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PDF - Christ In Youth
MARCH 2016 W W W. C I Y. C O M Around the World Students on Engage trips are training for a life of Kingdom work. TRUSTING IN THE LIGHT JR. HIGH STUDENTS ATTENDING A BELIEVE EVENT IN TULSA, OK, GATHER AROUND ONE OF MANY LAMPS THROUGHOUT THE ROOM TO ACCEPT KINGDOM WORKER CHALLENGE CARDS IN WHICH THEY ARE CALLED TO WRITE NOTES OF ENCOURAGEMENT TO OTHERS. THE KINGDOM WORKER CONNECTION ANDY HANSEN PRESIDENT – CHRIST IN YOUTH LEANING ON GOD’S LIGHT At this year’s Believe Jr. High tour, the theme is “Switch.” Students are challenged to Look, Listen and Lean into the truth of God’s Word, which is the light. This is just one example of how attending a CIY event made the difference between life and death – physically and spiritually! At the end of this dynamic two-day event, students are encouraged to pick up a “note of truth” from locations in the arena. On this note is written one of 10 different statements – such as “You Are Accepted,” “You Are Beautiful To God,” etc. At the bottom of the cards are scriptures to review. The Jr. high students are then encouraged to write “notes of truth” on the other side of this card and personally give it to someone they believe needs to hear these words of truth. Perhaps this explains why every staff member at CIY is passionate about reaching out to today’s younger generations. And, in partnership with the local church, allowing these precious young people to experience life-changing encounters with Christ and His truth! We recently received this communication from a middle school minister who attended Believe in January: One of our eighth grade boys gave his notecard from Believe to a girl at his school today whom he has seen being constantly picked on and bullied. It was the ‘You Are Loved’ truth card. From what I am learning, this girl had planned to commit suicide that very night. She had already written her note out and was moving forward with her plans … until she received the truth card! We are meeting with the parents and a school counselor to give this girl all the help she needs. I just wanted to take time to let all of you know this and share it with your team at CIY – THE TRUTH YOU ARE CHALLENGING STUDENTS TO SHARE SAVED A MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRL’S LIFE TODAY! P.O. BOX B Joplin, MO 64802 (888) 765-4CIY Would you please join us in the following prayer points? n That the Lord would continue to utilize CIY and the local church to provide truth and love to this generation of teenagers. n That the Lord would open hearts of parents to allow their students to come, and the hearts of students with a desire to attend a CIY event and/or trip. n That the Lord would open doors for more churches to make the decision to partner with CIY. n That the Lord would provide resources that CIY so desperately needs to expand the number of event locations and trips offered. As a result of your daily prayers, I am confident the Lord will provide a way for thousands of additional students to “Switch on the Truth” and become Kingdom workers! ANDY HANSEN CIY President CONTRIBUTING CHRIS ROBERTS Editor & Designer Mark N. Photography GLENNA WATKINS Marketing Director Casey Mahoney PHOTOGRAPHERS: Kayla McCullough Derek Hammeke To be added to the CIY mailing list, or to receive the Kingdom Worker Connection newsletter via email, please contact [email protected]. CULTURES ARE BEAUTIFUL AND BROKEN STUDENTS WHO VISITED NORTHERN IRELAND WITH CIY ENGAGE LEARNED ABOUT THE BEAUTY OF THE CULTURE, DISPLAYED IN ITS ARCHITECTURE. THEY ALSO LEARNED ABOUT THE BROKENNESS, ILLUSTRATED BY WALLS IN BELFAST THAT DIVIDE NEIGHBORHOODS TO MAINTAIN PEACE AND DISCOURAGE VIOLENCE. THE KINGDOM WORKER CONNECTION ENGAGE TRIPS TRAIN STUDENTS FOR A LIFE OF KINGDOM WORK AS NATHAN STORMS WALKED ALONG A BEACH IN NORTHERN IRELAND AND WATCHED THE SUNRISE OVER THE OCEAN, THE HIGH SCHOOL JUNIOR FROM JOPLIN, MISSOURI WHO HAD NEVER BEEN OUT OF THE COUNTRY BEFORE REALIZED ONE VERY PROFOUND THING: God is beautiful. It was a sentiment shared by the other 11 students who joined Storms in Northern Ireland in January for the first CIY Engage trip of the year. It’s a land filled with rare beauty – from the forests of Tollymore where C.S. Lewis was inspired to create “The Chronicles of Narnia,” to endless flowing green pastures. It’s impossible to travel to Northern Ireland and not recognize the beauty of God’s creation. “It’s hard to pick a favorite experience because it was all amazing,” Storms said. “One morning a few of us walked out to the beach when it was dark so we could watch the sun rise over the ocean. The tide was out, so I was able to walk a long way out away from the shore and watch the sun come up over the clouds. Another day we visited Tollymore Forest, and as an avid ‘Chronicles of Narnia’ fan it was very cool to be able to visit there and see Lewis’ inspiration for the forest. I half-expected to see a lion walk out from behind a tree.” These experiences are intentionally planned by Engage directors for students on the Northern Ireland trip as a way to open their eyes to a very important principle of Kingdom work: that God is already working in every place. Showing students amazing examples of God’s glory and wonder helps to open their eyes to His presence in a place that houses a lot of darkness – including some of the highest teenage suicide rates in the world. And as students on a mission trip, it would be easy to fall into the mentality that they are there to bring Jesus to the people of Northern Ireland. But moments in which they can recognize God’s presence already there in the country helps them to realize that their role as Kingdom workers is to learn from the people within the culture who are already doing the work of God’s Kingdom. It’s a subtle shift in the way Engage will lead its trips moving forward. Engage has always been a program within CIY that focuses on training students to engage other cultures. Their new mission statement is “Training for a life of Kingdom work.” Toward that end, every student who participates in a CIY Engage International trip this year will learn seven principles of Kingdom work. It’s part of the emphasis on Kingdom worker training that Engage is embracing. SEVEN PRINCIPLES OF KINGDOM WORK: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Missions is a lifestyle God is already working Church matters Cultures are beautiful and broken Poverty is everywhere Do things with, not for people Observation before interpretation “Our recent trip to Northern Ireland was my eighth international missions trip and by far the most educational and impactful trip I have been on,” said Kayla McCullough, a CIY employee who was one of the leaders for the trip. “I believe Engage is doing some great stuff for the Kingdom by opening students’ eyes to the work that God is already doing overseas. The idea that cultures are both beautiful and broken is challenging us to observe before we jump to interpretation. It’s always best to ask yourself, ‘Hmm, I wonder why?’ when we see something we don’t quite understand. Our journey has led us to a deeper understanding of who God is and the importance of His church.” The history and size of God’s church took on new meaning for the students in Northern Ireland as they were able to explore the religious foundation of the country and the violent history that has led to continued animosity and distrust by the people living there. Specifically, the students learned C O N T I N U E D O N N E X T PAG E IRELAND CONTINUED ... about “The Troubles” – a period of time in Northern Ireland in which tensions between Catholics and Protestants reached a boiling point and became extremely violent. The respective religions became sub-cultures that degraded into violent gangs that attacked each other with bombs and guns and gave Northern Ireland a bloody history. The students on the trip were able to see the still-existing tensions of the country when they visited Belfast and walked along the “Peace Wall” – a large wall that divides the Protestant and Catholic neighborhoods and deters would-be attackers from lobbing small bombs across neighborhoods or shooting people. Along these peace walls, the people of Northern Ireland have painted hate-filled graffiti, while others have written poems and prayers as pleas for peace. The students on the trip were able to see first-hand how the culture of Northern Ireland is both beautiful and broken, and how important it is to pray for the country while trying to lend support to those already doing God’s work. One of those people is Richie Shilliday, who runs a ministry called Revival In Our Town (RIOT) in a small village called Dundrum. Shilliday’s ministry reaches out to the youth of the area, providing catholics and protestants a safe place to come together while learning about the hope of Christ – something virtually unheard of within the country. In a culture in which religion means war and violence, Shilladay is working to help young people understand that God loves them and wants a personal relationship with them. “It was awesome to get to hang out with the kids at RIOT,” Storms said. “I had some great conversations with some of the guys at RIOT, and I’ve stayed in touch with a couple of them over Snapchat and Facebook since I’ve been back. Something that still stands out to me is that at the beginning of the trip we went to the youth group one evening and we sang a song called ‘Holy Spirit,’ which is one of my favorites. I just thought about how even though we were thousands of miles away from anything I’m used to, we were still worshiping the same God. That was reassuring.” “All throughout the week I was just reminded of His plans for my life,” Storms said. “Going home it felt like that was preparation to go live out that plan at home and see what He’s going to do next.” THE KINGDOM WORKER CONNECTION A RICH HISTORY OF RELIGION NORTHERN IRELAND BOASTS A HISTORY OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH THAT MOST OTHER COUNTRIES DON’T KNOW. THAT HISTORY IS DISPLAYED IN ITS CATHEDRALS AND CEMETERIES, BUT ALSO SERVES AS A DIVIDE AMONG ITS PEOPLE – SPECIFICALLY BETWEEN CATHOLICS AND PROTESTANTS. MESSAGE OF TRUTH MAKING HUGE IMPACT ON JR. HIGH STUDENTS “HE CAME AS A WITNESS TO TESTIFY CONCERNING THAT LIGHT. SO THAT THROUGH HIM, ALL MIGHT BELIEVE.” – JOHN 1:7 The power of God’s illuminating light is life-transforming, and thousands of Jr. high students attending CIY’s Believe tour this spring are beginning to see the work that Christ can do in their lives when they cling to His truth. God is moving in big ways through Believe. Students who were self-labeled bullies have become encouragers. Students who had low self-esteem are finding purpose for their lives because of God’s call to Kingdom work. And students who had been seriously considering suicide as a way out of their despair are seeing the light of God’s love and are opening up to adult leaders within their churches. throughout the weekend. The film follows a Jr. high girl who is being pressured into sending inappropriate pictures to her boyfriend. She struggles with a sense of identity and self-worth, but is shown the truth of how God sees her, and ultimately makes the right decision based on the truths she has learned. Many adult leaders who are seeing these major life-changing decisions in their students’ lives are pointing to this spring’s tour theme “Switch,” and particularly the “Switch” film that is shown “The video really hit home with one of our girls who has been struggling with self-esteem issues and depression,” said one youth minister from Illinois. C O N T I N U E D O N N E X T PAG E A MOVEMENT OF STUDENTS FOR CHRIST MORE THAN 18,000 JR. HIGH STUDENTS AND ADULT LEADERS ARE PROJECTED TO ATTEND CIY’S BELIEVE TOUR THIS SPRING. ALREADY THOUSANDS OF STUDENTS ARE RESPONDING TO THE CALL ON THEIR LIVES TO BE KINGDOM WORKERS, AND LIVING OUT THAT CALL IN CREATIVE AND IMPACTFUL WAYS BACK HOME IN THEIR OWN SCHOOLS AND COMMUNITIES. A SPECIFIC CHALLENGE PRESENTED AT BELIEVE THIS YEAR IS TO WRITE ENCOURAGING NOTES TO OTHERS. SWITCH ON THE TRUTH TO HELP ILLUSTRATE THE CLARITY OF TRUTH VS. LIES, CIY’S BELIEVE TEAM HAS INCORPORATED LIGHT AND DARKNESS INTO ITS “SWITCH” THEME THROUGHOUT THE SPRING 2016 TOUR. THROUGH INTERACTIVE LIGHTRELATED ACTIVITIES, LIGHT ELEMENTS ON STAGE AND IN TEACHING TIMES, AND EVEN IN SMALL GROUPS, STUDENTS UNDERSTAND TRUTH. THE KINGDOM WORKER CONNECTION BELIEVE CONTINUED ... “After the last main session, she admitted to one of our leaders that she tried to commit suicide the week prior and she knew that she needed to admit it to her counselor. She told our leader that she would probably have to be checked into a treatment center and she would like for her to visit so they could talk about spiritual stuff that the center doesn’t cover.” In the month since this girl made such an important life decision, she has started regular meetings with a school counselor and has developed a deeper relationship with her parents and the adults and students at her church. And this is just one of many stories already pouring out of youth groups who have had amazing experiences at Believe. One group, for instance, brought four boys who have only previously been to church twice. Their time at Believe was so extraordinary that two of them made commitments to be baptized. “They built friendships and had a lot of fun, and those are giant doors to what Jesus can do in their lives,” their youth minister wrote in a note to Believe staff. “If it wasn’t for Believe I’m not sure we could have made that happen on our own.” Another student felt the Holy Spirit tugging on his heart before leaving for Believe, and so he started writing encouraging letters to his schoolmates. He’d only written two prior to leaving for Believe, but at the end of the Believe weekend he realized that what God had already started within him could be so much bigger. In the months since he’s come back from Believe he’s recruited his entire youth group to write encouraging notes and now two schools are involved in the movement in their community, with a third one soon to join. According to Lexi Nordstrom, an eighth grader who attended Believe in January, the theme of Switching on the Truth is one that she and a lot of other Jr. high students needed to hear at this point in their lives. “The Switch theme is so perfect – and using the idea of reflecting the light was a great example,” she said. “Your own light is God’s light, and I feel like I need to get out there and share my light with others more instead of just keeping it to myself. When we all turned on our flashlights toward God, it was really cool. It was powerful seeing how many people were there all for God and shining their lights for Him. It was awesome.” A BLESSING OF HOPE A GROUP OF 16 STUDENTS AND MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS TRAVELED TO CAMBODIA AT THE BEGINNING OF JANUARY AS PART OF AN ENGAGE MEDICAL MISSION TRIP. THOSE ON THE TRIP PARTICIPATED IN MEDICAL CLINICS AND PROVIDED SUPPORT TO LOCAL MINISTRIES. THE KINGDOM WORKER CONNECTION GOD IS CHANGING LIVES IN CAMBODIA Every January, CIY Engage leads a unique trip to Cambodia. Unlike any other mission trip offered through Engage, this trip focuses on medical aid and relief – and it’s become one of the most impactful trips Engage offers each year, both for the students who travel overseas and the people living in Cambodia. Two students who participated in the trip this year were Casey Mahoney and Rachel Darey. Below are their first-person accounts: CASEY MAHONEY, College freshman RACHEL DAREY, College junior This was my first time on a trip with CIY Engage. There was so much that happened on this trip that was awesome – from the power of God’s provision at the beginning to the safe return home in the end; God was working through every moment. This was my second trip to Cambodia with Engage, and one thing that I loved about this trip was reconnecting with the people. I was able to see how God has been transforming and changing the country and its people over the last two years and that is just amazing! During our final clinic at Kid’s Club, a government official came to observe. Afterward, he was very excited about what we were doing and asked that we come back again, even multiple times a year. Even more amazingly, he said we could share about Jesus! God was working in amazing ways! Throughout the trip there was one common theme interwoven throughout every single day: Humility. From the start I didn’t feel worthy of going on this trip when I was a mess myself. How could God use me to do His work, when I feel like my life is falling apart? Throughout this entire process, I heard a gentle whisper calling me a child of God. I went through storms on this trip that shaped who I am today. Every day I learned that I daily had to surrender to God. On the day of our first clinic it hit me – the people we were serving were not just Cambodians but children of the King. The look in their eyes when they received eyeglasses or prescriptions to help their physical pain, truly put into perspective what is important in life. Even though some of the circumstances were not ideal for me, God used them to bring me to my knees in humility. One of the most impactful experiences was during our time at Rapha House (a ministry in Cambodia that ministers to children rescued from trafficking and sexual exploitation). When we arrived, I was instantaneously overwhelmed with the loving nature of most of the girls. There was one girl in particular who stood out. Her face was full of joy and laughter. After talking with her a little bit she disappeared, but moments later she came back and gave me a little box. Inside was something that seemed ordinary at first – some cloth, a picture of a makeup model, a bracelet she made, a drawing, and a little note inside written in Khmer. Curious to what it said, I asked a translator to interpret it for me. It said, “I love you, and I will miss you. I cannot wait to see you again.” I was overwhelmed with emotions, and she must have been watching because she ran back inside and gave me the biggest hug ever. It brought a true smile to my face. Later that night, as I reflected on this day, it was incredible that this girl showed such love to a stranger she had just met that same day. Through this trip, I discovered that although I am not worthy, God has called me to do His work. It is not for my own glory, but for His. I’m not perfect, but I am a child of the God of the Universe. I am a Kingdom worker. On both of my trips to Cambodia, God has reminded me to find joy in all things. All we deserve is God’s wrath, but because of Jesus we have the tremendous blessing of salvation. This alone is so much greater than we deserve, and I am learning to be grateful and joyous no matter the circumstances. I have seen God’s work of restoration in my day-to-day life, and now in Cambodia. In Cambodia, the women and children would call me “Sister.” I came to the realization that through Christ, I am their sister and we are all children of God. God is growing His Kingdom through the adoption of sons and daughters across the globe from all peoples and nations. He is bringing hope and life to our broken world, and it is a blessing and a privilege to be a part of it! I was also reminded of the power of prayer. The people shared with us stories and circumstances that would not have been possible without God’s help. They trusted the Lord and prayed and He answered in amazing ways. He can do more than we could ever imagine, but we need to turn to, trust in, and rely on Him. THE KINGDOM WORKER CONNECTION PRETEENS EMBRACE GOSPEL CHALLENGE EACH YEAR, SUPERSTART! PRESENTS THE GOSPEL MESSAGE TO THE FOURTH, FIFTH AND SIXTH GRADERS IN ATTENDANCE. For some it’s the first time they’ve heard the story of Jesus so clearly, and many make first-time decisions for Christ in the weeks and months following their SuperStart! experience. This year SuperStart! is taking that intentionality a step further by encouraging students to go tell the truth of the Gospel to those they know need to hear it. “We send students out into their groups to come up with a plan to share the Gospel in a creative way in their community,” said Drew Crisp, CIY’s SuperStart! director. “Each group will decide on their plan and then write it down. Once they write it down, they submit them to their main leader and the main leader decides how the group will move forward in sharing the truth of the Gospel beyond SuperStart! They then write this plan on their ‘Truth Plan’ poster that we provide for them.” With half of the Mysterious Truth tour already completed, CIY is hearing increasing numbers of stories of preteens who are living out their commitments to share the Gospel with their friends and communities. The students at Rising Church in Suwanee, Georgia, for instance, have been making a big impact with their plan to distribute Bibles. According to Brittany Nelson, Rising’s director of children’s ministry, the service project that her fourth and fifth grade students thought up at SuperStart! in October is beginning to come to fruition. Their idea was to collect money to buy Bibles for people in another country. Nelson said the rest of the church has embraced this challenge presented by the preteens, and every offering each week from January through April will include a portion that will be allotted to purchasing Bibles for the YWAM organization in Costa Rica. “Our students will be traveling to Costa Rica this summer, and part of their mission will be Bible distribution,” Nelson said. “At just $3 a Bible, our kids are using their offering to purchase all the Bibles our students will hand out. SuperStart! is such an inspiration to my kids to show God’s love to others.” Crisp said stories like these are encouraging to the SuperStart! team and serve as an illustration of CIY’s greater mission: to amplify the call of Christ on students’ lives to be Kingdom workers. “Our team is excited to empower and encourage students to share the truth they learn at SuperStart!” Crisp said. MADE FOR GOOD IT IS SUCH A JOY TO RECEIVE ENCOURAGING NOTES FROM STUDENTS AND YOUTH WORKERS Recently a note came to me from Ryan in Virginia. He said: “Thank you for the wonderful moments you gave me. I almost never get to meet people who are nice because of how different I am.” The settings that CIY’s events provide for local church youth and children’s ministry is ripe with potential – a sacred place where the Holy Spirit can connect and radically transform teenage lives forever! I’ve heard it said that 90 percent of all students who make significant, life-changing decisions do so when they are away from home three-to-seven days at a spiritual event that offers deep teaching, worship, fellowship and prayer. I found this to be so true in my years of youth ministry experience. The security and spiritual maturity of the home is so important, and consistent teaching and love from the body of Christ is crucial. Yet it was when I had young people at retreats and camps with quality programming and caring youth workers invested in the students that deep, long-lasting personal decisions for Jesus and His Kingdom were made. I really do believe attending CIY events and trips can make a spiritual difference between life and death! (PLEASE TEAR OFF AND INCLUDE IN RETURN ENVELOPE.) FOR THE GOOD ... Enclosed is my gift of: In Honor of: In Memory of: Please Notify: CHRIST IN YOUTH IS GRATEFUL FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE FOLLOWING BUSINESSES & FOUNDATIONS DURING THE FINAL QUARTER OF 2015: Amazon Smile – Seattle, WA Chang’s Martial Arts Inc - Perry Hall, MD DC Smart Phone & Computer Repair - Dodge City, KS Ditch Witch Sales Inc - Sullivan, MO Global Outreach 360 LLC - Peoria, AZ Gooch Funeral Homes - Rockville, IN Grace Staffing - Hallsville, MO Haramis Inc - Akron, OH S & K Dairy Cup - Hillsboro, OH Todd’s Mechanical Service Inc - Fairland, IN American Endowment Foundation – Hudson, OH Estate of Virginia Carrolla Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund - Cincinnati, OH JCPenney Change for the Better Campaign - Andover, MA National Christian Foundation - Lexington, KY National Philanthropic Trust - Jenkintown, PA Osborne Family Foundation - Carthage, MO R & P Auto & Truck Repair - Jasper, IN Spring River Christian Village - Joplin, MO The Community Foundation - Atlanta, GA The Jim Randall Foundation - Versailles, MO CHRIST IN YOUTH IS GRATEFUL FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE FOLLOWING CHURCHES DURING THE FINAL QUARTER OF 2015: Arcadia Christian Church - Arcadia, KS Bachelor Creek Church of Christ - Wabash, IN Bellevue Christian Church - Pittsburgh, PA Blanchard Church of Christ - Blanchard, PA Blendville Christian Church - Joplin, MO Buchanan Christian Church - Buchanan, MI Capitol City Christian Church - Lincoln, NE Cedar Creek Church of Christ - Fort Wayne, IN Centerburg Church of Christ - Centerburg, OH Central Christian Church - Ocala, FL Christ’s Church Mandarin - Jacksonville, FL Christ’s Church Of Oronogo - Oronogo, MO Christ’s Church of The Valley - Bakersfield, CA Christ’s Hope Ministries - Fort Wayne, IN Christian Church At DeLeon Springs - DeLeon Springs, FL Church Of Christ At Manor Woods - Rockville, MD College Heights Christian Church - Joplin, MO Collinsville Christian Church - Collinsville, OK Commons Church - Flagstaff, AZ Community Christian Church - Ft Lauderdale, FL Community Christian Church - Nevada, MO Corinth Christian Church - Loganville, GA Creekside Christian Church - Saint Johns, FL Crosspoint Christian Church - Conyers, GA Crossroads Christian Church - Grand Prairie, TX Current - A Christian Church - Katy, TX DeKalb Christian Church - De Kalb, MO Dewitt Christian Church - Dewitt, MI Donations may be made using the envelope provided with this magazine, online at Address: ciy.com/donate, or by calling 1-888-765-4CIY. ( Stre et, C i ty, State , Zi p ) Christ In Youth PO Box B, Joplin, MO 64802 THE KINGDOM WORKER CONNECTION Double Diamond Dairy - El Nido, CA East Side Christian Church - Council Bluffs, IA Englewood Christian Church - Jacksonville, FL Evers Road Christian Church San Antonio, TX Fairfield Church of Christ - Fairfield, OH Faith Christian Church - New Philadelphia, OH First Christian Church - Evansville, IN First Christian Church - Stilwell, OK First Christian Church - Water Valley, MS First Christian Church - Cookeville, TN First Christian Church - Dodge City, KS First Church of Christ - Burlington, KY Forum Christian Church - Columbia, MO Generations Christian Church - Trinity, FL Glendale Christian Church - Springfield, MO Harvest Christian Fellowship - Muncie, IN Harvester Christian Church Saint Charles, MO Hazel Dell Christian Church - Carmel, IN Highland Park Christian Church - Tulsa, OK Hope Christian Church - Columbia, IL Journey Christian Church - Tracy, CA Lincoln Christian Church - Lincoln, IL Lincoln Heights Christian Church Phoenix, AZ Maple Grove Christian Church Charlottesville, VA Markle Church Of Christ - Markle, IN Milford Christian Church - Milford, IL Mt Gilead Church - Mooresville, IN Naples Christian Church - Naples, FL New Hope Christian Church - Manassas, VA New Life Christian Church - Bella Vista, AR New Lisbon Christian Church - New Lisbon, IN Northern Hills Christian Church Cincinnati, OH Northland Christian Church - Topeka, KS Northside Christian Church - Springfield, MO Northside Christian Church - New Albany, IN Northview Christian Church - Coldwater, MI Northern Hills Christian Church - Brighton, CO O’Fallon Christian Church - O’Fallon, MO Oakland Drive Church Of Christ - Portage, MI Parkside Christian Church - Cincinnati, OH Parkview Christian Church - Orland Park, IL Plainfield Christian Church - Plainfield, IN Plainfield Christian Church Comstock Park, MI Pleasant Hill Christian Church - Jasper, GA Pomona Christian Church - Pomona, MO Ridgeview Christian Church - Rolla, MO Rocky Mountain Christian Church - Niwot, CO Shepherd of the Hills Church Porter Ranch, CA Smyser Christian Church - Gays, IL South Lansing Christian Church - Lansing, MI South Rock Christian Church - Derby, KS Stafford County Christian Church Stafford, VA Sullivan Christian Church - Sullivan, MO The Carpenter’s Christian Church - Harrodsburg, KY Third City Christian Church - Grand Island, NE Traders Point Christian Church - Zionsville, IN Twin Oaks Christian Church - Woodhaven, MI Villa Heights Christian Church - Joplin, MO Watonga Christian Church - Watonga, OK Western Hills Christian Church - Lawton, OK Whiting Christian Church Missions Whiting, IA Worthington Christian Church - Columbus, OH CIY THANKS THESE FRIENDS AND FAMILIES FOR THEIR GIFTS DURING THE FINAL QUARTER OF 2015: Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Karen Abell Ms Vicki Adkins Ms. Whitney Aiken Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Sarah Aiton Mr. Alex Alambar Ms Alicia Alberta Ms Sherri Aldawood Mr. and Mrs. John and Pat Alford Mr & Mrs Robert and Anna Alkema Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Deborah Allcott Mr. and Mrs. Chase and Abbey Allcott Mr. and Mrs. Harry and Debbie Allcott Mr. and Mrs. Henry and Linda Allcott Ms Jesse Alldredge Mr. and Mrs. Jeff and Laura Allen Ms Holly Alling Ms Magen Allison Mr. and Mrs. Jeff and Sheila Alton Monica Alves Mr. and Mrs. Gilberto and Susan Amarante Ms. Leah Ames Mr. Jason Anderson Ms. Cheryl Anderson Ms Judy Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Brett and Laura Andrews Mr Allen Andrews Mr Patrick Andrist Ms Lynn Antonio Ms Molly Appelt Mr. and Mrs. David and Jacqueline Apsley Dan and Diane Armstrong Ms Jana Arneson Mr. and Mrs. Trey and Renee Arnett Mr Wayne Arnold Ms Susan Arnold Dave and Sarah Arthur Mr. and Mrs. Stephen and Laura Asbell Mr Robert Ashby Ms Deborah Aten Mr & Mrs Scott and Debra Attebery Jeff Ausenbaugh Mr & Mrs Jerry and Toni Austin Mr. and Mrs. Brad and Maria Avans Mr Jason Axtell Mr & Mrs Randy and Christine Bachmeier Mr. James Bacon Mr. and Mrs. Chris and Rhonda Bacus Mr. and Mrs. Brad and Bonnie Bagley Bryan Bailey Mr Reginald Bailey Mr Michael Bailey Ms Lucretia Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Ron and Teresa Baker Mr. and Mrs. Greg Baker Chris and Lori Baker Ms Kris Baker Ms Melissa Balcombe Wayne and Brenda Bandy Ms Brenda Bandy Mr Steve Banta Ms. Brianne Barneman Ms Debra Barrett Mr & Mrs Harvey and Dianne Barringer Ms Candace Bartholomew Mr & Mrs Jeff and Stacey Bass Mr & Mrs Richard and Kathleen Batdorf Mr Tim Bauder Mr. and Mrs. Chuck and Karin Baughman Mr & Mrs Joe and Tarla Bavar Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Jill Beal Mr Jared Beauchamp Mr Scott Bedard Ms. Elaine Behnke Ms Tara Belden Mr Brian Bellan Mr. Scott Bellas Mr & Mrs Bryce and Jennifer Bellinder Ms Margaret Bellinder Ms Deb Bellows Mr. and Mrs. Nathan and Katy Bemo Mr. and Mrs. Valentino and Amber Benavente Mr. and Mrs. Jeff and Denise Benedict Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Penny Benjamin Mr. and Mrs. Barry and Lesa Bennett Ms Kimberly Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Ken and Christy Benson Mr & Mrs Kevin and Andrea Berry Mr Jace Biendara Mr David Bindel Mr & Mrs Andy and Maci Binder Ms Jeanne Bishop Mr & Mrs Darin and Cathy Blackford Mr. and Mrs. John and Amy Blackketter Mr Joshua Blake Ms Johnna Blake Mr. and Mrs. Patrick and Cheryl Blanchard Mr Fred Blanford Ms Tiffany Blaske Mr Tom Blaylock Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Peggy Blount Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Michelle Boeckmann Amy Boland Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy and Nancy Boling Mr & Mrs Everett and Sarah Bonniwell Ms Amy Booth David Borchardt Mr Tonia Borchardt Ms. Karen Borchers Mr. Damen Bourassa Rhett Bouziden Mr. and Mrs. Jonathon and Cheryl Bovard Mr Ken Bower Ms Lisa Bower Paul Bowerman Mr & Mrs John and Tanya Boyd Ms. Beth Boyter Mr. and Mrs. Tony and Kathy Bradds Ms. Vonda Bradt Mr. and Mrs. Danny and Vladimaira Brady Mr. Donald Brake Mr. and Mrs. Christopher and Jessi Brandt Mr. and Mrs. Bob and Janelle Bratland Mr. and Mrs. Steve and Jenny Braun Danny Bray Ms Danielle Brejcha Mr & Mrs Darren and Laura Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Nancy Bresnahan Ms Donna Brickey Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Dawn Briggs Mr & Mrs Kevin and Jennie Brightup Mr. Larry and Charlene Britt Ms Dawn Britton Mr. and Mrs. Ken and Debbie Brock Mr & Mrs Patrick and Alicia Brommer Rick Bronson Mr. and Mrs. Dave and Sondra Brown Mr. and Mrs. Rich and Michelle Brown Mr. and Mrs. Doug and Karin Brown Mr Conner Brown Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Cheryl Brown Ms Sheri Brown Ms Amber Brown Ms Katherine Brown Mr Joseph Bruni Ms. Patricia Brunsman Mr. and Mrs. Rob and Sandy Brust Ms Glenda Bryan Ms Sherri Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Jennifer Buczynski Mr Jeff Bullard Mr. and Mrs. Keith and Kristy Bumgarner Mr. Russell Burgin Mr Matthew Burkett Ms Kristen Burkhead Mr & Mrs Robert and Amy Burks Ms Edi Burnet Mr Rob Burrows Ms Valerie Burton Mr & Mrs Orrin and Nancy Bushnell Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Brenda Butcher Mr. Timothy Byrd Ms Allison Cable Mr. and Mrs. Dean and Janet Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Bobby and Linda Caley Mr Brad Cameron Mr. and Mrs. Theodore and Pat Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Jennifer Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Andy and Angie Campbell Mr Duane Campbell Mr & Mrs Jason and Melissa Canada Mr. and Mrs. Tim and Elizabeth Cancro Ms Lorey Cape Mr & Mrs Arvin and Glenda Capule Mr & Mrs Thomas and Cheryl Carew Ms. Marcia Carl Mr. and Mrs. Jay and Darla Carlson Ms Jennifer Carlson Mr Ronald Carmichael Mr Chuck Carmichael Mr Eric Carmichael Ms Marchea Carmichael Mr & Mrs Dennis and Pat Carnahan Ms Michelle Carnahan Ms Tamara Carr Mr. and Mrs. Les and Linda Carroll Mr & Mrs Charles and Melissa Carroll Ms Julie Carroll Mr & Mrs Charles and Jessica Carter Mr. and Mrs. Arnold and Sharon Casey Mr. and Mrs. Bill and Tonya Cash Mr. and Mrs. Wallace and Mary Casteel Mr P Chabra Mr. and Mrs. Wayne and Cynthia Chamberlain Mr Robert Chance Mr. and Mrs. Phillip and Lisa Chapman Ms Tami Charest Mr & Mrs David and Jacqueline Chen Mr & Mrs Philip and Deann Chilcote Ms Marcia Chorba Ms Cindy Christensen Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Heather Christian Mr Mark Claassen Mr. and Mrs. David and Debra Clark Mr Alex Cobb Ms Paulette Cocco Ms. Renee Cohn Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cole Mr & Mrs Ronald and Delores Coleman Anthony and Ellen Collins Ms Cari Collins Ms Kathleen Colson Ms Amy Comer Ms Kaitlyn Comfort Ms Kelli Conrad Ms Marcy Cook Jason and Holly Cooper Mr. and Mrs. John and Rita Copas Mr Mark Copeland Mr. and Mrs. Douglas and Cynthia Corbin Ms Victoria Corbin Ms Tonya Cornelison Mr. and Mrs. Dave and Cindy Cornell Mr. and Mrs. Vic and Paula Coston Ms Judith Cox Ms. Laurie Jean Crabb Mr. Dennis Craft Mr. and Mrs. Randy and Bea Craig Ms Sally Crane Mr & Mrs Greg and Donna Cranford Mr. and Mrs. David and Angela Crisler Mr. and Mrs. Chad and Deana Croussore Mr & Mrs Jeff and Pam Crow Dr. Lee Crowe Mr. and Mrs. Loren Crowe Mr Michael Crowley Mr. and Mrs. Doug and Gayla Crump Mr. and Mrs. Craig and Elizabeth Cummings Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie and Karen Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Danny and Jen Curry Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Jean Curtis Mr & Mrs Mark and Karla Curtis Ms Rebecca Curtis Mr. and Mrs. Will and Marci D’Andrea Mr & Mrs Mike and Lucinda Daleo Mr. and Mrs. William and Betty Daniel Mr. Fred Daniel Mr & Mrs Roland and Lucina Darey Mr. and Mrs. Merrill and Rebecca Davis Mr. and Mrs. Clif and Becky Davis Mr. and Mrs. Brian and Nicole Davison Mr & Mrs Darren and Deborah Dawson Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Lynn Day Mr & Mrs Dean and Shirley Day Mr. and Mrs. Jerry and Rhonda Day Mr Steve Day Mr & Mrs Dale and Janet Dean Ms Suzy Deese Mr Steve Degler Mr Jim Delverne Ms Bailey Deman Ms Lucy Demary Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Patti Dempster Mr & Mrs Randy and Carole Denton Mr & Mrs Robert and Debra Derby Ms. Denise Derrer Mr & Mrs David and Barbara Deutsch Mr. and Mrs. Todd and Jill Dewell Mr. and Mrs. Roger and Jan Dial Mr & Mrs Bryan and Kim Dickerson Ms Kim Dickerson Mr. and Mrs. Walter and Karen Diefendorf Ryan Dillon Mr. and Mrs. Troy and Staci Dilworth Mr. and Mrs. Dan and Pam Distler Ms. Greta Dixon Ms Charlotte Dodgson Mr Scott Doerr Ms Rebecca Donelson Mr. and Mrs. Chris and Melanie Donoho Mr & Mrs Eric and Tiffany Doolittle Valerie Dotson Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Kami Doubet Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Pam Douglas Ms Kathy Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Gerald and Selena Douglass Ms Lori Downs Ms Frankie Dubar-Nelson Ms Veronica Dudine Ms Kristy Duncan Ms Amy Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Ryan and Aimee Durant Mr & Mrs Trig and Susan Durnil Mr. and Mrs. Robbie and Sandy Dye Ms Tracey Eagon Mr. and Mrs. David and Karla Ealey THE KINGDOM WORKER CONNECTION Mr. and Mrs. David and Vicki Earhart Mr. and Mrs. Robb and Lisa Eaton Mr. and Mrs. Steve Eaton Erica Eaton Mr & Mrs Mark and Sheila Edgerton Ms Jennifer Edgley Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Kathy Edwards Mr Joshua Edwards Mr & Mrs Jeff and Nancy Effinger Mr & Mrs Femi and Fola Ehindero Ms Lori Ehlert Mr & Mrs DJ and Kathy Eihusen Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Wendi Eisen Mr & Mrs Kenneth and Heather Ekers Dr and Mrs Moni El-Aasar Kathrine Eldridge Mr. and Mrs. Kelvin and Karen Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Bill and Leann Emery Mr. and Mrs. Ralph and Elsa Endress Mr & Mrs Steven and Holly Engelbrecht Scott Engelbrecht Mr & Mrs Frank and Candace Equi Mr. and Mrs. Levi and Linda Evans James Evans Mr Paul Evans Mr & Mrs Dale and Julie Eveland Ms. Britza Ewton Mr. and Mrs. Keith and Jan Exum Mr. and Mrs. Ralph and Mary Fairchild Mr & Mrs Terry and Jody Fanning Ms Paula Fargo Ms Stephanie Faridi Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Jane Farney Ms Barbara Faulkner Ms. Anna Fawley Mr. and Mrs. Eric and Stephanie Fehr Ms Jycee Feiner Mr & Mrs Andy and Teri Feldstein Mr. and Mrs. Lauran and Dianne Fereday Mr. and Mrs. Jerry and Deborah Ferrell Ms Edna Ferrer Mr. and Mrs. Ronald and Marilyn Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Clem and Linda Fitzner Ms Valerie Fleming Mr & Mrs Erik and Kelly Flick Ms Kelly Flick Susan Flores Mr Jim Fluckey Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Sunny Foley Ms Michele Force Mr & Mrs Joseph and Pamela Foreman Mr. and Mrs. David and Peggy Foster Ms Jule Foster Mr. and Mrs. Tim and Julia Fox Mr Jared Fox Ms. Sherilyn Fox Ms Kristi Francis Mr & Mrs Justin and Shelly Franks Ms Carrie Fratt Mr & Mrs Lawrence and Cheryl Frazee Ms Danie Frazee Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Vicki French Mr. and Mrs. Rich and Nicole Friesen Kim Fuller Ms Stephanie Fulmer Ms Katie Gage Mr. and Mrs. Joe and Terri Galindo Ms. Kimberly Gallemore Ms Kimberly Gallemore Mr. Chip Gallowicz Jaimeson Gann Mr. and Mrs. Raymond and Heidi Gardner Ms Nicole Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Rob and Tina Garkie Mr. and Mrs. Ron and Joy Garner Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Lori Garrett Mr & Mrs Wayne and Kim Garrett Mr Rodney Gates Mr. and Mrs. David and Kristi Gatz Mr Chian Gavin Ms Stacie Gayheart Mr & Mrs Todd and Rebecca Gayle Mr. and Mrs. Russ and Linda Gehrlein Mr. and Mrs. Doug and Julie Gensler Ms Julie Gentilin Mr & Mrs Samuel and Sandi Gibbs Mr & Mrs Shannon and Carrie Gibson Mr & Mrs Roger and Labecca Gibson Mr Thomas Gilbert Mr Phillip Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Carol Gingrich Ms. Christina Girst Mr. and Mrs. Bill and Lisa Gladdue Ms. Peggy Glatz Mr. and Mrs. John and Charlie Glenn Ms Denise Glidden Mr John Gober Ms Amy Goble Ms Kendra Goering Mr Tommy Gonzales Ms jeanette Gonzales Mr. and Mrs. Robb and Lori Good Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Laura Good Ms Rhonda Goodall Ms Tricia Goodrich Ms Frances Goodrich Mr Jason Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Tim and Sara Gotchey Mr. and Mrs. Marvin and Darla Gott Mr Trond Gottfried Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Leah Goulter Mr Garrett Gover Ms Suzanne Gowin Mr Mike Graves Mr. and Mrs. Tim and Heather Gray Ms Marsha Gray Mr & Mrs Chad and Tammy Green Mr & Mrs Jeff and Cynthia Gregory Mr. and Mrs. Ray and Linda Greiner Ms Elizabeth Griffin Brian Griggs Mr Steven and Karen Grimes Ms Patricia Grimes Mr. and Mrs. Bill and Holly Groom Ms Juli Gross Mr George Grove Mr Michael Guinn Ms Valerie Gumina Mr & Mrs James and Andrea Gustafson Mr William Haas Ms Kara Habrock Ms Tammy Hagan Mr & Mrs Denver and Loretta Hager Ms. Melody Hagerman Ms Lacy Haile Mr. and Mrs. Alan and Vicki Halberstadt Mr. and Mrs. Todd and Wendi Haley Mr Brandon Haley Ms Larry Haley Mr Tim Haley Phil and Theresa Halff Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Dena Hall Mr Tod Hall Ms. Nakia Hall Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Kristen Hamann Mr Matthew Hamel Ms Katie Hammond Mr. and Mrs. Delvin and Donna Hand Mr. and Mrs. Dale and Michelle Hanke Mr. and Mrs. Andrew and Marcia Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Nathan and Dorothy Hansen Mr Magnus Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Craig Hanson Ms Pat Hare Mr. and Mrs. Ronald and Diane Harland Mr Charles Harris Mr William Harris Mr. Trevor Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Joe and Emily Hartman Mr Daniel Hartung Ms Sharon Hartwick Mr Patrick and Nora Harvey Ms. Peggy Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Ken and Susan Hasekamp Mr. and Mrs. Travis and Sally Jo Haskell Ms Justine Hatton Mr. and Mrs. Norm and Cindy Haubert Mr. and Mrs. Keith and Linda Hauenstein Mr. and Mrs. John and Dawn Hauer Mr & Mrs James and Dana Hayes Ms Denise Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Nancy Hays Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey and Anne Hays Ms Kathryn Heap Mr. and Mrs. Ross and Marvis Heath Ms Lana Heaton Mr. and Mrs. Dan and Anita Heberlein Ms Joanne Heffernan Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Connie Hein Mr. and Mrs. Wes and Darlene Henderson Mr. Ryan Hendrickson Mr & Mrs Kelly and Holly Hendrix Ms Michele Hendrix Mr. and Mrs. Glen and Lisa Henneke Mr. and Mrs. Tim and Rose Henry Mr & Mrs Shawn and Sandy Henry Ms. Krista Herington Mr. and Mrs. Fred and Debra Hermes Mr. and Mrs. Royce and Leesa Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Mick and Emily Herndon Kathy Hershey Dr and Mrs Steve and Lisa Hester Ms. Maureen Hilderbrand Mr. and Mrs. Kinney and Meredith Hill Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan and Sara Hill Ms. Amy Hill Ms Tammy Hinds Ms Jennifer Hinds Mr & Mrs Larry and Ella Hiner Mr Dave Hinson Mr & Mrs Joseph and Cheryl Hishmeh Dr and Mrs Ray Hoag Ms Melissa Hobbs Dr and Mrs David and Sherry Hockman Mr. and Mrs. Brad and Tamara Hockman Mr. and Mrs. Brian and Kristi Hoffbauer Ms Bethany Hofmann Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Mary Hogue Ms. Diana Hollandsworth Mr & Mrs Ronnie and Shirley Holt Mr. and Mrs. Tim and Kimberly Hoover Ms Donna Horn Ms Amy Horsman Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey and Mechelle Horst Mr & Mrs Luke and Tina Hortenstine Mr & Mrs Andy and Joan Hortenstine Mr & Mrs Stephen and Carrie Horton Mr & Mrs James and Lisa Hoss Andrea Houchin Brandi Howard Ms Tiffany Hoyle Ms Julie Hoyle Ms Matt and Nichole Hubbard Mr. Adam Hudson Mr. and Mrs. Aron and Melissa Hughes Ms Mechell Huish Mr & Mrs Rick and Jena Huizinga Mr & Mrs Scott and Heather Hulet Mr & Mrs John and Teresa Hund Ms Tracie Hunnicutt Mr. and Mrs. Monte and Amy Hunt Ms. Linda Hunt Ms Angela Hunt Ms Deanna Hunt Ms Jill Hunter Mr. and Mrs. David and Jill Huskey Mr. and Mrs. Ron and Noel Huston Mr. and Mrs. James and Louanne Hutcheson Mr Scott Hutcheson Mr. and Mrs. Todd and Sara Hutchison Mr. and Mrs. James and Betty Hutchison Ms Mahryha Imm Mr. and Mrs. Jason and Jennifer Jacks Mr. and Mrs. Ken and Debbie Jackson Mr Richard Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Jay and Nissa Jacobi Ms Kristen Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Kevin and Christine Janowicz Ms Carol Jaworski Mr. and Mrs. Greg and Debra Jenkins Mr & Mrs Pete and Sandra Jenkins Ms Heather Jenkins Mr. Barry Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Chris and Diane Jewell Mr. and Mrs. Rodger and Martha Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Bob and Jill Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Kevin and Aimee Johnson Mr & Mrs Dale and Julie Johnson Mr. Dean Johnson Mr. Daniel Johnson Mr Connor Johnson Ms. Barbara Johnson Ms Jana Johnson Ms Jannica Johnson Mr & Mrs Kurtis and Angela Johnston Mr. Kasey Johnston Dr and Mrs Graham and Marilyn Johnstone Mr & Mrs Jason and Debra Jones Jason and Stacey Jones Ms. Janet Jones Ms Casey Jones Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Stephanie Judd Mr John Justus Bryce and Jeanette Kahley Ms. Kristina Katt Ms. Deneen Kauchak Mr & Mrs Tony and Deb Kauffman Mr & Mrs Lawrence and Jolynn Kaufman Ms Pamela Kautz Ms Jen Kaval Ms. Kris Keene Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Susan Keightley Mr & Mrs Mark and Karren Keller Ray and Jennifer Keller Mr Raymond Keller Ms Stacy Kelley Ms Karyn Kelley Mr & Mrs Terry and Dawn Kennedy Mr & Mrs Jamie and Kristy Ker Ms Robin Ker Brandi Kimball Ms Donna Kimpel Ms Tracy Kincy Mr & Mrs Michael and Tresa King Mr & Mrs Brian and Kristin Kinsey Ms Cynthia Kinzinger Mr & Mrs Brandon and Stacy Kipfer Ms Eileen Kirsch Mr. and Mrs. Chris and Joy Kite Ms Amy Kitsmiller Jadav Mr. and Mrs. David and Ellen Kittle Mr. and Mrs. Roger and Christine Kitzmiller Mr Tristan Kivett Ms Marcia Kivett Mr & Mrs Jol and Sherri Klein Mr & Mrs Marc and Karen Kleinhans Mr & Mrs Robert and Erin Klingshirn Mr. and Mrs. Chuck and Mary Ann Knapp Ms Melissa Knapp Mr. and Mrs. Dale and Helen Knauss Mr. and Mrs. Eric and Debbie Knight Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Jennifer Knight Ms. Terri Knoble Mr. and Mrs. Eric and Retta Knobloch Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Victoria Knochenmus Mr Dave Knochenmus Mr. and Mrs. Roy and Lisa Koch Mr. Jeff Koch Mr. and Mrs. Ron and Karen Koning Ms Kristina Konkol Ms Melissa Kowitz Mr & Mrs Walter and Holly Krajewski Mr. and Mrs. Jason and Lori Krehbiel Mr Joe and Donna Kren Ms Joanna Krenk Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Tonya Kriebel Mr. and Mrs. Bryan and Vicki Kron Ms Connie Krug Mr. and Mrs. Everett and Mary Kruse Mr. and Mrs. Ron and Sherry Kuglin Mr & Mrs John and Mary Kuhfeldt Mr. and Mrs. George and Kathy Kunstek Mr. and Mrs. Dan and Kari Kusmierz Mr Stan Laflesch Ms Merri Lahman Ms Carol Laman Mr Grizzel Lamattina Mr. and Mrs. Rick and Cindy Lamb Mr. and Mrs. Marvin and Alisa Lamm Ms Ann Lancaster Mr. and Mrs. Wade and Beth Landers Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy and Schalesa Lane Mr. and Mrs. Doug and Myrna Lane Ms Marsha Lane Mr. and Mrs. Bret and Tony Lanius Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Linda Lankford Ms Serena Lapp Mr & Mrs Kenneth and Glenda Larkins Mr & Mrs Keith and Michelle Larson Ms Michelle Larson Mr. and Mrs. Brian and Sarah LaRue Ms Ann Las Ms Sandra Laws Mr & Mrs Ronald and Karen Lawson Tina Lawson Mr Keith Layman Ms Rebecca Leavens Ms Christie Leavitt Mr & Mrs Alexander and Michele Lebiak Melissa Lee Mr. and Mrs. Allen and Angela Leeds Ms Stephanie Lefler Mr. Adam Lenhoff Mr & Mrs Michael and Mary Lerette Ms Peggy Leslie Mr. and Mrs. Alan and Robin Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Craig and Sharon Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Shawn and Angela Lewis Mr & Mrs Shawn and Jody Lindsay Macie Lindsey Mr. and Mrs. Steve and Laura Livesay Ms Winifred Lobati THE KINGDOM WORKER CONNECTION Ms. Velma Lockhart Mr. and Mrs. Roger and Carol London Mr. and Mrs. Ian and Erin Long Mr & Mrs Gerald and Tammy Long Mrs. Karen Long Ms Robin Long Mr. and Mrs. Braden and Shannon Looper Linda Lowe Brock Loy Mr. and Mrs. Brian and Leah Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Steve and Linda Lyle Mr Steve Maddex Ms Marie Maddox Ms Betsy Magness Mr. and Mrs. Eric and Debra Magnuson Mr & Mrs Wally and Charlee Magruder Mr. and Mrs. Sean and Bonnie Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Deborah Maichele Mr. and Mrs. Joshua and Kelly Maichele Mr & Mrs Scott and Sheri Maki Mr. and Mrs. Will and Nicole Manion Ms Lauren Mann Mr. and Mrs. Dimitrius and Sandra Marinos Ms Dian Markward-floniger Ms Judith Marlatt Ms Kimberly Marney Mr. and Mrs. Sam and Julie Marsh Ms Nancy Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Tim and Jennifer Martin Mr Daniel Martin Lynda Martin Ms Christine Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Keith and Regina Mason Mr & Mrs Gregory and Judy Mason Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Robin Mastrude Mr & Mrs Ken and Edwina Matlack Mr & Mrs Anthony and Twila Mattia Mr. and Mrs. Greg and Deana Maurer Mr & Mrs Mark and Erin Maxwell Pamela Mcallister Dan McCain Mr & Mrs Sean and Becky McCalla Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Shirley McCarter Mr & Mrs Josh and Jen McCarty Mr. and Mrs. Dan and Shelly McCrary Ms. Stacey McCullough Mr. and Mrs. Russell and Yvette McDaniel Mr. and Mrs. Danny and Lana McFarland Mr. Terry McGhee Ms. Julie McGirk Mr & Mrs Christopher and Rebecca Mckelley Mr Jarrod Mckenzie Ms Karla Mckenzie Mr. Alex McKinley Mr. and Mrs. Brad and Michelle McKinney Mr. and Mrs. Jason and Karen McKnight Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Emily McLaughlin Mr & Mrs Patrick and Carlye McLaughlin Brenda Mclaughlin Ms. Caroline McLelland Mr. and Mrs. Steve and Diane McNabb Mr. Dave McNamee Mr & Mrs Randy and Cassie McNulty Ms LaDonna Mcwhorter Mr. and Mrs. Alden and Loretta Meadows Mr. and Mrs. Grant and Becke Medlin Ms Julie Mehochko Mr & Mrs Andrew and Marianne Mehringer Mr. and Mrs. Brian and Robyn Mehrtens Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Pam Melaven Ms. Lois Mezek Mr. and Mrs. Andrew and Janet Miller Mr. and Mrs. John and Dori Miller Ms Mandy Miller Ms Connie Miller Ms Greta Miller Mr & Mrs Paul and Holly Milliken Ms. Cheryl Million Mr. and Mrs. Sean and Tarne Mixson Ms. Loretta Mobley Mr Jonathan Moeller Mr. and Mrs. David and Michelle Mohring Ms Mary Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. David and Vickie Moore Mr. and Mrs. Jeff and Jenny Moore Chad and Karen Moore Jackie Moore Ms Elaine Moore Mr & Mrs Ron and Susan Morales Mr. and Mrs. Kent and Melissa Morey Mr. and Mrs. Lionel and Carla Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Guy and Debbie Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Joe and Donna Morris Jodi Moscardelli Mr. and Mrs. Kent and Lisa Moss Mr. and Mrs. David and Signe Moton Mr Jamie Mourey Mr & Mrs William and Sheri Moxley Ms Hope Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Steven and Susan Mullan Ms Melissa Mullins Ms Stacy Mullins Mr Randall Munch Mr J. Dawayne Murdock Mr & Mrs Louie and Lori Murillo Mr & Mrs Joseph and Annette Murphy Ms. Elizabeth Murphy-Warawa Mr. and Mrs. Chuck and Kim Muston Mr. and Mrs. Ronald and Teresa Myers Mr John Myers Ms Donna Myers Mr. and Mrs. Steve and Angela Nash Mr Tim Nay Mr. and Mrs. Daniel and Nanci Nease Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Sandra Neely Ms Cari Neely Ms Kathryn Neff Mr & Mrs Noah and Penny Nelson Ms Sharon Nelson Eric and Stephanie Neuhauser Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Robin Newman Mr. and Mrs. David and Madison Nichols Ms Lisa Nichols Mr Alex Nordhausen Mr & Mrs Tim and Lisa Norris Mr & Mrs Chris and Bobbie Novak Mr & Mrs Timothy and Mary Nuckols Mr Phillip Nunn Ms Elizabeth Nunnink Mr. and Mrs. Raymond and Catherine Nunweiler Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Michelle O’Hare Mr. Jim O’shea Mr Romulo Ocampo Ms Kelly Odum Mr. and Mrs. Joe and Seana Ogle Ms Dawn Olender Mr. and Mrs. Sam and Tammy Olsen Mr. and Mrs. Noel and Ingrid Orchard Mr. and Mrs. Larry and Heather Osborn Mr. and Mrs. Jeff and Tammy Othic Mr. and Mrs. Daniel and Carrie Overdorf Amiel Overman Mr. and Mrs. John and Beth Overstreet Mr. and Mrs. Eric and Christy Owens Mr & Mrs Jeffrey and Susan Owens Mr. and Mrs. Carl and Dorian Owens Mary Pack Mr. and Mrs. Bob and Mary Palmer Ms Rosemary Pardey Mr. and Mrs. Jerry and Sherri Parker Mr. and Mrs. Ron and Michelle Parker Ms Tracey Parker Mr. and Mrs. Shannon and Rita Parsley Mr. and Mrs. Bridget Pasker Mr. and Mrs. David and Pamela Passafiume Mr. and Mrs. Ed and Tammy Pasternak Mr. Patrick Patterson Mr. Brad Paxton Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Sue Payne Mr. and Mrs. Kevin and Tricia Peck Ms Cynthia Pegram Ms. Catherine Pellegrin Ms Sandra Peng Mr & Mrs Jonathan and Alaina Peppers Mr. and Mrs. Roger and Laura Perlstein Mr. and Mrs. Tim and Carol Perry Ms Kim Perry Ms Nancy Peters Mr & Mrs Jerry and Jodi Petersen Mr. Alex Peterson Ms Teri Peterson Mr Todd Pettepier Mr & Mrs Michael and Judy Pfender Mr Mitch Phillips Ms Amy Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Robin Pickering Mr. and Mrs. Brian and Tina Pieplow Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Kim Pierpont Mr. and Mrs. Kevin and Jill Pigg Mr & Mrs David and Sarah Pike Mr. and Mrs. Jeff and Ruth Pinyot Ms Susan Pletcher Ms. Kaye Plitt Beth Polson Tanya Ponting Mr. and Mrs. Douglas and Beverly Poole Mr Brent Popejoy Mr. and Mrs. Alan and Emily Popowcer Ms Tammi Porter Ms Mary Potter Mr. and Mrs. Rick and Stacy Pounds Mr Carson Powell Ms. Jeanne Powers Mr Chad Powers Ms Catherine Powers Mr. and Mrs. Gary and Elaine Prater Mr Jeff Preston Ms Kim Price Ms Rachel Pritsis Mr & Mrs Ross and LuAnn Pronschinske Ms Paula Puck Mr & Mrs Paul and Kay Pullen Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Carole Pyles Mr. and Mrs. Ron and Lisa Rader Mr & Mrs Stephen and Tina Rain Mr. and Mrs. Rick and Marie Ramos Mr. and Mrs. Chuck and Tammy Rants Dr and Mrs Richard and Carmen Raths Mr Korri Ray Ms. Mary Reed Ms Tammy Regis Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Kim Reimers Mr. and Mrs. Barry and Cindy Reis Mr Jim Renander Mr Jeff Renander Ms Marsha Renander Ms Janice Renander Mr. and Mrs. Wally and Barbara Rendel Mr. and Mrs. Al and Kathy Renner Ms. Barb Replogle Ms Kelly Reza Jim and Wendy Rice Mr Allen Richardson Ms Laura Richardson Ms Bonnie Richmond Ms Terri Ricks Scott Ridings Ms. Cynthia Rimmer Julie Rinehart Mr. and Mrs. Craig and Becky Rippy Mr Jose Rivera Mr. and Mrs. David and Karen Roadcup Ms Adrienne Robenstine Ms Melinda Robertson Mr Tim Robinson Ms Gretchen Robitaille Mr. and Mrs. Marvin and Tammy Rodenbaugh Ms. Karen Rodriguez Ms Lori Rodriguez Mr & Mrs Robert and Julie Rogers Mr & Mrs Gerald and Heather Romero Ms Lona Roper Ms Loraine Ross Mr. and Mrs. Duane and Debbie Roth Mr. and Mrs. Phil and Kathy Rottet Ms Barbara Rozenboom Mr. and Mrs. Doug and Catherine Ruegsegger Mr & Mrs Dean and Darla Ruff Mr. and Mrs. Rodney and Natasha Rulon Ms Karla Rumpf Mr. and Mrs. Johnny and Debbie Runyon Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Kathy Rupp Mr Kenny Russell Ms Deana Ryder Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Sue Sadler Ms Kimberly Sampson Mr Everest Santana Mr. and Mrs. Chris and Holly Santasiere Ms. Cheryl Sargent Mr. Ryan Sattler Mr Ryan Sattler Mr. and Mrs. Steve and Julie Saunders Mr & Mrs James and Cindy Scalone Arlis Scanlan Mr & Mrs Al and Joelene Schaap Mr. and Mrs. Seth and Kayla Schaeffer Mr. and Mrs. Del and Winnie Schanie Mr. and Mrs. Curt and Karen Scheppmann Mr. and Mrs. Henry and Martha Schildknecht Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Wendy Schiltz Ms. Angela Schmidtgall Ms. Tamra Schnieder Ms Karen Schoch Mr Mervin Schuh Dawn Schulte Mr. and Mrs. Bill and Lorrie Schwartz Mr John Schwartz Mr Tracey Schwarzentraub Ms Kimberly Schwettman Mr & Mrs Jarus and Lynn Scott Mr & Mrs Paul and Heather Scott Ms Debbie Scott Mr. and Mrs. Jeff and Nini Seaton Mr. and Mrs. Bob and Janell Sechriest Mr & Mrs Phillip and Michelle Sedlon Ms. Marie Seidemann Mr. and Mrs. Dave and Mary Serino Ms Tara Shadle Mr. and Mrs. Warren and Susan Shake Mr. and Mrs. Brian and Kristine Shaub Mr Terry Sheeks Ms. Beth Shepherd Ms. Rhonda Shields Jill Shields Ms Elizabeth Shinnerl Mr. and Mrs. Kevin and Julie Shipp Ms Heather Shirley Roger and Stephanie Shore Ms Desiree Shores Mr. and Mrs. Chris and Rebekah Short Mr Justin Short Ms Susan Shoup Mr. and Mrs. Rod and Cindy Showalter Mr. and Mrs. Lane and Gail Shumaker Mr & Mrs Ronald and Janet Shuster Mr. and Mrs. Rick and Debbie Silverthorn Ms John and Nancy Simms Mr & Mrs John and Nancy Simms Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Micheall Singer Mr & Mrs Daniel and Lisa Singer Mr & Mrs Donald and Marie Singer Mr Paul Singer Mr & Mrs Brian and Paige Sitton Mr. and Mrs. Rick and Sharon Skelton Dave and Jocelyn Skogebo Ms Lorrishamae Slaughter Mr. and Mrs. Chip and Anne Slawson Ms Brandi Slunder Ms Connie Smith Mr. and Mrs. David and Denise Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jerry and Sally Smith Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Anne Smith Mr Lawrence Smith Ms Cara Smith Ms Michelle Smith Ms. Erin Smith Ms Denice Smith Shari Smith Ms April Smith Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Kellie Snaadt Mr. and Mrs. Tim and Susan Snyder Mr & Mrs Robert and Annmarie Snyder Mr & Mrs Larry and Kathleen Solari Mr. and Mrs. Bob and Liz Solomon Mr. and Mrs. Greg and Ann Sooter Mr. and Mrs. Andrew and Melaney Souder Mr Tyler Sousa Sam Spainhour Mr Brian Spalding Ms Becki Spalding Ms. Cammie Spence Mr. and Mrs. Willis and Susan Spencer Ms Darlene Sporleder Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and Janet Sprenger Ms Elisabeth Sprenger Mr. and Mrs. Brian and Sharon Springer Marshall Spurrier Mr & Mrs Nathan and Mindy Stahl Mr Dick Stahl Ms Mindy Stahl Mr. and Mrs. Patrick and Debbie Stanley Dr and Mrs David and Brooke Stapleton Ms Tamara Starbuck Mr & Mrs David and Shannon Stauffer Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Sue Steffy Mr. and Mrs. David and Lisa Stephenson Mr & Mrs Derek and Vibeke Stevens Ms Chelsea Stevens Ms Jennifer Stewart Mr. and Mrs. David and Carrie Stich Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and Beth Stiers Mr. and Mrs. Keith and Glenda Stone Mr. and Mrs. Tim and Karen Stoner Mr. and Mrs. Tim and Kate Stoner Mr Kurt Stork Mr & Mrs Andy and Amy Storms Jim Stowe Ms Cindy Stowe Ms Marsha Struck Mr & Mrs Lee and Donna Stultz Mr Joe Sullivan THE KINGDOM WORKER CONNECTION Ms Brenda Sumner Ms Cara Supan Mr & Mrs Ernie and Phyllis Swanson Bonnie Swanson Mr & Mrs Duane and Lori Swartzendruber Mr. and Mrs. Steve and Karen Swartzlander Ms Jacqueline Tait Mr Paul Taulborg Mr & Mrs James and Rebecca Taylor Ms Julia Taylor Ms Kim Taylor Mr Mark Teats Mr. and Mrs. David and Martha Templeton Mr Bob Terray Ms Danielle Terrin Mr. and Mrs. Steven and Suzanne Terry Ms. Cara Terry Ms Nicole Terry Mr. and Mrs. Tracy and Lori Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Kelly Thomas Mr Mark Thomas Mr. John Thomas Mr. George Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Gary and Keely Thompson Mr. and Mrs. David and Susan Thompson Ms Abbie Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Erik and Nicole Thomsen Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Angie Thomson Ms Lisa Thormodsgard Mr. and Mrs. Jason and Sandy Thurman Mr & Mrs Gregory and Jennifer Tiano Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Melinda Tierney Mr. and Mrs. Lee and Shelly Tillery Ms Debbie Tillman Ms Phyllis Titus Ms. Heather Tobias Mr. and Mrs. Allen and Marilynn Todd Mr. and Mrs. John and Laurie Tomer Trever Tomlinson Mr. and Mrs. Rhett and Carol Totten Mr. and Mrs. Shawn and Marla Tournear Mr. and Mrs. Dave and Sheila Toussaint Mr. and Mrs. Jeff and Kelly Trask Mr Tyler Trawick Mr. and Mrs. George and Shirley Tribe Ms Susan Trout Ms Candi Truitt Mr. and Mrs. Brett and Michele Turner Mr & Mrs Douglas and Barbara Turner Ms Beckie Turner Mr & Mrs Raymond and Marie Turpin Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Michelle Tweedy Mr & Mrs Aaron and Laura Tyree Ms Debbie Ulibarri Mr. and Mrs. Lawton and Maria Ulrich Mr & Mrs David and Bambii Ulrich Mr. and Mrs. Kenny and Kathy Underwood Mr. and Mrs. Pete and Bronna Utterback Mr. and Mrs. Andre and Diane Valentine Kathy Valerio Ms. Vickie Van Blarcom Mr Pierre Van Greunen Mr & Mrs Dean and Janice Van Ryswyk Mr & Mrs Dave and Andrea Van Wyngarden Mr Steve Van Wyngarden Mr. and Mrs. Hugh and JoEllen Vance Mr. Milo Vaniglia Ms Heather Vanlue Mr. and Mrs. Tyler and Mallor Vice Mr Noah Vincent Mr. and Mrs. Jared and Jami Vineyard Mr. Terry Vogt Ms. Christina von Lindenberg Mr. and Mrs. Bryan and Leticia Vowels Ms Hannah Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Alan and Randia Wainwright Ms Kelly Walburn Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Regina Walker Mr. and Mrs. Mike and Cindy Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Jeff and Cathryn Walling Mr. and Mrs. Bryon and Sara Wallis Mr. and Mrs. Bo and Tami Walters Ms Shawna Walters Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ward Mr. and Mrs. Jeff and Carolyn Warren Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Mary Lou Warwick Mr. and Mrs. Cody and Amanda Waterman Mr & Mrs William and Shirley Watkins Ms Julie Watkins Mr Greg Watowich Mr. and Mrs. Tom and Julie Watson Mr Phillip Watson Mr. and Mrs. Dan and Becky Watt John and Penny Webb Mr & Mrs Ronnell and Samantha Webb Mr & Mrs David and Shannon Webber Mr Brian Weber Ms. Shayla Weedman Mr Jim Wei Mr & Mrs Brian and Kim Weissinger Mr & Mrs Howard and Jeanette Weissinger Ms Babette Weissinger Mr Lyle Welch Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Barbara Welch Mr. and Mrs. Phil and Dale Weldy Mr. and Mrs. David and Kelly Wells Mr. and Mrs. Scot and Lori Westerbeek Mr & Mrs Jeffrey and Lenora Weston Mr. and Mrs. David and Dana Weyl Mr. and Mrs. Tim and Kathy Whelan Mr & Mrs Scot and Tonya Whitaker Mr. and Mrs. Jason and Loretta White Mr. and Mrs. Ron and Bev White Mr & Mrs Roy and Teresa White Ms Cassandra White Ms. Julie White Ms Stacey Whitecotton Laura Whitlach Mr & Mrs Tad and Paige Whitten Mr & Mrs Neil and Sheryl Wichterman Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Yvonne Wickenkamp Mr. and Mrs. Wayne and Elaine Wickstrom Mrs. Melissa Widenhofer Mr & Mrs Jon and Mary Widmer Ms. Kerry Wiebe Mr. and Mrs. Stanley and Lois Wiemeyer Ms Stephanie Wienhold Mr & Mrs Charles and Mary Wiggins Mr. and Mrs. Olin and Maria Wiland Mr & Mrs WIlliam and Joyce Wilburn Mr & Mrs Michael and Gwendolyn Wilkie Ms Pamela Wilkum Mr. and Mrs. Craig and Sparky Willemsen Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Ronda Williams Mr & Mrs Terry and Linda Williams Mr. and Mrs. Steve and Tanya Williams Mr Doug Williams Ms Christine Williams Ms Crinda Williams Ms Abigail Williams Mr & Mrs Russell and Sherry Willis Mr & Mrs Denny and Marilyn Willman Mr & Mrs Sheridan and Elizabeth Willner Mr. and Mrs. Jeff and Sandy Wilson Mr & Mrs Greg and Theresa Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Steve and Christi Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Dan and Christie Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Dave and Tammy Wilson Mr Craig Wilson Ms. Ann Wilson Theresa Wilson Ms Janice Wines Mr. Mike Winkle Mr & Mrs David and Beth Wittenbach Mr & Mrs James and Jennifer Witter Ms Andrea Wojciechowski Mr Aaron and Laura Wolff Mr. and Mrs. Rick and Kay Wolford Mr & Mrs Donald and Deborah Wolgast Mr. and Mrs. Larry and Suzanne Wood Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Kelli Wood Mr Donald Wood Ms Haley Woolbright Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd and Roberta Woollen Mr & Mrs Simon and Christine Woude Mr & Mrs Bradley and Sonja Wright Ms. Marilee Wright Ms Sandra Wright Ms Loella Wrighton Mr. and Mrs. Terry and Shirley Wuske Mr. and Mrs. Jeff and Jackie Wyatt Mr Andrew Wymer Mr & Mrs Jeremy and Paige Wynne Mr. and Mrs. Kim and Ann Yaunches Mr & Mrs Kenny and Cathy Yoakam Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Connie Yocum Ms Hannah Yost Mr & Mrs Michael and Jacqueline Young Ms Rebekah Yowell Mr. and Mrs. Shon and Jenny Yust Mr & Mrs Joe and Margot Zembas Mr & Mrs Gregory and Anne Zeter Ms Valarie Zieser Mr Steve Zikeli www.ciy.com/move