ESHS Annual Report 2013-2014 - Elizabeth Seton High School


ESHS Annual Report 2013-2014 - Elizabeth Seton High School
AT THE HEART OF SETON… A Model of Light to Know and Grace to Do No doubt, it was initially her knowledge and background in religious education that paved the way for Sharon Pasterick to become part of the Elizabeth Seton High School Community as a religion teacher. However, it was her unequivocal example of one bearing the light to know and the grace to do that secured Sharon to Seton forever. Girls who had the good fortune of having Mrs. Pasterick as a teacher recalled the doors she opened for them as they uncovered the hard questions of philosophy, faith, and morals. Theirs was to question, to analyze, to wonder, and to pursue truth in open dialogue and earnest debate so that the mystery of God, the message of the gospel, and the miracles of grace would dwell within them. Her students also remembered her as an approachable, relational and concerned teacher who allowed them to be sprawled all over her living room preparing for retreats or crammed into her kitchen making cookies for service projects. It was no wonder that when a position in the guidance office opened nine years later, Mrs. Pasterick was a clear choice. The girls already knew and respected her as one who would offer them wisdom, direction, or a shoulder on which to lean. Many a student came seeking college counseling, academic advice or social support for their self-­esteem and self-­improvement: knowing that their secrets would not be shared, nor their fears made fun of, nor their doubts dismissed. Students trusted Mrs. Pasterick with the tough trials of being a teenager. They could count on leaving her office with a word of encouragement, a plan of action, or a spark of self-­discovery. It was, however, not only students who came for a bit of this light to know and grace to do! Teachers came and talked over their troubles;; parents posed their problems, and the administration asked for abundant assistance. Mrs. Pasterick’s role as guidance counselor was a natural stepping stone to her position as principal, a job she never sought for herself. Her acceptance of this service was supposed to be for an interim only, while Seton searched for someone else. Someone else was never sought. Sharon’s leadership was admired by all as she promoted the gifts and talents of others and encouraged her staff to move forward with confidence and courage. As Nancy Hernick, Dean of Students, said, “Sharon was always there to support you on a professional and personal level. She made you feel that your opinions mattered, and she welcomed your views. She wanted all of us to know that things happened for a reason, and that we would all be better for what we had experienced.” Once again, parents, teachers, and students admired her dedication and selflessness. Her colleagues remembered seeing her on her hands and knees scrubbing the horrible chair mats the night before graduation so that all would be beautiful for the seniors and their families. Mrs. Pasterick had a calm, soothing manner that brought peace to every situation and allowed everyone to start over no matter what the day before had been. As Leeanna Burke, her assistant principal, once said, “One Christmas holiday was so long that I called Sharon just to hear her voice, knowing that I would be inspired by her laughter, her care, and her concern.” During Mrs. Pasterick’s time as principal, Seton became a much stronger school. Enrollment increased, especially with students from her home town of Bowie and the surrounding areas. New courses and new programs were adopted as well. One very significant improvement was the dramatic increase of the role of the arts in academics. The stellar instrumental and vocal programs were a remarkable result of Sharon’s encouragement and emphasis. As principal, because of her commitment to a strong English program and an exemplary liberal arts education, Sharon made sure that every student at Seton had the ability to be articulate both in writing and in speaking. Mrs. Pasterick’s style of leadership and her gifts to the Seton Community were also acclaimed by her colleagues outside of Seton. As Dr. Dan McMahon, principal of DeMatha High School, said, “Sharon lived the message attributed to St. Francis, ‘preach the gospel at all times;; if necessary use words,’ and she modeled servant-­leadership as well as anyone I have ever met in Catholic education. Everyone who received a Seton diploma attended a better loved and more respected school because of Sharon’s presence, her wisdom, her counsel, and her grace.” The students also described Sharon in the same image as witnessed by Grace Tarnosky in her 2014 Salutatorian address, “Mrs. Pasterick truly exemplified our school’s motto of light to know and grace to do through her example of kindness, compassion, and selflessness toward students and teachers alike. She always had a smiling face in the hallway and a constant presence at school events. As we move on to college and beyond, we will take with us the knowledge that we were loved and supported by a fantastic principal.” Perhaps, Seton’s love for Mrs. Pasterick was centered upon the remarkable respect that she wanted every person at Seton to experience. To this end, one of her final achievements at Seton was to establish a collaborative coalition whose mission was to promote Seton’s culture of respect. As Dana Cunningham, Seton English Teacher shared, “I was a member of the School Culture Committee. It was so insightful and helpful to hear Sharon’s point of view on issues that seemed to always be only teacher or student concerns. Sharon always took into consideration everyone’s needs and made sure that she could make as many people satisfied as possible. I was grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Sharon because she exemplified what a humble, considerate leader should be.” The tributes of the Seton community are unquestionably unanimous: Sharon Pasterick has been and always will be A Model of the Light to Know and the Grace to Do. OUR DEDICATED AND DEVOTED STAFF As Seton concludes school year 2013-­2014, we lovingly express our gratitude for those who are taking another path in their lives, although they will never truly leave us. We will miss them, and we promise to keep them in our hearts and prayers. To them we say... As you go, we think you should know~~ WHY YOUR STUDENTS THANK YOU! Our teachers want us to do well.
The Administration appreciates the sacrifices our
parents are making to send us to Seton.
Seton teachers take a personal interest in us.
Our teachers are easy to talk to ...
Seton teachers are INVESTED!
Lydia Mark Making a Career Change Our teachers are open and allow us
to speak our minds.
Our teachers are available after school
for tutoring.
Rosemary Scott Stay at home mom Emily Camus Moving to New Hampshire Patty Perez Retiring from teaching Joan Mahoney Retiring Our teachers and students are close-knit.
Our teachers value service.
Kristin Rundell Stay at home mom Seton teachers are positive and caring.
Our teachers are knowledgeable
and professional.
Our teachers put us first.
Laura Delaney Diane Nicoll Relocating to Baltimore area Relocating to California Seton teachers have energy and
passion for what they teach.
Seton teachers collaborate well.
Our teachers are compassionate.
Seton teachers want to be at Seton.
Mary Draugelis Retiring Jamie Teigen Stay at home mom Marge Bergeron Retiring Seton teachers know their students
and want to help them.
John Gutendorf Moving to Ohio Sr. Maria Cincotta Seton teachers actually care!
Elizabeth Ellison Stay at home mom Maddy Muldoon Relocating to Savannah, GA AND THEIR COMMITMENT FOR SO MANY YEARS! Seton Celebrates 10 Wonders at Roast the Roadrunner Old Baptist preachers and contemporary megachurch pastors frequently say to their congregations, “You’re in the right place, at the right time, with the right people, for the right reason!” Such was the sentiment at Roast the Roadrunner when teachers, parents, friends, families, donors, and students of every age and era gathered to salute ten shining stars of Seton for their 25 or more years of service. Stories were dug out from the past;; memories were memorialized in sight and sound, and love filled every nook and cranny of the room. Dr. Dan McMahon and Candy Cage ‘81 saluted Sharon Pasterick for her leadership and friendship, while Ginger Thompson and Elizabeth Partenheimer ’10 recognized Leeanna Burke for her inspiration and integrity. The Mahoney girls (Mary ‘86, Joan ‘86, and Susan ‘96) served their mother a mixed drink on stage while the Bergeron clan showed their family film. Doc Woodburn was celebrated by former students, Kelly Orzechowski ’94 and Mary Ann Moore ‘10, both of whom had never lost touch with him. Sr. Lani not only endured the wit and charm of Terry O’Meara, but across cyberspace, she heard and saw Ty Marshall ‘10 thanking her for all her support. Vanessa Cooke was draped in well-­deserved dignity by Melissa Davey ’99 and Kaitlin Lavinder ’09 while Nancy Hernick was humorously applauded by her former students, Coach Cage and Ashley Ajayi ‘09. Mary Draugelis was loved and lauded by Sister Ellen Marie and Mary Lucian while Mary Cotter appreciated genuine affirmation from Sharon Pasterick and Robbie Smith. The night was a huge success because indeed we were in the right place, at the right time, with the right people, for the right reason! Marge Bergeron Joan Mahoney Mary Cotter Doc Woodburn Sharon Pasterick Mary Draugelis Sister Lani Manseau, DC Vanessa Cooke Nancy Hernick ‘74 Leeanna Burke OUR DISTINGUISHED AND RECOGNIZED ALUMNAE… Councilwoman A scholarship of $50,000.00 was established in Turner’s honor that will allow two young women Ingrid Turner ’82 of great financial need to attend Ingrid’s alma mater and to receive what Ingrid, herself, has Receives demonstrated: a strong foundation in Christian Leadership, serious scholarship, and service to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton others. Turner expressed her gratitude for this Award extreme honor by presenting each of the student On April 30, 2014, Elizabeth Seton High School was pleased to honor Councilwoman Ingrid Turner ’82 as the first recipient of the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Award, an award begun by the governing body of the school to honor a significant individual who embodies the mission and vision of the school. Throughout the evening, students of the school shared their accomplishments while mirroring those of Turner including her leadership in government, her appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy, her undefeated soccer records, her excellence in academics, and her admission to the Maryland Bar Association. Through the parallel of their lives with Turner’s, all could see the living witness that Turner is for the school community and for the community of Prince George’s County. According to Sister Ellen Marie Hagar, the school’s president, Councilwoman Turner was a unanimous choice of the Elizabeth Seton High School Board of Directors because of her commitment to economic development, environmental protection, and human services. “Like Elizabeth Seton,” said Sister Ellen Marie, “Ingrid has labored tirelessly for education, for the development of a strong workforce, and the betterment of the lives of others.” speakers with a specially-­designed gold leadership coin that will serve to remind each one of her inestimable value to her family, her school, and her community. Muriel Bowser, Mayor Nominee for Washington, D.C. and Seton Grad, pauses for a visit with Seton students It was under the shadow of the World Cup as Pennsylvania Avenue was lined with crowds of Americans (some soccer fans, some not) watching wide screen televisions to see if the United States could surpass the strong and successful Belgium team, when Sister Ellen Marie, Erica Boursiquot, Cecilia Thompson ‘14, Natalie Mazza ’16 and her cousin met with democratic Mayor Nominee, Muriel Bowser, a proud l990 graduate of Elizabeth Seton High School. American pride was both outside, along the streets of D.C., and inside, in the Councilmember’s office where she shared her hopes for Washington, D.C. According to Councilmember Bowser, “We have to be committed to continual progress that allows middle class families to remain in Washington, D.C.”: a commitment that corroborates the decision of Mazza’s family to be part of the re-­gentrification of Capitol Hill. Bowser’s desire to see more people participating in politics rang true with Thompson, who also lives in the District, and has served as D.C. Youth Mayor. Both students could identify with Bowser’s platform of “rebuilding quality neighborhoods, transforming our schools, and expanding our commercial corridors” so that more businesses can build a stronger economy. The students received an enthusiastic response from Bowser at their suggestion that one of the most significant issues is taxation without representation. Bowser agreed that representation in the Senate is critical for the effect of power. Seton pride also permeated the meeting as Natalie described Seton’s pre-­law program and its internship program, an idea that Bowser proposed for educational reform. Cecilia testified to the academic excellence of Seton that prepared her well for her future at Virginia Union University. Councilmember Bowser recalled her Seton story: her coming to Seton in her junior year, after the close of Holy Name High School, her favorite classes, and her well-­respected teachers. From Seton, she headed to Chatham College, another all women’s school, which recently honored her with the Cornerstone Award for Public Policy. Bowser was looking forward to attending her 25th Reunion from Elizabeth Seton High School. She also indicated that she is due for a visit to Seton to see the Brooks Center, the engineering program, and Seton’s new classes. Sister Ellen Marie assured her that it will be much like Ward 4, “positive and sustainable change that is visible on every level.” OUR EXCITED AND ENTHUSIATIC ALUMNAE The months leading up to Alumnaepalooza were filled with talk, anticipation, special meeting plans, and sheer excitement, all within our alumnae community. Seton women were solidifying their Alumnaepalooza 2014: Everybody plans to reunite with their classmates as well as Have Fun Tonight friends from other classes. And on Saturday, March 22, 2014, Seton’s Auditorium filled with about 200 by Erica Boursiquot, Class of 2000 people including alumnae, their family, and their When I think about Alumnaepalooza friends ready to start their Alumnaepalooza 2014, the 1986 party song by Wang Chung, experience. As our Disc Jockey for the evening, DJ “Everybody Have Fun Tonight!” comes to mind. Fivecard, began spinning tunes, you could hear the If ever there were a tune to describe the dynamic entire space erupt in squeals and laughter as Seton of the evening, it would be this 1986 hit. alumnae joyfully reunited with each other and relived Fittingly, everybody truly had fun that night, to the memories that each song brought with it. say the least. Alumanepalooza, with its peculiar Quickly, the alumnae dropped their belongings off at name and held every March by Seton’s Alumnae their specific tables, and perused the auditorium to Association, is the biggest event to reconnect see who else they could run into from the past. Many alumnae with each other, the school, a few people flocked to the back corner of the auditorium to current students and even some past teachers. discover the newest addition to Alumnaepalooza this Every year, Seton alumnae from every class year, the “March Madness Corner”. The Alumnae return to enjoy an evening of fun that includes Association made good use of the flat screen tours of the school, a silent auction and raffle, television on the wall of the auditorium, set-­up a food, music, and dancing. On a grand scale of handful of high top table and chairs, and showed the things, Alumnaepalooza can be considered March Madness basketball games. nothing more than an all-­inclusive class reunion, In true Seton form, there is certainly but the event is so much more than that, and something for everyone at this event. For the alumna Alumnaepalooza 2014 proved that this Seton who is reconnecting with Seton after many years gathering is our school’s premier alumnae event away, a student-­led group tour of the school is a great of the year. way to start the evening. Many find it exciting to not only walk down memory lane, but also to see the ways that Seton educates a young woman in this day and age. Moreover, they are most impressed by the students and their confidence, leadership, and maturity exhibited over the course of the night. The Class of 1985 had the highest class representation this year, with a lot of spirit to show that night, they tore up the dance floor, and even started a spontaneous small session of karaoke. Kelly Savoy Tucker ‘85 had this to say about her first Alumnaepalooza experience, “OMG!!! I had a ball! It was a wonderful reconnecting experience with so many of my classmates. I don’t know why it took me so long to get to one of these, but I don’t intend to miss another one. Kudos to the Alumnae Association for all of their hard work in putting this event together! I can’t wait to do it again next year!” It is the hope of the Alumnae Association that word will continue to spread about this great alumnae event. It is a FREE opportunity to reconnect with the place that started many friendships, that provided a foundation for future successes, and that fostered a “coming of age” experience for many students as they transformed from young girls into young confident, independent women. The alumnae of Elizabeth Seton High School all have one thing in common, and that is they are infused with the Seton “light to know and grace to do”, and Alumnaepalooza is the annual celebration of that Seton morale that each of us carry in our hearts. Here is the information for next year’s Alumnaepalooza event: Please save the date! Seton Alumnaepalooza 2015 Saturday, March 21, 2015 Elizabeth Seton High School Auditorium FREE OF CHARGE! All Seton Alumnae, friends and family, are invited to return for this spectacular event. The Elizabeth Seton Alumnae Association looks forward to seeing OUR EXCITED AND ENTHUSIATIC ALUMNAE The Seton Sisters of the Class of l988 Come Home Again! By Stacey Gallagher Cleveland ‘88 “It was a blustery evening in February of 2013 when approximately 12 of my classmates and I gathered at a funeral home in Westminster, MD. We had come together for the memorial service for our recently departed classmate, Samantha Dorrell Reaver. Sam was the first member of our class to die. She was also my best friend at ESHS. Sam's sudden and unexpected death left many of us rattled. As sad as we were for the reason to be gathered, we all agreed that it felt good to be together. As the evening drew to a close, I mentioned that 2013 was the year for what should be our 25th reunion. I didn't feel comfortable taking on the planning of the entire reunion all by myself. Sam’s son, overhearing our conversation, encouraged us to move forward because “his mom loved Seton so much.” Within a few days, I received word that Michelle Fillippone Errera and Eileen McGuire Robertson were willing to help. Since Samantha's passing had been such a catalyst for the idea of this reunion, what better way to honor Sam, I thought to myself, then to bring our reunion home to ESHS. After all, it was the birthplace of our friendship! As one of the few members of our class who had daughters that had attended Seton, I very much wanted my classmates to see that the magic of Seton was still very much alive! For me, working on the Class of 1988 reunion was very much a labor of love! I so enjoyed seeing my classmates’ faces light up as they entered the building (for many, it was the first time since 1988!) It was a magical evening as we all got to relive our youth, and for a few short hours, once again, be 17 years old. In the days and weeks that followed, Eileen, Michelle, and I received so much positive feedback from our classmates. “The reunion exceeded my expectations,” said Kathy Creamer Passman, “I almost didn’t come, but Stacey Cleveland kept pushing me to attend. I was so glad I did. I was so impressed when I took the tour: the athletic complex was fabulous;; the engineering program was so exciting, and the Seton girls who were our guides were so friendly. They had to have been tired of us saying, ‘Wow, we didn’t have this when we were here.” Michelle Fillippone Errera agreed with Kathy saying, “I was so happy that we came back to Seton where our roots are and where we first met each other. Seeing the school and how it has grown with an impressive music and athletic department as well as a quality college prep program made me wish I was in school again or that I lived closer so that I could send my daughters to Seton.” Eileen McGuire Robertson hugs Audra Kincaid Whitelock. Dana Lucas, Lisa Raiford Christina and Bianca Kwabenah Barnhardt are all smiles. Phillips and Eileen Earley Marie Gallagher celebrates with re-­connect. Christine Lyon Fratta and Carla Langford Kavanaugh. They all looked sensational: strong, sophisticated and stunning (Marcia Kleinheinz Colender, Roxanne Alvarado, Eileen McGuire Robertson, and Tricia Madden Kepner. Christina Barnhardt Phillips chats it up with Ms. Glavin.
Christine DeNardo Von Blocker appears in her Seton uniform.
Eileen McGuire Robertson and Stacey Gallagher Cleveland Huge hugs and tears of joy revealed bonds that share a glass of wine with Mrs. Cullen and her husband. had not been broken. Our Seton Sisters Who Make Things Happen Please Come As in bygone days, show tunes filled the Seton auditorium (The Mary Mahler Performing Arts Home For Center), while Broadway at Harewood grew and Christmas ticket sales soared. Despite the threat of snow, Broadway at and Harewood, opened to a full crowd silenced by the Happy Birthday, sound of “Prepare Ye The Way of the Lord.” Seton Mrs. Ness! alumnae enriched the silence with “Where Are You Amelia Ness and Chaya Johnson Who says no to Kevin Brady? When Kevin Brady approached Sister Ellen Marie about Broadway at Harewood “doing something” at Elizabeth Seton High School, she responded with sheer excitement although she didn’t know much about “it” or who would do “it”. A graduate of the 70’s herself, Sister Ellen Marie remembered well attending musicals with Mary, Terry, Kevin, and Claire Brady who had key roles in Westside Story, Oliver, and Oklahoma to name just a few. Caught in the drama of “As Long as He Needs Me”, or the silliness of “The Surrey With The Fringe On Top”, the crowd loved the high school musicals of Seton, Carroll and Gonzaga. Loving music and Broadway was just what Broadway at Harewood was all about. Begun by Kevin Brady with the support of Father John Mudd from Archbishop Carroll, alumni of area Catholic High Schools formed a troupe to bring back Broadway not simply for themselves, but also for the education and involvement of the students at Carroll. A change of venue was in store for Broadway at Harewood this year, and Sister Ellen Marie along with Vanessa Cooke, Laura Delaney and Dr. Kathy Vadala welcomed them at Seton and offered the time and talent of the Gospel Choir, the Dance Team, and the Seton Chorale. The date of December 7 was the first available time;; thus prompting talk of White Christmas, Home for the Holidays and We Need a Little Christmas. While Kevin Brady’s genius began working on this musical revue, Sister Ellen Marie be-­
gan working to find Mrs. Amelia Ness, one of Se-­
ton’s earliest music teachers whom she wanted to honor. Both were in luck. Kevin was able to develop a wonderful revue and Sister Ellen Marie found Mrs. Ness when her son, Stephen Ness, responded to Facebook. The match was perfect as December 7th just happened to be Mrs. Ness’ 80th birthday. She was thrilled to come home to Seton to celebrate this occasion. Christmas,” and the stillness of the night climaxed with the Seton Chorale singing “Away In a Manger” and “O Holy Night.” The mood lightened somewhat with “Yes, Virginia, There’s a Santa Claus,” but even more so when Seton alumnae (Angela Dziduch Hunter ’74, Karen Kelly Pascuito ‘74, Charlene Wood Howard ‘74, and Diane Lambert Hansen ‘76 stirred the crowd’s souls with “Sisters” as the Seton Dance Team stole their hearts with their debut dance. The Gospel Choir brought back the Christmas truth with “Jesus is the Reason for Season,” “The King of Glory” and the solo of “Mary, Did You Know” by Danielle Gaskin ‘14. The look on Mrs. Ness’ face was worth it all as she smiled with pride, with delight, and with an understanding uniquely hers. Although the predicted snow outside had been kept at bay, snow suddenly softened the stage while the “stars” sang “White Christmas,” “Winter Wonderland,” and “I’ll Be Home for Christmas.” The entire cast then led the crowd in “Happy Birthday” to Mrs. Ness while Karen Pasciuto and her daughter appeared with the birthday cake to Mrs. Ness’ amazement. And like the former days of high school musicals, when the after-­show cast parties made waiting parents extremely nervous, the party continued in the cafeteria with alumnae trying to get a few personal words with Mrs. Ness. The next day, the predicted snow came as a relief to the cast, but as a moment of magic for all who had looked forward to Please Come Home for Christmas. Something wonderful, something true, and something good and right at happened last night;; no less than the gift that Seton continues to give, the gift that lasts forever: The Light to Know and The Grace To Do. Karen Kelly Pasciuto ‘74 & Angela Dziduch Hunter ‘74 ESHS INCOME FY14
Interest & Scholarship & Investments
Financial Aid
Other Income
Elizabeth Seton
High School
Tuition & Fees
Plant Operations
Other Expenses 4%
General & Administrative
Financial Assistance
Salaries & Benefits
Academic & Student Activity Expenses
ELIZABETH SETON HIGH SCHOOL BOARD OF DIRECTORS Susan Castellan Co-­Chair President Jill Long DePaola ’81 Co-­Chair President Vice-­President, Whiting Turner CEO and Owne, Long Fence and Home Leslie G. Billman, Esq. Kirstan Cecil Trainor, Billman, Bennett, and Milko Director of Marketing, St. Agnes Hospital Paul Evans Sister Ellen Marie Hagar Vice-­President, Annapolis Investment Group President, Elizabeth Seton High School Mary Ellen Hrutka Executive Director, Mid-­Atlantic Catholic Schools Consortium Sister Mary Beth Kubera Kathleen Litchfield, Secretary Leadership Team of Daughters of Charity President, Petro Design Build Group Edward Orzechowski David Radi President and Owner, Nonprofit Advisors CEO, The Boeing Company As we move forward to 2014-­15 The Board of Directors has officially announced The Elizabeth Seton High School Capital Campaign 2014-­1017 for the renovation of the Library and the Track and Field. Please join us in this ongoing advancement on behalf of Seton young women! AT THE HEART OF SETON ARE ALSO OUR DONORS WHO GIVE YOUNG WOMEN FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Scholarship Giving FY14 Rev. Robert Amey Anonymous Joan Bader Sister Mary Bader, D.C. Mahalingam Balakrishnan Fr. James S Betz Scholarship Fund for Catholic Education Capital Caring Catholic Business Network Foundation -­ PG Clark-­Winchcole Foundation Marlene Davis Jill Long DePaola '81 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Forster Karen Galindo Marie Scanlon Grace '63 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Helmick ICA Alumnae Association Mr. & Mrs. John Kincaid Margaret Lahneman Sister Francis Marie Lanasa Rose Hiza McLeod '63 Mission & Ministry, Inc. Maria Montanez '79 James Page Page Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pasterick Sister Clara Pedo, D.C. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Principe The Robert Bensen Meyer, Jr. Foundation, Inc. Amelia Roberts Joseph Rodriguez Sam Rose Sister Mary Ellen Schwartz, D.C. Mr. & Mrs. John Schweppe Jean Stokan & Scott Wright Mary Jo Zeman Vogt '75 Scholarship Giving Class of 2014 “$14 for 2014” Anonymous Class of 2014 members Wintana Asfaha '14 Ashley Bason '14 Franchelle Baylor '14 Deidra Bell '14 Allison Boissonneault '14 Bettina Brown '14 Francesca Bryce '14 Danielle Burbank '14 Alesha Butler '14 Brianna Byrdsong '14 Kat Callahan '14 Nayo Campbell '14 Emily Carroll '14 Julia Castelli '14 Devin Cooper '14 Rebeca Cruz '14 Paige DeLoach '14 Maya Dunbar '14 Alexis Edwards '14 Waluma Fofung '14 Nina Fonjoe '14 Gabrielle Furby '14 Denisse Garcia '14 Danielle Gaskin '14 Ashley Grantham '14 Lauren Gray '14 Emma Green '14 Monet Greene '14 Anna Haschert '14 Tamara Hayden '14 Maris Higginbotham '14 Jasmine Holmes Settles '14 Alexis Isherwood '14 Harolyn Johnson '14 Savannah Johnson '14 Thea Johnson '14 Lorraine Langford '14 Sarah Larkin '14 Candice Lucian '14 Sister Lani Manseau, D.C. Maria Mulgada '14 Lisa Nguyen '14 Jenna Nuth '14 Afroditi Papadopoulos '14 Naomi Parham '14 Jailyn Poindexter '14 Alyssa Potter '14 Kamica Price '14 Taylor Proctor '14 Rachel Purdie '14 Brenda Quintana '14 Jocelyn Reyes '14 Christina Robinson '14 Jodie Rohrer '14 Angelyna Selden '14 Seiako Shaw '14 Pamela Tarectecan '14 Grace Tarnosky '14 Taylor Thomas '14 Cecilia Thompson '14 Marie-­Penda Toure '14 Jordan Weldon '14 Ivy Xia '14 Lauren Young '14 AND OUR DONORS WHO SUPPORT OUR ANNUAL APPEAL Vivian Duru '05 Leadership Circles Aaron Ellison Friends of Seton ($0 through $99) Mr. & Mrs. James Adams, Jr. Ahold Financial Services (Giant Food) Maria Albanese Anonymous Jeanne Farr Anson '69 Ann Heintzelman Barbagallo '66 Mr. & Mrs. James Benton Susan Black Mary Louise Atwell Bogan '67 Kay Heintzelman Boughan '69 Erica Corbin Boursiquot '00 Margaret Bowen Cynthia Brault '79 Teresa Breen '76 Kathleen Patton Bright '66 Elizabeth Bronder Angela Brown '85 Jeanne Montgomery Brown '63 Robert Brown Georgia Burress Julie Pielmeier Cannon '75 Jennifer Butler Carr '82 Leanora Caruth Sister Maria Cincotta, D.C. Mr. Lawrence Colabucci Sharon Collins-­Rawley Charles Condor Helen Conroy Mary Cullen Therese Murphy Cunningham '77 Mary Varney Dallavalle '69 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Daly Patricia Crider Davis '73 Cecelia Becker Dietrick '80 Mr. & Mrs. John Dike Catherine Doherty Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Donnelly Kathleen Dougherty '69 Christina Borowsky Duetsch Helen Engerman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Facey Vivian Ryan Farley '76 Debra Romnosky Femiano '76 Joan Stuecker Ferch '79 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Ferrara Maria Caponiti Fiery '66 Catherine Flanagan Vicki Fleming '77 Helena Ford '74 Gloria Fusco Patricia Lonergan Garcia '75 Lynn Sanalitro Geida '69 Nancy Giancoli-­Shipman '78 Eileen Brahm Goodspeed '74 Melissa Gott Jewell Graves-­Tucker '77 Dorrett Griffiths Sandra Grim Anita Green Guit '76 Mr. & Mrs. Martin Hager Anna Tewell Hall '64 Catherine Hamel '11 Barbara Hamilton '65 Amy Hammett Jessica Harper '00 Mr. & Mrs. Earl Hawkins Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hayes Juliana Cattaneo Heck '69 Demetra Herring '95 Karen Drew Higginbotham '74 David Hightrink Charon Wood Hines '91 Mary Plant Hobbs '65 Frances Fazio Hyatt '66 Susan Hagar Iacaruso '85 Lesli Jackson '05 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Jacobs Angela Jensen Alice Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Henry Kalinofsky Joan Keller Ellin Kelly Theresa Kerley Andrea Khoury '90 Mr. & Mrs. Peter King Yvette King '84 Betty Knick Aleta Applegate Kressley '65 Adrienne Kubeluis '84 Suzanne Wendling Landacre '82 Thomas Lonsbury Kathleen Guyther Malcher '71 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Mann Christine Marinaccio '89 Ngoki Masembwa '82 Sandra Hruska Mattingly-­Paulen '69 Vicky Mayoral '82 JoAnn McCarthy Mayko Mccormick Lisa Mattingly McDonald '92 Andrea McGuire '76 Patricia McMahon '69 Stephanie DeCoste McNeill '63 Mr. & Mrs. James Merna Adele Meyer Jane Pastore Michalek '70 Terrie Collins Moon '72 JoAnn Mullins '64 Patricia Myers
Patricia Mathias Napier '75
Ralph Nardone NASA Federal Credit Union Christine Smith Newgent '68 Rosemary Smith Nicholson '74 Lori Kellaher Nohe '77 Rita Lappin O'Connor '64 Sister Sheila O'Friel, D.C. Roberta Ogunba Onuma '03 Jeanette Turano Partilla '65 Geraldine Franco Pavel '68 Glenn Pearson Robert Pizzano Patricia Simpson Reimer '86 Karen Kerr Renzi '65 Michelle Mattingly Richards '99 Lucia Ronca Thea Roper '09 Catherine Varney Russo '80 Rosina Tillman Seldon '92 Barbara Rosenberger Sherry '76 Catherine Spencer Shine '69 Mary Catherine Siers Kimberly Kirkman Slack '82 Barbara Willhide Smith '67 Amy Cockrell Spalding '63 Paula Carmi Spasaro '81 Catherine Mulcare Stonesifer '66 Mr. & Mrs. Gary Stratchko Nancy Werbickas Sweet '75 April Sanalitro Tavano '65 Mary Jane Thomas Janet Lawrence Thornton '67 Rebecca Banwarth Thur '95 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tinder Jean Kalinofsky Townsend '68 Mary Luebkert Truman '95 Rosemary Schiller Varson '65 Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Wade Jessica Walker '98 Sandra Hern Warren '63 Antoinette Jones Webb '67 Lori Wiley Rhonda Gainous Williams '89 Patricia O'Donnell Zaranski '84 Veritas Circle ($100 through $249) Lisa Antoine '06 Sister Mary Ann Azar, D.C. Elaine Baird '64 Diana Baker Jean Baker Marla Thomas Banks '75 Mary LaCamera Barnes '66 Patricia Bennett-­Brown '82 Mary Karen Engelstad Benson '67 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Bergeron Catherine Bernier '79 Diane Zellers Billingsley '04 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bloomfield Catherine Schulz Bogus '67 Jacqueline Boissonneault Rose Boucher Booe '64 Sister Mary Ann Bozel, D.C. Marlyne Chismar Braverman '64 Teresa Neville Brendler '82 Elizabeth Brown '72 Geraldine Buckley Jerrold Burgoyne Lynne Gentile Campbell '78 Mary Mencarini Campbell '83 Marian Lawrence Cascio '72 Patricia McDonald Cheek '64 Nora Cincotta Mr. & Mrs. Steven Corbin William Cowell, Jr., SGM, USA-­R Elizabeth McAuliffe Curran '78 Dr. & Mrs. J. Christopher Daniel Theresa Deere Mr. & Mrs. William DeFeo Judith Arseneault Dinmore '64 Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Donovan Mary Ellen Breen Dorsey '72 Madeleine Downing '98 Doyle Printing & Offset Co., Inc. Sister Carol Durkin, D.C. Lynne Hewitt Engledow '92 Kathleen Cribben Elkins '64 Paul Evans Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Fauntleroy Kate Fincham '66 Sharon Dunn Gaddes '78 Rosemarie Fontana Gallant '72 Paige Smith Garner '67 Nancy Marston Gesswein '64 Sandra Gettings '66 Mary Gray Janet Gross Michelle Carbone Hanratty '83 Harris Teeter, Inc Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hart Nancy Rhodes Hernick '74 Joanne Hill Michele Chigas Hillman '85 Mr. & Mrs. Warren Hoffman Roscoe Holley Linda Clark Hood '80 Mary Ellen Hrutka, PhD Angela Dziduch Hunter '74 Kathleen Merkel Jackson '86 J&J Plumbing and Heating Kathleen Ratte Jaffke '70 Elizabeth Vadnais Jochum '75 Dian Casciano Jones '79 Mary McIntosh Jones '64 Thomas Jones Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Keleti Janet Monaci Kennedy '66 Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Key Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Khoury Patrice Lewis '74 Jayne Latter Korolkoff '78 Michelle Melvin Kotelchuck '86 Judy Kory Kulawiak '68 Mr. & Mrs. James Kurtz Mr. & Mrs. James Lally Joseph Leffson M. Kathleen Litchfield John Lonergan Katharine Madzelan '73 Joan Mahoney James Marcos Patricia McCaffery '64 Mary McGillicuddy Rose Hiza McLeod '63 Erin O'Donnell McMichael '79 Donna Middleton '63 Eugenia Castrillon Moreno '71 Carol Neagle Myles '64 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Naleski Katherine Woodhouse Nieman '70 Mr. & Mrs. Terry O'Meara Amanda Principe Overby '91 Paul Pham Anthony Piccirilli Mildred Plass Mary Amtsfield Quesada-­Embid '65 Diane O'Brien Quinn '69 Lauren Reavis '02 Karen McDonough Richards '74 Sonja Rogers Rodriguez '73 Andrew Rogers Lois Roux Elizabeth Harry Ruddell '76 Lenore Howell Rumpf '68 Kenneth Samuel Maureen Power Sanelli '84 Ronald Schmidt Mary Donnelly Seidleck '76 Dr. Christine Shea '79 Lisa Shea '74 Signal Financial Federal Credit Union Marianne Sokol Jenny St. Martin '87 Mary Tracy Stewart '73 The Foundation for Priestly Vocations Mr. & Mrs. James Thompson Shirley Merkel Thurneysen '84 Kevin Townsend Carolyn Travers Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Tremble Karen Tuel '66 Martha Vitale '65 Deborah Dryer Vo Rosemary Welch Karla Wells Sharon Mascetti Williams '75 Chris Casciano Wynn '69 Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Yednock Roadrunner Circle Margaret Hagar DiPaula '77 Ehren Green Dirksen '78 ($250 through $499) Rebecaa Sierra Boughamer '98 Linda Glumac Carey '74 Teresa Carter Kirstan Cecil Mr. & Mrs. William Cross Anne Barcus Curran '68 Deacon Leandro Espinosa Mr. & Mrs. John Foley Cecilia Grillo '76 Mary-­Therese Andres Hewins '74 Barbara Fineran Jarman '73 Deborah Holden McGowan '78 Mr. & Mrs. John McNicholas Monica Brady Metheny '88 Monica Breen Michewicz '68 Bernadette Murphy '82 Karen Kelly Pasciuto '74 Jackeline Pfister Mr. & Mrs. Leland Phillips Regional Electrical Contractors, Inc. Emily Rollins Gina Masciarelli Schmidt '77 Somya LLC Mr. & Mrs. John Sotomayor Abigail Tamakloe Leanne Picardi Ugarte '80 Mr. & Mrs. John Whelan Kathryn McGowan Woolley '64 Scarlet, Gold, & White Circle ($500 through $999) 7 Eleven Stores Carl Anglin Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Barnett Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Bodmer Mary Lynne Boss Mr. & Mrs. Leon Criss Mr. & Mrs. William Davey, Jr. Anna Ronca Francis '82 Peter Herdic William Hermann Miss Dorothy Longbrake '99 Mr. & Mrs. William Longbrake Mr. & Mrs. Carl Mazza Elizabeth Harris McCluskey '87 Beverly Scanlan Moore '74 Susan Lonergan Palmer '78 Mr. & Mrs. Major Riddick, Jr. Ms. Margaret Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Phillips Rogers Terrence Scanlon Margaret Blasinsky Southerland ‘66 Pamela Werle Roberta Zalewski '81 Target Sharon Pasterick Circle ($1,000 through $2,499) Maria Candamil '65 Mary Kinney Cannon '74 Matthew Connelly Jill Long DePaola '81 ESHS Class of 1988 Catherine Creel Halen '82 Andrea Haslinger '73 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Howe Sister Mary Beth Kubera Rev. Thomas Laczko James Leary Dr. & Mrs. Daniel McMahon Margaret Vitto Moseley '77 Marie Mastin Newman '68 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Orzechowski Jeanmarie Puglisi '76 Mr. David Radi Gail Ricker Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Rohner The Boeing Company The Charitable & Research Foundation Trust Mr. & Mrs. Thomas White Mr. & Mrs. Albert Wynn Scholarship Giving -­ In Memory Of (FY14) Patricia “Tish” Ates (Mr. Phillip Ates) Allen D. Burns Scholarship (Ms. Agnes Brown ’63) Marian Circle Theresa Gemmell Trust Sr. Jacqueline Kilar Scholarship (Ms. Mary Beth Shaw) ($2,500 through $4,999) Sr. Gertrude Matthews Scholarship Fund (Ms. Maria Candamil ’65) Margaret Bates '74 Kimberly Neely ’91 Scholarship (Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kapriva) Susan Castellan Kimberly Neely ’91 Scholarship (Mrs. Brenda Lawrence) Susan Butler Kilby '65 Kimberly Neely ’91 Scholarship (Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Neely) Kimberly Neely ’91 Scholarship (Ms. Carolyn Norwood) St. Catherine Laboure Circle Kimberly Neely ‘91 Scholarship (Ms. Korona Price) ($5,000 through $9,999) Mary O’Meara ‘74 (Mary O’Meara Trust) Natasha Pettigrew ‘98 Scholarship (Ms. Kennis Henry) Mary Ellen O’Halloran Shoe ‘64 (Anonymous) Daughters of Charity Circle Mary Ellen O’Halloran Shoe ‘64 (Mr. Lee Shoe) ($10,000 through $24,999) Ann Murray R&R Mechanical Contractors The James Johnston Trust for Charitable and Educational Purposes SAVE THE DATE Please join the Elizabeth Seton High School Community in honoring Jean Baker and Sr. Dorothy Lyons for 25 Years of Service to our school. We are also pleased to induct our distinguished athletes into our Elizabeth Seton High School Hall of Fame! Date: April l8, 2014 Time: 6:30pm Cocktails, Dinner, and Ceremony of Honor AND OUR DONORS WHO SUPPORT OUR SPECIAL EVENTS Roast the Roadrunner Rhea Brooking-­Dixon '98 FY14 Donations – Financial Aide, Anne & Katey Doherty Scholarships, Tuition Assistance Ed & Shirley Draugelis Mary Draugelis Priscilla Avendorph Sister Carol Durkin, D.C. Sister Mary Ann Azar, D.C. Jane Edwards Diana Baker Msgr. John Enzler Jean Baker ESHS Alumnae Association Tracy Baker '86 Deacon Leandro Espinosa Patricia Yates Banks '77 Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Gaskin David and Linda Dean Banwarth '68 Frances Glavan Deborah Barker Sister Vincentia Goeb, D.C. Gina Andrella Barley '81 Mary Brophy Haddow '68 Sister Suzanne Baumgartner, D.C. Yvonne Bergeron Harmon '86 Maureen Becker '86 Annette Headley Janet Bell Karen Drew Higginbotham '74 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Bergeron Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Hoerbelt Yvette Bobb '91 Holy Family Church Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Bodmer Marie Rosser Howell '63 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Boissonneault Dorothy Huffer Christine Kinney Bradford '64 Anne Julian Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Brady Denise Key '88 Denise Bergeron Bredbenner '81 Mary Margaret King Lisa Brininstool Joan Kinlan, MD Geraldine Buckley Clara Smiley Kircher '63 Robin Gill Bright Canales '84 Elizabeth Kurtz '99 Sister Eleanor Casey, D.C. The Kurtz Family Mr. & Mrs. Hank Casey Peggy LaFleur Susan Castellan Joseph Leffson Sophia Maroulis Castro '94 The Lucian Family Mr. Ronney Choong & Dr. Melinda Sister Dorothy Lyons, D.C. Chen Joan Mahoney Jennifer Schmidt Cherer '78 Dr. Susan Mahoney '96 Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Cooke, Jr. Mary Anne Malarkey Mr. & Mrs. Steven Corbin Katie Casey Maloney '92 Mary Cotter Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Markey Gerianne Crenshaw Mr. & Mrs. Carl Mazza Mr. & Mrs. Leon Criss Malcolm McCluskey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cullen Juanita McGinn Lisa DaSilva Deborah Holden McGowan '78 Regina Murphy Day '76 Socorro Mendez Jill Long DePaola '81 Aimee Fellows Merkle '88 Richard Middleton Charlene Montgomery Sister Sheila O'Friel, D.C. Mr. & Mrs. Terry O'Meara Marian Ord Kelly Orzechowski '94 Olalani Oyegbola '01 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pasterick Mary Patchan The Peacock/Chroniger Family Hillija Gwynne Manty Peters '02 Anthony Piccirilli Mr. & Mrs. Frank Principe Mr. & Mrs. James Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Rohner Mr. & Mrs. John Rohrer Susan Rohrer Lois Roux Mary Salb '84 Mr. & Mrs. William Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Schlosnagle Mr. & Mrs. Gary Schnell Mary Ellen Serey '74 Sisters of the Villa St. Michael Jane Sampogna Soluri St. Edward the Confessor Catholic Church St. Joseph’s Catholic Church St. Mary's Catholic Church St. Matthias Church St. Pius X Church Mr. & Mrs. Carl Stein Mr. & Mrs. Norman Stevans Mr. & Mrs. James Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Tremble
Dr. Kathleen Vadala Nia Washington-­Plaskett '99 Dr. Antonia Webster Sandy Wells Velicia White Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wiehagen Catherine Bergeron Williams '79 Sharon Mascetti Williams '75 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Wilson Patricia O'Donnell Zaranski '84 Malcolm McCluskey Mr. & Mrs. James McGuire Bernadette Murphy '82 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Narcavage Mr. & Mrs. William O'Hare Mr. & Mrs. Terry O'Meara Kelly Orzechowski '94 David Radi Regional Electrical Contractors, Inc. Mary Ellen Serey '74 Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Size Roberta Smith St. Ambrose Church St. Columba Church St. Matthias Church Barbara Angiolelli Mr. & Mrs. James Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Boissonneault USI Insurance Services, LLC Sister Rita Bozel, D.C. Dr. Antonia Webster Geraldine Buckley Mr. & Mrs. Albert Wilcox Colleen Sheil Cauble '73 Donna Cegelski Homecoming Sponsors Darlene Sikorski Chamberlain '66 (October 2013) Mr. & Mrs. Steven Corbin Beelabor Janitorial Mary Cotter Catholic Business Network Sheila Cotter Foundation -­ PG Aaron Ellison Changing Our World ESHS Alumnae Association Crown Security Systems, Inc. ESHS Athletic Boosters D & D Tire Co. Flynn & O'Hara Uniforms, Inc. Flynn & O'Hara Uniforms, Inc. Maureen Hagar Freeman '69 Hanover Park Pharmacy Nancy Giancoli-­Shipman J&J Plumbing and Heating Frances Glavan Monument Bank Sister Vincentia Goeb, D.C. Regional Electrical Contractors, Inc. JoEllen Narcavage Gray '86 Ridgewells, Inc. Barbara Hamilton '65
Signal Financial Federal Courtney Higginbotham
Credit Union Karen Drew Higginbotham '74 Holy Redeemer Church Nancy Kremzner Korenkiewicz '77 John Lonergan Sister Dorothy Lyons, D.C. Mr. & Mrs. Carl Mazza Patricia McCaffery '64 Susan Rohrer Lois Roux Mary Salb '84 Mr. & Mrs. Gary Schnell Roast the Roadrunner Mary Ellen Serey '74 Carol Shaughnessy FY14 Donations – Turf Field Monica Shavatt M. Joan McDonald App '74 St. Matthias Church Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bauer Mr. & Mrs. James Thompson Jean Conrad Blorstad '75 Ingrid Turner '82 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Bodmer Dr. Antonia Webster Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Boissonneault John Boldt Roast the Roadrunner Christine Kinney Bradford '64 FY14 Donations – General Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Brady Kathryn Tuel Brown '74 Geraldine Buckley Candace Cage '81 Sister Eleanor Casey, D.C. Mr. & Mrs. Steven Corbin Mary Cotter Mr. & Mrs. Leon Criss Janet Deyhle ESHS Alumnae Association Meghan Daly Fletcher '04 Gary Fookes Frances Glavan Sister Vincentia Goeb, D.C. Courtney Higginbotham Karen Drew Higginbotham '74 Denise Key '88 Anthony Kirwan Margaret Hernick Leach '70 John Lonergan Sister Dorothy Lyons, D.C. Malcolm McCluskey Aimee Fellows Merkle '88 Janet Rhodes Novak '72 Mr. & Mrs. Terry O'Meara Kelly Orzechowski '94 Virginia Pontious Mary Rosenberger Ricucci '74 Mr. & Mrs. James Robinson AND OUR BUSINESSES AND PARISHES WHO SUPPORT OUR MISSION AND VISION Business Support FY14 7-­Eleven Stores Ahold Financial Services (Giant Food) Allen & Shariff Corporation Allgrads, Inc. Allogram, Inc. Beelabor Janitorial BidUREnergy, Inc. Brylin Glass, LLC Byrd and Byrd LLC Attys at Law Capital Document Solutions Capital One Bank Chandler Medical, Inc. Changing Our World Claire’s Gourmet Clark Construction Group LLC Crown Security Systems, Inc. D & D Service D & D Tire Co. Dataprise, Inc. Doyle Printing & Offset Co., Inc. Fairwood Spine and Pain Center Flynn & O’Hara Uniforms, Inc. Gailes Violin Shop, Inc. Hanover Park Pharmacy Harris Teeter, Inc. Howerton and Wooten Events, LLC J&J Plumbing and Heating J.M. Gaske, Inc. John J. McGuirk & Associates Kay Management Co., Inc. Lu-­Lynn Landscaping Inc. Mac Solutions, LLC Marshall Moya Design, LLC Monument Bank NASA Federal Credit Union Paramount Vending Services PEPCO R&R Mechanical Contractors Regional Electrical Contractors, Inc. Ridgewells, Inc. Signal Financial Credit Union Somya LLC State Farm Stoy Malone & Company, P.C. Supreme Sports Supply, Inc. Target Tate, Bywater and Fuller, PLC T.J. Elliott’s Restaurant The Boeing Company The Lucian Company Train Printing USI Insurance Services, LLC Victor O’Neill Studio LLC Weyer’s Floor Service Wood’s Flowers and Gifts AND OUR DONORS WHO SUPPORT OUR SPECIAL EVENTS Christmas Show Sponsors (December 2013) Allen & Shariff Corporation Allgrads, Inc. Allogram, Inc. BidUREnergy, Inc. Brylin Glass, LLC Byrd and Byrd LLC Attys at Law Capitol Document Solutions Chandler Medical, Inc. Claire's Gourmet D & D Service Parish Support FY14 D & D Tire Co. Holy Family Dataprise Inc. Holy Redeemer Church ESHS Alumnae Association St. Ambrose Church Fairwood Spine and Pain Center St. Columba Church Howerton and Wooten Events, St. Edward the Professor Catholic LLC Church J.M. Gaske, Inc. St. Joseph’s Catholic Church John J. McGuirk & Associates St. Mary’s Catholic Church Lu-­Lynn Landscaping Inc. St. Matthias Church Mac Solutions, LLC St. Pius X Church Monument Bank St. Ambrose Church St. Matthias Church *
Stoy Malone & Company, P.C. Susan and Andrew Mona Please Come Home Foundation for Christmas Concert Tate, Bywater and Fuller, PLC December 6, 2014 The Lucian Company A Musical Celebration Train Printing of Seton Alumnae, Weyer's Floor Service Broadway at Harewood and Wood's Flowers and Gifts Seton Choirs, Dance, and Drama Ensembles AND OUR DONORS WHO SUPPORT OUR SPECIAL PROGRAMS ANDS CAMPAIGNS Dr. Nina Everett Marianne Ferguson '77 Wilfredo G. Aguilar Lauren Fitzpatrick Tonya Anderson MaryBrigid Frye '81 Anonymous Elaine Geiser Joe Artis Gloria Baublitz Goldfaden '64 Carol Gerhardt Bachmann '70 Loren Goldsberry Diana Baker Aaron Gray Jean Baker JoEllen Narcavage Gray '86 Clara Bannigan '09 Kathleen Haley '83 Linda Dean Banwarth '68 Rochelle Burnette Harley '84 Maureen Burton Barber '67 John Haschert Pat Berard Andrea Haslinger '73 Diane Zellers Billingsley '04 Annette Hawkins Jean Conrad Blorstad '75 Peter Herdic Susan Bodmer Nancy Rhodes Hernick '74 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Boissonneault Daniel Hoehler John Boldt Pamela Narcavage Hoehler '92 Beverly Boluda Dolores Hooban '99 Erica Corbin Boursiquot '00 Harriett Hubbard Sister Rita Bozel, D.C. Dorothy Huffer Kathleen Kish Burruss '73 Deirdre James Mary Kinney Cannon '74 Linda Jordan Christy Carl Peggy Joyner Ann-­Marie Cairns Chappell '90 Katrice Kelly '90 Jennifer Schmidt Cherer '78 Mary Catherine Mutchler Kelly '69 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Cheung Delora Kennebrew Mr. Ronney Choong & Kirsten Kerr Knowles '88 Dr. Melinda Chen Michelle Melvin Kotelchuck '86 Diane Colein Sister Ellen LaCapria, D.C. Bettie Crawl Judith Quinn Leahy '64 Kobie Crawl John Lonergan Rosemary Crawl Mary Mahoney Lucian '86 Melissa Davey '99 Valrae Goglio MacDonald '63 Judeth Willhide Davis '80 Daniel Malloy Regina Murphy Day '76 Katie Casey Maloney '92
Barbara DeShong Sister Lani Manseau, D.C. Dawna Dilworth Mr. & Mrs. James Marcos Margaret Hagar DiPaula '77 Mary Anne Aukward Marcot '69 Maureen Dominiski Cristina Marquez-­Buan
Kathleen Stewart Enterline ‘00
Lisa Martin Deacon Leandro Espinosa Mr. & Mrs. Carl Mazza Do More 24 FY14 Kathryn McCray Monica Brady Metheny '88 Monica Breen Michewicz '68 Tamara Miller Eugenia Castrillon Moreno '71 Claire Motley '66 Tricia Muir '96 Cynthia Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Narcavage Elise O'Meara '10 Mr. & Mrs. Terry O'Meara Edward Orzechowski Karen Kelly Pasciuto '74 John Pedersoli Kimberly Pettaway Darlene Pinnock Paula Prager Rosemarie Price '88 Elizabeth Wherley Regan '92 Pamela Reising Mr. & Mrs. John Rohrer Jennifer Rothgeb '69 Elizabeth Ryan German Sanchez-­Paz Susan Gvozdas Schept '90 Margaret Schlosnagle Gina Masciarelli Schmidt '77 Nicole Leyton Shahraky '07 George & DeAnne Sutton Grace Tarnosky '14 Laura Narcavage Tarnosky '85 Rebecca Taylor
George Tepe T.J. Elliott's Restaurant Kim Trebel Kelly Savoy Tucker '85 Leanne Picardi Ugarte '80 Melissa Valentine Mary Ann Vaughan Armalia Washington Mary Wassmann Tamera Wells-­Lee Patricia Malcolm White Lorraine Williams Rita Williamson Carol Tuel Wilson '78 Lisa Wilson Adriana Leyton Zellers '78 Grant Giving FY14 Angela Lena Foundation Capital One Bank Capital Partners for Education Catholic Business Network Foundation -­ PG Clark-­Winchcole Foundation Community Foundation for National Capital Region EdLab Group Edward St. John Foundation Forster Family Foundation Koch Foundation, Inc. Marshall Moya Design, LLC Mission & Ministry, Inc. Nancy Peery Marriott Foundation, Inc. Page Family Foundation PEPCO State Farm State of Maryland The Charitable & Research Foundation Trust The James Johnston Trust for Charitable and Educational Purposes The Robert Bensen Meyer, Jr. Foundation, Inc. Tom & Glory Sullivan Foundation Town of Bladensburg Athletic Giving FY14 Mr. & Mrs. John Cravens Friends of St. Jerome/Catholic Sportsmen's Organization Nancy Rhodes Hernick '74 Anne McDonough Mark McGibbon Dr. Mark Turner Capital Giving FY14 Athletic Boosters Community Foundation for National Capital Region Carol DeLuca Council '65 Rose Douglass Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Fennessey Mr. & Mrs. Charles Golch Anna Tewell Hall '64 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Howe James Leary Kay Management Co., Inc. Mary Griffin Lewis '63 Mary Douglas Mahler '75 Mission & Ministry, Inc. Regina Murphy Day '76 PEPCO Sam Rose Luanne Vendemia Smith '86 Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Size St. Ambrose Church State of Maryland Jeanne Tintle Vacante '77 Winter Concert December 11, 12 7:30pm Faculty Xmas Show December l9 10:30am Roadrunner Reverse Raffle March 22 1:00pm Drama Production March 27, 28 7:30pm Pops Concert April 24, 25 7:30pm / April 26 2:00pm Seton Diamond’s Fashion Show May 2 7:30pm Spring Concerts May 17 – 3:00, 7:00pm Town of Bladensburg Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Tucker Ingrid Turner '82 LEAD Program FY14 Margot Alert Allen & Shariff Corporation Angela Lena Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Browning Capital One Bank Catholic Business Network Foun-­
dation – PG Mr. Ronney Choong & Dr. Melinda Chen EdLab Group Edward St John Foundation Frances Glavan Rosemarie Mecca Gross '73 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Herman James Leary Marshall Moya Design, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Carl Mazza Lenox Molineaux Nancy Peery Marriott Founda-­
tion, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. James Riley Ruth Foley Riley '75 Supreme Sports Supply, Inc. Designated Donations FY14 Capital Partners for Education (professional development) ESHS Parent Organization (technology) Mr. & Mrs. Muted Fofung (technology) Koch Foundation, Inc. (math program) Mr. & Mrs. James Riley (Seton family in need) Tom & Glory Sullivan Foundation (campus ministry) Elizabeth Seton High School
5715 Emerson Street
Bladensburg, MD 20710
PERMIT #5165