Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time September 4, 2016 “Let your face shine upon your servant; and teach me your laws” - Ps. 119:135 Sept. 3, First Saturday, St. Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church 12:05 Deceased friends in the United States 5:15 Essie Mae Rubin Sept. 4, Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 Pro Populo - For the People of the Parish 9:30 Agnes Mc Morris 11:00 Luigi Ranalli and Family 12:30 Tomasa Lazaro 6:30 Pro Populo - For the People Sept. 5, Monday, Weekday St. Teresa of Calcutta, Religious 9:00 Dr. John J. Leahy Sept. 6, Tuesday, Weekday 7:15 Margaret Collins 12:05 Elizabeth Masi Sept. 7, Wednesday, Weekday 7:15 Josephine Campellone 12:05 Mary Harvey Sept. 8, Thursday, The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary 7:15 Barbara Yuengling 12:05 Joseph Flaherty Sept. 9, First Friday, St. Peter Claver, Priest 7:15 Dr. Gerrit Ludwig 12:05 Charles Madeksiak Sept. 10, First Saturday, Weekday, BVM 12:05 James J. Marquardt 5:15 Angela Pachioli Sept. 11, Twenty-Forth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 Pro Populo - For the People of the Parish 9:30 Arthur Quici 11:00 Jackie Egan 12:30 Simonita Echavarria 6:30 Pro Populo - For the People Dear Parishioners, Monday, September 5, 2016 is Labor Day. Mass will be celebrated in the Cathedral Chapel at 9:00 AM. Following Mass, everyone is invited to the Queen of Apostles Garden directly behind the Basilica to pray the Holy Rosary. The Basilica and the Parish Office are closed on Labor Day. Monday is also the Memorial of our new Saint, Saint Teresa of Calcutta. Let us ask Saint Teresa to help us to know our greatest work is what we do for the Lord and others. Archbishop Charles Chaput invites all parishes and communities throughout the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to observe the Memorial of Saint Peter Claver, this September 9, 2016, as a Day of Prayer for Peace in Our Communities. This initiative of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops responds to the pressing need for civil dialogue with regard to race relations, restorative justice, mental health, economic opportunity and gun violence. Prayer is a first step in this dialogue. If possible, participate in Holy Mass this Friday for the intention of peace in our communities. Join this intention to your personal prayers. Also, consider observing a voluntary day of fasting and abstinence for this most important intention. Saint Peter Claver, pray for us! Next Sunday, September 11, 2016, Archbishop Charles Chaput will be the celebrant and homilist at the 11:00 AM Solemn Mass in the Basilica. This is the occasion for the men and women Religious Jubilarians in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to come together and give thanks on special anniversaries of their consecrated lives. Everyone is welcome to this Mass and also asked to pray for the Jubilarians. This annual celebration is a reminder to all of us of the gift of Religious Life in the Church and to promote this vocation whenever possible. The seats for the Jubilarians for this Mass will be reserved toward the front of the Basilica. The Cathedral Parish Choir will sing this Mass and so resume singing each Sunday. As a parish community, we are reaching out to all of our students in elementary and high school and to their families with a new enthusiasm. Please see the information in the Parish Bulletin for these students and their families to participate as a group in the Anticipated Mass on Saturday, September 17, 2016 in the Basilica. At this time, the students will receive a special blessing for the beginning of the new school year. Let us keep our students in our prayers during these first days of school. The second collection at Mass next Sunday will be directed to the national collection for the Black and Indian Missions. Thank you so very much for all of your goodness and generosity to the Cathedral Parish in so many ways and to the Catholic Charities Appeal. God bless you, Father Dennis Gill -1- 062 cathd HOLY DOOR OF MERCY / LA PUERTA SANTA The Holy Door in the Cathedral Basilica is Open / Está abierta Weekdays/Lu-Vi 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM Saturdays/Sa 9:00 AM - 6:30 PM Sundays/Do 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM To learn more, visit / para mayor información visite: & HOSPICE SUNDAY NEXT WEEKEND Please remember to bring your food donations for St. John’s Hospice. Please br ing all items to Mass and leave them in the Sacristy. Your recent donations were very much appreciated. Thank you for your continued generosity, God bless you. The Sanctuary Lamp Candle burns this week in the Cathedral Basilica For: Jay N. Baker From: Nicholas & Louise Pascale The Sanctuary Lamp Candle burns this week in the Cathedral Chapel For: Carrie Lyons Donations are accepted for intentions for the Sanctuary Lamp in the Basilica and the Cathedral Chapel. This candle burns perpetually as a reminder that Jesus is truly and really present in the tabernacle. If you wish to make the suggested donation of fifteen dollars for an intention for a Sanctuary Lamp, you may contact the Parish Office directly or place your intention and offering in the collection basket. Readings for Mass for this Week Please see the website of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Las lecturas de la semana están disponibles en el enlace de arriba PARISH FINANCIAL SUPPORT AUGUSTINE’S BROTHERS Augustine’s Brothers is a suppor t accountability group for men who struggle with pornography as well as other excessive sexual behaviors. Many men try to break themselves of this habit/addiction alone and fail time after time. This is something that cannot be done alone. The chains of bad habits and addiction are heavy but with God’s grace and the support of other men who understand the struggle, you can break the chains! YOU ARE NOT ALONE. You can find the freedom and peace to become the man God created you to be. Augustine’s Brothers meets weekly in the Neumann Room on Tuesday nights at 7:00 PM. All inquiries are kept in strict confidentiality and one’s wish to remain anonymous is highly respected. There is no need for registration, just come and join us. For information visit: or call 800-348-0758. The Financial Support of the Cathedral Parish is the duty of our parishioners. Here at the Cathedral Parish we are greatly supported as well by our many visitors. The Offertory Collection for Sunday, 8/28/16 was $10,036. This generosity demonstrates the support, interest and encouragement of so many for the ministry and service of the Cathedral Parish to carry out the work of the Gospel. Thank you very much for your generous financial support. From September 28th through November 5th, local churches will sign up parishioners for a peaceful prayer vigil, Monday through Saturday, 8 AM to 5 PM at Planned Parenthood, 12th & Locust Streets in Philadelphia. Please call the Parish Office to register for our Parish vigil which will take place on Por favor llame a la oficina parroquial para inscribirse a la vigilia pacifica por la protección a la vida que se llevará a cabo en Oct. 27 al frente de Planned Parenthood 12 y Locust en Filadelfia. Ora por los niños no nacidos! Please remember these parishioners and friends of the Cathedral Parish in your prayers/ Ora por los enfermos: Nick Capozio, Nancy Cantwell, Fred Hankinson, Renee Kenny, Thomas J. Kenny, Stacey Smit, Joan Ozga, Anadelia Cacique, Alis de Pachecho, JoAnn Stein, Francis Pham, Ita Creavin, William Spiro, Scott Towers, James Duffin, Daniel Moyer Sr., Andrew Marconi, James Pinto, James Ross, Pearl Hammond, Loretta Braccili, Dorothy Tomassini, Pam Buccelli, Barbara Denny, Charlotte McLaughlin, Amberlyn Boland, Wendy Cornel, Michelle, Oscar Rodriguez, Enrique Rodriguez, Linda Watson, Randy Burbage, Rosa Maria Santos, Amy Fife, Theodore Barry, M.D., Marissa Kostrzewa, David Kaplan, Marilyn Mullen, Kathleen Aponik, April DeMatto, Paula Cohen, Janice Holshin, Lauri Mitchell, Maryann Healy, Darren Gardner, Barbara Elaine, Nicholas Tiziano, Christopher Browne, and those in nursing homes or hospitals and all the sick.. Please call the Parish Office with the name of anyone who is sick, to be included in our prayer list. Por favor llamar a la oficina parroquial para añadir a la lista los nombres de personas que estén enfermas. -2- 062 cathd What’s Happening at the Parish Outside the Liturgical Schedule Sept. 5 The Cathedral Basilica & Parish Office will be closed & the Chapel will close after 9:00am Mass. Following Mass, everyone is invited to the Queen of Apostles Garden directly behind the Basilica to pray the Holy Rosary. Sept. 6 Augustine’s Brothers Prayer and Support group for Men, Neumann Room, 7:00 PM Sept. 7 Charismatic Prayer Group Neumann Room, 6:00 PM VIVIENDO LA CORRESPONSABILIDAD Un cambio de corazón ¿Por qué dice Jesús que debemos preferirlo a él por encima de madre, padre, cónyuge e hijos para poder ser sus discípulos? Jesús sabe que, como seres humanos, a menudo nos aferramos a relaciones y posesiones, y quiere advertirnos que será casi imposible ser sus discípulos si esas cosas llegan a ocupar el lugar que debería tener Dios en nuestro corazón. Piensa en estos ejemplos: la mujer que pone toda su atención en sus hijos e ignora al esposo; el hombre que se pasa todas las tardes y fines de semana bebiendo; la persona que lo acapara todo como para compensar la pérdida o carencia de relaciones. Tales desplazamientos, si se llegan a convertir en hábitos, pueden alejar a las personas de Dios. Ir a Misa regularmente, orar con frecuencia y guardar los mandamientos son hábitos excelentes; pero no nos acercan a Dios, a no ser que Dios pase a ocupar de nuevo el primer lugar en nuestro corazón. Ésa es la verdadera conversión, que muchas veces podría realizarse drásticamente, pero por lo regular suele darse en el esfuerzo diario de reorganizar nuestra vida. La Corresponsabilidad Vivida Ahora Haz un espacio en tu casa y pon un crucifijo, una estatua o cuadro de la Virgen María y de algunos santos. Añade además fotos de personas que son especiales para ti. Reza en ese lugar diariamente. Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. RETIRO ESPIRITUAL CATOLICO Spirituality Center, 1140 King Rd. Immaculata, PA 19345 Del 16 al 18 de septiembre, 6:00 PM “Fuiste creado para amar y ser amado” No te lo puedes perder, no olvides invitar a tus amigos, familiares y vecinos PUNTO DE ENCUENTRO: IGLESIA SAN JOSE 404 Charles St. Coatesville PA 19320 - 6:00 PM LAZOS DE AMOR MARIANO Totus Tuus VENID A MI TODOS LOS QUE ESTAN FATIGADOS Y SOBRECARGADOS Y OS DARE DESCANSO (MT.11:28) PARA MAS INFORMES: 484-356-7994 / 610-812-7822 / 484-467-8351 WWW.LAZOSDEAMORMARIANO.NET Conferencia para Mujeres Católicas. Madre de la Misericordia, haz nuestros corazones como el tuyo. Sábado 29 de Octubre del 2016, 8:30 AM a 4:00 PM. Santuar io de Nuestra Señora de Czestochowa - 654 Ferry Rd, Doylestown, PA Profundice en su fe • Experimente la tierna misericordia de Dios a través de la Misa, Confesión, Adoración y servicios de oración de la Divina Misericordia • Encuentre descanso y renovación • Visite las exhibiciones • Reciba la indulgencia plenaria del Año Jubilar de la Misericordia al entrar por la puerta del Santuario. Conferencista: Lucia Luzaondo, J.D, Arquidiócesis de San Antonio, Ministerio de Renovación Familiar. Celebrante principal de la Santa Misa: Arzobispo Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. Hay becas disponibles, contacte a [email protected] ó 215-667-2820. Para mayor información y para registrarse visite Regístrese pronto, los cupos se están agotando! Queridos Feligreses, El lunes 5 de Septiembre, 2016 es el día del trabajo. La Misa será celebrada en la Capilla a las 9:00 AM; después de la Misa todos están invitados a rezar el Santo Rosario en el jardín de la Reina de los Apóstoles el cual está ubicado detrás de la Basílica. La Basílica y la oficina parroquial estarán cerradas ese día y la Capilla será cerrada después de la Misa. El lunes también será el día de conmemoración de nuestra nueva santa, Santa Teresa de Calcuta. Pidámosle a Santa Teresa que nos ayude a saber que nuestro mejor trabajo es el que hacemos por el Señor y por los demás. El Arzobispo Charles Chaput ha invitado a todas las parroquias y comunidades de la Arquidiócesis de Filadelfia a observar la conmemoración de San Pedro Claver este 9 de Septiembre como día de oración por la paz en nuestras comunidades. En lo posible por favor acuda a la Santa Misa este viernes, ore y ofrezca un día de ayuno y abstinencia por esta importante causa. San Pedro Claver, ruega por nosotros! El próximo 11 de Septiembre el Arzobispo Chaput celebrará la Misa solemne en la Basílica a las 11:00 AM. Esta es la ocasión para que los hombres y mujeres Religiosos de la arquidiócesis de Filadelfia se reúnan en acción de gracias por los aniversarios de su vida consagrada. Todos están invitados a participar en la Misa y pedimos que oren por los Religiosos. Esta celebración anual nos recuerda que la vida Religiosa en la Iglesia es un gran regalo y, siempre que sea posible, su debemos promover esta vocación. Habrá espacios reservados al frente para aquellos Religiosos que estén celebrando un aniversario. El coro de la parroquia cantara en esta Misa y continuara cantado cada domingo después del breve descanso que tuvo durante el verano. Les pedimos a todos los estudiantes de primaria y secundaria y a sus familias que miren la información en este boletín respecto a la Misa del 17 de septiembre en la Basílica en la cual los estudiantes recibirán una bendición especial por el comienzo de este nuevo año escolar. La segunda colecta de la Misa el próximo domingo será dirigida a la colecta nacional para las misiones de Negros e Indígenas. Muchísimas gracias por su bondad y generosidad con la parroquia de la Catedral y con la Campaña Anual para las Caridades Católicas. Dios los bendiga, -3- 062 cathd Padre Dennis Gill THE NEXT CATECHETICAL SESSION FOR ADULTS WILL BEGIN ON September 15, 7:00 PM Meeting in the Neumann Room Upcoming Events for the Young Adults at the Cathedral Parish Catechetical topic for Session 1: Friday Evening Bible Study: We ar e adjusting Bible Study back to EVERY OTHER Friday evening from 7:008:30pm in the Neumann Room (r oom entr ance is fr om the outside on the backside of the church). Our group gathers to reflect on the readings and the Psalm for the upcoming Sunday. We look forward to having you join us. Our next Bible Study will take place on September 16. The weekly catechetical session is primarily for the adults among us who are preparing to receive the Easter Sacraments. However, anyone interested in the topic for better understanding and faith formation is most welcome to attend. Anyone, especially our parishioners, seeking more information on the reception of the Sacraments or assisting as a sponsor, please call the Parish Office. DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE CATHOLIC FAITH? The Cathedral Parish offers year round opportunities for people seeking more information about the Catholic Faith, the Sacraments and living the Christian Life. These opportunities are for adults who would like to inquire about following Jesus and becoming a member of the Catholic Church, or, if you are already a baptized Christian and would like to become a Catholic, or, if you are already a baptized Catholic and would like to receive Confirmation and Holy Communion. There are many people like yourself inquiring, and we are ready to answer your questions. Please contact the Parish Office for more information. (215)561-1313 Jubilee Year of Mercy Rosary on the Feast of the Holy Rosary ~La Fiesta del Santo Rosario~ Friday, October 7, 2016 at 7:00 PM Viernes, Octubre 7, 2016, 7:00 PM Join hundreds of others at the Cathedral in the prayer of the Rosary on the Feast of the Holy Rosary. We will praying for the many needs of the world: an end to terrorism, an end to abortion and human trafficking, for God’s will to be done during the 2016 elections, for the sanctification of the Church and an increase in holy vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life, for the sanctity and protection of married couples and families. The Holy Rosary will be preceded by a Liturgy of the Word Acompañanos a orar el Santo Rosario por las necesidades del mundo: para que acabe el terrorismo, el aborto, la trata de personas, por la santificación de la Iglesia, por un aumento en vocaciones santas al sacerdocio y a la vida consagrada, por la santidad y protección para las parejas y las familias. We would like to see the Cathedral full, please spread the word as widely as possible! If you are interested in the Young Adults of the Cathedral Parish as well as receiving the most up-to-date information on our group’s events please e-mail [email protected]. Please search for our Facebook page (search: Young Adults at the Cathedral). Archdiocesan Mass of Thanksgiving for the Canonization of Mother Teresa of Calcutta Misa Arquidiocesana en acción de gracias por la Canonización de la Madre Teresa de Calcuta Sunday, September 11, 2016 - 12 Noon Mass Celebrant: Bishop J ohn McIntyr e Homilist: Fr. Shaun Mahoney St. Teresa of Calcutta Parish 256 Swamp Pike Schwenksville, PA More info: [email protected] 610-287-2525 x 104 MASS FOR OUR PARISH STUDENTS AS THEY GO BACK TO SCHOOL September 17, 2016 5:15 PM Anticipated Mass in the Basilica All school students and their families are invited to celebrate the Holy Eucharist and receive a special blessing for the new school year. Plan now to attend. Reserved seating is made available in the front. Invitamos a todos los estudiantes y a sus familias a celebrar la Santa Eucaristía y recibir una bendición especial para el nuevo año escolar. Habrá una sección reservada al frente para su uso. Prayer is key if you are to hear, and open your heart to God’s call. Your time spent in deep communion with Our Lord before the Eucharist will help you understand what He is asking of you. October 15, 2016 Philadelphia, PA - -4- 062 cathd OTHER EVENTS OF INTEREST Canonization of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta will be broadcasted on Sunday September 4th EWTN will broadcast the canonization live from the Vatican where Pope Francis will preside over ceremonies at the Basilica of Saint Peter. Through a special arrangement with EWTN, you can watch the Mass of Canonization on the Archdiocesan website ( beginning at 3:00 a.m. EST. Morning Scripture Reflection for Lawyers Join other center city Lawyers for an hour to reflect on the Readings for the Following Sunday Mass beginning Wednesday, September 7, 2016, and on ever y Wednesday. The hour allows for prayer together at the beginning and end of the session, the reading of the Lectionary texts for Sunday Mass, and reflection on these Readings. This reflection includes reactions to what is heard in the Scriptures, the discovery of new insights and facing the challenges in the Word of God. Location: The Neumann Room, directly behind the Basilica 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM. For mor e infor mation, contact Michael Broadhurst at [email protected] Holy Hour of Mercy for the Jubilee Year of Mercy Wednesday, September 14, 2016 - 7pm Join us on the Solemnity of the Triumph of the Cross for one of the 14 Archdiocesan Holy Hours of Mercy for the Jubilee. Let us contemplate Mercy Himself, present in the Eucharist! Location: Our Lady of Ransom Parish; 6701 Calvert St; Philadelphia St. Andrew’s Parish Pilgrimage to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Washington, D.C. Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Dedication of the Lithuanian Chapel. Sunday October 9, 2016, Solemn Mass 2:00 PM. Participants in the Solemn Celebration: Archbishop Lionginas Virbalas, S.J. from Kaunas, Lithuania, the combined thrilling sound of 4 choirs! Departure from St. Andrew’s Church 9:00AM and from St. Casimir’s Church: 9:15AM. Contact Ellie Jozefowski at 215-236-3660. 2016 Catholic Women's Conference! “Mother of Mercy, Make Our Hearts Like Yours!” Saturday, October 29, 8:30 AM-4 PM. National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Doylestown PA. Special conference features: Dynamic presentations in English, Spanish, American Sign Language and a track for young women in high school and college! * Deepen your faith through inspiring talks and connections with other Catholic women * Encounter God’s tender mercy through Mass, Confession, Adoration and a Divine Mercy Prayer Service * Find rest and renewal on the peaceful grounds of the Shrine * Browse appealing exhibits for women * Pass through the Shrine’s Holy Door of Mercy to receive a plenary indulgence for the Jubilee of Mercy. Register today! The conference is filling up quickly. More info & Please look for the Cathedral Concert Series schedule on next week’s bulletin insert. This information is also available at LIVING STEWARDSHIP NOW Change of Heart Today’s Gospel reading is difficult for some people to understand. We can accept that we must carry the cross and follow Jesus, but why does he say that we must hate our parents, spouses, children, and even life itself to be his disciple? Hate is such a powerful word with many emotional overtones. Perhaps the author of the Gospel used another word and “hate” is just a mistranslation? But no: the word in the original Greek is miseo and it does mean hate. Most scripture scholars believe that Jesus was deliberately exaggerating to make his point hit home. Human beings often cling to relationships and possessions, and these come to occupy the primary place in their hearts—the place where God is meant to be. Where God is displaced in the believer’s heart, true discipleship is almost impossible. Think of these examples: the woman who focuses all her attention on her children and ignores her husband; the man who spends every evening and weekend drinking; the young couple who are so in love that they notice no one except each other; the person who hoards things to compensate for the loss or lack of relationships. All these are temporary displacements, but if they harden into habit they can keep people from a life with God. Attending Mass regularly, saying frequent prayers, and keeping all the commandments are excellent habits, but they do not bring us closer to God unless our hearts are changed and God takes first place there. Such a change is true conversion, allowing us to become Jesus’ disciples. As disciples, we carry a cross— sometimes a dramatic process but more often a deliberate day-to-day effort to reorder our priorities and the way we live. Jesus first, others next, yourself last is a life that spells J-O-Y. Living Stewardship Now Create a quiet place in your home with a crucifix, statues or pictures of Mary and the saints, and pictures of people special to you. Pray there daily. Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Tours of the Cathedral Basilica A guided tour of the Basilica is available after the 11:00 AM Sunday Mass. Please gather in front of the Side Altar of the Sacred Heart, which is located to the right of the Main Sanctuary. -5- 062 cathd