newsletter in pdf - Alliance Française de Chicago
newsletter in pdf - Alliance Française de Chicago
AllianceFrançaise Chicago’s French cultural and learning center dedicated to the study of French language and cultural exchange between Americans and French speaking peoples The Cultural Center Jean-Philippe Lafont avec James Johnson Robert Bansberg: Alsace Wine Dinner Le Mardi 30 novembre / 18h30 En français $5 pour les membres de l’Alliance Française; Autres: $10 A Selection of Regional Wines and Traditional Dishes Wednesday, November 10 / 6:00pm Members of the Alliance Française: $55; General Public: $70 Call to reserve (312) 337 1070—Space is limited! Don’t miss this opportunity to discover the fabulous wines of Alsace! Join award-winning sommelier Robert Bansberg of Ambria as he presents a six-course dinner featuring the wines of the area paired with regional culinary favorites prepared by Eric Palmer of Mon Ami Gabi. Robert and Eric’s wine dinners have become one of our most popular programs so advanced registration is highly recommended. L’Alliance Française est fière de présenter ce programme en partenariat avec le Lyric Opera. Au cours de cette soirée, le baryton français JeanPhilippe Lafont et le chef d’orchestre américain James Johnson discuteront de l’opéra en France et à Chicago. Jean-Philippe Lafont a tenu les rôles principaux dans plus de sept représentations au Lyric Opera depuis la saison 1993-1994, dont récemment le Prêtre dans Samson et Dalila (2003 – 2004), Alfio dans Cavalleria rusticana / Tonio dans Pagliacci (2002–2003) et Scarpia dans Tosca (2000-2001). James Johnson, chef associé au Lyric Opera, a vécu longtemps à Paris. Depuis 1992 il a dirigé les productions suivantes au Lyric Opera : Attila, Le mariage de Figaro, La flûte enchantée, et Un re in ascolto. Cette occasion de voir ces deux représentants du monde de l’opéra est à ne pas manquer. Une réception offerte par l’Alliance Française suivra le programme. Menu 2002 Crémant d’Alsace (Gustave Lorentz) Hanse Tart 2001 Muscat d’Alsace (domaine Bruno Sorg) Sauteed shrimp in a Muscat beurre blanc 2002 Pinot Gris Mambourg (domaine Pierre Sparr) Sorrel soup 2001 Riesling Rotenberg Vineyard (Marcel Deiss) Choucroute 2002 Gewurztraminer (domaine Weinbach) Munster fromage & caraway with quince jelly Kirshwasser Trimbach Cherry Kugelhof tarte with a cherry eau-de-vie sauce 810 North Dearborn Street · Chicago, IL 60610 / USA · tel: 312 337 1070 · fax: 312 337 3019 · NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2004 USA CHICAGO AllianceFrançaise USA CHICAGO NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2004 The Cultural Center Chicago Humanities Festival Eighth Annual Festival of New French Cinema Film Panel Discussion and Lunch Buffet Saturday, December 4 / 11:00am – 1:30pm Members of the Alliance Française: $7; General Public: $10 Please RSVP no later than Monday, November 29 The Alliance Française is proud to participate in the Eight Annual Festival of New French Cinema, which takes place at Facets Multimedia December 3 – 9, 2004. Co-produced with the French Cultural Services in Chicago, this is the only film festival in the country to focus exclusively on the work of emerging French filmmakers. In conjunction with the festival, a panel of French and American film professionals will talk about the current state of filmmaking in France. Following the panel, guests are invited to continue the discussion over a buffet luncheon hosted by the Alliance Française and the French Cultural Services. For complete festival information, please visit For the sixth year, the Alliance Française is proud to support the Chicago Humanities Festival. This annual festival presents quality programs, which creates opportunities to explore, enjoy, and support the humanities. Following, please find a list of programs being held at the Alliance Française in the Julius Lewis Auditorium (54 W. Chicago Avenue). For complete festival information, please see or call 312 661 1028. Saturday, November 6 Julian Jackson: The Fall of France. Noon– 1:00pm John Crowley, Peter Straub: The Work of Time. 2:00–3:30pm Sunday, November 7 David Plowden: Time’s Imprint. Noon – 1:00pm Robert Rosenblum: Time in Modern Art 2:00 – 3:00pm Séan McConville: The Political Prisoner. 4:00 – 5:00pm Saturday, November 13 S. Jay Olshansky: The Quest for Immortality. 10:00–11:00am Firoozeh Dumas: Funny in Farsi (Actually, Funny in Any Language). Noon –1:00pm Joel Greenberg: Below the Surface: Life Within Our Rivers, Streams, and Lakes. 2:00 – 3:00pm Clark Blaise: The Creation of Standard Time. 4:00–5:00pm Sunday, November 14 European Union Literary Panel. 11:00am – 12:30pm Andrew Sean Greer: The Confessions of Max Tivoli. 1:30–2:30pm Slow Food: Peace of Bread. 4:00 – 5:30pm 4HE !LLIANCE &RAN AISE INVITESYOU TOITSPOPULAR FÐTEDEFINDANNÏE &RIDAY$ECEMBERnPM ] B !LLIANCE&RAN AISE7#HICAGO!VENUE 4HISCELEBRATIONISOURWAYOFBRINGING AFESTIVEENDINGTOANEXCITING FOROURSTUDENTSMEMBERSFACULTYSTAFF ANDFRIENDSANDWILLINCLUDE&RENCHCUISINE WINEANDMUSIC %ARLYREGISTRATIONISHIGHLYRECOMMENDED ASWEEXPECTTHISPROGRAMTOSELLOUT !LLIANCE&RAN AISE-EMBERSAND3TUDENTS 'ENERAL0UBLIC !DVANCEDRESERVATIONSAREREQUIREDBY $ECEMBERAT 2 Pardon our dust but share our excitement about this very important project! As some of you may have noticed during your recent visits to the Alliance Française, the construction of our Children’s Education Center has started! We have designated the third floor and mezzanine of our Dearborn building for this exciting, 1,375 square foot project. The Children’s Education Center will be a lively, fun, and safe learning environment featuring seven original spaces that will facilitate immersion in French and French-speaking cultures. Winter term classes and activities for children will be held in the new center as early as January 2005! You can be part of this exciting project by helping us reach our fundraising goals. We have developed a series of hanging vocabulary discs that will adorn the entryway to the Children’s Education Center. A French word of your choice, the picture it represents, and your name will be illustrated on the disc. We also have naming opportunities available for the Center itself and for some of the spaces within. If you are interested in any of these opportunities, please contact the Development office at 312 337 1070 ext. 110. NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2004 Gourmet Dinner, Drinks, and Demonstration Myriam Bransfield French Culinary Experiences Dimitri Fayard of Vanille Patisserie The Alliance Française’s monthly program, “Gourmet Dinner, Drinks, and Demonstration,” is for those interested in learning the secrets of French cooking through demonstrative instruction by Chefs from some of the best French restaurants in Chicago. These interactive cooking demonstrations take place in English in a state-of-the-art kitchen and allow guests to learn to prepare a three-course meal in an intimate setting (maximum capacity is 24) while enjoying interesting conversation and French wine. Chefs demonstrate how to prepare a course and then each guest enjoys it. Wednesday, December 1 / 6:00pm Members: $45; Non-Members: $55 Call to reserve (312) 337 1070—Space is limited! Please note that all cancellations not made at least 48 hours prior to the demonstration will be subject to a $15 cancellation fee. We do not accept cancellations the day of the program. Joel Cooper of SWK Wednesday, November 3 / 6:00pm Members: $45; Non-Members: $55 Call to reserve (312) 337 1070—Space is limited! Chef Joel Cooper has been creating in the kitchen since the age of 15 and his diverse experience led him to become the Executive Chef of his own restaurant, Superior Wells Kitchen (SWK). After attending culinary school in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Chef Cooper worked in a variety of fine restaurants in Michigan before moving to Chicago in 2002 to collaborate on the opening of Savor Bistro. In November of 2003, he opened SWK, which features his fusion of contemporary Midwestern cuisine with French technique. Located at the corner of Superior and Wells in Chicago’s River North (710 N. Wells), SWK is proud to offer French influenced delicacies as well as a Chef’s dégustation menu and a vegetarian tasting menu. Price includes demonstration, food, and French wine. Menu Foie gras pithivier with Michigan cherry and red wine sauce Pithivier de foie gras, sauce cerises du Michigan et vin rouge Pan seared Baramundi with crisp and tender fennel and Spanish saffron Baramundi sauté au fenouil croustillant et safran d’Espagne Chocolate Pot de Crème with white chocolate whipped cream and a pistachio gaufrette Crème au chocolat, mousse de chocolat blanc et gaufrette à la pistache AllianceFrançaise USA CHICAGO Don’t miss this festive cooking demonstration where you will learn the secrets behind preparing French pastry favorites. Just in time for the holidays, Dimitri Fayard, who is the co-owner and co-pastry chef of Vanille Pâtisserie (2229 N. Clybourn, Chicago), will show guests how to bring a bit of France into their endof-the-year celebrations. Dimitri was educated in France prior to working at Payard Patissserie & Bistro in New York, the Bellagio in Las Vegas, the Ritz-Carlton Buckhead in Atlanta, and most recently the Sofitel Chicago Water Tower in Chicago. Vanille Patisserie creates artful pastries combining traditional European methods with modern flavors. It also offers specialty products such as vanilla extracts, sugars and powders, along with dazzling chocolate and sugar centerpieces. Price includes demonstration, food, and French wine. Menu Yule Log Bûche de Noël Assortment of petits fours Assortiment de petits fours Buffet en fête: Cooking Lessons with Madelaine Bullwinkel Bûche de Noël One-day workshop in English Saturday, December 4 / 9:30am –12:00pm Members: $55; Non-Members: $65; Lab Fee: $10 Madeleine has been teaching French cooking techniques for twenty-seven years at Chez Madelaine Cooking School in Hinsdale, Illinois. Her style involves helping students develop confidence in the basics by interpreting classic French cuisine for the home cook. Students will learn how to master this holiday classic by breaking down the recipe into steps that can be prepared ahead of time. Picture yourself à table presenting your own pièce de résistance to admiration and applause. Recipes include Genoise spongecake, chocolate mocha buttercream, and meringue mushrooms. This two-hour interactive class is followed by thirty minutes of informal dining. 3 AllianceFrançaise USA CHICAGO NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2004 The Mediathèque/Library La médiathèque bouge! Our list of new DVDs continues to expand. Take home recent successes like The Barbarian Invasions, The Triplettes of Belleville, and Monsieur Ibrahim, or classics like Lucky-Luke bande-dessinées. Too busy to watch a film? Check out a newspaper or magazine to read on the train. We carry Le Monde, Le Figaro, Paris Match, Elle, Terre Sauvage and many others. Back issues of periodicals now circulate for 2 weeks. N’oubliez pas: • Donations of used French books are always welcome and help support our collection. Café Philosophique with Professor Souleymane Diagne Dr. Souleymane Diagne, professor of philosophy, religion, and African studies at Northwestern University, facilitates discussion in his approachable style. Topics are determined according to the interests of the group and a light snack is provided. Level: Advanced French; Location: Library Day: Wednesday or Thursday, once per month; Time: 6–7:00pm; Date: November 18. There is no December meeting. • Returns are accepted in the reception area as well as in the library. Café Poésie • Comments and questions can be directed to Renée Saito, Director of the Resource Center, at 312.337.5473 or [email protected]. Isaac Cohen, Professor at Northwestern University, animates Café Poésie. His love of French poetry sets the tone for this group, which provides a great way to improve your comprehension of spoken French. Wine is served. Café Conversation I We are always ready to welcome new members to this conversation group. Topics vary from week to week. No charge for Members; Non-Members $3. Level: Intermediate to Advanced French; Location: Room 207 Day: Tuesday, weekly; Time: 4 – 5:00pm Café Conversation II Due to overwhelming popular demand, this café is now available for the after-work crowd. You’ll find plenty of opportunities to practice your French in a non-threatening environment. No charge for Members; Non-Members $3. Level: Beginning to intermediate French; Location: Library Day: Wednesday, twice per month; Time: 6:30 –7:30pm Dates: November 3 and 17. December 1 and 15. Level: Advanced French; Location: Library Day: Thursday, once per month; Time: 6–7:00pm Dates: November 11. There is no December meeting. Des nouvelles de l’école… Learn French this December! Special Two-week Immersion Program December 6 – 16 (four classes per week) Call (312) 337 1070 for more information. Café Littérature Join us as we examine the works of recent Prix Goncourt winners. You’ll find like-minded people who are passionate about contemporary French literature. Books are discussed over two sessions and members alternate facilitating. Wine is served. Level: Advanced French Location: Lounge Day: Monday; Time: 5:30 – 7:00pm November 22: Tout est passé si vite by Jean-Noël Pancrazi. There is no December meeting. Café Théâtre Practice your French in this group that is ready to welcome new members regardless of prior experience. Participants rotate reading the play and talking briefly about its author. Each play is discussed over two sessions. Wine is served. Level: Advanced French; Location: Lounge Day: Monday; Time: 5:30 – 7:30 pm November 1: En attendant Godot by Samuel Beckett November 15 and December 6: Le dindon by Georges Feydeau 4 Parents, save the date! Come on a wonderful journey through Africa! Using the oral traditions of Africa, movement improvisation, and theatre, children (ages 7 through 12) will discover a variety of cultures through reading and performing folk tales in French from such fascinating countries as Morocco and Liberia. Saturdays, October 2, November 20, and December 4 / 9:15–10:30am Pay $5 for one workshop or $10 for all three. Call now to reserve (312) 337 1070—space is limited to fifteen children! NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2004 The Film Club The Alliance Française Ciné Club is happy to introduce its new volunteer facilitators, Jonah Horwitz and Shanna Blanchard. Jonah joins the Alliance with a diverse background in film history, production and distribution, having worked most recently in Paris for Lobster Films. Shanna, a recent graduate of Appalachian State University, adds her background in both the French language and art history as well as her passion for film to the group. Both Jonah and Shanna are off to a great start and have proven to be both creative and resourceful planners. We’re looking forward to an exciting season and appreciate the continued support of our members and patrons. Orpheus Jean Cocteau’s Orphée (1949) depicts Orpheus (Jean Marais), a famous yet scorned poet, and his love for two women, Eurydice (Marie Déa), his wife, and a mysterious Princess (Maria Casarès). In a quest for inspiration, the poet follows the Princess from the world of the living to the land of the deceased through Cocteau’s trademark “mirrored portal.” As the myth unfolds, the director’s visually poetic style pulls the audience into both real and imagined realms. In French with English subtitles—95 minutes Wednesday, November 3 / 7:15pm Doors open at 7:00pm at 54 W. Chicago Ave. Free Admission. Donations welcome. Bernard-Marie Koltès: Three Perspectives In conjunction with Playing French, Chicago’s first festival featuring contemporary plays from France, the Alliance Française presents an evening dedicated to the late BernardMarie Koltès, one of France’s most celebrated twentieth century playwrights. The evening will feature a series of three programs focusing on his life and includes an interview with Patrice Chéreau, who was a close friend and collaborator, a documentary made by Koltès’s brother, and a look into the rehearsal process for one of his plays, with director Chéreau and actor Pascal Greggory. In French with English subtitles—105 minutes Wednesday, November 17 / 7:15pm Doors open at 7:00pm at 54 W. Chicago Ave. Free Admission. Donations welcome. 8th Annual Festival of New French Cinema December 3–9, 2004 (see for details) Film Panel & Luncheon at the Alliance Française Saturday, December 4 at 11am VOLUNTEER PROGRAM 2004 AllianceFrançaise USA CHICAGO The Alliance Française is fortunate and proud to have the support of its fantastic volunteers. We currently have 60 active volunteers who help in the arena of cultural programs, clubs, library circulation and school registration. Because we are infinitely grateful for their support, we would like to put the spotlight on a few of them. We asked them to explain in their own words what they like most about volunteering at the Alliance. Robert Miller · Volunteering at the Alliance is a fun way to meet people and practice your French, not to mention the free wine and food ! Pat Bingue · Ce qui m’a beaucoup plu durant mon expérience de bénévole est la rencontre des francophones et des gens qui ont une affinité pour la culture francophone vivant à Chicago. Cela a été une expérience très enrichissante. Sarah Anzia · I always look forward to my evenings at the Alliance Française because I enjoy being surrounded by lovers of French language and culture like myself. The cooking demonstrations, lectures, and special events attract people of all ages and backgrounds, a formula for fascinating interaction. The quality of the events, moreover, is superb. The food, wine, culture, and conversation make my evenings at the Alliance Française fun and fulfilling. Paul Baker · Volunteering is a social opportunity and the Alliance is a good venue for meeting people who are interested in la belle France. It’s the perfect place to keep up your French language skills and you also have the opportunity to meet a lot of interesting French citizens, dignitaries, and artists. The Alliance would like to extend a special MERCI to Paul for donating considerable time and expertise toward mechanical projects at the Alliance. Merci Paul! Jacqueline Chalos · Entrer à l’Alliance est comme entrer dans un monde à part, un milieu vraiment francophone en plein Chicago. Le personnel, les professeurs, les étudiants sont tous vraiment sympathiques et profondément attachés à la langue et la culture françaises. Il y a une cordiale fraternité, une atmosphère dynamique qui me plaît énormément et me fait toujours retourner à la médiathèque comme bénévole. J’aime y passer un après-midi chaque semaine au milieu de tous ces petits trésors : revues, journaux, livres, disques et films, qui m’aident à me tenir au courant en français, bien sûr, sans parler de mes collègues à la médiathèque, qu’il me fait toujours extrêmement plaisir de retrouver. Being an Alliance Française volunteer has many benefits, which include the opportunity to regularly speak French and to take a free class after earning 40 service points. If you are interested in joining our volunteer team, please contact Angela Maloney at [email protected] or (312) 337 1070. The Alliance Française would not be the institution that it is without our volunteers and interns. We extend a heartfelt thank you to all of them! 5 AllianceFrançaise USA CHICAGO NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2004 MERCI ! THANK YOU! On September 1, the Alliance Française began a new fiscal year. As we make this transition into the next year, we would like to take the opportunity to thank our donors. Donations are truly important in order for us to fulfill our mission. Class tuition and membership dues pay for slightly less than 60% of our operating costs. Thanks to your generosity, we can maintain and expand the range of quality programs we offer to the Chicago community. Contributors of $50,000 or more Mr. and Mrs. William G. Brown Contributors of $20,000 to $49,999 The Rhoades Foundation Mr. Julius Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Barry MacLean Mr. and Mrs. John Shedd Reed Contributors of $10,000 to $19,999 James and Elizabeth Bramsen Mr. and Mrs. John J. Bransfield, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Pierre Ergas Deutsche Bank Laura De Ferrari and Marshall B. Front Marshall B. Front Family Charitable Foundation Grand Marnier Foundation Griffith Laboratories Mr. and Mrs. Hervé de la Vauvre Jan and Bill Jentes Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Krehbiel, II LaSalle Bank Mr. and Mrs. John Jeffry Louis Elizabeth and Jeff Louis Foundation John McCartney and Clare Muñana Niamogue Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John K. Notz Mr. John Rudolph Contributors of $5,000 to $9,999 Marilynn Alsdorf Mr. and Mrs. Alan Baer Susan Beagley The Eleanor Chapman Beidler Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bulley, III Stephen Burns City Arts Program 3 grant from the City of Chicago—Department of Cultural Affairs Expanscience Laboratories, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Gilles de Navacelle Anthony and Lawrie Dean Mr. and Mrs. Gilles Demeulenaere Mrs. Bonnie Deutsch Sarah Kribben Trust Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fesmire Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Giesen Mr. and Mrs. David R. Hamilton Vicki and Bill Hood Mr. and Mrs. David B. Horn Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huebner Mr. and Mrs. R. Stanley Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Jack Karp Mesirow Financial Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Pinkert Polk Bros. Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jules Stiffel 6 Mr. and Mrs. Roger Stone Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Tilles Mr. and Mrs. François Truc Booz Allen Hamilton Danielle and Martin Zimmerman Contributors of $2,000 to $4,999 Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Vann A. Avedisian Alessandra Branca Uihlein Cara and Fabrice Braunrot Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Brennan Cosmopolitan Bank Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doherty Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Franke The Joseph B. Glossberg Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William B. Graham Ms. Harriet Gülis Mr. and Mrs. Don Kaul Mr. and Mrs. W. Paul Krauss Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lee Dr. and Mrs. Peter McKinney Mr. David McNeel Helen H. Morrison Mr. and Mrs. John R. Pacholick Madame Francine Saltoun Mr. and Mrs. James H. Schink Alyce Sigler and Stephen Kaplan Van Cleef & Arpels, Inc. Mr. H. Randolph Williams Courtenay Wood and H. Noel Jackson Contributors of $1,000 to $1,999 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Almeida The Alsdorf Foundation Michèle Archambault Rawlinson Mr. and Mrs. George H. Bodeen Mr. Roger O Brown Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Connellan First American Bank Mr. and Mrs. Rodney L. Goldstein Marlene Green Marjorie Habermann Dr. and Mrs. Israel Hanin Susan Heisler Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hokin Mr. and Mrs. Joel Honigberg Mr. and Mrs. Verne G. Istock Douglas M. Kinney Dr. and Mrs. Laurence Levine Mr. John G.W. McCord Dr. and Mrs. James McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Mark McGrath Mike Bell, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moore Mr. and Mrs. John D. Nichols Jamee Rosa Saks Incorporated Sotheby’s The Alliance Française extends un grand merci to all of the donors listed below who contributed during the past fiscal year to our operating budget. We apologize if we have inadvertently omitted anybody and request that you contact the Development Office at (312) 337.1070 ext. 110 or [email protected]. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Steans Mr. and Mrs. Avy Stein Mr. and Mrs. Glen R. Traylor Mr. William C. Vance Dr. and Mrs. Farhad Vossoughi Mr. and Mrs. Morris Weeden Mrs. William Wood Prince The Worth Collection, Ltd. Contributors of $600 to $999 Mary Babson Mr. and Mrs. John C. Berghoff, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Boyer Fabrice and Cara Braunrot Mr. John A. Bross Elisabeth and Jean-Marc Brusson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chevalier Mr. and Mrs. Jules G. Cogan Dr. and Mrs. Mimis Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ellis Jean Elting Ms. Susie Fortsmann Kealy Dorothy Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Steven Goldman Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jordan II Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kilcollin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lavin Mr. and Mrs. William Macdonald Monica McCue Hansen Mr. Conrad Miczko Judith Pierpont Mr. and Mrs. Pascal Remy Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Rider Mr. and Mrs. Lester Rosen Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Sack Ms. Diane Saltoun and Mr. Bruce Braun Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Schlemmer Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Segal Denise Selz Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seward Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sheffield Diane Sprenger Clark Mr. and Mrs. Russ Stepke Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Thomas Katy Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Michael Werner Mr. and Mrs. Clayton E. Whiting, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wright Sally Youker Contributors of $200 to $599 Anonymous John P. Ansehl Darlene Auerbach Drs. Ketty and Shyamala Badrinath Bandag , Inc. Bernstein Investment Research and Management Philip Blum Mrs. Norman Bobins Linda Fischer Bongiorno Julie Burke Tim Calkins and Carol Saltoun Monique M. Canet CCM Futures, LLC Christofle Mary Ellen Christy Sara Cohan Marcia Cohn Linda Cooney Patricia and Peter Cowles Mr. Henry De Vogüé Mr. and Mrs. David A. Dezelan Priscilla Wright Dombek Mr. and Mrs. Cody Engle Mr. Mark Ferguson Karen and William Goodyear Nancy Gorman Gloria Groom Mary Louise Haddad Catherine Handelsman Sharon Hart Judy and Larry Hedges Mr. Reuben Hedlund Jo Heindel Susan Hillman Patricia Hunkler Esta G. Kallen Ann and Burt Kaplan Betsy Katz Kathleen Katz Jeffrey Kerr Janemarie and Donald King, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Knight Lucien Lagrange Architects LaGrange Mann Interiors, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lehman Louise L’Heureux-Giliberti Mr. and Mrs. Myron Lieberman Elizabeth Liebman Bonnie Lipe Mr. and Mrs. James Lorrie Lisa Malkin Marion Martin Matignon Galleries Mrs. Jean McKee Barry Helen Melchior Janet Melk Caroline and Howard Michaelsen Timothy J. Mund Ms. Ann O’Brien Dennis O’Hara Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Malley Abby O’Neil James O’Neill Elizabeth Parker Dr. and Mrs. Dimitri Perros Mr. and Mrs. John Puth Ms. Shari G. Reiches Sheila Reynolds Ann Rothschild Ms. Josiane Saltoun Carole Sandner Mrs. Roy Schnackenberg Mark and Nikkie Shields Amelia Silva Mrs. Raymond I. Skilling Cassie Spencer Barbara Stone Mr. and Mrs. M. Jay Trees Sally Venverloh Karen and David Wuertz Mark and Margie Zivin Contributors Katherine Abbott Elizabeth Abler Connie Addington Denise Amon Jean Atchison Melissa Babcock Laura Barnett Mrs. James Bay Robin Berger Mr. and Mrs. Edward Blair, Jr. George W. Blossom III Mary S. Blust Suzanne Borland Sophie Bross Debra and Wayne Carpenter Paul and Clara Carson Adrianne Charfoos Winifred Clark Mrs. Timothy Coleman Dr. Ludovic Comeau, Jr. and Dr. Maude Toussaint-Comeau Mr. and Mrs. Judith Cook John and Connie Craig Lisa Cregan Joan Crouch Peggy Crowe Nancy and Charles Cunov Bunky Cushing Mr. Michael P. Cwiklik Carol DeMaio Patricia Dempsey Jeanne and J. Patrick Doherty Joanne Desmond Easley Jane Eberly Maggie Ekman Mr. Arthur Eubanks, Jr. Beth Eugenio Dr. George Farah Mary Finnegan Charles Fitzpatrick and Joanne Kennelly Christy Foote Richard L. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Frey Susan Garrett Patricia Gerber Ms. Nora Gilhooly Allen Glater and Lawrence Cabay Marion Goldfinger Ann and James Goodman Annemarie Gramm Lisa Green Thomas G. Hackett Caryn Harris Katherine Harvey NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2004 Thomas Haynes and Lisa Weiland Anne Heller Avis Heller Mary Ellen Heller Martha Higgins Murren Hill Marci Holzer Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Howell Pamela K. Hull Paul and Kathleen Hull Rajko Igic Lillian Kane Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keim Nancy Kempf Mrs. Paul C. Kimball Mrs. Francis J. Klimley Marie R. Klivington Patricia Kronberg Emile Labrousse Gaile Leahy Ann P. Leeds John Llewellyn Jean Luber Susan Lyons The John D. and Catherine MacArthur Foundation Mrs. David O. Mackenzie Janet McCann Mr. and Mrs. William McClayton Marilyn McDole Mrs. Daniel McLachlan Desmond F. McLaughlin and Nadine M. Warner Mary Kay McMahon Dr. and Mrs. Joe Messer Kristine Miller Mr. and Mrs. John Munson Jordan and Jean Nerenberg Diane and John Patience James Pearlman Mrs. Jerry Pekow Beverly Persky L. Richard Petracca, III Suzanne Pierce Patrick and Françoise Pierre Monti Redman Mr. and Mrs. Bruce P. Robert Lisa Ross Mina Rousos Mrs. William H. Schniedwind Linda Searl Cathie Sekendur Oral Sekendur Mrs. Richard J.L. Senior Lydia Shandor Gerri Shute Michelle Smead Kristin Smith Maria Smithburg Tami Steele Anthony Stephens, M.D. Debra Stock Jocelyn Blair Stoller Sarah Stratton Patricia Study Mrs. Louis C. Sudler, Jr. Mrs. James Taich Jennifer Tengelsen Anne Tobey, Jr. Trans Union LLC Alice Tucker Margaret C. Vail Susan Van Der Meulen Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Van Houten Daniel W. Vittum, Jr. Tamra Weiss Mrs. Thomas E. Wells, IV Karen Williams Bess Winakor Mrs. William W. Wirtz Julie Zakoff In-Kind Contributors Abrahamson’s Furriers Adler Planetarium & Astronomy Museum Agnes B All Star Fitness Alliance Française de Chicago The Alliance Française 2004 French Decorative Arts Symposium AMBRIA American Airlines A-Z Industries, Inc. BBJ Linens Bernardaud Le Bernardin Bistro 110 Bistro Banlieue Bistrot Margot Brasserie Jo Mickey Brazeal Brunschwig & Fils Consul Général and Mrs. Hermann Buff Mr. Allan Bulley, III Burberry Café des Architectes at Sofitel Chicago Water Tower Café Matou Carlos Restaurant CHANEL Charles Ifergan Salon & Day Spa Charlie Trotter’S Chateau de Gilly, France Chicago Bulls Chicago Shakespeare Theater Clever Alice Le Colonial Mike Corso, Chicago Wine Merchants Cosmopolitan Bank Crabby Abbey Da Vinci Group Annie Davidson (Zazie) Mr. and Mrs. Dominique Decherf Mrs. Charles V. Doherty Edward Fox Photography Entrée Travel Newsletter Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Pierre Ergas Etre Fabrice Colleen Fahey The Field Museum The Fitzpatrick Chicago Hotel Four Seasons Hotel George V, Paris Gene & Georgetti Georg Jensen Green, Inc. Ms. Harriet Gülis David Gurzic John Hart Fine Wine, Ltd. Hotel de Crillon Hotel du Louvre Jacadi Jacky’s Bistro Kendall College The Honorable Mark Steven Kirk United States Congressman Ms. Ann Marie Klingenhagen His Excellency Jean-David Levitte Lyric Opera of Chicago Le Magasin Marlowe Kyla Martensen John G. W. McCord Carole McMahon David McNeel Le Meridien Chicago Metropolitan Limousine Inc. Moller Financial Services Mon Ami Coiffeur Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago Museum of Science and Industry Mustela Nacional 27 Neiman Marcus Northbrook NoMI Northern Lights Oak Park Country Club L’Occitane Mrs. Charles W. Olson, III Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Malley P.J. Clarke’s Restaurant Pavillon Christofle Pierre Deux French Country Pili.Pili Pluton John Reilly Photography Relais et Chateaux Renaissance Ethnique Restaurant La Butte Chaillot River’s Mrs. Peter Roesch Mary Ann Rood Mr. John F. Rudd The Sarah Siddons Society Schaefer’s Wine Food and Spirits Mrs. James H. Schink Sephora John G. Shedd Aquarium Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sheffield Sing’n Dance Slim and Tone Joyce Smith Sofitel Chicago Water Tower Ms. Christelle Soriane The Spice House Stuart-Rodgers Photography Janet Taylor, WIT Thyme Restaurant Gayle Tilles Trio Salon Ltd. TRU Urban Oasis Peter Vanek Vespa of Chicago Victory Gardens Theater Vosges Haut Chocolat Tamra Weiss White Sox Abra Prentice Wilkin Mr. H. Randolph Williams Writers’ Theatre Yves Saint Laurent Rive Gauche Ms. Carla Zecher AllianceFrançaise USA CHICAGO 7 The success of the Alliance Française cultural season is a result of the generosity of its donors. Merci beaucoup! • Unless indicated otherwise, all programs take place at 54 West Chicago Avenue • Programs are subject to change · for information call 312 337 1070 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday November 1 Café Théâtre November 2 Café Conversation I November 4 November 5 November 8 November 9 Café Conversation I November 11 Café Poésie November 12 November 15 Café Théâtre November 16 Café Conversation I November 18 Café Philosophique November 19 November 6 Chicago Humanities Festival November 13 Chicago Humanities Festival November 20 November 22 Café Littérature November 29 November 23 Café Conversation I November 30 Conférence: Jean-Philippe Lafont Café Conversation I December 7 Café Conversation I December 14 Café Conversation I December 21 Café Conversation I December 28 CLOSED November 3 Cooking Demonstration Ciné Club Café Conversation II November 10 Wine Dinner November 17 Ciné Club Café Conversation II November 24 November 25 CLOSED December 2 November 26 CLOSED December 3 December 9 December 10 Holiday Celebration November 27 CLOSED December 4 Film Panel and Luncheon Buffet en fête! December 11 Café Poésie December 15 Café Conversation II December 22 December 16 December 17 December 18 December 23 December 25 CLOSED December 29 CLOSED December 30 CLOSED December 24 CLOSED December 31 CLOSED Sunday November 7 Chicago Humanities Festival December 6 Café Théâtre December 13 December 20 December 27 CLOSED December 1 Cooking Demonstration Café Conversation II December 8 Sunday November 14 Chicago Humanities Festival NCE ERIE %XP ARY ULIN CH# IES O &REN ICAG IT ELD ORTUN SIN#H P NSFI F "RA QUEOP STCHE E MS E I H IAM GRA -YR RINGUN THEB ILSONT RPRO M A E FRO /FF MBE DET EARN EFOR D$ECE TOL AN PAG 3EE MBER E .OV Chicago, IL Permit No. 1 S 810 North Dearborn St · Chicago, IL 60610 / USA AllianceFrançaise PAID PRESORTED FIRST CLASS U.S. POSTAGE AllianceFrançaise The Calendar