Helping Children and Families Now More Than Ever


Helping Children and Families Now More Than Ever
Our Mission
Our mission is to preserve,
protect, and when needed,
provide families. Motivated
by compassion for vulnerable
children, young adults, frail
elderly and their families,
we provide high-quality and
innovative services that meet
their social, educational and
emotional needs.
What We Do
We primarily help children who don’t have families able to care for them, and support children, young adults, the
elderly and their families through the everyday challenges and transitions in life. With your support, we’ve been helping
the most vulnerable people in our community improve their lives for 110 years. Our services include:
• Foster Care and Adoption for infants and children with special needs.
• Therapeutic foster care homes for children and teenagers who can no longer live with their
birth families for a variety of reasons, most commonly abuse and neglect.
• Providing and supporting adoptive and foster families for children who continue to heal
from the trauma they’ve endured, and are ready to live with a family.
• Supplying nutritional formula and diapers to low-income parents of children ages 2 and younger.
• Offering scholarships to children of low-income parents that enable them to access highquality educational opportunities, in a nurturing environment, by attending Turrell Child
Care & Early Learning Center.
• Clinical support and coaching programs for children and adolescents to help them make
healthy and positive life choices.
• Counseling and guidance for the frail elderly and their caregivers, to help them navigate the
services available to them.
• Helping young adults who are “aging out” of foster care to obtain and maintain housing,
medical services, education and work.
Message from
Bob Jones, President & CEO and John Kandravy,
This past year was extraordinary, in every sense of the word. 2008 had more than its share of transitions and
uncertainties that had an effect on just about everyone. The economic downturn was surprising in its depth and
breadth. Children’s Aid and Family Services has weathered several recessions in its 110-year history, and with support from our loyal and committed donors and strong engagement by our Board of Trustees, we are confident we
will get through these difficult times. The most vulnerable in our communities need our help now more than ever.
The agency was extremely fortunate last year to experience its largest-ever increase in philanthropy,
which went against the trend in charitable fundraising. This help from our generous donors was essential to meeting the challenges of both the economic downturn and significant changes in state priorities for child welfare,
which resulted in a number of major adaptations to our child welfare programs.
One of the changes has been the transition of our Boarder Babies program to the Medically Needy Infants and
Toddlers Foster Care program, which serves children with more serious conditions such as HIV or Hepatitis C
exposure, cardiac conditions and the effects of complications from premature birth. Caring for these children is a
group of exceptionally dedicated foster parents who work closely with agency medical and professional staff to
ensure high-quality care. There were 48 children served last year in the program and we continue to recruit more
foster families, especially for infants, since this is an area of growing need.
Additionally, most of the children in our care have serious behavioral issues due to backgrounds of trauma,
abuse and neglect. Often they have undergone several foster care placements by the time they join us, and consequently have profound issues with trust. Thus, the therapeutic foster care offered by the agency is their best
chance to heal and eventually live healthy, productive and independent lives.
In 2008, Children’s Aid and Family Services embraced an innovative model of foster care designed to
encourage relationship building. Due to the remarkable generosity of
Helen’s Hope Foundation, we were able to open two Professional Parent
foster homes in Clifton and West Orange, NJ. (Another Professional Parent
foster home opened in the spring of 2009.) Four children, ages 14 through
18, live in each home with a professional foster parent who is an employee
of the agency, in addition to a co-parent and a full-time youth counselor.
The Professional Parent foster home offers a real family environment
and builds a strong sense of security for the children, helping them to
trust and create lasting relationships. It is a significant addition to our
continuum of services. Further, due once more to changing state priorities,
we made the decision to convert some of our therapeutic foster care residences to more specialized group homes, which provide intensive clinical and
behavioral treatment for adolescents with backgrounds of abuse and neglect.
We serve some of the most vulnerable in our community, and this
recession certainly has had a more severe impact on those with less. For
instance, the Baby Basics program — which provides free nutritional formula and diapers to low-income families with babies and toddlers — had a
surge in the number of clients needing help.
Children’s Aid and Family Services | 2008 Annual Report
Board Chair
In the beginning of 2008, 92 families were in the Baby Basics program. By year’s end, that number
ballooned to 157. Many of these families were getting by until an unexpected problem — a health issue or job loss —
took a further, sometimes devastating toll on their finances. Fortunately, because of our strong donor base, we
were able to meet the growing need for this vital program, and help these families through hard times.
There was also an increase in job losses in the area, which contributed to a decrease in enrollment at Turrell
Child Care & Early Learning Center. Some of our parents became unemployed, and could no longer afford fulltime child care. They approached us with anxiety and concern about their children’s futures. We responded by
offering increased part-time and flexible schedules to help these families manage, and our onsite clinician
was also available to offer strategies to families to help them cope.
In 2008, we continued to receive a generous grant from The Philanthropic Initiative for an aggressive advertising and public outreach campaign to help recruit foster and adoptive families for the children in our care. As a
result, there was an 11 percent increase in inquiries from prospective foster and adoptive parents and a surge in
the number of visits to our website.
The Thomas R.S. Burgin Parents Fund, which provides stipends to young adults who have “aged out” of the
agency’s care and are attending college or vocational school, helped a record number of teenagers. In 2008, of 11
teenagers who aged out, 10 went on to post-secondary education. We are thrilled that so many young people are
setting goals and planning for a bright future.
Changes such as our community has experienced in 2008 tend to produce insecurity and anxiety. Thus, we are
striving to be flexible and offer innovative and practical solutions to the problems experienced by those we serve
in the community. We want our clients to know that in uncertain times, there
are still certain things they can count on. For more than a century, some of
the most vulnerable members of our community have relied on us, and today
they are counting on us more than ever. With the continued support of our loyal
donors and volunteers, we will be there for many more years to help vulnerable
children, families and seniors.
On behalf of the Board and our staff, we thank you for your remarkable
commitment to Children’s Aid and Family Services.
Robert B. Jones, Ph.D.
President & CEO
John Kandravy
Chair, Board of Trustees
Memorable Moments
Highlights of our past year
Children’s Aid and Family Services was honored as a 2008 Congressional “Angel in Adoption.” The awards are sponsored by the Congressional Coalition of Adoption Institute (CCAI).
Each year, members of Congress select individuals, families or organizations from their home
state that have demonstrated a commitment to improving the lives of children in need of homes.
U.S. Rep. Steve Rothman (D-NJ) nominated Children’s Aid
and Family Services for the “Angel in Adoption” award.
Our Boarder Babies program transitioned into the Medically Needy Infants and Toddlers Foster Care program, which
serves infants and children who suffer from the effects of premature birth and a variety of medical conditions.
The Baby Basics program expanded to include a third
distribution site in Carlstadt, in addition to the Ridgewood
and Englewood sites. This important program provided free
nutritional formula and diapers to more infants and toddlers
of low-income families than ever before.
The Turrell Child Care & Early Learning Center provided scholarship assistance to 35 percent of its enrollees,
allowing the children of low-income parents to receive highquality educational opportunities. Once again, the Turrell
Center offered parenting skills training through a six-week
EPIC (Every Person Influences Children) program. The mini
ically Needy
served by the Med
Parents and children
s Foster Care progra
Infants and Toddler
U.S. Rep. Steven Rothm
an (D-NJ) and
Bob Jones, Ph.D., Presid
ent & CEO of
Children’s Aid and Family
Goldman Sachs Community TeamWorks Day at the Turrell
Child Care & Early Learning Center.
Children’s Aid and Family Services | 2008 Annual Report
camp program was also expanded to serve children ages 6 - 8 when area schools
are closed.
The agency continued the large-scale publicity campaign it began in 2007,
funded by a generous gift from an anonymous donor through TPI (The Philanthropic Initiative). The awareness campaign focuses on
recruiting foster and adoptive families, attracting
new volunteers and raising much-needed financial support. Thanks in part to the TPI funding,
the agency website,, received a
record number of hits during the holiday season.
Thanks to the hardworking, talented volunteers at The Depot, our all-volunteer gift and
craft shop, more than $190,000 was contributed
to Children’s Aid and Family Services in 2008.
The Read Now! program, which brings
books and provides volunteer readers for disadvantaged young children, expanded. By yearend it had delivered more than 1,000 books a
month to low-income families and its volunteers read to more than 750 children monthly.
g techniques to one of
d Schutt teaching cookin
Longtime volunteer Ro
’s care.
the children in the agency
A display ad
vertisement fe
aturing Darry
McDaniels, w
l “DMC”
hich was show
cased in area
Holiday shoppe
rs at The Depot
, our all-volunte
in Midland Park
er gift and craft
Memorable Moments
Highlights of our past year
The stars came out to support vulnerable children in 2008,
including players from the New Jersey Nets and New York
Giants, as well as international bestselling author Harlan
Coben, who showed his support at our annual Wine and
Food Tasting Evening.
For the first time last year, thanks to increased donations and a Challenge Grant from the Redlich Horwitz
Foundation, the Thomas R.S. Burgin Parents Fund expanded its reach by supplying care packages to all of the
teenagers that aged out of our care. The Fund also serves
as a form of emergency support for any former client of
our foster care programs.
In 2008, the agency’s Eldercare program introduced
a grandparenting group at the Americas Unidas Center
in Hackensack. A bilingual social worker led the group
for both English and Spanish speaking seniors. The program also expanded its “brain games” for the seniors,
which encourages socialization, enhances cognitive
functioning and helps the seniors remain engaged.
Bob Jone
s, P
with intern h.D., President &
CEO of th
ational be
(Photo co
stselling a
e agency
urtesy of
uthor Harl
(201) Mag
azine / ww
an Coben
Big Names, Big Hearts
Darryl “DMC” McDaniels of the legendary hip-hop group Run-DMC — himself an adoptee — is lending his talents as
a celebrity spokesperson to give a voice to the children awaiting adoption. The agency won a Gold MarCom Award for
a public service announcement it produced with Mr. McDaniels.
Yi Jianlian of the New Jersey Nets at the team’s holiday party.
Darryl McDaniels with senior management from Oritani Bank, sponsors of the Children’s Motivational Awards dinner.
Children’s Aid and Family Services | 2008 Annual Report
The NJ Adoption Resource Clearing House ( has over 1,200 pages of
information that supports all members of the adoption community. In 2008, visits to the
website increased to 8,500 per month, a 9 percent increase from 2007.
The Kinship Legal Guardianship Resource Clearing House ( was
launched in 2008 because of an increased need for kinship care information and support.
With over 200 pages of resource information on the website, the program offers numerous
books, articles, and resource materials for those parenting their “kin,” most of whom are seniors
and/or grandparents.
Kudos to the nearly 500 volunteers who play a key role in making our mission happen.
In 2008, “Friends of Children’s Aid and Family Services – Volunteers Making a Difference,”
was created to help volunteers feel more connected to the agency. The organization provides
education about the agency’s programs, helps build community awareness and serves as a recruitment vehicle for volunteers by offering networking and social opportunities.
Because of the heightened public awareness from the campaign, there was an 11 percent increase in inquiries from
prospective foster and adoptive parents and increased traffic to the website. Additionally, the New Jersey Nets and the
New York Giants showed their support by hosting a number of events for our children.
New Jersey Nets player Vince Carter at the team’s holiday party.
Adam Koets, Domenik Hixon and Jonathan Goff of the New York Giants.
Memorable Moments
Highlights of our past year
ecial Event Com
rty Gala’s Sp
e 2008 Beach Pa
The agency
PGA Tournam a main beneficiary of T
he Barclays
ent at The R
idgewood C
ountry Club.
ce was named in honor of the Hoop-A-Paluza
A family room at the agency’s Paramus offi
c charity that is a supporter of the agency.
Foundation, a New Jersey nonprofit publi
Children’s Aid and Family Services | 2008 Annual Report
For the second year, Horizon Blue Cross Blue
Shield of New Jersey partnered with the New York
Giants on the “Touchdowns for Families” program.
During the 2008 - 2009 season, Horizon Blue Cross
Blue Shield of NJ made a donation for every touchdown scored by the New York Giants. A total of
$22,500 was donated to the agency.
Community support continued to play a key role
in the agency’s ability to help vulnerable children and
families, with many small businesses, corporations
and organizations getting involved for the first time in
2008, including: the Professional Golfers’ Association
of America (PGA), Westfield Garden State Plaza, Starbucks, the Franklin Lakes Newcomers and Neighbors
Club, Clear Channel Outdoor and Ulrich, Inc.
The agency’s two special fundraising events — the
Spring Beach Party Gala and the Fall Wine and Food
Tasting Evening — were extraordinarily popular. Special thanks to the Special Event Committees that worked
hard to make them a success and to all who attended.
at Paramus Park
in the Santa Display
Shopping Center.
fit Baby Bas
n drive to bene
Starbucks he
tions in Bergen
at 18 of its loca
The 2008 Wine and Fo
(Photo courtesy of (20
od Tasting Evening’s
1) Magazine / www.2
Special Event Comm
Our Donors
The people who make a difference
Agency Endowment and Named Funds
The Anne Goheen Crane Endowment Fund
The agency’s principal endowment fund provides unrestricted funds that can be directed to areas of greatest need. Interest from the
fund provides the agency’s only source of reliable income. It is used to support mission commitments to: keep services accessible to all,
regardless of ability to pay; provide the ability to anticipate changing needs and respond to the unexpected; and be less vulnerable to
economic fluctuations.
The Ethel G. and Arthur B. Toan, Jr. Fund
This fund provides unrestricted support that can be directed to any area of need within the agency.
The Anne and John Oros Fund
This fund provides dedicated college scholarship support for children who were fostered as infants by the Oros family, and, in the future,
to support other teens who have aged out of foster care and are attending college.
Margaret Pasmantier Community Life Education Fund
Established in memory of Margaret Pasmantier, a long-time agency volunteer, this funds a variety of community educational programs.
Julie Lynne Zipper Memorial Fund
This fund was established in memory of Julie Lynne Zipper, a tragic victim of the World Trade Center attacks of 2001. As a lasting
tribute to Julie and in recognition of her love for the Turrell Child Care & Early Learning Center in Paramus – attended by her son Jason –
the fund provides scholarships for staff members who wish to further their education in early childhood learning.
The Thomas R.S. Burgin Parents Fund
This fund provides financial assistance to teens aging out of foster care and attending college or vocational training. It is also available
to fund tutoring and other special educational needs for children in the agency’s care. The transition to college can be difficult for many
teens, and for those leaving foster care and lacking the usual family support system, this transition is harder. Teens graduating from
foster care within the State are eligible for subsidized tuition, room, board, and selected educational expenses, provided they study in
New Jersey. However, they have no means of financial assistance to fund clothing, toiletries or other day-to-day living expenses. The
Thomas R.S. Burgin Parents Fund provides this support, as well as serves as a source of emergency funding for any former client of our foster
care programs.
The Barbara Abney Bolger Fund
Formed in honor of long-standing volunteer and Board member, Barbara Abney Bolger, this fund provides for the maintenance, renovation
and other capital needs of the Woodlea and Path I group homes.
The Leda M. Jadrosich Fund
Established in memory of Leda M. Jadrosich, this fund supports all aspects of the agency’s adoption services for vulnerable infants,
children and teens – from helping them heal to recruiting loving adoptive families for them.
The Ruth L. and William F. Warmington Fund
An endowed fund to support the core infrastructure needs of the agency, such as communications, development and the professional development of leadership staff.
Children’s Aid and Family Services | 2008 Annual Report
Lifetime Gifts
Thank you to all those who have made lifetime gifts to the agency by contributing to the Anne Goheen Crane
Endowment or other endowment and named funds. We also gratefully acknowledge those donors who wish to
remain anonymous.
$500,000 and above
$2,500 - $4,999
$250 - $499
2 Lifetime Friends of the Agency
Deborah and Donald Aronson
Margot Leary Badenhausen
Ann and Bruce Benedict
Brenda J. and Frank P. Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond V. Gilmartin
Doris M. and Ralph E. Hansmann
Diana and W. Fletcher Hock
The Jaqua Foundation
Judith H. and Robert E. Saydah
Wendpar, LLC
Beverley and Bill Belknap
Judy Bienstock
Veronica Burkett and Thomas J. Pazel
Sue and Bruce Byers
Tonia and Dan Cohen
Lesley and William Collins
Deborah and V. Barry Corridon
Dee and Frank DeBernardis
Onnie N. Duffie
Carla and Richard Fels
Janet and Richard Fricke
Betty and Martin Gulino
Betty A. Hoskins
Marcella and Basil Kokoletsos
Carolyn and Ted Krause
LaMendola Associates, Inc.
Barbara and Vincent Lewis
Marybeth and John Lyons
Ms. Ellen Maland
and Mr. Donald Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. McKay
Audrey Meyers and Scott Agins
Karen and James Miner
Lindsey and Richard Moynihan
Sally and Norm Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. John P. O’Brien
Barbara and Kevin O’Brien
Joan and Charlie Omsberg
Christie and Joe Owens
Lyn and Richard Rumage
SACC Parent Executive Committee
Sara and John Snyder
The Sumner Family
Carol and Jim Whaley
Dot and Ron Zier
$100,000 - $249,999
Teri L. DeSorbo and
Christopher J. Lasher
$50,000 - $99,999
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Jadrosich
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Kennedy
Merck-Medco Managed Care, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Throdahl
Ethel G. and Arthur B.* Toan
$20,000 - $49,999
The Copper Beech Foundation
Anne Goheen Crane and Thomas
Crane, Jr.: Philip, Marshall, Megan,
and Adrianne
Marion T. and Robert B. Jones
Heidi and E. Gerald Kay
E. Gerald Kay Family Foundation
The Kirincich Family
Richard I. Klein
Anne and John Oros
Redlich Horwitz Foundation
Wells, Jaworski, & Liebman, LLP
$10,000 - $19,999
Barbara G. and Bruce M. Brady
Susan and Harvey Braun
Mimi and Tom Brome
Margaret S. and Robert F.* Goheen
Mr. and Mrs. John Kandravy, Esq.
Els* and Gys B. Kooy
Judi and Al* Lilley
$5,000 - $9,999
Barbara Abney Bolger
Mr. Thomas R. S. Burgin
Barbara S.* and Douglas Dittrick
Goldman Sachs & Co.
The W. & M. Kennedy Private
Family Foundation
Nancy and Kenneth Koeller & Family
Mark W. Pasmantier, M.D.
Rose Marie and Rod Schutt
Ann and Henrik Tvedt, Jr.
Jonelle and Ronald M. von Autenried
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Wessel
* Denotes deceased
$1,000 - $2,499
American International Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bombace
Marcia and Michael Corrigan
Delight and Paul Dodyk
ECW Outreach of St. Elizabeth’s
- Ridgewood
Hon. and Mrs. Nicholas R. Felice
Ellen R. and Michael Jacobs
Elizabeth and David Mason
Mr. and Mrs. David F. McBride
Moira McBride Murphy
Grace and Fred Sisto
Skillbuilders Fund
Marcy* and Bruce Slater
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Betsy R. Vander Velde
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Vanderbeek
Sue and David Viniar
Joan and John Wrede
Wayne A. Yankus, M.D.
$500 - $999
Jeanne Burke
Jeanette M. Flanagan
Ethel & Philip Adelman Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Kathy and Paul Higbee
Conrad Hirzel
Dr. Robert W. Honsinger
Junior Woman’s Club of Ridgewood
Dorothy Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Magnus, Jr.
Alice and Craig McClelland
Eleanore S. Nissley
Dotti and Richard Oswald
Mrs. Harlan C. Peterson
Cindy and Bob Probert
Dr. and Mrs. Donald O. Quest
Beatriz Valera-Schutz and Don Schutz
Gayle and Frank Smith
Marion L. and Peter R. Stark
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Thurston
Margaret and Drew Watson
Watson Rice LLP
Diana and George R. Wing, Jr.
$100 - $249
Judy and Tom Archibald
Katherine and William Bates, Jr.
Mrs. Robert W. Bechtel
Krisi and Drew Behrens
Lili and Jerry Binney
Ms. Martha D. Bird
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Bitzer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Bougas
Sheila Brogan
The Bronfin Family
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Burgin
Daniel Burke
Jill and Bob Callahan
Eileen and Paul Callan
Carol and James Cavaluzzi
William and Andree Cobb
Cathy and Warren Cooke
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Coviello
Hanley B. Cox
Nancy and Jim Culver
Margaret Davies
Patricia DeBartolome and Richard Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur DelColliano
Mr. David A. DeWahl
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Dwyer
Cathy Eastman and Family
Susan and David Eisenberg
Carol and Richard Ekman
Dr. and Mrs. Eric J. Ellinghaus
Audrey Evans
Monique and Steven Facini
Susan M. Fahy
Dorothy and Tom Folger
Mr. and Mrs. David Friedrich
Nancy and David Fruetel
Mr. and Mrs. Truman Fuller
Deanna and Richard* Gaither
Ann and Harper Garrett
Marge and Jack Geraghty
The Giovanniello Family
Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Goldberg
Chris and James* Groome
Carole M. Harper, MA, RN
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Haydon
Nancy G. Honsinger
Celia and Joe Hutnik
Caroline and Andrew Janover
Jacqueline and Jonathan King
Betty L. Klein
Betty and Burton Klein
Becky and Frank P.* Kraus
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kraynak, Jr.
Maribeth and Tom Lane
Martha and Michael Laslavic
Kathleen and Dennis Lee
Cindy and Dave Levy
LJS Communications
Frank R. Loscalzo, Ph.D.
Joan and Donald Maiocco
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Malinky
Lynn and Douglas Marion
Barbara and Arthur Masarky
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Mathe
Lynn and Don McBeth
Monica and Ed McCabe
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. McCarthy
Paul McCarthy
Sally and John McGrath
Tom Miller
Lynn and Ed Miskiel
Florence Moscarello
Betsie Bolger Mott
The Mullane Family
New Players Company of
Ridgewood High School
Ruth Nicoll
Ann and Drew Nieporent
Melissa and Charles O’Brien
Frank J., Katie, and Ryan Plateroti
Poskanzer Skott Architects
The Prudential Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Mr. and Mrs. Martin* V. Quinn
Janice L. and Michael L. Quinn
June and Jack Ritter
Martha and Tim Rogers
The Honorable Marge Roukema
and Dr. Richard Roukema
Mr. and Mrs. Denis J. Salamone
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Sargen
Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Schoch
Barbara and Francis H. Schott
William “Pat” Schuber
Sheila and Harvey Shilling
Christine B. Sinkhorn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Skewes
Barna and Jerry Solomon
Lori and Jeff Sperber
Julie and Lawrence Stern
Mr. and Mrs. Sydney V. Stoldt,* Jr.
Mary Suliali and Robert Christian
Roberta and Eugene Svarre
Lynne and Tom Tarvin
Kathleen Egan Tomai
Elias N. Tsoukas, M.D.
Unilever United States Foundation, Inc.
Gerry and Rod Verblaauw
Eileen and Theodore Wagner
Rita Ward and Timothy Henkler
Anita and Russ Warnet
Judy and George Webster
Carol and Ed Weissler
Rose Zeltser
Up to $99
Mr. and Mrs. Akinbowale Adegbayi
Carol Johnson Bald
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Bennett
Dale and Nubar Berian
Denise and James Bernhard
Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Bixon
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Blumenthal
Mary Pat Boron
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Bryan
Ms. Karol G. Chesney
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chiocchi
Diane R. Clemente
Carol F. Conklin
Mary and Chris Connolly
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cunningham
and Family
Sue and Brian Curtiss
Mr. and Mrs. Julian A. Decter
Jerry C. DeFalco
Elizabeth A. Deming
Trudi and Douglas Dial
Belinda R. Dumont
Family Counseling Service Auxiliary of
Children’s Aid and Family Services
Terri and Neil Feinstein
Joan and Al Fischbein and Family
Eleanor and Thomas* Fleischer
Nancy and Thomas Fleischer
The Funke Family –
Candida, Meredith and Laura
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Gerstein
Roberta and Gerry Goertz
Lisa Graf
Philip Grappo
Helen Greenwood
Joan Fennimore Groome
Cynthia and Rurik Halaby
Pamela M. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore D. Jennings
Eileen M. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm G. Jones, Sr.
Anne and Carey* Joynt
Junior League of Bergen County, Inc.
Rosemary and Louis Karcher
Lifetime Gifts
COUSIN (continued)
Maureen C. Kirschner
Adrienne Kogan
Eileen and Joseph Leone
Nancy and Joe LoPiccolo
Mr. and Mrs. John Luongo
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Mancuso
Mindy and Bob Mast
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Maxwell
Polly McClure
The McGettigan Family
Ms. Elinor W. Meyers
Ms. Gladys Miller
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Morgan
Lou Lou and Terence Mullervy
Michele Murdock
Susan and Richard Nashel
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Norwalk
Robin and John O’Brien
Phyllis and Harold Phipps
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Principe
Donna and Raun Rasmussen
Joanne Reisser
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Reynen
Lorraine and Jim Reynolds
Mr. Kenneth Rubsamen
Kathleen E. Russo
Sandy and Alan Sadwin
Joseph Schmidt
Eileen and Gary Shapiro
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey F. Silver
Mrs. Edward L. Sivigny
Joyce Sonpal
Joanne Spencer
Doris Swenson
Kathleen Toner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Tunstall
Catherine Tutrone
Myra Vasquez
Amy and Luke Walsh
Anne and Jack Warner
Scott M. Weiner
Lisa Weissler
Nancy B. Whittemore
Bill Wilkinson
Elaine and Daryl Wright
Sara Yarmak
Kathryn and William Yeomans
Alice G. Yocom
Zurich Reinsurance
(North America), Inc.
The Orsos, one of
e families.
the agency’s adoptiv
Second Century Circle
Membership in the Second Century Circle is for all agency friends who
have made a planned gift to benefit Children’s Aid and Family Services.
Anonymous Friends of the Agency (4)
Dr. and Mrs.* Ozell K. Beatty
Elizabeth W. Bell*
Barbara Abney Bolger
Barbara G. and Bruce M. Brady
Sarina and Kenneth Bronfin
Lois A. and Gilbert* Brown
Lolly Burgin
Thomas R. S. Burgin
Mickey Capelli
Helen S. Cheel*
Anne Goheen Crane
Barbara S.* and Douglas Dittrick
Geraldine V. Ely*
Phyllis Ettinger
Filomena and Angelo P. Ferrara*
Ronald H. Grafe*
Annamarie J. Greek
Doris M. and Ralph E. Hansmann
Julia G. Hoffman*
Nancy G. Honsinger
Dr. Robert W. Honsinger
Norma and Paul Hunter
Ellen and Michael Jacobs
Marion T. Jones
Robert B. Jones
Janet and Frank* Kireker
Els* and Gys B. Kooy
Maribeth and Tom Lane
Estate of Dorothy E. Lang
Judi and Al* Lilley
Audrey I. Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Reynen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Schubert
Rose Marie and Rod Schutt
Marcy* and Bruce Slater
Marjorie and Robert G. Sommer
Ethel G. and Arthur B.* Toan
Blanche and Richard Townsend
Ann and Henrik Tvedt, Jr.
Jonelle and Ronald M. von Autenried
Dr. William M. Willis, Jr.
Wayne A. Yankus, M.D.
* Denotes deceased
Children’s Aid and Family Services | 2008 Annual Report
Annual Gifts
Children’s Aid and Family Services would like to thank the following donors for gifts made from January 1 to
December 31, 2008. Donors are credited for designated contributions to specific programs or funds and for
general operating contributions made directly to Children’s Aid and Family Services. These include gifts and pledges
made through the United Way, Matching Gifts made by employers, as well as payments on pledges to any of
our endowment or named funds made during 2008. We also gratefully acknowledge those donors who wish
to remain anonymous.
$500,000 and above
Anonymous Friend of the Agency (1)
Helen’s Hope Foundation
$100,000 - $249,999
The Copper Beech Foundation
$50,000 - $99,999
Joan and Edward Doherty
$20,000 - $49,999
Catherine L. Redlich
and Robert Horwitz
Victoria and Frank Howard Wendpar, LLC
$10,000 - $19,999
Elaine and Myron Adler
The Kravecas Family
The Bronfin Family
Martha Fickinger and Jeff Deutsch
The Houston Family Foundation
Ellen R. and Michael Jacobs
Lynn and Don McBeth
Andrea and Herbert Ouida
Sudie and Mark Throdahl
$5,000 - $9,999
Ethel and Philip Adelman
Charitable Foundation, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Cleary
Brenda J. and Frank P. Gallagher
The Frank and Brenda Gallagher
Family Foundation
Doris M. and Ralph E. Hansmann
The Hermance Family Foundation
Marion T. and Robert B. Jones
Spencer A. Jones, Jr.
Karen and Kevin Kennedy
Katherine and Craig Lucas
Joanne Mandry and Don Ramesdorfer
Susan and John Manley
Elizabeth and David Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan C. McCurrach
Marjorie and Robert G. Sommer
Eve and Emile van den Bol
$2,500 - $4,999
Barbara Abney Bolger
Lois A. and Gilbert* Brown
Lolly and Tom Burgin
Anne Goheen Crane
and Thomas R. Crane, Jr.
Sally and David Falck
Annamarie J. Greek
Pat and Betty Hamel
Conrad Hirzel
Nina and Ken Hovey
Tricia and Christopher Jansen
Maribeth and Tom Lane
Marybeth and John Lyons
Jay R. Monroe Memorial Foundation
Dr. John Mully and Family
Anne and Chris Nettleton
Audrey I. Newman
and John M. McKendry
Brigid and Kevin O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. John P. O’Brien
Frank J., Katie, and Ryan Plateroti
The Robert & Ilse Prosnitz Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Denis J. Salamone
Elva and Peter Scanel
Gayle and Frank Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Swanson
Lisa and William Torpey
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. von Autenried
Melissa and Alex Von Summer
Carol and Jim Whaley
$1,000 - $2,499
Albert Penick Fund
Annie and Harlan Coben
Deborah and Donald Aronson
Kathy and Mike Azzara
Mr. and Mrs. Keith L. Barksdale
Bayne and Scott Belair
Ann and Bruce Benedict
Mary Pat Boron
Susan and Harvey Braun
The Burr Family Foundation
Grace and Frank Burr
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Chisholm
Bernadette and Michael Davis
Susan J. Denenholz
Eric and Julie Epstein
Charitable Foundation
Margaret L. Federico
Hon. and Mrs. Nicholas R. Felice
Ellen and Vincent Forlenza
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gillespie
Raymond V. Gilmartin
and Gladys H. Gilmartin
Sharon and Frank Gomez
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Haase, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Heilborn
Kathy and Paul Higbee
Diane and Kenneth Hipkins
Kathleen and Elliott Jones
Babs and John Kandravy
Donna Kennedy
Phyllis and Daniel Kletter
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kraynak, Jr.
Christopher and Alison Lutz
Mr. and Mrs. James T. McCarthy
Kristen and Peter McKenna
Mary and Bill McNamara
Erin and Robert Moore
Erin and Gene Napolitan
Melissa and Charles O’Brien
Christine Parlamis
Susan Penick
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard D. Porreca, III
Sharon and Edward Reitz
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Repetto
Sandy and David Richards
Erilyn and John Riley
Judith H. and Robert E. Saydah
Kathleen and Wade Schwartz
Joni and Christopher Seeger
Nina and Ajay Sharma
Lorraine and Marty Sinnott
Kathy and David Slomin
Carol and Mark Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Smith
Joyce and Donald Snider
Cornell and Erik Sorenson
Mr. and Mrs. John Welsh
$500 - $999
Elizabeth and Joseph Albano
Marjorie and Egon Berg
Dr. Annette Beyer-Mears
Lili and Jerry Binney
Pamela and Stephen Christian
Sonja and Mark Conklin
James Davila
Dee and Frank DeBernardis
Mr. David A. DeWahl
Julia and Martin Diamond
Julie and Robert Dimino
Delight and Paul Dodyk
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dormer
Patricia and Robert Felice
Kimberly and Kenneth Ford
Norm Forsyth
Barbara and Ed Franko
Cathrine and Bob Gritman
Patricia and Robert Hanft
Cecily and Brian Healy
Dr. Robert Honsinger
Dana and Peter Hopper
James Hovey
Dr. Nancy Robin Jaicks
Carla Jeryc
Dr. and Mrs. Michael G. Kaiser
Geraldine L. Karl
Gys B. Kooy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Koppel, Sr.
Reverend Dr. Audrey J. Leef
and Mr. George Leef
Georgia and Jim Lipane
Jennifer and Jason Milazzo
Karen and James Miner
Lois Monahan
Mary-Wallace L. and Russell A. Moody
Lucy R. Morris
Lindsey and Richard Moynihan
Kimberley Myles and Geoff Ramsey
Mr. and Mrs. John Nesland
Barbara and Kevin O’Brien
Anne and John Oros
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin O’Shea
Dotti and Richard Oswald
Mrs. Harlan C. Peterson
Elizabeth and James Petrie
Elaine and Thomas Plaut
Fletcher and John Preuninger
Dr. and Mrs. Donald O. Quest
Mollie and Louis Rambler
Mr. and Mrs. Frank O. Ramsay
Katherine Roelke
Mrs. Louis B. Schlivek
Kathleen and Robert Skrzypczak
Nancy and Amory Slott
Sue and Eric Steimel
Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Sullivan
Doris Swenson
Tavoso Family Charitable Fund
Kathryn Taylor
Blanche and Richard Townsend
Ms. Gail Trumbetti
Mark and Dawn Van Denend
Sue and David Viniar
Eileen and Theodore Wagner
Charles and Dawn Walter
Susan and Bob Wei
Ms. Linda M. Zarnett
$250 - $499
Kathryn M. Adorney and Neil Rindlaub
The Albes Family
Kathleen and John Altieri
Judith and Robert Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Auerbach
Penelope G. Baker
Ruthanne and Richard Balch
Sanghamitra and Suvajit Basu
Teresa J. Battaglia
Mrs. Robert W. Bechtel
Louise and Christopher Bender
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Bernhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bombace
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Boucher
Barbara G. and Bruce M. Brady
Jeanne Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Bryan
Mr. and Mrs. John Buffington
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Burke
Lynda Byer
Liz Cairns
Kathy and Alexander Carver
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Chersi
Nancy and John Citti
Lesley and William Collins
Jennifer and Peter Contrucci
Deborah and V. Barry Corridon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Coviello
Joanne and Bob Delaney
Pat and Ed DeSear
James Dial
Christine and Jim Driscoll
Sue and Matthew Evans
Carla and Richard Fels
Maureen and Richard Ferrara
Geri and Tom Ferry
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Field
Donna and Bob Flagg
John H. Flathmann, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Rajinder P. Gandhi
Mr. Brian Michael Gibbons Jr.
Nancy and Chris Grasso
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Graybow
Martha and Daniel Gregory
Madinah Grier
Lori and Mike Gruppuso
Eileen and Jeff Grygier
Helen and John Guenter
Ms. Arnisha Hallett-Jones
Kristin and John Halvey
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hayden
Dwight and Jill Healey
* Denotes deceased
Annual Gifts
PARENT (continued)
Betsy Hershberger
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Higgins
Karen and Michael Hofstetter
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Holden
Stacy and Brian Hughes
Ms. Julie Irizarry
Mr. and Mrs. John Johansen
Heidi and E. Gerald Kay
Susan and Michael Kelly
The W. & M. Kennedy Private
Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Kennedy
Barbara and Steven Kiernan
Mr. and Mrs. H. Ralph Kirby
Marla and Randy Klein
Kathleen and Richard Kroboth
Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Lahita
Mary and Bob Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lenhard
Sally Lewis
Kathleen and Peter Lops
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Magnus, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Maher
Marie and Anthony Malloy
Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Mann, III
Barbara and Arthur Masarky
L. Georgette McAuley and Kevin Duffy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCarthy
Ms. Anita V. Sykes and
Mr. Vince McCarthy
Pat and Chris McCurdy
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McDowell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. McKay
Marie and Paul Merolla
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Minichetti
Ms. Cynthia Stites
and Mr. Donald Nagle
Sally and Norm Nelson
Catherine Brefach Newman
Eleanore S. Nissley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Noonan
Simone O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Orr
Kathy and Randall Pastorius
Carol and Michael Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Pierce
The Pierson Family
Mrs. Robert Pimienta
Susan and Barry Poskanzer
Cheryl and Bradley Post
Katheryn and Richard Rausa
Kimberly and Kyle Reis
Ardys and Robert Rosenthal
Sally Russell
Donna and Joseph Sanzari
Kerry and Leonard Schmitt
Barbara and Francis H. Schott
Rose Marie and Rod Schutt
The Schwartz Family Foundation
Timothy Schwartz
Drs. Grace and Fred Sisto
Sandra Snow
Regina and Gary Snyder
Donna and James Sonageri
Angela Stambelu
Marion L. and Peter R. Stark
Aileen and Charlie Starkey
Marilyn Terhune
Maureen E. Tierney
Angela and Joseph Torres
Deborah Turner and David L. Roberts
Jeannie and Tony Valvano
Marian Van Calbi
Thomas and Roberta Van Note
Barbara and Mark Vermylen
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Keith Victor
Heather and Arnold Vimba
Ms. Lynn D. Carter
and Mr. Lynn H. Vogel
Denise and John Vollkommer
Patricia A. Warner
Anita and Russ Warnet
Jeannette and Paul Wiener
Betty and Quentin Wiest
Wendy Worden
April Wuesthoff
Rose Zeltser
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Zimmer
$100 - $249
Mr. and Mrs. David Adlerman
Dawn Alexander
Ellen J. Anderson
Jason D. Attwood
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Aurigemma
Carrie and Edward Austin
Tracy and Michael Autera
Maryann and Greg Aynilian
Carol Johnson Bald
Phil Ball
John and Caroline Barr
Maureen and Donald Barron
Virginia Bartholomew
Lynn Bartlett
Krisi and Drew Behrens
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Behrens
Donna M. Bello
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Benjamin
Joanne Berardinelli
Mr. and Mrs. Raphael H. Beresford
Maggie and Jay Bernstein
Bice Berry
Lisa P. Beslity
Jane and Myron Blumenfeld
The Blumenfeld Family
Henrietta Borst
Alan and Kathy Bowen
Daryl and Matthew* Boylan
Gail and Richard Brooks
Kay and Bob Brundige
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Burgin
Sara M. Calvert
Dawn and Paul Calvetti
Ann and Ron Cami
Monica Cardoza
Sharon Carey
Deborah and Carlo Cella
Eirum Chaudhri
Judith and Ed Chesler
Marjorie L. Christie
Donna and Vincent Cioffi
Doreen and Jeffrey Ciongoli
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J.
Cipriano, D.M.D.
Michael Ciraolo
Sally and William Clark
William and Andree Cobb
Joanne and Gary Cogswell
Nicki and Ira Cohen
Patricia and Lewis Cohn
Cathy and Warren Cooke
Marcia and Michael Corrigan
Stephney Costello
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Covey
Sue and Brian Curtiss
Theresa D’Agostino
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Dahms
Margaret Davies
Daryl and Edward Davis
Jean DeCicco
Rose Mary and Anthony Delfico
Terry and Carl Dell’Olio
Erin and John Dewan
Lois Deyo
Victoria and Christopher DeYoung
Trudi and Douglas Dial
Renee and Mark Dicarlo
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Doherty, Jr.
Rose Ann and Paul Donohoe
Onnie N. Duffie
William and Jacqueline Dunnegan
Megan and Paul Dunphey
Bobbie Eaton
Martha and Douglas Eckard
Michelle Eckert
Jill Edelson
Kerry and James Egan
Carol and Richard Ekman
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Ermel
Phyllis Eskin
Lynne and Robert* Fagles
Michelle and Jeffrey Feagles
Mr. and Mrs. William Ferer
and Robert Nathan Ferer
Jill and Ed Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Flaherty
Janice Friedman and Doug Seiferling
Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Fuchs
Pamela and Joseph Fusco
Halina Fusiak-Barrios
Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Galgano
Ann and Harper Garrett
Emil J. Geering
Marge and Jack Geraghty
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley P. Germond
Lauren Gillen
Maria and Richard Gilosa
Elizabeth Givner
Marfy Goodspeed
Philip Grappo
Ellie and Marty Gruber
David and Linda Guipe
Ruth and John Guthery
Candace S. and L. Eduardo Gutiérrez
Eileen and Edwin Halsch
Thalya and Martin Hayes
Helen and Martin Hayes
Christina and Michael Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Healey
Sandy and Jim Healey
Sue Henry
Mary and Bill Henson
Miriam Hinnant
Lisa M. Olsen and Richard V. Hrvatin
Jan and Thomas Hurley
Barbara P. Hyslop
Tracey Ibsen
Carolyn and John Jacoby
Dr. and Mrs. William E. Jacoby, Jr.
Dawn and Bryan Jaicks
Sally and Alfred Jones
Christine and Declan Kearney
Alison Keep
Margaret and Michael Kelly
Lisa and Michael Kender
Julia Kessler
Suinn Kim
Jacqueline and Jonathan King
Susan and Garry Kitchen
Susan Kelleher and Richard I. Klein
Lynn and Paul Knight
Kim Kosinski
Eileen Kozin and Steven Rosen
Carole and Herbert Kuhl
Ajanta and Akshay Kumar
Dawn and Stephen Laird
Carol and Thomas Laird
Gloria Leder and William J. Heimbuch
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Ledlow
Susan and Frank Leier
Marianne and Albert Leotta
Jan Lee and John Lescroart
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Levine
Bobbi and Harvey Lewis
Judi and Al* Lilley
Mr. Jetson E. Lincoln
Ilene and Edward Lowenthal
Roy Lucas
Susan M. Luthy
Henrietta Maras
Carol Ann Mathes
Joanne Lamarca and Tyler Mathisen
Doris and Paul McCormick
Ms. Eliza Armstrong
and Mr. Andy McDade
Pat and John McDonagh
Eva and John McDonald
Nancy and Andrew McDonough
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. McGuire
Barbara G. McLaughlan
Judy McLean and Fred Jubitz
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton E. Meier
Cruz Mejia
Marianne and Leonard Melley, Sr.
Ann and Carl Melone
Mr. and Mrs. Gary K. Melton
Andrew Meo
Audrey Meyers and Scott Agins
Kerry and Michael Miller
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Moody
Virginia Moritz
Mary and Wayne Moshier
Dr. and Mrs. Michel Mouravieff
Kathleen D. O’Day
Donna and Scott Olsen
Barbara O’Neill
Christine and Edwin Ordway
Dr. and Mrs. Charles S. Papier
Children’s Aid and Family Services | 2008 Annual Report
Eric and Terise Parnes
Jennifer and David Parsekian
Tia and Francis Patterson
JoAnn Peay
Van Penick
Barksdale Penick
Ruth and Allan Penner
Emil Joseph Piel
Beatrice Podorefsky
The Poole Family
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Popovsky
Marilyn and Bert Potter
Mrs. Mary Potter
Carole and Larry Prendergast
Lynda and Walter Pullis
Lisa and Mohesh Punjabi
Saul and Elisabeth Qersdyn
Karen and Hugh Rae
Carol and Tom Rakowski
Donna and Raun Rasmussen
Elizabeth C. Forbes
and Donald W. Reeder
Sue Ann and John Barry Reid
Charlie and Barbara Reilly
Mrs. William C. Ridgway, Jr.
Janet and William Riina
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Risko
Dorothy A. Rollenhagen
Beverly Rosengren
Jacqueline E. Ross
Ellen and James Routh
Kathleen E. Russo
Christine and Mark Russo
Cheryl and David Sabath
Maryanne and Russell Sage
Lauren Salvani
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Sandler
Lynn and Thomas Scerbo
Grace and John Schaus
Phyllis L. Schneiderman
Roselinda and Judd Schulman
Lois and Marty Sechehay
Laurie and Charles Shady
Virendra and Usha Sharma
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shell
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Shepherd
Gloria and Bernard Sheplin
Nan Owen Sietsma
Kathleen H. Simmons
Rosemarie and Joseph Skroski
Jean A. Sluka
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney R. Smith
Sara and John Snyder
Edward Sogluizzo
Colleen and Leon Steinberg
Faye and Steven Steiner
Pat and Bernie Stelmach
Susan and Terry Streaser
Pat and Denis Sullivan
Roberta and Eugene Svarre
Lynne and Tom Tarvin
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Taylor
Christina and Michael Tillsley
Thomas M. Toronto
Janice and Charles Tuch
Marisa L. Tuch
Catherine Tutrone
Mrs. Lillian K. Tvedt
The Valente Family
Mr. Pieter van der Heide
and Ms. Kate Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Van Gorp
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Van Saun
Betsy R. Vander Velde
Nella and Steve Veldran
Judith Vernon
Angela and Leonardo Vila
Kristina Vitolo
Erna and Guido von Autenried
Carol Voss
William E. Walker
Amy and Luke Walsh
Rita Ward and Timothy Henkler
Mr. and Mrs. Kent H. Wardley
Susan and F. Vincent Warren
John B. Wefing
Mr. and Mrs. Parker Weil
Judith C. Widicus
Faith Williams
Bonnie and J. Fred Williams
Michelle and Troy Williams
Nancy and Marty Willick
Kimberly and Amanda Willson
Jeanette and Doug Wilson
Donna Wittig
Sharon and Joe Yacura
Jeannette E. P. Young
Cecilia and Alan Zalkind
Jean Marie and Ian Zimmerman
Up to $99
Joan and Bob Abelson
Heidi and Thomas Ahlborn
Janet and Manoocher Akhtarshenas
Linda M. Allen
Norris Allman
Angela J. Amabile
Gianna and Danny Amato
Om and Uma Anand
Gina Andrade
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Angelsky
Yvonne and Andres Aranda
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Armour
Randi H. Asher
Geraldine and Emanuel Attard
Theodore B. Baba
Lynn and Robert Bagley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Balaban
Maria and Ricardo Baptista
Caitlin Bargmann
Dorothy W. Barker
Eva and Hans Bauer
Linda Bauer
Lauren Becker
Lisa and Matthew Belaus
Kathleen and Noel Belli
Susan and Alan Bendes
Barbara J. Bennett
Jessamyn Bergin
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Berke
Gail and Paul Beverly
Poonam Bhatia
Rosary and Jon Bittmann
Beth and Kent Blair
Nancy Blasberg
Mr. and Mrs. Hervey E. Blumers
Reena and Niraj Bothra
Doris M. Bradley
Eileen Brennan
Deborah and Robert Broatch
Janet S. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown
Robert J. Brown
Linda and Gregory Bullock
Madeline M. Byrne
Loriann and Frank Cafasso
Lisa M. Callahan
Elaine and Warner Canto
Cheryl and Michael Cantone
Deborah Capalbo
Mr. and Mrs. William Carbone
Kim and Jeffrey Carpenter
Bernice Carr and Joseph Wirth
Marie and Paul Carr
Maria and Ralph Casale
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Casper
Mr. and Mrs. Art Caughlan
Carol and Gerald Cawley
Wenting Chen
Peter T. Cheng
Mike Chengeri
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Chesler
Soo Jung and Joon Won Cho
Isa and William Cinnante
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Grenardo C. Comitto
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cooper
Kathry and Leonor Correa
Kevin Crawford
Sheila and James Criscione
Margaret Cummins
Ruth Cummins
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cunningham
and Family
Nancy and Ralph Currey
Diane and Lee Dailey
Laura D’Alessio
Dale J. Dalton
Mary Davey
Margaret and Douglas Davis
Vivian Davis
Susan and Daniel Davison
Lois DeGenaro
Barbara A. Delvecchio
June Deutsch
Joseph and Ann Diamond
Elsa DiGemma
Carol and James DiLorenzo
Yolanda Dimari and Jacques Kaufman
Barbara and Thomas Dimino
Kelly and Gerard Dipopolo
Sheryl Divivo
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Dolan
Jane Donlan
Carole Dooley
Elisa and Thomas Dooley
Inge D. Dowling
Zrinka Druskovich
Lisa Duff
Kristin Dunne
Catherine P. Duryea
Irene B. Dzialo
Jo-Ann and Peter Earley
Barbara Eaton-Samson
and Alexander M. Samson
Rosanne and Michael Eckert
Pamela and Michael Edelstein
Ijeoma G. Ekweani
Amy Boscov and Terry Ellen
Janet E. Elliott
Susan Ellsworth
Julie S. Eng
Paul and Maria Engel
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ercolano
Phyllis Ettinger
Janet C. Evans
Tina and Charles Evans
Mrs. Margaret B. Faath
Jennifer and Michael Faherty
Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Fallone
Onzalee and Steven Fanning
Ms. Di Feinstein
and Ms. Hannah Buhasira
Tina and Kevin Felix
Bella S. Fellig
Dawn and Anthony Feorenzo
Fatana Feraidoon
Joseph Ferrante, Jr.
Carol and David Ferrara
Janet Finke
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Fisher
Carmela Fitzgerald
Dorothy Fitzsimmons
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Flaherty
Ms. Maura Fleming
and Mr. Daniel A. Etna
Cynthia R. Fletcher
Beverly and Richard Flint
Mrs. Diana Floyd
M. Joyce Forman
Elizabeth and Lawrence Forte
Lizbeth Fox
Jean and Aris Francisco
Janet Freed
Ms. Alvina Frey
Mary Jane and Ronald Frey
Dana Fried
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Fromm
Christita and Henry Fry
Gertrude E. Fuchs
Masahiro Fujita
Frances and Anthony Furino
Vernon and Charity Gall
Mollie Galletly
Stephanie and Matthew Gannon
Marilyn and Robert Garten
Elizabeth and Thomas Garvey
Elizabeth and John Gatti
Mary E. Gaughran
Peter Geldrich
Diana and Anthony Gentile
Linda Geraghty
Carol Geragotelis
Marilyn Gerleit
Rose and Edwin Ghigliotty
Theresa and W. F. Gilligan
Seymour Gillman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Gilsenan
Martha Glaser
Linda and John Godfrey
Betsy Golden
Lorraine Goldwasser
Luis Gonzalez
Vanessa and Kenneth Gormley
Ann and Hamilton Goulart
Julie Grapin
Joan P. Grell
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Grieco
Margaret C. Griffin
Joan Fennimore Groome
Francine and Robert Guidetti
Betty and Martin Gulino
Mrs. Lee Gullo
Anne Hackett
Thelma C. Hall
Marion L. Hamilton
Natalie Hamilton
Mary and Laurence Hanlon
Angelina and Wynter Harper
Jeanne and David Harris
Lu Ann J. Harris
William A. Heberer
Rosemarie and Richard Helmbrecht
Christopher and Danielle Henry
Debra M. Henry
Emily Hewetson
Lori and Paul Hewitt
Deborah and Terrence Higgins
Judy and Paul Hildebrandt
Karen and Donald Hirsch
Lilo and Jules Hoffman
Beth and Joel Holmes
Caroline Howell
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hudak
Margaret and David Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Iacono
Carol D. Isermann
Janet Ishkanian
Alberta and Howard Jacobsen
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Jadrosich
Eileen and Thomas Jankunis
Andrew and Gay Jaslowski
Mr. and Mrs. Herman M. Jeffer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Joback
Denise Fabiano
and Alexander Johnson
Brigitte Johnson
Marjorie and Thomas Jones
Matthew C. Jones
Deborah and Robert Kaiser
Susan and Bruce Kaminer
Ellen and John Kang
Penny and Mitch Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Merle H. Katzman
Lisanne M. Kavanagh
Robert S. Kay
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon M. Kelton
Hyeo Yeon Han and Won Hyun Kim
Lisa and Alfred Kindberg
Donna and Edward Kirkpatrick
Linda Kitchen
Leona and Jeffrey Kleinstein
Joan Knapp
Roberta and Richard Knauer
Adrienne Kogan
Marcella and Basil Kokoletsos
Florence F. Konner
Judith Kraft
Melissa and Charles Krause
Linda M. Kreczkowski
Jackie and Gradimir Kristo
Patricia Krowicki
Suzanne and Robert Kuhn
Cheryl Lakatos
Mary Lynn and Gregory Lamarca
Leanne Lampone
Suzanne and Tom Landshof
Frank and Sharon Laroux
Diane and Erin Lautermilch
Carol and Will Layfield
Lori and Steven Lazan
Mi and Hyokyung Lee
Jeanne Lee
Donna and Michael Lee
Leslie and Arthur Lentz
Brenda D. Leonard
Brenda H. Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Leone
Carla and Paul Lerman
Norma E. Levy
Allyson and Jeffrey Lewis
Veronica and Neal Lewis
Louise and Tom Lewis
The James Liati Family
M. A. Libien, C.P.A, P.A.
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lieser
Franca and Giuseppe Lillo
Rowena Lisbo
John J. Lombardo
Suzanne and Louis Lopresti
Donna Lubinsky
Anthea and Barry Luter
Claire Macaluso
Ann Magera
Mae and John Mahonchak
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Mancuso
Annette and Peter Mani
Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Margetts
Lynn and Douglas Marion
Carol and Tom Martin
Barbara Masella Farrell
Stefano A. Masi
Karen and Anthony Matesic
Josephine Mazzella
Lynn and Joel McCabe
Kristin and Michael McCabe
Anne McCarthy
Bernadette and Edward McCausland
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. McClanahan, Jr.
Colleen and Dorothy McCormick
Maryellen McHale
Loretta and James McKenna
Maria McKiernan
Rose Marie McMahon
Linda and Francis McNamara
Catherine and Michael McNamara
Mr. and Mrs. George Mehler
Wendy and Anthony Melillo
Susan and Gunnar Mengers
Patricia and Irving M. Milman
Cyndy and Paul Mitchell
Jennifer Mitchell
Annual Gifts
COUSIN (continued)
Patricia Molina
Patricia Montegari
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Morley
Dolores Most
Maryjane and Martin Moynihan
Lisa and Michael Muccilo
Suleiman and Samira Murad
June Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh H. D. Murray
Catherine Muscarelle
Sheila and Joseph Nadler
Patrice M. Napoda
JoAnn and Vincent Nastri
Patricia Neer
Dorothy S. Neff
Teri Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Nelson
Arlene Nemeth
Kathleen and Randy Neumann
Elisa and Mark Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Nicoletti
Amy and John Nidds
Donna Lynn and Robert G. Nihen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nixon
Sydelle and Harold Nyfield
Jan and George O’Connell
Rita M. O’Connor
Veronica Olszewski
Eilleen O’Malley
Lila and Joachim Oppenheimer
Simone and Luciano Orestes
Carol K. Otte
Elizabeth and Scott Padovano
Sangeeta and Rob Pal
Tina and Vincent Palamara
Roberta L. Palino
Diane Welsh and Robert Palm
Michele B. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Parloff
Jennifer and Lester Pataki
Margaret W. Patterson
Margaret and David Pearson
Pamela Pearson
Gina Pepe
Esperauza Perez and Family
Evelyn and David Pergola
Neilla E. Perry
Esther K. Philipp
Rosalie and Salvatore Piccione
Archie Picinich
Sebina and Richard Pinkham
Jeanne and Joseph Polizzano
Robyn S. Pond
Leoncia C. Porter
Edythe and Robert Post
Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Pracht
Mrs. Michaele Prokop
Mary Jane and Fred Pulzello
Yasmin Qazilbash
Barbara A. Rall
Mr. and Mrs. C. Ramirez and Family
Luanne and John Ramsay
B. Rath
Velma S. Reardon
Richard and Eleanor Reede
Sue and Harris Reinstein
Rachel Remy
Christine and Peter Reveille
Sheila Riccardi
Stephanie and Robert Riccoboni
Arleen J. Rogers
Gillian C. Rogers
Andrew Rolfe
Elizabeth Romanaux
Theresa Rondholz
Phyllis and Bob Rosen
Dana and Jordan Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Hy Rosenberg
Shirley K. Rosenberg
Francesco and Sinibaldi Rossi
Pamela Rosten
Marc Roth
Nancy Ryan
The Sadownik Family Trust
The Salvatore Family
Barbara and Barry Sanders
Stacey and Jack Sandler
Alison Sanna
Margarita Santos
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Sass
Daniel Scanlon
and Elizabeth Hendricks
Karen O. Schaefer
Judith Schatzberg
Elizabeth and George Schlowsky
Jay Schmitz
Maybelle Schneider
Marilyn and Edward Schotz
Marieanne and Karl Schroeder
Mary Ann and Raymond Schwedhelm
Beth Sciaino
Gayle and John Scirocco
Martine and Richard Scott
Susan and Richard Seabury
Thomas R. Shapter
Joyce and Vincent Sharkey
Jeffrey A. Sheppard
Catherine Shuart
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Shuck, II
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold E. Sigler
Sharon L. Slootmaker
Ludlow and Bill Smethurst
Annette Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn P. Smith
Joan and Clinton F. Smith
Wesley Smith
Betsy and Frank Snope
William Snyder
Phyllis S. Sohn
Rose and John Sondej
June L. Sosland
Joanne Spencer
Carol Spengler
Hazel Spielberger
Anthony and Florence Spinozzi
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spinozzi
Frances Spitale
Lorraine and James Sproul
Arthur and Tama Stalker
Ms. Susan Staples
George N. Stavis
Joan Stearns
Marie Stefanick-Mincolla
and Joseph Mincolla
Sheila and Evan Steinberg
Barbara J. Steuert
Debra and William Strauss
Jean and Harry Strickholm
Ana and Oscar Suarez
Helen M. Swarbrick
Pamela and George Swede
Ruth and David Tait
John Michael Tassillo
Elizabeth and William Taylor
Samantha A. Tenicki
Labhshankar V. Thakor
The Currea Family
Wendy N. Thomas
Mrs. Elsie M. Tilstra
Randa and Jacques Tohme
Ms. L. Tracy-Savoie
Geraldine and Arthur Troast
Luci Vaccarello
Patricia and Dennis Valentovic
Robyn and Jack Van Yperen
Linda and Ronald Verdicchio
Mrs. Marcia M. Victor
Helen and Joseph Virgone
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Voigt
Elizabeth and Paul von Autenried
Mabel Wagner
Katherine E. Waldo
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Walker
The Wall Family
Christopher Walsh
Kim Walters-Greene and
Mark W. Greene
Anne and Jack Warner
Bunny and George Washburn
Janice Wehrle
Alice M. Wendelken
Margaret and Donald Westura
Ann White
Mrs. Joan E. White
Lori and John Whritenour
Bernadette and Lawrence Wiese
Jean and John Wilkie
Lisa G. Williamson
Ken Wilson
Diana and George R. Wing, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Winter
Ellen and Richard Wisolmerski
Phyllis and Allan Wolfson
Joan Wollin
Muriel Wood
Carole Woudenberg
Myra and Charles Wrubel
Benjamin Wu
Akiko and Kazayuki Yamashita
Pat and Wayne Yankus
Kate and Duncan Yates
Doris and Richard Yip
Audrey and Leonard Yundzel
Nancy S. Zambelli
Elizabeth Zanders
Anne Marie and Leonard Zazverskey
Clarice and Peter Zieja
Julie Zier and Cliff Harwick
John and Carol Zinn
Marina and Ralph Zinn
Christopher B. Zovistoski
Madeline and James Zozzaro
Gifts from
Foundations and
$100,000 - $249,999
The Copper Beech Foundation
The Depot
The Philanthropic Initiative
$50,000 - $99,999
Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill & Bar
Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption
Irwin Franchise Capital Corporation
Turrell Fund
$20,000 - $49,999
Carlson Family Foundation
Hoop-A-Paluza, Inc.
Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of NJ
The Horizon Foundation
for New Jersey
Hudson City Savings Bank
Irwin Franchise Capital Foundation
F.M. Kirby Foundation, Inc.
The Orange Orphan Society
$10,000 - $19,999
Community Foundation of New Jersey
Franklin Lakes Newcomers
& Neighbors Club
The George A. Ohl, Jr. Foundation
Gift of Life America Fund
Greater Newark Holiday Fund
The Hyde & Watson Foundation
Jewish Community Endowment Fund Durra Family Fund Philanthropic Fund
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Todd Ouida Children’s Foundation
The Valley Hospital Foundation
Wendpar, LLC
$5,000 - $9,999
Ethel and Philip Adelman Charitable
Foundation, Inc
Boiling Springs Savings Bank
Futures & Options for Kids
The Giants Foundation
Junior Woman’s Club of Ridgewood
Mutual of America
Oritani Savings Bank
Charitable Foundation
Prestige Lexus of Ramsey
Saddle Brook Surgicenter, Inc.
Lillian Pitkin Schenck Fund
StratREAL Foundation USA
TD Banknorth Charitable Foundation
TD Banknorth, N.A.
Children’s Aid and Family Services | 2008 Annual Report
Toy Lending Library of Bergen County
Toys”R”Us, Inc.
Wells, Jaworski, & Liebman, LLP
West Side Presbyterian Church
$2,500 - $4,999
Atlantic Stewardship Bank
BJ’s Charitable Foundation
Buck, Seifert & Jost, Inc.
The New York Community Trust
The Ridgewood A.M. Rotary
The Fred C. Rummel Foundation
United Way of Tri-State
$1,000 - $2,499
Brogan Cadillac Buick
The Burr Family Foundation
Community Thrift Shop
The Davis Family Foundation
Dermatology Associates
Episcopal Church Women
of St. Elizabeth’s
The Family Conservancy
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Harwood Lloyd, LLC
IBEW, Local Union #164
Jewish Communal Fund
Jovin Industries Inc.
Paramus Park Shopping Center
Quality Ford of Mt. Vernon, Inc.
Quest Software, Inc.
St. Elizabeth’s Church
Outreach Committee
United Way of Bergen County
United Way of NYC
Upper Saddle River Schools BOE Cavallini Cares Group
Vision General Construction, Inc.
W.B. Mason Co., Inc.
Wendgate Corp
Wenesco Restaurants Systems, LLC
$500 - $999
Citi Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc.
Citizens Community Bank
Crystal Services Inc.
Delta Enterprise
J. M. Groome Company
New Jersey Children’s Museum
New York Football Giants
North Jersey Media Group Inc.
Northern Highlands Regional
High School – SADD Group
Presentation Ladies Bowling League
The Staff of Ridgewood
Orthopedic Group
Rotary Club of Ridgewood
Scientific Design Company, Inc.
Treptow Floor Covering
United Way of Morris County
Urology Specialty Care, PA
The Valley Hospital
Wendwater, LLC
$250 - $499
Van Dyk Healthcare
Wencorp East, Inc.
Woman’s Club of Ho-Ho-Kus
Yansi Fugel
Young World Day School
Lisa and Steve Abrams
Academy of Our Lady Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
8th Grade Students
Employee Giving Program
Advance Housing, Inc.
Federal Home Loan Bank of New York Up to $99
All Seasons Cardique and Florist
Financial Services, Inc.
Brookline Entertainment, Inc.
AMC Theatres
Flackman, Goodman & Potter, P.A.
Christ Episcopal Church
American Girl Cafe
Frances Eaton Consulting
County Moving & Storage, LLC
Marguerite Andreazza
Impact Realty Associates, Inc.
Dare Living Association, Inc.
Dorinda and Ken Angelo
Malesardi, Quackenbush, Swift & Co.
DHR Management
ARAYA Rebirth
New Jersey Landscape
First Baptist Church - Women’s
Archer Cooperative Nursery School
Consulting Services
Fellowship Committee
Alanna Arenstein
Owens Group Foundation
First Presbyterian Church of Ridgewood
and Emma Arenstein
Paramus Associates, LP
First Presbyterian Church Annie and Harlan Coben
Woman’s Guild
Pitney Bowes Employee
Susan Arrow
Involvement Fund
Gold Key Appraisal & Title Solutions, Inc.
Arthur Groom & Co.
Presbyterian Women for the Presbytery GoodSearch
of the Palisades
The Artists Collective
Jekyll & Hide Luggage
for Social Change, Inc.
Professional Fitness Consultants
Paramus Sunrise Rotary Club
Artistic Brush
Carlo Russo’s Wine & Spirit World
Photography by Martha
AT&T Mobility
St. Peter the Apostle R.C. Church
Platinum Hospitality Consulting, LLC
Caitlyn Joy Avgerinos
United Way of Somerset County
Ridgewood High School –
Melissa and Chris Avgerinos
Upper Saddle River
Patterns of Adult Living Class
Education Association
Backwoods BBQ & Grill
Saddle River Travel Service, Inc.
Wendy’s West Rock Airmont, LLC
Banana Republic
United Parcel Service - Paramus
Mr. and Mrs. James Banks
United Way of
The Barclays, PGA Tour
Southeastern Pennsylvania
$100 - $249
James E. Bargmann
The Village School - Waldwick
Barnes & Noble
Abbott Laboratories Fund
John and Caroline Barr
All Bergen Appliance, Inc.
Anne and Joaquin Barron
Avenue Collision Specialists Corp.
Allstate Giving Campaign
Bazzini at 28 Oak Street
The Bergen County Jabari Chapter of
American Express Foundation
American Express
Bergen Jaguar
Beiersdorf, Inc.
Bertus Kooy Landscape Construction, Inc.
Bella Vita Bags
Bensi Restaurant
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
BXC Tremont Systems, Inc.
Bergen’s Promise
Candle Business Systems, Inc.
Judy Berger
CB Printing & Graphics, Inc.
Allison Berkowitz
CA, Inc.
Cole, Schotz, Meisel, Forman
Biagio’s Ristorante & Banquets
& Leonard
BJ’s Charitable Foundation
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
Columbia Savings Bank
Sam Blumenstyk
Matching Gift Program
Community Church of Glen Rock
BMW of North America, LLC
Ford Foundation
The Community Church of Ho-Ho-Kus
Ms. M. Sandy Bocak
Goldman Sachs & Co.
Costco Wholesale
Bonefish Grill Restaurant
Hasbro, Inc.
Eric Armin Incorporated
Mary Pat Boron
Ernst & Young, LLP
Bradford Renaissance Portraits
Hudson City Savings Bank
The Gallery Collection
Barbara G. and Bruce M. Brady
J. P. Morgan Chase Foundation
Grefco Products, Inc.
Kathryn and Joseph Bray
Medco Employee Giving Campaign
Karec, LLC
Phyllis Brew
Merck Partnership For Giving
Kings Super Markets, Inc.
Iwona and Kriss Brunngraber
Morgan Stanley
LaMendola Associates, Inc.
Burke Video Productions
Novartis Matching Gift Center
Lapatka Associates, Inc.
Debra Burns
Pfizer United Way Campaign
Lenape Meadows School
Kyle Burns
The Prudential Foundation
Marron & Gildea Realtors
Matching Gifts Program
Jim Burt
Meadowlands Rotary Club
Madeline M. Byrne
Network for Good
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Cafe Panache
Ornamental Tree Care
The Stop & Shop
Lisa Calianese
Ronald M. Havener, Public Accountant
Supermarket Company
Calvin Coolidge Elementary School
Saddle River Valley Bank
Turner Construction Company
Camp Echo
Satish Kashyap, M.D.
Turner Surety and
Candle Business Systems, Inc.
Insurance Brokerage, Inc.
St. Joseph’s School – Student Council
Linda Cannizzaro
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
Studio 5 Partnership – Architects/
Jackie Canova
Planners, LLC
The UBS Foundation USA
TSC Food Service, Inc.
Unilever United States Foundation, Inc. Denise Carletto
Robert Carmichael
Urban Outfitters
United Parcel Service
Matching Gifts
Annette Carollo
Jill Caruso
Lisa Castoria
Catherine Hanson Taub
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Caust
Cavallini Middle School Cavallini Cares
Charlie Brown’s Steakhouse
Chautauqua County Vistors Bureau
Chico’s and Soma Intimates
Chiropractic Wellness Center
Caroline Chow
J. Christman
Sally and William Clark
Sybil Clarke
Clear Channel Outdoor
Ellizabeth Clothier
CNR Products, LLC
Arthur Cohen
Dawn and Mike Coleman
Columbus Hill Management LP
Community Church of Glen Rock
The Community Church of Ho-Ho-Kus
Community Seventh Day
Adventist Church
Emily Como
Ita and Wayne Conlon
The Container Store
Manny Correa
Alison Coviello
Crabtree & Evelyn
Cresskill Middle School Make a Difference Club
Cresskill Women’s Club
Leslie Crowe
Cub Scout Troop Pack #245
Alyssa Cullere
Mary Ann Cutrupi
Jim Dade
Sadhna Dave
Bernadette and Michael Davis
Vivian Davis
Dawn’s Catering & Services
Dina Deana
Suzanne Demeraski
Cheryl Dempsey
The Depot
Desire Fitness
Dayana Dill
Liana and Dennis Dinallo
Barbara S.* and Douglas Dittrick
Do Good Marketing LLC
Ericka Dobriner
Delight and Paul Dodyk
Joan and Edward Doherty
Jennifer and James Dolan
Eric Doll
Hannah Douma
Megan and Paul Dunphey
Chanel Dupree
Josephine Dvorken Photography
Brooke Ehrman
Julie Ehrman
Monica Eichman
Madeleine Ernest
Esty Street
Ethos Fitness & Spa for Women
Everybody’s Children Foundation
Eye Blink
Stephanie Ferrall
Lara Ferrara
Martha Fickinger and Jeff Deutsch
Filter2 Productions
Kathryn Finnefrock
First Baptist Church Women’s Fellowship Committee
Alison Fischer
Fish, Fruits & Fancy Market
Frances Fisher
Dorothy Fitzsimmons
Dana and Amedeo Folcarelli
Franklin Lakes Newcomers
& Neighbors Club
Friends of the Glen Rock Library
Kaitlynn Fullam
Mr. and Mrs. Enrico Gaglioti
Brenda J. Gallagher
and Frank P. Gallagher
The Gallery Collection
Ms. Cristina Garcia
Garden State Plaza
Christine Gardyasz
E. Scott Garrett
Gary’s Wine & Marketplace
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Gawley
Gazelle Cafe & Grille
Mary Kate Gensler
Christina Gibbon
Girl Scout Troop #187
Girl Scout Troop #261
Elizabeth Givner
Cheryl Glick
Andrea Glickhouse
Patrice and Lee Goldberg
Nita and Charles Goodgal
Renate Gordon
Julie Grapin
Lauren Grodstein
Jean Gross
Hackensack Golf Club
Rita Halpern
Hands with Heart
Patricia and Robert Hanft
Patrice and William Hansen
The Happy Heartbeats
Happy Tuesday
Hartgers Jewelers
Susan and Michael Haviland
Emily Hewetson
High IntenCity
High Mountain Golf Club
Ho-Ho-Kus Brownie Girl Scout Troop
Ho-Ho-Kus Inn
Holistic Health Solutions PC
Holland Christian Home Residents
Lee Holmberg
Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of NJ
Jerry Horowitz
Lois D. Horowitz
Victoria and Frank Howard
Sarah Hubany
Hudson City Savings Bank
Annual Gifts
Lisa Huss
Barbara P. Hyslop
IBEW, Local Union #164
The Indian Trail Club
Irene Fokine School of Ballet
Irwin Franchise Capital Corporation
Jacobsen Landscaping Design
& Construction, Inc.
Michelle Jaffe
Lois Jasper
Jennifer McGee Design
Estate of Donald Johannemann
Minnie and Paul John
Marion T. and Robert B. Jones
Jovin Industries Inc.
Junior League of Bergen County, Inc.
Laura Juppe
Linda Kaplan
Michele Kappenman
Helen’s Hope Foundation
Heidi and E. Gerald Kay
Patricia Keenan
Donna Kennedy
Jeannie and John Kiernan
Erinda and Peter Kikot
Eugene Kim
Kings Super Markets, Inc.
New Moms of Bergen & Passaic County
Margaret and Thomas Kohli
Florence F. Konner
Linda and Robert Kotch
Kraft Foods
Christine Kuenzler
La Strada Delicatessen
Nicholas Laganella, II
Maribeth and Tom Lane
Jane Lawrence
Le Bijou Day Spa
Leanne Schanzer Promotions
Fran and Daniel Leib
Jan Lee and John Lescroart
John Lessieu
Julia Lester
Courtney Levi
Veronica and Neal Lewis
Jill and Joseph Lindsay
The Lisa Libraries
Lisa’s Turkish Kitchen
The Little School of Waldwick
Susan Long
Carol Lorenzo
Lorraine Baratta Designs
Kerri Luftman
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer 7th & 8th Gr. Sunday School Classes
Lyn Ofrane Photography
Kathleen Lynch
Madison Square Garden
Moira Gomez Madonia
Maggiano’s Little Italy
Mae and John Mahonchak
Nanci Makroulakis
Mangia Trattoria
Mango Jam
Jenic Mantashian
Grace and Ronald Marmorstein
Valerie Marut
Maria and Joseph Masciandaro
Elizabeth and David Mason
Doreen Massarelli
Elaine P. Materia
Tammy McCarthy
Ellen and Joseph McDowell
Molly and Thomas McGee
Joan McGilvray
Kerry McGlade and Nicole Maslov
Gayle and Neil McKenna
Mary and Bill McNamara
The Melting Pot
Mercedes-Benz of North America, Inc.
Sia and George Michalakis
Cindy Mierop
Maggie Miles
Deihdra Miller
Minicucci & Williams
Cyndy and Paul Mitchell
Patricia Molina
Kari Moore
Maria Moran
Elaine J. Morfogen
Tracey Motley
The Moulder Family
James Muccilo
Jene Mulberg
Jennifer and Dantae Mulligan
MultiCultural Council
of Fairleigh Dickinson University
Daniela Musano Oliveri
NAI James E. Hanson
Arpie Najarian
Napa Valley Grille
Jennifer Nash
Natalie’s Restaurant
Karen and Robert Nathanson
National Council of Jewish Women
New Jersey Devils
New Jersey Jackals
New Jersey Landscape
Consulting Services
New Jersey Nets
New Milford Women’s Club
New York Football Giants
New York Knicks
Catherine Brefach Newman
Michelle Newman
NJ Sports & Exposition Authority
North Arlington Women’s Club
North Jersey Media Group Inc.
Northern Highlands Regional HS
Latin & Italian Club
Mr. and Mrs. Nottingham
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation
Brigid and Kevin O’Brien
Louise O’Brien
Roseanne O’Reilly
Mary Ann Orecchio
Organized by Us
Oritani Savings Bank
Charitable Foundation
Our Lady of The Visitation
Rita Palumbo
Paramus Chamber of Commerce
Paramus Courtyard by Marriott
Paramus Park Shopping Center
Paramus Police Reserve
Paramus Rotary Club District 7490
Emily Parker
Parker Center for Plastic Surgery
Tia and Francis Patterson
Peace Lutheran Preschool
Pearson Education
Pencilworks Studio
Perry’s Florist
Petit Bateau USA
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Pierce
Frank J., Katie, and Ryan Plateroti
Plaza Jewelers
Eleanor Poritz
Port-O-Call Hotel
Professional Fitness Consultants
Project Linus
Kathaleen Raab
Sharon Racioppi
Karen and Hugh Rae
Dave Rajpurahit
Johanna Rea-Reynolds
Elizabeth C. Forbes
and Donald W. Reeder
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Repetto
Ridgewood Auto Wash
Ridgewood Needlepoint
Riebesell Chiropractic Office
Erilyn and John Riley
Ellen and Kevin Rocca
Laurie and Jonathan Rochlin
Rock Ridge Pharmacy
Frank Romano
Nancy Ronning
Fran Rowbottom
Lynnette Runtic
Carlo Russo’s Wine and Spirit World
Rosella Sabino
Mayra and Dennis Sacco
Sal Benedetto Photography
Salon JM
San Del Insurance
Aleen Santana
Marjorie and Anthony Santoliquido
Michele Sapoff
Kerry and Leonard Schmitt
Christine Schwake
Secaucus Hudson No. 72 F. & A.M.
Scott Selleck
Sharkey’s Cuts for Kids
Nina and Ajay Sharma
Andrea and John Sheppard
Cindy Sherlock
Sicilian Sun Ristorante
Nancy and Amory Slott
Kevin Smilon
Adam Smith, M.D.
Carol and Mark Smith
SONY Electronics
Sony/BMG Music
Kathy Sophias
Cornell and Erik Sorenson
South City Grill
Joseph and Cynthia Spatola
Lori Spechler
Spirit Cruises
Susan Springstead
St. Andrew’s Church - Westwood
St. Bartholomew’s Church – Ho-Ho-Kus
St. Paul’s Catholic Church – Ramsey
Mark Stada
Loretta Stadler
The Star-Ledger
State Farm Insurance
Sharon Stettin
Christine Stolecki
Sophie Stone
Nancy and Walter Streaser
Susan and Terry Streaser
Stride Rite
Rosemary Stromberg
Studio 5 Partnership
Architects/Planners, LLC
Kelly Sullivan
Arielle Sydnor
Symmetre Design Group
Anne Szabo
Tavoso Family Charitable Fund
TD Bank - Ridgewood
The Daily Show
The Fountain Spa
The Luggage Corner
The Martha Stewart Show
The Park Steakhouse
The St. George’s Club
Ninon Thompson
Lynn and Lloyd Thompson
Tiffany & Co.
Todd Ouida Children’s Foundation
Tom Tormey
Town and Country Apothecary
& Fine Cosmetics
Toys”R”Us, Inc.
Kriste Traphagen
Triniti Ryderz Motorcycle Club
Candle Business Systems, Inc.
Gail Trumbetti
Thinka Dinka, LLC
UJA Federation of Northern NJ
Ulrich, Inc.
United Parcel Service - Paramus
United Way of Bergen County
Uniteller Financial Services, Inc.
Upper Saddle River Woman’s Club
Eve and Emile van den Bol
Betzy Van Ryn
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the US Washington Elm Post 192
Victor’s Maywood Inn
Chad Viglianti
Angela and Leonardo Vila
Kristina Vitolo
Denis and Carla Vogel
Volunteer Center of Bergen County
Children’s Aid and Family Services | 2008 Annual Report
Rita Ward and Timothy Henkler
Betty and Raymond Wells
Wells Mountain Foundation, LLC
Wells, Jaworski, & Liebman, LLP
Wendpar, LLC
Westminster Hotel
Carol and Jim Whaley
Whole Foods Market
Betty and Quentin Wiest
Pam and Pete Wilchek
James E. Wilkie
William Lopa Studios
Elizabeth and Ather Williams
Kimberly and Amanda Willson
The Wine Seller
Dr. Judith K. Winn
and Mr. Harold Winn
Susan Winton
Alison and Christopher Witzmann
Aniela Wojdag
Woman’s Club of Franklin Lakes
Women Gardeners of Ridgewood
Lara Wortley
The Write Occasion
Mary Yabroudy
Philip Yahm
Dena Zagone
In Honor Gifts
Dr. Russell Asnes
Natalee and Raymond Addison
Ken Angelo’s 50th Birthday
Bill Burgin’s Birthday
Tom Burgin’s Birthday
Lolly and Tom Burgin’s 50th
Wedding Anniversary
Jackie Calvert
Shea Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Cohen
Lesley Collin’s Birthday
Anne Goheen Crane
Anne and Tom Crane
Current and Honorary Board Members
Victoria DeYoung
30th Wedding Anniversary of
Janice and Gus Hellzen
Lois Horowitz
William Houston
John and Rosa Hovey
Bob Jones and his entire Staff
Robert B. Jones
Babs and John Kandravy
Babs Kandravy’s Birthday
Stephanie Karl
and Helen’s Hope Foundation
Stephanie and Kenneth Karl
The Karl Family
Heidi Kay
Marie and Saul Kravecas
Maribeth and Tom Lane
Elizabeth Lech and John Piel
Gloria Leder
Marge Marzano
Liz Mason
Ian Mathisen
Doris and Ted McGwire
Christopher Mehler
Dominick V. Meo
2nd Birthday of Charlotte Miller-Jones
Bert Millison
Norma and David Millison
Jared A. Mitchell
Joan and Charles Mulkeen
Children of Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas B. Noonan
Ariel and Cassidy Nyfield
Marilyn and Hank O’Brien
Gail Flathmann Palmisano
Physicians of Ridgewood
Orthopedic Group
Katie Plateroti, Ryan Plateroti,
and Nicholas Mully
Kay Roelke
Neil and Joan Roth
Alison Salvatore
Gabrielle Sanders
Lorraine Scholl
Nina Sharma
Isabelle W. Smith
David and Nancy Smith
Joyce A. Snider
Joyce Snyder’s Granddaughters:
Sara, Kate, and Morgan
Joel Sugarman’s 80th Birthday
Elsie Tilstra’s Children:
Joyce and Ronnie
Lillian K. Tvedt’s Grandchildren
The Village School Red and Green Classes
Jordan Viniar
Anita and Russ Warnet and Tilly
In Honor of Ilona Quest
for the Children of the
Woodlea and Path I
Group Homes:
Angela J. Amabile
Margaret and Dave Ater
Kathy and Mike Azzara
Grace and Frank Burr
Mrs. Karen L. Campbell
Sally and Anthony D’Ambrosio
Dr. and Mrs. Art Day
S.E. and J.J. Demark
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Doherty, Jr.
Gail and Jay Fayerweather
Dr. Neil Feldstein and Ms. Judy Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley P. Germond
Sharon and Steven Giannotta
Julia and Robert Grubb
Ronald W. Houser
Hudson City Savings Bank
Dr. and Mrs. Michael G. Kaiser
Barbara and Stephen Kirmse
Carole and Herbert Kuhl
Ms. Lena Masri and Dr. Sean D. Lavine
Nancy and Voldemar Madis
Barbara and Frank Manginello
Marron Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Marron
Barbara Dix McWhorter
Alexandria Melendez
Mr. and Mrs. John Pogorelc
Dr. and Mrs. Kalmon Post
Barbara and Robert Solomon
Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Spiegel
St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church
– Rector’s Discretionary Fund
Ms. Vicki C. Staniar
Hope and Howard Stringer
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Taylor
Imbi and Arvid Truumees
Deborah and H. Richard Winn
Dr. and Mrs. Fremont P. Wirth
Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Wood
The Hermance Family Foundation
In Memory Gifts
Grace Abbott
Priscilla Bechtel
Richard Lewis Bloch
Gert and Harold Campbell
Lois Cannon
Helen and Charles Capalbo
Patrick Carr
Norma Cicetti
Edward Corwin
Madison Delaney
Malcolm Duff
Myriam Ellis
Josephine Espesito
Robert Fagles
Noeline Fuller
Baby Garcia
Eli & Irma Golden
James M. Groome, Jr.
Margaret Holahan
Louise Jackson
Brenda Jacobsen
David P. Jaicks
David E. Johnston
Beverly W. Kaplan
Aditya Kashyap
Robert P. King
Gilbert Kleinman
Ellen Kooy
Debra Kyritz
Elizabeth Lenihan
Kathleen McNamara
Arthur J. Molina
Deanna Montana
Frank Moore
John B. Morris
Tecla F. and John F. Nemeth
Arthur Podorefsky
Russell C. Prokop
Vina Qualey Brown
Miss Laura Rizzo
Irene Salamone
Audrey Sassano
Theodore Schatzberg
Marcy Slater
Dr. Roger Steinhardt
Colin Sutcliffe
Gustave W. Tilstra
Mildred Van Ness
Martha Vreeland
Barton Weeks
Peter J. Weiland
Estelle Weiss
John Wetzel, Sr.
Louise B. Woods
Note: If your name is not listed, we apologize for the oversight. If your name is misspelled, please forgive us. In
either case, please contact our office at 201-261-2800 so we can correct the error.
We also gratefully acknowledge those donors who wish to remain anonymous and our many extraordinary volunteers
for their invaluable help and support for agency programs throughout the year.
Board of Trustees
Chair......................................................John Kandravy, Esq.
1st Vice-Chair .......................................Erik Sorenson
2nd Vice-Chair ......................................Carol L. Whaley
Secretary ...............................................David M. Repetto, Esq.
Treasurer & CFO ..................................Joanne E. Mandry, C.P.A.
President & CEO...................................Robert B. Jones, Ph.D.
Marie Adler-Kravecas
Jerrold B. Binney, Esq.
Barbara Abney Bolger
Harvey D. Braun
Kenneth A. Bronfin
Gregory J. Bullock
Joan K. Doherty
Hon. Nicholas R. Felice
Brenda J. Gallagher
Barbara Hyslop
Ellen Jacobs
Kenneth J. Karl
Heidi Kay
Maribeth Lane
Lynn A. McBeth
J. Christopher Nettleton
Frank Plateroti
Dan Shiver
Carol A. Smith
Joyce A. Snider, Ed.D.
Robert G. Sommer
Eve van den Bol
Honorary Board
Keith L. Barksdale
Raphael Bernstein
Shermane Billingsley
David Bolger
Mary Alice Burgin
Thomas R.S. Burgin
Mary S. Caldwell
Anne Goheen Crane
Douglas H. Dittrick, Chair
Onnie N. Duffie
Gladys H. Gilmartin
Ralph E. Hansmann
Allan J. Kaplowitz, Esq.
Judith C.P. Lilley
Norman F. Nelson
Harold Nickelsberg
Eleanore S. Nissley
Harold A. Phipps
Martha B. Rogers
Hon. Marge Roukema
Robert E. Saydah, C.P.A.
Peter Scanel
William “Pat” Schuber
Rose Marie C. Schutt, Esq.
Donald F. Schutz, Ph.D.
Grace Sisto
Bruce Slater
John A. Snyder
Children’s Aid and Family Services | 2008 Annual Report
Peter R. Stark
Gregory Sullivan
Mark C. Throdahl
Henrik Tvedt, Jr.
David Viniar
Ronald M. von Autenried
Martha Vreeland
William M. Willis, Jr., Ed.D.
Joan K. Wrede
Wayne A. Yankus, M.D.
Financial Report
For the 12 months ended December 31, 2008
Program Fees $2,179,340
Program Fees $2,179,340
Annual and Endowment Gifts $2,441,265
Annual and Endowment Gifts $2,441,265
Capital Gifts $1,897,500
Capital Gifts $1,897,500
Investment Income $90,880
Investment Income $90,880
Government $11,255,618
Government $11,255,618
Adoption and Foster Care Services $9,883,221
Adoption and Foster Care Services $9,883,221
Community Clinical Services $2,902,176
Community Clinical Services $2,902,176
100% Total Revenues $17,864,603
100% Total Revenues $17,864,603
Support Services $2,398,352
Support Services $2,398,352
Fundraising $637,444
Fundraising $637,444
100% Total Expenses $15,821,193
100% Total Expenses $15,821,193
Source: Audited Financial Statements
Children’s Aid and Family Services
200 Robin Road
Paramus, NJ 07652
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Paramus, NJ
Permit No. 50
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Agency Locations
Community Satellite Offices
200 Robin Road
Paramus, NJ 07652
Tel. 201.261.2800
Fax 201.634.3672
Midland Park
Children’s Services
240 Frisch Court
Paramus, NJ 07652
Tel. 201.226.0300
Fax 201.226.9262
Adoption and Clinical Services
148 Prospect Street
Ridgewood, NJ 07450
Tel. 201.445.7015
Fax 201.652.4034
Adoption Specialty Services
76 South Orange Avenue, Suite 209
South Orange, NJ 07079
Tel. 973.763.2041
Fax 973.378.9575
Therapeutic Foster Care
Residences for Children
Park Ridge
Ridgewood (2)
West Orange (2)
Turrell Child Care &
Early Learning Center
200 Robin Road
Paramus, NJ 07652
Tel. 201.261.5970
Fax 201.261.6019
The Depot
An all-volunteer gift and craft shop
22 Prospect Street
Midland Park, NJ 07432
Tel. 201.444.6120
Fax 201.444.4666