra L. Wagner
Ms. Karen Waide
Mr. James Walden
Mrs. Joan Pollard Waldron
Mr. & Mrs. Fergus J. Walker
Mrs. Rita Gongora Walker
Ms. Sherri Lee Walker
Ms. Peggy C. Wallace
Mr. John B. Walsh
Considering a charitable gift annuity?
ne way in which many
people support a
favorite charitable organization
that benefits the organization
and the donor is through
a charitable gift annuity.
If you’ve ever considered
investing in a charitable gift
annuity with the Ursuline
Sisters, the following Q&A
may be of help in deciding if
it’s right for you.
What is a charitable
gift annuity?
A charitable gift annuity is a
kind of charitable donation
that involves an irrevocable
contract between the donor
and the charity. The charity
agrees to make regular fixedamount payments (usually
quarterly) to the benefactor
for the remainder of his or her
life. When the benefactor dies,
the charity keeps the gift.
How is the amount of
the payments to the
benefactor determined?
The amount of the payments
is customarily determined
by a standard percentage
rate periodically set by the
American Council on Gift
Annuities. Furthermore,
the rates are affected by
investment market conditions
and the annuitant’s age on
the date of the gift.
What are the income
tax consequences of
charitable gift annuities?
There are two unique tax
characteristics of charitable
gift annuities:
• A portion of each annuity
payment is tax-free for all
the years of the annuitant’s
actuarially expected
remaining lifetime. The
exact amounts of the
taxable and nontaxable
portions of the payments
depend on the annuitant’s
age at the time of the gift.
• A portion of the amount
invested in the annuity
is tax deductible as a
charitable contribution.
Subject to usual tax law
and regulation limits, the
benefactor may take the
deduction during the year
of the gift. Any part of
the deduction not claimed
during the first year may
be claimed in the following
five years.
Can two persons jointly
enter into a charitable
gift annuity contract?
Yes, the contract can be
designed to be paid to one
person for his or her lifetime
and then continue payments
to a second designated person
for the remainder of his or
her life. This feature very
effectively assures a married
couple a constant amount of
payments for the remainders
of both their lives. The rates
paid in these contracts depend,
among other factors, on the
ages of both annuitants.
We would be pleased to
discuss the many benefits of
charitable gift annuities and
will gladly provide you with
personalized calculations
of the amounts and taxable
characteristics of gifts you
may consider making to the
Ursuline Sisters. Contact
the Development Office at
We recommend that you talk
with your attorney, accountant
or financial adviser before
making any decisions regarding
significant charitable gifts.
Mrs. Lynette Walsh
Ms. Peggy C. Wallace
Ms. Polly P. Walsh
Mrs. Nathalie R. Walter
Mrs. Catherine Walters
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Walters
Mrs. Joan Parr Ward
Mr. John L. Wardein
Mrs. Betty Lou Warren
Mr. & Mrs. Larry G. Warren
Mrs. Mary C. Warren
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Warren
Ms. Catherine Waters
Mr. Thomas J. Waters
Mrs. Elisa M. Waugh
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Wawzenek
Ms. Beth K. Wayant
Ms. Elizabeth A. Weaver
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Weber
Mrs. Carol J. Weber
Mr. Jack Weber
Ms. Joanne H. Weber
Mrs. Marilynn Bertrand Weidel
Ms. Geralyn Meyer Weil
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Weil
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Weiss
Mrs. Margaret C. Wells
Mr. Clemens E. Wendle
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Wendle
Mrs. Anita C. Wenzel
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Wenzel
Mrs. Laura Wermerskirchen
Mr. & Mrs. William Wester
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Weyhaupt
Mrs. Agnes Bernice Whalen
Mrs. Marilyn Roberts Wheaton
Mrs. Susan M. Whelan
Mrs. Barbara Ann Whelton
Mrs. Gloria Ricketts Whelton
Mrs. Barbara White
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. White
Mrs. Clare Ann Wick
Ms. Janice M. Wickenhauser
Mr. Richard L. Wickenhauser
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Wiessing
Mrs. Deborah Wilbur
Mrs. Victoria A. Wilder
Mrs. Rosemary Batten Wilkin
Mrs. Carolyn Williams
Ms. Jackie J. Williams
Mrs. Judith A. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Larry S. Williams
Mrs. Mary Williams
Mrs. Josephine C. Williamsen
Mr. & Mrs. John Ellis
Mrs. Jeri L. Williar
Ms. Dixie C. Wilson
Mrs. Juanita D. Wilson
Ms. Karen Wilson
Mrs. Suzanne K. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Winkler
Dr. Elsie Winstead
Mr. & Mrs. Curt Winters
Mrs. Ruth Ann Wiseman
Mrs. Elizabeth P. Witherow
Mr. James F. Witt
Mrs. Margaret A. Wolf
Ms. Martha J. Wolf
Ms. Sandra Wolf
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Wolff
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Wolfle
Ms. Debbie K. Womack
Ms. Cynthia C. Wood
Mrs. Kimberly Burnette Wood
Mr. Miles Woodward
Mr. & Mrs. Donald
O. Workman
Mrs. Cathy Wynne
Mrs. Jo Ann Yates
Mrs. Teresa Ybarra
Ms. Nora G. York
Dr. Victoria E. York
Ms. Connie M. Young
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Young
Ms. Sandra K. Zahasky
Mrs. Laurie Lorenz Migura
Mrs. Theresa Ann Zaldivar
Mrs. Lisa Zeh
Mrs. Beverly Zeller
Mrs. Cynthia L. Zemis-Morris
Mrs. Jean Ann Zerfowski
Mrs. Merrill R. Zeringue
Mrs. Barbara M. Zielinski
Mr. John J. Zielinski
Zielinski Companies, P.C.,
St. Louis, Mo.
Mrs. Sally Volz Zuck
Our Sisters born into Eternal Life
Sister Muriel Rose
February 24, 1924 –
July 25, 2011
Professed 1947
Sister Monica Marie
January 23, 1927 –
November 26, 2011
Professed 1948
Sister Beata Knoedler
May 27, 1920 –
February 7, 2011
Professed 1942
Sister Mary Walden
November 15, 1922 –
August 12, 2011
Professed 1944
Sister Vivienne Armstead
October 21, 1931 –
March 23, 2012
Professed 1956
Sister Damian Aycock
September 27, 1922 –
July 6, 2012
Professed 1945
Sister Christine Bramlet
September 24, 1930 – February
15, 2013
Professed 1951
Sister Michael Marie Driscoll
January 30, 1930 –
September 29, 2013
Professed 1952
Sister Mary Magdalen Fearon
July 24, 1918 –
November 14, 2013
Professed 1944
Sister Mary Agnes Hermes
November 25, 1922 –
June 13, 2013
Professed 1943
Sister Virginia Marie Killam
July 14, 1920 –
May 22, 2013
Professed 1940
Sister Mary Margaret Maher
September 13, 1918 –
July 11, 2013
Professed 1972
Sister Angela Murphy
March 12, 1916 –
November 25, 2013
Professed 1937
Sister Lucy Spinner
July 26, 1909 –
September 15, 2013
Professed 1929
Sister Thomas Batten
July 27, 1913 –
June 4, 2013
Professed 1936
Sister Lourdes Suarez
September 19, 1937 –
April 14, 2013
Professed 1958
Sister Gertrude Becker
December 31, 1910 –
November 13, 2013
Professed 1936
To read a remembrance
of one of these sisters, go
to www.osucentral.org.
Provincial Offices
353 S. Sappington Road
St. Louis, MO 63122
Nonprofit Org.
U.S. Postage
Sister Rita Ann Bregenhorn, osu
Sister Ann Barrett, osu
Sister Mary Ann Dooling, osu
Sister Julie Hickey, osu
Sister Jean Hopman, osu
Laurels Editor
Susan M. Whelan
In our new homes
Ursuline Sisters living at Queen of Peace and the Alton
Convent have moved to new homes. See story on page 4.
Sister Regina
Fronmüller visits
Sister Marie
McCloskey and
Sister Teresita
Rivet at Our Lady
of Wisdom in
New Orleans.
Sister Miriam
Teresa Graczak
at St. Clare’s.
Members of the new Ursuline community at St. Clare’s in Alton include,
seated from left, Sister Miriam Teresa Graczak, Sister Collette Jokerst and
Sister Mary Virginia Graczak. Standing from left are Sister Marian Pelikan,
Sister Nancy Fearon, Sister Betty Carpentier, Sister Maria Goretti Hotop
and Sister Mary Evalyn House.