2006 Annual Report Ext. Cover


2006 Annual Report Ext. Cover
The Mental Health Research Association
with three grant programs
funding 718 scientists with $19 million
in grants in 2006
Young Investigator Program
supporting innovative research ideas of outstanding young scientists
Independent Investigator Program
building upon established scientific skills and unique investigative insights
Distinguished Investigator Program
facilitating breakthrough research by proven scientific leaders
in genetics, molecular biology, bioinformatics,
brain imaging and better medications
the world
in charitable funding of research
for mental health
Annual Repor t
for illnesses such as
schizophrenia; bipolar disorder; depression;
anxiety disorders; attention-deficit disorder; autism;
eating disorders; and other childhood and adult disorders
with researchers in the United States
and 25 other countries
NARSAD’s mission is to promote human health through advancements in brain
and behavior research leading to more effective treatments and cures.
Table of Contents
Message from the President
NARSAD: The Mental Health Research Association is the world’s
leading charity for research on mental illnesses. It funds innovative
scientific research on the causes, treatment and prevention of a range
of serious neuoropsychiatric disorders.
From the time it began giving grants in 1987 as the National Alliance
for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression, NARSAD had distributed through the end of 2006 nearly $200 million in research funds
to 2,284 scientists in 347 institutions in the United States and 25
other countries. NARSAD’s scope of funding now extends well
beyond schizophrenia and depression to include bipolar disorder,
anxiety disorders, and a range of childhood and adolescent disorders.
NARSAD’s research grant programs support the work of outstanding scientists based at universities, medical centers and other
nonprofit medical research institutions worldwide. Our Young
Investigator grants encourage innovative ideas by talented earlycareer scientists, including many who are just launching research.
NARSAD’s Independent Investigator grants sustain the work of
mid-career scientists who have established successful research
programs and demonstrated unique investigative insights. The
Distinguished Investigator program facilitates breakthrough
research by leaders in the field. All research grants are reviewed
and recommended by NARSAD’s distinguished 94-member
Scientific Council.
In recent years, NARSAD has become the major nongovernmental
source of grants for psychiatric research at leading American
universities, including the University of California, Columbia,
Harvard and Yale.
NARSAD-funded research frequently leads to additional, major
funding from the government and other private sources. In part
this reflects NARSAD’s success in identifying worthy high-risk,
high-reward research projects at their earliest stages of development.
The implications are well captured by Steven B. Hyman, provost
of Harvard University and a former director of the National Institute
of Mental Health:
“There is no organization in the United States doing
a better job of dealing with the gap between our nation’s
real and profound public health needs and our ability
to fund research than NARSAD. What NARSAD
traditionally has done is to fund young investigators —
the source of our innovation and new ideas — in a really
generous way.”
Page 1
Message from the President of the
Scientific Council
Twenty Years of Advancing Research
New Scientific Council Members
Research Highlights
NARSAD’s Annual Prizes
— The Lieber Prize
— The Falcone Prize
— The Goldman-Rakic Prize
— The Ruane Prize
— The Sidney R. Baer, Jr. Prize
Report of the Executive Director
The Klerman/Freedman Awards
NARSAD Mental Health Research Symposia
— New York City
— Regional
• Every dollar donated to NARSAD goes
directly to funding research grants.
• NARSAD receives no government funding.
• Charity Navigator and The American
Institute of Philanthropy, leading evaluators
of charitable organizations, have given
NARSAD their highest ratings for
financial efficiency.
NARSAD Community Outreach
Research Partners Program
2006 Grant Programs
NARSAD Grants in 2006
— Distinguished Investigators
— Independent Investigators
— Second-Year
Independent Investigators
— Young Investigators
— Second-Year
Young Investigators
NARSAD Contributors
— Honor Tributes
— Memorial Tributes
Independent Auditors’ Report
— Financial Statements
— Notes to Financial Statements
Message from the
The year 2006 was a special one for NARSAD. It marked the 20th anniversary of the
formation of our Scientific Council and its initiation of our research programs. The year
was also marked by major research achievements announced and published by many
of our grantees, whose work moves us steadily toward our goal of “better treatments
and cures for severe mental illnesses.”
Our donor base is growing as evidenced by increased number of donors, contributions and endowment. In 2006,
NARSAD raised $17.1 million from both new and loyal donors and earned $1.4 million of investment income from
its growing endowment. The cumulative amount of funds raised by NARSAD, including special grants designated to
cover our entire administrative and overhead expenses, has totaled $222 million since our inception in 1987. NARSAD
continues its long-term relationship with two family foundations that have generously committed to underwriting
these expenses.
Through 2006, NARSAD provided nearly $200 million for 2,948 research grants to 2,284 scientists at 347 universities
and medical research institutions in the United States and worldwide.
Research Grant Awards
In 2006, NARSAD provided $19 million in new research grant funding. The highly selective process employed by the
Scientific Council in awarding research grants resulted in only 23 percent of the applicants receiving funding. There
were 20 Distinguished Investigator grants provided to leading-edge researchers in a variety of disciplines, including
some of the most widely recognized, innovative thinkers in psychiatric and neuroscience research. Each received
$100,000 for their special research projects over one year. The Young Investigator program, which we initiated in 1987,
awarded grants to 206 early-career scientists, each receiving one- or two-year grants of $30,000 and $60,000 respectively, to enhance their research and accelerate their careers. New grants were also awarded to 46 scientists in the
Independent Investigator program, each of whom received $100,000 for a two-year period. Additionally, Young
and Independent Investigators from 2005 who were in the second year of their NARSAD research projects received
ongoing support.
Research Leverage
A vital result of NARSAD grants is their role as a catalyst for new research programs. Year after year, NARSAD grantees
report that the scientific work accomplished with funding they receive from NARSAD leads to new, often larger grants.
In 2006, NARSAD initiated a new survey of such subsequent grants received by NARSAD investigators. Data from the
20 percent of grantees who responded showed that they received subsequent new grant funding equal to 19 times the
amount of their original NARSAD grants. In financial terms, this is exceptional leverage, suggesting that NARSAD
provides the basis for new and larger research programs.
Honoring the Scientific Council
NARSAD’s board of directors and supporters honored our Scientific Council’s 20th anniversary as a special component
of our annual New York gala in October. The Council, a group of leading scientists covering the broad spectrum of
psychiatric and neuroscience research, has provided the grant-making strategies and grantee selection and review
process at the core of NARSAD’s achievements. Each of the 94 members of the Scientific Council is a volunteer,
generously devoting time and effort to identifyng the most promising research projects.
Beginning as a small group in 1986, the Scientific Council has frequently elected new members in order to meet the
challenges of fast-developing science and new technologies. In 2006, six new members were added to the Council:
Robert W. Buchanan, M.D.; Peter Buckley, M.D.; B. J. Casey, Ph.D.; Richard Keefe, Ph.D.; Godfrey D. Pearlson, M.D.;
and Pasko Rakic, M.D., Ph.D. These new members add luster to the Council, which has included three Nobel Prize
winners, Eric Kandel, M.D., Paul Greengard, Ph.D., and the late Julius Axelrod, Ph.D., as well as four former directors
of the National Institute of Mental Health, among whom is the president of our Scientific Council, Herbert Pardes, M.D.
The current NIMH director, Thomas Insel, M.D., previously served on the Council before being appointed to his
NIMH post.
Thirty-five Scientific Council members, each wearing a ribbon and medallion of honor, joined the 20th anniversary
celebration, providing a dramatic moment as they entered the ballroom together to the music of Handel sung by members of “Sing for Hope,” an extraordinary group of professional musicians that frequently performs for charity events.
Growing Donor Base
Broadening NARSAD’s base of support remained a key concentration throughout the year. We accelerated this effort
through new fund-raising events, our publications, increased public participation in our annual schedule of regional
events and our websites — all creating a major impact. There were two additions to our events calendar in 2006:
NARSAD’s inaugural Los Angeles “Campaign for the Brain — Silver Ribbon Weekend” and the first annual Boston
Mental Health Research Symposium and Dinner.
The Los Angeles “Campaign for the Brain – Silver Ribbon Weekend” events brought the
NARSAD message to Southern California under the leadership of Hal and Patsy Hollister, whose
founding and development of NARSAD Artworks is legend in Los Angeles and well known
throughout the country. The June weekend opened with a gala dinner, at Paramount Studios
in Hollywood, that honored former first lady Rosalynn Carter for her achievements in the mental
health field. The dinner was followed the next day by a free public symposium which was held
in Royce Hall at University of California, Los Angeles, and led by Lewis Baxter, M.D., and
renowned NARSAD prize-winning scientist Kay Redfield Jamison, Ph.D.
The initiation of a NARSAD symposium and dinner in Boston in April was, in a special
sense, a homecoming. No other community has received as many NARSAD grants as
Boston, with a total of 362 to date representing more than $15 million. The medical research
institutions in Boston have fostered the scientific promise sought by NARSAD’s Scientific
Council. Our free public symposium was funded by the Sidney R. Baer, Jr. Foundation,
which also provided generous support to the third annual Mental Health Research
Symposium and Dinner in St. Louis, Missouri.
Lee and Robert Peterson, long-time leaders of NARSAD’s board, organized their ninth
annual “Sunshine from Darkness” Symposium and Gala in Sarasota, Florida. Once
again this event attracted over 1,200 participants. The gala dinner honored NARSAD’s
renowned humanitarian awardee Mike Wallace.
February brought NARSAD’s third annual “Mission Possible” weekend
in Washington, D.C. The leadership of this event by board member
Sheila Rabaut guaranteed an extraordinary dinner in the Andrew W.
Mellon Auditorium with Dr. Thomas Insel, director of the National Institute
of Mental Health, as honoree. Dr. Insel also moderated the weekend’s free
public symposium, which featured presentations on childhood and adolescent disorders by NARSAD Scientific Council members and grantees, all
outstanding scientists.
Photos top to bottom: Patsy Hollister, Hal Hollister, Lee and Bob Peterson, Sheila Rabaut with CNN correspondent and emcee
for the event, Frank Sesno, and committee chair Wendy Adeler-Hall.
The winter-season achievements of NARSAD’s volunteer leaders culminated in the Palm
Beach “Sunshine from Darkness” Gala and Symposium, organized for the third year
by Sallie and Alex Van Rensselaer. The gala, which was set at the luxurious and renowned
Mar-a-Lago, was a high point of the resort’s charity season. The gala was further
distinguished by its honoree, CNN’s Anderson Cooper, who spoke movingly about his
brother’s mental illness. The following day, a free public symposium for the community
offered an outstanding panel of NARSAD researchers.
The annual meeting of NARSAD’s board of directors and Scientific
Council in July featured the presentation of the 2006 Peterson Award
Sallie and Alex Van
to Mary and Mike Wallace. Both have used their great talents in behalf
of NARSAD and its cause. Mary has served as a member of NARSAD’s
left: Anderson Cooper
board and Mike has been a powerful speaker and leader on the challenges
of mental illness and the potential for recovery. (Both also spoke in a
NARSAD co-sponsored public television series on mental illness, “Healthy
Minds,” which made its debut in 2006.) Through the Peterson Award, the board of directors continues to honor those
who work in the spirit of esteemed long-time supporters and board leaders Lee and Bob Peterson.
The Gala Awards Celebration
NARSAD’s 19th annual New York Gala took place at the Pierre Hotel in October. It celebrated the Scientific Council’s
20th anniversary, and also honored the six scientists receiving NARSAD prizes for outstanding achievement in brain
and behavior research.
The Lieber Prize for Schizophrenia Research was awarded to Jeffrey Lieberman, M.D., of Columbia University;
the Falcone Prize for Affective Disorders Research went to Lori Altshuler of UCLA; the Ruane Prize for Child
and Adolescent Psychiatry was awarded to David Shaffer, M.D., of Columbia University and David Brent, M.D.,
of the University of Pittsburgh; the Goldman-Rakic Prize for Cognitive Neuroscience Research was presented
to Joaquin Fuster, M.D., Ph.D., of the University of California at Los Angeles; and the Sidney R. Baer, Jr. Prize went
to Lorna Role, Ph.D., of Columbia University. The weekend began with NARSAD’s annual all-day Young Investigator
Symposium on Friday, and continued Saturday morning. Over 1,000 attendees participated in these free
symposium events.
Research Partners Program
Many other events and initiatives characterized NARSAD’s 2006 achievements, as will be detailed in this report.
Among the most promising is the continued success of our Research Partners Program, which allows donors to
support the research of a particular scientist. Currently, the research of 126 investigators is being supported by a wide
range of individual donors and foundations. Some of these donors are especially interested in supporting the research
project of a particular investigator, while others choose to support work at an institution about which they care (often
as an alumnus). Still others wish to accelerate research in a particular field, such as research on autism or obsessivecompulsive disorder or bipolar disorder.
Importantly, the Research Partners Program has become an increasingly popular philanthropic vehicle for charitable
foundations that wish to support NARSAD and share a commitment to our goals. Many of these foundations recognize
that NARSAD’s grant-making structure allows them greater ability to select the research and researchers most relevant
to them and to obtain a better range of grant applicants than their own structure can provide. Typically, we learn that
foundations have but one or two scientific advisors, and lack the breadth of expertise and grant-selection capability
held by our Scientific Council. We are deeply appreciative of this broadening institutional recognition of the potential
to support the best research through NARSAD’s grants program.
Information Resources
NARSAD’s publications and other informational resources continue to serve as a vital link between our supporters
and our scientists and provide information for the broader public.
In the pages of NARSAD’s quarterly Research Newsletter, we were privileged to report on the extraordinary careers
of the exceptional scientists who received NARSAD research prizes in 2006. We added an important dimension
to the Newsletter’s reporting on the Young Investigator symposium by including commentaries from senior members
of our Scientific Council, all distinguished teachers. Throughout the year, biographical profiles were featured on highly
accomplished leaders in research who are members of the Scientific Council.
The Schizophrenia Research Forum (SRF), which is co-sponsored by NARSAD, marked its second year of service
in providing a virtual meeting place for the exchange of scientific information by investigators involved in psychiatric
and cognitive research. The SRF website enjoyed a record number of visitors. Similarly, the newly revised NARSAD
website offered a constant stream of information on new research findings by NARSAD-supported scientists, including
reports on presentations at our research symposia held in cities around the country.
A New President
The year 2006 marked an important transition for NARSAD as the Board of Directors initiated a search for a full-time
president and chief executive officer. Having held responsibility as president and C.E.O. since 1989, I look forward
to seeing NARSAD achieve another level of growth under full-time professional leadership, augmenting our already
excellent staff and programs.
The conclusion of the presidential search was announced on May 21, 2007, with
the appointment of Geoffrey Birkett. Mr. Birkett previously served as a senior vice
president of global marketing for AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, where his portfolio
included central nervous system medications. The majority of his career has been in
the pharmaceutical industry, with particular emphasis on psychiatric drugs. He has
held positions at Eli Lilly and Company, Lundbeck Pharmaceuticals, Glaxo Group
Limited, and, for the last 15 years, AstraZeneca. We look forward to NARSAD
receiving the benefit of his considerable experience in key areas of related
pharmaceutical research, information technology and marketing.
As we move to the next stage of achieving NARSAD’s ambitious goals, I look
forward to continuing to serve the organization as a member of the board of
Geoff Birkettt
directors. In closing, I thank our wonderful, enthusiastic supporters, our remarkable
Scientific Council, our distinguished board of directors, and, particularly, our staff, for the opportunity to provide leadership over 18 years. I look forward to continuing cooperation with all.
Above all, I have deep thanks for the many who shared in NARSAD’s efforts to enhance and accelerate the mission
to build knowledge which will bring “better treatments and cures for severe mental illnesses.” With striking scientific
progress in 2006, and with our great cadre of scientist-grantees and new NARSAD leadership, we will meet the goals
of our mission.
In closing, we and our grantees are deeply grateful to those whose gifts to NARSAD of funds, time and energy
have made possible the achievements that are reported in the balance of this document. Your dedication, your
belief in progress and your desire to enhance the lives of those who suffer are the inspiration for the effort
of this entire organization.
Constance E. Lieber
President, NARSAD
Message from the President of NARSAD’s
Scientific Council
Given all the current demands on our government’s revenues, it’s no surprise that the National Institutes of Health (NIH),
our federal agency for medical research, once again is faced with extraordinary budget constraints.
Many researchers of psychiatric disorders are experiencing considerable difficulty in finding support for their research.
In this period of tight budgets, NARSAD has an even more vigorous role to play as a private source of research grants.
My hope is that we will see some turnaround in NIH funding as a result of impending political changes in Washington.
But regardless of what happens in the corridors of government, NARSAD is poised to grow and increase the pool
of private funding for critically needed research on mental illnesses.
Among the important developments at NARSAD is the naming of a superb new president, Geoff Birkett, who is an
experienced and sophisticated leader. Additionally, Connie Lieber, who led NARSAD as president during the past 18
seminal years of this organization’s development, along with the other members of our board of directors, will continue
to serve and support the organization in a vital capacity. This will enable NARSAD to sustain its high standards for
grant-making and organizational operations and reach for even greater heights. The board is currently studying ways
in which to amplify NARSAD’s impact on the pace and scope of research on psychiatric illnesses. The Scientific Council
stands ready to help in every way possible.
All this good news comes at a time when the potential for research breakthroughs, given recent advancements in science,
has never been more promising. The moment holds great implications for the field of neuroscience and for the fight against
mental illness.
On behalf of the Scientific Council, we look forward to further expanding and enhancing NARSAD’s contributions
to psychiatric research by capitalizing on the strengths of our Scientific Council, board of directors and new leadership.
Thank you to everyone who is helping. This is one great family.
Herbert Pardes, M.D.
President and CEO, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital
Front row, l-r: Drs. Nina Schooler,
Rachel Klein, Nancy Andreasen,
Pierre Blier, NARSAD’s President,
Connie Lieber, Drs. Eric Kandel
and Ariel Deutch.
Back row, l-r: Drs. Godfrey Pearlson,
Francine Benes, Bita Moghaddam,
Peter Buckley, Peter Kalivas,
Judith Rapoport, Michael Posner,
J. John Mann, David Lewis,
Anthony Grace, William Carpenter,
Herbert Meltzer, Robert Kessler,
Herbert Pardes, Jeffrey Lieberman,
Fred Goodwin, Lewis Judd, Fritz Henn,
Jack Barchas and Samuel Barondes.
Celebrating Twenty Years of
Advancing Research
NARSAD’s research program was developed and
continues to be led by its illustrious Scientific Council,
now comprising 94-members. In 2006, NARSAD
marked the Council’s 20th anniversary at its annual
New York Gala.
The Council has been instrumental in guiding
NARSAD’s growth from a program of funding 10
investigators in 1987 to 718 investigators in 2006.
It identifies new frontiers for research, sets grantmaking policy, and rigorously reviews more than
1,000 grant proposals annually, recommending
hundreds for funding. Its members also select
the recipients of NARSAD’s career achievement
prizes. Over the years, these recipients have included
three scientists who subsequently were honored
with Nobel Prizes.
Scientific Council members who attended the
October 27th gala at the Pierre Hotel were presented
with commemorative medallions by NARSAD President
Connie Lieber in recognition of their service.
In honoring the body’s long record of achievement,
the Council’s founding president, Herbert Pardes, M.D.,
looked back over its first two decades of work:
“On July 24, 1986, the first full meeting of NARSAD’s
Board of Directors and Scientific Council took place.
I was privileged to be among the organizers and to
become the Council’s president. Floyd Bloom, M.D.,
of the Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, was
selected to serve as vice president, and Julius Axelrod,
Ph.D., of the National Institute of Mental Health,
and Eli Robins, M.D., of Washington University,
as honorary chairs. By the end of 1987, there were
24 members of the new Council providing expert
guidance to NARSAD in the key areas of
psychiatric research.
“In my first annual report on the work of the Scientific
Council, I stated — and I now reiterate: NARSAD
stands as a symbol that the nation and its citizens
are dedicated to the proposition that psychiatric
illnesses can be ameliorated, and will, in the end,
be extinguished.
“Now numbering 94 members, the Council is widely
recognized as a premier group of research and
research administrative leaders covering a broad
spectrum of brain and behavioral science. Each
member volunteers his or her services in essential
ways. The Council’s members review each year’s
growing number of grant applications and select
the very best research on psychiatric disorders,
wherever it is done, regardless of discipline or location,
focusing only on excellence. The Council also serves
as an advisory group on policy and programs for
NARSAD, and has facilitated important interactions
with other entities concerned with psychiatric research.
“All this has been accomplished as a result of the
dedication, commitment and expertise of my
distinguished Council colleagues, whose work
represents a unique gift to those suffering from severe
mental illnesses. Their contribution also represents
an asset to a society that urgently needs to meet
NARSAD’s original goal of productive scientific
research to find the causes, cures and prevention
of chronic and severe mental illnesses.”
New Scientific Council
The Scientific Council has never rested on its laurels. Each year, it effectively revivifies itself by electing some of
the emerging leaders in neuropsychiatric research to join its ranks. This past year was no exception, with six outstanding individuals joining the Council, bringing its total membership to 94. Like those who elected them to serve, new
council members are rich in talent and varied in backgrounds. And if past is prologue, they, too, will not only play a vital
role in annually identifying the most promising research projects for NARSAD funding, but will also give their time as
commentators and moderators for NARSAD’s public symposia on mental health research, and will serve as mentors
to NARSAD Young Investigators.
Robert W. Buchanan, M.D., is professor of psychiatry and chief at the Maryland
Psychiatric Research Center Outpatient Research Program, University of Maryland
School of Medicine, Baltimore. His research interests include neurobehavioral and
neuroanatomical investigations of the pathophysiology of schizophrenia and investigation
of new pharmacological approaches for treating cognitive impairments and treatmentresistant symptoms in schizophrenia. Dr. Buchanan has been involved in multiple aspects
of the Measurement and Treatment Research to Improve Cognition in Schizophrenia
(MATRICS) project, including identification of potential pharmacological targets for
treating cognitive impairments. He received a NARSAD Young Investigator Award
in 1988.
Peter F. Buckley, M.D., is professor and chairman of psychiatry at the Medical College
of Georgia. With a background of studies in brain imaging and neurodevelopment, he
is currently conducting a program of research on the neurobiology and treatment
of schizophrenia. Dr. Buckley has been a professor and vice chair in the department
of psychiatry at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and medical
director at Northcoast Behavioral Healthcare System, the adult state psychiatric services
for Cleveland and Toledo. He chairs the schizophrenia spectrum disorders and late-life
review committee of the National Institute of Mental Health and has contributed
to several expert consensus guidelines. Dr. Buckley received a NARSAD Young
Investigator Award in 1992.
B. J. Casey , Ph.D., is Sackler Professor of Developmental Psychobiology and director
of the Sackler Institute for Developmental Psychobiology at Weill Medical College
of Cornell University. She is also a visiting research collaborator in the psychology
department of Princeton University. Dr. Casey’s research focuses on inhibitory
mechanisms of attention, particularly their neurobiological basis, development
and pathology. She studies the normal development of brain circuitry involved in inhibitory
control and behavioral regulation and how disruptions in these brain systems (in the
prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia) can give rise to a number of developmental disorders.
Having published the first fMRI study with children, Dr. Casey continues to be a pioneer
in the study of human brain development and behavior using noninvasive neuroimaging
techniques and is moving toward relating these measures to genetics.
New Scientific Council
Richard Keefe, Ph.D., is associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at
Duke University Medical Center. Through his research, Dr. Keefe is trying to understand
cognitive dysfunction in patients with schizophrenia and related disorders, and in people
at high risk for them, and to improve treatment for cognitive deficits. He has been
particularly involved in designing methods to assess cognitive change and has led
the development of batteries of tests for several multi-site studies of responses to
cognitive dysfunction treatment, including the National Institute of Mental Health’s
CATIE (Clinical Antipsychotic Trials in Intervention Effectiveness) Project, and BACS
(Brief Assessment of Cognition in Schizophrenia). Dr. Keefe received NARSAD Young
Investigator Awards in 1991 and 1995.
Godfrey D. Pearlson M.D., is professor of psychiatry at Yale University School of Medicine
and director of the Olin Neuropsychiatry Research Center at Hartford Hospital’s Institute
of Living. The mission of the neuroscientists at the Olin Neuropsychiatry Research Center,
recently founded by Dr. Pearlson, is to study severe psychiatric illnesses and rapidly
translate their findings into new, effective treatments. In the center’s four component
laboratories, he and colleagues are applying brain imaging techniques to a broad variety
of neuropsychiatric conditions, from childhood to old age, including dementias, mood
disorders, substance abuse problems, autism, schizophrenia, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and psychopathy. Dr. Pearlson received
a NARSAD Distinguished Investigator Award in 2000.
Pasko Rakic, M.D., Ph.D., is the Duberg Professor of Neurobiology and Neurology,
chairman of the department of neurobiology and director of the Kavli Institute for
Neuroscience at Yale University. His research focus is the development of the cerebral
cortex and the regulation of neuron production and cell interactions during their migration
to the cerebral cortex. He and his colleagues have identified and characterized a number
of genes and molecules involved in regulating neuron proliferation, migration, differentiation, and death, and are studying molecular factors regulating the rate of neuronal
movement and the “stop signal” for determining their final position. His studies in various
mammalian species have led to new hypotheses of cortical development and evolution.
2006 N A R S A D
Research Highlights
Research findings by NARSAD grantees were essential to scientific advances in psychiatry and neuroscience in 2006.
Throughout the year, their articles appeared in publications of the leading journals in the field. Highly rated articles
(cited as “Impact Factors”) appeared in journals ranging from Behavioral Genetics, Bioinformatics, Cell, and the
American Journal of Psychiatry to multidisciplinary journals such as Science and Nature, as well as those specializing
in the neurosciences such as Neuron and Psychoneuroendocrinology. Articles were published, too, in such key journals
as the Archives of General Psychiatry and Biological Psychiatry. Widely read medical publications led by the New
England Journal of Medicine highlighted important advances reported by NARSAD researchers.
This annual summary offers introductory highlights of important research published by a selection of NARSAD
grantees. Our aim is to suggest the extraordinary breadth of NARSAD research, ranging from the epidemiology
of depression, to gene variance in autism, to risk genes for schizophrenia.
Selected Achievements of NARSAD Investigators, 2006
Antipsychotic Drugs
Violent Behavior
A landmark study aimed at enhancing treatment with
antipsychotic drugs was published in the American
Journal of Psychiatry by a research group under the
leadership of Jeffrey A. Lieberman, M.D., NARSAD
Distinguished Investigator, Scientific Council member
and winner of the 2006 Lieber Prize for Schizophrenia
Research. This study examined the comparative
effectiveness of so called first-generation antipsychotic
drugs versus that of the newer “atypical” antipsychotics
that have been increasingly prescribed and widely
used over the last two decades. The study’s initial
reports had indicated that there were no differences
in effectiveness between the first- and secondgeneration antipsychotics.
Understanding of the basic causes of violence and
aggression has long been a goal for scientists. A new
and promising approach to the problem was disclosed
in a study by Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg, M.D., of the
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), who
received a NARSAD Young Investigator Award in 2000.
He and his colleagues reported that a computer-based
neuroanatomical method (which measures differences
in concentrations of brain tissue) and functional
magnetic resonance imaging allowed them to study
the role of a key enzyme associated with violent
behavior. This enzyme, monoamine oxidase A, when
accompanied by a gene variation which lowered its
expression, resulted in significant structural and functional brain differences, impacting the ability to regulate
emotional and aggressive responses.
Significant differences did appear, however, in a slightly
lower rate of discontinuation by patients on major
atypical medications compared to other drugs,
although their use was associated with unwanted
weight gain and metabolic side effects. The study found
that patients with chronic schizophrenia were more
likely to continue treatment if they were taking the
drugs olanzapine (Zyprexa) and risperidone (Risperdal)
rather than other atypical antipsychotic drugs. It further
confirmed that for patients who did not respond to
previous atypical antipsychotic medications, the drug
clozapine (Clozaril) offered a better response than did
second-generation atypical antipsychotics with which
it was compared.
Bipolar Genetics
A new gene linked to bipolar disorder was found in a
collaboration by Hugh Gurling, M.D., a NARSAD
Distinguished Investigator at University College in
London, and his colleague, Professor Ole Mors, at the
University of Aarhus in Denmark. The gene, known
as slynar, is found on chromosome 12 and appears
to be present in around 10 percent of people with
bipolar disorder. The finding could lead to new
treatments for depression and bipolar disorder,
including preventive strategies.
2006 N A R S A D
Research Highlights
Maternal Depression
A central issue in the study of depression in children
has been the impact of parents who may also be
depressed. Myrna Weissman, Ph.D., of Columbia
University, a NARSAD Distinguished Investigator
and Scientific Council member, headed a study on
this issue reported in the Journal of the American
Medical Association. Dr. Weissman observed that
when mothers were successfully treated with medication for depression over a three-month period,
their children showed a reduction in diagnoses of
depression and other psychiatric disorders. The study
also noted that children of mothers who remained
depressed were at increased risk for depressive
and other symptoms.
Cognition in Schizophrenia
One of the great challenges in developing an understanding of psychiatric disorders is the creation of
animal models that enable studies of brain impacts
and development. The engineering of a mouse model
to mimic the cognitive aspects of schizophrenia was
accomplished by researchers at Columbia University
under the leadership of Nobel laureate Eric R. Kandel,
M.D., a NARSAD Distinguished Investigator and
Scientific Council member. He and NARSAD investigators Christoph Kellendonk, Ph.D., and Holly Moore,
Ph.D., and associates, developed a mouse strain
characterized by abnormal activity of the dopamine
system in a specific part of the brain causing cognitive
and behavioral impairments mimicking those in people
with schizophrenia. The research team’s findings
suggest that cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia may
arise from subtle genetic differences in the dopamine
receptor gene that increase receptor activity in people
with schizophrenia.
Depression Treatment Protein Target
A protein that seems to play a role in the lifting of
depression has been discovered. The research work,
in mice, was led by Nobel laureate Paul Greengard,
Ph.D., of Rockefeller University, a NARSAD
Distinguished Investigator, Scientific Council member
and winner of the Lieber Prize for Schizophrenia
Research in 1996. Dr. Greengard’s discovery of a
protein called p11 may provide a more specific target
for new treatments for depression, anxiety disorders
and other psychiatric conditions thought to involve
malfunctions in the serotonin system.
Antidepressants and Children
The widely discussed issue of possible negative
consequences of antidepressant treatment for
children was reported in the Archives of General
Psychiatry by Mark Olfson, M.D., of Columbia
University, a NARSAD investigator. His case-control
study focused on the relationship of antidepressant
treatment to suicide attempts and deaths in adults
and children. It concluded that although treatment
with antidepressant medication was not associated
with either suicide attempts or death in adults, it was
significantly associated with both in children
and adolescents.
Gene Variant for Autism
A gene variant that more than doubles the risk
of autism was found in a study by Phillip Ebert, Ph.D.,
and Pat Levitt, Ph.D., NARSAD investigators and
colleagues at the Vanderbilt University Kennedy
Center for Research on Human Development. Their
finding provides new insights into the genetic basis
of this complex disorder. They report that a genetic
variant associated with the MET gene is common
in children with autism and appears more frequently
in families that have more than one affected child.
Significantly, the study concluded that people with
two copies of the variant were 2.27 times as likely
to have autism as members of the general population,
while individuals with only one copy were at 1.67 times
normal risk. These findings significantly further the
investigation of the interaction between genes and
environmental factors in autism.
Cellular Targets for Depression
Amygdala Shrinkage in Autism
New research has identified which among several
different kinds of cells in the brain is the chief target
of the widely prescribed antidepressant Prozac. The
discovery was made by Grigori Enikolopov, Ph.D.,
of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories, a NARSAD
Independent Investigator. It may enable a new
generation of more specific treatments for depression,
with fewer side effects. It also lays the foundation for
studies of how, when, and where neurons are
generated from stem cells in the brain.
Researchers have found that the amygdala, the brain’s
fear center, likely becomes abnormally small in the
most severely socially impaired males with autism
spectrum disorders. They have also linked such
shrinkage to impaired verbal social behavior in early
childhood. These findings were reported in studies led
by Richard J. Davidson, Ph.D., of the University of
Wisconsin, a NARSAD Distinguished Investigator,
and colleagues, including Kim Dalton, Ph.D., a 2005
NARSAD Young Investigator. They provide the first
evidence linking objective measures of social impairment and amygdala structure and related brain function
in autism.
Neuregulin-1 Gene Expression
NARSAD researchers have discovered how certain
genes work at the molecular level to increase the risk
of schizophrenia. Their findings are among the first
to suggest a biological basis for two of the most
compelling schizophrenia risk genes. Previous genetic
studies have identified two genes as schizophrenia risk
genes — Disrupted-in-Schizophrenia-1 (DISC-1) and
Neuregulin-1 — but the way in which they work has
been unclear. DISC-1 is important for brain development, particularly the development of the limbic
system, the brain’s memory and emotion “hub.”
Neuregulin-1 controls the wiring of the brain during
development, communication between nerve cells,
and adaptation to new situations. A study led by
NARSAD investigators Barbara Lipska, Ph.D.,
Amanda J. Law, Ph.D., and Daniel R. Weinberger, M.D.,
a NARSAD Distinguished Investigator and member
of the Scientific Council, suggests that in patients with
schizophrenia, altered Neuregulin-1 expression likely
disrupts the gene’s signaling, which affects brain
development and plasticity, thus contributing to the
development of the disease.
A Gene Controlling Fear
A gene that controls both innate and learned forms of
fear has been identified in a collaborative study by
Nobel laureate Eric Kandel, M.D., of Columbia
University, a NARSAD Distinguished Investigator and
Scientific Council member, and colleagues, including
Gleb R. Shumyatsky, M.D., a NARSAD Young
Investigator, and Vadim Volshakov, M.D., a NARSAD
Independent Investigator at Harvard Medical School.
They identified the gene — known as stathmin or
oncopotein18 — as highly concentrated in the
amygdala, a key region of the brain that deals with
fear and anxiety. The study provides genetic evidence
that amygdala-enriched stathmin is required for the
expression of innate fear and formation of memory
of learned fear. It will provide important information
on how learned and innate fears are experienced and
processed, and may point the way to new therapies.
For Outstanding Achievement in Psychiatric Research
NARSAD’s Annual Prizes
NARSAD awarded psychiatry’s leading prizes for career achievement in research to six distinguished scientists
at the organization’s 19th Annual New York Gala, held October 27th. Those honored were selected by members
of NARSAD’s Scientific Council.
NARSAD initiated its series of annual prizes in 1987 with the introduction of the Lieber Prize for Outstanding
Achievement in Schizophrenia Research. Four other prizes have been established over the years, and to date,
71 scientists have been honored, two of whom have subsequently received the Nobel Prize.
The six awardees for 2006 are among the world’s most innovative investigators of schizophrenia, mood disorders,
childhood and adolescent psychiatric disorders and cognitive neuroscience. The prizes, widely considered among
the most prestigious in the field of neuropsychiatric research and totaling $230,000, recognize exceptional contributions
to the understanding and treatment of psychiatric disorders.
The prizes and their 2006 recipients are:
The Lieber Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Schizophrenia Research
Jeffrey A. Lieberman, M.D.
The Falcone Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Affective Disorders Research
Lori L. Altshuler, M.D.
The Goldman-Rakic Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Cognitive Neuroscience
Joaquin M. Fuster, M.D., Ph.D.
The Ruane Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Research
David A. Brent, M.D., and David Shaffer, M.D.
The Sidney R. Baer, Jr. Prize
Lorna W. Role, Ph.D.
Scientific Council president Herbert Pardes, M.D., described the prizewinners as “scientists who have demonstrated
the highest levels of commitment to research and devised outstanding approaches to our understanding and treatment
of an area of human illness more devastating than any other.”
The Lieber Prize
for Outstanding Achievement in
Schizophrenia Research
Jeffrey A. Lieberman, M.D.
Dr. Lieberman has made a major scientific impact on our understanding and treatment of schizophrenia through a
series of systematic studies focused on elucidating the psychobiology in first-episode patients. His research has
demonstrated progressive changes in brain morphology in these patients. Recently, Dr. Lieberman has served
as principal investigator of the largest randomized clinical trial in schizophrenia, the Clinical Antipsychotic Trials
of Intervention Effectiveness (CATIE), sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health.
— William E. Bunney, Jr., M.D.
Martin Chair of Psychiatry, University of California, Irvine;
Chair, NARSAD Scientific Council Lieber Prize Selection Committee
Jeffrey A. Lieberman, M.D., is Kolb Professor and
chairman of the department of psychiatry at Columbia
University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons;
director of the New York State Psychiatric Institute;
Lieber Professor and director of the Lieber Center for
Schizophrenia Research, at Columbia; and psychiatristin-chief at the Columbia University Medical Center of
the NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital.
A graduate of the George Washington School of
Medicine, Dr. Lieberman received his training in
psychiatry at St. Vincent’s Hospital and Medical Center
of New York Medical College. Before moving to
Columbia University in 2005, he was the Thad and Alice
Eure Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry, Pharmacology and Radiology and vice chairman for research
and scientific affairs at the University of North Carolina
School of Medicine in Chapel Hill.
Previously, he was on the faculties of Albert Einstein
College of Medicine and Mount Sinai School of
Medicine, and served as director of research at the
Hillside Hospital of Long Island Jewish Medical Center.
Dr. Lieberman’s research has advanced our understanding of the development and course of schizophrenia and the mechanisms and effectiveness of
antipsychotic drugs for treating the disease. His work
has been reported in more than 200 scientific articles
and he has edited or co-edited eight books.
He also serves, or has served, as associate editor of
eight journals, including the American Journal of
Psychiatry, Biological Psychiatry and Neuropsychopharmacology. Dr. Lieberman received a NARSAD
Distinguished Investigator Award in 1999 and is a
member of the Institute of Medicine of the National
Academy of Sciences.
The Falcone Prize
for Outstanding Achievement in
Affective Disorders Research
Lori L. Altshuler, M.D.
Dr. Lori Altshuler has been awarded the Falcone Prize for her outstanding achievements in improving the understanding and treatment of patients with the severe mood disorders of recurrent unipolar depression and bipolar illness. She
has uncovered brain mechanisms involved in these disorders, using static and functional brain imagery techniques that
revealed abnormalities in temporal lobe structure, particularly the amygdala. Her work in therapeutics has been equally
stellar, describing a range of interventions for depression, mania and their co-morbidities. She found that even mild
depression has striking effects on quality of life, and she has studied and found medications that assist in achieving full
remission by treating the symptoms of anxiety, obesity, fatigue, and poor concentration. She also has conducted vital
studies of the effects of illness and medications on women's endocrine and reproductive function, most recently finding
that pregnancy does not protect women who stop antidepressant medication from recurrent depression.
Robert M. Post, M.D.
Professor of Psychiatry, Penn State College of Medicine;
Head, Bipolar Collaborative Network;
Chair, NARSAD Scientific Council Falcone Prize Selection Committee
Lori L. Altshuler, M.D., is Gouw Chair in Mood
Disorders, professor of psychiatry and biobehavioral
sciences, director of the Mood Disorders Research
Program, and director of the Women's Research
Program at the Jane & Terry Semel Institute for
Neuroscience & Human Behavior of the Geffen
School of Medicine at the University of California,
Los Angeles. She is also chief of the Bipolar
Disorders Clinic at the Greater Los Angeles
Veterans Administration Healthcare System.
After earning her M.D. at Cornell Medical College,
Dr. Altshuler completed her internship and residency
at UCLA. She was appointed to the UCLA faculty in
1989, following a fellowship in the Biological Psychiatry
Branch at the National Institute of Mental Health.
Dr. Altshuler has received numerous grants to study
the treatment of bipolar disorder and the underlying
functional neuroanatomic abnormalities in patients
in different mood states. In 1990, NARSAD awarded
Dr. Altshuler her first research grant, later followed
by a NARSAD Independent Investigator Award in
1998 and a Distinguished Investigator Award in 2006.
She also has received National Institute of Mental
Health grants to study depression in women during
pregnancy and the postpartum period, and has enjoyed
a career NIMH award since 2000 for her study of the
neuroanatomic underpinnings of bipolar disorder.
Among many other honors, Dr. Altshuler became a
Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric
Association in 2003. She has published more than
150 articles in peer-reviewed publications and serves
on the editorial boards of several professional journals.
The Goldman-Rakic Prize
for Outstanding Achievement in
Cognitive Neuroscience
Joaquin M. Fuster, M.D., Ph.D.
A brilliant neuroscientist whose pioneering research has advanced our understanding of the cerebral cortex, Dr. Fuster
has focused on studying the mechanisms of cognitive functions. He has investigated fundamental processes that are
critically altered in mental illness, such as attention and memory, as well as the integration of information across
different sensory modalities. The techniques, findings and conceptual ideas that he has developed and published
in a series of definitive papers and compelling books have had a profound influence on scholars worldwide. His work
is directly related to disorders such as schizophrenia and will provide a key to the development of more effective
modes of understanding, treatment and rehabilitation.
— Jack D. Barchas, M.D.
Henry Professor and Chair of Psychiatry, Weill Medical College of Cornell University;
Psychiatrist-in-Chief, New York Weill Cornell Medical Center of NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital;
Chair, NARSAD Scientific Council Goldman-Rakic Prize Selection Committee
Joaquin M. Fuster, M.D., Ph.D., is professor of
psychiatry and biobehavioral science at the University
of California, Los Angeles, where he also serves on the
medical school faculty and is a member of the Brain
Research Institute and the Semel Institute for
Neuroscience & Human Behavior. Building on a halfcentury of seminal research at UCLA on the functions
of the brain’s frontal lobe, Dr. Fuster is currently investigating the relationships between neural activity and
cortical blood flow in working memory.
a two-year stay as a visiting scientist at the Max Planck
Institute for Psychiatry, in Munich. At UCLA in 1970
he discovered, in the primate prefrontal cortex, socalled memory cells, which retain information for
prospective actions. Because of their time-bridging
capability, these nerve cells of the prefrontal cortex
are widely considered fundamental to the frontal lobe’s
cognitive functions and to the planning, language,
and reasoning abilities that are so severely affected
in schizophrenia.
Dr. Fuster earned his M.D. from the University of
Barcelona, in his native city, and his Ph.D. from the
University of Granada. He did his internship at the
University of Barcelona and residency in the
Neuropsychiatric Hospital of the University of
Innsbruck, Austria. He moved to UCLA following
Dr. Fuster has published hundreds of articles in
professional journals and is the author of several
books. He is an honorary member of the Spanish Royal
Academy of Medicine and of the European Brain
and Behavior Society, and the recipient of numerous
national and international prizes and awards.
The Ruane Prize for Outstanding Achievement in
Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Research
David A. Brent, M.D.
David Shaffer, M.D.
Dr. Shaffer and Dr. Brent have devoted their professional lives to the study
of the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of childhood depression
and suicide. Both have explored the issue from several aspects, including
epidemiology, drug and non-drug treatment, support for advocacy groups,
and public education. The work of these leaders in child psychiatry has
had great influence on today’s educators and practitioners.
— Judith L. Rapoport, M.D.
Chief, Child Psychiatry Branch, National Institute of Mental Health;
Chair, NARSAD Scientific Council Ruane Prize Selection Committee
l - r: David A. Brent, M.D. and David Shaffer, M.D.
David A. Brent, M.D., holds an endowed chair in
suicide studies at the Western Psychiatric Institute
and Clinic of the University of Pittsburgh School
of Medicine, where he is also academic chief of
the division of child and adolescent psychiatry,
director of services for teens at risk and professor
of child psychiatry.
A graduate of Jefferson Medical College, in
Philadelphia, Dr. Brent did his internship in pediatrics
and a fellowship in psychosocial pediatrics at the
University of Colorado Medical Center. Following
a residency in child and general psychiatry at the
Western Psychiatric Institute, he joined the institute’s
faculty, where he has remained during the quartercentury since. He also holds University of Pittsburgh
appointments as professor of pediatrics at the
Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh and professor
of epidemiology at the Graduate School of Public
Health, from which he earlier earned a master
of science degree in psychiatric epidemiology.
The focus of Dr. Brent’s research efforts has been
to understand adolescent depression and suicidal
behavior and to translate research findings into
prevention and treatment. His research group has
conducted psychological autopsy studies that have
helped to establish the role of mood disorder, substance abuse, impulsive aggression, parental suicidal
behavior and access to guns as risk factors for adolescent suicide. A series of family studies growing from
this work has shown that suicidal behavior aggregates
in families, and that the familial transmission of earlyonset suicidal behavior appears to be mediated by
the transmission of impulsive aggression. His research
group also has helped demonstrate the efficacy of
cognitive behavior therapy for adolescent depression.
Dr. Brent received a NARSAD Distinguished Investigator Award in 2001 for a study of medication-resistant
depression in adolescents, and is a recipient of many
honors, including membership in the Institute of
Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences. He
has published nearly 150 papers in professional
journals and contributed numerous book chapters.
David Shaffer, M.D., is the Philips Professor of Child
Psychiatry and professor of psychiatry and pediatrics
at Columbia University College of Physicians and
Surgeons; attending psychiatrist at Columbia
University Medical Center NewYork-Presbyterian
Hospital, where he is also director of pediatric
psychiatry at Babies Hospital; and director of
the division of child psychiatry at the New York
State Psychiatric Institute.
Originally from South Africa, Dr. Shaffer received
a degree in psychological medicine from the University
of London. He trained in pediatrics at the Hospital
for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, and trained
in psychiatry at the Maudsley Hospital. It was from
there, in the 1960s, that he conducted the first epidemiological study of child and early adolescent
suicide using the psychological autopsy method.
Unexpected at the time, the findings revealed a short
delay between experiencing a stressor and the act
of suicide, the frequency of aggressive behavior,
and the suggestion that imitation played a role in youth
suicide. His later work confirmed that most teen
suicides occur in the context of a psychiatric illness.
His research also highlighted the significance of
alcohol and substance abuse and a prior suicide
attempt as additional risk factors for older male teens,
but not for females, in whom major depression is
especially important.
In a controlled study of suicide-awareness programs,
Dr. Shaffer and his colleagues revealed significant
limitations to a purely educational approach to suicide
prevention. He set out to develop a strategy and
technique for screening teens for the disorders that
predispose them to suicide and created the Columbia
Teen Screen, which is in use nationwide. Dr. Shaffer
has published more than 100 peer-reviewed articles
on his work and authored 80 book chapters. He serves
on the editorial board of several professional journals
and is past president of the American Foundation for
Suicide Prevention and of the Society for Research in
Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. He received a
NARSAD Distinguished Investigator Award in 1992.
The Ruane Prize
In Memoriam
It is with deep sorrow that we report the death of Joy M. Ruane on October 11, 2006. Mrs. Ruane joined with her husband, Bill,
in creating and sustaining the Ruane Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Research. We mourned
Bill Ruane’s loss just a year ago as we mourn Joy’s now.
Bill and Joy were a couple with extraordinary philanthropic concerns. Their very strong support for NARSAD through the years
had always been based on a request for anonymity. But their conviction of the importance of the search for treatments and cures,
and of breakthroughs by great scientists in child and adolescent psychiatry, led them to give their names to this award.
NARSAD mourns an extraordinary couple and expresses deep gratitude for their dedication to the lives of others, most especially to
the needs and hopes of children and adolescents.
The Sidney R. Baer, Jr. Prize for
Schizophrenia Research
Lorna W. Role, Ph.D.
Although Dr. Role is not new to science, she is relatively new to schizophrenia research and is an ideal recipient of the
Sidney R. Baer, Jr. Prize. To solve the riddle of schizophrenia, it has been imperative that we recruit top neuroscientists
and apply the most powerful research strategies. Dr. Role was in the prime of her career, working on nicotinic neurotransmitters and on neuregulin isoforms, when she was recruited to the Lieber Center for Schizophrenia Research and
then received a NARSAD Distinguished Investigator Award. Since that fortuitous start, she has carried out spectacular
work on the combined effects of candidate genes on the mechanisms that cause schizophrenia and give rise to its
symptoms, and the effects on these of novel therapeutic agents.
—- Jeffrey A. Lieberman, M.D.,
Kolb Professor and Chair of Psychiatry, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons;
Lieber Professor and Director, Lieber Center for Schizophrenia Research;
Director, New York State Psychiatric Institute
Lorna A. Role, Ph.D., is professor of cell biology in the
Center for Neurobiology and Behavior at Columbia
University College of Physicians ‘and Surgeons, where
she has been a member of the faculty for 21 years. Her
scientific trajectory has taken her from a bachelor’s
degree in mathematics to a Ph.D. in physiology, both
earned at Harvard University, to promising research
into the mechanisms of the central nervous system.
Beginning with studies on the physiology and development of neuronal synapses responsive to nicotine,
her research has focused on molecular mechanisms
and neural pathways underlying motivation, memory
and mood.
Over the last decade, in collaboration with Dr. David
Talmage, her group identified a novel class of
neuregulin-1 isoforms (proteins produced by a
candidate gene for schizophrenia), shown to be key
regulators of the formation and maintenance of circuits
in the central nervous system.
A NARSAD Distinguished Investigator Award in 2000
launched Dr. Role’s current investigations of neuregulin
gene signaling in schizophrenia. She has published
nearly 100 articles in professional journals.
Among many other honors, Dr. Role has received a
Sloan Scholars Award, Klingenstein Scholars Award,
and McKnight Scholars and Development Award in
Neuroscience. She has advised and mentored dozens
of doctoral and postdoctoral trainees.
Report of the
Executive Director
Success, they say, breeds success. In keeping with NARSAD’s phenomenal growth
over the past several years, 2006 was yet another year of exceeding expectations.
It is no surprise, therefore, that in 2006, NARSAD was singled out for its organizational
integrity as well as for the societal impact of the scientific research that it funds.
We can all take pride in these accomplishments.
Grant-making is at the heart of NARSAD’s work, and 2006 was by all measures a record-setting year. I am particularly
proud of the 206 Young Investigators whose work we were able to fund. These outstanding men and women are the
hope for the future of mental health research, and I am certain that we will be hearing about their findings in the years
to come, as they build on work begun with NARSAD’s support.
This past October, at our annual New York gala, we honored our Scientific Council, which makes NARSAD’s research
grants programs possible. In celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Council’s founding, it was so very meaningful
to watch as these scientists of high achievement were recognized for their contributions to NARSAD’s development
and growth. Likewise our regional dinners and research symposia in 2006 were extraordinary events both in terms
of fund-raising and making available to the public sound information about some of the latest developments in research.
All these elements came together especially well at our first Boston symposium and dinner, which demonstrated the
power of bringing under one roof researchers, donors and potential donors.
In the last several years, it has increasingly been our goal to raise public awareness about NARSAD’s vital work. In
2006, we were fortunate to be assisted by celebrity spokespersons. At our annual Palm Beach gala, Anderson Cooper
of CNN spoke movingly about his brother who suffered and died from severe mental illness. In just a few short minutes,
Anderson was able to express the feelings and aspirations of each person in the room. And, at our inaugural gala
in Los Angeles, former first lady Rosalynn Carter helped provide a historical perspective on our quest for better
treatments and cures. In doing so, she conveyed what our organization’s work over two decades has been all about.
While our regional symposia have become a valuable tool for informing the public, a far greater number of people
now have the opportunity to learn about mental illness and the progress being made in research from our website,
www.narsad.org, which was re-launched in 2006 after a major redesign. We were also able to reach many more people
in 2006 with the debut of the award-winning television series “Healthy Minds,” produced by PBS station WLIW21 in
New York with assistance from NARSAD. The program’s 13 episodes can now be viewed in full on our website.
As NARSAD’s public profile has steadily risen, it has earned well-deserved plaudits from trusted public entities
and institutions. In 2006, the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance — having completed a comprehensive
assessment of NARSAD’s governance, fundraising practices, informational materials and how we spend our money —
informed NARSAD that it had met the BBB Standards for Charity Accountability. We are proud of their glowing report
and will add it to those of other charity rating services that have evaluated and commended our work.
As NARSAD celebrates 20 years of grant-making in 2007, the scope of its operations and their cumulative impact
continue to grow. A presidential search has now given us new leadership, and it is with renewed energy and optimism
that we approach the next 20 years of fund-raising, grant-making and public education. We remain committed as ever
to our mission, fully expecting that success will, indeed, continue to breed success.
Stephen G. Doochin
NARSAD’s Executive Director
Honoring NARSAD Young Investigators
The Klerman and Freedman Awards
The Klerman and Freedman Awards annually recognize the high achievements of past NARSAD Young Investigators.
The Klerman Award, for exceptional clinical research, was established in 1994 by Myrna Weissman, Ph.D., of Columbia
University, in memory of her husband, Gerald L. Klerman, M.D. The Freedman Award, which recognizes excellence
in basic research, honors the memory of Daniel X. Freedman, M.D., a pioneer in biological psychiatry. In part through
these awards, the legacies of Gerald Klerman and Daniel Freedman, in their roles as teachers, physicians and administrators, continue to make an indelible impact upon the field of neuropsychiatry and inspire the careers of neuroscientists
of all ages.
The Twelfth Annual Klerman Awardee
Hilary P. Blumberg, M.D.
Yale University School of Medicine
Dr. Blumberg
Dr. Hilary Blumberg was selected for her groundbreaking work demonstrating hyperactive amygdala
function and decreased activity of the area of the brain that regulates amygdala function, the ventral
prefrontal cortex (VPFC), as well as the development of these structures and their malfunction in
adolescent bipolar disorder patients. Her work has further demonstrated the effect of mood-stabilizing
medications (divalproex and lithium) in normalizing the function of the amygdala-VPFC circuit, which
raises the possibility that the ability to identify bipolar disorder early in its course may provide
the opportunity to improve prognosis by halting the progression of the disorder.
— Jan Fawcett, M.D., University of New Mexico;
Chair, Klerman Award selection committee
Hilary P. Blumberg, M.D., is an associate professor of psychiatry and diagnostic radiology and director of
the Mood Disorders Research Program at Yale University School of Medicine and the Department of
Veterans Affairs (West Haven campus). She graduated summa cum laude from Harvard University and
then completed her medical degree, psychiatry residency training and postdoctoral training in neuroimaging at Cornell University Medical College.
The Ninth Annual Freedman Award
Michael D. Ehlers, M.D., Ph.D.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Duke University
Dr. Michael D. Ehlers is a world leader in understanding the mechanisms that govern synapse formation
and function in the brain. Using both molecular and imaging methods, he has elaborated how the archi tecture of brain cells is organized and maintained, and how the ability of cells to change their structure
may be critical to understanding how brain function is altered in neuropsychiatric disorders.
Dr. Ehlers
— Ariel Y. Deutch, Ph.D., Vanderbilt University;
Chair, Freedman Award selection committee
Michael D. Ehlers, M.D., Ph.D., is associate professor and Wakeman Scholar in the department of
neurobiology at Duke University. He received his B.S. degree in chemistry at the California Institute of
Technology before pursuing graduate and medical studies in neuroscience at the Johns Hopkins
University. In 2005, he was selected as one of 43 biomedical researchers in the United States to become
an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. He received NARSAD’s Young Investigator
award in 2000 and 2002.
NARSAD 2006 Mental Health Research
In 2006, the symposium series entered its eighteenth year. Its ambitious goal is to bring news of the cutting-edge work
being performed by NARSAD-supported researchers, and developments and trends in their diverse areas of expertise,
to NARSAD’s supporters and members of the general public. Provided free of charge and attended by many hundreds
and sometimes over a thousand people, each of these events testifies to the public’s thirst for authoritative information
about mental illness. The flagship event of the series, held annually in New York City, extends over two full days;
regional symposia are typically half-day events. All events in the series promote scientific literacy and vividly convey
the great excitement generated by rapid advances in neuroscientific research. While the broad scope of the past year’s
events is indicated in the summaries that follow, full accounts of each symposium are provided throughout the year in
NARSAD’s quarterly newsletters, and are available online.
NARSAD’s 18th Annual New York Research Symposium
New York City
October 27-28, 2006
The 18th Annual NARSAD New York Mental Health Research Symposium was held at the Mount Sinai School
of Medicine in New York City on October 27th and 28th. At the symposium, 15 NARSAD Young Investigator
grantees described their research projects and offered comments on the future direction of their studies. As
in past years, presentations were organized by category: Basic Science, Mood Disorders and Schizophrenia.
Three members of NARSAD’s Scientific Council provided expert commentary and contextualization of the
individual presentations:
Peter W. Kalivas, Ph.D., professor and chair of neurosciences at the Medical University of South Carolina
(Basic Science);
J. John Mann, M.D., Ph.D., professor of psychiatry and translational neuroscience, Columbia University
College of Physicians & Surgeons and chief of neuroscience at the New York State Psychiatric Institute
(Mood Disorders); and
Jeffrey A. Lieberman, M.D., chair of psychiatry at Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons
and director of the New York State Psychiatric Institute (Schizophrenia).
Herbert Pardes, M.D., president and CEO of NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital and president of NARSAD’s
Scientific Council, moderated the symposium.
Robert M. A. Hirschfeld, M.D., Titus H. Harris Chair and professor of the department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston and member of the NARSAD Scientific
Council, selected the 15 researchers who reported at the symposium from a pool of 206 NARSAD Young
Investigators for 2006.
New York City Symposium Program
Session 1: Basic Science Research
Commentator: Peter W. Kalivas, Ph.D.
Mark Ansorge, Ph.D., of Columbia University, spoke about the role of the neurotransmitter serotonin in modulating
depressive-like behavior.
Selena Bartlett, Ph.D., at the Julio Gallo Clinic and Research Center of the University of California, San Francisco, spoke
about dopamine receptor trafficking and its involvement in schizophrenia.
Jean-Claude Beique, Ph.D., of Johns Hopkins University, discussed anomalies in synaptic structure and how these may play a
role in schizophrenia.
Stephanie L. Borgland, Ph.D., at the Ernest and Julio Gallo Clinic and Research Center of the University of California, San
Francisco, discussed how orexin, a substance manufactured in the hypothalamus, affects glutamate receptors in the brain,
in turn influencing a range of behaviors involved in serious mental illness.
Colleen McClung, Ph.D., of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, explained the role of genes in the
daily circadian rhythm and their role in mood disorders.
Session 2: Affective Disorders Research
Commentator: John Mann, M.D., Ph.D.
Robert Berman, M.D., Ph.D., of the New York State Psychiatric Institute, described a new method of brain stimulation called
FEAST, used in treating refractory depression.
Amanda Guyer, Ph.D., of Columbia University, spoke about new ways of identifying children at risk for bipolar disorder.
Steven F. Kendell, Ph.D., of Yale University, explained how riluzole (Rilutek), an atypical antipsychotic medicine, is used to treat
resistant depression.
Jason Scalia, Ph.D., of Columbia University, explained how SSRI inhibitors, taken by depressed patients, may promote
neurogenesis in the hippocampus.
Hugh Brent Solvason, M.D., Ph.D., of Stanford University School of Medicine, spoke about managing elevated obesity
and diabetes risk in patients being treated for bipolar disorder.
Session 3: Schizophrenia Research
Commentator: Jeffrey A. Lieberman, M.D.
Dimitri Avramopoulos, M.D., Ph.D., of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, discussed the genetics
of schizophrenia.
Stefania Bonaccorso, M.D., Ph.D., of Vanderbilt University, spoke about improving cognition in patients with schizophrenia.
Karin E. Borgmann-Winter, M.D., of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, discussed a novel method of assessing the transition
from latency to disease in schizophrenia, which could lead to new early-intervention strategies.
Steven R. Laviolette, Ph.D., of the Schulich School of Medicine at the University of Western Ontario, explained how the
cannabinoid system in the brain might be involved in some of the emotional processing deficits commonly observed
in schizophrenia.
Anita Ramani, Ph.D., of New York University School of Medicine, described use of a new MRI technique called diffusion
kurtosis imaging to study brain structure in schizophrenia.
NARSAD 2006 Mental Health Research
Regional Symposia
Sarasota, Florida
Ninth Annual Mental Health Research Symposium
January 7, 2006
More than 1,100 people attended NARSAD’s ninth annual mental health research symposium in Sarasota, and heard
from a panel of four leading researchers.
Wade Berrettini, M.D., Ph.D., from the University of Pennsylvania, served as panel moderator and delivered
a presentation on nicotine addiction in psychiatric disorders. The other presenters included:
A. John Rush, Jr., M.D., professor of psychiatry and vice chairman of research at the University of Texas Southwestern
Medical Center at Dallas, who discussed means of achieving better outcomes with depressed patients;
Joseph R. Calabrese, M.D., professor of psychiatry at Case Western Reserve University, who provided an update on the
management of depression and bipolar disorder; and
John P. O'Reardon, M.D., assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania, who spoke on new
approaches to severe mood disorders, specifically, vagus nerve stimulation and transcranial magnetic stimulation.
Washington, D.C.
Third Annual “Mission Possible” Research Symposium
February 26, 2006
Moderated by Thomas Insel, M.D., director of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and a former member
of NARSAD’s Scientific Council; presentations included:
Daniel S. Pine, M.D., chief of child and adolescent research in the mood and anxiety disorders program at NIMH,
who explained that anxiety disorders in childhood are probably the best predictors of risk for depression over a lifetime;
B. Timothy Walsh, M.D., Ruane Professor of Pediatric Psychopharmacology at the College of Physicians and Surgeons
of Columbia University and founder of the Eating Disorders Research Unit at New York State Psychiatric Institute, who
addressed the subject of eating disorders;
David J. Posey, M.D., M.S., associate professor of psychiatry and chief of the Christian Sarkine Autism Treatment
Center at the Indiana University School of Medicine, discussed efforts to develop medications to treat autism; and
Ellen Leibenluft, M.D., chief of the unit on affective disorders of the pediatrics and developmental neuropsychiatry
branch in the NIMH mood and anxiety program, who discussed childhood bipolar disorder.
NARSAD 2006 Mental Health Research
Regional Symposia
Palm Beach, Florida
Third Annual “Sunshine from Darkness” Research Symposium
March 11, 2006
Wade Berrettini, M.D., Ph.D., of the University of Pennsylvania, moderated the panel and made a presentation about
his study of nicotine dependence in people with psychiatric illnesses;
Joseph R. Calabrese, M.D., of Case Western Reserve University, talked about developments in the diagnosis
and treatment of bipolar disorder;
John P. O’Reardon, M.D., of the University of Pennsylvania, described research on new therapies for treatment-resistant
depression; and
A. John Rush, Jr., M.D., of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, discussed new approaches
for treating depression.
St. Louis, Missouri
In conjunction with The Sidney R. Baer, Jr. Foundation
Third Annual St. Louis Research Symposium
April 1, 2006
Moderated by Herbert Y. Meltzer, M.D., Bixler/May/ Johnson Professor of Psychiatry, professor of pharmacology
and director of the Psychobiology Program for Translational Research at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, in
Nashville, Tennessee; presentations included:
Amelia Gallitano-Mendel, M.D., Ph.D., instructor of psychiatry at Washington University School of Medicine, who
discussed her research on a family of genes called immediate early genes (IEGs), which are activated at high levels
in the brain in response to changes in the environment, and whose function may help her team elucidate biological
pathways disrupted in schizophrenia;
John W. Newcomer, M.D., professor of psychiatry and medicine at Washington University School of Medicine, who
spoke about mental disorders, metabolic disturbances and cardiovascular risk;
Joan L. Luby, M.D., associate professor of child psychiatry at Washington University School of Medicine, who
discussed depression in preschool-age children and on the implications for early intervention and long-term
outcome; and
Yvette I. Sheline, M.D., professor of psychiatry, radiology and neurology at Washington University School of Medicine,
who discussed anhedonia, a core symptom of major depressive disorder characterized by markedly diminished interest
or pleasure in most activities.
Boston, Massachusetts
In conjunction with The Sidney R. Baer, Jr. Foundation
First Annual Boston Mental Health Research Symposium
April 30, 2006
Moderated by Francine M. Benes, M.D., Ph.D., president and psychiatrist-in-chief of McLean Hospital, who serves as
chair of Partners Psychiatry and Mental Health and a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.
Presentations were made by:
Jonathan Picker, M.D., Ph.D., attending physician in clinical genetics at Children’s Hospital Boston, who discussed
prenatal development and schizophrenia;
Maurizio Fava, M.D., professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and director of Massachusetts General
Hospital’s Depression Clinical and Research Program, who reviewed lessons learned from the NIMH’s STAR*D study,
which has tracked 2,876 “real world” patients suffering from depression;
Gina R. Kuperberg, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of psychology at Tufts University and a psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital, who spoke of her research on spatiotemporal imaging of thought in schizophrenia; and
Christopher A. Walsh, M.D., Ph.D., chief of the division of genetics at Children’s Hospital Boston and chief of
neurogenetics in the department of neurology at Howard Hughes Medical Institute/Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
Center, who discussed his lab’s efforts to identify recessive genes associated with brain malformations that may be
linked with susceptibility for schizophrenia.
Los Angeles, California
Inaugural “Campaign for the Brain” Weekend
June 24-25, 2006
Moderators included Lewis Baxter, M.D., professor of psychiatry and neuroscience at the University of Florida,
and Kay Redfield Jamison, Ph.D., professor of psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine,
with presenations by:
Tyrone D. Cannon, Ph.D., Staglin Family Professor of Psychology, Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences and director
of the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of California, Los Angeles, who spoke on vulnerability
to major psychoses;
David L. Braff, M.D., professor of psychiatry and director of the schizophrenia program at the University of California,
San Diego, School of Medicine, who addressed advances in schizophrenia research and treatment;
Mark A. Frye, M.D., associate professor of psychiatry (in residence), director of the Bipolar Research Program
and associate director of the Mood Disorders Research Program at the Geffen School of Medicine, at the University
of California, Los Angeles, who provided an update of treatments for bipolar disorder; and
Vivien Burt, M.D., Ph.D., professor of psychiatry at Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California,
Los Angeles, and founder and director of the Women’s Life Center of the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human
Behavior, who discussed postpartum psychoses and depression.
Community Outreach
NARSAD Community Meetings
Tenafly, New Jersey — March 23, 2006
NARSAD National Leadership Council member Dr. Arthur Peck hosted a community meeting in his home with guest speaker
Herbert Lachman, M.D., of Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Dr. Lachman presented an update on new findings related
to the identification of the genes underlying schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Brooklyn Heights, New York — May 11, 2006
Hosted by longtime NARSAD supporters and National Leadership Council members Miriam Katowitz and Arthur Radin;
guest speaker: Antigona Martinez, Ph.D., of the Nathan Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research (New York State Office of
Mental Health). Dr. Martinez explained how state-of-the-art brain imaging techniques are being used to investigate basic
abnormalities of brain functioning in schizophrenia.
The 14th Annual Michigan NARSAD Golf Classic
Mount Clemens, Michigan — June 19, 2006
Held at the Gowanie Golf Club in Mount Clemens, this annual event is organized by NARSAD National Leadership Council
member Peppino Puleo. Always a great day and a tremendous success, The Michigan NARSAD Golf Classic has raised more
than $250,000 for mental health research.
The 10th Annual John & Kevin Kennedy Memorial Soccer Tournament
West Babylon, New York — August 19 and 20, 2006
Sponsored by Lindenhurst Sport Club. Proceeds to NARSAD.
First Annual Knights for NARSAD Music Festival
Pequannock, New Jersey — August 26, 2006
Presented by the Knights of Columbus Council 5943 — a great day of musical entertainment and fun for the entire family.
Michigan Marathon for NARSAD
Detroit, Michigan — October 2006
Tom Coles, M.D., a member of NARSAD’s National Leadership Council and former board member, completed his 11th
marathon in Michigan in October, running to raise funds for NARSAD.
NARSAD Seminar: Recent Progress in Autism Research
Great Neck, New York — November 14, 2006
NARSAD and the Great Neck Special Education Parent-Teacher Association co-hosted a special seminar on autism
at a local middle school. The guest speaker for the evening was Adriana Di Martino, M.D., of the Institute for Pediatric
Neuroscience at New York University’s Child Study Center, who gave a presentation on autism and discussed
her recent brain imaging studies, which compare social cognition in typically developing children versus those with autism.
Depression Awareness Fundraiser
North Woodbridge, New Jersey — December 17, 2006
An evening of dinner and dancing, organized in memory of Nilda Sanchez, featured a special performance
by the salsa dance group, Clasico Dancers.
2006 N A R S A D
Research Partners Program
The NARSAD Research Partners Program unites donors and scientists, who give to each other the benefit of their
separate and intense motivation to find better treatments and cures for brain disorders. In this program, donors select
a recipient of a NARSAD grant and, in turn, have the grant named in their honor. The donors’ involvement continues
beyond this initial stage, as they receive research progress reports from the recipients of their grants, and receive
honorary mention in all published work resulting from the research they helped to fund.
NARSAD is fortunate to have donors with intense interest in funding research in specific areas within its overall
research strategies, and is deeply grateful to all Research Partners for their critical support of dedicated scientists
and their vital projects.
Research Partner Grants
Distinguished Investigators
Sidney R. Baer, Jr. Investigator
Jerrold P. Rosenbaum, M.D.
Donor: Sidney R. Baer, Jr. Foundation
Harvard University
Essel Investigator
Aaron T. Beck, M.D.
Donor: The Essel Foundation
University of Pennsylvania
Harold A. Sackeim, Ph.D.
Columbia University
Fairfax Foundation Investigator
John H. Krystal, M.D.
Donor: Fairfax Foundation
Yale University
Lieber Investigators
Robert R. Freedman, M.D.
Donor: Constance and Stephen Lieber
University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center
Mary-Claire King, Ph.D.
University of Washington
Nancy S. Wexler, Ph.D.
Columbia University
Ritter Foundation Investigator
Tyrone D. Cannon, Ph.D.
Donor: Ritter Foundation
University of California, Los Angeles
Research Partner Grants
Independent Investigators
Attias Investigator
Hilary P. Blumberg, M.D.
Donor: The Attias Family Foundation
Yale University
Sidney R. Baer, Jr. Investigator
Pamela Sklar, M.D., Ph.D.
Donor: Sidney R. Baer, Jr. Foundation
Harvard University
Essel Investigators
Rene Anand, Ph.D.
Donor: The Essel Foundation
Ohio State University
Sabine Bahn, M.D., Ph.D., M.R.C. Psych.
University of Cambridge
Ilana Kremer, M.D.
Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
Anne B. Sereno, Ph.D.
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Hofmann Trust Investigators
Daniel Levesque, Ph.D.
Donor: Hofmann Trust
University of Montreal
Paul J. Moberg, Ph.D., ABPP
University of Pennsylvania Medical School
Dr. Walter F. Nichols Investigator
Sam Thiagalingam, Ph.D.
Donor: Eleanor N. Jernigan Endowment
Boston University
Nellie Blumenthal Investigators
Faith B. Dickerson, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Donor: Katz Family Foundation
University of Maryland
Mary Phillips, M.D.
University of Pittsburgh
Lattner Foundation Investigator
Steven E. Arnold, M.D.
Donor: Lattner Foundation
University of Pennsylvania
Lieber Investigators
Deanna M. Barch, Ph.D.
Donor: Constance and Stephen Lieber
Washington University School of Medicine
Todd S. Braver, Ph.D.
Washington University
Tony P. George, M.D., FRCPC
Yale University
David J. Posey, M.D.
Indiana University
Maltz Family Investigators
Noboru Hiroi, Ph.D.
Donor: Maltz Family Foundation
Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University
Paul A. Slesinger, Ph.D.
Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Guochuan Emil Tsai, M.D., Ph.D.
University of California, Los Angeles
Xia Zhang, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Ottawa
Research Partner Grants
Independent Investigators
Nicholson Foundation Investigators
Pierre J. Blanchet, M.D., Ph.D.
Donor: Nicholson Foundation
University of Montreal
Fang Liu, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Toronto
William & Gloria Paul Family Foundation Investigator
Dan Rujescu, M.D.
Donor: William & Gloria Paul Family Foundation
University of Munich
Southwest Florida Investigators
Jeffrey D. Erickson, Ph.D.
Donor: Sunshine from Darkness Gala
Lee and Bob Peterson
Louisiana State University
Rima F. Kaddurah-Daouk, Ph.D.
Duke University
William and Henry Test Investigator
Wendy R. Kates, Ph.D.
Donor: The Test Endowment
State University of New York, Upstate Medical University
Toulmin Investigators
Howard Gershenfeld, M.D., Ph.D.
Donor: Virginia Toulmin
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
Karen E. Stevens, Ph.D.
University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center
van Ameringen Investigators
William A. Carlezon, Jr., Ph.D.
Donor: The van Ameringen Foundation
Harvard University
Joseph F. Cubells, M.D., Ph.D.
Emory University School of Medicine
Research Partner Grants
Young Investigators
Robert M. Berman, M.D., Ph.D.
Columbia University
Peter Bulow, M.D.
Columbia University
Akira Kugaya, Ph.D.
Yale University
Atherton Investigator
Naama Barnea-Goraly, M.D.
Donor: Robert, Martha and John Atherton Foundation
Stanford University
Sidney R. Baer, Jr. Investigators
Selena E. Bartlett, Ph.D.
Donor: Sidney R. Baer, Jr. Foundation
University of California, San Francisco
Joshua W. Brown, Ph.D.
Indiana University
Miles G. Cunningham, M.D., Ph.D.
Harvard University
Peter A. Fahnestock, M.D.
Washington University
Research Partner Grants
Young Investigators
Sidney R. Baer, Jr. Investigators (continued)
Amelia Gallitano-Mendel, M.D., Ph.D.
Washington University
Takanori Hashimoto, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Pittsburgh
Daphne J. Holt, M.D., Ph.D.
Harvard University
Christine Hooker, Ph.D.
University of California, Berkeley
Dan V. Iosifescu, M.D.
Harvard University
Jang Woo Kim, M.D.
Harvard University
Roy H. Perlis, M.D.
Harvard University
Tracey Petryshen, Ph.D.
Harvard University
Shaun Matthew Purcell, Ph.D.
Harvard University
Tatiana Sitnikova, Ph.D.
Harvard University
Steve Stufflebeam, M.D.
Harvard University
Daniel H. Wolf, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Pennsylvania
Foster Bam Investigators
Matthew M. Kurtz, Ph.D.
Donor: Foster Bam
Yale School of Medicine
Nenad Sestan, M.D., Ph.D.
Yale University
Brian Bass Investigator
Arielle D. Stanford, M.D.
Donor: Barbara and Michael Bass
Columbia University
Effie D. Beeman Investigator
Yuejin Chen, M.D., Ph.D.
Donor: Effie Beeman
Vanderbilt University
Blowitz-Ridgeway Investigators
Koraly Perez-Edgar, Ph.D.
Donor: Blowitz-Ridgeway Foundation
George Mason University
Tonya Jo White, M.D.
University of Minnesota
Bowman Family Investigators
Bettina Bankier, M.D.
Donor: Bowman Family Foundation
Harvard University
Lynn L. Johnson, Pharm.D.
University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center
Boaz Levy, Ph.D.
Harvard University
Research Partner Grants
Young Investigators
Bowman Family Investigators (contined)
Michael J. Ostacher, M.D., MPH
Harvard University
Kristi A. Sacco, Psy.D.
Yale University
Burdge Family Trust Investigator
Beth E. Snitz, Ph.D.
Donor: Burdge Charitable Trust
University of Pittsburgh
Elizabeth Elser Doolittle Investigator
Jubao Duan, Ph.D.
Donor: Elizabeth Elser Doolittle Charitable Trusts
Northwestern University
Essel Investigators
Stephanie L. Borgland, Ph.D.
Donor: The Essel Foundation
University of California, San Francisco
Wei-Yang Lu, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Toronto
Chiara Nosarti, MSc., Ph.D.
Institute of Psychiatry/King's College London
Timothea Toulopoulou, Ph.D., M.Sc., B.A.
Institute of Psychiatry/King's College London
Chong-Bin Zhu, Ph.D.
Vanderbilt University
Freer Family Investigator
Gregor E. Berger, M.D.
Donor: The Freer Family
University of Melbourne
Rollin M. Gerstacker Investigator
Jonathan Metzl, M.D., Ph.D.
Donor: Rollin M. Gerstacker Foundation
University of Michigan Medical Center
Alice & Walter Happ Investigators
Katherine Burdick, Ph.D.
Donor: Estate of Alice K. Happ
Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University
Tamim Shaikh, Ph.D.
University of Pennsylvania
International Partnership for Mental Health
Research Investigator
Ofer Agid, M.D.
University of Toronto
Donor: International Partnership for Mental Health Research
Marcia Simon Kaplan Investigator
Jessica H. Kalmar, Ph.D.
Donor: Marcia Simon Kaplan
Yale University
Katowitz/Radin Investigators
Antigona Martinez, Ph.D.
Donor: Miriam Katowitz and Arthur Radin
New York University
Lee Zuckerman, Ph.D.
Columbia University
Lieber Investigators
Stefania Bonaccorso, M.D.
Donor: Constance and Stephen Lieber
Vanderbilt University
Darlene H. Brunzell, Ph.D.
Yale University
Eiji Hattori, M.D.
RIKEN Brain Science Institute
Research Partner Grants
Young Investigators
Lieber Investigators (continued)
Hiroko Koike, M.D., Ph.D.
Columbia University
Giamal N. Luheshi, Ph.D.
McGill University
Ganeshwaran H. Mochida, M.D., M.M.Sc.
Harvard University
Roel A. Ophoff, Ph.D.
Utrecht University
Narsimha Reddy Pinninti, MBBS, M.D., DPM
University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey
Helen B. Simpson, M.D., Ph.D.
Columbia University
Takuya Takahashi, M.D., Ph.D.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Jacob A.S. Vorstman, M.D.
Utrecht University
Harold I. & Faye B. Liss Foundation Investigator
Edgar A. Buttner, M.D., Ph.D.
Donor: Harold I. & Faye B. Liss Foundation
Harvard University
Marshall-Reynolds Foundation Investigator
Falk W. Lohoff, M.D.
Donor: Marshall-Reynolds Foundation
University of Pennsylvania
NARSAD Artworks Investigator
Andrea Faedo, Ph.D.
Donor: NARSAD Artworks
University of California, San Francisco
Daniel X. Freedman Investigator
Weidong Li, M.D., Ph.D.
Donor: NARSAD Research Fund
University of California, Los Angeles
Domenici Investigator
Brett Y. Lu, M.D., Ph.D.
Donor: NARSAD Research Fund
University of New Mexico
Gwill Newman Investigator
Maria Cecilia Angulo, Ph.D.
Donor: NARSAD Research Fund
Université René Descarte
NAMI of Michigan Investigator
Simon J. Evans, Ph.D.
Donor: National Alliance for the Mentally Ill of Michigan
University of Michigan Medical Center
Oxley Investigators
Naomi Eisenberger, Ph.D.
Donor: The Oxley Foundation
University of California, Los Angeles
Syed Naqvi, M.D.
University of California, Los Angeles
Prechter Investigator
Sandra Villafuerte, Ph.D.
Donor: World Heritage Foundation (Waltraud Prechter)
University of Michigan Medical Center
Sallie Foundation Investigator
Julie Linker, Ph.D.
Donor: The Sallie Foundation
Virginia Commonwealth University
Seaver Investigator
Evdokia Anagnostou, M.D.
Donor: The Beatrice & Samuel A. Seaver Foundation
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Research Partner Grants
Young Investigators
Mogens Schou Investigator
Alexander B. Niculescu, M.D., Ph.D.
Donor: Marylou Selo
Indiana University
Stone Investigator
Serge A. Mitelman, M.D.
Donor: Jean and Donald Stone
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Southwest Florida Investigators
Martin Beaulieu, Ph.D.
Donor: Sunshine from Darkness Gala, Lee and Bob Peterson
Duke University
Jean-Claude Beique, Ph.D.
Johns Hopkins University
Xinzhong Dong, Ph.D.
Johns Hopkins University
Thomas M. Maynard, Ph.D.
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Jill A. Morris, Ph.D.
Northwestern University
Karl D. Murray, Ph.D.
University of California, Davis
Karen K. Szumlinski, Ph.D.
University of California, Santa Barbara
William and Henry Test Investigator
R. Jeroen Pasterkamp, Ph.D.
Donor: The Test Endowment
Utrecht University
Wodecroft Foundation Investigators
Anirban Basu, Ph.D.
Donor: Wodecroft Foundation
University of Chicago
Dwight E. Bergles, Ph.D.
Johns Hopkins University
Karin Borgmann-Winter, M.D.
University of Pennsylvania
Yuncai Chen, Ph.D.
University of California, Irvine
Branislav Mancevski, M.D.
Columbia University
Lori Montross, Ph.D.
University of California, San Diego
Steffen Moritz, Ph.D.
University of Hamburg
Jeremy Amiel Rosenkranz, Ph.D.
University of Texas at Austin
Naoya Sawamura, Ph.D.
Waseda University
Accelerating Discovery
2006 Grant Programs
NARSAD’s annual grant-making process is characterized by painstaking scientific review and dedicated
administrative follow-through. The objective is to make
certain that the most promising psychiatric research is
supported. Each year, NARSAD invites scientists from
all over the world, at all career stages, to submit grant
applications for review.
Members of NARSAD’s Scientific Council donate time
and talent to a careful and thorough review of each
of the 1,000-plus grant proposals received each year.
The Council, in turn, recommends the most meritorious
applications to the Board of Directors, which has the
responsibility for approving them. The return on
NARSAD’s cumulative investment — which in 2006
neared the $200-million mark — has been enormous.
NARSAD support has allowed scientists to publish
important findings in the most prestigious medical and
scientific journals, where their results are shared with
other researchers, clinicians and the public. NARSAD
support also allows scientists with new ideas to change
research direction, something that is normally quite
difficult for established researchers to do. Supported
scientists are then able to collect enough preliminary
data to obtain subsequent funding for larger studies
that build on the results of NARSAD-supported work.
2006 NARSAD Grants — An Overview
In 2006, a record number of new grants were made,
totaling approximately $19 million. Brief summaries
of the three major grant programs follows:
“an exceptional group of scientists…who have become
extraordinarily prestigious in the fields related to
understanding and treating mental illness.” Dr. Barchas
points out that the NARSAD Distinguished Investigator
Award is more difficult to obtain than a grant from the
National Institutes of Health. Applicants in 2006 not
surprisingly represented all areas of first-rate research
in mental illness, from genetics, imaging, neurobiology
and psychology, to applied and translational research.
Dr. Barchas summarized the grant-making process
for 2006:
“As much as possible, the final selection of awardees
reflects a balance among areas of research and scholars of diverse orientations. A striking aspect of this
year’s competition is the degree to which genetics has
come to involve multiple areas of investigation, from
cell biology to behavior. Also remarkable is the excellence of the proposals not only from researchers in
such traditional fields as psychiatry and psychology,
but also from highly accomplished investigators in
other fields who now want to apply their knowledge
and skills toward the enormous problems of severe
mental illness.
“In an era of tight constraints in the federal government’s funding of new research at the seed-funding
stage, NARSAD’s Distinguished Investigator awards
are more critical than ever for the excellence and vitality
of research on mental illness.”
46 Independent Investigator Awards
20 Distinguished Investigator Awards
The Distinguished Investigator program, launched
in 1988, is highly selective, seeking to fund urgent
research by experienced and highly accomplished
scientists from leading institutions. The program offers
one-year grants of up to $100,000, and fills an increasingly important niche in mental-health grantgiving.
Jack D. Barchas, M.D., chair of the department of
psychiatry at Weill Medical College of Cornell
University and long-time Scientific Council member,
headed the committee that selected the 2006
Distinguished Investigators. In his words, they are
NARSAD’s Independent Investigator Award program
provides support for scientists during the critical
period between the initiation of their research careers
and the securing of sustained funding. The award
is designed for scientists at the associate professor
level or equivalent who are clearly independent and
have won national competitive support as principal
investigators. The 2006 Independent Investigators
will receive up to $100,000 over two years in support
of their research programs, which encompass clinical
and basic research of major brain and behavior
disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, autism,
and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
The grantees were selected by a committee headed by
Robert M. Post, M.D., of NARSAD’s Scientific Council.
The far-ranging studies by the 2006 Independent
Investigators will look at such important and compelling
subjects as the role of stress in the development of
mental illness; the effectiveness and action of drugs
for various disorders; changes in brain structure of
people with different types of depression; genetic
susceptibility for depression, bipolar disorder and
schizophrenia; biomarkers for mood disorders; suicidal
tendencies in people with bipolar disorder; and
possible drug treatments for autism.
206 Young Investigator Awards
A record number of Young Investigators were chosen
in 2006 from an applicant pool that numbered over 800.
Each grant recipient will receive $30,000 a year, for one
or two years, in support of research being conducted
at more than 80 universities and research centers in
the U.S., Canada, Europe, Australia, and Israel.
The selection committee was chaired by Dr. Herbert Y.
Meltzer, Bixler/May/Johnson Professor of Psychiatry
and professor of pharmacology at Vanderbilt University
Medical Center and a longtime Scientific Council member. “While our mission is still mainly focused on schizophrenia and depression, it has broadened to encompass outstanding research across the spectrum of
brain and behavior disorders, and these are reflected
in the new grants,” Dr. Meltzer said.
These disorders include autism, Alzheimer’s disease,
anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder,
addiction, obsessive-compulsive disorder, Tourette
syndrome and eating disorders. Dr. Meltzer also
reported a welcome increase in the number and quality
of clinical studies. In addition, he said, “NARSAD
makes a point of supporting areas often neglected
by other funders, such as psychosocial research.”
Young Investigators reflect current research trends
made possible by innovative technological and
computational advances, particularly in brain imaging
and genetics. These, in turn, are fueling a rapid upsurge
in what is called translational research, through which
basic discoveries are turned into new or improved
therapies. Among powerful new technologies,
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) provides
a noninvasive view of blood-flow patterns indicating
brain areas in action; and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) makes it possible to measure chemical
activity in the brain.
Many of the Young Investigators will study the cells,
proteins, and pathways involved in neural development
and function and the physiological bases for the
aberrant behaviors of psychiatric disorders. Some
studies are aimed at better, faster-acting drugs; others
are developing and testing nonpharmacological interventions like cognitive therapy and brain stimulation.
Studies are underway to help patients cope better with
their illnesses and to comply better with treatment
regimens. In addition to isolating and testing a range
of new molecular targets for drugs, 2006 Young
Investigators are also seeking to explain how existing
drugs work.
The Staglin Family Music Festival Award for
Schizophrenia Research
The NARSAD Staglin Award is
annually earmarked for a single
early-career scientist whose
research is uncovering the causes
of schizophrenia and leading to
improved treatments. The
$250,000 grant, over three years,
is donated to NARSAD by The
Eva S. Anton, Ph.D.
Staglin Family Music Festival for
Mental Health, hosted by Shari and Garen Staglin at
their Napa Valley vineyard to raise funds for mental
health research.
The 2006 Staglin Family Music Festival for Mental
Health awardee was Eva S. Anton, Ph.D., an associate
professor at the University of North Carolina School
of Medicine and a 2005 NARSAD Young Investigator.
Dr. Anton is studying neuregulin-1 (NRG1), one of the
genes whose variants have been strongly linked
with the development of schizophrenia. His research
promises to shed light on how NRG1, with its influence
over the growth, placement, and function of neurons
in the developing brain, could lead to defects in
neural circuitry.
2006 NARSAD Grants
Distinguished Investigators
Lori Altshuler, M.D.
John H. Krystal, M.D.
University of California, Los Angeles
“Etiology of Orbitofrontal Dysfunction in Bipolar Disorder”
Yale University
“GABRA2 Contributions to NMDA Receptor Deficient-Related
Prefrontal Dysfunction”
Susan G. Amara, Ph.D.
University of Pittsburgh
“Zebrafish as a Vertebrate Model System for Examining
the Genetics of Antidepressant Action”
Aaron T. Beck, M.D.
University of Pennsylvania
“Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Negative Symptoms
of Schizophrenia: A Pilot Study”
Xandra O. Breakefield, Ph.D.
Harvard University
“Live Cell Imaging of Synaptic Dynamics”
Maja Bucan, Ph.D.
University of Pennsylvania
“Identification and Characterization of Conserved Non-Coding
and/or Regulatory Elements in Schizophrenia Candidate Regions”
Tyrone D. Cannon, Ph.D.
University of California, Los Angeles
“A Translational Genetics Approach to Schizophrenia
and Bipolar Disorder”
Robert R. Freedman, M.D.
University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center
“Development of Nicotinic Receptor Agonist Therapy
for Schizophrenia”
Paul J. Lombroso, M.D.
Yale University
“Regulation of MAP Kinase by the Striatal Enriched Protein
Tyrosine Phosphatase (STEP)”
John S. March, M.D., M.P.H.
Duke University
“Pharmacogenomic Approach to Severe SSRI-Induced Adverse
Drug Reactions in Youth”
Angus C. Nairn, Ph.D.
Yale University
“Neuroproteomic Analysis of the Actions of BDNF and Other
Neurotrophic Factors”
John C. Roder, Ph.D.
University of Toronto
“Validation of DISC-1 as a Schizophrenia Gene”
Jerrold P. Rosenbaum, M.D.
Harvard University
“Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging of Children
at Risk for Anxiety and Depression”
Harold A. Sackeim, Ph.D.
Columbia University
“Development of a Novel Focal Europharmacotherapy (FEAT)”
Elliot S. Gershon, M.D.
C. Dominique Toran-Allerand, M.D.
University of Chicago
“Genomic Imbalances in Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia”
Columbia University
“17a-estradiol, Neurogenesis and Disorders of Mood”
Elizabeth Gould, Ph.D.
Nancy S. Wexler, Ph.D.
Princeton University
“Parenting, Social Stress and Neural Plasticity in Primates:
Possible Models of Anxiety and Depression”
Columbia University
“Genome Scan for Genes Predisposing to Schizophrenia and
Affective Disorder in the Venezuelan Huntington's Disease Kindred”
Mary-Claire King, Ph.D.
Marina Wolf, Ph.D.
University of Washington
“A Genomic Approach to Gene Discovery in Schizophrenia”
The Chicago Medical School
“Receptor Trafficking in Animal Models of Psychiatric Disorders”
2006 NARSAD Grants
Independent Investigators
Steven E. Arnold, M.D.
Marco Battaglia, M.D.
University of Pennsylvania
“Chronic Stress Effects in ‘Sandy’, a Genetic Mouse Model
of Schizophrenia: Behavior and Molecular Neuroanatomy”
San Raffaele Vita--Salute University
“A fMRI and Genetic Study of Cerebral Responses to Socialemotional Stimuli in Children Followed-up for Social Shyness”
Deanna M. Barch, Ph.D.
Pierre J. Blanchet, M.D., Ph.D.
Washington University
“The Development Neurobiology of Working Memory Deficits
as a Risk Factor for Schizophrenia”
University of Montreal
“Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Pilot Trial on the
Efficacy of Docosahexaenoic Acid on Tardive Dyskinesia”
2006 NARSAD Grants
Independent Investigators
Hilary P. Blumberg, M.D.
Shaul Hestrin, Ph.D.
Yale University
“Frontal Markers of Vulnerability and Resilience to Bipolar Disorder”
Stanford University
“Cannabinoids and Inhibitory Networks in the Neocortex”
Vadim Bolshakov, Ph.D.
Noboru Hiroi, Ph.D.
Harvard University
“Synaptic Plasticity in the Amygdala Underlying Extinction
of Conditioned Fear”
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
“A Human 22q11.2 Segment and Endophenotypes
of Schizophrenia in Mice”
Linda Carpenter, M.D.
L. Fredrik Jarskog, M.D.
Brown University
“Do Emotional and Biological Responses to a Laboratory Stress
Test Predict Risk for Depressive and Anxiety Disorders?”
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
“Longitudinal Effects of Typical and Atypical Antipsychotics
on Rat Brain Structure by High Resolution MRI”
Pablo E. Castillo, M.D., Ph.D.
Wouter Koek, Ph.D.
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
“Endocannabinoid-Signaling in Schizophrenia”
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
“Early-Life Stress, Genetic Vulnerability, and Affective Disorders”
Hagit Cohen, Ph.D.
Ben Gurion University
“Stressful Experiences in Early-Life as a Potential Risk Factor
for Altered Stress Responsivity in Adulthood Phenotypic,
Endphenotypic and Environmental Influences in an Animal Model”
Melissa P. DelBello, M.D.
University of Cincinnati
“Identifying Biomarkers of Abnormal Metabolism in Adolescents
with Bipolar Disorder Using Proton and Phosphorus Magnetic
Resonance Spectroscopies”
Kim Q. Do, Ph.D., Privat-Docent
University of Lausanne
“Glutathione/Redox Dysregulation in First Psychotic Episode
Patients: Towards a Biomarker Profile for Early Intervention”
Douglas C. Eikenburg, Ph.D.
University of Houston
“Regulation of Neuronal GRK3 Expression: A Critical Modulator
of Signaling in Bipolar Disorder”
Grigori Enikolopov, Ph.D.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
“Neural Stem and Progenitor Cell Targets
of Antidepressant Therapies”
Brian A. Fallon, M.D., M.P.H.
Columbia University
”IV Ceftriaxone for Refractory Psychosis Submission”
Ruth Feldman, Ph.D.
Bar-Ilan University
“Effects of Maternal Depression and Genetic Disposition on the
Development of PTSD in Infants and Young Children Exposed
to War, Terror, and Violence”
Mark A. Frye, M.D.
Mayo Clinic, Minnesota
“High-Field Proton MRS of Anterior Cingulate in Bipolar vs.
Unipolar and Melancholic vs. Atypical Depression”
Uriel Heresco-Levy, M.D.
Hebrew University
“N-methyl-D-aspartate Receptor (NMDAR)-Based Pharmacotherapy with D-cycloserine for Treatment-Resistant Major
Depressive Disorder”
Christian G. Kohler, M.D.
University of Pennsylvania
“Emotion Recognition and Expression in Stable Schizophrenia”
Tao Li, M.D., Ph.D.
University of London
“Exploring Influence of Genetic Variation on the Cognitive Deficits
Underlying Schizophrenia”
Xiaohua Li, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Alabama at Birmingham
“Clinical Implication of Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3
in Mood Disorders”
Fang Liu, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Toronto
“A Protein-Protein Interaction in Hyper-Dopaminergia: In Search of
a Novel Therapeutic Target for Antipsychotics”
In Kyoon Lyoo, M.D., Ph.D.
Seoul National University Hospital
“Amygdala Shape Alteration in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
(PTSD): A Longitudinal Follow-Up Study”
Anil K. Malhotra, M.D.
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
“Genetics of White Matter Integrity in Schizophrenia”
Dara S. Manoach, Ph.D.
Harvard University
“Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Intact and Impaired Executive
Functions in Schizophrenia: Task Preparation, Performance
Evaluation, and Remedial Performance Adjustment”
Lauren B. Marangell, M.D.
Baylor College of Medicine
“Achieving a Better Understanding of Suicidality in a
Generalizable Cohort of Patients with Bipolar Disorder”
Kenneth E. McCarson, Ph.D.
University of Kansas
“Chronic Pain Activates Mechanisms of Depression”
Francis J. McMahon, M.D.
National Institute of Mental Health
“Genetic Determinants of Outcome and Side Effects
of Antidepressant Treatment”
2006 NARSAD Grants
Independent Investigators
Venkatesh N. Murthy, Ph.D.
Stephen R Salton, M.D., Ph.D.
Harvard University
“Synaptic Function and Plasticity in Two Mouse Models of
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
“Role of the BDNF-inducible Gene VGF in Depression
and Antidepressant Responses”
Ziad Nahas, M.D.
Wei-Xing Shi, Ph.D.
Medical University of South Carolina
“A Pilot Safety and Efficacy Study of Chronic Epidural Prefrontal
Cortical Stimulation (EpCS) in Severe Treatment-Resistant
Unipolar Depression”
Yale University
“Prefrontal Control of Dopamine Neurons in the Ventral
Tegmental Area”
David J. Posey, M.D.
Harvard University
“Whole Genome Association Scan of Bipolar Disorder”
Indiana University
“Memantine in Autism: A Placebo-Controlled Trial
of Combined Pharmacotherapy”
Michael Poulter, Ph.D.
Robarts Research Institute
“Dysregulation of GABA-A Receptor Gene Expression in
Henriette Raventos, M.D., M. Sc.
Universidad de Costa Rica
“Phenotypic Characterization of a Neuregulin-1 Missense
Mutation Associated with Psychosis in Costa Rica”
Dan Rujescu, M.D.
Pamela Sklar, M.D., Ph.D.
Paul A. Slesinger, Ph.D.
Salk Institute for Biological Studies
“Role of SNX27 in Regulation of G Protein Signaling in the Brain”
Jeffrey A. Stanley, Ph.D.
Wayne State University
“Assessing Membrane Precursor Levels in Pediatric ADHD: A
Whole-Brain, Multi-Voxel 31P Spectroscopy Study at 4 Tesla”
Sam Thiagalingam, Ph.D.
Boston University
“Epigenetic Modulation of Serotonin Signaling in the
Pathogenesis of Schizophrenia”
University of Munich
“Identification of Novel Schizophrenia Genes”
Guochuan Emil Tsai, M.D., Ph.D.
Ronald M. Salomon, M.D.
University of California, Los Angeles
“Evaluating Sarcosine, a Glycine Uptake Inhibitor, for Cognition
Enhancement in Schizophrenia”
Vanderbilt University
“MRI BOLD Imaging of Interregional Variability in Depression:
Sensitivity to Effects of Acute Tryptophan Depletion”
Xia Zhang, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Ottawa
“Role of Cytoplasmic Polyadenylation Element Binding
Protein (CPEB)”
2006 NARSAD Second-Year Grants
Independent Investigators
Michael Hall Allen, M.D.
Sofia Avissar, Ph.D.
University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center
“Effects of Nicotine Replacement Therapy on Agitation
and Aggression in Schizophrenic Smokers”
Ben Gurion University
“Receptor G-Protein Desensitization Regulators: Involvement of
Alterations in mRNA and Protein Expression in the Pathogenesis
and Treatment of Major Depression”
Rene Anand, Ph.D.
Ohio State University
“Dysfunctional Modulation of Nicotinic Receptors in
Celso Arango, M.D., Ph.D.
Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Maranon
“Safety and Tolerability of Antipsychotic Drugs in Children
and Adolescents”
Alberto Ascherio, MD, DrPH
Harvard University
“Prospective Study of Depression in a Large Cohort of Nurses”
Sabine Bahn, M.D., Ph.D., M.R.C. Psych.
University of Cambridge
“Abnormal T-Cell Function in Schizophrenia Reflects Peripheral
Abnormalities and Provides a Means of Detecting Global Deficits
in Signalling, Gene Transcription, and Protein Expression”
Samuel A. Ball, Ph.D.
Yale University
”Psychotic-Spectrum Personality Disorders in Homeless Persons”
Michael Bauer, M.D., Ph.D.
Charite University Medicine Berlin
“Thyroid Hormone and Mood Modulation in Bipolar Disorder:
Neurobiological Mechanisms”
2006 NARSAD Second-Year Grants
Independent Investigators
Richard G. Boles, M.D.
Tony P. George, M.D.
University of Southern California
“mtDNA Sequence Variants and Predisposition Towards Depression”
Yale University
“Effects of Galanthamine on Neurocognitive Deficits in Smokers
and Non-smokers with Schizophrenia”
Kelly N. Botteron, M.D.
Washington University
“Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Early-Onset Affective Disorder:
A Twin Study”
Howard Gershenfeld, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
“Developing Biomarkers for Treatment-Resistant Depression”
Todd S. Braver, Ph.D.
Michael R. James, Ph.D.
Washington University
“Improving Prefrontal Cortex Function in Schizophrenia through
Focused Training of Cognitive Control”
Queensland Institute of Medical Research
“Genetic Mapping of Schizophrenia Locus on Chromosome 2”
Anne Buist, M.Med., M.D.
Duke University
“Metabolic Signatures of Antipsychotic Drugs in the Treatment
of Schizophrenia”
University of Melbourne
“Relapse of Bipolar Affective Disorder in the Perinatal Period:
Role of Sleep and Circadian Rhythm”
William A. Carlezon, Jr., Ph.D.
Harvard University
“Role of SPROUTY in Neurogenesis and Antidepressant-like
Effects in Rats”
Gabriel Corfas, Ph.D.
Rima F. Kaddurah-Daouk, Ph.D.
Wendy R. Kates, Ph.D.
State University of New York, Upstate Medical University
“An fMRI Study of Genetic Modulation of Emotional Processing
in Velocardiofacial Syndrome”
Ilana Kremer, M.D.
Harvard University
“Neuregulin-1-erbB Signaling and Schizophrenia”
Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
“Genetic Predisposition to Metabolic Syndrome and Type II
Diabetes in Schizophrenia Patients”
Joseph F. Cubells, M.D., Ph.D.
Mark Laudenslager, Ph.D.
Emory University School of Medicine
“Genetics of Interferon-Alpha-Induced Depression”
University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center
“Salivary Cortisol and DHEA as a Valid Biomarker
in Bipolar Disorder: Insights into Outcomes”
Faith B. Dickerson, Ph.D., M.P.H.
University of Maryland
“Functional Recovery in Bipolar Disorder: The Role
of Neurocognitive Factors”
Anne Duffy, M.D.
McGill University
“Integrative Prospective Studies Among the Offspring
of Well-Characterized Bipolar Parents”
Cynthia Neill Epperson, M.D.
Yale University
“Serotonin, Neurosteroids and GABA Contributions to SSRI
Treatment Response in PMDD: A 1H-MRS Study”
Jeffrey D. Erickson, Ph.D.
Louisiana State University
“Scaling of Vesicular Glutamate and GABA Storage
in Neocortical Synapses”
Monika Fleshner, Ph.D.
University of Colorado, Boulder
“Prevention of Negative Behavioral Effects of Acute Fluoxetine:
Role of BDNF”
Liisa A.M. Galea, Ph.D.
University of British Columbia
“Models of Postpartum Depression: Effects on Behavior, Stress
Reactivity and Hippocampal Neurogenesis in Both Mother
and Offspring”
Daniel Levesque, Ph.D.
University of Montreal
“Identification of Genes Associated with Nur77-Dependent
Transcriptional Activity in Antipsychotic Drug Actions”
A. Kimberly McAllister, Ph.D.
University of California, Davis
“Regulation of NMDAR Trafficking and Function by Class I
MHC Molecules”
Paul J. Moberg, Ph.D., ABPP
University of Pennsylvania Medical School
“Olfactory Dysfunction in Schizophrenia: A Model System to
Investigate Aberrant Neurodevelopment”
Terence J. O'Brien, M.D.
University of Melbourne
“The Effects of Hypercortisolaemia on Limbic Epileptogenesis”
Arturas Petronis, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Toronto
“Epigenomic Profiles in Major Psychiatric Disease: The First 15
Percent of the Genome”
Mary Phillips, M.D.
University of Pittsburgh
“Defining the Neural Markers of Bipolar Disorder: A Functional
Neuroimaging Study”
Teodor T. Postolache, M.D.
University of Maryland
“Relationship between Allergen Specific IgE Antibodies and
Exacerbation of Recurrent Mood Disorders”
2006 NARSAD Second-Year Grants
Independent Investigators
Delbert Robinson, M.D.
Martin H. Teicher, M.D., Ph.D.
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
“Long-Acting Risperidone for Patients Who Fail Their First
Antipsychotic Treatment Trial”
Harvard University
“Early Stress and the Neurobiology of Depression”
Ronnen H. Segman, M.D.
Stanford University
“Declarative Memory in Schizophrenia: fMRI of Hippocampal
Subfield Function”
Hebrew University
“Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Gene Expression Profiling
of Postpartum Depressive Disorder”
Anne B. Sereno, Ph.D.
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
“Effects of Dopaminergic Medications on Orienting
in Schizophrenia”
Yvette I. Sheline, M.D.
Washington University
“Decreased White Matter Connectivity in Late-Life Depressions”
Karen E. Stevens, Ph.D.
University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center
“Gestational Choline Supplementation for the Amelioration of
Sensory Inhibition Deficits”
Anthony D. Wagner, Ph.D.
Mark Allen Whisman, Ph.D.
University of Colorado, Boulder
“Prospective Associations Among Genes, Stress and Depression”
Kimberly A. Yonkers, M.D.
Yale University
“A Controlled Study of SSRI Exposure in Neonates”
Carlos A. Zarate, M.D.
National Institute of Mental Health
“An Investigation of Glutamatergic Modulators as Pharmacologic
Strategies to Bring Rapid (Next Day) and Sustained
Antidepressant Effects”
2006 NARSAD Grants
Young Investigators
R. Alison Adcock, M.D., Ph.D.
Saloua Benmansour, Ph.D.
University of California, San Francisco
“Correlated Activation in Midbrain and Hippocampus as a Predictor of Memory: fMRI in Schizophrenia and Control Subjects”
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
“Influence of Ovarian Hormones on the Interaction Between
Antidepressants and Serotonin Transporters”
Evdokia Anagnostou, M.D.
Gregor E. Berger, M.D.
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
“Brain Glutamate Concentrations in Autistic Adolecents by
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy”
University of Melbourne
“Genetic Modulators of Clinical and Neurobiological Outcomes
in Early Psychosis: A Genotype to Phenotype Approach”
Julie Audet, Ph.D.
Zubin Bhagwagar, M.D.
University of Toronto
“Effect of Lithium on Signal Transduction Dynamics in Somatic
Stem Cells”
Yale University
“A Proton MRS Study of GABA and 5-HT Interactions”
David A. Baker, Ph.D.
Emory University
“Chaperones of the Glucocorticoid Receptor, Depression and
Early-Life Stress”
Marquette University
“Cystine-Glutamate Exchange and the Phencyclidine Model
of Schizophrenia”
Ranita Basu, M.D.
University of Pittsburgh
“Psychosocial Stress, Cortisol and Insulin Resistance and Risk
of Cardiovascular Disease in Schizophrenia”
Anita Bechtholt, Ph.D.
University of Pennsylvania
“Examining the Mechanisms of Chronic Antidepressant Efficacy”
Cecile Beguin, Ph.D.
Harvard University
“Synthesis and Evaluation of Salvinorin A Analogues as Kappaopioid Receptor Ligands for the Treatment of Mood Disorders”
Elisabeth Binder, M.D., Ph.D.
Hugh T. Blair, Ph.D.
University of California, Los Angeles
“Modulation of Serotonergic Neural Activity by Fear and Anxiety”
Sondra Bland, Ph.D.
University of Colorado, Boulder
“Mechanisms of Stressor Controllability Modulation of Stressinduced Changes in Neurogenesis and Basic Fibroblast Growth
Factor Expression in the Rat Hippocampus”
2006 NARSAD Grants
Young Investigators
William Bobo, M.D.
Zafiris Daskalakis, M.D., Ph.D., FRCP
Vanderbilt University
“Effect of Addition of Modafinil (MOD) on the Tolerability and
Efficacy for Cognition to Atypical Antipsychotic Drugs in Patients
with Schizophrenia (SCH) or Schizoaffective Disorder (SCHAD)”
University of Toronto
“Enhancing Working Memory Performance and Gamma Band
Synchrony in Patients with Schizophrenia Using Repetitive
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)”
Maura Boldrini, M.D., Ph.D.
Carmen de Groote, Ph.D.
Columbia University
“Tryptophan Hydroxylyases Protein in the Raphe Nucleus from
a Matched Set of Subjects with Bipolar Disorder, Depression,
Schizophrenia and Controls with and without Suicide”
University of Manchester
“In Vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Glutamate and GABA
Transmission in Schizophrenia”
David Cristopher Bragg, Ph.D.
University of Toronto
“Suicide in Major Psychosis: Parent of Origin Effect and Genomic
Imprinting in Serotonin and Norepinephrine System Genes”
Harvard University
“Analysis of DISC1 and its Role in Neurite Outgrowth and
Synapse Formation”
Allegra Broft, M.D.
Columbia University
“Imaging of Dopamine Systems in Bulimia Nervosa”
Vincenzo De Luca, M.D.
J. Bruno Debruille, M.D., Ph.D.
McGill University
“Neurocognitive Mechanisms Underlying the Maintenance of Delusions: A Longitudinal Study in First Psychotic Episode Patients”
Peter Bulow, M.D.
Gabriel S. Dichter, Ph.D.
Columbia University
“Treating Depression with Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation”
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
“The Neural Influence of Affective Dysregulation on Executive
Function in Unipolar Major Depression”
Edgar A. Buttner, M.D., Ph.D.
Harvard University
“Pharmacogenomics of Caenorhabditis Elegans Used to Discover
Novel Genetic Targets of Psychoactive Medications”
Daniel P. Dickstein, M.D.
Brown University
“Reversal Learning in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder”
Dara M. Cannon, Ph.D.
Anna Dobretsova, Ph.D.
National Institute of Mental Health
“Dopamine Receptor Imaging in Mood Disorders”
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
“Neuron-oligodendrocyte Interactions in a Developmental Model
of Schizophrenia”
Eran Chemerinski, M.D.
Mount Sinai School of Medicine““
Cognitive Enhancement in the Schizophrenia Spectrum
with Dihydrexidine”
Sufen Chiu, M.D., Ph.D.
University of California, Davis
“Pediatric Psychosis and Schizophrenia”
Kodavali Venkata Chowdari, Ph.D.
University of Pittsburgh
“Mechanisms of Altered GAD67 and mRNA Expression
in Schizophrenia”
Alex Dranovsky, M.D., Ph.D.
Columbia University
“Effects of Stress and Antidepressants on Cellular and Circuit
Plasticity of Adult-Born Hippocampal Neurons”
Michael R. Drew, Ph.D.
Columbia University
“The Role of Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis in Fear Conditioning”
Cristiane S. Duarte, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Columbia University
“Childhood Depression and Obesity: Correlates and Pathways”
Francesca Cicchetti, Ph.D.
Helen Link Egger, M.D.
Laval University
“The Role of Inflammation in Schizophrenia”
Duke University
“Four Year Functional MRI Follow-up of Preschoolers with
and without Anxiety Disorders”
Anis Contractor, Ph.D.
Northwestern University
“Dopaminergic Regulation of Excitatory Synapses in the CA3
Region of the Hippocampus”
Naomi Eisenberger, Ph.D.
University of California, Los Angeles
“An fMRI Study of Cytokine-Associated Depression and Social Pain”
Donald Channing Cooper, Ph.D.
James C. Eliassen, Ph.D.
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
“The Molecular and Physiological Signature of Psychosis in the
Hippocampal Prefrontal Cortical Pathway”
University of Cincinnati
“Identifying a Neurochemical Basis for fMRI Abnormalities
in Bipolar Disorder with Phosphorus MRSI”
Miles G. Cunningham, M.D., Ph.D.
Oleg V. Evgrafov, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Harvard University
“A Developmental Model for Structural Defects in Schizophrenia”
University of Southern California
“Identification of Genes Involved in Etiology of Schizophrenia
by Expression Profiling”
2006 NARSAD Grants
Young Investigators
Andrea Faedo, Ph.D.
Belinda Garner, Ph.D.
University of California, San Francisco
“Role of Tbr1 in Glutamergic Neuron Differentiation: Implications
for Schizophrenia”
University of Melbourne
“Glucocorticoid Receptor Function in First-Episode Psychosis
and in Individuals at Ultra High Risk for Psychosis”
Peter A. Fahnestock, M.D.
Anthony J. Giuliano, Ph.D.
Washington University
“Effects of Antipsychotic Medications on Energy Intake
and Expenditure”
Harvard University
Stress Reactivity in Individuals at Genetic and Clinical High
Risk Schizophrenia”
Christopher P. Fall, Ph.D.
Stephen J. Glatt, Ph.D.
University of Illinois, Chicago
“Neuromodulation of Network Activity in Prefrontal
Cortical Microcircuits”
State University of New York, Upstate Medical University
“Re-Establishing DRD2 as a Risk Gene for Schizophrenia:
Haplotype Mapping and Family-Based Association Analysis”
Jin Fan, Ph.D.
Joseph A. Gogos, M.D., Ph.D.
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
“Selective Impairment of Attentional Networks and Treatment
Effects of Attentional Functions in Schizophrenia”
Columbia University
“Hippocampal Structure and Function in a BDNF Val66Met
Knock-in Mouse Strain”
Vincent P. Ferrera, Ph.D.
Stephen J. Gold, Ph.D.
Columbia University
“Risk and Reward in Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex”
University of North Texas
“Regulator of G-Protein Signaling 10 (RGS10): A Novel Modulator
of Muscarinic Receptor Signaling”
Marc Flajolet, Ph.D.
Rockefeller University
“Identification of Adenosine A2A Receptor Regulatory Proteins
to Interfere with Dopamine D2 Signaling Pathway”
Rachel Helena Flomen, Ph.D.
University of London
“Identification of Functional Variant(s) in the CHRNA7 Region
of 15q13-q14 that Predispose to P50 Sensory Gating Deficit
and to Smoking Risk in Psychosis”
Stan B. Floresco, Ph.D.
University of British Columbia
“Neural Encoding in the Prefrontal Cortex During Set Shifting:
Alteration by NMDA Antagonists”
Erika E. Forbes, Ph.D.
University of Pittsburgh
“A Neuroimaging Study of Positive Affect in Current and Remitted
Adolescent Depression”
Cynthia H.Y. Fu, M.D., MSc, FRCPC
University of London
“The Serotonin Transporter Polymorphism, Cerebral
Endophenotypes and Depression”
Catherine A. Fullerton, M.D., M.P.H.
Harvard University
“Utilizing Mecamylamine to Examine the Cognitive Effects of
Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors in Smokers and Non-smokers
with Schizophrenia”
Amelia Gallitano-Mendel, M.D., Ph.D.
Washington University
The Effect of Antipsychotic Treatment on a Genetic Mouse Model
of Schizophrenia”
Keming Gao, M.D., Ph.D.
Case Western Reserve University
“A Pragmatic Clinical Effectiveness Trial in Multi-morbid Anxious
Patients with Bipolar I or II”
Doron Gothelf, M.D.
Tel Aviv University
“Are Variants of the COMT Gene a Risk Factor for Longitundinal
Decline in Prefrontal Volumes, Reduced Cognitive Performance,
and Development of Psychosis in Adolescents with 22q11.2
Deletion Syndrome?”
Melissa Green, Ph.D.
Macquarie University
“Remediation of Facial Emotion Perception in Psychotic Disorders”
Cornelius Gross, Ph.D.
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
“Identifying Susceptibility Genes for Mood Disorders Using SNP
Analysis in the Mouse”
Eugenia V. Gurevich, Ph.D.
Vanderbilt University
“The Role of Arrestins in Neurodevelopment: Implications
for Schizophrenia”
Kent C. Harris, Ph.D.
Huntington Medical Research Institute
“Direct Detection of Glial Glutamate Function in Schizophrenia
with 13C Acetate MR Spectroscopy”
Allison G. Harvey, D.Phil.
University of California, Berkeley
“Sleep Disturbances, Emotion Regulation and Bipolar Disorder”
Takanori Hashimoto, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Pittsburgh
“Alterations in Cortical Inhibitory Circuitry in Schizophrenia,
Regional Specificity and Compensatory Mechanism”
Kanehiro Hayashi, Ph.D.
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
“Regulatory Mechanisms of Cytoskeletal Dynamics in Schizophrenia”
2006 NARSAD Grants
Young Investigators
Elizabeth P. Hayden, Ph.D.
Pascal S. Kaeser, M.D.
University of Western Ontario
“Genetic and Environmental Influences on Temperament
in Preschoolers”
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
“Creating Mouse Models for Understanding Molecular
Mechansims of Schizophrenia”
Shawn Hayley, Ph.D.
Theodore S. Kalbfleisch, Ph.D.
Carleton University
“Depressive-like Illness Provoked by Stressor and Interferonalpha: Endogenous Cytokine Mechanisms”
University of Louisville
“Development of Bioinformatics Infrastructure in Support
of Biomarker Discovery in Schizophrenia Studies”
Peter B. Hedlund, M.D., Ph.D.
Jessica H. Kalmar, Ph.D.
The Scripps Research Institute
“The 5-HT7 Receptor - The Missing Link in Depression?”
Yale University
“Developing Neurobehavioral Endophenotypes to Dissociate Pediatric Bipolar Disorder from Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder”
Aude Henin, Ph.D.
Harvard University
“Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Children at Risk for
Bipolar Disorder”
Kameel N. Karkar, M.D.
Loren Keith Henry, Ph.D.
University of California, San Francisco
“Cellular and Molecular Characterization of Tangential
Migration Mutants”
Vanderbilt University
”Structure-base Modeling of the Serotonin Transporter to
Elucidate Sites of Antidepressant Action and Psychiatric DiseaseAssociated Mutations”
University of Sydney
“Conditional NPY Y1 Receptor Deficient Mice: A Potential New
Animal Model for Schizophrenia?”
Carrie L. Heusner, Ph.D.
University of California, Los Angeles
“Identification of Synaptic Molecules that Signal to the Nucleus
During Neuronal Plasticity”
Daphne J. Holt, M.D., Ph.D.
Harvard University
“Spatiotemporal Imaging of Emotional Salience
in First-Episode Schizophrenia”
Jinger G. Hoop, M.D.
Medical College of Wisconsin
“Genetic Testing for Schizophrenia: Views of Patients, Families,
and Clinicians”
Yue-Qiao Huang, Ph.D.
Drexel University
“Molecular Mechanism of NMDA Receptor Endocytosis”
Dan V. Iosifescu, M.D.
Harvard University
“Brain GABA Levels and Treatment Response
in Major Depressive Disorder”
Hank P. Jedema, Ph.D.
University of Pittsburgh
“The Influence of the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis
on Monoaminergic Ventral Tegmental Area and Locus Coeruleus
Neurons Following Chronic Stress Exposure”
Jutta Joormann, Ph.D.
Stanford University
“Stress Reactivity and Emotion Regulation in Children at Risk
for Depression”
Mario Francisco Juruena, M.D.
University of London
“Mineralocorticoid Receptor Function in Treatment-Resistant
Depressed Patients: Response to Prednisolone Suppression Test”
Tim Karl, Ph.D.
Tod E. Kippin, Ph.D.
University of California, Santa Barbara
“Antipsychotic Drug Regulation of Neural Stem Cells and
Neurogenesis in the Adult Mammalian Brain: Role of Dopamine
D2 Receptors and Relation to Clinical Efficacy”
Yoav Kohn, M.D.
Hebrew University
“Identification of Genes for Psychiatric Disorders in a Genetic
Isolate from Israel”
Sila Konur, Ph.D.
University of California, San Francisco
“Evaluation of a Developmental NMDA Receptor Hypothesis
for Schizophrenia”
Sandra J. Kuhlman, Ph.D.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
“Role of GAD67-mediated GABA Synthesis in the Maturation
and Dynamics of GABAergic Synapses and Innervation in Mouse
Frontal Cortex”
Po-Hsiu Kuo, Ph.D.
Virginia Commonwealth University
“Genetics in the Comorbidity of Major Depression
and Alcohol Dependence”
Matthew M. Kurtz, Ph.D.
Yale School of Medicine
“Cognitive Remediation for Schizophrenia: Effects on Distal
Outcome Measures and Relationship to Social-Skills Training”
Cecile D. Ladouceur, Ph.D.
University of Pittsburgh
“Neural Circuitry Underlying Emotion Regulation in Adolescents
at High Risk of Bipolar Disorder”
Yulia Landa, Psy.D.
Cornell University
“Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Paranoia in Schizophrenia”
2006 NARSAD Grants
Young Investigators
Maria Danet S. Lapiz, Ph.D.
Sanjay J. Mathew, M.D.
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
“Effect of Chronic Cold Stress on Cognitive Flexibility
in the Rat Attentional Set Shifting and Reversal with Chronic
Antidepressant Treatment”
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
“Continuation Riluzole in the Prevention of Relapse
Following Ketamine”
Amanda J. Law, Ph.D.
University of California, Los Angeles
“Investigating the Role of 14-3-3 eta in Schizophrenia”
University of Oxford
“Molecular and Functional Characterization of Type IV,
Neuregulin-I, a Novel Isoform Associated with Genetic Risk
for Schizophrenia”
Royce Lee, M.D.
University of Chicago
“A Pilot Study of the Effect of Intranasal Corticotropin-Releasing
Hormone on Emotion Processing in Remitted Depression”
Boaz Levy, Ph.D.
Harvard University
“Recovery of Cognitive Functioning in Bipolar Patients with a
Comorbid Substance Use Disorder 3 Months after Discharge”
Zhi Li, Ph.D.
Johns Hopkins University
“Abnormal Dendritic Trafficking of Val66Met BDNF: Role of the
Translin/Trax RNA Binding Complex”
Gregory A. Light, Ph.D.
University of California, San Diego
“Neurophysiological Biomarkers as Targets for Assessing
Functioning in Schizophrenia”
Julie Linker, Ph.D.
Virginia Commonwealth University
“Genetic and Environmental Risk Factors for Suicidal Behavior
in Depressed Youth”
Daniel Lodge, Ph.D.
University of Pittsburgh
“Afferent Modulation of Dopamine System Responsivity in an
Animal Model of Schizophrenia”
Falk W. Lohoff, M.D.
University of Pennsylvania
“Shared Bipolar/Schizophrenia Susceptibility Genes
on Chromosome 8p”
Victor A. Lopez-Soto, M.D.
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
“Gene-Environment Interaction Study of the Serotonin Transporter and Tryptophan Hydroxlase-2 in War Survivors with
Depression and Suicidal Behavior”
Rajnish Mago, M.D.
Thomas Jefferson University
“Antidepressant-Induced Excessive Sweating: Measurement
and Treatment with Terazosin”
Francoise S. Maheu, Ph.D.
National Institute of Mental Health
“Neural Circuits Underlying Rewarding Social Interactions and
Depression: Influence of Maltreatment on Brain Development
in Adolescents Study”
Anna Matynia, Ph.D.
Clinton B. McCracken, Ph.D.
University of Pittsburgh
“Effects of Deep Brain Stimulation on Afferent Regulation of
Nucleus Accumbens Neuronal Activity”
Mayank Mehta, Ph.D.
Brown University
“Influence of NMDA Antagonists on Hippocampal Dynamics”
José J. Miguel-Hidalgo, Ph.D.
University of Mississippi Medical Center
“Glutamatergic Markers of Astrocytes in Major Depression with
Comorbid Alcoholism”
Peter Milev, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Minnesota
“Functional Anatomy of Illusory Contour Perception in People with
Schizophrenia and its Relationship with In Vivo Measures of
GABA and Glutamate: Functional MRI and 7 T Magnetic
Resonance Spectroscopy Studies”
Marc J. Miresco, M.D.
McGill University
“Genetic-Environmental Determinants of the Development of
Impulsivity Traits in Children”
Serge A. Mitelman, M.D.
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
“Five-Year Longitudinal Diffusion-Tensor Imaging Assessment of
White Matter in Schizophrenia”
Ganeshwaran H. Mochida, M.D., M.M.Sc.
Harvard University
“Genes for Developmental Disorders of the Human Cerebral Cortex”
Sarita A. Mohanty, M.D., MPH
University of Southern California
“Improving Depression Care for the Medically Indigent in a
County Emergency Department”
Anna M. Muller, Ph.D.
University of California, Los Angeles
“Investigating the Impact of a Skills-based Intervention Program
on Insight and Engagement in Follow-up Psychiatric Care”
Inez Myin-Germeys, Ph.D.
Maastricht University
“Stress Reactivity in Psychosis: Linking Phenomenology,
Neurobiology and Genetics”
Syed Naqvi, M.D.
University of California, Los Angeles
“PUFA Augmentation for Treatment of Adolescent Unipolar
Major Depression”
2006 NARSAD Grants
Young Investigators
Raad Nashmi, Ph.D.
Koraly Perez-Edgar, Ph.D.
California Institute of Technology
“Examining Mechanisms of Nicotine Addiction Using Knock-in
Mice with Fluorescently Labeled a4 Nicotinic Receptors”
George Mason University
“Assessing the Molecular Genetic Links Between Early
Temperament and Psychopathology in Adolescence:
The Potential Role of Dopamine (DRD4), Serotonin (5HTT),
and Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone (CRH)”
Matthew Nolan, Ph.D.
University of Edinburgh
“A Genetic Approach to Investigating the Contribution
of the Cerebellum to the Symptoms of Schizophrenia”
Sherie Lynn Novotny, M.D.
University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey
“Oxcarbazepine vs. Placebo in Childhood Autism”
Peter Olausson, Ph.D.
Yale University
“Chronic Corticosterone Exposure as a Novel Animal Model
of Depression: A Proteomics Analysis”
Urban Osby, M.D., Ph.D.
Karolinska Institute
“Genetic Risks for Suicide in Schizophrenia”
Thaddeus W.W. Pace, Ph.D.
Emory University School of Medicine
“Inflammatory Signaling and Glucocorticoid Receptor Function
in Patients with Major Depression”
Silvia Paddock, Ph.D.
Karolinska Institute
“Identification and Characterization of Susceptibility Genes
for Bipolar Affective Disorder: Multi-Gene Mining and Studies
of GRIK2”
Tracie Ann Paine, Ph.D.
Harvard University
“Role of Protein Kinase A and CREB in the Medial Prefrontal
Cortex in Attention: Relationship to Schizophrenia”
Abraham A. Palmer, Ph.D.
University of Chicago
“Genetic Studies of Fear Learning in Mice and Humans”
Michael V. Pantalon, Ph.D.
Yale University
“Efficacy of Motivational Adherence Enhancement for Bipolar
Post-Partum Women”
Sergio Paradiso, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Iowa
“Social Perception-related Brain Activity in Schizophrenia Patients
Treated First with Haloperidol and then with Novel Antipsychotics”
Sang Ki Park, Ph.D.
Pohang University of Science and Technology
“Par-4 in Dopamine Signaling and Mood Disorders”
Mani N. Pavuluri, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Illinois, Chicago
“fMRI Study of the Cognitive and Affective Circuitry Dysfunction
in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder”
Roy H. Perlis, M.D.
Harvard University
“Pharmacogenomics of Antidepressant-emergent Adverse Effects
in Major Depressive Disorder”
Benjamin D. Philpot, Ph.D.
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
“Synaptic Basis for NMDA Receptor Hypofunction in Schizophrenia”
Elizabeth M. Powell, Ph.D.
University of Maryland
“Rescue of GABAergic Cell Loss: Anatomical and Behavioral Profiles”
Andrew P. Prescot, Ph.D.
Harvard University
“TE-Averaged Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy:
Monitoring the Effects of High-Dose Oral Glycine Loading on
Brain Glycine Levels in Patients with Schizophrenia”
Gilbert A. Preston, M.D.
University of Utah
“Alpha Frequency rTMS Improves Memory Encoding
in Healthy Persons”
Patrick Provost, Ph.D.
Laval University
“A Link Between RNA Interference, microRNAs
and Alzheimer's Disease”
Marita Pruessner, Ph.D.
McGill University
“Cortisol Regulation and its Association with Hippocampal
Volume in Individuals at Ultra-High Risk for Psychosis”
Shaun Matthew Purcell, Ph.D.
Harvard University
“A Gene-Based Approach to Epistatic Gene-Gene Interaction in
Common Neuropsychiatric Disease”
David C. Purselle, M.D.
Emory University
“Diagnostic Mediators of Suicidal Behavior in African-Americans”
Jason J. Radley, Ph.D.
Salk Institute for Biological Studies
“Differential Role of the Medial Prefrontal Cortex in Neuroendocrine and Autonomic Responses to Psychological Stress”
Wiveka Ramel, Ph.D.
Stanford University
“Vulnerability and Depressive Relapse: An fMRI Study of MoodMemory Relations”
Michael A. Rapp, M.D., Ph.D.
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
“Neuroplasticity Genes and Gene Products in Recurrent
Major Depression”
2006 NARSAD Grants
Young Investigators
Ann M. Rasmusson, M.D.
Salomao Segal, M.D.
Yale University
“Neurobiological Predictors of Response to Cognitive Processing
Therapy for PTSD in Women with and without Major Depression”
Columbia University
“Neurochemistry, Neuropsychology, and Behavior of Deep Brain
Stimulation in the Cingulate Bundle”
Amir Raz, Ph.D.
Daniel Senkowski, Ph.D.
McGill University
“Attentional Regulation of Affect and Cognition in Impulse
Control Disorders”
University Hospital of Hamburg
“The Cocktail Party Phenomenon in Schizophrenia”
Eleonore Real, Ph.D.
Yale University
“Characterization of a Novel Candidate Gene in Schizophrenia”
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
“Molecular Mechanisms Controlling Intracellular AMPA
Receptor Trafficking”
Lise Rioux, Ph.D.
Drexel University College of Medicine
“Neuregulins and Olfactory Bulb Plasticity in Schizophrenia”
Victoria Blythe Risbrough, Ph.D.
University of California, San Diego
“Developing Behavioral and Neuroimaging Markers of Trait Anxiety”
Melissa M. Rolls, Ph.D.
Pennsylvania State University
“Identification of Proteins Required for Neuronal Compartmentalization”
Susan Lee Rossell, Ph.D.
University of Melbourne
“Using Ketamine to Model Thought Disorder”
Laura M. Rowland, Ph.D.
University of Maryland
“Neural Changes Associated with Successful Learning
in Schizophrenia”
Kristine Roy, Ph.D.
Harvard University
“The Role of Neuregulin-erbB Receptor Signaling
in Oligodendrocyte Development and Behavior”
Scott J. Russo, Ph.D.
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
“The Role of Ventral Tegmental Area AKT Signaling Proteins in
Depression-Related Behaviors and Neuronal Morphology”
Amar Sahay, Ph.D.
Columbia University
“Molecular Mechanisms Underlying the Sensitive Period for Anxiety”
Paola Salvatore, M.D.
Harvard University
“Comparison of Dimensional and Categorical Representations
of the Psychopathology of Psychotic Disorders”
Rebecca Seal, Ph.D.
University of California, San Francisco
“The Role of Glutamate Release by Monoamine Neurons”
Thomas W. Sedlak, M.D., Ph.D.
Johns Hopkins University
“The Role of Heme Oxygenase in the Oxidative Stress
of Alzheimer's Disease”
Nenad Sestan, M.D., Ph.D.
Simone G. Shamay-Tsoory, Ph.D.
University of Haifa
“Characterization of Theory of Mind and Empathy Deficits in
Schizophrenia: A Neuropsychological Examination of Affective vs.
Cognitive Aspects of Social Cognition”
Jiajun Shi, Ph.D.
University of Chicago
“Association of Neurogenesis and Neuroplasticity Genes with
Bipolar Disorder”
Peter Siekmeier, M.D.
Harvard University
“The Use of a Neurocomputational Model to Examine
Hippocampal Etiologies of Schizophrenia and Develop More
Effective Psychopharmacologic Treatments”
Alan Simmons, Ph.D.
University of California, San Diego
“Differences in Neural Structure and Functioning of PTSD
Patients Involving Affective Processing”
Naomi M. Simon, M.D.
Harvard University
“Bipolar Disorder, Chronic Stress, and Accelerated Aging”
Monsheel S.K. Sodhi, MRPharmS, MSc, Ph.D.
Vanderbilt University
“The Impact of Post-Transcriptional and Epigenetic Factors on the
Psychopathy of Schizophrenia”
Chantal Martin Soelch, Ph.D.
National Institute of Mental Health
“Relationship Between Reward Learning, Dopaminergic Function
and Anhedonia in Depression: An Event-Related fMRI Study”
Carl W. Stevenson, Ph.D.
University of Nottingham
“Effects of Early Adversity on Prefrontal Cortex Function During
Aversive Learning”
Holly A. Swartz, M.D.
University of Pittsburgh
“Psychotherapy for Bipolar II Depression”
Sharif A. Taha, Ph.D.
University of California, San Francisco
“Neural Encoding of Cue Associations in the Nucleus Accumbens
During Latent Inhibition”
2006 NARSAD Grants
Young Investigators
Yilang Tang, M.D.
Arthur Westover, M.D.
Emory University
“Biochemical Genetics of Catechol O-Methyltransferase”
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
“Outcomes of Managed Care in the Texas Public Mental
Health System”
Cenk Tek, M.D.
Yale University
“Mental Transformations in Schizophrenia in Relation
to Negative Symptoms and Deficit Syndrome”
Dawn Thompson, Ph.D.
University of California, San Francisco
“GASP and the Trafficking of the Dopamine Receptor Family”
Sebastien Thuault, Ph.D.
Columbia University
“Identifying the Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Working
Memory Using a Dual Transgenic Approach”
Paula Ulery, M.S., Ph.D.
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
“Role of N-Terminus Phosphorylation on Syntaxin-1 Activity:
Implications for Neurotransmitter Release”
Stefan Ursu, M.D., Ph.D.
University of California, Davis
“The Relationship Between Reward Processing, Orbitofrontal
Cortex Dysfunction and Negative Symptoms in Unmedicated
Schizophrenia Patients: A Functional MRI Exploration”
Vladimir Vladimirov, M.D., Ph.D.
Virginia Commonwealth University
“Assessment of the Expression and Activation of Cell Survival
Molecules in the P13K/AKT Pathway in Schizophrenia”
Jacob A.S. Vorstman, M.D.
Utrecht University
“Clinical and Genetic Aspects of Psychosis in the 22q11.2
Deletion Syndrome”
Carole Weaver, Ph.D.
University of California, San Diego
“The Role of the Lithium Target GSK3 in the Regulation
of Axonal Transport”
Tonya Jo White, M.D.
University of Minnesota
“Study of Prefrontal Structure and Function in Children
and Adolescents with Velocardiofacial Syndrome”
Janet M. Witte, M.D., M.P.H.
Harvard University
“A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of Acamprosate
Added to Escitalopram and Behavioral Treatment in Major
Depressive Disorder with Comorbid Alcohol Abuse/Dependence”
Todd S. Woodward, Ph.D.
University of British Columbia
“Dysconnectivity of Hippocampo-Prefrontal Neural Systems
in Schizophrenia”
Houhui Xia, Ph.D.
Louisiana State University
“Differential Effects on CREB Inactivation by Class-I HDAC
Proteins in Depression”
Jian Xu, Ph.D.
Salk Institute for Biological Studies
“New Knockout Mice of Kainate Receptors, Genes Associated
with Schizophrenia and Depression”
Qing Xu, Ph.D.
Cornell University
“Identifying Early Markers of Cortical Interneuron Subtypes”
Jamie M. Zeitzer, Ph.D.
Stanford University
“Sleep Regulation, Depression and Hypocretin”
Hanting Zhang, M.D., Ph.D.
West Virginia University
“Regulation of Adult Neurogenesis by Cyclic AMP-Specific
Phospohodiesterase 4 (PDE4)”
Amy Wenzel, Ph.D.
Xiaodong Zhang, Ph.D.
University of Pennsylvania
“Cognitive and Behavioral Predictors of Suicide Behavior
in Suicide Attempters”
Duke University
“Functional Analysis of Neuronal-specific Tryptophan
Hydroxylase-2 (TPH2)”
Anne E. West, M.D., Ph.D.
Meng-Yang Zhu, M.D., Ph.D.
Duke University
“Regulation of Activity-Dependent GABAergic Synapse
Development by Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor”
East Tennessee State University
“Phox2 Genes, Neurogenes, and Depression”
Mark J. Zylka, Ph.D.
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
“Contribution of Mrgprd-Expressing Pain Circuits
to Psychiatric Disorders”
2006 NARSAD Second-Year Grants
Young Investigators
Ofer Agid, M.D.
Anirban Basu, Ph.D.
University of Toronto
“Differentiating the Roles of Striatal vs. Extrastriatal Dopamine D2
Receptors in Antipsychotic Response”
University of Chicago
“Estimating Risks and Costs of Cardiovascular Diseases
Associated with the Long-Term Use of Atypical Antipsychotics
in Schizophrenia”
Maricela Alarcon, Ph.D.
University of California, Los Angeles
“Identification of Genes for Autism and its Endophenotypes”
Nelly Alia-Klein, Ph.D.
Brookhaven National Laboratory
“Endophenotypes of Inhibitory Control in a Group of Alcoholic
Domestic Abusers”
Patrick Allen, Ph.D.
Yale University
“Regulation of Glutamate Receptor Function via the PP1
Regulatory Subunit Neurabin”
Mark Alter, M.D., Ph.D.
Columbia University
“Examination of Maternal Effects on Transmission
of Behavioral Phenotype in 5-HT1AR Knockout Mice”
Maria Cecilia Angulo, Ph.D.
Université René Descarte
“Neuron-glia Interactions Mediated by Nicotinic Acetylcholine
Receptors: A Putative Cellular Mechanism for Schizophrenia
and Tobacco Addiction”
Mark Ansorge, Ph.D.
Columbia University
“Consequences of SERT Inhibition During Development
on Adult Behavior and Neurophysiology”
Masato Asai, M.D., Ph.D.
Harvard University
“Role of Neuron Restrictive Silencing Element in Controlling
CRH Expression in the Brain”
Dimitrios Avramopoulos, M.D., Ph.D.
Johns Hopkins University
“Characterization of the Neuregulin-3 gene, a Positional and
Functional Candidate for Schizophrenia”
Bettina Bankier, M.D.
Medical University of Vienna
“Impact of Major Depressive Disorder and Anxiety Disorders on
Inflammation in Stable Coronary Heart Disease Patients”
Naama Barnea-Goraly, M.D.
Stanford University
“Investigation of White Matter Structure in Children and
Adolescents with Autism, Their Autism-Discordant Siblings,
and Controls: A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study”
Selena E. Bartlett, Ph.D.
University of California, San Francisco
“Dopamine Receptor Trafficking and the Modulation
of Mesolimbic Dopamine Responses”
Celyne Bastien, Ph.D.
Laval University
“Hypervigilance in BPD: Event-Related Potentials Measures
of Cognitive Information Processing During Wake and Sleep”
Martin Beaulieu, Ph.D.
Duke University
“Akt/GSK3 Signaling Cascade and the Action of Dopamine”
Jean-Claude Beique, Ph.D.
Johns Hopkins University
“Investigation of the Role of SAP102 in Controlling NMDA
Receptor Function: Possible Link with the NMDA Receptor
Hypofunction Hypothesis of Schizophrenia”
Monica Beneyto, Ph.D.
University of Pittsburgh
“AMPA Receptor Trafficking Abnormalities in the Postsynaptic
Density of the Schizophrenia Prefrontal Cortex”
Dwight E. Bergles, Ph.D.
Johns Hopkins University
“Synaptic Signaling Between Neurons and Oligodendrocyte
Precursor Cells: Modulation by Antidepressive Therapies
and Glucocorticoids”
Robert M. Berman, M.D., Ph.D.
Columbia University
“Testing Neurocircuitry of Antidepressant Response Using Focal
Brain Stimulation”
Olivier Berton, Ph.D.
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
“Neuroplastic Adaptations of Mesolimbic Pathways in a Mouse
Model of Stress-Induced Anhedonia: Role of BDNF Signalling”
Gautam N. Bijur, Ph.D.
University of Alabama at Birmingham
“The Mood Stabilizing Drug Lithium Activates Calcium Signaling
by Inhibiting Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3beta”
Thomas A. Blanpied, Ph.D.
University of Maryland
“Molecular Exchange and Morphological Dynamics of Individual
Postsynaptic Densities”
Stefania Bonaccorso, M.D.
Vanderbilt University
“Does the Addition of Divalproex (VPA) Acid to Risperidone,
Olanzapine or Aripiprazole Improve Cognition and Psychopathology in Outpatients with Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective Disorder?”
Dominika Borek, Ph.D.
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
“Structural and Biophysical Studies of G72 Protein and its
Complex with D-Amino Acid Oxidase”
Ugo Borello, Ph.D.
University of California, San Francisco
“Role of the Fgf and Wnt Genes in the Development
of the Cerebral Cortex”
2006 NARSAD Second-Year Grants
Young Investigators
Stephanie L. Borgland, Ph.D.
Deana Davalos, Ph.D.
University of California, San Francisco
“The Role of Orexins in Modulation Dopaminergic Neurotransmission: A Potential Novel Therapeutic Target for the Treatment
of Schizophrenia”
Colorado State University
“Brain Abnormalities in Infants with Prenatal Maternal Depression”
Karin Borgmann-Winter, M.D.
University of Pennsylvania
“Studies of the Neuroprotective Effects of Antipsychotics
in Adolescent and Young Adult Psychosis”
Elvira Bramon, M.D.
University of London
“Susceptibility Genes for Psychosis: A Family Study Combining
Molecular Genetics and Neurophysiology”
Susan A. Brunelli, Ph.D.
Columbia University
“Gene Expression and QTL Mapping in Rats Selectively Bred for
Infant Anxiety”
Darlene H. Brunzell, Ph.D.
Yale University
“Beta2* Nicotine Acetylcholine Receptors Affect Schizophrenia
Phenotypes Via Modulation of CREB”
Katherine Burdick, Ph.D.
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
“Neurocognitive Endophenotypes in Bipolar Disorder”
Chadi A. Calarge, M.D.
University of Iowa
“The Prevalence of Long-term Risperidone-Induced Hyperprolactinemia and its Effect on Sex Hormones and Bone Mineral Density”
Lu Chen, Ph.D.
University of California, Berkeley
“Dissecting the Interaction Between Serotonin System
and Glutamate Transmission in Major Depressive Disorder”
Qian Chen, Ph.D.
University of Chicago
“Genetic Studies of the Role of BDNF in the Pathogenesis
of Depression”
Karl Deisseroth, M.D., Ph.D.
Stanford University
“Mechanism and Significance of Excitation-Neurogenesis Coupling”
Adriana Di Martino, M.D.
New York University
“Brain Hemoglobin Temporal Dynamic Responses in Children
with Autism: A Near Infrared Optical”
Xinzhong Dong, Ph.D.
Johns Hopkins University
“Functional Studies of a Novel Family of Neuropeptide Receptors
in the Brain”
Jubao Duan, Ph.D.
Northwestern University
“Functional Characterization of Polymorphisms in Trace Amine
Receptor 4 Associated with Schizophrenia”
Kevin Duff, Ph.D.
University of Iowa
“Predicting Cognitive Decline with Lifetime Affective Burden”
Steven Duffy, Ph.D.
University of Toronto
“Regulation of NMDA Receptors, Synaptic Plasticity,
and Synaptic Inhibition by D-serine and Neto-1”
Sharon Eastwood, D.Phil.
University of Oxford
“The Developmental Pathogenesis of Schizophrenia: Testing the
Subplate Hypothesis”
James Christopher Edgar, Ph.D.
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
“Auditory Gating Deficit: Mechanisms of Neural Synchrony”
Haim Einat, Ph.D.
University of Minnesota
“BCL-2 and Bipolar Disorder: Translating Biochemistry to Behavior”
Yuejin (Yueli) Chen, M.D., Ph.D.
Simon J. Evans, Ph.D.
Vanderbilt University
“Anticonvulsant Mood Stabilizers, Antipsychotic Drugs
and the Insulin Resistance Syndrome”
University of Michigan Medical Center
“Fibroblast Growth Factor System Splice Variant Expression in
Human Forebrain and Dysregulation in Major Depressive Disorder”
Yuncai Chen, Ph.D.
University of California, Irvine
“Mechanisms of Dendritic Abnormalities in Schizophrenia”
Zhe-Yu Chen, M.D., Ph.D.
Cornell University
“Knock-In Mouse Model for BDNF (Val66Met)
Human Polymorphism”
Gail L. Daumit, M.D., MHS
Johns Hopkins University
“Patient Safety for Persons with Severe Mental Illness: Medical
Injuries During Hospitalization”
Paul B. Fitzgerald, MBBS, MPM, FRANZCP
Monash University
“A Study of Prefrontal Cortical Plasticity in Schizophrenia”
Michael Galsworthy, Ph.D.
University of Zurich
“Utilizing Innovative Technology to Explore Behavioral and
Cognitive Consequences of Chronic Stress and Depression
within Naturalistic Housing Settings in the Mouse”
Wen-Jun Gao, M.D., Ph.D.
Drexel University
“Interactions of Dopamine and NMDA Receptors
in the Prefrontal Cortex”
2006 NARSAD Second-Year Grants
Young Investigators
David C. Glahn, Ph.D.
Steven Kendell, M.D.
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
“Neuropsychological and Neuroimaging Abnormalities in Sibling
Pairs Discordant for Bipolar Disorders”
Yale University
“Measurement of Riluzole's Impact Upon Cortical Amino Acid
Neurotransmitter Levels in Treatment-Resistant Major
Depressive Disorder”
Leisa Glantz, Ph.D.
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
“Altered Pyramidal Neuron Architecture in the Prefrontal and
Temporal Cortices of Subjects with Depression and Schizophrenia”
“Searching for ADHD Genes on Chromosome 15”
A. Chistina Grobin, Ph.D.
Hiroko Koike, M.D., Ph.D.
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
“GABAA Receptor Modulation of Cortical Interneuron Development”
Columbia University
“Dysregulation of Dopaminergic Transmission and the Development of 22Q11-Associated Psychiatric Phenotypes”
Handan Gunduz-Bruce, M.D.
Yale University
“GABA-Glutamate Interactions and Psychosis”
Amanda E. Guyer, Ph.D.
National Institute of Mental Health
“Risk for Bipolar Disorder in Preschoolers: A Clinical
Neuroscience Study”
Jang Woo Kim, M.D.
Harvard University
Renu Kotwal, M.D.
University of Cincinnati
“A Pilot Trial of the Efficacy and Safety of Antidepressant Monotherapy for Acute Bipolar Type II Depression vs. Monotherapy
with Lithium Carbonate vs. Combination of Lithium Carbonate
and Antidepressant: An 8-week Randomized, Double-blind,
Clinical Trial”
Ashok N. Hegde, Ph.D.
Julie A. Kreyenbuhl, Pharm.D., Ph.D.
Wake Forest University
“RGS4 Reduction and Development of Schizophrenia-like Symptoms”
University of Maryland
“Adherence to Medications for Type 2 Diabetes Among Patients
with Schizophrenia”
Christine Marcelle Heim, Ph.D.
Emory University
“Imaging Neural Substrates of Depression Risk After Childhood
Abuse: Processing of Masked Emotional Faces”
Jeffrey Henderson, Ph.D.
University of Toronto
“Role of EphB-Family Receptor Tyrosine Kinases in Regulation
NMDA-Mediated Signaling Relevant to Schizophrenia”
Christine Hooker, Ph.D.
University of California, Berkeley
“Neural Mechanisms of Emotion Regulation and Social
Functioning in Schizophrenia”
Mei Huang, Ph.D.
Vanderbilt University
“The Important Role of 5HT2C Receptor Antagonism in Atypical
Antipsychotic Drug-Induced Dopamine Release in the Medial
Prefrontal Cortex”
Kristin R. Laurens, Ph.D.
University of London
“Developmental Correlates of Brain Structure and Function in
Children at High-Risk for Schizophrenia”
Steven R. Laviolette, Ph.D.
University of Western Ontario
“Emotional Processing and Learning in an Amygdala to Prefrontal
Cortex Functional Circuit: Role of Dopamine and Dopamine
Receptor Subtypes”
Francis Lee, M.D., Ph.D.
Cornell University
“Novel Proteins Regulating Neurotrophin Receptor Trafficking”
Frank Jangsup Lee, Ph.D.
University of Toronto
“Dichotomy of Dopamine Transporter Regulation
by Dopamine D2 Receptors”
Waguih W. IsHak, M.D.
Younglim Lee, Ph.D.
University of California, Los Angeles
“Quality of Life as a Contributor to Response Prediction in Major
Depressive Disorder (MDD) in a Natural Clinical Setting”
Indiana University
“Selective Lesioning of Glia in the Amygdala as a Model
of Recurrent Mood Disorders”
Lynn L. Johnson, Pharm.D.
Weidong Li, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center
“The Effects of Cannabis Use in People with Schizophrenia on
Clinical, Neuropsychological and Physiological Phenotypes”
University of California, Los Angeles
“Developmental Studies of DISC-1 Mutations Using an Inducible
Model: Impact on Prefrontal and Hippocampal Systems”
Roberta M. Kelly, Ph.D.
Pesach Lichtenberg, M.D.
Salk Institute for Biological Studies
“Anatomy of Motor Disturbances that Accompany Mood Disorders”
Hebrew University
“D-Serine Substitution Monotherapy in Treatment-Resistant
Patients with Schizophrenia”
2006 NARSAD Second-Year Grants
Young Investigators
Wei-Yang Lu, M.D., Ph.D.
Jill A. Morris, Ph.D.
University of Toronto
“Physical Interaction Between Acetylcholinesterase and BetaNeurexin: Implications for Cognitive Deficits in Schizophrenia”
Northwestern University
“Neurodevelopment, Neuronal Migration and Schizophrenia: Deciphering the Function of DISC-1 (Disrupted in Schizophrenia-1)”
Giamal N. Luheshi, Ph.D.
Jun Mukai, M.D., Ph.D.
McGill University
“Maternal Infection and the Role of Cytokines in the Development
of Schizophrenia”
Columbia University
“Impaired Palmitate Modification of Neuronal Proteins and the
Psychiatric Phenotypes Associated with 22q11 Microdeletions”
Angus W. MacDonald, III, Ph.D.
Eleanor Murphy, Ph.D.
University of Minnesota
“The Genetic and Neural Basis of Paranoia: A Functional MRI
Study in Twins”
Columbia University
“Investigating the Challenges of Recruiting Ethnic Minorities
in Genetic Research”
Branislav Mancevski, M.D.
Karl D. Murray, Ph.D.
Columbia University
“A Naturalistic Study of Duration of Untreated Psychosis and
Neuroleptic Response in Schizophrenia”
University of California, Davis
“A Screen for Novel Molecular Alterations Associated with
Decreased Cortical Inhibitory Function in Schizophrenia”
Scott C. Matthews, M.D.
Alexander B. Niculescu, M.D., Ph.D.
University of California, San Diego
“Understanding the Neural Substrates of Autonomic Nervous
System Dysfunction in Major Depressive Disorder”
Indiana University
“Convergent Functional Genomic Studies in Mice Lacking the
Clock Gene DBP: A Possible Animal Model of Bipolar Depression”
Thomas M. Maynard, Ph.D.
Jack B. Nitschke, Ph.D.
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
“Mitochondrial Dysfunction in a Murine Model of Schizophrenia”
University of Wisconsin, Madison
“Functional Neuroanatomy of Anticipation Abnormalities
in Social Anxiety Disorder”
Colleen Ann McClung, Ph.D.
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
“The Role of NPAS2 in Depression and Anxiety Disorders”
David P. Olson, M.D., Ph.D.
Steven J. Mee, M.D.
Harvard University
“Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Metabolite Relaxometry
in Major Depressive Disorder”
University of California, Irvine
“Psychological Pain: A Neglected Core Construct of Mood
Disorders and Potential Risk Factor for Suicide-Construction
of a Rating Scale”
Utrecht University
“Common Genomic Variation and its Role in Neuropsychiatric Traits”
Roel A. Ophoff, Ph.D.
Edward G. Meloni, Ph.D.
Guy Orr, M.D.
Harvard University
“Role of CREB Function in the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminals
(BNST) in Fear-, Anxiety-, and Depressive-Like Behaviors”
Tel Aviv University
“Traumatic Brain Injury and Risk for Schizophrenia”
Kelly Louise Minor, Ph.D.
Harvard University
“Neuropsychological Functioning in Bipolar Disorder
and Comorbid Substance Abuse”
Stanford University
“Prevention of Postpartum Depression”
Michael J. Ostacher, M.D., MPH
Takeo Mizuno, M.D., Ph.D.
Iheanyi Julian Osuji, Ph.D.
Columbia University
“Dopamine Differentially Modulates Medium Spiny Neuron
Synapses in the Nucleus Accumbens: Implications for the
Pathophysiology of Schizophrenia”
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
“Cognition as a Predictor of Treatment Response in Chronically
Depressed Patients”
Lori Montross, Ph.D.
University Hospital of Hamburg
“Serotonin Transporter Gene Polymorphism, Depression, Cortisol,
and Norepinephrine in 1,024 Patients with Heart Disease: The
Heart and Soul Study”
University of California, San Diego
“Suicide Among Patients with Schizophrenia: A Qualitative
Investigation of Risk and Protective Factors”
Christian Otte, M.D.
Steffen Moritz, Ph.D.
Carmine M. Pariante, M.D., MRCPsych
University of Hamburg
“Confidence in Errors as a Possible Basis for Delusions
in Schizophrenia”
University of London
“Why do Depressed Patients Have Reduced Glucocorticoid
Receptor Function In Vitro?”
2006 NARSAD Second-Year Grants
Young Investigators
R. Jeroen Pasterkamp, Ph.D.
Mark J. Sergi, Ph.D.
Utrecht University
“Functionl Proteomics: A Novel Approach to Dissect the Intracellular
Signaling Mechanisms that Underlie Neuronal Network Formation”
California State University, Northridge
“Improving Skill Acquisition in Schizophrenia: Neurocognitive
Prediction of Effective Instruction”
Tracey Petryshen, Ph.D.
Tamim Shaikh, Ph.D.
Harvard University
“Genetic Mapping and Expression Studies of Mouse Chromosome Substitution Strains to Identify Psychiatric Disorder Genes”
University of Pennsylvania
“Genomic Rearrangements in Bipolar Disorder”
Franck Polleux, Ph.D.
University of Miami
“Depression and Progression of Congestive Heart Failure — An
Examination of Physiological and Psychosocial Pathways”
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
“Role of Calcium Signaling in the Control of the Migration and
Neurotransmitter Expression of Cortical Interneurons”
Harish C. Prasad, M.D., Ph.D.
Vanderbilt University
“Functional Genomics of the Human Serotonin Transporter in
Mood Disorders”
Konasale M. Prasad, M.D.
University of Pittsburgh
“Molecular Endophenotypes of RGS4 Polymorphisms in FirstEpisode Schizophrenia”
Anita Ramani, Ph.D.
New York University
“Quantitative Magnetization Transfer Imaging in the Early
Detection of Schizophrenia”
Kerry J. Ressler, M.D., Ph.D.
Emory University
“The Effects of Hippocampal vs. Amygdala BDNF Deletions on
Measures of Emotion”
Jeremy Amiel Rosenkranz, Ph.D.
University of Texas at Austin
“Modulation of Entorhinal Cortex in a Model of Schizophrenia”
Biing-Jiun Shen, Ph.D.
Martine Simard, Ph.D.
Laval University
“Longitudinal Neuropsychological Study in Elderly Patients with
Very Late-Onset and Early-Onset Schizophrenia Disorders”
Arthur A. Simen, M.D., Ph.D.
Yale University
“Quantitative Trait Mapping a Large Mormon Pedigree
with Severe Depression and Anxiety”
Helen B. Simpson, M.D., Ph.D.
Columbia University
“Using Motivational Interviewing to Enhance Treatment Outcome
in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder”
Tatiana Sitnikova, Ph.D.
Harvard University
“Spatiotemporal Imaging of Verbal and Nonverbal
Comprehension in Schizophrenia”
Patrick D. Skosnik, Ph.D.
Indiana University
“Visual System Neural Synchronization in Schizotypy
and Cannabis Use”
Daniel Saal, M.D., Ph.D.
Hugh B. Solvason, M.D., Ph.D.
Washington State University, Pullman
“The Role and Mechanism of Stress Evoked Modulation of
Excitatory Synaptic Inputs to the Ventral Tegmental Area”
Stanford University
“Quantitative Characterization of Insulin Resistance in Patients
with Bipolar Disorder Treated with Atypical Antipsychotic Medication: Effect of Treatment with an Oral Hypoglycemic Agent”
Kristi A. Sacco, Psy.D.
Yale University
“Effects of Atomoxetine on Cognitive Function in Schizophrenia”
Naoya Sawamura, Ph.D.
Iris E.C. Sommer, M.D., Ph.D.
Utrecht University
“Language Lateralization in Patients with Affective Psychosis, a
Comparison to Findings in Schizophrenia”
Waseda University
“Functional Analysis of Nuclear DISC-1”
Ryan Spellecy, Ph.D.
Jason Scalia, Ph.D.
Medical College of Wisconsin
“Stakeholders’ Experiences with Psychiatric Advance Directives”
Columbia University
“The Neurobiology of Depressive Disorder: Hippocampal
Neurogenesis and Serotonin Replacement Therapy”
Elizabeth Scarr, Ph.D.
University of Melbourne
“Muscarinic M1 Receptors in Schizophrenia”
Julie K. Staley, Ph.D.
Yale University
“Antidepressant Mediated Adaptations in Nicotinic Acetylcholine
Receptor Expression”
John Strauss, M.D., M.Sc.
University of Toronto
“Association Study of Neuroplasticity Genes in Childhood-Onset
Mood Disorders: Beyond the Usual Suspects”
2006 NARSAD Second-Year Grants
Young Investigators
Irina Strigo, Ph.D.
Holly C. Wilcox, Ph.D.
University of California, San Diego
“Neural Processes of Aversive Stimuli in Patients with Depression”
Johns Hopkins University
“Offspring of Suicide Decedents Study”
Steve Stufflebeam, M.D.
Daniel H. Wolf, M.D., Ph.D.
Harvard University
“Spatiotemporal Mapping of Visual Motion Perception
in Schizophrenia”
University of Pennsylvania
“Hippocampal Dysfunction in Early Schizophrenia”
Alina Suris, Ph.D.
University of Toronto
“Immunological Susceptibility Mechanisms in Schizophrenia”
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
“Memory Reconsolidation Interference in PTSD”
Karen K. Szumlinski, Ph.D.
University of California, Santa Barbara
“Homer1 Isoforms in an Animal Model of Psychosis”
Takuya Takahashi, M.D., Ph.D.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
“Synaptic Delivery of AMPA Receptors in the Developmental
Barrel Cortex of Rats In Vivo”
Tianlai Tang, M.D., Ph.D.
Vanderbilt University
“Estimating and Reducing the Cardiovascular Risk of Patient
with Schizophrenia from Lipid Measures in Ischemic
Electrocardio-graphic Changes”
Hiroaki Tomita, Ph.D.
Tohoku University
“Possible Implications of Phospherine Phospatase-Like (PSPHL)
Gene in Bipolar Disorder”
Timothea Toulopoulou, Ph.D., M.Sc.
University of London
“Schizophrenia Susceptibility Genes and Cognitive Impairment:
Exploring the Extent to Which Phenotypic Co-Variation is Due
to a Genetic Overlap”
Jason Tregellas, Ph.D.
University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center
“fMRI of Auditory Gating in Schizophrenia”
Gabriel A. Vargas, M.D., Ph.D.
University of California, San Francisco
“Identification of an Interaction between the Dopamine D1
Receptor and Niemann-Pick C1 Protein”
Jun-Feng Wang, Ph.D.
University of Toronto
“The Role of Glutathione S-Transferase in Bipolar Disorder
and Its Treatment”
Jeffrey Welge, Ph.D.
University of Cincinnati
“Psychometrics and Detection Thresholds for Change on
Symptom Severity Scales in Schizophrenia and Mania”
Albert Hung Choy Wong, M.D.
Ikwunga Wonodi, M.D.
University of Maryland
“Genetic Polymorphisms of Dopamine Signaling and Smooth
Pursuit Eye Movement Dysfunction in Schizophrenia: A Genetic
Study of a Schizophrenia Endophenotype”
Stephen J. Wood, Ph.D.
University of Melbourne
“Prefrontal Cortical Function in People at Ultra-High Risk for
Psychosis: An fMRI Study of Reflexive Eye Movements”
Gouhua Xia, M.D., Ph.D.
Case Western Reserve University
“A Pilot Study on rTMS for Treatment of Bipolar Depression”
Dongrong Xu, Ph.D.
Columbia University
“A DTI Study of Anatomical Connectivity in Adolescents with
Bipolar Disorder”
Kavitha Yaddanapudi, Ph.D.
Columbia University
“Defining Pathogenesis of Autoimmune-Mediated Pediatric
Neuropsychiatric Disorders”
Hui Zhang, Ph.D.
Columbia University
“Glutamatergic and Dopaminergic Neurotransmission in AKT1
Null Mice”
Zhongming Zhao, Ph.D.
Virginia Commonwealth University
“A Bioinformatics Approach to Studying Schizophrenia
Susceptibility Genes”
Chong-Bin Zhu, Ph.D.
Vanderbilt University
“Phosphorylation and Activation of Serotonin Transporter by
p38 MAPK”
Lee Zuckerman, Ph.D.
Columbia University
“Frontal Cortical Regulation of Forebrain Dopamine in a Genetic
Mouse Model of Striatal D2 Receptor Overexpression
in Schizophrenia”
2006 N A R S A D
Research Leaders
$100,000 +
The Attias Family Foundation
Sidney R. Baer, Jr. Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Matthias Bowman
Brigham Family Trust
Butler Conservation Fund, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Callaghan
The Carmel Hill Fund
The Essel Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Grumbacher
Ruth Jones Administrative Trust
Mrs. Constance E. Lieber
Ms. Janice R. Lieber
Mr. Stephen A. Lieber
Maltz Family Foundation
Estate of Charles P. McGreevy
The Nicholson Foundation
The Oxley Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rabaut
The Staglin Family Music Festival
for Mental Health
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Stanley
Mrs. Virginia B. Toulmin
van Ameringen Foundation, Inc.
Genevieve Walker Trust
Wodecroft Foundation
Research Benefactors
$50,000 +
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals
Mrs. Effie D. Beeman
Blowitz-Ridgeway Foundation
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Nola M. Falcone Charitable Foundation
Forest Pharmaceutical
Renate, Hans and Maria Hofmann Trust
The Lattner Family Foundation
Mrs. Mary Rubin
and Mr. Samuel A. Lieber
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Mohr, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Paul
Mr. Arthur Radin
and Ms. Miriam Katowitz
The Ritter Foundation Inc.
Elinor Sidner Charitable Fund
Solvay Pharmaceuticals
Mrs. Harriet Vicente
Research Partners
$30,000 +
Estate of Adrienne Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bass
Ms. Isabel Brenner
Milton and Phoebe Goldman
Endowment Fund
Katz Family Foundaton
The Kaplan Foundation
The Milton and Tamar Maltz
Family Foundation
The Marshall-Reynolds Foundation
The Peterson Foundation
The Sallie Foundation
Mr. Walter K. Sartory
Beatrice and Samuel A. Seaver
Ms. Marylou Selo
Helen Steffanus Estate
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stone
Wyeth-Ayerst Pharmaceuticals
Research Patrons
$10,000 +
Abramson Family Foundation
George and Frances Armour
Foundation Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Atherton
Ms. Bevinn Badenhausen
and Mr. Jack King
BAE Systems
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bird
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blanchard
David M. and Nancy F.
Bradfield Fund
Jeffrey J. and Mary E. Burdge
Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Butler
The Capital Group Companies
Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Clare
Columbia University
Mr. William E. Conway, Jr.
Cyberonics Inc.
Mr. Richard E. Dagle
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin I. Danto
Discovery Land Company
Elizabeth Elser Doolittle
Charitable Trusts
The Duchossois Family Foundation
Ms. Casey Durham
Eaglemere Foundation Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Eckberg
Edith S. Eisler
Eli Lilly and Company
Ms. Juliette Francoeur
Ms. Luisa Francoeur
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Geismar
Rollin M. Gerstacker Foundation
Ms. Marlene Mieske
and Mr. Neal I. Goldman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hammerschlag
Mr. John K. Harrison
Marilyn Harwood Fund
Estate of James Robert Haverland
The Henry Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hinman
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Hollister
Mr. Allan M. Holt
Hope Foundation
Isermann Family Foundation
Janssen Pharmaceutica Prod, LP
Jewish Federation
of Metropolitan Chicago
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kane
Mrs. Marcia S. Kaplan
Ms. Rachel C. Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Quentin J. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Klein
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Koch
Mrs. Doris Lechner
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lowenstein
Mr. Robert J. McGrail
McLean Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Murphy
NARSAD Artworks
Pfizer Incorporated
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Polaner
Rohlen Foundation
R.S. Rosenbaum & Co.
The Research Foundation for
Mental Hygiene, Inc.
Ms. Debra S. Rose
UCLA - Semel Institute for Neuroscience & Human Behavior
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Seremet
Dr. and Mrs. Sherman Shapiro
Mr. Daniel Small
Ms. Sherri M. Stephenson
The Stone Foundation, Inc.
Robert and Joyce Tate
Ms. Margaretta Taylor
The DeAlessandro Foundation
Thomas G. and Andrea
Mendell Foundation
The Evelyn Toll Family Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Treco
The Tulchin Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander T.
Van Rensselaer
Vital Projects Fund Inc.
Bradley J. Waitzer Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Waldin
Mr. Robert R. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Wallace
Wellpoint Health Systems
Mrs. Lucille Williams
World Heritage Foundation
Yale University School of Medicine
Zarrow Families Foundation
The Maxine and Jack Zarrow
Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zoellner
Research Sponsors
$5,000 +
ALPS - Mutual Funds Services
Armour Family Foundation
Asolo Theatre
Dr. Lewis Baxter
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Boardman
Ms. Jean Booy
Ms. Sharon E. Bowyer
Mrs. Anne Brenner
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Brigham
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund N. Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cates
Citigroup Business Services
Mrs. Elizabeth Custer
Cypress International
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Downing
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Edwards
Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Falcone
Mr. Robert Ferguson
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Findlen
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Flinn, Jr.
Florida West Coast Symphony
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Freer
Ms. Beatrice Friedman
Mrs. Dorothy Friedman
Ms. Helen Friedman
GBL, Inc.
Gertrude B. Nielsen Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Wright Gifford, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Gillis
Gould Investors LP
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Grabowski
Greystone Foundation
The Estate of Alice and Walter Happ
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Heyler
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Hintz, Jr.
David and Barbara
Hirschhorn Foundation
General Ronald V. Hite
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoyt
Industry Service
& Development Company
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Israel, Jr.
Kay Redfield Jamison, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Johnson
Mr. Gary L. June
Estate of Mary Kapsalis
Mrs. Jean Ladik
Reverend Charles K. Lawrence
Leick Family Foundation
Lindenhurst Sport Club
Malott Family Foundation
Manatee Memorial Hospital
& Healthcare System
The Robert F. & Eleonora W.
McCabe Foundation
Mr. Robert L. McCoy
and Minnette McCoy
Merck Employee Giving Campaign
Monterey Fund Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Moore
Lena Moszkowski Living Trust
Mt. Clemens Rotary Foundation
NAMI - Eastside Wayne County
Neuronetics, Inc.
Mr. Jack Newman
The Geraldi Norton Foundation
Mr. A.D. Paull, Jr.
Dr. Arthur Peck
Mr. and Mrs. George Pedersen
Mr. Markus Penzel
and Ms. Catherine Corman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perkinson
The Prentice Foundation, Inc.
Deepak D. and Neera Raj
Charitable Lead Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Resnick
RJW Foundation
Mrs. Flori Roberts
The Rockefeller University
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Rosenthal
Elizabeth B. & Arthur E. Roswell
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rully
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Gurmukh S. Sarkaria
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Segal
2006 N A R S A D
Ms. Yvonne Segerstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Smith
Mr. Charles Stanier
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Stone
The Maxwell Strawbridge
Charitable Trust
The Sunshine Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Throne
Mr. Scott Updike
Mr. and Mrs. Bert B. Wagener
Mrs. Linda Weeks
Peter C. Whybrow, M.D.
Mr. David C. Wright
Research Associates
$1,000 +
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Abramson
Ms. Mimi Abrons
The Adler Family Foundation
Mr. Fred Adler
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Adler
Adventist Healthcare
Ms. Lucille Alder
Ms. Ann T. Allen
Don and Nancy Alpert Family Fund
AMI - Collier County
AMI - Virginia Beach
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Arnstein
Mr. and Mrs. Myron A. Ash
Mr. Jerrod Baer
The Bailey Foundation Inc.
Ms. Colleen M. Bain
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Baine
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Baldwin
Ms. Marjory Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Tuvia Barak
Mr. Charles L. Barancik
Dr. and Mrs. R. Barboza
Mr. Lester S. Bardack
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bardin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Barovick
Mr. and Mrs. David O. Barrows
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barry
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Baskin
Mr. and Mrs. Shale Baskin
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bass
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Bassett
Dr. Robert A. Beck
Ms. Janet Y. Becker
Ms. Norma Z. Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Benzler
Ms. Kathy S. Berenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bergers
Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Berman
Berman Field Foundation
Ms. Patricia N. Berman
Mrs. Adina Bernreuter
Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus J. Best
Mrs. Marilyn M. P. Bever
Ms. Rita Beyer
Mrs. Roberta B. Bialek
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Biller
Dr. Virginia Y. Blacklidge
Mr. Gerald W. Blakeley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bland
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Blitz
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Bloch
Dr. and Mrs. Harold Bloom
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bodell
Ms. Constance Boll
Ms. Rose Mary Bond
Mr. and Mrs. Everett W. Bovard
The Braeside Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brand
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Briscoe
Ms. Carolyn M. Broadhead
Mr. James Brook
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Honorable Ann Brown
and Mr. Donald Brown
Ms. Gloria S. Browning
Dr. and Mrs. Carl N. Brownsberger
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bruce
Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Bunin
Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. Burgess
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burnham
Mr. and Mrs. Willard C. Butcher
Mr. Frederick Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Butterworth
California Community Foundation
Dr. Jose M. Canive
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carlson
Mr. Devrin Carlson-Smith
Ms. Dorothy Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Carson
Mr. E. Paul Casey
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Cashman
Ms. Sandra C. Chalstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Charlston
Ms. Carol T. Cheek
Ms. Rosalind B. Chu
Ms. Barbara L. Chuko
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Clark
Coastal Behavioral Healthcare Inc.
The Cobb Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Cobert
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. Colby
Ms. Diane M. Coleman
Dr. Peter G. Coles
and Ms. Susan C. Bourget
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Coles
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Colman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Connaughton
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Connors
Ms. Roberta A. Conroy
Dr. Peter Constantino
and Ms. Laurie Prince
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Cook
Mr. James A. Cosel
Ms. Mary Costello-Campbell
Mrs. Rita K. Coulter
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Crain
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Cranor, III
Mr. John W. Curtis
Mrs. Bernice T. Damuth
Mr. and Mrs. John Davey
Mr. Joseph P. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Deane
Ms. Leroy DeLisle
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Deschner
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Devansky
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Dewaele
Mr. William Dewitt
Dr. and Mrs. Elliott Dickler
Mr. Wing Djaya
Dominion Foundation
Ms. Cheryl D. Sandler
and Mr. Steve Doochin
Double Click.Net
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dowling
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Drackett
Mrs. Jeanne H. Drackett
Mr. Dan Drennen
Dr. Eric M. Dreyfuss
Mr. and Mrs. Louis D. Duff
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dworkin
Mr. Nate Eddinger
Dr. and Mrs. Bennett Edelman
Ms. A.H. Elkind
Ms. Patrice Eller
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Ellsworth
Dr. and Mrs. Milton B. Engel
Eos Foundation Trust
Leslie R. Evans Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Everitt
F.L. Bissinger Inc.
Ms. Susan Faria
Dame Celia L. Farris
Mr. Michael Feeley
Mrs. Stephanie Feinland
Mrs. Katherine D. Findlay
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Fine
Ms. Jennifer A. Fischer
Charlotte M. Fischman, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle A. Fishman
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon R. Flamm
Flaxman Family Charitable Trust
Ms. Margaret A. Flynn
Ms. Anne Folsom Smith
Ms. Monica Fortner
Mrs. Hilda D. Foxen
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Francis
Mr. and Mrs. Morton S. Frankel
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Frankel
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frasier
Ms. Elizabeth R. From
The Gaddis Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gadsden
Ms. Anne D. Garber
Ms. Catherine Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Garlick
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Garno
Gateway Community Health
Ms. Nancy S. Gear
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew A. Geller
Mr. Robert Georgevich
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Gephart, Sr.
Mr. Robert Gerwig
Mr. H L. Getz
Mrs. Betty B. Giles
Mr. Richard Glenn
The Glickenhaus Foundation
GLOBAL Reinsurance Corporation
of America
Mr. Richard H. Goldberg
Ms. Barbara Golden
Ms. Rachel Goldman
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Goldstein
The Morrie & Susan Golick
Family Foundation
Mr. George Gondelman
Mrs. Esther Z. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gottfried
Morton E. Goulder Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jules Green
Mr. Ronald M. Greenbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur N. Greenberg
Mr. Robert Greenberg
Ms. Christine Greene
Linda J. Griffith, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Grimmelmann
Drs. Ron and Helen Grusd
Audrey & Martin Gruss Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Joel L. Gurin
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Gushurst
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gwinn
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk S. Hachigian
Mr. and Mrs. C. Barrows Hall
Mr. Jack N. Halpern
Ms. Cynthia Hammer
Ms. Leona Hanselman
Ms. Lucy Harrison
Ms. Mary Jo S. Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Harshbarger
Ms. Harriet M. Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hartman
Ms. Elizabeth G. Hastings
Gideon Hausner Jewish Day School
Mrs. Eleanor Haynes
HBO - Home Box Office Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Heiser
Ms. Marilyn Helfenbein
Mr. John S. Herold
Ms. Jane S. Herring
Mr. and Mrs. David Herzer
Mr. William E. Heyler
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest F. Higuchi
Mr. and Mrs. John Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Hill
Hiller Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hills
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Himler
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hodge
Mr. Theodore R. Hoenig
Dr. J. M. Hollister
and Mr. Michael R. Hagendoorn
Mr. Timothy A. Hood
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Hoover, Jr.
Anne S. Howells Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Hundert
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hurley
Mrs. Gail Hurvitz
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hurvitz
Dr. Donald E. Hutchings
Dr. and Mrs. Mervyn Israel
J Squared Press, Inc.
John, Mary & Bernard
Jacobs Foundation
Ms. Judy S. Jahncke
Ms. Carolyn R. Jakopin
Mr. Brian Jaskula
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Johnson
The Tom and Edwina Johnson
Family Foundation
2006 N A R S A D
Ms. Teresa Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Tucker Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace H. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jonas
Blanche and George Jones
Fund, Inc
Mr. Ralph M. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Jordan, Jr.
Avrum Katz Foundation
Ms. Helen Keane
Mrs. Elaine Keating
Mr. Konrad K. Keesee
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. R. William Kent
Dr. and Mrs. William G. Keyes
Ms. Yvonne S. Kilbourne
Ms. Yolanda Kluge Mann
Mr. and Mrs. Peter I. Knowles
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Koehler
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kozak
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Kramer
Mr. Sidney Kramer
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Krasnow
Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Krehbiel
Dolores Kreisman, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Kristol
Ms. Anne P. Kroha
Ms. Noreen Kroll
Mr. Maurice F. Krug
Mr. and Mrs. Alan P. Kurland
Mr. Ken Kurtz
Mrs. Maria L. Kussmaul
Mr. Peter Kwiatek
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Ladd
Mrs. Nina H. Landon
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Landy
Ms. Gloria P. Lange
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lanquetot
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lathrop
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Latta
Mr. and Mrs. Carter K. Laughlin
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Lawrence, Jr.
Dr. Amy B. Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lawrence
Mrs. Mary Le Fauve
John H. and Cynthia Lee
Smet Foundation
Lehman Brothers, Inc.
Mr. Michael Lemich
Mr. Harvey Lenkin
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lesser
Ms. Helen N. Levenson
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Levine
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Levine
Ms. Venona Levine
Herbert & Ellen Levitt
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Lickle
Ms. Jean S. Liechty
Elick and Charlotte Lindon
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Link
Lipson Family Fund
M D G Enterprise
Mr. Nivin S. Mac Millan
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Macchi
Mad River Foundation
Mrs. Patty M. Mader-Ebert
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Madigan
Ms. Frances W. Magee
Ms. Esther Maizlish
Dr. Alan Manevitz
Mr. and Ms. John A. Manfuso, Jr.
Ms. Helen Mangano
and Mr. Frederick C. Dunbar
Mr. Joseph Marietta
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Marinich
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Marks
Ms. Lisette W. Marsh
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Martens, III
Ms. Esther L. Marzyck
Mr. and Mrs. Josiah L. Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Mayer
Ms. Frances Louise Mayo
Mr. and Mrs. James M. McCord, Jr.
Mr. Frank J. McGuire
Mr. & Mrs. David B. McKane
Mrs. Patricia McNamara
Ms. Elizabeth B. Medearis
Ms. Robbin Mele
The Norman & Betty Menell
Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Alvaro R. Menendez
Merchants National Properties Inc.
Ms. Mary Ann Meyer
Ms. Carolyn M. Michel
Mr. and Mrs. John Michelich
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Mihalich
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Millhiser
Mrs. James W. Milton
Mrs. Edwina S. Mindheim
The Minneapolis Foundation
Ms. Nola N. Miyasaki
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Molinaro
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Moltz
Ms. Sharon G. Moody
Mr. and Mrs. Noel Moore
Mr. J. C. Moos
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morgan
Ms. Gwen T. Morgan
Morgan Stanley
Morgan Stanley & Co. Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Most
Mr. John A. Mullett
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Naiditch
NAMI - Du Page County
NAMI - Genesee County
NAMI - Livingston and
McLean Counties
NAMI - MI Dearborn Area
NAMI - Ocean County
NAMI - Plymouth
NAMI- H.O.P.E. Chapter
Mr. Mark Newell
Mr. and Mrs. Jurg Niehans
Ms. and Mr. Nikki B. Nilon
Mr. Gene Noble
Ms. Virginia Norris
Northern Trust Bank
John G. O'Brien Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy O'Connor
Ms. Sybil Offen
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Osterburg
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Owen
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Owens
Palm Beach Prayer Team
Ministries Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Josiah E. Parker
Kalo Wilcox Parmelee, Ph.D.
Mr. David Paulsen
Mr. and Mrs. Giles Payne
Ms. Therese Payne
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G. Pearce
Ms. Helen Pedrosa
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Pedrosa
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Pestronk
Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Phillips
Ms. Ellen B. Pillsbury
Mr. and Mrs. Roy R. Plum
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Polk
Mr. Michael Priven
Mr. and Mrs. Grant E. Propper
Mr. and Mrs. Peppino Puleo
Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Quaal
Dr. and Mrs. Mohammad Qureshi
Mrs. Sheila Rabaut
The Raborn Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Raff
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Randall
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Redlich
Mr. and Mrs. Joe R. Reeder
Ms. Wendy Reiner
Mr. and Mrs. William Rhoads
Mr. Joseph Riccardo
Ms. Marilyn Ricci
Ms. Lillian S. Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Ridder
Ringling School of Art
and Design, Inc.
Mr. Frederic W. Ripley
and Ms. Sharon Kirby
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Ritelli, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Roach
Nicholas J. Robert, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. Howland P. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Rollnick
Ms. Kathleen Rorick
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rose
Mr. E. John Rosenwald Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roskamp
Ms. Raquel Ross
Mrs. Ann Roth
The Lewis Roth Family Foundation
Dr. David L. Rothman
and Mrs. Susan C. Rothman
Rothstein, Kass & Company P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Rounsavall
Ms. Helen F. Routh
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Roux
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin E. Rubenstein
Mrs. Carol Rudder
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben H. Saideman
Norman G. Samet
Sandefur Charitable Foundation
Dr. William E. Sanson
Sarasota Memorial Healthcare
Foundation, Inc.
Sarasota Opera Association, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Saslaw
Ms. Bijan Sassounian
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Satow
Dr. Lauren M. Pachman
and Mr. Mark A. Satterthwaite
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Savidge
Mr. Nicholas Schade
Mrs. Molly A. Schechter
Richard & Joan Scheuer
Family Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Schlesinger
Mr. James R. Schlesinger
Ms. Gisela Schmied
Mrs. Ina Schnell
Drs. Carmi and Nina Schooler
Mr. Daniel J. Schreiber
Dr. and Mrs. R. D. Schreiber
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Schusterman
Mrs. Helene Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Scott
Ms. Elizabeth K. Scully
Mrs. Ulla Searing
Ms. Elizabeth Seewaldt
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Segal
John A. Sellon 1994 Charitable
Lead Trust
Ms. Toby Serrouya
Mr. Gary Sevitsky
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shapiro
Mr. David L. Shern
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Shewer
Mrs. Lilian Sicular
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin A. Siegal
Ms. Helen Siembab
Elinor Beidler Siklossy Foundation
Ms. June Silver
Ms. Mary M. Simon
Mr. Peter T. Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Simon
The Warren J. and Florence
Sinsheimer Foundation
Carol Sisco, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sisk
George M. Slocum Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Smith
Mr. Michael P. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sonsteby
Mr. Paul J. Sorbara
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Spandorf
Mr. Douglas M. Spaulding
Ms. Susan Stanton
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Stegemoeller
Mr. Eugene B. Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald V. Stone
Ms. Judy B. Stonehouse
Robert L. Stott Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Virginia Stowe
Mr. Lawrence J. Stupski
The Susan R. and John W.
Sullivan Foundation
Abraham Sunshine, M.D.
Suplee and Shea, P.A.
Dr. and Mrs. Myron Susin
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard M. Susman
Swift Marketing, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Szolosi
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E. Tagge
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Tate
2006 N A R S A D
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Taub
Mr. and Mrs. George Terris
Mr. and Mrs. David Testa
Mr. and Mrs. John Textor
Mr. Ajay Thawani
The Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine
The Robert M. Brown & Thelma Y.
Brown Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Timmins
Tisch Foundation
Mr. Bosworth Todd, Jr.
Ms. Gail Toth
Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Toth
Ms. Dorset Townley
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic J. Tringali
John G. and Anna Troiano
Mrs. Marian W. Trotter
U.S Bancorp Fund Services, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Urbanske
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Van Horn
Mr. and Mrs. Mieke Van Waveren
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Vestrich
Mr. and Mrs. James Vickers
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Von Briel
Mr. Alex L. Wallau, II
Mr. Ross Waller
Mr. Peter Walter
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Warsett
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Waters
Ms. Lois E. Webber
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Weeden
Ms. June C. Weeden
The Weekes Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. J. Williams Weeks
Mr. Reynold H. Weidenaar
Ted & Jean Weiller Fund of the
Community Foundation of Saras
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Weinberg
Weinberger Foundation
Ms. Robin Weinhold
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weisman
Myrna M. Weissman, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weissman
Ms. Ann Carroll Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Michael West
The Westport Fund
The Harold Wetterberg Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Whitaker
Ms. Dorothy W. Whitaker
Ms. Susan Whitehead
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Wilkey
Mr. and Mrs. Martin S. Willick
Ms. Winnifred Winship
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart J. Winston
Mr. and Mrs. William Wise
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Withers, Jr.
Mr. Thomas J. Woodward
Ms. Sally W. Yanowitz
Mr. Mike Yap
Yeshiva University
Ms. Elizabeth S. Zapler
Mr. and Mrs. James Zartman
Ms. Mildred Zegri
Research Supporters
$100 +
30 Club
689 Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Aalto
Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Aanes
Ms. Priscilla Abbott
Mrs. Margaret Abells
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Aboudi
Ms. Amy Peck Abraham
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Abrahams
Mrs. Dorothy C. Abrams
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Abrams
Mr. and Mrs. Tim G. Abrams
Mr. Neil Accortt
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Ach
Mr. Anthony J. Ackels
Mr. Thomas Acton
Ms. Sandra J. Adam
Mr. David Adams
Mr. and Mrs. David Adams
Ms. Florence Adams Evans
Mr. George B. Adams, III
Mrs. Janet W. Adams
Ms. Josephine B. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Adeler
Ms. Marguerite L. Adelman
and Dr. Robert Ackland
Ms. Mildred Adelson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Adkisson
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Adler
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adler
Mr. Norman Adler
Mr. Monroe Adlman
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Aeder
Mr. Mark A. Aguirre
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ahee
Ms. Dorothy Ahlgren
Ms. Judy A. Ahrenholz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ahrens
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Aimetti
Jeffrey S. Akman, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Alcott
William Alder, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Alerhand
Ms. Amy L. Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Alexander, Jr.
Ms. Mia S. Alexander
Alison Dailey Properties
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen
Ms. Eleanor Allen
Mr. John W. Allender
Allied Lawn Sprinkler Co,
Ms. Marilyn R. Allis
Lin-Jan Wu Allison
Ms. Jean G. Alm
Ms. Rebecca Amatangelo
Mr. Jack Ambach
Mr. and Mrs. Alan C. Ambler
American Diagnostic Corporation
American Express Foundation
Ms. Nancy Ames
AMI-Adams County
AMI-Brazos Valley
AMI-Nassau County Medical Center
AMI-North Central
Massachusetts, Inc.
AMI-of Eastern Middlesex County
AMI - Sumter Area
AMI - Tri-County
Mrs. Wilma Ammermann
Ms. Anitra Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick N.
Anderson, Jr.
Mrs. Geraldine Anderson
Ms. Joan C. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Anderson
Ms. Mary R. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney E. Anderson
Mr. Guillermo Andrade
Nancy C. Andreasen, M.D., Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Andrews
Ms. Pamela J. Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Andrino
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph F. Angelilli
Ms. Bette Angstadt
Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Annibali
Ms. Lauren Anthone
Mr. Thomas M. Archambault
Ms. Susan Archbald
Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Archer
Mr. Steven Ardelli
Ms. Kay Ariel
Ms. Phyllis Arist
Seth M. Arlow, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Rollin A. Armer
Ms. Jennifer L. Armstrong
Armstrong Teasdale, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Ted J. Arneson
Dr. Lewis Arnow
The Artist Series of Sarasota
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Arvey
Mrs. Henry A. Ashforth, Jr.
Dr. Virginia L. Ashley
Mr. and Mrs. Harris J. Ashton
Ms. Frances Ashurst
Ms. Sharon L. Astleford
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Atherton
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Atkin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Augustine
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Augustyn
Ms. Jean Auleta
The Austin Diagnostic Clinic
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Austin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Austin
Autism Speaks, Inc.
Ms. Linda M. Awn
Axa Foundation
Pakula-Axelrad Family Foundation
Ms. Diane Ayres
and Mr. Stephen Fried
Ms. Marta K. Bach
Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Bach
Ms. Michaeline V. Badaczewski
Mrs. Patricia K. Bader
Badger State Civic Fund, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred J. Baer
BAI, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bak
Mr. Charles G. Bakaly
and Ms. Patricia M. Bakaly
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Baldwin
Ms. Kelly Bales
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Balint
Mrs. Iris Ballew
Mr. James Banghart
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Bannister
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Barabas
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald T. Barba
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Barber
Jack D. Barchas, M.D.
and Rosemary A. Stevens, Ph.D.
Ms. Theresa Bareither
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford B. Barksdale
Mrs. Anita L. Barnes
Mr. Boyd T. Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Barnett
Ms. Nadeen Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Barnitz
Mr. Charles A. Barragato, C.P.A.
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Barrall
Mr. Alan E. Barrett
Mr. Jeffrey E. Barrett
Mrs. Margaret Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Barry
Mr. Robert Barry
Mr. Kenneth G. Bartels
Ms. Amy L. Bartoletti
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Barton
Mr. J. B. Bartram Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Fabian Basabe, II
Ms. Jill Baskin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Baskin
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Baskin
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Baskin
Ms. Anne Basner
Ms. Susan K. Bass
Mr. and Mrs. Emilio Bassini
Mrs. Ellen Kay Bastron
Mrs. Joyce Bates
Mr. Sandy A. Battaglia
Mr. Dann N. Batting
and Ms. Susan E. Price
Ms. Linda L. Bauer
Mr. William A. Baumert
Mr. and Mrs. Anson Beard
Dr. and Mrs. William R. Beardslee
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Bechtolt
Mr. and Mrs. Curt F. Beck
Dr. and Mrs. John L. Beck
Ms. Carolyn Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Beckerle
Mr. David Beebe
Mr. Murray L. Beer
Mrs. Lauren Begonja
Behavioral Health Professionals, Inc.
Behavioral Science Consultants, LLC
Ms. Susan Behn
Ms. Norma S. Behr
Ms. Barbara Bell
Mr. Francis E. Belmont
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Belter
Bemis Company Foundation
Ms. Stacey Bendet
Francine Benes, M.D., Ph.D.
Mrs. Margaret W. Benford
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Benkeser
2006 N A R S A D
Ms. Peggy Benzchawal
Ms. Sabina Beraha
Mrs. Marge Berg
Mr. Robert E. Berg, Jr.
Ms. Vilma F. Bergane
Mrs. Dorothy Berger
Dr. Stephen Paul Berger
Mrs. Esther Bergknoff
Robin G. Berglund, M.D.
Mr. Barry Berkowitz
Dr. Jesse Berlin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Berlly
Mrs. Evelyn Berman
Mr. J. M. Berman
Ms. Ruth C. Bermant
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bernard
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence T. Berner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bernstein
Mr. Thomas J. Bernstein
Mr. Albert Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Berry
Mr. Ronald K. Berryman
Mr. Richard Bertken
Mr. Gregory J. Bertsch
Ms. Michelle Bertsch
Ms. Wavenie T. Best
Mrs. Carol L. Bethel-Lopez
Mrs. Judith Beyer
Ms. Carolyn P. Bicsak
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bidinian
Joseph Biedermman, M.D.
Mr. Bruce Bierman
Mr. Michael J. Bihn
Mr. Donald N. Billings
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Binder
Ms. Gail Binderman
Ms. Arline L. Bingham
Ms. June Bingham
Mr. Henry Bird
Ms. and Mr. Mary K. Bird
Ms. Madelaine G. Birnbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Roger C. Biron
Mrs. Henrietta Blacic
Ms. Elizabeth Black
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Blades
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Blaha
Mr. John J. Blandin
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Blaustein
Mr. Marc Blitstein
Mrs. Melissa R. Bloch
Mr. Kenneth Bloom
Mrs. Myrna Bloom
Dr. and Mrs. Alvan Bluhm
Mr. Bernard Blumberg
Mr. and Mrs. Howard T. Boasberg, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Bodden
Mrs. Cora Bodkin
Ms. Barbara E. Boettcher
Ms. Marcela Boksan
Ms. Barbara Bond
Ginny Bond
Ms. Mary Bond
Ms. Patsy Bond
Mr. Randall Book
Ms. Linda Boone
Mr. and Mrs. Willard S. Boothby
Ms. Mary E. Borer
Ms. Sheryl Cohen
and Mr. Michael L. Bork
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Borkowicz
Mr. and Mrs. Keith P. Born
Mr. Jason Bosch
Ms. Angela Bove
Bovis Lend Lease, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bowen
Mr. Lloyd Bowers, III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Bowles
Dr. James S. Boyd
Ms. Karen J. Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Boyd
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Boyer
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Brach
Ms. Susan M. Brainerd
Ms. Martha B. Brame
Mr. Craig Brandon
Ms. Elizabeth Brannon
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Braunwarth
Mr. J. T. Breen
Ms. Pat Brelig
Ms. Kathleen Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brenner
Dr. and Mrs. Lester Breslow
Ms. Carol L. Bressler
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Brett
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Breu
The Alice & Ed Brickman Family
Tzedukah Foundation
Mr. Hugh W. Bridgford
Mr. Daniel M. Brigham, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brill
Mr. Tom Brina
Mr. David Brindley
Ms. Muriel Broad
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Broaddus
Mr. Daryl Brockman
Mr. Andrew J. Brodhead
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Brogden
Beth Ann Brooks, M.D.
Mr. Harry Brooks
Mr. Keith Brooks
Ms. Adeline Q. Brorsen
Ms. Carrie Brown
Ms. Dayna Brown
Ms. Elyce A. Brown
Mrs. Pam Brown
Mr. Richard D. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Brown
Ms. Deborah Bruker
Mr. Ralph L. Bruno
Ms. Carolyn G. Bryan
Mr. Charles Bryan
Mrs. Carol Bryce-Buchanan
Mr. Charles Buckland
Ms. Diana Buckler
Mr. J. Budd
Mr. and Mrs. Abbott Buegeleisen
Ms. Mary B. Buescher
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Bugatto
Ms. Annette Bugatto Romano
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll L. Buhrman
Mrs. Margaret Bull
Mr. George Bundschuh
Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Bunney
Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Burack
Ms. Stacey Burch
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Burdick
Ms. Marilyn S. Burger
Mr. Fenton Burke
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Burke
Mr. Gerald Burner
Ms. Eva L. Burnham
Ms. Ruth Burton
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Bush
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Busing
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Butler
Mrs. Wanee Butler
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Buttaggi
Ms. Paula Butts
Dr. and Mrs. Jerome L. Byers
Mr. Dennis B. Byrne
Mrs. Henry A. Caesar
Ms. Sarah C. Cahill
Mr. Michael Caillouet
Mr. and Mrs. James Caillouette
Ms. Lori Calise
Ms. Elanne C. Callahan
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Callahan
Mrs. Jane Calvin
Mr. Gary J. Campbell
Ms. Jan R. Campbell
Kathleen and Richard Campbell
Suzanne and Richard Campbell
Mr. Kyle Canepa
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Canova
Mr. and Mrs. James Cantrill
Mr. Kevin M. Capinpin
Mrs. Marjan Carasik
Ms. Suzanne A. Carder
Ms. Cynthia Carey
Ms. Vivienne Carey
Mrs. Edith H. Carl
Ms. Brenda Carlan
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Carlson
Ms. Traci Carlson
William T. Carpenter, M.D.
Mr. James J. Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Carroll
Mr. Roderick D. Carroll
Ms. Jane Carron
Ms. Marlene I. Cartaina
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Carter
Mrs. Rosalynn Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Casaleggio
Mrs. Mary F. Case
The Casey Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Casier
Mr. Michael J. Cassidy
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Caudill
Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Caughey
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cech
Mr. Stephen Cecil
Ms. Delores Cerra
Ms. Ann P. Chandler
Ms. Vera W. Chandler
Ms. Jennifer T. Chang
Mr. Joseph Chang
Ms. Leona Chanin
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Chapman
Mr. Jonathan Chapman
Mr. Stuart A. Chapman
Ms. Nancy Charbeneau
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Charrow
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Chase
Mr. and Mrs. Craig E. Chatwood
Mr. Ben Cheney
Ms. Virginia V. Chennell
Mr. Clyde Cherry
Mr. Wilburn L. Chesser
Ms. Leonora Chick
Childers Enterprises
Mr. and Mrs. William Chinitz
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Chinn
Mr. and Mrs. Shun S. Choi
Mr. Clarence Chou
Ms. Jennifer Chou-Green
Ms. Alix E. Christie
Ms. Barbara Christy
Chubb & Son, Inc.
Mr. Paul Cifrino
Cincinnati Service Center
of Luxottica Retail
Circle of Life Center
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Cisson
Citigroup Foundation
Philippe Citron Charitable
Foundation Trust
Olivier Civelli, Ph.D.
Mrs. Dorothy Clapp
Mr. Stephen F. Clark
Mr. Arthur Clarke
Ms. Janet Clarke
Ms. Kathleen M. Clarke
Mr. Robert Cluck
Ms. Natalie R. Cocroft
Ms. Beverly A. Cody
Mr. J. Henry Coffer
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Coffey
Ms. Babette G. Cohen
Ms. Constance Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. David Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cohen
Ms. Eileen Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cohen
Dr. Lawrence J. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cohen
Dr. and Mrs. Nathan Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cohen
Ms. Rita Cohen
Mr. Stuart H. Cohen
Mr. Milton S. Cohn
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coholan
Mrs. Margaret Coladarci
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Coles
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Coles
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Collier
Ms. Caren P. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Comins
Computer Associates
International, Inc.
W.T. Congleton Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Conklin
Mr. and Mrs. Steven S. Conner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Connor
Mr. Christopher J. Connors
Mr. and Mrs. George Conroy
Ms. Jill M. Considine
and Mr. Martin H. Rettinger
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Constantine
2006 N A R S A D
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Conze
Ms. Catherine Cook
Mr. Daniel Cook
Mrs. Sally K. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cooney, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Cope
Mrs. Ann B. Copeland
Ms. Karen L. Copeland
Ms. Patricia C. Corbett
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cornacchia
Mr. H J. Cornyn
Mrs. Robert F. Corroon
Dr. Jeanette Corwin
and Dr. Howard Corwin
Ms. Karen A. Cosner
Ms. Margaret P. Cotten
Ms. Jane Cotter
Countryside Silo Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Coville
Ms. Deborah Cowal
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Cowan
Dr. Michael Cowan and Mrs. Cowan
Mrs. Virginia S. Cowser
Mr. and Mrs. James Cox
Dr. Joseph T. Coyle
Ms. Judith M. Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Cramer
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Crawford
Ms. Nancy Crawford
Dr. Jeanne Cremeans
Mr. David Cremin
Areta Crowell, Ph.D.
Ms. Barbara L. Cruse
Mr. Joe Cuervo
Ms. Kandi Culbertson
Mr. Don H. Culwell
Ms. Johanna S. Cummings
Ms. Davia Cunero
Ms. Alice Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. David Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cuzzocrea
Dr. Chantal D'Adesky
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D'Alessio
Ms. Guyla Daley
Ms. Enid Dalkoff
Ms. Marie Dalrymple
Mr. Denis Daly and Mrs. Jolie Daly
The Dammann Fund, Inc.
Ms. Joanna Damon
Ms. Jeanette M. D'Angelo
Phillp A. Danskin & Associates
Danto Investment Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Darilek
Ms. Linda Darragh
Mr. Paul J. Datta
David H. Boxer Foundation
Mr. Lawrence David
Mr. Eric Davidson
Mrs. Geraldine Davidson
Mr. Jim Davidson
Ms. Martha Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund Davidson
Mr. Jerry Davidson
and Mr. Vernon Davidson
Mr. Alan Davies
Mr. and Mrs. John Davine
Ms. Bernice Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Davis
Mrs. Lois J. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Davis
Ms. Pauline Davis
Mr. William Davis
Ms. Victoria De La Plante
Mr. Franklyn De Marco
and Dr. Kathy Steih
Mr. William J. DeAngelis
Mrs. Gerarda Debakker
Mr. Thomas Decarlo
Mr. and Mrs. Roby Deese
Mrs. Nancy DeFren
Ms. Claire Deighton
Mrs. Eulaine A. Deist
Ms. Victoria Martinez
and Mr. Jose DeLeon
Mr. and Mrs. Dale A. Dellutri
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Delonga
Ms. Gail Dembin
Ms. Patrice Den Hartog
Ms. Laura G. Denault
Ms. Mary E. Denery
Dengrove Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Bernhardt Denmark
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl B. Denning
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Dennis
Ms. Shirley Deonarine
Mr. Marshall Dermer
Mr. Russell Derry
Mr. Desai
Designing Women Boutique
Ms. Helle K. DeSimone
Mr. Chris Deutsch
Mr. Patrick A. Devanney
Dr. and Mrs. William C. DeVries
Mr. and Mrs. Terry E. DeWolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick DeYoung
Ms. Carol Di Nal
Dr. Milton Diamond
Ms. Stephany R. Diana
Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Diaz
Mr. Richard E. Dickerson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dickinson
Thomas & Annette Dignam
Family Foundation
Ms. Rita Dillon Sindon
Mrs. Rose Dilloway
Mr. Joseph DiMaggio
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dinnocenzio
Ms. Gretchen Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. John Dixon
Ms. Katarina Djakovic
Mr. Thomas W. Dobson
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Dodds, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Dodge
Ms. Joanne Doherty
Mr. and Mrs. Nino Dolcino
Mr. Matthew G. Dombard
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Donahoe
Mr. Donald Donahue
and Dr. Jeanmarie Anderer
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Donahue
Ms. Maxine M. Donohoo
Mr. Charles E. Donovan, III
Mr. and Mrs. John Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Donovan
Ms. Elsie Doss
Ms. Donna Dougherty
Mr. Clifford O. Doyle
Mr. Michael P. Doyle
Ms. Aurelia I. Drackett
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Drackett
Mr. Bill Drake
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Drake
Mr. Stephen E. Drazan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Drexler
Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Drinkwater
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius J.
Droogan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin C. Drucke
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Dubin
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick D. Duddy
Mr. Leslie Dudley
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Duffy
Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Dufour
Mr. Thomas DuHamel
Ms. Florence Duhl
Mr. and Mrs. Ashton C. Dunham
Mr. Gregory Dunigan
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Dunklee
Mr. Sean P. Dunn
Ms. Katherine Dunne
Ms. Shannon K. Dunnigan
Mrs. Henry B. duPont, III
Mr. and Mrs. Elden E. Durand, III
Mrs. Donald Durkee
Mr. and Mrs. Tim G. Dyas
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dye
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Dyer
Ms. Judy Dyrud
Mrs. Emily H. Earley
Ms. Katherine A. Eaton
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Ebbert
Mrs. Linda Ebert
Ms. Beverly Eckerd
Dr. Bernard Edelstein
Mrs. Gail C. Edmondson
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Edwards
Ms. Sarah L. Edwardson
Mrs. Isabel Ehrenreich
Mr. and Mrs. George Ehrlich
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Eibsen
Mr. Eleanor Eidel
Ms. Sue Eilers
Ms. Linda Eisenberg
Will & Ann Eisner Family
Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Robin Eisner
Mr. David Eklund
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Eldridge
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Elhilow
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Elliott
Ms. Mary Elliott
Ms. Sharon E. Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Ellman
Ms. Margaret Elvin
Ms. Ruth Endres
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Engelhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Engelson
Ms. Norma Epifano
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Epstein
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Erb
Reverend and Mrs. W. J. Erdmann
Ms. Amy L. Erickson
Mr. Richard Erickson
Mr. James S. Erlandson
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ernst
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Escobosa
Trudy G. Ettelson, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Ettinger
Mr. Joseph Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Evers
Mrs. Leonard C. Everson
Mr. and Ms. Robert F. Ewart
Mrs. Cheryl Exstrom
Ms. Marion Faber
Mrs. Germaine A. Fabiano
Ms. Mary Ellen Falk
Mr. Jerome Falkowski
Robert and Eugenia Fanelli
Mr. Jerome S. Fanger
Mr. Pedram Farahnak
Ms. Kathye Faries
and Mr. Jim Braun
Ms. May Farr
Ms. Muriel Fath
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fawcett, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joel D. Fedder
Ms. Betty Fein
Mr. Mark A. Fein
and Ms. Ginny Bond
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Feinberg
Mrs. Sylvia W. Feingold
Ms. Helen Feinhandler
Mrs. Nancy Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. James Feldstein
Mr. David A. Ferguson
Mrs. Eugenia Ferrell
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ferrin
Mr. and Mrs. Alton Fessel
Mr. Alfred E. Feyler
Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC
Fidelity Investments
Ms. Geraldine A. Field
and Mr. Richard L. Fertell
Ms. Norma Fine
Mrs. Sally L. Finger
Mrs. Rena Finkelstein
Ms. Grace Fiorenza
Ms. Doris Fiotakis
Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Firestone
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Fischer
Dr. and Mrs. Roger L. Fischer
Mr. William J. Fischman
Mrs. Eileen P. Fishbach
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Fishkin
Mrs. Ann Fitch
Ms. Linda Fithian
Ms. Lois Fitton
Ms. Alice R. Fitzcharles
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Fitzgerald
Ms. Elaine Fitzpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Flanders
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Fleishman
Ms. Marla Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Flint
Mr. R.A. Foakes
Mrs. Virginia R. Fodera
Mr. Charles Fogel, Jr.
Mr. Dennis Fogleman
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Foley
2006 N A R S A D
Ms. Sharon Foote
Mr. Miguel Forbes
Mrs. Magdalena Forhans
Mr. Angelo Forlenza
Ms. Linda P. Fosler
Mrs. Jane A. Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Byron M. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Myron J. Fox
Mr. Robert D. Frandsen
Ms. Debra Frank
R & H Frank Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Frank
Frank Visceglia Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne C. Frankenfield
Ms. Sara Franks
Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Frazer
Mr. and Mrs. James Freasier
Mr. and Ms. Arthur Fredston
Mr. Robert Freeberg
Ms. Denna Freeburg
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Freedman
Mr. Bo French
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis L. French
Mrs. Dawn Frevert
Mr. Joseph Friedland
Ms. Elly Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Friedman
Ms. Ruth Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Friedrich
Mr. J. G. Frierson
Mr. Carl H. Fritts
Ms. Elizabeth Frostad
Dr. and Mrs. Paul D. Fuchs
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Fujimoto
Mr. Jerry Fulenwider
Mr. William H. Fullmer
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Fulton
Mr. Michael Furay
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Furness
Gabel, Cook & Associates, Inc.
Major General and Mrs.
Evan R. Gaddis
Ms. Marion Galison
Ms. Susan Gallagher
Ms. Margaret Gallagher Thompson
Dr. David Gandler
Ms. Marcia Garatt
Ms. Hannah Gardner
and Mr. Patrick O'Donnell
Mrs. Lorraine Gardner
Mr. Robert Gardner
Ms. Dorothy B. Garner
Ms. Linda Garnett
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Garrett
Ms. Jennifer Garrigues
Mr. Paul Garvey
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gassel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gassner
Ms. Catherine T. Gately
Mrs. Mary J. Gates
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Gates
Mr. John M. Gauker
Mr. Philip Geier
Ms. Saskia H. Geisel
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney C. Gelb
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Geldon
Aaron S. Geller, M.D.
General Dairy Manufacturing Co.
Tony P. George, M.D.
Ms. Margaret Georgoulis
Mr. and Mrs. Angus M. Gephart
Mr. John Gephart
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Germano
Theodore F. & Josephine Gerson
Philanthropic Fund
Ms. Carla Getto
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Giambalvo
Ms. Maria Gianfrancisco
Mr. Donald Giddon
Mr. and Mrs. George Giffen
Ms. Patricia R. Gilbert
Mr. Keith Gilbertson
Mr. David Gilboe
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gilroy
Dr. Elizabeth M. Gingerich
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Ginsberg
Dr. and Mrs. Sanjeevi Giridhar
Mr. and Mrs. Ted S. Gladstone
Mr. Jeffrey Glass
Ms. Leslie G. Glass
Ms. Nancy Glass
Dr. and Mrs. Alexander H. Glassman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Glickman
Global Impact
Ms. Pamela Godfrey
Ms. Barbara Godt
Ms. Barbara Goebel
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Goelet
Mr. and Mrs. R.L.Goetzenberger, Jr.
Mr. Donald Goff
and Ms. Bonnie Y. Ohye
Mrs. Elizabeth J. Goforth
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Gold
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Goldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Golden
Mr. Michael Golden
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Goldenberg
S. J. Goldhaber, M.D.
Ms. Gerri Goldman
Ms. Marilyn Goldman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Goldman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Goldman
Ms. Susan Goldman
and Ms. Ruth Edelman
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Goldreyer
Mr. Peter Goldscheider
Mr. and Mrs. Akiva Goldsman
Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Goldsmith
Ms. Sara Goldsmith
Mr. and Mrs. David Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Goldstein
Mr. Raymond T. Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Goodman
Mr. Bobby Goodnough
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gordon
Ms. Michelle Gordon
Jack and Lauren Gorman
Gorter Family Foundation
Gracie See Pizzeria
Dr. John M. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Graham
Ms. Leslie Granoff
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Grant
Mr. Chester H. Graves
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Gray
Mr. Leo J. Gray
Mrs. Linda Gray-Moin
Mr. and Mrs. Janis Graziano
Ms. Dorothy Green
Mr. Jay Green
Mr. Larry Green
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathon M. Greenberg
Mrs. Erna S. Greene
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Greene
Mr. Harry P. Greenwald
and Ms. Babette E. Krolik
Ms. Nancy Greenwood
Mrs. Sherry Grenz
Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Grierson
Mr. Brent Griffin
Ms. Lynn Griffin
Dr. Robert J. Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Ted N. Griffin
Ms. Gail Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Griggs
Mr. Thomas Grimes
Mr. and Mrs. Limond Grindstaff
Ms. Nina Griswold
Ms. Bernadette Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gross
Ms. Beth Grossbard
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Grosser
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grossfeld
Ms. Arnis Grundberg
Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Gubbins
Mr. Joseph Gugliandolo
Mr. and Mrs. Don R. Gummow
Mrs. and Mr. Natalie R. Gundrum
Mrs. Charlotte Gunn
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan D. Gushurst
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gussin
Mr. Dennis Gustafson
Mr. and Mrs. Nels R. Gustafson
Ms. Carrie Sue Heinen
and Mr. Thure O. Gustafson
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Guzzardo
Ms. Gay Gwinner
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gyles
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Gysan
Mr. and Mrs. William Hacker
Mrs. Alice Hackworth
Mrs. Rebecca S. Hadden
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Hagen
Mr. Philip Hagler
Dr. and Mrs. William H. Hague
Ms. Virgina Hall
Ms. Glennis Halterman
Ms. Victoria Ham
Ms. Margaret H. Hamer
Ms. Tiffany Hamill
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hamm
Meyer & Raena Hammerman
Mrs. Goldie Hamond
Hamovit Family Philanthrophic Fund
Dr. and Mrs. Max Handel
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hanley
Ms. Julia Hansen
Ms. Renee C. Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Hansen
Mr. Tim Harlan
Mrs. Jennifer Harmon
Dr. and Mrs. William H. Harmon, Jr.
Ms. Lorine L. Harr
Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Harrell
Ms. Margaret Harrell
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Harriott
Ms. Benilde Harris
Mrs. Claudine Harris
Mrs. Harriet Harris
Ms. Martha Harrison
Ms. Theresa A. Harrison
Mr. William D. Harrison
Dr. Daniel C. Hartnett Familiy
Mr. Jack B. Hartog
Ms. Mary Hartwig
Ms. Tana L. Harvey
Mr. Michael W. Haser
Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Hastings
Donald N. Haupt, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund S. Hawley
Mr. Herb Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hayes
Ms. Gwen T. Head
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Heafield
Mr. and Mrs. John Heald
Healthcare Materials Management
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Heap
Mrs. Janet B. Hearon-Albers
Ms. Audrey B. Heckler
Mr. Gary G. Heffernan
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Heffner
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen I. Hegedus
Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Hehner
Mr. Hakon Heimer
Ms. Audrey Heimler
Ms. Jeanne Hein
Ms. Phyllis Heischuber
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Heisler, III
Mr. Gerald Heller
Mr. Charles A. Henderson
Ms. Debra Henderson
Ms. Betty H. Hendry
Ms. June Henebury
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver C. Henkel
Mr. Herbert Henze
Heritage, Steel & Slitting Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Herman
Dr. Carol K. Hermann
Dr. and Mrs. Howard T. Hermann
Mrs. Marie C. Hermann
James B. Herrmann Memorial Fund
Mr. John Hess
Ms. Barbara A. Heys
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hieronymus
Ms. Andrea S. Higgins
Mr. Jospeh Higgins
Mr. Don Highland
Ms. Rosalyn Hilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hild
Ms. Helen M. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Hilliard
Mr. Malvin J. Hillman
Ms. Saralee G. Hillman
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Hillmann
Ms. Linda L. Hills
Ms. Kathy Hilton
2006 N A R S A D
Ms. Eleanor Himel
Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Hinckley
Ms. Jennifer Hinds
Mr. Robert V. Hine
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hinrichs
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hirschfield
Ms. Marie Hobart
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hoberg
Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Hodge
Mrs. Judith P. Hodge
Ms. Ann Hodges
Ms. Ruth Hodges
and Mr. John Leclaire
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Hoeffel
Mr. and Mrs. Otto W. Hoernig
Ms. Andrea Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Hoffman
Mrs. Frances A. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Hoffman
Mrs. Janet Hoffman-Tretin
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Hofmeister
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Holcomb
Mr. Bradley Holdridge
Mr. and Mrs. Norman N. Holland
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hollister
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holmstrom
Ms. Ramona Holsen
Ms. Karen Holstein
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Holt
Mr. Keith B. Holtzapple
Mrs. Ann Holzman
Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Homer
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Hood
Mr. and Mrs. Everett J. Hoover
Mr. Richard Hoover
Mr. Robert A. Hopkins
Mr. Christopher Horn
Mr. Richard Horner
Mr. Gregory S. Horowitz
Mr. and Mrs. William N. Hosley
Mr. and Mrs. Donald N. Hotchkiss
Mr. Brian Houchins
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Houston
Mr. and Mrs. Erik E. Hovland
Mr. David W. Howard
Ms. Maria F. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Howard
The Richard R. Howe Foundation
Tad A. Howe Memorial Fund
Mr. and Mrs. James Howell
Howrey LLP
Ms. Jerilynn Hoy
HP Employee Charitable
Giving Program
HSBC Philanthropic Programs
HSBC-North America
Mr. Andrew Hsu
Ms. Ellen Hu
Tonghuan Hu
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Huber
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Huen
Ms. Naomi G. Hughes
Mr. Scott Hughes
Ms. Sylvia Hughes
Kwan Hui
Mr. Jerry Hunstad
Mr. Robert C. Hunter
Ms. Patricia J. Hupkowicz
Dr. Dale W. Hurley
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hurst
Mrs. Evelyn C. Husar
Ms. Linda K. Husar
June R. Husted, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Husting
Ms. Cassandra Hutchins
Mrs. Mary Lee Hutchins
Mr. Stewart M. Hutt
Hycliff Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hynden
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ianni
Mr. Harry A. Ikenson
Mr. Joseph Ikenson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Inglis
Martha & Bronson Ingram
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Inlander
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Innamorato
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Insel
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Inwood
Mrs. Nancy J. Irenas
Ms. Tracy J. Ith
Ms. Jeanne Ittah
Mr. Eric M. Jackson
Mrs. Vivian Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Jacobs
Mr. Lawrence Jacobs
Mrs. Phyllis Jacobs
Ms. Joann Jacobsen
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Jacobson
Mr. John B. Jakle
Ms. Ellen E. Jamason
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Jame
Mr. Bernard James
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Janssen
Mrs. Mary Jaqua
Mr. Robert S. Jaret
Ms. Martha Jarrett
Mr. and Mrs. Don Jellison
Ms. Christine L. Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Jennings
Ms. Fay Jensen
Mrs. Marian W. Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur F. Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jespersen
Mr. Kyle Jochai
Mrs. Star C. Johns
Ms. Donna Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Johnson
Ms. Martha J. Johnson
Mr. Max Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Johnson
Mr. Steven E. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnson
Mr. Christopher S. Johnston
Ms. Greta L. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Johnston
Ms. Barbara Jonas
Mr. David O. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Jones
Ms. Elyse F. Jones
Ms. Mary Ellen Jones
and Mr. Keith Jones
Ms. Laura M. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Jones
Mr. Carl J. Jordan
Town of Juno Beach
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kaczkowski
Ms. Patricia J. Kaeding
Ms. Arlene Kagle
Mrs. Eleanor M. Kahn
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Kain
Mr. Lewis H. Kairys
Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Kaiser
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kaiser, Jr.
Mrs. Lynn Kaishian
Mr. Niraj Kaji
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Kalicka
Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd C. Kallevig
Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Kannenberg
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Kanzer
Dr. David Kaplan
Mrs. Doris Kaplan
Ms. Janet S. Kaplan
Mr. William Karlson
Mr. Jeffrey Karoff
Ms. Sinesia Karol
Mrs. Agnes M. Kasten
Ms. Brooke D. Katz
Mr. Leon Katz
Dr. Jerald Kay
Ms. Sandra Kazlow
Dr. Barbara M. Kean
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Kean
Mr. Michael Kearney
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Kearney
Mr. John H. Kehl, Jr.
Mr. Richard Kelly
Dr. and Mrs. John L. Keltner
Ms. Celerie Kemble
Mr. and Mrs. Kenyon Kemp
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kendrick
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Kenny
Ms. Jane Kent
Ms. Kathy Kerdus
Kern Family Trust
Ms. Martha E. Kersey
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kertzner
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Kerxton
Mr. Ken R. Ketay
Mrs. Juliette K. Kettler
Mr. and Mrs. George Key
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kheder
Mr. Hossein Khodabandeh
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Kibbe
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Killough
Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Kimberland
Mr. Daniel K. Kimbro
Mrs. Doris R. Kimbro
Ms. Betty L. King
Mr. Howard King
Mr. and Mrs. James E. King
Ms. Josephine King
Mr. and Mrs. Levon King
Ms. Nancy E. King
Ms. Catherine Kingery
Mr. and Mrs. Leon R. Kinn
Mr. Ray W. Kinserlow
Ms. Nancy A. Kirimli
Ms. Michelle Klawiter
Ms. Melinda M. Kleehamer
Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Kleiman
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan I. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Klein
KLT Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Knight
Knights of Columbus, Council
5943 of Pequannock New Jersey
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Knopf
Ms. Marian Kohlstedt
Dr. Lawrence Kohn
Ms. Mellissa Komaroff
Mrs. Kerstina Konakanchi
Mr. Madhuri Kondepudi
Mr. and Mrs. John Kooken
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Koppel
Ms. Susan Kopplin
Mr. Richard Korn
Ms. Liola L. Korpela
Michael E. Kosinski, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Koskinas
Mrs. Julie Kotler
and Mr. Boris Kotler
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kott, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Irvin A. Kraft
Ms. Sandra Krakoff
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Krane
Mr. Alan Krasnow
Ms. Margaret Krass
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Kratcha
Mr. and Mrs. RIchard F. Krauser
Mr. Stuart Kraut
Mrs. Joan Kravetz
Krcmar Family Foundation
Ms. Deb Krell-Schindler
Ms. Marjorie C. Brandriss
and Mr. David Kristol
Ms. Sue A. Krolikowski
Ms. Marilyn R. Krueger
Mr. and Mrs. August Kruesi
Evelyn F. Kruleski
Mr. Paul F. Kruse
Mr. and Mrs. William Kuhns
Mr. Bernard Kurtz
Ms. Marleen B. Kuttner, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill La Rue
Ms. Germaine LaBerge
Mr. and Mrs. Erich Lachmann
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Lafferty
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Lahey
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lahti
Ms. Carol Lamb
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin B. Langbort
Ms. Betty Larkin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Larsen
Mrs. Louise B. Larson
Mr. Brian Latell
Ms. Helen Lavretsky
Anne A. Lawrence, Ph.D.
Mr. Issac Lawrence
Ms. Margy Lawrence
and Mr. Gary Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lawrence
Dr. and Mrs. Alfredo Lazo
Mrs. Betty A. Learn
James F. Leckman, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Shelley Lederman
Mrs. Lois R. Ledesma
Ms. Louise LeDuc
Lee and Carol Tager Family Fund
Mr. William W. Lee
2006 N A R S A D
Ms. Dianne C. Leech
Mr. and Mrs. Gifford Lehman
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Lehner
Ms. Judy Leidy
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Leightley
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Leinhardt
Mrs. Leona Lemich
Mrs. Geraldine Leneman
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Lent
Leo Burnett Company, Inc.
Ms. Laurie S. Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Leonetti
Mr. Daniel Lescohier
Dr. and Mrs. Alan I. Leshner
Mr. Will Leslie
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lessow
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Levanti
Level Global Investors, L.P.
Mr. Gary D. Levenson
Ms. Sybil Levenson
Ms. Anne C. Leverich
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Levin
Mildred & Abner Levine Family
Foundation, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Levitt
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Levy
Ms. Deborah L. Levy
Mrs. Lois F. Levy
Mr. George Lewett
Mr. David A. Lewis
Sara Mae & Jerry Lewis
Baolin Li
Shun Li
Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Liberman
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Libman
Lido Advisors Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lieber
Mr. Joseph Lieblang
Mr. Joseph Liebreich
Mr. and Mrs. Allen R. Liegel
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Liess
Suizhen Lin
Mr. and Mrs. Israel Lindenbaum
Ms. Kristin Lindgren
Mr. Calvin J. Lippitt
Mr. Jeffrey Lippman
Mr. Michael J. Lisanti
Mr. Gary C. Little
Feng Liu
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Livingston
Nial and Hilda Llewellyn
Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Lob
Mrs. Bettie Lobato
Mr. and Mrs. William Loeffler
Mr. and Mrs. Auburn G. Loggins
Ms. Estela Long
Ms. Maryann Longo
Mr. David C. Loomis
Mrs. Shirley Lopes
Ms. Dawn Lorentson
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lorenz
Ms. Donna Lowell
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Luberto
Mr. Michael Luberto
Mr. William Luberto
Ms. Helen Lugano
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lukens, III
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lund
Mr. Thomas Lunney
Mr. Michael S. Lurey
Dr. and Mrs. George W. Lutz
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lynch
Mr. Paul Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Gobel A. Lynn, Jr.
Mses. Diane and Shirley Lynne
Ms. Desmid B. Lyon
Ms. Ruth Lyon
Mr. Brendan L. Lyons, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Lyons
M. Johnston, Inc.
Mrs. Agnes MacDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MacDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Mackie
Ms. and Mr. Eileen Mackin
Mr. and Ms. Robert Mackin
Mr. Philip Mactaggart
Ms. Susan Mactye
Mr. David Madden
Mr. Larry Madison
Mrs. Vilma Maduro
Maersk Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James Maguire
Ms. Florence C. Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malamud
Ms. Patience Malone
Mr. Michael D. Maltz
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Maltz
Manatee Glens Corporation
Manatee Symphony Association Florida West Coast Symphony
Mr. and Mrs. John Manesis
Mr. William P. Manning
Ms. Mary L. Mansfield
Mr. and Mrs. Clair Manson
Ms. Sharon Manson
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Marblestone
Mr. Jeffrey Marcus
Mr. Michael Marcus
Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Marcussen
Mr. Gerard Marek
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Marin
Ms. Nancy E. Markle
Ms. Isabel S. Markovits
Mr. and Mrs. David Marquardt
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur K. Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Martin
Mr. Patrick Martin
Mr. Robert D. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Martin
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Marton
Massachusetts Clubhouse Coalition
Mr. Wayne Masters
Mr. and Mrs. D.E. Masterson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip O. Mastin
Ms. Cornelia L. Matson
Mr. Richard L. Matthies
Mr. and Mrs. William Mattsson
Ms. Jeanette Matye
Mr. A. Howard Matz
Ms. Mason S. Maulsby
Mr. and Mrs. Maxey
Mayernik Insurance Services
Ms. Valerie Mayhew
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Mays
Ms. Sandra Mays
Mr. James Mazzeo
Mr. Scott McArthur
Mr. Allan T. McCall
Mr. John G. McCarthy
Dr. Maureen I. McCarthy
Mr. John S. McCauley, Jr.
Mr. Robert S. McClean
Ms. Lynn McClure
Mr. Jimmie V. McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. McCracken
Ms. Melissa W. McCullough
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDonagh
Dr. Christopher J. McDougle
Mr. Joel McElvain
Robin McEntire, Ph.D.
Mr. Arthur J. McEvily, Jr.
Agnes and Michael McGaha
Mr. Michael McGann
Mr. Dennis McGeary
Ms. Maryann McGeever
Mr. Chris McGehee
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. McGillicuddy
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. McGlashan
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. McGovern
Ms. Lucinda McHolme
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy McHugh
McKenna Family Foundation
Ms. Cynthia W. McMahan
Mr. and Mrs. David McMahon
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene McManus
Ms. Penelope McManus
and Mr. Butch Beale
McMillin Import Company
Mr. and Mrs. William T. McMorran
Mr. Joseph R. McNamara
Ms. Patricia E. McNamara
Mr. and Mrs. John M. McNeill
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. McPhee
Mr. and Mrs. William McPhee
McReynolds Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. McSteen
Marshall & Eric McVadon
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Mead
Ms. Ruth C. Mead
Ms. Adrienne Meadow
Ms. Miriam Meadow
Ms. Eleonore Mecklenburg
Dr. Luisa Medrano
Mr. William Meeheling
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Meekins
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Meeks
Thomas J. Mehelas, M.D.
Mr. Larry Mekelberg
Ms. Cindy Melis
Ms. Ellen Mendel
Mrs. Joan Mendell
Mr. Richard Menker
Ms. Sheryl Mercer
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Merchant
Ms. Joan Merkle
Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Rhea M. Merzer
Ms. Lisa Messier
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas G. Metcalf
Ms. Carmen Metodiev
Ms. Martha W. Metrailer
Ms. Marcella V. Meyer
Ms. Mary M. Meyer
Dr. Richard E. Meyer
Dr. and Mrs. Roger Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Meyers
Ms. Kathleen A. Meyerson
Ms. Doris Miceli
Ms. Anne Michaels
Mrs. Sally H. Michaels
Mrs. Virginia Micheli
Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Michelich
Michigan Design Center
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Miesner, Jr.
Mr. Gary R. Mikula
Dr. Gerald Miley
Ms. Randi M. Milgrim
Ms. Diana Milich
Ms. Carol E. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Miller
Mr. David W. Miller
Mr. Frederick T. Miller
Ms. Ina S. Miller
and Ms. Anita Singewald
Joseph M. Miller, M.D.
Mr. Matthew Miller
Ms. Meredith Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Miller
Mr. Stephen A. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Miller, Jr.
Mr. and Ms. Lawrence Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mills
Ms. Joanne Milobsky
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mindheim
Mr. Jerry Miner and Mrs. Lydia Miner
John H. Miner, M.D.
Ms. Maureen Mingle
Mr. Burton S. Minkoff
Ms. Mimi Minkoff
Mr. Frederick Minturn
Mr. Bill Mitchell
Ms. Susan M. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mitchell, Jr.
Mr. Alexander Mitrovich
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin W. Mixdorf
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Moberly
Mrs. Sandra W. Mock
Mrs. Lillian Modell
Ms. Virginia Moffat
Mr. and Mrs. Traian C. Moga
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Mohr
Mrs. Mary R. Molloy
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Molyneux
Momouth-Ocean County Chapter
of the NJPA
Dr. and Mrs. John Monaco
Ms. Marie Monsky
Ms. Rene Montemayor
Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery
Mr. Bill Moore
Mr. Donald A. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Moore
Lillian S. and Joseph J. Moore
Ms. Regina Moore
Mrs. Harriet Moran
Ms. Irene Moran
Mrs. Margaret C. Morgan
Mr. J. Todd Morley
Mr. Antonio Morreale, III
Ms. Thelma Morris
2006 N A R S A D
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morse
Mortgage Funding Direct, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Morton
Drs. Marvin & Joy Moser
Ms. Ilene R. Moses
Ms. Marilyn Mosher
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Moshman
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Most
Ms. Trudy Muhlbauer
Mr. and Mrs. William Muir
Ms. Joyce Mullan
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murphy
Ms. Michelle Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. George Mushalko
Mr. and Mrs. John Mussman
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Myers
Mr. Thomas Myers
Ms. Eleanor R. Myles
Mr. Stephen C. Nadherny
Ms. Shirley Nagel
Dr. Angus C. Nairn
NAMI - Elk Grove Schaumberg
NAMI - Fort Wayne
NAMI - Goodhue County
NAMI - Metropolitan Houston
NAMI - Mini Cassia
NAMI - San Gabriel Valley
NAMI- Flathead
NAMI Newton Wellesley Eastern
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Nanartowich
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Nash
Mrs. Linda F. Nastar
Mr. and Mrs. Victor P. Nastar
Mr. and Mrs. Boris Nathanson
Ms. Katherine Navarrete
Mr. Erik Neiderman
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Neilson
The Neisser Family Fund
Mrs. Carol Nelson
Ms. Carolyn Nelson
Ms. Cynthia L. Nelson
Dr. and Mrs. Eric L. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry H. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Jay R. Nelson
Ms. Patricia S. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Packy Nespeca
Mr. Richard Nesson
and Ms. Barbara Lucas
Eric J. Nestler, M.D., Ph.D.
Ms. Jacinda L. Nettik
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Nevens
New Directions
New York State Psychiatric Institute
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Newitter, Jr.
Mr. Martin Newman
Ms. Ruth Newman Trattner
Mr. and Mrs. Chas H. Newpol
Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Newton
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Newton
Ms. Wendy Ng
Dr. and Mrs. Walter F. Nichols
Mr. Joseph J. Nicholson, III
Rev. Dr. Barbara H. Nielsen
Mr. and Mrs. Caroll Njust
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Noffke
Mr. Ivan Nordin
Mrs. Elsie Norris
Mr. and Mrs. Fred North
Ms. Susan North
Northwest Care Center, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Keith H. Nuechterlein
Ms. Cynthia S. Nygren
Mr. Jan Oden
Mr. James O'Donoghue
Ms. Karen Oehler
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Ofer
Mr. Ed O'Halloran
Mr. Mark O'Hara
and Ms. Karen Fernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Ohler
Mr. and Mrs. Brooke G. O'Kane, Sr.
Ms. Jane O'Leary
Ms. Jean Olekszy
Gail A. Olson Charitable Fund
Dr. Cheryl Olson
and Mr. Lawrence Kutner
Ms. Janet H. Olson
Omaha Community Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John B. O'Malley
Omega Group Inc.
Mrs. Hope O'Neill
Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert O'Neill
Ms. Judith Oppenheim
Mr. Edward H. Oppenheimer
Ms. Jane Orans
Mrs. Gertrude Orenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Orenberg
Ms. Alesha Oreskovich
Mr. and Mrs. Alan S. Oser
Mrs. Mary K. Osier
Mr. Walter S. Osterburg
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Osthus
Mrs. George O'Sullivan
Ms. Ellie O'Toole
Dr. and Mrs. David J. Ott
Mr. and Mrs. Norman F. Ottley
Ms. Evelyn Otto
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Owen
Mr. Gregory Owens
Pacific Medical Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex B. Pagel
Mrs. C.A Palmberg
Mr. and Mrs. Pierre S. Palmer
Ms. Mary J. Paolano Hoerner
Mr. Philip F. Paoli
Mr. Neil Papalardo
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Papernik
Ms. Sarah Pappas
Ms. Nancy Parady
Mr. Jose Pardo
Ms. Patsy Smithson Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Parks
Ms. Maureen Parris
James and Ione Parrish
Mr. Julian H. Parry
and Ms. Emily Walsh
Ms. Martha Parsons
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Pasch
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pattison
Ms. Stephanie Patton
Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Paver
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Paykel
Mr. Leland Payton
Mrs. Elizabeth Pearsey
Ms. Corinne Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Pease
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Peck
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Pelson
Ms. Joyce S. Pendery
Ms. Ethel K. Pepper
Ms. Mildred Perlow
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Perna
Mrs. Mary Person
Dr. and Mrs. William L. Pesci
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Pestell
Mr. T. Mitchell Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Peterson
Mr. John Peterson
Ms. Marion Peterson
Mr. R. D. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Petrulio
Dr. and Mrs. Norman A. Petti
Ms. Mary L. Petty
and Mr. Wally Trezise
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Pfefferkorn
Pfizer Foundation
Ms. Ruth H. Phillips
Ms. Ruth Phipps
Ms. Karen L. Piana
Ms. Allene Piazza
Mr. Richard Pilbrow
Ms. Carol Pinter
Piper Jaffray
Ms. Pamela Pitchford
Dr. and Mrs. Mark I. Pitman
Mr. Alan P. Pittman
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ploener
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Ploger
Mr. James Plous
Ronald M. Podell, M.D.
Ms. Patricia T. Poitras
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Poluha
Mr. William W. Porch
Mrs. Jeanne S. Porter
Mrs. Richard Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Porwick
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Post
Ms. Alison Potts
Ms. Peggy J. Potts
Mr. Herbert Powell
Ms. Laura Powell
Mr. Michael Miller
and Ms. Marita Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Marlowe G. Pranger
Mr. Robert L. Pratt
Mr. Charles Press
Bruce H. Price, M.D.
Ms. Revella Price
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Priceman
Ms. Barbara Priddy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prieve
Mrs. Kirsten Printz
Mr. Roger Prior
and Dr. Barbara Ann Page
Ms. Joan M. Pristas
Mr. E. W. Proctor
Ms. Nicole Pruess
Mr. Tom Pscheidt
Psychics Connect Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Puleo
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Puleo
Mrs. Paula Puleo-Winsky
Ms. Norma Pullman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Pulte
Ms. Nancy Purifoy
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B. Putnam
Mr. Saul Putterman
Mr. Daniel Quiat
Mr. John Quinn
Ms. Margaret M. Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Raab
Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Rabaut
Mr. Barry Rabin
Ms. Karen M. Rackliffe
Mrs. Mary Radell
Mr. James L. Radlinski
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Rafko
Ms. Marcia Y. Railton
Mr. George Rainer
Myra M. Rakoff, Ph.D.
Rally Landscape Inc.
Mrs. Julia M. Ramage
Mr. Darren Ranalli
Ms. Virginia Randolph
Ms. Grace Rapinchuk
Judith L. Rapoport
Dr. Carl A. Rasimas
Ms. Catherine E. Rath
Mrs. Catherine R. Ratner
Ms. Leslie Raub
Mr. Shahid Rauf
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Raznick
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Razziano
Ms. Iris H. Read
Ms. Mairin Reardon
Mrs. Viki Reath
Ms. Susan Reber
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Redden
Mrs. Nancy S. M. Redpath
Mrs. Alita W. Reed
Mr. Nathaniel P. Reed
Ms. Joanne L. Reeves
Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn Regal
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Regier
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh F. Reichardt
Mr. Andy Reichert
Ms. Elaine Reid
Dr. and Mrs. Laurance Reid
Ms. Anne Marie Reilly
Ms. Elizabeth Reilly
Mr. Joseph A. Reilly
Ms. Maryanne Reilly
Ms. Linda Revell
Mr. Rommy H. Revson
Mr. Clayton S. Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Q. Reynolds
Mr. Patrick Reynolds
Ms. Joyce V. Rhodes
Mrs. Rhoda Rice
Ms. Debbie Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Cedric M. Richeson
Mrs. Lorraine Richter
Ms. Charlotte Riddle
James F. Riddle, M.D.
Mr. Joseph Riden
Mr. Eric A. Rieve
2006 N A R S A D
Ms. Leslyn G. Rigoni
Ms. Joan Riley
Mr. David Ring
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Ring
Roach Family Charity
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Roberts
Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. Roberts
Ms. Linda Topp Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Roberts
Ms. Sheila Roberts
Ms. Barbara R. Robey
Mr. Avrom Robin
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Robinson
Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm Robinson
Patricia D. Robinson Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rocco
Ms. Lucille B. Rocha
Mr. and Mrs. Amelia Rodarte
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Rodden
Dr. and Mrs. Marion Roemer
Lt. Col. David H. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rogovin
Mr. Cliff Rohrabacher
Mrs. Connie Roman
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Romer
Mr. Benjamin Romney
Ms. Elizabeth Romney
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Rooney
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Rose
Ms. and Mrs. Jules Rose
Ms. Lenore E. Rose
Mrs. Frederick Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rosen
Ms. Judith J. Rosen
Mrs. Sally Rosenbaum
Mrs. Carol Rosenbloom
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rosenkranz
Mrs. Julie Rosenthal-McCaffrey
Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Rosh
Ms. Marie Rosner
Mrs. Carol P. Ross
Ms. Susan E. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Ross
Mr. Paul Rossato
Mr. Michael Rossy
Dr. Harold Pincus
and Ms. Ellyn S. Roth
Mr. Thomas R. Roth
Ms. Marcia Rothblum
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Rothenfluch
Mr. Michael Rothman
Mrs. Julia Rothstein
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Rourke
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Rousseau
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rowe
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rowell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Royer
Ms. Maria Royer
Dr. Eugene H. Rubin
Mr. Brian Ruder
Mrs. Susan Ruman
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Rusak
Mrs. Margaret O. Russell
Ms. Julie D. Russo
Mr. and Mrs. Burton T. Ryan
Ms. Catherine E. Ryan
Ms. Dawn Rybak
Ms. Esther Saad
Mr. and Mrs. Rudra Sabaratnam
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sacher
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sacher
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin L. Sachs
Mr. James Sadowski
Ms. Elena Safariants
Virginia C. Saft, M.D.
Ms. Carol Saidel
Mr. Hajime Sakai
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Salamy
Ms. Wilmetta P. Saldin
Ms. Mary Salpukas
Ms. Vicki J. Salsbury
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Saltzman
Mrs. Carol Salzberg
Mr. Louis J. Samels
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Samuels, Jr.
San Marino Psychiatric Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Sanchez
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Sandberg
Ms. Arlene Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Gunter H. Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Sands
Mrs. Carolyn W. Sanger
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sangregario
Mr. Robert N. Sankovich
Mr. Joseph Santapau
Ms. Doreen Saputo
Sarasota Opera Association Inc.
Ms. Sherry A. Sarmiento
Ms. Dorothy Saucy
Sauganash Community Church
Julie & Raymond Savastio
Mr. Benjamin Sawyer
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon L. Sawyer
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schafer
Mr. Jonathan Schaffer
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Schaffer
Ms. Mary M. Schag
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Schanz
Mrs. Jacqueline B. Scharf
Schena Roofing and Sheet Metal
Co., Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Schiller
Mr. Robert Schlanger
Ms. Helen Schlecht
Ms. Nancy A. Leduc
and Mr. Michael H. Schloss
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Schmidt
Ms. Dorothy L. Schnabel
Ms. Luree Schneider
Mr. Arnold M. Schoenfeld
Ruth Kramer Schoenrock
Mrs. Pauline Schonauer
Ms. Eleanor D. Schorr
Ms. Donna Schreiber
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Schroeder
Mr. Ryan Schroeder
Mr. Scott Schroeder
Ms. Heidi Schubert
Seymour Schulman, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Schwartz
Ms. Deborah N. Schwartz
Mr. James Schwartz
Ms. Linda Schwartz
Mr. Martin J. Schwartz
Mr. Raphael E. Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. George G. Schwenk
Mr. Jack Scott
Ms. Christine A. Sears
Lloyd I. Sederer, M.D.
Dr. Melissa P. Sedlis
Mr. John Seitz
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg J. Selander
Ms. Stefanie F. Seldin
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Seleno
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Selig, Jr.
Ms. Klare Selo
Ms. Suzanne D. Sen
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sera
Ms. Bobbie Seril
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Servis
Ms. Patty Sessink
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Sessions, Jr.
Ms. Ruth Setter
Mr. Steven C. Shachat
Mr. David Shapiro
Ms. Esther R. Shapiro
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Shea, II
Ms. Grace M. Sheldon
Ms. Jean C. Sheller
Ms. Marikay Shellman
Mr. Wei Shen
Ms. Deborah Shepherd
Mrs. Mary Shepherd
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Sheridan
Ms. Vivian Sherman
Mr. Geoffrey Sherwood
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Shippey
Shoreline Companies, Inc.
Ms. Juliet Siegel
Ms. Nelda Siemion
Mr. Earl V. Silbar
Ms. Joan M. Silverblatt
and Ms. Marcia Silverblatt
Mrs. Wendy Silverman
Ms. Jeanne Silvers
Mr. David Simanoff
Mr. Donald Simanoff
Ms. Rosa Simmons
Mr. Daniel Simon
Mrs. Phyllis Simon
Ms. Helena Simonds
Ms. Kristen A. Simone
Mr. and Mrs. Corey Simons
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Simpson
Mr. LeAlyn Sims
Frederick & Elizabeth Singer
Ms. Sandra R. Singer
Dr. and Mrs. Ravi P. Singh
Samuel G. Siris, M.D.
Ms. Catherine H. Sisson
Ms. Nancy Skeele
Ms. Pamela Sklar
Ms. Fay Anderson
and Mr. Robert Sklar
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Skog
Ms. Eva T. Slane
Ms. Eleanor B. Slater
Ms. Kelly Slaybaugh
Mr. Sean B. Slepner
and Ms. Mona Yu
Mr. William H. Slike
Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Sloan
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Small
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Smalligan
Mr. Geoffrey B. Smith
Mr. Hugh A. Smith
Ms. Joanna Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Smith
Mr. Craig Smith
and Mrs. Linda J. Smith
Ms. Martha C. Smith
Ms. Pat Smith
Mr. Philip R. Smith
Ms. Rachel Smith
Mr. Ron Smith
Dr. Howard P. Smoller
Mrs. Doreen Smoot
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smothers
Mr. and Mrs. William Snavely
Mr. Stephen Snell
Ms. Karen S. Snepp
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Snyder, III
Ms. Margaret E. Sokol
Ms. Jacqui Solodar
Ms. Millie Solomon
Ms. Kim Solum
Mrs. Margaret Sondler
Mr. Hee K. Song
Mr. Gilbert Soper
Ms. Patricia L. Souza
Ms. Jo-Una Spadafora
Mr. Thomas F. Spande
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Spare
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald K. Speal
Ms. Elizabeth Spear
Ms. Mae S. Sperry
Mr. and Mrs. Neil I. Spielholz
Ms. Anne H. Spurge
Mr. Edward Squier
Ms. Anne St. John
St. Paul Evangelical
Lutheran Church
The St. Paul Travelers
Mrs. Susan W. Stachelberg
Mr. Nick Stack
Mr. J. B. Stackhouse
Mr. John Stackhouse
and Ms. Joan L. Beranbaum
Ms. Pamela J. Stackhouse
Ms. Barbara Stainman
Ms. Jennifer Stancel
Ms. Lucile Stanfield
Ms. Joan Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Stanly
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Stansbury
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Starck
Ms. Marilyn Steele
Mrs. and Mr. Maggy Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stein
Mr. Michael L. Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Steiner
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Steinfels
Mr. Daniel Steinhart
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Steinman
Ms. Nancy R. Steinman
Dr. Devora Steinmetz
Mrs. Barbara K. Steltz
Dr. Giorgio Stendoro
Dr. and Mrs. Melvin Stern
2006 N A R S A D
Mrs. Blanche B. Stevens
Mrs. Patricia Stevenson
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Stevenson
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy B. Stickland
Ms. Patricia L. Stiffler
Ms. Katherine A. Stinson
Mr. Michael Stoaks
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Stolberg
Ms. Joan Stolpen
Mr. Todd Stone
Ms. Karen Stone-McCown
Ms. Laurie Storm
Ms. Patricia A. Stover
Mr. Robert J. Stracks
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fountaine
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Straus
Mr. and Mrs. John Strawbridge
Mr. Andrew Street
Ms. Harriet Streets
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Strittmatter
Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Strobel
Ms. Kerry G. Stubbs
Mr. Frank Su
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sudarsky
Dr. Edward Sukoff
Mr. Jyotheesh Sukumaran
Mr. Timothy C. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sundell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sussman
Mr. Jerry Suter
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Suter
Mr. and Mrs. Tom A. Suter
Ms. Wauneta Suter
Ms. LaDonna Sutton
Mrs. Valerie Swaisland
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Swank
Ms. Carolyn Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swanson
Ms. Margaret Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Cy L. Swartz
Mrs. Gene Swiderski
Mr. Douglas M. Sykes
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Szubryt
Mr. Kevin S. Tait
Dr. Maria A. Taliercio
Mr. John J. Talley
Mr. Bryce G. Tanner
Mr. Dhuanne S. Tansill
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Tanzer
Mr. Ernest Taub
Mr. Joseph A. Taylor
Margaret C. Taylor, Ph.D.
Ms. Margaret H. Taylor
and Mr. Vance R. Parker
Ms. Nancy E. Taylor
Mrs. Marjorie C. Taylor
Mr. Ronald Taylor
Mr. William R. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Tchir
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard W. Teachman
Team Mental Health Services
Mr. Norman Teitelbaum
Ms. Patricia Telkins
Ms. Gladys Telschow
Tennessee Valley Recycling, LLC
Ms. Shirley Terrell
Ms. Mary Thaler
The Teagle Foundation Inc.
Ms. Alberta Thien
Mr. Joshua A. Thoma
Mr. Claude S. Thomas
Dr. Colin G. Thomas, Jr.
Mr. Ernest Thomas
Mr. John C. Thomas
Dr. Joseph P. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Thomas
Ms. Carolyn Thompson
Ms. Glenda Thompson
Jess L. Thompson, M.D.
Ms. Wawa J. Thorson
Mr. James V. Tigani
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Tinsley, lll
Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Tisch
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos A. Tizon
Mr. and Mrs. William Told
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Tollefsen
Mr. and Mrs. Felix Tomei, III
Mr. Henry Tominaga
Mrs. Marianne E. Tompkins
Ms. Kim M. Torres
Dr. Peter M. Torrice
Ms. Linda Tosti
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Tosto
Mr. Robert W. Touchberry
Mr. Robert Towne
Mr. and Mrs. David Tozer
Mrs. Esther F. Trachtman
Mr. and Mrs. Remy W. Trafelet
Ms. Carol R. Trager
Mr. Philip Tremo
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Trentelman
Ms. Gloria A. Tressler
Mr. and Mrs. Mort Trew
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Troschinetz
Mrs. Ilse W. Trumbull
Ms. Gail Tsimprea
Ms. Charlene Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tucker
Mr. Rick Tucker
Ms. Helen Tufaro
Ms. Elaine Tullson
Ms. Valerie K. Turer
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Turgeon
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Turner, Jr.
Turner Hopkins Fund
Ms. Sara Turner
Ms. Adele C. Tursone
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tuson
Mr. Jacob S. Ulczynski
Mr. Heistand S. Underwood
Dr. Leslie G. Ungerleider
and Mr. Robert Desimone
University of Pennsylvania Dept of Psychiatry
Mr. Kurt Unkel
Ms. Virginia Valentine
Ms. Jean H. Vallee
Dr. and Mrs. Jose Vallenas
Mr. John T. Van Aken
Mrs. Clara E. Van Dorn
Ms. Marjean L. Van Eman
Margaret R. Van Horn, M.D.
Ms. Dolphine Van Marcke
Mrs. Pamela Van Rensselaer-Long
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Van Syckle
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Van Zander
Ms. Merry S. Vance
Ms. Elizabeth R. Vanderhorst
Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Vanderwerff
Ms. Barbara Varani
Ms. Elizabeth A. Varkoly
Mr. James B. Vasile
Mrs. Darlene S. Vasi-Williams
Ms. Minelba Velez
Mrs. Barbara Vella
Mr. Scott Velozo
Verfaillie's Shoes, Inc.
Mrs. Joan Vesper
Ms. Carmen R. Victor
Mr. Louis Vlahantones
Ms. Michele Vodev
Ms. Joan K. Vogt
Mr. Thomas F. Vogt
and Ms. Gwen E. Guglielmi
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Volponi
Mr. Kurt J. von Boeselager
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Vroom
Mrs. Samuel B. Vrooman, III
Ms. Marie T. Wackrow
Ms. Meredith Waddell
and Mr. David Kaplan
Mr. Kelly J. Waffle
Ms. Dorothy A. Wagner
Ms. Elizabeth Wagner
Mrs. Joanne Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wain
Ms. Elisabeth Waldburger
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan L. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Walker
Ms. Teresa Walker
Ms. Aviva Walker-Sicard
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Wall
Ms. Patricia A. Wallace
Mr. Sanford Wallenstein
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Walls
Ms. Ann Walnum
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walsh
Ms. Sharron Walter
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Walters
Ms. Teresa Wang
Ms. Lori Warmington
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Warne
Ms. Rita Waterman
Mr. John F. Watkins
Ms. Anne Waugh
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Waxman
Ms. Catherine Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. William Weaver
Mr. Gregory Weber
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Weber
Ms. Margaret C. Weber
Ms. Ruth Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Weidner
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Weil
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Weinberg
Mrs. Valerie Weinbrenner
Ms. Karen Weiner
Mrs. Kathryn E. Weinrich
Mr. Kevin J. Weinrich
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Weinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Will Weinstein
Ms. Janet Weiss
Ms. Karen Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Morry Weiss
Rabbi Richard A. Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. James Welbourne
Mr. and Mrs. Parker Weld
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Wells
Mr. John J. Welter
Mr. Yi Wen
Ms. Linda Werner
Mr. Everett Wessner
Dr. and Mrs. James D. Westhoven
Mr. and Mrs. Harris Weston
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl D. Westphalen
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll R. Wetzel
Richard and Betty Wheaton
Mrs. Virginia Whitcombe
Mr. Allen White
Mr. and Mrs. James R. White
Mr. Joseph M. White
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford White
Mr. Mark White
and Ms. Catherine Fitzgibbons
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. White
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Whiting
Ms. Patricia L. Whitney
Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Whittemore
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Wiggins
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Wilcox
Ms. Cynthia Wiley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wilhelm
Mr. Allan R. Williams
Ms. Annie Williams
Ms. Kim E. Williams
Mr. Myron Williams
Mr. Nathaniel E. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Williams
Mr. Steve Williams
Mrs. Edmund Williamson
Mr. William Willis
Mr. and Mrs. Roger H. Willoughby
Ms. Barbara Wilson
Mr. Robert C. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Winestock
Ms. Elaine K. Winik
Mrs. Jerri Winston
The Herbert and Ruth Winter
Ms. Jo A. Winter
Mr. Ingo Winzer
Mrs. Mary Ann Wisehart
Ms. Patricia T. Wiseman
Mr. Peter Wisner
Mr. Kyle Witczak
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Wittes
Ms. Sarah Woelfel
Mr. Laurence Wohl
Mr. Sudhir Wokhlu
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Wolf
Mr. Richard Wolf
Ms. Ellen Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Wolfe
2006 N A R S A D
Ms. Sydelle Wolfsohn
Ms. Susan J. Lamson
and Mr. Allan B. Wolfson
Ms. Robin Wolfson
Mrs. Ruth S. Wolfson
Ron K. Wolner, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wolosoff
Ms. Jan Woltman
Mr. and Mrs. Kelvin Womack
Ms. Rita Womack
Dr. David Wong
Deborah H. Wong, Ph.D.
Ms. Joy S. Wong
Ms. Betty Wood
Ms. Carolyn Wood
Mrs. Jewell Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woodford
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Woodland
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Woodruff
Mr. Mark Woodson Root
Ms. Mary Woolley
Mr. Randall J. Wormser
Ms. Doris Wortman
Ms. Krista L. Wortman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wright
Mr. and Mrs. David Wright
Ms. Helen Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wright, Jr.
Ms. Susan Wright
Wujek-Calcaterra & Sons, Inc.
Mrs. Marilyn R. Wyatt
Dr. and Mrs. John Wylie
Ms. Joanne Yablonsky
Joel Yager, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Yakamavage
Mr. Mark Yamanaka
Mr. and Mrs. Mahmoud Yasin
Mr. Jeffrey Yen
Ms. Coleen Young
Ms. Deborah Young
Mr. and Mrs. March Young
Ms. Nancy Young
Dr. and Mrs. Steven J. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Yurachek
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Zachary
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Zafran
Mr. Gerald Zahler
Mrs. Maria T. Zamparelli
Ms. Judith Zartman
Ms. Judith J. Zawojewski
Mr. Axel Zdarsky
Ms. Linda J. Zecchino
Mr. Nicholas Zechmann
Ms. Dolly Zeller
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Zenker
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Zenn
Ms. Anne M. Zerrien-Lee
Ms. Susan J. Zerweck
Mr. Ron M. Zettlemoyer
Mr. Yunyue Zhu
Mr. Mark Ziegenhorn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ziegler
Mr. Melvin Zimmerman
and Mrs. Abyna Zimmerman
Mr. Philip Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. William Zimmerman
Ms. Susan E. Bach
and Dr. Edward J. Zoble
Ms. Wendy Zuckerman
Ms. and Mr. Ann Zugelter
2006 N A R S A D
Honor Tributes
Rosalie Alexander
Sara Alford-Morrison
Brian Anderson
Terry Anderson
Jasmine Appleberry
Edward Arvey
Auelta Family
Alisa Ball
Lynne Barber
Neil Barber
Judith and Shale Baskin
Sue Bass
Larry Benenson
Hal Bates
Jerry Berchin
Leslie Berg
Ellen Bernstein
Maria Betancourt
Mary K. Bird
Ted Biro
Don Bottemiller
Larry Brambrut
Ruth Brasser
Manuel L. Brodie
Barbara Brown
Kim Bruning
Sylvan Buchman
Art Buchwald
Bill Burgess
Karol Burnham
Thomas Burton
Irwin Bushman
Jeremiah Callaghan
Marcia Chavez
Scott C. Cline and Family
Thomas B. Coles, M.D.
Paul Cooks
Thomas Davidson
Morley Denbo
Arvilla Denning
Daryl B. Denning
Timothy B.Devanney
David Dillon
Donna Dixon
Lloyd Doering
Clifford Doyle
Jan Durwood
Maureen Durwood
Albert Dworkin
Patricia Ellis
Leonard Ente
Kaci Fairchild
Fran Feigenbaum
Karen Feld
The Fogel Family
Virginia Gates
Mark George
Rebecca Gerig
James E. Gerstner
Lauren Green
Harvey Greenberg
Nancy Greenwood
Bill Griffin
Patricia Griffin
Christine Gurney
Dan Haupt
Ben Healy
Barnett Helzberg
L. J. Henman
Bob Hess
Dan Heyer
James Heyer
David Hinden
Annick Hollister
Raymond M. Hood
Tom Hood
Troy Hood
Ross Hoying
Anne R.Hudson
Kevin Hughes
Jerry Jacobs
Robert Jaunkalns
Nate Jones
Andrew Kahn
Douglas J. Kaiser
Marcia Kaplan
Stephen Kastenberg
Brooke D. Katz
Joel Katz
Patrick J. Kelly
Howard Kristol
Barbara Kuller
Jim Kunen
John Latta
Dr. Leiberman
David Levy
Ellen Levy
Sasha Lickle
Constance Lieber
Erik Lindstrom
Lori Lipman
Adelle Locatelli Blogathon
Erwin Lurie
Christopher M., M.D.
Edward Mackie's Mom
Clair Manson
Kenneth Marcus
Paul Margolis
Richard Marias
Helen S. Mayberg, M.D.
James McAnulty
Allan McCall
Joseph McDonough
Peter McNally
Marshall & Eric McVadon
Mental Health Center
Ruth Michelich
Richard Missner
Jane Novak
John P. O'Reardon
Herbert Pardes, M.D.
Dorothy Peagler
Arthur Peck
Gail Perzia-Whetstone
Lee Peterson
Terry and David Pogue
Kirsten Rabaut
Arthur Radin
Christopher Reed
Ann Rhode
Nick Ridgely
Frank Ring
Roger Rinn
Ira Rose
Kelly Roseberry
Dr. I. Rosenfeld
George Rubin
John Rush
Phyllis Russal
Buzz Savidge
Annie Saylor
Joseph H. Schaffer
Elaine Schirmer
Chancey Schmick
John Schulze
Serenity Center
Fred Simpson
Tammy Skelton
Marvin Slomowitz
Cheryl Smith
Salwa Smith
Samuel Smith
Robert Snyder
Sam Sokolsky-Tifft
Desanka Stipic
Jean Stone
Judy and Bruce Taylor Family
Robert Tominaga
Topp Family
E. Fuller Torrey
Vittorio & Maria Tosti
Virginia Toulmin
David M.Unger
Alexander Van Rensselaer
Jo-Ann Weber
Sandra Wells
Nancy E. Wiley
Bruce E. Williams
Virginia Wyman
Stan & Fern Zimmer
2006 N A R S A D
Memorial Tributes
Logan Adams
Michael A. Adams
Carlo A. Adan
Robert Alderdice
Sebell Alexander
Lenore Allbough
Helen E. Amatangelo
Steven M. Anderson
Jasmine Applebury
Al Arezzi
Frank J. Ascoli
Michel Assael
Nell Bailey
Gregory T. Bak
Esther Baker
Marianne Banerjee
Richard A. Barnett
Maria Barretta
Edwin Bassett
Georgette Battles
Harley Bebir
Lucia Bedarida
Yetta Benson
Bill Berdy
Elena Berinstein
Ben Bernstein
Raj Bhangu
Bill V. Billingslea
James Bistadien
Ken Blacic
Michael Bland
Keith Blanks
Dorothy Bock
Robert C. Brandt
Evan Bromberg
Kim Bruning
Frederick Buie
Eddy Bullingtion
Chantal Marie Burke
Houston Butler
Patrick Butters
Charles Cain
Dan Calhoun
Derek Campbell
Donald Campbell
Stanley Caplan
Erna Carloson
Harold Carver
Laurence Chalfin
Michael Chang
Donalda M. Clark
Donna Clark
Robert Daniel Clifford
Lillian Cohen
Martin Cohen
Mitchell Cohen
Sheila Cohen
Sean Collins
Michael Connolly
Richard Cooper
Lou Copertino
Mickey Corey
Julie Curfman
William Dailey
Winifred Davidson
Moody Davis
Lawrence DeAngelis
Miron Deca
Arvilla Denning
Angela Deraco
Katherine Deschner
Geri Di Maio
Ruth Dickson
Jonathan Dixon
Mitchell Doughty
Hugh Dowling
Edward Doyle
Jerry Driskell
Joseph Ducate
Katherine Dunlap
Alan Dutka
Mary Eckhardt
Hebert Edelstein
Robert Edwalds
W.. N. Edwards
Drew Eggleton
Harold Ehrlich
Dennis Eiselman
Robert Eisen
Sheldon Eldridge
Robert Elliot
Sue Elsberry
Robert Elsey
Sharon Eppard
Beatrice Epstein
Richard Ernst
Elaine Etlinger
Louis Etlinger
Jason Evans
Thomas Evans
Philip Facey
Leslie Falzone
Laura Fast
Francia Feiken
Lionel Felzer
Wayne Fenton
Bernard Ferry
Meredith Fick
Judy Fimbres
Christopher Fiorillo
Gertrude Fontaine
Graham Frevert
Joey Frey
Jason Frisco
Karen From
Aram Gabriel
Cicely Garrick
Lawrence Gates
Joseph Gear
Scattie Gentle
Anna George
T. Edward Giles
Ted R. Giles
Ira Goldman
Nora Goodman
Stephen Grabin
Bill Graeff
Mary Gralnick
Stephen Gray
William Gray
David Green
Margery Greenberg
Fred Gross
Marie Gushurst
Craig Hall
Nicole Hall
Sam Halpern
Carlos Ham
Jerry Hankins
Greg Hanna
Pam Hawkins
Mark Haygreen
James Healy
Carl Heinz
Earl Heinze
Benjamin Hendrickson
Raymond Hibbeln
Daniel Hinden
Eva Hinkley
Anna Hirchak-Ebert
Richard Hoheb
Sophie Holmquist
Philip Holzman
Enid Horowitz
Tad A. Howe Memorial Fund
William Howells
Jessica Howison
Elsie Huber
Linda Hug
Gregory Humes
George Hupkowicz
Todd Husted
Patricia Hutchings
Sharon Hutson
Mark Ikenson
Watson Ingersoll
Betty Isaacs
Nyssa Jacobs
Dean Jacobsen
Arnold Jalef
Sabrina James
Neal Jameson
Alma Jankowsky
Jennifer Jarvis
Claire Jaskula
Helen Johnston
John Joiner
Pamela Jones
Kaley Jordan
Shelley K.
Andrew Kahn
Charles Kalvelage
Sylvan Kaplan
Mike Karbo
Morty Kass
Jeanne Katz
Walter Katz
Claude Kaufman
Howard Kaufman
Mildred Kaufmann
Fran Kay
Florence Kaye
Gertrude Keller
Theresa Kelley
Aileen Kelly
Grant Kendall
Michael Kennedy
Eileen Kennery
Robert Kenney
Eric Kertzner
Virginia Kesner
Dalia Keyser
Frances Khoury
Mariagrazia Kiggen
Norman Kime
Cora Kinserlow
Kirschner Parents
Diana Klingensmith
Rhonda Knotts
Michael Kopach
Joseph and Gene Kraus
Fanny Krems
Blanche Krinsky
Estelle Kulik
Norman Lahti
Terry Laird
Dale Laliberty
John Landmesser
Gloria Landon
Ida Lassow
Charles Lauricella
Charles C. Lawrence
rs. Leader
Ray Ledbury
Nina Leichter
Aunt Lenore
Robert Lester
Brian James Lewin
Jeff Lewis
Michael Lewitz
Beverly Lieblich
Laura Liebman
Nathaniel Liebman
Patricia Linton
Helen Lischner-Call
Scott Loeffler
Elsie Lord
William Lund
Mary Lunney
Corey Lyding
Edmund Lynch
Anita MacDonald
Scott MacDonald
Christopher Mack
Edith MacKennan
Jerome Mactye
Gordon Mader
Sylvia Marcus
Todd Marcus
Paul Margolis
2006 N A R S A D
Memorial Tributes
Anne Marsh
Mrs. Martens
Earnestine Martens
Josephine Mason
Lily Matos
Luella Mattes
Michael Matthews
Kellie Matus
Tom Matye
Travis Matye
Dorothy Mayerson
Robert C. McClain
Rachel Kathleen McClean
Anne McDonald
J. McDowell
Cheryl McKy
Carolyn McNamara
Jenny McPhee
Bert Meadow
Megan Meier
George Melnyk
McCann Melton
Ira Mendell
Gloria Menken
Barbara Merkle
David Merlen
Steven Messer
Mary Meyer
Michael Meyers
Apphia Michelich
Ronald Michelich
Lawrence Milinowicz
Helene and Louis Miller
Hazel Mitchell
Phillip Moio
Stephen Mole
Frances Monaco
Amy Moore
Manny Morganlander
Antonio Morreale
Kathryn Moxley
Vi Mueller
Donna Murphy
Brian Musgrave
Helen Napolitano
Paul Nash
William Nelson
William C. Normand
Daniel Raymond Norsby
Gerald Nuznoff
Nancy O'Connell
Paul O'Leary
Vincent Onorato
Malamud Ovidiu
Carter Owen
Arthur Parante
Judy Parmet
Barbara Parres
Grace Patston
Theresa Paull
Nicole Peal
Geoffrey Pease
Carli Pervis
Michael Peterson
Bonnie Picard
L. Pickett
Gregory Pittner
Michael Poirer
Lindsay Pollack
John Porch
Andrew Premo
Richard Pritchard
Dorothy Proctor
Gordon Pscheidt
Mickey Putnam
Ramez Qureshi
Yvonne Rainey
Panna Rawal
Anthony Razziano
Eric Reath
Charles Reddy
Eleanor Reed
Todd Reuling
Christine Reuter
Amber Reynolds
Bessie Reynolds
Danielle Richardson
Frances Richman
Lawrence Roberson
Brian Roberts
Susan Robinson
Jo-Ann Rockwell
Sydney Rogut
Ruth Roland
Christopher Romagnoli
Brian Rorick
David Rosales
Matthew Rosen
Matt Rothman
Barbara Russell
Edna Ryer
Irwin Sack
Vicent Salvatore
Nilda Sanchez
Leonard Sandler
Donald Sands
Clair and Ben Sauls
Joseph Schachter
Laura Scher
Lorene Schnuriger
Pearl and Joe Segredo
Werner Selo
George Seminary
Jeffrey Senter
Bob Shearer
Brian Sheridan
Kathy Shovlin
Michael Simanoff
Mary Simon
Thomas Smith
Tracey Smith
Adam Brian Snell
Nancy Snyder
Jeanette Soodak
Joey Sorbo
Joan Sorisio
Jimmy Sparks
Maragaret Spindell
Morton Spool
Katherine Stackhouse
Alma Starbuck
Ann Stebelski
Robert Stillmack
Ken Stratton
Pamela Stubbs
Wes Sweetser
Dorothy Swerdlow
Troy Swink
Stephen Tebes
Timothy Teigler
Nathan Toner
James Toscas
Sylvia Toth
Dorothy Tracy
Adam Trott
Michael Uris
Alex R.Van Rensselaer
Eleanor Vekovius
Kathleen Vogle
Jack Volponi
Mary Waddell
Po Wen Wang
Edward Weaver
George Weber
Gerri Weber
David Weidner
Janet A. Weis
Harry Weiss
Art Weissman
Brad Westgate
Heidi Westhoven
Harold Whisler
Thomas C., Whisler
Carolyn White
Diane White
Michael Wieman
Aaron Wiezorek
Matthew Wilkey
Mary Jane Williams
Donald Andrew Willis
Patricia Willis
Richard Wilson
Geri Wisebrot
Steven Witkop
David Witt
Michael Woliner
Agnes Wood
Ryan Woodland
Fred Wright
Brenda Yianokopolous
William Young
Peter W. Zartman
Ellen Zettlemoyer
Gertrude Zurell
David Zurlo
2006 N A R S A D
Independent Auditors’ Repor t
To the Board of Directors of
The National Alliance for Research
on Schizophrenia and Depression, Inc.
and NARSAD Research Institute, Inc.
Great Neck, New York
We have audited the accompanying combined statement of financial position of The National Alliance for Research on
Schizophrenia and Depression, Inc. and NARSAD Research Institute, Inc. (collectively “NARSAD”) as of December 31,
2006, and the related combined statements of activities, functional expenses, and cash flows for the year then ended.
These financial statements are the responsibility of the Organization’s management. Our responsibility is to express
an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We did not audit the financial statements of investment
partnerships and investment companies which represent approximately 24% of NARSAD’s total net assets as of
December 31, 2006 and approximately 17% of NARSAD’s total revenue for the year then ended. Those statements were
audited by other auditors whose reports have been furnished to us, and our opinion, insofar as it relates to the amounts
included for the investments in these investment partnerships and invested companies, is based solely on the reports
of the other auditors.
We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America.
Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes consideration of internal control over financial reporting
as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Organization’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we
express no such opinion. An audit also includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts
and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates
made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit
provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.
In our opinion, the combined financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the combined
financial position of The National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression, Inc. and NARSAD Research
Institute, Inc. as of December 31, 2006, and the changes in its net assets and its cash flows for the year then ended,
in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
Information for the year ended December 31, 2005 is presented for comparative purposes only and was extracted
from the combined financial statements of National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression, Inc. and
NARSAD Research Institute, Inc. for that year on which we expressed an unqualified opinion, dated February 10, 2006.
February 9, 2007
NARSAD Note: As discussed in Note 2 (i) of the Notes to Combined Financial Statements,
extraordinary contributions of $7 million were received in 2005 when the United States government
offered unique tax benefits to spur charitable giving.
For a complete copy of the audited NARSAD Combined Financial Statements and Supplemental Material
please contact the NARSAD office at 800.829.8289 or e-mail: [email protected]
2006 N A R S A D
Financial Statements
Combined Statement of Financial Position
(with comparative totals for 2005)
December 31,
Cash and cash equivalents
Investments, at market or fair value (Notes 2 and 3)
Due from broker (Note 3)
Investment guarantee receivable (Note 3)
Contribution receivable
Pledges receivable, net (Note 4)
Prepaid expenses
Assets held in charitable remainder trusts (Note 5)
Furniture, fixtures, equipment and proprietary information systems, net (Notes 2 and 7)
Security deposits
$ 11,019,371
$ 34,316,745
$ 14,368,798
$ 34,648,527
Liabilities and Net Assets
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Grants payable
Accrued compensation
Line of credit payable (Note 12)
Annuities payable (Note 5)
Charitable gift annuities payable (Note 6)
Total liabilities
Commitments and contingency (Notes 13 and 15)
Net Assets:
Unrestricted (Note 2)
Unrestricted - board designated endowment (Notes 2 and 8)
Temporarily restricted (Notes 2 and 9)
Permanently restricted (Notes 2 and 11)
Total net assets
See accompanying notes to combined financial statements.
$ (7,480,022)
$ 12,509,262
$ 21,677,590
* All administration and fundraising expenses are funded by specially designated grants.
Support and revenue:
Contributions (Note 2)
Contribution of services (Note 14)
Commitment receivable
Net realized and unrealized gains (losses)
on investments
Net appreciation (depreciation) of assets held in
charitable remainder trusts
Dividend and interest income
Annuities due
Net assets released from restrictions (Note 10)
Total support and revenue
Program services:
Research grants and awards
Scientific advancement
Program support
Total program services
Supporting services:
Total supporting services
Total expenses
Change in net assets
Net assets, beginning of year
Net assets, end of year
Year Ended December 31,
Financial Statements
$ 6,723,500
$ 2,567,277
$ 14,320,017
See accompanying notes to combined financial statements.
$ 15,698,602
Combined Statement of Activities
(with comparative totals for 2005)
2006 Notes to Combined Financial Statements
Nature of the Organization
The National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression,
Inc. (“NARSAD”) is a corporation organized in 1981 under the
Commonwealth of Kentucky Not-For-Profit Corporation Act. NARSAD
raises and provides funding for scientific research into the causes,
treatments, prevention and cures of severe mental illnesses, primarily
schizophrenia and depression.
In September 1997, NARSAD Research Institute, Inc. (the “Institute”)
was organized under Section 501(c)(3) of the New York Not-for-Profit
Corporation Law and, therefore, has made no provisions for income
taxes in the accompanying financial statements. In addition, the
Institute has been determined by the Internal Revenue Service not to
be a “private foundation” within the meaning of Section 509(a) of the
Internal Revenue Code. All contributions received by the Institute
are available to NARSAD for grant distribution. The Institute, an organization affiliated with NARSAD, did not have any activity until 1998.
As NARSAD demonstrates both control over and economic interest
in the Institute, the accounts of NARSAD and the Institute (collectively
“NARSAD”) have been consolidated for presentation in these
financial statements.
(d) Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash equivalents represent short-term investments with original
maturities of three months or less.
(e) Investments at Market or Fair Value
Investments consist of U.S. government debt securities, REIT
Preferred Securities, equities and partnerships.
Investments in equity securities with readily determinable market
values and investments in debt securities are valued at their fair
values in the statement of financial position, based on the last
reported sales price on the largest recognized exchange on which
they are traded. Income from investments, including unrealized
gains and losses, dividends and interest are reported in the statement of activities as change in unrestricted net assets.
Investments in partnership interest, without readily determinable
market values, are recorded at their fair value, as determined by
the general partner.
Donated investments are recorded at estimated fair market value
on the date of donation. Securities transactions and related
income and expenses are recorded on a trade date basis.
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
(a) Principles of Combination
The accompanying combined financial statements include
NARSAD and the Institute, which are related through common
board membership, financial control and identical management.
Intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated
in combination.
(b) Basis of Presentation
The financial statements of NARSAD have been prepared on the
accrual basis. In the statement of financial position, assets and
liabilities are presented in order of liquidity or conversion to cash
and their maturity resulting in the use of cash, respectively.
(c) Financial Statement Presentation
The classification of a not-for-profit organization’s net assets and
its support, revenue and expenses is based on the existence or
absence of donor-imposed restrictions. It requires that the
amounts for each of three classes of net assets, permanently
restricted, temporarily restricted, and unrestricted, be displayed
in a statement of financial position and that the amounts of change
in each of those classes of net assets be displayed in a statement
of activities.
(f) Other Than Temporary Impairment of Investments
At December 31, 2006 NARSAD deemed that all securities which
were in an unrealized loss position were temporarily impaired.
Positive evidence considered in reaching NARSAD’s conclusion
that the investments were not other than temporarily impaired
consisted of:
a. There were no specific events which caused concern;
b. NARSAD’s ability and intent to retain the investments for a
sufficient amount of time to allow an anticipated recovery in
value; and
c. NARSAD determined that the changes in market value were
considered normal in relation to the overall fluctuations in
interest rates.
(g) Depreciation and Amortization
The cost of furniture, fixtures and equipment is depreciated over
the estimated useful lives of the assets using the straight-line
method. The estimated useful lives of the assets are as follows:
Furniture and equipment
Proprietary information systems
Leasehold improvements
5 years
5 years
Lesser of 3 years
or term of lease
These classes are defined as follows:
Permanently Restricted — Net assets resulting from contributions and other inflows of assets whose use by NARSAD
is limited by donor-imposed stipulations that neither expire
by passage of time nor can be fulfilled or otherwise removed
by actions of NARSAD.
(ii) Temporarily Restricted — Net assets resulting from contributions and other inflows of assets whose use by NARSAD is
limited by donor-imposed stipulations that either expire by
passage of time or can be fulfilled and removed by actions
of NARSAD pursuant to those stipulations. When such
stipulations end or are fulfilled, such temporarily restricted
net assets are reclassified to unrestricted net assets and
reported in the statement of activities.
(iii) Unrestricted — Board Designated Endowment — Net
assets not restricted by donor-imposed stipulations but
internally restricted by NARSAD for a specific purpose.
(iv) Unrestricted — The part of net assets that is neither permanently nor temporarily restricted by donor-imposed (or internally imposed) stipulations.
It is NARSAD’s policy to capitalize all fixed asset purchases greater
than $1,000.
(h) Income Taxes
NARSAD was incorporated in the State of Kentucky and is exempt
from Federal and state income taxes under Section 501(c)(3) of
the Internal Revenue Code and therefore has made no provision
for income taxes in the accompanying financial statements.
NARSAD has been determined by the Internal Revenue Service
not to be a “private foundation” within the meaning of Section
509(a) of the Internal Revenue Code. There was no unrelated
business income for 2006.
(i) Contributions and Promises to Give
Contributions and promises to give are recorded as revenue when
either unsolicited cash is received or when donors make a promise
to give. Contributions and promises to give are classified as either
unrestricted, temporarily restricted, or permanently restricted
support. In 2005, three significant donors made extraordinary
one-time increased contributions of $7,000,000.
2006 Notes to Combined Financial Statements
(j) Use of Estimates
In preparing financial statements in conformity with accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States of America,
management is required to make estimates and assumptions that
affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and revenues and expenses during the reporting
period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.
As of December 31, 2006, NARSAD has recorded a due from
broker in the amount of $485,393 for trades that were unsettled
at year end.
Unconditional promises to give that are expected to be collected
within one year are recorded at their net realizable value. Unconditional promises to give that are expected to be collected in future years
are recorded at present value of estimated future cash flows.
Conditional promises to give are not included as support until such
time as the conditions are substantially met.
(k) Functional Allocation of Expenses
The cost of providing the various programs and other activities
have been summarized on an individual basis in the statement of
activities. Accordingly, certain costs have been allocated around
the programs and supporting services benefited.
Included in pledges receivable are the following unconditional
promises to give:
(l) Comparative Financial Information
The financial statements include certain prior year summarized
comparative information. Such information does not include sufficient detail to constitute a presentation in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Accordingly, such information
should be read in conjunction with the prior year financial statements from which the summarized information was derived. With
respect to the statement of activities, the prior year information is
not presented by net asset class. With respect to the statement of
functional expenses, the prior year functional expenses are presented in total but not by functional classification.
December 31,
Pledges receivable
Discount at 6.00%
Net present value
of pledges receivable
Amounts due in:
Less than one year
One to five years
Effect of Recently Issued Accounting Pronouncements
In September 2006, the Financial Accounting Standards Board
(“FASB”) issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
(“SFAS”) No. 157, “Fair Value Measurements”. This standard clarifies the definition of fair value for financial reporting, establishes
a framework for measuring fair value and requires additional
disclosures about the use of fair value measurements. SFAS No.
157 is effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years
beginning after November 15, 2007 and interim periods within
those fiscal years. As of December 31, 2006, NARSAD does not
believe the adoption of SFAS No. 157 will impact the amounts
reported in the financial statements. However, additional disclosures will be required about the inputs used to develop the
measurements of fair value and the effect of certain of the
measurements reported in the statement of income for a fiscal
December 31,
U.S. government
debt securities
REIT Preferred
$ 4,706,497 $ 4,692,079
Partnerships - pooled
investments * 2,000,000
$15,878,737 $18,802,753
$ 2,888,216 $ 2,776,063
$13,848,717 $16,146,068
One partnership investment is covered by a contribution agreement whereby a contributor personally guarantees that
NARSAD’s return will be equal to the invested amount plus interest thereon, compounded at an annual rate of six percent. As of
December 31, 2006, there was no amount recorded as a receivable under such agreement.
Assets Held in Charitable Remainder Trusts
A liability has been recorded for the present value of the future cash
flows expected to be paid to the life tenants over their estimated lives.
In each taxable year of the trust, the trustee shall pay to the donor during their lifetime, a unitrust amount equal to the lesser of (a) the net
income of the trust for the taxable year, or (b) six percent (6%) of the
fair market value of the assets of the trust valued as of the first day of
each taxable year of the trust (the “valuation date”). Thus, as the market value of the respective trusts fluctuates, so do the annuities
payable to the life tenants, less any payments made. As of December
31, 2006, the present value of future payments due to the life tenants
amounted to $1,464,791.
NARSAD’s investments are summarized as follows:
During 1994, two charitable remainder annuity trusts were established
naming NARSAD as both trustee of the assets maintained in trust and
the recipient of all remainder assets after the death of the respective
donors and/or their beneficiaries (the “life tenants”). Each donor put
certain assets in trust from which NARSAD, in its role as trustee,
remits annuity payments to the life tenants, until such a time that the
life tenants are deceased. Upon the death of the life tenants, all
principal and income of the trusts will be distributed to NARSAD.
As of December 31, 2006, the fair value of net assets held for
charitable remainder trusts amounted to $2,620,308.
Investments at Fair or Market Value
Pledges Receivable, Net
Charitable Gift Annuities
Under the Charitable Gift Annuity agreement, donors make contributions in exchange for a promise to receive a fixed amount over a specified period of time, usually the life of donor or beneficiary. During the
term of the agreement, NARSAD acts as custodian of these funds,
whereby the asset and the net present value of the related liability are
reflected in the statement of financial position. After the term of the
agreement, the remaining assets belong to NARSAD. At December 31,
2006, the Charitable Gift Annuity investment account had a fair market
value of $1,315,668 and the related liability amounted to $524,307.
2006 Notes to Combined Financial Statements
Furniture, Fixtures, Equipment and Proprietary Information
Systems, Net
Furniture, fixtures, equipment and proprietary information systems,
stated at cost, consists of the following:
December 31,
Furniture and equipment
Proprietary information systems
Leasehold improvements
Total furniture, fixtures,
equipment and proprietary
information systems
Less: Accumulated depreciation
and amortization
Furniture, fixtures, equipment,
and proprietary information
systems, net
Unrestricted Board Designated Endowment
In 2000, the Board of Directors established an endowment fund for
the benefit of NARSAD and the Institute. The use of principal is to be
retained for future growth and income may be applied periodically to
current projects at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Included in
the endowment fund are investments with a cost basis as of December
31, 2006 of $12,509,262.
Temporarily Restricted Net Assets
Temporarily restricted net assets represent contributions received and
certain income related to the following:
10. Net Assets Released from Restrictions
Temporarily restricted net assets were released from donor restrictions by incurring expenses satisfying the restricted purpose as
Mental Illness Research Award Fund
The Mental Illness Research Award Fund was established in 1987 from
the San Diego Alliance for the Mentally Ill. Investment income earned
annually is restricted by the donor for use in research. The funds may
be invested, at the discretion of the Finance Committee, in fixed
income and equity securities.
Administrative Endowment Fund
The Administrative Endowment Fund was established in 1988 to fund
administrative expenses for support of research in schizophrenia and
12. Line of Credit Payable
In 2004, NARSAD established a line of credit with a bank of up to
$2,000,000, payable at various interest rate options. At December 31,
2006, $2,000,000 was outstanding on the line of credit. This line of
credit was fully repaid January 8, 2007.
13. Concentrations of Credit Risk
Financial instruments which potentially subject NARSAD to concentrations of credit risk consist principally of temporary cash investments. NARSAD places its temporary cash investments with high
quality financial institutions and, by policy, limits the amount of credit
exposure to any one institution. At times, such investments may be in
excess of FDIC insurance limits.
14. Volunteer Services
In 2006, NARSAD’s Scientific Council contributed services of
$766,852, which is reflected in the program support in the combined
statement of activities. NARSAD’s Scientific Council consists of a
group of scientists who are leaders in neuroscience and psychiatry.
These volunteers primarily review research grants and projects on
behalf of NARSAD.
Additionally, a substantial number of individuals volunteer significant
amounts of their time to NARSAD’s fundraising and other activities;
the value of these contributed services is excluded since they do not
meet criteria for financial statement recognition.
11. Permanently Restricted Net Assets
15. Commitments and Contingency
Permanently restricted net assets are comprised of the following:
Lease Commitments
December 31, 2006
Research Endowment Fund
Endowed Research Partnership Program
Mental Illness Research Award Fund
Administrative Endowment Fund
Research Endowment Fund
The Research Endowment Fund was established by donors to accumulate endowments. These funds may be invested, at the discretion
of NARSAD’s Finance Committee, in fixed income and equity
In accordance with donor restrictions, a portion of the principal, in the
amount of $1,000,000, is to remain preserved in this fund until a cure
for schizophrenia is found. Investment income is restricted by the
donor for use in research.
Endowed Research Partnership Program
The Endowed Research Partnership Program was established in 2003
to support the Research Partnership Program.
NARSAD currently leases office space in Great Neck, New York. The
lease calls for a base rent, payment of certain operating expenses
and future increases based on the Consumer Price Index. In addition,
NARSAD also leases office equipment located in Great Neck,
New York.
Future minimum rental commitments as of December 31, 2006 are
as follows:
Rent expense under all operating leases was $174,584 in 2006.
As described in Note 11, NARSAD preserves certain endowments,
which, in the event a cure for schizophrenia is found, would be required
to be forwarded to organizations either specified by the donor or at the
discretion of NARSAD’s Board of Directors. As of December 31, 2006,
such endowments amounted to $1,000,000 and are included as permanently restricted net assets in the accompanying statement of financial position.
Of ficers and Directors
Hal B. Hollister
Co-Founder, NARSAD Artworks
Constance E. Lieber
New York
President, Essel Foundation
President Emeritus
Gwill Newman
New Mexico
Retired President, Brain Research Foundation,
University of Chicago
Vice Presidents
Joel Gurin
New York
J. Robert Peterson
The Peterson Foundation
Jeanne P. Robertson
Chairperson, McLean National Council
Sheila Rabaut,
Kiliaen Drackett Van Rensselaer
New York
Executive Director, National Marketing,
Cingular Wireless
Matthias B. Bowman
New York
Private Investor
Nella L. Domenici, Esq.
New York
Carolyn Hamilton
President, NAMI Metropolitan Houston
Helen S. Hintz
New Jersey
John B. Hollister
CEO, EEG Spectrum International, Inc.
David Maltz
Maltz Family Foundation
Lawrence G. Mohr, Jr.
Founder, Mohr, Davidow Ventures
Robert M. Pestronk
Health Officer, Genesee County
Director, Genesee County Health Department
Liz Robbins
New York/District of Columbia
President, Liz Robbins Associates
Marylou Selo
New York
President, Werner Alfred Selo Foundation
Garen Staglin
Chairman and CEO, eOne Global
Jean Stone
New York
Past President, Mental Health Association
of Westchester County
Harriet Vicente
New York
Harriet and Esteban Vicente Foundation
Mary Wallace
New York
Robert S. Warshaw, Esq.
New York
Trustee, Renate, Hans and Maria Hofmann Trust
Trustee, Harriet and Esteban Vicente Foundation
Executive Director
Stephen G. Doochin
New York
National Leadership Council
NARSAD’s National Leadership Council is a volunteer group bringing the message of new hope through
research to communities throughout the United States in private and public gatherings.
Edward Arvey
Thomas B. Coles, Jr., M.D.
Marvin L. Higgins
Jean McDaniel
Ellen and Howard Schusterman
John W. Stackhouse
Dr. Sander Abend
Amy Alexander
Philip P. Ardery
Robert Asher and Maureen Schoenbeck
Margaret and Allan Atherton
Martha and Robert Atherton
Bevinn Badenhausen
Susan Barenholtz
Judy Baskin
Barbara and Michael J. Bass
Linda L. Bauer
Effie D. Beeman
Sylvia and P. Bruce Benzler
Chris Berrettini
Judith and Howard Boasberg
Robert O. Boorstin
Susan Bourget and Dr. Peter Coles
Terrance Brennan
Penny Burton
Beverly and David Cardwell
James I. Crawford
The Hon. Susan Crosby
Audrey Curtis
Connie Donahoe
Elaine M. Edwards
Nancy and Ralph Everitt
Mary Ellen Falk
Frederick Findlen, D.M.D
Roger Goldman and Stephanie Riven
Audrey and Arthur N. Greenberg
Lucie Hinden
Suzanne and Charles Hoyt
Paul Huffman
D.J. Jaffe
Tom F. Jordan, Jr.
Miriam E. Katowitz and Arthur Radin
Maria Lewis Kussmaul
Mary Kyle
Roxanne and Guy Lanquetot
Bill Lichtenstein and June Peoples
John M. Lizzul
Ann and Richard J. Madigan
Marlene Mieske and Neal Goldman
Dominique Moir
Edith Dent Moore
Carol and Richard J. Orr
Janet Paleo
Lucia and S. Giles Payne
Dr. Arthur Peck
John P. Pfouts
Jean and Peppino Puleo
Arthur Rand and Sandra Hart Rand
Viki Reath
M. Bonny Redlich
Dr. Henry Sadovsky and Jane Mastro Sadovsky
Joyce Schut
Carolyn Scripps
Dr. Sherman and Ellen Shapiro
Lilian Sicular
Geoffrey Simon
Joyce Tate
Sallie and Alex Van Rensselaer
Carolyn Wehner
Beverly and Kurt Weil
Nancy Wilkey
Dr. Martin and Nancy Willick
Stuart J. Winston
Kathy and James N. Zartman
Scientific Council
Herbert Pardes, M.D.
NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital
Vice President Emeritus
Floyd E. Bloom, M.D.
Scripps Research Institute
George K. Aghajanian, M.D.
Yale University
Huda Akil, Ph.D.
University of Michigan
Nancy C. Andreasen, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Iowa
Jay M. Baraban, M.D., Ph.D.
The Johns Hopkins University
Jack D. Barchas, M.D.
Cornell University
Samuel H. Barondes, M.D.
University of California, San Francisco
Francine M. Benes, M.D., Ph.D.
Harvard University
Wade H. Berrettini, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Pennsylvania
Randy D. Blakely, Ph.D.
Vanderbilt University
Pierre Blier, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Ottawa
Robert W. Buchanan, M.D.
University of Maryland
Peter F. Buckley, M.D.
Medical College of Georgia
William E. Bunney, Jr., M.D.
University of California, Irvine
William F. Byerley, M.D.
University of California, San Francisco
Marc G. Caron, Ph.D.
Duke University
William T. Carpenter, Jr., M.D.
University of Maryland
B.J. Casey, Ph.D.
Cornell University
Cameron S. Carter, M.D.
University of California, Davis
Dennis S. Charney, M.D.
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Bruce M. Cohen, M.D., Ph.D.
Harvard University
Jonathan D. Cohen, M.D., Ph.D.
Princeton University/University of Pittsburgh
Edwin H. Cook, M.D.
University of Illinois at Chicago
Joseph T. Coyle, M.D.
Harvard University
J. Raymond DePaulo, Jr., M.D.
The Johns Hopkins University
Ariel Y. Deutch, Ph.D.
Vanderbilt University
Wayne C. Drevets, M.D.
National Institute of Mental Health
Ronald S. Duman, Ph.D.
Yale University
Jan A. Fawcett, M.D.
University of New Mexico
Alan Frazer, Ph.D.
University of Texas, San Antonio
Robert R. Freedman, M.D.
University of Colorado at Denver Health Sciences Center
J. John Mann, M.D.
Columbia University
Elliot S. Gershon, M.D.
University of Chicago
Helen S. Mayberg, M.D.
Emory University
Mark A. Geyer, Ph.D.
University of California, San Diego
Robert W. McCarley, M.D.
Harvard University
Alexander H. Glassman, M.D.
Columbia University
Bruce S. McEwen, Ph.D.
The Rockefeller University
Frederick K. Goodwin, M.D.
George Washington University
Paul R. McHugh, M.D.
The Johns Hopkins University
Anthony A. Grace, Ph.D.
University of Pittsburgh
Herbert Y. Meltzer, M.D.
Vanderbilt University
Paul Greengard, Ph.D.
The Rockefeller University
Bita Moghaddam, Ph.D.
University of Pittsburgh
Stephan Heckers, M.D.
Vanderbilt University
Dennis L. Murphy, M.D.
National Institute of Mental Health
Rene Hen, Ph.D.
Columbia University
Charles B. Nemeroff, M.D., Ph.D.
Emory University
Fritz A. Henn, M.D., Ph.D.
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Eric J. Nestler, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
Robert M. A. Hirschfeld, M.D.
University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston
Steven M. Paul, M.D.
Indiana University
Steven E. Hyman, M.D.
Harvard University
Godfrey Pearlson, M.D.
Yale University
Robert B. Innis, M.D., Ph.D.
National Institute of Mental Health
Daniel S. Pine, M.D.
National Institute of Mental Health
Lewis L. Judd, M.D.
University of California, San Diego
Michael I. Posner, Ph.D.
University of Oregon
Peter W. Kalivas, Ph.D.
Medical University of South Carolina
Robert M. Post, M.D.
Pennsylvania State Hospital
Eric R. Kandel, M.D.
Columbia University
Pasko Rakic, M.D., Ph.D.
Yale University
Richard S.E. Keefe, Ph.D.
Duke University
Judith L. Rapoport, M.D.
National Institute of Mental Health
Samuel J. Keith, M.D.
University of New Mexico
Carolyn B. Robinowitz, M.D.
Georgetown University/George Washington University
Martin B. Keller, M.D.
Brown University
Bryan L. Roth, M.D., Ph.D.
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Kenneth S. Kendler, M.D.
Virginia Commonwealth University
John L. R. Rubenstein, M.D., Ph.D.
University of California, San Francisco
James L. Kennedy, M.D.
University of Toronto
Elaine Sanders-Bush, Ph.D.
Vanderbilt University
Robert M. Kessler, M.D.
Vanderbilt University
Alan F. Schatzberg, M.D.
Stanford University
Kenneth K. Kidd, Ph.D.
Yale University
Nina R. Schooler, Ph.D.
Georgetown University
Rachel G. Klein, Ph.D.
New York University
Philip Seeman, M.D., Ph.D.
University of Toronto
John H. Krystal, M.D.
Yale University
Solomon H. Snyder, M.D.
The Johns Hopkins University
James F. Leckman, M.D.
Yale University
John S. Strauss, M.D.
Yale University
Robert H. Lenox, M.D.
University of Pennsylvania
John A. Talbott, M.D.
University of Maryland
David A. Lewis, M.D.
University of Pittsburgh
Carol A. Tamminga, M.D.
University of Texas Southwestern
Medical Center at Dallas
Jeffrey A. Lieberman, M.D.
Columbia University
Robert C. Malenka, M.D., Ph.D.
Stanford University
Husseini K. Manji, M.D.
National Institute of Mental Health
Ming T. Tsuang, M.D., Ph.D.
University of California, San Diego
Leslie G. Ungerleider, Ph.D.
National Institute of Mental Health
Nora D. Volkow, M.D.
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Daniel R. Weinberger, M.D.
National Institute of Mental Health
“NARSAD is unique because it funds only breakthrough, cutting-edge,
innovative research. NARSAD grants enable up-and-coming scientists
to gatherpilot data which can then be parlayed into significantly larger
grants, and allow more senior investigators to branch out into new
and exciting areas…and that’s really extraordinary.”
Thomas R. Insel, M.D.
Director, National Institute of Mental Health
The Mental Health Research Association
60 Cutter Mill Road, Suite 404, Great Neck, NY 11021
516.829.0091 • 800.829.8289 • www.narsad.org